Zodiac horoscope: compatibility in love relationships Virgo and Virgo. Ideal tandem: Virgo and Virgo, compatibility in love and marriage

For those born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo, the element is Earth, so they are characterized by balance, reliability and constancy. Big influence the fate of Virgo is influenced by Mercury, as well as the Moon signs and Ascendants. The Virgo constellation rewards men and women with such traits as a serious attitude to life, a calm perception of problems, restraint in the manifestation of emotions, analyticity, logic and intelligence.

Compatibility of Virgo with Virgo and manifestation of individuality

Such a unique compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, as in the union of two Virgos, is a rather extraordinary phenomenon. Each of them is a mirror image of the other with all its advantages and disadvantages. The Virgo man and the Virgo woman are noble natures, chaste and straightforward.

When Virgo and Virgo meet, not just a couple is created - a partnership of kindred souls arises, where each understands the other without words, at the level of intuition. Mutual devotion, mutual understanding and respect contribute to the creation of both a strong marriage union and reliable business relations in a joint business. After all, the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, the main individual features of which are decency and restraint, is very important both in intimate life and in the business sphere.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that Virgos (both men and women) are always guided in their actions by logic and practicality. Setting a goal, they achieve it at any cost, often showing ruthlessness and rigidity towards their competitors.

Virgos are very perspicacious, they are great at understanding people, they are very critical of shortcomings, which sometimes makes them snobs, doomed to loneliness. This can also affect Virgo's partnership with Virgo.

When it comes to marriage, the constant striving of Virgo workaholics for success is associated with some complications in family relationships. Intense intellectual work, the application of all physical efforts to achieve a practical goal lead to overwork and to a dulling of the emotional perception of life. At such moments, Virgo can forget about family and rest, completely surrendering to work. So what to expect from her tenderness, love and passion during this period is completely hopeless.

Virgin like business partners do not tolerate criticism. They are reserved and secretive until they are influenced by Mercury, which causes feelings of intolerance and critical detachment in their character. If the dignity and honor of the Virgo partner are hurt, he is ready to break.

Since this is a very changeable sign of the Zodiac, Virgo with Virgo, both in marriage and in partnerships, will be kind, amiable, tactful only until the Moon or Ascendants are outside the sign of the Earth.

Virgo with Virgo: intimate compatibility of zodiac signs

If fate gave the Virgo-man a meeting with the Virgo-woman, they, as people close in spirit, will immediately reach out to each other. Virgo and Virgo will feel the kinship of souls, they will admire the intelligence, charm, sense of humor of their partner.

Their friendships will grow stronger day by day, as each sees his own self in the other. At the same time, at the stage of courtship, such a trait of Virgos as caution and distrust is fully manifested. The intellectual dominant in their characters makes Virgos predict their life together, meticulously looking at their partner, and only with time will they open their hearts to love.

Realizing the possibility of creating a family, Virgo with Virgo marry, filling it with happiness and success. love compatibility Zodiac signs Virgo and Virgo is based on the similarity of temperaments, mutual respect, chastity and restraint, which will absolutely not interfere with their sexual pleasure with each other.

The industriousness, discipline and practicality of the union of Virgo with Virgo make them partners in the struggle for material well-being families and achieving goals. Husband and wife in this union always try to anticipate the desire of the other and satisfy it. If they are typical Virgos, then their marriage is reliable and durable, since they are absolutely suitable for each other both emotionally and sexually, as well as in matters of work, rest and other domestic problems.

When a family is created by two representatives of the same sign, their relationship almost always turns out to be difficult. Yes, they have a lot in common, but they also have common flaws. They look at each other like in a mirror. And their own shortcomings become visible, which not everyone can take for granted, work through them and live on.

According to the compatibility of the Virgo woman and the Virgo man, in the union of two practical and hardworking Virgos, logic and sober calculation come first: aimless sighs under the Moon are not for them. , they stand firmly on the ground with both feet, and therefore they always have a lot of points of contact, whether it is work, household or common affairs.

