Actors who studied poorly. Loser at school - the king in life: how Hollywood stars studied

If a child has low grades in school, then he has every chance of becoming great! Agree, it sounds strange. But centuries-old history confirms that bad grades do not always become harbingers of an unsuccessful future. We know at least 15 great losers who have become known to the whole world thanks to their unique talents. We are not suggesting that you treat your children's education with indifference, but only a reminder that failure in a subject does not mean that your child will not succeed in the future. So, we dare to use well-known losers as an example - we read, we are surprised, we remember!

Napoleon Bonaparte

When they talk about this brilliant commander, everyone remembers his significant ambitions, incommensurable with his small stature. But few people know that Napoleon was one of the worst students in his studies and loved only mathematics. But this was enough to achieve brilliant victories and reach one of the most crushing defeats in the world. One conclusion can be drawn: to be a good strategist, it is enough to know mathematics.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven is one of the most performed composers in the world. In writing music, he still has no equal. It is known that a musical education was instilled in him in childhood - from an early age he studied playing the organ, violin and harpsichord. But with studies were serious problems Ludwig was completely out of whack with math and writing. His story reminds us that people who are talented in one area often fail in other areas. And really, why does a musician need mathematics?...

Alexander Pushkin

Many people know that the famous Russian poet was a loser. Pushkin's biography has been studied very carefully, including the period of study at the gymnasium. Young Alexander knew absolutely nothing about mathematics and constantly received deuces in this subject. However, this did not prevent him from becoming the best in writing and making his name a symbol of classical Russian literature. Perhaps it is precisely because of such facts of the biographies of famous personalities that it is commonly believed that humanities simply are not destined to understand mathematics.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

We remember Mayakovsky's poems from childhood. Already at the age of 11, a boy with a rebel nature got into a revolutionary circle, abandoned his lessons and dropped out of school in the 5th grade. The time that he stayed at school was not easy for teachers - in his youth, the brilliant poet was a terrible tomboy. This character is reflected in literature - everyone knows Mayakovsky's slightly harsh style with unthinkable energy. So, one more conclusion: bad behavior at school will also not be an obstacle to a great future.

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton is another genius who has faced underachievement in school. But his example is worthy of respect: once, after a classmate beat Isaac, the boy figured out how to demonstrate his superiority - to show that you are smarter. It is known that the boy grew up as a very sickly and weak child. And only when he became a leader in studies, he was able to surprise those around him with his outstanding abilities.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is the most famous "loser" in the world. The parents of the famous scientist were very worried that Albert would not be hired even for the lowest paid job. It is worth noting that he was not a notorious loser, Einstein's everyday grades are triples, the exceptions were mathematics and Latin. In addition to low academic performance, the boy dared to argue with teachers, which at that time was simply unacceptable. The school certificate was received the second time, then Albert failed the exams at the Polytechnic, receiving deuces in French and botany.

Joseph Brodsky

Joseph Brodsky was an avid loser and a bully. He despised the Soviet school system, refused to answer the lessons with such pronounced indulgence towards teachers that parents did not have to be surprised at deuces. This behavior manifested itself already in the 5th grade. Getting older, the young man did not change himself - he skipped classes, received annual deuces in physics, chemistry, mathematics and English language. It is hard to believe that after such behavior one can become a Nobel laureate in literature "for a comprehensive work, saturated with clarity of thought and passion of poetry."

Thomas Alva Edison

The famous inventor did not study at school for long, later his studies were replaced by classes at home under the care of his mother. But even in that short period at school, the boy managed to get very negative marks about his knowledge - one of the teachers constantly called Thomas "brainless dumbass." During the first month of training, he became a complete loser and his parents were called to school, saying that he was mentally retarded. After that, the family decided to study at home. For the boy, homeschooling was a relief. The most important thing I taught him native mother is reading. And books and his own experience became for him the best teachers for life.

Honore de Balzac

Honoré had very complicated relationship with his mother, he lived in a boarding school and practically did not see his relatives. Disappointed in everything, he decided that there was no point in trying hard in his studies and was completely indifferent to his studies. At the lessons, he looked out the window, did not pay attention to the teachers' lectures and answered all the questions unintelligibly. As a punishment, teachers sent him to a cold closet under the stairs so that he could think about his behavior. This happened so often that soon Honore even fell in love with this opportunity for solitude. Who knows, maybe this is what influenced the creative activity of the famous French writer.

