Rabbit compatibility in a love relationship. Compatibility of a cat man with women How a rabbit man in love behaves

Male horoscope A rabbit

Mu-zh-chi-na-Kro-lik (Za-yats, Cat) according to ki-ta-y-s-ko-go-ro-s-ko-pu - this is ti-pi-ch-n-th gentleman. He all-g-yes-knows how he-be-with-ti, that-would-be-from-weight-ty on people-d-her vpe-cha-t-le-nie. But ok-ru-zh-yusch-ie to-l-zh-us che-t-to-no-m-at, what de-la-et is he not on-me-ren-but, but his element -ga-n-t-n-ost and from-wh-nye ma-ne-ry in-in-se not race-with-chi-ta-us on the attachment to se -be attention-ma-niya and co-b-la-z-not-nie. It's all just a “bo-ch-ny effect” of his ma-ne-ry in-ve-de-niya, someone-r-th, for-w-th, he likes it very much -Vit-Xia.

According to the horoscope, another feature of the characteristics of the Rabbit man, which ensures his constant success (especially with the fair sex), is the distance that he constantly keeps in relations with others. This makes him extremely mysterious. Any woman dreams of shortening this distance and unraveling the mystery that lies in his soul. His imaginary coldness is also tempting for them, under which, however, great sensuality and passion are guessed. Only when you get to know him better will you see that he is a romantic person, often completely unadapted to modern realities.

He has a trait that is extremely rare in men - the ability to listen, and thanks to her he skillfully seduces women. An excellent listener, he prefers to listen to stories about other people's problems than to talk about them himself.

In love, a male Rabbit is not interested in temporary relationships, he is looking for a woman who is destined for him by fate. And if he finds it, he is ready to throw the whole world at his feet. But in order to fully open up to another person, he must feel that he is sincerely loved and accepted completely with all his advantages and disadvantages.

He does not fall in love quickly, he prefers to get to know his partner well before confessing his feelings.

As a rule, from the very beginning permanent relationship the Rabbit man strives to create a family, so he becomes a husband quite early. However, it must be admitted that everyday communication with him is not as idealistic as it might seem. Despite the sincere love and loyalty that he bestows on his chosen one, he has many shortcomings. So, the character of a male Rabbit, as the horoscope warns, is quite complex. He hardly compromises and wants to be inferior to him in everything. Sometimes he behaves like a pampered child, is unreasonably capricious and demands that his whims be satisfied.

He does not see anything bad and unworthy in his behavior, and he is so confident in himself that it seems to him that these whims and variability of mood add charm to him, turning him into less predictable and boring.

The Rabbit cannot stand claims and quarrels, for the sake of peace it will sit quietly, and patiently endures all the antics of its partner. But, if at some point he decides that this destroys his intellect, personality, he, to everyone's surprise, will leave without a word.


As the Rabbit's horoscope assures, his sexuality is not deliberate, but hidden behind a veil of some detachment and coldness. Nevertheless, women read it, and this worries them very much. As a lover, the Cat is quite charming. This is a sensitive, gentle and vulnerable dreamer who wants a quiet life together, but is ready to share moments of passionate passion with his partner.

For the Rabbit man, sex is a sacred ritual that requires a special approach. The most important stage in this process for him is the prelude, the very fact of physical intimacy exists as an organic continuation, but the Rabbit attaches much less importance to this. Rabbit is of the opinion that all sensory processes, starting with arousal and beyond, do not occur in the genitals, but at the subconscious level, therefore great importance he gives erotic stimuli. For him, this is not just an instinct, but a script that requires preparation.

The Rabbit usually starts sexual life early, but does it not out of curiosity, but out of a desire to assert itself in another area. He gradually accumulates sexological knowledge and experience with the aim that, at an opportunity that does not keep you waiting, to shine and amaze the partner to the very depths of the soul.

As a true esthete, the Rabbit builds his behavior according to all the laws of beauty. He acts confidently and liberated, but at the same time he thinks and takes care of his partner, not forgetting about himself. He constantly analyzes various methods of sexual intercourse, intimate caresses, touches and kisses, in order to subsequently act masterfully and create the impression of an unsurpassed connoisseur of both erotic culture and sex technology. And he does it perfectly.


When thinking about how to attract a Rabbit man, we must remember that this is a person who does not just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you say to him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful mouth.

