"Shilka" - self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery mount (10 photos). "Shilka" - self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery mount (10 photos) Installation of ZSU 23 4 shilka

Before proceeding to the story about this combat vehicle, I would like to quote a phrase of one of the army officers, which he threw in a conversation with me in a night tent at the Northern airport of the city of Grozny. It was January 1995. Only three weeks have passed since the death Maikop brigade... "Sorry guys," said the captain, clutching a glass of alcohol in his hand. - They threw the guys to the slaughter. Tanks and "bekami" only fight in the field, in the city they have nothing to do. We would have had more Shiloks, you see, and the “spirits” of the “boxes” of grenade launchers from the upper floors of buildings would not have been wetted ... "

Subsequently, I often heard similar statements from different people. It is difficult to say whether the additional "Shilki" would have saved the lost brigade. Those vehicles that were available, including the more modern anti-aircraft missile and artillery complexes "Tunguska", although they could conduct suppressive fire on all floors, still failed to cope with the task of protecting motorized riflemen from the actions of grenade launchers entrenched in buildings ... According to many experts, it was extremely difficult for them to do this precisely because of the specifics of hostilities in the city: firstly, you cannot find the militants with a locator, and there is no point in shooting blindly, and secondly, as noted by the former chief of staff of the North Caucasian Military District Lieutenant General V. Potapov, "ZSU" Shilka "due to its size, poor visibility through sights are the primary target for destruction from grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns, so their use in settlements to support the actions of troops as part of armored groups is not effective."

Actually, it could not be otherwise, because "Shilki" were created for completely different purposes. And although these self-propelled anti-aircraft guns have long been removed from production, they fully justified themselves in their field of application and are still considered one of the better means fight against low-flying high-speed air targets.

Their appearance, like the appearance of any other military equipment, was caused by the dictates of the times. By the end of the Second World War, it became clear that large-caliber anti-aircraft artillery cannons, which work well for targets at high and medium altitudes, are not capable of destroying low-flying aircraft and, moreover, poses a danger to their troops: fragments, for example, 85- mm of an anti-aircraft projectile that exploded at a low altitude could hit their own soldiers. Due to the increase in aircraft speed, the effectiveness of the small-caliber 25-mm and 37-mm anti-aircraft guns that were in service also decreased. It could not cope with the tasks of covering the troops from the air and the ZSU-57-2. The situation was aggravated by the fact that by the early 1960s, with the advent of high-precision anti-aircraft missiles, pilots were advised to cuddle as close to the ground as possible. That is why a weapon was required, which, first of all, itself could quickly detect high-speed (up to 450 m / s) low-flying targets at ranges of 2500 m and heights of up to 1500 m and destroy them. And such a weapon - the anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" - appeared.

Initially, however, "Shilka" had a competitor - the rapid-fire ZSU "Yenisei". The task for their development was given by the Council of Ministers of the USSR in April 1957. However, four years later, in the summer of 1961, it became clear that Shilka's performance was better. It was she who was put into service back in 1962, and two years later its mass production began. By the end of the 1960s, the average annual production of "Shilok" was about 300 machines.

The basis for the creation of the ZSU-23-4 was the tracked vehicle TM-575. Its welded hull was divided into three sections: command, combat and power. Diesel type 8D6 was chosen as the engine. It was "brought to mind" and installed on the "Shilka" under the index B-6P. This six-cylinder, four-stroke, compressorless, liquid-cooled diesel engine had a power of 280 hp. Subsequently, it was somewhat modernized. Fuel was supplied to the engine from two tanks made of aluminum alloy - the front 405 liters and the rear 110 liters.

The undercarriage of the machine included two rear driving wheels, two idler wheels with a track tensioning mechanism and twelve road wheels. The metal track chain consists of 93 steel tracks connected by steel pins. The track links are 382 mm wide. The suspension of the machine is torsion bar, independent, with hydraulic shock absorbers and spring stops.

Now about the main thing - weapons. A welded turret with a shoulder strap diameter of 1840 mm is installed on the supporting body of the tracked vehicle. With its front frontal plates, it is fixed on the frame, on the left and right walls of which the upper and lower cradles of the gun are attached. They are reinforced at a distance of 320 mm one above the other, and the lower cradle is pushed forward in relation to the upper one by the same distance. Each cradle has two 2A7 assault rifles with 23 mm 2A10 cannons. The action of the automatic gun is based on the removal of powder gases through a side hole in the wall of the barrel. The barrel consists of a pipe, cooling system shrouds, a gas chamber and a flame arrester. The shutter is wedge-shaped, with the wedge dropping down. The length of the assault rifle with a flame arrester is 2610 mm, the length of the barrel with a flame arrester is 2050 mm. The length of the threaded part is 1730 mm. Barrels are cooled by water. The weight of one machine gun is 85 kg, the weight of the entire artillery unit of four guns is 4964 kg. Cannon ammunition - two boxes of 1000 shells each. There is a pneumatic system for cocking machine guns in preparation for firing and reloading in case of misfires.

Automatic cannons have a rate of fire of 11 rounds per second each. "Shilka" can fire with all four cannons, as well as a pair or any of four. The barrels of the guns and the antenna of the radar-instrument complex are fully stabilized, thanks to which the installation is capable of effectively destroying the enemy in motion. The guns are guided at the target by hydraulic drives; it is also possible to aim manually using the flywheels.

The gun ammunition consists of 23-mm armor-piercing incendiary tracer (BZT) and high-explosive incendiary tracer (OFZT) shells. Armor-piercing shells do not have explosive but they contain an incendiary compound that traces and ignites flammable targets. The weight of such a projectile is 190 g. High-explosive fragmentation projectiles weigh a little less - 188.5 g, have an MG-25 head fuse and a self-destructor, which is triggered after 5-11 seconds. The propellant charge for both shells is the same - 77 g of gunpowder. Cartridge weight - 450 g. Steel sleeve, single use. The ballistic data of both projectiles are the same - the initial speed is 980 m / s, effective firing is carried out at an altitude of 1500 m and at a range of 2500 m. They are fed into the barrels in the following sequence: four high-explosive fragmentation - one armor-piercing incendiary.

Cannon shooting can be carried out in four modes. The first, which is also the main one, provides automatic tracking of targets with the issuance of the necessary data to the gun guidance drives. The commander and gunner can only fire. The other three modes are used when auto tracking is not possible due to interference or damage.

The fire of the cannons is controlled by the RPK radar-instrument complex, located in the instrument compartment of the tower. It includes: a radar station, a calculating device, blocks and elements of systems for stabilizing the line of sight and the line of fire, a sighting device.

Special mention should be made of the Shilki radar station. It operates in the 1-1.5 cm wavelength range. The range was chosen for a number of reasons. Firstly, such stations have antennas with small weight and size characteristics; secondly, radars of this range are less susceptible to deliberate enemy interference, have a significant processing speed of received information; thirdly, these radars provide target recognition and classification by increasing the Doppler frequency shifts of the reflected signals arising from moving and maneuvering targets, such stations make it possible to detect air targets developed using stealth technology. And, finally, fourthly, this range is less loaded with other radio-technical means. As a disadvantage of such radar stations, one can note a relatively short range, which fluctuates in the range of 10–20 km and is very dependent on the weather: heavy rainfall greatly reduces the capabilities of the radar.

If we take into account the abundance of all kinds of equipment installed on the Shilka, then we can unmistakably determine that the power consumption of a combat vehicle is very significant. Indeed, it has as many as three power supply circuits: 55 and 27.5 volts DC and 220 volts AC. Power is supplied by a 74 hp gas turbine engine.

For communication, the ZSU-23-4 has a standard short-wave radio station R-123 with a range in medium-rugged terrain with the noise suppressor turned off and no interference - up to 23 km, and with the noise suppressor turned on - up to 13 km. For intercom, a standard P-124 tank intercom is also used. It is designed for four subscribers. For binding to the terrain, "Shilka" has navigation equipment TNA-2.

ZSU-23-4 is equipped with a standard set of fire extinguishing means, has a PAZ system (anti-nuclear protection). The crew is protected from radioactive dust by cleaning the air and creating excess pressure in the fighting compartment and the control compartment. For this, a central blower with inertial air separation is used.

