Animals living in South America. What animals live in south america

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South America is rich in a variety of plant and animal species. This is primarily due to the fact that most the territory is occupied by tropical rainforests, in which in small areas you can find a great variety of diverse life forms, many of which are not yet known to scientists. Except for the boundless rainforest, v South America there are steppes, which are called pampas, coniferous and deciduous forests. All of them are located to the south, in a more temperate climate.

The main part of the tropical forests of South America is located in the Amazon basin, for which this region was called the Amazon. Scientists believe that the Amazonian forests are the "lungs" of the planet. Indeed, they absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide and release a lot of oxygen, maintaining the balance of these gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

The climate of the tropical forests is warm and humid. It's never winter here. All this contributes to the rapid development of life. Plants use every centimeter of space to gain a foothold and make their way to the sun. Many of them have adapted to live on big trees using their trunk and branches as soil. This allows them to be closer to the light. Many insects live in these forests, among which you can find huge beetles and butterflies. Because of the bright light and a lot of light reflections, birds, butterflies and even flies had to “dress up” in incredibly colorful and bright outfits.

Unfortunately, America's rainforests are being mercilessly destroyed for valuable timber. By cutting down trees, people destroy the habitat for millions of other plants and animals. Clearings leave the land bare, and stormy torrents wash the soil into rivers. This leads to the fact that in the next hundreds of years the restoration of tropical forests becomes almost impossible.

Jaguar is the most large predator South America. The body length of jaguars is up to 2 m, and the mass reaches 130 kg. This is a close relative of the African leopard, only stronger and more densely built.

Before intensive human use of tropical forests, jaguars lived in the territory from Argentina to the United States. Now these are rare animals and are found only in remote forest places.

Jaguars try to stick to forest waters, they are excellent swimmers and climb trees. Like most big cats, he lives and hunts alone. The prey is guarded and rushed at it from an ambush. They catch ungulates, monkeys, large rodents - capybaras, without abandoning the monkeys that have descended to the ground.

Males and females come together only during the breeding season. After mating, the male immediately disappears, leaving the female to take care of the offspring. Previously, jaguars were distributed throughout South America, now their range is limited to dense impenetrable forests and national parks.

Armadillos are peculiar mammals, they can be found only on the American continent. The smallest of the armadillos is the small frilled, or Argentine shield-bearer, the body length is not more than 12-15 cm. The giant armadillo, the largest of the armadillos, reaches a length of more than 1 m and weighs about 50 kg.

These animals got their name for the bony shell, which is laid in their skin and serves as a passive defense tool against predators. From above, the bone plates of the shell are covered with a horny substance. Armadillos have little wool, only rare tufts can be seen on the belly and between the plates. Therefore, there are no armadillos in the cold regions of the continent; they are heat-loving animals.

The nine-banded armadillo is quite common in America. Its dimensions are small, the body length reaches half a meter, and the weight is 5-8 kg. Armadillos have long claws, 3-4 cm, so when walking, the front paws rest on their tips. They run fast enough.

Armadillos are excellent diggers. In case of danger, they quickly, in a few minutes, dig a hole and hide underground. It is difficult for a predator to grab them by their protected back. When attacked, armadillos try to hide first, usually quickly burrowing into the ground. But in extreme cases, they roll up into a tight ball, so that the whole body is protected by a shell.

Armadillos live in burrows and are active at night. Their food is varied: frogs, lizards, juicy fruits and mushrooms, but termites are their favorite. With the help of long claws, it easily destroys termite mounds.

Having few enemies, armadillos are not too sensitive to danger. So, they often get out on the highway at night and do not run away even in the headlights, for which they often pay with their lives.

giant anteater

In the tropical part of Central and South America, peculiar mammals live - anteaters. The largest among them is the giant anteater.

In these animals, the anterior part of the head is disproportionately elongated and looks like a tube. The mouth is so small that only a thin one can fit through it, long tongue. Giant anteaters have a huge flat tail, with which they cover themselves like a blanket while resting. The length of such a blanket is almost a meter, and the width is 80 cm.

Anteaters live in forests and savannas. Most of the time they roam in search of food, mainly ants and termites. The main tool for the extraction of insects is the tongue - a kind of trapping organ. It is wetted with sticky saliva and pulled out of the mouth like a string, more than 60 cm. Such a tongue allows the anteater to reach the most secluded places of the ant dwelling. To destroy impregnable termite mounds, anteaters use powerful forepaws armed with claws. Even jaguars fear these claws. In the event of an attack by a predator, the anteater is able to inflict terrible, non-healing wounds on it. Only young, inexperienced jaguars risk attacking a large anteater.

