Obesity in a child 1 year old. How to deal with obesity in children and adolescents, the possible consequences of gaining excess weight

For several decades, scientists have observed an increase in the number of overweight children. Doctors and nutritionists pay special attention to this serious problem, since obesity leads to serious consequences. And in almost all cases, this is a struggle with excess weight throughout adulthood.

Obesity is a disease of a chronic nature, which is caused by an imbalance in metabolism and is accompanied by the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

Adipose tissue in the human body is not always formed intensively. The first build-up occurs from the day the baby is born and up to 9 months. Up to 5 years, fat growth stabilizes. next period growth is 5-7 years. The final - at the age of puberty of the body and its complete restructuring - from 12 to 17 years.

Therefore, physicians distinguish three critical period diseases:

  1. up to 3 years - early childhood;
  2. 5-7 years old - primary school age;
  3. 12-17 years - adolescence.


There is no single and generally accepted systematization of this disease. Physicians use several types of classifications. According to one of them, obesity is classified as follows.

  • Primary

- idiopathic, exogenous-constitutional - associated with hereditary predisposition;
- alimentary - associated with poor nutrition.

  • Secondary (symptomatic)

- associated with a defect in genes;
- cerebral;
- endocrine;
- medicinal.

  • mixed

Includes elements from the first and second groups.

According to the excess body weight relative to the norm of weight, three degrees of obesity can be distinguished:

  • 1 degree - overweight above the norm by 10-29%;
  • 2 degrees - overweight above the norm by 30-49%;
  • 3 degrees - overweight above the norm by more than 50%.

Causes of obesity at an early age

Only an endocrinologist can correctly identify the causes of the disease. There are two main factors that affect the development of pathology in children:

  1. Alimentary (problems are caused by unbalanced nutrition and low mobility).
  2. Endocrine (problems are caused by disturbed activity of the endocrine system).

The prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is due to metabolic disorders and low activity. Violation of the energy balance is associated with uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods and excessively low energy consumption.

Without realizing all the harm, children unlimitedly eat bakery products, sweets, fast food, washed down with carbonated drinks.

It is important! Physical inactivity is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of children suffering from excess weight. Modern children prefer sitting in front of a computer, TV and with gadgets to outdoor games.

"Family syndrome", as the cause of the disease, is no less common. Obesity in both parents gives an 80% guarantee that the same disease will appear in the child.

A high probability of developing obesity in newborn babies weighing over 4 kg, as well as in babies who quickly gain weight in the first two years of life. Early introduction of complementary foods (before 6 months) and cessation breastfeeding are also possible reasons diseases.

There are a number of reasons for excessive weight gain in children associated with developmental pathology:

  • congenital hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones);
  • pathology of the adrenal glands (Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome);
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain, traumatic brain injury, tumors that lead to disruption of the pituitary gland;
  • adipose-genital dystrophy.

Often, psycho-emotional causes contribute to metabolic disorders. It can be a constant hostile atmosphere at school, sharp stress, caused by the loss of relatives or the shock of the fact that the child became an eyewitness to the crime.

Possible consequences and complications

Obesity in childhood always provokes the frequent development of many concomitant diseases. This increases the risk of disability and premature death.

What causes obesity in childhood and adolescence:

  • to diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, stroke, angina pectoris, cardiac ischemia);
  • to diseases gastrointestinal tract(inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum, gastritis, liver failure, hemorrhoids, constipation);
  • to diseases of the endocrine system (disruption of the pancreas, adrenal glands and thyroid gland);
  • to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deformities of bones and joints, the appearance of flat feet, varicose veins in the legs);
  • to mental illness (syndrome of sleep apnea, sleep disturbance, psychosocial disorders);
  • to a decrease in male reproductive function and female infertility in the future.


Only doctors can determine obesity in a child, but parents should be the first to notice the warning signs of the disease. To do this, it is important to observe the child's lifestyle, his mobility and physical activity, changes in the figure.

Symptoms of obesity in an infant:

  • overweight;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • constipation.

Symptoms of obesity in a child of primary school age (5-7 years):

  • overweight;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath when walking and exertion;
  • deformation of the figure in the abdomen, hips, arms and shoulders (accumulation of adipose tissue);
  • frequent increase in pressure.

