Logical and mathematical games for preschoolers. Logical and mathematical games as a means of forming logical thinking in preschool children

"The value of logical and mathematical games in working with children preschool age»

Each preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The task of educators and parents is to help him maintain and develop the desire for knowledge, satisfy the child's need for active work, and give food for the development of the child's mind.
Pedagogical practice confirms that, under the condition of a properly organized pedagogical process using various methods, as a rule, gaming, taking into account the characteristics of children's perception, children can already at preschool age, without overload and stress, learn much of what they used to learn only at school. And the more prepared the child comes to school - I mean not even the amount of accumulated knowledge, but the readiness for mental activity - the more successful, and therefore, the happier the beginning of this very important period - school childhood will be for him.
Everyone understands that a child from the first days of his life needs exercises for the development of all muscles. The mind also needs constant training. A person who is able to think constructively, quickly solve logical problems, is most adapted to life. He quickly finds a way out of difficult situations, makes rational decisions; mobile, efficient, shows accurate and fast reactions.
So, mathematics rightfully occupies a very large place in the system preschool education. It sharpens the child's mind, develops flexibility of thinking, teaches logic.
The assimilation of fairly complex mathematical knowledge (relations of equivalence, order, combinatorics), the formation of interest in them helps the game - one of the most attractive activities for children. Play is a natural activity for a child. In play activities, the child masters a variety of ideas, independently “discovers” methods of action, learns some dependencies and patterns of the world around him, and expands his experience of cognition.
Let us especially emphasize the role of the logical-mathematical game as a method of teaching and developing mathematical concepts.
Logical and mathematical games develop in children: independence, the ability to autonomously, independently of adults, solve available problems in different types activities, as well as the ability for elementary creative and cognitive activity. Contribute to: the development of means of cognition by children: standards (color, shape), standards of measures (size, mass), models of images, speech representations; accumulation of logical and mathematical experience, mastering the methods of cognition: comparison, examination, equalization, counting.
This type of games is characterized by: a game orientation of activity, saturation with problem situations, creative tasks, the presence of search situations with elements of experimentation, practical research, schematization. A mandatory requirement for these games is their developmental impact.
Logic-mathematical games are designed on the basis of a modern view on the development of a child's mathematical abilities. These include the child's desire to get results: collect, connect, measure, take the initiative, and be creative; anticipate the outcome change the situation; actively without being distracted, act practically and mentally; operate with images; establish connections and dependencies, fix and graphically.
These games contribute to the development of attention, memory, speech, imagination and thinking of the child, create a positive emotional atmosphere, encourage children to learn, collective search, and activity in transforming the game situation.
Thus, the problem of a logical-developing, mathematical game, as a means of a child's cognitive activity, is relevant.
Realizing the importance of the above, I determined the topic of my work
"The development of mental abilities of preschool children through logic and mathematical games."
Before starting work, I determined itthe goal is to promote the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities through logic and mathematical games.

1. To develop in children an interest in solving cognitive, creative problems, in a variety of intellectual activities;
2. To promote the development of figurative and logical thinking, the ability to perceive and display, compare, generalize, classify, modify, etc.

3. Develop arbitrary attention, the ability to use the techniques of mnemonics.
4. Increase the ability to establish mathematical relationships, patterns, sequence, the relationship of arithmetic operations, signs and symbols, relationships between parts of a whole, numbers, measurements, etc.

To solve the tasks, I carried out the following work:

An appropriate developmental environment has been created / a “Game Library” has been created in the group, where developing, didactic games, the center of "Mathematics and Design" was decorated ... /;
- developed a model of the pedagogical process;
- developed a long-term plan on this topic for all age groups;
- a cycle of developing educational situations was developed and joint activities with kids;
- compiled a card file of logical and mathematical games;
- Designed booklets with recommendations for teachers and parents.

As a teacher, I also had to solve such tasks as: to form the child's personal qualities, develop attention, memory, speech, instill cultural communication skills, the ability to conduct a dialogue with an adult, communicate with peers.
Successful problem solving requires an individual approach to the education and upbringing of children. It is this approach that helps to create ideas about each child, together with the teacher and parents, to influence his development in time.
This helps me, games with Gyenesh logic blocks and Cuisiner's colored sticks with their focus on an individual approach, with their versatility in solving a variety of teaching and educational tasks, with their attractiveness from an aesthetic point of view.

Work on the development of logical thinking in preschoolers will be successful if a number of

1. Work with children will be carried out in the system according to a previously developed plan, that is, a model of the pedagogical process.

2. The activities that implement the program for the formation of logical and mathematical thinking are associated with work in everyday life.

3. Various forms of work (developing educational situations, joint and independent activities, club, leisure, holidays) and types of activities (play, observation, artistic and productive) were used.

4. Diagnostic methods were applied to determine the level of formation of logical and mathematical thinking in children.

To solve the tasks at hand, we used at different stages the followingworking methods :
- Analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of the development of children's logical thinking;
- The study of existing knowledge in children;
- Development and testing of models of the pedagogical process;
- Analysis of the obtained results.
In their work, they relied on the principles of organizing games / S.A. Shmakov/.
- Lack of coercion;
-Development of game dynamics /from small successes to big ones/;
-Support game atmosphere, children's real feelings;
- Interrelation of gaming and non-gaming activities;

- The transition from the simplest forms and ways of performing game actions to complex ones.