The female anteater gives birth to only one cub, which she carries on her back.

Maned wolves have a thin body and long legs, its weight reaches 25 kg. Being tall, they can look out for prey in the pampas and coastal lowlands where they live. Maned wolves feed on small mammals, insects, birds, plants, and fruits. They live alone, meeting only during mating. The female usually gives birth to three or four cubs and raises them herself. The beautiful and unusual maned wolf, with its red fur, black muzzle, mane and paws, was nicknamed the fox on stilts, and it really looks more like a fox.

The economic development of the areas where they live and the intensive hunting of wolves have led to a sharp reduction in their numbers. For the past hundred years they have been constantly pushed further and further west.


Tapirs are unusual animals. They are heavy, densely built, with short, thick legs and a small trunk. Outwardly, they resemble pigs, but they are larger. The body weight of tapirs reaches 300 kg. Tapirs are related to horses and rhinos. They belong to the order of equids.

The lowland tapir lives in the swampy forests and scrublands of South America. Its body is painted dark brown. Young tapirs have a yellow or reddish body with bright white stripes or spots. Such motley coloration makes them invisible to predators.

Tapirs are exclusively herbivorous. They spend the whole night eating a variety of plants, mainly aquatic ones. They are excellent swimmers, and in order to get the tasty parts of some plants, they are able to dive to a considerable depth. They live alone or in pairs, trying not to go to the neighbors' plot.

Tapirs are easy to train and do well in captivity.

In the Andes, from the foothills to the borders of eternal snows, passing at an altitude of 5 km, llamas live. These are pets. Local Indians tamed llamas long before the arrival of the Spaniards in South America. They use them as beasts of burden and for meat and wool. Lamas are very hardy: laden with luggage weighing tens of kilograms, they are able to walk for many kilometers without rest. In addition, they run great, on the mountain plains reaching speeds of up to 50 km / h.

The ancestors of llamas are wild guanacos, which are still found in the Andes. Guanacos are unpretentious, they feed on grass and mosses, they can even drink salt water. A favorite pastime of guanacos is swimming in mountain streams. They are happy to lie or stand in a cold stream for hours. And swim with great willingness and very well.

The Indians also domesticated alpacas, which are very similar to llamas, only smaller in size and have a thicker and longer coat. They probably also came from guanacos. Llamas, alpacas and guanacos are relatives of camels and belong to the callous-footed order. They easily interbreed with each other and give numerous offspring.

Vicuña lives in the most severe hard-to-reach high-altitude (over 4000 m) regions of the Andes. It belongs to the camel family and is perfectly adapted to life at high altitude. Thick fur reliably protects her from the freezing cold, and in very rarefied air she breathes easily due to the fact that her blood tends to be well filled with oxygen.

Vicuñas live in groups consisting of one male, several females and their cubs. The remaining males gather in independent groups of bachelors. Vicuñas feed on grass and lichen.


The capybara, or capybara, is the largest of all rodents that exist on earth. Her body reaches more than a meter in length, and she weighs about 60 kg. The capybara lives, as a rule, not far from the water: in swampy areas, in the coastal regions of rivers, in the forests and plains of South America - from Panama to Argentina.

During the dry season, capybaras gather in groups of 100 or more individuals near water bodies. Usually they live in small families (from 10 to 40 animals), consisting of dominant males and females with cubs. The rest of the males live separately and often fall prey to jaguars and anacondas. Capybaras are often attacked by predators, lying in wait near or inside water bodies where capybaras come to drink. Animals feed on grass and aquatic plants.


Many different monkeys live in tall trees in the tropical forests of South America. Most often found koats. With strong tails, they cling to branches, jumping from one tree to another. There are four types of these monkeys. Most of them are black or dark brown.

They mainly feed on fruits, seeds, flowers, but they can also eat insects and bird eggs. Koats live in rather large communities, which are often divided into smaller groups. These monkeys are very mobile, they are dexterous acrobats and are among the most common species of monkeys in South America.

Endemics of South America Pampa (steppe) SELVA patagonia Savannah and woodlands (campos)

Endemics -

(from Greek éndemos - local), species, genera, families

plants and animals, limited in their

spread over a relatively small area

Vegetable world

Animal world

Victoria amazonica

Paraguayan tea





Armadillo - giant

  • The sheet maintains loading to 50 kg.
  • Flower diameter 40 cm.
  • The color of the petals varies from white to purple-dark.


