Signs and superstitions for every day of December. Folk signs for December: superstitions and rituals of ancestors

December- the first month of winter, the last of the year. In the common people, it has a different name - "jelly". In December, a lot of snow usually falls, and severe frosts can hit. It is impossible to convey in words this beauty, when the trees are covered with frost - you find yourself in a real winter fairy tale. There are many proverbs and sayings about the last month of the year. “December ends the year, winter begins,” people say. Also, over the course of many centuries, many folk signs of December were compiled, according to which one can guess about the upcoming weather and harvest.

December weather tips

If it is clear in December, it means that next year there will be a shortage of crops, if December is cloudy, then there will be a surplus of crops, if December is dry, then spring and summer will be dry, and if thunder thunders in December, then there will be winter with great frosts .

  • If winter doesn't come in December and January, don't expect winter to arrive until February 10th.
  • Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground in December - for the harvest.
  • Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.
  • North December wind - to big frosts.
  • If December is without rain, expect a long dry autumn and a dry summer.
  • If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap, it is fruitful.
  • If the clouds in December float from north to south, it will be sunny weather, and if from south to north, then be bad weather.

Signs about nature in December

  • Wintering rooks - for a warm winter.
  • The bullfinches arrived in December - the winter will be frosty.
  • If the hares' fur coat is not white, but “spotted”, then the winter should be mild, with thaws.

December- the first month of winter, the last of the year. In the common people, it has a different name - "jelly". In December, a lot of snow usually falls, and severe frosts can hit.

It is impossible to convey in words this beauty, when the trees are covered with frost - you find yourself in a real winter fairy tale. There are many proverbs and sayings about the last month of the year. “December ends the year, winter begins,” people say.

Also, over the course of many centuries, many folk signs of December were compiled, according to which one can guess about the upcoming weather and harvest.

December weather tips

If it is clear in December, it means that next year there will be a shortage of crops, if December is cloudy, then there will be a surplus of crops, if December is dry, then spring and summer will be dry, and if thunder thunders in December, then there will be winter with great frosts .

  • If winter doesn't come in December and January, don't expect winter to arrive until February 10th.
  • Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground in December - for the harvest.
  • Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.
  • North December wind - to big frosts.
  • If December is without rain, expect a long dry autumn and a dry summer.
  • If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - fruitful.
  • If the clouds in December float from north to south, it will be sunny weather, and if from south to north, then be bad weather.

Signs about nature in December

  • Wintering rooks - for a warm winter.
  • Bullfinches arrived in December - the winter will be frosty.
  • If the hares' fur coat is not white, but “spotted”, then the winter should be mild, with thaws.

the 1st of December
If the weather is good on December 1, then it will be fine and early spring. How many times the weather changes on this day, the winter will undergo the same number of changes.

December 2nd
The sky is clear - to frost, dull - to thaw. The evening sky is pink, even crimson - before a snowfall.

December 3
If it snows on this day, then expect rain on June 3. If it snows heavily at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will set in the afternoon.

December 4
If on this day it is frost and snow, then it will be a frosty and snowy winter. Cloudiness increases - to the deterioration of the weather.

5th of December
Two dull reddish rings appeared around the moon - before a severe frost. Hoarfrost fell - for next year's harvest.

December 6
Steady southeast or northeast wind - to prolonged cloudy and snowy weather, without big frosts. If on this day it is sleet and the wind is blowing north, then on June 6 the wind will blow from the north and it will rain.

December 7
If the weather is clear on this day, then it will be a frosty winter. The stars seem small before the snowfall.

December 8
Hoarfrost on dry grass - to frosty weather, no precipitation. If birds cling to houses - to snow, play - to the wind, sing merrily - to good weather, sit on treetops - to warming, in the evening they feed longer than usual - to frost.

9th December
If it is quiet in the well, the water is calm, without unrest, then the winter will be warm, without severe frosts and snowstorms, and if noise is heard from the well, then the winter will be with severe frosts, blizzards and snowstorms. stronger will be on Nikola (December 19) and the winter will be severe, if there is a thaw, there will be frequent thaws in winter.

December 11th
The cat scratches the legs of a table or chairs, standing on its hind legs, claws the wall with its claws - to the wind and blizzards. The snow is deep - the year is good.

12 December
If a it's snowing, then it’s not far from the snowstorm, but there will be no severe frosts until the day of Nikola (December 19). If the dawn is crimson in the morning, then strong winds will come soon.

December 13th
If it’s cold and clear on this day, it’s good, for the harvest, and when it’s warm, it’s for worse. The cat licks its body, paws and tail - for clear frosty weather.

December 15
A foggy circle near the Moon is a blizzard. If there is a lot of snow in mid-December, there will be a rich harvest of herbs in the summer.

December 16
The water in the rivers and wells is decreasing - to improve the weather. The bullfinch chirps under the window - to the thaw.

December 17
East wind - to frost. If the sky is all in the stars, then there will be quick frosts, cold will come, and if the sky is dim and the stars are not visible, then be warm or thaw.

December 18
If winter had already tried its hand before this day (there were frosts), then soon the time will come and the thaw will come. The dog rolls on the ground, eats little and sleeps a lot - to the snow and blizzard.

December 19th
If there is good clear weather, then frosts will soon come. What is the day in winter Nikola, such is summer Nikola.

December 20
If a gusty east wind blows - to prolonged cold weather. The cat reaches for water, drinks a lot of it - to the cold.

21 December
White clouds appeared: small ones - to frost, large ones - to a blizzard. The snow will bend the branches on the trees with its weight - there will be a good harvest, and the bees will swarm.

December 22
On this day, they look at what the weather will be like in the New Year: if the weather is good, then on December 31 it will be clear, but frosty, and if it is cloudy, but there is frost in the villages, then on December 31 it will be thaw and cloudy. to the hedge - a bad summer, and if there is a gap - a fruitful one.

December 23
White clouds are visible for several days in a row - to a cold snap. Clear cloudless weather is a sign of an imminent drop in temperature.

December 24
Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to the heat. The crow screams at noon - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.

December 25
If the sun shines on this day, then the days at Christmas time (from January 17 to January 19) will be clear. If it is light and radiant outside, the New Year will be frosty, clear, and if it is gloomy and there is frost on the trees, it will be warm and cloudy.

27th of December
If the fog quickly decreases, then there will be no frosts. If it was cold, snowy and windy that day, then such weather portends a good harvest.

December 28th
The weather of this day indicates the weather of March. If on December 28 there was a severe frost in the yard, and by the evening it suddenly got warmer, the cold is still ahead.

December 29th
What is this day, such is the month of April. Hoarfrost in the yard - warm Christmas time on January 7, if it is frosty, then it will stand until Epiphany on January 19.

December 30th
What is this day, so is the month of May. If there is frost on this day, it will be warm in a week.

31th of December
If the snow falls in large flakes, then the frost will be moderate and even a thaw is possible. The stronger the frost, the less possible snowfalls and blizzards.

  • Folk omens winters
  • Folk signs of February
  • Folk omens of January

About December for kindergarten children

"The year ends - the winter begins" - so they say about December, last month year and the first - winter. The sun is getting lower, the days are getting shorter and darker. And frosty nights are brighter from the stars.

The old Russian name for December: LUTEN, STUDEN - for a fierce frosty time, for a long cold. This is the most modest month of the year, consumed by darkness and frost.

Sometimes the frost subsides and the thaw sets in. Lilacs respond to the warm weather, turning green with the tops of swollen buds. But winter does not recede, and fluffy snows are falling, frosts are cracking.

signs of december

December is cold: it is cold all winter.

December paints patterns on the windows.

December blizzards will sweep snowdrifts.

The sun in December shines, but does not warm.

December comforts the eyes with snow, and tears the ear with frost.

December is the month of big packs of wolves.

December is the time for gloomy skies and early evening days.

At the end of December the sun turns to summer, winter turns to frost. If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground, then this is for the harvest.

If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - to the harvest.

Proverbs and sayings about December

December is the winter hat.

December is New Year's Eve.

December ends the old grief, the new year lays a path with happiness.

The year ends in December and winter begins.

The frost is not great, but the nose turns red.

Winter has a big mouth.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Winter day with a sparrow.

In winter, the sun, like a stepmother, shines, but does not warm.

In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.

In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.

And the moon shines when there is no sun.

Riddles about winter for preschoolers

Name, guys, a month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days, all nights are longer than nights,

Snow covered the fields and meadows until spring.

Only our month will pass, we celebrate the New Year.


Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feathers - over the world of fluff?

The cold came, the water turned into ice,

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

Who builds a footbridge on the river without an ax, without nails and boards?

And not snow, and not ice, but silver in winter will remove the trees.

He entered - no one saw, he said - no one heard.

He blew into the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows.

In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, and inserted during the night.


Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

Belokosa, chubby,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver.

(Winter and winter months.)

Every day, Seryozhka gives us clothes.

And he broke up with the latter - he himself disappeared somewhere.

(Tear-off calendar.)

It flies off in a white flock and sparkles in flight.