It was taken into account that for the logico-mathematical game characters :
The presence of a plot plot, the actions of persons and following the storyline throughout the lesson.
The presence of schematization, transformation, cognitive tasks to identify properties and relationships, dependencies and patterns.
Game motivation and direction of actions, their effectiveness.
The presence of situations of discussion, choice of material and actions, collective search for a way to solve a cognitive problem.
Mastering the actions of correlation, comparison, reconstruction, distribution of grouping.
General focus on the development of children's initiative.
Modern logical and mathematical games are diverse: board games / "Color and Shape", "Game Square", "Logo Forms"/, games for three-dimensional modeling / "Cubes for All", "Geometric Constructor", "Ball"/, games for plane modeling /"Tangram", "Cross", "Honeycomb", "Mongolian game"/, games from the series "Cubes and color" / "Fold the pattern", "Unicube"/, games to compose a whole from parts / "Fractions "," Miracle flower "/, fun games / shifters, labyrinths /.
The proposed games and game exercises included in a certain system are presented by us in the form of game activities, united by a single fascinating plot, which aroused children's activity and interest in further similar activities. In the course of logical and mathematical games, the child consciously perceives the game task, purposefully solves it.

Also in working with children, I use a large number of collective games, both in joint and independent activities. These are such games as "Domino", "Guess", "Unusual figures", "Settled houses", "Where, whose garage", "Paths" and others. In these games, in addition to learning tasks, I set myself tasks of a personal nature:
Learn to work in a team;
Adhere to certain rules;
Be able to lose, but strive to win in fair ways;
Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, empathy, sympathy for the loser.
All logical and mathematical games teach children to think logically, to keep in mind several properties of an object at once, to be able to encode and decode information.

The use of developing, logical and mathematical games contributes to the emergence of children's interest in cognitive activity, the development of their thinking, speech, imagination, fine motor skills of hands. Each child learned to play at his own pace, since after classes it was possible to complete the task again, to better understand its essence.

An important role is played by the organization of independent activity in a specially organized developmental environment. In the free use of children there are a variety of logic and mathematical games: "Do It Yourself", "Unicube", "Cubes for All", "Fractions", "Kusiner's Sticks", "Gyenesh Blocks", "Game Square", "Tangram", "Fold the pattern", "Ball", "Playing with color" and others.
The development of logical thinking and cognitive activity is impossible without the participation of parents. At all stages, the support of the child at home, in the family is required.
I have identified some areas of joint activity of teachers and parents in this field of activity:
1. Inform parents about the tasks and content of logical, mathematical and educational games used in kindergarten.

2. Participation of parents in the development of cognitive activity of logical thinking of preschoolers (math fairs, holidays, competitions).
3. Creating an enriched developmental environment in the home.
4. Organization of a family club in order to ensure cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.
Experience shows that an educator who knows how to choose games correctly and stimulate independent cognitive-playing activity of preschoolers is “doomed” to a good result.

Game examples:
Gyenesh block game
"Help Bunny"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with geometric shapes. Compiling geometric shapes from data. Fixing an account.
Game material: Gyenes blocks.
Rules of the game: Use the figures to close the white "holes".
Once upon a time there was a Bunny, who had a very beautiful carpet. One day, the Fox came to his house secretly, and while the Bunny was running through the forest, the Fox gnawed holes in the carpet. Count how many holes there are in the carpet. Now take the pieces and help Bunny fix the carpet.

Game with two hoops.
Purpose: Formation of a logical operation, denoted by the union "and", classification by two properties.
Game material: Two hoops, geometric shapes.
Rules of the game: The game has several stages.
1. Before starting the game, you need to find out where the 4 areas are located, defined on the game sheet by two hoops.
2. Then one of the players calls the rules of the game. For example, arrange the figures like this. So that all red figures are inside the red hoop, and all green figures are inside the green hoop.
3. In accordance with the rule, the players perform moves in turn, and with each move they place one of the pieces they have in the appropriate place.
4. After solving a practical problem on the location of the figures, the children answer the questions: which figures lie inside both hoops; inside the green, but outside the red hoop, inside the red, outside the green hoop; outside of both hoops.
Attention: figures must be named using two properties - color and shape.
The game with two hoops can be played many times by varying the rules of the game.

Game options.
inside the red hoop inside the green hoop
all square shapes all green shapes
all yellow shapes all triangular shapes
all rectangular shapes all large shapes
all small pieces all green pieces
all red shapes all round shapes
all round shapes all square shapes

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Presentation on the topic: Logical and mathematical games for preschoolers

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Gyenes logic blocks are a set of 48 geometric shapes: a) four shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); b) four colors (red, blue, yellow); c) two sizes (large, small); d) two types of thickness (thick, thin). Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness. There are no identical figures in the set.

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Many logic figure games use cards with property symbols. Acquaintance of a child with the symbols of properties is an important step in mastering the entire sign culture, literacy of mathematical symbols, programming, etc. The cards conditionally indicate the properties of the blocks (color, shape, size, thickness). There are 11 cards in total. + 11 cards with negation of properties, for example: Not red.

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Description of the slide:

To acquaint with the shape, color, size, thickness of objects. * Develop spatial representations. * Develop logical thinking, understanding of the set, operations on sets (comparison, division, classification, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information). * Learn the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking. Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects according to their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify your reasoning. * Develop cognitive processes, mental operations. * Cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal. * Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities. * Develop speech. * Successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

All games and game exercises can be divided into 4 groups with gradual complication: for the development of skills to identify and abstract properties; for the development of skills to compare objects according to their properties; for the development of actions of classification and generalization; to develop the ability for logical actions and operations. All games and exercises, with the exception of the fourth group (logical), are not addressed to a specific age

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

"CODE LOCK" or "THIRD SUPER" 3 figures are laid out on the cardboard. Two can be combined according to some property, one is superfluous. There can be anything behind the lock: a surprise, an entrance to a room, a road for a walk ... The child must open the lock: guess which button to press and explain why. For example: There is an extra red figure. Because they are both yellow. Click on the red figurine!