  • Evergreen tree height 6-16 m.
  • Forms thickets, which are now significantly exterminated.
  • A tonic drink, mate, is prepared from leaves and young shoots.


Masdevalia Veycha

Masdevalia crimson

Dracula vampire

cinchona tree hevea tree MONKEY TOY weight - 50-70g and up to 30 cm in length.

  • The slowest mammal
  • Sleeps, hanging on a branch upside down.
  • On the limbs are sickle-shaped claws.
  • Can go a long time without food

Lives in the Amazon rainforest

  • Lives in the Amazon rainforest
  • Up to two meters long.
  • It has a shell of horny shields.
  • Feeds on carrion.


Most large rodent on the ground


Distribution area

Water boa, the most big snake on the ground. Reaches a length of 10-11 m



Distribution area

Morfida Elena

Endemic upper river. Amazons (Peru).

Sailboat Orellana

Endemic upper river. Amazons (Peru). The species was named by the English naturalist Hewitson in honor of the Spanish conquistador Orellana.


Rare endemic of the middle Amazon. Named by the famous English naturalist Henry Bates in honor of the last Assyrian king Sardanapal.



  • The smallest bird on Earth, slightly larger than a bumblebee.
  • Makes 500 swings per minute (like an insect).
  • Doesn't sit on a flower.
  • Almost does not fly, most of the time keeps on the trees.
  • chicks have two fingers at the ends of the wings.
  • It feeds on leaves and fruits like a ruminant.
  • National bird of Guyana

Distribution area


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2. Like Australia, South America stands out among the continents with the originality of the organic world. Long-term isolation from other continents contributed to the formation of a rich and largely endemic organic world in South America.

The flora of South America is represented by a wide variety of endemic plants. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

3. Amazonian Victoria is common in the river basin. The Amazon in Brazil and Bolivia is also found in the rivers of Guyana that flow into the Caribbean Sea.

The locals called this aquatic plant "apona", which in their language means "frying pan for birds." Yes, this flower is indeed somewhat reminiscent of this kitchen utensil.

The diameter of its sheet can reach 2 meters, while it can withstand a load weighing up to 50 kilograms. Thanks to these achievements, the water lily Victoria - regia was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the largest flowering plant on earth."

The underside of the leaf is completely covered with sharp and long spines that protect the leaf from herbivorous fish and other aquatic animals. The underside of a Victoria amazonian leaf is dark purple or brownish red.

The plant has small holes through which all excess moisture leaves the leaf surface. Victoria herself has long cord-like roots.

Its flower is placed under water and appears on the surface only once a year - during flowering, which lasts only 2-3 days. At this time, a large water lily flower appears in all its glory. The flower blooms only at night, and at dawn it collects all its petals and goes under water. On the first day of flowering, the flower opens petals of a pale white color. The next day they already have a soft pink hue, and on their last evening the flower becomes dark crimson or purple. After that, he falls under the water and does not appear again. Under water, a large fruit begins to form, containing small black seeds. Local Indians use them to prepare a very unusual dish that tastes like roasted corn.

4. Paraguayan tea - evergreen tree height 6-16 m. In the wild, distributed in South America between 12 and 33 ° south latitude at an altitude of 500-900 m above sea level, forms thickets, which are now significantly exterminated. From the leaves and young shoots of Paraguayan tea, a tonic drink is prepared - mate, for which it is cultivated.

To make a drink, crushed mate leaves are poured into hot water. Drinking mate turns into a very solemn ritual.

Paraguayan tea is served as follows: in a special round cup made of a small thin-walled gourd, beautifully painted, yerba powder is poured, boiling water is poured and a silver tube (bombije) with a spatula-shaped strainer is inserted (widened ending with small holes through which the powder does not penetrate) . The drink is ready, it is not mixed with a straw, the yerba floats in boiling water in the form of a thick green slurry. Mate is not drunk in sips, but sucked with pleasure. There is a custom to drink a drink in turn. The gourd cup goes around in circles until someone thanks the owner. It is recommended to drink slowly, but not more than a minute (squeeze 2-3 sips of a hot drink, such is politeness).

The effect of Paraguayan tea on the body is much more beneficial than that of Chinese tea. About half of the caffeine in yerba is in a bound state, resulting in a mild effect; the use of Paraguayan tea improves the functioning of the heart and stomach, dilates blood vessels, strengthens memory and the nervous system.

