Where is the capybara? Animal capybara - the largest rodent

The capybara, also known as the capybara, is a semiaquatic herbivore mammal from the capybara family (Hydrochoeridae). It is also the largest of the modern rodents.

Description of the rodent

The body length of adults is 1-1.35 m, height is from 50 to 60 cm. The weight of males is 34-63 kg, females - 36-66 kg. Outwardly, the capybara looks like a giant bighead. She has a large head with a broad, blunt muzzle, thick upper lip. Ears are short and rounded. The nostrils are set wide. The eyes are small, set high on the head and slightly behind. The tail is practically absent. The paws are short, on the front - four fingers, on the back - three with short strong claws. The fingers of the capybara are connected by swimming membranes. The surface of the body is covered with long and stiff hairs, from 30 to 120 mm long, there is no undercoat. From above, the body of the capybara is colored from reddish-brown to grayish, the tummy is usually yellowish-brown. Juveniles are lighter in color than adults. Adult males have an area of ​​skin with a large number of large sebaceous glands on top of the muzzle. Females have six pairs of abdominal nipples on their tummy.

Capybara, as a herbivore, feeds on various fruits and tubers, hay and grass, as well as aquatic plants.

The capybara is distributed along the shores of various reservoirs, mainly in the tropical and temperate climates of Central and South America. Found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, French Guiana. It also lives near the Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata rivers. In the mountains, capybaras are common at altitudes up to 1300 m above sea level.

The small capybara lives in the territory from the north of Panama to Colombia and northwest Venezuela.

Common species of capybara

To date, the capybara genus includes 4 species, of which 2 are extinct:

The main manifestation of sexual dimorphism in capybaras is that females usually exceed males in size. Otherwise, their appearance is the same.

Capybaras lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, these animals do not leave the water for more than 500-1000 m. The distribution of the species is associated with changes in the water level depending on the season. So, during the rainy season, capybaras widely disperse over the territory they inhabit, in the dry season, on the contrary, they concentrate along the banks of large rivers and other reservoirs. In search of water and food, capybaras are able to travel very long distances.

The period of highest activity for capybaras is the day, in cases when they are disturbed by humans and predators, rodents switch to a nocturnal lifestyle.

The capybara can swim and dive well. The eyes on the head of the animal are located high, just like the ears and nostrils, which allows the capybara to leave them above the water while swimming.

Capybaras are social animals, they usually live in groups of 10-20 individuals. Each group consists of a dominant male, adult females, babies and subordinate males that are on the periphery of the group. About 10% of male capybaras lead a solitary lifestyle. The dominant male may expel other male competitors from his group. Large groups of capybaras gather in arid areas, sometimes up to several hundred animals gather around reservoirs during a drought period. On average, a herd of capybaras lives on an area of ​​​​about 10 hectares, but they mostly concentrate on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 1 hectare. Such a main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe capybara is marked with secretions from the nasal and anal glands. There are conflicts between the permanent inhabitants of the territory and strangers.

Between themselves, capybaras communicate with the help of whistles, as well as clicking and barking sounds, and smells of the secrets of the olfactory glands, which are located on the muzzles of males.

Capybaras breed throughout the year, but most mating occurs at the beginning of the rainy season (for example, April-May in Venezuela, October-November in Mato Grosso, Brazil). During the breeding season, males mark plants with a special secret that attracts females.

Mating in capybaras takes place in the water. Pregnancy lasts about 150 days, ending in September-November. Childbirth takes place far from shelters, right on the ground. There are 2-8 babies in one brood, they are born with hair, open eyes and erupted teeth. The mass of cubs reaches 1.5 kg. All females of the group take care of the newborns. And almost immediately after the birth, they already follow their mother and begin to eat grass. Milk feeding lasts until the age of 3-4 months. In favorable conditions, female capybaras bring 2-3 litters.

Young capybaras reach puberty at the age of 15-18 months, at this point their weight is 30-40 kg.

natural enemies

Natural enemies of capybaras are wild dogs, crocodile caimans, alligators, Orinoc crocodiles, jaguars, ocelots, anacondas. From terrestrial predators, animals hide under water, while they breathe through the nostrils that remain above the surface.

The urubu vulture (Coragyps atratus), other birds of prey, as well as wild dogs prey on capybara cubs.

