Museum of Nature "Bird World of Meshchera National Park". Animals of our planet Meshchera birds

The Meshchera National Park was established by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 234 dated April 9, 1992 on the territory of the Vladimir Region in order to preserve the natural complex of the Meshchera Lowland. Subordinates to the Vladimir forest management.
The Meshchera National Park is located in the southeastern part of the Vladimir Region on the territory of the Gus-Khrustalny District. In the west, the park borders on the Moscow region. The National Park "Meshchersky" adjoins the southern border of the park Ryazan region. Together, both parks serve to preserve the natural complex of the Meshcherskaya lowland. total area national park"Meshchera" 118.9 thousand hectares, including: 72.7 thousand hectares (61% of the total area) are provided to the national park, and 46.2 thousand hectares (38.9%) of lands of other owners, owners and users included in the boundaries of the park without withdrawal from economic activity. Significant historical developed territories are located in the central and southern parts of the park. On these lands there are 46 settlements (urban-type settlements and villages), in which about 14 thousand people live. The forest lands of the park occupy 86.3 thousand hectares (72.6% of the total area of ​​the park), including 81.6 thousand hectares (68.6%) covered with forests. There are three railway lines (Moscow-Kazan-Ekaterinburg, Vladimir-Tumskaya and local) and several highways passing through the territory of the park.

In the village of Urshelsky there is a museum "The World of Birds", where there are representatives of all species living in the park. The museum opened in 2004. There are more than 130 stuffed birds, as well as a unique collection of bird eggs.
Faunistically, the Meshchera lowland does not differ significantly from other natural regions of Central Russia. The composition of the fauna of birds and mammals, as well as other groups of animals, is dominated by species of European origin. Taiga forms occupy a subordinate position. The outstanding significance of Meshchera in general and the park in particular for the conservation of wildlife is determined not by its faunistic originality, but by the fact that the entire range of habitats of the European coniferous subzone is very fully represented here. deciduous forests.
Forests in combination with swamps form a vast forest-bog complex, which supports the centers of conservation of a number of species of large mammals, as well as birds that need large individual plots.
This territory has long been famous for the abundance of forest animals and birds, as evidenced by the donation letters of the Ryazan princes to local monasteries. Animal hunting, bird hunting and fishing, along with beekeeping, were among the traditional forms of nature management in Meshchera.
The fauna and animal population bear the features of a strong anthropogenic influence. The most numerous are white hare, squirrel, fox; elk, wild boar, beaver, raccoon dog, American mink, weasel, ermine, wolf, pine marten, badger are common; occasionally there are hare, forest polecat, otter. Marked traces of entry brown bear, and habitats of the endemic of the Eastern European fauna - the Russian muskrat. Among the birds are quite common: gray crane, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, marsh harrier, red falcon, corncrake. Rare - white stork, gray heron, bittern, wigeon, gray partridge, great godwit, curlew, woodpeckers - green, gray, three-toed, white-backed, gray shrike, etc. Reptiles are represented by spindle, quick and viviparous lizards, common snake and the common viper. Amphibians are represented by common and crested newts, two types of toads, frogs: lake, pond, moor, grass, as well as spadefoot and red-bellied toad. Among the fish are common - ordinary loach, common roach, perch, pike, crucian carp, rotan-brown (invader). Rare - blue, white-eyed.
About 520 species of Lepidoptera and 149 species of weevils have been recorded in the park.

Birds included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation:
Golden Eagle / Aquila chrysaetos
Curlew / Numenius arquata
Greater Spotted Eagle / Aquila clanga
Serpent-eater / Circaetus gallicus
Oystercatcher / Haematopus ostralegus
Lesser Tern / Sterna albifrons
Common Gray Shrike / Lanius excubitor excubitor
White-tailed Eagle / Haliaeetus albicilla
Lesser White-fronted Lesser / Anser erythropus
Peregrine Falcon / Falco peregrinus
Osprey / Pandion haliaetus
Central Russian Ptarmigan / Lagopus lagopus rossicus
Owl / Bubo bubo
Black Stork / Ciconia nigra

Used info from websites.