Symptoms of obesity in adolescents 12-17 years old:

  • more pronounced, all of the above, symptoms;
  • fatigue;
  • in girls - violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent swelling of the arms and legs, aching pain in the joints;
  • depressive states.

How to diagnose a disease?

The reason to see a doctor will be the observations of attentive parents who can detect the first alarming symptoms of obesity in a child. The doctor begins the diagnosis by collecting information about the child (feeding methods up to a year, current nutritional habits, lifestyle, level of physical fitness, chronic diseases).

The next step in objective diagnostics is the collection of anthropometric data: waist circumference, hip circumference, body weight. Based on these indicators, the doctor calculates the child's body mass index (BMI) and compares it with special centile tables developed by WHO.

Let's count? BMI makes it easy to determine the degree of complexity of the disease and is calculated using the following formula: BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m²).

According to the obtained index value, it is possible to determine the degree of obesity. The following table will help with this.

To determine the causes of the disease, the pediatrician may prescribe the following tests:

  • Blood chemistry. It allows you to determine the amount of glucose in the blood, cholesterol, uric acid. The level of ALT and AST proteins (transaminase in the blood) will determine the condition of the liver.
  • Analysis of the level of hormones of various types in the blood and urine. It is prescribed if the doctor suspects the development of obesity on a hormonal background. The level of insulin, cortisol, TSH, estradiol and other hormones is determined.

Also, to clarify the diagnosis, they can be sent for additional examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • CT, MRI and EEG of the brain (if pituitary pathology is suspected).


Having determined the cause of the development of obesity, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which necessarily includes the following:

  1. Nutrition correction and individual diet.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Drug therapy.
  4. Surgical treatment (if necessary).

Power correction

A dietitian can help you adjust your diet properly. Its purpose will be to slow down the formation of subcutaneous fat and stimulate the withdrawal of already accumulated reserves. The diet for a child with obesity should be as varied and balanced as possible. You also need to remember that diets are contraindicated for children under 3 years old.

Nutrition for children with obesity involves fractional meals 6-7 times a day in small portions. Breaks between meals should be no longer than 3 hours. The main high-calorie meals make up the diet of the first half of the day, during the period of greatest activity. For breakfast and lunch, meat and fish dishes are always prepared from low-fat varieties.

From dairy products, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content are preferable. Every day, calcium is included in the diet in the form of cottage cheese.

Since carbohydrates are the main source of body fat, it is recommended to exclude white bread, sugar, juices, carbonated drinks, pasta, jams and sweets from the diet.

Important! In cooking, it is necessary to minimize the process of frying in oil. Products can be boiled, steamed, stewed and consumed fresh.

Effective dietary nutrition was developed by the Soviet nutritionist M. Pevzner. In order to treat obesity in children and adolescents, he created diet number 8, which doctors still successfully practice today. The diet is developed in several menu options, the alternation of which will allow you to fully balance the intake of essential substances by the body.

Table number 8 consists of the following main products:

  • bread with bran or coarse grinding - 100-170 g per day;
  • fermented milk products of low fat content - 180-200 g per day;
  • lean meat, poultry meat, lean fish - 150-180 g per day;
  • soups with a small amount of potatoes - up to 220 g serving;
  • from cereals only millet, buckwheat and barley - up to 200 g of porridge per day;
  • all vegetables in unlimited quantities of different cooking methods;
  • fruits, preferably unsweetened - up to 400 g per day.
  • tea, uzvars and juices without sugar.

Here is one of the menu options for diet number 8, designed to help a child with obesity:

  • 1st breakfast - 8.00

Made with water, tea without sugar, apple.

  • 2nd breakfast - 11.00

Apple and fresh cabbage salad, boiled egg, rosehip broth.

  • Lunch - 13.00

Vegetable soup or cabbage soup, stewed cabbage with boiled meat or fish, dried fruit compote.

  • Afternoon snack – 16.00

Cottage cheese with kefir.

  • Dinner - 19.00

Boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil. Before going to bed - a glass of fat-free kefir.

