Foie gras pate recipe at home. Foie gras: what is it? Home cooking recipes

Foie gras is one of the symbols of culinary chic and sumptuous feast. Not so long ago, we could only come across this name on the pages of French novels, but now this dish is included in the menus of most elite restaurants. So, what is this mysterious foie gras and is it necessary to go to restaurants to enjoy this unique taste?

This product got its name in France and literally means "fatty liver". The French consider it their national treasure, along with truffles and caviar. But before them, the dignity of foie gras was appreciated in Ancient rome and Egypt, and the first mention of it appeared five thousand years ago. The mysterious recipe was brought to the southwest of France and Wales by the Jews. Goose foie gras was "introduced" to the king of France and since then has enjoyed enduring popularity and success.

How foie gras are eaten

This gorgeous appetizer will brighten up your festive table. But any dish must not only be properly prepared, but also served. Let's take a look at how to serve foie gras. There are several traditional options for serving this dish:

  • serving cold: served whole, cut into portions already on the table with a thin knife (the width of the pieces is no more than 1 cm). This is done in order to preserve the aroma and taste of cold snacks as much as possible;
  • freshly prepared liver is served hot or warm in earthenware (ceramic) dishes;
  • the canned product is removed from the jar, which must be removed from the cold in advance so that it warms up to room temperature. Cut into portions at the rate of 50-70 gr. per person.

Foie gras is rarely used as an independent dish (with the exception of Foie gras antire and Alsatian foie gras). The delicacy goes well with pumpkin puree, figs (including jam from it), fruit sauces, baked apple, mushrooms, caramelized chestnuts, grapes. Also popular are pates, parfaits and foie gras mousse. Mousse is used as a basis for preparing other dishes.

Features and benefits of foie gras

Having learned how much foie gras cost, many are immediately interested in the question, but what is special about, albeit a fat, goose liver? The peculiarity lies in the special feeding of poultry. Their food consists of foods rich in protein (figs, nuts, corn, etc.). As a result, the liver is not only fatty, but also has the richest chemical composition, fatty acid, vitamins of group B, microelements (phosphorus, iron, potassium and many others). This product slows down aging, has an excellent effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

By the way, animal welfare organizations (PETA, HSUS) have called to ban the production of this delicacy due to the cruelty of the artificial feeding method (gavage). Of course, everyone decides for himself, but then it is worth prohibiting generally keeping animals in captivity, eating live oysters, making turtle soup, etc.

Foie gras cooking secrets: a recipe at home

The liver is prepared in a variety of ways. Every famous chef uses his favorite recipe when preparing foie gras liver. For example, culinary guru Jean-Pierrot Close advises stewing spiced foie gras in goose fat. There are many author's recipes, with intricate (not always clear and accessible) products, but many are quite understandable.

Here is a recipe for foie gras at home, which is quite easy to implement. The liver must be delicately seasoned with salt, sprinkled with your favorite spices and simmer in a deep frying pan, adding milk and honey to it. The finished dish is cut with a hot knife, eaten with fresh bread, you can vary it with berry sauces.

In short, to answer the question of how to cook foie gras - whatever you want! It can be fried and baked, made pate or mousse, pickled and stuffed.

We will give you some tips on how to cook this product at home and not spoil it. After all, a product such as foie gras has a rather significant cost:

  1. before cooking, carefully clean the liver from films, veins, veins, excess fat;
  2. from spices it is recommended to use salt, pepper, Provencal herbs, wine. Everything should be added in moderation, so as not to interrupt the delicate taste and aroma of the product;
  3. when preparing a snack, you should not try the liver, it is simply useless, because in the cooled form it will acquire a completely different taste;
  4. it is best to fry foie gras in goose fat; in the absence of, you can use olive oil;
  5. the finished dish should have a golden brown crust and a pink center. If the foie gras are gray, they are overcooked;
  6. bake the liver in the oven only in preheated (180 g), baking time no more than 15 minutes;
  7. if you want to eat a delicacy without subjecting it to heat treatment, it should be borne in mind that the liver is salted and marinated for at least a day.

Cook with love, eat with pleasure and enjoy a healthy, extremely tasty and aromatic dish!