Let's continue our story about the birds found on the territory of the Ryazan region, which especially need to be protected so that they do not disappear forever from the face of the Earth. All of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Ryazan region. Siberian Crane The large white crane breeds its offspring only in Siberia. This is a majestic huge bird, snow-white, only the ends of the wings are black. Siberian Cranes nest in hard-to-reach swamps, on plains flooded with water. They live in constant pairs. The nest is built together. It looks like a trampled heap of sedge stems and leaves floating on the water. The female lays two eggs, while one of them seems to be superfluous. Law natural selection makes the cranes immediately fight, and not for life, but for death. And one of the fighters dies. Parents feed the chicks intensively for the first week. And with the second, they teach them to get food on their own. Siberian Cranes feed on aquatic plants, berries, insects, frogs, and small fish. The family of the Siberian Cranes flies away for the winter together with the strengthened and grown chick. The number of white cranes is continuously declining. The Siberian Cranes die from hunters' shots, are broken when they collide with power lines, and are poisoned on crops treated with pesticides. But they are saved. Ornithologists fly helicopters over the Yakut tundra, look for Siberian Cranes' nests and take one egg from them. In special incubators, they are delivered to the Oksky Biosphere Reserve, where there is a nursery for breeding cranes in captivity, established in 1979. The fact is that these cranes cannot be saved only by protecting them in nature. Therefore, in the Ryazan region in the Oksky reserve, they are grown in a nursery, and then released into the wild on their usual territories in Siberia. Eagle owl In the Ryazan region, the eagle owl is currently a rare species. Lives mainly in Meshchera. IN Lately numbers have declined due to forestry work, disturbance and direct persecution. Cases of shooting and trapping of birds are known. Sometimes a loud hooting cry and an eerie screeching roll through the night forest, from which the frost is tearing at the skin. As if devilry showed up. This is an owl, the largest representative of a numerous owl genus. Its beak is curved and sharp. Feathers protruding from the head look like ears. The eyes are round, orange-red. Owl sees well in the dark. Hunts at night, flying silently. Resting during the day in shelter. Eagle owls live in constant pairs. All year long, the pairs stay on their nesting sites in old forests right on the ground, or on rocks and cliffs. They rarely build nests themselves, more often they occupy strangers. In the spring, 2-3 eggs appear in the clutch, and in a month the chicks hatch. The eagle owl feeds on small and medium-sized birds and mammals. In the Ryazan region, nesting territories of the eagle owl are identified and protected, explanatory work is being carried out among hunters. This species is listed in the Red Book Russian Federation. Gray goose In the books of the beginning of the last century it is written that then in the Ryazan region on the autumn migration of the gray goose there were a great many. In our time in the autumn we will not see even one. Surprisingly, flying over the countries of Europe, geese sit down on the lawns of parks for the rest, they are not at all afraid of people. In our country, you can’t even approach the geese with a cannon shot, because bird hunting is allowed. And gray geese are very smart birds, smart and quick-witted. They know where it's dangerous. Goose is a long-liver. Lives 40 - 50 years. Breeds in pairs on overgrown lakes, swamps, estuaries, choosing the most deaf areas. Nests are placed on bumps, reed heaps. Stems and leaves of reeds and other aquatic plants are used as building material. Broods stay together until autumn. They feed in meadows and fields, often far from water bodies. They feed on various herbs, young shoots, seeds, tubers. Geese often die in the fields from pesticides. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation as requiring special attention.

MKOU Kurlovskaya secondary school No. 1 Gus - Khrustalny district

Vladimir region

oral journal

"Birds of the Meshchersky Territory"

Developed by:

Kareva Alla Rudolfovna-

Primary school teacher


To develop cognitive interest in the nature of the native land;

Raising in children a love for birds and respect for them

Course progress.

1. Mobilizing moment.

Teacher. Guys, today we will learn about the birds of the Meshchera region. Our lesson will be organized in the form of an oral journal. To carry it out, you have chosen interesting materials about the birds of our region.

Amazing creations of nature - birds. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous voices, bright plumage enliven nature, instill vigor and joy in us. They delight us with their mobility. Without birds, nature is dead. They are truly the standard of beauty on earth. It is not without reason that people have always shown and continue to show concern for their feathered friends.

2. Oral journal.

Front page of the oral journal Did You Know?


On the territory of NP "Meshchera" there are 193 species of birds, 180 species of birds nest,among them, 15 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: osprey, short-toed eagle, peregrine falcon, spotted eagle, black stork, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle and white-fronted goose, and 20 species are protected in the Vladimir region. Often found:capercaillie, black grouse, gray crane,less often - white stork, gray heron, bittern, partridge.

In 2004, work was completed on the creation of the museum "The World of Birds of NP" Meshchera ". The zoological collection has been registered Federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management (Rosprirodnadzor) in the Vladimir region (certificate No. 4). The objects of inspection are more than 130 species of birds living in the park and a unique collection of eggs.

Many different birds live in our forests: woodpeckers and tits, blackbirds and warblers, nuthatches and owls...

Each bird lives in its own way. One loves a deciduous forest, the other can only be found in a spruce forest. One catches insects on the bark of a tree, the other looks for them on the ground, and the third generally feeds on seeds. Some birds build a nest on a knot, others hide it in thick grass, and there are those that hollow out a hollow in a tree. So let's see where which birds live, how they get food and build nests.

Solve the riddle.

Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest.

Hiding in green crowns,

And her name is ... (crow)

The second page of the oral journal "The Corvidae Family"

Student messages.

1. Raven - a symbol of wisdom and longevity, for many centuries it was considered a sacred bird in the Vladimir region. Its main difference is its large size, blue-black shiny feathers and a wedge-shaped tail. The main food of the crow is small rodents, insects and carrion. The crow starts nesting very early - in March, arranging its nests on top of old trees. The female constantly sits on the nest, and the male brings food. Old crow nests are often used by birds of prey - hawks and buzzards. Raven leads pretty hidden image life and mistrustful of man.

