Presentation “To Children about the Arms of the Russian Armed Forces. Abstract of research work on the topic "military equipment of the USSR during the wwii" on the topic of military equipment

Some samples and characteristics of Russian military equipment.

Title: Promising aviation complex front-line aviation PAK-FA: T-50

Type: fifth generation multirole fighter

Developer: Sukhoi Design Bureau, Russia

Crew: 1

Length, m: 19.7

Height, m: 4.7

Wingspan, m: 14

Wing area, m2: 79

Weights, kg:

Empty: 18500

Normal takeoff: 26000

Maximum takeoff: 36000

Fuel in internal tanks: 10400

Speed, km / h:

At height: 2440 (M = 2.3)

At the Ground: 1700

Practical ceiling, m: 20,000

Rate of climb, m / s: 330

Maximum operating overload: 10.5

Take-off run / run, m: 350/350

Practical range, km:

4300 without PTB,

5500 with 2 PTB

Radius of action, km: 1500 ... 1800

Flight duration: up to 5.8 h

Engine: 2 TRDDF Saturn "product 117C" AL-41F1 (flight at supersonic speed without afterburner and increased resource to 4000 hours, in 2016 it is planned to install a promising engine "Product 129", which has flat nozzles to reduce radar signature).

Thrust, kgf:

At maximum: 2x8800

Afterburner: 2x14500

Name: Tank T-14 "Armata"

Type: main tank

Manufacturer: KB UralVagonZavod, Russia

Crew, people: 3

Length, body m: 8.35

Length with gun forward, m: 10.40

Width, m: 4

Height, m: 2.80 on the roof of the tower

Combat weight, kg: 57000

Engine: 12-cylinder, X-shaped diesel turbo-piston engine A-85-3A (aka 12N360 and 2V12-3)

Power, hp: from 1500 reduced to 1200 to save motor resources

Dry engine weight, kg: 1550

Speed, km / h:

On the highway: 70

Cruising in store, km: 520


1х125 mm smoothbore cannon 2А82, capable of firing guided missiles

1x7.62 mm modernized Kalashnikov machine gun

1x12.7-mm machine gun "Kord" (6P49) is mounted synchronously with the commander's panorama

Like the tank gun, the machine guns are remote-digital controlled.

Ammunition, pcs:

Shots to the gun: 45 (of which 32 in the automatic loader)

Machine gun cartridges: 7.62 caliber - 2000 pcs. Ammunition ready for battle - 1000 rounds. Another 1000 rounds in the belts at the rear of the turret.

Caliber 12.7 mm - 300 pcs. and 300 cartridges in strips are stored in a box

Charging: automatic loader

Rate of fire in combat conditions, rds / min: 10

Target detection range, m: up to 5000

Target destruction range, m: up to 7000

Built on a universal tracked platform "Armata", it uses the best developments in the projects of experimental tanks T-95 and "Black Eagle". The tank is larger and heavier than the T-90 and has seven rollers on its side. The crew consists of three people. Among the main features of the "Armata" is an uninhabited tower. None of the crew members are stationed in the tower during combat. Resistant armor is created using a new grade of steel, and the addition of ceramic and composite interlayers. Steel grade 44S-SV-Sh was created at JSC Research Institute of Steel.

The tower is fully automated and remotely controlled. The emphasis was placed on the comfort and safety of the crew. The crew must be better protected than any other tank in the world. The capsule has active protection.

Name: T-72B

Type: main tank

Developer: Design Bureau of the Ural Carriage Works, Russia

Start of production: 1985

Combat weight, t: 42.5

Crew, people: 3


Length (with gun forward), m: 9.53

Width, m: 3.46

Height (on the roof of the tower), m: 2.226

Clearance, m: 0.47

Reservation: cannon-proof combined with hinged reactive armor

Armament: 1 x 125-mm 2A46M cannon 1 x 7.62-mm PKT machine gun 1 x 12.7-mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun

1 x Svir 9K120 guided weapon system (9M112 ATGM with radio control and optical feedback)

Cannon firing range, m:

Maximum: 4000

Effective: n / a

Projectile weight: up to 23kg

Beginning projectile speed, m / s: up to 850 (at 23kg) to 1700 (at 7.05kg)

Ammunition for the gun, pcs .: 45

Ammunition for the PKT machine gun, pcs.: 2000

Ammunition for the NSVT machine gun, pcs .: 300

Ammunition for ATGM, pcs .: 4

Aiming angles:

Horizontal, city .: 360

Vertical, city .: from -6 to +14

Engine: diesel V-84-1

Power, l / s: 840

Max, travel speed, km / h:

On the highway: 60

Cross Country: 35

By water: n / a

Cruising in store, km: 500 (700 with external tanks)

Overcoming obstacles:

Rise at an angle, city .: 30

Roll, city .: 25

Wall height, m: 0.85

Moat width, m: 2.8

Ford depth, m: 1.2 (with OPVT - 5)


R-173 radio station, R-174 intercom, GPK-59 navigation equipment, TDA smoke screen setting device, 8 x 902B, TKN-ZV commander's sighting system, ZETs13 "Iney" fire extinguishing equipment with freon cylinders.

Adoption Soviet army In 1985, the new modification of the T-72B tanks became a kind of response to the appearance in the NATO armed forces of the third post-war generation tanks: "Leopard-2", Ml "Abrams" and "Challenger". The design of the T-72B implements the latest achievements of the then Soviet defense industry - a reactive armor system and a complex of tank guided weapons.

Armor protection:

T-72 armor - rolled and cast steel, hull VLD (on all models) and turret frontal armor (on most models) - combined. The hull of the tank is welded, made of rolled armor parts of various thicknesses and designs. VLD combined, inclined at an angle of 68 ° from the vertical. NLD made of homogeneous steel, its thickness is 80 mm (on the T-72A it was increased to 100 mm). Steel sheets of side armor are 70-80 mm thick.

