Winter outdoor game "Engine" for children of primary preschool age. Train - an outdoor game for children

Victoria Orlova
Outdoor games

Mobile game "Round dance"

Purpose: to teach children to dance; practice squatting.

Children behind the teacher pronounce the words. Holding hands, they walk in a circle.

Around rose bushes, among herbs and flowers

We are circling, we are circling a round dance, oh, we are a cheerful people!

Before we started spinning, we fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, squats are performed.

Mobile game "Carousel"

Purpose: to develop balance in movement in children, the skill of running, to increase emotional tone.

Description. The teacher invites the children to ride on the carousel. He holds a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take up ribbons, the teacher moves with a hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. The teacher says:

Barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then, and then everything run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,

One and two, one and two, the game is over!

The children stop.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place.

Description. Children - "sparrows" sit on a bench - "nests". The teacher depicts a "car". After the teacher’s words: “Fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms - “wings”. At the signal of the teacher: “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

The mobile game "One, two, three - run!"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to act on a signal; develop speed of running, coherence of collective actions.

Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the tree,” the children run to the tree and wait for the teacher. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the sandbox,” the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.

Mobile game "Shark and fish"

Purpose: development of children's ability to run in a certain direction; navigate in space.

Children - "fish" "swim". At the signal of the teacher: "Shark" - the children hide, "swim away" into the shelter (rope house).

Mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Purpose: to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when they are pronounced last words.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, next to them is a teacher with a ball in his hands. He shows how easily and high the ball bounces if it is beaten off with the hand, accompanying the actions with the words:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground.

Mobile game "It's snowing"

Purpose: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves.

The teacher reads the poem:

White snow fluffy in the air is spinning,

And quietly falls to the ground, lies down.

Children run around in circles.

Mobile game "Sun and rain"

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children squat down behind the line indicated by the teacher. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home!” - run for the designated line and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk" and the game is repeated.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for the "flight", having previously shown how to "start" the engine and how to "fly". The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" - children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound: “Rrr”. After the teacher's signal: "Let's fly!" - children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and “fly” - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator: "To land!" - The children sit on the bench.

Mobile game "Bubble"

Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Inflate, bubble, inflate, big,

Stay like this and don't break.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”, Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying: “Clap!” You can also invite the children after the words: “The bubble burst” to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound: “Shhh” (air comes out). Then the children “inflate” the bubble again - they step back, forming a large circle.

Mobile game "Snowflakes and wind"

Purpose: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, ability to play in a team; exercise in running, making turns around yourself, in squats.

The teacher says the words:

Now I'll take a look:

Who knows how to have fun

Who is not afraid of frost.

The educator - "wind" imitates a breath of wind, and the children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down when the teacher stops blowing.

Mobile game "Train"

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down movement, make stops on a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push comrades, to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one at a time (not holding each other). The first is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”. The teacher gives a whistle, and the “train” begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the words of the educator “The train is approaching the station”, the children gradually slow down the movement - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary clearing. On a signal, the children again gather in a column - and the train begins to move.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a cat"

Purpose: to teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, to run without hitting each other, to dodge the catcher, to run away quickly, to find their place, to teach children to be careful when taking a place, not to push comrades.

Description. Children - "sparrows" sit in their "nests" (in circles marked on the ground, or drawn on the asphalt) on one side of the site. On the other side of the site - "cat". As soon as the “cat” falls asleep, the “sparrows” “fly out” onto the road, “fly” from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, tap their knees with their fingers, as if pecking). But here the “cat” “wakes up”, “meows” and runs after the “sparrows”, which “fly away” to their “nests”. First, the role of the "cat" is played by the teacher, and then one of the children.

Mobile game "Hares and wolf»

Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

Description. Children - "hares" hide behind bushes and trees. Away, behind a bush, is a "wolf". "Hares" run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, frolic. At the signal of the teacher: “The wolf is coming!” - "hares" run away and hide behind bushes, trees. "Wolf" is trying to catch up with them. In the game, you can use a poetic text:

Bunnies jump: lope, lope, lope -

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully

Is the wolf coming?

