Where are the parts of the airborne forces in Belarus. Army of Belarus: Patch of the Special Forces

What are they, the Special Operations Forces of the Republic of Belarus? Defend Russia looks to its nearest neighbor to find out.

Photo: Defend Russia

In addition to them, MTRs use the latest Russian assault rifles - for example, . This assault rifle has a buttstock made of shock-resistant glass-filled polyamide, which obviously lightens the weight of the weapon. Its weight is 3.6 kg, rate of fire is 650 rounds per minute, aiming range is 50 m.

Photo: Defend Russia

Now MTRs have the latest sets of special clothing and weapons for different habitats of fighters. With a flag of the Airborne Forces, an “underwater paratrooper” coquettishly sits in a set of underwater equipment “SKUBA”. It is equipped with a breathing apparatus with a buoyancy compensator, a neoprene wetsuit with gloves and boots, fins and a diving mask. There is a "paratrooper" with a set of diving equipment SLVI-71, allowing you to work at a depth of up to 40 m.

Photo: Defend Russia

The "beekeeper" is dressed in a "summer special" set.

Photo: Defend Russia

And the sniper is dressed in a camouflage Leshy. To the right of it is the Gorka-E windproof kit.

Photo: Defend Russia

The lyricism of the army names is continued by the set of winter paratroopers' uniforms "Melted Snow".

It took three days to write this article. I spent three sleepless nights dripping in the flickering light of an electric bulb. The voids in the material were gradually filled, logical chains were built, the system grew in front of me in all its dazzling beauty. Special Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

I’ll make a reservation right away: I use the term “Special Forces” here in a rather philistine formulation, meaning by it “Armed Forces special purpose". Ay, that won’t work either - many of the units below have nothing to do with the Armed Forces (AF - this is only the Ministry of Defense, well, let's add the Ministry of Internal Affairs here with its brigade from Uruchcha). The classic Spetsnaz (Spetsnaz) of the times of the USSR in Belarus was represented only by the 5th Special Forces Brigade of the Belarusian Military District, whose conscripts still mistakenly consider themselves airborne troops, which are not in Belarus at all. In general, the confusion is still there. Absolutely not saying that I figured out all these intricacies completely. There are still a lot of mysteries here. However, what happened, happened.

Showing respect for the military secrets of the state, I will not write here the unit numbers and their locations. However, the interested person can always find it on the Internet. I am writing the number only because I am not too sure about most of the numbers, the data are very approximate. I will also not touch on loyalty issues - this topic is painfully amorphous. Today you can post pictures from public pages about Novorossia with might and main, and tomorrow artillery will cover your village along with your old mother. And love for neighboring states will immediately evaporate somewhere.

I also do not pretend to be fundamentally new, unique and pioneering. Before me, this topic was raised by Igor Tyshkevich in this material of his, which I took for a certain basic framework, however, significantly expanding and supplementing it. So let's go!

5th Separate Special Purpose Brigade

5th Separate Special Forces BrigadeThe only unit in Belarus that can be fully called Spetsnaz. It bears the same name as in the days of the Union. At the same time, it was considered one of the best spetsnaz formations in all the Soviet armed forces. He has combat experience in the Afghan and Karabakh campaigns. According to rumors, the financing of the brigade is very serious, many people from it have made good military careers. Not the same, of course, as, but strong enough. They are very well armed, the brigade is constantly rearming, there are the best weapons of potential opponents. Interestingly, it is also equipped with conscripts. A number of servicemen in all seriousness consider themselves paratroopers and refer to the Airborne Forces. The legs of this story grow from Soviet times, when all Spetsnaz soldiers (and this phrase itself) were deeply classified. When the demobilization was escorted from the unit under white arms, they gave him a vest and a blue beret, accompanying it all with the words: “When you return to your village, blurt out there that you served in the landing force so that they don’t ask unnecessary questions. The beret and vest, of course, were accompanied by a lifetime receipt in silence. I recently heard these stories live, when in a trolleybus a tipsy grandfather was talking about his service in the special forces. Before that, I had no living witnesses. To date, the number of brigade starts somewhere from 1500 people. The composition also includes a special detachment of special forces, staffed from some officers, the so-called "officer company". It is a high-class unit capable of solving any problems. According to rumors, the first experience of creating such a connection in the USSR. Today it is unique even by the standards of the CIS.

