Sights on a smoothbore gun. Red dot sight for smoothbore guns Red dot sight for smoothbore guns 12

Today, rifle scopes are an integral part of the equipment of a hunter or target shooter.

Having this device, there is no need to combine the target itself, the front sight and the sight (when using an open one, these 3 objects should be on the same line), it is enough to point the crosshair at the target and you can fire a shot.

When there is optics in the arsenal, the process of learning to shoot is greatly simplified, and many of them are able to magnify the image several times, which makes it possible to aim more accurately and increases the chances of hitting the target.

With such a device, even a person with visual impairments can hunt. Devices of this modification are produced both for rifled and smooth-bore weapons.

Main settings

Optical sights for hunting rifles and rifles are not a simple design and have a number of parameters.

It is in these parameters that they differ and have their own specific purpose. The main optical parameters are:

  • multiplicity;
  • light transmission;
  • parallax;
  • lenses, their dimensions and anti-reflection coating;
  • fastening method.

One of the most important characteristics of any "optics" is multiplicity, this also applies to scopes. Do not trust the stereotypes that the higher the magnification, the better the sight. This is not always true.

The magnification (magnification) varies for different models from 2 to 50, but this does not mean that sights with a small magnification are bad and cheap, and those with a large magnification are expensive and good. High magnification systems are mounted on weapons when it is necessary to hunt small game or small animals from a distance.

To hunt a large animal (elk, wild boar), optics with a small magnification or collimator ones are used. - This is a kind of optical, which usually have a constant multiplicity-1. Such systems are designed for hunting a moving animal, they have excellent light transmission, high strength and are considered the fastest.

The collimator is an LED built into the sight, which can be in laser and conventional (infrared) versions. When a carbine or rifle is aimed at a target, a red dot appears on the item.

Light transmission- This is the amount of light transmitted through the scope to the eye. The larger the multiplicity of the device, the smaller this parameter. The most expensive scopes have 95-97% light transmission.

is the illusion of deviating from the goal. On "optics" with a magnification of more than 10, with a break in aiming or a sharp movement of the head, it seems that the target has "gone".

In order to prevent such an effect on sights for hunting at close range with a magnification of 8 or more, a parallax detuning ring is installed. It comes in the form of a drum around the body of the sight and in the form of an adjusting pin on the side of the body. Each division on such a "device" corresponds to the distance for the shot.

Most of the manufactured optical sights for a three-line or shotgun have lens diameter from 40 to 45 mm and are waterproof and also protected from internal fogging.

Many optical targeting systems, in addition to the various parameters given above, may differ in method of attaching to a weapon. Experts advise to mount all devices on the brackets and mounting rings that are “native” for each weapon, so that the sight and the gun are a single whole mechanism.

Models for professionals

Today you can choose a sight for a carbine for absolutely any purpose. For hunting wild boar, or other large animals, models with a multiplicity of 3-9 are most often used. With these indicators, there are many systems, both domestic (Belarusian) and cheap Chinese production. The following models are most in demand among professionals:

Models for hunting in the steppe

For hunting in the steppe or in other open areas, sights on carbines with a magnification of 4-12, 4.5-14 are used. Popular models are:

Now on sale is a large number of optical sights for different requirements. Each hunter must understand what he pays money for when buying a system and what values ​​​​of the above parameters are important to him, and which ones can be neglected. You can buy optics in almost any hunting store or via the Internet.

Many hunters, owners smoothbore weapons 12 gauges are faced with the challenge of choosing a decent reflex sight for their rifle. Shooting at short distances, the target is clearly visible even to the naked eye, so there is absolutely no need to install more bulky optical sights that upset the balance of the gun.

Naturally, when choosing a collimator for a 12-gauge smoothbore, there is a question about the stability of the sight to powerful recoil. Of course, when buying Docter or Aimpoint, you can be 99% sure that the device will work without fail. However, often the task is to purchase a relatively inexpensive, but reliable sight.

It is also important to clearly understand the goals that the shooter pursues when choosing a collimator. And it's better to be prepared before buying.

