Vlad is a big name. Name meaning: Vladislav

How does it sound full name Vlad? Usually this is called Vladislav. Since childhood, this little boy has been causing a lot of trouble to his parents. He loves to play with fire, or rather, with matches and with everything that can burn. Vlad has an explosive temper. He takes almost everything in life to heart. From an early age, he is drawn to women. However, unlike many boys, he behaves tactfully and politely.

He greatly respects the fair sex and protects loved ones and beloved women. Most likely, the first beauty in the class will become the subject of his love. But he is unlikely to pull her pigtails, but rather, he will keep his distance. This characteristic has the full name Vlad. His mother will always feel the love and support of her son. He will console at the right time and come to the rescue. Vlad is doing well at school. Teachers respect him, and classmates often take an example from him. Teaching is easy for him.

Adult Vlad

The full tells others that in front of them is a decent, hardworking and responsible person. You can rely on him, and he will not let you down. This man is a fighter for justice. He is trying at any cost to find the truth and open the eyes of others. However, he doesn't always succeed. Vlad can play his role well and pretend for a while to achieve his goal. But only if it doesn't hurt anyone. This person is fully aware of his shortcomings and virtues. He appreciates and respects himself. Such qualities imply his full name.

Vlad in the professional field

This man is not devoid of a sense of humor. He knows how to clearly notice something and beautifully express it in words. These qualities are highly valued by employers. Vlad conscientiously does his job. Thanks to his natural instinct and charm, he will succeed in any field of activity. The Vladislavs have a highly developed sense of beauty. They often become successful artists or musicians. The abilities of these men are almost limitless. They will feel great both in the role of a doctor and a politician.

Full name Vlad for women

Vladislav loves to patronize the weaker sex and prefers sensitive and tender women. Strong ladies, confidently walking through life, will not arouse his interest. Such an imprint leaves on the name of Vlad. Masculine, rude behavior and bad habits, such as addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, will repel him forever. To attract his attention, a woman must be modest, well-groomed and completely defenseless. Vladislav is monogamous. Having once found his soul mate, he remains faithful to her all his life, no matter what. Among men bearing this name, alcoholics and lovers of noisy parties are rare. Vlad prefers to spend time with his family. He gladly helps his wife with the housework. He is a wonderful husband and father. He is in his children and takes care of them as long as he can. At home, Vladislav always has peace and prosperity. His wife will be happy with him and will find in him a support and protector for life.

You will find for yourself useful information about the meaning of the name Vladislav, how to interpret, historical facts, where the name Vladislav (Vlad) came from.

The interpretation of the name Vlad is determined by its translation. It sounds like "owner of glory", "king", "master".

Short form

Vlados, Vladik, Vladka, Lado, Vadik, Vlad, Slava, Slavik, Owner.

History of appearance

There are several versions that explain the origin of this name. Firstly, it can be a fusion of two words: “possession” and “glory”. Secondly, it can be considered a derivative of Valdemar: then the meaning of the name Vladislav is “famous ruler”.

Patronymic of children Vlad

In colloquial communication, such a form as Vladislavich, Vladislavna is used. Unfortunately, this does not comply with the norms of the language. It would be more correct to say: Vladislavovna, Vladislavovich.

Name day and patrons of Vladislav

Many names have many name days marked on the calendar in the church. Vlad has such a “special” day only in a single copy. He is patronized by a saint, which allows him to more accurately reveal the meaning of the name Vladislav.

Positive sides

This is a smart man with whom it is pleasant to have a conversation. By virtue of his intellectual development, he can support any conversation: from discussion latest news before an exchange of opinions about art. Understanding what the name Vladislav means, we can talk about the features of his inner world. He knows how to joke and he likes to laugh a lot.

Negative sides of Vladislav

This is a person who is very attracted to material wealth. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of money, he can lose his head, and therefore he can cripple the fate of many people for the sake of a large amount. The meaning of the name Vladislav suggests boastfulness, pride, arrogance.

Features of the character of Vladislav

From a young age, Vladik is very attached to his mother, and therefore in the future he falls in love with girls who are most similar to her. Throughout his school years, he may have secret feelings for some girl, but he is unlikely to move on to active actions. Peers often suffer from what the name Vladislav means. A guy can behave too arrogantly, which leads to hatred, misunderstanding on the part of others. As a teenager, he fights a lot and in every way provokes classmates into conflict.

