Military service. Advice to a recruit, or the difficulties of army life


The army is a school that some of us have yet to go through. How to behave in the army, what not to do in the service, how to prepare for the army, what to take with you for an emergency and how to put yourself among the soldiers?

Hello everyone. The spring conscription begins on April 1, so the post is mainly designed for those who are just about to join the ranks of the Armed Forces. I never pretend to be the "last resort" and I understand perfectly well that everything is different in each part.

I myself never rushed into the army, but I didn’t want to purposefully mow down either. Rather, he simply went with the flow from the position: "If they recognize me as fit, I will serve." Naturally, I was recognized fit and with the "people's" category B3 in December 2013 I left for military unit. At that time I was 23 years old, finished higher education and bad physical training.

Before leaving for the service, he intensively smoked forums on the topic "how not to behave in the army." Based on what I've read and my own experience, I can say the following:

1. Fizukha will not be superfluous. I served all year in training - first as a cadet, then as a sergeant. At first it was really hard, because I had to run for UFZ (morning physical exercises). I gradually got involved, but it's better to master it "in civilian life" and run at least 3 km without stopping and moving to a step;

2. Always remember that you are human. Being drafted into the army did not make you a thoughtless dummy, although this is the easiest way to follow orders (I say hello to the movie "Forrest Gump"). Do not cave in if they start to put pressure - there is always a limit, after which they will consider a person with a weak spirit and, as a result, be treated with disdain. I had a case - in the second week of service, young replenishment was still brought to us (which I myself was at that time). If necessary, he helped his comrades to hem, put things in the bedside table correctly, make the bed, and so on, which earned him a certain authority among his colleagues.

It was in the evening. I'm standing in the washbasin, washing the collar. A guy comes, who arrived only yesterday, and "asks" to wash his collar too. He argued that "well, you can help, is it difficult or what?". By me, this subject was sent to a known address, but his attempts to test me for strength did not stop throughout my stay in training (almost six months). At the end, they fought with him, but this matter was hushed up.

3. Don't download rights. When I got the rank, the 10-19-year-old boys who froze me the most, who boasted of their "rights", but completely forgetting about their duties. Because of these blockheads, the whole company suffered stably, because they loved to speak. Over time, their own people began to slow down and the situation became much simpler. Hence the conclusion: do not show off. The order is first executed, and only then challenged. We had a routine like this: if something in the service is not clear, go to the KO (squad commander, aka chest of drawers) and calmly ask what, why and how. Starting out of line is not a good idea. Far from the best.

4. People serve even in the army. Everything can always be solved in a human way. Uchebka is, by and large, a kindergarten with a bias in the military. If you are sick, it is better not to hide it. I know from my own experience that a cold turned into bronchitis, and then he turned into bilateral pneumonia. Around the conscript are worn around small child, so there are kinks in the restrictions. As it turned out later, not in vain.

It was already under my demobilization. We had about 3 weeks left to serve. I am resting in the barracks, my young people come in and say:

Tov. junior sergeant, did you hear what happened in the PPMP (reception point for young replenishment)?
- Not.
- The smell (a soldier who did not take the oath) went AWOL.
- Come on?!
Yes, I got out of the hospital.

In general, this fool was lucky in 2 points:

1) He did not take an oath and could not be convicted by a military court for SOC (unauthorized abandonment of a unit)
2) His mother turned out to be head over heels and called the commanders herself to say that the unlucky offspring had returned home (about 500 km from the hospital).

Therefore, if some kind of garbage suddenly happened, you should not try to resolve everything on your own (jambs and flights do not count, except for serious ones). Go to the chest of drawers or ZKV (deputy platoon commander) and explain the essence of the problem. That's what the sergeants are there for.

5. Remember your responsibilities as quickly as possible. You know better what you have to do - you mow less and, as a result, it is easier to serve. If colleagues do not mess up, but then you already need to help each other. The duties are written in the charter in the articles "Duties of a soldier (sailor" and "Duties of a soldier before formation and in the ranks."

