Psychological readiness of the child for school: theory and practice. Psychological preparation for school Psychological preparation for school at home

The game training program “I Play, Imagine, Remember” was developed for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years of age) and aims to form the foundations of eidetic skills, as well as develop figurative memory and creative thinking of preschoolers.

The program will be useful to practical psychologists and preschool teachers, primary school teachers and parents who are interested in the upbringing and development of children.

Preschool childhood is a period of accumulation of basic knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities. The child has new opportunities for analyzing and synthesizing everything that happens to him and around him; new connections appear in the cerebral cortex; impressions and ideas about the world are accumulated and systematized.

A decisive influence on the effectiveness of work on the development of the cognitive sphere of a preschooler is the coordination of activities and teachers, their active joint search for adequate solutions in the interests of the child.

Parents and educators strive to put as much information as possible into children's heads, because it is necessary to keep up with the development of the modern information world. Childhood is a fertile time, however, if children's memory is overloaded with a large number of educational information, and even apply the “multiple repetition” method, then the result can be unpredictable. For example, a child may lose interest in learning or be constantly overworked and therefore inattentive, feeling exhausted.

In order to avoid such a situation in teaching a child, it is necessary to rely on psychological features perceptions of his age. The leading activity of the preschooler is the game. In the game, the child learns, develops and forms as a person. The game system improves perception and reproduces information, based on the inherent ability of each person to imagine and fantasize. These requirements are met by training with the help of eidetics.

eidetic(from the Greek "eidos" - image) is a direction of psychological science that studies the varieties of figurative memory and the possibility of its practical application in various areas of life.

Its main rule is:

Imagination + positive emotions = the secret to successful learning.

Learning with the help of eidetics, based on play and fantasy, allows the child to quickly and permanently remember the necessary information, allows you to switch from one type of activity to another.

eidetic methods various: memorization of words, poems, names, numbers, texts, etc. The peculiarity of these methods are: more brightness, emotionality, less logic, visualization. Thanks to these methods, children develop visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, photographic memory, voluntary attention, verbal and non-verbal thinking, reproduction, creative imagination and speech.

The game training program “I play, imagine, remember” is a cycle of special developmental activities in the form of game exercises, tasks, graphic exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

The purpose of the program: to form the foundations of eidetic skills using the methods of mnemonics (based on verbal-logical thinking) and eidotechnics (based on concrete-figurative thinking), to develop figurative memory and creative thinking, to create a situation of success for each child.

The program complies with modern concepts of the psychology of memory, as well as intensive learning methods.

The main principles of the program:

Accounting for individual psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age;

Meeting the needs and interests of children;

Creation of conditions for the maximum disclosure of the personality of the child, his potential.

The program of the training course for children of senior preschool age is aimed​​ to solve the following tasks:

Contribute to the overall development of children;

Develop sensation, perception, thinking, imagination, memory, intuition;

Improve fine motor skills in children;

To form the knowledge, skills and abilities that the child will need in future education;

Cultivate faith in one's own strengths and the potential to increase self-esteem.

Form of work: game lessons with elements of training exercises.

Methods of work: exercises, games, sketches, conversations.

eidetic technologies:

Animation (well develops imagination and imaginative thinking);

Entry (go inside an imaginary picture)

figurative clutch (used to memorize numbers);

Recall (training the accuracy and speed of playback)

Photographic memory (seeing a picture in your mind)

Dynamic compliance (distribution of attention simultaneously during the execution of 2-3 actions);

Cicero's method (combining imaginary action with elements of fantasy).

Classes will help children of older preschool age, prepare for school in a playful way, improve auditory, visual and figurative memory, attention, develop the arbitrariness of mental processes, figurative, logical, creative thinking, fine motor skills of hands, increase the level of self-regulation, form motivational readiness for school learning.

Classes are conducted by a psychologist once a week.

The system of classes is designed to work with children 5-6 years old.

It is implemented through game lessons with elements of training exercises.


Duration of the training course: 16 lessons of 30 minutes. 1 time per week. The optimal number of children is 8-10 people.

Class structure

The introductory part of each lesson sets up the group for joint work, establishes emotional contact between all participants.

The working part is the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It consists of gaming, training exercises, conversations, games, psycho-gymnastics.

The final part of each lesson consolidates positive emotions, provides for reflection, group unity.

Expected results:

Mastering by children modern methods and techniques of effective memorization;

To form the ability to think outside the box, to think creatively;

Meaningful use of one's imagination to reproduce any information;

Be aware of your feelings and emotions, be able to express them;

To form a positive attitude towards learning: “Learning is interesting and fun!”

1. The beginning of classes should be unusual.

2. The lesson should be dominated by the “spirit of discovery” (do not tell the children anything in finished form).

3. Hold a pause, contributing to the inclusion of thought processes in children.

4. Do not disregard any of the children's answers.

5. Maintain a sense of accomplishment.

6. Accept yourself and each of the participants as they really are.

7. In games, exercises, everyone should take part, but do not impose or demand anything, take into account the mood of the participants.

8. Do not use evaluative statements.

9. Be friendly and open.

Lesson program

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psychological training school

The problem of psychological readiness for schooling of children of 6 and 7 years of age is extremely relevant. On the one hand, the definition of the goals and content of education and upbringing in preschool institutions depends on the definition of its essence, readiness indicators, ways of its formation, on the other hand, the success of the subsequent development and education of children at school. Psychological readiness for learning is a multidimensional concept. It does not provide for individual knowledge and skills, but a certain system of the main elements of readiness: volitional, mental, social, and motivational readiness. The most significant of these areas is the formation of motivational readiness. It is the lack of motivational readiness that entails a huge number of difficulties that will contradict the successful systematic education of the child at school.

The problem of psychological readiness for school is not new for psychology. In foreign studies, it is reflected in works that study the school maturity of children.

Under the psychological readiness for school education is understood the necessary and sufficient level of psychological development of the child for the assimilation of the school curriculum under certain learning conditions. The psychological readiness of a child for schooling is one of the most important outcomes of psychological development during preschool childhood.

We live in the 21st century and now the very high demands of life on the organization of education and training force us to look for new, more effective psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing teaching methods in line with the requirements of life. In this sense, the problem of readiness of preschoolers to study at school is of particular importance.

Determining the goals and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions is connected with the solution of this problem. At the same time, the success of the subsequent education of children in school depends on its decision. The main goal of determining the psychological readiness for schooling is the prevention of school maladaptation.

To successfully achieve this goal, various classes have recently been created, the task of which is to implement an individual approach to the issue of teaching children, both ready and not ready for school, in order to avoid school maladaptation.

V different time psychologists dealt with the problem of readiness for school, many methods have been developed for diagnosing school readiness of children and psychological assistance in the formation of components of school maturity.