In good company, Vlados seems to flourish. Society has a strong enough influence on him, and therefore it is important for him to be surrounded by excellent people. A person who is interested in what the name Vladislav means can be quite a sociable, active person.

He is attracted to different areas of life. To some extent, he wants to know the very essence of the world, and hence the interest in philosophy, geography, physics and other sciences. For Glory, the most important thing is to get on the right path.

Compatibility name Vladislav with female names

The most favorable interaction will be with Christina, Victoria, Alla, Anastasia, Maria, Polina, Elena. Based on what the name Vladislav means, one can predict an unpleasant relationship with Alexandra, Catherine, Veronica, Eugenia, Alice, Uliana and Tatyana.

Family and Love of Vladislav

Vlad is rarely worried about finding a lady of the heart. Either fans run after him, or he himself accidentally meets his beloved. In any case, he leaves next to him only that woman who is ideal in all respects. The meaning of the name Vladislav in the family promises a very harmonious life. He will try to provide the family with everything necessary. However, there is a high probability of "subsidence" in the sphere of spiritual values.

Vladislav's profession

A person with this name rarely has a question about vocation. From a young age, he knows that he will go to work in the environment that will bring him the most earnings. Therefore, his profession is always associated with something very in demand. Also remembering what the name Vladislav means, he is not upset by the prospect of monotony. The man takes it for granted.


Vlad is concerned about weight-related illnesses: it can be both obesity and dystrophy. Diseases of the heart and nervous system are also not excluded. It is important for him to lead more healthy lifestyle life in order to sustain the organism.

Career and what does the name Vladislav mean

For a person with this name, money is very important. Unfortunately (or fortunately), they often become the meaning of life. That is why in the work Vlad can go over the heads or use any other prohibited methods. Having set a goal for himself, he completely lights up with it and works for wear and tear until he achieves it.

Great Vladislavs in history

Blazhevich (musician), Khodasevich (writer), Strzhelchik (artist), Stashevsky (singer), Zhukovsky (businessman), Topalov (singer), Sirenko (athlete), Levitsky (singer), Nikityuk (actor). Each of these men has achieved heights in the field that he chose. Their biographies and the fruits of labor make it possible to better understand what the name Vladislav means.


Vladislav is an ancient Slavic male address, traditionally formed from two words that determine its meaning: “possessing glory” or “own and be famous”.

Name origin

One of the Old Slavic pagan nicknames that have come down to our time is the name Vladislav. The meaning of the name for the child suggests that he will grow up to be an influential and noble ruler. This name was popular in the old days among both the Serbs and the Slovaks - this is how princes and noble nobles were called.

general characteristics

Vladislav is a real tomboy, you will not envy the parents of a little hooligan, because every now and then he strives to grab a sharp object in his hands, get tangled in wires or play with fire.
Growing up, Vlad spends a lot of time with the guys on the street. With friends, he is always responsive and friendly. Yes, and Vladka has a sincere and trusting relationship with his mother: if he sees a parent in a bad mood, he tries in every possible way to console and cheer her up. From others, the child tries to hide true feelings, no one knows what he really is, except for the closest people.
At school, Vladislav usually studies well, despite his unwillingness to do his homework. It is impossible to force Vladyusha to do something; a special approach is needed to the boy. Parents will be able to smooth out sharp character traits if their child is surrounded by care and affection.

Positive character traits

One of the greatest advantages of Vladislav can be called his perseverance and optimism. In the most difficult ups and downs, when others give up, he does not lose faith in his own strength and hopes for a positive outcome.
In order to achieve the result, the owner of the name is ready to work long and hard, analyze and correct his mistakes.
Being a kind person in life, Vlad does not like to argue, to prove something, but he always sticks to his opinion. Dignity and calm in his demeanor attract reasonable, strong-willed people and scare away the unbalanced and weak.

Negative character traits

Kindness and sensitivity do not always serve the bearer of the princely nickname to the benefit. Finding many friends thanks to his sincerity, he often meets people who are trying to take advantage of his kindness. Therefore, from childhood, relatives should teach Vladichka a selective attitude towards unfamiliar persons.
In his desires, a man is uncontrollable, often giving slack to his feelings, he leads an unhealthy lifestyle. Vladislav marries quite early, but his feelings are not always mutual and love relationships come to naught, leaving disappointment in the guy's heart.

