Which improves digestion. Tablets to improve digestion and metabolism

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Digestion is life important process the vital activity of the organism, it includes the mechanical and chemical processing of food. Proper digestion consists of the following steps:

  • Digestion of food;
  • Absorption and assimilation of nutrients;
  • Removal of toxins from the body, decay products.

Daily regime

A regimen is a daily eating routine that takes into account the calorie content of foods and the frequency of meals. The most optimal mode is fractional, frequent meals, 4-6 times a day. In this case, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed.

Subject to this routine, metabolic processes improve, metabolism accelerates, all digestive organs function normally throughout the day.

With frequent meals, it is important to make portions with the same calorie content., in this case, the body will evenly receive all the necessary nutrients without load. The intervals between meals should also be the same.

Subject to the correct regimen, after 29 days, a person’s general condition and mood improve, some diseases (colitis, enteritis) recede. There is a cleansing of the body from the waste products of microorganisms, toxic substances.

To improve digestion, you need to follow these tips:

  • It is important to carefully, slowly chew incoming food. Prolonged chewing releases a large number of saliva that wets the food bolus. Otherwise, large particles of food, getting into the intestines, begin to rot, cause fermentation, the growth of opportunistic (bad) microflora occurs;
  • After a meal, you need to rest for 10 minutes and only after that start vigorous activity, then there will be a surge of energy;
  • Drink a glass of boiled water 30 minutes before meals and after waking up.;
  • You need to eat only when a healthy feeling of hunger appears, you should not constantly chew something;
  • Eat large amounts of fiber, which helps to eliminate decay products, improves intestinal motility (contraction);
  • Regulate the intake of fast carbohydrates (sweets, sugar): under the influence of saliva, carbohydrates are already transformed into fats in the oral cavity;
  • Eat small meals(no more than 250 gr.), so that the stomach does not stretch, and the feeling of fullness appears faster;
  • Drink herbal teas;
  • New foods should be introduced gradually and in small portions;
  • Observe the rule of separate meals;
  • Indigestible foods (meat, fish) should be eaten at lunch: if you do this in the evening, the digestive tract is overloaded;
  • Maintaining normal intestinal microflora: for this you need to use lactic acid products, specialized pharmaceutical products;
  • You can't overeat: the stomach should remain 1/3 empty, 15–20 minutes after eating a meal, a feeling of satiety will come;
  • Eating should be carried out in a calm atmosphere, without talking, for at least 20 minutes. If there is pain, malaise, emotional overstrain, it is better to postpone the meal. Eat in a sitting position to relax the digestive tract;
  • Cleansing the liver 1-2 times a year, preferably in spring and summer;
  • If there are no serious digestive pathologies, spices, onions, garlic, mustard should be included in the diet: they contribute to the production of bile, pancreatic and gastric juice. Use spices (ginger, coriander, cumin): they facilitate the absorption of mushrooms and meat food;
  • Moderate physical activity 1-2 hours before a meal will warm up the body, activates the action of digestive enzymes, and normalizes intestinal motility. In addition, the delivery of nutrients to cells and tissues improves, waste products are removed;
  • Follow the rules of cooking, give preference to cooking on water, steam, bake or stew. Fry with a minimum amount of fat, which is desirable to add fresh to ready meals;
  • After a meal, you need to stay 1.5–2 hours in an upright position so that the air bubble of the stomach is located in its upper part;
  • Exclude from the diet too cold and too hot dishes, as they irritate the walls of the esophagus, reduce the intensity of digestion. Digestive enzymes begin their work when the food bolus is at body temperature;
  • Eat only freshly prepared meals, fresh vegetables, fruits.

Right products

To normalize digestion, the following foods should be present in the diet:

Taste palette

Proper nutrition should consist of the entire taste palette:

  • acidic foods- normalize metabolism, stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • bitter- contribute to the removal of excess fluid, prevent pastosity (swelling) of tissues;
  • Sweets- increase appetite, cheer up, relax the body;
  • Acute- provide energy, improve overall well-being.