But in practice, it is difficult for a psychologist and educator to choose from a variety of methods one that can comprehensively determine the child's readiness for learning, help prepare the child for school.

The object of my research was children of 6 - 7 years of age of kindergarten No. 89

The subject of the study was the psychological preparation of the object for school

The relevance of this problem determined the theme of my work "Psychological foundations for preparing preschool children for schooling."

The purpose of the work: to confirm the need for psychological preparation of preschool children for schooling

Job task:

1. Carefully and thoroughly study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic to define the concept of "school maturity".

2. Analyze diagnostic techniques and programs of psychological assistance to the child at the stage of preparation for school, determine the need for preparation for school.

3. Carry out diagnostics of children of senior preschool age and develop a training program aimed at providing psychological assistance to children who are not prepared for schooling.

conceptreadinessToschoollearning.Mainaspects ofschoolmaturity

Preparing children for school is a complex task, covering all spheres of a child's life. Psychological readiness for school is only one aspect of this task. But, within this aspect, different approaches stand out:

1. Research aimed at developing in preschool children certain changes and skills necessary for schooling.

2. Studies of neoplasms and changes in the child's psyche.

3. Research into the genesis of individual components of educational activity and the identification of ways of their formation.

4. The study of the changes in the child, consciously subordinate their actions to the given one while consistently following the verbal instructions of the adult.

This skill is associated with the ability to master the general way of fulfilling the verbal instructions of an adult.

Readiness for school in modern conditions is considered, first of all, as readiness for schooling or learning activities. This approach is substantiated by a view of the problem from the point of view of periodization. mental development child and change of leading activities. According to E.E. Kravtsova, the problem of psychological readiness for schooling gets its concretization as the problem of changing the leading types of activity, i.e. this is a transition from role-playing games to educational activities. This approach is relevant and significant, but readiness for learning activities does not fully cover the phenomenon of readiness for school.

Back in the 1960s, L. I. Bozhovich pointed out that readiness for schooling is made up of a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, readiness for arbitrary regulation, one's own cognitive activity for the social position of the student. Similar views were developed by A.V. Zaporozhets, noting that the readiness to study at school is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child's personality, including the features of its motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical and synthetic activity, the degree of formation of volitional regulation mechanisms.

Today, it is almost universally recognized that school readiness is a multi-component education that requires comprehensive psychological research.

Traditionally, there are three aspects of school maturity: intellectual, emotional and social. Intellectual maturity is understood as differentiated perception (perceptual maturity), including the selection of a figure from the background; concentration of attention; analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the main connections between phenomena; the possibility of logical memorization; the ability to reproduce the pattern, as well as the development of fine hand movements and sensorimotor coordination. We can say that intellectual maturity, understood in this way, largely reflects the functional maturation of brain structures.

Emotional maturity is mainly understood as a decrease in impulsive reactions and the ability to perform a task that is not very attractive for a long time.

Social maturity includes the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a school situation.

Based on the selected parameters, tests for determining school maturity are created. If foreign studies of school maturity are mainly aimed at creating tests and to a much lesser extent focused on the theory of the question, then the works of domestic psychologists contain a deep theoretical study of the problem of psychological readiness for school, rooted in the works of L.S. Vygotsky (see Bozhovich L.I., 1968; D.B. Elkonin, 1989; N.G. Salmina, 1988; E.E. Kravtsova, 19991, etc.)

Is not it. Bozhovich (1968) singles out several parameters of a child's psychological development that most significantly affect the success of schooling. Among them is a certain level of the child's motivational development, including the cognitive and social motives of learning, the sufficient development of voluntary behavior and the intellectuality of the sphere. She recognized the motivational plan as the most important in the psychological readiness of the child for school. Two groups of learning motives were distinguished:

1. Broad social motives for learning, or motives related “to the child’s needs in communicating with other people, in their assessment and approval, with the student’s desire to take a certain place in the system of social relations available to him”;

2. Motives directly related to educational activities, or "cognitive interests of children, the need for intellectual activity and the acquisition of new skills, abilities and knowledge" (L.I. Bozhovich, 1972, p. 23-24).

A school-ready child wants to learn because he wants to know a certain position in the society of people that opens access to the world of adults and because he has a cognitive need that cannot be satisfied at home. The fusion of these two needs contributes to the emergence of a new attitude of the child to the environment, named by L.I. Bozovic "internal position of the schoolboy" (1968). This neoplasm L.I. Bozovic gave a lot great importance, believing that the "internal position of the student" and the broad social motives of teaching are purely historical phenomena.

The new formation "internal position of the student", which occurs at the turn of preschool and primary school age and is a fusion of two needs - cognitive and the need to communicate with adults at a new level, allows the child to be included in the educational process as a subject of activity, which is expressed in social formation and fulfillment of intentions and goals, or, in other words, the arbitrary behavior of the student.

Almost all authors who study psychological readiness for school give arbitrariness a special place in the problem under study. There is a point of view that the weak development of arbitrariness is the main stumbling block of psychological readiness for school. But to what extent arbitrariness should be developed by the beginning of schooling is a question that has been very poorly studied in the literature. The difficulty lies in the fact that, on the one hand, voluntary behavior is considered a neoplasm of primary school age, developing within the educational (leading) activity of this age, and on the other hand, the weak development of voluntariness interferes with the beginning of schooling.

D.B. Elkonin (1978) believed that voluntary behavior is born in a role-playing game in a team of children, allowing the child to climb more high step development than he can do in the game alone. in this case, the collective corrects the violation in imitation of the intended image, while it is still very difficult for the child to independently exercise such control.

In the works of E.E. Kravtsova (1991), when characterizing the psychological readiness of children for school, the main blow is placed on the role of communication in the development of the child. There are three areas - the attitude towards an adult, towards a peer and towards oneself, the level of development, which determines the degree of readiness for school and in a certain way correlates with the main structural components of educational activity.

N.G. Sallina (1988) also singled out the intellectual development of the child as indicators of psychological readiness.

It should be emphasized that in Russian psychology, when studying the intellectual component of psychological readiness for school, the emphasis is not on the amount of acquired knowledge, although this is also not an unimportant factor, but on the level of development of intellectual processes. “... The child should be able to highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, see similar and different; he must learn to reason, to find the causes of phenomena, to draw conclusions” (L.I. Bozhovich, 1968, p. 210). For successful learning, the child must be able to highlight the subject of his knowledge.

In addition to these components of psychological readiness for school, we additionally single out one more - the development of speech. Speech is closely related to intelligence and reflects both the general development of the child and the level of his logical thinking. It is necessary that the child be able to find individual sounds in words, i.e. he must have developed phonemic hearing.

Summing up all that has been said, we list the psychological spheres, according to the level of development of which one judges psychological readiness for school: affective-need, arbitrary, intellectual and speech.