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Description of the slide:

“FIND THE TREASURE” or “WHERE THE PUPPY hid” There are 8 blocks in front of the child, a coin or a picture is hidden - a puppy. Option 1 The treasure hunter turns away, the leader hides the treasure under one of the blocks. The treasure hunter looks for it by naming the various properties of the blocks. If the kid finds a treasure, he takes it for himself, and hides a new treasure under one of the blocks. The facilitator at first plays the role of a treasure hunter and shows how to search for a treasure. Names various block properties. For example, the host asks: - Treasure under the blue block? - No, - the child answers. - Under the yellow one? - No. - Under the red one? - Yes. - Under the big one? - Yes. - Under the round one? - Yes. The one who wins find more treasures. When the game is repeated, the blocks change, their number increases.

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Description of the slide:

"CITY OF GEOMETRIC FIGURES" The kids arrived to visit Mickey Mouse! Look at what a city of figures it is! There is an area of ​​large houses and an area of ​​small houses. Each area has streets of different colors. The houses have different shapes. Serezha is looking for a rectangular house in the area of ​​small houses, on Red Street. And Katyusha came to visit the mole. And he tells all the kids: “The mole lives in a square house on a blue street in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blittle houses”! Four-year-olds walk around such a city with interest, distinguish between times, three properties of the figures at once. What is difficult for some first-graders in the School 2100 program!

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There are games and exercises with blocks that are designed for older preschoolers. They will help develop in children the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, develop the ability to perform logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”, the ability to use these operations to build correct statements, encode and decode information about the properties of objects. RIDDLES WITHOUT WORDS ”We will help the child learn to decipher (decode) information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects according to their sign-symbolic designations. On this lesson - the journey, the children got to the magician's house. You must first disenchant it, and then knock. For example: the first figure should be triangular, yellow, small and thick. But the second one is round, red, not fat and not small. So, we will look for a red, large, thin circle. It's great when ingenuity helps! Now you can see tricks!

"DIVIDE THE BLOCKS" The game will teach you to divide the set into two or three compatible properties, to perform logical operations "not", "and", "or". There is a commotion in the forest! The fox, the wolf and the bear can't share Santa's gifts! Santa Claus told the fox to take all the small gifts, the bear - all the thick ones, and the wolf - the round ones. But the trouble is, there are gifts both round and small at the same time. Both the fox and the wolf should take them! And there are gifts and round, and small, and thick! All the animals can play with them together. Three intersecting hoops (ribbons, ropes) helped us figure it out - find out where whose gifts are, who can use what on the rights of joint ownership!

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"Developers" on the go. 1. More often, together with the baby, count everything that you use in everyday life: how many chairs are near the dining table, how many pairs of socks you put in washing machine How many potatoes do you need to peel to cook dinner. Count the steps in the entrance, the windows in the apartment - children love to count. 2. Measure different things - at home or on the street with your hands or feet. Remember the cartoon about 38 parrots - a great reason to review it and check how tall mom or dad is, how many palms "fit" in your favorite sofa.3. Collect some empty shoe or gift boxes. It is best to do this after a birthday or New Year. Boxes can be bought specifically for this purpose: they are not so expensive. It is desirable that they fit into each other like nesting dolls. Lay out the lids separately and the boxes separately. Ask for a lid for each container. How younger child, the fewer boxes should be. A two-year-old kid is happy to tinker with 4-5 boxes, but 10 will be too much for him.

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4. Buy "sticky" foam numbers, stick them on an empty container - from 0 to 5. Collect a variety of items: one small car or doll, two large buttons, three beads, four nuts, five clothespins. Ask them to arrange them in containers according to the number on the lid. 5. Make number cards out of cardboard and sandpaper or velvet. Run your baby's finger over these numbers and name them. Ask them to show you 3, 2, 1. Now draw one of the cards from the box at random and invite the child to bring as many items as shown on his card. It is especially interesting to receive a card with a zero, because nothing compares to a personal discovery. 6. Hunting for geometric shapes. Invite your child to play hunting. Let him try to find something that looks like a circle and show you. And now a square or a rectangle. You can play this game on the way to kindergarten7. Arrange the spoon, fork and plate on the table in a special way. Ask your child to repeat your composition. When he is doing well, put some kind of screen between you and the baby, or sit with your back to each other. Have him lay out his items and then explain to you how he did it. You must repeat his actions, following only verbal instructions. Also a good game to take the time waiting for an appointment at the clinic

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8. When a baby or baby bathes, give him a set of various cups - measuring cups, plastic jugs, funnels, multi-colored cups. Let pours water on health. Talk about where there is more water. According to Piaget, this is the age of interesting discoveries for parents. Pour water into two identical glasses and ask the baby if the water is the same in both vessels? Now pour the water from one glass into a tall and thin glass, and the water from the other glass into a wide and short glass. Ask where more? Most likely, the answer will be curious9. Play with your child in the store. Buy toy money or draw your own. Rubles can be taken from economic games, like "Manager". 10. Cook meals with your baby more often. Show how you cook this or that dish, how many products you take. Use measuring cups, show that for pancakes you need to take this much flour and this much sugar.

"Logic-Mathematical Games in FEMP Classes and in Free Time"

“Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development.