All recipes for preparing meals for obese children take into account the almost complete absence of salt, sweets and butter, so children find it too strict, bland and tasteless.

To improve the psychological mood of the child when eating, parents are encouraged to use all their imagination and creatively transform the dishes served. It can be cartoon figures, patterns and other details from products. Bright and juicy vegetables will always come to the rescue.


An obligatory part of the complex treatment of obesity in childhood is physical activity. The attending physician will prescribe the necessary complex of exercise therapy, which will contribute to weight loss.

In addition, recommendations for children with obesity include sports sections, hiking in any weather in the fresh air, swimming, cycling, massage. Sports activities should be regular. Resourceful parents even come up with punishments in the form of exercises (10 push-ups, 30 squats, etc.) so that the loads are daily.

Interesting! Drawing with chalk on asphalt is a simple but very useful activity. After all, when drawing, the child crouches and moves on his haunches.

Drug therapy

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe drug treatment only for the 3rd degree of obesity. This is due to the fact that all drugs that suppress appetite and reduce weight are contraindicated in children under 15 years of age.

Modern methods of treating obesity in children are based on non-drug therapy. Often, homeopathic preparations that are less dangerous for the child's body are included in the treatment complex.


There are especially severe cases of the course of the disease, when there is a need for surgical intervention (extreme obesity or conditions caused by its complications, life-threatening). Then doctors can apply surgery.

The treatment of obesity with the help of surgery (bariatrics) is still being improved, but now doctors are practicing more than 40 types of bariatric surgeries to help eliminate the consequences of obesity in children.

Prevention of obesity

The problem of obesity in children can make itself felt even during the period of bearing a baby, so experts recommend starting prevention even before his birth. Future mom should take care of a complete balanced diet and remember the dangers of overeating.

The main preventive measures designed to prevent obesity in children and adolescents boil down to the following steps.

  • Proper diet

It includes a balanced diet, observance of the hourly diet and the exclusion from the menu of foods and drinks that are harmful.

  • Active lifestyle

Provides for maintaining healthy lifestyle life, physical education, sports and outdoor games, limiting sitting in front of a computer or TV.

  • Psycho-emotional background

When a child has obesity, the psychological situation in the circle of his relatives is very important. An overweight teenager can often become depressed, which will only aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, all support and positive attitude of parents is important. Not just advice on what to do and how, but motivation through personal examples.

Obesity in childhood is a very serious problem. This is a disease that will definitely make itself felt at a young and mature age. Parents should be very attentive to the child and are obliged to teach him to lead a correct lifestyle. Well, this will be the key to his safety and good health.

Obesity is one of the most common problems in the world, which does not lose its relevance.

If earlier obesity occurred mainly in adults, now doctors are increasingly diagnosing this problem in children. To start the fight against this disease, you should find out the causes of its occurrence.

What degrees of obesity in children exist, the symptoms and description of the disease of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees, as well as the formula for calculating the body mass index of a child from 1 to 10 years and older can be found in our review.

Description of the disease, causes

Obesity is a chronic pathology. It is characterized by a violation of metabolic processes that lead to the accumulation of fat in the body.

Excess body weight is dangerous for children: it can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, endocrine gland suffers.

You can cure the baby, but The disease is difficult to treat. Doctors recommend paying attention to nutrition, to reconsider the whole lifestyle of the baby. It is important that he was regularly physically active, getting enough sleep.

In some cases, help fight the disease medications aimed at normalizing metabolism.

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Disturbed metabolism.
  • Improper diet, consumption of fatty, unhealthy foods.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Neuroendocrine diseases.
  • Wrong daily routine.
  • Regular sleep deprivation.
  • Chromosomal and other genetic syndromes.
  • Hemoblastosis.

These factors provoke weight gain in children. To cure the baby, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause. Then the weight can be reduced and the result achieved can be maintained.


Doctors distinguish two forms of pathology: primary and secondary. Primary is characterized by congenital pathologies that cause obesity.

A variation of this form of the disease is exogenous-constitutional obesity (caused by heredity in children).

Symptoms of the primary form:

  • Slow metabolism.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Feeling bloated.

The secondary form is a consequence of the consumption of unhealthy foods and lack of physical activity. This also includes endocrine obesity, which is caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.