In a house where both spouses of the Virgin, as a rule, everything is subordinated once and for all to the established order and arranged soundly and thoroughly - that is, exactly as, in their opinion, it should be. And by no means otherwise.

Compatibility Virgo woman - Virgo man - PLUSES

In an ideal pair, a Virgo woman and a Virgo man appreciate each other, have similar tastes, lifestyle, life principles. We can say that two intellectuals who love to be in each other's company met here. They like to do things that others find boring, such as discussing the “smart” books they have read, or taking care of their own health. But, themselves and the Virgo man and the world and happily spend time.

In Virgo-Virgo compatibility, order, purity and solidity are important to both. This is what they find in each other and in their own home.

Compatibility Virgo woman - Virgo man - MINUSES

When a Virgo man and a Virgo woman create a family, it is always difficult to predict how their relationship will develop. Some Virgos can be happy together, while others can harass each other with nagging and caustic comments. The harmonious or inharmonious development of their relationship is influenced by feelings and how partners are ready to open up and trust each other.

The problem of compatibility of Virgo-Virgo signs is that spiritual emptiness or boredom may occur in their family. No matter how cold Virgos look outwardly, they both need warmth and understanding. But, both are afraid to take the first step towards each other for fear of being misunderstood or rejected.

Whatever complicated relationship there were no two Virgins, betrayal or divorce is almost completely excluded here. These are two swordsmen trying to deliver irresistible blows to each other, but only with words. Both partners have a great pedagogical talent, and they teach each other and re-educate for the rest of their lives. First criticism, and then advice and recommendations follow one after the other from both sides. Both are pedantic and petty to the point that here psychoanalysis simply disappears as an unnecessary exercise. But, on the other hand, this couple has a strong prerequisite and seems to be created for common affairs and a common large bank account. They quickly climb the social ladder, securely strengthen their financial position. Love, deeds, like their whole life, are distributed and scheduled according to articles, paragraphs and separate points, which are certainly observed by both parties.

Virgo-Virgo - horoscope of compatibility and harmony

According to the Virgo-Virgo compatibility horoscope, this couple needs to learn to trust each other and open up. In this, some a little extreme entertainment can help. For example, skydiving, or at least hiking in the mountains for a few days. By spending more time together and doing something interesting for both of you, you will be able to share positive experiences and eventually learn to open up to each other.

It is also very good for this couple to start some kind of joint "madness". For example, to go on vacation not according to a carefully planned plan, but on a last-minute ticket, or even better, when you come to the station, take tickets for the first train for which there are empty seats.

In addition to a joint hobby, it is necessary for everyone to have their own, different from the hobby of a partner. This will help you keep your interest in each other and not withdraw into your little family world.

How can a Virgo woman conquer a Virgo man?

It is almost impossible to win a Virgo man. Most representatives of this sign have an established stereotype of what an ideal woman should be. If you don't fit his standards, you won't be able to trick him. In this regard, all women's weapons are powerless in front of this man.

For most Virgo men, the ideal woman should be, first of all, decent, smart, reasonable, with beautiful hair and bright eyes.

V sexual relations Virgos are stable, traditional, and predictable. However, sometimes they have a real surge of passions next to those they love and trust enough to stop closing in on themselves.

Compatibility of Virgo women and Virgo men in friendship

A Virgo woman and a Virgo man can develop excellent friendships. Strong and lasting friendship for centuries is prevented here by the excessive closeness of both and isolation. There is always an element of understatement in their relationship, unnerving both. They try too hard to be friends "right", confuse unnecessary words of support and are too critical.

From friendships, this couple can go to love, but only if they have not yet known each other too well. Both the Virgo man and the Virgo woman need a stronger partner, if they have already learned each other's character and weaknesses, then their relationship is unlikely to develop into a romantic one.

Compatibility of Virgo women and Virgo men in business

The Virgo woman and the Virgo man have a good business alliance. This collaboration is reliable, but it lacks creativity and energy. The Virgo woman and the Virgo man are often found in research institutes and schools. Both are passionate about their work and strive to do it with the highest quality.

