Reconnaissance strike drone mq 5b. The second reconnaissance and strike UAV intercepted in the sky over the Crimea

American drones continue to violate the airspace of the Crimean Autonomy. On the evening of March 13, at about 18:50 local time, an unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down near the Perekop Isthmus. aircraft MQ-5B Hunter.
downed MQ-5B judging by the side markings, he was part of the 66th American brigade military intelligence, permanently stationed in Bavaria. In early March, the brigade was relocated to the Ukrainian Kirovograd, from where it drones make reconnaissance flights over the Crimea and over the Russian regions bordering Ukraine.

So, the drones of this particular brigade shot our SU-24s at the Borisoglebsk airfield near Voronezh, after which Americans began to scare Ukraine with a Russian nuclear strike .

Drone MQ-5B Hunter was developed in Israel based on the earlier Israeli Impact UAV. The aircraft has two Italian Moto Guzzi gasoline engines with a power of 60 hp each. each. The motors are arranged in tandem: one in front and the other behind the fuselage. Wingspan MQ-5B is 8.9 m with a 7-meter length. flies Hunter at an altitude of 4600 meters, and with the naked eye it is almost invisible. The noise of the engines from such a height is also barely distinguishable, and given the close noise of the surf, could not be recognized at all. The device shot down yesterday went to Perekop from the west against the backdrop of the setting sun.

1 L222 "Motor depot" 1 L222 M "Avtobaza-M". Complex of executive radio-technical intelligence - a component of the mobile complex electronic warfare with jamming stations SPN-2 / SPN-4. The complex was developed by VNII Gradient.

The brigade of General Pyatt initially included 18 vehicles MQ-5B, but one of them was shot down by the Cossacks in the Armyansk region on March 10. According to some reports, its fragments have already been delivered to the research center of the Russian Defense Ministry. The drone that was shot down yesterday is almost intact. He was shot down not with fire weapons, but with the help of the 1L222 Avtobaza installation. Having lost control from the command center, he actually made an emergency landing, receiving only minor damage. Such a trophy, of course, is more valuable, and its study by our specialists will allow us to improve our reconnaissance and counterintelligence equipment.

Unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-5B Hunter in flight. It carries two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles on board.

In addition, there have already been reports of the appearance of American mercenaries in the Kherson region a week from the Crimean checkpoint Chongar.

The 66th reconnaissance brigade was armed with 18 MQ-5Bs. The Americans have already lost two of them over the Crimea.

With the help of the same Russian electronic warfare complex in December 2011, the Iranian military landed an American secret RQ-170 Sentinel drone.

On December 4, 2011, the media reported that Iran's electronic warfare equipment had carried out a cyberattack, landing an American RQ-170 Sentinel ("Sentinel") UAV in the east of the country. Then the Americans sparingly replied that communication with the device had indeed been lost for unknown reasons. But, they say, he was on a mission not over Iran, but in western Afghanistan.

This news could have been lost in the information field - the Iranian military regularly claims the destruction of American UAVs, but does not provide any evidence. However, it suddenly turned out that Tehran had indeed got a practically undamaged sample of the most secret American reconnaissance aircraft. This is not the ordinary Hermes or Predator that Americans use every day and everywhere. No, this time in the hands of their sworn enemies there was a device that was previously used in especially important missions: monitoring Bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad in 2007, the operation to eliminate him in Pakistan in 2011. American NBC has already reported that in Iran this drone was used in the interests of the CIA to collect information about objects. nuclear program this country. And yet, until the end of 2009, the United States did not even recognize the very existence of the “Kandahar Beast” (the apparatus received such a nickname from the city near which it was first seen).

The importance of the aircraft is also emphasized by a message from The Wall Street Journal. According to the newspaper, in order to prevent secret technologies from getting to the Iranians, the US military was even ready to use a special forces group. One of the plans involved infiltrating Iran by a group that would find and blow up the plane. Others - to send a special detachment to Iran to return him. The third is the destruction of the UAV with the help of an air strike. However, the Iranian side could regard the invasion of special forces as the beginning of hostilities. So the military decided it was safest to leave the plane, which they knew had crashed in a remote area and would likely never be found.

The calculations did not come true: last Thursday, Iran published a short video from which it is clear that the device is already in the hands of Tehran. Moreover, it is clear that he received practically no external damage. The first parameters of the apparatus have also been made public. Such as the wingspan and the composition of the electronic filling. It can be expected that further information will appear. Iranian media reported that Russian and Chinese experts have already appealed to the Iranian authorities with a request to allow them to the downed drone.

