Chinese horoscope black water rooster. Horoscope for those born in the year of the Rooster

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Roosters love life in plain sight, being the center of attention, catching admiring glances. They love parties and events, because there you can show off, show off or surprise someone. Men for the most part perform better in the field of courtship than serious relationships. They do not seek to create a family, at least in their youth, preferring fleeting connections. But at heart, the Rooster remains a conservative, and when it comes to choosing a constant companion, he prefers serious and moderate ladies.

Rooster Man - Rat Woman

The Rat seeks to save on everything, and the Rooster loves extravagance. It's unlikely they'll get along.

Rooster Man - Ox Woman

A good alliance if the Ox recognizes the Rooster as commander-in-chief. The Ox Woman does not like it when her shortcomings are pointed out.

Rooster Man - Tiger Woman

Both strive for the great, but the boasting of the Rooster irritates the Tiger woman. She ends up breaking up the relationship.

Rooster Man - Cat Woman

A very unfortunate union, mainly for the Rooster. The cat will not tolerate empty philosophizing.

Rooster Man - Dragon Woman

A very tempting union for the Rooster, especially if the Dragon woman occupies a high position in society.

Rooster Man - Horse Woman

The horse is too prudent to connect his life with the Rooster.

Rooster Man - Goat Woman

For the Goat, this is not a suitable party - she loves luxury and comfort, but does not know how to create it. And the Rooster is not able to provide her with a proper standard of living.

Rooster Man - Monkey Woman

A monkey is able to charm anyone if he sets himself such a goal. She will play with him and laugh, and the Rooster wants real recognition and respect.

Rooster Man - Rooster Woman

They both want the same thing - for someone to work, and leave them the opportunity to shine and indulge in dreams. An absolutely hopeless union with a full relationship of characters.

Rooster Man - Dog Woman

Both signs are honest, but the Dog sees the world too realistically to take seriously the dreams of the Rooster.

Rooster Man - Pig Woman

They are not well suited to each other in temperament. The boar loves a calm and friendly environment, and not constant moralizing in a specific cock-tire manner.

The alliance with the Ox is very successful - both are conservatives, and the Ox is also a workaholic who can pull the strap, leaving the Rooster the opportunity to shine.

In alliance with the Cat, the ego of the Rooster will seriously suffer. The cat, attracted by the philosophical reasoning of the Rooster, will soon see that there is nothing real behind them, will be disappointed and express all its claims.

The Dragon helps the Rooster in the implementation of plans - he has everything that the Rooster lacks so much, for example, the ability to translate ideas into reality. Both love glitter and recognition. And this is the main danger: Draco-well will have to be content with secondary roles. The snake can have a beneficial effect on Rooster and soften his warlike disposition. Both signs are prone to philosophizing, but the Snake is more practical and wiser, and she is curious about the unexpected turns of the Rooster's thoughts. They are interested together, the only thing is that the Rooster cannot stand competitors in his field, and if the Snake turns out to be brighter in something, he can seriously worry about this.

An alliance with a Horse will not be very successful and most likely will not go beyond a fleeting hobby.

The Dog will also not take the Rooster seriously. The characters of these people are too different - such opposites do not converge.

Rooster Fate Drawing

The Rooster does not have a clear division of life into phases, but within one period, ups and downs are possible. His life moves along a bizarre trajectory, and it is problematic to predict what might be waiting for him around the next turn.

Childhood can be different, but most often it is not too happy - Roosters want a lot, dream of something more than they can usually offer everyday life. They are dissatisfied with their surroundings and leave home early in search of incredible adventures and new sensations.

The second period is rich in events and changes in different areas of life. During this time, the rooster can go from poverty to wealth and back, and more than once. But don't get discouraged anyway. Feelings can capture him entirely, and he will forget about everything in the world during the period of falling in love. If he suffers a serious disappointment in life, he may become more indifferent and begin to build later life, guided by a strict plan and material gain. At the same time, you should not think that the Roosters will limit themselves in pleasures. The third phase is usually prosperous - the Rooster finds a safe haven and indulges in dreams in complete comfort. If at the same time he succeeds in teaching the lives around him, he will be completely happy.

Metal Rooster (1981)

This is a purposeful Rooster who is very persistent in achieving the goal. He is harsh and intolerant with others, because he is always more inclined to notice the shortcomings of others than the virtues. Responsible, especially when it comes to your own projects. Doesn't like to obey. He is well versed in financial matters and is not averse to starting his own business. If he joins a good team, he manages to succeed in business. He is sincere with friends, does not hold a stone in his bosom, and is honest with partners.

Water Rooster (1933,1993)

Sociable, highly erudite and sensitive individual. He knows how to be frank, sincere and able to convince anyone of anything. Likes to talk about different topics and, surprisingly, always has his own opinion, different from the generally accepted one. He is an interesting conversationalist, sociable and not so assertive for the Rooster. But he does have more than enough energy. This is a rare workaholic who is able to work day and night on some project. Can get discouraged over trifles and worry about nonsense. Helps him in such situations sense of humor, which he is generously endowed with.

Wooden Rooster (1945, 2005)

This is a person who strives to do good deeds, even on a voluntary basis. He does not tolerate loneliness, therefore he prefers to live and work in a team. Nature is honest, sincere and reliable. He will not betray and will not go over to the side of the enemy or competitor. If he does not strive for obviously unattainable goals, he is quite capable of succeeding in life and occupying a high position in society. He is interested in various spheres of human activity, loves distant countries and new experiences.

Fire Rooster (1957)

In this case, the strong-willed qualities of the Rooster come to the fore. This is a person endowed with leadership abilities, who almost always succeeds in life. He most often manifests himself in the field of a leader or organizer of a business, knows how to assemble a team and lead it to the intended goal. Sometimes he is not too democratic, tough, but only in the interests of the cause. He treats people well, but may not be too sensitive to the feelings of others.

Earth Rooster (1969)

This Rooster does not take any diligence or the ability to achieve goals. He is not inclined to exchange for trifles and always goes to something high. Deep, insightful and smart. Persistent in achieving the goal, he knows how to calculate everything correctly and find the moment when it is necessary to act actively. An excellent strategist and tactician, who, moreover, is not deprived of vital energy. Usually his authority is very high, and his position in society is strong.

The combination of the year and month of birth gives a more complete characterization of the personality and helps to understand the hidden features of nature.

Rooster Aries

This Pez:uh has a stubborn character and is ready to fight with anyone, even if the enemy is much stronger than him. He understands people, but often sees in them not only partners, but also competitors, which, however, does not prevent him from building far-reaching relationships. It is hardly possible to call them simple. Aries-Rooster is not inclined to hide his shortcomings, they lie on the surface and therefore are known to everyone. By and large, they are harmless and do not go beyond the well-known rooster craving for fanfare. The optimism of the Rooster in combination with Aries is able to have a beneficial effect on the most difficult cases - even if it is just moral support for a person in difficulty. In a bad mood, Aries-Rooster is not so interesting. He becomes quick-tempered, stubborn and even rude-wat. In disputes, such a person goes, of course, to the end. However, having changed his mind, he is able to back down, but only after a while. Excessive pride and vanity will never allow him to admit his mistakes right away. It is hardly possible to negotiate ardently with such a person. The personal life of the Rooster-Aries fully reflects the above. It is interesting with him, but he is restless and rarely does without offense. In his sexual life, he is active and wealthy - unless, of course, he is offended by the whole world and his own half.


The elegant and noble appearance of the Rooster, which is cramped in the guise of an ordinary person. This is not connected with the nature of his activity - being even the most ordinary locksmith, the Rooster-Taurus feels like a royal person. Therefore, his behavior is majestic and not always adequate. Such people often not only play nobility, but are really noble, honest and true to their principles. Their feelings are usually elevated, even with the usual fleeting infatuation. The latter, however, are rare. In a love relationship, the Rooster-Taurus is distinguished by fidelity and constancy. He is able to control his actions and be responsible for their results. This person is not pampered and easily endures adversity, although he prefers a better share than the one he has on this moment. He is distinguished by responsibility and a serious attitude to everything that makes him a reliable spouse and ideal business partner. In sexual life, he prefers not only to enjoy, but also to deliver it to his partner.


This Rooster has a changeable disposition, he is contradictory in his actions and aspirations, is not attached to his home and is rarely the owner. These are active natures who do not have any one path in front of them and therefore choose different ones, depending on the circumstances. Following their path, they often go to the wrong place and are forced to make stops. Their life line forks. They are full of interesting ideas, not all of which are given to come true. It is not uncommon for a profession for a Gemini Rooster to be secondary, and a hobby-bi comes to the fore, turning from a hobby into a business of his whole life.

The Gemini Rooster is a democrat by nature and is very indifferent to criticism. Only perceives it exclusively with hostility. His ability to quarrel from scratch is inimitable. Oddly enough, with such a temperament, he is characterized by prudence. However, in business with such a person is not easy. He is capable of successful actions, but is unpredictable and rarely gets along without non-well-wishers. But in some cases, his activity and directness are irreplaceable. In personal and sexual life with such a partner there will be no time to be bored.

Rooster Cancer

The active nature of the Rooster haunts the usually calm Cancers. Such a Rooster is active on business and without it, likes to be aware of everything and often interferes in other people's affairs. The distinctive qualities of this Rooster are straightforwardness and the desire to cause fire on oneself. It is easy to circle it around your finger, which many do. Like all Roosters, he loves to talk and brag, promise three boxes, and then disappear. His sociability sometimes becomes excessive, but it is difficult to slip away from him when he is in the mood to talk. He is prone to excesses. At the same time, she likes to lead others and always tries to find a reason to give advice and recommendations. Emotionally not too stable, but if desired, can make a good impression.

Rooster Lion

He is very dexterous, hardy, active and persistent in achieving the goal. He is often lucky, and he is able to achieve a lot in life. He always sets the highest goals, the ideas he serves are humane, but the methods are sometimes too harsh. This is the Rooster, who is ready to sacrifice both himself and his interests for the sake of good. He has the will, determination and other qualities that the winners usually have. He is self-confident to the point of narcissism and is sometimes so blinded by his victories that he takes command of everyone indiscriminately. This is an authoritarian person who does not tolerate objections and who has a totalitarian style of leadership. To deal with him, you need to study his habits well and remind him more often of his high purpose.