When a Virgo woman and a Virgo man are colleagues or partners, this is a good combination for work. There are practically no quarrels between Virgos, and if disagreements arise on some minor issues, they always settle them peacefully. The Virgo woman is always happy with that, and vice versa. And even criticism in their address, they both normally perceive.

When a Virgo woman is a boss, and a Virgo man is a subordinate, this is a good business union. At first, the boss Virgo can be disliked by everyone in the team, except for the subordinate Virgo. Over time, employees appreciate the professionalism of the boss and appreciate her.

When a Virgo woman is a subordinate, and a Virgo man is the boss, this is also a good combination. For both, the diligence of employees, diligence and reliability are important. Both the Virgo man and the Virgo woman possess all these qualities. They get along well and understand each other. The work of a subordinate Virgo woman is always done on time, and the Virgo boss always pays her salary on time.

Virgo is one of the most interesting zodiac signs.. Its patron planet is Mercury, and its element is Earth. People born under the sign of Virgo are pedantic and hardworking, thinking clearly and rationally.

How much do these qualities affect personal life and what is the compatibility in love relationships Virgo - Virgo? In this article we will try to reveal all the nuances of such a tandem.

Virgos have a sense of responsibility. They are very scrupulous and carefully approach each of their undertakings. Love and relationships are no exception.

The positive side of this quality is that Virgo can be trusted, they will not give up halfway through and will definitely finish what they started.

However, it is this feature that can become one of the negative factors of compatibility due to the similarity of characters, the risk of a “spit on a stone” situation increases.

The most striking properties of Virgos that will dominate in the union of two identical signs:

  1. They have the ability to appreciate the positive qualities of their partner, however, they do not forget about the shortcomings.
  2. They constantly strive to catch their soul mate in something, notice flaws in their work, while reacting very violently to criticism addressed to them.

If each of the Virgo spouses manages to curb the qualities given to him by the sign of the Zodiac, then it can turn out to be very a strong family built on complete trust in each other.

If character prevails, then it is better to find a more suitable partner for yourself. But they make excellent colleagues at work or business.

One of the best options for the Virgo-Virgo union is the boss-subordinate. Pedantry, meticulousness and corrosiveness - these are the main qualities of the Virgo boss.

Subordinates are not always ready to get along with such a leader, and only a Virgo colleague understands him perfectly and does not consider such exactingness unnecessary.

In general, Virgos are the most responsible and executive employees who are able to make sacrifices for the sake of a common goal. If the work is loved and interesting - Virgo's efficiency is unlimited.

The element of the Earth does not allow them to soar in the clouds, Virgo always feels the ground under her feet - this is most clearly manifested in relation to money - every penny is under strict accounting, every ruble works for profit.

The Virgo-Virgo tandem is always a successful business partner at the head of prosperous companies.

Friendship between two Virgos

“Soul wide open” is not about Dev. Natural caution and distrust do not allow representatives of this sign to be frank with the first person they meet. Any friendship should be mutually beneficial.

Virgo is an avid critic, with her pettiness and snobbery capable of spoiling the mood of everyone and everything, therefore in large companies they are not very favored, considering them outright bores.

People born under the auspices of Mercury are very stingy with emotions, so they are not destined to become the soul of the company. But to assemble and rally this company - Virgos are quite capable.

These two signs are quite capable of making friends, thanks to the same view of the world:

  1. Both are ardent guardians of order, both in their home (work), and in the entire surrounding space.
  2. Both are interested in the same topics in conversation and hobbies.
  3. Having a common cause can bind them for life.

If friendship has arisen between the Virgos, then there is no doubt about its strength. Such friends will always be there and without hesitation will provide any help, both moral and material.

Friendly relations between opposite-sex Virgos may well develop into real deep feelings.

Union Virgo and Virgo - compatibility in a love relationship

People born under the sign of Virgo have a lot of similarities. Therefore, compatibility in a love relationship between them is very high. At the heart of a strong and long union is the ability to understand your partner like no other.

Such a couple is characterized by the same interests and hobbies, they are united by common goals. They seem to dissolve into each other, becoming a single organism.

Only in this union, Virgo can turn a blind eye to the partner's shortcomings. This does not mean that she will forget about them, but she will not arrange minor conflicts.

