Who is he the hero of our time essay. Who is the hero of our time? The essence and basic requirements for the concept of "hero"

Who are the heroes of our time? Are they among us? I think today this is a rather complicated question, a question from a different reality. Even if we assume that today they exist, because we all live in the same society, it is very important to know who they are. We tried to make a small list of "heroes of our time". And here's what we got.

  1. Muhammad Ali
    The heavyweight who has defeated the most champions in boxing history. Yes, being able to fight is cool. He also ignored the draft for the Vietnam War, as he believed that it was unfair. He was called a coward and banned from boxing for three years. After three years, everyone realized how wrong they were about the coward. Three years later - about the war.
  2. Woody Allen
    The man who proved that women love frail, bespectacled, funny and ugly. Plus he plays the clarinet professionally! Not to mention a genius.
  3. Ostap Bender
    He was witty, like a Soviet kitchen intellectual, and at the same time embodied all his secret fantasies: a powerful neck, an eagle eye, pressure, the ability to earn a living in any situation and anywhere in the USSR, the gift to conquer charming widows and Komsomol members ... But most importantly - absolute freedom.
  4. robot bender
    "Foul-mouthed, alcoholic, heavy smoker, lover of pornography for robots (in the form of electrical circuits) and cooking (although it turns out something inedible, if not poisonous)." Yes, Wikipedia says in clear text that the Bender robot from Futurama is our man!
  5. Chuck Berry
    He rode onto the stage on a small, one-wheeled toilet. He created rock and roll, served time in prison, got into sexual scandals. And at 83, he lights up on stage like ... like Chuck Berry!
  6. Humphrey Bogart
    A heroic cynic with a scar above his lip (an echo of the First World War) and a cigarette in his mouth, he was from that breed of real men that died out with the world wars. And in general, this man starred in Casablanca - best movie of all time by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
  7. James Bond
    If it didn't exist, it seems inevitable that one day it would emerge from the closet in Maxim's editorial office as an emanation of our unspoken desires.
  8. Niels Bohr
    The creator of modern physics, perhaps even more so than Einstein. Physics is a thing! And one more thing: do you know a lot of the creators of modern physics, who in their youth were football players of the national team?
  9. Borate
    Of course, speaking nasty things is stupid, and talking nonsense is disgusting. However, even the ancient Greeks assured that both are very useful for society. So nice too! Therefore, we unequivocally vote for a person who boldly does all this for the whole world.
  10. Joseph Brodsky
    “What a biography they make for our redhead!” - said Akhmatova, when Brodsky was sent into exile for being anti-Soviet. She was right. A caressed genius is valued ten times cheaper than an exiled one. Especially if he, almost the only one of those expelled, could become a full-fledged citizen of the world.
  11. Vladimir Bukovsky
    For a decade and a half in prisons and special hospitals, this principled fighter with the USSR managed to learn biology and English language so now he's a professor at Cambridge. Even admirers of the Soviet system often treat it with respect, since the intellect, will and willingness to suffer for one's beliefs in such a concentration are rarely found in one person.
  12. Michael Bulgakov
    Even if you do not take into account the "Masters" and "Heart of a Dog", to serve as a rural and regimental doctor, get off morphine, be the husband of three beauties at once - this is already an enviable biography!
  13. Anatoly Wasserman
    The great monk of brain activity, whom we respect as a being of a completely different nature. Perhaps an alien.
  14. Simon Wiesenthal
    If we consider Hitler as an absolute evil, then the “Nazi hunter” Wiesenthal will be the main savior of the world for us. Like Superman. Only instead of a blunt square jaw - a cunning Jewish squint.
  15. Woland
    Although evil, we certainly love too. Especially if it appears as such an elegant, intelligent gentleman, and even with such a brilliant retinue.
  16. Vladimir Vysotsky
    From the same breed as Humphrey Bogart. Only ours, native, pokonny, vodka-kitchen and with a guitar.
  17. Serge Gainsbourg
    A singer who became famous as a master of verbal shocking. Although, by and large, his face was enough to shock. And with that face, the man became the lover of the most beautiful French women, including Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin!
  18. Terry Gilliam
    Perhaps the director of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" will answer in our list for the psychedelic. He will also act as an honorary authorized representative of Monty Python.
  19. Paul Gauguin
    At the age of 37, to leave the prosperous life of a bourgeois to become a poor unrecognized genius and die in a thatched hut in Tahiti, painting it with divine pictures that will soon disappear forever ... Even if this is crazy, it is incredibly beautiful.
  20. Robin the Hood
    Of course, robbing the rich and giving to the poor is naive. But archery and living with a gang in the woods is great anyway!
  21. Salvador Dali
    By nature, he was much more normal than any van Goghs and Vrubels, but he diligently struggled with this. For example, he fell asleep with a silver cup in his hand and, when his fingers dropped a heavy object, he woke up and quickly sketched sleepy delirium until he forgot. He wondered a lot and diligently. And in the end almost went crazy actually. Our applause!
  22. Gerald Durrell
    Despite the killed moose and kittens torn to pieces during editorial experiments, we actually love animals! Although, of course, in a somewhat ironic way, like old Darrell.
  23. D'Artagnan
    Whoever did not fence with twigs in childhood was not born in this country! Horses, fights, friendship, Burgundy, “Ikuku beauties”… There was no such concentration of hedonism and drive in one life. Oh, sorry it's fictional.