Foie gras (from the French. Foie Gras - "fatty liver") - goose liver pate. The dish has an exquisite creamy taste and belongs to the attributes of luxury. By tradition, foie gras are served in France for the Christmas table, so that the whole coming year will be successful and rich.

The history of the origin of the dish is no less interesting than the process of eating itself, so we recommend starting your acquaintance with the appetizer by traveling in time.

Foie gras - what is it and where is it from?

Despite the French name, ancient Egypt is the true homeland of foie gras. Being attentive and savvy, the Egyptians noticed how the taste of the liver changed when wild geese overeat.

After some time, the bird was domesticated, and its liver became a frequent guest of feasts. The main secret of the unusual taste of the delicacy was figs, which were present in large quantities in the diet of geese.

With the fall of the empire, the foie gras recipe was forgotten. Only enterprising Jews possessed the secret of making goose liver pate. From them, he got to the southwestern regions of France and Alsace, where he was immediately introduced to the royal family.

Now the appetizer is known all over the world and gourmets from all over the globe come to France for a tasting.

Goose liver eating traditions

Ability to use correctly exquisite dishes, serving them and combining with other products will not lead to awkward situations during a trip to a restaurant or social event. Valuable knowledge will not be superfluous if you yourself want to organize a reception and present an original table to your friends.

There are several ways to feed goose liver:

  1. Raw. Christmas symbol of France and gastronomic chic. The liver must be intact. During serving, foie gras is divided into portions and is a cold appetizer;
  2. Fresh. An everyday French dish. You can choose the type of culinary processing at your discretion, as this will not spoil the original pronounced taste of the liver in any way. It is customary to serve in clay or ceramic dishes;
  3. Pasteurized foie gras. Semi-finished product that requires further processing. This liver is often sold in supermarkets due to its long shelf life;
  4. Canned foie gras. The most accessible type of goose liver, which is the best combination of a finished product and a semi-finished product. It can be stored in its own juice for several years without sacrificing quality and taste.

Knowing how to serve and prepare is only a small part of the culture of foie gras consumption. To fully enjoy the aesthetic properties of a delicacy, it is necessary to combine the appetizer with suitable products.

Alsatian Foie gras or Foie gras antire is the only cold goose liver appetizer served as a separate dish. Pumpkin, green onions and scallops are used for decoration.

All types of sour sauces, vegetables and mushrooms are suitable for simple foie gras. Goose liver is used for filling pies, baking with fruits and vegetables. Bloc de Foie gras or pieces of liver are always served in combination with a hot dish, sour vegetables or fruits.

Not "pure" foie gras include parfait and mousse. Experts recommend parfait for breakfast or dinner with hot soups and sour drinks. Also, the pate can be supplemented with a warm baguette, herbs, lemon wedges.

Mousse is a great base for desserts. The French love to eat it from bowls with toast or eclair buns.

Feeding poultry for foie gras

It takes a lot of effort to feed the poultry to get foie gras liver. In France, this is done on special farms, and there is still a lot of debate about how legitimate such actions are in relation to animals.

The feeding process is divided into three stages. For the first few weeks, the chicks feed naturally. Then they are locked in cells and components rich in protein and starch are introduced into the diet.

At the age of 8-10 weeks, the chicks are transferred to the gavage (force-feeding) stage. The food is pushed to the birds through a special tube. At the same time, the amount of feed is about 1.8 kg of grain and fat daily, which is ten times higher than the norm. After 12-21 days, the animals are sent to slaughter.

Small French farms use a slightly different method of feeding poultry. They keep them in straw-lined rooms and release them into pasture. Gavage begins from the age of 12-13 weeks of age of the bird, when its weight reaches 1 kg or more.

Corn is used as feed. After 14-18 days, the bird is cut at the place of cultivation, immediately giving the liver to processing. The cost of the finished product is much higher, and the taste is considered more refined.

Cooking goose liver at home

There are a lot of ways to make foie gras - from the classic to the aforementioned parfaits and mousses. Some housewives have learned how to make such a paste from chicken and duck liver.

They are distinguished from the original by a different taste, but such a recipe takes place as an alternative to a delicacy.