According to some, drinking mate promotes normal digestion and proper metabolism and serves as a source of peace of mind and vitality. According to others, this is the greatest evil, bad habit, a waste of time, a breeding ground for diseases (note that a silver drinking straw is recommended).

5. Forests in river valleys that are flooded for a short time are also characterized by a significant number of vines and epiphytic plants, among which the most beautiful are orchids with their bizarre, diverse and brightly colored flowers.

2. The very rich and peculiar fauna of South America is distinguished by a large number of endemics: sloths, anteaters, armadillos, broad-nosed monkeys, puma, jaguar, peccaries, coypu, capybara, chinchillas, "tenacious-tailed bear", etc.

6. Perhaps the most striking example of the influence of the environment on an animal is sloths - representatives of one of the three families of the edentulous order, endemic and characteristic of South America. Like many monkeys, sloths very rarely descend to the ground and constantly hang, clinging to a tree branch with all four paws, belly up and back down. In their coarse, long, dirty-ashy hair, directed from the belly to the back, humid air algae settle in the gilea, giving the animals a greenish color. Sloths feed on leaves and fruits, moving extremely slowly from branch to branch and for a long time, doing without food at all.

7. Another representative of the edentulous is also terrestrial - a giant armadillo, reaching a length with a tail of almost two meters. Usually, these only owners of a bone shell on Earth prefer open spaces, but the giant armadillo lives precisely in the thicket of the Amazonian hyla.

8. Capybara is the largest rodent on Earth. Body length 1 - 1.8 m, weighing up to 70 kg. Always stays close to water; lives in swamps, on the banks of flowing reservoirs. At the first sign of danger, the animal immediately dives under the water. It can stay there for about a minute. It is found in the northern regions of South America, mainly in the Amazon and the Andes.

9. Creature, intending to escape from the persecution of predators in the water, unpleasant encounters with the anaconda await.

10. Among the trunks carried by the Amazonian rivers, it is not always possible to quickly distinguish the backs of caimans, characteristic only of South America, or alligators.

11. Perhaps more dangerous than crocodiles is a small (up to 30-40 cm) fish - piranha (or piranha). A flock of these voracious toothy fish is capable of dissecting any body (including a person) to a skeleton in a very short time just as well as an anatomist.

12. The fauna of reptiles, fish and insects is diverse.

And there are a lot of birds here. No wonder South America is called the "bird continent". About a quarter of all bird species known to us live here. Half of the local bird species are endemic. These are nandu, hoatzin, toucans, hummingbirds, parrots, etc.

13. Hummingbirds - "living gemstones" (or "flying jewels") weighing 2-3 g - hummingbirds are just some of the representatives of the exceptionally diverse birds of the Amazon. Hummingbirds live only in the New World, with the vast majority of species - 233 - living in the tropical parts of South and Central America.

Buffon describes these birds as follows: “Of all living creatures, the hummingbird is the most beautiful in shape, the most magnificent in color. Precious stones and metals, which are artificially given their brilliance, cannot be compared with these living jewels. These little birds are an exemplary work of nature. She showered him with all the gifts that she gave to other birds separately. Ease, speed, dexterity, grace - everything became the lot of these little favorites of hers. Emeralds, rubies, topazes sparkle on their clothes, which never get dirty or dusty, because in their entire aerial life they do not even touch the ground for a moment. They are always in the air, fluttering from flower to flower, the brilliance and freshness of which they are endowed with and the nectar of which they drink.

Hummingbirds live only in those zones of the earth where flowers are forever renewed, and those species of this family that penetrate into summer temperate zone stay there for only a short time. It seems as if they follow the sun in its forward and backward motion and on the wings of a marshmallow they march in a retinue of eternal spring.

Hummingbirds are the smallest of the birds. The largest species are no larger than a sparrow, the smallest - from a bumblebee. The beak of all species is thin, sometimes curved. With its help, birds get nectar from flowers and catch small insects. Only males are brightly colored, females and young ones have a duller greenish or brownish plumage. Only females build a nest and feed the chicks, males do not take any part in this. The nest is a dense, deep cup made of plant fibers, plant fluff, wool, moss, braided with cobwebs. Clutch 2 or, in small species, 1 egg.

The flight of a hummingbird is fast, maneuverable, they can flutter for a long time in place near a flower like a hawk moth, while a kind of buzzing is heard.

Most species live in open light places in the middle of the forest, along the edges, thickets of shrubs and in meadows, up to alpine ones, they are less common in steppes and semi-deserts.