To win the Rabbit man, you can safely offer him a joint evening at home. He will gladly accept an invitation to dinner with your friends, especially if there is an interesting discussion ahead.

Joint cooking can also help you, because Rabbits have culinary talents at the innate level.

Respect his passions, even if you have to suffer a lot at evenings of experimental poetry.

He is probably one of the kindest people, you will definitely want to spend time with him. The Rabbit is usually very passionate, understanding and pleasant in every way. Is it true that he is a storehouse of virtues? Perhaps you have true perfection in front of you? Let's look at the compatibility horoscope of the Rabbit and what it is like in a relationship.

Rabbit in love relationship

The Rabbit is usually very embarrassed when the conversation turns to even the most simple personal issues regarding his loyalty and constancy.

For some incomprehensible reason, the Rabbit, according to the horoscope, often chooses a completely inappropriate partner for himself, so he is often unhappy in love.

Perhaps this is a simplification of the situation, since it is difficult for him to make a free choice, which is not always fully balanced. There are exceptions to every rule, including for Rabbits.

So much here depends on other astrological characteristics, so that the lunar sign alone is an extremely poor guide to his character. Definitely worth a second look.

Man - Rabbit in the family, love and sex

Both male and female Rabbits are equally capable of being skilled lovers, doing everything in their power to enhance your libido.

However, it may turn out that he has not one, but several attachments. Don't forget that romance is an important part of a Rabbit's life, and while he may seem unrestrained at times, passion is born out of true devotion.

Some Rabbit men give the impression of being frivolous and unfaithful, but, as a rule, this is only a consequence of the need to find a stable and loving partner.

Don't forget intensity and don't take anything for granted. This person is not always what they seem, so if you do not follow the rules, their behavior may surprise you.

This is the most difficult side of the life of a Rabbit man that you may encounter. It's not that he doesn't want to take a step outside his own hole, it's just that he needs security so much that sometimes he finds it in rather strange places.

And besides, from the very beginning it is necessary to understand that not a single male Rabbit really seeks to be unfaithful.

But how to make a person of the year of the Rabbit happy and inspire him with a sense of security? The answer to this question is worth a lot, and to find it, you will need all your energy, cunning and quick wits.

Rabbit Man - Compatibility

It may seem to some that today the sign of the Rabbit is more suitable for men than for women. The reason is that a significant proportion of female hormones makes such a man more sensitive, able to perceive a female point of view.

In many cases this is true, but this fact can at the same time be the cause of a whole series of difficulties.

Many women who choose to live with a Rabbit man will find that they unexpectedly become very good wives.

Self-confidence is not a hallmark of this person, but he has the character of a “little lost child”, which some women like so much, if you are one of them you will have perfect compatibility, the Rabbit man will find a friend and support in your face.

A rabbit man is capable of incredibly deep love, and at the same time, he can become so mired in jealousy that he stops paying attention to something else.

In general, at times it seems that the masculine principle does not get along very well with the spirituality and intelligence inherent in this sign, which leads to chronic confusion.

It would be unfair to keep silent about the fact that the Rabbit man is worth the effort that is needed in order to understand him. After all, you may be the one who will be able to extract the maximum benefit from this union.

Perhaps it is you who is waiting for the favorable compatibility of the male Rabbit, the most pleasant and caring sign in the entire Chinese zoo. He can offer you love and attention that surpasses almost all other signs in strength.

You will have to be faithful both in words and in deeds, because the Rabbit, who felt that he was deceived, can pout for weeks!

Woman - Rabbit in the family, love and sex

This sign may well be the most feminine of all the Chinese animal signs, which in a certain sense is very good, since the Rabbit woman is usually proud and happy to be exactly what she is.

At the same time, too much of a good thing can be a source of problems, and therefore it is fair to assume that in the area of ​​​​love, the Rabbit woman often has difficulties.

It is difficult to say whether she herself is the source of the problems or her choice of partner is simply wrong. Therefore, if you have a woman in front of you - the Rabbit will largely depend on her.

The Rabbit Woman loves to flaunt her knowledge, but she studies some subjects, usually with one goal - to shine in society. On some more important things, he may not have any idea at all.

The melancholy of a woman - the Rabbit - is one of the main trump cards of her charm. She is successful in all activities that require taste, hospitality, and the ability to present herself favorably.