It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth.

What kind of janitor was raking snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand.


Miracle janitor in front of us. With raking hands

In one minute, he raked a huge snowdrift


Here is a silver meadow, not to see a lamb,

The goby does not moo on it, the chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter, but you won't find it in spring.

My new pals are both shiny and light

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost.

Two new two-meter maple soles:

He put two feet on them - and run through the big snows.

We are nimble sisters, we are masters of running fast,

In the rain - we lie down, in the snow - we run, this is our regime.

We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain.

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.

By a rope-bridle I lead him through the yard,

I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back.

What a beauty - stands, sparkling light,

How lavishly dressed... Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree.)

I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny, I'm the main one for the New Year!

(Christmas tree.)

On a winter day, among the branches, the table is set for guests.


The hut is new, a dining room for everyone, calling for dinner,

Eat crumbs.


Let me be a small bird

My friends, I have a habit -

When the cold starts

Directly from the north here.


Poems about December for children

december icy

Like emerald bridges on a river,

Well, in the field are snow-white canvases.

In a noticeable cold December

Seven weather all play tricks in the yard.

Frost has overgrown with a silvery beard,

Pinches cheeks, fingers, ears, forehead and nose.

I won’t whine, I’ll endure everything, I won’t scream -

AT New Year I'll ride on new sleds.

M. Sukhorukova


In December, in December all the trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight,

Updated skates, sleds, brought a Christmas tree from the forest ...

S. Marshak

Winter sings, calls out ...

Winter sings, calls out, shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

All around with deep longing they float to a distant country

Gray clouds.

The blizzard sweeps the white path.

Wants to drown in soft snow.

The wind fell asleep on the way.

Neither drive through the forest, nor pass.


White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

S. Yesenin


Where are you from? Where are you from

Came to us, red-breasted?

— I flew all over Siberia.

- What is your name?

- Bullfinch.

M. Lapygin

Frost Governor

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest paths brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

N. Nekrasov

Brave snowman

- You're a snowman, snowman!

I've been used to the cold since childhood.

You put on the pan deftly!

From the coals of your eyes!

Your nose is a red carrot

Your pride and beauty!

You are a snowman, a snowman!

I've been used to the cold since childhood.

O. Preusler, from the book

"Little Baba Yaga"

Blizzards have arrived

Blizzards came to us

The cracks were covered with snow.

On the window, the old man Frost

He applied the painting with ice.

In a clean field in a white dress

Mother winter is out.

Let her walk boldly -

The bread is all put away in the bins.

G. Ladonshchikov

New Year's Eve

Christmas trees go one by one

Trees go in pairs.

pavement, pavement,

Snow boulevards.

Soon, soon the New Year!

All from the needle

Will come to you and come to us

Christmas tree guest.

I. Tokmakova


Until May, the ponds are chained,

But how warm are the houses!

Wraps gardens in snowdrifts

Careful winter.

Snow falls from birches

In drowsy silence.

Summer frost paintings

Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov

Magic sundress

Now the fog is falling on the ground,

And winter puts on a sundress.

White and light this outfit,

Even fluffy, they say.

He warms the grass, warms the flowers,

And he is amazingly beautiful.

That sundress is called a snowball

Or winter fur.

in winter

Frost looks out the window and breathes

And writes patterns on glass

And against the frozen window,

Breath of Santa Claus

In brocade and pearls removed,

There is a curly birch.

S. Drozhzhin

New Year

What do I want in the New Year?

I want to skate on ice

I want to go to kindergarten every day

I want to be friends with the guys.

So that the cold bypasses the native city,

And so that trouble never happens.

I want our family to live long,

So that the Snow Maiden comes to me at night

And she would bring me many gifts.

New Year! New Year!

White snow, ringing ice!

About winter

Snow fluffy, silvery

Lightly spreads with a carpet,

And snowflakes, like fluffs,

Curl merrily around.

Winter has come

At night the wind howled like a wolf

And beat on the roofs with a stick.

Looking out the window in the morning

There is a magical movie:

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And hats at home

Winter hit.

V. Fetisov


Russian winter walks

Stop it and try it!

Waving his hand - the earth is white,

Wave another - snowdrifts grow!

Whitens trees and houses

Freezes, tired without knowing

Russian winter walks

Frosty, not bad.

winter cat

A cat looks out of the window

Winter lives outside the window.

The cat has a dream



Along the frozen river

Where they glide on two legs

Human children.

- Hey, boys by the river,

Fur hats,

Where to get the cat skates

Four paws?

C. Serdobolsky

me and snow

White, delicious snow is falling,

Goes straight into your mouth

If I really want

I'll swallow the snow all at once!

And then what will happen, brothers!

On a sleigh - do not ride!

And snowdrifts - not to be seen!

And don't play snowballs!

And on skis - do not run!

It will be bad for everyone without snow!

That's why, friends,

I won't eat snow, I guess!

M. Druzhinina

white grandfather

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up, ringing icicles:

Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?

Why don't you wake me up?

Disorder in the yard:

Mud and puddles in December!

And from grandfather in fright

Blizzards rushed to the fields,

And the blizzards flew

They moaned, whistled,

Busy until the morning:

All the scratches of the earth

Covered with white snow.

Grandfather came out early in the morning

Wearing a new coat.

Wanted to check it out myself

Through meadows and forests:

Is everyone waiting in a new outfit

And are you ready to meet him?

- Yes, - the blizzards answered, -

Even the hares turned white!

No blades of grass in the fields

Not a leaf on the branches!

Only one Christmas tree

Yes fluffy pine

They don't want to obey

And the green ones are standing!

N. Artyukhova

good time

We like frosty

fluffy time,

Starry night sky

Glittering silver.

And the tree lights up

And the round dance is dancing,

And here, as it should be,

The New Year is coming!

O. Vysotskaya

One winter

One winter

Along our street

Kitten go

Wanted to take a walk

Kitten came out

Black as soot

And returned -

White as chalk!

K. Maznin


The paws of titmouse are freezing:

It's bad for them without mittens,

Yes, and hungry in the cold ...

I brought them seeds:

- Look here,

This is delicious food!

They sit on my palm,

Warm paws. Not to be afraid of.

V. Polyakov

letter in the snow

Embroidered snow

beautiful line,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad to the yard:

- Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down

- Here is a letter for you, Denis! —

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, feeders!”

N. Golinovskaya

Father Frost

Grandfather looked into the well -

The well was covered with ice.

And looked at the river -

He put on an ice sheepskin coat.

Old Santa Claus

If he's joking, then seriously.

V. Lanzetti

Trees bloom in winter

There are white caps on the roofs.

And the air is fresh, as if near

The boys eat cucumbers.

Poems about winter for schoolchildren. Childhood

Poems about winter for primary school students

Poems about winter for preschoolers

Winter poems for children

Folk signs of the month of December for children for every day

Good day, my dear readers. We continue to observe what is happening outside the window and study folk signs of December.

Let's make a calendar for the children about the weather for the whole month and for each day.

What is December famous for?

In the last month of the year, real winter colds set in. There is a proverb about December that it ends the year and begins the winter. Therefore, the people did not call it the time of white trails for nothing.

Until the time of the restructuring of the calendar to the Gregorian style, December was the tenth in a row, therefore it is believed that its name came from the Roman word "december". “Zimnik”, “jelly” - all these are December “nicknames”, which the month received for its fierce temper and frost.

The people used to say that he had "five weathers: he blows, blows, circles, tears and sweeps."

And December is also associated with the most joyful holiday for kids - the New Year!

Based on the weather in December, forecasts were made for the coming spring and summer.

  • It was believed that if in the last month of the year there would be little snow and dryness, then spring and summer would pass without heavy rains.
  • But if there are snowdrifts under the fence, it will be a bad summer.
  • Our ancestors also used to say that the whiter the winter, the greener after it.
  • A warm December will delay winter longer, and a late spring will turn out to be cold.

The villages monitored the December weather to predict the harvest. If it is often clear on the street, then little will grow in the fields. But cloudy weather promises a good harvest, with surpluses.

It happens that winter does not want to come, and slush and thaws are delayed until the January Christmas holidays. In such cases, people did not wait for the arrival of cold weather until February 10th.

If in December you see red breasts on bare branches of trees, then it is bullfinches, the messengers of winter, who brought frosty weather on their wings. The winter frost will pinch our nose and cheeks. But when the rooks suddenly decided to stay for the winter, this is for a warm winter.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

And now, according to the established tradition, the calendar of December signs will take days.

the 1st of December. “Plato and Roman will show us the winter,” our ancestors thought so. On the first day of December, they thought about the weather for the entire upcoming winter season.

In the first half of the day, they predicted the beginning of winter - December, at noon time - about its middle - January, and in the evening - about its end, about the weather in February.

The crows walking along the roads were waiting for the thaw, but the circle near the lunar month appeared before severe frosts.


By December 2, on the day of Adrian's name day, the first northern birds could appear, which meant impending cold. The crimson sky happened before a snowfall.

