Conversation with children on the topic "Summer". middle group

Educational games and activities on the theme of summer for children preschool age form in children ideas about the warm and hot season of summer, about the characteristics and seasonal features of summer nature.

Classes in the form of games develop observation, memory and develop a caring attitude towards nature in children.

Suitable for work for teachers-educators of preschool educational institutions, parents and all inquisitive children.

Game-lesson "In the sky"

We listen to verses and perform various movements

One, two, three, four, five -

Together we go for a walk. (Let's go to the place)

What is above us?

This sky is blue. (Raise hands up)

The sun shines brightly there.

All children are happy with the sun. (We lower our hands through the sides)

What floats in the sky?

Is this a white boat? (Raise hands up)

We are sailing from afar,

Like boats, clouds (We move our hands from right to left)

Birds fly in the sky

High and low. (We wave our arms like wings)

Where do these birds live?

Far and close. (We wave our hands in front of us)

Game "Day and night"

When the teacher says: Day", children jump, run, wave their hands ( birds fly during the day). When he says " Night", everyone should freeze ( birds sleep at night). You can't move. Anyone who moves is out of the game. Then the teacher says again: Day". The game continues.

Game-lesson "Rain"

The sun shone brightly. (Hands up, spread fingers)

All the trees were hot.

The wind blew and blew. (Show how the wind blows)

And he shook the trees. (Raise hands up, swing from side to side)

A heavy rain suddenly poured down,

Wet all the leaves. (Shake hands)

The rain wet the ground

Poured large puddles everywhere. (Spread hands to the sides)

The rain is falling harder and harder.

Where are the puddles?

We will get through, because we can

Jump over puddles! (Jumping in place)

The game "Jumping through the puddles"

On the floor - sheets of paper (you can cut out ovals). These are puddles. Children try to jump over all the puddles - first through small ones, then through those that are larger. Whoever jumps over the biggest puddle will be the winner.

Game-lesson "Summer meadow"

We listen to verses and perform various movements.

We came to a summer meadow. (Let's go to the place)

How beautiful everything is around! (Spread hands out to the sides)

Here are blades of grass and leaves,

Multicolored flowers. (We bring our hands together in front of us)

We will run across the meadow (Run in place)

We lie down on the grass. (Spread hands palms up)

We will raise our legs

Let's shake it up a little. (Cheerfully shake first with one leg, then the other)

We will rest in the meadow

Sunny and warm day. (We squat)

Game "Butterflies and flowers"

On the floor are flowers cut out of colored paper ( cardboard). All children are butterflies. To the music they spin, fly. As soon as the music ends, the children stand on the flowers and squat.

Game-lesson "Berries"

We listen to verses and bend our fingers - we count the berries.

We will go to the forest with a basket,

We'll pick up a lot of berries.

Once - strawberries,

Two - blueberries,

Three - ruddy lingonberries,

And four are strawberries.

Five - forest cherry,

We won't have too much.

Six - viburnum red,

The berry is wonderful.

Seven - sweet raspberry,

Very fragrant.

Eight - blackberry,

Nine - bones,

Ten - blueberry

They ask: "Pick it up!"

Game "Gathering berries"

On the floor are circles cut out of red paper. These are berries. At the command of the teacher, the children begin to collect them. The game will end when all the berries are collected. The winner will be the one who collects the most berries.

Game-lesson "Helpers"

We listen to the verses and show what is being said.

Helping in the garden

We pull out the weeds. (Show how we tear the grass)

Like this, like this

We cut all the grass.

Helping in the garden

We water the beds together. (Show how to water)

Like this, like this

We tear them from the watering can.

Helping in the garden

We collect vegetables. (Show how to assemble)

Like this, like this

We collect them in a basket.

Game "Vegetables and fruits"

The teacher pronounces the names of vegetables and fruits. If the name of the vegetable sounds, the children squat ( vegetables grow on the ground), and if the name of the fruit - get up ( fruits grow on a tree).

Program content: to develop the ideas of preschoolers about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature in summer period;

to form a holistic view of the ecological systems of forests, meadows, reservoirs in the summer season; to acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna of the immediate ecological environment; ; arouse a desire to participate in environmental activities; to consolidate the ability to measure substances with a conditional measure; exercise children in orientation on a sheet of paper, in the ratio of images of numbers with the number of objects.

