Salary increase for medical workers from January. Increasing the salaries of medical workers

Each person wants to receive wages that correspond to the intensity and intensity of his work, makes it possible to buy the necessary products, pay for travel and regularly buy clothes, and in general - to feel that labor is rewarded according to merit. People who have chosen to protect the health of Russians as their mission are no exception. We all know how responsible is the work of physicians who have chosen far from the simplest professional path.

Unfortunately, we can safely say that now the work of doctors in state medical institutions in Russia is valued much less than their counterparts in private clinics, not to mention foreign doctors. The government has promised that this problem will be solved in 2018, so that medicine will again return to the category of the most prestigious fields of activity. Let's see if there is any progress in this matter, and also find out what salaries medical workers can expect in the current conditions.

The government of the Russian Federation promises that the salaries of doctors will grow in 2018

How is the salary of doctors formed?

To date, the salary of medical workers consists of the following parts:

  • salary;
  • additional payments for complexity, intensity, load;
  • allowances for seniority and category;
  • compensation and regional coefficients.

Usually, health workers can only count on an increase in the salary itself, since it is this part that is most often subject to indexation and increases. At the same time, it should be noted that the gross part of a physician’s income is usually made up of bonuses, additional payments and compensations, but it’s very easy to lose them, since the accrual of these salary elements often depends only on the immediate supervisor.

Prospects for salary growth

According to statements made by Vladimir Putin, in 2018 the salary of doctors should be increased to 200% of the average for the region in which doctors are employed. As for the junior and middle medical staff, they were promised a 100% increase. The head of Russia noted that the first steps in this direction have already been taken - salaries in some parts of the country increased by up to 180% in 2017, as close as possible to the target indicators.

Olga Golodets also confirmed Putin's statement. She said that the money for the implementation of the "May" decrees was already included in. According to her, doctors will receive a decent salary for their work, because this is the only way to talk about improving the efficiency of services on which the health of Russians depends.

A 200% salary increase for doctors seems far from reality

It should be noted that the salaries of doctors in Russia differ from region to region - the highest salaries are received by those representatives of this profession who work in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, the authorities say that this situation will be corrected - the increase will take place in such a way as to equalize the capital and regional salaries of doctors.

Current situation

Despite claims that salaries have increased, many doctors in the regions complain that the situation is reversed: their real income fell in 2016-2017. This is explained simply - as already mentioned, the salary of a physician consists of the main part in the form of a salary and a variable part, which includes all sorts of allowances and compensation for processing. Many medical institutions, having received an order to raise salaries, but without receiving additional funds for this, simply raised salaries, reducing the degree of payment of bonuses and additional payments.

In most regions, junior staff receive 20,000 rubles, and doctors - about 30,000. If you look at the situation with salaries in the regional context, then, despite the statements of official statistics, at the beginning of 2017, a decrease in the remuneration of medical workers with higher education was recorded - such a situation is observed in the Jewish autonomy, the Nenets district, Ingushetia, Adygea, Dagestan and the Arkhangelsk region.

In 25 regions, there was indeed an increase, but doctors in the Voronezh region and Altai say that the amount of this increase is expressed in 32 and 53 rubles, respectively. Doctors working in Kalmykia earn the least money - they receive an average of 27,300 rubles a month. Medical work is not highly valued in Ulyanovsk (30,000), Samara (35,000), Penza (33,400), North Ossetia (28,000). The highest salaries are received by doctors from Sakhalin, Chukotka, Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug - they added about 6,000 rubles. At the same time, in Chukotka, doctors receive an income of 117,000 per month.

So far, the average allowance received by doctors is 1,000 rubles.

You can also trace the difference in the wages of a doctor by region using the example of a separate category - therapists. So, in the capital, the average salary of this category of doctors in 2017 was 60,000 rubles, in the Moscow region the figure is much lower - 45,000, in Kamchatka - 40,200, in the Leningrad region - 40,000 rubles per month.

At the same time, if we talk about the actual payment of doctors in state clinics, these figures are far from true, because the statistics reflect the average salary of all therapists, that is, those who work in elite clinics, receiving an order of magnitude more. For comparison, I would like to give data characterizing the remuneration of a doctor abroad. For example, a therapist in the United States receives an average of 416,000 rubles (in Russian currency), in France - about 200,000, Germany - 225,000 rubles a month.