Mobile game "Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change direction, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and not pushing.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground. One child, located on the opposite side, depicts a "dog". The children quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: "Something will happen?"

Children are approaching the "dog". As soon as the teacher finishes reading the poem, the “dog” jumps up and “barks” loudly. The children scatter, the "dog" tries to catch someone.

Mobile game "Catch me"

Purpose: to teach children to act quickly on a signal, to navigate in space; develop dexterity.

Description. The children are sitting on the bench. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction from the children. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up to him, the teacher stops and says: “Run away, run away, I’ll catch up!” The children run back to their seats.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher should not run away from the children too quickly: they are interested in catching him. You should also not run too fast after the children, as they may fall. At first, the run is carried out in only one direction. When the children run up to the teacher, it should be noted that they know how to run fast. When the game is repeated, the teacher can change direction, running away from the children.

Mobile game "Chickens in the garden"

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction; exercise in running, squatting and crawling.

Description. In the middle of the site they limit a small area - a "garden". Not far from him, on one side of the platform they put a chair - this is the “house” of the watchman, on the other hand, at the level of the chest of the child, a rail is strengthened on the racks or a tape is pulled - the “house” for chickens. The role of the "watchman" is first performed by the educator, and then by more active children. The rest are chickens. At the signal of the educator: "Go, chickens, for a walk" - children - "hens" crawl under the "fence" (rail, make their way into the "garden", run, "look for" food, "cluck." The "watchman" notices the "hens" and drives them out of the "garden" - claps his hands, saying: "Shoo, shoo!" Children - "chickens" run away, crawl under the rail and hide in the "house". The "watchman" bypasses the "garden" and sits down again. The game is repeated. If the game is played for the first time, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "garden" is not indicated.

Mobile game "Horses"

Purpose: to teach children to move together one after another, to coordinate movements, not to push the one running in front, even if he is not moving very fast.

Description. Children are divided into two groups: some depict "horses", others - "grooms". Each "groom" has "reins" - jump ropes. At the signal of the teacher, the “grooms” catch the “horses”, “harness” them (put on the “reins”). At the direction of the teacher, children can ride (run in pairs) quietly, trot or gallop. After a while, the "horses" are unharnessed and released into the meadow, the "grooms" sit down to rest. After 2-3 repetitions of the game, the children change roles. In the game, children alternate movements: run, jump, walk, walk, etc. You can offer different plots of trips: to the races, for hay, to the forest for firewood. If the "groom" cannot "catch" any of the "horses" for a long time, other "grooms" help him.

Mobile game "Round dance"


Mobile game "Carousel"



The children stop.





Mobile game "Wave, wreath"

Target: teach children to dance; practice running.

Description. Children and the teacher stand near a tree, around which you can form a circle and dance. The teacher says: “You guys are the leaves from which I will weave wreaths. A breeze blew, the leaves scattered ”(children run around the playground). At the signal of the educator: “Wave, wreath! Curl, wreath! Don't get confused!" (children run to the teacher). The teacher helps to form a circle. Together with the teacher, the children dance around the tree, saying rhyming lines:

Let's go out, let's go for a walk, take a walk in the garden,

We will collect leaves, make a wreath.

We will pick up a lot of leaves, yellow and red,

And we will weave wreaths from different leaves.

Mobile game "Shark and fish"

Target: development of children's ability to run in a certain direction; navigate in space.

Children - "fish" "swim". At the signal of the teacher: "Shark" - the children hide, "swim away" into the shelter (rope house).

The mobile game "White Bunny is sitting"

Target: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

Description. Children - "bunnies" are sitting on a bench. The teacher suggests that the “bunnies” run out to the middle of the site (“clearing”). Children go to the middle of the playground, stand near the teacher and squat down. The teacher says the text:

Little white bunny sits Children move their hands

And wiggles his ears. hands, raising them to the head,

Like this, like this mimicking rabbit ears.

He moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit They clap their hands.

Gotta warm up the paws

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand bouncing on both

Bunny needs to jump. legs in place.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

(Toy name) scared the bunny Specifically, it is stated

who scared the bunny

Bunny jumped and galloped away. (teacher shows


The children run to their seats.

Instructions for carrying out. The game can be played with any number of children. It is imperative that before the start of the game it is necessary to prepare the places where the children will run away - “bunnies”. At first, you can not single out the driver, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After repeated repetition of the game, you can select the child for the role of "bunny" and put him in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, one should not quickly run after the children, one should give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves. It is not necessary to demand from children that they must sit down in their place; everyone takes a free place on the bench. With the systematic conduct of the game, children remember their places well and quickly find them.

Mobile game "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Target: teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, next to them is a teacher with a ball in his hands. He shows how easily and high the ball bounces if it is beaten off with the hand, accompanying the actions with the words:

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “Now I’ll catch up!” Children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the heads of the children, as if hitting the balls.

Mobile game "It's snowing"

Target: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves.

The teacher reads the poem:

White fluffy snow is spinning in the air,

And quietly falls to the ground, lies down.

Children run around in circles.

Mobile game "Sun and rain"

Target: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children squat down behind the line indicated by the teacher. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home!” - run for the designated line and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunshine! Go for a walk" and the game is repeated.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Target: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for the "flight", having previously shown how to "start" the engine and how to "fly". The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" - children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound: “Rrr”. After the teacher's signal: "Let's fly!" - children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and “fly” - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator: “To land!” - The children sit on the bench.

Mobile game "Bubble"

Target: to teach children to become in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says:

Inflate, bubble, inflate, big,

Stay like this and don't break.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!”, Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying: “Clap!” You can also invite the children after the words: “The bubble burst” to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound: “Shhh” (air comes out). Then the children “inflate” the bubble again - they step back, forming a large circle.

Mobile game "Train"

Target: to teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, to speed up and slow down, to make stops on a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push comrades, to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one at a time (not holding each other). The first is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”. The teacher gives a whistle, and the “train” begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the words of the educator “The train is approaching the station”, the children gradually slow down the movement - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary clearing. On a signal, the children again gather in a column - and the train begins to move.

Mobile game "Horses"

Target: to teach children to move together one after another, to coordinate movements, not to push the one running in front, even if he is not moving very fast.

Description. Children are divided into two groups: some depict "horses", others - "grooms". Each "groom" has "reins" - jump ropes. At the signal of the teacher, the “grooms” catch the “horses”, “harness” them (put on the “reins”). At the direction of the teacher, children can ride (run in pairs) quietly, trot or gallop. After some time, the “horses” are unharnessed and released into the meadow, the “grooms” sit down to rest. After 2-3 repetitions of the game, the children change roles. In the game, children alternate movements: run, jump, walk, etc. You can offer different plots of trips: to the races, for hay, to the forest for firewood. If the "groom" cannot "catch" any of the "horses" for a long time, other "grooms" help him.

Mobile game "Taxi"

Target: to teach children to move together, to measure movements with each other, to change the direction of movements, to be attentive to partners in the game.

Children stand inside a small hoop, hold it in their lowered hands: one on one side, the other behind the other. The first child is the "driver" of the taxi, the second is the "passenger". Children run around the playground (path). After a while they switch roles. 2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the area allows, then more. When the children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to move in different directions, make stops. You can mark the stopping place with a flag or a taxi rank sign. At the bus stop, the “passengers” change, one gets out of the taxi, the other sits down.

Mobile game "Mice and a cat"

Target: to teach children to run easily, on toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the signal of the educator.

