Diet while exercising for weight loss. Eating at the gym: tasty and healthy

Many people tremble in fear at the word diet because they imagine celery sticks and a long list of forbidden foods. While it's hard to dismiss these negative associations, it's important to remember that "diet" is not a bad word. Your diet, or the foods you eat, is key to maintaining your fitness goals.

In the nutrition section of most strength training manuals, they try to insert a standard nutrition plan, but this is not what we need. We want to instill the idea that metabolically and physiologically your body is unique. What works for one may not work for another. Understanding how your body works and discovering your dietary needs is an important concept for understanding how to shape your own nutritional strategy.

Calories are essentially food energy that your body uses to carry out its daily functions, such as breathing, heart rate regulation, digestion, and others. The amount of calories a food contains depends on its composition. Each product consists of a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Collectively they are called "macronutrients".

Everyone needs a minimum amount of calories to live. This minimum amount is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and may depend on the amount of a person's lean muscle mass. The total number of calories your body uses in a day is made up of the sum of BMR plus the extra calories used for walking, sleeping, exercising, driving, and even laughing. Together they make up the total energy expenditure (TEE) or daily calorie requirement.

Each TEE is different, so the diet that works for your friend may not work for you. Generally, men have a higher TEE than women because they have more muscle mass.


There are three nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Together they make up all the calories or nutritional energy you get from food.


Protein is a key ingredient for building muscle and shaping your body. No, eating more protein will not make your muscles huge. Although, building muscle mass is important in order to look toned. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the body's building blocks for numerous functions, including building muscle protein.

Lifting weights causes tension and breakdown of muscle fibers that need to be repaired. These fluctuations in muscle breakdown (catabolism) during exercise and recovery (anabolism) during rest help you get stronger and more focused over time.

The general recommendation for individual absorption is one gram of protein per 0.5 kg of your body weight. If your weight is 62 kg, then your goal is to eat about 135 grams of protein. Of course, it's hard to get that much protein in two or three meals, which is why people tend to make multiple meals including some form of protein in each one.

Each gram of protein provides 4 calories.

Foods containing protein:

  • Lean meat
  • Milk
  • Greek yogurt
  • Quinoa
  • nuts
  • Legumes


Poor fat is so underestimated and neglected. Dietary fats got a bad rap due to a major landmark study from the 80's that grossly misplaced dietary fats as a cause of heart attacks and other diseases. As a result, the government urged people to eat as little fat as possible, and corporations began producing fat-free and low-fat foods to protect everyone from heart failure.

In fact, fats claim their rightful place on your plate; they are associated with maintaining optimal health. Plus, it's a macronutrient that your body needs to function. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as omega-6 and omega-3s help maintain good health, protect internal organs, help absorb fat-soluble vitamins, support essential intelligence and development, and have many other benefits.

However, processed fats, which are added in the food industry to increase the shelf life of products, should be avoided. Check product labels for any "hydrotreated oils"; this definitely means that this product is not worth eating. Support the absorption of dietary fats by avoiding trans fats!

What's more, fat doesn't make you fat. The claim that the fat you eat is quickly deposited in your tissues has long been debunked. Weight gain is an essential attribute overuse calories your body doesn't know what to do with.

Each gram of fat provides 9 calories.

Sources of healthy fats:

  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Melted butter
  • nuts


Carbohydrates are another macronutrient that has the same bad reputation as fat. Contrary to what many people will tell you, carbohydrates are not bad.

Carbohydrates include all sugars, including single molecular sugars and two-component sugars. When three or more sugar molecules come together, they form complex carbohydrates in foods like potatoes, oatmeal, broccoli, and countless other vegetables.

Most of your carbs should come from these complex carbs because they take longer to digest, making you feel full longer, and don't raise your blood sugar levels as quickly as simple sugar. An added bonus is that complex carbohydrates contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and fibers. Your diet should include both simple and complex carbohydrates, but long-term success in managing blood sugar and weight may depend on limiting your intake of simple sugars.

Each gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories.

Healthy sources of complex carbohydrates:

Should I cut down on carbs for weight loss?

One popular recommendation to lose weight is to reduce carbohydrates. The level to which you really need to reduce carbohydrates varies from person to person, but in general, take about 50-150 grams of carbohydrates per day. Fifteen grams of carbohydrates is a cup of cereal or two slices of bread. It is not difficult to calculate that this can be accommodated in one meal or even a snack. To replace carbohydrates in your diet, include more healthy fats and proteins.