6. It will not be superfluous to learn the names and sizes of military units. I give a short list, usually in military service more is not required (the numbers are approximate, they differ in each part, I write as it was with us):

a) department - 10 people
b) platoon - 30 people, 3 squads.
c) company - 90-120 people, 3 platoons
d) battalion - 300 people, 3 companies
e) regiment - 1000 people, 3 battalions

7. Remember the commanders (chiefs) in person and by name and rank as quickly as possible. This is even spelled out in the duties of a soldier (sailor). The soldier has enough bosses:

a) chest of drawers or ZKV (corporal, junior sergeant or sergeant, direct commanders, go to them with all the garbage.)
b) foreman of the company (usually it is an ensign or senior warrant officer, but there are exceptions. Sometimes you can meet a foreman of a company with the rank of foreman, but this is a relic in the form of soap, hemming cloth, shoe cream and, in general, any mat. company support)
c) platoon commander (lieutenant or senior lieutenant. With a lack of personnel - an ensign or senior ensign. We had them almost the same age. Gouging in a good sense of the word. Psychologically mutate becoming company commanders)

d) company commander (senior lieutenant, captain. In advanced cases, major. An idealist person who dreams of building a career as a general. With jambs in the service, they slip in this position for many years)
e) the chief of staff of the battalion (a rare bird in the barracks, you need to know. We had captains or majors. The head of all the paperwork that takes place in the battalion)
f) battalion commander (we have lieutenant colonels. The battalion commander yells - the battalion commander has a torn mouth ... Underground, which usually has 3 companies under its command)
g) Deputy unit commander for educational work (colloquially political officer. You should always keep your eyes open with this person, excellent psychologists. We had the rank of major. His job is to look for "hazing" and other forbidden things in the unit.)
g) Deputy unit commander for logistics (also known as zampotyl. Also majors. Petty officer of the entire unit)
h) beginning unit headquarters (lieutenant colonel. Head of all clerical work in the military unit. And there is plenty of it. I crossed paths with him several times in the service, and even then briefly.)
i) Deputy unit commander (lieutenant colonel. The second person in command of the military unit (military unit) and the first, in the absence of the unit commander. Just an important bump)
j) unit commander (colonel. In our country, he was not a very good person, because of which sometimes a mess and a madhouse were created in the unit, mixed with insanity. As elsewhere, in principle. Alpha and Omega in a single military unit. Periodically pissed off during county inspections, better not to see this person for the rest of his life)

8. Take along a supply of food, water and soap and soap accessories. It is better not to take perishable products. Hygiene products will come in handy: a disposable razor and foam, a toothbrush and paste, a soap dish, a toothbrush case. Soap, washcloth and shoe polish will be given out in the company. I secretly smuggled in a few needles, but we were not particularly examined. Then they came in handy, because those bought in a chip (a soldier's tea shop, a shop on the territory of the unit) broke with surprising frequency. It is better to take the simplest phone until you have reconnoitered the situation in part. A pair of writing pens and a notepad will come in handy (to write down new information and assignments). If you wear glasses (like me), you can bring spares with you. On the first day, I agreed with the foreman and kept them in a nightstand, in a case. So they weren't useful. As in the army for those who wear contact lenses? Normally, there were 2 people in my platoon who used them. There were no problems.

9. Keep an eye on your possessions. There is no word for "lost" in the army. There is a word "proyebal", and who proyebal, from that and demand. If they stole it, that's another story. Because of some trifles, the commanders will not bathe, but if money, a telephone or something valuable is stolen, they will raise the whole company to their ears.

10. The barracks, though temporary, but the house. No need to litter, shit anywhere, shirk PCBs (although everyone loves a fuck). Behave the same as home and keep it clean there. This applies to everyone. We had cases when Dagestanis refused to leave. After talking with the sergeants, they changed their minds and no longer tried to put themselves above the rest in this matter. It follows from this point that...

11. Keep yourself clean. In the army, immunity is initially weakened and it will not be difficult to pick up some kind of muck. I was in the hospital 2 times. The first - because of some kind of skin rubbish. Therefore, it is worth washing at every opportunity. We had a bath once a week, but no one forbade us to go to the washbasin and wash ourselves from the basin in our free time. They put a basin in the sink, filled with water and poured themselves over. At least every day I wash, if only I could do everything that is required. In the morning we moved faster in order to have time to wash, shave and brush our teeth. Give to the last Special attention, in the army everything wears out faster, including a person.