All the character traits of Virgos that annoy others in everyday life, in bed, become advantages. To give pleasure to a partner for Virgo is not empty words. They take a responsible approach to sex, try to understand and fulfill the desires of their soul mate.

However, it is unlikely that feelings and passions will rise between the two Virgos; a lot has already been said about the restraint of these signs. It is the absence of the so-called “mimics” in modern slang in a relationship that can provoke one of the partners to cheat.

Although, in the case of Virgos, this happens only at the stage of the candy-bouquet period, after the wedding - they will remain faithful, no matter what it takes.

Marriage between Virgos. Compatibility

To make any vital decision, Virgo must think carefully, weigh the pros and cons, so for this sign it is quite normal. However, if the decision is made, then it is forever.

An essential factor when choosing a spouse is a clear understanding of the benefits that the creation of a family promises with this particular person, that is, whatever one may say, Virgos marry by calculation. And arranged marriages have long been considered the strongest.

Conflicts in the family of Virgos are a very rare phenomenon. Natural restraint and composure will not allow representatives of this sign to often and violently sort things out.

Virgo keeps everything in herself and accumulates resentment. But, if they still break through, then a grandiose scandal can happen, with unpredictable consequences.

Another point is the family budget. Virgos are so thrifty that they can safely be called greedy. They are shaking over every penny and will not allow unnecessary spending either for themselves or for their spouse.

The only question is what exactly they consider superfluous. Paired with other signs of the zodiac - this can create certain problems, but in the union of Virgo-Virgo - such thrift will be appreciated by each of the spouses.

You should not expect grand gestures and expensive gifts from your Virgo husband. Every purchase must have a rational use. Therefore, do not be surprised by a frying pan on March 8 or warm underpants on New Year, remember that this gift was chosen with care and maximum benefit for you.

Do not expect also passionate kisses and obvious manifestations of feelings. There will be no “I love you” signs on the pavement under the window either. It will just be comfortable and safe. Sometimes it is precisely such a chill in a relationship that causes divorces between Virgo and other signs.

However, in a Virgo-Virgo tandem, this will not be a problem, because both partners are quite restrained.

The second point is Virgo's frantic work capacity. “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” - this is about them. Carried away by work, Virgo forgets about everything, including family.

These two signs, working in different areas, can only meet once a day at breakfast, and even then not always.

In an intimate life, Virgo needs to be constantly intrigued, adding new sensations, otherwise the bed will quickly turn into a routine and become part of the weekly routine.

It cannot be said that two Virgos are an ideal couple, but, thanks to their character traits, the connection between them is strong. The sign of birth unites their souls, they can understand and support each other.

Virgo will never bring her personal life to public discussion. Everything that happens in this union will remain only between its two participants. They create their own special world and carefully protect it from prying eyes.

To some, their way of life will seem boring and uninteresting, but Virgos feel comfortable in it and they are of little interest to other people's opinions.

But the most important thing in marriage between Virgos is fidelity. They build their home and relationships in it, with their inherent pedantry.

Putting the results of your work on the line for a one-time pleasure is simply impossible. A sober mind and cold calculation precedes all the actions of the Virgins.

That is why marriages between two Virgos have the lowest divorce rate.

Some signs cannot stand each other in love and in the same apartment. It would seem that two people of the same inner character, whose compatibility is undoubtedly ideal, should understand and feel each other even at a distance. But in real life it doesn't happen like that. The basis of all quarrels, especially among virgins, is the battle for leadership in the family. More precisely, for a separate niche of duties, where the sign of the zodiac finds itself for undivided dominion.

For two virgins of different sexes, compatibility is such that the division can only be of two types: militant and rival or calm, liberal.

If a woman is a humanitarian and creative person, and a man is more of a mathematician, it will not be difficult to divide the territories of domination. The Virgo woman will tremble over the comfort in the house and the peace in the family. It is joyful to succumb to the magical Feng Shui, reread designer magazines, dress beautifully and cook deliciously. At the same time, the virgin man will keep housekeeping and determine for himself the best career activity. But if both virgins are financiers, the only way out will be to create a common business, which, according to documents, can be divided into two. Otherwise, the two virgins will eat each other at the beginning of the process of living together.

