Ministers of Education of the Buryat ASSR Sagalov. Minister of Health of the Buryat ASSR


There is disrespect for ancestors

the first sign of savagery and


A. S. Pushkin.

Morality is what distinguishes a person from other living beings. A person is capable of making adjustments to the laws of his conscience, but it is precisely these changes that lead to the fact that a person becomes immoral. Pushkin considered disrespect for the memory of his ancestors - the first such symptom, the first sign. Here, it turns out, with what begins the moral decline of mankind, people - with the loss of respect for the ancestors, their deeds, achievements. No wonder such people are called "Ivans who do not remember kinship."

I devoted my work to studying the biography of my grandparents, the Nikitins Peter Osipovich and Valentina Aleksandrovna, who left a noticeable mark on the history of not only the village, but also our region, the republic. I think this material will be of interest to both the school museum and the district museum.

The material was collected in the course of conversations with them, memoirs of contemporaries, newspaper articles of those times.


My grandfather, Petr Osipovich, was born on November 5, 1934, in a large and friendly family in the village of Upper Taltsy. His parents, Osip Kapitonovich and Augusta Efremovna, raised 9 children. All children are educated

(1 - higher, 2 - secondary special). From the memoirs of my grandfather: “... In 1941 I went to the first grade, the school then was seven years old. From the first class he worked on a tobacco plantation - weeding, watering. From the 5th grade he worked in a haymaking team. After graduating from the 7th grade, he worked on skidding the forest, and from the age of 14 he began to work as an accountant in the field tractor brigade. He graduated from the eighth grade in the village of Unegetei in 1949. Having worked for a year, I finished grades 9.10. By that time, a 10-year-old school opened in the village of Upper Taltsy.

He was drafted into the army in 1954. Served in the north, the port of Tiksi. After the service, in 1957 he entered the BSHI at the Faculty of Agronomy.

Grandmother, Valentina Alexandrovna was born on March 30, 1937 in the village of Bayangol, MPR, in large family, where 9 children were also brought up. As the grandmother recalls: “The family was large, they huddled in a small hut, they had to sleep on the floor, they were often sick. I remember how my older brothers were escorted to the front in 1943. They rode in a cart, and we all followed them on foot. The brothers served one in Belarus, the other in Korea.

Father Zimirev Alexander Alexandrovich was the chairman, he was practically not seen at home. The time was very difficult, everyone worked for the front - they handed over bread, grain, tobacco, knitted mittens, socks, sewed pouches.

Tobacco was grown in whole plantations, the leaves were collected and strung on long threads, then dried, shag was made from the stems and everything was sent to the front. I really wanted to go to school, in 1945 I went to the first class. I was the eighth child in the family, they studied one primer, and he told me

got pretty shabby, but all the pages were in place. From the 1st to the 4th grade I studied in the village of Shamor, and then the family moved to the Zun Haara station, where I completed the 10th grade.


After graduating from school, she entered the Agricultural Institute in Ulan Bator at the Faculty of Agronomy, where she studied for 3 years and then moved to Ulan-Ude and continued her studies. As my grandmother recalls, “... it was the best time of my life. They lived only on a scholarship, which amounted to 30 rubles.

Here she met Pyotr Osipovich Nikitin, and in their last year they got married. Together they were engaged in research work “The influence of microelements on the yield of agricultural crops and sowing dates” thesis. They were offered to stay to work at the research institute. But this was not in the nature of young people, they wanted a lively business.


In 1962, the young family leaves for the Kyakhta territorial production collective farm and state farm department, where Petr Osipovich holds the position of senior agronomist. In 1963 he was transferred as the chief agronomist to the collective farm named after Lenin in the Dzhidinsky district. Valentina Alexandrovna got a job in the Petropavlovsk environment, a school as a teacher of biology and entered in 1964 at the correspondence department at the BSPI named after. D. Banzarova to the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, which she graduated in 1968.


Where to start, how to raise the gross grain harvest, without which the rise of the collective farm economy is unthinkable? These concerns occupied the imagination of the young agronomist from the first days of his work.

Here is what the district newspaper of the Dzhidinsky district then wrote: “Walking along the path of intensification, P. Nikitin made the main emphasis on improving agricultural technology; for irrigation and irrigation, and fertilization. The farmers of the collective farm immediately noticed in the young specialist a bold grasp and passion for the land, appreciated his knowledge and, most importantly, his searches and daring.

And in one of the autumn issues, the regional newspaper wrote: “Strada has died down, the collective farm fields have gone to the bins and to the current, into piles and trenches like a golden stream and a green conveyor. And the grain growers of the aimag gathered for their traditional Harvest holiday to sum up what had been done and outline new frontiers...

It was crowded during the day at the agricultural exhibition. The stand of the collective farm named after Lenin was the center of attention. Even seasoned field farmers - leaders in production shook their heads in surprise, commenting on the performance of this farm.

Well given. 31 centners per hectare. And they took up the hay - 13 centners per hectare. And corn is more than 500 centners of green mass per hectare.

Well done Nikitin, young, yes, you see, early. After all, it’s necessary: ​​all the prizes were taken away.

And in the evening at a meeting of the leaders of the district to the collective farm. Lenin was awarded the first place in the production of grain. He also excelled in selling it - two annual plans ... "

It seemed that everything went as he planned, but the call native land gave no rest. And in the spring of 1965, Pyotr Osipovich moved with his family to his native village, where he was appointed chief agronomist of the Zaigraevsky state farm. A year later, the farm was renamed the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm, which included the villages of Sannomyssk, Tarbagatai and Upper Taltsy.

In December 1967 he was appointed director of this farm.

“... He had goals - to do everything possible for his native land so that his fellow villagers live better, richer. He was a patriot of his native land, invested

all his energy, impulse of the soul, knowledge in the development of the economy native land... And Pyotr Osipovich was not mistaken. He achieved his goal: the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm became one of the leading farms in the Khorinsky district, more than once the farm team was brought to the republican “Honor Board.” (newspaper "Udinskaya nov" dated October 29, 2004)

He worked as a director from December 1967 until May 1987. During this time, dairy farms were built in the villages of Upper Taltsy and Dodogol for 200-400 heads with the mechanization of all labor-intensive processes - milking, distribution of feed, manure removal. “High mechanization of production at the Verkhne-Taletsky dairy complex has always ensured the supply of milk with high fat content and the least contamination to the creamery.” (Udinskaya Nov" 1984)

Almost all livestock buildings have been renovated - barns, calves. A grain bin with the necessary storage facilities, repair shops, garages, a typical Kindergarten for 90 places, a typical secondary school for 500 students; as well as houses were built for state farm workers and the living conditions of livestock breeders on herds and flocks were improved.

More than 3,000 hectares of virgin lands were developed on the farm to create a solid forage base. A special industry was created - a forage production workshop, a collective contract was introduced, irrigation systems were built, and work was carried out to organize the irrigation of meadows.

As a specialist, he did not stop there, he constantly improved the organization of labor. It is no coincidence that the grain growers of the state farm were among the first in the region to introduce the Ipatov method of harvesting grain, which makes it possible to reduce crop losses to a minimum and reduce harvesting as much as possible. In animal husbandry, a flow-shop system for keeping cows, receiving and raising calves was introduced.