12. Do not torture yourself with thoughts about home. At first, it’s just pzdts how it pulls home. An unfamiliar environment, some rules, new people who have to listen and do everything they say. It's pretty unsettling. The most important thing is to start living in the army, and not wait for the end of all this. By the end of 1 month it becomes much easier and time goes faster. If someone considers himself a religion, then remember that in any of the beliefs, military service is considered honorable and your God is with you. I am a "satanist-amethist" and took out all the hardships on my shoulders.

Here, in in general terms and whatever you want to convey. If you have any questions, I will answer in the comments. Junior sergeant of the reserve %username% finished his report.

For some, receiving a summons from the draft board is a joyful event, while for others, military service is presented in a negative light. But both of them tend to experience some stress before being sent to the service. And this is not surprising, because young people can have a lot of all sorts of questions. How to position yourself correctly, how to behave in the army with "grandfathers", what can and cannot be done? The period during which young guys will learn to defend their homeland, they want to live with dignity. And, of course, everyone wants to avoid various problems that a recruit may encounter in the army.

This material is prepared on the basis of the generalized experience of many generations of men who served in the army. Also here you will find some tips from psychologists that will help the recruit to tune in correctly. So, what can you do in the first months of military service, and how should you behave undesirably? Let's start with recommendations for psychological adjustment.

What not to think about

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to behave in the army, first of all, you need to understand one important thing: the right psychological attitude will help to avoid many problems. Going to serve in the army, try to yearn for home as little as possible. Thoughts like “Right now, the relatives sat down to have breakfast at home, soon the father will go to work, and the sister will go to school” should be thrown out of your head. Such thoughts can only spoil the mood, but if you think about it all the time, then you risk becoming more vulnerable both psychologically and physically.

This attitude of yours will sooner or later become noticeable to others. Colleagues and officers will pay attention to your emotions and consider you a weakling, and this is usually where all problems begin.

The right attitude

Have you almost stopped thinking longingly about home and do not remember your last day in civilian life? Wonderful! But how do you feel about the army itself? The question of how to behave in the army can be answered as follows: take your service seriously, responsibly. In no case should you think that military service is a waste of time. This should not be taken lightly and with disdain. Team "Rise!" or "Hang up!" should be taken for granted, and not argued as if all this daily routine does not make any sense.

It’s not as easy in the army as in civilian life, but you didn’t come here to rest. The army is a great way for self-improvement, it is a unique school of life. Imagine that you will return home as an adult, stronger and better. Set yourself goals to achieve certain results and follow them. The people around you will notice your purposefulness and will definitely appreciate it.

How to talk

So, you have already set yourself up in a positive way, but still do not understand how to behave in the army - first days services are generally the most difficult. One of the recommendations that can be given in this regard concerns the correct staging of speech. In the army, you should never mutter under your breath. Speak clearly and legibly so that your interlocutor understands you the first time, do not force people to ask and clarify. Moreover, slurred speech will be perceived as a sign of your weakness, indecision. People are judged not by their words, but by their deeds, but the way you speak and express your thoughts clearly also means a lot.

Everything is simple - you need to look decent. When talking, never lower your eyes or head, because only potential victims behave like this. Try to look the interlocutor in the eye, only occasionally looking away. Be neat and clean-shaven, don't slouch. Keep your military uniform clean and ironed. Old-timers, ensigns and even officers will notice your efforts, and also appreciate your ability to do everything and always do it.

How to behave in the army, so as not to seem like a sucker? A man should look courageous and dignified in any situation. Especially in the army. The posture is even, the look expresses calmness and confidence, no fuss. A man who behaves appropriately inspires confidence and is treated with great respect.

How to stay in a new team

How to behave in the army for a recruit in the first days of service, how to join a new team and get to know people? It is immediately worth noting that closed people are treated with distrust and apprehension, one might even say that they are not liked. Therefore, be open, go to the contact. Of course, everything needs to know the measure, do not be too intrusive, otherwise you risk earning yourself a reputation as a sycophant or a six.

You should not particularly rely on the fact that colleagues themselves will reach out to you. Look around, see what your comrades are doing, offer someone a cigarette or chewing gum. Even if the person refuses, the dialogue has already begun. If you have any talents, for example, you know how to play the guitar, feel free to use these skills to your advantage, because creative people in the army are treated differently. Try to prove yourself as a good and reliable friend.

Norms of behavior in a conflict situation

Many young guys who are going to serve soon are interested in how to behave in the army so as not to get into conflict situations. All of the above recommendations will certainly help to avoid various troubles, but it should be understood that conflicts cannot be completely avoided. They can occur for various reasons, so it is important to know in advance how to behave in such cases.