During its service in the army, "Shilka" was modernized several times. The gas turbine unit was modernized (its resource was doubled - from 300 hours to 600 hours), a calculating device, and a commander's guidance device appeared. The 2A7 assault rifles and 2A10 cannons underwent the most significant alterations; the unreliable pneumatic loading of the assault rifles was replaced with pyro loading. Replacing the welded coolant outlet pipe with a flexible pipe made it possible to increase the barrel life from 3500 to 4500 rounds. In 1973, the ZSU-23-4M was put into service under a different name - "Biryusa", although for all the military it still remained "Shilka". The last modernization took place shortly before the withdrawal of Shilka from production. It was equipped with equipment for recognizing "friend or foe". Since 1982, the ZSU-23-4 has ceased to enter the troops.

During their long military life "Shilki" took part in many armed conflicts. They were actively used in the Arab-Israeli wars, in Angola, in the Libyan-Egyptian conflict and the Ethiopian-Somali war, in the Iranian-Iraqi war and hostilities in the Balkans, in the last wars in the Persian Gulf and other conflicts. A noteworthy fact: during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Shilok accounted for about 10 percent of all Israel's aviation losses. It would seem that the figure is insignificant. However, the Israeli pilots unanimously declared: our "Zesushki" created such a sea of ​​fire that they preferred not to fly over the areas of their combat use.

In Afghanistan, "Shilka" was widely used by our troops as a weapon to support the infantry, terrifying the dushmans. Since there was no direct threat from the air for our troops, many Shilki were modernized specifically for firing at ground targets. Radar systems were removed from them, the ammunition was doubled (from 2000 rounds to 4000), night sights were installed, and additional armor plates were hung. ZSU-23-4, as already noted, took part in both Chechen campaigns.

And the last thing. We often heard the question, why was Shilka called “Shilka” after all?

Where did this name come from? And it came from the map of Russia. Someone very successfully spotted a river with that name on it - the left component of the Amur. If there are names of military equipment that fully correspond to its "temperament", then "Shilka" will be in the forefront here - with its powerful projectiles flying from four barrels with a huge rate of fire, it is really capable of piercing, and sometimes just cutting enemy targets.

Main characteristics of ZSU-23-4 "Shilka"

Are common specifications

Combat weight, t

Armor protection


Crew, people

Maximum speed, km / h

Cruising range, km


diesel water cooled

Maximum power / engine speed, hp / rpm

Power transmission

mechanical with hydrostatic swing mechanism

disk, dry friction


independent torsion bar

Power supply system

3-phase AC and DC

AC rated power, kW

DC rated power, kW

Overall dimensions, mm:

- width

- height in the stowed position

- height in combat position

- clearance

Overcoming obstacles, m

- wall height

- the width of the ditch

- ford depth

Weapon system

Caliber / number of machines, mm / piece

Slant firing range, m

Ammunition, shots

The length of the maximum burst of one machine gun, rds.

Radar detection area, km

Radar tracking area, km

Optical location station detection area, km

Optical location station support area, km

Auxiliary equipment

Anti-nuclear protection


Fire protection


Cooling capacity of the air conditioner, kcal / h

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100% +

Yu.M. Soikin, O. A. Shiryaev
Design and operation of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka"


1.1. Purpose and performance characteristics of the ZSU-23-4 "Shilka"

23-mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" designed to protect the battle formations of troops, columns on the march, stationary objects from an attack by an air enemy at altitudes up to 1500 m, ranges up to 2500 m at a target speed of up to 450 m / s.

ZSU can also be used to engage ground and surface targets at a distance of up to 2000 m.

The performance characteristics of the ZSU-23-4:

a) combat characteristics:

- the installation provides:

- firing at air targets at a distance of up to 2500 m at altitudes up to 1500 m at target flight speeds up to 450 m / s;

- shooting at ground and surface targets at a distance of up to 2000 m;

- rate of fire (from 4 submachine guns) - at least 3400-3600 rounds per minute;

- detection range of air targets - up to 20 km;

- target auto-tracking range - up to 17 km;

- combat kit - 2000 shots;

b) maneuverable characteristics:

- ZSU travel speed:

- on the highway - up to 65 km / h;

- on a dirt road - up to 40 km / h;

- ZSU overcoming obstacles:

- maximum angle of ascent and descent - up to 30 °;

- lateral roll - up to 20 °;

- the depth of the ford to be overcome - up to 1.5 m;

- the height of the overcome wall - up to 1 m;

- the width of the ditch to be overcome - up to 2.5 m;

- the time of transfer of the ZSU from the traveling position to the combat position and back - 5 minutes;

c) performance characteristics:

- time of continuous work - 8 hours;

- power reserve (taking into account the fuel reserve for 1.5-2 hours of operation of the gas turbine engine) when driving:

- on the highway - 450 km;

- on a dirt road - 300 km;

- average fuel consumption per 100 km of track when driving:

- on the highway - 80 liters;

- on a dirt road - 130 liters;

d) weight and dimensions:

- combat weight - 19 tons;

- length - 6.54 m;

- width - 3.16 m;

- height in the stowed position - 2.58 m;

- height in firing position - 3.57 m;

e) technical characteristics:

- the number of machines - 4 pieces;

- caliber of machines - 23 mm;

- initial velocity of the projectile - 950-1000 m / s;

- gun pointing angles:

- vertically - from - 4 ° to + 85 °;

- horizontally - 360 °;

- gun pointing speed:

- in azimuth - 70 ° / sec;

- elevation angle - 60 ° / sec.

1.2. Composition of ZSU-23-4, purpose and placement of elements

The ZSU-23-4 includes:

- 23mm quad automatic anti-aircraft gun AZP-23;

- power drives for guidance 2E2;

- radar instrument complex RPK-2;

- primary power supply system;

- tracked vehicle GM-575;

- tank navigation equipment TNA-2;

- day, night observation devices and command observation device;

- equipment for internal and external communication (radio station R-123 and intercom R-124);

- equipment for anti-nuclear protection and fire-fighting equipment (PAZ and PPO);

- ventilation and heating system.

23 mm quad automatic anti-aircraft gun (A3P-23)

Power drives guidance 2E2 serve to guide the AZP-23 gun in azimuth and elevation.

Radar instrument complex RPK-2 designed to control the fire of the AZP-23.

Primary power supply system (PDS) provides power to the systems and units of the ZSU with constant (27.5 and 55 V) and alternating current (220 V 400 Hz).

Tracked vehicle GM-575 Designed for the installation and transportation of weapons, ZSU equipment and crew accommodation.

Tank navigation equipment TNA-2 serves to determine the location of the ZSU-23-4 when it moves in conditions of difficult orientation.

Day, night observation devices are designed to monitor the environment at any time of the day. Command observation device (CPN) serves for semi-automatic guidance of the RPK-2 antenna in azimuth and elevation to the target.

Internal and external communication equipment provides external communication and communication between settlement numbers.

Anti-nuclear protection equipment provides a reduction in the effect on the crew damaging factors weapons of mass destruction.

Fire-fighting equipment serves to extinguish a fire in a SPAAG.

Ventilation system designed to maintain normal temperature regime equipment and improvement of living conditions.

Heating system designed for heating crew members in winter.

All elements are located in the compartments and cabinets of the SPAAG (see Appendices 1 and 2). Cabinets are metal frames, in which the RPK blocks are located. The connecting wires of all units, assemblies and blocks are combined into bundles laid throughout the ZSU.

1.3. Calculation of the installation and its responsibilities

Crew ZSU-23-4 consists of four people:

- unit commander;

- search operator-gunner (1st number);

- range operator (number 2);

- driver-mechanic (number 3).

The duties of the ZSU crew are determined by the Rules for firing and combat work on anti-aircraft artillery complexes of the air defense forces of the ground forces, part 6 "Platoon of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns ZSU23-4".

The unit commander is obliged to:

- maintain a constant combat readiness personnel and equipment;

- skillfully command the crew in battle, persistently striving to fulfill the assigned combat mission;

- to know the material part of the installation and the rules of its operation, prepare the installation for firing and choose the necessary mode of combat work, skillfully fulfill the duties of the crew numbers;

- conduct continuous observation of the air and ground enemy, skillfully use the terrain when choosing a position for installation, aim the antenna and tower at the target using the CPN, observe the results of firing, promptly introduce corrections and corrections;

- maintain stable radio communication with the platoon commander;

- require the crew to comply with safety measures and fire-prevention measures;

- take timely measures for the maintenance of the installation, and in case of its damage - report to the platoon commander and organize repairs; - systematically monitor the consumption of ammunition, fuel, lubricants and promptly report this to the platoon commander.