In addition to the introduction of full mechanization on farms, the House of Livestock Breeders was built on the Verkhne-Taletskaya MTF. In a two-story brick

the building housed a spacious red corner, a dining room, a kitchen, a utility room, a shop, offices for specialists, a sauna with a dressing room. There was no such thing in the district, and people came here from all over the republic to learn from experience.

In 1985, they began to build a bridge across the river. Udu who has great importance for the surrounding villages.

Naturally, these results did not come by themselves. First of all, this is the merit of the head of the economy - the result of a properly built economic and personnel policy.

“... It was both difficult and easy to work with him. Difficult, because he is quick-tempered, sometimes he could explode. He always spoke openly, directly and categorically, regardless of faces. Evil did not hide. It was easy to solve any issues with him, because he was ingenuous, honest, stood out among his colleagues with diligence and great diligence. He got up before everyone else, went to bed later than everyone else, was a decent and responsible person, ”says Polikarp Vasilyevich Bakhaev, the former first secretary of the Khorinsky district port committee, who has worked in this post for more than 15 years, writes about him.

It was rightly believed at that time that the Verkhne-Taletsky state farm was a forge of personnel in the region. Petr Osipovich brought up a whole galaxy of farm managers: Dubinin Petr Kirillovich, Kuzmin Vasily Yakovlevich, Ilkov Vladimir Danilovich, Pomuran Pavel Petrovich.

Petr Osipovich's contribution to the development Agriculture district, republic is highly appreciated. He is a holder of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the October Revolution, was awarded 5 medals "For Valiant Labor", "For the Development of Virgin Lands", has many Certificates of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR. He is an honored agronomist of the Buryat ASSR.

In May 1987, he was transferred to the Baikal Association "Rybakkolkhozsoyuz" as chairman, where he worked for 6 years. I had to travel a lot on business trips to fishing collective farms. Despite the specifics of this production, he quickly got up to speed, for which he gained respect from the chairmen of the fishing collective farms.

In April 1993, he again returned to his native village as the head of the Verkhnetalets rural administration. With the same activity, he solves the problems of the villagers.

In this post, he worked until 1999 and at the age of 65 he retired.


And all this time there was a kind, understanding wife nearby. After all, it is not in vain that people say: "A good wife is half the success." Together they raised three children, gave them higher education.

But Valentina Aleksandrovna was not only a good wife and housewife, but also an excellent teacher. Teacher was her calling.

She worked at the Verkhne-Taletskaya school for 22 years as a teacher of biology and labor training, was in charge of the school site, was the head of industrial training, and the head of the school forestry.

“... in 1964-65, 2 km from the village in the garden, they grew cabbage and tomatoes.

In 1966-67, they grew seedlings of kuuziki for the state farm on the school plot in greenhouses, participated in planting, processing and harvesting. For which the school was rewarded with a tractor, and then a car.” Grandma remembers.

Much attention was paid to the landscaping of the school. In 1977 they moved to a new school building, which was built on a wasteland. The leadership of the district was given the task "so that in a year the school would be buried in greenery." Under

The leadership of Valentina Aleksandrovna laid out a school site, in accordance with the requirements, there were also an experimental department, an arboretum, a flower garden, a greenhouse, and seedlings of fruit and berry crops were planted.

And it is no coincidence that at the district exhibitions of school sites and the flower exhibition, students have always won prizes.

“A great environmental work is carried out by a teacher of biology in Verkhne-Taletskaya high school Valentina Alexandrovna Nikitina. She has been in charge of the school forestry for many years.

Her painstaking and fruitful work is yielding results - all members of the school forestry work with pleasure, they know that nature protection is of great national importance.

Members of the society and young friends of the nature of the school, under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, carried out significant work on planting greenery in the village, the school territory. The school is a permanent participant of the regional flower exhibition”. ("Udinskaya Nov" 1985)

Under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, the members of the school forestry were engaged in planting pine seedlings, forest belts, protecting green spaces, attracting birds, collecting pine seeds and buds, medicinal plants(bergenia, hawthorn, wild rose). Pupils were repeatedly prize-winners in regional gatherings. It is no coincidence that on the basis of the Verkhne-Taletsky forestry and the Verkhne-Taletsky school forestry in June 1981, the 6th district, and then the republican rallies of school forestries and young friends of nature were held.

Delegations of school forestries from 18 districts of the republic gathered in Barun, 20 km from the village. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education of the Buryat ASSR P.F. Badarkhanov, Minister of Forestry N.E. Shelkovnikov, head of the district B.S. Shoynzhonov, directors of the Khorinsky and Verkhne-Taletsky forestries P.P. Romanov, N.M. Filippov.

Students of that time still remember the biology classroom, which was the pride of the school. For assistance to the forestry enterprise, a bonus of 1,000 rubles was allocated for the biology classroom. For this amount, stuffed animals were purchased and by the forces of students under the guidance of Valentina Aleksandrovna, a museum of nature was organized.

A wealth of material on environmental protection work was collected in the office, tablets and stands were designed.

As her students note: "... Valentina Alexandrovna was calm, benevolent, never raised her voice, she knew how to attract, interest." She knew how to sew, knit, cook, which she taught girls at labor lessons. She has a rich imagination, drew well, made crafts from natural material, knew how to make stuffed birds, fish. Over the years of work, rich herbarium material and collections have been collected.

In 1987 she moved with her husband to Ulan-Ude. She got a job at SPTU-16 as a master in industrial training, and in 1989 at school No. 49 as a biology teacher, organizer of the OPT and head. greenhouse, where she worked until 1992 and retired.

For her work, she was awarded the title of "Excellent Worker of Public Education of the RSFSR", for the successes achieved in the field of education and upbringing of the younger generation she has diplomas from the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Education Bur. SSR, from the district council of the VOOP, etc.


It is possible to be happy and aged

It's in your heart if you find it

And if a reliable friend is nearby

You will not get bored with him, you will not be lost

Now grandparents, despite their age, are optimists. They are engaged in farming, they work in the garden all summer. Grandpa doesn't sit still

tries to move more, busy in the yard. In their free time, they read, my grandmother knits, reflecting on the past, and writes poetry. I want to end it with verses:

We were not looking for an easy life

And quite happy with fate

Before people, our conscience is clear

This makes us doubly happy.

To not torment conscience

Something, something I couldn't

We managed to do everything

Sometimes, though, they fell off their feet.

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality” (A.S. Pushkin) Morality is what distinguishes a person from other living beings. The moral decline of mankind begins with the loss of respect for the ancestors, their deeds and achievements. I devoted my work to studying the biography of my grandparents, the Nikitins Petr Osipovich and Valentina Aleksandrovna. The material was collected in the course of conversations with them, from the memoirs of contemporaries, newspaper articles of that time.

My grandfather, Petr Osipovich, was born on November 5, 1934. in with. Upper Talydy. His parents Osip Kapitonovich and Augusta Efremovna raised 9 children. In 1941 grandfather went to school. From the first grade he worked on growing tobacco, from the 5th in the haymaking brigade, after graduating from the 7th he worked in the skidding of the forest, from the age of 14 he became an accountant in the field tractor brigade. 9.10 classes finished in with. Upper Taltsy. He was drafted into the army in 1954. served in the North, the port of Tiksi. After the army, in 1957. entered the BSHI at the Faculty of Agronomy.

