Feng Shui for the family. General Feng Shui Tips for Family Harmony in a Home Feng Shui for Family and Love

It is necessary to attract the energy of love to the bedroom, as well as to the sector of love relationships - the southwest of the apartment or room. This sector is associated with romance and love, marriage.

To attract the new into life, you need to get rid of everything old and unnecessary.

1. We destroy all the memories that are associated with the past, an already unpromising man. No need to keep photos, letters and other touching reminders of a former friend. Dried flowers also block beneficial energy.

2. Eliminate the symbols of loneliness. If the walls of the house are decorated with a picture depicting one woman, or with photographs of you in splendid isolation, then in this way you are saying that you love yourself alone and do not let anyone into your narcissistic life. Do not be surprised that it is so difficult for such women to set foot in a new relationship.

3. The interior of the "bachelor" apartment should be a mixture of male and female energies. When one of the sexes dominates, feng shui becomes unbalanced, the luck of marriage will disappear. An excess of female energy in the house is undesirable: lace doilies, ruffled curtains, a huge array of cosmetics. A man in such an environment will feel uncomfortable. Consider what masculine touches you can add. If you are fond of collecting soft toys, dolls, then there is an obstacle for "adult" relationships.

4. From the zone of love - the southwest - it is necessary to remove what distracts from love meetings: documents from your work, computer, TV. So that your man does not stray in a long search for you, good lighting is necessary in the apartment. Hang a crystal sconce, attach a crystal on a red ribbon next to it. Playing with all facets, it dissipates negative energy and attracts positive.

5. We put a list of qualities that your future man should have in the marriage sector. Let your imagination draw his appearance, character, habits that you would like to see in your ideal chosen one. It is important to represent the image of your soulmate. Such meditations will help you quickly achieve marital status. Free up space in your locker and drawer for a potential man. It is necessary to share space with a partner that does not yet exist.

6. The bedroom - the temple of love - should be as far as possible from the front door. This gives the most security. The noise of the elevator, the conversations of the neighbors, the smells coming from the kitchen - all this distracts from the love game. It is important to create a calm and harmonious environment here. The bedroom is intended only for relaxation and privacy. It is undesirable to work in it or receive guests. Do not overload this room with excess furniture. The bed should stand so that it can be approached from both sides - this will provide an influx of love energy. No need to sleep with your feet to the door. A folding sofa is not the best acquisition - it divides the bed in half, as if drawing a line between you and a man. If it is not possible to buy a bed, cover the sofa with a soft blanket before going to bed. Red is the color of happiness and love, lay a red blanket. Chests of drawers and bedside tables disrupt the flow of energy. Scattered underwear and clothes interfere with the free flow of qi. A pile of dirty laundry kills love.

7. For a successful love relationship, you need to choose the color of clothes. Pink is very feminine and sexy. Try to combine it with red, the color of passion, together they form a spicy combination.

  • A woman in white is perceived by men as an angel, innocent, good creature. They will treat you more reverently and gently. But in China, a special attitude towards white is a symbol of death, so it’s better to add other colors to your look.
  • Yellow is invigorating and energizing. Therefore, a man next to a woman in yellow will be perky and playful.
  • A dress with a bare back sends a powerful signal to men, to which they simply cannot but respond.
  • Shoes made of snakeskin or crocodile skin(its imitation is also suitable) will affect the instinct of the opposite sex. A man is first and foremost a hunter.

8. Amulets and talismans are a way to communicate with supernatural forces. To give them the desired properties, you need to put all the power of your desire into the image. You need to relax, close your eyes and clearly articulate what you want, referring to the talisman. Do not let strangers touch your amulet. Traditional talismans of love are, first of all, paired things: a pair of candlesticks with red candles, a pair of vases, a pair of dolphins, a pair of birds (pigeons, cranes). Figurines of two mandarin ducks bring love happiness. This is one of the most powerful feng shui symbols for harmony in marital relationships. Two red or pink hearts are symbols of love. Chocolates, chocolates placed in the love zone will attract love energy.