Classic gourmet foie gras


  1. The liver must be cleansed and soaked overnight in ice water;
  2. The next day, cut the liver into small pieces, add wine and season to taste;
  3. The product should be kept in the marinade for 2 hours;
  4. Preheat the oven to 95 degrees. Fill a deep frying pan with hot water. Put the liver in a mold, and place the mold in a pan;
  5. Check the goose liver in half an hour with a meat thermometer. When the mark reaches 46 degrees, remove the foie gras from the oven and drain the fat into a separate bowl;
  6. Cool the resulting paste;
  7. Cut a sheet out of the cardboard that matches the baking dish. Wrap it in plastic. Place the cardboard on top of the foie gras, press down and leave for an hour;
  8. After a while, remove the cardboard, cover the pate with a lid and refrigerate for 24-48 hours;
  9. Before serving, soak the mold for 30 seconds in a bowl of warm water so that the pate can be detached from the edges;
  10. Turn the dish on a plate, cut and serve with truffles;
  11. The remaining fat can be used to store the pate: pour over the dish and the foie gras will not spoil for a week.

Tender chicken liver foie gras


  • Chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • Olive oil;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Onions - 70 gr.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 200 gr.;
  • Dry white wine - 1/3 cup;
  • Chicken fat;
  • Butter - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Spices, salt.


    1. Peel the chicken liver and marinate in milk for 4 hours;
    2. Cut the onion into rings, fry in olive oil... Add wine and pepper mixture to the pan;
    3. After the time has elapsed, dry the liver with a paper towel and fry in butter. For fat content, add chicken fat;

    1. Place the chicken liver on a serving dish and drain off the excess fat;

    1. Cut the champignons into slices, fry in olive oil and garlic;

    1. Grind the liver, onion, mushrooms and thyme with a blender. Season with salt and pepper to taste;
    2. If the pate is not fat enough, you can add 1 tbsp. l. butter;

  1. Place chicken foie gras on a plate, cover with cling film and refrigerate;
  2. Serve chilled as a snack. You can store foie gras for 2 months by filling the pate with poultry fat.

Useful properties of the product

Goose liver is a high-calorie and fatty product. Moreover, it is easily absorbed by the body and has invaluable properties. Thanks to the rich chemical composition, the dish slows down the aging process.

The proof of this is the life expectancy in those French regions where foie gras are often consumed.

Fatty acids have a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Also, liver components reduce the level of "cholesterol" in the blood, which prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Together with the delicacy, all the B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and dozens of other minerals enter the body.

Controversy about cruelty, criticism and bans on foie gras production

Many animal welfare organizations, in particular PETA and HSUS, are opposed to foie gras production and are urging the whole world to stop using foie gras. The reason for this is unacceptable cruelty to animals - gavage. Moreover, the activity is a breeding ground for the dissemination of prohibited photo and video materials.

During a study of foie gras production, PETA employees also noted the negative impact of conditions on birds. The animals were in poor condition, with multiple throat injuries and swelling.

Most of the individuals had lacerations and poor plumage. Enlargement of the liver often leads to death of birds, causing hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity. All of this is against the law and is unacceptable from the point of view of the animal welfare society.

Today, the production of foie gras is prohibited in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, Italy, Norway, Great Britain and a number of other highly developed countries.

In Switzerland, the government has required companies to inform consumers that the birds are force-fed.

Arguments in defense of foie gras producers

Upon closer examination of the feeding method of birds, many have come to the conclusion that force feeding is not so traumatic for the birds. The producers themselves are also making efforts to make the animal more comfortable.

Before the introduction of the tube, it is abundantly lubricated with fat and the insertion process is carried out more than carefully. Also, the daily ration of the bird is divided into small portions, so the risk that the animal chokes is minimized.

The issue of producing the delicacy is still open and controversial. Some consider it to be a standard procedure that allows one to obtain a product that is unique in its nature. Others are inclined to think about the prohibition of force-feeding.

Is it worth buying a goose liver obtained in this way, or looking for an alternative to the dish - everyone's choice.

Probably everyone has already heard about the chic dish of French cuisine, foie gras. Although not everyone had a chance to try it.

So what is foie gras? This is a fatty liver: this is how fois gras is translated from French. This is a goose liver made from a specially fed goose.

However, modern artisan chefs have got the knack to cook this dish from duck liver, and from quail, and even from the more familiar to us pork and even beef liver.

The history of this exotic dish is quite long and interesting. In fact, the delicacy has completely Egyptian roots.