Grandmother Valentina Aleksandrovna was born on March 30, 1937. in with. Bayangol in the Mongolian People's Republic. Zimireva's parents Alexander Alexandrovich and Maria Vasilievna also raised 9 children. In 1945 went to first grade. After leaving school, she entered the Agricultural Institute in Ulaanbaatar at the Faculty of Agronomy, where she studied for 3 years, then moved to Ulan-Ude and continued her studies. Here they met Pyotr Osipovich and got married in their last year. Together they were engaged in research work "The influence of microelements on the yield of agricultural crops and sowing dates."

In 1963 P.O. transferred as chief agronomist to the collective farm. Lenin Dzhidinsky district. V.A. got a job at the Petropavlovsk secondary school as a teacher of biology and entered in 1964. in the correspondence department at the BSPI at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, which she graduated in 1968.

In the spring of 1965 ON. moved with his family to his native village, where he was appointed chief agronomist of the state farm "Verkhnetaletsky", which included the villages: Sannomysz, Tarbagatay, Upper Taltsy. In December 1967 he was appointed director of this state farm, where he worked until May 1987. During this time, dairy farms were built in the village. V-T, Dodogole. A grain mill with storage facilities, repair shops, garages, a kindergarten, and a secondary school were built in V-T. More than 3000 hectares were developed. virgin lands. The state farm "Verkhnetaletsky" was one of the leading farms in the Khorinsky district.

P.O brought up a whole galaxy of farm managers: Petr Kirillovich Dubinin (former director from behind Kurbinsky) Vasily Yakovlevich Kuzmin, Vladimir Danilovin Ilkov (chairman of the Kulsky SPK). Prmuran Pavel Petrovich_ (Chairman of the SEC Verkhnetaletsky)

In 1985 was elected to the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR.

In May 1987 he was transferred to the Baikal Association "Rybakkolkhozsoyuz" as chairman, where he worked for 6 years.

In April 1993 he returned to Upper Taltsy as head of the village administration. He worked in this post until 1999 and retired.

Contribution P.O. in the development of agriculture is highly appreciated. He is a holder of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the October Revolution, was awarded medals "For Valiant Labor", "For the Development of Virgin Lands". He is an honored agronomist of the Buryat ASSR.

And all this time there was a kind understanding wife nearby. Valentina Alexandrovna was not only a good wife and housewife, but also an excellent teacher. She worked at the Upper Talets School for 22 years as a teacher of biology and labor training, was in charge of the school site, and was the head of the school forestry.

In 1977 they moved to a new school building located on a vacant lot. Under the leadership of Valentina Alexandrovna, a school site was laid out and the school planted. Members of the school forestry were engaged in planting pine seedlings, forest belts, collecting seeds and pine buds, medicinal herbs. On the basis of the Verkhnee-Taletsky forestry and forestry in June 1981, the 6th district, and then the republican rallies of school forestries were held. For help to the forestry enterprise, a prize was allocated for the biology classroom, for which stuffed animals and students were purchased under the guidance of V.A. organized a museum of nature.

For her work, she was awarded the title of "Excellent worker of public education" RSFSR ", has letters from the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Education, from the district council

Now grandparents, despite their age, are optimists. They are engaged in farming, they work in the garden all summer.

In the process of working on a biography, I met only one link in the chain and in the future I want to continue studying my kind. The work of studying the genus requires scrupulousness. Unfortunately, the tradition of studying the genealogy in Russia is almost lost.

You are not the first. But you are extreme. (S. Vikulov)

You got to live today - you are the last in the family, and you cannot say in front of your family: “My house is on the edge”, because life is arranged in such a way that everything that has been accumulated before is transferred to the last. And all this you must convey to the next generation, preserve the memory of the family. You have no right to ignore this task set by history. And what if your descendants treat you the same way - with disdain, indifference and forget you. A person who has become torn from the roots, who has severed the connection of times, who has encroached on what is eternal - is insignificant, ridiculous. (Martyshin B.C. "Your genealogy")

Nikitina Valentina Alexandrovna, pensioner

Nikitina Elena Petrovna, student of Belarusian State University

History of the Potaninskaya secondary school.

In the autumn of 1959, with the advent of the new academic year, the elementary School in a semi-detached house on Oktyabrskaya street. There were 42 students in this school. The first teachers were Vyskubova (Kuzyakina) Maria Trofimovna and Shoymordanova (Sizykh) Fedosya Nikolaevna.

In 1960-1961 academic year the school became eight years old, and classes began in a new two-story building. Frygina Roza Alexandrovna became the first director, sent by the district party committee of the Zaigraevsky district together with her husband, who was appointed head of the forest plot.

The first teachers were Dashiev Buda Lubsanovich, Dashieva Zinaida Tsydenovna, Tsyrenova Galina Norboevna, Vyprotskikh Nina Grigorievna and the first teacher with higher education was Vshivkova Nina Nikitichna., a teacher of chemistry and biology, "Excellence in public education." The first graduates of the eight-year school were

Batomunkuev Molon Batomunkuevich, Sanzhitsyrenova Irina Irdynizhapovna,

Togoshieva Lyudmila Gomboevna - who later after the institute returned to their native school as teachers.

In the 1961-1962 academic year, a new director Trofimov Afrikan arrived Pimenovich, In the spring of 1962, he laid a huge garden on the school grounds with alleys of birch and poplar trees, Siberian cedar, silver spruce, lilac bushes and acacia. Having worked for 17 years as a school director, he made the school famous throughout the republic, for which he received the title of "Honored Teacher of Russian Schools".

Started as a singing teacher labor activity after graduating from the Ulan-Ude Musical College, the chairman of the Union of Composers of Buryatia, Yuri Irdyneevich Irdyneev.

A wonderful galaxy of teachers who were masters of their craft, who enjoyed great prestige, grew up at the school: Elistratov F.A., Trofimova N.M., Shulunova S.M., Vandanova S.N., Zhalsaraeva E.Ts., Togoshiev D.Ts. ., Khrunova L.P., Mironova L.I., Makhancheeva P.V., Tsybenova N.T., Pavlova L.F., Samandueva A.B., Batomunkuev M.B.

Levchenko A.F., Rychkova V.S., Shangaev A.I., Darmazhapova Ts.Zh., Bairamova G.G.,

Pavlova L.F., Togosheeva S.L., Kravtsova L.D., Akhlyustina L.P., Damyanov B.I.

The first graduation of the secondary school took place in 1966 - 47 people. Kuznetsova Galina Ivanovna, who became a teacher, graduated from school with a gold medal, Kolodina Lidia graduated from school with a silver medal. We are proud of our first graduate Egorova L.I., People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Among the first release there was 1 journalist, 5 engineers, 4 economists, 3 teachers, among which Levchenko A.F., who worked at our school as a teacher of mathematics.

In 1972, a new one-story school building was put into operation. The school has moved to work in one shift.

Tourism and local history are widely spread in the school. At the head was the geography teacher Elistratov F.A. In the 1970s, he created the first wonderful local history museum in the region with departments: nature (animal and vegetable world Transbaikalia), the history of the development of the village of Potanino, labor and military glory, minerals of Buryatia, etc.

Every summer, the school tourist detachment passed through the places of partisan battles in the Maletinsky, Krasnochikoysky districts, met with former partisans, liberated Transbaikalia from the Japanese invaders. The collected material was drawn up by local historians in the school museum and served as excellent material for educational work among students.