Symptoms of this form include:

  • Children later than their peers begin to walk, sit.
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.
  • Acne.
  • Oily skin.


This is one of the varieties of the disease with the rapid deposition of fat masses. Excess fat appears quickly, especially often deposited in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

Appears due to changes in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland. This leads to the fact that a person has an uncontrolled appetite, he gains more calories than necessary.

Symptoms of this species:

  • Rapid accumulation of fat mass.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Dark spots.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Crimson-blue stripes in places of fatty deposits.
  • Headaches.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

At this type the disease is considered acquired. A person who has not previously suffered from it can recover by 20-30 kg in two years.

The normalization of the functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland will help restore weight.


The main reason for the appearance of this type of disease is heredity, which is complemented by increased appetite. Fat can be deposited in different places of the human body.

People with this type of pathology do not eat properly, therefore, in order to normalize body weight, they are recommended to review the menu and play more sports.

In addition to the accumulation of fat, patients experience the appearance of acne, the skin becomes oily. Symptoms of the disease include drowsiness, fatigue, and abdominal discomfort.


With this form, fat accumulates due to disruption of the endocrine glands. Usually, the synthesis of certain hormones is carried out incorrectly, so the fat layer grows.

Symptoms of endocrine obesity:

  • Increased appetite.
  • Constipation.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Decreased potency.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.

Patients develop swelling, joint pain, shortness of breath even with slight physical exertion.

Anxiety, irritability, mood swings, weakness, disturbed sleep, insomnia, and headache may occur.


It occurs due to lack of physical activity and malnutrition. Endocrine system works correctly, it is not damaged. Fat accumulates gradually, usually in the abdomen and thighs.


  • The layer of fat is growing.
  • Discomfort in the abdomen.
  • Flatulence.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Weakness.

It is easy to cope with this type of disease, since there are no severe disturbances in the functioning of the organs.

Stages (table by age)

Doctors distinguish four stages of the disease. To determine them, the body mass index is calculated. This is a formula that includes the height and weight of the baby.

The results obtained are divided into stages or degrees of obesity in children:

  • The first - the norm of weight exceeds by 15-24%.
  • The second - exceeds the norm by 25-50%.
  • The third - the excess of normal indicators is 50-100%.
  • Fourth - indicators exceed the norm by more than 100%.

The photo shows all degrees of obesity in children (1, 2, 3 and 4th):

Norm for different ages are the following indicators:

Number of yearsWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 10-11,5 9-10,2 72-78 71-76
2 12,4-13,7 11,5-14 85-92 82-90
3 13,8-16 13-16,5 92-99 91-99
4 15,5-18,8 14,3-17,8 98-107 95-106
5 17,4-22 16,3-20,2 105-116 104-114
6 19,7-24 19-23,5 111-121 110-120
7 21,6-27,8 21,3-27,2 118-129 116-129
8 24-31,2 24-30,5 125-135 124-134
9 26-34,8 26,5-35,3 128-141 127-140
10 30-38,2 30-38,5 135-147 134-147
11 32-40,5 31,6-42,3 138-149 136-152
12 36,5-40 38,2-50 143-158 146-160
13 39,2-53 43,2-54,1 149-165 151-163
14 45,2-56,3 46,2-55,3 155-170 152-167
15 50,2-62,5 50-58,2 158-175 154-168

In children over 15 years of age it is difficult to determine the norm of weight and height because during this period all teenagers change a lot. That is why it is advisable for them to calculate the body mass index using a special formula.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with other articles that also touch on the topic of obesity in children:

How to calculate

To find out whether the baby has this violation or not, they use a special formula: weight in kilograms must be divided by height in meters squared.

The resulting number should be ranging from 18.5 to 24.9. If the indicator is 25-29.9 - this is pre-obesity, and 30 and above - obesity.

Calculated only by the specified formula. There are other formulas for calculating BMI, but they are not suitable for children, they are recommended only for adults.

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the problem of overweight and obesity in children in the following video:

Obesity can occur not only in adults, but also in children. It is of several types.

Knowing the reasons, you can help your child lose weight and keep the result for a long time. The baby will grow up healthy.