The ancient Egyptians were generally distinguished by their special cleverness and observation - they already almost 5 thousand years ago noticed that at the end of winter geese preparing for a flight to their homeland eaten well and accumulate the most delicate and delicious fat in the liver area.

The adherence to the goose liver delicacy from the Egyptians was adopted by the next advanced people - the Romans, one of whose legends even says that geese saved Rome from a fire.

However, the main one, main secret the fact that the liver of not every goose is suitable for cooking foie gras according to all the rules.

It is important that the goose is also properly fed - and exclusively with the right food!

There are two versions of what the poultry diet should consist of, the liver of which should become a signature dish on the table.

According to one version, the goose must be fed with figs and barley flour, and according to another version - walnuts and flour.

How to cook foie gras? Recipes!

1. In the Middle Ages in France, the fashion for foie gras resumed with new strength and continues to this day.

The recipe from the French chef Jean-Pierrot Clos is as follows: stew the goose liver with salt and spices in goose fat juice.

The second method of cooking from the Jew Michel Levy is that the liver is stewed in a pan in honey and milk, then taken out and carefully cut with a warm or even hot knife into 1 cm thick slices, after which it is eaten with tender, fresh white bread without impurities.

2. There is also a method: for this, the liver is stuffed (filled) with goose fat and good minced beef, plus a delicacy mushroom - truffle - is added inside.

This whole thing is fried in the most accurate way - stewed in goose fat, cooled, languidly cut and served as a separate dish or as sandwiches on white, tender bread.

3. The easiest and most delicious way to cook foie gras is when the chef takes a fresh goose (or at least duck) liver, salt and pepper it with his favorite spices very delicately, drowns the goose fat in a frying pan and fries the liver in it, which is then served in the middle plates with various sauces, berries and citrus fruits, fruits.

By the way, it is canned and pickled, and so on!

4. And they also cook in wine.

It is necessary to buy foie gras from suppliers - best from Périgord or from Picard, defrost it, put it in warm water for 10 minutes so that it does not fall apart, remove all the ducts, salt and pepper with white or black pepper, put it in an earthenware or other suitable dish with thick walls 15-20 cm long, we crush it well so that it "fits" tightly into the mold (this is very important! to fit snugly to the edges), and fill it with strong favorite alcoholic beverages - best of all with a mixture of Armagnac or cognac with fortified wine - port wine or banyuls.

You can also pour cognac with truffles, nutmeg, or anything else - in general, your favorite drink.

All this is a miracle for 24 hours - leave it for a day so that the dish is marinated, and then in the oven - cook in a water bath, and the surface is tightly covered with foil. Served with warm crispbread or toast.

5. At home, you can cook simply by throwing its chopped pieces on a hot frying pan with the addition of grapes - it cooks almost instantly.

Gourmets love to pour over foie gras with fig jam or taste it with vanilla sauce. It turns out delicious if you bake it in foil - you will lick your fingers!

6. Personally tested recipe.

We take absolutely fresh foie gras 500-600 grams, 30-50 grams of port, a little salt, white pepper, baking foil. First, carefully remove all the nerves and bile ducts from the foie gras, coat the result with salt and pepper, fill it with port wine and put it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

Then we wrap the soaked port wine and spices in foil, pierce it in several places and place it in a preheated oven (170-190 degrees).

Fat will flow through the punctured slots into the bowl in which the foil with the yummy lies, and at the above-mentioned degrees, 500-600 grams will be cooked for about 30 minutes.

If possible, refer to the baking time indicated on the product label.

You can focus on the next time.

First, before placing the foie gras in the oven, it must be heated for 5 minutes at 160 degrees.

It will take 30 or 40 minutes to cook 500-700 grams of foie gras in the oven at 160 degrees, depending on what degree of roasting and readiness you need.

You cannot taste it during cooking, because it is useless: it is cold and hot - these are two different differences.

And if you have already taken it out of the oven, there is no way back.

If goose fat gets into the foil or mold, it must be carefully drained.

Then it should cool down (do not open the foil!) And it is placed in the refrigerator, where, according to the recipe, it needs to “lie down” for 2 days (or you can do without “lying down”), and then it can be used in all forms and with any side dishes and sauces.

7. In principle, it is also prepared in a water bath. Only foie gru is initially placed not in foil, but in a saucepan, where it is covered with foil tightly on top, and this way the saucepan is then placed in a slightly larger saucepan in which water is poured.