Diets and fasting days

Unloading days and diets allow the body, the digestive tract to relax, remove toxins (self-purification process), renew cells, and normalize excretory processes. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fats, introduce vegetables, fruits, nuts into the diet, which enrich the body with vitamins and organic substances.

Diet to improve digestion eliminates the intake of the following products:

  • Fatty meat, broths;
  • Fried, smoked, salted, marinated dishes;
  • Legumes, cabbage, grapes;
  • Pasta;
  • Muffin, freshly baked bread;
  • Sausages, semi-finished products, cheese;
  • Canned food;
  • Confectionery;
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • Coffee, juices.

Allowed products:

  • Vegetarian soups;
  • Porridge, cereals;
  • Vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs;
  • Lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • lactic acid products;
  • Olive, butter, vegetable oil;
  • Dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs);
  • Herbal, green tea, wild rose decoction.

Unloading days can be carried out every 7-10 days, it is important to drink 8 glasses of pure water a day, start the day with lemon-honey water (put 2 cups of lemon and 1 teaspoon of honey in a mug of water at night).

Fasting days contribute to the renewal of the intestinal epithelium, the integrity of the digestive wall, improve the hormonal system of organs and the delivery of nutrients, and activate intracellular digestion.

Recipes for a fasting day:

  • Creative day. For 100 gr. cottage cheese, take 1-2 teaspoons of food wheat bran, eat the entire portion in 4 approaches. For breakfast and dinner, additionally drink a mug of kefir or rosehip broth;
  • 150 gr. boil unpolished rice in water without salt, divide into 3 portions. For breakfast, rice can be supplemented with cinnamon, for lunch - grated green apple, for dinner, eat raw small carrots;
  • Take 100 gr. raw and boiled carrots, boiled beets, grate on a fine grater, add 50 gr. green onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of green peas, 1 clove of crushed garlic. Shuffle with 1 pickled cucumber, fill all 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil, pour lemon juice, consume throughout the day.

After the fasting day has been spent, it is important to eat at least 5 times a day in minimum portions, while the food should be varied.


vitamins play big role in the process of digestion, they are involved in the digestion of protein foods, metabolic processes.

The digestive tract needs B vitamins(in particular, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), as well as vitamins C and A. Vitamins are absorbed much better when they enter the body in their natural form with food than in tablet form.

B vitamins are found in the following foods:

  • legumes;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Oats, barley;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Nuts;
  • Cauliflower, broccoli.

Sample one day menu

In order to avoid problems with digestion, you can eat according to the following scheme:

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal;
  2. Lunch. A bunch of greens, a small piece of whole grain bread, tea with milk;
  3. Dinner. Vegetarian soup, boiled veal, stewed vegetables, green tea;
  4. afternoon tea. Baked apple, a glass of kefir;
  5. Dinner. Mashed potatoes, steamed fish cake, rosehip broth.

Between meals, it is allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened compote, fruit drinks, non-acidic natural juice.

Subject to the above rules, there will be a quick recovery of the intestines., the general condition of the skin, nails will improve, the psycho-emotional state will normalize.

Against the background of diseases or individual characteristics, due to age or a sedentary lifestyle human system digestion often does not work properly.

You can understand this by discomfort and even pain in the stomach, which should be studied by a doctor. But after that, you can resort to folk remedies that will tell you how to improve digestion.

There are quite a few ways: this is the use of special enzymes, and super healthy foods, accelerating the digestion process, and special herbs on the verge of traditional medicine and useful supplements.

But in any case, all this should be taken only after consultation with the doctor, since concomitant diseases can become a serious contraindication.

Pineapples, for example, are considered good for digestion, but with gastritis, bromelain, which is part of them, can worsen the situation.

Enzyme preparations are medicines that consist of enzymes to improve digestion..

They are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Medications are prescribed during exacerbations and failures associated with the production of natural components.

There are 2 types of drug referrals:

  1. Enzymes that reduce pain and discomfort such as heaviness, swelling.
  2. Components that improve the functioning of the pancreas in exocrine insufficiency.