Its closest relatives - gray crow, jackdaw, rook, on the contrary, have adapted to life next to a person.
2. Crow successfully uses the presence of a person in such places. While the birds are sitting quietly on the nests, the crow has nothing to profit from. As soon as a person appears in the vicinity of a bird colony, confusion begins among the birds. Birds take off, circle in the air. This is sure to use the crow. Thanks to man, she does not remain without prey. That is why the crow nests more often in the cultural landscape. In the spring, during the nesting period, crows stay in pairs, feeding their offspring. Nests are usually built in trees. After the chicks leave the nest, the crow can be found in open spaces, in meadows, in floodplains. In autumn, large flocks of crows unite with rooks, jackdaws and feed in the fields, garbage dumps, and dumps. According to the method of feeding, the crow is omnivorous: carrion, kitchen waste, insects, eggs and chicks of a wide variety of bird species, including domestic ones. The gray crow is called a robber.Ravens usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, but in severe winters they migrate south for the time of frost.

Teacher. - Guess the riddle.

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are full of...(rooks)


A close relative of the crow
Black and blue wing
Citizen loves the city
Respect the village!
Likes to follow tractors
He walks around the field
Dine on worms
After afternoon cereal!
What is this important graph
In a black tuxedo without a hat
It's a black bird rook
All "feeding troughs" regular!

3. Rook - a few birds. The body is black, with a blue metallic sheen. The beak is thinner thancrows . Found in fields, shelterbelts, as well as in large cities. Food is very diverse: insects, worms, small mammals, fruits, carrion. During spring plowing, rooks eat a huge amount of wireworm and other pests. Agriculture. It nests in colonies in trees. Nests are placed at a height of 15-20 m from the ground, both near the main trunk of the tree and in the fork of thick branches.
Recently, there has been a clear trend towards a reduction in the number of nesting pairs. A rook in its way of life can be called a peaceful and harmless creature.

Teacher. And those black birds
Looks like a crow
On the rook too.
Make friends with people
Who are they? (

4. Jackdaw - one of the most interesting birds of the corvid family. The plumage is black to silver-gray (head and chest). It is about the size of a pigeon. The very name of this bird is onomatopoeic, under its cry. When flying, the jackdaw often calls out its name: "daw, daw, daw", and also croaks like a crow.

The jackdaw leads a flock of life; in search of food, flocks often unite with rooks. It feeds on worms, fruits and berries, garbage, eggs of small birds. Jackdaws prefer to build their nests in hollows, under eaves and in the attics of tall stone buildings. Jackdaw chicks are fed animal food.

Jackdaws live in forests and parks, and settle next to a person. Jackdaws all year round live in pairs. Even in large flocks, if you look closely, you can see many such couples.

Winter is not over yet, and jackdaws are already beginning to collect dry twigs from the ground or break them off from trees. The nest is made up of assembled rods, rather rough on the outside, and lined with wool, pieces of felt and rags inside. In spring, the jackdaw will lay five eggs in this nest.
The male and female take turns incubating the eggs.

Jackdaws feed and feed their chicks with a wide variety of food. They catch insects and extract larvae and worms from the ground, peck at plant food, grains and seedlings; they can often be seen digging in landfills. In general, it must be said that jackdaws are very sociable birds and often stay together for a long time with rooks and ravens.

The jackdaw would be quite a nice bird if it were not for the bad habit of attacking gardens and orchards in the spring. As soon as shoots of beans and peas appear on the ridges, like a jackdaw right there and let's pluck one sprout after another. If the jackdaws do not interfere, they will clean all the ridges. And orchards get from jackdaws when juicy cherries and plums begin to ripen, to which these birds are great gourmets. In these cases, the jackdaw would deserve to be ranked among the harmful birds, but it also has important merits.
The jackdaw destroys harmful insects, snails and rodents. The benefits it brings outweigh the harm. Therefore, the jackdaw should be attributed to birds useful for the human economy.

Jackdaws are smart birds. Once such a story happened.

Show story.

There was a jug of water on the table. A jackdaw flew in and began to circle around the jug, looking into it. What do you think the jackdaw wanted? The jackdaw wanted to drink. But could she get drunk? No. And why? There is not enough water in the jug, the jackdaw cannot be reached. But how to be? (The teacher listens to the children's answers and comments on them). And the clever jackdaw bird came up with this: she began to throw pebbles at him. Help me. (Children come up and throw pebbles into a jug). Have you noticed what's going on? Water rises to the edges of the jug. The jackdaw threw pebbles until the water rose so that the bird could reach it with its beak and drink.
This is the way the jackdaw came up with to get to the water. The remarkable Russian writer Leo Tolstoy wrote about this story in little story"The Jackdaw and the Pitcher".

Teacher. - Now let's play. Mobile game "Birds fly to nests"

Children depict birds. If they hear the names of birds, then they depict a flight, if the names are not birds, they stand still, if they hear the words “Jackdaws fly into nests” - they run to the carpet and occupy nests (hoops).