Ddiagnostictricksandprogramspsychologicalhelpto kidon thestagetrainingToschool

1. Intellectual readiness for schooling.

Intellectual readiness for schooling is associated with the development of thought processes. From solving problems that require the establishment of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena with the help of external orienting actions, children move on to solving them in their minds with the help of elementary mental actions using images. In other words, on the basis of the visual-effective form of thinking, a visual-figurative form of thinking begins to take shape. At the same time, children become capable of the first generalizations based on the experience of their first practical objective activity and fixed in the word. A child at this age has to resolve increasingly complex and diverse tasks that require the selection and use of connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, and actions. In playing, drawing, designing, when performing educational and labor tasks, he not only uses learned actions, but constantly modifies them, obtaining new results.

Developing thinking gives children the opportunity to foresee the results of their actions in advance, to plan them.

As curiosity and cognitive processes develop, thinking is increasingly used by children to master the world around them, which goes beyond the tasks put forward by their own practical activities.

The child begins to set cognitive tasks for himself, looking for explanations for the observed phenomena. He resorts to a kind of experiments to clarify the issues of interest to him, observes phenomena, reasoning and drawing conclusions.

V preschool age attention is arbitrary. The turning point in the development of attention is connected with the fact that for the first time children begin to consciously control their attention, directing and holding it on certain objects. For this purpose, the older preschooler uses certain methods that he adopts from adults. Thus, the possibilities of this new form of attention - voluntary attention by the age of 6-7 are already quite large.

Similar age patterns are noted in the process of memory development. A goal can be set for the child to memorize the material. He begins to use techniques aimed at increasing the efficiency of memorization: repetition, semantic and associative linking of material. Thus, by the age of 6-7, the structure of memory undergoes significant changes associated with a significant development of arbitrary forms of memorization and recall.

The study of the features of the intellectual sphere can begin with the study of memory - a mental process that is inextricably linked with thinking. To determine the level of mechanical memorization, a meaningless set of words is given: year, elephant, sword, soap, salt, noise, hand, floor, spring, son. The child, having listened to this whole series, repeats the words that he remembered. Replay can be used - after additional reading of the same words - and delayed playback, for example, an hour after listening to L.A. Wegner cites the following indicators of mechanical memory, characteristic of 6-7 years of age: from the first time, the child perceives at least 5 words out of 10; after 3-4 readings reproduces 9-10 words; after one hour, forgets no more than 2 words reproduced earlier; in the process of sequential memorization of the material, “failures” do not appear when, after one of the readings, the child remembers fewer words than earlier and later (which is usually a sign of overwork)

Method A.R. Luria allows you to identify the general level of mental development, the degree of mastery of generalizing concepts, the ability to plan one's actions. The child is given the task of memorizing words with the help of drawings: for each word or phrase, he makes a concise drawing, which will then help him reproduce this word, i.e. the drawing becomes a means to help memorize words. For memorization, 10-12 words and phrases are given, such as, for example: truck, smart cat, dark forest, day, fun game, frost, capricious child, good weather, the strong man, punishment, interesting tale. After 1-1.5 hours after listening to a series of words and creating the corresponding images, the child receives his drawings and remembers for which word he made each of them.

The level of development of spatial thinking is revealed in different ways.

Effective and convenient technique A.L. Wenger "Labyrinth". The child needs to find a way to a certain house among others, wrong paths and dead ends of the labyrinth. Figuratively given instructions help him in this - he will pass by such objects (trees, bushes, flowers, mushrooms). The child must navigate in the labyrinth itself and in the scheme, displaying the sequence of the path, i.e. problem solving.

The most common methods for diagnosing the level of development of verbal-logical thinking are the following:

a) "Explanation of plot pictures": the child is shown a picture and asked to tell what is drawn on it. This technique gives an idea of ​​how correctly the child understands the meaning of what is depicted, whether he can highlight the main thing or is lost in individual details, how developed his speech is;

b) "Sequence of events" - a more complex technique. This is a series of story pictures (from 3 to 6), which depict the stages of some action familiar to the child. He must build the correct row from these drawings and tell how events developed.

A series of pictures can be by content varying degrees difficulties. The "sequence of events" gives the psychologist and educator the same data as the previous method, but in addition, the child's understanding of cause-and-effect relationships is revealed here.

Generalization and abstraction, the sequence of inferences and some other aspects of thinking are studied using the method of subject classification. The child makes up groups of cards with inanimate objects and living beings depicted on them. By classifying various objects, he can single out groups according to their functional characteristics and give them generalized names. For example: furniture, clothes. Maybe on an external basis (“more and more” or “they are red”), on situational grounds (the wardrobe and the dress are combined into one group, because “the dress hangs in the closet”).

When selecting children for schools, the curricula of which are much more complicated, and there are increased requirements for the intellect of applicants (gymnasiums, lyceums), more difficult methods are used. Complex thought processes of analysis and synthesis are studied when children define concepts, interpret proverbs. The well-known method of interpreting proverbs has an interesting variant proposed by B.V. Zeigarnik. In addition to the proverb, the child is given phrases, one of which corresponds in meaning to the proverb, and the second does not correspond to the proverb in meaning, but outwardly resembles it. The child, choosing one of the two phrases, explains why it fits the proverb, but the choice itself clearly shows whether it is meaningful or external signs the child is guided by analyzing judgments.

Thus, the intellectual readiness of the child is characterized by the maturation of analytical psychological processes, the mastery of the skills of mental activity.

2. Personal readiness for schooling.

In order for a child to study successfully, he, first of all, must strive for a new school life, for “serious” studies, “responsible” assignments. The appearance of such a desire is influenced by the attitude of close adults to learning as an important meaningful activity, much more significant than the game of a preschooler. The attitude of other children also influences, the very opportunity to rise to a new age level in the eyes of the younger ones and equalize in position with the older ones. The desire of the child to occupy a new social position leads to the formation of his inner position. L.I. Bozovic characterizes the internal position as a central personal positioning that characterizes the personality of the child as a whole. It is this that determines the behavior and activities of the child, and the whole system of his relations to reality, to himself and to the people around him. The schoolchild's way of life as a person engaged in a socially significant and socially valued business in a public place is perceived by the child as an adequate path to adulthood for him - he responds to the motive formed in the game "to become an adult and really carry out its functions."

From the moment the idea of ​​the school acquired the features of the desired way of life in the child's mind, we can say that his inner position received a new content - it became the inner position of the schoolchild. And this means that the child has psychologically moved into a new age period of his development - primary school age.

The internal position of the student can be defined as a system of needs and aspirations of the child associated with the school, i.e. such an attitude towards school, when the child experiences participation in it as his own need (“I want to go to school”).

The presence of the student's inner position is revealed in the fact that the child resolutely renounces the preschool-play, individual-direct mode of existence and shows a brightly positive attitude towards school-educational activity in general, especially to those aspects of it that are directly related to learning.