Winston Churchill

The famous statesman politician was considered one of the dumbest students in his class. Due to poor progress, Winston was even suspended from studying Latin and ancient Greek. One of the reasons for the low grades is the boy's absolute unwillingness to be in the classroom. “School has nothing to do with education. This is an institution of control where children are taught the basic skills of a hostel” - these words of Churchill convey the attitude about the school. If the teachers knew that in the future Winston would receive Nobel Prize in literature, no one would have believed it - it was so difficult to deal with him.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The brilliant designer and inventor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was also doomed to fail at school. The main reason for low ratings is health problems. Due to hearing loss, which manifested itself as a consequence of scarlet fever, the boy was very difficult to give lectures. Do not rush to feel sorry for this child - despite these difficulties, Konstantin loved to misbehave and undermine the learning mood during classes. At the age of 13, the student had to stay for the second year, later he was expected to be expelled for poor progress. It was hard to imagine that in the future this boy would become the father of theoretical astronautics.

Bill Gates

One of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, was also a loser! Whatever his parents did, what to change his attitude to study - once they even offered to pay the boy for every five. However, this could not be Bill's motivation: the only thing that attracted him was books. It is interesting that the science fiction works available to every reader inspired Gates to great discoveries.

Lev Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy worked with governesses at home. He was not familiar with criticism and restrictions - the boy was constantly made concessions and indulgences. Naturally, with such an attitude, Leo did not want to study at all - why, if you can do other, more interesting things, and the demand from you will be small. At the university, Tolstoy remained for the second year because of twos in history and German, and expelled from the second year of his own free will. The writer never received a diploma of education, which did not become an obstacle in the implementation in the literary field.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Dmitri Mendeleev was a notorious bully: he often fought with his peers, constantly skipped classes and was impudent to teachers. He practically did not do his homework and constantly lied to his mother about his grades. Such behavior could only be stopped by something out of the ordinary, and so it happened. Only faced with the threat of expulsion from the gymnasium, Mendeleev took up his mind. He was helped by friends - brilliantly educated Decembrists. And after some time, the future scientist took up his mind and pulled up all the subjects himself, improving the certificate.

Anton Chekhov

It is simply impossible to imagine that the most intelligent of Russian writers stayed at school twice for the second year. But poor marks in arithmetic, geography and Greek did their job. And the most interesting thing is that in Russian literature he never had grades higher than four! The talent of the writer manifested itself already at the university, when, having entered the medical faculty, Chekhov began to write stories and opened himself in a completely new capacity.

Ideally, the most intelligent and talented people on the planet who studied a lot, learned life, worked hard and as a result reached the top of Olympus, as an example to everyone else, should become stars. In reality, only a few, like Sharon Stone, can boast an IQ of 154 and a college degree. Moreover, some stars not only did not receive a master's degree, but even failed to complete high school. At the present time, for most young and ambitious stars, school is just an obstacle on the way to their quick glory. And they do not think about the fact that in due time the gaps in education will still have to be filled.

I propose to meet the stars who failed to finish school.

Gerard Depardieu

One of the most famous and scandalous actors in France had a sultry character as a child. He not only stole cars with friends and resold them to earn money, but also sold contraband goods. In order to go on tour in Europe, Depardieu left school when he was only 12 years old. Nowhere else is there evidence that the actor in the future returned to any educational institution. It is possible that the famous actor still does not know how to write correctly.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino, keeping up with his French counterpart, was also spoiled by the street and excessive free. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an athlete and long time played on the baseball team. But then, at the age of 17, Pacino dropped out of school, without finishing just a little, and went to earn money. Before his breakthrough in Hollywood, the future actor worked not only as an office courier and washed dishes in bars, but also swept floors. To study, except for the acting school, he never returned.

Nicole Kidman

The Australian actress studied at her home in Sydney at a school for girls. There she studied not only standard school subjects, but also studied singing and choreography. Nicole studied very well and could have graduated with honors. She was forced to leave school by her mother's illness, for whom, except for her daughter, there was no one to look after. The future star never returned to school.