So, for example, there are still heated debates among hunters about whether a collimator is needed at all on a 12k smoothbore. And neither side can win in this dispute.

Proponents of the use of collimators confidently claim that their shooting has improved both in aimed shooting and in offhand shooting. At the same time, shooters often give reasoned and documented reports in the form of photos of shot targets. And, as you know, it is difficult to argue with a practitioner, relying on only one theory. The theory, by the way, just speaks of the usefulness of using collimator sights (“KP”) in terms of improving the rate of fire, and at the same time with better hit statistics. Indeed, in fact, if you shoot only at the barrel, then before the shot the shooter performs the following algorithm (in short):

  1. Threw up and put the weapon
  2. Aligned the bar with the front sight and the target
  3. Shot

The second point just occupies a very responsible role. It must be done quickly and accurately. And since you need to combine three points, the hunter, if he is not an athlete with a crazy shot, often misses. Well, in any case, someone more often, someone less often, but they all smear. Our brain and eye are not fast enough to instantly align three objects for an unmistakable hit, so it will take some time for the brain to “process” the information (and therefore often experienced shooters make such a shot without thinking, relying on experience and intuition to reduce the time of the shot , and at the same time have a very good result).

When the shooter uses a collimator, then only two objects need to be combined: the aiming point and the target. It is obvious that it is much easier for the brain to perceive this information for a much faster decision on the correctness of the insert and assessment of the accuracy of the shot. Be that as it may, with a collimator, the shooter still needs to have good experience in throwing up with a quick and correct butt, if he wants the collimator not to turn out to be just an expensive and unnecessary toy on the weapon. It is not enough just to buy a collimator in the hope that now you fill your entire basement with game stew. No, this cannot be achieved without experience. And when experience is achieved, then such a shooter no longer thinks about stew.

When choosing a collimator for 12k, it is also worth considering what the shooter plans to shoot from. After all, in the same disputes between hunters, both sides came to a more or less unequivocal conclusion: for a bullet, the collimator is still not so bad. But for fractions - we argue further. In any case, even if the shooter shoots with shot, how much the presence of a collimator will interfere is another question, but with a certain skill it can even help. So in this case, you should not brush aside the purchase of a collimator. Take a couple of shots with a friend who has a CP installed to see if you're interested. However, remember, if the CP is new to you, then keep in mind that when shooting with a collimator, you need to aim with both eyes! Here it will be difficult to cope with the practiced habit of squinting the other eye, but the essence of the collimator just assumes that the shooter does not waste time playing hide and seek, but simply sees a dot on the target and makes a shot. Everything.

A very important point in choosing a collimator is understanding how the shooter will install this CP on his weapon. Is it equipped with the necessary bar, if not - can it be equipped, if so, which one - under the dovetail, or the Picatinny rail. Or maybe the hunter has a ventilated bar (very often), in which case you need to make sure that the collimator, on which he has his eye, can be installed on a ventilated bar. In any case, if the master will install the CP for you, ask him better if it is possible to fasten the CP that you like to your weapon. And if you dare to put the CP on a ventilated bar, be careful in choosing, because a mixture of a heavy sight and powerful recoil can adversely affect the bar itself, as it may turn out to be too soft, and it can be bent by recoil if the collimator is installed without taking this feature into account.

Since we are talking about recoil, it is quite natural that you need to choose a CP that can cope with it. I remember when I was a kid, I went hunting with my stepfather. For me, he made a light charge, and I almost didn’t feel the recoil, although they scared me with bruised shoulders. But here we are sitting in the seat on the reeds, my stepfather has a gun at the ready, I can hardly breathe nearby, and then a duck flies up, about six. I don’t know how it happened, but after the shot, my stepfather was thrown onto the reeds. And he is an uncle of enviable size and weight. The collimator will have to withstand powerful recoil many times. You need to be sure that after the first shots the collimator glass will not fly out, the point will not start to “float” as it wants. In this case, you will have to rely on the experience and honesty of the seller, you should turn to the forums for help, or maybe your friend has a KP that has served him faithfully for more than one year. V Lately Collimators have become very often installed on 12k smoothbore, therefore some experience in recoil for the most popular models has long been available. An honest seller will always tell you which model holds returns and which one is best avoided. At the same time, a collimator that is guaranteed to withstand recoil will not always be very expensive. Often even expensive gearboxes cannot withstand the load, and the point begins to “float”. But even the cheapest sights should not be coveted, because this is how you can buy a manual, which can be put on airsoft guns at most.