Such a positive orientation of the child to the school, as to his own educational institution, is the most important prerequisite for his successful entry into the school-educational reality, i.e. acceptance by him of the relevant school requirements and full inclusion in the educational process.

The class-lesson system of education presupposes not only a special relationship between the child and the teacher, but also specific relationships with other children. A new form of communication with peers takes shape at the very beginning of schooling.

Personal readiness for school also includes a certain attitude of the child towards himself. Productive educational activity implies an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-consciousness.

The personal readiness of a child for school is usually judged by his behavior in group classes and during a conversation with a psychologist or educator.

There are also specially developed conversation plans that reveal the position of the student (N.I. Gutkin's method), and special experimental techniques.

For example, the predominance of a cognitive and play motive in a child is determined by the choice of the activity of listening to a fairy tale or playing with toys. After the child has examined the toys for a minute, they begin to read fairy tales to him, but in fact interesting place interrupt reading. The psychologist (educator) asks what he wants now - to finish listening to a fairy tale or to play with toys. Obviously, with personal readiness for school, preparatory interest dominates and the child prefers to find out what will happen at the end of the fairy tale. Children who are not motivationally ready for learning, with a weak cognitive need, are more attracted to the game.

3.Volevaya readiness

Determining the child's personal readiness for school, it is necessary to identify the specifics of the development of an arbitrary sphere. The arbitrariness of the child's behavior is manifested in the fulfillment of the requirements of specific rules set by the teacher when working according to the model. Already at preschool age, the child is faced with the need to overcome the difficulties that arise and to subordinate his actions to the set goal.

This leads to the fact that he begins to consciously control himself, controls his internal and external actions, his cognitive processes and behavior in general. This gives reason to believe that the will arises already at preschool age. Of course, volitional actions of preschoolers have their own specifics: they coexist with unintentional actions under the influence of situational feelings and desires.

L.S. Vygotsky considered volitional behavior to be social, and he saw the source of the development of the child's will in the relationship of the child with the outside world. At the same time, the leading role in the social conditioning of the will was assigned to his verbal communication with adults.

In genetic terms, Vygotsky considered will as a stage in mastering one's own behavioral processes. First, adults regulate the behavior of the child with the help of words, then, assimilating the content of the requirements of adults, he gradually regulates his behavior by speech, thereby making a significant step forward along the path of volitional development. After mastering speech, the word becomes for schoolchildren not only a means of communication, but also a means of organizing behavior.

L.S. Vygotsky and S.AL. Rubinscheint believe that the appearance of the act is prepared by the previous development of the voluntary behavior of the preschooler.

In modern scientific research, the concept of volitional action is practiced in different aspects. Some psychologists consider the choice of a decision and goal setting to be the initial link, while others limit volitional action to its executive part. A.V. Zaporozhets considers the transformation of well-known social and, above all, moral requirements into certain moral motives and qualities of a person that determine his actions to be the most significant for the psychology of will.

One of the central questions of the will is the question of the motivational conditionality of those specific volitional actions and deeds that a person is capable of at different periods of his life.

The question is also raised about the intellectual and moral foundations of the preschooler's volitional regulation.

During preschool childhood, the nature of the volitional sphere of the personality becomes more complicated and its share in the general structure of behavior changes, which is manifested in an increasing desire to overcome difficulties. The development of the will at this age is closely related to the change in the motives of behavior, subordination to them.

The emergence of a certain volitional orientation, bringing to the fore a group of motives that become the most important for the child, leads to the fact that, guided by their behavior by these motives, the child consciously achieves the goal without succumbing to distracting influence. environment. He gradually mastered the ability to subordinate his actions to motives that are significantly removed from the goal of the action. In particular, for motives of a social nature, he develops a level of purposefulness typical of a preschooler.

At the same time, despite the fact that volitional actions appear at preschool age, the scope of their application and their place in the child's behavior remain extremely limited. Studies show that only the older preschooler is capable of long-term volitional efforts.

Features of voluntary behavior can be traced not only when observing a child in individual and group classes, but also with the help of special techniques.

The rather well-known orientational text of Kern-Jirasek's school maturity includes, in addition to drawing a male figure from memory, two tasks - drawing, simultaneously following a model in his work (the task is given to draw exactly the same drawing point by point as a given geometric figure) and a rule (a condition is stipulated : you can not draw a line between the same points, i.e. connect a circle with a circle, a cross with a cross and a triangle with a triangle). The child, trying to complete the task, can draw a figure similar to the one given, neglecting the rules and focusing on it.

Thus, the methodology reveals the level of orientation of the child to a complex system of requirements.

From this it follows that the development of arbitrariness for purposeful activity, work according to the model, largely determines the school readiness of the child.

4. Moral readiness for schooling

The moral formation of a preschooler is closely connected with a change in character, his relationship with adults and the birth in them of moral ideas and feelings on this basis, named by L.S. Vgotsky internal ethical authorities.

D.B. Elkonin connects the emergence of ethical instances with a change in the relationship between adults and children. He writes that in preschool children, in contrast to children of early childhood, a new type of relationship develops, which creates a special relationship characteristic of a given social development.

In early childhood, the child's activities are carried out mainly in cooperation with adults: at preschool age, the child becomes able to independently satisfy many of his needs and desires. As a result Team work he and adults, as it were, disintegrate together, with which the direct fusion of his existence with the life and activity of adults and children weakens.

However, adults continue to be a constant attraction center around which the life of a child is built. This creates in children the need to participate in the lives of adults, to act according to the model. At the same time, they want not only to reproduce the individual actions of an adult, but also to imitate all the complex forms of his activity, his actions, his relationships with other people - in a word, the entire way of life of adults.

In the conditions of everyday behavior and his communication with adults, as well as in the practice of role-playing, a preschool child develops social knowledge of many social norms, but this meaning is not yet fully recognized by the child and is directly soldered to his positive and negative emotional experiences.

The first ethical instances are still relatively simple systemic formations, which are the embryos of moral feelings, on the basis of which already quite mature moral feelings and beliefs are formed in the future.

Moral instances generate moral motives of behavior in preschoolers, which can be stronger in their impact than many immediate needs, including elementary needs.

A.N. Leontiev, on the basis of numerous studies conducted by him and his collaborators, put forward the position that preschool age is the period in which a system of subordinate motives first arises that create the unity of the personality, and that is precisely why it should be considered, as expressed by "the period of the initial, actual personality structure" .

The system of subordinate motives begins to control the child's behavior and determine his entire development. This position is supplemented by data from subsequent psychological studies. In preschool children, firstly, not just subordination of motives arises, but a relatively stable extra-situational subordination.

At the head of the emerging hierarchical system are motives mediated in their structure.

In preschoolers, they are mediated by the appeals of the behavior and activities of adults, their relationships, social norms, fixed in the corresponding moral instances.