When it snows on the 3rd December day of Proclus, rain was marked on the calendar for June 3rd. Some of the weather of these days made a forecast for the whole of June. The singing bullfinch and the magpie hiding under the roof are the harbingers of a blizzard.

On the 4th of the Introduction, frosts often occur, which will be all the coming winter. The people believed that on this day Winter rushes along the roads on a trio of horses in a white fur coat, freezing everything around and drawing patterns on the windows. From that moment, the Vvedenka fairs began, at which sleighs were especially in demand.

Procopius on December 5 "paved winter roads." They did it with the whole village, the children fell out in a crowd into the yards to play snowballs. Raise your eyes to the sky. Are there two rings around the moon? So, frost ahead.

On the 6th Mitrofanov day, they judged the weather for June 6th. If it is snowing lightly and the north wind is blowing, expect such a cold rain in June.

On December 7, the newlyweds, who played weddings in the fall, rode on a painted sleigh on the patroness of brides, Ekaterina the sleigh. A clear day promised a frosty winter.

On the 8th, watch the birds. If they cling to people's houses, then wait for the snows. When they chirp and chirp cheerfully, this is a sign of good weather. Feed the birds in the evening and notice what their appetite is: they are trying to peck to satiety, with a margin - wait for frost. People used to get sheepskin coats on Klima, since “a wedge will knock out a wedge with a wedge on Klima.”

On the 9th St. George's Day, everyone was already sitting at home with caulked windows, and when they went to the well for water, they listened: the water is calm, then the winter will be warm, and when there is noise inside the well, then blizzards and frost are ahead.

We can also notice the future frosty weather on St. George's Day: the cheeks are cold and the nose is red - it will be even colder on the 19th, and if a thaw suddenly comes, then cold days will alternate with warm ones all winter.

On the 10th of the Sign, it is believed that getting up early in the morning facing the north wind, you can give him all your sorrows. Pay attention to the stars this day. They shine brightly before frost. But cheerful sparrows are the messengers of the fact that it will become a little warmer on the street.

Soykin's day falls on December 11th. This is a bird with bright feathers and a tuft on its head, able to imitate other birds. The people rejoiced at the jay and followed the bird, as it was believed that it would lead to happiness. If suddenly a thaw occurs on Soikin's holiday, you should not relax. It will turn into bitter cold.

Paramon's winter indicator on the 12th showed what to expect from the December weather. If "the morning is red, the weather will become clear" - the people believed. The blizzard that day could have lingered for another week, right up to Winter Nikola.

On December 13, Andrei Zimny ​​was paid attention to precipitation. The snow that fell that day was supposed to stay for 110 days. At this time, the forecast for water is made for the second time. They go out to the river, make an ice hole and listen: quiet water - by an even winter, noise from under the ice - there will be icy blizzards.

14th "Nahum guides the mind." In Russia, children were sent to study at parochial schools. See which way the wind is blowing. If from the north, then dress warmer - it will be a hard frost.

By the 15th day of December, a lot of snow often swept over Avvakum, and this promised a lot of greenery in the summer and a rich harvest. If it suddenly rained, then the weather would not settle for another 40 days plus a week, until Anton Perezimnik, January 30th. Ruffled birds also promise bad weather. Crows will call the blizzard with their cawing.

Ivan the Silent on the 16th advised to say less and do more. Only birds are allowed to talk, because the chirping bullfinch will bring a slight warming.

On the 17th day, it is worth determining which way the wind is blowing. With the east comes frost. The star-studded sky will also tell about the upcoming cold. Because of the dim sky, the stars are almost invisible? Then you can safely skate or ski - do not freeze your nose, as it will become a little warmer.

The people believed that after the 18th Savvin's day, you can take a break from the frost and waited for a slight thaw. Look at the smoke from the chimneys. If in a calm it is pressed to the ground by a drag, then soon it will be possible to build ice slides, snow fortresses and snowmen - snowfalls are ahead.

Nikola Winter on December 19 forbids everyone to be sad, otherwise the frost will call. The people noticed: what the weather will be on this day, it will be the same on Nikola Vesny, May 22.

The 20th is the day of St. Ambrose, from which our ancestors began preparing for Christmas. The wind blowing from the east will tell you about the prolonged cold weather.

On December 21, Anfisa the needlewoman celebrates her name day. Watch the clouds. White lambs of small sizes often appear in frost, and large ones bring a blizzard.

On the 22nd of St. Anne's name day, the winter solstice falls, when the longest night and the shortest day of the year. On this day, they still judge the weather on new year's eve. Does the sun shine brightly? So it will be cold on New Year's Eve. If the sky is gloomy, then we will celebrate the holiday with a thaw.

On the 23rd of the day of the martyr Mina standing clear weather without clouds yes bright stars- Signs of frost. Dry snow with wind will tell you about the upcoming dry summer.

On Nikonov's 24th day, see what the winter sun looks like. When reflections are visible at the edges, then you can not wait for heat yet. A snowstorm will be brought with them by rushing crows from place to place.


On December 25 on Spiridon they talked about the turning of the sun towards summer, calling it the solstice. They waited for blizzards, saying "the solstice gives blizzards a turn." See where the wind is blowing from, as it was believed that its direction would remain until Soroca, which is March 22nd. Christmas time will be clear if the sun shines on Spiridon.

On the 26th day on Eustratia, they began to note the weather for 12 days, predicting every day for every month, starting from January.

On the 27th Filimonov day was a predictor of the February weather. It could also be used to judge summer. When the day turned out to be cold, one could expect summer heat.

On December 28, on the feast of Tryphon, the patron saint of sailors, severe frosts were expected. When the day turned out to be frosty, and warmer in the evening, this meant a cold awaiting ahead. The weather for March was judged on this day.

On the 29th day of December, Haggai paid attention to frost. One could speak of warm Christmastide by the frost-strewn tree branches. Morning severe frost could linger until the very Epiphany.

On December 30, it was possible to predict the approaching warming on Danila by frost, which will come in a week. The wind from the southwest will also bring heat. Remember your dreams for this day. They are said to be prophetic. Remember the weather - most likely the same will be in May.

And finally, the long-awaited 31st is the time of fairy tales and the fulfillment of dreams. Saint Modest is foretold on the fate of coming year and judge the weather in June.

On the signs of December, our natural calendar ended. I hope that this information has become useful for you, and you managed to notice something special for yourself. Good luck observing!

Your "School" :)

Folk omens for December - general and for every day

The first month of winter was significant for our ancestors: they watched how much snow fell, whether the water in the well was noisy, how much frost fell on the trees. All this was extremely important. In December, according to folk signs, they predicted the weather for the next 12 months, the girls guessed at the betrothed, and the peasants determined what the harvest would be.

What is another name for the month?

The name of the first month of winter comes from the Latin "ten". A similar origin has its name in the ancient church tradition - Decembrian, and in the original calendar of the Romans - December. The fact is that earlier this month occupied the tenth place in the calendar, but Caesar's reform made it the twelfth.

The people of December had several names:

  • jelly;
  • cold;
  • icy;
  • student;
  • zazimnik;
  • chest;
  • student;
  • winter road.

The last month of the year is also called the time of the white trails, because winter begins with it.

December in ancient times was called poetically - the time of white trails

Common folk signs of December

Many December signs are associated with weather forecasting:

  • abundance of snow and hard frosts - next year will be fruitful;
  • clouds floating in a southerly direction promise a clear day, in the north - bad weather;
  • the bright brilliance of the stars means that tomorrow will be a frosty day;
  • the pallor of the moon portends snow and rain;
  • clear sky without clouds - to frost;
  • if snowdrifts fill up the fence closely, the summer will be cloudy and rainy, there remains a gap - to summer heat and clear sun.

We also monitored what kind of weather prevails in December - sunny or cloudy. If there are more clear days, next year the harvest will not please. The month will be cloudy and snowy - grains will be harvested in excess. Dry - portends the same spring, and thunder in the last month of the year - to a harsh, frosty winter.

The peasants tried to stock up on firewood in December. It was believed that the logs felled during this period would not turn out to be rotten, and the wood borer would not spoil them.

An abundance of snow in December portends a good harvest next year.

When predicting the weather, they paid attention to the behavior of animals. A frosty day portends a cat that hides its muzzle. The spotted fur coat of hares means that winter will not test people with severe frosts, there are many thaws ahead. The dog wallowed in a snowdrift - the hunt was canceled, a blizzard was expected.

Many signs relate to the behavior of birds:

  • the bullfinch chirps, the magpie hides - it will strong blizzard;
  • the bullfinch sings at the windows - you can wait for warming;
  • sparrows are hiding, tits are calling - the temperature will drop significantly;
  • birds fly randomly - big snow will fall soon;
  • crows walk on the ground - to warming, croak loudly - to severe frost;
  • jackdaws unite and shout together - tomorrow the weather will be sunny;
  • rooks do not fly away, but remain to winter - the winter will be mild, with thaws.

Crows walking in the snow portend warmer weather

Notes for each day of the month

  • December 1 - Plato and Roman Winter indicators.