  24. Robert Downey Jr
    The man who tasted the grass at the age of seven from the hands of his father made a dizzying acting career, served three times in prison for possession of cocaine and heroin, ended up at the very bottom, tied up and swam out. That is, we mean that everyone has a chance.
  25. Steve Jobs
    Even if we do not go into details about the delights of a bitten apple, nevertheless, it is to him that we owe the fact that we have the opportunity to choose.
  26. Sergey Dovlatov
    Probably no one wrote better about journalists. And he lived, too, it must be admitted, curiously and in some places severely.
  27. Richard Dawkins
    You and I are just miserable containers in which immortal genes live, copulate and breed. But there is no God. That means we can do whatever we want! It's all Dawkins came up with.
  28. Inspector Drebin
    Great hero of The Naked Gun. Always be self-confident, emerge victorious from any binding - and at the same time remain a complete idiot! Isn't this the dream of every thinking person?
  29. Venichka Erofeev
    A small but unbroken man, going to that city where the jasmine never fades... Let him be weak, let him. May he never come. But the impulse!
  30. Sergey Yesenin
    Alas, a dead (as it is meant to be) illustration of the tempting principle "Live fast - die young!". Indeed, he did everything.
  31. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
    It's not that difficult to write funny and smart things - it's much harder to find someone who will understand everything and laugh while reading them. The audience of intellectual satirists usually tends to zero. Zhvanetsky was loved by millions.
  32. Thom Yorke
    The leader of Radiohead, a lively and fully functioning rock star of the first magnitude. Since he himself is a singer, a guitarist, and even a drummer in some places, Tom depends little on his bandmates, and the decline of his career is not expected. And he was the first to offer to download his music for free.
  33. Carlson
    Here is a human being, whose charisma is enough for a good regiment of heroes of any caliber!
  34. Garry Kasparov
    He is smart. Located on the right side of the barricades. Rich and married three times. In addition, one of the strongest chess players of all time, if not the most.
  35. Jim carrey
    Even for one comic role - a solid yes! So after all, he also moved into the dramatic - and flashed!
  36. Stephen King
    Without him, this world would not be so terrible. Downright ingenious, devilishly creepy! And somewhere very far from our quiet, nice sofa. Well, fees of 30 million dollars also inspire respect.
  37. Kurt Cobain
    The last real rock idol, whose replacement for seventeen years the planet has not found. It was not his wife or heroin that ruined him, but the fame that he so avoided. Evil rock - in every sense.
  38. Kostik from the Pokrovsky Gates
    He himself is not so much good (although, of course, too), but hospitable, professorial, friendly and so naive Moscow, in which he reigns in all the splendor of his youth and wit.
  39. James Cameron
    Of course, a Hollywood blockbuster is a very dubious pinnacle of modern culture. But what is it. And Cameron is definitely the king of that mountain. If anyone forgot, then the addition: "Terminator", "Aliens", "Titanic", "Avatar" - after all, wherever you spit, he is everywhere!
  40. Johnny Cash
    Cash played a special country music that touched even the rockers. He turned his life into ruins, but, touring prisons, he gained new strength, with which he lasted until the 2000s, when he became a sensation for the hundredth time in his life.
  41. John Lennon
    Lennon or McCartney? We choose less commercial, though more dead. Yes, perhaps it was because of him that the Beatles ceased to exist. But he was the bearer of the ideology. Bespectacled, never afraid to do something hitherto unseen.
  42. Evgeny Leonov
    Perhaps, it can be described with just one word: kind. Even when Leonov played villains, there seemed to be something good about them. There are no absolute villains in the world. And this feeling is worth it. Ku!
  43. Egor Letov
    The toughest punk rebel who was not afraid to send three letters of the CPSU in his songs back in the early 1980s. Short and puny, Letov could single-handedly make a revolution. And perhaps he did.
  44. Bruce Lee
    The man who declassified the secret Chinese martial art of kung fu, so that all sorts of Keanu Reeves waving their limbs with a smart look, and everyone else believed that even small and skinny ones could beat everyone!
  45. Mikhail Lomonosov
    The founder of the glorious tradition of arriving in Moscow with a fish convoy and a bright head, in order to later become an international luminary or, at worst, a billionaire.
  46. Jack London
    At first, he personally tried everything, from selling newspapers to gold prospecting, so that later he could describe it with skill. But now other people can easily compose adventure articles without leaving the computer, simply by coping with its prose.
  47. Randle McMurphy
    Ken Kesey's best character, the psychopathic simulator from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If you hear us, Randle, know that your cause lives on! We, too, are constantly trying to arrange an orgy with alcohol and girls in this damn hospital!
  48. Groucho Marx
    The main master of jokes among the progenitors of the film comedy of the Marx Brothers. At a minimum, he has every honorable right to be on our list as a “friend of friends,” since he was considered their teacher by Terry Gilliam, Dali, Nabokov and Woody Allen at once.
  49. Marcello Mastroianni
    The face of Italian post-war cinema, the alter ego of Fellini, Antonioni, Visconti. Created an image of the intellectual European elite - refined, always slightly absent-minded and elegant.
  50. Dr. House
    The evil doctor Aibolit, who does not break the rules, he simply ignores them. On dark lonely autumn nights, when old barley begins to whine, one especially wants to believe that such a doctor exists.