38th Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade

38th Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade Belongs to the North-Western Operational Command. Formed on the basis of the Airborne Forces. The news recently flashed in the vein that it was given the previous name, or rather the prefix "airborne assault". The brigade was deprived of this prefix in the 90s without any malicious intent. The simply adopted military doctrine, which excludes all kinds of offensive actions on the territory of foreign states, was also reflected in the names of units and formations. The number is about 1300 people. It is completed with conscripts who can rightfully wear blue berets, because it was on the basis of the airborne troops that this brigade was formed. They say that an absolutely incredible thing was invented in the brigade - landing ... without parachutes! True, from a helicopter, at low altitude and at low speed. Now the brigade is one of the most mobile and trained units. The unit also became famous on the other side: it was from here that young soldiers fled several times, including with weapons, unable to withstand the terry hazing.

103rd Guards Separate Airborne Brigade

103rd Guards Separate Airborne Brigade In terms of meaning and functions, it is not much different from the aforementioned 38th brigade. The same landing traditions, the same Afghanistan, the same recruits fleeing from the old-timers who are going crazy from impunity. However, the unit is very well prepared. Traditions have an effect, because the unit fought, among other things, in the Second World War. The number is approximately 1300-1400 people, most of them are conscripts, contract soldiers make up only 20-25% of the total number of the brigade. Selected from its composition most interesting squad, which will be discussed below.

UPD (August 2017): found very interesting information (author Anatoly Yermolin): “At the suggestion of KGB chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov, who prepared a note “On the creation of a special forces division in the KGB troops of the USSR” , the Politburo of the Central Committee decided to support the proposal of the KGB*, and already on December 4, 1990, on the basis of directives of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 314/3/01 and No. 314/3/02, the transfer of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division of the Airborne Forces and the 75th motorized rifle division(ZakVO) to the State Security Committee.

And the same situation, but described not in dry official language, but by a direct participant in those events (Lebed A.I.): “There were“ smart heads ”who, using the tension growing in society, proposed a non-standard move - to transfer the division to the State Security Committee . No division - no problem. And ... they handed it over, creating a situation where the division was no longer "VED", but also not "KGB". That is, no one needs it at all. "You ate two rabbits, I ate none, but on average one each." Combat officers have been turned into clowns. Green caps, green shoulder straps, blue vests, symbols on caps, shoulder straps and chest - paratrooper. Among the people, such a wild mixture of forms was aptly dubbed the “conductor.”

33rd Guards Separate Special Purpose Detachment

33rd Guards Separate Special Purpose Detachment A very interesting formation. Apparently, there are only two of them in the country (the first is the aforementioned “officer company” from the 5th brigade). In 2002, on the basis of the 38th and 103rd mobile brigades, Special Airborne Detachments (SDO) were formed, which were regularly part of these airborne brigades and were formed from yesterday's most trained conscripts and athletes (concurrently) who wanted to continue serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. The best specialists from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, who went through hot spots and local conflicts. The best young officers of these brigades were appointed commanders of yesterday's conscripts. Over time, as part of the reform and optimization of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, out of two SDOs (special landing units), the best were selected and brought together in 33 Special Forces. The detachment is completed only by officers and ensigns, the level of training is serious even by the standards of other special forces of Belarus. True, recently one of the detachment’s servicemen was noted for being seen in the ranks of the separatists in the Donbass. Is this a widespread phenomenon? I hope no.

527th Separate Special Purpose Company

527th Separate Special Purpose CompanyThe unit is directly subordinate to the North-Western Operational Command. Little is known about him, at the level of several amateur videos. In the words of the forums, "the only connection really ready for war, in contrast to the fraud of the rest." True, it is not clear from what facts such a conclusion is drawn. Completed, including conscripts. It is also unclear on the basis of which unit it was formed, according to fragmentary information, it was formed already under independent Belarus in 1992. The number starts from 150-200 people. It is interesting because, apparently, it is not included in the MTR (Special Operations Forces), but in the ground forces.