Zodiac sign

As a child, a boy named Vladislav will cause less trouble for his parents with his antics if he was born in the sign of Virgo.
The patron of the name Mercury will endow the boy with intellectual energy.
The blue color will have a calming effect on Vladislav.
Topaz will protect the owner of the name from the evil eye, and it will bring him happiness throughout life.


Vlad, Vladik, Vladka, Vladichka, Vladislavka, Vladislavushka, Slava, Slavka, Slavik, Slavochka, Slavushka. Vladya, Vadya.

Name Variations

Vlad, Vladyslav, Ladislaus, Ladislas, Ladislao, Ladizhlau, Ladislau, Laszlo, Vlodzislav, Valdis.

Historical figures

OK. 1200 - 1264 - Serbian prince Stefan Vladislav I, known as St. Vladislav.
1431 - 1476 - the Romanian prince Vlad Tepes (known as Vladislav Dracula).
1833 - 1902 - Ukrainian pianist and composer Vladislav Zaremba.
1863 - 1930 - Polish architect Vladislav Gorodetsky.
1882 - 1965 - French and Russian director Vladislav Starevich.
1886 - 1939 - Russian poet Vladislav Khodasevich.
1911 - 2000 - composer and pianist from Poland Vladislav Shpilman.
1921 - 1995 - Soviet actor Vladislav Strzhelchik.
1935 - 1971 - Soviet cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov.
1956 - 1995 - journalist and TV presenter Vladislav Listyev.
1971 - 2010 - Russian actor Vladislav Galkin.
1985 - 2015 - Ukrainian singer Vladislav Levitsky.
born in 1995 - Russian singer Vladislav Ramm.
born 1972 - Russian actor Vladislav Kotlyarsky.
born 1952 - Soviet hockey player Vladislav Tretyak.
born 1941 - Opera singer Vladislav Piavko.
born 1967 - Russian TV presenter, Latvian Valdis Pelsh.
born 1975 - Russian football player Vladislav Radimov.

The name Vladislav has a meaning consisting of two parts. It is formed from the word "own" (root "Vlad") and glory (root "Slav"). How do you understand that the meaning of the name Vladislav "possessing glory". In German, and earlier among the ancient Germans, there is a very similar name Waldemar. Waldemar also consists of two words, or rather from their roots. The word is waltan meaning to reign or dominate and the word is mari meaning glorious or famous. Some linguists believe that these are related names, or even that the name Vladislav is a tracing-paper from a German name.

Also, the name Vladislav has a female form and this is the name Vladislav. Meaning female name you can find out by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Vladislav for a child

Little Vladislav is endowed with a natural refinement of manners. Many adults are touched by such a feature of the child, and children are happy to be friends with Vladislav. Him a large number of friends, especially girls appreciate him. Since childhood, communication with the opposite sex is his strong strong point. The boy grows up hardworking and his patience can only be envied. The mind given by nature gives him good chances in life, but it requires constant training and, with insufficient load, can quickly become inexpressive against the general background.

The boy's health is quite good, but not without certain features. The propensity for colds is characteristic of little Vladislav. Clean air, sports and hardening will help him cope with this scourge. Airing, hardening and sports should be regular and properly dosed, otherwise they will not bring results, but will make it even worse. Take care of your health from childhood.

Abbreviated name Vladislav

Vlad, Vladik, Slava, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya.

Diminutive names

Vladislavka, Slavunya, Slavusya.

Patronymic of children

Vladislavovich and Vladislavovna.

Name Vladislav in English

On the English language name Vladislav Vladislav

Name Vladislav for a passport it is written in the same way as in English VLADISLAV.

Translation of the name Vladislav into other languages

in Ukrainian - Vladislav
in Latvian - Vladislavs
in Lithuanian - Vladislovas
in Polish - Władysław, Włodzisław, Ładysław
in Hungarian - László or Ulászló
in Bulgarian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Romanian - Vladislav or Ladislau
in Serbian as well as in Russian - Vladislav
in Czech, Slovak and Croatian - Vladislav, Ladislav
Latin spelling - Ladislaus
Spanish - Ladislao
in Chinese - 弗拉季斯拉夫

Church name Vladislav(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. The name Vladislav, unlike many popular names, did not come to us from Greece along with Orthodox faith. For some time it was not ecclesiastical, but rather even related to paganism. However, after the canonization of Stefan Vladislav I, this name acquired a full church status.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

One of the main characteristics of Vladislav is perseverance. Thanks to her, he often succeeds where others give up. He knows how to wait for the result and work on it every day. Successful in such industries as personnel management, own business and politics. What can prevent them from achieving their goal is self-esteem. In politics and business, sometimes you need to be able to compromise with your conscience for the sake of something more.