Do you know any other hero of our time? Share your opinion in the comments below ;)

Hero of our time

Hero of our time
Hero of our time

Title page of the first edition
Original language:
Year of writing:
Special edition:
in Wikisource

"Hero of our time"(written in 1838-1840) - a novel by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. The novel was first published in St. Petersburg, in the printing house of Ilya Glazunov and Co., in 2 books. Circulation 1000 copies.

Structure of the novel

The novel consists of several parts, the chronological order of which is broken. Such an arrangement serves special artistic tasks: in particular, at first Pechorin is shown through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych, and only then we see him from the inside, according to entries from the diary

  • Foreword
    • I. Bela
    • II. Maksim Maksimych
  • Pechorin's Journal
    • Foreword
    • I. Taman
  • PART TWO ( End of Pechorin's journal)
    • II. Princess Mary
    • III. Fatalist

Chronological order of parts

  1. Taman
  2. Princess Mary
  3. Fatalist
  4. Maksim Maksimych
  5. Preface to the magazine

Five years pass between the events of Bela and Pechorin's meeting with Maxim Maksimych in front of the narrator in Maxim Maksimych.

Also, in some scientific publications, "Bela" and "Fatalist" change places.



It is a nested story: the narration is led by Maxim Maksimych, who tells his story to an unnamed officer who met him in the Caucasus. Pechorin, bored in the wilderness, begins his service by stealing someone else's horse and kidnapping the beloved daughter of the local prince, which causes a corresponding reaction from the highlanders. But Pechorin does not care about this. A careless act of a young officer is followed by a collapse of dramatic events: Azamat leaves the family forever, Bela and her father die at the hands of Kazbich.

"Maxim Maksimych"

This part is adjacent to "Bela", has no independent novelistic significance, but is entirely important for the composition of the novel. With Pechorin here the reader meets face to face for the only time. The meeting of old friends did not take place: it is rather a fleeting conversation with the desire of one of the interlocutors to finish it as soon as possible.

The narrative is built on the contrast of two opposite characters - Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. The portrait is given through the eyes of the officer-narrator. In this chapter, an attempt is made to unravel the "inner" Pechorin through the external "talking" features.


The story does not tell about Pechorin's reflection, but shows him from an active, active side. Here Pechorin, unexpectedly for himself, becomes a witness, and later, to some extent, a participant in gang activity. Pechorin at first thinks that a person who has sailed from the other side is risking his life for something really valuable, but in fact he is just a smuggler. Pechorin is very disappointed by this. But still, leaving, he does not regret that he visited this place.