Rooster-Virgo knows what he needs from life. And he knows how to achieve it. He is not inclined to act alone, but recruits supporters for himself, whom he is able to convince with an original way of thinking, extensive knowledge, and excellent analytical skills. He is observant, and everyone around him is visible at a glance - he knows how to achieve the location of the right person by playing on his weaknesses. He is strong in matters relating to economics and finance, and can also prove himself as a pure mathematician - he has a penchant for abstract thinking, but at the same time he has a practical streak. He is capable of both philosophical constructions and puzzles for the mind - this is a real Sherlock Holmes. Cannot stand a dismissive tone and indifference to himself. If he has to face similar manifestations against his own person, he will give a decent answer without hesitation. The sexual potential is sufficient to win a number of high-profile victories.

Rooster Libra

He needs honor, respect, admiration and indulgence of his whims. He knows his worth and the price of the ability to enter high circles. There he is able to be loyal and find mutual language with the right people. Can act as an intermediary in all sorts of compromise solutions. If there is a need to reconcile the warring parties, there is no better performer. He knows how to find unifying factors for a variety of people and explain them to opponents. Usually not inclined to show aggression, except when a blow to ego is received. Then he will systematically and consistently engage in a retaliatory strike.

He is very inventive in communication, because he has a good memory and is able to draw conclusions from his observations. Knows how to step back from problems and see what is happening from a height, which protects against emotional swings. He has to work hard to achieve the desired position and create a comfortable life for himself according to his ideas of comfort and luxury. As a business and sexual partner, he is reliable, he tries to fulfill his obligations.

Rooster Scorpio

Courageous and steadfast fighter, researcher by nature, endowed with a powerful intellect and a huge reserve of vitality. He is hardy, unpretentious and able to work for a long time on one project, using various methods. He hits one point for a long time until he achieves a result - and the results are most often impressive. Rooster-Scorpio is usually sincerely admired, he has many friends and acquaintances who are ready to do him a favor and become partners in a promising business. But the personal life of the Rooster-Scorpio is not always successful. This is a bright, strong and somewhat outstanding personality who never makes concessions and compromises, does not forgive the weakness of character either to himself or to others. He is sharp, straight-line and has an iron will. Sometimes he is overly assertive, but this quality helps him to complete any business he has begun. He needs close people who would be sincere with him and could support him.

Rooster Sagittarius

An individualist by nature, he is inclined more towards philosophical reflections on life than towards achieving real results. He likes to contemplate and looks at many things somewhat distantly. His hobby is discussions on various topics, he owns the skill of a high-class debater, and it is quite difficult to compete with him in this matter. At the same time, he never uses forbidden tricks, preferring directness and sincerity. For this he is both loved and envied at the same time. He will never lie, even if it is necessary to save his own skin. But he will not spare the interlocutor, if he considers him guilty. He will definitely seek justice - in his own understanding. Always seeks to punish the offender. He knows a lot, but the knowledge is superficial, and he does not use it very skillfully in practice. But it takes activity, which is usually based on ambition. Seeks to make a career, but does not Always achieve his goals - partly because of straightforward thinking, partly because of superficiality, partly because of problems with loved ones that he seeks to solve, forgetting about his business responsibilities.


A very Purposeful Rooster, moreover, not deprived of ambition. He has both business acumen and the ability to work long and hard. He usually achieves his goals, but not too quickly. These are smart, reasonable people who are strong in logical thinking and are able to make the right plans. They are not fussy, calm and have an enviable endurance, which often helps them. Always serve high goals and never go against their principles. They are fearless and courageous, they are not afraid of either the superior forces of the enemy, or the excellent weapons of the other side, or warlike speeches. If the Rooster-Capricorn got into a fight, he goes to the end, never backs down. But he is able to fight only for the sake of something big - he needs powerful motivation in any business. He himself chooses both the cause he serves and the people with whom he enters into business and personal relationships. It can long seek the location of the people he needs and is able to conquer anyone in the end. Before such intensity of passion, miracles of heroism and fidelity, few can resist. But both in friendship and in family relationships, Roosters-Capricorns remain faithful and devoted.

Rooster Aquarius

The Rooster-Aquarius has an originally organized mind and great ability to research work. This is the type of a brilliant eccentric scientist, immersed in his own world and not noticing what is happening under his nose. Usually these people are able to generate progressive ideas that are ahead of their time and are only appreciated by posterity. The Aquarius Rooster often understands this, and works for the future. He is capable of taking risks and limitations in everything - these people are fanatically devoted to their work. They are active and energetic, not without adventurism and very eccentric in their manifestations. They love everything new, unknown. The most cherished desire of such a Rooster is to be a pioneer They make every sacrifice to get what they want, but their goals are never mundane, They are complex and difficult people, despite their sociable nature can charm, but are so intractable that they often remain alone or have many superficial connections.


This Rooster is a lover of thoughtful outrageousness. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by chance, inadvertently. He does not do anything for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself. At the same time, he emphasizes that he is businesslike, calm and does not allow himself unnecessary movements or statements. This feature of the Rooster-Pisces is not at all dangerous and does not harm either him or his business. This Rooster is peaceful and treats the team very well. For the sake of others, he is even ready to make some concessions. Nevertheless, he gives preference exclusively to his own opinion. His understanding of the world differs from the generally accepted one, and judging him by ordinary standards is a useless exercise. Therefore, his actions seem mostly wrong and sometimes even devoid of meaning and logic. The most difficult thing about this Rooster is its unusual coordinate system. The only thing that is constant for him is the rejection of long-term and monotonous work. He is anyone, but not an accountant and not a leader in conveyor production. Sexually, such a person is amusingly strange. Having inexhaustible potential like a cock, he pretends that this is not so. Why? And he doesn't know himself.

Love and marriage in dogs

A frank, ingenuous and honest Dog has a hard time in. love. The concept of play, intrigue and flirting is alien to her. She does not understand hints and tricks, she is used to always acting straightforwardly, therefore she encounters many difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex. She does not know how to explain herself, to compliment, to express her feelings. Therefore, it is better for her to seek happiness with signs prone to the same honesty. Otherwise, quarrels, scandals and all sorts of misunderstandings are inevitable.

Dog Man - Rat Woman

Both signs are realists, which makes them related. And the romanticism and tenderness of the Rat can melt the stern heart of the Dog.

Dog Man - Ox Woman

Not a bad alliance if the Buffalo manages not to overreact to the remarks of the Dog.

Dog Man - Tiger Woman

A very romantic union. The Tiger Woman is able to captivate the Dog and give her optimism. The dog will forget about all his problems for a while.

Dog Man - Cat Woman

A very calm union for the Dog. The cat acts pacifyingly, besides, he knows how to create comfort so that there is a place to relax from great deeds.

Dog Man - Dragon Woman

The Dragon needs worship, respect and admiration, while the Dog is a realist, a critic and not a romantic at all. It will not be easy for the Dragon Woman, and the Dog may not be able to understand the reasons for the experiences of his wife.

Dog Man - 3mea Woman

The Snake is too subtle a sign to get along with the Dog. And too wise not to understand it. An almost impossible union.

Dog Man - Horse Woman

A good union is both realists, sincere and honest. And they can go about their business without prejudice to the family.

Dog Man - Goat Woman

The Goat is too pampered and capricious for the Dog to get along with her. In addition, both signs are prone to mood swings, they will provoke each other into outbursts of negative energy.

Dog Man - Monkey Woman

The monkey will deceive anyone, and even more so the honest Dog. But she herself can be deceived - the Dog is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Dog Man - Rooster Woman

Such an alliance will most likely not last very long. The signs have very different temperaments. Despite the fact that the partners understand each other perfectly, they can be disappointed.

Dog Man - Dog Woman

Both are realists with a gloomy view of the world - here they can understand each other. But if no one is concerned about the material side of life, they will have a hard time.

Dog Man - Pig Woman

A very harmonious union - the Boar balances the dog prone to depression. Both signs are open and honest, and the Boar also knows how to organize a comfortable stay.

Most right choice- connect your fate with the Horse, which, although prudent, is honest and faithful. She will not limit the Dog in its pursuit of exploits, moreover, the Horse has a sufficient number of its own affairs.

Relationships can arise with the Tiger: both signs are fighters for justice. But here the Dog will have to be content with the role of the second violin - the Tiger will always be more noticeable. But on the other hand, it is the Tiger that can give the Dog the opportunity to experience strong feelings and great adventures.

The dragon will not tolerate criticism in his address - after all, he always knows everything best of all. In addition, the Dragon is too proud And tries to hide that ridicule hurts him. When his patience runs out, he will simply leave.

The Goat can attract the Dog with its sophistication, but then disappoint with endless whims, demands and ambitions.

A good alliance with the Cat, they will complement each other. The dog will finally find a home, peace and comfort.

Dog's fate drawing

Most often, the life of people born under the sign of the Dog is not easy. The fate of the Dog is not distinguished by stability and calmness. Due to early manifested qualities of nature, such as stubbornness and a tendency to ridicule everything, their childhood is not always cloudless. They are usually rarely pampered, they are not touched too much, and Dogs have to become adults and independent early. They are prone to negative outbursts. It is difficult for parents to understand what is happening in the soul of the Dog, and she is in no hurry to reveal it, so it can be difficult to help her.

The second phase has a dual character. Dogs are early determined with the choice of profession, and in this regard, the problem of personality formation most often does not arise. But in personal relationships, everything is very difficult. Dogs are not very sociable and not romantic, which does not attract either friends or members of the opposite sex to them. A dog often lives with inner fear and is constantly afraid of something - losing a job, loved ones, housing, respect. This constant anxiety nullifies all the pluses of their life - Dogs are very rarely satisfied. A heightened sense of justice often pushes them to rash acts.

The third period often passes under the sign of regret. The dog, like no one else, knows how to analyze and often returns to the past to find the cause of his failures. She becomes even more reserved and serious, and therefore often remains alone. A dog born during the day will be more balanced than one that was born at night. After all, it is at night that she has to reveal her guard qualities - to perform security functions.

Metal Dog (1970)

This is a very serious Dog - its character is firm, uncompromising and straightforward. Nature is whole. She chooses a goal for herself and without hesitation goes to it, without fear of anything and without turning off the path. He will never jump to the side and evaluate his choice in terms of benefits. Therefore, her interests are often concentrated in one area. This Dog is self-confident, does not doubt his abilities and skills, but easily breaks into a cry if his plans for some reason begin to collapse. She is faithful and devoted to relatives, friends and partners, but is very closed, so there are very few people who would find her society interesting.