Name: Tu-160 "Blackjack"

Type: Strategic supersonic bomber

Crew: 4

Length, m: 54.1

Height, m: 13.1

Wingspan, m: 55.7 / 35.6

Wing area, m2: 360

Weights, kg:

Empty: 118000

Normal takeoff: 267600

Maksim. takeoff: 275000

Fuel: 148,000

Maksim. combat load: 40,000

Normal combat load: 9000

Speed, km / h:

At altitude: 2200

At the Ground: 1030

Cruising speed: 850

Practical ceiling, m: 15000

Maksim. rate of climb, m / min: 4200

Maksim. operating overload: 3.5

Take-off run / run, m: 2000/1600

Required runway length, m: 3050

Tear-off speed, km / h: 284

Landing speed, km / h: 300

Practical range, km (without refueling):

Normal load - over 12,500

With maxim. Download - 10500

Flight duration, h: 15

Engine: 4xTRDDF NK-32

Thrust, kgf:

Afterburner: 4x25000

Armament: No built-in weapons. Two weapon bays can accommodate various loading options weighing up to 40,000 kg: up to 12 Kh-55 missile launchers, up to 12 Kh-15 missile launchers, various types of KAB with caliber up to 1500 kg, thermonuclear and conventional bombs, mines.

Avionics: the aircraft is equipped with an integrated sighting and navigation system, including a backup INS, an astronavigation system, a radar, an optoelectronic automatic bomber sight. There is an electronic warfare complex.

Name: Tu-142M "Bear-E"

Type: Anti-submarine aircraft

Developer: Tupolev Design Bureau, Russia

Crew, persons: 10-11

Length, m: 55.1

Height, m: 13.6

Wingspan, m: 50.04

Wing area, m2: 289.9

Weights, kg:

Empty: 91800

Maksim. takeoff: 182000

Fuel: 86000

Maksim. combat load: 9000

Speed, km / h:

Maksim. at height: 855

Cruising speed: 735

Practical ceiling, m: 10600

Takeoff run / run, m: 2530 / n.d

Practical range, km: 10050

Range of action, km: 5000

Flight duration, h: 12

Engine: 4xTVD NK-12MV

Power, hp: 4х15000


Ammunition: n / a

The bomb bays can accommodate various weapons weighing up to 9000 kg; depth charges, torpedoes, rockets, as well as various hydroacoustic buoys. Up to 8 X-35 anti-ship missiles can be suspended on parts of aircraft under the wings.

Avionics: aircraft are equipped with various search and sighting systems: "Korshun", "Korshun-Kaira", "2 Korshun-K", "Berkut", as well as electronic warfare equipment.

Name: Su-30 (T-10PU) "Flanker-C"

Type: Air defense fighter-interceptor

Manufacturer: OKB Sukhoi, Russia

Crew: 2

Length, m (with LDPE): 21.93

Height, m: 6.35

Wingspan, m: 14.7

Wing area, m2: 62.04

Weights, kg:

Empty: 17500

Normal takeoff: 24000

Maksim. takeoff: 30500

Fuel in internal tanks: 9400

Maksim. combat load: 4000

Speed, km / h:

At height: 2125 (M = 2.0)

At the ground: 1400 (M = 1.14)

Practical ceiling, m: 17500

Rate of climb, m / s: 13700

Maksim. operating overload: 9

Takeoff / run length, m: 750/650

Tear-off speed, km / h: 270

Landing speed, km / h: 240

Practical range, km:

At altitude: 3000

At the Ground: 1300

With one refueling: 5200

Engine: 2xAL-31F

Thrust, kgf:

At maximum: 2x7600

Afterburner: 2x12500


1xGSh-301 (30mm, 1500 rounds / min)

Ammunition, pcs: 150

The air-to-air missile armament is similar to the Su-27P armament, but with the possibility of using R-77 missiles with an active RGSN.

Avionics: SUV is similar to that used on the Su-27P. Additionally, the Su-30 avionics include special communications and guidance equipment for fighters operating in the group. All data on the tactical situation is displayed on a large-format display in the rear cockpit, from where target distribution in the group takes place. Also on the Su-30, the navigation complex, the SDU have been modernized, there is a system for refueling in flight. The defense complex is similar to the Su-27P. Serial production started in 1991. in Irkutsk.

Name: MiG-25PD (ed.84D) "Foxbat-E"

Type: Interceptor

Manufacturer: OKB "MiG", Russia

Crew: 1

Length, m (with LDPE): 22.3

Height, m: 6.6

Wingspan, m: 14,056

Wing area, m2: 61.9

Weights, kg:

Empty: about 20,000

Normal takeoff: 34920

Maksim. takeoff: 41000

Fuel in internal tanks: 14750

Maksim. combat load: 1800

Speed, km / h:

At height: 3000 (M = 2.83)

At the Ground: 1200

Practical ceiling, m: 20700

Rate of climb, m / s: n / a

Maksim. operating overload: 5

Takeoff / run length, m: 1250/800 (with TP)

Tear-off speed, km / h: 360

Landing speed, km / h: 290

Practical range, km: 1730

Ferry range, km: n / a

Engine: 2xRD-15BD-300

Thrust, kgf:

At maximum: 2x8000

Afterburner: 2х11200

Armament: up to four R-40RD missiles with PARGSN and R-40TD with IKGSN, or up to four R-60 and R-60M missiles with IKGSN in various combinations. There is no built-in cannon armament. Suspension of one PTB (5300kg) under the fuselage is possible.

Avionics: installed radar N005 "Sapphire-25" with an AVM-25 computer and a heat direction finder TP-23SH1.

The interceptor is guided using the Lazur-M command radio link, and SPO-15 Birch is installed to warn of irradiation.

The first flight of the MiG-25PD was made on 19.11.77 under the control of test pilot V.E. Menitsky. Serial production took place at NGAZ "Sokol" in 1978-79, more than 150 units were produced, some of the machines were exported to Iraq, Syria and Algeria.

Name: 5P85S

Type: launcher of the S-300PS complex

Equipped with preparation and management container

Rocket launch and autonomous power supply system 5S18A

Combat crew, people: 4

SAM type: 5V55R.