Capybara capybara is a very interesting animal. This is the most big rodent on the ground! Although for many this animal is a real “dark horse”, few people have heard of it and know what it looks like.

Capybara. Let's get acquainted!

Among all the variety of animals, it is difficult not to notice rodents: these little animals are so charming that many people love them and keep them at home. But not all rodents are so small. The "giant" among rodents is the capybara, or capybara. It's interesting Living being the capybara family (besides it, there is not a single genus and species in this family).

Appearance of capybara capybara

The capybara, which has a length of up to 1.5 m and a weight of 40-60 kg, looks like a giant guinea pig. The capybara, like the sea pig, has a large and wide head and a stocky body. Even the number of fingers on their paws is the same: there are four on the forelimbs, and three on the hind limbs. On the paws of the capybara are swimming membranes.

Sharp incisors and thick rough hair, small ears and a short tail ... Capybara is difficult to confuse with another animal. The capybara has won the hearts of many people around the world with its appearance and a size not characteristic of any of the rodents living on Earth.

Habitat of the capybara

The habitat of the capybara covers a significant part of the territory of South America. These rodents live in the northeast of the mainland - in Panama, from Colombia to Uruguay, in Argentina.

Wet rainforests ideal for capybaras. Capybara can also be found in other places - in grasslands, in tropical savannahs and shrub forests. Interestingly, capybaras always live not far (no more than a kilometer) from water.

What does the capybara eat?

I wonder what the capybara eats? Being a rodent, the capybara feeds exclusively on plant foods - grass, grains, fruits and vegetables. Sometimes they eat some aquatic plants. But in zoos they are fed differently - with huge pellets for rodents, vitamin complexes, vegetables.

Reproduction and pregnancy of capybaras

Capybaras cannot live alone (the exception is males who have not found a mate). They live in groups of 10-15 rodents. Usually the male leads the group, several females and their children live with him. They communicate with the help of a whistle, vaguely reminiscent of the grunting of a pig.

Capybaras are able to mate at any time of the year, but most often this occurs in spring or autumn. Since capybaras are semi-aquatic rodents, they also mate in the water. Pregnancy lasts about one hundred and fifty days.

Born rodents (usually about 4-6 pieces) are born completely ready for life, and not helpless. From birth, capybara cubs have wool, and open eyes, and full teeth. In addition, small capybaras can immediately eat grass and grain, but the mother continues to feed them for a long time - up to 16 weeks. Surprisingly, all the capybaras in the group treat the cubs well. Moreover, each female helps the mother to raise and feed the cubs.

Capybara Features

Capybaras have many features that are not inherent in other animals. For example, they try to eat only plants rich in protein. What's the matter? And it's all about the amazing digestive system capybaras. Thanks to it, the animal learns a large number of nutrients, enzymes and minerals. By the way, the capybara eats grass, at first, as if cutting it off with a razor - its teeth are so sharp.

Earlier it was written that the capybara cannot live without water. In addition, the capybara is an excellent swimmer. Her whole body seems to be made for swimming. For example, the arrangement of the eyes and nostrils allows the rodent to swim quietly under water for a very long time. If necessary, the capybara can easily swim under water, plunging into it entirely.

Who can harm the capybara? Enemies in nature

Almost every animal in nature has enemies. Alas, the capybara is no exception to this rule. Who are the capybaras afraid of?

Predators are the main enemies of all rodents, including capybaras. At the same time, they can overtake the animal both in water and on land: in aquatic environment the main enemies of capybaras are crocodiles, for example, caimans or alligators, and in the land -

Far across the ocean, in hot Venezuela, an amazing animal lives. It swims like an anaconda, toothy like an alligator and a crocodile, with a shiny coat like an otter's. Who can guess what kind of animal it is? Correct answer - capybara, but in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, probably few have heard of such an exotic creation.

The capybara is also called capybara, and what is most interesting, many people settle this rodent at home. Here is such an unusual alternative to praying mantises, hamsters, newts, rats and guinea pigs. True, it will be very problematic to keep such an animal in an apartment, because capybara weight about 65 kg, and the growth of an adult sheep. She simply loves water, and her whole body is covered with a special water-repellent fur. And here are a couple more features of the capybara: long front teeth, similar to rabbits, and the ability to bark like a dog.