Water Dog (1982)

The Water Dog is frivolous for the representatives of his tribe. She is not too concerned about her future and does not make any reserves, which she later has to regret. She is not as closed and not as sarcastic as other Dogs, therefore she has many friends and acquaintances. She gets along well with everyone and is very generous. For the sake of friends and relatives, she is ready for anything, is able to give her last shirt. She often lacks composure and efficiency, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship above all else and is ready to help at any moment, even to the detriment of business.

Wooden Dog (1934,1994)

The Wood Dog is a born collectivist, she loves society and prefers joint projects to individual ones. She is responsible, efficient and honest, like any Dog, you can rely on her. He will always defend the interests of the team, even to the detriment of his own. She has many friends and supporters, as she is friendly and her sense of humor is not as sarcastic as that of other representatives of the sign. She is not as focused on the shortcomings of others and prefers to see the positive side of people. Always sincerely interested in the affairs of friends and with joy rushes to solve their problems of any nature. She loves a quiet measured life, therefore she prefers to live outside the city, and if this fails, she acquires a summer house, where she spends all her free time. He knows a lot about art and is well versed in antiques - he can even devote his life to this, becoming either a collector or an expert.

Fire Dog (1946, 2006)

The Fire Dog is fast and dynamic. She is impetuous and is in constant motion - she does not sit still. Her character is friendly, sociable and sparkling, but she is so stubborn that sometimes it goes sideways for her. She is a researcher by nature and often finds her place in the promotion of various progressive ideas. This is an employee of committees, protection societies and an active participant in various movements. Such a So-baka is a missionary by nature. She does not like to act alone, but is often forced to be alone due to the peculiarities of her character.

Earth Dog (1958)

The Earth Dog can often be distinguished already by the input data. Their appearance is not so beautiful in the conventional sense, but rather intriguing. Therefore, they are very popular among representatives of the opposite sex. Nature is harmonious and balanced, not inclined to scatter and fuss. Gifted in many areas, has excellent artistic taste, has insight and the ability to anticipate events and market trends when it comes to business. She knows how to convince and argue her position, which makes her indispensable when making deals. If desired, he can achieve anything. And at the same time, he will never go over the heads, he will use only honest methods. Responsive, generous and capable of devoted friendship and love.

Combinations of Eastern and Western signs

The combination of the year and month of birth gives a more complete and accurate characterization of the personality and helps to understand the hidden features of nature.

Aries Dog

Contradictory nature. It has a fearless character, but it can be extremely cautious, which sometimes resembles indecision or weakness. In fact, his timidity persists only until a real threat arises - honor, dignity or life. This Dog is one of those that do not like, but know how to take risks, especially in difficult situations. In public life, the Aries-Dog is not so careful. Likes to be in. event center; not afraid of a noisy crowd, open, easy and relaxed in communication. Always ready to help, especially if help is not too burdensome. People of this type can be called fair. They have the ability to commerce, but they are engaged in it not so much for profit, but for the sake of freedom and the pleasures that it gives. The romance of success is closer to them than numbers. This question is quite fundamental - high thoughts occupy not the last component of the emotional background of this Dog. With such principles, there are not only high rises, but also painful falls. The Aries Dog perceives them without the slightest disappointment. This is her main quality both in business and in personal and even intimate life.

Taurus Dog

One of the main features of the Taurus Dog is reliability. She is one of those Dogs that are attached to the place and its inhabitants. Such a person honors traditions, does not betray either his superiors or members of his family. The only thing he needs is the attention of loved ones and care. Sometimes such a Dog loses touch with reality. Possessing a healthy conservatism, with age she becomes prudent and prudent. She loves stability too much to lose it in the heat of the moment. If this happens, then no more than once. Sometimes such a Dog is let down by excessive gullibility. Her attitude towards people does not imply deceit, hence her superficial attitude to problems and falling into other people's traps. And yet the motto of the Taurus Dogs is “Better to deceive me than I will deceive.” Therefore, oddly enough, they are rarely deceived. With their friendly disposition, they attract others. Taurus dogs are one of those about whom they say: "They make the world a better place."

Gemini Dog

Gemini can confuse even the Dog. In alliance with them, she is not as tied to a place as everyone else. This Dog is one of those who love both shelter and freedom at the same time. Such people are able to move a lot and change specialties and jobs. They have a fairly easy disposition and a good relationship with others, which makes them sociable. Often they do not restrain themselves by any framework and realize themselves in different, sometimes opposite areas. They make both leaders and artists. For the most part, these people are lonely. The world around them does not keep up with their aspirations and changes. It is difficult for them to find a life partner, so they are carried away by those who are close to them not so much in spirit as in distance. From this, their connections are often romantically ardent, but fragile. This is not frivolity, but confusion of the spirit - such a Dog always understands that it is in alliance with the Gemini, who are calling her to no one knows where.

Cancer Dog

This Dog can become a hostage to his passions. She is able to rush anywhere for anything, as long as she likes it. This is her strength and weakness. Being easy-going, she does not sway when necessary to make unexpected decisions. At the same time, it simply does not occur to her to understand the recklessness of such situations. I saw, I wanted, I did - and come what may. They know how to grasp the situation on the fly, which allows them to make not only successful, but also fair decisions. Such qualities, of course, do not go to waste. Cancer Dog has idealistic thinking, but is not averse to indulging his weaknesses. The emotional component occupies almost the main place in the life of such people. Being materialists, they can be carried away by religion, while not forgetting about all the existing entertainments. The ability to captivate others takes them so far that they are able to pass off their own fantasies as real views and situations. Attempts to bring them to life creates a lot of problems for these Dogs, which, however, they can ignore. The vicissitudes of life interest them only as something accompanying "their passions, hobbies and inclinations. They make good writers. Sexually they are at least interesting, but hardly created for family life. "

Lion Dog

A dog of this sign is most often the leader of the pack, or at least a shepherd. She loves to shepherd, protect and manage - to be in a situation in which everyone obeys her wise and insightful commands. This breed of Dog is always sure of its rightness. Those who do not understand such obviousness cause her sincere surprise. Nevertheless, all her decisions are responsible and fair. A person born under the signs of the Dog and Leo is able to make the right decisions in the most difficult situation. He is a champion of justice, pure ranks and does not forgive betrayal, which he himself is incapable of. To achieve the goal, he is ready for any expenses - not only his own, but also others. In a marriage union, he is not a partner, the head of the family, regardless of gender, age, earnings and social status.

Virgo Dog

Such people make positive bureaucrats. They are calm, hardworking, able to lead and always make informed decisions. Their attitude to the team is friendly and fair. The only thing that confuses them is overly noticeable personalities. In relation to them, the Dog-Virgo has no negativity, but rather a misunderstanding - how one can cooperate with this kind of "irregularities". They still like to communicate with everything unusual, but not on work issues! Therefore, in the profession, the Virgo-Dog does not succeed too much, preferring to engage not in the main, but in the side directions. They make excellent subordinates and deputies. Internally, these Dogs are more emotional than externally, therefore they are well versed in art and respectful of any creativity. Even if they choose the path of a simple clerk, they find an interesting hobby for themselves: artistic embroidery, keeping dtsevniks, collecting a collection of rarities. Sexually, the combination of a Virgo with a Dog can be different. It all depends on the degree of perception.

The main thing is not to touch upon the topic of morality in the moment of intimacy with such a person.

Dog Libra.

The contradictory nature of this Dog, on the one hand, requires maximum freedom, on the other, it needs guidance. If she manages to find a boss whose leadership style is unobtrusive and respectful: she is capable of not only good work, but also feats. With the advent of such a person, the Libra-Dog gains internal stability and motivation to work. She is sociable, friendly and sympathetic, but sometimes breaks down, especially if she perceives some situations as an attack on her independence. If she renders services to someone, then she does it only of her own free will, and not under duress. Straightforward, does not like intrigues, can maliciously ridicule the intriguer and will try to bring him to clean water. Such a Dog is full of inner dignity and respect for himself and others, and it is pleasant to deal with him. But she is prone to overestimating her abilities and can take on cases that she can’t handle. In this regard, she is not a very reliable partner, but she will never intrigue behind her back and remain sincere. She is able to work for an idea for a long time without financial reward, based on future profits, therefore it is ideal for the development of new projects. She will not leave everything halfway if difficulties arise in business, but will look for a way out. Her advice is often effective and, importantly, timely. Sexually active, but this side of life is rarely the main one for her.

Scorpio dog

Such people treat others with some distrust. They are suspicious and tend to notice the infringement of their interests in everything. As a rule, it is contrived. The dog in combination with Scorpio is such a serious opponent that there are practically no people who want to compete with him. Yes, and it makes no sense. Such a person is successful at work, knows how to make decisions quickly and is endowed with the ability to penetrate into the essence of any, even the most difficult, situation. They don't incubate such people, but protect them by promoting them to leadership positions. True, not the main ones. And yet such people are rather positive and know how to make friends. If you don’t get too angry, you can always rely on such a person. In love, Dogs-Scorpios are fickle. The same is with sexuality: having high potential, they are able to suddenly cool down, lose interest in their partner and immediately go in search of a new one.

Sagittarius Dog

The Sagittarius dog is graceful and graceful. She is always on the move, searching, practically in flight. It is so active and dynamic that the movement itself captures it, this breed of Dog makes good athletes and dancers. Emotionally developed, she is an extrovert and does not like loneliness. She likes both collective work and joint rest. The disposition is rather playful and light than closed and withdrawn. At the same time, the Dog is deeply decent and does not know how to betray and intrigue. Despite external openness, he never lets others close, preferring to keep. distance. And at the same time, it has a high sexual potential, which it seeks to realize. Often reputed to be an unreliable and windy person, which is not entirely true. She simply does not tolerate restrictions in anything and in close relationships, too, preferring to remain free.

Capricorn Dog

This is an adherent of the law, protecting the world from evil and violence. And also from the decline of morals. He has strict views on morality and morality, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility to others. He demonstrates his loyalty and benevolence only to his leadership - provided that he respects him, & also to those to whom he is truly attached. It can, of course, be kind, but it usually does not go beyond words. Before writing down someone not only as a friend, but only as a friend, he subjects the person to a strict assessment according to a peculiar system of values ​​and coordinates. As a result, very few pass. He has a narrow circle of friends, but all are reliable and trusted. The most common area in which Capricorn Dogs can excel is serving the law, they make excellent law enforcement officers.