Enzymes can be used not only for various diseases stomach after consultation with the doctor, but also in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Several other classification methods can be identified - according to the principle of the action of enzymes. However, their use is strongly discouraged without the advice of a doctor.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Preparations based on pepsin, which provides the process of fermentation and digestion. Compensates for its own enzymes of the mucous membrane, is prescribed for poor digestion of proteins.

This group of drugs includes: "Abomin", "Pepsidal", "Pepsin", "Acidin-pepsin".

Designed to break down complex sugars, support correct work pancreas: Festal, Enzistal, Panzinorm.

After application of the secretion of the gallbladder and pancreas, intestinal motility is markedly improved.

The fiber included in the composition gently stimulates peristalsis. The flatulence is gone.

Preparations for the pancreas

They consist of pancreatin - the main enzyme for lightning-fast support of the digestive process. Additionally, there is trypsin, lipase and amylase: "Creon", "Mezim", "Pancreatin", "Penzital".

Special substances with protein enzymes in the composition. Accelerate the course of all reactions in the body, including metabolism.

Some products supply these enzymes to our body, but due to various reasons, enzymes must be taken separately to improve digestion: Pepfiz, Oraza, Solism, Festal, Unienzym.

Tablets with disaccharidases

This group of drugs includes medicines with beta-galactidase enzymes. They are necessary for the breakdown of lactose disaccharides: Lactade, Kerulak, Lactase.

One tablet in improving digestion is not enough. It is very important to start eating right, not only by eating the most useful foods to improve digestion, but also by following some specific recommendations.

In order to improve digestive processes, you should follow special diet rules:

If you want to make the right diet, rich in vitamins and natural enzymes, then the diet should not include fatty soups, fried, smoked and pickled.

There should be no grapes, cabbage, legumes, except for lentils. Any semi-finished products, canned food and sweets will also be banned, as well as coffee, cheese and soda.

Before using any of the products discussed below, you should enlist the support of a doctor. Of course, if there are no diseases, but you want to remove some discomfort or cleanse the body, then all of them can be consumed in moderation:

Regular inclusion in your diet in reasonable quantities of these products will help normalize digestion, remove discomfort, and in a few weeks you will be able to feel a surge of strength and lightness.

You can also make various smoothies! The main thing is not to get carried away. Look, because there are all the ingredients for this: you can add 1 glass of kefir with a banana and an apple, drink instead of 1 of the meals.

1 banana goes well with 1.5 cups of fresh pineapple, supplemented with ginger.

Any berry smoothie will improve the digestion process, fill you with strength and cleanse the body due to the content of antioxidants. Add lemon and cinnamon to green tea, as well as cayenne pepper on the tip of a knife, and you have a wonderful cocktail to stimulate digestion.

An important rule: do not drink more than 2 glasses of this drink per day.

After eating, you can do special exercises to improve digestion. It should be done 1.5-2 hours after eating:

You should start classes with 10-15 seconds of holding, gradually increasing the pace.

You can improve digestion and folk remedies such as herbs and oils. Sea buckthorn oil is very beneficial for the health of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It can be taken even with gastritis and ulcers.

It will be of no less use Walnut mixed with honey. It is enough to take the components in equal parts, take 1-2 tbsp. l. before every meal.

You can prepare other medicines aimed at improving peristalsis:

  1. Aloe and wine. For 2 parts of Cahors or other red wine, take 2 parts of honey and 1 part of aloe. The stems need to be ground, combined with other components and mixed well. Take 1 tbsp. l. one hour before meals.
  2. Celery for digestion. Take the root, wash it and grind it. For 2 st. l. 1 liter of water is required. Leave overnight, then filter and take 30 ml 1 time per day.

Useful for improving digestion and bowel function, herbs that replace plain tea. Brewed either according to the instructions on the package, or to taste, but not less than 1 tsp. on a mug.