The main meaning in the final words of Pechorin: “And why did fate throw me into a peaceful circle honest smugglers? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calmness and, like a stone, I almost sank myself!”

"Princess Mary"

The story is written in the form of a diary. In terms of life material, “Princess Mary” is closest to the so-called “secular story” of the 1830s, but Lermontov filled it with a different meaning.
The story begins with the arrival of Pechorin in Pyatigorsk to the healing waters, where he meets Princess Ligovskaya and her daughter, called Mary in the English manner. In addition, here he meets his ex love Faith and friend Grushnitsky. Junker Grushnitsky, a poseur and secret careerist, acts as a contrasting character to Pechorin.

During his stay in Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk, Pechorin falls in love with Princess Mary and quarrels with Grushnitsky. He kills Grushnitsky in a duel and refuses Princess Mary. On suspicion of a duel, he is again exiled, this time to a fortress. There he meets Maxim Maksimych.


The case takes place in the Cossack village, where Pechorin arrives. He sits at a party, the company plays cards. They soon get bored and start a conversation about predestination and fatalism, which some believe in, some do not. A dispute ensues between Vulich and Pechorin: Pechorin says that he sees obvious death on Vulich's face, as a result of the dispute, Vulich takes a gun and shoots himself, but a misfire occurs. Everyone goes home. Soon Pechorin learns about the death of Vulich, he was stabbed to death by a drunken Cossack. Then Pechorin decides to try his luck and catch the Cossack. He breaks into his house, the Cossack shoots, but by. Pechorin grabs the Cossack, comes to Maxim Maksimych and tells him everything.

Main actors


Pechorin is a Petersburger. A military man, both in his rank and in his soul. He comes to Pyatigorsk from the capital. His departure to the Caucasus is connected with "some adventures." He ends up in the fortress where the action of "Bela" takes place after a duel with Grushnitsky, at the age of 23. There he is in the rank of ensign. He was probably transferred from the guard to the army infantry or army dragoons.

The meeting with Maxim Maksimych takes place five years after the story with Bela, when Pechorin is already 28.

He is dying.

The surname Pechorin, derived from the name of the river Pechora, has a semantic affinity with Onegin's surname. Pechorin is a natural successor to Onegin, but Lermontov goes further: as r. Pechora north of the river. Onega, and the character of Pechorin is more individualistic than the character of Onegin.

The image of Pechorin

The image of Pechorin is one of the artistic discoveries of Lermontov. The Pechorin type is truly epochal, and above all because it gave a concentrated expression to the features of the post-Decembrist era, when on the surface "only losses were visible, a cruel reaction", while inside "great work was being done ... deaf and silent, but active and uninterrupted ..." (Herzen, VII, 209-11). Pechorin is an extraordinary and controversial personality. He can complain about the draft, and after a while, jump with a saber unsheathed at the enemy. The image of Pechorin in the chapter "Maxim Maksimych": “He was of medium height; his slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong constitution, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change, not defeated either by the depravity of metropolitan life or spiritual storms ... ".


The novel appeared in print in parts from 1838. The first complete edition was published in

  • "Bela" was written in the city. The first publication was in "Notes of the Fatherland", March, vol. 2, No. 3.
  • The Fatalist was first published in Otechestvennye Zapiski in 1839, vol. 6, no. 11.
  • "Taman" was first published in "Notes of the Fatherland" in 1840, vol. 8, no. 2.
  • "Maxim Maksimych" first appeared in print in the 1st separate edition of the novel in Moscow.
  • "Princess Mary" first appeared in the 1st edition of the novel.
  • The "Preface" was written in St. Petersburg in the spring of 2009 and first appeared in the second edition of the novel.


The book was repeatedly illustrated by famous artists, including M. A. Vrubel, I. E. Repin, E. E. Lansere, V. A. Serov.

Origins and predecessors

  • Lermontov deliberately overcame the adventurous romantic tradition of Caucasian-themed novels set by Bestuzhev-Marlinsky.
  • Alfred de Musset's novel "Confessions of a Son of the Century" was published in 1836 and also tells about the "illness", meaning "the vices of the generation."
  • Rousseau tradition and the development of the motive of European love for the "savage". For example, Byron, as well as Pushkin's "Gypsies" and "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
  • Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", " Captain's daughter"and so on.