Vladislav's natural sensitivity and kindness can both help him and play a cruel joke. These useful qualities of Vladislav will give him many friends in life, but also those who want to use these qualities. He should be attentive and careful with seemingly close people.

V love relationships Vladislav has a great choice. His tact attracts the weaker sex like a magnet. Vladislavs born in summer are especially amorous. In marriage, Vladislav usually becomes a family man, but if the marriage is hasty, then his behavior may not change.

The secret of the name Vladislav

The secret of the name can be called the search for "that one." Vladislav's easy communication with representatives of the opposite sex is actually a search for great love. If he finds a person close to himself in spirit, then he will live with him for the rest of his life "soul to soul." The main thing for the chosen one is to understand and not try to manipulate him. If he finds out about this, then the reaction may be the most severe.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Vladislav has several lucky flowers. Blue, light green and brown.

Tree- Linden.

Plant- Carnation.

A rock- Topaz.

Guardian angel named after Vladislav and his patron determined primarily by date of birth. If you know the date of birth of your Vladislav, you can find the necessary information in the article "Patron named after Vladislav".


The name Vlad was formed thanks to Slavic paganism. Initially, it existed as a shortened form of the name Vladislav. Now it is also used as an independent name. The literal interpretation sounds like "ruler".

And the male name Vlad sounds beautiful on different languages, has excellent symbols and is famous all over the world. Today it is found no less than many centuries ago, and is in demand in many European countries, and not only in Russian-speaking ones ...

Conversational options: Vlad, Vladik

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The name Vlad is purely Slavic in origin, and is interpreted as "ruler". The meaning of the name Vlad is not much different from a similar independent full form that sounds like Vladislav. By giving it, it promises its bearers such features as activity, efficiency, readiness to conquer new heights at any convenient moment, the ability to see their own shortcomings and deal with them. And the carriers of the name Vlad are usually endowed with a good imagination, which is no less important in modern times.

For the most part, Vlads are men with a strong life position, who never deviate from their goals and strive for self-improvement. These are men who try to fulfill the promise and never break their words. They also make excellent dads and family men.

Advantages and positive features: can become a good friend and devoted comrade, never betray for the sake of profit, will not be friends with anyone out of selfish motives, will never be rude to a person if he did not deserve it by some really bad deed.

Vlad treats badly people who do not fulfill the promise and use someone else's kindness for selfish purposes. He hates selfish, deceitful and lazy people, tries to avoid selfish and potential leaders.

The name Vlad was very popular in Russia, but was mainly used as a shortened form of Vladislav.

The nature of the name Vlad

The nature of the name Vlad, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that he will never allow a man named in this way to betray a friend or use someone's trust for personal gain. He will never allow himself to show self-interest, will not deceive a comrade, will not criticize him, knowing that he can hurt his pride with criticism. It is pleasant to be friends and communicate with Vlad, and his character does not irritate, but, on the contrary, attracts. Although there are exceptions...

As a rule, Vlad is a very cheerful and optimistic person in his youth. The problem lies only in the fact that he does not have such a friendly character that he has many friends. He may be very lacking in communication skills. If the parents succeed in instilling this quality in him, then he will have more than enough friends. Yes, this is not surprising, because it is simply impossible not to be friends with such a kind and generous person.

Well, in the end, we can also say that Vlad is in most cases a man who loves to feel needed. And in order to feel like that, he will do everything possible. For example, this desire can give rise to a kind person in him, ready to help everyone around. True, it’s still not worth using his kindness - as they say, “return tortures”.

Early childhood

In childhood, the boy, who received the beautiful male name Vlad, is characterized by such traits as emotionality, efficiency, activity and vigor. This boy is mobile, active and very spoiled. He is constantly on the move, developing, moving, doing something, looking for new hobbies and does not listen to anyone.

Disobedience and self-indulgence are his main two disadvantages. He rarely obeys anyone, obeys no one, and sometimes behaves like a robber and rowdy. Although in reality he is not. It's just that his character is such that he cannot afford to obey someone, even if his life depends on it.

He is also shy and does not like to do anything in public. He does not need spectators, lives on his own, does what he likes, and will never do what his parents tell him. He needs friends only for support in moments of self-doubt, and no more.