22nd Special Purpose Company

The most mysterious unit of those that I have cited and will cite in the third part of the cycle. The latest information that I found dates back to 2014 (a report on some competitions). According to rumors, it is subordinate to the Western Operational Command and is deployed in the Grodno region. The goals and objectives are approximately equal to the rest of the special intelligence units. A distinctive feature is the absence of a heraldic mention on the website of the Ministry of Defense (all other units are there). This is the strangest thing. I found only fragmentary information from various forums and videos (the latter are dated 2008-2014). They also write that the company is cropped, which fully explains its absence from the heraldic list. In any case, I want to believe that somewhere else we have a powerful unit of 100-200 people. The chevron in the photo, apparently, belongs to the 22nd special forces company.

End of the second part.

August 2 marked the 85th anniversary of the creation of the Airborne Forces, the successors of which in our country were the special operations forces. Our freelance correspondent met with the commander of the SOF of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Major General Vadim DENISENKO (pictured)

— Comrade Major General, in Belarus, the airborne troops have been transformed into a new branch of the military — special operations forces. What is the fundamental difference?

- With the development of weapons and military equipment the views on the conduct of armed struggle, as well as on the use of the airborne forces, were also transformed. Therefore, it was decided to create in our country on the basis of units of the Airborne Forces a separate branch of the Armed Forces - special operations forces.

The main distinguishing feature of the MTR is that they are located in constant readiness for use both in peacetime and in war time and are designed to solve special tasks in the interests of achieving political, military, economic and psychological goals aimed at preventing the escalation or ending the military conflict against the Republic of Belarus. The military units and subunits of the MTR are entrusted with the following tasks: conducting counter-sabotage, reconnaissance and combat operations and conducting special measures. Also, units of special operations forces are involved in the fight against terrorism, carrying out measures to strengthen the regime of protection of the state border and maintain law and order, together with the personnel of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- When creating special operations forces, was it studied whether overseas experience?

- Of course, but we should not forget that the Belarusian special operations forces were not created from scratch. We had a strike component - well-trained landing brigades. We reinforced these mobile formations with a reconnaissance component - a special-purpose brigade. Both components were united under a single command - in general, they made the best decision for a country with a small territory and compact mobile Armed Forces.

I must say that today our experience is being carefully studied by other countries.

And when did you realize that you were on the right path?

- In 2004, while working out the tactics of actions, we understood that mobile brigades are mobile, capable of making large marches in any conditions, they can be airlifted and deliver serious blows. All this was taken into account by us. A special forces group, capable of operating in any conditions, found the object, and soon a mobile unit arrived at the designated point. The commander of the special forces group, together with the commander of the mobile unit, clarified the decision and carried out the destruction of the object. The following year, we were already confident that we were moving in the right direction. The tactics of our actions were also tested during various large-scale exercises of the Belarusian Armed Forces.

- Do not we reveal all the secrets of the special operations forces in this way?

— This is the tactics of any professional unit in the world. And as for the secrets of mastery, believe me, professionals are very reluctant to share them. And we are no exception here. So let's leave the secrets of mastery outside of this interview.

- The BTR-80 armored personnel carriers have replaced the airborne combat vehicles in the mobile brigades. Also to match the modern look?

- We proceeded from the fact that our units must be very mobile: move at any time and on any roads. And this allows you to do the BTR-80. They contribute to the successful fulfillment of the tasks before us. "Wheels" in our conditions look preferable. Artillery of special operations forces is also on wheels. Today, we are considering the BTR-82 armored personnel carrier, which has more firepower, for re-equipment. In particular, the 30mm automatic cannon will replace the heavy 14.5mm KPVT machine gun.

- Since we touched on the issues of equipping the MTR with modern weapons and military equipment, tell us how seriously it has changed in Lately?