Related works by Lermontov

  • "Caucasian"- an essay written by Lermontov a year after the end of the novel. Genre - physiological essay. The described officer is extremely reminiscent of Maxim Maksimych, the reader is presented with a typical life story of such a "Caucasian".
  • The drama "Two Brothers", in which Alexander Radin, Pechorin's closest predecessor, appears.

Geography of the novel

The action of the novel takes place in the Caucasus. The main place is Pyatigorsk.

Caucasian peoples in the novel

Literary analysis

Screen adaptations

  • "Princess Mary", ; "Bela",; "Maxim Maksimovich", . Director - V. Barsky. V leading role- Nikolay Prozorovsky. Black and white, mute.
  • "Princess Mary", . Director - I. Annensky.
  • "Bela",; "Hero of our time ", . Director - S. Rostotsky. Starring Vladimir Ivashov (voiced by Vyacheslav Tikhonov).
  • "Pechorin's Journal Pages", film-play. Director - Anatoly Efros. Starring Oleg Dal.
  • "Hero of Our Time", series. Director - Alexander Kott. Starring Igor Petrenko.



  • A site dedicated to the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • International Literary Club: Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • "A Hero of Our Time" in the "Lermontov Encyclopedia"

Let's answer the question: "Who are the heroes?" Starting from the early years of our lives, we listen to stories about brave warriors, people who accomplished a feat, about those who saved human lives dogs and other animals. In our view, a hero is a brave, selfless person who is ready to help at any moment. They admire him, they praise him, they talk about him ... That's who the heroes are, according to many. Ordinary people are far from them. But is it?

Heroes are ordinary people

In fact, the heroes are essentially ordinary people. The only thing that distinguishes them from the rest is that the hero always has a goal to live for the sake of others. Such people never do anything for themselves. They see the essence of human existence, suffering, the problems of our kind, it hurts them to look at unemployment, poverty, disease, war and famine. That's who they are. Heroes are people living among us, under certain conditions and the desire to get closer to them, everyone can.

Distinctive features of heroes

The hero of glory is not looking for. She finds it herself. He simply lives as he considers right, his conscience is unshakable and pure. Heroes are not always accepted and recognized. They always have a lot of envious people who strive to destroy or frame them. However, they endure all troubles with a smile, without losing faith in the best for all of us. So, we answered the question: "Who are the heroes?" However, the topic can be explored in more detail. There are different types of heroes. We invite you to get to know them better.

Heroes of our time

As you know, each era is characterized by its heroes. Who are the heroes of time, and what is "our time" in general? Goethe once said through Faust that the spirit of the times is "the spirit of professors and their concepts." Perhaps there really is no time with its spirit, but only us with our dreams and ideals, ideas, fashion, opinions and other "cultural baggage", fickle and changeable. We, wandering from the past to the future for someone...

The heroes of our time can be both specific individuals and collective images that have appeared thanks to literature, cinema or folklore. For example, Pechorin was such a hero. This is the image created by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, a person with a strong personality opposing the dullness of society.

Origin of the word "hero"

The very word "hero" comes from Ancient Greece. In translation, it means "guardian", "protector", etymologically connected with the patron goddess of vows and marriage. A similar concept in Latin means "to keep the whole."

As a rule, he is the son of an immortal father and a mortal mother. A typical example is Hercules. He was born on earth and after numerous trials returned to his immortal father, finally overcoming his earthly, mortal nature. With his deeds, Hercules showed the way to mankind.

That's who the real hero is. His distinguishing feature is his enormous physical strength. In Russian culture, physical strength has also always been held in high esteem. Every person living in Russia knows who they are. Even a child can tell what qualities the Russian heroes possessed.

Various meanings that are invested today in the concept of "hero"

We use the word "hero" today in a variety of senses, which are sometimes very far from the original. There are, for example, heroes of war and labor, theatrical, bookish, cinematographic, lyrical and tragic. The concept has changed, but not outdated. Still, something else lives in us, forcing the soul to look for landmarks in this world. In such as if in focus, everything valuable and the best is collected, which we ourselves strive for. Therefore, speaking about what heroes we have today, we can also judge about us, about the values ​​that are dear and important to us.

Literary hero

What is a hero in literature? This person is multifaceted and complex. It has two forms - internal and external.

