Anne Frank lived in the city. Who was Anne Frank? About the old homeland, Germany

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Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in a Jewish family, became known for her diary of an eyewitness to the Jewish genocide, who died in Bergen-Belsen, one of the Auschwitz death camps.

In 1933, when the Nazis came to power in Germany and the persecution of the Jewish population began, the family immigrated to Holland, while the mother's relatives remained in Frankfurt am Main. However, as soon as the pogroms of Jewish homes began in 1938, relatives left for the United States, which saved their lives.

Anna kept a diary from her thirteenth birthday until her arrest with her family. Diary contains detailed descriptions what was happening, the thoughts and emotions of a young girl, it was translated into dozens of languages.

The first edition was immediately after the war in 1947 under the title , the first page of the diary is titled:

"I hope I can trust you with everything"

In 1940 german army occupied the Netherlands, where it spread Nazi ideology and persecution of Jews, who were forbidden to do many things: use public transport, own shops, play sports. Jewish children went to separate schools, a curfew was established for Jews, for violation of which they were supposed to be shot on the spot. With each month, the restrictions and persecution of the Jews increased, Anna scrupulously wrote all this in her diary.

Anna's father, Otto Frank, foreseeing the repression of the Jews, prepared a secret shelter for his family in advance.

Otto owned a room in the center of Amsterdam that had been converted to live in secret. For two years, the Frank family, along with the van Daan family and doctor Dussel, hid in this shelter.

Eight people could live comfortably enough in the shelter, there was water, the opportunity to cook food. Their situation was much better than that of the rest of the Jews, who hid in attics, in abandoned sewers and mines.

The constant fear that their hiding place would be discovered led to the despair of the wanderers. Anna described the feelings that she herself experienced and saw in her parents. Anna, in order to calm the feeling of fear, was engaged in her studies: she read a lot, solved math problems in notebooks.

In the middle of Anna's diary, there is a quality of text characteristic of an experienced writer who describes his observations of the world around him with skill.

"Anna with her parents"

The inhabitants are described colorfully and in detail, how adults quarrel among themselves and measure themselves.

"It's been ten days since Dussel hasn't spoken to van Daan"

With each written page in the diary, Anna is captured by this action - fixing her thoughts, she began to live it, where she admits it to herself on one of the pages in order to survive this violence.

"When I write, everything is resolved, grief passes, courage revives in me again. However - and this is an important question for me - will I ever be able to write something significant, will I become a journalist or a writer? I hope so, I hope with all my heart...

After a while, on the pages of Anna's diary, not only a description of her life and way of life, but also short essays appear.

"Anna with sister Margot/> and mother"

Seeing other children playing in the street, Anna imagined her playing with her too, and the fictional story was embodied on the pages.

Long-term and constant stay in a closed room greatly influenced Anna's emotional state, sometimes lines about an early death and its inevitability appear in her diary.

"I am haunted by the thought: wouldn't it be better for us not to hide, wouldn't it be better to die and not experience these horrors?"

The young girl, who had just turned, faced the cruelty of life so early that she began to realize how much she owed her parents and their friends.

"Our patrons, they are helping us so far and, hopefully, will lead us safely to freedom.

Otherwise, they will have to share the fate of all those who save Jews. Never in a single word did they hint to us what a burden we are, and we really are a burden! We never heard complaints about how difficult it is for them to work with us."

On the pages of the diary, the spiritual and mental maturation of the girl is traced, as it determines the values ​​​​and the moral side of their current situation.

"Why should people starve when food is rotting in other parts of the world? Why are people so crazy? I do not believe that only prominent figures are to blame for the war, only governments and capitalists."

The entire Frank family was sent to Auschwitz, along with the Van Daan family and Dr. Dussel. The Dutch, who helped them hide in the shelter, were imprisoned to be later publicly shot for helping the Jews.

At the end of October, Anne and Margot Frank were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen camp, where Margot died of exhaustion almost immediately. At this time, their mother, the entire Van Daan family and Dr. Dussel were killed in Auschwitz. Anna died when two months remained before the liberation of the camp. From the shelter where eight people were hiding, only Otto Frank, Anna's father, survived.

Otto Frank was able to return to their shelter, among the pogrom and garbage, he discovered his daughter's diary, which was published after the war.

The diary was translated into many languages ​​of the world and was very popular in the first decades after the war.