While many people support a carb-reducing strategy for weight loss, this isn't always ideal. Losing weight may be easy at first, but chronic carb starvation has a negative long-term effect. A woman's delicately balancing hormonal system can be disrupted by exposure to a low-carbohydrate diet, which can backfire in bone density loss and chronic sleep loss. On a low-carb diet, some women may experience delayed or disrupted periods because the body perceives chronically low energy levels as starvation and stress.

Thus, some women may do well on a low-carbohydrate diet. If you decide to try it, then it is important to monitor the reaction of your body.

Your body type and nutrition

The ratio of how many calories you get from proteins, carbohydrates and fats is important for building your body. Usually macronutrients are divided into 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats, but this ratio does not work for everyone. The best way to determine your macronutrient ratio is to determine your body type. Your body type is more than just body type, it provides key information about how your body responds and processes macronutrients.

Body type is divided into three categories:


  • In general, ectomorphs are thin, with small bone structure and limbs, with a high metabolism, they can absorb large amounts of carbohydrates.
  • They look like long distance runners
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat


  • Mesomorphs have the best of both worlds, they can easily build muscle and stay lean. They have a medium bone structure and an athletic appearance.
  • They look like bodybuilders, gymnasts
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat


  • Endomorphs are built to be bigger and stronger. They usually have a large bone structure. Because of their size, they are better at absorbing more fat and less carbohydrate.
  • They look like weightlifters
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 25% carbs, 35% protein, 40% fat

Portion control

Calorie counting is a popular way to estimate portion size and calories. This meticulous record of what you eat certainly has its benefits, but who wants to keep a food chart all their lives?

Calorie counting doesn't have to be lifelong. This does not work exactly for the long term. Studies have shown that calorie counting has a margin of error of 25%, even if you triple-check your calculations and sources. Differences come from label errors, inaccurate portion sizes and measurements that cannot be taken correctly, differences in product quality, and a lot of guesswork.

A more manageable way to track your nutrition is to determine a reasonable portion size. Most restaurants tend to serve you a portion with a huge pile of food, more food means a better investment for your money, right? Getting bigger portions for less money means you'll pay for them elsewhere, like your waistline.

Studies have shown that when people pour large portions, they turn off the internal satiety system and eat every last bite after they have long been satiated, but do not feel it.

Get to grips with portion control

Eating until you feel full is not always The best way portion size determination. Instead, we recommend using the more appropriate and personalized tool at your disposal - your hands:

  • Use your palm to determine protein absorption
  • Use a clenched fist to determine your vegetable intake
  • Use a Handful to Determine Your Carbohydrate Intake
  • Use thumb to determine fat intake

Assuming you eat 4 meals a day, below are the servings for each meal:

For ectomorphs

  • 2 handfuls of carbohydrates
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • ½ thumb fat

For mesomorphs

  • 1 handful of carbs
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • 1 thumb fat

For endomorphs

  • 1/2 handful of carbs
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • 2 fat thumbs

These are great general guidelines because your arms are in proportion to your body. Be flexible and adjust your portion according to your feelings and appearance. For example, if you're gaining unwanted weight, then try reducing your carbs to half a handful per meal and your fat to half a finger.

Meal frequency

Whether you eat small, frequent meals or eat everything in two sets, meal frequency should revolve around your food list and be comfortable for you. As long as you get the right food in the right amount, how you eat depends on your preference.

With the approach beach season Many people seriously think about losing weight. Someone chooses diets, and someone likes sports training, because they give the body tone, burn calories, improve mood and relieve stress.

Give preference to complex carbohydrates in your diet, reducing the amount of simple sugars to a minimum. This will help put all the energy into the work of the muscles, and not to the deposition of excess fat.

Eat fractional portions, avoiding intervals in eating for more than 3 hours, then you will not experience excruciating hunger, eat a much smaller portion, and all the energy of food will go to the needs of the body.

Breakfast is the basis of success

In order to have enough strength and energy for all workouts, and the body does not experience discomfort, it is necessary to have a hearty breakfast and devote at least an hour a day to sports. This combination is the most successful from the point of view of physiology.

If you have a good breakfast, you will not be very hungry by lunchtime, which means you will eat much less than usual. In addition, for those who do not have breakfast in the morning, metabolic processes are disturbed, because they overeat in the evening.