A politician should choose a wife born under the sign of the Rabbit, at the same time secular and modest, who knows how to favorably “set off” her husband. The Rabbit Woman is usually very sexy, often embodying the image of a dark "mother earth".

She has an inner magnetism that is difficult to define and which is not really dependent on appearance, although Rabbits are usually very attractive.

They are not able to understand exactly what they want from life, and can spend years in an unsuccessful search for relationships that they are not able to define.

Later in life, the Rabbit may calm down a little, but usually exudes a sort of "divine displeasure" that cannot be defined or understood. Rabbits usually do not show a tendency to build a career and prefer to devote time to home life and family.

Rabbit women make good mothers, in some cases too good, they demonstrate their best qualities surrounded by people to whom they want to pay a lot of attention.

Therefore, if you need a keeper, a woman may well become a woman - the Rabbit with you in this case will be favorable. She is often interested in metaphysics and may also be a vegetarian.

They have so much to give that it is sometimes difficult to stop them, and for a variety of reasons, you probably won't dare to do it anyway. There is nothing sadder than a desperate Rabbit.

Rabbit Woman - Compatibility

Women born in the year of the Rabbit in the eastern horoscope can wrap you in a cocoon of affection and make you feel like the most important person in the world, and in this situation you may well feel completely satisfied.

But let me warn you about something. At first, satisfying your every desire and greeting at every opportunity with the warmth you might expect after a six-month absence may seem very attractive.

Meanwhile, after a long time, such treatment may not seem so comfortable. Many may feel that they are suffocated by love and must in return do what is expected, and not what they themselves want.

If any sign is inclined to “kill joy with love”, then this is a gentle, yielding and ready to sacrifice himself Rabbit. Life is balance, and people born in the year of the Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope can also bring very great benefits.

Rabbit Woman will be happy to wash your socks and share all the chores around the house with you. She will care for you and cherish you, take care of you during your illness and take care of your children better than any mother hen.

It will simultaneously nourish your selfishness, massage your pride, and spread butter on your bread. As long as you pay for it, and the price is absolute loyalty and her desire to treat you like a valuable Chinese doll, everything will be very good.

They say that there are devils in still waters, and this has never been so true as in the case of a complex, mysterious, but often outwardly calm woman of the year of the Rabbit.

It is difficult to fully understand her, she prefers to talk for hours about your virtues, instead of uttering at least one word about her own deep feelings.

Compatibility Horoscope for those born in the Year of the Rabbit

Rabbit - Rabbit

If we talk about the compatibility of the Rabbit with the Rabbit, this is ideal relationship. What a pity that we do not live in an ideal world. The problem is that the rabbit is inherently so sensitive that in two rabbits this propensity is doubled.

In response to an insult, which is rather unlikely, nothing will be said, and radical political ideas will not be discussed at the dinner table. There will be a lot of love, but what will this couple spread on bread?

The world of ideas is beautiful until someone moves on to their implementation. Keep in mind that Rabbit - Rabbit compatibility is almost perfect, but there is also a fly in the ointment! Two Rabbits can create a really beautiful house, but there will be no floor in it!

Rabbit - Dragon

You can be understandable if you think that the fire-breathing dragon will immediately swallow the poor Rabbit, but still, although it seems unlikely, this couple has a good chance of success.

Consistent materialism here meets total spirituality, which can benefit both sides. Dragon - Rabbit compatibility is interesting, to each other these partners may seem a little "unnatural", but nevertheless attractive.

Give them a couple of years and you will see that they have merged so deeply that they now act as one. These relationships could be perfectly created by fate itself.

Rabbit - Snake

Some relationships are both difficult and at the same time very successful. This combination is definitely not one of them, but it should not be discounted for completely different reasons.

Neither the Snake nor the Rabbit require much from life, they only need a little happiness and at times something to eat.

It may seem that they require so little from each other that it is very easy for them to part, but there is still enough evidence that this relationship is extremely strong.

Nevertheless, the possibility of leaving one of the partners cannot be ruled out, so both of them need to make some effort to maintain stability.

Rabbit - Horse

If anyone can bring the sensitive Rabbit out of his world of dreams into the world of real and concrete things, then this is the horse.

The best opportunity here is the freedom that this union gives the rabbit, while the horse will be able to achieve a lot with such a partner thanks to his understanding and ability to cope with the oddities in behavior that Horses are so capable of.