The game is a huge bright window through which
a life-giving stream flows into the spiritual world of the child
perceptions, concepts about the world around.
The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Educational games contribute to the development of:

Ø - Attention

Ø - Thinking

Ø - Memory

Ø - Logic

Ø - Thinking processes:





Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education: to intensify mental activity, to interest in mathematical material, to captivate and entertain children, to develop the mind, to expand, deepen mathematical representations, to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise in the application them in other activities, a new environment.

Logic-mathematical games are also used to form ideas, to get acquainted with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises.

Children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, logical exercises. They are persistently looking for a course of action that leads to a result. In the case when an entertaining task is available to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested in the ultimate goal: to add, find the desired figure, transform, which captivates him.

Of the variety of mathematical material in preschool age, didactic games are most widely used. The main purpose of games is to provide children with exercise in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions, etc. In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, introduce children to methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children.

Logical and mathematical games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of these games in the structure of the FEMP lesson is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, meaning, content of the lesson, aimed at fulfilling the specific task of forming ideas. Logical and mathematical games are also appropriate at the end of the lesson in order to reproduce and consolidate what was previously learned.

In the formation of mathematical representations in children, various didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used. They differ from typical tasks and exercises in the unusual setting of the problem (to find, guess, by the unexpectedness of presenting it on behalf of some literary fairy-tale hero (Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Dunno). They are interesting for children, emotionally capture them. And the process of solving, finding an answer , based on interest in the problem, is impossible without the active work of thought.This provision explains the importance of logical and mathematical games, tasks and exercises in the mental and comprehensive development of children.In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own. The educator equips children only with a scheme and direction for analyzing an entertaining problem, which ultimately leads to a solution.A systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, logical thinking, independence of thought, a creative attitude to the educational task, and initiative.

In kindergarten in the morning and evening, you can play games of mathematical content (verbal and using aids, desktop - printed, such as "Domino figures", "Compose a picture", "Arithmetic dominoes", "Lotto", "Find a pair" , games of checkers and chess. With proper organization and guidance from educators, these games help the development of children's cognitive abilities, the formation of interest in actions with numbers, and geometric shapes, quantities, problem solving. Thus, the mathematical representations of children are improved. But this is not enough to identify and develop the diverse interests and inclinations of preschoolers.Didactic games are organized and directed by the educator.Children rarely play them on their own.In the kindergarten, it is necessary to create such conditions for the mathematical activity of the child, in which he would show independence in choosing game material, games, based on his developing needs, interests. In the course of the game, which arises on the initiative of the child himself, he joins the complex intellectual work.

Entertaining mathematics corner is a specially designated, mathematically equipped with games, manuals and materials and in a certain way artistically designed place. You can organize it using the usual items of children's furniture: a table, a wardrobe, providing children with free access to the materials located there. These same children are given the opportunity to choose the game they are interested in, a manual of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup.

When organizing a corner of entertaining mathematics, one must proceed from the principle of accessibility of games to children in this moment and place in the corner such games and play materials, the development of which by children is possible at different levels. From mastering the given rules and game actions, they move on to inventing new versions of games. Great options for creativity are available in the games Tangram, Columbus Egg, Magic Circle, Cubes and Color, Cubes for All, etc. Children can come up with new more complex silhouettes not only from one, but also from 2 - 3 sets for the game; one and the same silhouette, for example, a fox, is made up of different sets. To stimulate collective games and creative activity of preschoolers, it is necessary to use magnetic boards, a flannelograph with sets of figures, counting sticks, albums for sketching tasks invented by them, drawing up figures. Of the variety of puzzles, puzzles with sticks are the most acceptable at the senior preschool age. They are called problems of ingenuity of a geometric nature, since in the course of solving, as a rule, there is a transfiguration, the transformation of one figure into another, and not just a change in their number. At preschool age, the simplest puzzles are used. It is necessary to have sets of ordinary counting sticks in order to make visual tasks from them - puzzles. In addition, you will need tables with figures graphically depicted on them, which are subject to conversion. On the reverse side of the table it is indicated what transformation needs to be done and what figure should be the result.

A special place among mathematical entertainment is occupied by games for compiling planar images of objects, animals, birds, houses, ships from special sets of geometric shapes. In this case, the sets of figures are not selected arbitrarily, but are parts of a figure cut in a certain way: a square, a triangle, a circle, an oval. They are interesting for children and adults. Children are fascinated by the result of composing what they saw on the sample or what they intended, and they are included in active practical activities in selecting the method of arranging the figures in order to create a silhouette.

Of the variety of logical and mathematical games and entertainment, the most accessible and interesting in preschool age are riddles, tasks - jokes. In riddles of mathematical content, an object is analyzed from a temporal point of view, from a quantitative or spatial point of view, the simplest mathematical relationships are noticed: Two rings, two ends, and carnations (scissors) in the middle. Four brothers live under one roof (table).

The purpose of riddles and tasks - jokes, entertaining questions is to introduce children to active mental activity, develop the ability to highlight the main properties, mathematical relationships, masked by external non-essential data. They can be used by the educator in the process of conversations, conversations, observations with children of any phenomena, that is, in the case when the necessary situation is created. In order to develop the thinking of children, various types of logical tasks and exercise. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a number of figures, signs, searching for patterns, numbers, finding a missing figure in a series (finding the patterns underlying the choice of this figure), etc., for example: Which of the figures is superfluous here and why? What number should be placed in the empty cell? The game is "The Fourth Extra". The purpose of logical tasks and exercises is to activate the mental activity of the children, to revitalize the learning process.