Another way to awaken your appetite is to run or exercise in combination with a contrast shower. This activates the metabolism and encourages the stomach to work. With such a diet, your weight loss will be more active, especially if you play sports daily.

The breakfast menu must contain proteins, complex carbohydrates and a little fat, these substances are necessary for the body to work actively. If there is no way to eat in the morning before going to work, drink a milkshake and take breakfast with you to work.

Fiber and water!

For the active work of the intestines and the full assimilation of most nutrients, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber. It stimulates peristalsis and helps to eliminate toxins.

Your diet should include at least 400 grams of vegetables per day, and potatoes should be excluded from this list. If you eat few vegetables, add pharmacy fiber to your food.

For a full metabolism, you need to drink enough liquid. Under the influence of liquid, the fiber in the intestine actively swells and stimulates the digestive process. In addition, during training, a lot of fluid comes out with sweat, so it must always be actively replenished.

During the day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. Sometimes more fluid is required, you can control the state of water balance by urine - if it is a bright saturated color, you drink little.

Proper nutrition while exercising

Healthy fats

We are accustomed to the fact that fat is the first thing that is excluded from the diet when

When it comes to fitness - nutrition is an important component in your achievements and results. Almost 70% of the success of a good figure falls on fitness nutrition. The energy that we use during the day enters our body with food. It is important not to overeat, especially before training, and not to be hungry, as you will feel discomfort. As a result, you will probably warm up poorly and not warm up your muscles enough for a good workout. Find out how to eat right before and after a workout.

  • It doesn’t matter if you decide to lose weight or strengthen and pump up muscles - fitness nutrition implies the presence of 1.5-2 liters of water in your diet per day. In no case should you drink from the tap, you can get sick. During sports activities, drink 0.5-1 l of water, depending on your weight and intensity, evenly throughout the entire time of exercise. Liquid is useful for the absorption of all nutrients. Dehydration is bad, because at this time metabolic processes slow down, and fat is burned more slowly.
  • 2-3 hours before physical activity, the fitness menu consists of 300-400 calories and includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can cook rice or durum pasta with chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad and green tea. Eliminate cabbage and legumes - they can cause bloating.
  • 1-2 hours before class, your menu for weight loss or muscle building should not be many calories. Such a meal should be light and airy. It is desirable not more than 15-200 Kcal, so that you do not have heaviness in the stomach. A couple of wheat bread and 100-200 ml of milk will do just fine. A balanced diet with proteins and carbohydrates will prevent pain in the muscles and throughout the workout, you will not experience hunger.
  • After completing all the exercises, for the first 20-30 minutes, a "carbohydrate window" is formed in the body. At this time, you need to eat protein and carbohydrate foods. Eliminate tea, sweets, coffee, cocoa and fats, because the listed products and components prevent the protein from being absorbed to restore muscle tissue. It is allowed to eat the following foods during these 20-30 minutes (taking into account the high intensity of your disputes): protein drinks (protein), kefir, energy bars, yogurts, etc. You can drink juice, such as cranberry without sugar.
  • 1 hour after fitness, it is recommended to eat proteins, complex carbohydrates. This combination of components will allow you to disperse your metabolism and learn everything. With this menu, the muscles will recover well, painlessly.

Menu for fitness enthusiasts

Provide slim figure You will be allowed 5 meals a day. For girls, a menu of 1500-1600 calories per day is suitable. The diet is made for 7 days, it is approximate, and you can change it according to your taste characteristics.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, grapefruit.
  • Second breakfast - Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch - rice with chicken fillet.
  • Snack - juice, vegetable.
  • Dinner - steamed fish, fresh vegetable salad, 1 fruit (apple or orange).


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, a couple of egg whites, juice of your choice.
  • Second breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese, and low-fat sour cream, banana.
  • Lunch - buckwheat porridge with lean meat.
  • Snack - baked potatoes with yogurt.
  • Dinner - preferably boiled corn with chicken.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and juice.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 - fat-free cottage cheese with carrot juice.
  • Lunch - Chicken with durum pasta and green tea.
  • Snack - yogurt and 1 piece of fruit.
  • Dinner for fitness lovers is as follows: boiled fish with beans and vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs and muesli in milk, you can add fruit.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Lunch - baked potatoes with vegetable salad.
  • Snack - cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and some fruit.
  • Dinner for women involved in sports is: pita bread with chicken, vegetables.