Aquarius Dog

Sociable, courageous and open Dog with a cheerful character and a developed sense of humor. Freedom-loving and professes the principle of "do what you want, as long as it does not harm others." At the same time, she is not selfish and is capable of faithful and devoted friendship and, remarkably, does not require anything in return. She is selfless by nature. The Aquarius Dog does not like to interfere in the affairs of others, but if she is asked for help, she will respond and defend the interests of relatives and just acquaintances whom she loves to the end. She is easy-going, quickly gets carried away and is going on a journey, especially if she hears about lawlessness or some other injustice. Very active socially and often engaged in social activities for the benefit of others. Such a Dog is preoccupied with the future of mankind, and grandiose ideas are scrolling in her head, which she seeks to realize. He loves change, he can easily change not only work, but also the field of activity. And in the new team it is accepted to actively promote the ideas of saving mankind. Quite quarrelsome, has the character of an individualist and somewhere even a provocateur. Nevertheless, she is not inclined to scatter in relationships, and if she finds a common language with a partner, this connection lasts a lifetime. Always trying to find more of a friend than a sexual partner.

Pisces Dog

This is a deep nature that knows how to understand others and find an approach to almost any person. She is able to reconcile opponents, finding convincing arguments and appealing to their best human qualities, to bring them to an optimal compromise solution. Despite a heightened sense of justice, he implements it in a soft diplomatic manner, and not with a loud and ferocious bark. She is capable of sacrifice and can tirelessly help others, even abandoning all her affairs if she is asked for help. Responsive, loyal and very attentive to those around her - she will never forget her promises and show sensitivity where necessary, as she is well acquainted with people's weaknesses. She knows how to value not only her own, but also someone else's freedom, other people's views and value systems. He will never impose his own opinion and behaves very respectfully in conflict situations. She has a high sexual potential, but it manifests itself gently and calmly and only when she is completely confident in her partner.

Boar love and marriage

The boar is open, naive and emotional, often gets carried away and is deceived in his feelings. The boar is easy to fool, he does not believe that someone can pretend to be in love. Caution and prudence do not interfere with him, but he rarely shows them. Being carried away, he forgets about everything in the world.

Pig Man - Rat Woman

Both value beauty, comfort and coziness. Both know how to make money: They have a lot in common, only the assertiveness of the Rat can sometimes harm relationships.

Boar Man - Buffalo Woman

The boar will be comfortable, but a bit boring. Therefore, he will look around, and the Buffalo will not tolerate this.

Pig Man - Tiger Woman

The Tiger Woman attracts and enchants the Boar, but it is difficult for him to understand her desire to go up, the Boar wants something more earthly.

Pig Man - Cat Woman

The union is not bad, but both signs tend to walk on the side. And if the Catwoman is able to keep her mouth shut, then it is difficult for the ingenuous Boar to hide her adventures.

Pig Man - Dragon Woman

The boar knows how to care and admire, and the Dragon loves signs of attention. The union is strong if the Boar remains faithful.

Pig Man - Snake Woman

The snake attracts and enchants the Boar, but this is the type of union when one side becomes too dependent. The snake knows how to use others wisely, especially the naive Boar. The boar runs the risk of losing more than gaining.

Pig Man - Horse Woman

The boar, although he appreciates pleasure, but the passion for the tour of the Horse is alarming. He will not withstand a long relationship - for him they are fraught with emotional stress and breakdowns.

Pig Man - Goat Woman

A wealthy Boar and a gentle Goat accustomed to luxury - what could be more harmonious than this union? The boar is delighted, and the Goat is pleased.

Pig Man - Monkey Woman

Difficult union. But the Monkey is too cunning to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the Ka-ban's location. In addition, she appreciates his material viability.

Pig Man - Rooster Woman

An alliance is possible if the Boar shows loyalty and does not enter into disputes.

Pig Man - Dog Woman

A good union. Mutual respect and understanding of related signs will help them overcome the difference in relation to material values.

Pig Man - Pig Woman

It is easy for them to find a common language, but it is difficult to get along together.

More than others, the Goat is suitable for the Boar - a sophisticated aesthetic. Tender and vulnerable, she leads the Boar into admiration.

He can find a common language with the Cat, who understands pleasure, does not like quarrels and discussions, preferring to bring comfort to his nest.

Relationships with the Monkey should be avoided, since the Boar will be the loser here.

The tiger can bewitch the Boar, but it will be incomprehensible to him and almost inaccessible.

The buffalo will prove to be a faithful and reliable companion. Both signs are materialists, which makes them related.

Drawing of the fate of the Boar

The fate of the Boar depends on the period when he was born. The closer his birthday is to the Chinese New Year, the less luck awaits him in life and the more he will have to endure adversity. All other Boars are happier. In general, the Pig is a lucky sign, they often manage to avoid trouble due to their gentle nature and ability to be a faithful and devoted comrade. The Pig's childhood and youth are often calm and cloudless. Boars are loved for their complaisant disposition and undemanding character. They are friendly, open and cheerful and do not create too many problems for the elders. The second phase is more problematic - Boars are not very faithful spouses. But everything is forgiven to the Boar for a light, cheerful disposition. The last phase of life, as a rule, is peaceful - he has few friends, but they are all tested and remain in a position towards the Boar until old age. He is very caring and attentive to those he loves, and he is answered in the same way.

Metal Boar (1971)

Behind the open and benevolent nature of the Metal Pig lies great ambition. He is ambitious and strives to realize his dreams. For this, he spares neither strength nor energy, it is good for him not to occupy it. This is an active and active person with solid life attitudes, which he tries to follow. He can manifest himself in different spheres of life - he is interested in everything. Sometimes he suffers from his gullibility, but treats everything with mild humor. He loves cheerful companies, parties and cultural events - there he feels in his element and can communicate as much as he likes.

Water Boar (1983)

This is a very sensitive nature, capable of co-experience and understanding. His disposition and gullibility are often used for selfish purposes, and he cannot refuse anyone. It is easy to deceive him, but even being fooled, he retains generosity to his offenders and rarely bothers himself with revenge. His nature is disgusted by knowingly causing harm to another and even just making offensive remarks about him. The Water Boar is very peaceful. He has diverse interests and is able to be successful in almost any field he takes up, because he is responsible, persistent, hardworking and hardy. Open and sociable, often the soul of the company.

Wooden Boar (1935,1995)

The Wood Pig shows remarkable oratory skills - he knows how to look convincing and recruit supporters, which makes him a brilliant politician. If he had not been so simple-hearted, he could have reached great heights. He is usually loved for his benevolence, the ability to laugh at himself and listen to another. He always cares about his friends, is aware of all the events of their lives and tries to help in everything. This Boar loves traveling, and not as a passive observer, but chooses activities that are close to extreme sports - kayaking, mountaineering, hiking.

Fire Boar (1947, 2007)

Active, dynamic and very stubborn Pig. He likes to take risks and strives directly for his goal. But first, he thoroughly thinks through his tactics and weighs the chances. He is very erudite, which helps him to consider problems from different points of view. He can get so carried away that he completely forgets about tactics and strategy. The boar tends to scatter and rarely finish what he started, which, of course, is not a plus. And yet, as a rule, the Fire Pig is successful due to its energy. Very generous and generous to friends.

Earth Pig (1959)

This is a calm, balanced nature with a strong financial streak. He knows where and when to invest money, and quickly builds a fortune for himself. But he does not forget about others, especially friends and relatives - here he shows all his positive qualities. If you need to attach someone somewhere, the Earth Pig is simply irreplaceable. He has pronounced organizational skills, an active life position and a benevolent character, which makes him a popular person.

Combinations of Eastern and Western signs

The combination of the year and month of birth gives a more complete and accurate characterization of the personality and helps to understand the hidden features of nature.


This Pig is distinguished by emotionality, enviable vitality, health and some straightforwardness. Such a person can give the impression of a village sack. But this impression is deceptive. It's just that it is difficult for the Pig to behave in society, and he is not one of those who see his own shortcomings. He considers himself an ideal in everything and cannot stand those who criticize him or make comments to him. But, one way or another, such a person is perceived rather benevolently. He is valued for his gentle disposition and optimistic attitude. Boars are cheerful, do not get hung up on non-luck, they are not characterized by cunning and skepticism. They keep an even and slightly familiar distance with everyone, which, oddly enough, gives good results - there are no interpersonal problems in teams under their leadership. Such people are reliable and do not let down partners, both in business and in the family. They have a large and, in general, kind heart. Sexually, the Pig-Aries is attractive, although prone to a certain treachery. Paying attention to details even in intimate situations is not his principle.


The most painstaking and concentrated of all Ka-bans. The well-known slogan “a penny saves a ruble” was thought up, most likely, by the Pig-Taurus. The ideal bank employee. Such people give the impression of simple and balanced. But everything is not so simple. Outwardly, the Pig-Taurus is always calm, but difficult passions can boil inside. What exactly - it is better not to know. No one, as a rule, knows, because these passions manifest themselves only in exceptional cases, when they make him very angry. Pig-Taurus is the most typical representative of the middle class. With such it is good to create a family - she will be behind him like behind a stone wall. The wall is silent, reliable and patient. Silence, however, is not characteristic of all varieties of this type. Part of the Pig-Taurus, having escaped from their characteristic state (for example, during a dispute on an issue of interest to them), cannot stop. Such over time, to the complete shock of others, become the toastmaster and the soul of the company.


The actions of this Boar are not very clear from the side, so he is not strong in relations with others. Finding himself in recurring quarrels with colleagues and even friends, he seeks to find understanding and approval in the family, especially in children. For the sake of the latter, he is ready for anything. But his dynamic disposition is not satisfied with family life alone, therefore the Gemini Pig manifests itself in all existing areas of activity. He has enough abilities for any of them, the only question is to stop at one thing. Such people can be anything from an engineer to a magician. But the misunderstanding of others makes them concentrate on themselves and their ambitions. The last factor, if it suddenly starts to work, is able to bring the Gemini Pig to very serious, sometimes the greatest results. They see many situations from an idealistic side, and this point of view makes them not only humanists capable of helping others, but also very rich and successful people.

Boar Cancer

This Boar suits everyone with its disposition. He is not prone to intrigues and perceives the world in all its manifestations. He earns easily, but he spends just as easily. He does not like to deny himself pleasures, preferring them to other types of leisure. The lightness of nature attracts him to luxury, entertainment and sexual pleasures. However, he is enterprising in business and often succeeds. There is a high percentage of businessmen among such people. Self-control in everything that is not related to leisure, they have a decent level. At the same time, they are capable of high feelings, but only through serious affection. Pig-Cancer - nature is very subtle and impressionable. He can be very sentimental and vulnerable.