Ammunition, pcs: 4

Air defense system deployment time: 5 min.

Maximum effective launch range:

(target height over 2000m) 47 km.

(target height up to 25m) 25 km.

Maximum height

Start: 30,000 m.

Minimum launch height: 25 m.

Maximum speed

Targets: 1.167 m / s

Chassis: MAZ-543M

Maximum travel speed, km / h: 60

Cruising in store, km: 650

Weight, kg: 20000

Length: 9.4 m.

Width: 3.1 m.

Height: 3.7 m.

Type: 130-mm self-propelled gun mount of the coastal artillery complex A-222 "Bereg"

Manufacturer: Central Design Bureau "Titan", Russia

Crew: 8

Length, m: 12.95

Width, m: 3.2

Height, m: 3.925

Combat weight, kg: 43700

Reservations: n / a

Engine: diesel, D-12A-525A

Power, hp: 525

Max. speed, km / h:

On the highway: 60

Cruising in store, km: 650


1x130mm cannon

Firing range, km: 23

Projectile type: high-explosive F-44

Projectile weight, kg: 33.4 (all types)

Beginning projectile speed, m / s: 850.

Ammunition, pcs: 48

Aiming angles, degrees:

Vertical: -5 / + 50

Horizontal: +/- 120

Rate of fire, rds / min: 14

State tests of the 130-mm self-propelled coastal artillery complex A-222 "Bereg" completed on 30.05.93.

The complex is designed to defend the coast from ships, aircraft and CD (within the guidance angles) of the enemy.

The complex consists of a self-propelled artillery mount (up to 4 pieces), a BR-136 fire control system and a combat watch support vehicle.

All components of the A-222 "Bereg" complex are mounted on the MAZ-543M chassis with an 8X8 wheel arrangement. The chassis weight is 21 tons.

The gun mount uses shells from the ship gun mount AK-130, but the barrel has a muzzle brake and an ejector. Barrel length - about 54 calibers, a number of elements of the swinging part are taken from the ACS 2S19 "Msta".

Unitary charging.

The installation is equipped with a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder and an optical-electronic command sight, which allows autonomous firing of targets in the event of destruction or failure of the fire control system BR-136 "Podach".

Type: Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (Project 1143.5 "Eagle")

Displacement, tons: 55000 standard 67500 full

Dimensions, m: 302.5 × 72.3 × 10.5.2 aircraft lift

Speed, knots: 30

Power plant: 8 boilers, 4 GTZA. 200,000 h.p. 4 screws.

Range, miles: 3850 at 29 knots, 8500 at 18 knots, 12000 at 10 knots

Crew: 2590 people, incl. 626 air wing.

Armament: 12 SM-233 missile launchers P-700 "Granit", 4x6 VPU SAM "Dagger" 192 SAM 9M-330, 8 SAM "Kortik" - 2x4 SAM 9M311 + 2x500 pcs., 6x6-30mm AK- 630M - 2000 pcs in the installation, 2x10 RKPTZ-1 "Udav-1M" - 60 RSL-120 missiles, 24 Su-33, 18 Ka-27 of various modifications.

REO: BIUS "Lesorub", navigation and communications radar, space communications system, "Mars-Passat" complex, "Fregat-MA" radar, "Podkat" radar, antenna CCD of air defense missile systems and artillery, "Resistor" flight control radar, landing system "Moon", electronic warfare system "Constellation-BR".

Russian Federation were formed in 1992. At the time of creation, their number was 2 880 000 people. Today it reaches 1,000,000 people. It is not only one of the largest armed forces in the world. The armament of the Russian army today is very modern, developed, has reserves nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, a developed system of counteraction to the enemy's offensive and the redeployment of weapons if necessary.

The army of the Russian Federation practically does not use foreign-made weapons. Everything you need is made on the territory of the country. All military equipment and weapons are the result of research by scientists and the functioning of the defense industry. The army is controlled by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation through military districts and other command and control bodies. Also, a General Staff was created to control the Russian Armed Forces, the tasks of which are defense planning, conducting mobilization and operational training, organizing reconnaissance operations, etc.

Armored vehicles

Military equipment and the armament of the Russian army is constantly being modernized. This happens with vehicles such as armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and BMDs. They are intended for conducting combat operations on various types of terrain, and are also capable of transporting a combat detachment of up to 10 people, and overcoming water obstacles. These vehicles can move both front and reverse at the same speed.

So, at the beginning of 2013, the BTR-82 and BTR-82A entered service with the Russian army. This modification has an economical diesel generator set, is equipped with an electric drive with a stabilizer for controlling a gun, a laser sight. The designers improved reconnaissance capabilities, the fire extinguishing and fragmentation protection system was improved.

In service there are about 500 BMP-3. This technique and the weapons it is equipped with are unmatched in the whole world. equipped with protection against mines, have a durable and sealed hull, providing all-round armor to protect personnel. BMP-3 is an airborne amphibious vehicle. On a flat road, it develops a speed of up to 70 km / h.

Russian nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons have been in service since the days of the USSR. This is a whole complex that directly includes ammunition, carriers and means of movement, as well as control systems. The action of weapons is based on nuclear energy, which is released during the fission reaction or fusion of nuclei.

RS-24 "Yars" presents new today. Development on it began in the USSR in 1989. After Ukraine's refusal to develop it together with Russia, all design developments in 1992 were transferred to MIT. By design, the Yars missile is similar to the Topol-M. Its difference is new platform for breeding blocks. On the Yars, the payload has been increased, and the hull has been treated with a special compound to reduce the impact of a nuclear explosion. This missile is capable of performing programmed maneuvers and is equipped with a complex to counter missile defense systems.

Pistols for the army

Pistols in troops of any kind are used for close combat and personal self-defense. This weapon became widespread due to its compactness and light weight, but the main advantage was the ability to fire with one hand. Until 2012, pistols in service with the Russian army were mainly used by the Makarov systems (PM and PMM). The models are designed for 9 mm cartridges. The firing range reached 50 meters, the rate of fire was 30 rounds per minute. The capacity of the PM magazine is 8 rounds, the PMM is 12 rounds.