December 11th U.S. presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry blamed for his loss directly acting US President Barack Obama, stating that he, in his opinion, did nothing to prevent the reconnaissance aircraft from falling into the hands of foreign military. He accused Obama of choosing the third and worst of three choices - return the drone, destroy it or keep it. " Both the Russians and the Chinese will now receive our highly technical equipment. This president is a problem', Perry concluded.

The confrontation between Russia and the West in Ukraine takes on a military character.

On March 15, information appeared on the Russian Technologies website that two days earlier, an MQ-5B reconnaissance and strike drone was intercepted in the sky over Perekop. A week earlier, the Crimean media reported on a drone of the same type shot down by self-defense fighters. To date, the American affiliation of the UAV has finally become clear. Judging by the on-board markings, he was part of the 66th American military intelligence brigade with the main location in Bavaria.

According to some information, in particular, from the portal, in early March 2014, the aforementioned reconnaissance team was transferred to the Ukrainian Kirovograd. It is from here that aircraft make reconnaissance raids towards the Crimea and the Russian border regions.

The captured MQ-5B was flying at an altitude of about 4000 meters from the side of the setting sun and was not visible from the ground. According to the "Military Observer", he was intercepted with the help of the Russian electronic warfare complex (EW) 1L2 22 "Avtobaza" and went to the self-defense forces almost intact. The Russian radio-electronic system severed the connection of the UAV with its American operators, after which the device made an emergency landing. True, Rostec has already made an official statement that it does not confirm the information about Avtobaza being in the Crimea.

By the way, it is believed that with the help of the same Russian electronic warfare complex in December 2011, an American secret RQ-170 Sentinel drone, also called the “Kandahar beast”, was captured in Iran. After all, it was after the delivery of this system by Russia that Iran for the first time managed to capture an apparatus that was practically undamaged and stuffed with the most sophisticated equipment.

In total, the 66th reconnaissance brigade was armed with 18 MQ-5Bs. The Americans have already lost two of them over the Crimea. Almost all of the remaining vehicles, according to Life News, are now busy patrolling the "rebellious peninsula", which is preparing for a historic referendum.

And another wake-up call. On March 14, information was received that an attempt to use electronic warfare equipment was registered against Russian television space satellites in western Ukraine.

Services of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications have determined the exact location on the territory of Ukraine of a source that is trying to interfere with the work of the Russian television satellite, RIA Novosti was told in the ministry.

The Ministry of Communications stressed that an attempt to use electronic warfare against Russian relay satellites is a violation of the provisions of Articles 45 and 48 of the Charter of the International Telecommunication Union of December 22, 1992.

In addition, earlier there were reports of the appearance of American mercenaries in the Kherson region near the Crimean checkpoint Chongar. And in Donetsk, people were seen in the uniform worn by the NATO military.

Can we say that all of the above facts are signs of NATO's impending large-scale involvement in the crisis in Ukraine?

“I admit that the American reconnaissance team is stationed in Kirovograd,” says Colonel General, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov. - Now American experts are preparing numerous provocations to try to disrupt the referendum in Crimea. It is possible that military conflicts will be staged with the participation of Ukrainian soldiers dressed in Russian military uniforms. Therefore, I look forward to tomorrow even with some anxiety. My friends, Ukrainian officers, say that in Ukraine there is an information "pumping" of the population by a military threat from Russia. People are told that our country wants to deploy troops throughout the South-East. Therefore, semi-gangster formations are hastily armed, from which they are trying to make the so-called national guard.

As for American drones, in the current situation they can perform a dual task. On the one hand, to control the territory of Ukraine. On the other hand, to monitor the movement of Russian troops near the Ukrainian borders. Therefore, it is good that they catch "flying spies." It is difficult for me to say whether Avtobaza or some other system forced the MQ-5B to sit down. However, it is clear that American drones can be captured using other systems.

"SP": - Will NATO intervene even more actively in the conflict in Ukraine?

“They are already actively participating in it by political means. The fact that the West has recognized the self-proclaimed government in Kiev and is giving it every support is very telling. Now in Ukraine, under the guise of volunteers, there are already Polish special forces and many military specialists working for NATO. But I do not think that the alliance will dare to engage in direct clashes with the Russian military in the Crimea or somewhere else in the South-East of Ukraine. It's not really in their interest. They understand that in the event of the transfer of Crimea to Russia, they will fail their entire policy. recent years towards Ukraine. Their task now is to start a war with the hands of armed fascist groups, to push two fraternal peoples against their foreheads, to push us as far as possible from each other.

“Until I see with my own eyes an American drone captured in Crimea, I will not trust this information,” he says. Deputy Director of the Institute for Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin. “Now quite quickly, videos and photos from the scene appear on the network. And there is still nothing here. Therefore, I still treat such messages as information stuffing.

"SP": - To what extent will NATO decide to join the Ukrainian conflict in the event of the outbreak of hostilities?