This combination is one of the most effective. Such people are not flexible, but they have great ambitions, strength and the necessary qualities of a leader. These features allow them to achieve success in any endeavors and solve any problems, participate in the most complex projects. This happens most often due to skillful administration. The ability to give instructions and put everyone in their place is one of the main things of the Leo-Pig. The emotional background of such a combination is not simple. Achieving high goals, the Pig-Leo remains disinterested. He is rather a calm romantic tick, which does not quite fit in with his nomenclature system of coordinates. Therefore, the inner world of such people is often enslaved. They strive for security and comfort, but very rarely receive them and often live with a sense of dissatisfaction. Only a circle of friends and family can help in such situations. Both are constant in Leo-Boar. He is not a fan of changing partners, friends and company.


This Boar is not quite typical. He is pretty insecure and afraid of people to the same extent as he is completely alone. Someone like him needs someone around, but not too many. This is an intelligent and respectable person. At the same time, he is mobile and executive, capable of friendship and successful partnership. Possessing a clear mind, he does not require guidance and assistance for himself, but takes on the most painstaking part of the work. Oddly enough, he likes a long routine, it scares away the curious and those who are able to interfere with him. Best of all, he can work in a team that he himself recruited. Recruitment is one of its strengths. In it, he is responsible, as elsewhere, and tries to bring any of the tasks taken to the end. Emotionally, he is very different and is fully revealed only in a narrow circle. Usually this is a company or family.

Pig Libra

This combination gives a sensitive and sentimental nature, for which the environment is extremely important. They cannot stand screams, disputes and disagreements and try to find a common language with everyone. Here the diplomacy of Libra and the desire of the Pig not to offend anyone affect. The Pig-Libra is balanced and stable, but it is characterized by some passivity - it prefers to be led rather than lead. He is often attracted to art, but he manages to develop his abilities only if he comes across a suitable teacher. The Pig-Libra, of course, has ambitions, but he has a hard time on the path of building a career. He perceives all his weaknesses and shortcomings as vices, although some properties of his nature fully fall under this definition. The Pig-Libra knows about this and tries to hide some of its manifestations from others, therefore, when communicating, it tries to keep its distance and not reveal more than it should. This is given to him with difficulty - the open nature of the Boar is in conflict with the internal setting to keep secrets. He is so afraid that someone will find out about his secret inclinations that even in love he retains a certain degree of alienation, despite the amorousness. This makes him attractive to the opposite sex and creates an aura of mystery around him. He is affectionate and often remains faithful to his partner. This is a sign that is able to be inspired by emotions and sublimate sexual energy into creative energy.

Boar Scorpio

This is a strong and ambitious person. Pig-Scorpio rushes to his goal with such perseverance that he is able to work around the clock. He does not know fatigue and other such nonsense - the matter for him is above all. He is always passionate about what he is doing at the moment, and knows how to lead, give orders. His leadership style is always authoritarian, but he believes that it is necessary for the good of the cause. Emotions of subordinates and their desire to be self-willed are stopped in the bud, which creates problems for him in the team. But getting away from such a boss is not easy - if he thinks that he needs this employee, he will never let him go. At the same time, he looks convincing and, what is remarkable, calm and reasonable. But this is only an external plan - inside he is sensitive, especially to insults inflicted or what he perceives as an insult, and especially if someone gets in his way and interferes with the implementation of his plans. Then he lets go of his emotions and turns into a pursuer - and will not calm down until the enemy is defeated. This is how his emotional side shows up. Sexually gifted generously, like all Scorpions, but it is difficult to get along with him. Knows how to find an approach to children and educate them as individuals.

Boar Sagittarius


This combination gives people balanced, reliable and ambitious. They are conservative, adhere to traditional views and ideas about life. They almost always strive to make a career, are persistent in achieving the goal and do everything slowly but surely. As a result, they often achieve the highest position. Appears calm, but if they feel threatened, they become unstoppable and ready to fight. for real. It is better not to bring such a person to a state of anger. With regard to relatives and families, they are concerned about Liv, they will never forget about the older generation or distant relatives. They are proud of their family and dedicate a lot of time to it. They are also attentive to friends, partners, they are always sincerely interested in their close environment and the atmosphere in families. Sexually gifted generously, but not prone to fleeting relationships.


The calmness of the Pig-Aquarius is deceptive. As, by the way, and everything else. He seems soft, homely and balanced, but in fact he is capable of not only spontaneous and reckless, but even shocking actions. The nature of Aquarius cannot do without shocking. Although in this combination it is not so expressive; rather, such behavior is surprising and creates intrigue and a creative atmosphere around the Aquarius-Pig personality. He may seem simple-minded, and even naive, but behind this lies a remarkable potential and ability for logical and strategic thinking, the ability to calculate different combinations and work on mistakes made. He often hides under different masks, which can confuse even close people - no one really knows what he really is. Yes, and he himself, like all Aquarians, cannot say something definite about himself - he is constantly changing. Efficient, sociable, possesses the skills of behavior in a team - can unite people and set feasible tasks for them. As a leader, he is very perspicacious and loyal, but the breadth of views inherent in Aquarius sometimes interferes with leadership, in some cases conservatism is more advantageous. Emotionally, Pig-Aquarius is excitable, quickly gets carried away, but never allows feelings to guide his life, work for him is always in the first place. In partnerships, she values ​​freedom above all else.


A combination that gives a stable psyche and high emotionality. This is the type of people who can call you to frankness, they are responsive and cordial, sensitive and soft. These are universal "vests" in which it is very convenient to cry. They listen, help and support. Pig-Pisces can even create the right mood in the team, acting gently and diplomatically. He knows how to show his best qualities, to express their disposition towards everyone, and people try to unite around such a person. This is an excellent leader who is adored by subordinates: he knows how to motivate his employees, create a pleasant working atmosphere, defend their interests in front of superiors and avoid conflicts. Non-desire for conflicts is a distinctive feature of the personality of the Pig-Pisces. He will prefer to settle everything peacefully and not start long and tedious showdowns that inevitably lead to confrontation. He understands people, and more intuitively than from the standpoint of logic and psychology, he knows how to find the right tone in a conversation, to choose the right words. As a rule, he achieves his goals, knows how to turn any situation in his favor and find advantages of any position. Sexually attractive, knows how to be gentle and caring. - to hide from others.

There are many people in the world, we are all different, each has its own character. A lot of factors influence the character of a person. This is the name, date, month and year of birth, this is our family and our environment. Many of us believe in horoscopes, read the characters of people by month and year of birth, trying them on ourselves and our friends. It cannot be said that, having read about the character of a person born in the year of the Rooster, you will know him inside and out. But, perhaps, this will help you to better understand this or that act of a “rooster” person, to understand more deeply his soul. Let's study the year of the Rooster and the characteristics of those born this year.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

A person born under the sign of the Rooster has an extraordinary character. He, like the rooster himself, loves to be the center of attention, he is proud and warlike. "Roosters" are very straightforward, they express their opinion on the question posed, without thinking about the feelings of the interlocutor. After all, it seems to them that they are telling the truth, and the truth cannot offend.

"Roosters" are lively and interesting interlocutors. The style of dress, the manner of speaking, everything draws attention to them. Roosters have a lot of acquaintances and friends, they easily make contact. But, nevertheless, roosters are very capricious. They do not like criticism, advice, reproaches, while they calmly give advice to others, with or without reason.

"Roosters" know how to share, unless of course there is something. They do it very willingly, especially when it happens in public. Kindness? Of course, but there is also vanity.

"Roosters" are very good organizers. They think through their affairs to the smallest detail and always conduct business from beginning to end, and always on highest level. But the rooster loves to be capricious during work and, as mentioned earlier, do everything so as not to go unnoticed. Having defined a goal for himself, the rooster will go to it until the very end.

"Roosters" have a huge gift of persuasion. They can make you believe whatever they want. You will change your mind to the opinion of the interlocutor, the “rooster”, without even noticing. People-"roosters" are programmed for success, which they will try to achieve by any means. Despite this, "roosters" are easy to deceive because they are very gullible and naive.

Year of the rooster - a characteristic of a man and a woman

"Roosters" are brave, bold and courageous, capable of risky acts. Male "roosters" are considered good and brave warriors. They are very fond of female attention, where you can show yourself in all its glory, they flirt, care, getting great pleasure from it. But this does not always lead to some kind of further relationship. If a “rooster” man already has a wife, then he can cheat on her. In public, he will be gentle and attentive, but at home he no longer has anyone to present himself in a favorable light, and his wife fades into the background.

Women are "roosters", unlike men, prefer society not of the opposite sex. They prefer to be surrounded by ladies, to be at ease, where they can freely carry on a conversation, actively participate in disputes and, of course, give advice based on their extensive experience.

Above, we examined the characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster. But you should not transfer everything to your loved one and think that you already know everything about him. After all, character is such a complex and unique thing. People don't look alike. Look for answers in the person himself, in his environment. People tend to change, both externally and internally. Perhaps the Rooster, having begun to communicate with you, will be less belligerent and aggressive, and will become a more domestic and gentle person.

People born in the year of the rooster think deeply. They are always busy and passionate about their work. They always want to do more than they can, and if they take on a task that exceeds their ability, they are very disappointed if they cannot fulfill their obligations.

Year of the rooster - compatibility

  • 2029 earthy - February 13

Year of the Rooster: horoscope, what years of birth, characteristics of men and women

People born in the year of the Rooster

The sign of the Rooster in the western horoscope corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Born in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 or 2005, you can be sure that the year of birth of the Rooster corresponds to him.

As a rule, the representative of this sign leaves the impression of a person who is straightforward and free in his actions and words. The characteristic of those born in the year of the Rooster suggests that the true nature of this person is much deeper and more complex than it might seem at first glance.

People born in the year of the Rooster are characterized by sensitivity, attention to detail and the ability to subordinate to their will. What he lacks is diplomacy and tact.

In general, this person believes that he came into this world only for victories. The year of the Rooster influences the desire to always be in the spotlight; what years of birth can produce such an independent, vain person, thirsting for worldwide recognition and admiration?

Chinese horoscope Rooster

According to the eastern horoscope of the Rooster, such an energetic and courageous representative of the sign will have many ups and downs throughout life.

