What foods are responsible for memory. Products for the brain and memory

A good memory contributes to success: helps in studying, achieving high results in work, forming sympathy for you (who doesn’t like someone who remembers your important dates?). It is not surprising that a person who feels its deterioration begins to panic. Peace, only peace! We'll fix everything. No need to hastily swallow handfuls of medicines. There is a much more accessible, pleasant and tasty medicine: products to improve memory.

General features of the “brain diet”

A varied and nutritious diet with an optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is indispensable for high-quality brain function. A poor diet is fraught with a decrease in brain activity. Including memory impairment.

Proteins supply the human body with amino acids that are essential for the nervous system and brain. Fats are a source of unsaturated fatty acids, without which the normal functioning of the brain is impossible: it consists of them for a whole third. Their lack can significantly affect memory: up to the disappearance of individual memories. The best suppliers of unsaturated fatty acids are fish and vegetable oils (olive, pumpkin, sunflower, linseed and others). And from carbohydrates, the brain receives glucose, which is necessary for the activity of neurons. Carbohydrates (best of all, the so-called "slow" ones - from vegetables, cereals, durum wheat products) should occupy at least 70 percent of the daily menu.

Vitamins and trace elements

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, for a qualitative state of memory, the body must receive the following vitamins and trace elements in sufficient quantities:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;

Vitamins A and E indispensable for the normal state and prevention of memory impairment. They are involved in fat metabolism, energize the body and brain, protect neurons from damage and death. B vitamins contribute to protein metabolism in the human body, and are also necessary for the well-being of the nervous system. They affect the memorization of information. These vitamins are irreplaceable.

Zinc, iron and magnesium needed for concentration. Zinc and magnesium, as well as iodine are also required for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. Lack of thyroid hormones is fraught with memory impairment.

That's how important the right food is for the brain! It remains to include in the diet products with which you can significantly improve memory. For your convenience, we have divided them into groups. You can easily create for yourself the optimal menu that can provide you and your brain with everything you need.

Meat products and by-products

Despite the active spread of vegetarianism, doctors remain of their opinion: you need to eat meat! Using it, you will not only “feed” your body with the proteins it needs, but also pamper your brain with useful substances. The ideal meat products, indispensable for good memory function, are:

  • hen;
  • lean beef;
  • veal liver.

Chicken and calf's liver contain an impressive amount of B vitamins, the need for which we have already mentioned. To make the “brain food” as useful as possible, use breast instead of fatty chicken legs. And do not fry the liver, but stew it.

Lean beef will provide your body with iron. It has been scientifically proven that without this element, the quality of memory suffers significantly. If you expect good work from your neurons, do not deprive this type of meat of attention.

Fish and seafood

To improve memory, it is necessary to include fish in the diet. Rich in OMEGA-3 (an unsaturated fatty acid), it can do wonders for memory! The most useful in this context are:

  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • trout.

For high-quality work of neurons, you need to eat fish 2 times a week.

No less valuable than fish are all kinds of seafood. Want to improve your memory? Pay attention to:

  • oysters (rich in zinc and iron);
  • shrimp (enrich the body with iodine);
  • mussels (contain zinc).

Vegetables for high-quality brain function

Increase blood circulation with garlic! It must be eaten daily. Just two cloves a day - and you can perfectly improve your memory.

Another “smelly”, but very useful vegetable for the brain is onion (red, white, yellow). By using it daily, you reliably insure yourself against the possibility of getting Alzheimer's disease. Also, eating with onions helps you delay the onset of age-related memory impairment.

Good news for tomato lovers: your addiction makes you immune to dementia! These vegetables are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. It removes free radicals from the body that can damage neurons.

Leafy green vegetables (cabbage, spinach) come in handy when you need to urgently resurrect something in your memory. They contain vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, zinc necessary for the brain. The love of these vegetables also insures against Alzheimer's disease.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries have been a favorite food of many since childhood. Addiction to them can also be called a useful habit: they are able to perfectly improve memory. Of the berries, the most valuable for the brain are:

  • blueberries (increases learning and the ability to remember information);
  • blueberry (protects neurons from free radicals);
  • grapes (improves blood circulation);
  • blackcurrant (promotes mobility of the mind);

From fruits you must eat:

  • red apples (rich in anthocyanins, which improve memory quality);
  • lemons (vitamin C helps keep a lot of information in your head);
  • bananas (supply the brain with glucose and vitamins B1, B2).