Another thing to think about when choosing a collimator for 12 gauge is what type it is: open or closed. Here we will not go into too much detail, but will only limit ourselves to the fact that open is light, but it is very unlikely to work in bad weather, closed is more overall, heavy, but you can still shoot with it in bad weather. And you can read more about the types of collimators.

In conclusion, I would like to write only the following (after all, we are a store, and as sellers we also have some experience). Based on the many years of experience of our store employees and our customers - experienced shooters, we can safely recommend a range of open and closed collimators that will definitely not let you down on the hunt. So, among the most compact devices are open collimators Delta Optical MiniDot, Delta Optical MiniDot HD 24, Delta Optical MiniDot HD 26, Hawke RD1x WP Digital Control (Weaver), Konus Sight-Pro Fission 2.0. By the way, these models are also popular among shooters with carbines 7.62x39. Closed collimators include Delta Optical MultiDot HD 36, Hawke RD1x30M WP (9-11mm), Hawke RD1x30M WP (Weaver), Konus Sight-Pro TR. You can be sure that you can easily shoot these sights, and they will definitely not let you down “in battle”. The "survivability" of the listed sights has been tested for years. And we specifically don’t give Docters, Burrises and Zeiss here as examples, these collimators are quite expensive and at the same time they have strong brand support: everyone knows them, but not everyone can afford them, that’s why many shooters are looking for something more affordable but reliable.

“A bad hunter even gets in the way of a fly on a gun,” says folk wisdom. Does the fly interfere? This text is for you.
The girl from the Banggood store kindly offered to choose a product for review. I rummaged through the pages of the store in search of something that would be interesting for me to write about and settled on this sight, all the more I wanted to try out such a device in practice for a long time. A survey with sighting in a ravine, with hunting for a hare and a fox, with a wild boar, with shooting to the right and left could have turned out, but the central part of Russia was covered with snow. Therefore, the review will definitely be boring and possibly informative. Tests without effects, hunting from the couch and “shooting” at slippers.
Reflex sight
sights of this type often called collimators, which is not entirely correct, but has taken root.
In fact, a collimator (from collimo, a distortion of the correct Latin collineo - I direct in a straight line) is a device for obtaining parallel beams of light rays or particles.
Collimator sights - systems that use a collimator to build an image of an aiming mark projected to infinity.


Attempts to make a sight that would combine the simplicity of an open mechanical sight and the ability to observe the aiming mark and the target in the same plane, which was provided by a telescopic sight, were made a long time ago. So at the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian naval officer A.I. Krylov invented the so-called "optical front sight" - the prototype of the modern collimator sight. The sight consisted of a front sight and half of a converging lens, cut along the optical axis. The front sight was located at the focus of the lens, which, in turn, was located between the front sight and the shooter's eye. Thus, the shooter saw the target and the front sight equally sharply, which made it possible to quickly aim at various targets. However, due to some inconvenience that arises when using the sight, it is not widely used.
During the Second World War, collimator sights were used as sights for bombing and artillery and small arms in aviation. As sights for small arms, collimator sights began to spread from the beginning of the 80s of the XX century, when world achievements in semiconductor technology made it possible to create high-quality LEDs with low consumption currents and a large dynamic range of brightness.
The action of conventional mechanical sights (sights) is based on the weapon aiming scheme, in which the shooter's eye axis of vision must pass through the rear sight slot, the top of the front sight and the aiming point (target). In other words, the eye must see simultaneously three objects located at different distances.