The horse will be able to offer the Rabbit more confidence, which is so important for starting a relationship, but this can lead to the fact that the Rabbit, emboldened and feeling the ground under his feet, will run away to someone else!

Rabbit - Goat

This combination is unlikely to have many difficulties, because both signs are homebodies and will do everything for mutual happiness. Life inside the cocoon of their relationship will be very comfortable, family affairs will be of paramount importance.

Peace of mind for such domestic people will be more than enough, so passionate love is unlikely to enter the circle of their interests. Nevertheless, they will have their moments of passion, because deep down they both experience a natural craving for sex.

At some stage in the relationship, they will seriously have to deal with boredom.

Rabbit - Monkey

Monkeys are very kind, so the sensitive Rabbit will be warm and comfortable with them. For his part, he can bring into the relationship a certain amount of intuitive understanding of the deeper qualities of the monkey, which other signs cannot offer her.

However, it will be difficult for the monkey not to dominate their relationship, as it will come naturally. As long as Rabbit is not bothered by this, everything should be fine. But the free Rabbit presents a completely different picture, and it will be more difficult for the monkey to cope with him.

Rabbit - Rooster

The Rabbit is ready to do almost anything for a quiet life, and although both the Rabbit and the rooster tend to think about their actions, a rooster who, having gone into a rage, is able to turn the whole world upside down, cannot be called calm.

Peace and quiet is a hard-to-get commodity during a commotion in the chicken coop, and it can eventually drive the poor Rabbit completely insane. Both signs can make good money, this is especially true for the rooster.

Most likely, the relationship will be stronger when the Rabbit is a man.

Rabbit - Dog

In general, if both partners are typical representatives of their signs, they will have a long and successful union. The reason is that in each other's company they will feel very happy.

Although at times there will be slight disagreements between them, the dog will be able to understand even the most "outstanding" ideas that the Rabbit can put forward in abundance.

Each of them has a great attitude towards marriage, both will make good parents. important to them common Home in which a good understanding at the sexual level will quickly be established. This easy-to-communicate couple is one of the most ideal options.

Rabbit - Pig

Pig - Rabbit compatibility is potentially good. Rabbit and pig instinctively understand each other well, and this, of course, best base for happiness in any relationship.

The intuition coming from both sides will play an important role in this union, and there is hardly any doubt that love will soon arise between them.

Where ideas and ideals do not coincide, the Rabbit and the Pig will show enough flexibility, because taking care of each other will be a daily activity for them. This applies not only to communication, the physical side of life plays for both big role. Rabbit and pig are capable of great happiness.

Male - Rabbit gives the impression of a pleasant and easy-to-communicate person. Always tactful, even and flexible, he even unwittingly almost never creates problems for others. He prefers not to get involved in disputes and conflicts and rarely speaks badly about anyone. In this he is helped by the unique innate talent of a diplomat and his inherent courteous manners. This well-groomed and correct person can literally "evaporate", barely sensing the approach of the slightest trouble.
The Rabbit man builds life according to his own plan, which does not provide for impulsive actions. He carefully develops his survival strategy and plans every next step in detail. This person knows how to turn any situation to his advantage and knows how to seek the favor of people who can help him.
The true intentions of the Rabbit man are always hidden under the guise of courtesy and friendliness. He is extremely smart and able to cooperate with other people. A man of this type appreciates the external impression more than the content, so he pays a lot of attention to the material attributes of success: the right clothes, a decent social circle and appropriate manners. He consistently creates and strengthens his own image of an even, charming and pleasant person in all respects. Male - Rabbit in any situation remains a refined gentleman.
The man - the Rabbit of the elements of the Tree - is a true gentleman, rational, correct and stable. He is easy to communicate with and kind. A man of this type is very concerned about the well-being of his loved ones and is capable of much for the sake of harmony and peace in his home, but this must be appreciated. In response, he needs support and respect for decency. Without regret, he will leave the one that will undermine the respect of others around him or put him in an uncomfortable position.
The man - the Rabbit of the element of Fire is less secretive than his brothers, likes to joke, but at the same time is sarcastic. In general, he is as positive and friendly as other Rabbits, but his inherent egocentrism can make him arrogant, aloof and indifferent. If this person succeeds, he can turn into a real snob, but with all this he will be just as kind to those who can be useful to him. The Fire Rabbit is a recognized master of hypocrisy, which invariably helps him survive in this cruel world.
The man - the Rabbit of the elements of the Earth has a deep and insidious mind, which is rarely noticeable from the outside. The insight of this man is hidden under a pleasant appearance and smooth handling. He often appears a little aloof, although he has a more pronounced style than his brethren. A man of this type is an ardent supporter of conformism in all areas of life and usually neglects those who are inclined to violate established social norms of behavior.
The male - Rabbit of the Metal element is receptive, noble and purposeful. Possessing strong character, he always achieves the fulfillment of his plans and is able to achieve serious success. At the same time, he has good manners and excellent taste. A man of this type can take his companion to the top with him if she is extremely honest with him and devoted.
Man - Rabbit of the element of Water is charming and sophisticated. This gentleman is often well-educated and well-read, has broad interests, and exudes self-confidence. He can give a lot to his chosen one, including loyalty and the fruits of his hard work, but she must keep up appearances.