Material:, meadow flowers, fish, ; cards with symbols on the theme "Protect nature!"; ball; watch dial; letter, picture "Summer"; 3 envelopes with tasks.

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). The riddle will help you find out the topic of our lesson:

The sun bakes

linden blossoms,

Rye ripens -

When does it happen? (In summer.)

IN. What signs of summer do you know? (Children's answers.)

Explain the sayings: "Dawn meets dawn in summer." (Large daylight hours.) "In June, the sun is high, and far from morning to evening." Why do they say: in the summer every bush will let you spend the night?

Children. Because summer nights are very warm.

A letter is brought to the group, which says that the image in the picture "Summer" has disappeared. It is necessary to complete all the tasks and collect a picture of summer. For each correctly completed task, children will be given a gift - a piece of the picture.

Task number 1

Aimed at development logical thinking attention, ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Children need to draw lines by color and location on the sheet.

The teacher shows a card that shows either a line or a geometric figure. Children should look at the card for a minute and complete it from memory on their sheet. After completion, they receive pictures of the sun and flowers as a gift from the educator.

IN. June - "grain". How do you explain this title? (Children's answers.)

IN. Another name for June is "izok", in old Russian - "grasshopper". This is because one of the signs of June is the loud chirping of grasshoppers. Now guess the riddle:

Snow in summer!

Just laughter.

Snow is flying around the city

Why doesn't he melt?

Guys, what is this snow?

Children. This is poplar fluff.

IN. You're right. This snow is poplar fluff. In this way the poplar spreads its seeds. In summer, a lot of plants bloom. So June is folk calendar called "colourful". What do you think about the benefits of flowers?

Children. Insects feed on their nectar. Many are medicinal.

IN. Is it possible to collect bouquets in the meadows? Why? What medicinal plants of our fields and meadows do you know? What can be done so that adults and children do not pick flowers? (Children's answers.)

Practical task. Children come up with prizes, appeals and draw up signal or warning cards like “Don’t pick flowers!”.

Task number 2.

Exercise in the measurement of bulk substances with a conditional measure.

IN. Measure how many teaspoons and how many tablespoons are in a plate of millet.

There are as many plates as there are children. Half of the children are given teaspoons, half - tablespoons.

After measuring under the guidance of a teacher, the children conclude: there are more teaspoons of millet, and less tablespoons.

IN. Guys, why are there more teaspoons of millet and less tablespoons?

Children. Because a teaspoon is smaller than a tablespoon, and less millet is placed in it.

IN. Right. For this you have a gift. (Children are given pictures-images of a tree with a hollow, bees, birds.)

Listen to how July was called in the folk calendar.

July - "Lipets" - linden blossom and bee time. Where do bees live?

Children. They live in hives, hollows and nests.

IN. Are these insects beneficial?

Children. Yes, they collect nectar and make honey - very useful product for people. And some animals love to eat them.

IN. What you need to know when dealing with bees? Is a bee sting dangerous for humans?

Children. Do not wave your arms, do not catch or kill bees.

IN. What literary heroes suffered from ignorance of the rules of behavior when meeting with bees?

Children. Winnie the Pooh, a puppy from the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Who said" Meow "?"

IN. July is the time to bring out the chicks, put them on the wing. Tell me, what birds brought out the chicks? What are the names of the chicks of these birds (according to subject pictures)? What do different birds feed their chicks and how do they teach them to fly? How should one behave if a nest with chicks is found in a forest, meadow or pond? Can I touch them, feed them? Why? Why is it forbidden to make noise in the forest? (Children's answers.)

IN. Hay is harvested in July. And why do people do it? (Children's answers.) What is the name of the place where they mow the grass?

Children. Mowing.

IN. What are people who cut grass called?

Children. Mowers or mowers.

Mobile game "Kosari".

Task number 3.

Exercise in the ratio of the figure shown with the number of items brought.

The teacher gives the child a card with a picture of a number.

IN. Look at your number on the card and bring as many grains.

Children perform. For this, they are given pictures of spikelets and clouds as a gift.