- Tests of the armored vehicle "Fox" have recently been completed. We decided what changes should be made to its design so that the vehicle meets our requirements for it: which combat module to install, how to arrange seats, loopholes ... All this is taken into account in the terms of reference submitted to the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. First of all, the "Foxes" will go to mobile battalions on cars. This year, the newest ORSIS-T5000M sniper rifles, capable of hitting targets at ranges up to 1,500 meters, were put into service. They have become a good addition to the modern sniper rifles VSK-94, OSV-96, MTs-116M.

The troops received high-precision powerful ammunition with an expansive bullet (338-caliber LAPUA MAGNUM), which pierces all existing armor protection equipment (body armor, helmets of the highest protection classes).

Our military personnel are provided with the most modern means of observation and aiming of domestic production: day-night sights DNS-1, night NV / S-18, night monocular NV / M-19, laser designator LAD-21T, collimator sight PK-01VS.

Delivered to the special operations forces and very worthy means of individual armor protection. In particular, the Skat protective helmet, which provides protection against a bullet from a Makarov pistol already at a distance of one meter, the Raven bulletproof vest, capable of protecting against a bullet from an SVD at a distance of ten meters.

Work is underway to provide and adopt other latest optical sights, ammunition, small arms, tactical and shooting glasses, RPG-32 "Hashim" grenade launchers.

Our divisions are provided with reliable communication. On the basis of the Bogatyr vehicle, a modern command and staff vehicle was developed (a means of communication for the commander of the MTR and brigade commanders).

Modern models of weapons and military equipment are supplied to the troops and mastered in the course of combat training. Significantly increased the mobility of payments anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 is the modernization of this armament, which is located today along with ammunition on the basis of the Ural-43202 vehicle. In the next two months, we plan to put them in the 38th Guards Separate Mobile Brigade.

The form of clothing and equipment of the military personnel of the special operations forces is being improved.

We have recently received new ATVs that have been tested in the Armed Forces. In the future, they will be adopted. I must say, this is a very effective technique when performing tasks in forest areas, in swampy areas, on rough terrain ... This was also confirmed by the exercises that took place in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan as part of the verification of the collective rapid reaction forces of the CSTO.

- Servicemen of the 103rd Guards Separate Mobile Brigade are constant participants in such exercises. How important are they to us?

- First of all, it is gaining invaluable experience. We have a lot to learn from Russians, Kazakhs, Tajiks. In these exercises, we always learn something new. And, of course, we learn to interact.

Many other teachings are also of great benefit. For example, the joint Belarusian-Chinese anti-terrorist exercises (trainings) "Swift Eagle". Not so long ago, another such exercise (the third in a row) ended on the basis of the 38th Guards Separate Mobile Brigade.

But the closest cooperation has been established with Russian colleagues. Of the latest joint exercises, a battalion-tactical exercise that took place in the 38th brigade, in which a company of the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division took part. Our servicemen showed themselves worthy during the humanitarian search and rescue operation at the North Pole, where they had to perform tasks in difficult climatic conditions. Those who distinguished themselves are presented for state awards. Trial north pole withstood both modern uniforms and the equipment of the military personnel of the special operations forces. Many of our novelties were received with interest by the Russians. For example, cargo containers with which our military personnel jumped with a parachute.

- Comrade Major General, what other successes did you remember the jubilee year for?

- In the first half of the year, the command of the special operations forces, as well as units of the 38th and 103rd Guards separate mobile brigades, successfully passed the inspection of the Ministry of Defense. The MTR team distinguished itself at international competitions for the best special forces group, held in Kazakhstan, where it won a prize. Our servicemen won the competition for the best sniper pair of special forces of the Armed Forces, in which representatives from all power structures of our country and teams from Russia and Kazakhstan participated.

The SSO team won the championship of the Armed Forces in army hand-to-hand combat. The next tests for the right to confer the badge "Valor and Mastery" also showed the increased level of training of our servicemen.