In contact with

Excessive weight gain in childhood is, unfortunately, a common disorder. The formation of excess adipose tissue against the background of metabolic failures is a deviation caused by many factors, in particular, overeating and physical inactivity. The elimination of fullness in a child has its own characteristics, which requires seeking help from a competent specialist.

The disease, characterized by an increase in body weight, has a polyetiological nature. At the same time, the main factor causing fullness is considered to be an excess intake of calories.

To obesity of the 1st degree, which is formed in children, lead to:

  • eating a large amount of junk food;
  • low physical activity;
  • heredity;
  • pathological disorders in the body;
  • stressful conditions.

It has been noticed that if the father and mother suffer from excess weight, in 80% of cases the child will also face a similar problem. And if only one of the parents, the risk of getting fat is about 30%.

Obesity of the first degree can appear, for example, due to a brain tumor, hypothyroidism, Down syndrome. Sometimes the trigger for the development of fullness is negative emotions associated with a certain period of life or with a tragedy in the family.

If we determine the main reasons by age, then the baby usually has extra pounds as a result of improperly organized nutrition, and in a younger student and teenager, the violation is caused by non-compliance with the daily regimen, a sedentary lifestyle, overeating and stress.


Depending on the origin, the disease is divided into 2 types - primary and secondary.

In turn, the primary happens:

  • exogenous-constitutional (meaning a genetic factor);
  • alimentary (obesity is formed against the background of appropriate eating habits).

As for the alimentary form, it is usually observed in babies under 3 years old, in preschoolers (5-7 years old) and in puberty(beginning at 11-12 years old).

Girls are more likely to be overweight, which is directly related to earlier puberty.

The secondary type of pathology in many develops due to disorders in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands or ovaries (in girls).

Symptoms of obesity in children

The disease at the initial stage does not differ in obvious signs, while some parents believe that a small fullness will not harm the child. The first stage of obesity in adolescents and children is more younger age accompanied by an almost uniform distribution of body fat.

Among the characteristic manifestations:

  • protrusion of the abdomen;
  • folds on the body;
  • stretch marks on the skin.

Depending on the causes of obesity, a child may be bothered by symptoms that are not related to appearance(headache, increased blood pressure, increased sweating, insomnia and others).

Diagnosis of obesity in children

During the examination, the doctor specifies the features of the child’s nutrition, for example, at a year or at 8 years old, how active he is and whether there is a predisposition to weight gain.

The indicators are also recorded:

  • body weight;
  • growth;
  • waist and hip circumference;

Below is a table that will help determine the degree of obesity in childhood, depending on how much body weight differs from normal values:

In addition, gender is taken into account. For example, normal weight indicators for a 10-year-old boy will be slightly different from those for a girl. If the stage is determined using BMI, then at 1 degree of pathology, its value will be higher than 30.

You will also need to undergo blood biochemistry and check the hormonal profile. If necessary, the doctor directs to ultrasound of the thyroid gland, MRI of the pituitary gland, electroencephalography.

Treatment of obesity 1 degree in children

Since the initial development of the pathology is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, weight correction is usually carried out with the help of diet and moderate physical activity. At the same time, parents themselves should be prepared to revise their lifestyle, which will allow children to more easily and quickly cope with excess fat.


If a child has stage 1 obesity and the doctor has explained in detail what to do first, be patient to achieve the desired results.

For gradual weight loss, you must adhere to the following recommendations regarding nutrition:

  • the child should eat in small portions 5-6 times a day, and with each subsequent meal it is worth reducing its calorie content;
  • the daily menu includes more protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals;
  • in the list of prohibited - foods with fast carbohydrates;
  • the amount of liquid consumed should correspond to the age norm.

If weight gain stops, then with long-term dieting and as the body grows, you can observe the disappearance of excess body fat.

Physical exercise

Proper nutrition should be combined with physical activity. For example, dancing is a great way to speed up weight loss. The main thing is that children like this activity.

Also suitable for visiting the pool, classes athletics riding a bike or skating.

If we are talking about young children, a variety of outdoor games are a good opportunity for them to spend calories.