The two-faced male cat (rabbit) is completely inexplicable. He can be gentle and calm, or he can scratch so that he gets to the very heart. What is the real cat? What interests and repels? What professions does he choose? And how does it behave in marriage?

Male cat (rabbit) personality trait

The cat man is an absolutely unique and incomprehensible personality. The animal does only what it likes to do, even if it may be contrary to common sense. The animal has its own vision of the world and its own point of view.

The year of the rabbit characterization of a man is often called double or even two-faced. It is as if two different people live in a rabbit, who, at the same time, get along well. The rabbit can prove itself with the most positive side, or it can suddenly change and become a real animal. It can calculate everything to the smallest detail, or it can take a risk and change its usual comfort. Usually a cat man loves comfort and tranquility, but he is no less drawn to adventure.

If you think that this person will listen to the advice of others, you are deeply mistaken. He always goes his own way, no matter how hard it is. Behind a powerful and seemingly indestructible body lies a very sensitive soul, which takes everything to heart. It is influenced by the movement of the stars, changes in the weather and global problems. The Rabbit always worries about the gossip of others, but trusts only his inner voice, which leads throughout his life.

The inner voice of a cat (rabbit) turns out to be more useful than reason. He will not think or ponder for a long time, but will make a decision depending on what his heart tells him. It is extremely difficult for him to reason logically, just as it is difficult for others to do it when trying to start a conversation. The sign will not trust the evidence, no matter how plausible they are, if the heart says something completely different.

Male rabbit characteristic - does not like changes. The sign is used to building their lives in comfortable conditions. If the usual order of business is violated, it is not at all pleasant. But a male cat can be very sociable. The sign is not afraid to make friends and is not at all afraid of long-term acquaintances. The house is always full of guests, they rarely refuse to spend time with such a nice person. And large companies in the “rabbit territory” make the cat (rabbit) feel more comfortable and safer.

Making friends with new people is not difficult at all. Society loves the animal very much. The rabbit is very friendly and affable. The cat is respected and trusted. The cat knows how to find an approach to each person and therefore everyone loves the cat without exception. He does not like to swear or use obscene language. He behaves equally gallantly both with family members and with acquaintances, friends and colleagues. He is used to being impeccable in everything and never stoops to rudeness or foul language.

The male rabbit is the hero of romance novels of the 18th and 19th centuries. He is well brought up, dressed to the nines and trained in manners. He has excellent taste and unique charm. It will not be difficult for such a gentleman to impress the public.

But his manners and politeness are not at all ostentatious. This is part of his character. In order to be polite, smart and charming, a cat does not need to make any effort at all. Ladies just love it.

The year of the rabbit cat, the characteristic of a man makes him a very non-conflict person. It's just below his dignity. Even in the most difficult situation, he will keep calm and confident. The cat feels happy and satisfied with life, no matter how difficult it is.

For this sign of the eastern horoscope, comfort is paramount. He should be comfortable at home, at work, in communication. The money that he knows how to earn helps him to provide comfort. But he knows how to spend them no less. Such a gentleman does not skimp on a bottle of expensive wine, a secular dinner or a rest in an expensive hotel. Luck haunts him on the heels, both in love and in business. He will not rush things and will wait in the wings. The cat (rabbit) knows perfectly well that everything has its time.