These are the medicines for improving memory that nature itself can offer us! Let's not forget about nuts (they supply the body with vitamin E), honey (a valuable source of glucose) and water (our everything - the brain consists of 90% of it). And then we will definitely not forget anything else!

Article author: Syumakova Svetlana

It is known that in order for the brain to work, it must be trained, as well as eat right. Every day he does a great job, being responsible not only for thoughts and memory, but also for any of our movements. In addition to memorizing poems, solving crossword puzzles and puzzles, our body needs products that are useful for the brain.

You can help your brain do its job better if you know the features of a “smart” diet. The editors of the site have compiled for you a selection of the 12 most useful foods for the brain.

What are the best foods for the adult brain?

Scientists are still far from unraveling all the secrets associated with the work of the human brain. But they unanimously agree on one thing - he has an amazing device and must be handled with care. And this means loading it with spiritual food and regularly consuming foods that are good for the brain.

It is not difficult to make a healthy diet for the most important organ of the human body. The main thing is to know that there are foods that stimulate the brain. They will help him work more efficiently and keep a good memory for many years.

12 Foods to Improve Memory and Concentration

1. Sea fish: herring, salmon, salmon, tuna

Any fish contains phosphorus, which is good for the brain. And sea fish also has omega-3 fatty acids, which improve memory, increase concentration, and increase efficiency. In addition, omega-3s improve mood and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

2 eggs

If you are engaged in intense mental work, then a couple of eggs a day will definitely not hurt you. Choline, which is found in the yolk, is called the building material for brain cells. This amino acid contributes to better memory, good mood, and lecithin slows down the aging process.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are recommended to be included in the diet for those who want to think quickly at any age. It is useful with antioxidants that fight forgetfulness and help to absorb new knowledge. Any berries improve brain performance, but blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are recognized as leaders.

4. Dried apricots

Dried apricots are not only a source of glucose, which is important for the normal functioning of the brain, but also iron and vitamin C. Dried apricots help fight fatigue, stress and improve analytical thinking.

5. Cabbage, spinach, greens

These foods are one of the most affordable ways to fight memory decline and age-related diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. They contain so many nutrients and vitamins (beta-carotene, folic acid, lutein) that contribute to the rejuvenation of the brain.

6. Seeds and nuts

All types of nuts and seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. All of these nutrients are essential for the nutrition and functioning of the brain. They act as natural antidepressants, improve mood and help solve complex problems.

7. Bitter chocolate and cocoa

A cup of cocoa or a bar of dark chocolate helps to better cope with intellectual tasks and remember information. Flavonoids and antioxidants contained in cocoa beans are needed for good memory, quick wits and good mood. Unfortunately, any other type of chocolate other than black, sweets and cakes contain more sugar than cocoa. Therefore, there is almost no benefit to the brain from them.

8. Green tea

Green tea gently stimulates the nervous system and helps the brain work faster and more efficiently. It is also rich in antioxidants that protect against the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal and other whole grains (wheat, barley, bran, brown rice) stimulate blood circulation in the brain and saturate it with oxygen. Healthy cereals in the diet are necessary for good memory and are especially useful for older people.

10. Oranges

Sunny oranges contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain from age-related changes. One orange a day will greatly improve mental performance and memory. Kiwi works the same way.

11. Carrot

Carrots can slow down the aging process of the brain and memory impairment. And all thanks to beta-carotene, which it is rich in and which prevents the destruction of cells.

12. Turmeric

Turmeric contains a substance - curcumin, which is recognized as one of the useful products for brain function. It improves memory, helps fight depression, bad mood and age-related changes in the brain.

What foods are good for a child's brain

The right diet will help your child learn and remember information better, restore energy faster and work productively. Schoolchildren without allergies are suitable for all those products that are recommended for adults. However, parents should follow the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that the child receives every day:

    50% proteins (legumes, poultry, fish, cereals, hard cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts);

    15% fat (meat, heart, liver, eggs, chocolate, nuts, fish, vegetable oil);

    35% carbohydrates (buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, brown rice, fruits).