The emergence of a relatively stable hierarchical structure of motives in a child by the end of preschool age transforms him from a situational being into a being with a certain internal unity and organization, capable of being guided by the social norms of life that are stable to him. This characterizes a new stage, which allowed A.N. Leontiev to speak of preschool age as a period of "initial, actual personality make-up".

Thus, summarizing all of the above, we can say that preschool readiness is a complex phenomenon that includes intellectual, personal, volitional readiness. For successful education, the child must meet the requirements for him.


Psychological readiness for schooling is a multi-component phenomenon; when children enter school, insufficient formation of any one component of psychological readiness is often revealed. This leads to difficulty or disruption of the child's adaptation at school. Conventionally, psychological readiness can be divided into academic readiness and socio-psychological readiness.

Pupils with a socio-psychological unpreparedness for learning, showing childish spontaneity, answer at the lesson at the same time, without raising their hands and interrupting each other, share their thoughts and feelings with the teacher. They are usually included in the work only when the teacher directly addresses them, and the rest of the time they are distracted, do not follow what is happening in the class, and violate discipline. Having high self-esteem, they are offended by remarks when the teacher or parents express dissatisfaction with their behavior, they complain that the lessons are uninteresting, the school is bad and the teacher is angry.

There are various options for the development of children 6-7 years old with personal characteristics that affect success in schooling.

1. Anxiety. High anxiety acquires stability with constant dissatisfaction with the child's educational work on the part of the teacher and parents, an abundance of comments and reproaches. Anxiety arises from the fear of doing something bad, wrong. The same result is achieved in a situation where the child studies well, but parents expect more from him and make excessive demands, sometimes not real.

Due to the increase in anxiety and the low self-esteem associated with it, educational achievements are reduced, and failure is fixed. Uncertainty leads to a number of other features - the desire to madly follow the instructions of an adult, to act only according to patterns and patterns, the fear of taking the initiative in the formal assimilation of knowledge and methods of action.

Adults dissatisfied with low productivity academic work child, more and more focus in communicating with him on these issues, which increases emotional discomfort.

It turns out a vicious circle: the unfavorable personal characteristics of the child are reflected in the quality of his educational activities, the low performance of the activity causes a corresponding reaction from others, and this negative reaction, in turn, enhances the characteristics that have developed in the child. This vicious cycle can be broken by changing the assessment attitudes of both the parent and the teacher. Close adults, focusing on the smallest achievements of the child, without blaming him for individual shortcomings, reduce the level of his anxiety and thus contribute to the successful completion of educational tasks.

2. Negativistic demonstrativeness. Demonstrativeness is a personality trait associated with an increased need for success and attention from others. A child with this property behaves in a mannered way. His exaggerated emotional reactions serve as a means to achieve main goal- draw attention to yourself, get approval. If for a child with high anxiety the main problem is the constant disapproval of adults, then for a demonstrative child it is a lack of praise. Negativism extends not only to the norms of school discipline, but also to the educational requirements of the teacher. Not accepting learning tasks, periodically “dropping out” of educational process, the child cannot acquire the necessary knowledge and methods of action, to study successfully.

The source of demonstrativeness, which is clearly manifested already at preschool age, is usually the lack of attention of adults to children who feel “abandoned”, “unloved” in the family. It happens that the child receives sufficient attention, but it does not satisfy him due to the hypertrophied need for emotional contacts.

Excessive demands are made, as a rule, by spoiled children.

Children with negative demonstrativeness, violating the rules of behavior, achieve the attention they need. It can even be unkind attention, but it still serves as a reinforcement for demonstrativeness. The child, acting on the principle: "it's better to be scolded than not noticed," reacts perversely to attention and continues to do what he is punished for.

It is desirable for such children to find an opportunity for self-realization. The best place for demonstrativeness is the stage. In addition to participating in matinees, concerts, performances, other types of artistic activity, including fine art, are similar to children.

But the most important thing is to remove or at least reduce the reinforcement of unacceptable forms of behavior. The task of adults is to do without notations and edifications, not to turn, to make comments and punish as emotionally as possible.

3. "Departure of reality" is another option for unfavorable development. It manifests itself when demonstrativeness is combined with anxiety in children. These children also have a strong need for attention to themselves, but they cannot realize it in a sharp theatrical form because of their anxiety. They are inconspicuous, afraid of arousing disapproval, striving to fulfill the requirements of adults.

An unsatisfied need for attention leads to an increase in anxiety and even greater passivity, invisibility, which are usually combined with infantility, lack of self-control.

Without achieving significant success in learning, such children, just like purely demonstrative ones, “drop out” of the learning process in the classroom. But it looks different; did not violate discipline, did not interfere with the work of the teacher and classmates, they "hover in the clouds."

Children love to fantasize. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main actor to gain the recognition he lacked. In some cases, fantasy manifests itself in artistic and literary creativity. But always in fantasizing, in detachment from educational work, the desire for success and attention is reflected. This is also the departure from a reality that does not satisfy the child. When adults encourage the activity of children, the manifestation of the results of their educational activities and the search for ways of creative self-realization, a relatively easy correction of their development is achieved.

Another urgent problem of the socio-psychological readiness of the child is the problem of the formation of qualities in children, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, the teacher. The child comes to school, a class in which children are engaged in a common cause and he needs to have sufficiently flexible ways of establishing relationships with other children, he needs the ability to enter a children's society, act together with others, the ability to retreat and defend himself.

Thus, socio-psychological readiness for learning involves the development in children of the need to communicate with others, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group, the developing ability to cope with the role of a schoolchild in a situation of schooling.

Psychological readiness for school is a holistic education. The lag in the development of one component sooner or later entails a lag or distortion in the development of others. Complex deviations are observed in cases where the initial psychological readiness for schooling can be quite high, but due to some personal characteristics, children experience significant difficulties in learning. The prevailing intellectual unreadiness for learning leads to the failure of learning activities, the inability to understand and fulfill the requirements of the teacher and, consequently, low grades. With intellectual unpreparedness, different options for the development of children are possible. Verbalism is a kind of variant.

4.Verbalism is associated with a high level speech development, good development of memory against the background of insufficient development of perception and thinking. These children develop speech early and intensively. They possess complex grammatical constructions, a rich vocabulary. At the same time, preferring purely verbal communication with adults, children are not sufficiently involved in practical activities, business cooperation with parents and games with other children. Verbalism leads to one-sidedness in the development of thinking, the inability to work according to a model, to correlate one's actions with given methods and some other features, which does not allow one to study successfully at school. Correctional work with these children consists in teaching the types of activities characteristic of preschool age - playing, designing, drawing, i.e. those that correspond to the development of thinking.

The educational readiness also includes a certain level of development of the motivational sphere. Ready for schooling is a child who is attracted to the school not by the external side (attributes of school life - a portfolio, textbooks, notebooks), but by the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which involves the development of preparatory processes. The future student needs to arbitrarily control his behavior, cognitive activity, which becomes possible with the formed hierarchical system of motives. Thus, the child must have a developed educational motivation.