Children sit on benches - these are “mice in minks”. On the opposite side of the site sits a "cat", whose role is played by the teacher. The "cat" falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the "mice" scatter around the site. But then the “cat” wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching “mice”. "Mice" quickly run away and hide in "minks" (take their places). Caught "mice" "cat" leads to itself. When the rest of the "mice" hide in the "minks", the "cat" once again passes through the area, then returns to its place and falls asleep. "Mice" can run out of the "minks" when the "cat" closes its eyes and falls asleep, and return to the "minks" when the "cat" wakes up and meows. The teacher makes sure that all the "mice" run out and scatter as far as possible from the "minks". "Minks", in addition to benches, can serve as crawling arcs, and then the children - "mice" - crawl out of their "minks".

Mobile game "Horsemen"

Target: to teach children to run without bumping into each other, to speed up or slow down movements, to navigate in space.

A group of children (5-6 people) stand at one edge of the playground. The teacher gives each a stick 50-60 cm long. Children sit on a stick and jump to the opposite side of the site, depicting "horsemen", trying not to bump into each other and not to touch objects, equipment located on the site. During the game, the teacher can offer the “horsemen” to go fast and slowly, as well as in different directions. When children learn to run fast, you can arrange competitions. A task is proposed: who will most likely ride a horse to a certain place on the site or track.

Mobile game "Tram"

Target: to teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change their movement in accordance with them.

3-4 pairs of children stand in a column, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied, that is, some children hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. These are trams. The teacher stands in one of the corners of the site, holding three flags in his hands: yellow, green, red. He explains to the children that the “tram” moves to a green signal, slows down to a yellow one, and stops to a red one. The teacher raises the green flag - and the "tram" goes: the children run along the edges of the site. If the teacher raises a yellow or red flag, the "tram" slows down and stops. If there are many children in the group, you can make 2 trams. The plot of the game can be more detailed: during stops, some "passengers" get off the "tram", while others enter, while lifting the cord. The teacher introduces the children to the rules of the road. He makes sure that all the players are attentive, do not miss stops, follow the change of flags and change the movement.

Mobile game "Round dance"

Target: teach children to dance; practice squatting.

Children behind the teacher pronounce the words. Holding hands, they walk in a circle.

Around rose bushes, among herbs and flowers

We are circling, we are circling a round dance, oh, we are a cheerful people!

Before we started spinning, we fell to the ground.

When pronouncing the last phrase, squats are performed.

Mobile game "Carousel"

Target: to develop in children balance in movement, the skill of running, to increase emotional tone.

Description. The teacher invites the children to ride on the carousel. He holds a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take on ribbons, the teacher moves with a hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. The teacher says:

Barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then, and then everything run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel,

One and two, one and two, the game is over!

The children stop.

Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

Target: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Description. Children - "sparrows" sit on a bench - "nests". The teacher depicts a "car". After the teacher’s words: “Fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms - “wings”. At the signal of the teacher: “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

The mobile game "One, two, three - run!"

Target: to exercise children in the ability to act on a signal; develop speed of running, coherence of collective actions.

Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the tree,” the children run to the tree and wait for the teacher. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the sandbox,” the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.

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Game "Train"

Various options for conducting a mobile game provide for the preservation of its rules and the improvement of the movements of children, taking into account their individual characteristics. For example, when organizing train games(in the second junior and middle groups) you can change its traditional beginning (“children line up in a column one at a time - without holding on to each other”) by introducing the role of a conductor who will sell train tickets. This role can be offered to shy children or a child with low self-esteem. Other variants of the game "Train" are also possible.

1. The locomotive goes around obstacles - children move in a snake between chairs, cubes.

2. The locomotive goes through the tunnel - the children crawl under the arcs.

3. The teacher regulates the movement of the locomotive with the help of a traffic light: raises a red flag - the children must stop; yellow - go; green - run.

It is advisable to introduce into the game various movements of children at the "station".

1. Children depict how they pick mushrooms, berries, pick wild apples, step over thorny bushes (walking with a wide step), walk along bumps (side step), etc.