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Memory impairment is a pathological condition in which a person is not able to fully accumulate, store and use information obtained in the process of perceiving the environment. This is a common disorder that is familiar to many people and significantly reduces the quality of life. The treatment of this disease largely depends on nutrition, so we will analyze which diet should be followed so that memory does not fail you.

You will need:



Beneficial features

Potato Contains vitamin B3, which reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and improves memory.
Carrot Vitamin E content contributes to good memory and better concentration. Carrots also contain the substance luteolin, which can slow down age-related memory impairment.
sea ​​kale Rich in iodine content. Improves brain activity and memory.
Onion Especially useful for older people with a predisposition to sclerosis. The benefits of onion for the brain are due to the content of easily digestible sulfur compounds in it.
Cabbage Contains vitamin K and anthocyanins, which improve brain function. Anthocyanins also help with focus.
Garlic It helps to "cleanse" the vessels of the brain, due to this, memory is improved.
Broccoli Vitamin B1, which is found in broccoli, helps restore memory and improve mental abilities.
radish Fresh radish tubers contain B vitamins that improve memory.
Pepper Vitamins C and P contained in pepper, when combined, have a good effect on blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation in the brain.
Tomato Useful for memory disorders and forgetfulness. It is also good to drink tomato juice. Due to the presence of anthocyanins and phenol, they improve working memory in the elderly.


An irreplaceable source of vitamins and nutrients. Useful for both the brain and the body as a whole.


Beneficial features

Apples One of the most useful products for memory. The elements contained in apples protect the brain from the influence of oxidants - the main reason for memory loss. Regular consumption of apples in food will provide you with clarity of mind until old age.
Bananas It is recommended to use for people who are engaged in mental work. The presence of vitamin B3 can improve memory and restore concentration.
Orange Thanks to the presence of choline, they help improve memory.
Lemon Contains vitamin C, which is useful for good memory and attention.
plums Rich in flavonoids, used to prevent memory disorders and Alzheimer's disease.
Pears Due to the content of boron, pears are good for brain function.



Beneficial features

Blueberry Rich in vitamins C and E, fiber and manganese. These berries are useful for the whole body and for brain activity as well. Blueberries improve short-term memory and increase mental abilities.
Currant The berries are saturated with vitamins A and C, pectins, potassium, calcium, carotene, magnesium and phosphorus. Currants are especially useful for people who have deterioration or memory lapses. It also prevents the development of sclerosis.
Grape The peel and juice contain antioxidants that can slow or even stop memory loss. Grape wine in small amounts improves memory and increases the speed of thinking in older people. But the main thing is to observe the measure.
Cranberry The substances contained in cranberries are especially useful if memory impairment occurs during pregnancy. Cranberry also improves memory in children.
Strawberry The high content of antioxidants improves memory and prevents premature aging of brain cells.
Blackberry The antioxidants contained in this berry help if a person suffers from age-related memory loss.

Meat and seafood

Everyone knows that seafood is a food that is much easier to digest than meat. The benefits of meat are often criticized. Animal meat is a rather heavy product, however, nutritious and necessary for the human body.


Beneficial features

Pork Contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), which has a positive effect on memory and concentration.
Beef liver The presence of choline in beef liver helps to strengthen long-term memory. You can choose any and cook beef on it.
Hen The nicotinic acid contained in white has a positive effect on brain function and is the prevention of cognitive decline in old age. It also helps to avoid memory disorders.
red fish Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Regular consumption of such fish is good for memory, helps to increase the level of concentration. It also helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.
Tuna The fatty acids found in tuna improve brain activity and promote good memory.



Rich in vitamins and minerals. Of course, the best juices are fresh juices. A glass of freshly squeezed juice for breakfast will help you improve your health and memory as well.


One of the most beneficial foods for the brain. Helps improve brain activity and memory. Different types of nuts should definitely be included in your diet.


Many consider greens to be a seasoning, because without it you can easily cook any dish, and its taste will not suffer much. However, greens are far from being an ordinary seasoning, it is a rich source of nutrients that our body needs.

The brain is the main organ of the human body. The functioning of other systems, as well as the mental abilities of a person, depend on its proper operation. Useful products for blood vessels and brain cells help maintain its activity and prevent the development of many diseases. They should be eaten by every person, regardless of their gender or age.

What substances do the brain need to keep active?