The search operator-gunner (1st number) is obliged:

- know the material part of the radar instrument complex, the operating rules and prepare it for firing in a timely manner;

- continuously monitor the air enemy in the designated sector or carry out a circular search, timely detect air targets, identify them and switch to automatic tracking;

- at the command of the installation commander, fire at air and ground targets; - carry out maintenance of the PKK, detect and eliminate malfunctions and immediately report them to the commander of the installation;

- strictly comply with the requirements of safety regulations and fire-fighting measures.

The range operator (2nd number) is obliged to:

- know the structure and operation of the radar station and the gun, control the operation of the radar in all modes and monitor its operation;

- to follow the target in range;

- to carry out maintenance of the radar and gun, to detect, eliminate malfunctions and immediately report them to the commander of the installation.

The driver-mechanic (3rd number) is obliged:

- know the structure and rules of operation of the material part of the tracked vehicle (GM-575) and the power supply system, skillfully drive the installation in any terrain conditions, at any time of the day or year, and carry out maintenance of the tracked vehicle and the power supply system;

- maintain the established place in the marching and combat formations of the platoon, skillfully overcome obstacles, natural obstacles and fords, or bypass them at the command of the unit commander;

- to provide during the movement the most favorable conditions for reconnaissance and fire; - timely refuel the machine with fuel, lubricants and coolant;

- timely detect and eliminate malfunctions of the tracked vehicle and the power supply system and immediately report this to the commander of the installation;

- to monitor the ground enemy and the actions of their troops.

The installation crew must be able to use the means of internal and external communications, observation devices, anti-nuclear protection equipment, navigation equipment, fire-fighting equipment, know the rules for handling ammunition, be able to equip them in belts, load and unload ammunition and links.


2.1. Appointment, composition, characteristics and principle of operation of AZP-23

23-mm quadruple automatic anti-aircraft gun (AZP-23) designed to engage air and ground targets.

The AZP-23 includes (Fig.2.1):

- four 23 mm machine guns;

- upper and lower cradles;

- base with a tower;

- guidance and locking mechanisms;

- power supply system for machines;

- barrel cooling system;

- loading and reloading system;

- electrical equipment.

Rice. 2 .1 . Placement of AZP-23 elements

The performance characteristics of AZP-23:

- rate of fire:

- from one barrel - 850 - 900 rounds / min .;

- from 4 barrels - 3400 - 3600 rds / min .;

- initial velocity of the projectile - 950 - 1000 m / s;

- combat kit - 2000 shells;

- angle of horizontal guidance - not limited;

- vertical guidance angle - from -4 ° to + 85 °;

- gun weight - 4964 kg;

- weight of one machine gun - 85 kg;

- cartridge weight - 0.45 kg;

- capacity of the barrel cooling system - 85 liters.

The principle of operation of AZP-23-x

The ammunition load of the gun is placed in cartridge boxes, from which cartridges in strips are fed through metal sleeves and trays to the machine guns.

The initial loading of the gun is carried out pneumatically using compressed air. The movable parts of the machine go back and stop, the cartridge is fed to the ramming line. The opening of fire is made by the ZSU commander or the search operator-gunner using an electric trigger.

The work of the automatic gun is based on the principle of using the energy of powder gases. When fired, part of the gases through the gas outlet throws the moving parts of the machine back. The bolt opens, the spent cartridge case is removed and discarded, the next cartridge is fed to the ramming line.

Barrels are cooled during firing with a liquid (water or antifreeze) supplied by a pump from the barrel cooling system tank.

The gun is guided using power electro-hydraulic guidance drives or manually using guidance mechanisms.

2.2. The device of the machine and the operation of its main units

23 mm assault rifle Is an automatic weapon in which the locking and unlocking of the barrel bore, firing a shot, removing the spent cartridge case from the chamber and reflecting it, feeding the tape into the receiver and feeding the next cartridge into the chamber are carried out automatically using the energy of the powder gases discharged through the side hole in the barrel wall (fig. 2.2).

Rice. 2 .2 . 23 mm assault rifle

All 4 machines are identical in design and differ only in the details of the tape feed mechanism and the coolant drain pipelines.

The machines are installed on the cradle on the right and left. The right submachine gun has the right power supply with cartridges, the left one - the left one.

The composition of the machine(fig. 2.3):

- receiver;

- bolt carrier;

- shutter;

- receiver cover;

- feeding mechanism;

- electric trigger;

- butt plate;

- pneumatic recharging mechanism;

- recoil shock absorbers (2 for each machine);

- link retractor.

Rice. 2 .3 . The composition of the machine:

1 - trunk; 2 - receiver; 3 - bolt carrier; 4 - shutter; 5 - receiver cover; 6 - electric trigger; 7 - butt plate; 8 - pneumatic recharging mechanism; 9 - recoil shock absorbers; 10 - link retractor

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the projectile and give it an initial speed (Fig. 2.4).

The inside of the barrel is called the bore. It has a chamber for placing a cartridge and a threaded part with 10 grooves going from left to top to right and providing the projectile with rotation and stability in flight.

On the barrel there is a flame arrester and a gas chamber, which serves to remove the powder gases that activate the automation.

On the outer surface of the barrel there is a casing of the cooling system in which the coolant circulates.

Rice. 2 .4 . Trunk

Receiver serves to connect the main elements of the machine and the direction of movement of moving parts (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2 .5 . Receiver

Bolt carrier activates the moving parts of the machine. It raises and lowers the bolt, moves the rammer, activates the feed mechanism, compresses the return spring of the pneumatic reloading mechanism and the butt plate springs.

The bolt carrier consists of a frame, a piston and a rammer (Fig. 2.6). DOWithslabody sends the cartridge into the chamber and removes the spent cartridge case from the chamber.

Rice. 2 .6 . Bolt carrier

Gate serves for locking the bore, firing a shot and initially starting the sleeve when removing it from the chamber. It consists of a skeleton, inside which the impact mechanism is assembled (Fig. 2.7). The bolt, when moving up, locks the barrel bore, while the striker of the percussion mechanism pricks the capsule. A shot occurs. After the shot, due to the movement of the bolt carrier back, the bolt goes down and makes the initial start of the sleeve.

Rice. 2 .7 . Gate

Receiver cover together with a cutout on the receiver, it forms a receiving window for a tape with cartridges (Fig. 2.8).

Rice. 2 .8 . Receiver cover

Feeder is intended for feeding the tape with cartridges to the receiver of the machine and feeding the cartridge to the dispensing line. It is a system of levers, grooves and protrusions, which, due to the movement of the bolt carrier, move the tape and the next cartridge (Fig. 2.9).

Rice. 2 .9 . Feeder elements

Electric trigger serves for remote control of fire, signaling the readiness of the machine for firing and for the operation of the counter of the remaining cartridges (Fig. 2.10).

Consists of sear, electromagnetic device and readiness sensor. WhisperalO holds the bolt carrier in the rearmost position. EleTotrohmGnitbute deviceOystin serves for remote control of the sear. DatchesToGOTramsti provides signaling about the readiness of the machine for firing and the operation of the counter of the remaining cartridges.

Rice. 2 .10 . Electric trigger

Butt plate is the rear wall of the receiver (Fig. 2.11). It contains a buffer device that softens the impact of the bolt carrier during rollback and gives it an intense push forward at the beginning of the rollback.

Rice. 2 .11 . Butt plate, pneumatic reloading mechanism and link retractor

Pneumatic recharging mechanism serves to retrace the moving parts of the machine to the rear position (for setting the sear) at the beginning of firing and when unloading the machine (Fig. 2.11).

Rollback dampers are designed to reduce the recoil of the machine when firing and return it to its original position for firing (Fig. 2.12). They consist of a cylindrical body and a spring. Each machine has two shock absorbers.

Rice. 2 .12 . Rollback damper

Link retractor serves to retrace the links and is installed on the receiver (Fig. 2.11). It is a tray along which the used links from the machine are sent to the link collector.

The operation of the machine when firing

The initial loading of the gun is carried out pneumatically. When you press the COOLDOWN button on the ZSU commander's console, compressed air through the pneumatic piston takes back the bolt carrier and the rammer lever. The cartridge is fed to the ramming line. The bolt carrier meets the electric trigger and stops (Fig. 2.13).

Rice. 2 .13 . The position of the parts of the machine when sending the cartridge into the chamber

By pressing the FIRE button by the ZSU commander (or pressing the trigger pedal by the search-gunner operator), the sear of the electric trigger releases the bolt carrier, which moves forward. The rammer pushes the cartridge out of the tape link and sends it into the chamber.

The bolt moves up and locks the bore, while the firing pin of the percussion mechanism pricks the capsule. A shot occurs (Fig. 2.14).