However, the Makarov pistol is recognized as outdated; a more modern model has been adopted. This is "Strizh", developed in conjunction with the employees of the special forces. According to their technical specifications the pistol is superior to the world famous Glock. Another pistol that was adopted by the army of new Russia in 2003 was the SPS (Serdyukov self-loading pistol).

For him were developed 9-mm cartridges with small ricochet bullets, as well as with armor-piercing and armor-piercing tracer bullets. It is equipped with a special spring to speed up the change of the double-row magazine and two safety valves.


The armament of the Russian army in terms of aviation makes it possible to provide protection and attack on the enemy, as well as to carry out various operations, such as reconnaissance, security and others. Aviation is represented by aircraft and helicopters for various purposes.

Among the aircraft, the Su-35S model should be noted. This fighter is multifunctional and super-maneuverable, it is designed to strike at moving and stationary ground targets. But his main task is to gain air supremacy. The Su-35S has engines with higher thrust and a rotary thrust vector (product 117-C). It uses a fundamentally new onboard equipment - the aircraft's information and control system ensures the maximum degree of interaction between the pilots and the vehicle. The fighter is equipped with latest system weapons control "Irbis-E". It is capable of simultaneously detecting up to 30 air targets, firing up to 8 targets without interrupting the observation of ground and airspace.

Among the helicopters, the KA-52 "Alligator" and the KA-50 "Black Shark" should be noted as the modern weapons of the Russian army. These two combat vehicles are formidable weapons, so far not a single country in the world has been able to create and oppose equipment corresponding to them in terms of tactical and technical capabilities. "Alligator" can operate at any time of the day or night, in any weather and climatic conditions... "Black Shark" is designed to destroy various armored vehicles, including tanks, as well as to protect ground targets and troops from enemy attacks.


Equipment of the Russian army vehicles for various purposes is large in scale. Automotive equipment is presented in the form of highly mobile, cargo and passenger, multipurpose, specially protected and armored.

The STS "Tiger", adopted by the Russian army, has proven itself especially well. The vehicle is used for reconnaissance operations, observing the enemy, transporting personnel and ammunition, patrolling high-risk areas, escorting mobile convoys. It has high maneuverability, long range, good visibility for firing.

For the operational transfer of equipment, ammunition and personnel in large quantities, the KRAZ-5233VE "Spetsnaz" is used. The vehicle is designed for work in harsh climatic conditions (from -50 to + 60 degrees), has a high cross-country ability - it can overcome water obstacles up to 1.5 m deep and snow covers up to 60 cm high.


Tanks are armored fighting vehicles and are used by ground troops. Today, the Russian army uses the T-90, T-80 and T-72 models. Modern armament with tanks outnumbers the equipment of the United States Army.

The T-80 has been supplied to the army since 1976, since then it has gone through several modifications. It is used to support the destruction of people and various objects (for example, fortified firing points) with firepower, to create defensive lines. Has multi-layer armor, increased maneuverability. It is equipped with a 125-mm cannon coaxial with a machine gun, a Utes machine-gun complex, a smoke grenade launch system, and an anti-tank missile control system.

The T-90 tank, especially the T-90SM modification, can be safely positioned as the latest weapons Russian army. Equipped with an improved fire extinguishing system, added an air conditioning system, it is possible to hit moving targets with high accuracy while driving. In all characteristics it surpasses such tanks as "Abrams" or "Leopard".

Machine guns in service with the army

The most famous weapon of the Russian army is And although they lack grace or beauty, they have earned popularity for their simplicity and ease of use. This assault rifle dates back to 1959, when it was first adopted by the USSR army. Last years Since 1990, AK-74M models with a rail for mounting various types of sights have been produced for the army. In it, the designers were able to realize the dream of a universal machine. But no matter how versatile it may be, history does not stand still, and technologies are developing.

To date, the modern armament of the Russian army in terms of machine guns is represented by the AK-12 model. It is devoid of the shortcomings of all types of AK - there is no gap between the receiver cover and the receiver itself. The design makes the machine convenient for use by both right-handers and left-handers. The model is compatible with magazines for AKM, AK-74. It is possible to mount an under-barrel grenade launcher and various types of sight. Shooting accuracy is almost 1.5 times higher than that of the AK-74.

Grenade launchers in the Russian troops

Grenade launchers are designed for various purposes and are divided into several types. So, there are easel, automatic, manual, multipurpose, underbarrel and remote controlled. Depending on the type, they are intended to destroy enemy troops, mobile and stationary targets, to destroy unarmored, lightly armored and armored vehicles.

New small arms the Russian army in this category is represented by the RPG-30 "Hook" grenade launcher. He is a weapon single use, entered the troops in 2013. is a double-barreled one, consisting of two grenades: an imitator and a 105-mm combat grenade. The simulator ensures the activation of the enemy's defense functions, and the combat grenade directly destroys the target left without protection.

One cannot ignore such modern weapons of the Russian army as the GP-25 and GP-30 underbarrel grenade launchers. They are equipped with Kalashnikov assault rifles of modifications AK-12, AKM, AKMS, AKS-74U, AK-74, AK-74M, AK-103 and AK-101. Underbarrel grenade launchers GP-25 and GP-30 are designed to destroy live and non-living targets and non-armored vehicles. Sighting range - about 400 m, caliber - 40 mm.

Sniper rifles

Sniper rifles used as small arms of the Russian army are divided into several types, or rather, they have different purposes. To eliminate single camouflaged or moving targets, a 7.62 mm SVD is used. The rifle was developed back in 1958 by E. Dragunov and has an aiming range of up to 1300 meters. Since then, the weapon has gone through several modifications. In the 90s. was developed and put into service with the Russian army (SVU-AS). It has a caliber of 7.62 and is intended for airborne units. This rifle has the ability to fire automatically and is equipped with a folding stock.