The most useful herbal ingredients for digestion are lemon balm, viburnum bark, peppermint, fennel, dill and licorice.

However, before using them, you need to find out all the contraindications, because natural products against the background of a super powerful effect can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is necessary to act when stimulating the processes of digestion in several directions: select a special diet, take medicines with a doctor's prescription, and also use folk recipes.

Together, these comprehensive measures will help restore the normal process of assimilation and breakdown of nutrients, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

Only a few now can boast of a perfectly functioning gastrointestinal tract. Not proper nutrition, an abundance of harmful products with palm oil, added sugar, fast food and snacks at night - all this harms the stomach and intestines. Each time taking pills is a little more useful, so those who are faced with a problem are wondering how to improve digestion without drugs, using simple methods? And this is quite possible.

Causes of Digestive Problems

Man belongs to the omnivorous "animals", if you use the biological classification. However, it has historically developed that the daily diet of the majority of the world's population was vegetables, fruits, and cereals. The specific menu depended on the region, so bananas are more familiar to the inhabitants of Africa, and root crops are more familiar to us, but the ancestors of Africans and our meat were not consumed so often. The same applies to other products common in our century.

Modern man is faced with the need to improve digestion for the following reasons:

  1. An abundance of meat products. Moreover, this “meat” has nothing to do with a good steak or a piece of chicken. Dubious cutlets from not too fresh minced meat, burgers, sausages, sausages - all this is digested with difficulty, gastric juice can not cope, heartburn appears.
  2. Too much simple sugars. Sugar causes fermentation - anyone who has been involved in, for example, home winemaking knows this. Similar processes take place in the body. If you eat too much of this product, bloating and flatulence appear.
  3. Lack of complex sugars, fiber. Both are found in whole grain cereals, but we prefer to eat cereal or instant porridge. The lack of complex sugars causes a quick return of hunger, and fiber causes digestive problems: constipation and heaviness in the stomach.
  4. Rapid absorption of food. Digestion begins with saliva processing. Many, having breakfast at a laptop monitor, lunch during business negotiations and dinner in front of the TV, skip this important process.

Fixing everything at once is difficult, you will have to change your lifestyle entirely. The option is wonderful, but you can strive for ideals endlessly. It is not difficult to improve digestion right “on the spot” of the problem, without waiting for a complete transition to healthy lifestyle food and life.

Foods that improve digestion

A careful approach to the menu helps not only improve digestion, but also complexion, general well-being, get rid of chronic fatigue, headaches. To achieve this effect, you should choose the food that removes toxins from the body. Then even if you sometimes eat a hamburger, a cake or drink a mug of beer, the negative consequences for the body will be less pronounced.

You can improve your digestion with the following foods:

Surely you have seen advertisements for dietary supplements and "miracle" drugs. Whether they help or not is a separate question, but all the positive effects can be achieved simply by adding foods that improve digestion from the list above to your diet. It's much more useful - and cheaper.

Exercises to improve digestion

A sedentary lifestyle is recognized by doctors as one of the causes of chronic constipation, bloating, flatulence, heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems. The recommended exercises have nothing to do with a serious load, even the elderly or pregnant will be able to do it.

  1. "Bike". Raise your legs and try to "pedal". If it's hard to keep at a right angle, lift as far as you can.
  2. Stand up straight, stretch your arms at the seams. Draw in and stick out the stomach seven to ten times.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your right arm and leg alternately, then vice versa. Repeat ten to fifteen times. Helps improve digestion, get rid of an attack of heartburn.
  4. Inhale deeply, hold your breath, exhale. This will help against bloating, hiccups, and low stomach acid.

Additionally, you can do a massage by running your palm over your stomach in a clockwise direction. This is the safest aid to the gastrointestinal tract, shown even to infants with colic.

How to improve digestion folk remedies?

Despite the fact that problems with the digestive system are a scourge modern man, knew similar ailments before. Alternative methods help to effectively, safely cope with unwanted "behavior" of the gastrointestinal tract, and also contribute to the prevention of more serious conditions.