2. Children imitate the habits of the inhabitants of the forest: a bear (walking on the outside of the foot, arms slightly bent at the elbows, in front of them), foxes (walking on toes), deer (walking with high knees, arms crossed above their heads ), hare (jumping forward), butterflies (running with smooth hand movements), caterpillars (crawling).

3. By train, children can come to the zoo - they depict a tiger (walking with the movement of hands in front of them), a crocodile (walking with straight arms in front of them), a giraffe (walking on their knees, hands in a lock behind their backs), an elephant (walking with support on the hands and feet), a boa constrictor (advancing forward, bending and unbending the legs at the knees, resting on the back of the hands), etc .; to the country of riddles - they guess the riddle and “depict the answer”; to the country of favorite fairy tales - depict the heroes of a particular fairy tale.

4. Children move to the text of T. Volgina's poem "The Train".

Choo-choo! Choo-choo!
The train is rushing at full speed.
Choo-choo! Choo-choo!
I puff, puff, puff,
I'm hauling a hundred wagons!
(Movement speed increases.)

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,
What did you bring as a gift?

- Animals. Zaichikov (children stop and perform imitative movements).

Steam locomotive buzzed
And the wagons were taken:
Choo-choo! Choo-choo!
I'll rock you far (children sit in the steam locomotive).

The locomotive brings rabbits, frogs, cubs, chickens, sparrows, etc. Children imitate their movements and "voices".

The following are options for conducting outdoor games (see: Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises for children 5-7 years old. - M: VLADOS, 2001. Fomina A.I. Physical education and sport games in kindergarten. - M: Enlightenment, 1984. Chistyakova M.I. Psychic gymnastics. - M.: Enlightenment, 1995).

Agility - This is one of the main physical qualities of a person. How sometimes you do not want to be clumsy, or look like that. It is also easier for children to live when this very dexterity is developed in them. You can develop dexterity with the help of special outdoor games. We played many outdoor games in childhood. You can play these games in the courtyard, some games can also be used at children's parties. It will be interesting if both children and adults join these games.

Mobile relay game "PLANTING A POTATO"

The game can be played by children of senior preschool and primary school age. This game is very fun to play at children's parties with adults.

Purpose of the game:

6 large medicine balls, 4 hoops, 2 flags or other objects to mark the turn.

Game progress:

All players are divided into two teams and line up in a column one at a time near their start line. Three stuffed balls weighing 1 kg are placed in the hoops, if there are no stuffed balls, ordinary balls can also be used, only on the condition that the size of the balls is the same for both teams. There are two hoops in front of each team on the court at a distance of 3 m from each other. 6-7 m to the first hoop. A flag or other object is placed 5 m from the second hoop, indicating the place of the turn.

On a signal, the first players transfer the balls to the second hoop (you can take 1–2–3 balls at once, but it’s more interesting when the players take one ball at a time, demonstrating a shuttle run) - they run around the rack and run to their team; the second player from the second hoop carries the balls to the first hoop - runs around the rack and runs to his team, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. If the ball rolls out of the hoop, the competitor must put it back into the hoop.

Mobile game "PENGUINS"

The game is suitable for children from four years old, although my child coped with the task even at 2.5 years old. It's a lot of fun to play this game in the yard when there are a lot of kids, and you can also use it as another attraction at children's birthdays (and not at children's, too).

Purpose of the game: develop agility and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: a ball of any size, but if you take it too small it will be very funny, chalk to mark the start (finish) line, flags or other stable objects to indicate the turn. At the start, they must pass the ball to the next player on the team. The first team to complete the entire distance wins.

Game progress:

The game is very similar to the previous one, but instead of jumping, walking with a ball clamped to the knees is used. Before the game, you can have a conversation about penguins and tell them that they carry their eggs by holding them between their paws. Players are divided into two teams and line up in a column one at a time near the start line. The first players pinch the ball with their knees and, on a signal, begin to move to the flag and back.

As in the previous game, the task can be made more difficult by forbidding the players to pass the ball with their hands.