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The name of Anne Frank is known to many, but few are familiar with the life story of this brave girl. Anne Frank, full name Anneliese Marie Frank, was a Jewess born in Germany on June 12, 1929, between the two world wars. During the war, due to the persecution of the Jews, Anna's family was forced to leave the country and go to the Netherlands to escape the Nazi terror. During her stay in the asylum, she wrote a memoir, which was published many years after the war under the title "The Diary of Anne Frank". This work has been translated into many languages ​​and has gained wide popularity throughout the world. Despite the fact that the authenticity of the memoirs was in doubt, in 1981 an examination proved that they were completely authentic.


Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main to a Jewish family. The girl had a full-fledged family: father, mother and sister. Anna's parents, Otto and Edith Hollander Frank, were a simple respectable married couple: he - former officer and she is a housewife. Anna's older sister was called Margot, and she was born only three years earlier - on February 16, 1926.

After Hitler became head of state and the NSDAP won the elections for the Frankfurt municipality, Otto, the father of the family, was forced to emigrate due to the deteriorating political situation in order to pave the way for the whole family to move. Therefore, he went to Amsterdam, where he became the director of the joint-stock company. Soon, all family members managed to move to the Netherlands within six months after the father moved.

When Anne Frank moved to Amsterdam, she began visiting Kindergarten and then went to a Montessori school. After graduating from the sixth grade, she moved to a specialized lyceum for children of Jewish origin.

Life in a shelter

In 1940, the German military forces managed to break through the defense and occupy the territory of the Netherlands. As soon as the Wehrmacht appointed its government in the occupied land, there began an active persecution of the Jews.

As soon as Anna was 13 years old, her older sister, Margot Frank, received a summons from the Gestapo. Two weeks later, the family went to the shelter. Anne Frank and her family were able to hide in a place equipped by employees of the company where her father worked. Otto's colleagues took a liking to the back of the office building they worked in, Prinsengracht 263. The entrance to the vacant office was decorated like a filing cabinet to eliminate any suspicion. Soon after the Frank family settled in a secret room, they were joined by the Van Pels couple with their son and the doctor Fritz Pfeffer.

A little later, Anna began to write memoirs, which later made her famous, but recognition came to the young writer, unfortunately, after her death.

Diary of Anne Frank

Reviews of critics and readers about this work only once again confirm that it deserves reading. It reflects not only the suffering suffered by the victims of the Holocaust, but also all the loneliness that the girl experienced in the cruel Nazi world.

The diary is written in the form of letters addressed to the fictional girl Kitty. The first message is dated June 12, 1942, that is, the girl's thirteenth birthday. In these letters, Anna describes the most common events that take place in the shelter with her and with the rest of the inhabitants. The author gave her memoirs the title "In the back house" (Het Achterhuis). The name was translated into Russian as "Shelter".

Initially, the purpose of writing a diary was an attempt to escape from the harsh reality. But in 1944 this situation changed. On the radio, Anna heard a message from the Minister of Education of the Netherlands. He spoke about the need to preserve any documents that may indicate Nazi repression against people, especially those of Jewish origin. One of the most important evidence was called personal diaries.

Upon hearing such a message, Anna set about writing a novel based on the diaries already created. Nevertheless, while arranging the novel, she did not stop adding new entries to the original version.

All the characters in the novel and the diary are the inhabitants of the asylum. It is not known for certain why, but the author chose not to use real names and came up with pseudonyms for everyone. The Van Pels family in the diary goes by the name Petronella, and Fritz Pfeffer is called Albert Düssel.

Arrest and death

Anne Frank, summary whose novel shows how much she had to endure, became a victim of an informer. He reported that a group of Jews was hiding in the building. Soon, all those hiding in this shelter were detained by the police and sent to concentration camps.

Anna and her older sister Margot ended up in the Westerbork transit concentration camp and were later redirected to Auschwitz. Both sisters were then sent to Bergen-Belsen, where they died of typhus a few months later. The exact dates of their deaths are not recorded, it is only known that the camp was liberated by the British soon after.

Evidence of authorship

After the work was published and gained wide popularity, doubts arose about the authorship. Therefore, in 1981, an examination of the ink and paper of the manuscript of the diary was carried out, which became a confirmation that the document really corresponds to the time of its writing. According to other notes left by Anne Frank, handwriting analysis was also carried out, which became additional evidence that the work is authentic, and that Anna is the author.

The work was published by Otto Frank, the girl's father, who, after her death, removed from the record some points concerning his wife, Anna's mother. But in subsequent editions, these fragments were restored.