A number of species are associated with certain plants on whose flowers they feed, and their distribution is limited. There are species that are found only on one mountain (for example, the Chimboras hummingbird, which lives only on Mount Chimborazo at an altitude of 4500 - 5000 m).

14. Of particular interest are rare hoatzins; their featherless chicks deftly climb the trunks, recreating the image of Archeopteryx. Hoatzins almost do not fly, most of the time they stay in trees and rarely descend to the ground.

Vegetable food: eats leaves and fruits, which it digests with the help of fermentation, like ruminants. From this, hoatzin has an unusually nasty, unpleasant, manure smell. Hoatzin meat has a sharp, musty smell, is inedible and is never eaten even by the natives. European settlers called, therefore, the hoatzin "stink bird". The word "hoatzin" is borrowed from the language of the Aztecs. Hoatzin - national bird Guyana.

Endemics of South America
Amazonian dolphin
Amazonian manatee
andean cat
giant anaconda
giant anteater
mountain viscacha
mountain tapir
two-toed sloth
Dinoponera giant
Imperial tamarin
pygmy marmoset
brown-breasted myrmothera
cat otter
Geoffroy's cat
Bald uakari
Mary (rodents)
leaf cutter ants
ordinary coat
pampas cat
Striped possum
Securan fox
Chilean cat
Chiloes opossum
South American fur seal

Animal life of the Andes

The animals of South America are striking in their diversity, as are its landscapes.

The Andes are the longest mountains on the planet, they are about 9 thousand kilometers long. These mountains are located in different zones: in the temperate, two subequatorial, equatorial, subtropical and tropical, therefore, more plants grow in the Andes and a variety of animals are found.

In the lower tier equatorial forests deciduous and evergreen trees grow, and at an altitude of 2500 meters there are cinchona trees and coca bushes. Cacti and creepers grow in subtropical zones. In the Andes, there are many valuable plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, coca, cinchona trees.

The Andes are home to over 900 amphibian species, 1700 bird species and 600 mammal species, which are not found in large flocks as they are separated by densely growing trees. Bright large butterflies and large ants live in the forests. Nests in dense forests a large number of birds, the most common are parrots, in addition there are many hummingbirds.

On the animal world The Andes have been negatively impacted by human activities. Previously, many condors lived here, but today they have survived only in two places: the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Nudo de Pasto.

The condor is the largest flying bird on the West Coast. It has black shiny plumage, and a collar of white feathers is folded around the neck. A white border runs along the wings.

Female condors are much larger than males. Sexual maturity in these birds occurs at 5-6 months. They build nests on rocky cliffs, at an altitude of 3-5 thousand meters. The clutch usually contains 1-2 eggs. Among birds, condors are long-lived, as they can live for about 50 years.

The Andean condor has simultaneously become a symbol of several Latin American states: Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. In the culture of the peoples of the Andes, these birds play an important role.

But, despite this, in the twentieth century, the number of these large birds decreased significantly, so they were included in the International Red Book. Today, condors are in the group of threatened species.

It is believed that anthropological factors have become the main reason for the degradation of condors, that is, the landscapes in which these birds lived have changed. They are also poisoned by the carcasses of animals that people shoot. Among other things, until recently, condors were specifically shot, as there was a misconception that they posed a threat to domestic animals.

To date, several countries have organized programs to breed condors in captivity, with their subsequent release into the wild.

Unusual Islands of Lake Titicaca

Unique animals live not only in the Andes, but also in the areas of Lake Titicaca. Only here you can meet the Titicaca whistler and the wingless great grebe.

The Titicaca whistler is a frog endemic to Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is unusual for its floating Uros islands. According to legend, small tribes of the Uros Indians settled on floating islands several millennia ago in order to separate from other peoples. These Indians themselves learned how to build islands from straw.

Each island of Uros is formed from several layers of dry reeds, while the lower layers are washed away over time, but the upper layers are constantly updated. The islands are springy and soft, and water seeps through the reeds in some places. The Indians build their huts and make "balsa de totora" boats, also from reeds.

The wingless grebe is a bird that visits Lake Titicaca from time to time.

To date, there are approximately 40 floating Uros islands on Lake Titicaca. Moreover, on some islands there are observation towers and even solar panels for generating energy. Excursions to these islands are very popular among tourists.

Animals endemic to South America

Pudu deer are found exclusively in South America. The growth of these deer is small - only 30-40 centimeters, the body length reaches 95 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 10 kg. These deer have little in common with their relatives: they have short straight horns, small oval-shaped ears with hair, and body color is gray-brown with indistinct white spots.