For military operations that require noise-free operation, WSS is used. Though sniper rifle Vintorez was established in the former USSR, SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges are used for firing (pierces a steel plate 8 mm thick from a distance of 100 m). Sighting range is from 300 to 400 meters, depending on the type of sight used.

Military naval forces of Russia

The armament of the Navy, which is used by the army of the new Russia, is quite diverse. Surface ships provide support for submarine forces, provide transportation of landing troops and cover for landing, protection of territorial waters, coastline, search and tracking of the enemy, support of sabotage operations. The submarine forces provide reconnaissance operations, surprise attacks on continental and naval targets. The naval aviation forces are used to attack enemy surface forces, destroy key objects on its coastline, intercept and prevent attacks by enemy aircraft.

The navy includes destroyers, patrol ships of the far and near sea zone, small missile and anti-submarine ships, missile, anti-sabotage boats, large and small landing ships, nuclear submarines, minesweepers, landing boats.

Defense production

After the collapse of the USSR, the defense industry experienced a sharp decline. However, in 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the State Arms Development Program for 2007-2015. According to this document, new weapons and various technical means to replace the old one.

The development and supply of new and modernized weapons and equipment is carried out by such enterprises as Rostekhnologii, Oboronprom, Motorostroitel, Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, United Aircraft Corporation, Russian Helicopters, Uralvagonzavod, Kurgan engine building plant "and others.

Most research centers and design offices, developing weapons for the Russian army, are strictly classified, as are the enterprises of the defense industry. But the defense industry today provides jobs for many large and medium-sized cities of the Russian Federation.

Dear Guys! Let's talk about the military profession.

Who is a soldier? This is a person who is military service.

I am sure that each of you saw on TV the military parade that takes place on May 9, the Victory Day of our people in the war against Nazi Germany.

Representatives of all branches of the armed forces are marching in orderly ranks along Red Square, striking a step. They are wearing full dress uniforms.

Orders and medals of veterans gathered in the stands to watch the festive parade glisten in the sun. And in the evening, when it gets dark, bright fireworks are lit in the sky.

Parade Is a demonstration of the strength and might of our state, a manifestation of the patriotism of our military.

Like every state, Russia has an army, that is, armed forces.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - these are land, or ground forces, which operate on land, air Force- they defend their homeland in the air; and naval - keeping watch in the seas and oceans.

Let's talk about the ground forces. These include motorized rifle troops armed with machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers. They move around in combat vehicles.

Tank troops fight on tanks protected by thick armor. These are self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: along ravines and off-road. The tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

The ground forces include artillery and rocket forces. Artillery installations cannons fire projectiles, and rockets fire missiles. The famous Katyusha rocket launcher smashed enemies during the Great Patriotic War... Artillerymen serve in the artillery.

Motorized riflemen, artillerymen and missilemen serve in the Ground Forces.

To the military ground forces also include signalmen and sappers who can clear minefields, roads and bridges.

Each state also has border troops. They stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Servicemen of the border troops are serving at the border outposts. Their main task is not to let spies, terrorists, armed enemy groups, people transporting drugs through the border. Specially trained dogs help the border guards to carry out the difficult service.

The Airborne Troopsi (abbreviated as the Airborne Forces) are allocated to a special group. The soldiers serving in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They undergo special multi-day training, mastering the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, study different types confrontations.

Paratroopers are usually transported by air and helicopter to the battlefield. They descend to the ground using parachutes.

In addition to courage and courage, "beret pigeons" - as the paratroopers are called (after all, they wear blue berets as part of the uniform) - endurance, absolute health, dexterity and strength are needed.

Our army also has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend, if necessary, our Fatherland from the air. The aircraft is operated by a crew of pilots - these are the first and second pilots, the navigator, who plot the aircraft's course in the sky, the radio operator, who is in contact with the airfield, the mechanic, who is responsible for the aircraft's serviceability. The pilots wear beautiful blue uniforms that match the color of the sky. In addition, in flight, they have special high-altitude helmets. These military personnel must have excellent health, self-control, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make decisions, courage and determination.

A young man dreaming of a pilot's profession undergoes a medical examination, then studies at a flight school, after graduating from which, he can continue his studies at a military academy. After all, a pilot needs to know a lot and be able to!

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy.

Large surface ships - battleships - are armed with guns, machine guns, cruise missiles. A cruiser is a smaller ship, and a destroyer is a patrol ship.

The military who serve in the navy are called sailors.

There is always a captain on the ship. He is responsible for the entire ship. He is assisted by the mate and navigator, plotting a course at sea. The boatswain keeps order on the ship. The radio operator keeps in touch with the land and other ships. A ship's chef is called a cook. Each sailor in the crew has his own responsibilities.

My dad is the captain

Dad knows everything

Knows where the wind will be born

As the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the surface of the seas turns blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you about everything -

Dad went everywhere.

I will grow up and become too

I, like dad, the captain!

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large shells - torpedoes. Submarines move under water, they go to the open sea for many months.

Many submarines help border guards if the border with other countries is by sea.

Servicemen of all branches of the armed forces wear military uniforms. It can be everyday and ceremonial. The difference between the marine uniform is a white and blue striped vest, and a peakless cap with ribbons on the head. On the shoulders, the military wear shoulder straps, on which the number of stars indicates the rank of the military.

The famous commander A.V. Suvorov said: "A bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general." But in order for a soldier to become a general, you need to climb the ladder military ranks many steps.

The highest naval rank is admiral of the fleet.

Let's remember the most prominent Russian military leaders. In the Navy, this is F.F. Ushakov, P.S. Nakhimov, N.G. Kuznetsov. In the ground forces - A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, G.K. Zhukov. The most fearless pilots are P.N. Nesterov, V.P. Chkalov, M.M. Raskova.

After listening to my story about military service, I think, dear guys, you understand that this service is "both dangerous and difficult." Military personnel often risk their lives and health to protect peace and quiet on earth. They are deep

They love their Motherland and their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, readiness to carry out any order.

If there are those among you who dream of serving in the army, they can be advised to enroll in a military school - Suvorov or Nakhimov.