Rice. 2 .14 . The position of the parts of the machine when the capsule is broken

Powder gases act on the projectile, imparting forward movement to it. Part of the gases, after the projectile passes the gas outlet in the barrel wall, is discharged into the gas chamber. Due to this, the bolt carrier moves back, the bolt goes down and unlocks the barrel bore. The rammer removes the spent cartridge case from the chamber and pushes it out of the machine. The feeding mechanism feeds the next cartridge to the chambering line. If the FIRE button is pressed, then the described cycle is repeated.

The fired shells are thrown overboard the ZSU along the liners, and the links are poured into the link collector.

2.3. The device of the base with a tower, cradles and guidance and locking mechanisms

Base with tower designed to accommodate the AZP-23, power guidance drives, the RPK-2 radar instrument complex and the crew. Consists from the base, armored tower, bed and shoulder strap (Fig. 2.15).

Rice. 2 .15 . Base with tower

O With novan not - welded one-piece structure for placement of ZSU elements. At the front of the base there is a link collector for collecting links when firing. Through the link collector door, which is located in the driver's compartment, the used links are unloaded after firing.

Br he e wah I would a w n I am is designed to protect the calculation and equipment of the ZSU from various damaging factors. It is welded from armor plates and attached to the base.

WITH T an and on the serves to accommodate cradles with machine guns. It is a welded structure made of steel and armor plates, attached to the tower.

P O G he provides rotation of the base with the tower. Consists of 2 rings - fixed and movable, rotating due to balls placed between them. The stationary ring is attached to the self-propelled body, the movable one - to the base.

Cradles are the swinging part of the AZP-23, on which are installed automatic machines, manual loading and reloading mechanisms, cooling system hoses, mechanisms for dumping barrel plugs.

Rice. 2 .16 . Upper cradle

The upper and lower cradles are similar in design, they are interconnected by a traction, two machines are attached to each cradle (Fig. 2.16).

The movement to the swinging part is transmitted from the vertical guidance gear through two toothed rims on the lower cradle (Fig. 2.17).

Rice. 2 .17 . Lower cradle

Z a wilderness To and st in l ov protect the barrels of machines from dust, dirt, snow, etc. (Fig. 2.18). There are two mechanisms for dumping the plugs - for the upper and lower machines. They are dropped from the trunks automatically with the beginning of the movement of the swinging part (± 7 °), closed manually after stopping it at an elevation angle of 14 °.

Rice. 2 .18 . Barrel plugs

Guidance and locking mechanisms serve to guide and lock the AZP-23 in the horizontal and vertical planes (Fig. 2.19).

The guidance mechanism includes horizontal and vertical guidance mechanisms, and the locking mechanism includes a horizontal stopper and a stopper of the swinging part.

Rice. 2 .19 . Guidance and locking mechanisms

Fur an from m G O rize he T a eh but G she in e d e n and I serves to rotate the turret in azimuth and includes a horizontal reducer, manual guidance flywheel and a mechanism for switching guidance methods. The aiming method is set with the MANUAL - POWER handle. In this case, guidance is carried out either by a handwheel manually, or by power guidance drives.

Fur an from m in erty ka eh but G she in e d e n and I serves to move the swinging part of the gun in elevation and consists of a vertical guidance reducer, a manual guidance flywheel, a mechanism for switching guidance methods. The aiming method is set by the handle FLYWHEEL - POWER.

G O rize he T a eh us th st O P O R serves to lock the rotating part in the stowed position. The stopper is located at the base of the unit. When the flywheel of the stopper rotates, its retainer locks the shoulder strap of the base with the tower.

WITH T O P O R ka h a running h a sti serves for stopping it in passing. The stopper handle has two positions - STOP and SLIDER. Locking is carried out at an angle of elevation of the swinging part equal to 14 °.

2.4. Power supply systems for machines, barrel cooling and electrical equipment

Power supply system of machines is designed to provide machine guns with cartridges during firing and retraction of spent cartridges, links and misfire cartridges.

Right-hand and left-hand feed systems are of the same design and include: cartridge box, large and small feed sleeves, sector trays, winch, shield and visor (Fig. 2.20).

Rice. 2 .20 . Power supply system of machines

P a tr He is at I am to R O b ka serves to accommodate the cartridge strip with cartridges. It has two compartments with feeders: for the upper machine for 520 rounds, for the lower one for 480. The compartments are closed with lids.

B O lsh O th and ma l s th n Oh yeah ru kava serve to supply the tape with cartridges from the box to the sector trays.

WITH e To T O R us e l O T To and serve to feed cartridges in a tape into the receiving window of the machine and feed the first cartridge into the feed mechanism of the machine.

Lebe dka serves for packing the ammunition tape into the box when loading ammunition from the ground.

Shield OK and to s s re To provide a drop of the links into the link collector at any elevation angles of the swinging part.

P a tr He is at I am le n T a metal, loose, consists of individual links (Fig. 2.21).

Rice. 2 .21 . Cartridge belt

The principle of operation of the power system is based on the supply of tape with cartridges from boxes through sleeves and trays to the machines. The energy of the moving parts of the machines and part of the energy of the recoil of the machines is used for the supply.

Barrel cooling system is designed to cool barrels during firing and consists of a cooling unit, a tank and hoses (Fig. 2.22).

Bl ok oh chl azhd e n and I located on the right side of the base and consists of an electric motor, gearbox and pump.

The electric motor rotates the pump shaft with a capacity of 80 l / min through a gearbox, which supplies coolant to the cooling system.

Cooling liquid: in summer - water with an anti-corrosion additive, in winter - antifreeze.

B ak with a capacity of 85 liters is located in the left front compartment of the AZP-23. The tank has a window with a coolant level indicator.

Flexible rubber bands are used to circulate fluid in the system. shlanhi, protected from the outside by a wire sheath.

Turning on cooling system produced before opening fire in one of 3 ways:

1) the COOLING toggle switch on the ZSU commander's fire handle;

2) the COOLING button on the control handle of the T-55 unit of the search-gunner operator;

3) a safety lever on the trigger pedal of the search-gunner operator.

The system is switched on when the COOLING lamp on the commander's console lights up.

When the cooling system is operating, the liquid circulates through the hoses through the barrel cooling casings and is drained into the tank, where it is cooled.

Rice. 2 .22 . Barrel cooling system

Loading and reloading system serves for the cocking of the moving parts of machines. It includes a pneumatic reloading system and manual loading and reloading mechanisms.

The main one is pneumatic reloading, and manual reloading is back-up.

WITH iste ma P n e wma tiches to th perez a row dk and consists of a compressor, 2 main and 1 reserve compressed air cylinders, pipes and valves (Fig. 2.23).

When the system is operating, the compressor pumps compressed air with a pressure of 65 atm. into the main cylinders. When you press the COOLDOWN buttons of any of the machines on the ZSU commander's console, the compressed air flows through the pipelines to the machine's pneumatic reloading mechanism and takes the moving parts to the rear position (puts the bolt carrier on the sear). In the presence of an axial cartridge, it is removed from the chamber and enters the link collector.

Rice. 2 .23 . Pneumatic recharge system

If the compressor fails, a reserve cylinder with a compressed air pressure of 150 atm is connected to the system.

Fur an from m ruch but G O s a row jean iya and perez a row jean and I installed on each machine. It includes: a handle, cables, rotating drums, a chain and a pusher (fig. 2.24).

When the mechanism is operating, the operator pulls the cable out with the handle to failure. In this case, the cables and the chain move the pusher through the drums, due to which the moving parts of the machine move back. The axial cartridge is removed and enters the collector link.

Rice. 2 .24 . Manual loading and reloading mechanism

Electrical equipment AZP-23 serves to control the firing of machine guns, signaling their readiness to fire, performing pneumatic loading of each machine, controlling the operation of the barrel cooling system, counting the number of remaining cartridges in each cartridge box and igniting the air-gas mixture in the machine compartment.

Part electrical equipment includes a commander's console, a fire handle, a trigger pedal, a cartridge remaining counter, a barrel cooling system pump engine, a gas-air mixture ignition and blocking system.

Remote controller teams ir a provides control and monitoring of the AZP-23 operation. All controls and alarms are installed on it (Fig. 2.25).

Rice. 2 .25 . Governing bodies of AZP-23

RU to yat how about G n I am ZSU commander (Fig.2.26) and spuskovai don'tYeseh search-gunner operator (Fig. 2.27) are used to turn on the cooling system and open fire.

Rice. 2 .26 . Fire handle

Rice. 2 .27 . Release pedal

WITH chetchi to about st a T ka P a tr onov designed to count the number of cartridges remaining in the cartridge box.