On this day they judged what winter would be like. Warm weather - the next three months will be mild, without much cold snap, cold - it is worth waiting for severe frosts. A strong wind foreshadowed an abundance of blizzards, and a sharp change in the weather on the first day of December meant that the winter was going to be capricious: either with sharp frosts or thaws.

  • December 2 - Varlaam, Avdey Radetel.

Avdey took care of household, tried to do as much as possible to easily survive the coming winter. In order for the frosty time to pass safely, sbiten with honey and medicinal herbs was prepared for the whole family.

  • December 3 - Proclus and Proclus.

If it snows or rains on Prokla, there will also be a lot of rain in early June.

The introduction is considered the gate of winter. Pay attention to the snow that will fall after this day. If it lies until spring, you can expect an excellent harvest.

There is a folk saying about this day: “Prokop digs a snowdrift, walks through the snow, gives way to the sleigh.” After Prokop, big snowfalls are expected.

If wet snow fell on Mitrofan, and the wind blew from the north side, then the first month of summer will be rainy.

  • December 7 - Katerina Sannitsa, Katerina's festivities.

Catherine patronizes marriage. Therefore, on this day, unmarried girls were guessing at the future groom. We also monitored the weather: if it is clear, then the winter will be frosty.

A clear day on Katerina - to a frosty winter

  • December 8 - Kliment's day.

It was believed that any business with Clement should be started on an empty stomach. On this day, men grinded grain, and women spun.

  • December 9 - St. George's Day, Egory Zimny.

The people were convinced that it was on this day that the bear goes into a den to sleep through the whole winter. On Yuri, they listened to the water in the wells. The silence testified to a warm winter, and the noise testified to many blizzards and severe frosts.

  • December 10 - the feast of the Sign, Romanov's day.

It was necessary to get up on Roman early, even before dawn, and stand facing north. It was believed that during such a ritual, the wind takes away all sorrows and troubles. On this day, they also prayed to St. Roman for deliverance from infertility.

  • December 11 - Irinarkhov (soykin) day.

If on this day a jay flies to the window and starts singing, then the family will experience prosperity, joy and happiness. They guessed at Irinarch: they threw coins into a snowdrift and began to get them out of there. The first coin came across the largest denomination - the plan will be successful.

  • December 12 - Paramon Winter indicator, Zornik.

Snow on Paramon portends a long snowstorm, but there will be no hard frosts until Nikolai. Crimson dawn in the morning - to a strong wind.

  • December 13 - Andrew the First-Called.

On Andrew the First-Called, they listened to the water. Quiet portends a calm winter, noisy - snowstorms and frosts. The results were compared with those obtained for Yuri. Unmarried young ladies prayed to St. Andrew for a successful marriage.

  • December 14 - Naum Gramotnik.

If someone's children had not yet learned to read and write, they were sent to study on that day. Leaving the house, they said: “Nahum, bring the child to mind!”

On Naum, children were given to learn to read and write

Avvakum patronizes sound sleep, so on this day they read conspiracies that relieve insomnia, and expelled night bats from the house - evil spirits that frighten kids at night.

  • December 16 - Ivan the Silent, the day of silence.

On this day, they tried to speak and write less, and ideally - to be silent throughout the day. They believed whoever could hold out in silence would be eloquent all year. In addition, silence on Ivan protected from trouble and brought good luck in business.

  • December 17 - Barbara's day.

Winter begins to build bridges on Varvara, that is, it is very cold. The starry sky foreshadowed strong frosts, the cloudy one - a thaw.

  • December 18 - Savva the Sanctified

On this day, they tried not to work, so as not to invite trouble. It was believed that Savva continues the work of Varvara - to attract cold and severe frosts.

  • December 19 - Nikola (Mikola) winter (Wonderworker).

On St. Nicholas began winter matchmaking. Those who had not yet found a mate prayed for a successful marriage or marriage. From this day, strong Nikolsky frosts begin. They said how much snow falls, the same amount of harvest will be in summer. Clear weather - to frost.

On the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, girls prayed for a successful marriage

  • December 20 - Ambrose of Milan.

On this day, it was necessary to prepare a dowry for yourself. Girls took up yarn, sewing and embroidery.

  • December 21 - Anfisa Needlewoman.

No wonder this day is dedicated to the saint, who was popularly called the needlewoman. It was important for young ladies to spin, weave, sew, and engage in other crafts at Anfisa. It is believed that embroidery, which is started on this day, has great magical power.

  • December 22 - Anna Winter.

The night on Anna Winter is the longest, and the day is the shortest. Good weather foreshadowed a clear, but frosty December 31, and cloudy - a thaw just before the New Year.

  • December 23 - Great Martyr Ming the Eloquent.

On this day, requests were made to Mina to get rid of eye diseases. They also believed that he would help remove the veil from the eyes, which prevents one from distinguishing good from evil.

  • December 24 - Nikon day, Danila and Luka.

It was forbidden to pick up sharp objects on Nikon, otherwise it was possible to bring trouble. On this day, they guessed for the fulfillment of a wish: they approached a tree, thought about their dream, broke off a twig, returned home and put it in the water. Before Orthodox Christmas, the leaves will bloom - the plan will come true.

If the branches plucked from Nikon will release leaves by Christmas, the plan will come true

  • December 25 - Spyridon Solstice, Catholic Christmas.

On this day, the night begins to decrease, and the day begins to arrive. Spiridon "turns" the sun for the summer. Catholics celebrate Christmas.

  • December 26 - Eustrat, Witch's Gatherings.

From December 26, careful observations of the weather begin. 12 days, starting from the Eustratus, will show what the weather will be like next year. Each day corresponds to one of the 12 months.

  • December 27 - Filimon, Firs.

The darkest time of the year. They believed that evil spirits approached Filimon close to the houses, scratching at the door. So that kikimoras and bats do not disturb, you need to clean the dwelling cleanly, throw away all the rubbish.

  • December 28 - Tryphon of Pechenga.

This day is usually very cold. It was said that on Tryphon "birds freeze in flight." The weather predicted whether March would be cold or warm.

  • December 29 - Agey Winterguide.

It is cold on Ageya - the whole winter will be frosty, with violent snowstorms. The abundance of frost on the trees predicts a warm Christmas.

Frosted trees on Agea - for a warm Christmas

If a blizzard is rampant, bees will swarm during the summer months. The girls guessed at Daniel: they took three bay leaves, on each they wrote one of the names - Ananias, Azariy and Michael (friends of the patron saint of this day) and hid it under the pillow. In a dream, the betrothed was supposed to appear.

  • December 31 - Modest the Beastkeeper.

On the last day of the year, they told the weather. They prepared 12 boxes, put a little salt in each and signed: "January", "February", etc. In the morning they checked the hiding places. If the salt is soaked in a box, that month will be rainy.

The last month of the year is special both for our ancestors and for ourselves. We sum up, try to find out what awaits us in the future. December is replete with signs, original divination and forecasts for the coming year.

Wedding in December: folk signs, church traditions, lunar forecast

Since ancient times, in the first winter month, our ancestors got married and played weddings. By December, the peasants completed all agricultural work and preparations for the long winter, and therefore the wedding time came for the youth. In addition, according to popular beliefs, December unions will be happy, and beliefs in love promise love to the grave, mutual respect and prosperity.

Wedding in December: what will the weather say?

Traditionally, on the wedding day, people watched nature to find out what to expect for the young in the future.

  • Heavy snowfall or a blizzard for a wedding is a very good omen. This means that the young will not know the need. The more snow that day, the stronger the family budget will be.
  • Are there frosts? Good sign. According to the sign, the newlyweds expect mutual fidelity and passion.
  • And the wedding frost predicts that the first child in the family will be a boy. The stronger the cold, the more physical strength and good luck the future child will receive.
  • A warm day without precipitation and winds to restless, but interesting life. The sign promises the newlyweds prosperity, love and health, but at the same time predicts a lot of worries.
  • Rain is coming? A good sign means that money will always flow.
  • And the rains for the wedding in December predict a healthy continuation of the family and family life no scandals.
  • Changeable weather throughout the wedding day is a bad omen. This means that the newlyweds will not live in perfect harmony.

By the way, according to an old sign, guests should be seated on fur coats (fur coats made of faux fur are also allowed). Our ancestors were convinced: after such a trick, the young will live in love and harmony, and also a sign promises wealth and prosperity.

Religious calendar: is it possible to get married in December 2019?

In December 2019, the time of the Advent begins, which lasts from November 28 to January 6. According to the canons Orthodox Church during this period, it is forbidden to get married.

True, if you wish, you can sign in the registry office, and carry out the wedding ceremony after Lent.

And also believers are not advised to get married on December 4 (according to the old style on November 21). This day is celebrated religious holiday- Entrance to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos. Even the baptism of children cannot be scheduled for this date.

Good and bad dates for a wedding in December 2019

Astrologer's tips will help you choose the best date for your December wedding. Three dates have been named that are considered the most favorable for a wedding celebration: December 1, 2 and 8.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2019: 6, 9, 10, 13, 20, 27, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December 2019: 14, 17–19, 21, 25, 26.