Remember that you can resort to unconventional methods only after visiting a doctor and after you make sure that there are no serious pathologies.

1. Potato broth

This recipe is recommended for gastritis, heartburn, gastric and duodenal ulcers. You need to take a large raw potato, peel it, wash it. Boil until soft. Decoction drink half a cup before meals. Starch coats the mucous membrane, reduces the effects of acid, alleviates pain and promotes scarring of ulcers.

2. Anise seeds

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of anise seeds.
  2. Pour in 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Fifteen minutes, keep the broth in a steam bath.
  4. Put in heat for an hour, you can pour into a thermos.

Drink the finished product three to four times a day for a third of a glass, in a warm form. Course up to a month.

3. Cabbage juice

Helps with constipation and colic. Place fresh, preferably young cabbage in a juicer, drink the resulting juice half a glass before meals. The recipe is not recommended for gastritis, because cabbage provokes the release of gastric juice.

4. Eggshell

This remedy will save you from heartburn and prevent its return. It is necessary to boil three or four hard-boiled eggs, remove the shell, crush it to a state of powder. Take half a teaspoon three times a day.

5. Chewing gum

Not quite folk and certainly not a remedy, but emergency help for stomach discomfort after a quick snack on heavy food. Chewing movements increase the production of gastric juice, due to which the activity digestive system intensifies and the heaviness in the abdomen goes away.

Discomfort at any stage of the passage of food through the digestive tract is a reason to pay attention to your health. Single heartburn or discomfort in the epigastric region can be removed by these means. However, if they do not help, there is acute pain, severe nausea, vomiting, consult a gastroenterologist.

Hello everyone, dear friends!

During New Year holidays, we slowly moved from one festive table to another. The abundance of tasty, but unhealthy food made us break the diet and forget about regular workouts for a while.

Naturally, there are exceptions to the general mass of people - avid athletes have already started visiting gyms on January 1st.

However, for the most part, we lack willpower to refuse, in the presence of cheerful friends or close relatives, the famous Olivier with mayonnaise or a glass “for world peace”. Ironic, isn't it? ?

It is not surprising that in the morning many stomachs hurt, heartburn torments us, and bloating and regular gas formation put us in an awkward situation.

What to do with it? I propose today to identify products to improve digestion, the presence of which at the festive table will be the key to “good morning” for the whole family.

First of all, I note that in order to restore the full and uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal system, it is not necessary to adhere to strict dietary methods. The food entering the body must necessarily contain a high concentration of fiber, amino acids and antioxidants.

In order to rationally compose a menu, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material of the article previously posted on the web pages of our blog on the transition to proper nutrition. You still have to exclude some foods from the diet, so the list of harmful foods will also have to be carefully studied.

Summarizing the rules that will need to be followed, you can make a set of recommendations for improving the functioning of the digestive tract:

Guys, you can follow these rules at any age, so my recommendations are optimal for both children and adults. Naturally, parents must be involved in updating the child's diet, who, due to life experience and a rational approach, will be able to make a menu without harm to health.

During pregnancy, all changes in daily nutrition future mother must be agreed with the attending physician, who is able to take into account the anatomical features of the person and the fetus developing inside.

Helpful advice from Start-health: “To avoid taking pills for heartburn and bloating, eat apples, bananas, licorice, kale juice, lemon balm and cumin tea - excellent laxatives, devoid of chemical additives.”

Top 20 Foods That Improve Digestion

Friends, finally, we have approached the moment of getting acquainted with food that has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Having studied various variations of food combinations on the Internet, I offer the most complete and effective list of 20 products that improve the functioning of the digestive tract:

Name Benefit
1. Whole grain bakery products

varieties of coarse grinding help to reduce blood cholesterol and cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and other food waste.

2. Wheat bran and cereals

the high level of fiber present in the composition of the food determines the rapid absorption of food, saturating the body with nutrients.

3. Lentils and "representatives" legume family

the presence in the structure of such products of a large amount of iron and zinc ensures the accumulation of toxins that are promptly excreted from the body ( overuse fraught with bloating and gas formation).