Surprisingly, in this undoubted self-love of each character, there is true love in marriage and parental love. No matter what happens, the virgin husband and virgin wife will remain friends until the end of their days. Understanding each other and accepting each other as they are at a distance, they can raise and raise their children without scandal, own a common enterprise, defend each other in court, etc.

Love and betrayal

Virgos forgive betrayal of both women and men. Moreover, in male virgins, the concept of treason is far from the general concept of such. The bed is not a reason not only for acquaintance, but even for the recollection of such a fact. Sexual attraction for a Virgo man is like picking up a book from a bookstore shelf, flipping it through and putting it back or taking it home. But since there is already a favorite book at home, compatibility with which is close to ideal, the second, falling into the hands of such a husband, no matter how interesting it may be, runs the risk of being left on the shelf. The Virgo man is interested in the soul, intellect, erudition and appearance. When choosing a wife, he takes into account all the qualities at once. There is no more or less, there is everything at once. And, if you become the wife of a virgin, it means that you are ideal for him on the entire 100 point scale and there is hardly a second one the same, except for one-time sex on the side. He will love only you and all his life.

For a virgin woman, adultery does not exist at all in life. For the sake of love, they renounce other feelings for strangers. They have a person with whom they are satisfied with compatibility, and the rest cease to exist. The moral principles of a pedantic neat woman do not give her the right to waste her divine body on one-time trips. Everything happens only out of great love and remains on for a long time. Virgo does not accept intrigues, and even if she wants to plunge into the world of debauchery, her intellect will scare away those who want to get easy prey. A maiden can only pretend to be a fool, and then not for long. Nature often takes its toll, and the desire to restore justice betrays a serious attitude to the life of a young beauty. But in the course of a dispute, possible compatibility with a person sharply loses the thread once and for all. This attracts the male Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Capricorn. And a woman - a maiden - not all men like a husband in the house.

The virgin wife will forgive the betrayal once, twice, three, then she can get used to her husband’s lifestyle and make up for the bitterness with her passion:

  • Shopping;
  • Charity;
  • Travels;
  • alcohol;
  • Sport;
  • Latin dances.

Anything, just to live for yourself and love for the family, but not for an individual. But, if a husband dares to meet with someone one more than two times, and even in the open, the door to family home will be locked up once and for all. With all the excellent relationships at a distance and the possible comparison with other men towards the husband, the virgin will never be able to forgive the betrayal of her deity, even for the sake of another virgin, with whom women of virgins have cosmic compatibility and maximum mutual understanding.

Enchant and spin

As it has already become clear, a virgin man can be captivated by inner beauty and external charm: expensive perfumes, appearance a la a little black dress and stilettos, a couple of phrases about Chopin or the distant shores of Siena with ancient aqueducts and the eyes of a husband - a virgin burn with purple sparks in your side. Only if you took note of all this at once, after the first meeting they will have to pretty much “google” to support further conversation. Silly and pretty, next to such a man, will linger only to compose a funny story for friends.

Not many people have the strength to be more firm and unshakable in their actions.

With a virgin woman, everything is much more complicated. She needs chemistry, a spark, magical horoscope compatibility, fire, passion and experiences at a distance. Virgo smells more acutely than other signs of the zodiac. Aromatherapy is very important to her. Appearance, shoes, haircut, demeanor play big role. Spend a whole day and another day with a virgin woman, start thinking about marriage with this woman and just once spit on the floor to the side with her. You risk losing your ideal forever. A virgin woman does not need chic bouquets for a declaration of love, give her fresh flowers in a pot to decorate the house. She loves expensive surprises, but constantly compares such gifts to having to close a utility bill or losing her savings for a trip to Thailand.

Before you surprise your maiden, be sure to ask her about all her preferences: color, shape, size, direction, monetary value.