Kate Winslet

The actress, best known for her role as Rose in Titanic, has been overweight since childhood. She was pushed to leave school by her classmates, who bullied her all the time, calling her the offensive nickname Bubble. The girl did not return to school, but this terrible period tempered the character of the actress so much that she managed to achieve great success. Now malicious classmates can look enviously at the slender and successful Kate on their TV screens.

Angelina Jolie

It's hard to believe that the sexiest woman on the planet, as a child, classmates considered scary and called Scarecrow. During her school years, Jolie was very thin, while tall and wore braces on her teeth. The future actress was either bullied every day, or did not notice her presence at all. Because of this, the girl was depressed all the time, felt unnecessary and ugly. Due to constant stress, Jolie dropped out of school and never returned to school.

Pierce Brosnan

It is hard to believe that the performer of the role of the main spy of the world, James Bond, also dropped out of school. Irish by birth, Brosnan moved to London when he was 11 years old. Classmates began to mock the boy because of his pronunciation and called him "dirty Irish". After surviving for five years, Brosnan ran away from school at 16 and joined a traveling circus. Front acting career he worked for some time in the modeling business, but never returned to education.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp early childhood dreamed of becoming a rock musician, to which he devoted all his time, often forgetting about school education. Due to the rehearsals of his group, Depp missed classes, did not homework, for which he constantly received bad grades. In the end, at the age of 15, he was forced to leave school. Instead of higher education, Johnny graduated from acting classes, and now earns $ 50 million a year.

Quentin Tarantino

Hollywood's most extraordinary director, Quentin Tarantino, was a truly inveterate loser. The reason for his failure was his own laziness. Quentin was so uninterested in the classroom and generally incomprehensible to the purpose of education at school that he dropped it. Quentin's mother supported her son's decision only if he finds a job. And he found her. First he worked at the ticket office of the cinema, where they showed porn pictures, and later at the film distribution, which determined his future career.

Tom Cruise

The future actor and idol of millions in the early years was considered ... mentally retarded. Tom was dyslexic. Because of this illness, all the words in his brain were mixed up, and he could neither read nor write. He was bullied all the time by classmates in all fifteen schools he tried to attend. The emotional and mental stress that Tom was in all the time prompted him to leave school and go to serve the Lord. But he soon changed his mind in favor of acting career.

Jim carrey

Comedian Jim Carrey tried very hard at school, studied his lessons diligently, but became a loser because of a cruel fate. When his parents had financial difficulties, Jim was forced to work 8 hours after school in a factory. The boy was so tired that he had no strength left to study. He stayed in the 10th grade for three years in a row, after which he finally dropped out of school.

Anthony Hopkins

Like Tom Cruise, the Oscar winner suffered from dyslexia. But in those distant times, the existence of such a disease was not even known, so the boy was considered simply mentally retarded. The only thing he could do was play the piano. But this did not save Hopkins, and he was forced to drop out of school.

Did not receive a school education and such stars as Julia Roberts, Uma Thurman, Halle Berry, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Cameron Diaz, Marlon Brando, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Liv Tyler, Winona Ryder, Orlando Bloom, Keanu Reeves, John Travolta, Guy Ritchie, Demi Moore, Marilyn Monroe, Kristen Stewart and many others.

Everyone wants to be like their famous, successful, rich idol. And you can learn from the stars perseverance, determination and endurance. That's just not worth it, imitating them, drop out of school. What do you think?

12.10.2018 |

From a young age, we hear that you need to study well in order to take a place under the sun. However, if one study is given easily, others hardly comprehend the sciences. Does poor performance always guarantee failure in future career? Interestingly, many celebrities studied at school for "deuces".

Alla Pugacheva at school was easily given drawing, work, mathematics and music lessons. The future prima donna played the piano with pleasure. in chemistry, algebra and foreign language Alla had triplets. In addition, the singer did not like physical education.

Despite the fact that not all subjects were given to Pugacheva successfully, she was an activist. The girl published wall newspapers, participated in school events. The singer's classmates recall how, 10 years after graduation, she came to the reunion of graduates, already being popular, and told interesting stories about overseas travel.