9. To strengthen an existing relationship with a man, you need to put a bouquet of peonies in the bedroom. These feng shui flowers have special powers to attract love.

10. Bring the positive effect of a picture of a happy couple. It should be noted that there should be only two people, we do not need strangers in our union. You can cut out an illustration in a magazine.

By following these simple tips, you will attract love luck to the house, find the right person, or revive a faded love.

According to Eastern philosophy, everything has a pair - this is the overall harmony. Loneliness is unnatural. A lonely person is a violation of harmony, so the Universe helps everyone in search of a soul mate.

Before applying feng shui techniques to attract love, listen to yourself and make sure that you are looking for a permanent partner, and not one-time sexual adventures. Feng Shui helps those who are set for a serious relationship and marriage.

Tidy up your bedroom

A single bed broadcasts to the Universe that you are aimed at loneliness: replace it with a double bed.

See what the bed looks like. It must be attractive and seductive. An unsightly, slovenly dressed bed with ugly bedding is a sign of a lack of privacy.

Nothing in the room should remind you of loneliness. Furniture and accessories - armchairs, ottomans, floor lamps, sconces - must be paired.

The bedroom should not have thorny plants and objects with sharp corners - these are sources of negative energy. Fill the room with rounded objects. Do not keep dry and artificial flowers in the bedroom - they symbolize dust and interfere with the emergence of relationships.

Prepare a place for a future partner. Clear out a few shelves in your wardrobe. If you sleep on the half of an unsorted sofa, lay it out at night.

Purchase items that symbolize eroticism: silk bed linen, a beautiful peignoir, candles with the smell of chocolate, roses, myrrh.

Accessories will attract the energy of love and help keep it.

Rearrange the furniture

There is a saying in China: rearrange 28 items in the house and life will change. Bulky items, such as furniture, affect the flow of energy in the home. The furniture must be in the correct position. Before moving around, clean the house.

In Feng Shui, it is important to let go of the old. Old things carry negative energy and memories - they have no place in the house. Take the time and put the apartment in order. Throw away junk you don't need. Clear cabinets and dust.

The house transmits information to the Universe. new energy are new acquaintances. Do not block the way of energy with old unnecessary objects that form blockages.

When cleaning your home, don't overdo it. Leave everything that makes you happy and once brought happiness, even if they are old items. For example, children's albums with drawings. Exceptions are things left over from old relationships. Hide or throw away joint photos, letters and memorable gifts. They block the path of a new love.

Get rid of accessories, paintings, photographs and posters with images of lonely people or animals, as they carry the energy of loneliness. Replace posters of posing but lonely movie stars with pictures of men and women hugging to form happy couples.

The apartment is hung with posters of kittens, lonely beauties, the interior is decorated in pink tones and bottles are arranged - a clear overabundance of female energy. Dilute it with a masculine one and add items to the interior that a man would like.

The room should not be filled with children's toys. In an interior where everything reminds of childhood, mature relationships will not arise.

So, if you want to find a permanent partner who would like to share a house with you, add items to the interior that he might like.

Arrange the talismans of love

Some believe that the feng shui love zone is in the bedroom. Such people find the southwestern part of the bedroom and try to activate it.

This opinion is wrong. Love is not only sex. In feng shui, love is related to marriage and family life, so you need to take a broader approach to solving the problem of loneliness.

The zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is the southwestern part of the house or apartment. Here is the energy that is responsible for the personal life of people living in the house.

Use the compass to find the southwestern part of the apartment and put it in perfect order. Keep it clean and well lit. Remove things with sharp corners - they scare away potential partners. Make the southwestern sector of the apartment an island of love and romance, and in return it will attract love.