To nourish the brain, you need healthy foods that contain elements such as:

  1. Glucose - easily digestible and gives a boost of energy;
  2. Ascorbic acid is a strong antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals and prevents premature aging;
  3. Iron - necessary for proper blood formation, providing the brain with oxygen, is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses;
  4. B vitamins - slow down the aging process and maintain normal functioning;
  5. Calcium - participates in the formation of cell membranes;
  6. Lecithin - is an antioxidant, improves memory and energy metabolism of cells;
  7. Omega-3 fatty acids are the structural elements of this organ, necessary for its normal functioning;
  8. Vitamin K - inhibits the process of aging and cell death, stimulates cognitive functions;
  9. Zinc - prevents the appearance of neuralgic disorders;
  10. Copper - responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses;
  11. Magnesium - affects the ability to memorize and learn.

These are the main substances that should be present in the diet of each person in sufficient quantities. Their deficiency provokes the development of various pathologies, decreased mental activity, impaired memory and concentration.

The best products

Systematic inclusion in the diet of products , useful for the brain, helps to prolong its youth and improve cognitive functions. They are necessary for all categories of people - children, adults and pensioners. If you properly approach the compilation of your diet, you can get rid of many problems and significantly improve the quality of life.

What foods are good for the brain and make it easier to remember information:

  1. Fatty fish. Representatives of marine life such as tuna, salmon and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds have a beneficial effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. It is more than half composed of fats, the structure of which is similar to omega-3. It is involved in the formation of nerve cells. The systematic use of this product is a good prevention of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. A deficiency of fatty acids provokes the appearance of depressive states;
  2. Coffee. It contains elements important for the brain - an antioxidant compound and caffeine. It produces several effects at once - increases attention and concentration, stabilizes the psycho-emotional background;
  3. Blueberries. They are a source of anthocyanins - compounds of plant origin that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They slow down the aging of brain cells and prevent the appearance of problems with the central nervous system. As a result of ongoing research, it turned out that these berries are able to fight even with short-term amnesia;
  4. Eggs. They contain many valuable elements, one of which is choline. It is necessary for the production of substances responsible for the stability of the psycho-emotional state and the improvement of memory. The highest concentration of this substance is in the yolk. Eggs are rich in B vitamins, which play an equally important role in maintaining health and delaying the onset of senile degradation;
  5. Green tea. In addition to caffeine, the drink is rich in antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Another valuable substance is L-theanine, an amino acid. It is involved in protein synthesis, the proper course of chemical processes and softens the effect of caffeine. The systematic use of green tea is a powerful prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease and brain disease;
  6. Pumpkin seeds. They contain a complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of this organ. Of particular importance is the unique combination of minerals. They are needed to control nerve impulses, maintain clarity of consciousness and prevent many ailments;
  7. Nuts. Experts have found that these products have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on brain activity. They are rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidant compounds and vitamin E. Walnuts also contain iron , iodine , copper and other valuable minerals;
  8. Cabbage. Useful properties of a vegetable largely depend on its variety. Brussels neutralizes free radicals, sea is a source of iodine, red is rich in antioxidant compounds, improves vascular elasticity;
  9. Dark chocolate. Cocoa beans are high in flavonoids and caffeine. They improve memory, attention and learning ability. In addition, a small piece of this sweetness improves mood;
  10. oranges. Citrus fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which has an antioxidant effect and protects brain cells from the adverse effects of free radicals.

These memory- and brain-healing foods only have a positive effect if consumed on a regular basis.

When and how to eat

The most useful foods necessary for the proper functioning of the brain should be included in the daily diet. The appearance of apathy, depressive states and a decrease in efficiency are the first symptoms that signal a lack of valuable substances in the body.

It is enough to eat 100 grams of fatty fish to speed up the reaction and improve blood flow. 5 walnuts - daily dose for a quick mind. One orange will cover the need for ascorbic acid. And the use of strong coffee is better to limit to 2-3 cups a day. Otherwise, depletion of nerve cells will occur and clarity of consciousness will disappear.

It is worth reducing the consumption of junk food. Food that kills the effect of useful products for the brain are convenience foods and fast food. They contain many chemical additives and adversely affect health. Excess salt leads to fluid retention in the body and increased pressure. And alcohol destroys brain and nerve cells.