The appearance is created by the following components:

  1. Portrait. This figure, face, body features that distinguish the hero from the rest (for example, Karenin's ears or Quasimodo's hump).
  2. Clothing, which may also reflect the traits of a particular character.
  3. Speech. Her features, no less than her appearance, characterize the hero.
  4. Age, which determines the potential for certain actions.
  5. A profession that shows the degree of socialization, the position in society of a particular hero.
  6. Life story. This is information about the parents, the country in which he lives, which give historical concreteness to the hero.
  7. The components of the interior are as follows:
  • Ethical beliefs and worldview, endowing with value orientations, bringing meaning to the existence of the hero.
  • Attachments and thoughts that outline his diverse spiritual life.
  • Faith (or lack of it), which determines the attitude towards the church and God, presence in the spiritual field.
  • Actions and statements denoting the results of the interaction of the spirit and soul of a certain hero. He can not only love, reason, but also analyze his activities, be aware of his own emotions, in other words, reflect. Artistic reflection allows the author of a literary work to reveal the self-esteem of the hero as a person, to characterize his attitude towards himself.

You can talk about who the heroes are for quite a long time. However, we will limit ourselves to the above. These, in our opinion, are the most important points to remember.

The essence and basic requirements for the concept of "hero". Research and evaluation of the main properties and personality traits that are characteristic of the heroes of our time. Positive and negative aspects of the average modern person, progressive ideas.

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Hero of our timeme - who is he?

The word "hero" can be understood in different ways. On the one hand, this is a participant in some kind of event, on the other hand, this is a special individual who stands out from the crowd due to the outstanding qualities of his personality.

Everyone remembers Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". Lermontov said that "Pechorin is the name of the work," whatever it may be. It's no secret that Pechorin is far from ideal, he is worse than an ordinary egoist, because he is aware of this, but cannot do anything. Therefore, any person can be the hero of our time, regardless of what his profession, education, what he is interested in, what nationality he is - it simply does not matter. We are all heroes, if you look at the situation from Lermontov's point of view.

However, in order to create an image of such a person, it is necessary to single out the most characteristic features of a modern personality, character traits, and behavior from the general mass, and then combine them into one set. In a word, our task is to draw a typical person living in modern times and doing the most typical things for our time.

What is he? It is difficult to answer this question, because all people are different, so it is better to consider each case separately. I will try to draw a bad and a good image, and then - the middle.

So, the bad hero of our time. This is an immoral, selfish person who lives according to the principles “take everything from life”, “you have to try everything in this life”, etc. He is not interested in anything that goes beyond his biological needs and needs for pleasure, usually does not read, smokes and drinks. But he can even be educated, smart, only use his mind for selfish purposes, for his own benefit only. In short, we can say that this is a subject that contributes to the degradation of society.

Who is this real hero of the time, what brings progress, which strives for the highest ideals? Among people of my age, I almost never met such people, probably because I saw little of the world. This person has specific interests, clear views, his own opinion, which is justified and, most often, fair. He does not allow ignoring the culture that is happening in the world and in the life of society. His mind is always aware of the most pressing problems of the world, and most importantly, he has the ability to reason analytically, supporting his arguments with arguments and facts. A true hero of our time must not only reason, but also do something, set a goal to go towards it, because without a goal it is nobody, just a living organism that does nothing. More with regards to qualities - decency, honesty, disregard for public opinion in order to achieve good goals, a broad outlook, well-read, good sports training. It will seem to many that I simply described how I see the ideal hero of our time. Yes, this is only an ideal, it is possible to have such qualities, but it is not always easy to live with them. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

And who should we place in the middle? This individual has morality, but often neglects it, is skeptical about it. Undoubtedly, the "average" has his own opinion, but he does not really like to express it, only if it directly concerns his interests. Most likely, the average student reads fantasy literature, preferring it to Russian classics, or reads exclusively scientific books in the process of studying. At the end of a college or institute, his path that develops the mind ends - the mind is dried up by science, and moral development stands still, or the moral foundations are already fully formed. This hero will not do something if they can think badly about him, sometimes he cares so much about what others think of him that he completely stops believing in himself, although he has good abilities. He is also not averse to having fun or doing "doing nothing", but there is hardly a person who does not do this. Sometimes, the middle peasant does bad deeds, but scars remain on his conscience, he suffers like Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. Dostoevsky.

Yes you? It's not always!

I agree…

His conscience does not always torment him, because everything is relative in this world, as you know. Of course, there is no such specific image, there is no specific person, because everyone is individual, inside everyone there is a whole world, it seems to us that it is not possible to study everyone, because there are also closed people.