Again, the mental attitude is especially important here. Many conflicts begin with banal emotional provocations, then everything may depend on your behavior, on how you will react to them. Try not to get annoyed, not nervous, do not show your confusion and fear. Even if you can stand up for yourself, there is still no need to use your fists every time. Only cold calculation will get you under control.

Solve problems on time

It happens that experiences associated with hardships and deprivation of service, accumulating, begin to put pressure on the psyche, from which being in the army becomes unbearable. But how to behave in the army if you have certain problems, to whom to turn for advice, and to whom you can complain? And is it worth it? You do not need to keep everything in yourself, but in no case should you allow the accumulation of problems, try to resolve them as they arise. In the end, talk to someone - be it your co-worker, commander or psychologist.

Hazing in the army

Many stories have been told about hazing in the army, you probably heard from childhood about formidable "grandfathers" who mock recruits. Nevertheless, they are the same soldiers, except that they have been in the army longer than you. So how to behave in the army in the early days with grandfathers in order to earn their favor and not become a scapegoat? Follow all of the above recommendations, try to make sure that you have nothing to complain about. Of course, the old-timers have their own, somewhat specific methods of education.

Keep track of your appearance, conscientiously fulfill your duties and the instructions given to you, do not be stunted and do not complain unless absolutely necessary - and then no one should have any reason to mock you. Treat the "grandfathers" with respect, but do not allow yourself to be humiliated either. In the event that you are guilty, you still will not be able to avoid punishment, but if the claims made against you are unfounded, do not lose your dignity. Do not make mistakes, for which you will have to pay for a long time later.

It is good if one of the male relatives tells a young man about army life. Father, grandfather, brother or uncle - one of them will definitely be able to give good advice a guy who is about to go to the army to serve military service. Perhaps they had already talked about their service before, but now they should have talked in more detail about how a recruit should behave in the army.

During the first months of service young man in the army it would not be superfluous to protect him from all sorts of bad news from home, from a civilian. The guy is already having a hard time, because he has to endure hardships and hardships military service. No need to upset him again. Good news from home will lift the recruit's spirits. Confident that everything is fine at home, he will be able to concentrate on the service and his duties, and will not make mistakes that can pretty much ruin his life.


The army is a school of life. It seems that there are some laws and rules of their own, but in fact this is not entirely true. In the army, as elsewhere, cleanliness, decency, honesty, masculinity, diligence and responsibility are valued. This article has listed the main answers to the question of how to behave in the army. We hope that they will help you to serve with dignity!

In the language of the Charter, army everyday life is called "hardships and hardships military service". What does a young fighter need to know, and how to behave in the new conditions of life?

First Rules

As old-timers say, there are a few simple rules that will help a recruit behave properly in the army and easily integrate into a new environment. And these are not the rules that a recruit will hear in a unit, such as “do not wake up, do not turn over, take out first in case of fire” ... About what to take with you to the army,

First of all, you need to be careful. In no case should you provoke conflicts with other conscripts. It is also not recommended to discuss or ignore the orders of superiors in rank. Any "show off" is severely punished. It must be remembered that soldiers are a monotonous mass, a single mechanism capable of suppressing any less well-coordinated machine.

To make adaptation in the first days easier, it is best for a recruit to try not to constantly think about home and loved ones. Also, a soldier needs to realize that military service is a great opportunity to temper his character, to become physically stronger. Most of the "conscripts" are demobilized in good shape and with a clear understanding of discipline.

It is best to behave in the army with other recruits in a friendly and calm manner. You can try to find some of your fellow countrymen, with whom you will definitely find common topics and it will be easier to communicate. Friendly and sociable guys find it easier to win over their colleagues, and a healthy sense of humor is also welcome.

It is advisable to learn the charter by heart in the early days, to know what your superiors in rank will require of you.

First skills

Be more simple. If you have a professorial education and you got to serve, throw out your "professor stuff" for a while and don't be clever. They don't like them around here. Don't forget that soldiers are a monotonous mass. Communicate the way everyone communicates. Be your own in the company.

Stay in the crowd. They get into trouble from great strength or from a great mind. If at first you are involved in the "mass", then it will do you good. Don't be a gray mouse. Don't be an upstart.