However, Eduard Gavrilov (Director of the Health Fund) explained the sharp discrepancy in wages between the central, southern and northern regions with northern allowances. He also said that in 2015 alone, about 3.2 trillion rubles were allocated for the salaries of doctors, which is significantly more than in previous years (for example, in 2011, 1.9 trillion rubles were allocated for this item per year), so what's next it is necessary to deal not with government promises, but with regional authorities.

What can you count on?

Perhaps the increase in wages in the Russian Federation will end with massive layoffs

Experts have already expressed their opinion about the current situation. It is possible that before the salaries of doctors will really increase. It is possible that the average salary in 2018 will rise from 35,000 rubles to 45,000-50,000 rubles. However, this may be the result of just another reduction in this area of ​​employment. It is quite natural that a doctor who is forced to work for one and a half rates will receive 50% more.

It is not uncommon for a doctor to take 2-2.5 rates. It is easy to predict how this intensity of work and chronic lack of sleep will affect the quality of treatment. In any case, the government has not yet announced specific dates and figures for salary increases in 2018. It is only known that in October 2017, doctors, like other civil servants, will have their salaries indexed. However, they will be increased by 5.5%, which will immediately be “eaten up” by annual inflation.

Will they raise salaries and how much will doctors and nurses receive? One of the most anticipated news of 2018. What are the forecasts of departments? What activities have already taken place?

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Financing for salary increases in 2018

The salary increase for doctors in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation will take place in 2018. By this date, the average salary of a doctor will be 200% of the regional average.

There will also be an increase in the salary of nurses in 2018 - it will be 100% of the regional average.

For the first time, a salary increase was mentioned in 2012, when Vladimir Putin signed the May Decrees with numerous instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation. The economic situation in the country was relatively stable, however, with the decline in oil prices, it became more difficult to stick to the planned course than the authorities initially expected.

In this regard, the main question that worries the entire medical community now is whether there will be an increase in 2018 and what salaries should be expected now.

How and by how much should wages increase?

The salary of doctors since the release of the "May decrees" to the present has increased significantly - this is evidenced by the analysis of the ratio of the salaries of doctors, middle and junior medical personnel.

According to the table below, the salary of doctors in 2018 will be at least 200% of the average salary for a particular region of the Russian Federation.

What was promised at the beginning of the year

In 2017, when asked whether there would be an increase, as originally planned under the "May decrees", Minister of Health V. Skvortsova explained that the increase would be by the end of the year, and the average wages of health workers would be as follows:

  • junior medical staff - at least 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • nursing staff - at least 33 thousand rubles per month;
  • the doctor's salary will be at least 66,000 rubles a month.

Where to find funds for salary increases

The increase in wages worries not only the specialists themselves, but also the health authorities - the departments are in search of additional funds to establish new wage rates for specialists.

Let us consider what measures are already being taken to ensure that the salary increase for doctors in 2018 is successful.

  1. said that it is planned to raise wages by increasing the per capita standard in the CHI system.

Thus, payments on subventions to regional budgets are planned to increase in 2018 compared to 2017 by 21.7%, which is about 1.87 trillion rubles. Thus, the per capita standard in the MHI system will increase by 21.5%.

The specified increase in subventions will make it possible to fulfill the May decrees of the President on time and the salary of a doctor in Russia in 2018 will be at least 200% of the salary, the average for the region.

  1. The Ministry of Labor confirms that work is proceeding along the previously planned path, and an increase in wages for medical workers will occur - the corresponding funds have already been planned in the budget.

Work continues on the implementation of the May decrees of the President, including on raising the salaries of certain categories of state employees, including doctors and paramedical personnel.

What is the amount allocated by the Government to finance the public sector, and how it will be distributed, we will tell in the recommendation of the Sistema Ekonomika LPU.

Funds for salary increases in healthcare are reserved in the budget until the planning period of 2018, so the new salary will be significantly increased.

The total costs for the healthcare sector have increased, and in general, this increase compared to last year is 438.3 billion rubles.