Crows fly to their nests.
Cranes fly to their nests.
Pikes fly into nests.
Magpies fly to nests.
Jackdaws fly into nests.
Starlings fly to nests.
Storks fly to nests.
Mice fly into nests.
Jackdaws fly into nests.

Teacher. Talking about the birds of the corvid family living in the Vladimir region, one cannot fail to mention the jay.

5. Jay - forest a bird the size ofcheckbox . It has a bright, loose plumage, a noticeable wide crest on the head and a rather long tail. Body colorreddish - Brown It feeds on both plant and animal matter.In autumn, jays regularly feed in places where oak bears fruit. Jays hide part of the acorns in reserve, thereby contributing to the spread of oak in the forest. The jay does the same with the hazelnut - hazel. In late autumn and winter, jays can be seen near human habitation.

Teacher. - And now listen to those conversations between the jay and the woodpecker (from the stories of N. Sladkov "About birds with love")

Jay and woodpecker.

Chchee - chee! Haha!

What's the matter with you, Jay, an acorn, or something choked? What are you wheezing for the whole forest?

Deceived me, Woodpecker, people. So believe them after that! Eggs. They say it’s good to drink raw, then and there ... I robbed bird nests all summer, all summer raw eggs drinking, what's the point? As the voice was nasty, hoarse, it remained. Gha! Chee!

Teacher. - You can easily recognize this bird.

Cracked since morning

Po-r-r-ra! Po-r-r-ra!

What's the time?

Such a mess with her

When it crackles ... (magpie)

6. Magpie thanks to the characteristic black and white plumage and unusually long tail, it is unique and easily recognizable. The head, neck, chest and back are black with a purple or bluish-green metallic sheen, the belly and shoulders are white. Also often white wingtips. The long tail (longer than the body) and wings are black.

Magpie leads an almost settled way of life, not leaving their native places throughout the year. It should be noted that the magpie, despite its adaptability to life next to a person, is extremely cautious and shy. That is why magpies prefer to choose a place to rest, which at the same time would be an observation point: the top of the tall tree, a high-voltage line support, a television antenna. Not a single movement escapes her watchful gaze. The loud chirping of a magpie in the forest is an alarm signal that is perceived not only by its relatives, but also by other forest dwellers. Many cases are known when young magpies, taken by chicks from the nest, quickly got used to a person and became his cute and funny companions during walks. The tamed magpie kept near the house in the aviary is an excellent watchman who cannot be bribed with any treats...

Third page of the oral journal Did You Know?

Teacher. The last page of our oral journal bears the same title. Like the first - "Did you know?"

Live on our planet

wonderful creatures,

They fly and sing

And keep the earth sacred.

Tell me children

Is it possible to live without birds in the world?

All birds are of great benefit to man. Some of them destroy harmful insects and their larvae, others catch mice and voles, and others eat weed seeds.

And what is a forest if there are no birds singing there? Birds must be protected. Protect, do not disturb, and in winter, in a difficult hungry time, feed.


  1. T. A. Kirillova "Entertaining material for the lessons of natural history" Yuryev-Polsky, 1983
  2. V. Flint “Birds in our forest! Publishing house "Children's Literature" Moscow, 1976
  3. A. Pichugin, E. Smith "Impressions of Meshchera" 1992

From the chapter "Meshchera Symphony" of the new book "The Open Book of Meshchera"

The evening was already coming to an end when Eliza Rovbotom, Teri's wife, came up to me and began to say something. I could hardly make out that this was the first romance I had sung. Calling Teri for help, I was surprised to learn that both the meaning of the poems and the melody of the romance were familiar to Eliza since childhood, when she lived in Trinidad! And in general, as she put it, this is their folk song (!) How, how could this happen? There is only one conclusion: by the will of fate, Elizabeth Dieterichs could have ended up on the island of Trinidad after 1924. Where did the poor Russian wanderers, deprived of their homeland, live!? The melody of the romance could not help but like local residents, the poems could be translated into Spanish, especially since the stars in the Caribbean Sea are reflected no worse than in the Black Sea near Odessa. So over time, the Russian romance could turn into a folk "Trinidadian" song, which was sung by some local fisherman to his beloved: his native Caribbean, and in distant, distant Russia ...

The history of this romance is very instructive. It is like a message from the twentieth century to future generations, as a kind of warning ... In the age of the triumph of means mass communication, global computer network, cellular communications and space navigation, we began to value all these technical conveniences above all else, even above spiritual values, and ceased to be surprised at everything that surrounds us, ceased to see and hear the natural world around us, to strive for its knowledge. It is not for nothing that it is said: - He who is deaf and blind, he does not see or hear anything! ..

Outside the window is a fresh late September morning soaked in cold dew. For a long time I was going to go and watch the cranes in the fields near the Orlovsky swamp, to count how many young cranes fledged this year. Already from the porch of my village house I hear the crane roll call rushing from all sides. Half an hour later, I'm already there. In the distance, on a hillock, you can see the outskirts of the village of Chaslitsy, and nearby, a little to the right - the village of Zanutreno, around the field? local SPK planted this year with corn for silage. The crop has already been harvested, but a significant number of semi-ripe cobs with grains remained on the ground. Along the reclamation canal, overgrown with young birch trees, I make my way closer to the edge of the field and adjust my binoculars.