Bilateral battalion tactical exercises were interesting. A very useful event was a joint diving training camp held in Ryazan. Much attention during it was paid to the study of new diving equipment, which is being supplied to the Russian Armed Forces today.

This year, 11 of our servicemen have mastered the most advanced Arbalet parachute systems. They were trained on the basis of the center for special training of the Russian Airborne Forces.

Undoubtedly, the participation of servicemen of the 5th separate special forces brigade in the parade held on Red Square in Moscow on May 9 was a landmark event. They adequately represented the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Another important event was the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the 334th separate special forces detachment, which took place on the basis of the 5th separate special forces brigade.

It's nice that the successes of the special operations forces do not go unnoticed, including in the high level. This year alone, Colonel Vladimir Bely and Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Smekhovich were awarded the Orders "For Service to the Motherland" III degree by the Head of State for exemplary performance of official duties. Last year, these high awards were awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Sukhovilo and Major Alexei Khuzyakhmetov.

- At all times, service in the "troops blown by all winds" was prestigious. How popular is service in the special operations forces today? Is it in demand among young people?

— We do not experience a shortage of people who want to serve in the special operations forces.

As for the training of officers for our kind of troops, it is carried out at the faculty military intelligence Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. Training is conducted in two specialties: "Use of mobile units" and "Use of special forces".

The demand for the profession of an officer of the special operations forces is evidenced by the annual competition for admission to the specialty of the MTR. This year, he made up more than two people per place, and for the specialty "Use of special forces" - more than three people per place.

Service in the special operations forces is really prestigious. We are glad to see in our ranks those who have a craving for romance, a desire to see something new, learn a lot and build character.


On August 2, 1930, during an exercise near Voronezh, a group of armed paratroopers was shown dropping out. The landing force consisted of twelve people, who were divided into two groups of six paratroopers. The paratroopers were supposed to drop weapons and ammunition from aircraft on special cargo parachutes.

After the successful landing of a group of paratroopers, armed with rifles, light machine guns and grenades, were ready to perform combat missions.


The main directions of the construction and development of special operations forces of the Armed Forces:

- development and testing of new ways of performing tasks;

- optimization of the organizational and staffing structure of formations and military units in accordance with the tasks being solved, as well as taking into account changes in the forms and methods of military confrontation;

- modernization of existing weapons, military and special equipment and equipping with new models of both domestic and foreign production;

- improving the quality of training of specialists for special operations forces;

- beautification of military camps and the creation of housing and living conditions for servicemen that meet modern requirements.

Interviewed by Alexander MAKAROV

1. Uruchensk special forces brigade. (military unit 3214, Uruchcha).

T Third Separate Red Banner Special Forces Brigade (military unit 3214, Uruchcha) was formed in the 1990s on the basis of the 334th regiment of the 120th division. It is prepared both to disperse street actions and to participate in special operations. This is the shock part of the Internal Troops. Its number is about 1500-2000 people. The unit consists of several subdivisions - special purpose battalions, Special Rapid Response Squad (SOBR) and support departments.

The main tasks of the PMSN

1. Ensuring the personal and property security of citizens on the streets and in other public places.

2. Ensuring the protection of public order during mass events.

3. Prevention and suppression of offenses, group violations of public order and riots.

4. Participation, together with other services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies (OVD), in the detention of armed criminals, the suppression of the activities of organized groups and criminal organizations.
5. Participation in special events and operations conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs.

The main tasks of the brigade are: the fight against terrorism, actions in case of emergencies, combat training in case of a military threat.

In peacetime, the fighters of the brigade perform the functions of protecting public order. Often representatives of the brigade go on assignments outside of Minsk. For example, they guard the "Slavianski Bazaar".
During the street actions of the opposition, the Uruchen brigade is usually kept on a safety net. They are used only in extreme cases, when the PMSN cannot cope with the demonstrators.

Pavlichenko himself, being the commander of the brigade, repeatedly stated that he was trying to educate the fighters in the "spirit of Orthodoxy." There is a temple on the territory.