Scientists consider the capybara to be the largest of the rodents. Her whole life is closely connected with various reservoirs. The banks of rivers, swamps, lakes - this is her usual habitat. These animals are amazingly dexterous swimmers and love to spend a huge amount of time in the water. Despite the rather large size of a capybara for a pet (body length 1.5 m) and rather big weight, many lovers of unusual animals still dared to settle this rodent. Many find in it a resemblance to a guinea pig thanks to its cute little muzzle, small, neat ears and a movable nose.

"Capybara" is a name coined by the Indians of South America. Translated from their language, it means "master of the grass." But scientists, when they stumbled upon this mammal, could not find a name for it, because they had never seen anyone like it. As a result of much deliberation, the researchers named it capybara and assigned it to the rodent squad.

What does a capybara look like

Everyone who is closely acquainted with the capybara considers it a very pretty animal. Its main advantage is a small tail, because often it is this part of the body that kills all a person’s love for rodents, such as rats and mice. Causes sympathy and thoughtful complacent muzzle of capybara. The body of the animal is dense, well-fed, the head is massive. The hind legs are slightly shorter than the front ones, and it seems as if the capybara is constantly doing squats. There are four fingers on the front paws of the capybara, and only three on the back. Between the fingers there are membranes, thanks to which the animal can swim, and it also has rather sharp claws, so climbing a tree for a capybara is not a problem. The real pride of the capybara is a thick, long brown coat.

The eyes, nose and ears of the capybara are high, and therefore, when it bathes in a pond, the senses are not submerged under water. So the rodent can calmly wait out the heat in comfortable conditions.

What does the capybara eat in nature and how to feed it at home

The main dishes on the capybara menu are algae and grass. This animal never starves and does not fight with others for food, because it is full not only on land, but also under water. This is one of the factors due to which the animals, although they have become much smaller than their ancient ancestors, have nevertheless survived to this day. Capybara is a happy animal, because it has practically no enemies. The main threat to their quiet life on land is jaguars, in the water - caimans and anacondas.

How and where does the capybara live in nature

Capybara is a herd animal. They form groups led by a male and some females. The remaining males and a huge number of cubs are "subordinates". Capybaras are very peaceful animals, so there are practically no quarrels in their family. Rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, so that the situation is most often calm. The whole company of animals roam the banks of reservoirs, from time to time stopping to rest. Capybaras sleep not in burrows, but in the open. During the day, they look for water or dense thickets to hide from the sun, but the evening and morning coolness returns energy and activity to rodents.

Capybara cubs

A capybara is born, as a rule, four cubs. From the very beginning, babies are independent, although they continue to be fed with mother's milk for another sixteen weeks. From the moment they are born, capybara cubs already have wool, their eyes see well and they can easily follow the herd. Capybara females are excellent mothers. They are very affectionate not only to their own babies, but to all cubs in the herd.

How long do capybaras live in the wild and at home

The life span of capybaras, like other rodents, is quite long. In their natural habitat, they live for about 10 years, and in artificial conditions - 12. A phlegmatic disposition and a measured life help them to live to such a respectable age. People could learn from them too. Capybara is a peaceful animal, she does not like to fight, and if she notices danger, she immediately runs away and hides. As soon as the danger passes, it grazes calmly again.

How the capybara was hunted and then tamed

For many years, only forest and aquatic predators were enemies of capybaras. But with the beginning of the colonization of America, people appreciated the warm fur and tasty meat of animals, and opened a real hunt for them. In addition, the capybara long time considered even fish, and the colonists with redoubled zeal destroyed the peace-loving animals. Fortunately, people changed their minds in time. It was decided to build special farms and domesticate capybaras.

The capybaras liked the conditions on the farms. Still: there is plenty of food, capacious reservoirs in which you can freely swim and dive, and even the absence of the usual predators. Thanks to these factors, the capybara multiplied rapidly, unaware of the sad fate awaiting them.

Pets - capybaras. Care rules

Many people, having seen a capybara once, or even read about it on the Internet or in a magazine, dream of owning such an animal. And that's a really good idea! Really, capybara can bark like a dog, but does not growl and will never bite your guests. She is quickly mastered, and becomes almost a member of the family. This animal shares its calm energy with all the inhabitants of the house, its behavior suppresses aggression, calms nervous nerves and sets only for a good mood. Capybaras can get along well even with dogs and cats.