  1. At the same time, the increase is seen as problematic from the point of view of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

From the conclusion of the department, it follows that the increase in subventions for compulsory medical insurance does not help medical institutions, and recently the salary of doctors has shown a clear decrease, despite the reporting of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Auditors believe that the increase is under threat, as the share of labor costs in the MHI tariff has decreased. In 17 regions, the auditors revealed a decrease in real wages. These are the Arkhangelsk, Omsk and Yaroslavl regions.

It is also noted that in more than 30 regions of the Russian Federation the number of medical workers is reduced by almost 26 thousand people, in connection with which the regions provided an imaginary increase in the salaries of other medical workers.

At the same time, the workload of doctors has also increased, who, with the help of part-time jobs, replace empty positions.

  1. The increase will be successful, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund believes. The department's budget already contains the costs necessary to achieve planned targets.

In this regard, the department considers the concerns of the Accounts Chamber unfounded and untenable.

Auditors of the Accounts Chamber believe that when calculating salaries, a single coefficient was applied for all categories of health workers, however, they should be different.

So, the specialists made a recalculation and found out that the salary will not be raised in full - the budget may not be enough up to 43 billion rubles.

What threatens this situation? In order to pay the promised salaries to specialists, funds will be withdrawn from other expenses, for example, the cost of purchasing medicines and medical devices will decrease.

The FFOMS considers the budget to be balanced and well developed and that the missing funds will be covered by carry-over balances. Subventions to the regions will be allocated in full.

How much will wages rise?

What will be the salary can be said with certainty very soon.

The plans of departments today look promising, as can be seen from the table below.

Average salary in the region for January-June 2017 (thousand rubles)

Average salary of doctors (thousand rubles)

How much to add (thousand rubles)

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Magadan Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Kurgan region

excess by 4685

Altai Republic

excess by 3384

Jewish Autonomous Region

Penza region

Altai region

Every year, in accordance with the program defined in Russia, the salaries of medical workers are increased. The actions taken by the government are aimed at increasing the level of prosperity. It is planned to increase the salaries of doctors in 2018 in accordance with the plans implemented over the past 5 years.

The program to increase the allowance for medical workers was reflected in the "May Decrees" of the President of Russia, published as part of the election campaign in 2012. The head of state set out to increase the income of doctors by 200% compared to the average salaries in the regions. Salaries of medical personnel should increase by 100%.

The current situation is due to an increase in real incomes of doctors by 180% in comparison with the average earnings of citizens in certain regions and territories. The government has the necessary resources to further implement the program in 2018.

Reforming health care - what are the difficulties

Despite the clear successes in the healthcare sector, the industry faces a number of difficulties in the course of reform. The implementation of the "May Decrees" is hampered by external factors, expressed in a number of unfriendly countries. The economic crisis emerging against this background leads to a budget deficit and the increase in the salaries of doctors in 2018 is questionable.

They strive to fulfill the tasks set by means of personnel optimization. They reduce the staff of medical workers, close some departments, shifting the execution of duties onto the shoulders of other employees. The total number of physicians in the country has decreased by 90,000 since 2012. The people who remain on work shifts work at 1.5 rates, additionally taking night shifts.

Incomes of physicians - what they consist of

The current income of employees of medical institutions consists of several components:

  • coefficients of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • allowances - are charged depending on the length of service and the category of the employee;
  • surcharges - depend on the complexity of the duties performed and the intensity of work;
  • base salary.

Salary increase for doctors in 2018 - what it will be

What will be the salary increase for doctors in 2018 depends on the region of the country. The mayor of Moscow promised to increase the income of doctors by 40%, raising real salaries to 120,000 rubles. per month. In parallel, health officials will monitor the workload of doctors. The implementation of the "May Decrees" involves an increase in wages by the end of the year to 90,000 rubles. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying factors that make it possible to assess the real picture with the level of income of workers in the industry:

  • the calculation of the average salary is carried out taking into account the income of not only doctors working in state institutions, but also people working in private clinics;
  • difference of regional coefficients;
  • the calculation of the average salary does not reflect the real income of specific people.

For example, the average income level of medical workers is 47,000. Employees of private cosmetology clinics can receive up to 90,000, and municipal therapists in the republics of the North Caucasus can live on 23,000 rubles a month. Thanks to the "northern" allowances, employees of medical institutions in the ChAO receive up to 110,000 monthly. Nurses earn an average of 20,000, but in fact many live on 13,000 a month.