Smart games, puzzles, entertaining games are of great interest to children. Children can, without being distracted, practice for a long time in transforming figures, shifting sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own plan. In such classes, important qualities of the child's personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed. In the course of solving tasks with ingenuity, puzzles, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess about the answer, while showing creativity.

One of the most important tasks of raising a small child is the development of his mind, the formation of mental skills and abilities that will make it easy to learn new things. The content and methods of preparing the thinking of preschoolers for school education, in particular, pre-mathematical preparation, should be directed to the solution of this problem.

The pre-mathematical preparation of children seems to consist of two closely intertwined main lines: logical, i.e. preparation of children's thinking for the methods of reasoning used in mathematics, and the pre-mathematical one itself, which consists in the formation of elementary mathematical representations. It can be noted that logical preparation goes beyond the preparation for the study of mathematics, developing the cognitive abilities of children, in particular their thinking and speech. .

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “... Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child ... - inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under an avalanche of knowledge. Be able to open one thing in front of the child in the surrounding world, but open it in such a way that a piece of life plays in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always open something unsaid so that the child would like to return again and again to what he has learned.

Therefore, the education and development of the child should be unconstrained, carried out through the types of activities and pedagogical means characteristic of a particular age. The game is such a developmental tool for older preschoolers.

Despite the fact that the game gradually ceases to act as the leading type of activity in the senior preschool age, it does not lose its developing functions.

Ya.A. Comenius considers play as a form of activity necessary for the child.

A.S. Makarenko drew the attention of parents to the fact that “the upbringing of the future figure should not consist in eliminating the game, but in organizing it in such a way that the game remains a game, but the qualities of the future child are brought up in the game.

The game - the main activity of preschool children and is of great importance for intellectual development, for clarifying knowledge about the world around. The game helps us, teachers, to create motivation for children to enrich themselves, consolidate mathematical knowledge, and develop logical thinking.

Starting from older age, the development of logical thinking can be distinguished as an independent task. It includes:

Formation of ideas about order and regularity, about operations on classification and seriation, familiarity with the elements of propositional logic ;

· Development of abstract imagination, figurative and logical memory, associative thinking by analogy.

Working with children, you can see that many children show interest in entertaining logic games, but very few children showed perseverance in bringing things to the end. At the first failure, they lost interest in the game.

Logical and mathematical games and exercises play one of the main roles in the development of the intellectual abilities of preschoolers.

Logic games not only develop the intellectual abilities of the child, but also improve memory, imagination, attention, perception, logical and creative thinking.

Despite the fact that the entertaining mathematical material used is closely interconnected with each other, it can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

· Entertainment: riddles, puzzles, jokes, puzzles, crossword puzzles, mazes, mathematical squares, mathematical tricks, games with sticks for spatial transformation, tasks-savvy; "Tangram", "Magic Circle", "Columbus Egg", "Sphinx", "Leaf", "Vietnamese Game", "Pentamino".

Logic games, tasks, exercises : with blocks, cubes for inclusion, finding; games for classification by 1-2-3 signs, logical tasks (for increase, decrease, comparison, reverse action); games with colored caps, checkers, chess; verbal; Gyenes blocks, Kuizener sticks.

Didactic games and exercises : with visual material to search for missing ones, highlight a common feature, determine the correct sequence, highlight the excess; games for the development of attention, memory, imagination, games for finding contradictions: “Where is whose house?”, “What is superfluous?”, “Find the same one”, “Incredible intersections”, “Name it in one word”, “What sets are mixed up?” , “What has changed?”, “What numbers ran away?”, “Continue”, “Pathfinder”.

Logical-mathematical games are games in which mathematical relations, patterns are modeled, involving the performance of logical operations and actions.

Mathematical games are games in which mathematical constructions, relationships, patterns are modeled. To find the answer, as a rule, a preliminary analysis of the conditions, rules, content of the game or task is necessary. In the course of the solution, the use of mathematical methods and inferences is required.

A variety of mathematical games and tasks are logical games, tasks, exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions. In order to develop the thinking of children, various types of simple tasks and exercises are used. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a number of figures, for finding numbers that are missing in a number of figures. Therefore, logical-mathematical games are a game in which mathematical relationships are modeled, patterns that involve the performance of logical operations and actions.

Educational logical and mathematical games are specially designed in such a way that they form not only elementary mathematical representations, but also certain, pre-designed logical structures of thinking and mental actions necessary for the further assimilation of mathematical knowledge and their application to solving various kinds of problems.

According to Z.A. Mikhailova, the main tasks of the mathematical development of preschool children are:

    The development of logical and mathematical concepts in children (ideas about the mathematical properties and relationships of objects, specific quantities, numbers, geometric shapes, dependencies and patterns);

    Development of sensory (subject-effective) ways of knowing mathematical properties and relationships: examination, comparison, grouping, ordering, splitting;

    Mastering by children experimental and research methods of cognition of mathematical content (recreation, experimentation, modeling, transformation);

    Development in children of logical ways of knowing mathematical properties and relationships (analysis, abstraction, negation, comparison, generalization, classification, seriation);

    Mastering by children mathematical methods of cognition of reality: counting, measurement, simple calculations;

    The development of intellectual and creative manifestations of children: resourcefulness, ingenuity, guesswork, ingenuity, the desire to find non-standard solutions to problems;

    Development of accurate, reasoned and evidence-based speech, enrichment of the child's vocabulary;

    Development of activity and initiative of children;

    Education of readiness for learning at school, development of independence, responsibility, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, coordination of eye movements and fine motor skills of hands, self-control and self-esteem skills.