There are three types of luck: heavenly, human and earthly. Heavenly luck is destiny. We cannot influence it. Fate is the place of birth, parents, and most importantly, the time of birth. It is believed that a person receives fate with the first breath of air. Human luck is, in fact, ourselves. Our actions, thoughts, education, environment, deeds. Well, earthly luck - this is Feng Shui. With the help of Feng Shui, we can influence earthly luck. And this is not enough.

Every woman should have her secrets, and every woman should be a little magical. It's no secret that love comes first for most women. Today we will focus on luck in love.

How to find love

Put under the mattress on which you sleep, a paired image of fish, in which the head of one would look at the tail of another fish. There is a legend that the god of marriage bonds at the birth of boys and girls distributes them in pairs, tying the toes with an invisible thread. When young people grow up and meet, they experience a strong attraction to each other, and their union is inevitable. However, not all people are destined for the happiness of meeting. Some invisible forces create obstacles for the meeting of two hearts. To overcome these obstacles, Feng Shui offers a special ancient ritual "Peach Flower". You can increase the luck of the “Peach Blossom” at any time. It will help you find happiness in family life or get married.

Sector of Love and Luck

Let's find a place for "Peach Luck" in our apartment and put a vase of flowers there, preferably glass. Flowers can be both real and artificial. The vase must be tall. The water in it should be at least 45 cm, it must be changed periodically. Within two months, you will definitely meet your soul mate or bring her back home.

To determine the place, we take an ordinary compass, stand in the center of the apartment or room, set the north, find our corner.

  • For people born in the year of the Pig, Rabbit and Goat, this angle is 345-15 degrees;
  • for Monkey, Rat and Dragon - 165–195;
  • for the Snake, Rooster and Ox - 255–285;
  • for Tiger, Horse and Dog -165–195.

You find your sector and put a vase strictly in the north. It should be remembered: "Peach flower" loves silence. In this place, you should not knock, turn on music, make noise.

How to keep the chosen one

Well, has it happened? Has your chosen one found you? Congratulations! Now you need to try to maintain a good relationship for many years. There are many resources for this. A powerful symbol of family well-being is the sign of double happiness. The image of this sign in your home will create a magnificent qi of happiness. Don't forget about paired characters that should be in your bedroom. These are two lamps, two vases, paired figurines. And no images of lonely people. Remove all paintings above the head of the bed.

To improve relations with a man older than you, activate the east with the help of plants, to improve relations with a man of your age - activate the southern sector, to improve relations with a man younger than you, you can put crystal balls in the northeast or just hang a crystal chandelier.

Never be afraid that your husband will look the other way. The main thing is that there are no aquariums and fountains in the bedroom. If suddenly you suspect half of infidelity, put an amethyst product under the mattress at your feet. Two separate mattresses in a marital bed are bound to lead to a crack in your relationship. Remove all rubbish from under the bed, otherwise it will lead to illness. It is best that there are no plants in the bedroom.

In the East, paintings by artists are valued not only as works of art. They are considered as means of transmission symbolic meanings. If you want to have a child, you need to hang a picture of a hundred children playing in the garden in the bedroom. If you can't find a picture, try painting it yourself.

If a woman cannot get pregnant, and everything is in order from a medical point of view, Feng Shui will come to the rescue. Buy a picture of pomegranates or peaches and hang it in your bedroom. It is good to put a couple of elephants, but always with their trunks lowered, on both sides of the bed. During the period when you are planning to have a child, eat ripe pomegranates and peaches more often, look at children and listen only to good news.

Lesson 19

The action of favorable Feng Shui extends to all aspects of human life. If you take into account all the advice of the masters, you can significantly improve your reality, and not only attract, for example, health or love, but also positively influence what you already have.

People meet, people fall in love, get married ... and then suddenly they quarrel and even break up.

Everything is much simpler than you can imagine. And if you or your partner suddenly feel cold, then the following activities will help to noticeably correct this situation. For the better, of course.

As you already remember, in the teachings of Feng Shui there are five important elements: Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Metal. Several centuries ago, the ancient sages came to the conclusion that each person is a kind of carrier of these energies, and which of the five elements you belong to can be determined based on your date of birth.