  • Breakfast - make 2-3 eggs for yourself with greens and milk 0.5-1% fat.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - crumble a banana into cottage cheese, and eat the girls.
  • Lunch - rice with steamed fish and vegetables.
  • Snack - yogurt with an apple.
  • Dinner - chicken with salad and a bite of corn is fine.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and a glass of yogurt.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - taste rice porridge with peach.
  • Lunch - buckwheat with lean meat or fish.
  • Snack - baked potatoes, peach yogurt or to taste.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad with low-fat meat.


  • Breakfast - an omelette with herbs, a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 - low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream 5-10% and fruit.
  • Lunch - boiled fish with durum pasta, salad.
  • Snack - an apple or grapefruit.
  • Dinner - shrimp salad, vegetables, chicken, green tea.

Eliminate foods high in unhealthy fats and "simple" carbohydrates

  • Eliminate the high consumption of oils: sunflower, olive, linseed - know the measure.
  • You should not eat a variety of flour products that contain "fast" carbohydrates: white bread, buns, pastries and cakes.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Put aside high-fat dairy drinks: cheese, fatty butter, fatty cottage cheese, full-fat milk, condensed milk, oils.
  • You should not eat fried and smoked food - cooking options, choose others.
  • It is worth removing foods with abundant sugar: jam, sugar, honey, sweet lemonades, sweets, chocolate.

Eat right and you will have a great figure!

Proper nutrition during sports is the secret to achieving almost any result, whether it is a set of muscle mass, weight loss or drying. Often, not so much training as your nutrition is a clear indicator of how you look now and what you need to do with it all next. Let's talk about food.

So, the first thing you need to know, regardless of your goals, is that nutrition in any case should always be complete. In other words, whether you set yourself the goal of losing weight or gaining weight, your diet in any case should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. How is this possible? Remember. Of the products that we will consider further, among what is possible, everything is allowed. Depending on your goals, only three indicators are regulated: the caloric content of a serving of food, the size of a serving of food, and the number of meals per day. However, we already talked about this in the article, where I described the basic knowledge that you need to arm yourself with when starting training with iron.

Proper nutrition for sports (both professional and amateur) is formed from foods containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. These components are complete and integral components of proper and healthy nutrition. This is not to mention the fact that the diet of any person who is not even engaged in physical activity should include them all. We will receive proteins mainly from meat and dairy products. In smaller quantities, they will also be found in many other products. We will definitely use fats, but not saturated ones, and even then not all. What this means will be said later. We will use complex carbohydrates, although in exceptional cases we will resort to the use of fast ones. The source of fiber, which is extremely important for our body, will be fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Vitamins, finally, will nourish us with all kinds of vegetables, fruits and berries.

Now in detail for each item.


Squirrels- These are organic compounds that are the structural elements of all living organisms, including humans. They regulate metabolism and the processes of biochemical reactions. They perform such functions as creating the structure of cells, protecting them, regulating metabolic processes, transporting and storing nutrients, but not only. The basis of proteins are amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own, which means you must get them from your diet. For this reason, proteins are an important part proper nutrition when playing sports.

The protein we need to build new muscles is found in foods such as milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, legumes and seafood.

We will use non-fat milk, cottage cheese too, mostly chicken eggs, although we should not disdain quail, however, this is an amateur question. How to distinguish fatty cheese from non-fat cheese, you can ask at the store. Usually, not oily is dry enough, but almost dripping from oily. We will use beef and veal meat. Pork is considered fatty, and whether you eat it or not is up to you. Poultry, of course, is not limited to chicken and turkey, you can also eat goose, wild or domestic duck, etc. In smaller portions, protein is found in legumes, and as for seafood, decide for yourself, squid and shrimp are more likely products "for an amateur", although there is plenty of protein in them.

At this stage, this list of protein foods will be more than enough for you so that your diet can be called fully diverse.

Fats are the next item to consider.


Fats(they are also triglycerides) are organic natural ingredients, which consist of fatty acids and glycerin. These are one of the most important components of human cells, standing on a par with proteins and carbohydrates. Triglycerides form cell membranes, connective tissue, phospholipids, lipoproteins. In the human body, they are primarily responsible for structural and energy functions.

Fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated. Forming proper nutrition for sports, the use of margarine, butter cream and butter should be minimized, and it is desirable to stop using them altogether. Unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil, are an excellent substitute for regular refined oil. You can fry on olive oil, and flaxseed, say, to fill a salad. Fats of the omega group are generally necessary for the human body, so eating fish, walnuts, beans and fish oil is recommended for everyone, both those who are gaining weight and those who are losing.

Triglycerides are both beneficial and harmful. The main thing in their use is to be able to distinguish one from the other. But even when eating healthy fats, you need to maintain a certain balance and not overdo it with the use of foods containing triglycerides.


Carbohydrates(they are also saccharides) are the most important structural elements that make up human cells and tissues. They are necessary for the construction of ATP, DNA and RNA, serve as a source of energy, and also store nutrients in the form of glycogen. The course of the processes of protein and fat metabolism in the human body occurs with the direct participation of saccharides. Together with proteins, they are involved in the formation of hormones, enzymes and other important compounds.

Carbohydrates are also divided into two types. Simple (fast) and complex (slow). Fast carbohydrates are usually sugar containing, confectionery and flour products. Their use should be minimized, although it is not worth completely refusing. Honey, for example, although in small quantities, can be added to cottage cheese with a banana, in addition, it contains many useful substances, and with the help of jam, you can make a homemade protein-carbohydrate cocktail, but this is another story for those who seek To gain weight. If we are talking about slow carbohydrates, then proper nutrition during sports should be based on them when compiling a diet. We will use such cereals as buckwheat, rice, barley, wheat, pumpkin, corn and others. Oatmeal and muesli will also occupy an important place in the diet. And of course, in some cases, pasta and potatoes.

Of course, we will periodically change the diet for a change, and here you will have complete freedom of action. The essence of these words is this: choose what you like among what you can and build your diet from it. Try one, the other, the third, find what makes you "rushing" and focus on it. Someone rushes from pearl barley, someone from wheat porridge, someone from buckwheat. Try and decide.


Cellulose- these are food elements that the body's food enzymes do not digest, but they are processed by the beneficial intestinal microflora. Fiber does not supply a person with energy, but in the work of the body as a whole and gastrointestinal tract in particular plays an important role.

The importance of fiber in nutrition is underestimated by many. But it has a positive effect on metabolism and improves the process of digestion. So we also include it in the diet. When it comes to fiber, a proper diet for exercise should include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. Fiber is rich in pears, apples, potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and more. By the way, it is also contained in the peel of apples and cucumbers, so the next time you are going to peel them before eating, think about the benefits of the peel. As for bread, stop with flour white bread and eat whole grain, Borodino and bran bread.

The benefit of including fiber in the diet is that it miraculously nourishes the intestinal microflora, the normal composition of which affects the correct functioning of our entire body. Among other things, it eliminates constipation, improves the speed of gastric emptying, the quality of absorption in the small intestine and affects the entire process of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract.


vitamins- organic compounds that regulate the processes of metabolism, energy synthesis, nerve conduction and prevent cell destruction. While vitamins are neither a source of energy for the body nor a structural element of tissues, they nevertheless play almost leading role in metabolism. Most of them are not synthesized in our body, so they need to be received in time and in the right amount with food.

Proper nutrition during sports cannot be imagined without vitamins, or rather, without products containing them. We will not stop here for a long time, everyone already knows that almost all vegetables and fruits, as well as berries, are rich in vitamins. And given that they are also rich in fiber, which we just learned about, eating them is not only desirable, but highly recommended.


Let's not forget about such useful products for our body as dried fruits. They contain a huge list of vitamins, minerals and more. Everyone knows about their benefits, but for those who do not know, now we will conduct an educational program.

Dried fruits include: dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins, figs, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts and more. Dried fruits are rich in minerals and fiber. Some are able to raise immunity, as well as have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system, remove radionuclides from the body, and also increase efficiency. Others are high in pectin, vitamins C, B and P. Still others are excellent sources of phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. In any case, the benefits of their use are as obvious as they are incredible, and their combined use is recommended, which is possible due to the dried fruit mixes widely represented on store shelves. Thus, proper nutrition during sports, as you already understood, makes demands on the use of dried fruits, since in addition to the properties described above, they are also rich in vitamins and fiber.