Folk signs of December: about the weather and harvest

So another year is coming to an end: on the threshold of December - the first month of the calendar winter and the last month of the outgoing year. Truth, root winter will only start after winter solstice- Now it is just coming into force, being mastered.

From the first snow and until the ice on the rivers and lakes is established, lasts pre-winter. After freezing, it changes first winter- with a stable snow cover and the first serious frosts: "in December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers."

December wraps everything in a blanket of snow

This is a harsh time, but the soul becomes joyful when, after a gloomy damp November, a snow-white blanket wraps the earth. It used to be said that "December brings snow to the eye, and frost to the ear."

There are more sunny days, but only "the December sun shines, but does not warm."

Although it became lighter from the snow around, the days of December are short; it dawns late in the morning, it gets dark early. But very soon everything will change: “In December, the sun for summer, winter for frost” - after December 22, the day will begin to slowly arrive, and the frosts will grow stronger. They used to say that "December is cold for the whole winter, the earth is cold."

On solid snow, you can already beat the roads

Snow and frost brought the peasant a long-awaited joy: a sledge track was established. With Procopius (December 5), the arrangement of winter roads began: “December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a ride.”

In general, this month, despite the long Filippovsky (Christmas) fast, is rich in holidays: in December, “winter for frosts, and the peasant for the holidays.”

The Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4), Catherine's Day with traditional Catherine's festivities and sleigh rides (December 7), St. George's Day (Egory winter, December 9); St. Nicholas holidays - Barbara's Day (December 17), Savva (December 18) and Winter Nikola (Nikola the Wonderworker, December 19). That's why they said: "December has one strength - many holidays, but frosts take dominance." The festive time lasts until December 20 - and from that day on, "St. Abrosimus (Ambrose) threw off the holidays."

Snow that fell before the Introduction usually melts

We often complain about the weather, we say that winters today are not the same as before - but it turns out that warm December was not new to our ancestors: “Once every ten years, December is warm, then it even drives away snow.”

And we all - global warming, climate change... In general, it is noted that up to four thaws usually occur in December; the snow that fell before the Introduction (December 4) usually melts, and only the snow that fell later stays for a long time. So, basically, nothing has changed.

Well, if so, maybe the old signs will not let us down? In December by natural phenomena and the behavior of animals, they tried to determine the weather and the nature of the winter that had begun, they thought about the future harvest. Let's try it too!

About the harvest

Of course, we are not as dependent on our gardens as the peasants in the old days, but we care about the harvest no less.

Therefore, it is interesting to find out by what signs it was previously predicted - suddenly it will come in handy for us!

  • If in December there is a big hoarfrost, snow in mounds, the earth is deeply frozen - wait for a good harvest.
  • Smooth snow on the fields - to crop failure.
  • Abundant December frost - to a good harvest of oats.
  • If the snow in December lies close to the fences, the summer will be bad, but if there is a gap before the fence, then wait for the fruitful summer.
  • They predicted the harvest from cherry branches cut on December 25: they were stuck in a pot with moist soil and watered every day - if flowers bloom by Christmas (January 7), the harvest will be plentiful.
  • Winter without snow - no bread.

A lot of frost in December - for a fruitful summer

About weather

Although they say that nature does not have bad weather, but only in a snowstorm or severe frost, something does not pull for walks. And I really want to know in advance what surprises to expect from Mother Nature: either wrap yourself in a fur coat more tightly, or prepare for the heat and slush. Many observations of our ancestors even now allow us to accurately predict the weather.

  • Quiet water in a well in December - to a calm, even winter, noisy - to frost, storms and snowstorms.
  • If the snow falls in large flakes, no big frosts are expected in the coming days.
  • The logs in the oven burn with a bang - the day will be frosty.
  • Weak draft in the furnace happens on the eve of a snowfall, clear days will be replaced by cloudy ones.
  • Snow strongly creaks underfoot - to clear, sunny and frosty weather.
  • The moon turned red at night - the wind and snowfall will intensify not the next day.
  • Circles around the moon portend frost.
  • A foggy circle around the sun on frosty days happens before inclement weather, a blizzard.
  • Clouds go low and fast - to the cold.
  • Clear sky - to frost, dim - to thaw.
  • The coniferous forest is noisy - to the thaw.
  • If hares come close to buildings and burrow into snowdrifts, expect long cold weather.
  • If the wolves come to human habitation in early December, it will be a harsh winter.
  • A crow is walking along the road - to warming.
  • If by evening the crows began to fly in flocks, as if in search of a place to sleep, expect a storm at night.
  • If the dog rolls on the ground, sleeps a lot and eats little - expect snowfall and blizzards.
  • The cat drinks a lot of water - to bad weather.
  • Magpies hover around housing, climb under the eaves - there will be a blizzard, sit on the snow - to the thaw.

Write in the comments about your observations of the December weather. Do they coincide with folk signs or not?

Read more about the features and signs of each December day in the publications:

The article is posted in sections: folk omens, articles, December, weather, leisure and recreation, winter

This article contains folk signs for December about the weather. Find out what to expect according to the signs of December.

In those days when there were no modern smartphones, TVs and computers, people could not get the weather forecast from weather forecasters. But our wise ancestors were very observant people, from year to year they followed natural phenomena and learned to predict the weather.

People believed signs. Signs related to the weather helped out before a long trip, hunting, fishing and other events. folk wisdom passed on from year to year. Despite the fact that at present it is not at all problematic to find out the weather forecast for the near future, many people believe and are guided by folk signs. Often they turn out to be truthful, correspond to reality.

You too can learn to predict the weather. For this, not much is needed: to know the signs and carefully observe nature. This skill will not be superfluous and may be useful in life.

There are signs for every month. Today we will talk about the signs of December.

Important: According to natural phenomena and signs of December, not only the weather for the current month was determined, but also what the whole winter would be like. In addition to the weather, there are signs associated with marriage, birth, church holidays.

Here are some signs related to the weather in december:

  • If the sunset is very crimson, be frost.
  • If you pay attention to the clouds and notice that they are floating against the wind, expect snowfall.
  • If fog spreads on the ground, there will be a thaw.
  • The people said this: white winter, green summer. If a real winter with snow began in December, then the summer will be warm.
  • If a white rainbow appears in the sky, there will be a severe frost.
  • A clear evening sky with stars also indicates the approach of frost.
  • If the windows in the house are fogged up, there will be warming.
Notes for December

Particular attention was paid to animals and their behavior. It has been repeatedly proven in practice that the behavior of birds and domestic animals can tell a lot about the approaching bad weather. For example:

  1. If in December you notice that bullfinches have arrived, then the winter will be frosty.
  2. If in the early morning you heard a tit squeak, then it will be frost at night.
  3. When titmouse hide under the roof, expect a blizzard.
  4. If the hens perched earlier than before, it will be frosty at night.
  5. The frost will be very strong if the hens perched high.
  6. Crows croak on the treetops - expect severe frost and snowstorms.
  7. If a horse rolls over its back in winter, there will be warming.
  8. If the horse lies down in harness on the ground, snowfall is to be expected.
  9. When a cat scratches the floor, there will be wind and blizzard.
  10. If the cat lies on its back, wait for a thaw.

By being observant, you will learn to quickly predict the weather.

Folk omens associated with birds and pets

Folk signs, customs, rituals for December associated with church holidays: what can and cannot be done

Church holidays are special holidays that people have honored since ancient times. In December, the following church holidays:

  • Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Days of memory of saints, prophets, righteous.

Important: One of God's commandments “Work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.”

For a long time, people have tried to complete all their worldly affairs in order to spend the holiday in the temple, to pray in peace, without fuss. On church holidays it is not customary to do such things:

  • Wash.
  • Needlework.
  • Do house cleaning.
  • Do garden work.
  • You can not swear with relatives, friends and strangers.

Believers believe that homework should be done on weekdays. Holidays should be spent differently: go to the temple, spend this day with your family, pray at home.

Church holidays: what can and cannot be done?

This does not mean that if a child drops food on the floor and gets dirty, you can not wash clothes or wipe the floor. The necessary work must and can be done, the church does not forbid doing this. But those things that can be transferred to the next day without damage, it is better to postpone and spend the holiday in prayer, with loved ones. The most important rule: we must not forget these days about God and faith.

One of the incomprehensible to many locked up on a church holiday is taking a shower. In those days, when this procedure took a long time, people did not bathe on church holidays. It was necessary to chop wood, heat the bathhouse. It took a long time. People tried to do it in advance in order to be in time for the church service. It is currently not forbidden to take a shower. But this should not be done at the expense of going to the temple.

For a long time there have been various signs associated with church holidays:

  1. It was forbidden to sew on any church holiday, as people believed that misfortune would happen in the family or with someone close. Everything related to needles and scissors was under the strictest ban.
  2. Hunting on a church holiday was also considered a sinful act.
  3. Lying, swearing, cursing is a bad omen. It was believed that you can bring trouble and illness on yourself.
  4. It was also forbidden to swim, sweep the floor, engage in any physical work.