About fifty cranes have already gathered on the field. Everyone is mostly busy feeding, but there are also sentries, carefully looking around. Birds walk importantly among the stubble, carefully choosing delicious corn kernels from the soil. Young cranes, thanks to their brownish-brown plumage, stand out well among the general mass, similar to long-nosed teddy bear cubs climbing on stilts. In size, they are noticeably smaller than adult birds, and they move not so gracefully and expressively.

The young are constantly near their parents, so that according to the location of the cranes, you can easily calculate the number of couples who have bred chicks this summer. The cranes are still flying. From time to time, from behind the cemetery forest covered with autumn gilding, the call of another flying group is heard. In response, all the cranes on the field throw their heads up, and the pipe extravaganza begins. The sound of the crane's cry envelops you from all sides, does not hit your ears, but seems to sound inside you, forcing the whole body, the bones of the skull to resonate, turning it into a kind of musical instrument as well.

You experience a similar feeling when you stand on the bell tower of the temple next to the largest ringing bell and you are not afraid to go deaf, because at that time you sound yourself! resonance at the smallest cellular level.

Of all the birds of the Meshchera, marsh bitterns and, of course, eagle owls can make sounds similar in magical vibrational power. Anyone who has heard nearby the “humming” of a bittern on a swampy lake or the “hooting” of an eagle owl in a dense forest will agree with me that this is one of those impressions that remain with a person for life ...

… During the two hours of my observing the cranes, more than eighty birds gathered on the field. Having satisfied their hunger, the birds gradually dispersed throughout the field, cleaning their feathers, exposing their sides to the warm rays of the rising sun. Everyone in the neighborhood is slowly waking up after a cold autumn night's slumber. To the left, from the direction of Chaslitsy, cock cries and barking of dogs are heard. Twenty minutes later, as if obeying a certain schedule, the whole flock of cranes again starts to move. Couples with cranes formed a wide circle, in its center were only adult birds, importantly pacing to the beat of an inaudible melody. From time to time, a bird, located in the very center of the circle, grabs a dried corn leaf with its beak and throws it high up. For everyone, this serves as a signal and an invitation to the dance - the game.
Cranes, spreading their wings, begin to chirp melodicly, jump high, grabbing a leaf in the air, and tossing it up again so that it does not fall. When a dry corn leaf does touch the ground, the dance marathon subsides to begin in a minute with new force. Gradually, the general dance fun covers the whole flock. Now everyone is already: both adults and young ones flap their wings, jump high up and shout loudly, as if sending a greeting to the rising sun. Then, several males took to the wing and began to rise in circles. Behind them, as if continuing to circle in a dance, more and more birds took off in a general whirlwind. A few minutes later, the flock gained a ceiling of a good hundred meters and, having stopped circling, divided into four wedges, taking the direction to the southwest - to the Great Meshchersky Lakes ...

... Rubbing my stiff knees, I go out onto the road framing the field and go towards the village of Zanutrino to check if there are still cranes in the fields outside the village. On the way, I scare away a flock of buntings feeding on weed seeds on the edge of the canal. These are very interesting birds, undeservedly forgotten in our time.

The common oatmeal is a constant companion of a resident of the Meshchera hinterland, feeds and nests on the ground among the grass in small copses, on damp, overgrown meadows overgrown with rare shrubs, closer to rural fields and pastures. Now the birds are dressed in an inconspicuous winter brown-brown plumage, masking them from the keen eyes of a hawk.
By the end of winter, the males will be transformed: the head, neck, chest and abdomen will be covered with bright yellow feathers with small rare brown streaks that will shimmer in the spring sun and delight the eye in the midst of spring thaw...
In autumn and during winter migrations, buntings feed on seeds of herbaceous plants and cultivated cereals, but in summer, during the nesting period, they feed chicks and feed exclusively on insects themselves ...

A little more, and flocks of these birds will begin their eternal movement along the edge of the snow cover to the south to the forest-steppe and steppe regions of Russia, not flying far from the snow-covered border, often lingering in warm winters and in the forest zone, as if afraid to miss the moment of the arrival of Spring.

With its first breath, usually in early or mid-March, when streams run along the roads, the first thawed patches appear, and heavenly blue will increasingly appear through the breaks in the clouds, they will again appear in our area to be one of the first to announce this important spring news with his "silver" voice: xin-sin-sin-sin-sin-ssii.

The first song of oatmeal I heard at the very beginning of spring pleases and warms my heart no less than the song of a lark or a nightingale trill ... The song is short, a little sad, but really silver-voiced and pure, like the murmur of a spring stream. This song of a simple bird glorified Russia all over the world. And that's why:

In many countries of the world, and especially in Western Europe, for many centuries it has been practiced to catch small songbirds during spring and autumn migrations with nets, snares and other ways for food. Starlings, bullfinches, larks, blackbirds, buntings and even nightingales fell on the spit. Pate made from boiled nightingale tongues was considered a special "squeak" of fashion!