Motivational immaturity often leads to problems in knowledge, low productivity of educational activities.

The admission of a child to school is associated with the emergence of the most important personal neoplasm - an internal position. This is the motivational center that ensures the child's focus on learning, his emotionally positive attitude towards school, the desire to match the model of a good student.

In cases where the student's internal position is not satisfied, he may experience sustained emotional distress: expectation of success at school, a bad attitude towards himself, fear of school, unwillingness to attend it.

Thus, the child has a feeling of anxiety, this is the beginning for the appearance of fear and anxiety. Fears are age-related and neurotic.

Age fears are noted in emotional, sensitive children as a reflection of the characteristics of their mental and personal development. They arise under the influence of the following factors: the presence of fears in parents (anxiety in relations with the child, excessive protection from dangers and isolation from communication with peers, a large number of prohibitions and threats from adults).

Neurotic fears are characterized by greater emotional intensity and direction, a long course or constancy. The social position of the student, imposing on him a sense of responsibility, duty, obligation, can provoke the fear of "being the wrong one." The child is afraid not to be in time, to be late, to do the wrong thing, to be condemned, punished.

First-graders who, for various reasons, cannot cope with study load, over time, fall into a number of underachievers, which, in turn, leads to both neurosis and school fear. Children who have not acquired the necessary experience of communicating with adults and peers before school are not self-confident, they are afraid not to meet the expectations of adults, they experience difficulties in adapting to the school team and fear of the teacher.

All of the above says that the lack of formation of one component of school readiness leads the child to psychological difficulties and problems in adapting to school.

This makes it necessary to provide psychological assistance at the stage of preparing the child for school in order to eliminate possible deviations.

Psychological assistance to children with insufficient readiness for schooling.

The problem of psychological readiness for schooling is extremely relevant. On the one hand, the definition of the goals and content of education and upbringing in preschool institutions depends on the definition of its essence, readiness indicators, ways of its formation, on the other hand, the success of the subsequent development and education of children at school. Many teachers (Gutkina N.N., Bityanova M.R., Kravtsova E.E., Bezrukikh M.I.) and psychologists associate the successful adaptation of a child in the 1st grade with readiness for schooling.

In schools, for a certain readiness of the child for learning and the prevention of possible school difficulties associated with unpreparedness in one or another school aspect, an early diagnosis of school maturity is carried out.

Determining the psychological readiness for schooling, a practical child psychologist must clearly understand why he is doing this. The following goals can be identified to follow when diagnosing school readiness:

1. Understanding the characteristics of the psychological development of children in order to determine an individual approach to them in the educational process.

2. Identification of children who are not ready for schooling, in order to carry out activities with them aimed at preventing school failure.

3. The distribution of future first-graders into classes in accordance with their "zone of proximal development", which allows each child to develop in the optimal mode for him.

4. Postponing for 1 year the start of education for children who are not ready for school, which is possible only for children of six years of age.

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, it is possible to create a special group and a development class in which the child will be able to prepare for the beginning of systematic education at school. Correction and development groups are also created according to the main parameters.

Such classes can be held during the period of adaptation at school. For example, the course of G.A. Zuckerman "Introduction to School Life" is held precisely at the beginning of schooling.

This course was created in order to help the child build a meaningful image of a “real schoolchild” on the threshold of school, between preschool and school childhood. This is a kind of ten-day initiation into a new age, into a new system of relationships with adults, peers, and oneself.

The introduction is of an intermediate nature, corresponding to the child's sense of self. In form, in the manner of communication, “the introduction is built as teaching a beginner to educational cooperation. But the material with which children work is purely preschool: didactic games on construction, classification, seriation, reasoning, memorization, attention. Offering these, in fact, developing tasks, we do not seek to teach them to perform everything perfectly. The efforts of children should be focused on the basis of relationships: on the ability to negotiate, exchange opinions, understand and evaluate each other and themselves in the same way “as real schoolchildren do”.

There is another program of adaptation classes for first-graders "Introduction to school life", developed by the candidate of psychological sciences Sanko A.I., psychologist of Chelyabinsk MOU No. 26 Kafeeva Yu. This course helps children to realize new requirements, forms an internal need to fulfill the established order.

A special place in the course is occupied by motivational conversations that allow you to identify children with educational and cognitive motivation.

Classes contribute to the accelerated acquaintance of first-graders with each other and the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

The course provides for gaming sessions that involve a consolidated form of communication. Mobile exercises are possible here, not as hard as in the lesson, time is limited. Classes are conducted by a psychologist during the first training days. He receives information about new students.

Thus, the following methods are used to organize psychological assistance to a child at the stage of preparation for schooling: preparation in a kindergarten, diagnostics at school, followed by remedial classes.


The study was conducted on the basis of kindergarten No. 89 on undergraduate practice from February 19 to March 29

Number of children - 19

Girls - 9

Boys - 10

Psychological readiness for schooling is one of the most important problems in child and educational psychology. From its solution depends both the construction of an optimal program for the upbringing and education of preschoolers, and the formation of a full-fledged educational activity for primary school students. We found that the psychological preparation of children for school is much more important than physical education or the Russian language. Therefore, I propose to conduct several diagnostics to identify the preparation of children for school.

Purpose: to assess the readiness of children senior group for school

1. Diagnose children

2. Compile corrective work

3. Reveal whether corrective work is effective

The goals and objectives made it possible to determine the content of the diagnostics: "an indicative test of school maturity" - Kern-Jierasik, diagnostics for imagination, attention, memory and thinking.

"Indicative test of school maturity" - Kerna-Jierasika

This technique is relevant for 5-7 year old children, its purpose is to test their readiness for schooling. This includes an assessment of the child's personal maturity (task 1), his fine motor skills of the hands and visual coordination (task 2), the test also allows you to identify the visual-spatial perception of the future first-grader, visual memory (task 3) and thinking (based on the overall test score)

Task number 1. Drawing of a male figure

Children are invited to draw a man, as he knows how (nothing more is said when voicing the task, repeat the instructions to the questions of the children without their own explanation).

Task number 2. Imitation of written letters

Children are invited to look at the inscription and try to write the same.

Task number 3. Drawing a group of points

Children are invited to consider a group of dots on a sheet and try to draw the same ones next to them.

