For the school of common sense and common sense. For the school of common sense and common sense Non-liberal economic model


On the joint future of the New Age

On November 29, 2018, the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Institute for Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation (IRKSV) were to hold a round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the PRC and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USSR.

The meeting was planned in the hall of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the participation of the minister and representatives of the Presidential Administration, the government apparatus, and the Foreign Ministry. Scientists, cultural figures, writers, media representatives, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to the Russian Federation were invited.

It was planned to discuss cooperation between Russian and Chinese public and cultural organizations, creative unions and publishing houses in perpetuating the memory of prominent figures in Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation.

At the meeting, it was supposed to present the initiative of the publishing house "Young Guard" to release in the spring of 2019 a biography of Xi Jinping in the "Life of Remarkable People" series.

Book "Xi Jinping. Fate and Peace" written by the famous historian Svyatoslav Rybas. Before writing the book, the author held agreements with authorities in Moscow, including the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation, and specially traveled to Beijing for consultations with specialists from the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

The publication of the book by the Russian side was considered as a foundation stone in the system of meanings of the new post-industrial world order. Xi Jinping is presented in the book against the backdrop of world historical events and contemporary political and economic conflicts. A significant place is given to the lessons of China's struggle for world leadership and world markets. Among the heroes of the book are Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Stalin, modern politicians.

Especially for the round table, a brochure was published with an annotation of the book and indicative fragments of the text.

And suddenly, on 11/25/18, S.Yu. Rybas, representatives of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation are declared. At the same time, the chief of protocol is the head of the department of bilateral relations, adviser Jiang Xiaoyang orally gives the author a "strong recommendation" for a book about Xi Jinping do not publish! In support of this recommendation, an opinion was expressed “about the untimeliness of assessments”, because it is “still too early” to talk about the role and place of Xi Jinping in history.

Understanding the political acuteness of the situation, Rybas S.Yu. – as Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation – cancels the round table on November 29, 2018. And Minister Medinsky V.R., the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and those invited notify of the postponement of the meeting. On the face of diplomatic embarrassment - a state of embarrassment and awkwardness - requiring some kind of permission ...

And if about the role and place of Xi Jinping in history "single destiny of mankind” (renlei mingyun gongtong ti) according to Ambassador Li Hui (photo in the title) it’s too early to talk about "joint future of the New Era"(xin shidai gongxiang weilai) it's time to start a dialogue between competent public organizations of the Russian Federation and China!

For it was under the slogan of the future “common good” (gong xiang) of the New Era that on November 05-09, 2018, the China International Import Expo initiated by Xi Jinping was held in Shanghai, where the Chinese leader put forward the principles of economic globalization in Chinese style.

And if the official authorities do not notice the initiative of Xi Jinping in 2018 "On the Economic Ring of Northeast Asia" and "On the irreversibility of the globalization of the economy", then public organizations there is nothing left for those who are not indifferent to the “common destiny of mankind” but to take on the task of constructing a common future. And to do it by "partisan methods" of people's diplomacy.

For and on behalf of the Institute for Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation, Permanent Deputy Director

On the Internet, I came across an interesting site.

Turns out, there is a project called "School of Common Sense".

On their website we see famous lecturers who teach there: father Vsevolod Chaplin, Mikhail Khazin, Chetverikova Olga, Sultanov Shamil, Geydar Dzhemal, Alexander Ageev, Alexander Nagorny
Mikhail Khazin, Sultanov Shamil, Alexander Ageev and Alexander Nagorny are members of which we have already written about.

Chetverikova Olga- Deputy Valentina Katasonova in "Russian economic society them. Sharapov", about which we will say a few words below, now we will get acquainted with the spiritual leader of the "School of Common Sense". This (do not faint) is a kind of non-politician (!!! a word derived from the science they invented - non-politics) Andrey Devyatov. the official website of this organization has a video of their meeting, where the non-politician Devyatov talks about their achievements, highlighting in a practical way the creation of the “School of Common Sense". -656 p., on page 640 in the chapter “Instead of a Conclusion” he writes: “Obviously, in today’s Russia, which has gone far from God, Christian guidelines seem to many of our fellow citizens to be something distant and abstract. common sense (which is also from God)". Thus, it is no coincidence that the name chosen for this school is "School of Common Sense".

Let's analyze what ideas their leader Devyatov Andrey brings. On this video at 0:02:34 sec. Devyatov talks briefly about his views, which are connected with the construction of the "Kingdom of God on earth" in Russia, and the White Tsar, who will resist the Antichrist and unite all the peoples of Russia to begin with, and then apparently the whole world.

These figures are associated with people who pretend to be Orthodox Slavophiles: Katasonov, who throws out Christ, replacing him with common sense, and the aforementioned Chetvirikova Olga, who is a member of the so-called "School of Common Sense". And here she is at a joint meeting with Andrei Devyatov and his activists, where at 02:13:10 she reports that the hierarchs of all world religions profess another religion - the religion of power, and all believers for them are nothing more than cattle.

If we develop her thought, it turns out that Patriarch Kirill also professes this religion, and it turns out that we must make a revolution in the Russian Orthodox Church in order to restore justice. But one must understand that the struggle against Orthodoxy is the main task of the builders of the new world order, about which.

As they say, draw your own conclusions ...