In Russia, small songbirds were also caught, but not for food, but to tame and listen to their songs! Russia of the 18-19th century was famous for the high culture of keeping songbirds at home.

In rich houses and shacks, in taverns and inns, and even in the royal palace - everywhere at that time one could hear the singing of nightingales, goldfinches, song thrushes, larks, buntings, siskins and tits. A great lover and connoisseur of bird singing was Russian emperor Alexander III.

The singing of birds was elevated to the rank of art, highly valued. Therefore, brought by German merchants to Russia in the 18th century, the small songbird canary immediately found its admirers. Unpretentious in content, easily breeding in captivity, the bird immediately gained popularity among rich and poor people.

In the wild, canaries lived in the Canary Islands of the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa, as well as in the Azores and Madeira. In the 16th century, they were brought to Europe and domesticated. Those first canaries in the 18th century still had a loud, abrupt chant of wild birds, so Russian bird song lovers, being highly qualified specialists, set about breeding singing canaries with melodic singing, without sharp sounds and with many knees, smoothly replacing each other. At the same time, the natural ability of canaries to adopt the singing of other songbirds was used. And so the common oatmeal became a “singing teacher” for young, newly fledged canaries. Such a tune was highly valued throughout Europe and Asia and was called "oatmeal". It should be noted that in Germany, canaries were taught to sing with the help of a special pipe. Such a melody was called "pipe" or "Tyrolean", but in Russia it was little known. Canaries sing, like their wild ancestors, with open beaks and strongly vibrating necks.

Breeding and teaching canaries to sing was a very profitable occupation. Residents of some villages and provincial towns in Central Russia did not fail to take advantage of this. Kenar breeding, along with woodcarving, toy making, and lacquer miniatures, became one of the folk crafts in the second half of the 19th century. So the overseas canary bird turned into a truly Russian one ...

Breeders of canaries from the village of Pavlovo near Nizhny Novgorod, as well as canary breeders of the Kaluga and Bryansk provinces, where the overwhelming majority of the adult population were engaged in this trade, were especially famous all over the world. In the Vladimir province, the breeding centers for canaries were Gorokhovets and Vyazniki and the villages around them. According to eyewitnesses, hundreds of canaries were brought in cages on barges along the Klyazma and Oka to the Nizhny Novgorod piers, reloaded onto carts and taken to a special "Bird Row". Indeed, where one could hear the heavenly bird choir! Famous innkeepers of Moscow and St. Petersburg: Gurin, Egorov, Testov, Lopashov and others personally came to Nizhny to listen and select the best kenars for their establishments.

Each breeder sought not only to breed these best-selling birds, but also to improve their song, bring out your own, different from others, tune. The most harmonious knees of forest and field birds were inserted into the song of the canary, sharp unpleasant sounds were removed, the tone of the sound changed.

The tradition of keeping songbirds in public places required canine breeders to create such a bird so that its voice could be heard amid the noise and rumble. Under these conditions, only a high voice was suitable. Great importance was also attached to the external beauty of the bird itself. Kenar of the Russian oatmeal tune were distinguished by yellow, green or yellow-piebald plumage with dark spots on the back. Their song was based on the song of Russian forest songbirds and field birds and was distinguished by the original selection of knees or their construction, tempo, tonality, including even such original sounds as the ringing of a bell. Each "style" of singing had its own name after the name of the breeder or the village where he lived.

Naturally, each "breeder" dreamed that the singing of his birds would be recognized as the best, tried to bring his best achievements to the court of lovers. Therefore, in Moscow, in Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities, as a rule, in taverns, original competitions of singing canaries were held. Such competitions brought together dozens of connoisseurs of canary singing, they determined the most euphonious singers by common vote. Competitions became auctions, where the best kenars were sold at huge prices for those times. Here the glory of breeders of kenars was created, which thundered not only throughout Russia, but also beyond its borders. A large number of canaries of the Russian oatmeal tune were taken away to Transcaucasia, in Central Asia, Turkey and Iran. Here's a little bird oatmeal for you! ..

The fields beyond the village of Zanutreno are dull and empty, only the whole earth is dotted with crane tracks. In the distance, abandoned peat maps of the former Orlovsky swamp, completely overgrown with reeds and cattails, turn yellow with bright spots. The northwest wind, which had intensified, dispersed the gray clouds hanging on the horizon, suddenly calmed down and, as if by magic, the whole space around was lit up, quite like spring, with bright sunlight. Against the background of the azure sky, a strip of forest framing the field flared up with all the colors of autumn ... And, for a moment, there was silence, which is called ringing! It was as if Meshchera was saying goodbye to the last wedge of a crane flying somewhere, in the heavenly heights ...

Meshchera National Park

The Meshchera National Park was created in 1992 on the territory of the Vladimir Region to preserve the natural complex of the Meshchera Lowland. The national park is located in the southeast of the region. In the west, the park borders on the Moscow region, the Meshchersky National Park of the Ryazan region adjoins the south side of the park. The national park occupies 118,900 hectares of land, of which 61% are provided to the park, and 39% are allocated for economic activities to various owners.