Medical treatment

Drugs can be prescribed when obesity has become a symptom of another disease. Only the doctor is engaged in the selection of drugs and the preparation of the dosage. In other cases, fullness at the initial stage is eliminated due to the restructuring of the nutritional regimen and physical activity.

It is also important to understand that treatment alone without diet and exercise will not be effective.

Possible Complications

If parents do not do anything, obesity in a child can lead to a number of undesirable consequences:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • heart problems;
  • delayed sexual development (in boys);
  • polycystic ovaries (in girls).

During the period of active growth, the presence of extra pounds is an undesirable burden for the spine and joints.


Proper nutrition of the child and the level of physical activity directly depends on the desire of parents to see their son or daughter healthy. Children need to be taught healthy food from an early age. It is also important to make sure that the child walks enough in the fresh air. Schoolchildren are encouraged to attend sports sections.

A favorable atmosphere in the house is of great importance. Children should always feel supported by adults, especially when gaining weight.

With 1 degree of obesity in childhood, negative changes are practically not noticeable. But if the pathology is allowed to progress, a serious deterioration in the child's well-being is not ruled out.

Before taking any action, you should make an appointment with a specialist who will help with the elimination of extra pounds.

Excess weight, especially in children, adversely affects the health of the body. Every year the percentage of children suffering from obesity is only increasing. Usually the roots of the problem lie in the wrong diet, eating habits that adults instill, diseases and genetic predisposition. Often, many parents believe that obesity in a child is a sign of a good appetite, and are in no hurry to see a doctor. However, this issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

The problem can be judged if the excess body weight is more than 25% of the norm. To determine the degree of obesity in children allows body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as follows: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

For example, the weight of a child is 40 kg, and the height is 118 cm. Therefore, the BMI in this case is equal to:

BMI = 40: (1.18 x 1.18) = 28.7

Calculate body mass index on the calculator

(calculation will take a few seconds)

Body mass index table

Obesity and its consequences

Being overweight in children causes many problems. It is the main cause of the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus of the 2nd degree, causes high blood pressure on the spine and joints, increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease (impaired blood supply to the myocardium), lowers self-esteem, negatively affects relationships with other children. Some experts believe that the most serious consequences of childhood obesity are psychological and social problems. Very often, people who are overweight do not live to be 50 years old.

Why obesity occurs

There are several factors that can affect weight gain. Consider them:

  • Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of obesity in children. Usually, easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, baked goods), solid fats (fries, hamburgers, hot dogs), sweet drinks (soda, juices) predominate in their diet, with insufficient intake of protein, fiber, water. Obesity in infants in most cases is caused by improper introduction of complementary foods and as a result of overfeeding with milk mixtures.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Many children do not go in for sports, do not play outdoor games, spending all their free time at a computer, tablet, video set-top box or TV. And the lack of physical activity leads to the accumulation of excess weight, since the burning of calories is very slow.
  • Genetic factors. There are some gene mutations that contribute to causing obesity. They control the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, the production of leptin (a hormone of adipose tissue), and the expenditure of energy by the body obtained from food. It has been established that if both parents are overweight, the probability of its occurrence in their children is 80%, if only the father has it - 38%, only the mother - 50%.
  • Diseases. Obesity in a child may appear as a result of the presence of serious diseases (hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, brain tumor).


An overweight child without fail requires consultations of a nutritionist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon, and also a psychologist.

The goal of treating obesity in children is to reduce weight to normal levels and prevent weight gain. An individual diet is selected for the child and 5 meals a day are prescribed. It is recommended to feed him at the same time, in small portions (first breakfast at 8:00, the second at 10:30, lunch at 13:00, afternoon tea at 15:30, dinner at 18:00). Such a diet helps to reduce appetite, as the next portion of food “catches up” with the next, creating a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Dinner should be no later than 19:00. If the child cannot fall asleep due to hunger, then you can offer him kefir, some fruit or vegetable.

Obesity should begin to be treated in children gradually, eliminating overeating. The main part of high-calorie food should fall on the first half of the day - during the period of increased physical activity. For breakfast and lunch, it is recommended to give the child meat and fish dishes, and for afternoon tea and dinner - vegetable and dairy foods. At the same time, preference is given to low-fat varieties of poultry, fish, meat, low-fat kefir, milk, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese.