At times he is a little touchy and vulnerable. He does not forgive insults even to those close to him, because of this he suffers from loneliness.


Much in the life and character of a teenager named Vlad can change. And first of all, he will begin to think about his position in society. Teenage Vlad overcomes the feeling of loneliness, and he begins to understand that he cannot live without friends and peers. Then he already acquires a large number of acquaintances and friends. But he is unlikely to call anyone a real friend. He rarely trusts anyone, he sees a catch in everyone.

His main drawback is the inability to accept everyone as they are. Each time he pays too much attention to the shortcomings of his acquaintances, criticizes and offends them - then he realizes what he was wrong about, but he does not admit mistakes and never apologizes.

Proven school friends for him are something like a second family. With them, he forgets about everything, but does not reveal his soul to anyone. In general, it is quite difficult to bring Vlad to a heart-to-heart conversation. If he trusts anyone, then only his wife and children, and then, after many years.

grown man

The character of an adult man named Vlad is very complex, but the main disadvantage is not complexity, but laziness. And this very laziness can greatly harm him, both in his personal life and in his professional activities.

He strives for self-sufficiency, material independence, self-realization and professional development, but he is a lazy person by nature, which is why he cannot get what he aspires to. Although this is quite possible to fight. All that is needed is to interest him in the business, give him an incentive, help him understand that in the future work will be rewarded. It is important for him to be interested in the matter and have a reason for what he is doing, otherwise there can be no question of success.

But in his personal life as a whole, Vlad should have real happiness, because he is a devoted and faithful man, and is able to become an exemplary husband for a woman worthy of this. He is ideal in the household, appreciates love and devotion, will become an excellent father if he feels that he needs it.

The interaction of the character of Vlad with the seasons

Spring is a two-faced boy named Vlad, on the one hand, quick-tempered and emotional, committing many rash acts, which he later regrets, and on the other, a tactful and diplomatic little man, but for good reason, and usually for selfish purposes. He does not want to bind himself by marriage, he is afraid of losing independence. Life is full of short-term stormy romances without any obligations.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season endows with a weak character, lack of independence, infantilism, suspiciousness and dependence on the environment. He needs the support of his family in everything he touches. But he is erudite and easily makes new acquaintances, supports any topic and is very eloquent. Diversified, appreciates reliable and mentally developed people.

Autumn - the origin of the nature of the autumn boy gives him emotional dependence, conflict-freeness, shyness, activity and activity. Seeks adventure and craves fun, is a little frivolous and often does things he regrets. Trusting and naive, does not know how to distinguish between good and bad people, suffers from betrayal and deceit, and is depressed a lot.

Winter - and here we are talking about a reliable and devoted friend, a hard worker, ready to devote his whole life to career growth and making money. Emotional and sentimental, looking for pure love and an endless stream of emotions. He is diplomatic and knows how to talk beautifully - he skillfully manipulates the consciousness of loved ones and is a little selfish. Planned and acts strictly according to the appointed plan.

The fate of the name Vlad

It is difficult to say how Vlad's fate will turn out in relations with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and, as such, personal life in general. But one thing can be said with absolute certainty - Vlad will never lack attention from women. Since childhood, he can be very popular with girls, and over time he can even become a real womanizer. Again, though, there are exceptions.

It can also be noted that Vlad will never betray his beloved and will not test her confidence. The bearers of this name are usually faithful, reliable, responsible life partners, from whom wives do not have to wait, no betrayal, no betrayal.

Well, among other things, it is impossible not to mention the fact that Vlad is always a gentleman in a relationship with a girl who does not tend to offend a soul mate. Yes, maybe he won’t give flowers and “pour” compliments on his beloved, but he will show maximum good qualities in her attitude. He will always protect, support, help, if necessary, prompt and advise his girlfriend. But that in itself is worth a lot.

Love and marriage

Vlad is a man with a rather contradictory character, therefore for a long time he cannot decide on life goals, the ways of their realization and the appropriate time to create a family. He needs a strong will, but at the same time a flexible and calm wife. She must be wise and gentle, and must teach him to live by the principle: "The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck."

Vlad often cannot, or rather is too lazy to achieve significant results in life. For successful self-realization in work, he also needs a push and support, and the spouse should just become this support. The wife should push and interest him in moving towards the goal, support him and gently, gently manage him.