V In 1977, the staff of the Potaninskaya secondary school was headed by Efimov Stepan Gavrilovich. successes pedagogical activity Stepan Gavrilovich were noted by the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat ASSR. In 1981, he was transferred to the apparatus of the Ministry of Education, then the Minister of Social Protection, then works in the apparatus of the President of the Republic of Buryatia - Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia, now head of the Department of Theory of Social Work.

For many years, Kovalev Innokenty Nikolaevich worked as the director of the school. The radio engineering circle led by him became known throughout the republic. For good performance in productive work, the student production team of the Potaninskaya secondary school in 1985 was recognized as the best in the republic, she was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the Ministry of Education of the Buryat ASSR.

The most difficult times of the 90s fell on the director of the school Kravtsov Leonid Efimovich. Thanks to the skillful leadership, the school did not lose its traditions.

Since 2001, Batomunkuev Molon Batomunkuevich has been in charge of the school.- "Excellence in public education."

From 2003 to 2008 the director of the school was Arkady Zhamyanovich Munkuev. In 2006, several national projects were launched in Russia, one of which was a national project in the field of education. Strategically, it was intended to create the basis for Russia's breakthrough innovative development and strengthening its competitiveness. First of all, it was supposed to solve two main tasks: the introduction of innovative technologies, increasing public participation in the management of the industry and assessing the quality of education.

Our school, under the leadership of Arkady Zhamyanovich, is actively involved in the implementation of this project. The school received computers, which were later connected to the World Wide Web, and a new KAVZ bus, an Istana minibus, were received under the national project. Arkady Zhamyanovich annually holds a traditional freestyle wrestling tournament in memory of Ts. Don.

In September 2008, Esheev Bator Ayurzhanaevich was appointed director of the school..

The mission of the school is to create conditions for rural schoolchildren to receive a quality education that allows them to successfully live in a rapidly changing world through individualization educational process and introduction of new educational technologies. A school development program "Developing educational environment of the school as a factor in the formation of key competencies of students" has been developed.

Thus, as stated in the concept modernization Russian education until 2010: “The school, in the broad sense of the word, should become the most important factor in the humanization of socio-economic relations, the formation of new life attitudes of the individual. A developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences, are capable of cooperation, are characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of their country. This is what the school is currently striving for.

Minister of Health of the Buryat ASSR Back in December 1931, in the village of Aginskoe, then Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, a daughter was born in the Gyrgenov family, Dantsaran Shagdarovich and Yanzhivan Dasheevna. They called her Any. In the summer of 1933, my father was transferred to work in Verkhneudinsk as an inspector of the Burkoopsoyuz. In May 1934, my father voluntarily left to serve in the Red Army. The knowledge of the Mongolian language acquired in childhood determined the nature of his service for many years. Starting from the Oryol Armored School, he served as a translator in the military educational institutions of Kalinin, Ulaanbaatar, Evpatoria, Kiev, Moscow, which trained command personnel for the army of the MPR. Thus, Lyuba Gyrgenova happened to live and study in different cities USSR, in the MPR, and during the war years, from September 1941, in Buryatia, the village of Zun-Murino, where she lived with her mother with her grandfather Shagdar. Here, Yanzhivan Dasheevna worked in the Torsky village council as a tax collector from the population of the village of Zun-Murino, and ten-year-old Lyuba kept all accounting and reporting documentation. Their work during the war years was awarded medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (in 1946 and 1993). In December 1942, Yanzhivan Dasheevna and her daughter moved to Ulaanbaatar, to her husband's next duty station. Lyuba learned to read at the age of 5. Despite the frequent relocations of the family, all the years she studied "excellently" and actively participated in the public life of schools. She graduated from high school in 1949 in Kiev with a gold medal. Father at that time was already serving in Moscow at the Military Law Academy. Lyuba entered the medical faculty of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute and graduated with honors in 1955. By this time, the parents lived in Buryatia. At the request of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, L. Gyrgenova was given the opportunity immediately after graduating from the institute to enter a clinical residency in therapy with the famous academician V.N. Vinogradov. After completing her residency in 1957, the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR sent her to work in Buryatia, in a new republican hospital. So, in the autumn of 1957, the labor and social activities of Lyubov Dantsaranovna began in the republic. Over the years of work in the hospital, she proved herself to be a highly qualified clinician, boldly introducing new methods of diagnosis and treatment into practice, and since 1958, after completing the first acupuncture courses in the USSR in Moscow, she was the first in the republic to start practicing acupuncture. Since that time, this method of treatment has been used in practice. In 1963, she was appointed the chief therapist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, and in December 1965, the Minister of Health of the Buryat ASSR. In this position, L.D. Madyeva worked until March 1987. For over twenty years, the Ministry of Health of the Republic, under her leadership, has directed efforts to develop and strengthen the material and technical base, improve medical care for workers industrial enterprises and agriculture, for the protection of motherhood and childhood, the development of specialized types of medical care, preventive measures to reduce the incidence of the population, for the training and advanced training of medical personnel. In Ulan-Ude, three large polyclinics and an emergency hospital, a republican sanitary and epidemiological station, a blood transfusion station, a dental clinic with a hospital, the first buildings of a psychiatric hospital, and standard hospital complexes and buildings were built in ten regional centers. The construction of the Kizhinginsky Central District Hospital, the surgical building of the Barguzinskaya Central District Hospital, maternity hospitals in the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude and Sosnovo-Ozersk began, design estimates for the construction of the republican anti-tuberculosis dispensary, a children's multidisciplinary hospital, a car garage, a House of Health Education with scientific and medical library. By attracting funds from industrial enterprises, collective farms and state farms, district, city and republican budgets, a significant number of medical facilities were built, expanded, and reconstructed, including 193 duplex houses for rural health workers. During the years of her work as a minister, the number of doctors increased almost 3 times and the number of secondary doctors increased 2.3 times. medical workers. In three medical schools of the republic, the enrollment of students was increased, including through the opening of new specialties: a sanitary assistant, a dentist, a dental technician; a center for retraining of paramedical staff was organized on the basis of the republican hospital. Every year, the Ministry of Health conducted visiting cycles for the improvement of doctors in various specialties by employees central institutions countries, many doctors were sent to the courses. about 400 doctors were trained only in clinical residency and postgraduate studies, which contributed to the creation in the republic in the late 80s and 90s of research and educational institutions: a branch of the Blagoveshchensk Research Institute of Pathology and Physiology of the Respiratory Organs, a laboratory for the protection of children's health from the Irkutsk Research Institute of Pediatrics of the East Siberian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a branch of the Irkutsk Institute for the Improvement of Doctors and, finally, the Faculty of Medicine at the Buryat State University. The question of opening a medical institute in the republic L.D. Madyeva during her work as a minister has repeatedly challenged the leadership of the republic. On this occasion, she also spoke at regional meetings on the development of the productive forces of Buryatia, but due to the then insufficient material, technical and personnel base, this issue was not resolved. But its contribution to the build-up of technical and human resources later made it possible to translate into reality the training of specialists with higher medical education in the republic. At the beginning of 1966, the young minister L.D. Madyeva prepared one of the first memorandums to the OK CPSU, where, in the list of problems that had to be solved in the republic in order to improve the health of the population, she proposed to do a deeper study of the ancient manuscripts of Tibetan medicine "Chzhud-shi", stored in the library of the Buryat branch of the SO of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, to create a scientific division to complete the translation and study of ancient recipes in order to introduce them into modern medical practice. Two years later, by decision of the Presidium of the CF of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences at the Buryat Institute social sciences(BION) a museum of oriental cultures was created, which later grew into an independent department of biological active substances(Department of Tibetan Medicine), where many doctors from practical health care were sent. Thus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic supported the initiative of BION scientists to create a scientific direction for studying the heritage of Tibetan medicine. I would like to note a significant stage in the activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic during the construction of the Buryat section of the BAM. In the Severo-Baikalsky region with a territory equal to the territory of Lithuania, only in the first 6 years of the construction of the highway (1974-1980) the population increased from 6 to 53 thousand people. The Ministry of Health of the Republic, headed by L.D. Madyeva had to take prompt measures. At the Nizhneangarsk regional hospital, a blood transfusion department and a branch of the medical aviation department of the republican hospital were opened; due to the construction of outbuildings and separate buildings, its bed capacity has been increased, material and personnel support has been strengthened. The formation of the BAM medical and sanitary service was late, and therefore the burden on local institutions was enormous. The heads of the Ministry of Health often flew to the region, they knew the state of affairs well and regularly reported to the governing bodies of the republic, the ministries of health of the RSFSR and the USSR. Therefore, the honorary right granted to the first passenger of the train Davan - Severobaikalsk and the awarding of the medal "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline" L.D. Madyeva was well deserved. From the context of the large, multifaceted state and public activities of L.D. Madyeva deserves attention in her trip in the summer of 1964 to Ceylon and India as part of the delegation of the Soviet-Ceylon Friendship Society, of which the Ministry of Health of the Republic was at that time a collective member. The Soviet doctor in Ceylon was first introduced in the person of Lyubov Dantsaranovna, a Buryat woman from the shores of Lake Baikal. There she took part in several meetings with different groups of the population. For active promotion of the achievements of the Soviet country and, in particular, Buryatia, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Soviet Committee for Friendship between Peoples. In the autumn of 1976, L.D. Madyeva and the chairman of the OK of the trade union of medical workers V.P. Baldanov was received by President of the National Union of Health Workers of the United States Leon Davis and his wife, who were visiting the USSR. The meetings were held in a cordial atmosphere, saturated with a fruitful program of the stay, which was noted in thank you letter chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union of medical workers L. Novak in personal correspondence. The Ministry of Health of Buryatia constantly maintained business and friendly relations with medical workers of the Selenginsky aimag of the MPR. In 1970, L.D. Madyeva personally participated in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the MPR in Sukhe-Bator. In 1983, she took part in the reception of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the MPRP Yu. Tsedenbal with his wife during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Buryat ASSR in Ulan-Ude. The Ministry of Health of Russia assessed the performance of the Ministry of Health of Buryatia very positively, therefore, on the basis of some republican institutions, it held interregional seminars and meetings. The accumulated work experience allowed the minister to solve complex issues of rural health in areas with low population density and livestock agriculture. This was the reason for conducting a scientific research jointly with the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Organization of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, which resulted in the dissertation work of the applicant L.D. Madyeva on the topic "Socio-hygienic and organizational foundations for the development of therapeutic care for the rural population of Eastern Siberia", defended in February 1986. Since 1985, together with the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, cooperation has begun with the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences with the aim of possibly creating a branch of this institute in the republic, headed by Academician N.P. Bekhtereva. In July 1987, L.D. Madyeva was elected by competition to the laboratory of atherosclerosis epidemiology of this research institute as a senior researcher and led a small research group of doctors in Ulan-Ude to study regional features of the development of hypertension and the state of lipid metabolism in adults and adolescents. The idea of ​​creating a branch of the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine in Ulan-Ude, unfortunately, was not supported by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but the research work went on and ended with the defense of three PhD theses. In 1991 L.D. Madyeva moved to practical healthcare - TMO-3, where she headed the organizational and methodological department, and since January 2000 she went on a well-deserved rest. Selfless work of L.D. Madyeva was awarded government awards: the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and two Orders of the Badge of Honor, seven medals, as well as the medal of the All-Buryat Association for the Development of Culture “For Services to the Buryat People”, honorary titles “Honored Doctor of the Buryat ASSR” and “Honored Doctor Russian Federation". She was a member of the Buryat OK CPSU (1968-1987), a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR of five convocations, a member of the presidium of the Buryat Regional Council of Trade Unions, a member of the board of the All-Union Society of Soviet-Indian Friendship, the chairman of the commission "Doctors Against nuclear war”, a member of the Buryat branch of the Soviet Peace Committee, a member of the scientific society of medical historians. She has published more than 130 scientific, organizational and historical articles. Spouse Madiev Petr Bizyaevich worked for more than 20 years as a teacher, associate professor of VSTI (VSGUTU), their son Alexei after graduating from the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman is a teacher at ESGUTU, daughter-in-law Larisa is a doctor, grandson Sayan is a graduate of Tomsk Polytechnic University, granddaughter Darima is a schoolgirl. The Madyev family is rich in family traditions and carefully preserves the history captured in documents and photographs. From the book "My small homeland - Tunka"