4. Flax seeds
5. Ginger root

A "storehouse" of amino acids that cleanse the gastrointestinal system from food waste (excessive presence of such a product in the diet can cause heartburn).

6. Berries

rich in antioxidants that help remove toxins and toxins from the body that impair the functioning of the digestive tract.

7. Dried fruits

the presence of fiber in figs, prunes or dried apricots has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the process of digestion.

8. nuts
9. Honey

A "treasury" of manganese and iron, which help to improve overall well-being, normalize the digestive tract, and have antibacterial properties.

10. Sauerkraut

natural prebiotic, in which there is a high concentration of iodine and other useful mineral formations.

11. Carrot

pigment microelements contained in such a product ensure the process of detoxification in the body.

12. Onion

an effective prophylactic for oncological diseases, a product that lowers blood cholesterol levels, and a powerful antioxidant that removes harmful substances and food waste from the gastrointestinal tract.

13. Tomatoes

Vegetables in demand in alternative medicine, which contain a large amount of fiber, which improves the functioning of the esophagus and cleanses the body; prevent diseases of the prostate and colon.

14. Avocado

tropical fruit, with which you can prevent the appearance in the body of chronic and temporary diseases associated with the gastrointestinal system; enhancer of peristaltic processes and an excellent remedy for constipation.

15. Pear

rich in fructose, fiber and other useful trace elements, has strengthening properties, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and becomes indispensable for diseases of the intestinal mucosa.

16. Banana

contains in the structural composition a large amount of fiber and fructooligosaccharides, which contribute to the acceleration of the growth of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

17. An Apple

saturated with heteropolysaccharide (pectin), which is involved in the creation of biological processes that allow you to quickly digest food entering the stomach.

18. Dairy products

acids present in the structure of such food ensure the smooth functioning of the intestines, creating a favorable microflora inside the esophagus.

19. Egg

A "storehouse" of polypeptides that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the metabolic process.

20. spicy spices

irritate the intestinal mucosa, accelerating metabolism and the accompanying processes of digestion of food in the body.

It should be noted that most of the above products belong to the budget segment of the market, so anyone can include such food in their diet. Given the list presented, it is quite simple to create a menu, while not forgetting about personal taste preferences in food.

The main thing is that daily among the dishes "meet" foods high in fiber and antioxidants.

Useful advice from Start-health: “If you suffer from constipation, then traditional medicine becomes indispensable in this situation. Grind 300 grams of prunes, dried apricots and figs in a mixer, adding 50 ml of agave juice and 300 ml of thick honey to the resulting consistency.

Thoroughly mix the "miraculous" mass and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Guys, already after a day you can evaluate the effectiveness of such a tool.

Today we have managed to identify not only healthy, but also tasty foods that improve the functioning of the digestive tract. From the presented food, you can cook various dishes that your guests and household will definitely appreciate. ?

Delight your loved ones with an avocado and tomato salad, adding flaxseeds and dressing your food with olive oil. Make a vegetable stew with spicy spices on the festive table or surprise those present with an egg and onion pie made from wholemeal flour. Tempting?

The opinion of our readers, who are the most objective "judges" - is especially valuable to us!

All the best to you, friends! See you soon!

Eating right seems impossible for most of us - we are so busy with important things: work, study, career that we usually don’t have enough time to buy normal foods and cook them properly, and many even have the desire. However, later, when the pain in the stomach becomes unbearable, belching or heartburn torments, and the intestines do not want to work, we rush to the doctors for help, expecting that they will save us from problems, and everything will be as before.

Meanwhile, the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract(GIT) is not an easy and fast business - this is what any gastroenterologist will tell you. Therefore, in parallel with drug treatment and various procedures, doctors necessarily prescribe therapeutic nutrition, which includes certain types of foods and methods of cooking to improve digestion.