It is thanks to life's difficulties that he will be able to learn to appreciate those moments when he will be truly happy. The Chinese horoscope of the Rooster reports that this person can achieve emotional stability only when he finds a job to his liking.

Astrologers advise this person to acquire an amulet that will help him achieve his own goals. The talisman must be made of the Rooster stone - topaz, emerald, garnet or ruby.

Characteristics of the Rooster sign

Considering the characteristics of the year of the Rooster, we can conclude that the year gives a person a craving for leadership both in the family and in work. It should be noted that he may be friendly, but deep down, this person perceives colleagues as competitors.

This person is very lucky and active, can achieve great success. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the routine depresses the sign of the Rooster zodiac, and therefore he should only deal with the business that really attracts him.

According to the characteristics of the Rooster sign, in love this person seeks to find a partner for a stable and harmonious relationship.

Video: Year of the Rooster on the Chinese calendar

What years were people born under the sign of the Rooster? Year of the Rooster - 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005::

The rooster is an incredibly cheerful, conceited and bright nature, striking everyone around with its optimism, restlessness, violent fantasy. Such interesting ambitious people are born rarely in any year. The Year of the Rooster brings to mankind vain and pedantic persons with excellent financial sense.

Representatives of this sign are incredibly charming, which they use to achieve their goals. Like all other people, they have advantages and disadvantages. Roosters are always honest and open, sometimes they can be tough in their directness. But you shouldn't be offended by them. It is better to listen to criticism, because these words are not spoken out of evil.

2005 is the year of which animal? Eastern horoscope by years

People born in the year of the Rooster (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) are distinguished by loyalty, goodwill and special courage. Representatives of this sign have contradictory qualities of character. They can be dynamic and sociable. But at times they are attacked by slowness and languor.

Positive features

People born in the year of the Rooster are bright personalities. They are characterized by frankness and sincerity. They are valued by those around them for their honesty and ability to defend their interests. Rooster people are not easy natures. They are generous, noisy, sometimes capricious individuals with the gift of eloquence. V social life The Rooster man strives for leadership. Entrepreneurship and an active life position help him to be the first in his family and in his professional activities. Many representatives of this sign achieve career heights. This is facilitated by the activity and workaholism of the tireless Rooster.

Negative Traits

Some individuals born in the year of the Rooster love to command so much that if they lose it, they can easily become depressed. As you know, Rooster people love to show off, but if they cross this fine line, they can fall into the number of bouncers and idle talkers. It is difficult for individuals with low self-esteem. Such a Rooster can hesitate for a long time in making any decision, in the end he is inclined to evade responsibility.

A man born in the year of the Rooster. Personality characteristic

Most often this is a conscientious person. Naturally, he tends to act as a commander in almost all areas of life. Despite his activity, often his actions are chaotic and do not always lead to the desired effect. Therefore, such a man needs a smart and far-sighted partner who would help him direct energy into a fruitful channel. The Rooster man makes an indelible impression on the female sex. Take a look at any company where this year's representative is located. You will recognize him by his catchy appearance. He is often surrounded by admiring people. This also happens to those who were born in 2005. What animal can a Rooster attract? He captivates with his colloquial speech and rich imagination of almost everyone. The Rooster often hides his fears and worries behind a mask of calm and equanimity. Unfortunately, the representative of this year is often fickle in his personal life. He loves women's society, where you can dissolve your bright tail. Having achieved a certain woman, he can quickly lose interest in her and disappear from sight. However, if the Rooster man reasonably approaches the choice of the chosen one, he can become a completely positive family man.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster. Personality horoscope

The lady of this sign tends to be independent. She does an excellent job with her household and work responsibilities. The Rooster woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance. She tends to change her hair color often and loves to improvise with her wardrobe. If she is surrounded interesting people, then the Rooster girl can easily be the soul of the company. She is an excellent storyteller and is able to attract many men to her. At the same time, she does not bypass the women's society. For close girls, she can become a faithful friend, while others will envy her.

The Rooster woman is known for her indomitable temperament. In the family, she is quite firm and requires discipline. Despite the fact that she sincerely cares about her household, she can often be overwhelmed by negative emotions: jealousy, anger. Astrologers advise the ladies of this sign to be more flexible and approach the choice of a partner for family life with particular seriousness.

With whom does the Rooster build a family union?

The eastern horoscope for years for a successful relationship promises a seductive Snake to the representative of the Rooster sign. She is able to share the habits and tastes of her partner. After all, the Snake is flexible and wise from birth, which her straightforward and ardent chosen one lacks. Together they can create a strong enough marriage and become a star couple.

A promising relationship may be between a Rooster person and a representative of the Ox sign. They are united by practicality and perseverance. The bull has great willpower, sanity and constancy. He will help the Rooster contain household in perfect order and will not deny the dominance of his partner. This harmonious couple. Sexually, the Rooster and the Ox are perfectly compatible and can give each other an amazing love fire.

Who should the Rooster avoid?

These include the Tiger and the Cat. According to astrologers, the union between the Rooster and the Tiger is highly undesirable. If these two come together, then their family hearth will go out before it has time to flare up. The tiger will very soon get fed up with the partner's boasting, and the restlessness of the Rooster will simply annoy the predator. Both signs are selfish and hard to make concessions.

At first glance, the affectionate Cat and the outrageous Rooster somehow complement each other. But this is a misleading impression. Representatives of these signs have few common points of contact. The behavior of the Rooster will be incomprehensible to the Cat. He will be offended and oppressed by the emotional attacks of his partner. The rooster, in turn, tends to react even more to the intransigence of the chosen one. Those born in 2005 will not become an exception in the future. Which animal should they avoid for love relationship? A cat who likes to flirt with the opposite sex. The eastern horoscope for years predicts that the Rooster and the Cat will have to leave each other alone.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981)

These individuals are recognized as the most responsible of their brethren. They are extremely purposeful and already from childhood know what they want. Confidence and perseverance they do not hold. However, the eastern horoscope over the years advises them to be softer in communication with others. Otherwise, metal roosters are excellent business partners and loyal friends.

Water Rooster (1933, 1993)

This Rooster is very well-read. He is able to establish contact with the most difficult personality. After all, the Water Rooster is a good psychologist and knows how to convince. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy. These Roosters work with ease at night. However, the stars advise the representatives of this sign not to overstrain and not worry about trifles.

Wood Rooster (1945, 2005)

Wood Roosters are reputed to be honest, reliable, good-natured individuals. They are willing to work in large teams. This is inherent in a person born in 2005, the year of the Rooster. The only thing is that they tend to set difficult goals for themselves. It is worth deciding on these Roosters, whose birth took place in 2005 - which animal should they choose as their comrades-in-arms? Perhaps noble Dragons and purposeful Bulls. Wood Roosters are very warm to their loved ones, have a diverse range of interests and love to travel. The stars advise this Rooster to learn to set himself achievable goals. If a person whose birth period fell in 2005 understands which animal, according to the horoscope, she should avoid in the business sphere, then success will be achieved easily.

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

These individuals have pronounced leadership qualities and excellent willpower. But he is hindered in social life by excessive linearity. Fire Roosters learn to be more patient and considerate of other people's emotions.

Earth Rooster (1909, 1969)

This Rooster is reputed to be a shrewd person. From birth, he was given high mental abilities. The Earth Rooster is very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals. Despite the good physical health, he should relax more often in the fresh air and communicate with positive people.

Year of the rooster according to the eastern calendar

People born in the year of the rooster think deeply. They are always busy and passionate about their work. They always want to do more than they can, and if they take on a task that exceeds their ability, they are very disappointed if they cannot fulfill their obligations.

People born in the year of the rooster - characteristic

People born this year are very eccentric and this is what deprives them of "smoothness" in communication. Rooster people are always confident in their rightness and actions. They do not trust others and prefer to do what they like themselves. Outwardly, they try to demonstrate their penchant for adventure, but in fact they do not have such a penchant, they are always overwhelmed with some mysterious plans that never come to fruition.

Although they are ambitious, their thoughtfulness coexists with short-sightedness, and even with hindsight. Their fate is changeable: sometimes they live like cheese in butter, sometimes they barely make ends meet. They are selfish and inconsiderate of the feelings of others, have a habit of saying whatever comes to mind. They can not be called modest, on occasion they are quite bold. People around find the rooster people interesting, but if the roosters are not careful, their reputation will suffer.

Year of the rooster - compatibility

The best marriages for roosters will be with people born in the year of the bull, snake, dragon. Slightly less successful alliances will be obtained with those born in the year of the tiger, horse, sheep, monkey or boar. An unsuccessful marriage will develop with a rat-man, a rooster or a dog. And it is better not to try to create a family with a rabbit man.

What year of birth is the year of the rooster

  • 1909 year of the earthen rooster, the first day of the year - January 22
  • 1921 year of the metal rooster, the first day of the year is February 8
  • 1933 year of the water cock, the first day of the year - January 26
  • 1945 year of the wooden rooster, the first day of the year - February 13
  • 1957 year of the fiery rooster, the first day of the year - January 31
  • 1969 earth rooster, the first day of the year - February 17
  • 1981 metal rooster, first day of the year - February 5
  • 1993 water rooster, first day of the year - January 23
  • 2005 wooden rooster, the first day of the year - February 9
  • 2017 fiery cock, the first day of the year - January 28
  • 2029 earthy - February 13

Rooster - characteristic of the year

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Rooster: 1 909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

People born in Year of the Rooster, by nature dreamers and truth-seekers. They always express their thoughts, but sometimes they behave aggressively and selfishly.

General characteristics of the sign of the Rooster

The Chinese and Japanese call this tenth zodiac sign Rooster, and the Vietnamese often refer to it as "chicken". And this is no accident. There are two different types of people born in the year of the Rooster. Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, swift, talkative. And others are solemn and unhurried contemplators, quite insightful at the same time. The rooster is fraught with many outstanding, but unrealized qualities, and if he cannot realize them, he will become like a crow.

People born in the year of the Rooster love to dream and hear praise addressed to them, even flattering ones. They can behave quite aggressively and sometimes do not hesitate in expressions. The rooster always says what he thinks. He is not interested in the feelings of others, and in communication he is tactless, aggressive and even merciless. The rooster always expresses in the eyes of a person everything that has boiled in his soul, and thus naturally provokes resentment and quarrels. The rooster is insensitive and he simply does not understand how painfully his careless word can hurt. But, this also has good side: others are always sure that he "does not hold a stone in his bosom." It is also worth noting that under the guise of strength, composure and indifference, the Rooster tries to hide his feelings and worries. He has a rare ability to empathize with others and will always help those in need. Brave and noble, talented and honest, the Rooster, like Don Quixote, always defends the weak.