The clergy consider such signs to be superstition and argue that if such work is urgent on church holidays, it can be done. And you can’t swear and swear not only on holidays, but also in common days. Swearing from the lips of a believer is unacceptable, it must be avoided.

Video: Is it possible to work on church holidays?

Wedding, marriage, wedding in December: signs

Not bypassed folk signs of marriage. The weather and other events at the December wedding determined what the life of a married couple would be like. Believe it or not superstitions and folk signs, you decide. Below are the signs associated with the wedding in December:

  • Frost at the wedding - the life of the couple will be happy, prosperous.
  • If a severe frost began a few days before the wedding day and covered the wedding day, the couple will live in abundance.
  • If it snowed during the wedding, the first-born of the couple will be a son.
  • If the weather is unstable on the wedding day, changing throughout the day, this is not a good omen. The life of the young will be just as unstable.
  • If the bride's stocking is torn, there will be a replenishment soon. If there is one arrow, the couple should wait for their daughter. If two arrows - son.

Important: In December there is a Christmas post. Believers do not marry or get married at this time. In the registry office, the young will be signed, but they will have to get married later.

It is up to you to believe or not to believe the folk signs associated with the wedding. Old people mostly trusted signs, modern people are skeptical about it. If the couple lives in harmony, love and fidelity, then no folk signs are terrible.

Wedding in December: signs

Born in December: signs

The birth of a child is an important event for both parents and the newborn. It has long been customary that the birth of a child is associated with many signs. Many parents pay attention to every little thing associated with the birth of a baby.

Consider what future and what features have long been attributed to people born in December:

  1. To be born under a full moon means life in abundance.
  2. A birth in a shirt, not only in December, but also in other months, is considered a good omen. It symbolizes protection in life and good luck.
  3. It was believed that the seventh born child in the family is endowed with healing abilities.
  4. If warming occurred on the birthday of a baby, this means that a person was born who is able to love and give warmth to others.
  5. A sharp cold snap on the birthday of a child was considered not the best sign.

The fate of a child born in December is also affected by the time of day. This is what our ancestors thought. For example:

  • To be born in the morning - you will have to achieve a lot in life with great work and effort.
  • Born at noon - energetic and talented children. There can be many changes in their life.
  • To be born in the evening - to receive the favor of fate. Such children are endowed with special intuition, caution and attentiveness.
  • To be born at night is a child with a strong spirit. Such a person will be a good helper to his family and friends.

Important: Previously, all children were given names according to the Saints. This is a list of saints' names. The child was brought to the Sacrament of Baptism, and the priest gave him a name. There is a specific name for each day of the month. It has long been believed that if you give a child a name according to the Saints, then he will be under the protection of this saint. Many modern people follow this tradition.

In addition, there are signs of the zodiac. People born in December are Sagittarius or Capricorn. These zodiac signs are endowed with their own traits:

  • Sagittarius is an energetic, cheerful, honest and decent person.
  • Capricorn is a purposeful, self-confident, practical, serious person.

Many factors influence the fate and character of a person. But the main and decisive factor is not folk signs, but upbringing and the family in which the child grows up.

Born in December: folk signs

December 1 Plato and Roman Day: signs

Important: On the first day of winter, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs Plato and Roman. Both saints paid with their lives for their faith.

There are signs associated with this day:

  • If it is warm outside that day, the winter will be warm.
  • If a strong wind blows, the winter will be frosty and with snowstorms.
  • If the weather changes during the day on December 1, winter will be changeable.
  • Born December 1 will be able to predict the weather. The protective stone for such a person is malachite.
  • There are circles around the moon, we should expect frost.
  • If a crow walks along the road, there will soon be a thaw.
  • If a mosquito flew into the house on December 1, it will soon get warmer.

Feast of Nicholas the Wonderworker December 19: signs

Important: The Feast of Nicholas the Wonderworker falls on December 19th. The Holy Pleaser is considered the patron saint of children, the protector of travelers. Young girls ask the Saint to arrange their family life.

Nicholas the Wonderworker helps everyone who turns to him for help with good intentions and sincere faith.

In Russia, this day was called Nikolin's day. It was believed that winter was finally coming into its own. The people said: "Nikolai brings Nikolsky frosts."

Signs for the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

  1. If there is frost on this day, then there will be a good harvest.
  2. If it rains, there will be a good harvest of winter crops.
  3. How much snow there will be that day, so much grass will be in spring.
  4. There is a belief that on the night before this holiday, prophetic dreams are dreamed.
  5. If you have not returned the debt before the day of St. Nicholas, they will not return it.
  6. Sadness on the feast of St. Nicholas will bring frost.

On this day, sweets and other sweets are placed under the pillow for children. There is a legend that it is the Saint who puts treats under the pillow for children. On this holiday, you can’t do housework, you can’t quarrel. It is better to spend this day with your family in a calm and cozy atmosphere.

St. Nicholas Day: signs and customs

Signs for December 22 - the day of the winter solstice

Important: December 22 is the winter solstice. This day is the longest night and the shortest day.

The Orthodox Church on December 22 honors the memory of St. Anna, mother of the Virgin. Being in old age, Anna and Joachim did not have children. But an angel sent them good news, said that soon they will become parents. After 9 months, their daughter Maria was born, whom religious parents sent to the temple to serve God.

Exist folk omens associated with this day:

  1. If the weather is fine on this day, the weather will be fine on New Year's Day.
  2. If there is frost on the trees, it will be cloudy on New Year's Eve.
  3. Abundant frost on the trees also indicates a good harvest.
  4. If on December 22 the snow is close to the fence, the summer will be bad.
  5. If there is a gap between the hedge and the snow, the harvest will be good.

Special signs in this regard for pregnant women:

  • Pregnant women should not do housework and make fire.
  • It is also recommended that pregnant women fast on this day, on other days it is not necessary to do this.
  • You can not step over the harness and sharp objects, otherwise the birth will be difficult.
  • It is undesirable for pregnant women to meet sick people on this day so that the child is born healthy.

Folk omens about the weather

Folk omens for December for every day

Every day in December has its own sign. Currently, few people follow these signs, because modern life full of work and worries. In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, you can simply forget about folk signs.

But old people always tried to follow these signs and paid due attention to them.

Consider omens for every day of december:

  • the 1st of December: It was believed that the noise of a flying plane on this day symbolizes important news. Another sign is associated with birds. By the beginning of winter, all birds should go to warmer climes. If you see rooks on this day, know that the winter will be warm.
  • December 2nd. If snow fell on the second day of winter, people knew that frost should not be expected until January. It is recommended on this day to pay attention to the first person you meet. If it is a man, for love, for good; woman - bad events.
  • December 3. Snow that day portends heavy rain on June 3rd. On this day, the ancestors recommended not to meet new people. If suddenly you witnessed an accident that day, a person will soon appear who will bring negativity into your life.
  • December 4. It was believed that on this day winter fully comes into its own. Therefore, they turned Special attention on the weather: if there are a lot of clouds in the sky, then it will be a cold winter. If the weather is warm that day, the whole winter promises to be warm too. Slipping on December 4th is a bad sign. It means the collapse of the expected events.
  • 5th of December. On this day, people tried not to leave their homes, avoided meetings with acquaintances. December 5 was considered an unfavorable day.
  • December 6. Snow that day foreshadowed the onset of frost. If there is a thaw on this day, you should not wait for frost until the New Year. On this day, it is not customary to clean the house, a bad omen.
  • December 7. In winter, starfall is extremely rare. Therefore, if on this day it was possible to see a shooting star, this is a sign that a strong cooling will occur from March. If on this day you saw a clear starry sky - to frost.
  • December 8. On this day, the weather was determined by the smoke from the chimney. If the smoke rises in a column, it will soon be snowing. If it diverges in different directions, expect windy weather.
  • 9th December. Our ancestors on this day went to the well to listen to the water. If it was quiet - the winter was expected to be warm, if the water was noisy - the winter was frosty. Seeing frost on your hair that day is a good omen. Expect romance in a relationship or new love.
  • December 10. It was believed that the news of someone's pregnancy on this day is a good sign. This meant that replenishment was coming in your family. Watched pets that day. If they behaved uneasily, they expected the weather to worsen.
  • December 11th. If the dog is whining and the cat is scratching the door, expect cold weather. Avoid meeting with enemies. To meet them on this day is a sad event.
  • 12 December. Breaking dishes is a good omen, but not on December 12th. If this happens, you should expect trouble. If the weather is foggy on this day, to the wind.
  • December 13th. People watched the clouds. If they were low, they expected frost to come. It was believed that the snow that fell that day would lie for a very long time. The number 13 has long been regarded with apprehension by people.
  • December 14. This day was called in Russia "grammer". Boys of 9 years old were sent to study on this day. It was believed that the one who fell ill on that day would be ill for a long time.
  • December 15. Rain in winter is usually rare. If it rained that day, then it will be protracted. If guests suddenly appeared unexpectedly, wait for a new acquaintance.
  • December 16. In Russia, men went fishing on this day. A good biting testified to a warm winter. It was considered a bad sign to hear a dog howl, to everyday difficulties.
  • December 17. The weather was determined by the branches of trees. If snow lay on the branches that day, then a long cold winter was expected.
  • December 18. On this day, those who fell under the snow were considered lucky. It was believed that this is a sign of good luck for the whole coming year.
  • December 19th. This is a special holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • December 20. Observe cats on this day. If they reach for the water, it will soon begin to rain. If you cover your nose with your paws during sleep, there will soon be frost.
  • 21 December. Talking with a child on this day is considered a good sign. Good news is to be expected. It is also worth watching the clouds: cirrus clouds are a sign of the approaching cold weather.
  • December 22. Clear weather on this day indicates an approaching warming. Homework on this day is a bad omen, it promises failure in business.
  • December 23. In Russia, the Sun was called on this day. People organized mass celebrations and burned bonfires. If the weather was clear and sunny, then people said that the spring would be warm.
  • December 24. Seeing a magpie near your house is good news. If the south wind blows, it will get warmer soon.
  • December 25. On this day, it is customary to make a wish while looking at the starry sky. It was believed that by the New Year it should be fulfilled.
  • December 26. Starting from that day, we monitored the weather for 12 days. Each day of these 12 days foreshadowed the weather of one month. For example, on February 27, the weather for March was determined, on February 28, for April, etc.
  • 27th of December. Morning frost indicates frost and blizzard. On this day, a stray dog ​​at the house is considered a sign of the arrival of a new neighbor.
  • December 28th. If there is no frost on this day, then the winter will be long. If on this day you were given the wrong change in the store, this is a bad omen. So next year, the family expects financial losses.
  • December 29th. Epiphany frosts can be determined by the weather of this day. If it is cold, then there will be frost at Epiphany. Alms are not given on this day.
  • December 30th. Heavy snowfall indicates a cold New Year's Eve.
  • 31th of December. On this day, it is necessary to distribute old debts, remember all the good things that happened in the past year. There is such a sign: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend the whole year. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the New Year joyfully and cheerfully.