The Meshchera National Park is a country of forests and swamps, quiet rivers and numerous lakes, a reserved, dense, mysterious land. The storytellers inhabited Meshchera with goblin, water, mermaids. Nearby, on the ancient Murom tract, according to legend, the Nightingale the Robber also hunted. Meshchera fascinated many artists, poets, writers, musicians.

The Meshchera forests are located in the transition zone between the taiga and broad-leaved forests. This is connected with the extraordinary abundance of plant species found in Meshchera. The forest lands of the park occupy 86.3 thousand hectares (72.6% of the total area of ​​the park), including 81.6 thousand hectares (68.6%) covered with forests. The Meshchera lowland is located in a temperate climate zone. The landscapes of the national park are typical natural complexes of the Polissya type.

Among animals, a wolf, a raccoon dog, a fox, an ermine, a weasel, a white hare, and a squirrel are common. The number of wild boar and elk is high. There are hare, forest polecat, American mink, pine marten, badger. The beaver population has recovered. Of the mammals of Meshchera, the Russian desman is the most valuable.

Among the rare bird species of the park are the black-throated diver, white stork, gray heron, bittern, gray goose, greater spotted eagle, common kestrel, ptarmigan, gray partridge, common crane, eagle owl, long-eared owl, hoopoe, bile, three-toed woodpecker, nutcracker. Reptiles are represented by a spindle, a quick and viviparous lizard, an ordinary snake and an ordinary viper.

Purpose of creation

NP "Meshchera" is an environmental institution, the territory of which includes natural and historical and cultural complexes of the Meshchera lowland, which have a special ecological, historical and aesthetic value and is intended for use in environmental, recreational, environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes. The main task of the park is to preserve and enhance the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Vladimirskaya Meshchera.

Vegetable world

Formed in antiquity, the landscape of the park is a swampy plain covered with pine and birch forests. The Meshchera National Park is part of the Meshchera forest region, which lies in the northern zone of the Eastern European variant of the subtaiga subzone of the taiga zone. The forest cover of the park is 63%. Light birch-pine forests are a typical community for our park; they occupy the largest area (36%). coniferous forests consist mainly of Scotch pine (59%) with an admixture of European spruce (1%). Broad-leaved forests are represented by oak forests and linden forests, sometimes there is a maple. These forests do not occupy large areas and are located in the valley of the Buzha River.

The flora of the park is exceptionally rich. It is estimated that about 700 vascular plants grow in the park. 44 rare species are taken under special protection, among them: floating salvinia, English sundew, squat birch, blueberry willow, several beautiful orchids.

park fauna

The fauna of the park is no less rich. It is remarkable in that the whole complex of habitats of the subzone of European broad-leaved forests is very fully represented here. 49 species of mammals, 5 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians have been registered in the park. The most numerous are: hare, fox, elk, wild boar, ermine, beaver. There are hare, forest polecat, otter.

Traces of the habitation of the endemic - the Russian muskrat - were noted. She is by origin the same age as the mammoth. According to our estimates, a small but stable group of desman lives in the park.

193 species of birds are found on the territory of the Meshchera National Park, among them 15 species are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and 20 species are protected in the Vladimir Region. Often found: capercaillie, black grouse, gray crane; less often - white stork, gray heron, bittern, partridge.

Historical and cultural heritage

The territory of the national park is characterized not only by a variety of geographical, hydrological, forest, but also historical sights. Within the current territory of the Meshchera National Park, traces of the presence of an ancient man dating back to the Middle-Late Stone Age (VII-III millennium BC) were found. ancient man settled near the water, the abundance of which distinguishes the Meshcherskaya lowland. This is evidenced by Neolithic sites in the valleys of the Buzha and Pol rivers: “Mochalovsky afternoon tea”, Svyatoozersky sites, sites in the area of ​​the village. Mikulino and Petrushino. The ancient commercial overland Ryazan tract passed through the territory of the park, connecting the two cities of Ryazan and Vladimir.

Old Ryazan tract

Vladimirskaya Meshchera

Vladimirskaya Meshchera is located in the west of the Vladimir region. Wooded and partly wetlands.
Administratively, the region is located on the territory of Kirzhachsky, Petushinsky, Gus-Khrustalny and Sobinsky districts.

January 11 - Day of Reserves and National Parks - an unofficial holiday celebrated in the Russian Federation on the initiative of a number of environmental organizations.

The All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” is a relatively young date in the calendar of ecologists. It has been celebrated since 1997. It was in that year that the "Center for the Protection wildlife and the World Wildlife Fund took the initiative to annually celebrate the Day of Reserves and National Parks in the Russian Federation.