He graduated with honors from the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute in 1945. Since 1965, he has been an associate professor of the Russian language department. Author of a number of scientific papers on the Russian language. He was awarded the badge "Excellent worker of public education of the RSFSR", the title of "Honored teacher of the Buryat ASSR".

Reports, articles, books related to the study of the modern Russian language.

Diplomas, certificates, thanks, personal documents.

Photos of mother N.M. Kazulin - K.G. Pakholkova.

KOMISSAROVA NINA VLADIMIROVNA (1948-2004) - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management Economics of the Buryat State University, local historian, museologist, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia
FR. 2085, 135 d.; 1719, 1874, 1903-2005
N.V. Komissarova was born on December 20, 1948 in Ulan-Ude. V primary school she studied at the Kabansk secondary school, and after her parents moved to Ulan-Ude, she continued her studies at secondary school No. 42. She worked as an electrician in the LVRZ tool shop. She was a member of the bureau of the Komsomol shop.

In 1968, she entered the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of History and Philology (historical department). She combined her studies with social work - she was a member of the Komsomol bureau, secretary of the Komsomol organization of the faculty.

She was fond of archeology, worked in the expeditions of A.P. Okladnikova, P.B. Konovalova, A.V. Davydova, E.A. Khamzina.

She worked in the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Buryat ASSR, first as an inspector for museums and monuments, since 1975 - deputy director of the Republican Museum of Local Lore. M.N. Khangalova; deputy CEO, Director of the Buryat Association of Museums.

Since 1994, she worked as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the East Siberian state academy culture and art. Participated in the creation of the Department of Museum Affairs and Protection of Monuments.

Since 1999, he has been working at the Baikal Regional Tourism Association as Deputy Director. With her participation, projects and programs for the development of tourism in Buryatia were developed, courses were organized additional education and staff development. Since 2000, Nina Vladimirovna has been simultaneously teaching at the Buryat State University.

The activities of Nina Vladimirovna were repeatedly awarded with diplomas and diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia, the Committee for Youth Affairs, Tourism, physical culture and sports of the Republic of Buryatia, etc. He has the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia".

In 1998, as part of the FSTA group, she climbed to the top of the highest mountain of the Eastern Sayan Munko-Sardyk (3491 m).