After the end of the war, the Amsterdam police began searching for a man who reported the whereabouts of the inhabitants of the shelter to the Gestapo. In official documents, the name of the scammer was not preserved, it is only known that every Jew, including Anne Frank, brought him seven and a half guilders. The investigation into the search for the informer was terminated as soon as Otto Frank refused to take part in it. But when the diary gained wide popularity all over the world and was translated into many languages, admirers of Anna's talent and just people who want revenge for the lost lives of innocent people demanded to continue the search for the culprit.


There are several versions regarding a potential scammer. Three people are named as suspects: warehouse worker Willem van Maaren, cleaning lady Lena van Bladeren Hartog, and Anna's father's partner Anton Ahlers. Researchers dealing with this issue are divided into two camps. Some believe that the cleaner Lena Hartog is the culprit, whose son was already a concentration camp prisoner, and she did not want to compromise herself, so she reported to the Gestapo. According to another version, the traitor is Anton Ahlers. There is a lot of ambiguous information about this theory. On the one hand, Ahlers' brother and son claim that he personally confessed to them that he had become an informer. On the other hand, an investigation by the Netherlands Institute for War Records showed that Ahlers was not involved.


The Anne Frank House Museum is located in the same house where she and her family hid in a shelter in Amsterdam. The exposition of the museum contains all the elements of everyday life that were used by the refugees. During the tour, guides talk about Everyday life about the inhabitants of the hiding place, about how they did their laundry, where they got their fresh newspapers from, and how they celebrated family holidays.

In the museum you can also see the original diary, which was written by Anna. Excerpts from the memoirs tell how the girl wanted to touch the tree that grew outside the window and take a walk in the fresh air. But all the windows of the room were tightly closed, and opened only at night for fresh air.

Also presented in the collection are various items owned by Anne Frank, photos and much more. Here you can watch a film about Anna and buy one copy of the diary, which has been translated into 60 languages. Also in the exposition you can find the Oscar statuette, which was received by one of the actresses who played in the film, created on the basis of the diary.


The Diary of Anne Frank was filmed in 1959 by director George Stevens. The main difference from the book is the place where Anne Frank lives. The film touched on the main motives of the memoirs, and its creators tried to reflect as accurately as possible all the hardships and difficulties that the residents of the asylum had to face. As noted above, one of the supporting actresses was even awarded an Oscar.

Anne Frank, whose biography is filled with many hardships, suffering and pain, tried to cope with the complexity of everyday life in the shelter, and her diary was the result of these attempts. Letters addressed to a fictitious friend reflect the depth of loneliness that the girl experienced, and talk about the torture that the Jewish people were subjected to. But all the suffering she experienced only proves how strong the human will is and how much you can survive, you just have to try.

During World War II, 6 million Jews were killed in Europe, including 1,500,000 children. Among them is Anne Frank, who became famous throughout the world thanks to her diary, which she wrote during the war.

Otto and Edith Frank were married in 1925 in Frankfurt am Main. In 1926 their daughter Margo was born, and in 1929 Anna was born. The first years were happy for them, but in 1933 Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, and widespread discrimination against Jews began. Being in the country became unsafe and the Frank family decides to leave for. Otto Frank opens the Opekta company in Amsterdam, specializing in the production of a new preservative for jam. The family feels safe again, finds a suitable home to live in, and quickly makes friends. Anna goes to school, learns Dutch. She likes history, Greek mythology, cats, dogs and boys. But in May 1940 German troops are attacking. May 14, 1940 German aircraft bombed the city, turning it into ruins. After Nazi threats to bomb other cities, the Netherlands capitulates. With the occupation of the Netherlands, many things change in the life of the Jews. They are required to wear a six-pointed “Star of David” on their clothes, signs “No entry for Jews” appear in cinemas and cafes.

In July 1942, a major operation began to send Jews to Eastern Europe. Margo receives a call to a German labor camp, which her parents find dangerous. The family decides to take refuge in a secret hideout located at the back of the house where the father's production is located. There, Anna begins to keep her diary, which she received as a gift for her thirteenth birthday. In it, she, referring to an imaginary friend Kitty, writes down her impressions and feelings: anger, sadness, ideals.
Anna wanted to become a famous writer and publish her diary, but she doubted her abilities. There is an entry in her diary dated April 5, 1944: “I know that I can write. Some of the stories are really good, my hideout descriptions are full of humour, most of of my diary is expressive, but… whether I am really talented, as it seems, remains to be seen.”