In order to strengthen the relationship according to Feng Shui, you need to calculate your element. This can be done using mathematical calculations, or look at your last digit of the year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1979, then your element is Earth (the last number is 9). Here's a little table to help you:

Attention! If you celebrate your birthday from January 20 to February 20, then this table may give you false information, since the Chinese calendar is different from ours. Just use the table at the end of the article to calculate your element.

After you have determined your element, also look at what element your partner belongs to.
Now you will need a zone of love and marriage, that is, the southwest of your room or apartment (in 2010 it is better to activate love relationship in the west, since an unfavorable star - the yellow five) falls in the southwest).

To strengthen the Feng Shui relationship, you will be helped by placing talismans of the partner's element and your own in this part of the room. For example, you are Water, and your significant other is Wood. Place objects of equal height and width in this sector. In this case, you can place a mirror and a small wooden object. Or keep an equal number of objects of two elements in the room.

What if the elements are in conflict with each other? For example, water-fire, or wood-metal (look at the Bagua table, and pay attention to what damages the element). Talismans of other elements will be able to balance the situation, for example:

Fire Metal: put a talisman related to the earth
Fire water: conflict will weaken the Tree
Metal-Wood: harmonizes relationships Water
Tree-Earth: stabilizes fire
Earth-Water: will bring understanding Metal

family playing big role in the life of every person. Now you know how to strengthen Feng Shui relationships if your house is thundering and it's pouring rain. Take care of each other and live in happiness and harmony.