The rooster is the personification of courage, faith in one's strength, straightforwardness, thriftiness. He dresses to stand out from the crowd and lives mainly by the external effect. Strives for everything in his clothes and work to be impeccable, and none of those around him could doubt his infallibility. In the company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, talkative enough, dresses in fashion and carries himself very confidently. In conversation, he is not averse to boasting and exaggerating, including his many virtues, but he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a “red word”.

The rooster is very important to public opinion and he is constantly afraid: what if he goes unnoticed or makes an unfavorable impression. The rooster especially loves to be in the company of the opposite sex. This is due to his irresistible desire to attract attention. It would seem that the Rooster was created for social life, but they can never completely relax, as if they are afraid of losing control over themselves and the situation.

People born in the year of the Rooster show a lively, genuine interest in everything new. They like to make plans, draw projects. True, alas, unsuitable for life. Most dreamers and dreamers are born in the year of the Rooster.

Roosters are hardworking and endowed with a sense of duty. They are not afraid of even the most difficult and thankless work. They are stubborn, stubborn and petty in both good and bad sense of the word. The rooster is always confident in his rightness and is not averse to giving advice. People born in the year of the Rooster are ingenuous, therefore they often become a victim of deception. But it is difficult for them to laugh at themselves wholeheartedly, and this can result in arrogance and selfishness.

The rooster has to achieve everything with hard work, they have to work hard to achieve their plans. In their life, the white stripe alternates with black. Moreover, the Roosters are not able to analyze their mistakes, draw conclusions, and everyone starts from scratch. People born in the year of the Rooster do not trust anyone and are used to relying only on their own strength. They are simply bursting with absurd and unrealistic projects, which, of course, are just dreams.

The year of the Rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Capricorn in Western classical astrology.

Metal Rooster: 1921, 1981

The Metal Rooster is a very responsible and able-bodied specialist. For whatever he undertakes, he does it calmly, confidently and persistently. He knows exactly what he wants in life, and goes to his goal. Succeeds in entrepreneurial and financial activities. Often harsh. You have to learn to find compromises. He devotes a lot of time to social work. Dedicated to friends and family.

Water Rooster: 1933, 1993

People born in the year of the Water Rooster have the gift of eloquence. Easily get along with strangers, like to take part in various debates and discussions, are able to speak convincingly. To achieve the goal, they are able to work day and night without a break. In this they are helped simply by an inexhaustible supply of their energy. They are very worried about a minor issue, as a result of which time is wasted. They have a good sense of humor and are respected by others.

Wooden Rooster: 1945

People born in the year of the Wood Rooster are honest, reliable and full of good intentions. They prefer to work in a close-knit team rather than alone. Despite the fact that he often sets simply impossible tasks, he succeeds in life. He has a wide variety of interests, loves to travel and learn new things. In relation to relatives and friends, he is very caring and sensitive.

Fire Rooster 1897, 1957

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster have the makings of a good leader and organizer. These are people with exceptional willpower. The Fire Rooster is a person with a straightforward character, strong and purposeful. As a rule, he always achieves his goal. Compared to other Roosters, the Fire Rooster is tactful and able to understand the other.

Earth Rooster: 1909, 1969

People born in the year of the Earth Rooster are very hardworking, have a deep, insightful mind. Thanks to these qualities, the Rooster easily moves up the career ladder and is very successful in matters of business and finance. Get used to achieving your goals. Very persistent, and will not leave the intended path until he achieves his goal.

Year of the Rooster - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Rooster

A Rooster can make a good soldier. He is very brave and knows how to risk his life with a smile on his lips. Despite the fact that he has to work hard all his life, he is able to get money even in the most adverse conditions.

The most striking quality of the Rooster is innovation and the desire to look beyond their horizon and expand their knowledge through reading, conversations, research.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Rooster

People who are born in the year of the Rooster tend to show off. They always say more than they can actually do. He likes to spend time contemplating something, so sometimes he can be known as a slacker. But at the same time, he is a great worker. True, he often takes on an impossible task for himself, and, of course, does not fulfill it.

Also to negative sides The personality of the Rooster can be attributed: arrogance, aggressiveness, whims, sarcasm.

Rooster sign career and money

The rooster always chooses an occupation to be in front of everyone. He is a public person, even if his audience is colleagues at work. It is vital for him to demonstrate all his abilities and numerous talents. The Rooster has the ability to agriculture, and other professions related to work in nature. In order to achieve something in life, the Rooster needs to be active. Just like that, nothing is given to him. But, as the Vietnamese say, as a result of the fact that the Rooster has to “scrape his beak and paws”, he will always find a worm even in the desert.

The rooster loves to show itself in all its glory. At the same time, he is very wasteful, and can instantly spend everything that he got with hard work. In spending, he is capable of wide and not always deliberate gestures. For example, it is not known where a newly-made relative who has come from, he can buy a suit from new collection. A little later, of course, he will regret it, but in the process he will not listen to anyone's advice. He constantly exposes himself to financial risk, so it is not surprising that ruin and bankruptcy often await him. When the Rooster is broke, no one ever knows about it. He does not advertise his financial difficulties and solves problems on his own.

Life periods of the Rooster

For a person born in the year of the Rooster, fate has prepared many different surprises. There can be many ups and downs in his life, however, even when circumstances are not in his favor, he has boundless faith in himself and in his strengths.

Throughout life, people born in the year of the Rooster will have ups and downs, both financially and emotionally. The rooster will go all the way from poverty to wealth, and from ideal unearthly love to its most disgusting manifestations. His old age will be happy.

Stones: aquamarine, emerald, lapis lazuli, topaz.

Plants: gentian, orange, sunflower, hawthorn.

Time of day: from 5 to 7 o'clock in the afternoon.

Season: autumn.

Years of the Rooster:

1909,1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls a mighty luminary into the sky. In India, it personifies precisely solar energy, and in Japan, the revival of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. The image of the rooster is associated with courage, benevolence, kindness, dignity and fidelity.

People of this sign are very unusual. Amazing in Roosters is their amazing strange qualities that no other sign has. Some of the Roosters are not afraid of the heat, others calmly endure severe frost. There are Roosters who are not thirsty, there are those who forget to sleep.

There are two distinct types of Rooster people.

Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, impetuous, extremely talkative, while others are solemn and unhurried contemplators, and at the same time quite insightful. Roosters tend to have good intuition.

The rooster was born under the sign of sincerity and straightforwardness. He says what he thinks, without prejudice. He is famous for his gullibility and empty eloquence. The expression "What's on the mind, then on the tongue" is about him. The Rooster expresses his opinion without hesitation, and often so categorically and straightforwardly that it may look tactless. He is completely indifferent to the feelings and vulnerabilities of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them.

Making comments to others, the representative of this sign himself does not like criticism in his address and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. This dreamer takes himself seriously and loves flattery.

The rooster needs to be always in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a person. He needs an exchange of energy. And when they forget about him, he becomes ill, he can fall into a prolonged depression. He loves to be noticed. This is expressed even in the manner of dressing.

In fact, he is deeply conservative, and in everything, even in political views. He has a logical mind. Not trusting anyone, he relies solely on himself, thinking that only he can make the only right decision.

The rooster loves to command, he always strives to be the first in the family and at work. And he does it easily. Surrounding people immediately feel his imperiousness and the habit of giving orders.

As a rule, he knows how to make the right impression. He needs communication and contacts, so work related to people is suitable for him. Since the Rooster knows how to show his best qualities, in society he is considered an interesting, bright, extraordinary person.

But although these people may come across as determined, by nature they are often lonely and withdrawn.

The rooster is not timid, on the contrary, he is brave, especially when necessary. And he dared to such an extent that he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. Therefore, excellent warriors come out of Roosters - both simple soldiers and great commanders. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov was born in the year of the Rooster.

As a rule, he does not have easy money, and he can become a rich person only if he works hard. Having a contemplative nature, he tends to be lazy. However, the Rooster is often a great worker. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He is able to earn money even in an unfavorable field.

The Rooster always wants to do more than he can, and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. The plans they hatch are rarely realized. In every field of science and technology, some Rooster will certainly be found, who showed the greatest promise, but due to someone's evil will, did not complete the job to the end. A braggart, he actually always promises more than he can deliver. With an obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life, the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of their implementation.

As a rule, the Rooster avoids responsibility, does not take on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that those around him properly appreciate his act.

Roosters are characterized by sharp rises and equally sharp declines in feelings. In life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure.

He will go from poverty to wealth, from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will always be secure and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster finds himself in life - this is still a gifted person.

In general, people born in the year of the Rooster are honest, reliable and direct.

Rooster male. Characteristic

In the male version, the Rooster is a sign of logic. He thinks that he is always right and that only he knows what to do.

Logical thinking, however, does not always harmonize with reality. Hence - indecision, inferiority complexes, the inability to soberly assess their strengths. The Rooster constantly fluctuates between inflated self-esteem and self-doubt.

The Rooster does not tolerate failures well and tries to shift the responsibility for them onto the shoulders of others. He is quick-tempered, but quick-tempered.

Roosters love to lead an active social life and love to be the center of attention. They have many acquaintances, no less friends, because these people make friendships with surprising ease.

The rooster is active and energetic, but its activity is often erratic. He does not know how to choose the right goal in life, so he often loses.

He likes to dream, to imagine himself a hero. He likes to dream about travel and distant countries, about exploits, but all this while lying on a soft sofa in warmth and comfort. In fact, despite all the fantasies, he only deals with real projects.

The rooster does not have to rely on luck: money will come to him only as a result of long work, but if the field of activity is favorable, then he may well become rich. The wealth of the Rooster accumulates grain by grain, gradually. At the same time, he is wasteful and constantly spends everything that he earns. He has a tendency to take a lot of financial risk.

Whatever the Rooster undertakes, he does everything carefully and meticulously, planning his actions in advance. His organizational skills are perfectly combined with skill and efficiency.

However, he loves to draw. To be in the spotlight, he needs prestige, authority and respect.

In love, the Rooster is not going as smoothly as he would like. He does not have constancy, and as a rule he has several marriages.

The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort. A reliable rear for the Rooster is extremely important. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. He takes care of his children.