It's time to summarize the material covered. First, and most importantly, we learned that the diet of any person should be complete, that is, it should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. Secondly, we learned what all of the above components are and what functions they perform in the human body, which explained to us the need for their use. Thirdly, we learned what products each of these items is represented by, which will be discussed below. So, we repeat - proper nutrition for sports is formed from the following products:

Rich in protein are: milk (not fatty), cottage cheese (not fatty), eggs (proteins), cheese (not fatty), meat (beef, veal), fish (pink salmon, tuna), poultry (chicken, turkey), legumes (beans, beans) and seafood (squid, shrimp). And of course, this is not the whole list of protein products, but even these are quite enough to complete your diet with its various sources.

Fats that can be included in the diet include: olive, flaxseed oil, as well as omega fats. The latter are found in foods such as fish, walnuts, beans, as well as pharmaceutical fish oil.

From carbohydrates, the diet is allowed: cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, wheat, pumpkin, corn), cereals (oatmeal, muesli), as well as potatoes in limited quantities and, in rare cases, pasta.

Vital fiber includes: fruits (pears, apples, figs, dates), vegetables (potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin), legumes (beans, peas, nuts, seeds), cereals (black bread: whole grain, Borodinsky, bran).

With vitamins, everything is extremely clear - only a complete diet, with the inclusion of the aforementioned proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and other food components, is able to fully provide your body with them, which in turn is necessary for its correct functioning.

On the way to creating a beautiful, attractive body, it is important to overcome not only laziness, because of which we postpone the start of sports until later, but also to know how to eat right. Then the training will give a positive result, and it will be much easier to achieve the goal. You need to learn how to count the daily number of calories you eat. Depending on whether you are going to dial muscle mass or want to get rid of extra pounds, you need to find the perfect balance of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed.

What should a gym nutrition program include?

If you are aiming to gain muscle mass, then the rules of nutrition when exercising in the gym for you should be as follows: the number of calories you receive should be 15% more than the calories that are spent during training. Compensate for the difference exclusively with protein foods.

The norm of daily protein intake is 2 grams. per 1 kg of weight. The first results should be noticeable after a few months. If they are absent, add another 10% protein to the indicated amount. Proper nutrition implies a certain schedule for eating meals:

  • 2 hours before training, proteins and complex carbohydrates (poultry fillet or fish with a side dish of vegetables, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • 30 minutes after class, replenish spent amino acids with a protein omelette, chicken breast or turkey fillet, cottage cheese;
  • To gain weight, you need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Its deficiency will cause poor metabolism, adversely affect the athlete's endurance performance.

What does a girl’s diet consist of when exercising in the gym

Compose sample menu nutrition for the fairer sex is necessary after determining the purpose of the classes. Those who are losing weight should eat between 1200 and 1500 calories daily, if you plan to stay at the same weight, then do not exceed 2000 calories. The diet should consist of 5 meals: three main (350-370 calories), two snacks (maximum 25 calories each).

Try to eat as little fat as possible. They interfere with the full absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and getting rid of them is much more difficult. Give up meats such as pork and beef, eat more poultry meat. Lean on fish of any fat content. Meals can be steamed, boiled or stewed. Of the daily amount of calories consumed, fat should account for no more than 12%. The basics of nutrition for weight loss or mass gain are about the same for men and women.

What to include in the diet

Want to promote muscle growth? Eat protein. It is found in the following products: chicken and turkey meat, cottage cheese, seafood, eggs. These products must be the main components of your daily diet. Organizing proper nutrition while exercising in the gym, do not forget about carbohydrates, they are a source of energy. They can be obtained by eating oatmeal and buckwheat, rice, pasta, which include only durum wheat. The minimum percentage allocated to fats should be occupied by the following types of products: olive, linseed, peanut butter, avocado, fish oil. After class, you can immediately have a snack with low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with a minimum percentage of fat content.

An approximate daily athlete menu may include the following dishes:

  • first breakfast (oatmeal 100 gr., 3-4 boiled eggs);
  • second breakfast (kefir or skim milk - 0.5 l.);
  • lunch (meat or fish - 200 gr., boiled rice - 150 gr., vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil);
  • for an afternoon snack you can eat 200 gr. cottage cheese (minimum percentage of fat content) and nuts;
  • dinner (fish or meat with a light vegetable salad).

A separate niche in the organization of proper nutrition during training is occupied by various