year beginning of the year the end of the year sign element
1924 February 5th January 24, 1925 Rat Wood
1925 The 25th of January February 12, 1926 Bull
1926 February 13 February 1, 1927 Tiger Fire
1927 February 2 January 22, 1928 Rabbit
1928 January 23 February 9, 1929 The Dragon Earth
1929 February 10 January 29, 1930 Snake
1930 January 30 February 16, 1931 Horse Metal
1931 February 17 February 5, 1932 Sheep
1932 February 6 January 25, 1933 Monkey Water
1933 January 26 February 13, 1934 Rooster
1934 The 14th of February February 3, 1935 Dog Wood
1935 February 4 January 23, 1936 Pig
1936 January 24 February 10, 1937 Rat Fire
1937 11 February January 30, 1938 Bull
1938 January 31 February 18, 1939 Tiger Earth
1939 February 19 February 7, 1940 Rabbit
1940 February 8 January 26, 1941 The Dragon Metal
1941 January 27 February 14, 1942 Snake
1942 February, 15 February 4, 1943 Horse Water
1943 February 5th January 24, 1944 Sheep
1944 The 25th of January February 12, 1945 Monkey Wood
1945 February 13 February 1, 1946 Rooster
1946 February 2 January 21, 1947 Dog Fire
1947 January 22 February 9, 1948 Pig
1948 February 10 January 28, 1949 Rat Earth
1949 January 29 February 16, 1950 Bull
1950 February 17 February 5, 1951 Tiger Metal
1951 February 6 January 26, 1952 Rabbit
1952 January 27 February 13, 1953 The Dragon Water
1953 The 14th of February February 2, 1954 Snake
1954 February 3rd January 23, 1955 Horse Wood
1955 January 24 February 11, 1956 Sheep
1956 12th of February January 30, 1957 Monkey Fire
1957 January 31 February 17, 1958 Rooster
1958 February 18 February 7, 1959 Dog Earth
1959 February 8 January 27, 1960 Pig
1960 28 January February 14, 1961 Rat Metal
1961 February, 15 February 4, 1962 Bull
1962 February 5th January 24, 1963 Tiger Water
1963 The 25th of January February 12, 1964 Rabbit
1964 February 13 February 1, 1965 The Dragon Wood
1965 February 2 January 20, 1966 Snake
1966 January 21 February 8, 1967 Horse Fire
1967 February 9th January 29, 1968 Sheep
1968 January 30 February 16, 1969 Monkey Earth
1969 February 17 February 5, 1970 Rooster
1970 February 6 January 26, 1971 Dog Metal
1971 January 27 February 14, 1972 Pig
1972 February, 15 February 2, 1973 Rat Water
1973 February 3rd January 22, 1974 Bull
1974 January 23 February 10, 1975 Tiger Wood
1975 11 February January 30, 1976 Rabbit
1976 January 31 February 17, 1977 The Dragon Fire
1977 January 18 February 6, 1978 Snake
1978 February 7 January 27, 1979 Horse Earth
1979 28 January February 15, 1980 Sheep
1980 February 16 February 4, 1981 Monkey Metal
1981 February 5th January 24, 1982 Rooster
1982 The 25th of January February 12, 1983 Dog Water
1983 February 13 February 1, 1984 Pig
1984 February 2 February 19, 1985 Rat Wood
1985 February 20th February 8, 1986 Bull
1986 February 9th January 28, 1987 Tiger Fire
1987 January 29 February 16, 1988 Rabbit
1988 February 17 February 5, 1989 The Dragon Earth
1989 February 6 January 26, 1990 Snake
1990 January 27 February 14, 1991 Horse Metal
1991 February, 15 February 3, 1992 Sheep
1992 February 4 January 22, 1993 Monkey Water
1993 January 23 February 9, 1994 Rooster
1994 February 10 January 30, 1995 Dog Wood
1995 January 31 February 18, 1996 Pig
1996 February 19 February 7, 1997 Rat Fire
1997 February 8 January 27, 1998 Bull
1998 28 January February 5, 1999 Tiger Earth
1999 February 6 February 4, 2000 Rabbit
2000 February 5th January 23, 2001 The Dragon Metal
2001 January 24 February 11, 2002 Snake
2002 12th of February January 31, 2003 Horse Water
2003 1st of February January 21, 2004 Sheep
2004 January 22 February 8, 2005 Monkey Wood
2005 February 9th January 28, 2006 Rooster
2006 January 29 February 17, 2007 Dog Fire
2007 February 18 February 6, 2008 Pig
2008 February 7 January 25, 2009 Rat Earth
2009 January 26 February 13, 2010 Bull
2010 The 14th of February February 2, 2011 Tiger Metal
2011 February 3rd January 22, 2012 Rabbit
2012 January 23 February 9, 2013 The Dragon Water
2013 February 10 January 30, 2014 Snake
2014 January 31 February 18, 2015 Horse Wood
2015 February 19 February 7, 2016 Sheep
2016 February 8 January 27, 2017 Monkey Fire
2017 28 January February 15, 2018 Rooster
2018 February 16 February 4, 2019 Dog Earth
2019 February 5th January 24, 2020 Pig
2020 The 25th of January February 11, 2021 Rat Metal
2021 12th of February January 31, 2022 Bull
2022 1st of February January 21, 2023 Tiger Water
2023 January 22 February 9, 2024 Rabbit
2024 February 10 January 28, 2025 The Dragon Wood
2025 January 29 February 16, 2026 Snake
2026 February 17 February 5, 2027 Horse Fire
2027 February 6 January 25, 2028 Sheep
2028 January 26 February 12, 2029 Monkey Earth
2029 February 13 February 1, 2030 Rooster
2030 February 2 January 22, 2031 Dog Metal
2031 January 23 February 8, 2032 Pig

Anastasia Volkova, for rubric

Now we will discuss the feng shui marriage zone. Why do you need a love zone in the apartment? Masters assure that the activation of this zone can create real miracles with your personal life.

Find a reliable life partner? Easy! Marry him? Even easier! Save an existing marriage and strengthen existing relationships? Yes, according to the masters, this is all really solvable.

How to find a love zone in your apartment

So, there is a zone of love and marriage in the southwestern part of the room. You can determine where this sector is located in your house using a compass, as well as the Bagua grid. Read more in our article.