Mikhail Derzhavin

Mikhail Derzhavin was a loser at school. In some subjects, he did not receive certification. When his father died, Mikhail had to go to evening classes to work and help his family. The Derzhavin family lived in the house where the Shchukin school was located. Therefore, the boy often talked with famous actors, arranged theatrical performances and ballroom evenings with friends.

Mikhail Derzhavin

The future profession for Mikhail was determined from early childhood. After graduating from the Shchukin School, he went to serve in the Theater of Satire, and then became famous thanks to the popular program “Zucchini 13 Chairs”.

Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir Kristovsky did not like school and skipped classes. He enjoyed writing music and lyrics. Vladimir's older brother was a musician and helped him. After the 9th grade, Kristovsky went to study as an electrician. Later, he went through many professions: watchman, salesman, courier, manager.

Vladimir Kristovsky (right) with his brother

As a result, Kristovsky returned to music and began to sing in restaurants, created the Uma Thurman group with his brother Sergei.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk studied at school very poorly. He was a bully, smoked, fought, cursed with teachers, which upset his mother. She dreamed that her son would become a diplomat. Poor academic performance did not prevent Bondarchuk from graduating from art school, because he had a real talent for drawing.

Fedor Bondarchuk

After high school, the young man tried to enter MGIMO, but failed the entrance tests. In an essay on the Russian language, he made more than 30 mistakes. Then Fedor submitted documents to VGIK and entered the directing department.

Maria Aronova

Maria Aronova was not given the exact sciences at school, but she loved the Russian language and literature. The girl took part in children's matinees and performances, arranged concerts for neighbors. Her father did not approve of this. He believed that Mary exposes herself to ridicule.

Maria Aronova

However, Aronova liked singing and dancing so much that she did not want to listen to anyone. After school, the future actress went to work in the House of Culture of the city of Dolgoprudny, and then successfully passed the exams at the Shchukin school.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov studied poorly until the 8th grade. According to the actor, he had two diaries. Marat also suggested that his classmates make a second cool magazine. One was kept by the teachers, the other guys gave the headman. When the teachers found out about everything, Basharov was almost expelled from school.

Marat Basharov

In high school, he firmly decided to improve - after all, his parents dreamed that his son would graduate from the university. To catch up in subjects, it was necessary to visit a tutor. Marat got up at 5 in the morning and went to the dining room, where he washed the floors. He spent the money he earned on additional classes.

Lev Novozhenov

Lev Novozhenov often had deuces in his diary. After the 7th grade, he moved to night school and got a job at the factory as an assistant locksmith.

Lev Novozhenov

Later, the young man entered the Pedagogical University, but after studying there for two years, he moved to the editorial department of the Polygraphic Institute. He began his journalistic activity in the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Mikhalkov was an excellent student until the 4th grade. Later, his parents sent him to an educational institution with a mathematical bias. After some time, it turned out that the boy could not cope with the tasks and could not solve a single problem. Then Nikita was transferred to a regular high school.

Nikita Mikhalkov

But Mikhalkov from an early age showed the ability to music and drawing. He attended a theater studio, dreamed of becoming an artist. After graduating from high school, Nikita entered the Shchukin School, but he was expelled because he acted in films during his studies. The young man did not give up and successfully passed the entrance exams to VGIK.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch attended London's prestigious Harrow School for Boys. He was not distinguished by good academic performance and exemplary behavior. Together with friends, the young man ran away from lessons, made fun of teachers. Benedict liked to perform on the stage of the school theater.

Benedict Cumberbatch

The acting debut took place in the play "Dream in midsummer night". Benedict appeared as the queen of the fairies Titania. After school, he entered the Manchester University of Theater Arts.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg lagged behind in studies, school subjects were hard for him. In addition, the boy was Jewish by nationality, which is why he was teased by classmates. A passion for filming helped Steven to escape from problems. Spielberg made short films. The main roles were played by the boy's relatives, and for special effects he used crackers and cherry juice.

Steven Spielberg

After graduating from high school, Stephen applied to the USC Film School, but failed. Then he entered a technical college, continuing to work on films after classes. Later, Spielberg made the film Emblin, which was noticed by the Universal film studio and signed a contract with the young man.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz admits that she was a bully as a child. She skipped classes, walking until the evening with friends, often fought, listened to rock music. The girl dreamed of becoming a zoologist because she loved animals and constantly brought them home. This dream was not destined to come true.