Putting a capybara in a cage is strictly prohibited. These freedom-loving animals simply cannot survive in it. Yes, and rather big sizes require appropriate space. Capybaras also need a specific climate, because they are used to living in warmth, so something like a greenhouse combined with an indoor pool will do.

Feeding a capybara is not difficult. Vegetables, fruits, fresh hay - this is their favorite diet. The capybara will not refuse canned dog food or pellets for rodents. The place where the feeder is located, the animal will remember very quickly.

Capybara can be walked on a leash like a dog, or you can let it run free. These animals are ideal swimming friends, and even teachers who will demonstrate the correct diving technique by their own example.

And finally, good news for apartment residents who want to have such an exotic pet: there are pygmy capybarus. These animals resemble rabbits in size (photo of rabbits), but they are much more active.

Capybara (lat. Hydrochoerus capybara) is a semi-aquatic mammal, the largest of modern rodents. It is the only representative of the capybara family (lat. Hydrochoeridae). There is a dwarf variety Hydrochoerus isthmius, sometimes it is considered as a separate species (small capybara).


The capybara looks like a large guinea pig. The body length of an adult can reach 1.0-1.35 m. The height at the withers is 0.5-0.6 m. The weight of males ranges from 34 to 63 kg. Females are slightly larger, can weigh up to 65.5 kg.

This outwardly phlegmatic herbivorous rodent of heavy constitution. At capybaras broad, blunt muzzle. The head is large with short rounded ears. The high-set eyes are relatively small in size. There are 20 teeth, and the cheek teeth grow throughout life. The capybara has rather short limbs. There are four fingers on the forelimbs, three on the hind limbs. There is practically no tail. On the body - long coarse hair without undercoat.

The capybara lives in Central and South America, meeting off the coast of warm water bodies of Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, French Guiana. The factors limiting the distribution of this rodent include the temperature of water and air.

The capybara prefers low-lying areas near rivers, lakes, swamps. Often chooses a cultivated area, having a habit of eating cereals, melons, sugar cane. It also feeds on coastal and aquatic plants, tree bark, and wild grasses.

semi-aquatic animal most spends time on the ground, and in case of danger always tries to hide in the water. Hidden among aquatic plants, capybara leaves only the nostrils visible above the surface of the water. More than 500-1000 meters from the reservoir does not depart.

It is active in the morning and evening, sleeps at night, and rests from the heat during the day. In the area where people can disturb the capybara with their activities, it begins to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. When laying, capybaras settle down directly on the ground; they do not equip burrows and nests.

These mammals live mainly in groups of 10 to 20 individuals. The group consists of a dominant male, several males, females and cubs. But about 5-10 percent of individuals (mostly males) live alone. This happens when a dominant male drives a competitor out of the herd. A group of animals can occupy an area of ​​up to 10 hectares, capybaras mark their sites, and a conflict may arise between a group of its permanent inhabitants and newcomers.

Communication occurs with the help of whistles, clicking sounds and sounds similar to barking. The smells of the secretion of the olfactory gland are also used. In males, it is located on the muzzle. During the mating season, males mark plants with secretion and attract females. The mating season usually occurs at the beginning of the rainy season in spring and autumn.

Although capybaras can bring offspring throughout the year. Pregnancy lasts approximately 150 days. From 2 to 8 cubs are born. Newborn animals have hair, teeth, eyes are open, weight is about 1.5 kg. Milk feeding occurs 3-4 months. Each female can bring a litter from one to three times a year. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 15-18 months.

The life span of animals is 9-10 years, in captivity they can live up to 12 years. Capybaras have long been domesticated, and some families keep them as pets. In Venezuela, animals are bred on farms, fed for meat. Capybara meat vaguely resembles pork.

Large, about seventy kilograms of weight, capybaras live not only in nature, but also in private houses and even in ordinary apartments, and walk them on a very ordinary leash. These rodents are extremely clean, unusually gentle and sociable - and they love to put their muzzles on their owners' knees so that they can stroke it and pat it behind the ear.

The most famous capybara in the world is Caplin Rose (his name is an abbreviation meaning Rodent Of Unusual Size - Incredible Size Rodent), who lives in Texas. The animal got into the Tipaldos family at an extremely tender age - when it was found, it was only about 11 days old, it slept on a pillow near the owner's daughter - Melanie, and woke her up with a gentle grunt.