8. You can also do it according to a peasant recipe: a frying pan (!) Is sprinkled with coarse salt (but not much!) And freshly ground black pepper, warmed up - the product is put into it, a little sherry and balsamic vinegar are added.

9. Foie gras, cut into 1 cm thick plates and fried almost without fat in a hot frying pan, so that they have a crust on both sides, and tenderness itself, is also good.

It goes well with pickled pear or fresh melon.

Delicious food is obtained by combining goose liver with bacon.

10. Frozen liver can be prepared quickly and deliciously by simply laying it out on a clean towel and sprinkling well with coarse salt and ground pepper.

A towel with foie gras is wrapped and placed for a day in the lower, warmest compartment of the refrigerator with vegetables. Then the salt is peeled off and the yummy is eaten with onion, raspberry or fig jam. Heat treatment is not required in this case !!!

The uniqueness of this dish lies not only in the fact that it is very useful because of its nutritional value - it can be adapted to any cuisine in the world and combined with almost any food - with kiwi and pineapple, orange and pear, cherries and cranberries, figs and dried apricots, Jerusalem artichoke and dates, plums and raspberries, apples and breads, white and red wine, champagne and port, sauerkraut and even ... with ice cream!

In the cooking process, it is very important to get rid of all the vessels, bile ducts and nerves carefully so that the goose liver itself does not lose its presentation and integrity.

Meals are served both cold and hot, and even raw - embalmed with balsamic vinegar and flower salt!

For the preparation of hot dishes, according to professional chefs, goose liver from Chalossé is more suitable, and for cold dishes - from Périgord.

Foie gras are most highly regarded among people - in autumn and winter, when it is cold outside and hungry in the stomach and wants something tasty and satisfying.

In order to taste the perfect foie gras cooked according to the original recipe, of course, you have to go to France, because in our restaurants in Kiev and Moscow, it is most often served from duck liver.

You can buy a semi-finished product in an ordinary food supermarket, however, one must be aware that it will most likely be made from duck - that is, it is not quite right.

This second meat dish is fatty and "heavy", so it is necessary to serve light vegetable side dishes, mushrooms and sweet and sour sauces with it.

For reference: in France, in supermarkets for delicacies, 1 kg of ready-made foie gras costs from 70 to 500 US dollars, and in restaurants the price of one tiny portion is from 25 euros per dish.

But the French cannot imagine without this dish. New Year and Christmas - they have the same family-national dish as our red caviar.

"Correct" foie gras weighs exactly 600-700 grams (and a normal goose liver - 700-900 grams), and well-cooked food will never leave the eater feeling heavy in the stomach or fat.

Almost all national cuisines of the world can boast of their own special unique recipe that has a long history. Only after hearing the name of a dish, one can safely say which country residents are ardent admirers of it.

Sushi and boiled rice are undoubtedly considered traditional food in Japan, the people of Canada cannot imagine their morning without pancakes with golden maple syrup, Italy is famous for aromatic pizza and many variations of pasta, but it is worth thinking about such a product as foie gras, and imagination helpfully draws cozy French restaurants.

Indeed, this is a very popular delicacy in France, about which the French speak with reverence, raising their eyes to the sky: Foie gras (that's the name of pate in French) is to us what black caviar is to you. " Obviously, this is the case, one has only to find out the price of a thin slice foie gras in the Parisian restaurant of Jacques Le Duvalleck ...

What is foie gras

What is foie gras?

Foie gras- a traditional Christmas dish made from duck or goose liver. Such a beautiful name comes from a dissonant French phrase "Foie gras", which can be literally translated as "Fatty liver", but whoever has ever tasted this wonderful delicacy will never dare to call it so rude. After all, a properly prepared product is endowed with a unique taste and incomparable aroma, and its delicate consistency, melting on the tongue, makes you fall in love from the first bite. And it is no coincidence that this delicacy has so many admirers on all continents.

Despite the fact that France is a country of wines and cuisine, it was not the French who came up with it. For the first time, the ancient Egyptians began to feed waterfowl in a special way, who noticed that the fatter the caught game bird, the tastier its liver. Although this happened more than 4.5 thousand years ago, the first recipes from an enlarged goose or duck liver appeared in cookbooks published only at the beginning of the 4th century.