1. Imagination "Turn shapes into interesting objects"

Purpose: to diagnose children's creative thinking, i.e. imagination

Tasks: to determine the level of creative imagination of students

2. Attention "Find the letter"

Purpose: to diagnose children for attention

Tasks: determine the level of attention

3. Speech "name all the objects depicted"

Purpose: To diagnose children for the pronunciation of individual sounds

Objectives: to identify the clarity and correctness of pronunciation of sounds

4. Memory "remember and name"

Purpose: To diagnose the memory of children

Tasks: to determine the level of visual memory

5. Thinking "name each group of objects with one word"

Purpose: to diagnose the thinking of children

Tasks: to reveal the thinking of children

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Sending a child to first grade, any family radically changes the previously adopted lifestyle. This is especially true for the child himself, who begins to feel excessive fatigue, sometimes gets sick, mopes and even cries - the parents themselves begin to worry along with him. Is it possible to somehow help in this case, not only the first-grader, but also yourself? Naturally, any parent tries to do everything possible for this, however, not everyone can confidently say that he is moving in the right direction.

Initially, it all starts in modern "scarecrows", when experienced parents narrate to those. Who still has everything ahead, about what a complex program and high demands await their children in the near future. This leads to the fact that as soon as the child leaves the tender toddler age, parents try to seat them in reading and counting, as a result of which at school the child both reads and counts the best of the class combined, however, less problems this does not make him.

In school, the child may well be doing well, however, at the same time, he may experience a sharp gap in the ability to communicate and self-confidence.

Only with age will understanding and knowledge of many things come to him. Perhaps the child has not yet learned to fix his attention and switch it to the right objects. He is characterized by absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, he cannot yet live by the rules of the school and get along with all his classmates.

Any primary school teacher can attest to the fact that sometimes more than the inability to read, a child is hindered by the fact that he slowly changes clothes or has difficulty collecting a briefcase.

Parents should initially think about the fact that the child needs to be taught first of all to communicate with peers - these are the skills that will be useful to him at school. In addition, it must be borne in mind that in any school there are certain rules that primarily relate to the teacher-student relationship. The kid, who first got into such a team as the most ordinary school class, does not yet understand elementary, it would seem, things, such as observing the hierarchy, the need to raise his hand in order to answer a question or ask something himself, or get up in that the moment when the teacher appears in the classroom is still incomprehensible to him.

To prevent learning from becoming a torment for a child, it is not enough just to teach him to read and count. The kid should understand what is expected of him in the new role of a first grader, and he was internally ready for it. How to achieve this?

Why do we need a school?

Many psychologists like to ask children a question, the essence of which boils down to the following: do you want to study because they will buy you a new beautiful satchel and a pencil case, or in order to know more? Often the motivation for school is external in nature - it is associated with the attributes of a student, but not with learning. The same thing happens if a child goes to school because of friends who will be in the same class with him, or to be like an older brother or sister.

Your task is to create a positive image of the school itself, education, teachers and the child himself as a student in the future first grader. If the kid is already dreaming about any profession, explain to him that all people study in order to become what they want.

Valuable skills of a preschooler

Even with good reading and numeracy skills, a student will have a hard time if he is undisciplined. It is necessary to develop in the child the ability to listen and hear others, and not only the teacher, but also other children, in a pair with whom it is often necessary to complete the task. But will the kid be able to postpone his games at home or on the street if he needs to prepare lessons?

To develop discipline in your child, play with him games with rules - “walkers” with a cube and chips, checkers, chess, various board games. This will teach him to properly respond to limitations and calmly relate to the success of others.

Another valuable skill of a preschooler is household self-organization. If your kid constantly scatters things and toys that he forgets to clean up, he will have a hard time at school. Form a useful habit of putting everything in its place, just act without aggression. This will be useful not only at school, but also in later life.

Child psychology: learning to communicate

In his class, the child will become part of a large team. And what place he will take in it depends on how much he knows how to interact with other children. If your baby is the only child in the family, a pet, and even not visited, and on a walk in everyone you come to the rescue, urgently change this picture! Take your child to activities that are interesting to him, let him play with other children on his own, without interfering unnecessarily, go to visit friends with children and invite them to your place, in a word, teach him to communicate. Communication in child psychology plays a very significant role!

Watch how the child behaves in the crowd (in the store, at the airport), how he communicates with other adults. If the baby has a fear of large crowds and strangers, start entrusting him with responsible tasks, for example, buying bread yourself. Praise your child every time and say how much his help is worth.

Child's self-esteem

Both insecure boys and girls and children who consider themselves the center of the universe will have a hard time at school. The first, even knowing everything perfectly, will be embarrassed to answer, and they will be eclipsed by more mediocre, but uninhibited classmates. And for those who are accustomed to adoration from relatives, it will not be easy to realize that not everyone treats them the same way, and success still needs to be achieved.

To prevent this from happening, praise the child deservedly. No need to admire his every action, as if he were one year old. He tries, he succeeds - praise sincerely. If it's difficult, help, but don't do everything for him.

If the kid is pathologically shy and not self-confident, let him open up, find something he likes, in which he will definitely achieve success. This will help him gain confidence and not get lost among the brisk comrades in the class.

Tricks can be a great help, only the child needs to learn them properly. And then the applause of the audience will not keep you waiting, and with them the self-esteem of the child will grow!

Psychological aspects of preparing children for school

Before the child goes to school, parents need to be sure that he is ready for a new step in his life. And an important factor here is the psychological aspects of preparing children for school. :

  • he has a desire to learn;
  • can bring the work started to the end;
  • able to overcome difficulties in achieving the goal;
  • knows how to concentrate his attention on something and keep it;
  • understands the purpose for which he will study at school;
  • does not shy away from society;
  • feels comfortable in a team;
  • knows how to get to know peers;
  • has the skills of analytical thinking - is able to compare anything.

Psychological preparation for school: exercises

In order for the child to feel confident at school, he needs to be prepared for admission to the first grade. A very important aspect of this process is the psychological preparation for school.

There is very little left before the start of the new school year. It will be especially difficult for first-graders to enter the school schedule. According to teachers and psychologists, kindergarten graduates will spend the first months adapting to new conditions; we are talking about the psychological restructuring of the lives of kids. Tyumen teacher-psychologist Natalya Kurmanova assures that in the first grade, children most often suffer from regime change. V kindergarten they were treated more condescendingly, and at school they make certain demands, and not everyone is ready to accept them. The specialist spoke about how to psychologically prepare a child for a new stage of life in an interview with our publication.

Corr.: Very often one hears the phrase: “A child must be psychologically ready at school”… What should parents mean by this phrase, and is it possible to prepare a first-grader for school?

Psychological readiness is a combination of intellectual and personal development of the child. Many parents believe that for a child to be successful at school, it is enough to organize only intellectual readiness - to teach the child to read, count and decide, and this will ensure his full preparation for school, but a very important aspect in preparation is internal personal readiness: his level of adaptation to new conditions , the level of independence and self-service, the assimilation of social norms and rules. At the age of 6-7, the entire psychological appearance of the child changes, his personality, cognitive and mental capabilities, the sphere of emotions and experiences, and the social circle are transformed.

The child is not always well aware of his new position, but he certainly feels and experiences it: he is proud that he has become an adult. The child's experience of his new social status is associated with the emergence of the "internal position of the schoolchild".