Who is called a military man?

What are the three main groups that can be divided into the armed forces of the state?

Tell us about the ground, air and naval branches of the armed forces.

What is the service of border guards? Paratroopers? Sappers?

What qualities should a soldier have?

Would you like to become a soldier?

SS-18 missile ("Satan") SS-18 missiles ("Satan") terrify Americans. Therefore, the American lobby is doing everything to force Russia to destroy these weapons along with the simultaneous withdrawal from the ABM Treaty. Russia could not be afraid of an arms race and, in particular, missile defense, having in service the SS-18 ("Satan"). This missile with multiple warheads, both now and in the medium term, is not vulnerable to any missile defense system. The SS-18 missile carries 16 platforms, one of which is loaded with decoys. Going into high orbit, all the "Satan" heads go "in a cloud" of false targets and are practically not identified by radars. SS-18 missiles ("Satan") terrify Americans. Therefore, the American lobby is doing everything to force Russia to destroy these weapons along with the simultaneous withdrawal from the ABM Treaty. Russia could not be afraid of an arms race and, in particular, missile defense, having in service the SS-18 ("Satan"). This missile with multiple warheads, both now and in the medium term, is not vulnerable to any missile defense system. The SS-18 missile carries 16 platforms, one of which is loaded with decoys. Going into high orbit, all the "Satan" heads go "in a cloud" of false targets and are practically not identified by radars.

Air target MA - 31 Flight range: MA-31 reaches 130 kilometers. The range of heights is from 100 to meters. The flight route is entered into the on-board computer. The flight speed of the rocket on the marching section of the trajectory is 750 meters per second. Energy capabilities allow realizing a low-altitude flight mode (3 - 5 meters) at a speed 2.4 times higher than the speed of sound. Due to these properties MA-31 has no analogues in the world. Flight range: MA-31 reaches 130 kilometers. The range of heights is from 100 to meters. The flight route is entered into the on-board computer. The flight speed of the rocket on the marching section of the trajectory is 750 meters per second. Energy capabilities allow realizing a low-altitude flight mode (3 - 5 meters) at a speed 2.4 times higher than the speed of sound. Due to these properties MA-31 has no analogues in the world.

Strategic cruise missile Kh-55 The strategic variant is capable of hitting stationary targets with high accuracy at a distance from the launch point. Each Tu-95MS bomber can carry up to six Kh-55 missiles located on a catapult-type drum launcher in the aircraft's cargo hold. The two cargo compartments of the supersonic Tu-160 can accommodate 12 cruise missiles long-range (with additional tanks) or 24 conventional cruise missiles.

Supersonic, one of the best in the world, Yakhont missile The main advantage of the Onyx family of missiles is their supersonic flight speed, which makes the missile less vulnerable to modern air defense systems. The anti-ship missile system is equipped with an autonomous inertial control system with a navigation system and radar head homing. The Yakhont is capable of hitting a modern cruiser-class combat ship with a warhead weighing kg at a distance of up to 300 km. Several missiles can destroy an aircraft carrier. The main advantage of the Onyx missiles is their supersonic flight speed, which makes the missile less vulnerable to modern air defense systems. The anti-ship missile system is equipped with an autonomous inertial control system with a navigation system and a radar homing head. The Yakhont is capable of hitting a modern cruiser-class combat ship with a warhead weighing kg at a distance of up to 300 km. Several missiles can destroy an aircraft carrier.

Cruise missile 350 "Tempest" The missile was designed according to a normal aircraft configuration with a mid-delta wing with a sweep angle along the leading edge of 70 ° and a thin supersonic profile. The rocket body had a cylindrical shape, slightly narrowed in front and behind; inside it, along its entire length, there was an air intake channel of the sustainer supersonic ramjet engine (SPVRD) RD-012, designed by OKB-670 MM. Bondaryuk. The rocket was designed according to a normal aircraft configuration with a mid-delta wing with a sweep angle along the leading edge of 70 ° and a thin supersonic profile. The rocket body had a cylindrical shape, slightly narrowed in front and behind; inside it, along its entire length, there was an air intake channel of the sustainer supersonic ramjet engine (SPVRD) RD-012, designed by OKB-670 MM. Bondaryuk.

Sea-based cruise missile "Granit" Russian fleet made the main bet on anti-ship cruise missiles (ASM). Such a struggle is planned and practiced in the form of special naval operations or fleet operations in the Northern and Pacific fleets.

Kh-29T missile The Kh-29T missile is designed to engage visually visible ground and surface targets such as: reinforced concrete shelters, stationary railway and highway bridges, industrial structures, warehouses, concreted runways, ships and landing craft.

Rocket "Mosquito" Rocket 3M-80E ("Mosquito") is the main element of the anti-ship strike complex missile weapons 3M-80E, which includes, in addition to the rocket, the launcher and the ship's launch control system, located on the carrier ship. Designed to destroy surface ships and transports from ship strike groups, amphibious formations, convoys and single ships, both displaced and hydrofoils and an air cushion in conditions of modern and promising means of fire and electronic countermeasures. The 3M-80E missile ("Mosquito") is the main element of the 3M-80E anti-ship strike missile system, which includes, in addition to the missile, a launcher and a ship's launch control system located on the carrier ship. Designed to destroy surface ships and transports from ship strike groups, amphibious formations, convoys and single ships, both displaced and hydrofoils and an air cushion in conditions of modern and promising means of fire and electronic countermeasures.