These are the trends for the first half of 2017:

  • decrease in real incomes in certain regions of the country;
  • insignificant growth in 25 subjects of the federation;
  • decrease in real incomes, taking into account current inflation indicators.

The government indexed the salaries of doctors at the end of 2017 by 5.5%, that is, by the amount of inflation (see).

What will be the salaries of doctors in 2018: latest news

What will be the salaries of doctors in 2018 in the latest news, Deputy Prime Minister Golodets said. The government member hoped for the full implementation of the "May Decrees" in accordance with the social program currently being implemented to improve the welfare of citizens. It is planned to allocate 670 billion from the state budget for the implementation of the program. It is planned to inject twice as much funds into the industry compared to 2017.

The Ministry of Finance plans to increase real incomes of the population in 2018 by 4.1%. It is planned to allocate 80 billion from the budget for medicine, only for raising salaries. It is planned to increase the per capita standard by 21.7%, for which more than 333 billion will be allocated from the budget. The standard reflects the amount of funds allocated for each employee assigned to a particular medical institution for 1 year.

The assurances of the government are encouraging, it remains to wait for their implementation and compare income growth with real inflation.

Any action in our life has a relationship with another, and the second with the third, and so on. As an example, the following can be cited: low wages cannot be an incentive to work with high dedication. And therefore the question: will there be an increase in the salaries of doctors in 2018, worries not only the doctors themselves, but also ordinary citizens. After all, the latter want to receive not just medical services, but also that they be of high quality. And the high level of wages of employees of medical institutions is a kind of incentive for them to provide them.
It's no secret that medical workers are not very happy with their salary. This forces medical institutions to make part of their services paid, and this, in turn, does not please the population who goes to them to improve their health.
Against this background, Golodets' statement sounded like a balm for the souls of doctors that we should expect an increase in salaries in the healthcare system in 2018 in the Russian Federation by 200 percent. True, this was said with a caveat that most did not notice - the increase will be made relative to the level of 2012. If you believe the words of a government official, there are funds in the budget for these increases, the government voted "For". So no one is going to cancel the presidential decree.
Medical workers are required to receive a decent salary, otherwise they are unlikely to be able to perform their duties at a qualitative level, since they will think about something completely different. And everyone who comes to them for medical help can suffer from this, the vice-premier ended her statement with these words.

The territorial location of medical institutions has a significant impact on the amount of wages of people working in them. As you know, doctors working in both capitals of the country receive the highest salary. But, according to Golodets, this difference after the increase will be somewhat leveled. After all, the increase in salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia will be uneven. As a result, the salaries of medical workers throughout the country should be straightened. That is, a doctor in Moscow and somewhere in Altai will receive approximately the same amount for his work.

What is at the moment?

To date, the salary of employees of medical institutions consists of the following components - salary, allowances and additional payments in the form of compensation. In accordance with the presidential decree, the salaries of doctors will be increased. It seems to be happy and live to your heart's content.
But as practice shows, it is the increase in the salary component that leads to the fact that the total amount of earnings for employees decreases. After all, the formula is as follows - the higher the salary, the lower the additional payments and compensation. Moreover, compensation is not included in the mandatory part of the salary - it is charged by the head of the institution by his decision. And since the leader accrues his power, then deprive him of his power as well.

The fact that the wages of doctors will be indexed next year is very good. After all, the current system of payroll does not meet with understanding from the majority of health workers. And the reason for this negative is just the method of calculating compensation payments. It, as mentioned above, depends on the desire of the management, in addition, the payment is made based on the assessment of the workplace itself. But the position occupied by the employee does not affect the additional payment. But earlier, it was she who had the greatest influence on additional payments and, accordingly, they were much larger. Yes, and the incentive was to make a career, and therefore work better.

What will happen?

According to official finance experts, now the average for doctors is about 35 thousand rubles, and after the increase it will be about 50 thousand, which is good news. But recently a small opinion poll was conducted, in which about 5 thousand people from medical institutions from all over the country took part. So most of them indicated that their monthly earnings do not exceed 20 thousand and they have not heard or seen about 35 thousand.
Independent financial experts express great doubt that the plans of the country's leadership are feasible. Moreover, against the backdrop of a general crisis, it is unlikely that the necessary amounts will be found in the country's budget. In addition, such a rapid increase in salaries, especially since this is provided by the government not only for doctors, can have negative consequences for the country as a whole.
The recent health care reform has forced almost 9,000 people to leave the work of a medical worker and, according to experts, the upcoming increase may also cause the reduction of doctors in 2018 in Russia, so that management can find funds to raise the salaries of the remaining workers.