There is such a thing as partial readiness for school, when a child is not able to quickly learn new knowledge, he needs extra time, so curricula are always designed for children with an average level of preparedness. Many of today's first graders are quite sophisticated in the classroom even before they come to school. Enhanced training, visits to preschool lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. often leads to the fact that going to school loses the element of novelty for the child, prevents the child from experiencing the significance of this event. In addition, a program designed for the average student seems uninteresting to them, already experienced.

Parents play an invaluable role in maintaining the “internal position of a schoolchild” in a first-grader. Advice to parents: your serious attitude to the child's school life, attention to his successes and failures, patience, obligatory encouragement of efforts and efforts, emotional support help to feel the significance of your activities, help to increase the child's self-esteem, his self-confidence.

Cor: What psychological problems and difficulties do first-graders face at school?

In the first grade, children most often suffer from regime change. In kindergarten, they were treated more condescendingly, but at school they have certain requirements, and not everyone is ready to accept them. There is a problem of restlessness, they cannot sit still for more than 20 minutes. Many modern children do not have the skills of independence, self-service, they cannot prepare for the lesson, they lose things during physical education, in the locker room, they forget about the portfolios. There are a lot of guys in the class, and everyone needs to find an approach. It is necessary to get used to the teacher, to his demeanor, to his voice, etc. Many react very negatively to being called by their last name, they are offended, it is difficult for them to accept themselves as a separate independent person, but this must be instilled.

Corr.: Are there any simple tricks to adapt to the beginning of studies at school?

In order for the adaptation process to take place for the most painless, parents need to make efforts already in summer period.

First reception This is the first visit to school with the child. The child should feel your emotional mood. If the parent is positive and optimistic about school, then the child learns this attitude very deeply, and in the future he will not have anxiety from attending school.

Second reception - it is advisable for parents to organize a visit to the school camp for the child during summer holidays. So he will be able to quickly assess the situation and adapt, the preschooler already in the summer masters the space in which he will have to study. At the beginning of the school year, he will not have to spend time and energy to navigate the school walls, he will be more likely to be inquisitive about the school subjects themselves, and not about the walls of the school.

Third reception - in August, 2-3 weeks before the start of the school year, it is necessary to regulate the daily routine that will operate during the school period, the morning rise should correspond to the time when you have to wake up during school hours. By gradually accustoming the child to the daily routine, parents will help the child to facilitate the period of adaptation to new circumstances.

Fourth reception - when doing classes, it is important for adults to maintain a positive attitude so as not to scare the child away.

Fifth reception- classes are best done in a playful way, be sure to take breaks for rest and games. The maximum concentration of attention in children at this age is 20 minutes, after which fatigue sets in, after 5-7 minutes of changing activities, the child is again ready to work actively. At the same time, he must understand that his work is adequately encouraged by adults, supported by praise.

Sixth reception - it will be much easier for a child to adapt to new conditions if one of his acquaintances studies with him in the class. Try to organize for the child the opportunity to communicate with peers, if possible with future classmates.

Educational psychologist Natalia Kurmanova

Cor.: How to build a student's daily routine so that he can comfortably endure new loads?

The most rational distribution of the time of the future first grader is the daily routine, which will take into account the individual characteristics of the child himself. The most active hours of children 6-7 years old: 8.00-11.00 and 16.00-17.00.

For example, if your child is a lark, then the most active activities should be planned for the first half of the day, and if he is an owl, he will be more active in the afternoon. But, I suggest you build a first-grader's daily routine like this. Try to have him go to bed no later than 9 pm and get up at 7 am, because. A first-grader should sleep at least 10 hours, plus - daytime sleep, to which the body is accustomed. The guys should be in the fresh air for at least 3 hours a day, so immediately after school, take a walk with the child for at least 40 minutes. Only then go to lunch - let him work up an appetite.

Lunch must be 13.30-14.00 . After that, give your fidget plenty of rest. You do not need to immediately seat him for lessons, after lunch there is a decline in working capacity. If the child is accustomed to watching TV or playing games, then between 15.00-16.00 this is the right time.

Even if the child no longer sleeps during the day, he can come home and fall asleep immediately. This means that the body is exhausted. Give your child a chance to rest.

Only when the child has eaten and rested, you can sit down for lessons. Optimal time - 16.00-17.00. In first grade homework they don’t ask, but this time can be spent flipping through the material studied at school with the child, helping the child reproduce what he remembers most during the day, finding out what topics could be difficult and helping him figure it out.

After preparing homework, your child can go to the section or circle. The road there can be combined with a walk.

And no homework tonight! Can't make it to the circle? It is better to postpone one lesson than to reschedule the lessons for the evening.

The overexcitation that has accumulated during the day must be removed by a walk. Do not think that evening dancing and unprecedented activity indicate that the child is not tired. Take a walk with your child before bed to relieve stress. If we go to bed at 21.00, then it is worth starting the walk no later than 19.30, immediately after dinner.

Going to bed should be calm, without talking about the day's difficulties and without reminders of annoying mistakes or failures of the past day.

Corr.: What guidelines should be conveyed to a child who is going to the first grade? Some children, having gone to school for a while, say - I don’t want to, I won’t go, I’m not interested ... What to answer?

Children can say - I don’t want to, I won’t go, I’m not interested for several reasons: parents themselves are “afraid” of school; nervous that they will have to take on additional workloads and responsibilities; when children see that parents have a negative attitude towards school, and even towards teachers; when the parents themselves have no interest in knowledge, they do not read; when the child does not feel support from the parents. If the teacher complains about the behavior of the child, and the parents punish him without understanding, he is fixed in his mind that the school is bad. Often, before entering school, the child is intensively prepared, and then he is not interested in the program that he has already mastered at preschool age. Psychologically, the child missed the period when the role-playing game was the leading activity, in a word - he did not play enough. Therefore, a positive attitude towards school, towards learning directly depends on the attitude towards school of a significant adult, his parents.

The most important thing, according to psychologists, is to support the first grader in his desire to succeed. It is necessary to praise a novice student for each achievement. Praise and emotional support (“well done!”, “You did so well!”) can increase the intellectual achievements of even an adult, not to mention a child. Moms and dads are also advised not to forget that when a person studies, something may not work out for him and this is quite natural - the child has the right to make a mistake.

Experts recommend not to send the child to school without breakfast, to be attentive to complaints of headache, fatigue, poor health - most often these are objective indicators of fatigue, learning difficulties. In addition, you need to control the amount of time spent on gadgets, for a seven-year-old, the norm is only 15-20 minutes a day.

Since recently, residents of Tyumen can get a free consultation with a psychologist, for all questions that arise, they are waiting for you in the virtual office on the portal "Territory of Health". Here you can anonymously discuss family or personal problems.

Interviewed by Elena KUKHALSKAYA,
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