In a collimator sight, the radiation from the light source in the sight is reflected by the collimator lens into the observer's eye in a parallel stream. As a result, the observer's pupil does not have to be on the optical axis of the sight, it is enough that it is within the projection of the sight lens along this axis. With transverse movements of the eye, the aiming mark from the point of view of the observer moves along the sight lens, remaining at the aiming point, regardless of the position of the observer's eye relative to the sight ( perfectly). When the observer's pupil goes beyond the projection of the lens, the aiming mark "hides" behind its edge.
A collimator sight is nothing more than a front sight and a rear sight brought together. It allows you to get an image of the target and the aiming mark in the same plane with the same clarity, which greatly simplifies aiming and improves the accuracy of the shot. The shooter does not need to focus on the front sight and rear sight, it is not necessary to combine three objects - front sight, rear sight and target. You just need to focus your eyes on the target, looking at it through the lens of the red dot sight, and bring the mark to the aiming point. Aiming can be carried out with one or two eyes, which creates an unrestricted field of view for the shooter.
Collimator sights for small arms by the presence of a sighting channel (if possible, observe targets through the sight) can be classified into stereoscopic(without sighting channel) and ordinary(with sighting channel).
The stereoscopic collimator sight is not transparent. Aiming with its help is carried out with two open eyes, while using such a human vision ability as stereoscopicity, that is, the ability to perceive as a single two images observed by the right and left eyes. With regard to collimator sights, one eye sees the image of the aiming mark, and the second image of the target. The human brain perceives two images as one and creates a picture similar to that of a conventional (transparent) collimator sight.
According to the possibility of pairing with weapons, collimator sights are divided into:
- universal- installed with the help of special brackets for various models of weapons;
- specialized- made together with a bracket for installation on certain types of weapons;
- integrated- built into the weapon.
Collimator sights are closed and open types.

Closed type of sight has good protection against mechanical damage and negative environmental factors. Disadvantage - larger and heavier than open sights
Open(panoramic) type of sight is compact in contrast to the sight of a closed type, has best review compared to a competitor, but it has less protection from the negative effects of the environment (rain, snow, mud), and is mechanically less protected.

The red dot sight provides better accuracy and high aiming speed - about 2-3 times faster than the traditional "muscle sights".

Best accuracy is a relative concept. When shooting at a shooting range or at a shooting range, in good light conditions, prepared places for shooting, a known distance to targets, a collimator sight does not give a noticeable advantage in aiming speed.
Truly sights of this type are revealed when:
-Shooting in conditions of limited visibility;
The situation when the target is located on a lighter area of ​​​​the terrain, and the rear sight and front sight are no longer visible.
-Shooting at moving targets;
When moving or swiping the aiming point, it is much easier to focus on two points than on three.
-Shooting from uncomfortable positions;
Limited visibility, inability to take the correct position, lack of support, non-standard (unusual) position of the weapon, etc.
In order for a reflex sight to be effective, three factors must be observed.
a) The sight must be of high quality.
b) The sight mount must ensure the preservation of the MTP (middle point of impact) in any conditions.
c) The shooter must know the ballistics of the ammunition and understand where he needs to aim at each of the distances.

It is clear that you can’t stick a collimator sight to a gun with chewing gum, the mount must be reliable in order to keep the STP after many shots, transportation in the trunk along shaky roads, accidental blows with a gun during a hunt. There are special attachments for mounting scopes and other accessories. I will tell you about one of them.

Open universal base for the ventilated rear sight of the CZ Mallard 12/76 shotgun

It is sold in a simple plastic bag, where the base itself is packed, consisting of 2 halves connected by four tightening screws, four set screws are screwed into the ends of the base, conical at the end, there is a spare parts kit that includes a hex key and one spare screw each. All this is fixed on a cardboard-instruction.