IN. August - “stubble”, “hussar”, “pickle”, “serpen”. August raises the bird on the wing: flocks of starlings are the first to make steep ups and turns with noise. In the evenings and in the mornings, gatherings of rooks scream on nests, and during the day - on prey. In August, summer runs towards autumn. The generosity of August is incalculable: for the whole year people store up bread, prepare pickles, and get animal feed. "Winter has a big mouth, August does not order to sleep." What exactly do people prepare in August? What preparations do your parents make from berries, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms? What you need to know and remember when picking berries and mushrooms in the forest? (Children's answers.)

IN. Guys, what gifts did you get for completing tasks?

Children. The sun, flowers, a tree with a hollow, bees, birds, spikelets and clouds.

IN. Okay, now you need to make a picture "Summer".

Children are offered a drawing paper with a given background, on which they need to stick the received gifts - collective work.

Lesson for young children on the topic: "Summer is coming"


Create situations for the formation of cognitive abilities in children.


Create in children a sense of admiration for summer sunny days

Learn to distinguish the season - summer - from other seasons

Cause an emotionally positive response to the colored colors of summer nature

To teach children to understand and enjoy the long summer holidays, to distinguish holidays from school days


Color pictures depicting the sun, fruits, vegetables, seaside holidays, A4 paper, photos from a personal photo album, poems and stories about summer.

Preliminary work:

Looking at photos about summer

Search for subject literature.

Lesson progress:

Summer, summer is upon us!

It became dry and warm.

Along the track


Legs are walking

The bees are circling

Birds are flying.

A Marinka

Having fun.

I saw a rooster

That's such a miracle! Ha ha ha!

Amazing Rooster:

Top - feathers, bottom - fluff!

I saw a pig

Smiling girl:

Who runs from the chicken

Screams all over the street

Instead of a ponytail, a hook

Piglet instead of a nose


And Barbos,

Red Dog,

Made her laugh to tears.

He's not running after the cat

And behind your own tail!

A sly tail curls

It is not given in the teeth.

The dog hobbles sadly

Because he is tired.

The tail wags merrily:

"Didn't get it! Didn't get it!"

Summer, summer is upon us!

It became dry and warm.

Along the track

Children, you know that the season _Summer will come soon, which means that for three months we will have the hottest days. And they are hot because they shine brightly and high in the sky what?


That's right kids. But the sun shines on us on other days, not only in summer, but in summer it is especially hot and therefore the most beautiful flowers bloom in the meadows in summer, such as daisies (we show in the pictures), roses, peonies. Fruits ripen on the trees (we show in the pictures): apples, pears, plums, grapes. Everything around becomes bright, colorful!

Hands up kids, who loves apples?

Who loves grapes?

And who smelled roses, because they smell very delicious?!

Even in summer, parents with children often go to rest on the sea, because the sea is warm in summer, it is pleasant to swim in it, the sea air has a very positive and healing effect on the health of all children. At sea, we can sail on a ship (show pictures), see dolphins, hear how seagulls scream, sunbathe in the sun, lie on the warm sand, leave the pebbles in the sea.

Those children who cannot go to the sea, many go to the village to their grandmothers, where they help milk a cow, play with other children, go swimming with their parents in the river, play with a goat, help to carry clean water from the well in buckets. Children who have grandmothers who live in the village:

I have! (children raise hands)

But the most pleasant thing for all the kids is that in the summer all the kids have the longest holidays of the year and all the children are looking forward to them all year long. And this means that in the summer you don’t have to learn poems, write letters, you don’t have to read a lot, but you can relax from morning to evening with friends at home or on the street. But at the same time, children grow up over the summer, grow up, become stronger, healthier and are preparing to go to an older group from September.

So, kids, are you really looking forward to summer?

Just be sure to be more careful on the streets in the summer, do not go far from home, obey your parents, do not pick mushrooms without elders and do not pick flowers that grow in fenced flower beds, but autumn. Your kindergarten teachers will be waiting for older and smarter kids.

Summary of the lesson "Hello, summer!"

Target: Formation in children of knowledge about seasonal events animate and inanimate nature.


Teach children to celebrate summer changes in nature;

To form in children the ability to listen and understand the artistic word;

Teaching children to see extraordinary beauty nature and enjoy the world around you;

Previous work . Observation in Everyday life about the phenomena of nature.