A man and a cat, no matter how surprising it may be, have a lot in common. The animal rewarded man with mystical attraction and grace. The rabbit has a rich imagination, creativity, an unusual outlook on the world and a unique inner world. He loves art and music and is well versed in culture. The cat likes to spend time in museums and theaters. He is attracted to everything vintage and rare, the rabbit does not recognize modernity either in music or in painting.

In business, the rabbit will not take risks. He invests only in profitable projects that will definitely bring him profit. But he does not stint on furniture for the home and will create a unique atmosphere that will attract guests and true connoisseurs. But in a difficult situation, you should not hope for a cat, he can only help with advice, but not with deed. Do not expect decisive action from the cat.

How to win a man cat (rabbit)

A cat man is a real gentleman that any girl dreams of. But in order to please such a man, it is not at all necessary to make an effort and pretend to be a person of noble blood. It is enough to be yourself, and you will definitely fall into his field of vision. He notices everything, but far from showing signs of attention to everyone.

But if you decide that the cat (rabbit) is your destiny, then you have to play his game. He is sociable, respected and loved. But he always remains aloof and loves his own comfort. There are always women in his companies and usually do not even attract his attention, but a girl who will be different from others will quickly feel his curious look on herself. And soon he will already open the door for you or give you a hand, do not try to refuse or be rude. An extra cat should not be allowed, he will immediately back down. Keep your distance and he will hunt until he has the mouse trapped.

Next to such a man you can’t behave cheekily, you need to monitor your behavior and manners. Simply put, you need to become the same rabbit, only in a female form. If you don’t like it at all, then it’s better not to pretend and stop playing. The rabbit will immediately understand that you are pretending to be something that you are not. Do not try to dress up vulgarly, better demonstrate your intelligence and ability to stay in society.

Falling in love with a cat rabbit male characteristic is not at all easy. He loves constancy and therefore usually avoids intrigue. It is not at all difficult for him to be alone, he is ready to wait a long time to meet his only one. Show the man that your plans are the same, do not be assertive or intrusive.

To develop a relationship with a cat, you need to make a positive impression on him, or at least try not to disappoint him. He will look at you for a long time and carefully, so he can replace any mistake and turn away. But the rabbit perceives parting too painfully and therefore does not like to start an affair. If he is in pain, it is better to give him time to recover.

It is not easy to understand a rabbit; he will not change and adapt to someone. You just need to accept and love him for who he is. Sometimes the cat is very touchy.

Horoscope men cat (rabbit) career

Earn Money rabbit man knows and does it very well. He makes a great entrepreneur or businessman. To conduct successful business, he has all the qualities and the rabbit quickly earns huge capital.

He's lucky in deals. The cat knows how to communicate with people and quickly earns their trust. His inner instinct helps him a lot and things are only going uphill.

Year of the rabbit male characteristic makes it very exciting. But he knows how to stop in time. Under the influence of this sign, rich people were born who, in record time, were able to build an excellent career.

He does not miss the details and brings the matter to the end. Often invites business partners to dinner at his house and even uses his charm.

Rabbit can make a great musician or even a poet. His creative abilities came to him as a gift from a mysterious cat.

The Rabbit man is especially happy if he is born during the summer months. The main feature of his character is realism and the achievement of clearly defined goals. A man usually outlines tasks that he can complete. The rabbit is able to conquer any girl, because he is affectionate and courteous. This is the kind of man that most women dream of.

Rabbit character

A man has a duality in his character, which can be described as dependence and activity. Its behavior is difficult to predict. Everyone expects a manifestation of a bold act from him - the Rabbit runs away if they think that he will evade - he holds the blow. He is sensitive, constantly listens to his intuition and does not believe all explanations. It is not recommended to talk with a man in the language of logic. Even if he works with concrete facts, his reactions are in the realm of the subjective.

The main characteristic of the Rabbit man is that they are happy people who are completely created for well-being. You can have a good time with him. Men are reserved and ambitious. Many people seek their company because they are excellent companions.

The Rabbit's world is his immediate environment. They are always careful and circumspect. This sign is neither warlike nor aggressive. Rabbits do not rush ahead, and if possible, bypass all obstacles. They become dangerous if they are cornered.

It is difficult to provoke the Rabbit, he is very calm. He is more worried about his own problems than because of world cataclysms. If a man is not personally affected by either the war or other events, then he will not worry about them. If any little thing touches him, then the Rabbit will want to die. They are often sad, but quickly calm down.