Pudu deer live in impenetrable thickets, and come out to open places only at night to feed. They mainly graze on the seashore, where there is a large amount of fuchsia algae, which form the basis of the diet of deer.

In summer, these deer are extremely cautious, but in snowy winters they approach villages, where they are often attacked by dogs. Previously, pudu deer were found in abundance in Chile, Argentina and the Andes. But today there are only small populations in the coastal regions of Chile and on the Island of Chilos. Pudu are in the Red Book.

The fauna of South America has learned to survive in conditions of tropical downpours, in proximity to people, and in the high Andes. Due to the diversity of the climatic zones of South America, a unique fauna has formed here, which people are obliged to preserve and increase.

South America is a continent whose wildlife is incredibly rich and diverse. What animals live in South America, and what plants grow there ... want to know?

South America - ranks 4th in size among other continents the globe. Every continent has something unique and inimitable, and South America is no exception.

Even a seasoned traveler has something to be surprised at, there are tropical rainforests, savannahs and the Andes. This is a place of contradictions: Tierra del Fuego between Chile and Argentina is located in the Atlantic cold ocean, the dusty steppes of the Pampas stretch through Uruguay and Argentina, the majestic Andes rise from the west with green valleys and coffee plantations, in the north of Chile is the Atacama Desert, which is the driest place on Earth, and in Brazil in the area of ​​the Amazon River there are thickets of impenetrable jungle.

Animal life of the Andes

The animals of South America are striking in their diversity, as are its landscapes.

The Andes are the longest mountains on the planet, they are about 9 thousand kilometers long. These mountains are located in different zones: in the temperate, two subequatorial, equatorial, subtropical and tropical, therefore, more plants grow in the Andes and a variety of animals are found.

Deciduous and evergreen trees grow in the lower tier of the equatorial forests, and at an altitude of 2500 meters there are cinchona trees and coca bushes. Cacti and creepers grow in subtropical zones. In the Andes, there are many valuable plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, coca, cinchona trees.

The Andes are home to over 900 amphibian species, 1700 bird species and 600 mammal species, which are not found in large flocks as they are separated by densely growing trees. Bright large butterflies and large ants live in the forests. A large number of birds nest in dense forests, the most common are parrots, in addition there are many.

The Andean wildlife has been negatively impacted by human activities. Previously, many condors lived here, but today they have survived only in two places: the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Nudo de Pasto.

is the largest flying bird on the West Coast. It has black shiny plumage, and a collar of white feathers is folded around the neck. A white border runs along the wings.

Female condors are much larger than males. Sexual maturity in these birds occurs at 5-6 months. They build nests on rocky cliffs, at an altitude of 3-5 thousand meters. The clutch usually contains 1-2 eggs. Among birds, condors are long-lived, as they can live for about 50 years.

It has simultaneously become a symbol of several Latin American states: Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. In the culture of the peoples of the Andes, these birds play an important role.

But, despite this, in the twentieth century, the number of these large birds decreased significantly, so they were included in the International Red Book. Today, condors are in the group of threatened species.

It is believed that anthropological factors have become the main reason for the degradation of condors, that is, the landscapes in which these birds lived have changed. They are also poisoned by the carcasses of animals that people shoot. Among other things, until recently, condors were specifically shot, as there was a misconception that they posed a threat to domestic animals.

To date, several countries have organized programs to breed condors in captivity, with their subsequent release into the wild.

Unusual Islands of Lake Titicaca

Unique animals live not only in the Andes, but also in the areas of Lake Titicaca. Only here you can meet the Titicaca whistler and the wingless great grebe.

The Titicaca whistler is a frog endemic to Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is unusual for its floating Uros islands. According to legend, small tribes of the Uros Indians settled on floating islands several millennia ago in order to separate from other peoples. These Indians themselves learned how to build islands from straw.

Each island of Uros is formed from several layers of dry reeds, while the lower layers are washed away over time, but the upper layers are constantly updated. The islands are springy and soft, and water seeps through the reeds in some places. The Indians build their huts and make "balsa de totora" boats, also from reeds.

The wingless grebe is a bird that visits Lake Titicaca from time to time.

To date, there are approximately 40 floating Uros islands on Lake Titicaca. Moreover, on some islands there are observation towers and even solar panels for generating energy. Excursions to these islands are very popular among tourists.