D v ig a body on the With O With a system we about chl azhd e n iya st in l ov ensures the operation of the pump supplying coolant to the cooling system.

WITH iste ma P oj ig a G a s ovo s d ush but st with m you ignites the gas-air mixture formed during firing.

The electrical diagram includes the following blOKirovkand: a) prohibiting shooting:

- when the elevation angles of the barrels are lower than the value set by the ANGLE LIMITS switch on the commander's console (from 0 to 40 °), when firing near friendly troops, in the forest, in front of an obstacle;

- with the barrel cooling system turned off;

- when the target is outside the affected area determined by the PSA;

b) excluding the inclusion of power guidance drives:

- when locking the rotating and swinging part of the AZP-23 in a stowed manner;

- with the driver's hatch open;

- when the collector link door is open (where it is located).

For firing when any of the interlocks fail, there is an EMERGENCY SHOOTING mode, which is activated by a toggle switch on the commander's console.

Today we will look at the unique anti-aircraft air defense system from a slightly different perspective. NATO specialists began to take an interest in the SOVIET anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" from the moment when the first data on its capabilities appeared in the West. And in 1973, NATO members were already "feeling" the sample of "Shilka". The Israelis got it - during the war in the Middle East.

In the early eighties, the Americans began a reconnaissance operation with the aim of acquiring another Shilka model, reaching out to the brothers of the Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu. Why is the Soviet self-propelled anti-aircraft gun so interested in NATO?

I really wanted to know: are there any major changes in the modernized Soviet ZSU? It was possible to understand the interest. ZSU "Shilka" was the most unique weapon, did not concede superiority in its class for two decades... Its contours were clearly defined in 1961, when Soviet science celebrated the victory of the Gagarin flight.

So, What is the uniqueness of the ZSU-23-4? Retired Colonel Anatoly Dyakov, whose fate is closely connected with this weapon - he served for decades in the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, says: “Speaking about the main thing, we first began to systematically hit air targets with the Shilka. Before anti-aircraft complexes 23-mm and 37-mm guns ZU-23 and ZP-37, 57-mm S-60 guns hit high-speed targets only by accident. The shells for them are of shock action, without a fuse. To hit a target, it was necessary to hit it directly with a projectile. The likelihood of this is negligible. In a word, the previously created anti-aircraft weapons could only put a barrier in front of the aircraft, force the pilot to drop bombs away from the planned place ...

Kandahar. Nagakhan turn. 1986 ZSU-23-4 ... "SHILKA" ... "SHAYTAN-ARBA".

The unit commanders expressed delight when they saw how "Shilka" not only hit targets right in front of our eyes, but also followed the subunits in the battle formations of the covered troops. A real revolution. Imagine, there is no need to roll the guns ... Arranging an ambush of batteries of anti-aircraft guns S-60, you will suffer - it is difficult to hide the guns on the ground. And what is worth building a battle formation, "sticking" to the terrain, connecting all the points (power units, guns, gun guidance station, fire control devices) with a large cable system. What crowded calculations were! ..

And here is a compact mobile unit. She came, shot from an ambush and left, then look for the wind in the field ... The officers of the present day, those who think in the categories of the nineties, the phrases "autonomous complex" are perceived differently: they say, what is unusual here? And in the sixties it was a feat of design thought, the pinnacle of engineering solutions. "

The self-propelled "Shilka" has a lot of advantages. General Designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolai Astrov, as they say, is not a round anti-aircraft gunner, managed to create a machine that has shown itself in many local wars and military conflicts. To clarify what is at stake, let's say about the purpose and composition of the 23-mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka".

The "Shilka" is intended to protect the battle formations of troops, columns on the march, stationary objects and railway echelons from an attack by an air enemy at altitudes from 100 to 1500 meters, at ranges from 200 to 2500 meters, with a target speed of up to 450 m / s.

ZSU "Shilka" can also be used to engage mobile ground targets at a distance of up to 2000 meters. It fires from a standstill and in motion, equipped with equipment that provides an autonomous circular and sector search for targets, their tracking, the development of gun guidance and control angles.

Shilka in the Middle East.

The ZSU-23-4 consists of a 23-mm quadruple automatic anti-aircraft gun AZP-23, power drives intended for guidance. The next most important element is the RPU-2 radar and instrument complex. It serves, of course, to control the fire. Moreover, "Shilka" could work both with a radar and with a conventional sighting optical device. The locator is, of course, good, it provides search, detection, automatic tracking of the target, determines its coordinates.

But at that time, the Americans began to install missiles on airplanes that could find a locator using a radar beam and hit it. And the vizier is the vizier. Disguised himself, saw the plane - immediately opened fire. And no problem.

The tracked vehicle GM-575 provides the ZSU with high travel speed, maneuverability and increased cross-country ability. Day and night observation devices allow the driver and the ZSU commander to monitor the road and the environment at any time of the day, and the communication equipment provides external communication and communication between the crew numbers. The SPG's crew consists of four people: the ZSU commander, the search operator - the gunner, the range operator and the driver.

Iraqi ZSU-23-4M damaged during Operation Desert Storm

"Shilka" was born, as they say, in a shirt. Its development began in 1957. In 1960, the first prototype was ready, in 1961, state tests were carried out, in 1962, on October 16, an order was issued by the Minister of Defense of the USSR on adoption, and three years later its mass production began. A little later - a test in battle.

Let us give the floor to Anatoly Dyakov again: “In 1982, when the Lebanese war was going on, I was on a business trip in Syria. At that time, Israel made serious attempts to strike at the troops stationed in the Bekaa Valley. I remember that immediately after the raid, Soviet specialists were brought in the wreckage of an F-16 aircraft, the most modern at that time, shot down by the Shilka.
I can also say that the warm wreckage made me happy, but I was not surprised by the fact itself. I knew that "Shilka" could suddenly open fire in any area and give an excellent result. For I had to conduct electronic duels with Soviet planes in a training center near Ashgabat, where we trained specialists for one of the Arab countries... And never once could the pilots find us in the desert area. Themselves were targets, and only, take and open fire on them ... "

And here are the memories Colonel Valentin Nesterenko, who was in the eighties an advisor to the head of the Air Force and Air Defense College in North Yemen. “In the college that is being created,” he said, “American and Soviet specialists taught. The material part was represented by the American Typhoon and Vulkan anti-aircraft guns, as well as our Shilki. At first, Yemeni officers and cadets were pro-American, believing that everything American is the best.

But their confidence was shaken thoroughly during the first live fires, which were carried out by the cadets. The American "Volcanoes" and our "Shilki" were installed at the test site. Moreover, American installations were serviced and prepared for firing only by American specialists. Arabs performed all operations on the Shilki.

Both the warning about security measures and requests to set targets for the Shiloks much further than for the Volcanoes were perceived by many as propaganda attacks by the Russians. But when our first installation fired a volley, spewing out a sea of ​​fire and a hail of spent cartridges, American specialists with enviable haste ducked into the hatches and took their installation away. And on the mountain, the targets were shining brightly. For the entire time of firing "Shilki" worked flawlessly. The Volcanoes suffered a number of serious breakdowns. We managed to cope with one of them only with the help of Soviet specialists ... "

ZSU-23-4M army of the GDR

Here it is pertinent to say: Israel's intelligence found out that the Arabs used the Shilka for the first time back in 1973. At the same time, the Israelis promptly planned an operation to seize a Soviet-made SPAAG and successfully carried it out. But it was NATO experts who studied the Shilka first of all. They were interested in how it is more effective than the American 20-mm ZSU "Vulcan" XM-163, whether it is possible to take into account its best design features when fine-tuning the West German 35-mm twin self-propelled gun "Gepard", which has just begun to enter the troops.

The reader will probably ask: why, later, in the early eighties, did the Americans need another sample? “Shilka” was highly appreciated by specialists, and therefore, when it became known that modernized versions were being produced, they decided to get another car overseas.

Our self-propelled unit was indeed constantly modernized, in particular, one of the variants even acquired a new name - ZSU-23-4M "Biryusa". But it did not change elementally. Unless, over time, a commander's device appeared - for the convenience of targeting, transferring the tower to the target. Blocks, on the other hand, became more perfect and more reliable every year. Locator, for example.

And of course Shilka's authority has grown in Afghanistan... There were no commanders there who would be indifferent to her. There is a convoy on the roads, and suddenly there is fire from an ambush, try to organize a defense, all the cars have already been shot. There is only one salvation - "Shilka". A long burst into the enemy's camp, and a sea of ​​fire in position. There they called the self-propelled gun "shaitan-arba". The beginning of its work was determined immediately and immediately began to withdraw. Shilka saved the lives of thousands of Soviet soldiers.