A sign of attention for a virgin is not so much an expensive as a useful thing. So the young maiden will be more happy with a certificate for a purchase in a jewelry store, tied with a red ribbon, and not with a diamond ring in a gold frame, on which the virgins of the elements of the earth, for the most part. An allergic reaction occurs.

Surprise a maiden with a romantic rooftop dinner with goose pate sandwiches and kiss your hand when you meet, take a lily of the valley from your hidden jacket pocket and write a poem for her. She will fall in love with you, not with a capricorn inviting her to a boring restaurant on foie gros for the euro.

virgin parents

Usually virgin parents are from God. They both have no idea how to find mutual language with children, but their own child does not have a soul in them. Education takes place at the level of friends. Two virgins give birth to a company, a friend, an accomplice in pranks and games. At the same time, adult distance leads to early independence, the ability to assess any situation and resistance to stress in children of virgins, no matter what sign of the zodiac the baby would be awarded.

The union of two virgins is almost perfect in any relationship: in love, marriage and business. If they are sent to a desert island, they will soon build their empire there as well.

What happens when a Virgo man meets a Virgo woman? Consider the features of the zodiac sign, the features of their behavior in love, family life and friendship, as well as compatibility in love relationships according to the horoscope.


  • Key phrase: I analyze
  • Element: Earth
  • Flowers: red poppy, aster
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Day: Wednesday
  • Tarot Card: The Hermit


  • Positive qualities: modesty, altruism, accuracy, logic, responsibility, organization, practicality, honesty, restraint.
  • Most the best quality: Conscientiousness.
  • Dark Sides: Obsessive, pays excessive attention to small and insignificant details, perfectionist

Characteristics of the sign

An earth sign, Virgo is grounded and practical. She has a logical approach to life. They like to save money and always carefully monitor their spending. Very smart, with excellent memory and analytical mindset.

Loves cleanliness in everything. She tends to dress well, mostly because she wants her to be okay for herself. They are less concerned with impressing others. They care about their appearance first of all, in order to meet their own ideas about cleanliness and taste.

Those born under this sign love to take care of themselves and their bodies. They love healthy and wholesome food, take care of their nutrition.

Ethical, calm, restrained... But their inner world is very rich, they constantly conduct some kind of brain activity. The first impression of them as cold and indifferent personalities is deceptive; inside they have their own rich and deep world They just don't reveal it to everyone. She must continually work to improve herself and everything she does.

VIRGO + VIRGO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Virgo Man and Virgo Woman


Compatibility Horoscope - Virgo

They do not like rudeness, impurity, slovenliness, laziness and vulgarity. She can be overly critical, but if she is your friend, then you should listen. She does not want to offend, she just notices the little things and cannot ignore them. Unusually insightful and honest, so they can give invaluable advice. Will criticize the people they care about, motivated by the pure goal of helping.

The planet Mercury rules Virgos and stimulates them to constant activity. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury is a fleet-footed god who was a bundle of energy, mentally and physically. Virgos strive for something all the time, they cannot simply exist.

Negative personality traits

The darker side of this sign comes into play when the less evolved Virgo becomes overly critical of themselves and those around them. They can get too hung up on some shortcomings, not noticing the good either in themselves or in people.

Often they are very nervous, as they worry a lot. They can ruin the lives of others and even bring themselves to a nervous breakdown. Their health may be in jeopardy precisely because of excessive demands on themselves.

They can also get too hung up on trifles and details. On the one hand, the ability to see details is their plus, but at the same time, it can prevent them from seeing the whole picture.

They often interfere in the affairs of others, undressing remarks left and right, which can ruin relationships with others.

It is difficult for them to build personal relationships because of their closeness. They often hide their feelings so carefully that even they themselves cannot always understand what is happening to them.

Virgo in love and relationships

In love, she will be picky and will take time to find the right partner. At its core, a loner and she is comfortable alone with herself. So she can easily live alone until she meets the right person.

The virgin who Chinese horoscope also a snake, can generally live all his life alone, devoting himself to a career.

When Virgo is in love, she is very devoted to her partner and happily does everything for his well-being and happiness. She knows how to understand what will be useful to a person and will be able to make her partner happy.