Universal mount for a ventilated bar about 7mm, for verticals and semi-autos. The bar is steel, consists of 2 parts, is inserted into the slots of the bar and is tightened with 4 screws, there are also 4 clamping screws for rigid fixation.
The mount does not block the view of the aiming bar when the red dot sight is removed, you can aim without removing the mount. If desired, the bar can be cut with a hacksaw, thereby reducing the weight and size of the mount, almost 2 times. Initially length 11 cm, weight 80 grams.
Weight 70 g
Weapon model MR-153, TOZ-34, IZH-27 / MR-27
Manufacturer Izhevsk Engineering Workshops
Mounting method fixed
Mounting type base Weaver, Picatinny
Weapon base ventilated rail
Differences between Weaver and Picatinny mounting standards.
Both kinds of systems are almost identical in width, but there are differences that make compatibility only one-way.
The Weaver bar was designed by William Ralph Weaver. She became a trademark calling card WR Weaver Co., which he founded in 1930.
The "Picatinny Rail" rail is a term that has passed into the gun industry from the military standard, its original name being MIL-STD-1913 (AR) which was introduced on February 3, 1995. The title of the publication was "Small Gun Accessory Mount Geometry" and this document described all dimensions and tolerances for any mounting system that was adopted by the military. The word Picatinny itself comes from the place where this system was created, the Picatinny Arsenal located in New Jersey. MIL-STD-1913 sets the standard for all fastener specifications for manufacturing, including length, width, height, angles, and the tolerances that can be made in each dimension. The key feature of MIL-STD-1913 is specified in the profile specification and its recoil slot.
What's the difference between "Picatinny" and "Weaver" systems? The profile of both types of fasteners is almost identical. Depending on the quality of production, the two planks should be indistinguishable in their main profile. What will really make a difference is the location of the recoil slot and slot width (the distance between them). In MIL-STD-1913 (Picatinny) the slot length is .206" in. (5.23 mm) and the width from center to next center of the notch is .394" in. (10 mm.). The location of these slots must be repeatable throughout to conform to the accepted MIL-STD "Picatinny" specification.
In the Weaver system, the slot width is .180" (4.57 mm.) and not necessarily the distance between the centers of the slots, from one to the next. In many cases, the Weaver system has specific characteristics that depend on the fixture with which it will be (i.e. for a small collimator base, one or two slots as close together as possible may be sufficient), so interchangeability can be a problem. At the same time, the MIL-STD-1913 standard must be consistent with the characteristics on all products in order remain MIL-STD, as for military tasks, identity and compatibility play big role, to use different systems on different weapons.
What does this mean for a particular shooter? In short, this means that the weaver system will fit the picatinny in most cases. It will not work in the opposite direction, due to the width of the groove for recoil. Accessories and picatinny mounts will not fit the weaver system. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule (there may be a replacement stopper included), but the most important thing to remember is that the Picatinny does not fit the Weaver, but the Weaver is compatible with the Picatinny.
A lot of text, I'll try to explain on the fingers.

In the bar under consideration, there is a variable pitch of the grooves, each second one is absolutely compatible with the Picatinny standard, which makes it possible to attach any accessories or accessories intended for installation on these types of bars.
The annotation says that the bar also fits on other guns besides those listed. In my case (CZ Mallard) it was not possible to manage without dope. Firstly, the distance between the ventilation holes turned out to be greater than between the bosses, and secondly, the bosses are thicker than the height of the hole. But with the help of a Dremel, everything fits perfectly. I pre-wrapped the planks around the sawing points with masking tape, we have excellent shooters, although a firm hand, but God is careful ... as they say.

After fitting, the bar falls into place like a glove. There are enough tightening screws to secure, I didn’t need the installation screws, because there are no gaps between the parts of the gun and the bar, and the fastening movements.

The sight comes in a black cardboard box, which is nothing special, but along with the foam inside, ensures safety during transportation.

AURKTECH Hunting HD101 compact red dot sight:
Collimator sight -1pc
Hex key 3 mm - 1pc
Hex key 1.5 mm - 1 pc
Protective cap for the lens - 1 pc
Lithium battery CR2032 3V - 1pc
Instruction manual (English) - 1pc

Instruction ( English language)

Specifications compact reflex sight AURKTECH Hunting HD101:
Objective Lens Width: 33mm
Objective Lens Height: 22mm
Zoom ratio: 1X (no zoom)
Field of view: 15.8m at 100m
Brand color: red/green, adjustable from 1 to 5
Aiming mark: dot, dot in a circle, cross, combined
Click price: 1 MOA (2.91 cm at 100 meters)
Mark diameter (dots) 1 MOA
Backlight battery type: CR2032 3V Lithium
Material: Aluminum
Black colour
Integrated Weaver rail mount
Overall dimensions of the sight: 82 x 56 x 39 mm
Weight: 112 g
Serves for accurate aiming of weapons at medium and short distances and allows you to shoot "offhand" at moving targets.