Rooster woman. Characteristic

This symbol characterizes constant action. The Rooster woman does an excellent job of her duties both at home and at work. True, the female Roosters almost lack soulfulness, the depth of nature. However, the Rooster, together with the Snake, are the two undisputed leaders of world power.

She knows how to organize her house and manage the household. She demands order and discipline from her family members. He takes family life very seriously, feels responsible for the family.

The Rooster Woman loves the company of other women and specialties that will lead her to communicate with them. V cheerful company she is interesting and attractive, her talents are revealed precisely in public.

In love, it will be difficult for her, she will need to make significant efforts to win and keep her loved one. Often her ardor disappoints him, because reality is not always at the level of the dream that owns her.

However, she will always be sincere. She has few enemies - she prefers to forget the offense or forgive the enemy.

Creating a happy family is a big problem for Roosters. If the Rooster's personal life is going well, this is more an exception than a rule. She is very jealous, and this feeling often turns into aggression in her.

The Rooster Woman loves comfort. It is she, like no one else, who will decorate the house in such a way that a completely unusual atmosphere of comfort will be created in it, so for those who appreciate convenience and comfort, a wife born in the year of the Rooster is a real find.

In addition, the Rooster woman, even after getting married, usually wants to shine in society. If her husband is inclined to see in her not only a housewife and educator for her children, but also a woman with charm, who is able to conquer others with beauty and charm that she can be proud of, then we can assume that her relationship with her husband will be very successful.

The Rooster woman has a well-developed maternal instinct. She sincerely cares about her children and always knows what they need.

Varieties of the Rooster

Metal Rooster (1921,1981,2041)

Water Rooster (1933,1993, 2053)

Wood Rooster (1945,2005, 2065)

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

Earth Rooster (1909,1969,2029)

Born in the Year of the Rooster

Socrates, Princess Sophia, Anna Ioannovna, Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander Suvorov, Ivan Konev, Kirill Meretskov, Ivan Bagramyan, Konstantin Zaslonov, Vladimir Dal, Fenimore Cooper, Francis Bacon, Alisher Navoi, Alexander Kron, Henri Barbusse, William Faulkner, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Ivan Pavlov, Yakov Sverdlov, Andrei Gromyko.

Zodiac sign Rooster, year of birth of men and women: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029.

Metal Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1921 - 01/28/1922; from 02/05/1981 - 02/25/1982;
Water Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/26/1933 - 02/14/1934; from 01/23/1993 - 02/10/1994;
Wooden Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/13/1945 - 02/02/1946; from 02/09/2005 - 01/29/2006;
Fire Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/31/1957 - 02/18/1958; from 01/28/2017 - 02/16/2018;
Earth Rooster, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/17/1969 - 01/27/1970;

Metal Rooster, year of birth: 1921, 1981, 2041.

Metal Roosters work hard and with great responsibility. Knowing clearly what they want from life, representatives of this sign act stubbornly and confidently. Moving towards the goal sometimes makes the Roosters of this type of sign too harsh people. They are very well versed in finance and business matters. Being very devoted friends, they devote a lot of time and energy to them.
It would be good if the Metal Roosters did not defend their opinion at all costs, but more often compromised.

Water Rooster, year of birth: 1933, 1993, 2053.

The Water Rooster is distinguished by intelligence, erudition, love for discussions and discussions. His persuasive speeches and accessibility make it easy for him to make contact with any person. This type of sign has a huge supply of energy, the ability to work day and night.
People born in these years are respected by acquaintances, also due to their developed sense of humor. Water Roosters often worry about little things and waste a lot of time because of this. For them, this is a simple reinsurance.

Wood Rooster, year of birth: 1945, 2005, 2065.

The Wood Rooster is characterized by reliability, honesty, good intentions. Ambition does not prevent him from gravitating to work as part of a team. For the most part, these are successful people, but this sign tends to periodically set unrealistic goals for itself. Representatives of this sign are very kind to their loved ones, have diverse interests and love to travel.
To improve their lives, Wood Roosters should learn to set themselves obviously achievable goals.

Fire Rooster, year of birth: 1957, 2017.

Fire Roosters have excellent organizational skills, leadership qualities, and great willpower. Strong character allows them to succeed in life and achieve their goals. However, they are sometimes hindered by excessive straightforwardness. If representatives of this type of sign were more tactful, more attentive to the feelings of others, they managed to make all their cherished dreams a reality.

Earth Rooster, year of birth: 1909, 1969, 2029.

Earth Roosters are characterized by insight, a deep mind. Their great industriousness, perseverance earn the respect of colleagues. Being very sensible and persistent, they, as a rule, achieve all their goals. In matters related to finance and business, representatives of this sign are quite competent.
The Earth Rooster is an excellent worker. However, rest cannot be neglected.

People born in the year of the Rooster (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) are distinguished by loyalty, goodwill and special courage. Representatives of this sign have contradictory qualities of character. They can be dynamic and sociable. But at times they are attacked by slowness and languor.

Positive features

People born in the year of the Rooster are known for their bright personalities. They are characterized by frankness and sincerity. They are valued by those around them for their honesty and ability to defend their interests. Rooster people are not easy natures. They are generous, noisy, sometimes capricious individuals with the gift of eloquence. In social life, the Rooster person strives for leadership. Entrepreneurship and help him to be the first in his family and in professional activities. Many representatives of this sign achieve career heights. This is facilitated by the activity and workaholism of the tireless Rooster.

Negative Traits

Some individuals born in the year of the Rooster love to command so much that if they lose it, they can easily become depressed. As you know, Rooster people love to show off, but if they cross this fine line, they can fall into the number of bouncers and idle talkers. It is difficult for individuals with such a Rooster to hesitate for a long time in making any decision, in the end he is inclined to evade responsibility.

A man born in the year of the Rooster. Personality characteristic

Most often this is a conscientious person. Naturally, he tends to act as a commander in almost all areas of life. Despite his activity, often his actions are chaotic and do not always lead to the desired effect. Therefore, such a man needs a smart and far-sighted partner who would help him direct energy into a fruitful channel. The Rooster man makes an indelible impression on the female sex. Take a look at any company where this year's representative is located. You will recognize him by his striking appearance. He is often surrounded by admiring people. This also happens to those who were born in 2005. What animal can a Rooster attract? He captivates almost everyone with his colloquial speech and rich imagination. The Rooster often hides his fears and worries behind a mask of calm and equanimity. Unfortunately, the representative of this year is often fickle in his personal life. He loves women's society, where you can dissolve your bright tail. Having achieved a certain woman, he can quickly lose interest in her and disappear from sight. However, if the Rooster man reasonably approaches the choice of the chosen one, he can become a completely positive family man.

A woman born in the year of the Rooster. Personality horoscope

The lady of this sign tends to be independent. She does an excellent job with her household and work responsibilities. The Rooster woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance. She tends to change her hair color often and loves to improvise with her wardrobe. If she is surrounded by interesting people, then the Rooster girl can easily be the soul of the company. She is an excellent storyteller and is able to attract many men to her. At the same time, she does not bypass the women's society. For close girls, she can become a faithful friend, while others will envy her.

The Rooster woman is known for her indomitable temperament. In the family, she is quite firm and requires discipline. Despite the fact that she sincerely cares about her household, she can often be overwhelmed by negative emotions: jealousy, anger. Astrologers advise the ladies of this sign to be more flexible and approach the choice of a partner for family life with particular seriousness.

With whom does the Rooster build a family union?

The eastern horoscope for years for a successful relationship promises the representative a seductive Snake. She is able to share the habits and tastes of her partner. After all, the Snake is flexible and wise from birth, which her straightforward and ardent chosen one lacks. Together they can create a strong enough marriage and become a star couple.

A promising relationship may be between a Rooster person and a representative of the Ox sign. They are united by practicality and perseverance. The bull has great willpower, sanity and constancy. He will help the Rooster keep the household in perfect order and will not deny the dominance of his partner. This harmonious couple. Sexually, the Rooster and the Ox are perfectly compatible and can give each other an amazing love fire.

Who should the Rooster avoid?

These include the Tiger and the Cat. According to astrologers, the union between the Rooster and the Tiger is highly undesirable. If these two come together, then their family hearth will go out before it has time to flare up. The tiger will very soon get fed up with the partner's boasting, and the restlessness of the Rooster will simply annoy the predator. Both signs are selfish and hard to make concessions.

At first glance, the affectionate Cat and the outrageous Rooster somehow complement each other. But this is a misleading impression. Representatives of these signs have few common points of contact. The behavior of the Rooster will be incomprehensible to the Cat. He will be offended and oppressed by the emotional attacks of his partner. The rooster, in turn, tends to react even more to the intransigence of the chosen one. Those born in 2005 will not become an exception in the future. Which animal should they avoid for love relationships? A cat who likes to flirt with the opposite sex. The eastern horoscope for years predicts that the Rooster and the Cat will have to leave each other alone.

Metal Rooster (1921, 1981)

These individuals are recognized as the most responsible of their brethren. They are extremely purposeful and already from childhood know what they want. Confidence and perseverance they do not hold. However, the eastern horoscope over the years advises them to be softer in communication with others. Otherwise, metal roosters are excellent business partners and loyal friends.

Water Rooster (1933, 1993)

This Rooster is very well-read. He is able to establish contact with the most difficult personality. After all, the Water Rooster is a good psychologist and knows how to convince. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy. These Roosters work with ease at night. However, the stars advise the representatives of this sign not to overstrain and not worry about trifles.

Wood Rooster (1945, 2005)

Wood Roosters are reputed to be honest, reliable, good-natured individuals. They are willing to work in large teams. This is inherent in a person born in 2005, the year of the Rooster. The only thing is that they tend to set difficult goals for themselves. It is worth deciding on these Roosters, whose birth took place in 2005 - which animal should they choose as their comrades-in-arms? Perhaps noble Dragons and purposeful Bulls. Wood Roosters are very warm to their loved ones, have a diverse range of interests and love to travel. The stars advise this Rooster to learn to set himself achievable goals. If a person whose birth period fell in 2005 understands which animal, according to the horoscope, she should avoid in the business sphere, then success will be achieved easily.

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

These individuals have pronounced leadership qualities and excellent willpower. But he is hindered in social life by excessive linearity. Fire Roosters should learn to be more patient and attentive to the emotions of other people.

Earth Rooster (1909, 1969)

This Rooster is reputed to be a shrewd person. From birth, he was given high mental abilities. The Earth Rooster is very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals. Despite his good physical health, he should spend more time outdoors and socializing with positive people.