“I am cautious about reports of people in NATO uniforms on the streets of Ukrainian cities. As Putin said, Russian military uniforms can be bought in a store. The same can be said about the NATO uniform. In my opinion, NATO will not take any part in hostilities if they start in Ukraine.


An MQ-5B reconnaissance and strike drone was intercepted in the sky over Perekop. At the same time, the American affiliation of the UAV finally became clear. Judging by the side markings, he was part of the grouping of the 66th American military intelligence brigade with the main location in Bavaria.
In early March 2014, the 66th American reconnaissance brigade was deployed to Ukrainian Kirovograd, reports. It is from here that drones make reconnaissance raids towards the Crimea and the Russian border regions.
In addition, there have already been reports of the appearance of American mercenaries in the Kherson region, far from the Crimean checkpoint Chongar.
MQ-5B was flying at an altitude of about 4000 meters from the side of the setting sun and was not visible from the ground. It was intercepted with the help of the Russian electronic warfare complex (EW) 1L222 "Avtobaza" and went to the self-defense forces almost intact. Avtobaza severed the connection between the UAV and its American operators, after which the device made an emergency landing.
With the help of the same Russian electronic warfare complex in December 2011, the Iranian military landed an American secret RQ-170 Sentinel drone.
Military Observer


The Pentagon denied a report about the interception of an MQ-5B reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle over the territory of Crimea. Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Linez said the reports were untrue.
Rostec Corporation published information about the interception of an American UAV with reference to our resource, but later issued the following refutation:
“The Rostec State Corporation does not officially confirm the information that appeared in a number of media about the facts of using technical means"Avtobaza" on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The Corporation is responsible for the quality of the supplied products, but is not responsible for the movement and results of the use of equipment supplied by the Corporation's enterprises on the orders of contractors.
Military Observer

A specialized military publication, the release of which is dedicated to the centenary of the creation of Russian air defense, confirmed that the Russian anti-aircraft missile forces during the Crimean crisis and the referendum in March 2014 “landed” an American military drone.
“The Ukrainian side tried to organize aerial reconnaissance over the territory of Crimea using UAVs. The latter were part of the grouping of the 66th American military intelligence brigade (stationed in Bavaria) and transferred to the area of ​​​​the city of Kirovograd (Ukraine),” the military publication writes. But the United States and Ukraine failed to observe the Crimea and the actions of the Black Sea Fleet forces, which, by law, had the full right to ensure both their own security and the security of the population.
“As a result of the measures taken, two unmanned vehicles Israeli design type MQ-5B Hunter. One of them was shot down on March 10 by militia fire from the city of Armyansk (Crimea), the second was planted on the ground on March 13 with the help of the Russian ground-based complex of executive electronic intelligence 1L222 Avtobaza, the military reports. Recall that the MQ-5B "Hunter", according to the manufacturer, is an armed (!) version of the RQ-5 drone with a Viper Strike bomb. The complex includes the ATLND automated landing system.


The US Army has retired Northrop Grumman RQ/MQ-5 Hunter drones from service, reports Dec. 24.
This UAV was the first drone that entered service with the army. In 1996, the devices took part in support of the NATO mission in Kosovo, then they were used in the operation in Iraq in 2003, they flew in Afghanistan for many years. The drones were used mainly for reconnaissance, surveillance and reconnaissance, but could be armed with GBU-44 / B Viper Strike guided glide bombs, previously equipped with Viper Strike direct attack ammunition.
Since its adoption, the Okhotnik has undergone a number of upgrades, the latest version of the MQ-5B had a tactical data transmission system TCDL, the operational range at an altitude of up to 18,000 feet (5500 m) was 200 km.
These UAVs are being replaced by more powerful General Atomics MQ-1C Gray Eagle drones that can fly up to 20 hours and are equipped with synthetic aperture radar, with a range of 300 km at an altitude of up to 29,000 feet (8850 m - approx. Military Parity).
Military Parity