Gradually it conquered Europe, and in France it even became a product of national pride. The French are so in love with this culinary delight that today its production in the country is regulated at the legislative level. Together with roast turkey and "Christmas log", this delicious dish adorns the festive table of many wealthy families. So, let's try and we ourselves cook so popular with different nations a gastronomic masterpiece that is not ashamed to show off on tables even in royal residences.

How to make foie gras at home

This exquisite delicacy can also be prepared at home.

It is believed that only professional chefs can cook a piece of culinary art. Indeed, the master is able to transform this seemingly simple product into perfection. But duck or goose liver has such a pronounced taste that a dish prepared even by an inexperienced housewife can become a gastronomic pearl of any holiday. Recipes with a great variety - from traditional classics to original exotic.

Foie gras pate

Foie gras pate

Pieces of goose liver - 750 g;
goose liver (for minced meat) - 125 g;
pork fillet - 350 g;
unsalted lard - 250 g;
lard slices - 250 g;
interior pork or goose lard - 250 g;
truffle (can be replaced with a medium porcini mushroom) - 1 pc.;
cognac - 50 g;
Madeira - 50 g;
salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
2 bay leaves, nutmeg, pepper.

Well, judging by the ingredients, it's not that easy to cook. No wonder he is so loved and dubbed in France, and throughout the world. But do not worry and hopefully bypass all the famous and unknown supermarkets in the city. In the absence of any components, we will simply replace them with similar products. If you don't have truffles, porcini mushrooms can be used.
French farmers feed geese in a special way so that they have hypertrophied livers. You probably should not carry out such experiments with poultry on your own, you just need to use an ordinary goose or chicken liver - take several pieces so that their total weight is about 750 g.


So, soak a good, dense liver in milk, cleanse of films, biliary tract and fat. Fill it with pieces of raw truffle or porcini mushroom, pour over cognac or Madeira and leave to marinate for 3 hours. Pass pork fillet, peeled from films and tendons, pieces of goose liver through a meat grinder. To make the finished dish as soft and tender as possible, pass the minced meat again through a meat grinder with a fine grate or rub through a sieve, put in a bowl, salt, add pepper, nutmeg, brandy and Madeira. The alcohol used is the one in which the liver was marinated.
Take a round or rectangular baking dish, lay out its bottom and sides 2/3 of the minced meat. Put the marinated liver in the middle, cover it with the rest of the minced meat. Arrange slices of bacon on top, add Bay leaf and put in the oven in a water bath. Bake for 30 minutes per 1 kg of food.
Cool the finished pâté and pour over slightly warmed goose lard so that the pâté is in a shell of fat. Traditionally served very cold 48 hours after preparation.

Fried foie gras

Fried foie gras

Perhaps this recipe can be attributed to the most common methods of preparing a delicacy.

duck or goose liver - 500 g;
green lettuce leaves;
salt and pepper.


Carefully rinse, peel and divide the liver or ordinary liver from waterfowl. Best of all, this product is cut with a hot knife, then the cut is smoother. Arrange the pieces on plates and refrigerate. Season the slightly frozen liver with salt and pepper. Put a non-stick frying pan on the stove. When it gets hot, put the prepared slices on it and quickly fry them on each side for no more than 1-2 minutes. As soon as a pleasant smell and a beautiful crust appeared, immediately turn over to the other side, and then remove from the pan.

There is no need to add oil during frying as it releases a lot of fat when cooked. The pluses of a slightly chilled liver include the fact that during frying, the process of fat release is reduced, and the liver remains soft and tender.

Put the fried tightly in a baking dish and bring to readiness in a preheated oven. It will be enough for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees, and it is best to do this in a water bath. To prevent the dish from drying out, water the pieces of liver with the fat released during the cooking process. The prepared delicacy is transferred to a plate decorated with lettuce leaves and immediately served on the festive table.

Duck Liver Medallions

Foie gras medallions

duck liver - 200 g;
large sweet apple - 1 pc .;
raspberry sauce - 4 tbsp l .;
butter - 2 tbsp. l .;
flour - 2 tsp;
sugar - 2 tsp;
salt pepper.