When the capybara was small, this was not a particular problem, but when it grew up, it began to fit right on the head of its mistress, which began to create some problems.

Most of all (except for the owners, of course) Caplin loves to swim - at the same time, he just won’t get into the bath, first he will make sure that the water temperature suits him. If it considers it suitable, it will climb into the water, lie on its side and begin to clean its claws, doing a kind of manicure. The animal also loves to eat - from all food, it especially highlights fruits and ice cream. After bathing and having dinner, Kathleen goes to rest on her favorite sofa.

Description of the animal

Capybara ("Master of Grass") is considered the only representative of the capybara family. This animal is semi-aquatic, herbivorous and is the largest representative of the rodent order. In ancient times, as paleontological finds have shown, grizzly-sized capybaras lived on our planet.

In order not to disappear from the face of the earth, as did the larger relatives, the capybara, in the struggle for a place under the Sun and for plant food, had to acquire some similarity with larger herbivores, both in appearance and in habits. For example, despite the fact that their legs are not as long and fast as those of the same antelopes, they also do not resemble the small legs of rodents.

And even though they move on land with a shuffling gait, if necessary, they can run fast, jump suddenly and live under open sky, absolutely not bothering to dig holes.

Outwardly, this rodent is very similar to a guinea pig, only with a very large head. The coat is hard, from 30 to 120 mm long, red-brown or grayish in color (and only on the stomach it is lighter and acquires a yellowish-brown tint). The rodent has a heavy, well-knit, barrel-shaped physique, while the fibula and tibia are partially fused, and the clavicle is absent. The tail is small and almost invisible.

But most noteworthy are the sizes of the capybara, which are atypical for the order of rodents, since they are at least twice the parameters of the porcupine and beaver:

  • The length of the rodent is a little more than one meter;
  • The height at the withers is about one and a half meters;
  • The weight of males is about sixty-three kilograms;
  • Females are slightly larger, their weight exceeds 65 kg.

The capybara has a large head with a short, almost square muzzle and wide zygomatic arches. The ears are small, rounded, the nostrils are widely spaced. Since the eyes, ears and nostrils of the animal are high, they make it possible for him to feel extremely comfortable in the water. Males that have reached puberty have a patch of skin on the muzzle with a huge number of odorous glands. The capybara has twenty teeth, while the buccal roots are absent and grow until the death of the rodent.

The front legs of this rodent are somewhat shorter than the hind legs, which gives the impression that he always wants to sit down. Capybaras have four toes on their forelimbs and three on their hind limbs. All fingers have short strong and blunt claws, somewhat reminiscent of small hooves. Between the fingers there are membranes that allow the capybara to feel good, both on land and in water.


The capybara lives only in South America, and only in regions with humid climate. Among the reasons that limit the distribution of this animal to the rest of the territory is both the temperature of the water (in this case, these animals are quite fastidious) and the air. They do not live permanently in any particular place - during the rainy season they disperse over a wide area, and gather in herds near large bodies of water when the drought begins.

Regardless of the season, the capybara lives near rivers, lakes and even swamps. Sometimes they can be seen in the mountains at an altitude of about one kilometer. Since the life of this animal is extremely closely connected with water, it rarely moves more than one kilometer from the water.

Reservoirs save capybaras from cougars, jaguars and other predators. Of course, dangers also await them in the rivers (for example, an alligator), but here they are not as helpless and phlegmatic as on earth. The capybara swims extremely fast, and can dive deep and for a long time.

In water, it is able to behave very quietly and imperceptibly - nostrils and eyes are barely visible above the surface, while hiding behind algae, snags or other floating objects. It is in the water that the capybara likes to stay during the heat, putting out only its head, or goes to sleep in the thickets near the reservoir.

Such a connection between the animal and water three centuries ago led to a ridiculous situation when Catholic Church decided suddenly to consider rodents as fish, as a result of which their meat was allowed to be consumed during the fasting period.


Capybara living in natural conditions and not familiar with the benefits of civilization, prefers to eat plants growing in water - they contain an extremely small amount of mechanical tissues, and therefore are easier to digest by rodents. Although the capybara does not disdain cereals, wild cereals, gourds, sugar cane, and eats the bark of trees. These animals often eat their own droppings so that low-nutrient food is easier to digest.