Anti-aircraft missile system The S-300 is optimized for dealing with precision weapons, cruise missiles and ballistic targets, including stealthy ones. It not only destroys air targets, but also undermines their warhead. The probability of hitting target targets by one missile without taking into account operational reliability is: not less than 0.9 for manned targets, including those made using stealth technology, loitering and performing anti-aircraft maneuvers; optimized for dealing with precision weapons, cruise missiles and ballistic targets, including stealthy ones. It not only destroys air targets, but also undermines their warhead. The probability of hitting target targets by one missile without taking into account operational reliability is: not less than 0.9 for manned targets, including those made using stealth technology, loitering and performing anti-aircraft maneuvers;

Anti-aircraft missile system S-400 S "Triumph" (according to other sources, the system has the name S-300PM-3). The new air defense system is intended to replace the C - 300P and C type air defense systems and should provide increased efficiency in the fight against new types of targets - stealth aircraft, small cruise missiles C "Triumph" (according to other sources, the system has the name C - 300PM - 3). The new air defense system is intended to replace the C-300P and C air defense systems and should provide increased efficiency in the fight against new types of targets - stealth aircraft, small cruise missiles

The Gyurza anti-aircraft missile system The Gyurza air defense missile system was created on the basis of the Strela-10M anti-aircraft missile system. The modernized combat vehicle (BM) of the new complex, in contrast to the basic version, is capable of conducting round-the-clock combat work. In addition, the availability of new optoelectronic reconnaissance and control means allows the exchange of information between the combat vehicles of the anti-aircraft subunit, as well as remote control of the process of combat work when repelling the strikes of an air enemy. The Gyurza air defense system was created on the basis of the Strela-10M anti-aircraft missile system. The modernized combat vehicle (BM) of the new complex, in contrast to the basic version, is capable of conducting round-the-clock combat work. In addition, the availability of new optoelectronic reconnaissance and control means allows the exchange of information between the combat vehicles of the anti-aircraft subunit, as well as remote control of the process of combat work when repelling the strikes of an air enemy.

Anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-10 SV" The latest version of the modernized complex - "Strela-10M3", which was put into service in 1989, has an increased engagement zone, has high efficiency and noise immunity in conditions of intense organized optical interference, and provides firing at all types low-flying air targets (aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, remotely piloted vehicles). The development of the complex was carried out by the cooperation of enterprises that developed the Strela-10 air defense system and its other modifications. The latest version of the modernized complex - "Strela-10M3", which was put into service in 1989, has an enlarged engagement zone, has high efficiency and noise immunity in conditions of intense organized optical interference, provides firing at all types of low-flying air targets (aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles , remotely piloted vehicles). The development of the complex was carried out by the cooperation of enterprises that developed the Strela-10 air defense system and its other modifications.

Electromagnetic bomb When such a bomb explodes over a target in the air, all nearby computers will burn out or at least stop working, the operation of television and radio stations, power lines and other power supply circuits will be disrupted. And if you drop it over the airfield, not a single plane will take off. The wave acts on people in much the same way as on equipment, disrupts the functioning of the body, the work of the brain. But since nature "designed" us with a very large margin of safety, the victims, having lost consciousness only for a short time, will wake up without feeling serious consequences

KAB-1500 air bomb KAB-1500 corrected air bombs of 1500 kg caliber are designed to destroy ground and surface stationary targets, including particularly strong and buried objects - fortifications, command posts, tunnel entrances, runways, bridges, dams, etc. .P. Depending on the modification, the bombs are equipped with one of two guidance systems - a semi-active laser (KAB-1500L) or a television command (KAB-1500TK). Warhead bombs - high explosive or penetrating. The KAB-1500 1500 kg corrected air bombs are designed to destroy ground and surface stationary targets, including especially strong and buried objects - fortifications, command posts, tunnel entrances, runways, bridges, dams, etc. Depending on the modification, the bombs are equipped with one of two guidance systems - a semi-active laser (KAB-1500L) or a television command (KAB-1500TK). The warhead of the bomb is high-explosive or penetrating.

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" After completing tests at the end of the same year, she entered service with the USSR Navy. In January 1991 he was included in the Northern Fleet, in December he made a transition around Europe from Sevastopol to Severomorsk. At present, it is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Russian Navy, on which the basing and combat use of highly efficient naval fighters Su-33 is ensured, as well as the largest surface ship of our fleet. In January 1991 he was included in the Northern Fleet, in December he made a transition around Europe from Sevastopol to Severomorsk. Currently, it is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Russian Navy, which provides the basing and combat use of highly effective naval fighters Su-33, as well as the largest surface ship in our fleet.

The newest nuclear submarine "Gepard" The nuclear submarine "Gepard" is designed to destroy aircraft carriers, as well as destroy coastal objects and targets. Armament "Gepard" - 28 cruise missiles "Granit" with a launch range of up to three thousand kilometers, which can be equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 200 kilotons. The nuclear submarine "Gepard" is designed to destroy aircraft carriers, as well as to destroy coastal objects and targets. Armament "Gepard" - 28 cruise missiles "Granit" with a launch range of up to three thousand kilometers, which can be equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 200 kilotons.

TARK "Peter the Great" Some time ago, the first combat ship that meets the requirements of the XXI century was introduced into the combat composition of the Russian Navy. This is a heavy nuclear missile cruiser (TARK) "Peter the Great". The ship provides the ability to defeat large surface targets

The strategic missile carrier Tu-160 The bomber is equipped with an analog fly-by-wire control system with four-channel redundancy in the pitch, roll and yaw channels, which provides optimal stability and controllability in all flight modes. The principle of "electronic stability" has been implemented with flight alignment close to neutral. The bomber is equipped with an analog fly-by-wire control system with four-channel redundancy along the pitch, roll and yaw channels, which provides optimal stability and controllability in all flight modes. The principle of "electronic stability" has been implemented with flight alignment close to neutral.

Fighter Su-33 (Su-27K) The first domestic carrier-based horizontal take-off and landing fighter. The first flight of the aircraft took place on August 17, 1987 (test pilot V.G. Pugachev), the first landing on the deck of the TAKR "Tbilisi" (now renamed into "Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov ") November 1, 1989 (V. G. Pugachev). The first domestic carrier-based horizontal take-off and landing fighter. The first flight of the aircraft took place on August 17, 1987 (test pilot V. G. Pugachev), the first landing on the deck of the TAKR" Tbilisi "(currently renamed to" Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov ") November 1, 1989 (V. G. Pugachev).