Folk signs in December are associated with the weather, the birth of children, weddings and other life events. Our ancestors had signs for all occasions. Now you know what folk signs are associated with December. Find out in

The first month of winter was significant for our ancestors: they watched how much snow fell, whether the water in the well was noisy, how much frost fell on the trees. All this was extremely important. In December, according to folk signs, they predicted the weather for the next 12 months, the girls guessed at the betrothed, and the peasants determined what the harvest would be.

What is another name for the month?

The name of the first month of winter comes from the Latin "ten". A similar origin has its name in the ancient church tradition - Decembrian, and in the original calendar of the Romans - December. The fact is that earlier this month occupied the tenth place in the calendar, but Caesar's reform made it the twelfth.

The people of December had several names:

  • jelly;
  • cold;
  • icy;
  • student;
  • zazimnik;
  • chest;
  • student;
  • winter road.

The last month of the year is also called the time of the white trails, because winter begins with it.

December in ancient times was called poetically - the time of white trails

Common folk signs of December

Many December signs are associated with weather forecasting:

  • abundance of snow and hard frosts - next year will be fruitful;
  • clouds floating in a southerly direction promise a clear day, in the north - bad weather;
  • the bright brilliance of the stars means that tomorrow will be a frosty day;
  • the pallor of the moon portends snow and rain;
  • clear sky without clouds - to frost;
  • if snowdrifts fill up the fence closely, the summer will be cloudy and rainy, there remains a gap - to the summer heat and the clear sun.

We also monitored what kind of weather prevails in December - sunny or cloudy. If there are more clear days, next year the harvest will not please. The month will be cloudy and snowy - grains will be harvested in excess. Dry - portends the same spring, and thunder in the last month of the year - to a harsh, frosty winter.

The peasants tried to stock up on firewood in December. It was believed that the logs felled during this period would not turn out to be rotten, and the wood borer would not spoil them.

An abundance of snow in December portends a good harvest next year.

When predicting the weather, they paid attention to the behavior of animals. A frosty day portends a cat that hides its muzzle. The spotted fur coat of hares means that winter will not test people with severe frosts, there are many thaws ahead. The dog wallowed in a snowdrift - the hunt was canceled, a blizzard was expected.

Many signs relate to the behavior of birds:

  • the bullfinch chirps, the magpie hides - there will be a strong blizzard;
  • the bullfinch sings at the windows - you can wait for warming;
  • sparrows are hiding, tits are calling - the temperature will drop significantly;
  • birds fly randomly - big snow will fall soon;
  • crows walk on the ground - to warming, croak loudly - to severe frost;
  • jackdaws unite and shout together - tomorrow the weather will be sunny;
  • rooks do not fly away, but remain to winter - the winter will be mild, with thaws.

Crows walking in the snow portend warmer weather

Notes for each day of the month

  • December 1 - Plato and Roman Winter indicators.

On this day they judged what winter would be like. Warm weather - the next three months will be mild, without much cold snap, cold - it is worth waiting for severe frosts. A strong wind foreshadowed an abundance of blizzards, and a sharp change in the weather on the first day of December meant that the winter was going to be capricious: either with sharp frosts or thaws.

  • December 2 - Varlaam, Avdey Radetel.

On Avdey, they took care of the household, tried to do as much as possible in order to easily survive the coming winter. In order for the frosty time to pass safely, sbiten with honey and medicinal herbs was prepared for the whole family.

  • December 3 - Proclus and Proclus.

If it snows or rains on Prokla, there will also be a lot of rain in early June.

  • December 4 - Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The introduction is considered the gate of winter. Pay attention to the snow that will fall after this day. If it lies until spring, you can expect an excellent harvest.

  • December 5 - Prokop.

There is a folk saying about this day: “Prokop digs a snowdrift, walks through the snow, gives way to the sleigh.” After Prokop, big snowfalls are expected.

  • December 6 - Mitrofan.

If wet snow fell on Mitrofan, and the wind blew from the north side, then the first month of summer will be rainy.

  • December 7 - Katerina Sannitsa, Katerina's festivities.

Catherine patronizes marriage. Therefore, on this day, unmarried girls were guessing at the future groom. We also monitored the weather: if it is clear, then the winter will be frosty.

A clear day on Katerina - to a frosty winter
  • December 8 - Kliment's day.

It was believed that any business with Clement should be started on an empty stomach. On this day, men grinded grain, and women spun.

  • December 9 - St. George's Day, Egory Zimny.

The people were convinced that it was on this day that the bear goes into a den to sleep through the whole winter. On Yuri, they listened to the water in the wells. The silence testified to a warm winter, and the noise testified to many blizzards and severe frosts.

  • December 10 - the feast of the Sign, Romanov's day.

It was necessary to get up on Roman early, even before dawn, and stand facing north. It was believed that during such a ritual, the wind takes away all sorrows and troubles. On this day, they also prayed to St. Roman for deliverance from infertility.

  • December 11 - Irinarkhov (soykin) day.

If on this day a jay flies to the window and starts singing, then the family will experience prosperity, joy and happiness. They guessed at Irinarch: they threw coins into a snowdrift and began to get them out of there. The first coin came across the largest denomination - the plan will be successful.

  • December 12 - Paramon Winter indicator, Zornik.

Snow on Paramon portends a long snowstorm, but there will be no hard frosts until Nikolai. Crimson dawn in the morning - to a strong wind.

  • December 13 - Andrew the First-Called.

On Andrew the First-Called, they listened to the water. Quiet portends a calm winter, noisy - snowstorms and frosts. The results were compared with those obtained for Yuri. Unmarried young ladies prayed to St. Andrew for a successful marriage.

  • December 14 - Naum Gramotnik.

If someone's children had not yet learned to read and write, they were sent to study on that day. Leaving the house, they said: “Nahum, bring the child to mind!”

On Naum, children were given to learn to read and write
  • December 15 - Habakkuk.

Avvakum patronizes sound sleep, so on this day they read conspiracies that relieve insomnia, and expelled night bats from the house - evil spirits that frighten kids at night.

  • December 16 - Ivan the Silent, the day of silence.

On this day, they tried to speak and write less, and ideally - to be silent throughout the day. They believed whoever could hold out in silence would be eloquent all year. In addition, silence on Ivan protected from trouble and brought good luck in business.

  • December 17 - Barbara's day.

Winter begins to build bridges on Varvara, that is, it is very cold. The starry sky foreshadowed strong frosts, the cloudy one - a thaw.

  • December 18 - Savva the Sanctified

On this day, they tried not to work, so as not to invite trouble. It was believed that Savva continues the work of Varvara - to attract cold and severe frosts.

  • December 19 - Nikola (Mikola) winter (Wonderworker).

On St. Nicholas began winter matchmaking. Those who had not yet found a mate prayed for a successful marriage or marriage. From this day, strong Nikolsky frosts begin. They said how much snow falls, the same amount of harvest will be in summer. Clear weather - to frost.