In Afghanistan, "Shilka" fully realized the ability to fire at ground targets in the mountains... Moreover, a special "Afghan version" was created. A radio device complex was seized from the ZSU. Due to it, the ammunition load was increased from 2000 to 4000 shots. A night sight was also installed.

An interesting touch. The columns, accompanied by the Shilka, were rarely attacked not only in the mountains, but also near settlements. The ZSU was dangerous for the manpower hidden behind the adobe durals - the "Sh" projectile detonator detonated when it hit the wall. Effectively "Shilka" also hit lightly armored targets - armored personnel carriers, vehicles ...

EVERY weapon has its own destiny, its own life. In the post-war period, many types of weapons quickly became obsolete. 5 ... 7 years - and a more modern generation appeared. And only "Shilka" has been in combat formation for more than thirty years. It also justified itself during the 1991 Gulf War, where the Americans used various means of air attack, including the B-52 bombers known from Vietnam. There were very confident statements: they, they say, smash targets to smithereens.

And now the next approach of the B-52 at low altitudes, the Shilka ZSU together with the Strela-3 complex open fire. One aircraft immediately caught fire. No matter how hard the B-52 tried to reach the base, it was not possible.

Egyptian "Shilki" at the 1973 parade

And one more indicator. "Shilka" is in service in 39 countries... Moreover, it was bought not only by the allies of the USSR under the Warsaw Pact, but also by India, Peru, Syria, Yugoslavia ... And the reasons are as follows. High fire efficiency, maneuverability. "Shilka" is not inferior to foreign analogues. Including the well-known American installation "Volcano".

The Vulkan, which was put into service in 1966, has a number of advantages, but in many respects it is inferior to the Soviet Shilka. The American SPAAG can shoot at targets that travel at a speed of no more than 310 m / s, while the Shilka works at higher speeds - up to 450 m / s. My interlocutor Anatoly Dyakov said that he acted in a training battle on the Vulcan in Jordan and cannot say that the American vehicle is better, although it was adopted later. The Jordanian experts have approximately the same opinion.

ZSU-23-4 cover T-55 tanks during exercises.

The main difference from the "Shilka" is the ZSU "Gepard" (Germany). The large caliber of the cannon (35-mm) allows you to have projectiles with a fuse and, accordingly, more effective destruction - the target is hit by shrapnel. West German ZSU can hit targets at altitudes up to 3 kilometers, flying at speeds up to 350-400 m / s; its firing range is up to 4 kilometers.

However, "Cheetah" has a lower rate of fire compared to "Shilka" - 1100 rounds per minute against - 3400 ("Vulcan" - up to 3000), it is more than twice as heavy - 45.6 tons. And note that the "Gepard" was adopted 11 years later than the "Shilka", in 1973, this is a machine of a later generation.

In many countries, the French anti-aircraft artillery complex "Turren" AMX-13 and the Swedish "Bofors" EAAK-40 are known. But they do not surpass the ZSU created by Soviet scientists and workers. "Shilka" is still in service with parts of the ground forces of many armies of the world, including the Russian one.

Excerpt from Domestic armored vehicles. XX century: Scientific publication: / Solyankin A.G., Zheltov I.G., Kudryashov K.N. /

Volume 3. Domestic armored vehicles. 1946-1965 - M .: OOO "Publishing house" Zeikhgauz "", 2010. - 672 p .: ill.

It was intended to protect the battle formations of troops, convoys on the march, stationary objects and railway echelons from an attack by an air enemy at altitudes from 100 to 1500 m.This was the first in the history of domestic anti-aircraft gun armament ZSU, which could effectively fire at anti-aircraft targets in motion. including low-flying targets with flight speeds up to 450 m / s. If necessary, it could be used to destroy ground targets at a distance of up to 2000 m.

The all-weather 23-mm quadruple anti-aircraft self-propelled gun was developed in accordance with the Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 17, 1957, June 6 and July 24, 1958.The lead contractor for the ZSU as a whole was OKB-40 MMZ of the Moscow (regional) Economic Council ( chief designer ON THE. Astrov). The development of the instrumental complex was carried out by OKB-357 of the Leningrad Economic Council (chief designer V.E. Pikkel). The Tobol escort radar was developed by the design bureau of the Tula plant No. 668 (chief designer Ya.I. Nazarov). The developer of the quad 23-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun "Amur" was OKB-575 of the Civil Code of the USSR for OT (chief designer N.E. Chudakov).

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4.

Combat weight -19t; crew - 4 people; weapon: automatic cannon - 4x23 mm; armor protection - bulletproof; diesel power - 206 kW (280 hp); the maximum speed is 50 km / h.

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" (2A6)

Due to the fact that during the development of the complex, its combat weight increased from 14 to 17.6 tons, the chief designer N.A. Astrov had to abandon the use of components and assemblies of the SU-85 self-propelled artillery unit in the design of the power plant and the chassis and develop special units. In August 1958, MMZ manufactured two working mock-ups for the parallel development of the Amur cannon and the Tobol instrument complex before manufacturing the factory model. The prototype ZSU-23-4 for factory tests with a simulated load was manufactured by MMZ in March 1959. In December 1959, factory tests of the prototype with the Amur cannon were carried out in the amount of 2600 km of run and 5300 shots. The gun was installed in the turret of a prototype intended for state testing. The combat weight of the self-propelled unit after the modification of the instrument complex and the Amur cannon increased to 19 tons. State tests of the complex were carried out from August 26 to October 24, 1961. During the tests, the vehicle traveled 1,490 km and fired 14,194 shots. By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 5, 1962, the 23-mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the Shilka complex was put into service. Its serial production was organized from 1964 to 1969. Beginning in 1966, the tracked vehicle GM-575 was manufactured by the Mytishchi Machine-Building and Minsk Tractor Plants, and the final assembly of the complex was made by the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant.

The ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was a closed self-propelled gun with a MTO aft position. In the middle part of the hull, a rotating turret was installed, which housed a quad automatic 23-mm anti-aircraft gun Α3Π-23 (Amur) with guidance drives, an RPK-2 (Tobol) radar search and guidance system, ammunition and 3 members crew. A rotating tower of large diameter (over 2700 mm) was installed on the ball bearing of the tower of the T-54 tank (but with increased manufacturing accuracy).

In the fighting compartment to the left of the gun was the workplace of the vehicle commander, to the right - the range operator, and between them - the search-gunner operator. The commander observed the battlefield through periscopic devices located in the rotating commander's cupola. In a combat situation, the driver used a BM-190 periscope device or two B-1 glass blocks for observation. Outside of a combat situation, the driver surveyed the terrain through his open hatch or through the windshield located in the hatch of the driver's armored hatch.

The 23-mm quadruple automatic anti-aircraft gun Α3P-23 (factory index 2B-U-653, GAU nomenclature index - 2A7) was developed by the Leningrad OKB-575 on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 17, 1959. It consisted of a base, a frame, upper and lower cradles, aiming mechanisms and four automatic machines with systems that ensure their operation. The base of the swinging part Α3Π-23 consisted of two cradles, on each of which two machine guns were fixed. The parallelism of the trunks during the swing of the cradles was provided by a parallelogram link connecting both cradles. The total mass of the gun was 4964 kg.

Each of the four 23-mm machine guns of the 2A7 cannon was an automatic weapon, in which the action of the automatics was built on the principle of using the energy of powder gases discharged through a side hole in the wall of the barrel. In terms of their design, all four machine guns were fundamentally the same, but the right-hand machines were somewhat different from the left-hand ones in the design of the parts of the mite feeder and the coolant drain pipes to the hydraulic system. The barrel was rigidly fixed in the receiver and, when fired, the entire machine gun was rolled back by 14-18 mm. Rollback and rollback braking was carried out by spring shock absorbers. The roll-off with the machine rolling forward took place under the action of the return springs of the shock absorbers. The shutter is wedge-shaped, with the wedge dropping down. The supply of shells is lateral, the delivery is direct, directly from the link of the loose metal tape. The submachine gun is fed by shells continuously. The rate of fire from four machine guns was 3600-4000 rds / min. Shooting control - remote, with the help of electric triggers. Preparing the machine for firing (retraction of the bolt carrier to the rear position), reloading in the event of a misfire during firing, the return of moving parts to the forward position during firing and at the end of it were carried out using a pneumatic reloading mechanism. The bolt carrier (that is, the opening of fire) could be released either by the installation commander or by the search operator. The number of machine guns assigned for firing, as well as the number of shots in the queue, was determined by the commander of the installation, depending on the nature of the target. The defeat of low-speed targets (aircraft, helicopters, parachute assault forces, ground targets) was carried out in short bursts of 3-5 or 5-10 rounds per barrel.