Remember unity. Everyone who surrounds you in the army is the same as you. Don't let yourself be convinced otherwise. Do not be afraid of your fellow soldiers. Try to communicate with them. You have the same rights with them. Is someone acting cool? This is first. The army machine will put everyone in their place.

Look around. You are not alone. The main thing is to understand people. Who can be trusted and who should be shunned. Try to talk to the others until you identify those who are more inclined to talk and who can be trusted. Be with them so you won't be alone.

Be constant. Do not switch in communication from one company to another. They don't like it here. Remember that it is better to have one reliable friend than several unreliable ones.

First days in the army

On the first night in the barracks, consider all the advantages of your stay here. Remember that everything is not so sad. You don't have to worry about clothes - they will give you them. No need to worry about food - you will eat on schedule. Little food? It's like that for everyone in the first days of the army. In fact, food is given out exactly as much as you need. Little sleep? You will sleep eight hours a day, if not on guard or on duty - this is enough for a young body. Do not oppress yourself with thoughts of home. It will pass.

When charging, be like everyone else. Everyone is running - and you run. In no case do not fall in exhaustion - in most cases, your comrades will pull you along. If it’s completely unbearable, slow down, let everyone go ahead, but keep running - you are no worse than everyone else.

Hide talent. If you have talents, don't rush to reveal them. If you're a hairdresser, you can be forced to cut 200 men's hair. If you are an artist, you will draw wall newspapers in order and design stands. And this is when everyone will have free time. If, of course, you really like it, it can help you in your future service. The army loves talent.

Hide money. Don't trust anyone. Remember, you don't know the people around you. Comrades are only after a few months of service. Don't give money to either "demobilizations" who promise a sweet life "under the wing", or to officers who, as a rule, give "fake" receipts. A person who has profited once will want to profit more, and you will be the first victim.

Write letters home. Your parents are worried about you. In letters, do not write to your mother how lonely you are and how harsh life is. It will only upset her. Write how cheerful and rich the service is, and subsequently it will be so if you can find your interest. After all, the reality surrounding a person is a clear reflection of his own thoughts.


Hello. Today is another rather unusual post. About the army. I want to say right away to all those who have served or will serve, everything can be completely different. article how to survive in the army I write exclusively on the example of my service.

So, having got into the army, you, as it were, are nobody in the first 2 weeks. Until you have taken the oath, you are taking the course of a young fighter (KMB). Here you are prepared for military service.

There are quite a lot of fellow countrymen at KMB. With whom you were drafted from the draft board to the KMB will be with you. This is a huge plus. Someone already on the train "screamed", someone even already knew each other.

There are 2 types of barracks: general (which we are used to seeing on TV), where everyone sleeps in one large room and divided into "kubricks" (a kubrick is when soldiers live in rooms from 4 to 12 people on average). That is, it can be compared with a hostel.

I was lucky, we ended up in a part where there is a division into quarters. The "general type" barracks are getting smaller and smaller every year in the country. Because of this, there is a division into "groupings". That is, those who live in the same "kubar" are usually friends.

In general, if you are a restrained person, then it will be difficult for you in the army. You need to loosen up, be friends with someone. At the KMB you will not see "grandfathers", only sergeants and officers who stubbornly prepare you for the army.

At first it was hard: dressing like lightning, playing "lights out" - "rise". That is, after the command to hang up, everyone should lie in bed very quickly, and on the command to get up, they should line up. Approximately 1.5 minutes are given to get dressed (earlier, when there were tarpaulin boots (without laces), and not berets, it was around 45 seconds). If someone did not have time, then again hang up and rise. As the saying goes, "a blunt in the company, the whole company is in sweat" :).

In general, in the army they study collectively. One screwed up, everyone answers. Your main task: do not mow. I remember one went to the chip without permission, because of him we didn’t see chips for almost a whole week. I don't care, but so many of his comrades looked at him wryly.

Therefore, there is no need to "mow". Let's take a morning check. It is done every day: the cleanliness of the berets, the cut, the shaving, the cleanliness of the hemming and the presence of the edging are checked (the back of the hair near the neck must be even). And that's it! But, damn it, some people manage to not even follow these elementary things. By doing these elementary things as expected, you will get rid of unnecessary unnecessary attention to yourself.