Very great importance assigned to combat training, it is several times stricter than in other military units. The program includes acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, strength training, athletic gymnastics, crosses. Great importance is attached to shooting from different types weapons, as well as tactical and special training for actions in various situations.

It is worth noting that most of the ordinary fighters are in the brigade for a year or a half. This is a normal term of service in the army.

2. Minsk special police regiment

The regiment was formed in autumn 2005, shortly before the presidential election. The PMSN was created on the basis of the OMON, and headed by Yuriy Podobed. As Anatoly Kuleshov, then head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee (today's Minister of Internal Affairs), explained, the main objective The creation of the regiment was to protect public order during various mass actions.

According to him, the fighters of this unit must be prepared for cataclysms, disasters, natural and man-made accidents. Kuleshov called the third reason that the creation of the regiment would enable other police officers to perform their immediate duties. The officers of the regiment wear black uniforms.

The PMSN was created at the personal request of Yuri Podobed, who complained that the number of events that needed protection was constantly growing in the country. The staff has also been increased a lot.

Recruitment to the special police regiment of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee is carried out on a competitive basis through the conclusion of individual contracts with citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

Basic requirements for candidates:

citizenship of the Republic of Belarus;

the presence of fixed-term military service in the Armed Forces (the absence of fixed-term service does not exclude the possibility of being recruited for service in the internal affairs department on an individual basis with a completed higher education);

no evidence of a downgrade military rank for the period of urgent military service;

age up to 25 years, however, older age options are possible depending on the length of service in the Armed Forces (decided on an individual basis);

availability of complete secondary, secondary specialized or higher education (preference is given to candidates with secondary specialized and higher education);

the absence of a criminal record and administrative penalties from the candidate and close relatives, as well as other compromising information from the territorial internal affairs bodies at the place of birth and residence of the candidate and his close relatives;

positive characteristics of the candidate from all places of his service, study and work.

Those who applied for employment in the PMSN after passing a preliminary interview are sent to undergo a medical commission to the polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in order to determine their fitness for service. Moreover, only those candidates who have the first and second degree of fitness for military service, established by the draft commission of the RVC when drafted into the Armed Forces, are subject to referral. Those with a third degree of fitness can also be sent to the medical commission, but, as practice shows, such candidates are recognized as unfit for service in the PMSN, although their suitability for service in other, non-special, units of the internal affairs bodies is not ruled out.

When candidates are recognized by the military medical commission as fit for service in the PMSN, they undergo a preliminary internship in the intended position (policeman, policeman-driver), during which the candidate is familiarized with the conditions and specifics of service in the unit. In turn, the regiment's employees study the moral and business qualities of the candidate in order to determine their suitability for service. The duration of the internship is at least one month. Physical training inspectors during the internship period accept credits for physical training from the candidate.

When the management decides on the possibility of accepting a candidate for service, a contract is concluded with him for service in the internal affairs bodies and the candidate is sent for initial training to the Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus or to the Mogilev College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. The contract is concluded for the period of initial training and then for 5 (five) years from the moment of arrival for further service in the completing body. The contract provides for mandatory service for at least 5 years after training. Otherwise, it is possible to recover the cost of the initial training costs.
The duration of the initial training at the Training Center is 6 (six) months.
For candidates undergoing urgent military service in parts of the internal troops of the Republic of Belarus, in exceptional cases, in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is possible to be recruited with initial training at the place of service.
For more information, contact the Human Resources Department of the PMSN GUVD.

Maryina Gorka

Near Minsk, in Maryina Gorka (Pukhovichi district), there is a 5th separate special-purpose brigade. But this is not the Internal Troops. This special forces belongs to the Ministry of Defense.
The formation of the brigade began to take place in 1962.

Per Soviet times fighters reached a level of training that corresponded to detachment "Vympel" of the KGB of the USSR. Fighters from Maryina Gorka took Active participation v Afghan conflict. Two years after the withdrawal from there, the paratroopers from Maryina Gorka again went to war. Almost the entire brigade (805 people) under the command of Colonel Borodach was in Armenia.