E. A. Nosova developed a set of games and exercises included in the logical and mathematical games, which are presented in the book “Logic and Mathematics in Kindergarten”. The author divided the games into the following groups:

Games to identify and abstract the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Games for children to master comparison, classification and generalization;

Games for mastering logical actions and mental operations.

An example of plot logic and mathematical games can be: "Help the ants", "Find a treasure", "Settle houses", "Who's visiting Winnie the Pooh and Piglet", etc. While playing, children master the means and methods of cognition, the corresponding terminology, logical connections, dependencies and the ability to express them in the form of simple logical statements. Each game has a plot-plot, characters that follow the storyline, elements of schematization, transformations, game motivation, situations for discussion, ejection of material, collective search for a way to solve a cognitive problem.

The main components of plot logic-mathematical games are:

The presence of a plot-plot, characters and the presence of a storyline throughout the lesson;

The presence of schematization, transformation, cognitive tasks to identify properties and relationships, dependencies and patterns;

Abstraction from the non-essential, techniques for highlighting essential features;

Mastering the actions of correlation, comparison, reconstruction, distribution and grouping, operations of classification and seriation;

Game motivation and direction of actions, their effectiveness;

The presence of situations of discussion, choice of material and actions, collective search for a way to solve a cognitive problem;

The possibility of repeating the logical-mathematical game, complicating the content of the intellectual tasks included in the game-occupation;

General focus on the development of children's initiative.

Any kind of logical and mathematical games that are part of the problem-playing technology contribute to the development of children's thinking, the ability to use logic in understanding the world, and increase cognitive interest.

In the work of Z.A. Mikhailova, logical and mathematical games are considered as an integral part of the problem-game technology. They allow the child to master the means (sensory standards, speech, schemes and models) and methods of cognition (comparison, examination, classification, seriation), to accumulate logical and mathematical experience.

Modern logic and mathematical games used in preschool institutions, according to Z, A, Mikhailova, are represented by the following groups:

Desktop-printed - “Blossom Form”, “Logic House”, “Game Square”, “Logo Forms”, “Logic Train”, etc.

Plane modeling games - Tangram, Sphinx, Tetris, etc.

Three-dimensional modeling games - "Cubes for All", "Riddle", "Ball", etc.

Games from the "Cubes and Color" series - "Fold the pattern", "Cube-chameleon", etc.

Games for composing a whole from parts - “Fractions”, “Miracle Flower”, etc.

Fun games - shifters, labyrinths, games to change places such as "Fifteen", etc. .

Their use is carried out in special didactic conditions, including the absence of coercion, support for the game atmosphere, the transition from the simplest forms and methods of playing activities to more complex ones.

Great importance in the development of the foundations of logical thinking of preschoolers is attached to the use of such educational games as "Kuizener's Sticks" and "Gyenes' Blocks".

As R.L. Nepomnyashchaya, "Kuizener's Sticks" as a didactic tool fully correspond to the specifics and features of elementary mathematical representations formed in preschoolers, as well as their age capabilities, the level of development of children's thinking, mainly visual-effective and visual-figurative. The child's thinking reflects, first of all, what is first done in practical actions with specific objects. Working with sticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into an internal plan, to create a complete, distinct and at the same time quite generalized idea of ​​the concept.

The emergence of ideas as a result of practical actions of children with objects, the performance of various practical (material and materialized) operations that serve as the basis for mental actions, the development of counting, measurement, and calculation skills create the prerequisites for the general mental and mathematical development of children, including the development of the basics logical thinking.

E.A.Nosova notes that another universal means of developing the foundations of logical thinking are educational games based on the use of "Gyenesh Blocks".

In the process of various actions with logical blocks (breaking, laying out according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.), children master various mental skills that are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and in terms of general intellectual development. These include the skills of analysis, abstraction, comparison, classification, generalization, encoding-decoding, as well as the logical operations “not”, “and”, “or”. In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, preschoolers develop elementary skills of an algorithmic thinking culture, the ability to perform actions in their minds. With the help of logical blocks, children train attention, memory, perception.

At the moment, there are various pedagogical technologies that meet modern requirements and allow developing the basics of children's logical thinking. But one of the most effective is the use of a system of educational games.

Thus, the pedagogical possibilities of the logico-mathematical game are very high. The game develops all aspects of the child's personality, activates the hidden intellectual abilities of children. Senior preschool age is sensitive to the assimilation of generalized means and methods of mental activity, to the development of logical methods of thinking: classification. The inclusion of an older preschooler in logical and mathematical activities in solving problems of a mental nature increases the effectiveness of the results of the development of mental activity, namely classification.

02.06.2016 Viktoria Soldatova

Greetings to all parents who care about the development of their children in an interactive way. Today we will discuss math games for preschoolers. In this case, we will touch on their various options. It has been said more than once that all children are individual, which is why you, dear parents, need to choose the type of game that will interest your preschooler. After all, only enthusiasm for the lesson will stimulate the development of mathematical abilities.

  1. Didactic
  2. Movable
  3. Desktop

Let's remember what a game is and why it is so important for our children. It involves two or more players who use their wits, build strategies, while respecting the rules. The end result depends on the behavior and application of the knowledge of all players in these areas. In addition to being entertaining, such fun has a very serious educational function. In adulthood, mathematical games are used in professions such as economists, politicians, lawyers. I strongly advise you to read about game theory on Wikipedia.