Yak-130 attack aircraft As experts note, the Yak-130 is a full-fledged light attack aircraft and will not only serve as a "flying desk" for young pilots. Thus, conflicts of limited intensity are characteristic of many regions of the world and the CIS countries, and it is in them that the new aircraft should become part of a single reconnaissance strike complex, including unmanned aircrafts and ground air gunners operating in the combat formations of troops. According to experts, the Yak-130 is a full-fledged light attack aircraft and will not only serve as a "flying desk" for young pilots. Thus, conflicts of limited intensity are typical for many regions of the world and the CIS countries, and it is in them that the new aircraft should become an integral part of a single reconnaissance and strike complex, including unmanned aerial vehicles and ground air gunners operating in the combat formations of troops.

Combat helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator" The combat helicopter Ka-52 is a two-seater combat helicopter for round-the-clock use, developed by the Kamov firm. The Ka-52 retained all the combat capabilities of the single-seat Ka-50 prototype: anti-tank guided missile weapons, a high-precision gun mount, and unguided missile weapons. The Ka-52 combat helicopter is a double round-the-clock combat helicopter developed by Kamov. The Ka-52 retained all the combat capabilities of the single-seat Ka-50 prototype: anti-tank guided missile weapons, a high-precision gun mount, and unguided missile weapons.

The Ka-50 "Black Shark" Ka-50 helicopter is capable of "hanging" in one place for 12 hours. The helicopter is equipped with two TVZ-117 gas turbine engines with a capacity of 2200 hp each. each equipped with dust shield exhaust devices. If one of them fails, the helicopter is able to continue flying on one engine. The basis of the Ka-50's combat power is the Vikhr anti-tank guided missiles. The Ka-50 is capable of "hanging" in one place for 12 hours. The helicopter is equipped with two TVZ-117 gas turbine engines with a capacity of 2200 hp each. each equipped with dust shield exhaust devices. If one of them fails, the helicopter is able to continue flying on one engine. The basis of the Ka-50's combat power is the Vikhr anti-tank guided missiles

Ka-27 carrier-based helicopter Ka-27 crew - three people. The armament of the helicopter consists of an anti-submarine homing torpedo or an anti-submarine guided missile APR-2, depth charges (including guided S-3V), as well as other means of destruction of submarines and surface ships. It is possible to equip the helicopter with Kh-35A anti-ship guided missiles.

Tank T-90 The tank is crowned with a low flat tower with the commanding room shifted to the right. The barrel of the 125 mm cannon is protected from overheating by a mobile four-section radiator. To the right of the barrel is a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. The T-90 is equipped with 2 IR searchlights, which are part of the Shtora ATGM system. The frontal part of the tower is reinforced with active plate armor of the second generation. Suspended armor blocks can also be installed on the turret roof, providing additional protection against air damage. To the right and left of the tower, there are tanks with a mixture for creating a smoke screen.

Tank T-80 This is a further development of the T-80BV tank. Improvements have affected all the main combat and operational properties. First of all, the survivability of the tank has been significantly increased due to changes in the design of the armor barriers, the inclusion of built-in dynamic protection, some increase in the mass of the material released for booking. The capabilities of both long-range and close-range fire combat have been improved thanks to the use of a new complex of guided weapons, an increase in the characteristics of weapons and the fire control system.

The patriotic upbringing of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of long-term purposeful educational process starting from a very early age. Even classics teachers such as Ya.A. Kamensky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky in their writings raised the topic of patriotic education. L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky believed that it is necessary to start bringing up patriotism in children with preschool age.

Historically, love for the Motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state were a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable.

If earlier we glorified service in the army, and everyone dreamed of raising a true defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat.

For the current generation of young and relatively young parents, the issues of educating patriotism are associated with crafts that were mastered in kindergarten and school.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with preschool children is obvious. How to teach a child to always love his family and friends, to treat his Motherland with care and love, to take pride in his people is a very difficult task. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, it requires a lot of tact and patience, since in young families the issues of education of patriotism, citizenship are not considered important and, often, cause only bewilderment.

One of the most important directions in overcoming the lack of spirituality of a significant part of society is the patriotic upbringing and education of children. Introducing preschoolers to the defenders of the Fatherland, with history, we generate in them feelings of pride and love for their Motherland.



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Military Equipment Project senior group№11 Prepared by: I. V. Kravchenko Educator without category. Syktyvkar, 2016 MADOU "Kindergarten No. 92 of general developmental type"

Project type: By composition of participants: Group (children, parents, teachers) By target setting: Information View of the project Creative and educational Age of children 5-6 years old (senior group) Duration of the project: Short-term, 1 week. Project participants: Children, parents, educators.

Relevance: If earlier we glorified service in the army, and everyone dreamed of raising a true defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. For the current generation of young and relatively young parents, the issues of educating patriotism are associated with crafts that were mastered in kindergarten and school. In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with preschool children is obvious. How to teach a child to always love his family and friends, to treat his Motherland with care and love, to take pride in his people is a very difficult task. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, it requires a lot of tact and patience, since in young families the issues of education of patriotism, citizenship are not considered important and, often, cause only bewilderment.

Project goal: Moral and patriotic education of children based on the study of military equipment and familiarity with the Russian Army. Project objectives: To expand the knowledge of children about military equipment, about people of military professions. Promote the development of cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities. To organize cooperation of children, parents, educators in the joint development of this topic. Foster a sense of love and respect for Russian Army.

Expected result: Children: They will gain knowledge about military equipment, they will be able to portray them in their creative activities, they will know about people of military professions, about the Russian Army. Parents: Build models of military equipment together with children; They will be active participants in the educational process of the preschool educational institution. Educators: Creation of a cycle of conversations about military equipment; Creation of a mini-exhibition of military equipment; They will bring the family closer to kindergarten.

Lesson on the application "Military truck"

Drawing lessons "Tank", "Warship"

Lesson on designing "Armored personnel carrier"

We built equipment from constructors

Played active, didactic, plot-based role-playing games

Created a mini-exhibition of military equipment

Thank you for your attention!

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