During one of the parties, the photographer Jeff Dunas noticed the girl and offered a job in modeling agency. Cameron signed a contract and dropped out of school. At 18, Diaz was cast for leading role in the comedy The Mask. After that, the girl woke up famous.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore grew up in an acting family, from childhood she got used to going to secular parties, and she got her first acting experience at the age of three. Since then, job offers followed one after another, so Drew rarely appeared in class and studied poorly.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 7, Barrymore became famous all over America, playing the main role in the cult film "Alien".

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey was born into a poor family. The boy worked as a cleaner after studying. Kerry admits that he was very tired at work, and he did not have the strength to do his homework. The actor had to study in the 10th grade three times. Despite poor performance, the boy was popular with classmates. He participated in concerts, where he comically parodied teachers and friends.

Jim carrey

After high school, Kerry began performing at the Yak-Yak comedy club in Toronto. Then he moved to Los Angeles and began to appear on television in comedy programs. His film debut took place in 1983 in the film Rubber Face.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise grew up as a notorious child due to his short stature. In addition, the boy suffered from dyslexia. This is a disease in which a person cannot correctly perceive the order of letters in the text, reads slowly. Tom studied poorly, changed 15 schools. Later he managed to get rid of the disease.

Tom Cruise

At the age of 16, the young man tried himself in the theater and realized that he wanted to become an actor. The first castings in the cinema were successful. Cruz got several episodic roles, and in 1983 he played the main character in the drama All the Right Moves.

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino says he hated going to class because he was bored. From school subjects, Tarantino loved reading and mathematics, the boy skipped the rest of the lessons. His mother was constantly called to school, but she could not do anything with her son. Realizing that it was useless to persuade Quentin to take up his mind, his mother allowed him to leave school.

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino got a job as an usher in a cinema, and in the evenings he went to acting classes. That's when he started writing scripts. Tarantino's first famous film was the thriller Reservoir Dogs.

Poor academic performance and bad behavior do not prevent you from achieving your dreams. Many stars studied poorly, some of them dropped out of school altogether. However, perseverance and a firm belief in their destiny helped them become famous.

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The beginning of the school season makes many parents nervous, because ahead is a difficult battle for the "five" and "four". And if the child does not study well - what to do? Is it worth it to panic? Is it important to get good grades in school? History knows a lot of losers, threes, hooligans and outsiders who, after graduating from school, became successful in life. Top celebrities who did poorly in school - read the selection of Tricolor TV Magazine.


One of the most successful film directors, producers and actors of the country, winner of awards "TEFI" And "Golden Eagle" Fyodor Bondarchuk studied at school badly. And despite the fact that Fedor was born in the family of a famous actress Irina Skobtseva and renowned director Sergei Bondarchuk. Parents were often busy, so the grandmother was engaged in raising the boy. The son of famous parents studied at the prestigious 31st Moscow special school, but Fedor did not differ in exemplary behavior. He drank, smoked, got bad grades, skipped. As they say, after receiving a school certificate, Fyodor Bondarchuk tried to enter MGIMO, but failed the essay writing exam - made almost 37 mistakes. Subsequently, he entered VGIK which he successfully completed. Obviously, poor grades at school did not affect the successful future of a talented filmmaker!


Famous TV presenter, producer, and just an intellectual Mikhail Shirvindt also gave a lot of trouble to his parents when he was in school. According to the memoirs of his father, the famous actor Alexander Shirvindt, he was constantly called to the director and reprimanded for various hooligan antics of the boy. Mikhail loved to blow up toilet bowls in the school toilet - he dragged reagents from the "chemistry" room, wrapped them in newspapers and flushed them down the toilet. And once he almost drowned in a pond. In addition to bad behavior, the boy had deuces in all subjects, except for labor and physical education. Despite the famous parent, Mikhail was expelled from schools. As a result, the future celebrity changed three (!) Schools, as the guy was constantly expelled for bad behavior. In general, the future TV star brought a lot of problems to her parents before graduating from secondary education. After graduation, Mikhail entered Shchukin theater school. All these school years did not prevent Mikhail from becoming a successful producer, actor, presenter, and establishing his own studio. I wonder what he's broadcasting now “I want to know with Mikhail Shirvindt”.