Animals endemic to South America

Pudu deer are found exclusively in South America. The growth of these deer is small - only 30-40 centimeters, the body length reaches 95 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 10 kg. These deer have little in common with their relatives: they have short straight horns, small oval-shaped ears with hair, and body color is gray-brown with indistinct white spots.

Home to hundreds of thousands of species of fauna and the largest rainforest in the world, South America is a continent with different natural and climatic zones - from glaciers to deserts. Animal and consists of a huge variety of unique animals, some of which have evolved in relative isolation. Only a few million years ago, the Isthmus of Panama was formed, providing a small migration corridor for South and North American animals. Below is a list and a brief description of bright representatives of the fauna of South America, sorted into the following groups: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects and fish.

These animals have a shell, which consists of stripes. The number of stripes depends on the type of animal. Although the stripes are as hard as fingernails, the carapace is flexible, with softer skin that expands and contracts between the stripes. Armadillos also have long claws for digging and searching for food. Their favorite food is termites and ants.


Otters are the only serious swimmers in the mustelid family. They spend most of their lives in the water, so well adapted for this. Their sleek, streamlined bodies are ideal for diving and swimming. Otters also have long, slightly flattened tails that move from side to side to help them swim. The hind legs are used as a rudder to steer the body in the water.

giant anteater

The name is associated with the favorite food of this animal - ants. It has an elongated muzzle that resembles a pipe. This unique animal of South America is the largest of the edentulous order. A giant anteater is similar in size to a golden retriever, but thick and bushy hair makes it appearance more massive.

The gray hairs of the anteater feel like straw to the touch and are especially long on the tail (up to 40 centimeters). It has a stripe of white, tan, or gray that starts on the chest and extends to the middle of the back. Below this stripe is a dark collar. The hairy and fluffy tail is often used as a blanket or umbrella. The elongated head and nose of the giant anteater are excellent for catching ants and termites.

Mountain lion

This wild cat is from the cat family (Felidae), has several names: mountain lion, puma, cougar. But no matter what you call it, it is still the same animal, the largest in the subfamily of small cats. (felinae). So why does the cougar have so many names? The fact is that they have a wide range of habitats, and people from different countries gave them different names.

Early Spanish explorers of the Americas called it Leon(lion) and gato monte(mountain cat), hence the name "mountain lion". "Puma" - this name came from the Incas. The word "cougar" comes from an old South American word cuguacuarana, which was shortened to the name cougar. All of these names are considered correct, but puma is generally preferred by scientists. In Southern California, they are commonly referred to as mountain lions.



Pelicans are fairly easy to identify, as they are the only birds that have a pouch under their beaks used to catch fish. Pelicans are large birds with short legs and are quite clumsy on land. Thanks to their webbed feet, they are excellent swimmers. Birds use their beaks to coat their feathers with waterproof oil from a gland at the base of their tails.

Pelicans are great fliers, however, in the absence of wind, flying can be a challenge for these birds. To get enough speed to take off, the pelican must run through the water, flapping its large wings and swinging its legs.

The species is found in South America Pelecanus thagus, which until 2007 was considered a subspecies of the American brown pelican. It prefers rocky coasts, as opposed to trees. The population size is about 500 thousand individuals.


Currently, there are up to 350 species of parrots. Despite the fact that the species are very different from each other in many ways, all parrots have a curved beak, a special structure of fingers, eat nuts, seeds, fruits and insects. Parrots have thick, strong beaks that are ideal for crushing tough nuts and seeds.

In South America, there are parrots from the subfamily of true parrots. (Psittacinae).

South American harpy

The South American harpy is a legendary bird, although few have seen it in wild nature. This dark gray bird of prey has a very distinctive appearance. When the bird senses a threat, the feathers on the top of its head rise up to form a collar in the form of "horns". Small gray feathers form a disc around the head, which improves the bird's hearing, similar to owls.

Like most species of hawks, the female "harpy" is almost twice as large as the male. The legs of the South American harpy can be as thick as the wrist. small child, and the curved back claws are larger than those of a grizzly bear, at about 13 centimeters long. The harpy is not the largest bird of prey on the continent (the title belongs to the Andean condor), but they are still quite heavy and powerful creatures.



There are about 165,000 known species butterflies found on all continents except Antarctica, and also these insects have a wide variety colors and sizes. The largest species can reach 30 centimeters in diameter, while the smallest are no larger than a match head.

The best-known butterflies of South America are diurnal butterflies of the genus Morpho ( Morpho), butterflies of the genus Greta (greta).