And this means that there will not be enough workers for many positions. Which in turn will lead to a combination of positions. Which again will affect the quality of services provided - we are again returning to where we started - raising wages so that the quality of services provided has improved.
The recent cutbacks are already having a negative impact on the health care system, with every healthcare worker starting to spend 12 more hours a month on work. And this is only officially, in real life this figure can be even higher. As a result, medical workers simply do not have time to fully rest between shifts, and therefore provide high-quality medical care to those in need.

What else?

On the other hand, according to experts from the same group of independents, the likelihood that there will be an increase in the salaries of doctors in 2018 in Russia, and the latest news does not lie, is high. There are the following reasons for this:
  • health care has not received normal funding for a long time. This has led to the fact that the salary of medical staff really needs to be reviewed with a subsequent increase;
  • in addition, presidential elections are planned for 2018, which means that on the eve of them, the current president is unlikely to go back on his words. Otherwise, faith in him and in general in the presidential power will fall below nowhere. This can lead to the fact that the people will vote for the wrong thing.

But again, the independents draw their conclusion that there will be a rise, though. But it will not be at the level planned, but much lower. After all, there are not so many sources of budget financing, and even in the aggregate they will not be able to provide the necessary money supply. So what will happen to the salaries of doctors in the election year is not yet clear.

Against this backdrop of ongoing disputes, information about raising VAT by 4 percent (from 18 to 22) with a simultaneous decrease in insurance contributions to the budget from 30% to the same 22% sounded almost imperceptible. This innovation was proposed by the Ministry of Finance. Such a mutual increase / decrease in rates should compensate for all losses for businessmen.
Experts expressed the opinion that this could provoke an increase in inflation, but the head of the Ministry of Finance Siluanov assured that this indicator would be controlled by the state and it would not allow it to rise by more than 2 percent. In addition, this move at this level of inflation will give the budget almost a trillion rubles in revenue. And raising the salaries of doctors will not be an unbearable burden for the state. The main thing is that this proposal of the Ministry of Finance is accepted by the government.

With the advent of 2018, the question of whether they will raise their wages has again been raised among medical workers. The presidential term is drawing to a close, and the so-called “May Decrees”, which promise increased financial support, including for doctors, are more impatiently waiting for their execution with the approach of elections. According to the presidential decision in 2018, the state will be obliged to raise the level of wages by 4.1% for teachers, cultural and health workers, researchers and a number of other employees of the public sector.

The message after the New Year holidays was not long in coming. The website ( published the news that on January 30, 2018, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated 14.5 billion rubles from the budget to increase the salaries of state employees in 2018 year.

By all indications, it turns out that the promised increase should still take place. Heated discussions broke out on the Internet. A lot of “leaks” and different quality and reliability of information have been published on Russian websites recently. Nevertheless, from these chaff we found valuable grains. What will be the allowance and how it will happen, we will understand further.

As already mentioned, in 2018 the transformations and activities reflected in the May 2012 decrees will be summed up and the results will be summed up. If we delve into the section of decrees dedicated to healthcare, then one of the fundamental points of the presidential program was to achieve a decent modern level of remuneration for medical personnel.

Recall two goals:

  1. Physicians' salaries must rise to twice the average for the region of residence;
  2. The wages of senior and junior medical personnel reach the average for the region of residence.

However, these ambitious plans were set almost six years ago. Today we see that the budget of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is in deficit (income in the amount of 1,890 billion rubles, and the required expenditures at the level of 1,990 billion rubles). You don't have to be a skeptic looking at these numbers to understand that in 2018 the Ministry of Health will have a hard time with funding.

Is it possible to imagine in these realities the redistribution of scarce funds to increase the financial support of doctors' salaries?

The Accounts Chamber in a recent report has already warned the government about the impending threat of higher salaries for doctors. However, the government is adamant, officials reported on the successful indexation of salaries of a medical worker in 2017, despite similar difficulties and conditions of the crisis. Recall that the income of doctors rose by 7.5% since January 2017, and then to 180% of the average salary in the subject of the federation for doctors and about 90% for senior and junior medical personnel.