The defeat of high-speed targets (high-speed aircraft, missiles) was carried out in short bursts of 3-5 or 5-10 shots per barrel, and, if necessary, in long bursts of up to 50 shots per barrel with an interval between bursts of 2-3 s. Regardless of the type of burst, after 120-150 shots per barrel, a break was made for 10-15 seconds to cool the barrels.

The cooling of the barrels of machine guns during firing was carried out by an open-type liquid system with forced circulation of liquid. Water was used as a coolant in the summer, and KNIFE 65 in the winter.

The aiming of the 2A7 gun was carried out by electro-hydraulic power drives of the tracking type. The maximum rotation speed of the tower was 70 deg / s, the minimum - 0.5 deg / s. In the automatic mode, the maximum elevation speed of the gun was 60 deg / s, the minimum was 0.5 deg / s. The vertical guidance angle of automatic machines is from 9- (4 ° ± 30 ") to + (85 ° ± 30"). When firing at ground targets, as well as during the maintenance of the installation, the manual aiming method was mainly used.

Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-23-4 (view to the starboard side).

Ammunition for the Α3Π-23 cannon was housed in four boxes in the front side compartments of the turret and was separated from the crew by a vertical armored partition of two shields. It consisted of 2,000 rounds with high-explosive incendiary-tracer (OFZT) and armor-piercing incendiary-tracer (BZT) shells loaded in 4 belts. In the equipped tape, after four shots with OFZT shells, a shot with BZT shell followed. After every 40 shots, there was one shot in the tape with a mediator, which reduced copper plating of the barrel bore when firing. The anti-aircraft installation was attached to a transport-loading vehicle (TZM), in which there were four boxes with 1000 shots each. The initial velocity of the armor-piercing projectile was 970 m / s, the OFZT - 950 m / s.

The RPK-2 (1A7) radar instrument complex, designed to control the fire of the Α3Π-23 cannon, was located in the instrument compartment of the tower and consisted of the 1RLZZ radar station and the instrument part of the Tobol complex. The radar station made it possible to detect and track air targets, as well as accurately measure their current coordinates.

The 1RLZZ radar station operated in a pulsed mode in the centimeter wavelength range and had protection against active and passive interference. The detection of air targets by the station was carried out in a circular or sector (30-80 °) search, as well as in manual control mode. The station provided target acquisition for auto-tracking at ranges of at least 10 km at a flight altitude of 2000 m and at least 6 km at a flight altitude of 50 m. The station was mounted in the instrument compartment of the tower. The station antenna was located on the roof of the tower. In the inoperative position, the antenna was automatically folded and fixed.

The instrument part of the 1A7 complex consisted of a calculating device, a stabilization system and a sighting device. The calculating device calculated the coordinates of the meeting of the projectile with the target and worked out the appropriate lead. The stabilization system while the vehicle was moving ensured the detection, tracking of the target and firing at it by stabilizing the line of sight and stabilizing the shot line using the VN and GN hydraulic drives. The panoramic sighting device had two independent optical systems. The optical system of the main sighting device provided observation of the target during the operation of the radar, as well as the measurement of the angular coordinates of the target in case of failure of the radar system of automatic tracking in angular coordinates. The optical system of the sight-backup was intended for aiming the gun when firing at an air target without a radar instrument complex and when firing at ground targets.

The combat height of fire at air targets flying at speeds of up to 1620 km / h was in the range from 100 m to 1500 m. The maximum firing range was 2500 m. Shooting on the spot was provided when the vehicle was moving at a speed of up to 25 km / h.

The hull and turret of the ZSU were welded from 6 and 8 mm steel armor plates, which provided bulletproof protection. The embrasure of the gun at its maximum elevation angle was partially covered by a movable armored shield.

The power plant used a six-cylinder four-stroke V-6R diesel engine with a capacity of 206 kW (280 hp) with a liquid ejection cooling system. The engine was located across the longitudinal axis of the machine body. The capacity of the two fuel tanks was 521 liters. A combined two-stage air cleaner was used in the air cleaning system. Combined engine heating system (liquid and gas) with simultaneous heating of transmission units with hot liquid from a starting heater. The diesel engine was started using an ST-721 electric starter. With discharged batteries, the engine was started using an air vent.

The mechanical transmission consisted of an input transmission gearbox, a multi-plate main clutch of dry steel-on-steel friction, a gearbox, two PMPs with locking clutches and two single-row gear final drives of a loaded type. The engine power was taken from the input gearbox through the friction clutch to drive the generator of the machine's power supply system. A mechanical, five-speed, constant-mesh, two-shaft, three-way gearbox with inertial synchronizers for higher gears had a combined lubrication system. To increase reliability in operation and improve smoothness of engagement, helical gears were used in the design of the gearbox. The device of the two-stage PMP was similar to the device of the PMP of the T-55 tank. Band, floating, with double-sided servo action, the brakes had metal-ceramic linings that worked under dry friction conditions. For a tighter fit to the brake drums, each brake band was made of three parts, connected by hinges.

In the undercarriage, fine-link tracks with a closed metal hinge, individual torsion bar suspension, lever-piston hydraulic shock absorbers and balancer travel stops were used. The torsion shafts of the first, fifth, and sixth suspension units were 4 mm larger in diameter than the rest. Double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers were installed on both first, fifth left and sixth right suspension nodes. The idler wheels and road wheels were structurally similar to the corresponding units of the tracked propulsion unit of the PT-76 amphibious tank. Spring stops (stops) of the balancer travel were installed on the first and sixth suspension nodes.

The primary power supply system (PDS) provided all consumers of the ZSU with electricity. The main elements of the power supply system were: a power unit, a set of a converter unit, four batteries, control and monitoring equipment. The power unit was based on a DG4M-1 single-shaft gas turbine engine with a power of 52 kW (70 hp) and a PGS2-14A DC generator with a RN-212 voltage regulator. The generator, through the SEP reducer, received rotation either from the SEP gas turbine engine (in position or while parked), or from the V-6R self-propelled diesel engine (when the unit was moving). The design of the gearbox allowed for the simultaneous operation of both engines. The electrical on-board network is two-wire for constant voltage with midpoint grounding and three-wire for alternating voltage. The mains voltage with the engine off was 48 V, with the engine running - 55 V.

External communication was carried out through a short-wave radio station R-123, internal - through TPU R-124 for four subscribers.

The vehicle was equipped with night vision devices, TNA-2 navigation equipment, PAZ system, unified three-time automatic fire-fighting equipment and three OU-2 hand-held fire extinguishers. The maximum speed of the car on the highway was 50 km / h, and the fuel range reached 450 km.

The base of the ZSU-23-4 self-propelled unit was used to create the 2P25M self-propelled launcher and the 1S91M1 self-propelled reconnaissance and guidance unit of the 2K12 “Cube” anti-aircraft missile system.

The ZSU-23-4 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun of various modifications was exported to other countries and was successfully used in hostilities in the Middle East, Vietnam, Afghanistan and in the Persian Gulf region.

The Soviet ZSU "Shilka" is the most widespread self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in the world. This legendary combat vehicle is easily recognizable as outward appearance, and by the characteristic sound of shooting.

The Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was created by the combined efforts of several developers. The main contractor was OKB-40 of the Mytishchi machine-building plant (chief designer N.A. Astrov), the Leningrad OKB-357 (chief designer V.E. Ya. I. Nazarov), 23-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun "Amur" - OKB-575 (chief designer N. Ye. Chudakov).

"Shilka" was intended to replace the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun ZSU-57-2. It was developed for air defense of motorized rifle regiments in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 17, 1957. Adopted by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 5, 1962. Serially produced at plant No. 535 (artillery unit) and MMZ (chassis and assembly) from 1964 to 1982.


ZSU-23-4 - a specially developed GM-575 tracked vehicle serves as a base. The control compartment is in the bow, the combat compartment is in the middle, and the power compartment is in the stern. The turret is equipped with a 23-mm quadruple cannon AZP-23 "Amur". Together with the turret, it has the GRAU index 2A10, and the machine guns - 2A7. The total rate of fire is 3400 rds / min, the muzzle velocity of the projectile is 950 m / s, the slant range of fire at anti-aircraft targets is 2500 m. Aiming angles: horizontal - 360 °, vertical - 4 ° ... + 85 °. The radar antenna of the RPK-2 Tobol radar complex is located in the aft part of the tower roof on folding racks. The machine has a power supply system, which includes a single-shaft gas turbine engine of the DG4M-1 type, designed to rotate a DC generator, a PAZ system, navigation equipment TNA-2 and PPO. ZSU-23-4V is a modernized version. The reliability of various components and assemblies has been increased. The ventilation system casing is located on the right side of the hull. Introduced commander guidance device.