In general, Vlad can become a good family man and loving husband. He very quickly and strongly becomes attached to his beloved wife and family nest. He does not need entertainment on the side. He values ​​loyalty, trust and understanding in family relationships, and therefore seeks to create a family once and for all life.

Vlad as a Father

Oddly enough, a rather lazy and inactive Vlad can turn out to be a caring and loving father. Often it is the appearance of children that becomes the main incentive in the realization of professional abilities. He forgets about his laziness and works for the benefit of the family, tirelessly.

At the same time, in his free time, he is always ready to help his wife in the care and upbringing of his angels. He likes to mess around with children, so he knows all the joy of fatherhood, which radically changes him from the inside.

Vlad becomes a more responsible, reasonable and active person. His children appreciate and respect love and work. He allows his wife to choose ways for the development of children, and he carefully equips their family nest, so that the children at home are always good, warm, comfortable, interesting and fun.

Vlad supports his wife in the process of raising and educating their children. However, here he is mostly responsible for the material side of the issue, and the main functions in this are still performed by the mother herself.

Horoscope named after Vlad


Aries - a boy named Vlad, born under the auspices of Aries, is quick-tempered and aggressive, quickly loses his temper and does not accept other people's opinions. He argues and conflicts a lot, but he is quick-witted and knows how to admit if he was wrong. It is difficult to get along with him - unpredictable, rude, harsh.


Taurus - this zodiac sign and the name Vlad together create a unique personality. He is stubborn and persistent, diplomatic and tactful, eloquent and conflict-free, he does not know how to defend his own opinion, but he is purposeful and always achieves his goals. Pleasant in communication, a seducer - the ladies are crazy about him, he uses it.


Gemini - and this is a polite and peaceful man named Vlad with good features. Kind, benevolent, sympathetic and attentive, he bestows compliments on girls and knows how to sweeten even the bad truth. Positive and optimistic, but fickle - avoids serious relationships.


Cancer is dependent, capricious, touchy, takes any criticism with hostility, does not know how to make independent responsible decisions, avoids responsibility and always hopes for help in any business. He needs a strong, strong-willed, persistent lady-leader, boss.

a lion

Leo is tough, decisive, self-confident and self-sufficient, aggressive and rude, manipulator and dominant by nature. Surrounds himself with weak people who are easy to manage and command. He needs a weak and compliant, complaisant wife, so that she honors and respects his personality.


Virgo - and here the meaning of this sign gives erudition and the ability to understand people. Developed, intelligent intellectual, but insecure and suspicious. He has compatibility with everyone, without exception, but it is preferable for him to associate fate with strong ladies who know how to direct in the right direction.


Libra is a romantic and idealistic person who withdraws into herself for any reason. He thinks positively and tries to have fun day and night, but betrayal or lies can drive him into depression for a long time. The sissy, touchy and capricious, has a feminine character and a weak will.


Scorpio - the origin of the name Vlad and the characteristic of the zodiac bestows activity, energy, aspiration, instability, irascibility and impulsiveness. His mood depends on the environment, and he himself is guided solely by the moral state. Likes to manipulate loved ones.


Sagittarius is gullible and vulnerable, naive, straightforward and dreamy, a dreamer and constantly hovers in the clouds. His life passes behind glasses of pink glasses - he attributes non-existent qualities to everyone and because of this he is often mistaken. Dreams of pure love and a strong marriage with a strong soul mate.


Capricorn - the patronage of Capricorn bestows good qualities and friendly inner world. Gentle, attentive, caring, reliable and devoted. Its minus is a great dependence on material goods. A careerist and hard worker who puts his soul and all his time into work.


Aquarius - named Vlad and born under the auspices of this zodiac, cunning and prudent, but hides this and wants to seem simple and frivolous. Reasonable and intelligent, unselfish, not a traitor, not a flatterer or a deceiver. There is no bad in it, only good. Self-realization and formation in society is important for him. Exemplary family man.


Pisces is a dreamer, building castles in the air and hovering among unfulfilled dreams. He needs a tough hand of the second half, the chosen one, with whom he will discover real world. Created for the household and everyday life, raising children, but not for work and the endless race for money.

Compatibility with female names

Vlad has the best compatibility with girls named by such names as Anfisa, Irina, Yana, Tamila, Flora, Renata, Nora, Dina.

In marriage, the ideal combination is achieved by relationships with such as Galina, Iya, Clara, Eleanor, Victoria.

Vlad has no compatibility with such names as Lina, Elena, Elsa, Antonina.