What I remember in the first days is calluses. While the berets are new, the corns are rubbed terrible. Many had blood spots. Well, at least the KMB officers were allowed to walk on the parade ground in slippers. I didn’t want to join the “slipper troops”, I found another way out: over my socks (in some parts still footcloths) I wrapped a handkerchief or a piece of cloth where there was pain. Oddly enough, the corns began to heal. We tried to “beat off” the berets with a hammer and other heavy objects, but this did not help. And yes, it’s better to take berets one size larger than the butt, otherwise you can still wear thick socks in winter.

How to behave at KMB? With understanding. Hard to learn, easy to fight. And the commander at the KMB for me was like the first teacher at school.

Even at KMB I understood the main rule in the army:need to be smarter . Here, as nowhere else, you need to be able to say "No". And then they will climb on the neck. It is necessary to "send" whom you need at the time, but, eh the most important thing is to stick together. Together with comrades, support each other.

It was also quite unaccustomed to quickly eat in the dining room. Someone did not have time and I saw the following picture: a salad is thrown into the soup, the second and a side dish, and all this megaporridge is quickly eaten.

Well, after the KMB, the most interesting thing begins: "grandfathers", other officers, etc. Well, I'll tell you about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

In order not to miss anything (I'll tell you some small soldier's secrets), we subscribe to RSS, well, or just on Saturday evening or Sunday, go to :).

To be continued...

For many young men, there comes a moment when you need to repay your debt to the Motherland. We will not go into details of what is right and what is not. Ignorance of what will happen next is very oppressive for the future soldier. Questions arise: what to take with you, how to behave in a team, etc.

This article will consider practical answers to questions asked by a conscript in early days of military service.

The first day in the army and here it is the long-awaited military ID, but it will be available only in a year.

What not to take with you in the first days of military service

The most common recruit mistake is taking too much food with him. The fact is that upon arrival at the PPD (point of permanent deployment), all bags are carefully checked for the presence of perishable products, and if they are found, then everything is immediately thrown into the trash - no matter how long your mother stood at the stove.

From this follows the conclusion that it is worth taking food for one day. As for alcoholic beverages, everything is the same here: you should not draw attention to yourself in this way. Knives, brass knuckles and similar things are also not recommended to be put in a backpack, they will be taken away from you, and there is a chance you will never see them at all.

How to behave on the first day in the army. Tactics of behavior in a military team

It is worth noting that any closed male team is difficult from the point of view of psychology. Here the personality is always in sight, any deed, any word, action is evaluated by the team. Proper building of relationships in the team and with superiors is the key to the success of your stay during the entire period of service.

Opinion of the retired: Is it worth it to go?

I recommend not to show yourself from all sides upon arrival, the study of each is the most advantageous tactic. You should study who is the informal leader, who could become your friend, and who could be your sworn enemy.

You should never lie about who you were in civilian life, or about something else, all this can be exposed and the stigma of a “liar” is guaranteed to you. Tell the truth: if she is not entirely partial, then you will get off with a couple of ridicule addressed to you.

It will be useful to study: Soon you will find out how it really looks.

The first serious test in the army for a soldier is taking the military oath

Build trust with your bosses. There is no need to show that you are ready to plow on them day and night, no one will appreciate this, they will only entrust you with work, which will be very much.

Be executive, do not swear and argue: today he is the boss, albeit perhaps not the smartest, but he will serve you for a long time. And you may have to turn to him for help. The main wisdom is to keep the golden mean in everything and always.

Army. The first days of separation from a girl

You leave for a long time, and a question arises that prevents you from sleeping at night - If you do not have a girlfriend, then you are very lucky, and sleep during the period of service will be good. But often girls do not really want to wait. It's a very uncomfortable feeling, for sure.

Remember one thing: the main male weapon is the mind. It is worth cooling down and thinking, why do I need her if she is not able to wait. After all, for us men, the rear is important: if it can’t cope, then you shouldn’t even waste your nerves and your time on it. Don't get emotional and be courageous.


Preliminary preparation is important. There is a completely different world, not the one we are used to. Many failures and falls are possible (especially at first), but this school is definitely worth going through. Be patient, fair and honest. And after many years you will have something to remember pleasant, these memories will warm. Serve Worthy From first days in the service of the Motherland!

And what advice would you personally give to a young soldier for the first time? Write in the comments - forewarned is forearmed!