On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to Belarus. The main areas of training for today's fighters in the unit are sabotage and reconnaissance. Scouts are taught to overcome swamps, water barriers, forests. For this, exercises are often held in the forests. For ten days they are in an unknown area.

Maryina Gorka believes that their unit is the most elite in the country. There is an unofficial competition and confrontation between the special forces from Uruchcha and Maryina Gorka. Both there and there believe that their part is the best.


Actually with "Almaz" and the Belarusian special forces began in the late 1980s. True, then this unit had a name "Golden eagle", and the main purpose was to organize prison anti-terror squads. They were also created in other Soviet republics.

Now it is a kind of rapid reaction squad. In 1994, the then head of Berkut and the future Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Naumov, took the initiative to rename the special unit to Almaz. In a memo for fighters, Naumov once wrote: "Always remember that a member of the special forces must be clean and hard as a diamond".
In 2002, Alexander Lukashenko personally opened the Almaz base.

In case of an alarm, the Almazovets should arrive at the base within 5-7 minutes. And within 20 minutes, reconnaissance and a combat group are sent to the scene anywhere in the country. After another 20 minutes, the second group leaves.

The functions of the "Almaz" include the fight against terrorist activities, the release of hostages, the neutralization explosives. "Almazovtsy" once detained suspects in the murder of Russian journalist Paul Khlebnikov in Minsk.

"Almazovets" must train at least three times a week. These are not only sports exercises, fighters also go to barriers, manholes, ladders in full gear.

Basically, Almaz receives officers from similar units of the Ministry of Defense, police special forces, the security service of the head of state, and border troops. As a rule, these are people who have served at least five years and have already participated in special operations. Serve in the "Almaz" and women - negotiators and snipers.

Almaz is headed by Colonel Nikolai Karpenkov. He was still in Berkut, when from 1992 to 1994. He was the commander of the combat group of the unit. In 2003, Karpenkov returned to Almaz as a commander.


The Alfa group under the State Security Committee of the USSR was created back in 1974. In March 1990, the then chief Chekist of the Union Kryuchkov signed a decree on the additional introduction of the group Alfa based in Minsk. Among the goals of the creation of the group were the localization and prevention of terrorist and extremist actions, especially dangerous criminal manifestations that threaten the security of the country. Initially, the group also acted on the Baltic countries.

Interestingly, until January 1992, Alfa was directly subordinate to the main department under the President of the USSR. Only then did she enter the structure of the Belarusian KGB. Alpha fighters ensure the physical defense and security of the Belarusian leadership and distinguished foreign guests. The new duties also included the fight against the illegal export of valuable metals, material and historical values ​​outside the country.

When creating Alpha, preference was given to Afghan officers, vedeveshniks, and professional athletes. Now higher education and military service is compulsory for candidates. Also, attention is paid to the ability to endure great psychological and physical stress. The age of the fighters is 30-35 years.

It is noted that staff turnover at Alpha is very low. It takes four or five years to become a true professional. All this time the fighter is on the second or third roles. One full outfit of the "alpha" (body armor, helmet, weapons, ammunition) weighs more than 20 kilograms.

Border special forces "OSAM" Separate service of active measures.

The border guards also have their own special forces. This is the Separate Service of Active Measures, perhaps the most closed and little-known special unit.
OSAM appeared after the collapse Soviet Union, in 1993. The first chief was Gennady Nevyglas.

First of all, the creation of a special unit was explained by the fight against illegal migration. Mostly, citizens from Asian countries to Europe. That was the first task.
Later, new ones appeared - the fight against economic crime and drug trafficking, countering transit terrorism and human trafficking.

Checking the future Osamo resident lasts from a year to two. During this time, the service record of the fighter, all close and distant relatives are checked with special attention. The average age of officers is 33 years. On the uniform chevron of the OSAM fighter there are two crossed balls and a wind rose against the background of the contour of the country.

At one time, OSAM was headed by the current chairman of the Border Committee, Igor Rachkovsky. And the eldest sons of Lukashenka, Viktor and Dmitry, served in the special forces.