Important components of the diet for obesity in children are vegetables, fruits, providing the body with vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are useful in any form - boiled, stewed, however, most of them should be consumed in the form of salads. Especially useful are vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of fiber, due to which a feeling of fullness is created, toxins are removed from the body, and bowel function is regulated. These include: cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, carrots, beets, green beans, potatoes, corn, green peas, zucchini, avocados, apples, apricots, bananas, oranges, pears, peaches. Dried fruits are also useful - prunes, dried apricots, raisins, which contain a lot of potassium salts.

Do not forget about seafood - mussels, squid, shrimps, sea kale, containing a large number of vitamins of group B, micro - and trace elements, few fats and carbohydrates. Marine products contribute to the normalization of fat metabolism.

Sweets in the form of marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, can be given to a child only 1-2 times a week. Sugar is replaced by sorbitol or xylitol. It is also allowed to use sweets, but in very limited quantities, made with the addition of xylitol - chocolate, waffles, cookies.

Sour cream, mayonnaise, cream, fermented baked milk, baked milk, white bread, sugar, confectionery, condensed milk, sweets, jam, pasta, semolina, butter, ice cream, juices, carbonated sweet drinks are completely excluded from the diet of an overweight child .

The main component in the fight against obesity is regular physical activity: long walks in the fresh air, active games, running, swimming, roller skating, cycling, skateboarding.

Views: 7589 .

The age range from 7 years to 12 (14.5 years) is such an indefinite period, this is prepuberty (the time before puberty). Minimum age of onset of puberty 8 (8.5 years), latest onset 14.5 years
(more often in boys). It is during this period that gender differences appear in the dynamics of weight gain.

Girls gain weight faster and more than boys, which is associated with more early start sexual development. In general, it is during this period that parents mark the debut of obesity, more often the age is called - 8 years. Apparently, it was during this period that the “wrong eating habits” laid down earlier begin to be clearly realized, “stimulated” by the beginning of the synthesis of sex hormones and the increased pubertal concentration of insulin, a hormone that helps to absorb glucose.

There is a lot of insulin, both as a result of the "sexual surge" and as a result of overfeeding. It turns out a vicious circle: more insulin - more glucose is absorbed, more glucose - more insulin is produced. It is clear how to break this cycle - reduce your intake of "light" carbohydrates. In all other respects, this age period is intermediate and nothing more remarkable.

An important point about obesity during this period: if an obese girl enters puberty, obesity will cause her to disrupt the formation of the hormonal system, if a boy enters puberty, obesity (unless it is grade 4 obesity) will not lead to a significant disruption of puberty .

Testosterone, in this case, is the magic hormone. It, together with growth hormone (and in boys during puberty it is produced much more than in girls), create a good metabolism for “melting fats”. For girls, the opposite is true. The female hormone - estradiol promotes the absorption of the chain several times faster fatty acids and their deposition in fat depots.

During this period, it is important to start accustoming the child to regular sports! to discipline, to self-discipline. It is always important if before the eyes of the child there is an example of an adult. It is important for girls to learn plasticity - dancing, gymnastics. Boys are just discipline, so the sport is not important. The main thing is movement, 3-5 times a week, at least 30 minutes a day.

Now about nutrition. I give an example of a CK1 diet for a given age and a set of allowed foods. It is not difficult to see that this diet "resonates" with the Pevsner 8 diet in adults.

It is necessary to exclude: rich broths, smoked products, spicy and salty snacks, fatty meats and fish, sausages, sausages, fruit juices, soda, chips, crackers, coffee, daily use of sweets, products with xylitol, sorbitol, cakes, pastries, nuts, seeds, mayonnaise , ketchup and other sauces.

Restrict: butter up to 2 tsp, olive and vegetable oil up to 1 tbsp, soups in 2 broths (do not fry vegetables in soup), potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes (boiled / mashed) up to 6-7 tbsp. in boiled form - these are foods that are eaten only for lunch, eggs in 2-3 days in the form of an omelet, bread 2-3 pieces a day (not bourget, not whole grain, mostly rye), legumes 2 times a week, fruits up to 3 pieces per day (bananas after 2-3 days, grapes are limited), refined sugar 1 piece in tea, 2-3 times a day, marmalade on natural juice - 1 piece or marshmallows 1 piece, (as an exception), cookies 2 PCS. type "Maria", jam and jam no more than 1-2 tsp.