Where to get money from?

Quite an important question in the absence of an extra penny in medical funds. Most likely, the required amount will not be taken from one source, so as not to cause a devastating effect, but spread over several levels. Imagine what these sources might be:

  1. Direct funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Most likely, it will be he who will take the main cut, since he serves as the main target medical fund.
  2. Additional subsidies from the federal budget. Raising the salaries of doctors is a very fashionable measure for the country's leadership before the elections, so infusions of assistance from other budgetary sources are guaranteed.
  3. Funds of subjects of the federation. Under the conditions of sanctions and the crisis, there has been a steady trend towards delegating part of the costs from the federal to the regional level. It is unlikely that the share of financing salaries will bypass the budgets of the regions.
  4. Optimization. A beautiful word in fact means a reduction in other areas of medical support for the sake of raising wages, laying off workers, selling the property of the Ministry of Health, and so on.

If the planned course of raising salaries for healthcare workers is carried out, the budget deficit of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund will increase by 95 billion rubles in 2018, and by 170 billion rubles in 2020.

In this case, the fund will need to be replenished either from additional budget expenditures on health care (which seems extremely unlikely given the trend of the last ten years to reduce the provision of medicine), or by increasing the amount of contributions to the fund from insurance organizations and expanding and increasing the cost of paid medical services for the population.

The latter measure seems to be the most realistic, again if we trace the trends in the functioning of domestic healthcare, the essence of which is not the subject of this article.

So, according to the insider and open information available on the network, it became known that up to a third of the costs of the upcoming salary increases for healthcare workers are assigned to the regional budgets.

Experts note that the set targets for financing health care and programs related to medicine at the level of subjects of the federation in 2016-2017 have not been achieved. The regions do not have money, as they did not have before, because most of them are subsidized in relation to the federation. In such conditions, it will be extremely bold to guarantee the implementation of salary increase programs at the declared level, again without monetary interventions from the federal budget.

Not everything is so smooth with the optimization of hospitals and medical services. In 2017, only 7% of the staff was reduced. The main part, almost 90 thousand medical workers lost their jobs in previous years, and it is simply impossible to reduce even more. From the stories of local doctors, one can even say that the reduction plans were literally sabotaged by some institutions so that the population would not be left without medical care. The burden on the remaining staff is colossal, overtime has become a noma.

We are talking about the upcoming increase in the level of salaries for doctors, however, I am sure many are interested in knowing from what level of content the increase will be. For convenience, the capitals of the subjects will be taken.

An example of a payslip for a paramedic-laboratory assistant with detailed wage formation.

Town Amount of payments in rubles
Moscow 70000
Kaliningrad 41460
Saint Petersburg 53540
Grozny 28495
Magadan 83000
Sakhalin 80430
Krasnoyarsk 48680
Barnaul 34700
Stavropol 33800
Belgorod 33450
New Urengoy 104450
Novosibirsk 40640
Omsk 35710
Kyzyl 43000
Chelyabinsk 41600
Ulyanovsk 30000

These figures are true for doctors, junior medical staff usually receive two to three times less. Whether this amount is sufficient for a person in the current conditions or not, naturally depends on the needs, first of all, of the person himself. Essentials and life support for such an amount can be purchased by a doctor within his powers. Again, in small towns, and even more so in villages, the level of wages is several times lower. The trend towards high Northern wages affects health care too.


As we have seen, a real zugzwang is drawing in front of us - wages need to be raised a long time ago, they promised to raise them, but there is no money. According to the usual Russian tradition that took shape in the first decade of the millennium, the government is relying on the "black breadwinner" - oil. The graying forecasts are quite comforting, and the upward trend in prices, at the current $60 per barrel mark, can help the budget quite significantly. However, oil tends to change prices unpredictably three years in a row, which creates difficulties in planning. Therefore, apparently the price will go uphill or not, only God knows.

One thing is certain. Compensation for inflationary losses in the monetary allowance of physicians will be compensated, and they will receive their four percent allowances. This will not give doctors a tangible increase in well-being, but this money will be enough to partially offset the increase in the cost of the food basket over the past year.