If it is not possible to purchase ready-made raspberry sauce, then you can easily prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take a handful of raspberries and a tablespoon of sugar. Rinse and dry the berries, this must be done very carefully so as not to lose the precious juice. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and add raspberries, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring all the time so that the sauce does not burn. Immediately after boiling, remove the saucepan from the stove, and cool the resulting mixture, beat with a blender and strain through a sieve, leaving no bones. The sauce is ready, now you can proceed to the main recipe.

First, take an apple and wash it well, cut it in half to remove the seeds, and you can also peel it. The apple must be cut into large cubes, or even whole slices. Put a tablespoon of butter and sugar in a saucepan, melt the mixture until caramel-like, and then put apple pieces in the same place and fry them lightly. When the apple slices acquire a beautiful caramel color, pour the raspberry sauce into a saucepan and simmer everything together for another 2 minutes.

Now you can start preparing the liver, which should be washed, cleaned from veins and dried. Carefully cut it into medallions half a centimeter thick. It is best to work with slightly chilled, so that when slicing it will not crumble. Each piece must be seasoned with salt, pepper and flour on both sides.
Add butter to the pan and heat. When it is hot enough, add the prepared medallions and fry them quickly. If you like more fried foods, you can cook the liver until cooked in the oven.

Serve the dish as follows: put apple pieces on a large round plate, put a piece of liver on top and pour with caramelized sauce. You can decorate the delicacy with herbs, for example, a sprig of mint or lemon balm.

Tournedo "Rossini"

Tournedo "Rossini"

This recipe was invented by the great Italian composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, who throughout his life strived to achieve harmony, including in cooking.

veal fillet - 400 g;
white bread - 200 g;
ready-made foie gras pate - 100 g;
butter - 2 tbsp. l .;
truffle - 1 pc.;
red wine - 200 ml;
cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
half a lemon;
salt, pepper and other favorite spices.


First, let's prepare our toasts: for this we cut the bread into slices and fry it until crispy in a pan with the addition of butter or in a toaster. Place the crispy bites on a nice plate. Then prepare the fillet: wash it thoroughly, remove the veins and cut it into thick slices. The best chops are made with meat cut across the grain. If there is such an opportunity, then you can immediately buy steaks: they are already cut as needed for this particular dish.

Lightly beat the prepared pieces of meat and rub each with salt, pepper and other suitable spices on both sides, and then fry in butter over medium heat. Everyone chooses the degree of roasting according to their taste, but nevertheless, you should not overcook the chops, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a delicate taste.

Now you can start making the sauce. To do this, add a little butter and wine to the same dish where the meat was cooked. Let's wait for the alcohol to evaporate and remove the sauce from the stove.

The most crucial moment is the assembly of the Rossini tournedo. Put the fried meat on top of the toast, and put a small piece of pâté on top of it. If it is not possible to find such a precious product, then you can replace it with goose or duck pate. Put slices of truffle on top of the toast and pour all this beauty with aromatic sauce. Before serving, we decorate our delicacy with tomato slices, lemon slices and parsley. This splendor should be eaten hot.

Of course, the most important thing in any dish is serving, and recipes are no exception. How beautiful to put the liver on a plate, your imagination will probably tell you, but it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with photographs of dishes prepared by the best French chefs.

The tradition of eating foie gras

To fully develop the flavor of foie gras, the liver is preferably served as an appetizer. Choosing the right French wine is also important.

Foie gras in European countries it is considered a traditional delicacy for the Christmas table. It is eaten cold and served immediately after a snack, and sometimes as a hot dish.

For a long time, there was a custom to serve after the main meal, supplementing with truffles, but now this tradition is gradually abandoned, considering serving in this form oversaturated. The new trend dictates serving a product with pumpkin and green onions or an unflavored dish with toasted bread, complementing it with white wines from collections such as Chateau Monbaziyak or Sauternes, and sometimes red, for example, Chateau Grand Jean. ...

In the classic form, the delicacy is served with a baguette and seasoned with white pepper and geranda (sea) salt. Also, the dish goes well with berry jam, fruit jelly and other sweet and sour tastes.

Gourmet delicacy: foie gras

1. The highest quality product is considered to be produced in the Landes department, in the Laura valley and in the Alsace region.

2. Foie gras 10 times more is made from duck than from goose, but the price for a goose delicacy is 25-35% higher.

3. Goose liver tastes better, but many chefs of famous restaurants prefer duck for its simple taste and less pronounced aroma.