Each specialist prescribes an individual diet to the patient, but the basic principles of dietary and proper nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are very similar: after all, if the stomach hurts, then the intestines will not work well; if the liver does not work well, then the stomach will also ache, etc. So proper nutrition is inevitable in any case. Why, then, bring your body to the disease, if you can just start eating right and not wait. when the doctor prescribes a strict forced diet.

We decided to write an article about products that improve and are useful for digestion. Read, dear, and eat right. This is your health and you need to take care of it every day.

Preparing foods for digestion

Most better ways cooking products to improve digestion - this is cooking - in water or steaming, stewing and baking.

If you're cooking in a pan, choose Teflon-coated pans so you can cook without fat. The gastric mucosa in this case will not be irritated, and fats can be added to ready meals - in the form of fresh oil, vegetable or butter.

You can prepare sauces using cereal or weak vegetable broth; Bechamel sauce is also good.

Food should not be too hot or too cold, it should be cooked but not overcooked. Stews and baked dishes should also be fully cooked, but always soft. And of course, the food should be tasty, but at the same time it is necessary to use the minimum amount of salt, spices and spices.

Let us consider in more detail the methods of preparing various foods and dishes recommended by nutritionists for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to improve digestion.

Soups should be seasoned not with fat sauteing, but with flour slightly dried in a pan. In ready-made soups and sauces, put a little fresh oil. Mucous soups, puree soups will not mechanically irritate the stomach and intestines; in soups with chopped products, instead of browned vegetables, you should put slightly stewed carrots and white roots.

For proper digestion, fish and meat should be boiled in water, steamed, baked and fried in a Teflon pan. It is better to buy low-fat fish, fresh and frozen - silver carp, carp, pike perch, cod fillet; young meat - rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef. From fats, you can use butter - butter and vegetable, and it is better to cook sauces without flour.

Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed: it is better to stew them in their own juice, and add oil when serving. From raw and boiled vegetables, you can cook delicious salads and vinaigrettes that are good for digestion; tomatoes should only be eaten raw, dressing the salad with them with lemon juice, if the acidity of the stomach is not increased.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients usually tolerate dairy products well. You can add milk to tea or porridge, but some are more suitable for fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus. In case of gastric ulcer, in any case, especially if acidity is increased, it is necessary to consume milk and cream, low-fat and semi-fat cottage cheese: you can cook dumplings, puddings, casseroles from it.

Cereal dishes are also useful for improving digestion: cereals, soups, casseroles; you can cook pilaf, krupenik, charlotte. If the inflammatory process aggravates, or diarrhea begins, then you need to eat rice and oat broths in water, without milk and fat - it is advisable to wipe them through a sieve, and add quite a bit of salt.

Compotes should be prepared from non-acidic fruits and berries; you can also eat them fresh, cook jelly and jelly.

You can season dishes with spices, but those that do not irritate the stomach are cumin, Bay leaf, dill, parsley. With exacerbation of gastritis, not cumin itself is added to dishes, but its decoction. If you eat cottage cheese with cumin, then pour boiling water over the spice before adding it to the dish.

What foods should you eat?

Which foods should be used more often to prepare dishes to improve digestion?

Mucous soups are prepared from cereals: oatmeal, rice; pureed - from potatoes, cabbage, carrots, celery; puree soups - from vegetables (pumpkin, cauliflower, zucchini, etc.) and meat, boiled in advance. Meat soups are prepared with fat-free broth - for example, with chicken giblets.

Meat to improve digestion

What meat to choose and how it is useful to cook it?

Veal - boil, stew with vegetables, cook minced meat from it and add to dishes; very tasty natural veal schnitzels, stews, casseroles and puddings.
Cutlets, soufflé, beef stroganoff, meat puree are prepared from beef; eat it boiled or baked after boiling; rubbed, chopped, steamed.
Pork for cooking is chosen young and lean; you can eat low-fat and unsalted pork ham.
Low-fat poultry meat is suitable: turkey and chicken, boiled, baked or stewed.
As for fish, it is good to bake it in foil: fillet sea ​​fish, zander, low-fat carp and carp. Fish can also be stewed, boiled, steamed - including in the form of steam cutlets.