Representatives of this sign are extremely picky and picky when it comes to choosing a partner. They won't get married or get married just because it's "time". It is important for them to meet their man who will suit them. They believe in true love!

At the first meeting, it seems cold and emotionally distant. But you need to find a key to their soul, then they will give real warmth and care.

They tend to be critical, especially of their partner, but their sole purpose is to help. They just can't help but notice the flaws of others. At the same time, they themselves cannot stand hearing about their shortcomings. Most often they themselves know about them and suffer from it deep down, but rarely admit it out loud. If you sharply point out their shortcomings to them, they can plunge into depression with bouts of self-flagellation and it will not be easy to pull them out of this state.

Compatibility Virgo Woman and Virgo Man

The compatibility of a Virgo guy and a Virgo girl is rated as quite high.

The Virgo woman and the Virgo man are well suited to each other and understand the needs of their partner, as they themselves have the same needs. They will quickly find a common language and if they regard each other as potential partners, then a relationship is possible. They both do not like one-night stands, so they take the issue of creating a love relationship seriously.

Since both of them rarely spend time in large companies or somewhere in public places, it is most likely that work or a joint business will introduce them. Virgos rarely consider everyone in a row as partners, because they need time to get to know a person. At work, they will just have time to look closely and get to know each other in action.

It is unlikely that an unusually passionate love will arise between them. They are quite restrained and even in the candy-bouquet period they are stingy with emotions. They will consider each other as a partner for a life together, carefully and meticulously.

Problems can begin during the establishment of a joint life. Since everyone will have their own order, established rules and goals. Ideally, if they match. But if there are any discrepancies, Virgos tend to find it difficult to compromise.

Over the years, the Dev life together can become boring. After all, they are both quite pedantic, rational, self-contained. In their life there is little place for spontaneity, unexpected and bright events. For a while, they will enjoy order and predictability. But at some point, there may be a feeling that life is monotonous and passes by.

In these relationships there will be more tenderness, mutual respect than passion. And this will not embarrass them at all, but on the contrary, they will be completely satisfied.

The compatibility of a man and a woman of these signs is financially very high. Both partners are economical and focused on accumulating money. They can easily save up decent amounts of money and arrange a comfortable life for themselves. Virgo can hardly endure situations when the other half throws money away. This will not happen in the union of two Virgos, both partners are very responsible and consistent.

The Virgo woman will keep the house in perfect order, which will please the man very much. A man will not spread his socks and neglect the cleanliness of the house, which will please a woman.

Women of this sign are excellent housewives, good mothers and faithful wives. They also demand fidelity from their husband, which Virgo's husband can easily provide for them. A man will adore his wife and take care of her and the children.

If Virgo loves and feels loved, then she blossoms. This applies to both men and women. She begins to care about her partner more than about herself. She will think first of all about the needs of her partner and will not neglect him.

Virgo's feelings tend to be stable. They can keep love for years to come. Treason in such an alliance is rare and unlikely to happen by chance. Divorces in such a union are also rare. They are capable of constructive conversation and do not go on about emotions.

A joint business can often bring a lot of conflict to any family. But Virgos can establish a profitable family business and maintain good relationships, because their views on doing business are very similar.

In family life, Virgos should pay attention to each other's feelings. After all, both tend to hush up problems and accumulate resentment. As a result, partners can cool off towards each other. Or there might be a big fight. Therefore, it is important to listen to each other and not hide hidden feelings.

Virgo and Virgo - compatibility of signs in sexual life

Sex has no of great importance for the sign. As a rule, it is difficult for them to relax, because their brain is constantly working, they are constantly thinking about something.

It is not easy for this sign to open up to a new partner. So at first, sex in a union may not be very interesting. But over time, both partners open up and sex becomes richer and more sensual.

Virgo with other signs may have difficulty in bed due to their coldness. Two Virgos will arrange each other in family life sexually.

Virgo and Virgo Zodiac Marriage Compatibility

Virgos often do not enter into an official marriage, but they live together and their union is very strong. They just go about their business and are happy together, they do not need to register their relationship.

If children appear, a man and a woman of this sign marry, since order is important to them.