Girls usually do well in school, unlike boys. But the actress Maria Aronova On the contrary, she was not an excellent student. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, arranged concerts and performances at home, to which she called all the neighbors. “This my acting was the only way to assert myself at school and at home,” recalls Maria. “I have always studied poorly, and good marks were only in literature, Russian and history.” Parents did not scold their daughter for "deuces" or "triples" - they knew that she had a talent in acting. They believed in her and they were right. After school, Maria entered Shchukin Theater School, and already then took the first steps towards success. Already for work in the graduation performance "Royal Hunt" Maria Aronova received Stanislavsky State Prize of Russia(for the role of Catherine II). Today Maria Aronova is a people's favorite, popular actress, Honored and People's Artist of Russia, winner of awards "Seagull", "Nika", "Golden Eagle" and many other prestigious awards.


Popular actor and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Tatarstan, laureate of the State Prize of Russia Marat Basharov was, as they say, a "classic" school bully. The son of a cook and a locksmith, Marat Basharov, was almost expelled from school several times! This is not surprising - the future actor demanded constant attention. Surprisingly, after graduating from school, Marat entered the Faculty of Law Moscow State University! Direct proof that bad grades and "deuces" for behavior are not an indicator of intelligence!


Nikita Mikhalkov- one of the most famous film directors and actors of the country, People's Artist RSFSR, full cavalier of the order "For services to the Fatherland", three times laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, owner Golden Lion Venice Film Festival, premiums "Oscar" And Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival. But at school he was not a scribbler and a good boy. Nikita grew up in an intelligent family of a Soviet writer Sergei Mikhalkov and poetess, writer and translator Natalia Konchalovskaya. And up to the 4th grade he was almost an excellent student. But after that he started having problems - the future cinematographer did not like exact objects! Due to poor grades, in the end, Nikita Mikhalkov had to graduate from evening school ...

These celebrities at school have never been particularly successful, and the behavior of many of them was far from exemplary. But time has shown that their academic success did not affect their achievements in life.

Alexander Zbruev

In some ways, Alexander Zbruev is very similar to his hero from the movie "Big Break" - Ganja. At school, Zbruev was known as a real bully. He studied poorly and twice the teachers left him for the second year. And after graduation, Alexander planned to become a truck driver. But a friend of his mother, having seen the actor's abilities in the guy, advised him to enter the Shchukin school.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fedor's parents went to school regularly - like to work. Their offspring was constantly skipping classes, smoking, arguing with teachers, arguing and getting deuces. And when Fedor decided to enter MGIMO, he was given the lowest score for his essay and had to say goodbye to the dream of becoming a diplomat. Later, he entered VGIK because his father wanted it that way. And he turned out to be right, because now Fedor Bondarchuk is a successful actor, film director and producer.

Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova went to school like hard labor. The exact sciences were given to her with great difficulty, especially she hated algebra and geometry. But Klimova participated in school amateur performances with great pleasure, because she dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. And after graduating from school, Catherine easily entered the acting department of the Shchepkinsky School at the Maly Theater.

Olga Buzova

Until the 9th grade, Olga studied from two to three and skipped classes. Parents were shocked to learn about such “successes” of their daughter. And so that the parents would not be upset, Buzova promised them to improve and take up their minds. The future TV star graduated from the 10th grade with honors, and the 11th grade with a silver medal. Languages ​​were the easiest for Buzova. She speaks English, German, Italian and Lithuanian.

Natalya Vodyanova

Due to the fact that Natalia grew up early, started working to help her family, she had to leave school. She still does not have a certificate of graduation and no other diplomas either. But this did not stop the girl from making a dizzying career as a supermodel. And Western journalists called Vodianova "modern Cinderella."

Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir did not like to go to school and saw him there infrequently. And this could not but affect his performance. After leaving school, he received the specialty of an electrician, and then became an apprentice gas and electric welder. Well, a little later, he even mastered the profession of a hairdresser.


Nyusha never chased high marks. Therefore, in her certificate there were mostly triples. And for the subjects that she loved, such as physical education, art and singing, the girl received fives. But the teachers treated her condescendingly, apparently realizing that Nyusha was already destined for a career as a singer.