Permitted: vegetables, vegetable soups, low-fat meat and fish (in the form of meatballs, cutlets), stewed, mainly rabbit, beef, turkey, perch, cod (cutlets), cottage cheese up to 5% fat content (in the morning - natural, in the evening - casserole or cheesecakes ), low-fat cheese, cereals up to 6 tbsp. boiled (except for semolina, rarely wheat), milk, kefir, yogurt up to 2-3 glasses a day.

Eating fractionally up to 5-6 times a day.

sample menu child at this age
Morning: any milk porridge 6-7 tablespoons, boiled meat (or cutlet), bread, slightly sweet tea 200 ml.

2 breakfast: yogurt 200 ml.

Lunch: vegetable salad 100-150 gr, soup or cabbage soup 200 ml, boiled chicken 100 gr, boiled potatoes 100 gr, dried fruit compote 200 ml, rye bread 60 gr.

Snack: cottage cheese 150 gr, dry rye bread 1 pc., compote, or tea, or vegetable juice 200 ml.

Dinner: steam meat cutlet, boiled cauliflower 200 gr, wheat bread 1 slice, tea 200 ml.

At night: kefir 150 ml.

Naturally, when varying degrees obesity, the caloric content of the diet is recalculated individually, at this age there are still no gender differences.

During this period, with obesity of 3-4 degrees, you can put into practice fasting days- the child's body is already ready for this. The bottom line is to reduce the caloric content of the diet to 1000 kcal per day 1 time per week. They usually start with “protein” fasting days - cottage cheese, meat or dairy, then switch to fruit or vegetable fasting days, it is good to use double fasting days: 1 day - protein, 2 days - carbohydrate. Water is not limited these days.

One of the main factors in the treatment of obesity is appetite suppression through the consumption of large volume, but low-calorie, predominantly protein monotonous food!

After the completion of the subcalorie diet stage, when the required weight is reached, there is a transition to maintenance diet with the gradual introduction of "forbidden foods", you can continue the practice of fasting days.

From the age of 9 years, to lose weight in a child with a high degree of obesity, pathological hyperinsulinism, medications can be administered. But this issue is decided only by a doctor or a council of doctors!

In the age periods of 0-1, 1-7, 7-14.5, we are not talking about weight loss, and it is important to understand this, but about the suspension of its set (growth continues, the weight is “worth”), but in the fourth age period - puberty Let's talk about weight loss.

WHAT NOT TO DO WITH OBESITY IN CHILDREN(psychological motivation):

Do not tell your child that he is "greedy" or "lazy". Tell him that you understand how difficult it is to make good ("healthy") food choices.
Don't make your child feel guilty about his eating habits. Praise him when you see that he is eating right.
Do not tell your child that he is not helping himself. Ask your child how you can help him eat well.
Do not scare your child with weight loss. Tell him what will be good when he is less heavy.
Don't complain about your weight or how "boring" dieting is. Set a good example and do everything you expect your child to do.
Do not give a negative assessment to other people (friends, relatives, celebrities) who are overweight. Notice all the beauty in your child: his eyes, his hair, his good deeds, choice of clothes, etc.
It is not necessary to make it clear to the child that he will be happy only at a normal weight. Talk to your child about positive consequences work on your weight.
Don't tell your child that being overweight is their fault. Explain that some people find it more difficult to control their weight than others - life can be unfair, but maybe they are lucky in other things!

I also want to talk about such an interesting topic as scales. Tanita with fat analyzers, water in the body. If they are somehow adapted to adults, then they “do not work” for children, because WHO ( world organization health) has not yet fully developed the allowable norms for the content of fat / water in the body of children of different ages. Therefore, it will not be possible to independently control these parameters, no matter how sad it is.

To be continued…… in the next part I will talk about being overweight already by separating the obesity of girls and obesity of boys at puberty.