Materials: cubes of different colors, crayons, toys.

Children dress up and go outside.

Educator. Guys, today we will not just go for a walk, but go on a trip. Want to? Then let's go. Children make a train and move around the territory kindergarten.

The engine choo-choo, choo-choo

Rushing along the rails at full speed.

Attach a wagon to it, -

It will turn into a train.

The bell is ringing. Stop. Stop "Solar".

Riddles for children:

What is a golden ball

Rolling across the sky

Rolling across the sky

Are people smiling?

(The sun)

Yellow flower in the sky

All year round does not wither

And any petal

Will get to the ground.

(The sun)

The teacher asks the children questions:

What is the weather today? (Warm).

Why is it warm outside? (The sun shines and warms)

Where is the sun? (In the sky)

What is it? (Round, bright, yellow, warm, affectionate, radiant)

What sends the sun to our palms? (Warm)

Expose your palms to the sun. Do you feel the warmth of the sun? The sun heats the whole earth by sending rays to it.

caregiver . Guys, listen to the poem.

Good summer! Good summer!

How much heat is in it, and how much light is in it!

Summer is knocking on our windows in the morning: get up, kids!

Get up ducklings, goslings, calves!

I will wash you all with spring water.

And warm the sun! Grow soon!

caregiver . What time of year is the poem talking about?

Children. About summer

caregiver . Why do we love summer?

Children. It’s hot (now you can walk in sarafans and shorts), the sun is shining brightly, its rays are hot (invite children to touch stones or sand heated in the sun)

Leaves on the trees, the grass is green all around, many flowers (invite the children to look at the green leaves, grass, flowers)

A lot of insects (draw the attention of children to ladybugs, butterflies, snails, beetles).

You can sunbathe and swim.

Ask the children if it is easy to look at the sun. Why? It is bright, yellow, blinding the eyes.

caregiver . Let's play with the sun guys.

Finger game "Sun"
- The red morning has come,
- The sun is clear.

- The rays began to shine

- To entertain small children.

Fingers unbend one by one
- Clouds have arrived

- Hidden rays.

Fingers hide in a cam

Well done! They coped with my questions, it turns out what an unusual sun we have and a wonderful time of the year - summer.

The children are moving by train on the territory of the kindergarten. Stop "Flower".

caregiver . Children, look at what beautiful flowers grow on a green lawn!

Children are looking at flowers.

caregiver . Children, do not pick flowers. You can only smell them. How nice the flowers smell! (Children inhale the aroma of flowers). How many flowers. How beautiful they are. And this is a dandelion.

Listen to a poem about a dandelion.

Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan.

Grow up, dress up in a little white dress,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.

Dandelion - medicinal plant, in medicine, its leaves and roots are used to treat coughs, improve appetite. (Emphasize on appearance flower)

The children are moving on the territory of the kindergarten by train. Stop "Game"

Guys, guess the riddle.

I am like a flower.

And on a bow too.

I love the lawn so much

Nice on a summer day

I flit through the flowers

I drink their sweet nectar

Who am I, guess yourself.

Guess a riddle.

Children. Butterfly.

Educator. Guys, look, a butterfly is sitting on a chamomile. Look how beautiful she is.

Let's turn into butterflies, let's play a game.

- “Spin, spin and turn into a butterfly”

Mobile game "Butterflies". Purpose: to teach to perform actions at the signal of the educator, to develop motor activity, speed of reaction, dexterity.

Game progress:

Children (Butterflies) stand on the edge of the playground, where they go to the words of the teacher: "Butterflies, butterflies flew into the garden", the children put their hands to the sides, run in different directions, running around one another.

caregiver . “Everyone quietly sat down on a little white flower.” The children squat near the flowers of the named color (cubes of different colors). At the teacher’s signal: “oooo”, which means howling wind, storms, butterflies run away from the garden to the edge of the site. The game is repeated to the words “butterflies, butterflies, flew into the field.” The teacher constantly notes the children who easily and quietly ran and squatted.

Educator. It's time to go. Next stop "Playground".

Drawing butterflies with crayons on the pavement. Independent play activity of children on the playground. After the game, the children clean the toys, the portable material is in place.

Educator. Hear the guys, the train has already been waiting for us, we are moving on. Stop "Group". The children go to the group.