For nearly two years, the Frank family, along with four other Jews, have been on the run from the Nazis. They are helped by their father's employees, supplying food, clothes, books and much more, necessary people in shelter. It is still unknown who betrayed the Frank family to the Germans. They were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Anne Frank died in 1945 in the German concentration camp Bergen-Belsen, she was only fifteen years old. Her sister Margo also died there. Mother, Edith Frank, died in Auschwitz.

Otto Frank was the only one who survived the camp and returned to. Miep Gies, who supported the family during the two years they were in hiding, gave him Anna's diary. After reading it, Otto Frank decides to fulfill his daughter's wish - to publish a diary. He independently edits the text, finds publishers, and in 1947 a book called Achterhuis (“The Diary of Anne Frank”) is published. In 1960, the Anne Frank House museum opened in the Frank family's hideout on Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. This is one of the most visited places in Amsterdam. Every year, about 1,000,000 people come there to see the place that has become a symbol of the Holocaust. The museum also has an exhibition dedicated to racism, anti-Semitism and modern development. Anne Frank's diary has been translated into more than 60 languages. Around 25,000,000 copies of the book have been sold worldwide. Anna's desire to become a famous writer was fulfilled after her death.

Anne Frank Huis House Museum
Address: Prinsengracht 263-267
The museum is open daily
from April 1 to October 31 - from 9:00 to 21:00
from November 1 to March 31 - from 9:00 to 19:00
Ticket price:
adults - 9 euros,
teenagers from 10 to 18 years old - 4.50 euros,
children under 9 years old - free of charge

All the girls keep diaries in which they write that their mother does not understand them, their relatives got them, and P. from the parallel class looked like that yesterday, looked like that ... Anna Frank, a Jewish girl from a family of German refugees, the daughter of a successful businessman who fled Nazism to Amsterdam. All these records about books, about boys and about relationships were made in extreme conditions, in a cramped, stuffy cell at the back of a jam-making company, where Anna's family, hiding from the Nazis, led a silent and almost incorporeal existence for a long time.

Reading, one is amazed not only by the courage of all the inhabitants of the shelter and the human dignity that they all managed to maintain in these difficult conditions. Knowing that the author of the diary and her loved ones died a painful death, one cannot get rid of the thought that this life, which was not allowed to take place, still defeats death in a way unknown to science.

She decided to keep a diary on her 13th birthday, named it Kitty, and diligently documented her life and the life of her family for three years, until all the Jews hiding in the shelter were caught on denunciation and sent to a concentration camp.

Anna with a friend in Merwedeplein. 1934

She described the everyday details of the coexistence of people locked in a cramped space and involuntarily became neighbors in a cramped communal apartment, complained about the monotony of the diet and how tired of strawberry jam (the company fed them - the time was hungry, and food was a significant problem), she wrote talentedly and vividly, not without reason she wanted to become a journalist. Almost every teenage girl could recognize herself in this image - both her youth rebellion against her mother, and her dreams of a wonderful future, which in Anna's case never came.

Frame from the movie “ Diary of Anne Frank

Everyone died - mother, sister, friends, only father, Otto Frank, survived. He published his daughter's diary after the war.

Newborn Anna with her mother. Otto Frank

In Russian " Diary of Anne Frank” translated by Wright-Kovaleva and with a preface by Ehrenburg was first published in 1960. The very fact of this publication was an important symptom of the Khrushchev thaw. Ilya Ehrenburg called the book another piece of evidence of the Catastrophe of European Jewry: “For six million, one voice speaks - not a sage, not a poet - an ordinary girl ... The girl’s diary has turned into both a human document of great significance and an indictment.”

Almost immediately after the appearance of the book in the USSR, which became very popular, Anne Frank's Diary began to be translated into languages ​​of other arts: for example, theatrical performances appeared in Moscow and Riga, Tbilisi and Leningrad, the literary basis of which was the Diary, and in 1969 Grigory Frid wrote the mono-opera The Diary of Anne Frank, which was performed in the USSR, the USA and Israel.


In July 1942, the Germans began deporting Dutch Jews, and the family Franc I had to hide in the premises of the enterprise on Prinsengracht Street, along with four other Dutch Jews. In this shelter, they, observing strict secrecy, hid until 1944. Like other canal-lined buildings in Amsterdam, number 263 on the Prinsengracht embankment consists of a front and back. The office and storage room occupy the front of the building, the back, the entrance to which was disguised as a filing cabinet, was equipped as a shelter. Anna called her diary Het Achterhuis (In the back house). In the Russian version - "Shelter". Anna made her first entry in her diary on her birthday, June 12, 1942, when she was 13 years old. The last - August 1, 1944.

house on Prinsengracht

On August 4, 1944, all the inhabitants of the shelter were seized and deported, first to the Westerbork transit camp, then to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and at the end of October of the same year, Anna and her sister Margo were transferred to Bergen-Belsen, where they both died in the winter of 1945.