And now I will describe a man whom I once considered a hero - he is my friend. You can't say that he was a moral monster, but you can't say that he is perfection either. I admire that he managed to create a new self and get used to life in this image. He is a man of mystery, you do not know what to expect from him. Thanks to this, even respect awakens for him, real, which rests not on fear, but on admiration. Yes, he is funny, he likes to joke dirty, but looking around, you understand that the whole world is like that and it is impossible to be a black sheep - you have to adapt to certain conditions, and a person gets used to everything. And my friend gets used to everything, adapts.

Yes, he is an easy fit!

I assure you, no!

Not material adaptation, not the desire to gain, but the desire to be the soul of the campaign, to amuse everyone, to find a certain key for everyone. He has an incredible ability to please girls, he is witty, which is why some girls say - "oh, he is too smart, I would not date him." Of course, my friend is well-read, enlightened and crazy about sports.

And no weaknesses?

Oh no!

For example, sometimes his own ambitions lead him to a dead end, this makes my friend accept the world as it is, because whatever happens, everything is for the better, as M. Bulgakov said.

Thus, the hero of our time is every person living in our time, whoever he is and what - he is still a hero. In my essay, I described three types of people, which I classified according to certain characteristics, these people are the most common types of such personalities that are found in our society. And finally, I described a person whom I once admired, some of whose wonderful qualities I set as an ideal, but this person is a separate story, he is real, he exists as one of the heroes of our time. Ideals do not exist. All whom I have described, in my opinion, are the heroes of our time. There may be those who are against it. My answer is I don't know.

2. The hero of our time - who is he?

You read the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" This story describes the life of the hero of Lermontov's time, in which all human vices are collected. Maybe there are heroes in our time? Let's figure it out. The hero of our time ... What is he like? What he really is? What are his qualities? Before answering all these questions, you need to find out the meaning of the word hero itself. The well-known Wikipedia explains this word to us like this: “A hero is a person who commits an act of self-sacrifice for the common good.” Let's try based on this definition draw a portrait of a modern hero. Well, a hero is first and foremost a person! But not every person is a person, much less a hero. What qualities should he possess in order to approach the cherished status of a hero of our time? I will not speak for everyone, but I will say my personal opinion, perhaps it is wrong. The hero is not an ideal person, he does not have to be beautiful like a doll, smart like Einstein. The hero may have his own shortcomings, which he does not hide, but does not flaunt. The hero must be smart, not in terms of intellectual, but in terms of spirituality. Have a goal and go towards it; be cunning; know your business; do not waste time; know what he wants; be able to get out of difficult situations; think before you speak; appreciate every minute of your life; to find something good in every person - this is how a modern hero, a real person, should live. Let us turn to the next part of our definition, which says that the hero performs "an act of self-sacrifice for the common good." That is, he sacrifices himself for someone: a friend, parents, children, ordinary passers-by, friends, his city, country. What donations can he make? Well, he can donate his time to help a lost boy find his mom, or save dying Ussuri tigers. He may, well, not sacrifice, but risk his health by caring for a flu-stricken grandmother or saving a drowning man. He can donate his money to help orphanages or save African children from starvation. Yes, there are many things that can be sacrificed for someone. But it’s not enough just to donate, you need to do it completely disinterestedly and know for sure that your help is needed. And why waste time helping those who do not expect help from you, do not ask for it, who do not need help at all? Do something for another person with the goal of reminding them in the future that "I helped you that time, now I want to get help from you!" And a person out of a sense of duty (at the same time he can be accompanied by a lot of unpleasant feelings and emotions) begins to help, despite his unwillingness. Let's put together a complete picture of the hero. So the hero is not perfect. He can be ugly, skinny, unhardworking, contradictory, thoughtful, inattentive. The hero must help others, and not always in the usual ways (for example, Pechorin in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" broke other people's hearts and hopes, showing people that not everyone needs to be trusted and think before doing anything, Don't go with your feelings and emotions. ) The hero, thinking about others, must first of all think about himself, because until there is peace and harmony in himself, no one will feel better around him! Since our goal is to figure out who is the hero of our time, we need to understand the phrase “our time”. We live in early XXI century, and this is not the 19th and even the 20th! Over the past few decades, our lives have changed a lot in many ways, very much. Children are taught at school in such a way that with school preparation you can immediately go to work! Scientists seem to have discovered and studied everything they can (especially British ones). A lot of money is sometimes spent on stupid discoveries and research, but still this does not stop anyone. Now we can almost completely replace our labor with machines: dishwashers and washing machines- instead of the previous basins of water; cars and other transport - instead of triplets of horses; Email- instead of paper mail; the Internet and TV - instead of newspapers and radio. So it is difficult to call the “great” scientists who make life easier for us the heroes of our time. But this is impossible, because due to the discoveries and inventions of all the same scientists, we are slowly degrading! How sad to realize this. That is why the sadness and sadness of people in our time is the lack of communication with other living people. In our time, you need to be cheerful, sociable, cheerful, never lose heart, be able to solve your problems on your own and find the strength in yourself to lend a helping hand to others. Personally, I really miss simple human communication, everyone is mired in the world of the Internet and social networks in which it is (as they think) much easier to communicate. Well, by combining the description of the concepts of the hero and our time, one can get a very complete picture of the modern hero, albeit a little contradictory. Unfortunately, I cannot give the name of such a hero as an example, since I have never met a person with such a characteristic that was described above. But in any case, I know for sure that everyone should become a hero for themselves, feel like a hero, try to be a hero. Then the people around you may begin to admire you. The main thing is to try hard! The main thing is to want!