For some time now in Russia there has been a "School of Common Sense" under the Club of Comrades of the Military Institute foreign languages Red Army in Moscow.
“The School of Common Sense, precisely from the point of view of common sense, tries to understand the pressing issues of our life: be it politics, religion or ethics. the main objective- evaluate the events of the past, present and future from the point of view of common sense.
The name of the school makes one think that this school should teach healthy sense, but not the sense of health. Nevertheless, the concepts of “health” and “meaning” should be developed to the utmost, since the school “it is from the point of view of common sense that it tries to understand the pressing issues of our life: be it politics, religion or ethics, to assess the events of the past, present and future." This is necessary in order to resist "in the tectonic processes of global transformation" coming, as it were, from the West.
Of course, this school should not be based on the definition of health World Organization health (WHO) Western, in fact, since "what is good for a Russian is death for a German." Conversely, Western values ​​are deadly for Russia. This is indicated by the results of the restructuring. No, people stay, but it will soon be impossible to say “here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia”.
As for the concept of "meaning", it is not necessary to go into semantics and semiotics to reveal what it is. It is enough to listen to the non-politician Mr. Andrey Petrovich Devyatov. And he says that “on May 7, 2018, the inauguration is the inauguration of the newly elected president of the Russian Federation after the March 18 elections. So, if everything remains the same at the victory parade on May 9, the Mausoleum will remain fenced off with cardboard fences, there will be a temporary platform, they will sit on this platform, then the “kairos” have not been caught. Kairos is a surge of energy from the East, great power. “If the mausoleum is without fences, if the newly elected president himself leads someone to the firmament of the mausoleum, then the kairos will be caught. Then, from 2021, the transformation of Russia will begin and will continue until 2032.” The fact is that Lenin's mausoleum is a symbol of victory. The banners of the defeated enemy were thrown to the foot of the mausoleum in 1945.
Without belittling or exalting the concept of “intelligence of the future” by A.P. Devyatov, without objecting or criticizing, I would like to note that neo-paganism emanates from it - divination, unraveling hidden meanings - the meanings of signs or signs, sacred symbols. Fortune-telling was widespread during paganism, polytheism, in the era of ancient pluralism.
Now it should be said that “the one whom the newly elected president himself leads to the firmament of the Mausoleum is a spiritual leader. He is recognized by the heart." This is vaguely reminiscent of how John the Baptist predicted the appearance of Christ. In this regard, one can think that if the spiritual leader appears, this event will symbolize the onset of the end of liberalism in Russia, the decline of the era of neo-pluralism (neopaganism), proclaimed by the spiritual leader - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU M. Gorbachev in 1985.
Of course, the newly-minted spiritual leader cannot but bring a new teaching, It just so happened. First, Christ brought people a new teaching, the New Testament, then Marx brought a new teaching - Marxism. People stopped guessing. They began to believe in the appearance of the kingdom of heaven on earth and communism. Pagan uncertainty and multi-variant development have gone for centuries.
Will there be an even newer teaching?
On February 2, 2018, it became known that "in the Civic Chamber of Moscow, a joint meeting of the Moscow Club "Nation's Values ​​and National Interests of Russia" and the School of Common Sense of the Club of Comrades of the VIIA KA was held.
Topic: "Message of the Reasonable from the people, to the peoples and authorities. To all those who love Russia"
Speakers: Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich, Ibragimov Alexander Garunovich, Devyatov Andrey Petrovich, Kurchakov Rustam Sultanovich, Galyamov Rashid Zamirovich.
Message text
“That new Russia that exists, according to the 1993 constitution, is built on interests (benefit). Russia is a multinational country. national interest different peoples- different. Hence the annoyance. The Russia that is coming after 2015, in order to stand “in the tectonic processes of global transformation”, must be built not on the interests (of peoples, clans, individuals), but on uniting values. That is, not for profit, but for conscience; not on well-being, but on grace; not on philistinism, but on honor and glory; not on force, but on the truth! Values ​​are in the heart, not in the logic of a big mind. People's values ​​manifest as shame and conscience. Values ​​are kept by creeds, not party ideology. In the USSR, the values ​​of what was called the "Soviet people" were carried by the "red faith" in a bright future - the dream - of all mankind.
Let us focus on the fact that “the new Russia that exists, according to the Constitution of 1993, is built on profit”, that is, on the pursuit of profit. “The Russia that comes after 2015 must be built not on profit, but on grace.” That is, it is Holy Russia, the sky, in the terminology of non-politics, the antipode of geopolitics. The sky is associated with sacred power, the earth with worldly power. So Armageddon or the "Battle of the End" is, in fact, a struggle between spiritual and material values. And she goes to the territory of Russia.
Need to define common sense values. And the meaning of material and spiritual values ​​is that they should bring health, which has objective indicators and subjective indicators - a sense of self. Objective indicators, in particular, are given by a urine test, which is attacked by the non-politician A.P. Devyatov.
In general, a healthy mind a healthy mind, a healthy mind a healthy body.
In philosophy, spirit is thinking. Thinking can be based on traditional logic and on crooked logic. Crooked logic is called paranoia, paranoia. It is found in eclecticism and sophistry. In the science of psychiatry, paranoia is classified as a pathology.
However, commercial calculation, non-equivalent commodity exchange, the pursuit of profit, self-expansion of value are based on crooked logic - capital and capitalism. The pursuit of profit, profit five thousand years. And the armageddon between the socialist and capitalist camps proved that crooked logic dominates minds and souls more than traditional logic.
Defeat of the Spirit during the first Armageddon ( cold war) suggests that the second Armageddon (hybrid war) must be waged differently in order to win. However, it seems that the paranoia of profit cannot be defeated. Then you need to at least not lose and conclude a settlement agreement. Its fundamental essence is spelled out in my works, in particular, in the work “New Political Theory. Short Course.

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