Reports, speeches, articles, abstracts about state of the art and the forecast for the development of museum business in Buryatia, about the funds of museums in Buryatia, about the prospects for the development of tourism in the republic, etc.

Documents of the Center cultural heritage"Baigalai Uryaal" (certificate on the work of the Center, documents of the international eco-tourist expedition to Lake Baikal; texts of radio programs, articles, references, photocopies of documents on the topics "Barguzin - a historical city", "History of the city of Babushkin", etc.).

Report cards, certificate of secondary education, BSPI diploma, party and trade union tickets, certificates, etc.

Materials about the award.

KONSTANTINOV ALEKSANDR ANDREEVICH (1911-1974) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
FR. 1672, 52 d., 1932-1974
A.A. Konstantinov was born in 1911 in the street. Alar of the Alar department of the Irkutsk province in the family of a middle peasant. Graduated in 1939 Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Graduated from the army higher school NKVD USSR.

He worked as a teacher, director of a secondary school, teacher and director of a teacher training school, deputy minister of education of the republic, head. department at the Irkutsk Institute foreign languages, was the organizer and was the chairman of the Buryat branch of the Pedagogical Society of the RSFSR. He worked as secretary of the district committee and head of the school department of the Buryat regional committee of the CPSU. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star, medals, certificates.

Dissertation, scientific papers, lectures, articles on parenting and the system public education, about history.

Congratulatory telegrams, certificates, diplomas.

KOTOV INNOKENTY SERGEEVICH (1907-1969) - phenologist, local historian, full member of the Geographical Society of the USSR
FR. 1738, 118 d., 1923-1970
I.S. Kotov was born in 1907 in Kyakhta.

Labor activity is connected with the study, protection and protection of nature. He worked as the head of the department of the agrometeorological service of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the senior agrometeorologist of the Buryat hydrometeorological bureau. I.S. Kotov wrote more than 10 works on the protection and protection of nature. He was a member of the bureau of the Biological Department, the head of the phenological commission.

He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the title of "Excellent Worker of the Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR".
Monograph, diaries, manuscripts, articles on phenology, the history of the hydrometeorological service.

Documents of the wife of I.S. Kotova T.D. Kamgatova-Voronova. Correspondence.

KRICHENIVKER EFIM MIRONOVYCH (b. 1926) - an employee of the regional military registration and enlistment office, a member of the freelance department for covering the life of military registration and enlistment offices
FR. 1971, 126 d., 1938-1990
EAT. Krichenivker was born in 1926 in Odessa.

Graduated from the Military-Political School Air Force in 1949 Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR. He worked in the regional military commissariat of Ulan-Ude, collected and published materials about the heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War - natives of Buryatia. Author of the books "People of Feat" and "Soldier's Glory".

Articles about the full cavaliers of the orders of Glory, heroes Soviet Union- natives of Buryatia, raising funds for the front, the participation of women in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the service of pilots from Buryatia in the Normandy-Neman aviation unit.

Documents about front-line artists, defenders of Moscow - natives of Buryatia, naval pilot Tsybikmit Dashatsyrenov, revolutionary activities of M.N. Erbanov, General S.G. Shtykov.

Autobiography of the Guard Major General I.V. Baldynov.

Copies of letters from the brothers Kazulins to their parents from the front, authentic letters, copies of award lists of the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Copies of photographs of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, tank brothers Kozulin from Barguzin against the backdrop of a tank.
KUZNETSKY NAUM SAMUILOVICH (1899-1985) - party worker, candidate of historical sciences, personal pensioner of the RSFSR
FR. 165, 35 d., 1920-1970
N.S. Kuznetsky was born in 1899 in the town of Barguzin, Trans-Baikal Region.

In 1920 he was a fighter of the 4th partisan regiment, participated in the liquidation of the White Guards - the "Chita traffic jam" - the last stronghold of the White Guards and interventionists in Transbaikalia.

After graduation civil war was an instructor in the political department of the East Baikal District, secretary of the party bureau of the Buryat cavalry school. For 23 years he worked at the Department of Marxism-Leninism of the East Siberian State Institute of Culture.

In 1964 he was approved in the academic rank of associate professor of the department of Marxism-Leninism.

N.S. Kuznetsky was awarded the Order of the Red Star, three medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Labor Valor", "50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", the badge "For Excellent Work" of the USSR Ministry of Culture.
Monograph "The struggle of the Communists of Buryat-Mongolia for the implementation of the Leninist policy in the recovery period of 1921-1925", the book "Buryat Red Banner", a chapter in the collection "Essays on the history of the Buryat organization of the CPSU", articles "Communists and Komsomol members of Burkavshkoly", "Participation of youth Buryatia in the partisan movement of Transbaikalia.

Photos: N.S. Kuznetsky in a group of Komsomol members in the 1920s Barguzinsky district, a group of political staff of Burkavshkola, a military field hospital.

KUNITSYN OLEG IOSIFOVICH (b. 1934) – musicologist, candidate of art criticism, Honored Art Worker of BurASSR and RSFSR, member of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Belarus, associate professor
FR. 1992, 67 days, 1934-1994
O.I. Kunitsyn was born in 1934 in Irkutsk. Graduated from the Theoretical and Composing School (1958) and the Faculty of History and Theory of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory. M.I. Glinka (1964). PhD in Art History (1979). Teacher of the leading disciplines of the historical and theoretical cycle, lecture courses on the history of music. For many years of work on the study "Music of Soviet Buryatia" and the book "Lkhasaran Linkhovoin" he became a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of literature and art (1994).
Abstract, articles, correspondence about the creative activity of Russian and Buryat composers, about the creation of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Belarus, the State Order of Lenin, the Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater.

Honors, thanks.

Photographs of famous composers.
KURTIK ABRAM MARKOVYCH (1908-1993) – local historian, photographer
FR. 1967, 445 d., 1810-1994
A.M. Kurtik was born in 1908 in Verkhneudinsk (Ulan-Ude). Member of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Local historian, photographer.

The craving for history, the past of his region led him to work in State Archive Boer. ASSR, to the laboratory of microfilming. Working with unique documents on the history of the region, the development of certain sectors of the national economy, culture, education, health care, he popularized them in the newspaper Pravda Buryatii.

He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, commemorative medals for participation in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Articles, publications, memoirs, photocopies, newspaper clippings by A.M. Kurtik about the life of the Decembrists who lived in a settlement in Buryatia, from the history of Buryatia and its people, the development of sports, fire fighting in the republic, the history of the Komsomol of Buryatia, the ancient city of Kyakhta, local historians and archivists.

Greeting addresses, certificates of honor, certificates, order books.

Photos (positives and negatives) on construction Trans-Siberian Railway, Circum-Baikal tract, views of the city, cathedrals, their interior decoration, monuments and streets of Ulan-Ude, Kyakhta, Barguzinsky Reserve, about the builders of BAM, photo album "On the Buryat section of BAM".
KUTEYNIKOV SERGEY EVGENIEVICH (b. 1959) - Lecturer in the Department of Zoology of the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, local historian
FR. 796, 26 d., 1986-1995
S.E. Kuteinikov was born in 1959 in the village. Vakhnovo, Zubtsovsky district, Kalinin region. Graduated from the Faculty of Natural Geography of the Pedagogical Institute in Yaroslavl. He worked as a teacher in schools in the Yaroslavl and Kalinin regions, as a junior researcher at the VostSibrybNIIproekt, as an assistant at the Department of Zoology at the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute (BSPI). Author of 5 scientific papers on the protection and multiplication of fish stocks, the invention of "Traps for insects that have fallen into the watercourse"; participant of international expeditions "Tea Road" on the route: Moscow - Ulan-Ude - Ulan Bator - Beijing.
Abstract on the book by M. Windsor "American Sunshine Coast"; articles on local history published in central, regional and republican newspapers; documents about the expedition "Tea Road"; prospectus for the exhibition of paintings by S.E. Kuteinikov "Spring in Paris".