MOA (Minute Of Angle - minute of arc)
A circle is 360 degrees;
1 degree is 60 minutes of arc;
There are 21,600 arc minutes in a circle.
MOA is widely used in ballistics in the West, this angular value is used to evaluate the accuracy of hits, corrections when shooting, etc.
It is understandable:

Installation on a prepared gun does not cause any difficulties. Remove the front set screw and loosen the rear. Move the scope to the base. The front screw is inserted into the groove of the base, the choice of which is determined by a comfortable distance from the shooter's eye. Tighten.
It is advisable not to confuse anything, otherwise the ducks will laugh.

And the sight is the best, and the mount is reliable, but ...

collimator stands backwards


If you insert a battery (plus up), and by clicking the reticle switch, look into the frame of the sight, you can see the following picture:

Remove the rubber protective cap!

With the aiming mark brightness control, you can set the required brightness (so that it does not blind at night and is clearly visible on a sunny day - a choice of five gradations) and color (red, for example, for aiming against the background of brightly lit foliage or green, for example, for aiming at sunset).
Line of sight correction:
With the weapon fixed in the sighting station, position the target at a distance of 50 meters and shoot. If the aiming point coincides with the point of impact, then everything is fine, if not, then adjust the aiming mark.
Aiming mark correction:
Horizontal reticle correction to the right can be changed using the socket screw located on the left side of the “R” sight.
Correction of the aiming mark vertically upwards is carried out using the end screw located in the upper part of the “UP” sight.
Sight and adjust until the point of impact coincides with the point of aim.

For objective reasons, I can not conduct field tests. With a sight mounted on a gun, it is inconvenient to make video and photo shooting. Therefore, I took it off and assembled a simple stand from a Soviet stool and Chinese aluminum vise (they came in handy, damn it!).

This is what the aiming mark looks like through the eyes of the shooter:

I checked the shift of the aiming point when the eye deviates from the optical axis and the operation of the aiming mark calibration mechanism.

When changing the angle of view, the mark is held at the aiming point almost throughout the entire perimeter of the lens frame and only at the very borders sharply goes to the side. Very useful property when shooting offhand.
Well, the last test - we take a hex key and turn the adjusting screws.

How and what I twisted and counted.
The distance to the target with a scale is 2 meters. I twisted, counting clicks, the adjusting screw until my brand deviated by 2 cm, while the mechanism clicked 32 times. That is, at a distance of 50 m, the mark would deviate by 50 cm. We know that each click deflects the mark by one arc minute, or 1.46 cm at 50 meters. 50/1.46=34.2 minutes of arc. I got 32. I think that the difference can be attributed to the measurement error. That is, the sight is calibrated, and calibrated quite accurately.
Of course, more spectacular and more demonstrative tests could have been carried out in the forest. Which I will do as soon as the snow melts. Review will be.
+ Build quality.
+ Reasonable price.
+ Wide functionality.
+ Easy to install and maintain.
+ All the necessary accessories are included in the basic package - you do not need to buy anything in addition.
- No wifi to control via app.
- He does not swim behind the duck.
This sight is a clone (or rather an exact copy) successful model American brand Sightmark (, which places orders for the production of this development in China. So, with a high degree of probability, both the branded sight and its numerous clones come from the same workshop. Reviews for this model (including non-originals) are positive, so I think this copy will cope with its tasks.
All no fluff, no feather! Remember, a bad day at the hunt is better than a good day at work.

To improve the shooting results, it is not enough to modify the weapon, it is also necessary to use more advanced sights. Collimator sights allow to significantly speed up aiming at the target, while maintaining high shooting accuracy. Their design is quite simple and can be reproduced at home, adjusted for the lower strength of homemade devices.

The device got its name from the principle of collimation used - the transformation of light beams that correspond to the objects of observation into parallel beams. In the same plane with the objects of observation (focal plane, opt.) there is an aiming marker, the glow of which is provided by a working LED.