A proper diet is the key to a strong memory and excellent intellectual abilities. In addition, one must not forget to observe the drinking regimen, because water is necessary for both the brain and other organs.

In simple and affordable ways, and today I propose to go through and disassemble products for memory.

The topic is very interesting and necessary.

So, what foods improve memory and attention and how to eat them correctly!

Products for memory and attention

Our brain, just like all our other organs, needs nutrition that will give it energy and strength for its effective work.

That is, we need our own, “special nourishment”, which will help us think clearly, clearly, have a good memory, and be able to quickly concentrate for the time that we need.

And also to be able to “grasp” information, as they say, “on the fly”, and be able to remember not only something important, but also those “little things” that, in fact, our Life consists of.

And to do this is quite simple, using those foods that will contribute to this in the best possible way.

Products for super-efficient brain function

  • Walnuts

Of all the existing types of nuts in the world, walnuts will be the MOST useful nuts for efficient brain function. It is not in vain that Nature herself created the nuclei of these nuts similar to the convolutions of our brain!

They contain a huge amount of B vitamins, and without vitamins of this group, our brain will never be able to super-fully work.

Another essential vitamin is vitamin E, which, due to its strength, is able to completely prevent the destruction of brain cells, and it simply does not give our memory any chance to deteriorate with age.

Five medium-sized nuts are enough for this. And it is desirable that they are young, this increases their effectiveness and benefits for our brain and body as a whole at times!

The opinion of nutritionists is fully confirmed by scientists who recommend eating walnuts every day in order to improve brain function, activate memory and significantly speed up all thought processes.

It has been proven by American scientists that walnuts can prevent brain aging and actively contribute to the removal of radioactive substances from the body, which also has a very positive effect on the good functioning of the brain and the good functioning of our entire body.

Walnuts are just a storehouse of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. They are able to strongly influence the production of serotonin, a special hormone that helps us fight depression, apathy, despondency and bad mood.

The only condition is that the nuts must be eaten raw and avoid those that have undergone any heat treatment, since in this case their benefits are “nullified”, and the fat contained in the nuts turns into the strongest carcinogen. And soak them before use for 8-12 hours. This is important to know.

  • Cocoa

These wonderful beans contain an antioxidant called flavanol.

It is able to significantly improve cerebral circulation and protect the brain from destructive oxidative processes, which, if not prevented, can lead a person to such a rather dangerous disease as Alzheimer's disease - a terrible disease that occurs due to degeneration of nerve cells in the brain and is accompanied by a strong decrease in human intellect.

How to avoid it? What do doctors and nutritionists advise?

It is necessary to drink only one large cup of cocoa per day. This is especially recommended for the elderly, but you should start enjoying this drink as early as possible, from 35-40 years old.

This will help to significantly improve brain function, as well as prevent the occurrence of sclerosis in the future.

In addition to all this, sweet hot chocolate prepared according to all the rules from high-quality, contains a special substance - anandamide, which creates in us a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction with our lives, as it helps to produce dopamine - a special hormone that is responsible for our good mood, regardless of life circumstances!

  • Ginseng

Do not get carried away with coffee and tea in order to improve the "performance" of our brain.

Ginseng tincture will perfectly cope with this task, which only a few drops are enough to “stimulate” our brain well without any bad consequences for it.

What's more, the effects of ginseng last significantly longer than the effects of caffeine and tannin found in coffee and tea drinks.

But do not abuse this drug, just a couple of drops in a glass of water is enough. It is recommended to drink the tincture in the morning and the second time in the afternoon.

  • Sage and rosemary

These spicy aromatic herbs contain a lot of powerful antioxidants.

Rosemary and sage help to improve cerebral circulation, perfectly expand the vessels of the brain, enrich our blood with oxygen and, as a result, can significantly improve the "performance" of our memory.

The latest scientific research proves that even just SMELL and rosemary can increase the efficiency of the brain and contribute to excellent memorization of information!

How to use?

Generously season your dishes with these herbs, brew and drink tea from flowers and leaves. For this purpose, both fresh herbs and dried herbs are perfect.

The effectiveness of these herbs for good brain function has recently aroused the strongest interest of scientists, therefore, most likely, the world is waiting for a wonderful scientific discovery in the near future: scientists are currently working on the creation of a new drug based on these herbs, which will be designed to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease !

  • A fish

Fish is very rich in iodine contained in its composition, which greatly improves the clarity and clarity of our thought process.

It is enough to eat just a piece of fatty fish, weighing 100 grams, at least a couple of times a week, and the risk of disrupting the brain will simply be reduced to “zero”, but your reaction speed and level of concentration will increase significantly!

  • Blueberries a

A wonderful and very useful berry, which is useful, as it turns out, not only for good vision. It is "declared" by scientists as practically the ONLY berry, which is almost the MOST rich source of the strongest antioxidants - anthocyanins.

They are able to powerfully protect our brain from any diseases that “wait” for a person with age.

It has been proven that if blueberries are regularly present in a person’s diet, then the brain is always in excellent “tone”, it is active, able to remember a lot, memorize large amounts of information for a long time and qualitatively.

The chemical compounds present in (vitamins, minerals, etc.) significantly improve the elasticity of the walls of our blood vessels, and have a wonderful effect on blood pressure being always normal.

What's more, blueberries help to cope with such disorders as poor coordination and loss of normal balance, which is very often true for the elderly and people who have received brain injuries. It can even cure temporary memory loss (amnesia) of a person who has suffered a brain injury!

  • How to use this berry?

It can be eaten raw, dried (in the form of tea, compotes), you can make blueberry jam, you can use it in the form of an extract.

If you use blueberries in the form of jam, then it is best not to cook it WITHOUT adding sugar, harvesting it in healthier ways.

The first option: grind the washed berries in a meat grinder or blender, boil for five minutes, put in sterilized jars and roll up.

The second option: grind the blueberries, add honey (the proportion is “one to one”), mix thoroughly, arrange in jars, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

  • Olive oil

Olive oil is a wonderful source of a huge amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very necessary and important for good brain function.

It has been repeatedly confirmed that all the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries, where the highest consumption of olive oil in the world, are less prone to various brain disorders that “wait” for every person in old age.

It is able to maintain normal cholesterol levels, lower it (if there is an excess of it in the body) and keep blood vessels elastic and healthy for many years.

  • Tomatoes

An ideal and powerful source of lycopene - the strongest antioxidant that rids the cells of the brain and other organs of the body from free radicals that damage them and lead a person to dementia.

The use contributes to the production of a special hormone - melatonin, which is called the "hormone of youth" and contributes, among other things, to the fact that it powerfully inhibits the aging of all brain cells.

And flavonoids, which are contained in the pulp of a tomato, which is located directly next to its seeds, are able to perfectly cope with the development of cardiovascular problems.

And even prevent such a formidable disease as myocardial infarction.

  • Black currant

You need to know that blackcurrant is a powerful source of vitamin C, a kind of “champion” in this important vitamin, which is able to quickly and many times more effectively than other vitamins improve the “aliveness” of our mind.

Scientists from New Zealand have proven that the components found in the peel of blackcurrant powerfully prevent the development of such a terrible disease as Alzheimer's disease.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli cabbage is important for brain function, first of all, because it is an excellent source of vitamin K, which can increase the productivity of our brain several times over.

In principle, all types of cabbage are important for good brain function - both white cabbage and Brussels sprouts. And broccoli, and kohlrabi, as well as cauliflower and red cabbage.

It has been proven that Brussels sprouts can significantly increase the ability to concentrate and not be distracted from an important process.

  • Pumpkin seeds

The most important mineral in these is zinc, which can significantly improve the process of remembering information, as well as increase intelligence.

How many pumpkin seeds do you need to eat for good brain function?

For this, no more than 50-70 grams is enough. An important condition: in order to get the necessary benefits, the seeds must be exactly RAW, just as in the case of walnuts.

  • Spinach

(by the way, like other fresh greens), perfectly "charges" our memory with energy, increases the level of attention and prevents all "failures" in the nervous system,

which are caused by stress and aging of the body, protects all brain cells from destruction.

The norm per day is at least one or two large bunches of spinach or other fresh herbs.

Memory Products - Video

Be sure to include these foods in your daily diet.

This will perfectly strengthen your memory, and contribute to the most powerful protection and prevention from various diseases of the naked brain!

What memory foods do you eat?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!