hero progressive personality

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Who is the "hero of our time"? What he really is? What qualities does it have? It is difficult to answer these questions right away. To begin with, let's figure it out: Who is a hero in life and in literature?

A hero is, first of all, a person with a set of positive qualities. He appears to us as a brave, self-confident, omnipotent person who knows how to get out of difficult situations. life situations and overcome difficulties, who will help at any moment and save, if necessary. They talk about such people with respect, set an example, sometimes even imitate them. But still, an ordinary person who has his own opinion, who does not bend under the opinion of the majority, who does not waste time, who is able to help others for free, without demanding anything for his good deeds, can turn out to be a hero.

We can agree that every era has its heroes.

A hero can be not only an individual, but also a character, a fictional image that has appeared in literature. In fact, the characters are not so perfect, they have their flaws.

The work of M.Yu. Lermontov can help to reveal the meaning of the concept of "hero of our time". A striking example of a "hero of our time" is the image of Pechorin. Lermontov in his novel reflects on eternal questions: the meaning of human life, good and evil, and many others. The novel consists of several parts and in each of them some part of the character of the hero is revealed. The main character of the work, of course, is Grigory Pechorin - an officer Russian army. He is full of arrogance and cruelty. Everyone who meets him on the way: Vera, Mary, and Grushnitsky feel bad. Pechorin interferes in their lives and wants to gain power over them. Without fear, he risks himself and others, tries to resist fate. But he does not find a place for himself anywhere, he craves action. Because of his desire to act, Pechorin destroys the fate of people. He kills his friend Grushnitsky in a duel. Grushnitsky's slander became an occasion for a duel. After the duel, Pechorin is exiled to the fortress, where he meets Bela, the daughter of the local prince. Pechorin forces her brother, in exchange for a horse, to steal Bela, who later became unnecessary to him. With Maxim Maksimych, he maintains friendly relations as long as he needs it. Controversy is one of the main features of Lermontov's hero. Pechorin is tormented by the fact that he cannot find a proper use for his life. Pechorin is considered a "hero of our time" because of his spiritual quest, as he is a bright personality.

The theme of the "hero of our time" is also touched upon in Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons". The main character of this work is Bazarov, the son of a district doctor, a nihilist, a rebel who does not recognize any authorities. He has a special ability to win over people. Bazarov has his own opinion, recognizes only his views on life, says that "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet", "nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it", "I do not share anyone's opinions - but I have my own." The denial of everything is the main feature of Bazarov. This position of Eugene leads to a conflict with Pavel Kirsanov. From disputes with Pavel Petrovich, it becomes known that Bazarov does not believe in God, denies religion, autocracy, serfdom. He called love "rubbish". Soon he meets a smart, beautiful woman, Anna Odintsova. Eugene, having fallen in love with Odintsova, begins to doubt all his convictions. After a conversation with Odintsova, Bazarov realizes that she rejected his love. With the destruction of Bazarov's Views, his whole life collapses. Bazarov is a strong personality in whom eternal human values ​​live. Therefore, he can be called a "hero of our time."

One can come to the conclusion that the "hero of our time" is not an individual person, but a whole collective image that embodies the traits and vices of an entire generation.