The shooter's eye observes the marker at an indefinite distance. It never blurs and is on the target. From the side of the target, the light source is not visible, which is explained by its low intensity and the reflection of most of the rays in the direction of the shooter.

The advantages of the collimator are the ability to aim with two eyes. This expands the field of view and allows you to move the middle point of impact in time.

Video review of the collimator sight, the principle of its operation and application:

Distinguish between open and closed collimator sights. When using the open type, the shooter observes the target with both eyes, fixing the aiming marker at the same time. The scope cavity is translucent, which also makes it possible to aim with one eye, as in the case of an optical sight.

When aiming a weapon equipped with a closed collimator, one eye observes the target, and the other fixes the aiming mark. It is impossible to aim with one eye, since the space behind the optics is made of an opaque material.

Difference from mechanical, optical, holographic sights

Types of collimator sights and their difference from others

The fundamental difference between a collimator sight and classic sights is as follows:

  • to provide an aiming marker, a source of electricity is always used - a battery or a battery;
  • for aiming at the target, it is not necessary to achieve the combination of the mechanical parts of the sight (front sight and rear sight);
  • the optical system does not provide target approximation (although recently collimators with a small increase began to appear);
  • the role of the aiming mark is performed by a light spot, and not by a metal mesh in the focus of the lens or marks engraved on it;
  • when the shooter's eye shifts relative to the axis of the weapon, the aiming marker almost does not change its location and remains on the target (practical absence of parallax).

There is another type of collimator -. This type is a development of the classical collimator scheme and uses a laser instead of a point light source, as well as a holographic mark. The latter can take any form, including visually apparent three-dimensional.

Holographic sights are considered more advanced than collimator sights, as they allow better orientation in conditions of rapidly changing targets. However, reflex sights are more versatile, being equally useful at short and long distances.


Collimator sights have become widespread on medium and close combat weapons, although they can sometimes be installed on . Most often they are used together with, assault rifles and .
The installation of collimator sights on pneumatic weapons has gained great popularity. This is especially true for airsoft drives.

In conventional 4.5mm pneumatics, collimators are often used by beginners, as they allow accurate shots even with minimal training.

If the main application of pneumatics is shooting at frequently and suddenly appearing targets, then a red dot sight fits perfectly. There are also night sights that allow you to hit the target exactly in the dark.

General device and circuit

The conditional design of an open and closed collimator sight is shown in the figure below.

Closed collimator sight (scheme b) is a tube in which a convex lens and a point light source are mounted. The front of the sight is closed, that is, you need to aim with two eyes. After combining the marker and the target, you can fire.

Open collimator sight (diagram a) includes in its design a reflecting mirror, often translucent. You can look into such a sight with one eye, observing the target and the luminous marker. The greatest effect is achieved when using both eyes.

If you have the enthusiasm and practice of working with mechanical devices, the simplest collimator sight can be assembled independently. To do this, you need a rectangular or circular case, a reflecting mirror or a glass fragment of the correct shape, as well as a working LED. You need to place the mirror or glass at an angle to the arrow so that the reflection of the LED is visible in the middle of the case.

Examples of the simplest designs of collimator sights that even a child can build with his own hands (in the literal sense) are shown in the video:

Operation and care

When using a collimator sight, you must:

  • wipe the optics as they get dirty, using specially designed wipes. A simple rag can ruin (scratch) lenses and mirrors;
  • check batteries or accumulators before installing them in the sight - relevant for devices with non-standard batteries;
  • transport the sight separately from the weapon, with the exception of specially designed cases for transportation. A properly adjusted scope will maintain a mid-point of impact even after repeated mounting and dismounting cycles.

Storage rules

To maintain the performance of a collimator sight, you need to fulfill the basic requirements for their storage:

  1. remove the battery for a period of inactivity so as not to damage the electrical circuit when the electrolyte flows;
  2. keep the sight in a dry place with constant humidity - this will protect the device from corrosion;
  3. avoid physical impact on the sight, since the repair of the optical system is quite expensive even for budget models.