Photos of the participants of the expedition "Tea Road".

MADIEVA LYUBOV DANTSARANOVNA (b. 1931) - Minister of Health of the Buryat ASSR, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
FR. 2038, 139 days, 1942-2002
L.D. Madyeva was born in 1931 in the village. Aginsky Aginsky Buryat national district Chita region. In 1955 she graduated with honors from the First Moscow Medical Institute. From 1965 to 1987 - Minister of Health Boer. ASSR. She was elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of Bur. ASSR of three convocations, a member of the Buryat Regional Committee of the CPSU, a member of the executive committee of the Soviet-Ceylon Friendship Society.

She was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of the Badge of Honor, medals of the USSR.

Reports and articles on the state and prospects for the development of public health in the republic.

Notebooks, diaries with summary data on the regions of the republic.

Correspondence with the Leningrad Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on the study of the prevalence of coronary heart disease and risk factors.

Documents on the establishment and work of the Buryat Association of Bioenergy Therapists and Biooperators.

Information about veteran doctors T.P. Semenova, V.R. Bayanova, O.M. Omboeva, D.I. Novoseltsev.

Historical information about the Ulan-Ude medical school.

List of scientific workers of the system of the Ministry of Health of the Buryat ASSR.

Books on medicine with dedicatory inscriptions.

MALASAGAEV MANGATKHAN (1867-?) - Collector of oral folklore of the Buryats
F. 362, 28 files, 1814-1929
M. Malasagaev was born in 1867 in the street. Shonta, Irkutsk province. Collector of oral folk art of Cis-Baikal Buryats. Compiler of a genealogical table of the descendants of three Buryat tribes: Ekhirits, Bulagats and Khoridoys.
Legends and legends about famous tribal shamans, evil spirits, zayans (creators). Invocation texts.

Materials about the ancestors of the Buryats - Buryaday, Khoridoy, Ekhirit and Bulagat, about their descendants.

Genealogical tables.

Description of the wedding ceremony and sacrifice to the ongons (patrons).

Notes on the degenerations of the Western Buryats.

Folk omens, dream books.

MALKHANOV NIKOLAI ALEKSEEVICH (b. 1934) - Deputy Minister of Consumer Services for the Population of the Buryat ASSR
FR. 1961, 109 d., 1965-2006
ON THE. Malkhanov was born in 1934 in the village of Listvyanichnoye, Slyudyansky district Irkutsk region. He worked as a foreman of industrial training at the Railway School, at an instrument-making plant.

Since 1960, he worked in the system of public services for the population. In 1986 he was elected to the regional committee of the trade union of public service workers.

He was elected secretary of the party organization, deputy of district councils, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council. He was the chairman of the scientific and technical society of communal and consumer services for the population of the republic.

Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.

Reports on the state and measures to improve the life service, about scientific organization managerial work, about the main directions of development of consumer services for the population.

Information about the liquidation of the consumer service for the population in the republic.

Information on the volume of sales of household services by enterprises of the Ministry of Consumer Services for the Population Bur. ASSR for 1981-1985, on the development of consumer services for the population in the BAM districts, on the formation of the Buryat State Union of Consumer Services Enterprises.

Information on the state and commercialization of the activities of public service enterprises in the Republic of Buryatia.

Group photos, among workers of consumer services at BAM, about the meeting with the delegation of Mongolia, the delegates of the first founding congress of Buryatbytsouz.
MIKHAILOV ANDREY MIKHAILOVICH (1870-1923) - merchant of the 2nd guild, headman of the Ashebagat family of the Irkutsk province
F. 357, 2 files, 1870-1916
A.M. Mikhailov was born in 1870 in the Kudinsky department of the Irkutsk province.
Letter from Professor of St. Petersburg University B. Petri about the preparation for publication of Mikhailov's work "Family and Tribal Relations of the Buryats".

Correspondence with Agvan Dorzhiev, Ts. Zhamtsarano about the need to open educational institutions for Buryat children, about the future of the Buryat people, about the inexpediency of the transition of the Buryats to a settled way of life and arable farming.

Mikhailov's letter to his son Vasily about the exploration of gold deposits.
MOGNONOV MARK MOGZOEVICH (1911-1977) - Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR
FR. 1783, 13 d., 1932-1977
MM. Mognonov was born in 1911 in the street. Molay Bayandaevskaya volost of the Irkutsk province. Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute (1935). Served in parts of the Far East in the 12th artillery regiment of the 12th rifle division. In 1936 he was demobilized for health reasons. From 1941-1960 worked in various government positions. From 1960-1975 - Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Buryat ASSR.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, two Orders of the Badge of Honor, three medals. Awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR" (1971).

Autobiography, award documents, welcome addresses, certificates.
MODOGOEV ANDREY URUPKHEEVICH (1915-1989) - First Secretary of the Buryat Regional Committee of the CPSU, public and political figure of the republic, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, veteran of the Komsomol, party, labor, personal pensioner of union significance
FR. 2033, 166 d., 1924-2005
A.U. Modogoev was born in 1915 in the street. Zagatuy of the Bayandaevskaya volost of the Irkutsk province. He was Komsomol and party leader of the republic, in 1939-1984, instructor of the organizational department of the Central Committee of the CPSU for the RSFSR (1957-1959), chairman of the Council of Ministers Bur. ASSR, Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Bur. ASSR, was elected a delegate to party congresses (XXII-XYII), a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

He was awarded two Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, two Badges of Honor, Friendship of Peoples, the Polar Star (MPR), 5 gold medals of the USSR National Economy Exhibition and many others.

Reports, articles, essays, speeches on the social and national revival of the Buryat people, on the development of agriculture, economic and cultural development in the era of socialism, three times order-bearing Buryatia, the international situation, following the results of party congresses, plenums, assets and conferences.

Order books, diplomas, certificates, mandates, deputy tickets, invitation cards.

Documents on the perpetuation of memory: the establishment of a memorial plaque and a monument to A.U. Modogoev and renaming the street. Labor in the street. them. Modogoev.

Photos about the congresses of the CPSU, party conferences at the LVRZ; meetings with the American singer Dean Reed, with scientists, academicians, veterans of the party, Komsomol and labor.

MOSKVITIN VIKTOR PROKOPIEVICH (1933-2003) - Head of the Department of Hunting and Fisheries under the Council of Ministers of the Buryat ASSR, Honored Worker of the Russian Game Industry, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Buryatia
FR. 2093, 118 d., 1852, 1896, 1913, 1949, 1955-2002
V.P. Moskvitin was born on June 15, 1933 in the village. Hamnigaday, Kyakhtinsky district, Buryat ASSR.

From 1941 to 1951 studied at the Kudarinsky secondary school of the Kyakhtinsky district.