Rabbit has a peaceful nature. He rarely loses his temper, almost always keeps calm and composure.

material well-being

Male Rabbits always choose neutral positions because they do not want to show their changeable views. Basically, they are ready to support the weak side. There is no need to blame men for this, because they themselves are worried about this, sincerely sympathize with the victims, but refuse to go with them to the end.

A man is not at all selfish, he knows exactly how much money he needs for life, without taking into account unforeseen situations. They are able to calculate everything to the smallest detail, as they are thrifty. The financial position of the Rabbit can be shaken if his spending is unreasonable.

In everyday life, a man decorates his home with various exquisite trinkets, holds sumptuous dinners and constantly travels. Perhaps that is why Rabbits are middle-class people.

Profession and career

According to the horoscope, the Rabbit man is able to create harmonious relationships with people from his immediate environment. They can perform any role and work, but they will never become pioneers. Therefore, these men cannot be found in leadership positions. Thanks to scrupulousness and accuracy, Rabbits make excellent employees, but they cannot come to the fore.

They like to be praised and appreciated in their regular work. And they are completely unhappy when they are not paid enough. Men are comfortable with change. They can hold positions in the financial and research fields, but they absolutely cannot stand free professions.

The Rabbit man does not like disputes and conflicts. They are too sensitive and do not respond well to criticism. It unbalances them and robs them of their self-confidence.

Men can succeed in diplomacy, religion and philosophy. They also become hotel administrators, actors, notaries, merchants, brokers.


The Rabbit man is made for love and wants to be adored. They live by the principle that before you take something, you need to give in return. Rabbits behave very well with those they like. These are wonderful boyfriends, endowed with special tenderness. They do not forget to give flowers to their loved ones and remember the birthday of their loved ones.

Male Rabbits in love simply bloom, especially if they find themselves in an atmosphere of mutual feelings. They need a warm relationship, which they perceive as life-giving air. It is difficult for rabbits to breathe if there are negative feelings in the soul, so they cannot constantly control the situation. Usually in such an environment, they give up their positions and leave. If a man is disappointed in the feelings of his partner, then he is going through this situation hard and may even get sick.


The representative of this sign does not find mutual understanding with everyone. The compatibility of the Rabbit man with the women of the eastern horoscope is as follows:

  • Rabbit and Rabbit. Partners will be able to get along, because they strive for harmony. Everything is fine in their union, but there is not enough dynamism. The couple can live for a long time together and create the perfect family.
  • Rabbit and Rat. There is tension in their relationship. Emotionally, it is difficult for partners to adapt to each other, but in friendship they can get along.
  • Rabbit and Bull. An ideal union if a woman takes the active side. The union is great for love, but it is completely unsuitable for business.
  • Rabbit and Tiger. They have similar character traits. The rabbit in the pair must take second place.
  • Rabbit and Dragon. In this union, the Rabbit should take the main place. For relationships to become strong, partners need to show maximum patience.
  • Rabbit and Snake. Representatives of these signs have the opportunity to create strong relationships both in love and in friendship.
  • Rabbit and Horse. In this pair, strong feelings may arise. However, they cannot avoid quarrels and conflicts.
  • Rabbit and Sheep. A successful union, because partners need peace and freedom.
  • Rabbit and Monkey. An attractive union for both partners. Both love and friendship are possible.
  • Rabbit and Rooster. The union of partners is dangerous and strange. They will not be able to get along not only in love, but also in friendship or work.
  • Rabbit and Dog. Relationships can become happy and permanent. Partners have a lot in common in character traits.
  • Rabbit and Boar. The most attractive union for both partners. They understand each other perfectly.

The Rabbit man needs to choose a life partner who will normally treat his shortcomings and take pleasure in his positive character traits.


A man born in the year of the Rabbit loves the family hearth and the pleasure that marriage brings. But he does not tolerate the role of a parent. They make bad teachers. This does not mean that Rabbits do not love their children, on the contrary, they constantly pamper them. It's just that when a child reaches a certain age, a man begins to get confused about how to properly educate him. They try to get strict discipline from them, but it doesn't work out well for them.

It is easiest for the Rabbit to get along with children under the signs of the Boar, Ox, Snake or Dog.


The rabbit has the character traits of an ideal man. Many girls dream of him. The man is extremely attractive and charismatic. He knows perfectly well what he needs, and will not build family relationships until you feel comfortable and cozy in your home.