Elements and colors of the marriage sector

There is a certain rule, knowing which you can properly organize the space in the marriage sector:

  • the main element of the zone is Earth
  • parent element - Fire

Therefore, the main colors of the love zone are pink, red and all fiery shades. Earth shades also favorably affect the zone: yellow, brown, terracotta, sand. Tones of "fire" will give passion and richness to your relationship, while tones of "earth" will provide stability and duration.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Metal
  • destructive - Wood

Try to avoid being in this area of ​​wood and metal products, including furniture. The unfavorable colors of this zone, respectively, are blue, blue, black, green, white and silver.

Feng Shui Love Zone Activation: Symbols and Talismans

This sector is very capricious. God forbid you place something wrong - and all efforts will come to naught. Remember, the zone of love and marriage accepts only pairs! The symbols of the marriage sector are paired pillows, paired candlesticks, paired figures.

By the way, paired mandarin ducks, cranes, pigeons or swans will help to activate the marriage zone perfectly. These birds, according to Chinese beliefs, although, by the way, according to our Russians, personify mutual love, fidelity and marital happiness. You can place beautiful butterflies as a symbol of lightness, tenderness and joy. Learning to think metaphorically

Be sure to purchase beautiful paired candles of pink, yellow, red shades, best scented (well, or beautiful paired aroma lamps with oils of geranium, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang or cedar). And light them up! The more often the better! Otherwise, there will be no sense from them ... Just do not forget, please, about the rules fire safety: a burnt zone of love will not add happiness in personal life, like the burnt tail of a beloved cat

Otherwise, it is better to use paired sconces. You can definitely turn them on as many times as you like. A little secret: if you put a couple of drops of aromatic oil on the switched on lamp, the effect will be no less impressive.

Let's make a reservation right away: there should not be any floating candles in glasses in this zone. As well as aquariums, fountains and other "water" attributes. Taboo.

Better put a crystal (porcelain, clay, ceramic) vase with chocolates, they will be a direct hint of your sweet dreams and fantasies ... Mmmm *wink*

How to attract love into your life?

If you want to use Feng Shui to attract love, then the Masters recommend placing images of happy couples in the marriage zone. BUT! Such images must be anonymised. Like this? Now let's explain.

If you post specific photos of specific individuals, then you doom not yourself, but the people depicted to love in advance. Therefore, if you do not have a couple yet, then you can use abstract images of two young people of the opposite sex. These can be MONOTONE images (contours are also suitable) of two young people merged in a passionate kiss, or a couple gently embracing against the backdrop of sunset / dawn (accordingly, the faces should be sun-drenched or darkened).

Taboo single photos. If you really want to place your photo in the love zone, then choose the best one and attach an image to it young man, which will "attract" a real partner to you. If you already have a loved one, then it is better to place your common photo in the marriage zone.

In this photo, you must be happy and cheerful, radiate love and joy with your whole appearance. Wedding photos are quite suitable: after all, they depict you on your most solemn and happy day.

Whenever you are in the marriage sector, turn on quiet, pleasant music: every time it will set you and your thoughts on a wave of love, attracting positive thoughts and events to you. Avoid manic-depressive, loud or obsessive tunes: you will not only scare away the life-giving energy of chi, but also your own desire to build love.

And finally, in no case, do not make a mess in this area! Be sure to keep your area clean if you want clean and bright relationships in every sense (again, we think metaphorically)

Although, if dirty, dark and ambiguous relationships also attract you, then this is already a matter of choice. In the end, each of us independently determines our own ideal relationship*wink*

Rituals to attract love will also help, you can read about them in our article:.

And for highly moral girls, the masters separately recommend paying attention to the events that occurred after the activation of the love sector: if you really notice something that does not meet your expectations, then once again review the design of the zone. Perhaps the cat did set its tail on fire in a candle, or you inadvertently listened to Rammstein in the zone of love well-being *pardon*