Mobile game "From bump to bump"

Children 3-4 years old will cope with the task of this game, so from this age they can take part in this game.

Purpose of the game: develop agility, endurance, consolidate the skills of long jumps.

Materials needed for the game: chalk or string to mark the start line; flags or other objects to indicate the place of the turn; 4 "bumps", which are small mats made of dense fabric of a rounded shape.

Game progress:

All participants in the game are divided into two teams. Each team gets 2 "bumps". The task that the players receive: “There is a swamp in front of you, you need to go through it. But they don’t just walk through the swamp, you can drown. You have magical bumps along which you will cross to the other side. You put one bump, stand on it, put a second bump next to it, jump over it, then pick up the first one, move it forward, jump over it, etc. before the turn and in the same order return to your team and pass the bumps to the next player. The winning team is the one whose players all complete the distance. The losing team receives a "ransom".

Mobile game "PAROVOZIK"

Even children of four years old can play if there are older guys in the team. The game is designed for a large number playing, adults can join the children, it will be even more fun.

Purpose of the game: develop agility, physical strength and endurance.

Materials needed for the game: chalk or rope to mark the start (finish) line, flags on a stand or other objects to mark the turn.

Game progress

All players are divided into 2 teams. On a signal, the first player runs, runs around the flag and comes back. At the start, the next player clings to him, putting his hands on his waist, and they run the same distance together. Then, at the start, a third player joins them and everything repeats from the beginning. The action is repeated until all members of the team run the distance, grappling into a train. The first team to return to the start wins. The longer the trains are, the more fun the game will be.

Mobile game "TAILS"

The game is suitable for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Purpose of the game: develop endurance, agility and attention.

Materials needed for the game: multi-colored ribbons for each player.

Game progress:

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen with the help of a counter. Ribbons (tails) are attached to the rest of the players so that they can be easily torn off. The driver catches up with the players and takes the ribbon (tail) from them. Players who have their tail taken away are out of the game. At the end of the game, there will be a player who has a “tail” left. He is recognized as the most dexterous and fastest.

Inform the kids that they will now sit in the wagons and take the train to the forest to the squirrel and hedgehog to help them collect mushrooms and nuts.

Doo-doo-doo! The train is standing

And the locomotive hums: “Doo-doo-doo!”

He tells us something

Let's listen. Tell the guys:

Choo! Choo! Puff-choo

The children are standing still.

Choo! Choo! Wor-chu

To the beat of the text, they move back and forth with arms bent at the elbows.

Wheels stu-chu, ver-chu,

Sit down, I'll ride!

They stomp their feet.

Kids stand between two wooden slats at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Show the children how to properly take the slats (overhand grip). Stand in front, help raise the rails, and here are the children "sitting in the train car."

The beep is heard: "Doo-doo-doo!" (Children hum.)

The "train" begins to "move" slowly at first, then faster. Music sounds. Sing a fun song with the kids.

The kids sat in the trailer

And they sang merrily:

Here our train rides, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo! The steam locomotive is running

Far, far away he took the guys.


The movement slows down, the "train" stops (the slats are placed on the floor).

Little “passengers” are met by a hedgehog and a squirrel, they sit near the baskets.

Remind the children that the hedgehog loves mushrooms.

“And what does the squirrel like to nibble on? Of course, nuts! The baskets are empty, you need to help the hedgehog and the squirrel to collect mushrooms and nuts.

In this game, children learn: to walk one after another in a limited space; start moving; change the pace and stop at the signal of an adult.

This game is also possible.

Music sounds, the children “sit down” in the “trailer”, a horn sounds, and the “train” begins to move slowly. Children knock their feet and say: “Choo-choo-choo!”

An adult sings a familiar song with the children.

From time to time, the "train" slows down, then picks up speed, and then stops completely, and the children "get out" of the "trailer".

Conduct a musical-rhythmic game "Hide and Seek".

Children like this game, they perform all the movements emotionally. Memorizing a text with repetitive, simple-sounding words, children try to sing along.