In 1951-1953. Worked under contracts in different organizations. In September 1953 he was drafted into the Armed Forces of the USSR. Valid military service took place in the Pacific Fleet. After serving for 4 years as the commander of the radio telegraph department on the Argun mine layer with the rank of foreman of the 2nd article, in September 1957 he was demobilized from the ranks of the Soviet Army.

In 1958, he entered the Department of Game Science at the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute and graduated in 1963 with a degree in game biology.

From August 1963 to March 1968 he worked as the chief game specialist of the Yuzhnoozerny state industrial enterprise (Karasuk city) of the Novosibirsk Region, where, under the scientific guidance of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Folitarek S.S. carried out a complex of biotechnical measures in order to improve the conditions for the existence of the muskrat and increase the density of its population in water bodies, the development of new methods for catching it.

In 1968 V.P. Moskvitin was invited to Buryatia to the post of chief hunter of the Zakamensky state industrial farm, and after 3 months he was appointed director of this farm.

In 1974, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, he was approved by the head of the Department of Hunting and Trade of the Republic and worked in this post for more than 12 years.

Along with production activities, V.P. Moskvitin attached great importance to publications on the state and prospects for the development of the industry in the national economy of the republic. In collaboration with scientists, he published articles and individual monographs.

For labor successes and active social activities awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals "For the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline", exhibitions of VDNKh, diplomas of the Main Directorate of Hunting and Nature Reserves under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers of the Buryat ASSR and other departments. He has the honorary titles "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Buryatia", "Honored Worker of the Hunting Industry of Russia", "Veteran of Labour".

Manuscripts. Letters. Gift inscriptions.

Documents for biography, service activities, celebration of anniversaries, awards, honorary titles.

Visual materials.

MOTORIN NIKOLAY IVANOVICH (1908-1979) - musician-performer, lecturer and teacher, People's Artist of the Buryat ASSR
FR. 2022, 34 days, 1934-1998
N.I. Motorin was born in 1908 in Kalinin (Tver) into a family of workers. He graduated from the Music College. Gnesins and the Moscow Conservatory, the class of the famous violinist-teacher K.Mostras. Since 1941 - concertmaster of the Ulan-Ude Opera Theater Orchestra. Initiator of national violin compositions. Music critic, lecturer, accompanied by his own violin playing. Author of works on the history of Buryat music. For merits in the development of musical art in the republic, he was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the BMASSR" (1946) and "People's Artist of the Buryat ASSR" (1965). He was awarded with diplomas and thanks.
Reports, articles, lectures on the development of the Buryat professional musical art, Buryat song folklore and national music, leading masters of the arts of the republic.

Photos of family, relatives, friends and colleagues.

MOKHOSOEV MARKS VASILIEVICH (1932-1990) - Soviet inorganic chemist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1981), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Presidium of the Buryat Branch of the SB RAS USSR, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences (1975-1987)
FR. 2193, 127 d., 1937-2012
M.V. Mokhosoev was born on January 21, 1932 in the village. Alar of the Alar district of the Irkutsk region in the family of a collective farmer. In 1949, after graduating from high school, he entered the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Physics and Technology.

After graduating from the institute in 1955, he was sent to work in the city of Sterlitamak at the enterprise p / box 21, where he worked as a foreman and senior foreman. At the request of the Council of Ministers, the BMASSR was transferred to the Kyakhtinsky industrial technical school Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. In 1958, he entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov.

In November 1961 he defended his thesis for the degree candidate of chemical sciences and was sent to Donetsk, where he was appointed head of the group, and then head of the laboratory of the Donetsk branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Chemical Reagents.

In 1970 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences at the Institute of Material Science Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. In November 1971 he was approved with the academic rank of professor. At the end of 1972, at the request of the Buryat regional committee of the CPSU, he was transferred to the Buryat branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he created the Department of Chemistry of Rare Elements. In April 1974 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences, and a year later - Chairman of the Presidium of the Buryat Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences. For 12 years (1975-1987) he headed the Institute of Natural Sciences and the Presidium of the Buryat Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. These were the years of high creative upsurge and scientific growth of M.V. Mokhosoev and the scientific center headed by him.

Author of 450 scientific papers, 12 monographs, 76 inventor's certificates. He worked tirelessly and, most importantly, created his own scientific school in physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials. Marks Vasilyevich successfully combined great scientific and organizational work with social activities.

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, many medals, Certificates of Honor from the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Buryatia.

Manuscripts, autobiography, dissertations, reports, reference book.

Articles, lectures, memoirs.

Materials for biography, service and social activities.

Materials about the celebration of anniversaries, awards.

Materials on the perpetuation of the memory of M.V. Mokhosoev.

Visual materials.

He was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Buryat ASSR, in the 90s of the Republic of Buryatia, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, an Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the USSR. Today, in honor of the memorable date, a bust of Vladimir Saganov was unveiled, a scientific and practical conference and a public meeting were held.

Leonid Potapov, the first President of Buryatia, leading researcher at the Department of Regional Socio-Economic Research of the BSC SB RAS: In 10 years, climbing the career ladder from the director of a state farm to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic is a unique opportunity not only for our republic, it is a unique opportunity for our Russia.

Leonid Vasilyevich Potapov worked in tandem with Vladimir Saganov for many years. The First President of Buryatia noted that Vladimir Bizyaevich made a huge contribution to the political and socio-economic stabilization of our republic in the difficult 90s. Then the Constitution of Buryatia was adopted. A talented leader and a true patriot, recalls the wife of Vladimir Saganov.

Zoya Saganova, wife of Vladimir Saganov: The most important thing that distinguished him was high efficiency, excellent memory and, of course, immense love for the Motherland, for his people, for his culture, for songs. This has always amazed me. That's how much a person could love.

The bust turned out to be beautiful and looks like a spouse, Zoya Saganova added with a smile at the opening. Those who worked side by side with him, relatives, friends and grateful descendants came to honor the memory of the outstanding politician. After that, the Government of Buryatia hosted a scientific and practical conference and presentation of the book in honor of the 80th anniversary of Vladimir Saganov.

Ardan Angarkhaev, Director of the Center for Mongolian Studies at Belarusian State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences: What Saganov managed to do, and what his generation did not implement, is in this book. He was a man of the people. This is our pride. The pride of the Buryat people and the peoples of our republic.

During the period of activity of Vladimir Saganov, many socially significant objects appeared in the republic. These are the Buryatia Hotel, the railway hospital, the emergency hospital, the new buildings of the airport and Burdram, a house-building plant, brick factories, Buryatgrazhdanproekt. The list of deeds accomplished by the talented statesman for the benefit of Buryatia is huge. He did a lot for the country as a whole. Back in the Soviet Union, he was the USSR envoy to Korea.

Innokenty Egorov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia: For more than 14 years, he headed the government of the republic, Honored Economist of Russia, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Academician international academy informatization, Vladimir Bizyaevich is widely recognized as a statesman, politician, leader of the Buryat nation. Today grateful countrymen, colleagues, students and friends honor his memory.

Vladimir Pavlov, Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural of Buryatia: This is a wise leader, fair and far-sighted. He had a strategic mind. He laid a solid foundation for the further development of the republic, and today these areas are working for us.

Words of gratitude, memories and an exhibition where you can trace the amazing life of a unique person. The festive events in the capital of Buryatia ended with a public meeting and a concert at the Buryat Drama Theatre.

Operator: Igor Nikolaychuk