Hercules beetle

This species is one of the largest beetles on the planet. The body length of an adult varies from 80 to 170 mm. The body is covered with short hairs. The elytra of the beetle is yellow-olive. There are horns on the head and pronotum.


Ants are one of the most common insects on earth and their contribution to the ecosystem is essential.

One of the brightest inhabitants of the mainland is a large tropical ant paraponera clavata, which has a very strong poison, surpassing in strength the poison of any wasps and bees. Body length 18-25 mm, brown-black color.



Spiders have a bad reputation and inspire fear in many people. But only a few species are dangerous to humans, and bite if they feel danger. Spiders are not classified as insects due to certain anatomical differences. For example, spiders have two main body parts: the transferred part is called the cephalothorax, and the back is the undivided belly; Insects have three body parts: head, thorax and belly. Spiders have eight legs, while insects have six.

Spiders-tarantulas from the family Theraphosidae are one of the largest spiders in the world. They are found not only in South America, but also on other continents with the exception of Antarctica. Their diet is quite varied and contrary to their name, they do not always eat bird meat. All species have poison, but in varying amounts. The poison is not lethal to an adult and healthy person, which cannot be said about small children and people who are sensitive to it.


Scorpions belong to the order of arthropods. They prefer hot climatic conditions and lead a terrestrial lifestyle. There are about 1750 species of scorpions, but only 50 are dangerous to humans due to their venom. Six pairs of limbs are attached to the cephalothorax, four of which are designed for locomotion.

These are viviparous animals, they pass life cycle without metamorphosis. Scorpions are nocturnal and are able to run fast. The diet consists of insects and arachnids. The venom of most species is harmless, but some individuals are dangerous and can cause lethal outcome, especially for children.

In South America, scorpions from the following families are found: Buthidae, Chactidae, Scorpionidae, Euscorpidae, Hemiscorpiidae, Bothriuridae.



Arapaima is considered one of the largest freshwater fish on the planet, with a body length of about 2 meters. The body of the fish is long and slightly flattened, covered with scales. It is common in the Amazon River. The diet consists of fish, small animals and birds.

common piranha

The common piranha is a type of fish that has gained a reputation dangerous predator for people and animals. The body length varies from 10 to 15 cm, and the weight is within 1 kg. This fish is characterized by flat and sharp teeth with which they bite into their prey. They have a very sensitive sense of smell, thanks to which piranhas can recognize blood from a great distance. Their diet consists of fish and birds.

flathead catfish

The flathead catfish is another species of ray-finned fish found only in the freshwater rivers of South America. It can reach a body length of about 1.8 m and a weight of 80 kg. These colorful catfish have a brownish back and orange-red dorsal and caudal fins. There are antennae on the upper and lower jaws. These fish are capable of making sounds that propagate up to 100 meters.

South America… Plants and animals of this region have attracted increased attention for centuries. It is here that a huge number of unique animals live, and the flora is represented truly unusual plants. Hardly in modern world you can meet a person who would not agree to visit this continent at least once in his life.

General geographical description

In fact, the continent called South America is huge. Plants and animals are also diverse here, however, according to experts, all of them are largely due to the geographical location and features of the formation of the earth's surface.

The continent is washed on both sides by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The main part of its territory is located in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Connecting the mainland with North America occurred during the Pliocene era during the formation of the Isthmus of Panama.

Andes are seismically active mountain system stretching along the western border of the continent. To the east of the ridge flows the largest and almost the entire area is covered by South America.

Among other continents, this occupies the 4th place in terms of area and the 5th place in terms of population. There are two versions of the appearance of people in this territory. Perhaps the settlement occurred through the Bering Isthmus, or the first people came from the South Pacific.

Unusual features of the local climate

South America is the wettest continent on the planet with six climatic zones. In the north there is a subequatorial belt, and in the south there are belts of subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate climates. The northwest coast and lowlands of the Amazon have high humidity and an equatorial climate.


This small feline predator resembles a weasel or a cat. Jaguarundi has a long body (about 60 cm) with short legs, a small round head with triangular ears. The height at the withers reaches 30 cm, weight - up to 9 kg.

Wool of uniform color of gray, red or reddish-brown colors, not representing commercial value. Found in forests, savannahs or wetlands.

Feeds on insects, small animals and fruits. The jaguarundi lives and hunts alone, meets with other individuals only for breeding.

Here it is, unusual, stunning, alluring and bewitching South America, whose plants and animals are especially popular not only among scientists who connect their lives with the study of the continent, but also among curious tourists who seek to discover something new.