Organizing the life of children in the game, parents develop a multifaceted personality of a preschooler. In this way, children learn new things, learn to focus, develop memory, creativity, logical thinking, and imagination.

Didactic math games for preschoolers

Mathematical thinking can be developed from early childhood. There are many game ways to do this, one of which is didactic games. They contain: the task set, the action according to the rules, the result. Tasks become more difficult with age. If at the age of 2 you show a logical chain of 2 objects to a child, then at the age of 5 an older preschooler can build it from 4-5 objects. The conditions of such games are the fulfillment of the educational goal and their conduct in an interactive environment.

Didactic game - Geometric mosaic

It has been living with us for a very long time, but it does not lose its relevance. You can prepare such material yourself, you will need to cut out many different geometric shapes from colored paper. Then prepare cards with objects recognizable by the child. Laminate both.

At first, the child simply copies what he sees in the finished drawing, while learning to match the details in shape and color, trains mindfulness. Then he begins to fantasize and can already create his own images without relying on a sample. Now the imagination, visual-figurative thinking is turned on. In both cases, fine motor skills develop.

Photo source maam.ru

Our didactic geometric mosaic is purchased. It is stored in a convenient suitcase, all parts are wooden with a magnet on the back. Thus, my preschooler can collect stories not only on the walls of the suitcase, but also on a magnetic board hanging on the wall. Attached cards with 50 images of different levels. Here is such a simple cup you can assemble at the initial level.

Today my son is 5 years 7 months old, and sometimes he still wants to work on the model, using more complex models. But more often he can be caught assembling his own drawing. The beauty of such an acquisition is not only in the compactness of storage and the confidence that the details will not be lost. But also in the opportunity to bring the collected parents and show what happened.

If the mother is directly involved in the classes, then in the process of unobtrusively naming the figures, the child will definitely learn them. Together you can make a fairy tale from the resulting characters. You can read more about it in a separate article. Over time, try playing “Guess what it is”. The preschooler independently collects the drawing, and the parent must guess what is shown on it. Create masterpieces one by one. It is even more interesting if little guests have come, then entertainment is provided for everyone.

I purchased our set from Amazon, it was released by the company Imaginets. This is really a quality product. But if you do not live outside of Russia, you can see similar mosaics in online stores. Pay attention to the variety of geometric shapes and the presence of sample cards.

Didactic game - What is wrong?

It can be played both with the previous magnetic pieces and with the three-dimensional ones. Didactic material can be any toys in the set, counting bears of different colors, natural material- cones and acorns, for example. It is better to play with several children so that there is a competitive effect, then it really turns out to be fun. The players turn away, the parent quickly arranges a logical chain in which the move is broken. This may be a figure of a different type, a different color, its absence in a logical chain, or vice versa, an excessive presence. On command, the players turn around and quickly say the mistake they see. The one who guesses it the most times wins.

It is better to agree in advance what score to play, we usually compete up to 10, and then we want to repeat. Alexander competes with dad, and I establish logical chains. What does this children's didactic game develop:

  • Attentiveness;
  • fast response;
  • vocabulary (you need to accurately express your thought);
  • knowledge of the exact names of geometric shapes or colors (depending on the option chosen).

The most interesting mathematical games with didactic materials that I made with my own hands have already been described on my blog in the article.

Mobile math games for preschoolers

Movement is important for all children, but it is vital for middle and older preschool children. And if girls can sit quietly and assemble a mosaic for 15-30 minutes, then this is simply not given to boys by nature. Therefore, when planning mathematical games for preschoolers, I could not bypass such an important type of them as mobile ones. Watching the children, I can say that such activities bring pleasure to both boys and girls.

My regular readers are already familiar with Estella, Alexander's girlfriend, who comes to visit us on Mondays. I always try to organize leisure time for the guys and offer them my games when I see a break in their own. Children are happy to accept offers to play, I participate in these entertainments only as a commentator and referee.

Mobile game - Collect the right item

We needed:

  • 4 chairs;
  • several types of geometric shapes;
  • 2 containers to store.

I played this mathematical outdoor game on the terrace. Four chairs placed in pairs from each other at a decent distance. At one end she laid out geometric shapes, at the other she placed containers for brought trophies. Teach the children the rules of the game

Everyone has geometric shapes on the chair, 8 pieces each. I took them in my hands and we named the species - this should be done to make sure that all the players know them. Children stand near the chairs with baskets, on the count of 3 they run to the chair with the figures and take only one of the given ones. They return to put it in a container and so on until they have collected all 8 pieces. The one who collects first wins.

So, I prepared: squares, circles, cylinders, triangles, rectangles, cubes. I chose all the items from the available toys, trying to make the geometric figure immediately recognizable. She put three kinds of figures on a chair for each child. In the first round, it was proposed to transfer Alexander - a square and Estella - a triangle to the basket. In the second, a circle and a rectangle, and at the end the remaining cylinder and cube. In the end, players no longer need to choose the right piece, but the excitement of mobile competition continues to be present.

If you are sure that your preschoolers are familiar with volumetric geometric shapes, then the game can be complicated by choosing only them. You can also pick up objects similar to a certain shape. For example, a spatula or a plastic tree resembling a triangle, a ball - a ball, a flask for experiments - a cylinder. Look around and I'm sure you'll find the right items.

Mobile game - Connect the dots with the number

It is similar in style to the previous one. But in this case, players need to put a card with a number on a card with the same number of dots. We still have the “Math from the Diapers” set from the Umnitsa company, which I used. These cards are easy to make yourself, as you will need a small number of them. Dots can be put down by hand or by sticking sticky circles, as on discounted goods.