Despite the fact that capybaras are active mainly in the morning and evening (when it is not so hot), if they are constantly disturbed by people or predators, capybaras will switch to night mode without any problems.

By their nature, capybaras are extremely phlegmatic, one might even say lazy. When zoologists once tried to find the lair of these animals, they could not find it for a long time. And all because they simply do not have any dwelling - the capybara sleeps on the ground. The maximum that she agrees to is to loosen the soil under her and make a shallow hole.

Capybaras live in flocks - from ten to twenty individuals, although during the heat, more than a hundred rodents can often gather near one reservoir. In this case, conflicts between permanent residents and newcomers are not uncommon.

But even in this case, each herd is responsible for its own territory, the boundaries of which the capybaras mark with special odorous glands located on their heads. total area the land that the flock marks is about 10 hectares, however, animals spend almost all their time on a plot not exceeding one hectare.

And capybaras need to communicate with each other, because among the males in the herd there is an extremely strict hierarchy. In general, the psychological atmosphere among rodents is quite good and weaker individuals unconditionally listen to the leader, who constantly proves to the rest who is “the strongest here”, which often leads to conflicts and fights.

His competitors tolerate such behavior of the leader, because they cannot find a couple outside the herd. About ten percent of capybaras do not stand up (or are expelled by the leader), leave the herd and live alone.


Capybara reach sexual maturity at the age of 15 to 18 months. Despite the fact that the female gives birth mainly once a year, under certain conditions she is quite capable of giving birth again during the year. Capybaras are capable of breeding regardless of the season, but they become especially active during the rainy season. They mate in the water.

The male leader tries to get along with all the females (however, he does not always succeed, especially if the herd is too large). At the same time, the female does not refuse anyone.

Pregnancy in a capybara lasts about 150 days, she gives birth to the earth, she does not make any den for this, she does not look for shelter. Usually has from two to eight babies, the weight of each cub is about one and a half kilograms. Small capybaras are born, covered with wool, with open eyes, small teeth, and at the same time are able to follow their mother almost immediately and even eat grass.

The baby feeds on milk three months, while not only the mother feeds him, but also other females who gave birth to babies at that time, since capybaras do not divide newborns into their own and others. Little capybaras are raised, guarded and protected from danger by all the females of the herd.


Capybaras have many enemies. Birds of prey vulture urubu prey on babies, wild dogs, crocodiles, jaguars, snakes, and, of course, people attack adults.

Capybaras successfully hide from land enemies under water, from waterfowl they quickly flee, fortunately, in the water element they become quite mobile. But the relationship with a man in capybaras was not easy.

Relationship with a person

Man has always hunted the largest rodents in the world - at first only because of the rather tasty, somewhat reminiscent of pork, meat. Then, when South America began to actively develop Agriculture, farmers began to exterminate them, accusing them of destroying crops.

And only at the end of the 20th century, farmers were convinced that there was no particular damage from capybaras, since they live mainly in swamps and in shallow water. When they graze near domestic animals (since this usually happens near bodies of water), they still prefer to feed on aquatic plants.

When capybaras were justified, it turned out that their number in some regions had decreased so much that hunting for these rodents had to be banned. The increase in their population was influenced by a paradoxical fact - the demand for "non-traditional" varieties of meat, therefore, capybara meat also turned out to be popular.

In the eighties of the last century, the first farms exclusively engaged in the breeding of these rodents appeared.

It became an unexpectedly profitable business. First, useless swamps have turned into productive pastures. Secondly, the herds multiply extremely quickly, since the capybara is able not only to give birth often, but also to give a large offspring, which grows extremely quickly.

It turned out that only a pig has such fertility and growth rate, but it is much harder to care for it. As for the capybara, it lives in the "pastures", unaware that it has been domesticated, almost never sees people and takes care of itself. Shepherds get the opportunity to count them and separate the required number of animals from the herd only during a drought, when rodents gather near their permanent reservoirs.

Today, capybara farms are extremely profitable, as one hectare of meat produces four times more than cattle grazing.

Some keep them as a pet - capybaras, due to their complaisant nature, are extremely trusting, very easily tamed, and exist peacefully next to other pets. They lend themselves well to training, and the most capable even perform in the circus.