The Frank House of Refuge in Amsterdam was turned into a museum in 1957 - the Anne Frank House. It hosts exhibitions and tours. In 1992, the photo album The World of Anne Frank was released with little-known photographs of the Frank family, their friends, as well as pictures of the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation.

From Anna's diary.

About punishing those who resist

Do you know what a "hostage" is? This is the last punishment for the saboteurs. The most terrible thing that can come to mind. Famous citizens, innocent people, are arrested and promised to be executed. If the Gestapo does not find the saboteurs, they simply take five hostages and put them against the wall. And the newspaper will say that they died as a result of a "fatal accident." (1942)

About suffering

When I'm alone, I want to cry. I slide down to the floor and begin to pray fervently, then pulling my knees up to my chest, I put my head in my hands and cry, huddled on the bare floor. Loud sobs bring me back to earth. (1944)

About the Jews

Who distinguished the Jews from all other peoples? Who allowed them to endure so much? G-d who made us who we are, and G-d will raise us up again. If we endured all this suffering and still exist when it is all over, the Jews, instead of perishing, will become an example. Who knows, maybe the very fact that our religion has become a source for the whole world and all peoples, from which they have learned goodness, is the reason why we suffer. We can never become just Dutch, just English or any other people, we will always remain Jews. (1944)

About the guilty

I do not believe that only important people, politicians and industrialists, are responsible for the war. Oh no, little man... It is in the nature of man to desire to destroy, to kill, to bring death. And until all of humanity, without exception, undergoes tremendous changes, wars will continue. (1944)

About the old homeland, Germany

Remarkable examples of humanity, these Germans. And to think that I am, in fact, one of them! No, it's not. Hitler threw back my people. (1944)

About despair

I've reached the point where it doesn't matter to me if I live or die. The world will spin without me, and there is nothing I can do to change the course of events. I just let things take their course, focus on my studies and hope that in the end everything will work out by itself. (1944)



In the shelter, Anna kept a diary in letters in the Dutch language (her first language was German, but she began to learn Dutch from early childhood). She wrote these letters to her fictitious friend Kitty. In them, she told Kitty everything that happened to her and to the other inhabitants of the shelter every day. Anna named her diary Het Achterhuis (rus. In the back house). In the Russian version - " asylum».

The Germans call every door and ask if there are Jews living in the house... In the evening, when it's dark, I see columns of people with crying children. They go on and on, showered with blows and kicks that nearly knock them off their feet. There was no one left - old people, babies, pregnant women, the sick - everyone set off on this deadly campaign.

Anna made her first entry in her diary on her birthday, June 12, 1942, when she was 13 years old. The last one - August 1, 1944.

At first, Anna kept a diary only for herself. In the spring of 1944, she heard on the Dutch radio Oranje (the editorial office of this radio was evacuated to England, from where it broadcast until the end of the war) speech by the Minister of Education of the Netherlands Herrit Bolkestein. In his speech, he urged citizens to keep any documents that would prove the suffering of the people during the years of German occupation. Diaries were named as one of the important documents.

Impressed by the performance, Anna decided to write a novel based on the diary. She immediately begins to rewrite and edit her diary, while continuing to replenish the first diary with new entries.

Anna, including herself, gives pseudonyms to the inhabitants of the shelter. She wanted to name herself first Anna Aulis, then Anna Robin. Anna named the Van Pels family Petronella, Hans and Alfred Van Daan (in some editions - Petronella, Herman and Peter Van Daan). Fritz Pfeffer was replaced by Albert Dussel.

Arrest and deportation

The one who personally found, detained and sent to the concentration camp Anne Frank, her family and several other Jews in Amsterdam is known - this is the SS man Karl Josef Zilberbauer, who stood out for cruelty even in his organization. However, after the war, not only was he not convicted, but on the contrary, he was recruited into the intelligence service of the FRG and successfully made a career there.


Tony Ahlers (December 29 - August 4)


see also



Anna Frank. Refuge. Diary in letters. M., Text, 2010. ISBN 978-5-7516-0912-2


  • Diary of Anne Frank (Russian)
  • Anne Frank Museum Amsterdam (English) (official website of the Anne Frank House)