4. It is recommended to fry the pieces only in a hot frying pan, as if firing them on each side, and this should be done very quickly. If you plan to cook a large batch of product, then after each frying, the fat is removed and the dishes are cleaned to prevent unpleasant tastes and odors.

5. Before use, the canned product should be placed in a cool place (refrigerator) for 2-3 hours without breaking the seal, and only after cooling it should be opened and served.

Preparing dishes for every taste at home is not at all difficult. You can buy a "special liver" in large supermarkets or in farms that breed domestic waterfowl. There are a great many ways to prepare this delicacy. The cuisines of many nations of the world are trying to create their own unique recipe, but the palm will always remain with French chefs. Indeed, for France, this is not just food - it is a symbol and a national heritage. Here it is baked whole and fried in slices, boiled and made in pâtés, canned and even eaten raw. And always such a delicacy has irresistible taste and attractive appearance.

There are no comrades for taste and color, but there are dishes that need to be tasted and appreciated. One of them is a French pâté, considered a decoration on the Christmas table and related to cultural heritage country. French history will tell us how to cook foie gras at home, feel the play of flavor notes of this sophisticated delicacy and surprise guests with a real masterpiece.

Historical product details

Foie gras - an exquisite delicacy on the festive table. Taste qualities this dish has won over many royalty. Pâté is considered to be a French delicacy. Why not? The origin of the name and the leading country of origin - almost all the details confirm this. But historical facts are obstinate speech.

This dish was first seen on the tables of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. This is evidenced by ancient drawings found in ancient necropolises. Goose liver and its various home cooking recipes were also described in ancient manuscripts.

The delightful delicacy of duck and goose liver soon became cult and fell in love with the whole world. The fatty pulp was so tasty that people began to force-feed and raise waterfowl and geese in a special way. The secret ingredient that birds are fed to give their liver an unusual flavor is figs. They were supplemented with the main diet.

There is a constant debate around foie gras. Many people argue that raising birds this way is cruel, but the product manufacturers continue to do so.

Availability a large number nutrients in the liver of a bird is simply surprising. These components have a positive effect on many body systems, accelerate metabolism, regulate the content of bad and good cholesterol. ... The composition includes:

The substances that make up the product fight aging processes, affect the duration and quality of life. Eating this delicacy reduces the risk of developing heart ailments and has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

According to the French recipe, foie gras can be prepared even at home. If you follow the instructions, then this delicacy will decorate the festive table and delight the guests.

Classic cooking recipe

The main method of cooking dates back about 4 thousand years. Many people fell in love with this food, so it is still the main treat on the festive table.

How to cook foie gras at home and what to serve with, today they know not only in France, since the dish is popular all over the world. All products for him must necessarily be fresh, since the final result depends on this. A foie gras recipe at home involves the use of ingredients such as:

  • goose liver - 1 kg;
  • white wine - 50 ml;
  • half a teaspoon of salt and black pepper;
  • the rest of the seasonings to taste.

The prescription goose liver must be well soaked in cold water and milk for at least a day... After that, it must be cut into small pieces and wiped with spices. Then put the slices in a bowl of wine and leave to marinate for 2 hours. After the work done, the liver must be tightly folded into a ceramic container.

Preheat the oven to 100 ° C and create a steam effect there. This can be done by placing a container of water on the upper level of the oven. The liver should simmer in the oven for 40 minutes. The finished dish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, sprinkled with natural sauce (goose fat).

Foie gras can also be made from chicken liver. Even turkey will do. In this case, the delicacy will turn out to be less greasy. ... For the dish you should take:

The liver should be cleaned of films and kept in milk for 5 hours. Then you need to make a spice marinade and place the soaked product in it. Keep for about 12 hours. In the meantime, you need to rinse the mushrooms. Pass the pickled liver and mushrooms through a meat grinder. Add butter to the prepared mass. Bake the pate in the oven for 40 minutes at 190 ° C.

Any sauces (for example, fruit or cream) can be served with foie gras. The dish is prepared quickly, and this will suit everyone.

Foie gras pate is a real highlight of the French culinary arts. The cooks of this country know how to cook goose liver to make it tender and tasty. It is a sin not to use this recipe and not try a real French delicacy with its special taste.

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