ZSU-23-4V1 is a modernized version of the ZSU-23-4V. The reliability of various components and assemblies, primarily the RPK, has been increased. The ventilation system covers are located on the frontal cheekbones of the tower. The resource of the gas turbine unit has been increased.

ZSU-23-4M1 - modernized machines 2A7M and 2A10M cannon. Barrel survivability was increased from 3000 to 4500 shots. The reliability of the radar has been improved and the resource of the GTA has been increased from 600 to 900 hours.

ZSU-23-4M2 - modernization of the ZSU-23-4M1 for use in the mountainous conditions of Afghanistan. The RPK was excluded from the installation, due to which the ammunition load of shells was increased from 2,000 to 3,000 pcs., Night vision equipment was introduced for firing at night at ground targets.

ZSU-23-4M3 "Biryusa" - ZSU-23-4M1 with the installation of a ground-based radio interrogator "Luk" of the system of radar identification of air targets on the basis of "friend or foe".

ZSU-23-4M4 "Shilka-M4" - modernization with the installation of a radar control system and the possibility of installing the "Strelets" air defense system. Putting into the battery as a command post of the mobile reconnaissance and control post (PPRU) "Assembly M1" and introducing into the ZSU a telecode communication channel for the exchange of information between the ZSU and the command post. Replacement of an analog calculating device with a modern digital computer system. A digital tracking system is installed. Modernization of the tracked chassis, aimed at improving the controllability and maneuverability of the self-propelled vehicle and reducing the labor intensity of its maintenance and operation. An active night vision device, new means of communication, an air conditioner, a system for automated monitoring of the performance of electronic equipment.

ZSU-23-4M5 "Shilka-M5" - modernization of ZSU-23-4M4 with the installation of a radar and optical-electronic control system.


ZSU-23-4 began to enter the troops in 1965, and by the early 1970s, the ZSU-57-2 had been completely ousted from the air defense units. Initially, a tank regiment was staffed by the Shilok division, which consisted of two batteries of four vehicles each. In the late 1960s, often one battery in the battalion was armed with Shilkami, and the other with ZSU-57-2. Later, motorized rifle and tank regiments received a typical anti-aircraft battery, which included two platoons. One platoon had four Shilka air defense systems, and the other had four Strela-1 self-propelled air defense systems (then Strela-10 air defense systems).

"Shilki" were widely used Soviet army in Afghanistan. Moreover, in the absence of air targets, this ZSU fully realized the ability to fire at ground targets in the mountains. A special "Afghan version" appeared - as unnecessary, the PKK was dismantled on it, due to which it was possible to increase the ammunition load to 4000 rounds. A night sight was also installed. Similarly "Shilki" were used The Russian army and in Chechnya.

ZSU-23-4 were widely exported to the Warsaw Pact countries, the Middle East and other regions. They took Active participation in the Arab-Israeli wars, the Iraqi-Iranian war, as well as in the 1991 Gulf War.


The ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun belongs to the type of closed self-propelled units with the MTO aft position.

In the middle part of the hull there is a rotating turret, which houses a quad automatic 23-mm anti-aircraft gun AZP-23 "Amur" with guidance drives, an RPK-2 "Tobol" radar and instrument search and guidance system, ammunition and three crew members. The rotating turret of high precision manufacturing is installed on the ball bearing of the turret of the T-54 tank. The hull and turret are welded from 6- and 8-mm armor plates.

The embrasure of the gun at the maximum elevation angle of the trunks is partially covered by a movable armored shield, the roller of which slides along the guide of the lower cradle. In the fighting compartment to the left of the cannon is workplace the vehicle commander, on the right - the range operator, and between them - the search-gunner operator. The commander monitors the battlefield through periscopic devices located in the rotating commander's cupola.

In a combat situation, the driver uses a BM-190 periscope device or two B-1 glass blocks for observation. Outside of a combat situation, the driver observes the terrain through his open hatch or through the windshield located in his hatch cover.


The turret is equipped with a 23-mm quadruple cannon AZP-23 "Amur". Together with the turret, it was assigned the 2A10 index, the machine guns - 2A7, and the power drives - 2E2. The action of the automatic gun is based on the removal of powder gases through a side hole in the barrel. The barrel consists of a pipe, cooling system shrouds, a gas chamber and a flame arrester. The shutter is wedge-shaped, with the wedge dropping down. The mass of one machine gun is 85 kg, the mass of the entire artillery unit is 4964 kg.

The supply of cartridges is lateral, the delivery is direct, directly from the link with a skewed cartridge. The right-hand automatic machines have the right feed of the tape, the left-hand ones - the left. The tape is fed into the receiving windows of the machines from the cartridge box. For this, the energy of the powder gases, which drive the feed mechanism through the bolt carrier, is used, and partly - the recoil energy of the machines. The gun is equipped with two boxes of 1000 cartridges each (of which the upper machine has 480, and the lower one - 520 cartridges) and a pneumatic reloading system for cocking moving parts of machine guns in preparation for firing and reloading in case of misfires. Each cradle is equipped with two automatic machines. Two cradles (upper and lower) are mounted on the bed, one above the other at a distance of 320 mm from each other in a horizontal position, the lower one is extended forward in relation to the upper one by 320 mm.

The parallelism of the trunks is ensured by a parallelogram linkage connecting both cradles. Two toothed sectors are attached to the lower cradle, which mesh with the gears of the input shaft of the vertical guidance reducer. Cannon "Cupid" is placed on the base, set on a ball shoulder strap. The base consists of an upper and a lower box. An armored turret is attached to the end of the upper box. Inside the base there are two longitudinal beams that support the bed. In the bearings of the bed and swing on the trunnions, both cradles with automatic machines fixed to them.


The submachine gun is fed by shells continuously. The rate of fire from four machine guns is 3600-4000 rds / min. Shooting control - remote, with the help of electric triggers. The bolt carrier (that is, the opening of fire) is released either by the installation commander or by the search operator. The number of machine guns assigned for firing, as well as the number of shots in the queue, is determined by the commander of the installation, depending on the nature of the target. The defeat of low-speed targets (aircraft, helicopters, parachute assault forces, ground targets) is carried out in short bursts of 3-5 or 5-10 rounds per barrel. The defeat of high-speed targets (high-speed aircraft, missiles) is carried out in short bursts of 3-5 or 5-10 shots per barrel, and, if necessary, in long bursts of up to 50 shots per barrel with an interval between bursts of 2-3 s.

Regardless of the type of burst, after 120-150 shots per barrel, a break was made for 10-15 seconds to cool the barrels. Cooling of machine gun barrels during firing is carried out by an open-type liquid system with forced circulation of liquid. Water is used as a coolant in summer, and KNIFE 65 in winter.


The gun ammunition includes 23-mm armor-piercing incendiary tracer (BZT) and high-explosive incendiary tracer (OFZT) shells. Armor-piercing shells BZT weighing 190 g do not have a fuse and explosive, but contain only an incendiary substance for tracing. The OFZT fragmentation shells weighing 188.5 g have a MG-25 head fuse. Cartridge weight 450 g. Steel sleeve for single use. The ballistic data of both shells are the same - an initial speed of 980 m / s, a table ceiling of 1500 m, a table range of 2000 m. The OFZT shells are equipped with self-liquidators with an action time of 5-11 s. Every fifth cartridge in the tape is BZT.


The radar instrument complex RPK-2 (1A7) is located in the instrument compartment of the tower and consists of the 1RL33 radar station and the instrument part of the Tobol complex. The radar station allows you to detect and track air targets, as well as accurately measure their current coordinates. The 1RL33 radar operates in a pulsed mode in the centimeter wavelength range and is protected from active and passive interference. Detection of air targets by the station is carried out in a circular or sector (30-80 °) search, as well as in manual control mode. The station provides target acquisition for auto-tracking at ranges of at least 10 km at a flight altitude of 2000 m and at least 6 km at a flight altitude of 50 m. The station is mounted in the instrument compartment of the tower. The station antenna is located on the roof of the tower. In the idle position, the antenna automatically folds and locks.

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