The purpose of the UAV is high-precision reconnaissance, surveillance and detection of targets, assessment of combat damage, collection of classified information by intercepting signals and messages.
In the interests of the US Army, specialists from the Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) Malat Division in the early 1990s, together with American colleagues from TRW Inc, Avionics and Surveillance Group, developed a tactical reconnaissance UAV, called the Hunter. The machine is equipped with two piston engines located in the forward and rear parts of the fuselage. Such a constructive solution made it possible to achieve an increase in the power and reliability parameters of the control system without increasing the drag of the airframe. The takeoff and landing of the machine is carried out on an aircraft using a non-retractable landing gear, and powder boosters can be used to reduce the takeoff distance.
After comparative tests conducted in 1991 with the Sky Owl UAV from McDonnell Douglas and the Hunter UAV developed by the Israeli company IAI, an order was received from the Pentagon in 1993 for the latter.
After changing the classification system in 1997, the Hunter, previously designated by the US Armed Forces as the BQM-155, received the designation RQ-5 (“RQ” is the designation for reconnaissance UAVs). Finally, in 1999, the drone was tested in a combat situation - the Task Force "Hunter" went to the area of ​​​​the armed conflict in the Balkans to patrol the border of Kosovo and Macedonia. In June 2001, these UAVs were successfully involved in an operation to ensure the escort of an American army convoy through a dangerous area.
The RQ-5 Hunter is equipped with a third-generation forward vision thermal imaging system, a television camera, a laser target indicator, a radar exposure warning system and various communications equipment. The UAV is launched from a special platform using the RATO rocket booster. Ground control is carried out from the GCS-3000 Ground Control Station, which includes two operators and is mounted in a truck.
The maximum slant range of reconnaissance with the help of on-board optoelectronic equipment is 10 km. The transmission of information in real time is carried out via C-band communication channels. To increase the range of the system, it is possible to use a repeater, which can be used as a Hunter UAV equipped with appropriate equipment.
In 2003, the contractor for the Hunter program was Northrop Grumman (formerly TRW), which soon began developing a strike version of the drone, called the MQ-5A and planned to be armed with BAT (Brilliant Anti-Tank) ammunition, which is better known in its upgraded version of the Viper Strike (a laser TSN was installed on it). By the beginning of 2005, two MQ-5A Hunter UAVs armed with a dozen Viper Strike ammunition were sent to Iraq on a combat mission, which earned positive reviews from the military.
The next member of the Hunter family of UAVs was the MQ-5B unmanned aerial vehicle, with a larger wing span, an increased service ceiling and increased fuel capacity, which made it possible to increase its flight range. The US Army purchased 18 MQ-5Bs, they proved themselves excellently during combat use in Afghanistan - the use of Viper Strike ammunition equipped with GPS receivers and laser TSN turned out to be especially successful. But even today, despite its age, the Hunter UAV has not lost its potential.
The drone has two Italian Moto Guzzi gasoline engines with a power of 60 hp each. each. The motors are arranged in tandem: one in front and the other behind the fuselage. The wingspan of the MQ-5B is 8.9 m with a 7-meter length. Hunter flies at an altitude of 4600 meters, and with the naked eye it is almost invisible. The noise of the engines from such a height is also barely distinguishable, and given the close noise of the surf, could not be recognized at all. The MQ-5B Hunter can carry two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, which can strike a ground target.


Weight, kg
empty 540 – 659
takeoff 726 - 886
payload up to 226.8 (fuel and payload)
fuel 178
Wingspan, m 8.90 - 10.44
Length, m 6.95 - 7.01
Height, m ​​1.65 - 2.16
Engine type 2 PD Moto-Guzzi/ Northrop Grumman - APL 55 hp JP-S (HFE) 3-cylinder piston, 880 cc
Thrust, kgf 2 x 64
Maximum speed, km/h 204 – 220
Cruise speed, km/h 110 – 150
Practical ceiling, m 4575 - 5485
Range, km 250 - 267
Flight duration, h.min
from base 8
maximum 11.36 / for MQ-5B - - 21.3h (with electronic optics / infrared camera)
Control system: GPS and inertial navigation LN-251
Takeoff: Automatic takeoff
Fit: Auto fit

The Pentagon disowns its intelligence officer

An MQ-5B reconnaissance and strike drone was intercepted in the sky over Perekop (Republic of Crimea, Ukraine). Judging by the on-board markings, the device was in service with the 66th American military intelligence brigade, according to Military Gazette. The US military was quick to refute the information about the neutralization of the drone.

It was possible to neutralize the American spy thanks to the precise work of the 1L222 Avtobaza electronic warfare complex, designed by Gradient OJSC (Rostov-on-Don), which is part of Radioelectronic Technologies Concern OJSC.

The drone was flying at an altitude of about 4,000 meters from the side of the setting sun to be invisible. However, the instruments clearly recorded the appearance of an uninvited guest. Avtobaza severed the connection between the MQ-5B and its American operators, after which the device made an emergency landing, where it was met by the Crimean Self-Defense Forces.

Russian EW complex 1L222 "Avtobaza" (Photo

As it turned out, this is not the first drone that Avtobaza neutralizes over the Crimea, another device was intercepted earlier.

At the beginning of March 2014, the 66th American reconnaissance brigade was transferred to the Ukrainian Kirovograd, and it is from here that drones make reconnaissance raids towards the Crimea and the Russian border regions. The 66th reconnaissance brigade was armed with 18 MQ-5Bs, now there are 16 left.