Such outdoor mathematical games for preschoolers develop knowledge of numbers, their comparison with quantity, attentiveness, competitiveness and the desire to win. Estella was prepared with a set of cards from 0 to 10, Alexander from 20 to 30. It immediately became clear that zero caused difficulty for the girl, and the boy could not quickly determine a large number of points by eye. It was not difficult to explain the concept of zero, but for Alexander I had to replace the cards from 11 to 21. The children played 4 times, the score was 2:2.

To accommodate large dot cards, we moved to an apartment. By moving the dining table to the side, we managed to get 4 meters of takeoff run. The two mathematical games I described gave the children the opportunity not only to move, but it was also clear that they were perceived by them as entertainment.

Board math games for preschoolers

I will only describe a few of the math board games that we have available and are worth checking out. Why are they good? Firstly, board games captivate all family members, which is more likely to spend time together. Secondly, they do not need to be prepared, like the ones I wrote about above. Thirdly, they are aimed at developing different aspects: knowledge of the composition of a number, the ability to add numbers, develop logic.

To complete the story about the games of children in our house, I will write right away about the outdoor game. Although if you have a long table, then it can become desktop. Richard Scarry's Busytown- this is her name and of course she will be loved by children who are familiar with the books of this author: City of Good Deeds, Book about cars, Book of Good Behavior. The age category of players is 3+, I absolutely agree with this, but older preschoolers also play it with pleasure. I purchased it from Amazon, if you enter the name into the Russian search engine, you will see this math game for children on the Russian market.

I would say that this is the first step in the score, since here the players, after scrolling the arrow, need to take a certain number of steps on the way to the goal. The guys develop the ability to play by the rules, to follow the order, attentiveness - this is one of the main factors here, they get acquainted with the hourglass. The bottom line is this:

Players choose characters from their favorite books, there are 4 of them in total. They turn the arrow in turn and, depending on its stop, apply actions: they count steps when making decisions on choosing a road, look for the specified object. The characters move towards the island where the food picnic is located. Pigs are sitting on the island, which, as you know, are very voracious. If the arrow stops at a piglet, then one of the dishes is “eaten” by the opponents. The goal is to arrive on the island before the pigs eat everything.

The peculiarity of the game is that there is no losing player here, since they are playing against piglets. This is a team win or loss. You have probably noticed, dear parents, that it is difficult for preschoolers to lose. Many children cry and even refuse to participate. In this case, this does not happen. I will note one more plus: when the arrow falls on the Golden Beetle with a magnifying glass, you need to take one card from the deck, which depicts the object of the search. The hourglass turns over and the children begin to look for the indicated items in the city. This is great for developing mindfulness, and if you study English language, it will serve as excellent practice, since the drawings on the cards are signed in English.

Continuing the theme of children who do not like to lose, I will tell you about this wonderful board game. It was bought by me when the child was 4.5 years old. The 6+ recommendation did not bother me, since Alexander had long ago mastered the score within ten. We've played several board games before and never had a similar situation with any of them. But this one develops not only addition within ten, to be exact up to 9, but also quick reaction and attentiveness. The child could not count as fast as I did, and giving in has no educational meaning. After several losses, he cried and began to withdraw. I had to pause, then explain that if something does not work out as we would like, then it can only be improved through practice.

Our version of the box is on top of the photo and it is absolutely identical to the Russian one. As a result, after 2-3 months, Alexander reached a fantastic level of addition within 9 and began to beat me! The included bell makes a mesmerizing impression on children, we began to use it in the Fructo 10 set, which will be described below. Definitely, speaking about mathematical games for preschoolers, Halli Gali is in the lead in the practice of addition, bringing it to automatism.

It is very similar to the previous one, but they are perceived in completely different ways. Players can be from 2 to 5, the meaning is the same: find the number 10 as quickly as possible by adding. Variants of the game are allowed by colors and by the type of fruit depicted. Fructo 10 doesn't work as fast as Halli Galli. The hard work of the mind in this game goes not only to find numbers and add them, but also to sort fruits by type, and there are 4 of them in each picture. What my preschooler learned playing this board game is to get 10 by adding several numbers. For example: 2+2+6 or 3+4+3. Such calculations must be made faster than the opponent and my son beats me!

This set was released by the "Gang of wise men" company. After analyzing both mathematical addition games, I advise you to start with Halli Galli and introduce after a while. Which, although recommended for children 7+, has many options, so it is ideal for older preschoolers.

Board game Kalah of the Mancala family

I confess that in our family she is simply called Mancala. This is a two-player logic-math game that is perfect for preschoolers and schoolchildren. I bought it because of a wooden box, imagining what developmental activities I could organize with it. But when I got home and figured out the rules, I realized that its use would be for its intended purpose. It develops logic, building a strategy, calculating moves in advance. There are no random winners in it, if you made a mistake with the calculation, then you lost. Dad and Alexander are fond of her very often - they both liked it. Husband sees potential deep meaning games.

It reminds me a bit of Backgammon, only you don't need to throw dice here. Be sure to read about the history of Mancala, people could not be wrong for centuries. I do not advise you to buy parodies like 2 in 1, take the classic Kalah. If you do not find it in a wooden box, then there is more cardboard version, it will be much cheaper.

Well, dear friends, I hope that the mathematical games for preschoolers described by me will be useful to you in the development of children. And desktop will help to spend time together with the family in a fun and useful way. Let me remind you that I have already described our and games with . If you liked the article, share it with your friends on social media. networks. Please do not copy the entire text, it is better to use the buttons below.

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