Sauces should be prepared vegetable, sour cream, milk, but without sautéing flour - for example, bechamel, as well as sweet sauces with fruit.

Foods such as boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled rice and pasta are great for garnishing. From vegetables to improve digestion, in addition to those already mentioned, you can take beets, green peas, fresh cucumbers.

Of the fruits, apples and apricots are most preferable: compotes and jelly are cooked from them, baked and jams are prepared - the grains are removed.

Sweet dishes should not be too sweet and fatty: you can cook mousses, creams, casseroles, cereals, puddings and buns, adding dried fruits, sour cream, cereals, cottage cheese to them.

Of the drinks, rosehip broth and fresh vegetable juices are good.

Improving digestion with honey

If we talk about treatment with products, then the most famous remedy has always been honey: in folk medicine it is called "the best friend of the stomach". The process of digestion in the intestines is also accelerated by the use of honey - due to the content of iron and manganese in it, which contribute to better absorption of food, therefore honey is often prescribed for constipation.

Taking honey with water for 2 months helps relieve gastritis with high acidity. Take 3 times a day 2 hours before meals, dissolving 1 tbsp. honey in a glass of water. If the acidity is low, then you need to do the same, but immediately before eating. The duration of the course is the same.

A mixture of walnuts with honey (100 g per day) improves the functioning of the stomach and liver. It is necessary to eat the mixture in 3-4 doses.

Sea buckthorn oil is also a food product, although it is often used as a medicine - because it really heals wounds and ulcers. With a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, sea buckthorn oil is taken for 3-4 weeks, 1 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

With gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea, a decoction of barley helps: grains (50 g) are poured with boiled water (0.5 l), infused for about 6 hours and boiled for 10 minutes. Then insist for another 30 minutes, filter and drink - ¾ cup 3-4 times a day.

Healthy Recipes

And now briefly about products that improve digestion and recipes with them.

A product useful for digestion is beets - raw or boiled, if you eat it on an empty stomach, every day only 100-150 g, as well as apples - you need to eat them 2 per day (or at least one, but on an empty stomach, in the morning ).

Many foods that improve digestion help regulate stools. A decoction of rice or dried pears helps with diarrhea; for constipation, you need to take an onion tincture: chop the onion, put it in a 0.5-liter bottle so that it is 2/3 filled, and pour vodka. Infuse for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Take 10 drops before dinner.

Pumpkin pulp mixed with honey improves digestion and relieves constipation. With colitis with insufficient bowel movement, millet and pumpkin pulp porridge cooked with honey is very useful: it not only improves bowel function, but also has a mild diuretic effect.

Strawberry juice regulates the liver, if you drink it on an empty stomach - you can just eat a handful of berries.

How to eat right?

Everyone knows that diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, as well as the need to eat right.

  • Drink water or juice should be no later than 20 minutes before eating. After eating, it is advisable not to drink for 2 hours, or at least as much time as you can.
  • It is also not difficult to observe the principles of food compatibility - there is enough information about this today.
  • Refined and thermally processed foods are not the best solution for those who want to maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • You should not leave food "for later" so that you can warm it up - you need to eat only freshly prepared food.
  • Can't eat long time monotonous food, or the same product - this also applies to lovers of mono-diets.
  • Without restrictions, you can eat vegetables, yogurt, drink vegetable juices. Potatoes, cabbage and beets will help to provide the body with vitamins, proteins and fiber.

Observations show that with the use of certain foods that are useful for digestion, recovery occurs faster, and the number of recovered is 15-20% more than with conventional drug treatment.

Treatment with honey is especially effective: it not only significantly reduces the period of exacerbation and improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, but also strengthens the entire body.

In people treated with honey, there was an improvement in the composition of the blood, a decrease in nervous excitability; the level of acidity of gastric juice also returns to normal much faster, and the general condition becomes calm and cheerful.

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