How to choose a reflex sight

How to choose a reflex sight

There is an unspoken rule - all collimator sights with a purchase price below 15 USD. That is, they are not fully sights. This is due to the extremely unreliable design of cheap crafts, which will go astray at the slightest shock (even when reloading).


Modern (brackets) have two main mechanisms - the dovetail and the Picatinny rail. The most expensive models can be fixed on any of them, thanks to the universal mounting kit.

When installing the sight, its location is rigidly fixed with clamping screws, and sometimes it is additionally locked in a special groove. Tighten the screws firmly, but be careful not to strip the threads or bend the guide rails.

You can watch the installation of a collimator sight on a rifle with a transition bar in this video:


The process of setting up a collimator sight can be reduced to two manipulations - setting the brightness and zeroing. The change in brightness is carried out depending on the external illumination - the stronger it is, the brighter the aiming marker should be. When shooting in cloudy weather or at dusk, the emitter power must be reduced in order to prevent target illumination.

In the absence of experience, zero the weapon from the stop. It is most convenient to use a special stand or a bag filled with sand.

It is carried out at a standard distance for each type of weapon. In the case of pneumatics, it is advisable to start from ten meters, adjusting the midpoint of impact and the location of the marker in several stages:

  1. the weapon is directed at the target through mechanical sights or a bore. Also, a luminous collimator marker is aimed at the target (by rotating the adjusting screws in the horizontal and vertical planes);
  2. a series of shots is fired (usually no more than three), which determine the average point of impact. The position of the marker is again adjusted by screws, taking into account the deviation of the aiming point from the point of impact (in accordance with the instructions for the used sight);
  3. after the initial zeroing, another series of shots is fired to make sure that the corrections made are correct;
  4. when the weapon is sighted at a given distance, it is necessary to check the point of impact at other distances. The observed reduction or excess of hits should be recorded and learned. Knowing the deviations from the aiming point and the distance to the target, it will be possible to fire without making adjustments to the collimator settings.

Brief overview of popular brands


Refers to the line of combat collimator sights designed for installation on serial military weapons. Depending on the conditions of use, you can choose not only the brightness of the marker, but also its appearance(point, crosshair, etc.). Russian-made sights have a predominantly open design and allow you to quickly transfer fire to emerging targets.


It is a line of collimator sights of various modifications, including holographic ones. Devices belong to the high price range and have wide range capabilities, many consider them to be the best in the business. Most are compact open structures.


They belong to the sights of the middle and upper price range and are made in Japan. Implemented designs are varied and include both small-sized collimators with a single lens, and tubular designs for long-range shooting.


A large assortment has gained fame due to the use by hunters and sportsmen. The price of gauges has been shifted towards moderate values, and significant durability allows firing from weapons of large calibers, such as 12th. Sightmark has collected a number of awards for the high quality of its products, some of which are used by the US law enforcement forces.

Aim point

The company manufactures high-quality riflescopes that are used on a variety of small arms. Most are made in a shock-resistant and water-resistant case that can withstand heavy mechanical loads. The prices of scopes are quite high and maintain the reputation of an expensive brand, but you can always get Chinese replicas at a lower cost.

Comparison of red dot sights from Aimpoint and Eotech:


These collimator sights are characterized by open design and are compact devices for installation on sporting and hunting weapons. For military use, sights are less common due to the open optical part. The devices are quite durable and compact, and also have high ergonomics.


Models of collimator sights from Leapers gained popularity when installed on smoothbore hunting weapons and small pneumatics. The rigid construction allows the scope to withstand high recoil. Among the large selection there are budget models that allow you to fully use inexpensive gas-cylinder pistols with installed collimator sights.


German-made devices are popular for being ultra-small and strong enough to withstand high recoil. Docter collimators are used in recreational, hunting and sports shooting, and are also used for installation on shotguns and submachine guns.


American-made samples complete the wide selection sights, including not only collimator sights, but also optical sights. We can say that collimators are rather an exception for this brand, which does not affect their quality in any way. Most Bushnell reflex sights are budget models used for sporting and hunting purposes.