The choice of environmentalists to hold the "Day of Reserves and National Parks" fell on this date - January 11, not by chance. It was on this day, in 1916 in Buryatia, that the first Russian Empire state reserve called the Barguzinsky Reserve (because it is located on the eastern slope of the Barguzinsky Range). Now in Russia there are more than a hundred nature reserves and forty national parks, with total area 33.7 million hectares and 7.000.000 hectares respectively. One can call the "Day of Reserves and National Parks" not only a day when environmentalists try to focus society's attention on the problems associated with nature protection zones, but also as a professional holiday for employees of these entities, whose staff number is 11,501 people in the country. The area of ​​reserves and national parks in the Russian Federation is about 2% of the territory of the state, which is approximately equal in area to the territory of Belarus.

Meshchera forests are closely connected with the struggle of the Russian people against Tatar-Mongol invasion. According to the stories and epics of Haji Rakhim, it was here that numerous bloody battles between Russian warriors and Tatar detachments took place. The frequent skirmishes between them are evidenced by a large number of burials on the territory of Meshchera, the so-called tracts and manes. Ryazan prince Yevpaty Kolovrat with his retinue also fought in our area. According to legend, the hero was buried near the Meshchera roads in the region. Towns and villages of Meshchera have a unique architectural appearance. Most bright features The architectural appearance of the cities and villages of Meshchera are: prominent graceful temples, preserved "Maltsev" houses of the XIX century in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, amazing carved decoration of log houses in villages and towns. Although Christianity finally established itself in our land in the 12th century, stone churches in Vladimirskaya Meshchera began to be built about two hundred years ago. On the territory of the national park, 3 temples of the 19th century have been preserved: this is the elegant church of St. Elias (Palishi village), where in the old days, parishioners prayed to protect them from a thunderstorm. The lonely Church of the Holy Trinity (), towering over a white candle woodlands; the majestic Church of the Exaltation (), in which the mosaic of the second half of XIX century. A special type of cultural heritage is made up of folk crafts and crafts that have been preserved among the local population: weaving from a wicker, making dugout boats, making souvenirs from natural material- glass, wood, clay. An important element of the spiritual heritage is local folklore, rituals and traditions.

Church of the Exaltation of the Lord, from Narma

No less interesting is the social history of the region, which is closely connected with the basic industry of Vladimirskaya Meshchera - the production of glass and crystal. The emergence of a system of glass factories in the Meshchera forests of the Vladimir province is associated with the name of Akim Maltsov. In 1756, 10 miles from the village of Nikulino, a crystal factory was built on the Gus River, which gave life to the whole city - Gus-Khrustalny. By 1845, there were 5 crystal and 16 glass factories in the Vladimir province. Local crystal products are known throughout Russia and are distinguished by their characteristic design, called "Maltsevsky Crystal". Throughout its 250-year history, the production of glass and crystal has occupied a leading position in the city and the region.
Cm. .

The Meshchera region has long attracted and inspired artists, poets, writers and musicians. S. Yesenin and K. Paustovsky sang his wondrous nature in their creations. The famous writer, laureate of Nobel Prize A. Solzhenitsyn, the artist I. Levitan painted his beautiful landscapes.

"Museum of Birds"

Museum "World of Birds" of the National Park "Meshchera", located in. The museum of nature has collected more than 200 exhibits; there are species of birds living in the national park, a unique collection of bird eggs (50 different species), which was collected over two decades, is also exhibited, the formation of an exposition of bird nests has begun. The museum has four exhibits: Wetland Birds, Forest Birds, Open Space Birds, and Domestic Birds. Everyone can get acquainted with the origin of birds; birds listed in the Red Book of Russia and protected in the Vladimir region, with local species of poultry.

museum under open sky"Russian Compound"

The open-air museum "Russian Compound" is located in. Here visitors can get acquainted with the life of the peasants of Vladimir Meshchera. Currently, the museum has 3 expositions. The open-air exposition presents various types of hedges, wells, Russian baths, haystacks, logs and roof coverings that were once created by our ancestors. The exposition "Russian hut" recreates the interior of the hut of the Meshchera peasants of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In October 2006, the Old Russian Settlement exposition was opened, which introduces museum visitors to the types of buildings typical of the Middle Ages.

Ecological trails

The park has ecological trails of various lengths, covering the most interesting areas. Two school trails, a large ecological trail and in 2007 a new ecological trail "Forest World of Meshchery" was opened, it consists of two sections "World of Nature" and "World of Fairy Tales". The trail successfully combines objects of flora and fauna and fairy-tale characters of Russian folk tales.

Trail of fairy tales

Ecological trail "Journey along the Ryazan tract"

Ecological trail "Journey along the Ryazan tract" starts from an equipped recreation area on the river. Pol with a view of the Holy Trinity Church (22 km from Gus-Khrustalny), goes along the left bank of the Pol River to the equipped recreation site "Sosnovaya" on one of the high banks of the river. The length of the route is 2 km. This route is named so because the ancient Ryazan tract ran along the Pol River and from the starting point of this route, the remains of the bridge, which was part of this route, are visible. Information on the route is connected not only with the history of the region, but also with animals and flora miners. The route is equipped with full houses. At the end point of the trip - the Sosnovaya site, there is an opportunity to relax, play outdoor games, drink tea and return home.