On the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, girls prayed for a successful marriage
  • December 20 - Ambrose of Milan.

On this day, it was necessary to prepare a dowry for yourself. Girls took up yarn, sewing and embroidery.

  • December 21 - Anfisa Needlewoman.

No wonder this day is dedicated to the saint, who was popularly called the needlewoman. It was important for young ladies to spin, weave, sew, and engage in other crafts at Anfisa. It is believed that embroidery, which is started on this day, has great magical power.

  • December 22 - Anna Winter.

The night on Anna Winter is the longest, and the day is the shortest. Good weather foreshadowed a clear but frosty December 31, and cloudy - a thaw just before the New Year.

  • December 23 - Great Martyr Ming the Eloquent.

On this day, requests were made to Mina to get rid of eye diseases. They also believed that he would help remove the veil from the eyes, which prevents one from distinguishing good from evil.

  • December 24 - Nikon day, Danila and Luka.

It was forbidden to pick up sharp objects on Nikon, otherwise it was possible to bring trouble. On this day, they guessed for the fulfillment of a wish: they approached a tree, thought about their dream, broke off a twig, returned home and put it in the water. Before Orthodox Christmas, the leaves will bloom - the plan will come true.

If the branches plucked from Nikon will release leaves by Christmas, the plan will come true
  • December 25 - Spyridon Solstice, Catholic Christmas.

On this day, the night begins to decrease, and the day begins to arrive. Spiridon "turns" the sun for the summer. Catholics celebrate Christmas.

  • December 26 - Eustrat, Witch's Gatherings.

From December 26, careful observations of the weather begin. 12 days, starting from the Eustratus, will show what the weather will be like next year. Each day corresponds to one of the 12 months.

  • December 27 - Filimon, Firs.

The darkest time of the year. They believed that evil spirits approached Filimon close to the houses, scratching at the door. So that kikimoras and bats do not disturb, you need to clean the dwelling cleanly, throw away all the rubbish.

  • December 28 - Tryphon of Pechenga.

This day is usually very cold. It was said that on Tryphon "birds freeze in flight." The weather predicted whether March would be cold or warm.

  • December 29 - Agey Winterguide.

It is cold on Ageya - the whole winter will be frosty, with violent snowstorms. The abundance of frost on the trees predicts a warm Christmas.

Frosted trees on Agea - for a warm Christmas
  • December 30 - Daniel.

If a blizzard is rampant, bees will swarm during the summer months. The girls guessed at Daniel: they took three bay leaves, on each they wrote one of the names - Ananias, Azariy and Michael (friends of the patron saint of this day) and hid it under the pillow. In a dream, the betrothed was supposed to appear.

  • December 31 - Modest the Beastkeeper.

On the last day of the year, they told the weather. They prepared 12 boxes, put a little salt in each and signed: "January", "February", etc. In the morning they checked the hiding places. If the salt is soaked in a box, that month will be rainy.

The last month of the year is special both for our ancestors and for ourselves. We sum up, try to find out what awaits us in the future. December is replete with signs, original divination and forecasts for the coming year.

Wedding in December: folk signs, church traditions, lunar forecast

Since ancient times, in the first winter month, our ancestors got married and played weddings. By December, the peasants completed all agricultural work and preparations for the long winter, and therefore the wedding time came for the youth. In addition, according to popular beliefs, December unions will be happy, and beliefs in love promise love to the grave, mutual respect and prosperity.

Wedding in December: what will the weather say?

Traditionally, on the wedding day, people watched nature to find out what to expect for the young in the future.

  • Heavy snowfall or a blizzard for a wedding is a very good omen. This means that the young will not know the need. The more snow that day, the stronger the family budget will be.
  • Are there frosts? Good sign. According to the sign, the newlyweds expect mutual fidelity and passion.
  • And the wedding frost predicts that the first child in the family will be a boy. The stronger the cold, the more physical strength and good luck the future child will receive.
  • A warm day without precipitation and winds leads to a hectic but interesting life. The sign promises the newlyweds prosperity, love and health, but at the same time predicts a lot of worries.
  • Rain is coming? A good sign means that money will always flow.
  • And the rains for the wedding in December predict a healthy continuation of the family and family life without scandals.
  • Changeable weather throughout the wedding day is a bad omen. This means that the newlyweds will not live in perfect harmony.

By the way, according to an old sign, guests should be seated on fur coats (fur coats made of faux fur are also allowed). Our ancestors were convinced: after such a trick, the young will live in love and harmony, and also a sign promises wealth and prosperity.

Religious calendar: is it possible to get married in December 2019?

In December 2019, the time of the Advent begins, which lasts from November 28 to January 6. According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, it is forbidden to get married during this period.

True, if you wish, you can sign in the registry office, and carry out the wedding ceremony after Lent.

And also believers are not advised to get married on December 4 (according to the old style on November 21). On this day, a great church holiday is celebrated - the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. Even the baptism of children cannot be scheduled for this date.

Good and bad dates for a wedding in December 2019

Astrologer's tips will help you choose the best date for your December wedding. Three dates have been named that are considered the most favorable for a wedding celebration: December 1, 2 and 8.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2019: 6, 9, 10, 13, 20, 27, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December 2019: 14, 17–19, 21, 25, 26.

About December for Preschool Children

“The year ends - the winter begins” - this is how they say about December, the last month of the year and the first - winter. The sun is getting lower, the days are getting shorter and darker. And frosty nights are brighter from the stars.

The old Russian name for December: LUTEN, STUDEN - for a fierce frosty time, for a long cold. This is the most modest month of the year, consumed by darkness and frost.

Sometimes the frost subsides and the thaw sets in. Lilacs respond to the warm weather, turning green with the tops of swollen buds. But winter does not recede, and fluffy snows are falling, frosts are cracking.

signs of december

December is cold: it is cold for the whole winter.

December paints patterns on the windows.

December blizzards will sweep snowdrifts.

The sun in December shines, but does not warm.

December comforts the eyes with snow, and tears the ear with frost.

December is the month of big packs of wolves.

December is the time for gloomy skies and early evening days.

At the end of December the sun turns to summer, winter turns to frost. If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground, then this is for the harvest.

If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - to the harvest.

Proverbs and sayings about December

December is the winter hat.

December is New Year's Eve.

December ends the old grief, the new year lays a path with happiness.

The year ends in December and winter begins.

The frost is not great, but the nose turns red.

Winter has a big mouth.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Winter day with a sparrow.

In winter, the sun, like a stepmother, shines, but does not warm.

In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.

In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.

And the moon shines when there is no sun.

Riddles about winter for preschoolers

Name, guys, a month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days, all nights are longer than nights,

Snow covered the fields and meadows until spring.

Only our month will pass, we celebrate the New Year.


Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress:

Will shake the feathers - over the world of fluff?


The cold came, the water turned into ice,

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

(In winter.)

Who builds a footbridge on the river without an ax, without nails and boards?


And not snow, and not ice, but silver in winter will remove the trees.


He entered - no one saw, he said - no one heard.

He blew into the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows.


In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, and inserted during the night.


Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

Belokosa, chubby,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver.

(Winter and winter months.)

Every day, Seryozhka gives us clothes.

And he broke up with the latter - he himself disappeared somewhere.

(Tear-off calendar.)

It flies off in a white flock and sparkles in flight.

It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth.


What kind of janitor was raking snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand.


Miracle janitor in front of us. With raking hands

In one minute, he raked a huge snowdrift


Here is a silver meadow, not to see a lamb,

The goby does not moo on it, the chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter, but you won't find it in spring.

(Ice rink.)

My new pals are both shiny and light

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost.


Two new two-meter maple soles:

He put two feet on them - and run through the big snows.


We are nimble sisters, we are masters of running fast,

In the rain - we lie down, in the snow - we run, this is our regime.


We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain.


Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.

By a rope-bridle I lead him through the yard,

I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back.


What a beauty - stands, sparkling light,

How lavishly dressed... Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree.)

I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny, I'm the main one for the New Year!

(Christmas tree.)

On a winter day, among the branches, the table is set for guests.


The hut is new, a dining room for everyone, calling for dinner,

Eat crumbs.


Let me be a small bird

My friends, I have a habit -

When the cold starts

Directly from the north here.


Poems about December for children

december icy

Like emerald bridges on a river,

Well, in the field are snow-white canvases.

In a noticeable cold December

Seven weather all play tricks in the yard.

Frost has overgrown with a silvery beard,

Pinches cheeks, fingers, ears, forehead and nose.

I won’t whine, I’ll endure everything, I won’t scream -

In the new year, I'll ride on the new sled.

M. Sukhorukova


In December, in December all the trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight,

Updated skates, sleds, brought a Christmas tree from the forest ...

S. Marshak

Winter sings, calls...

Winter sings, calls out, shaggy forest cradles

The call of a pine forest.

All around with deep longing they float to a distant country

Gray clouds.

* * *

The blizzard sweeps the white path.

Wants to drown in soft snow.

The wind fell asleep on the way.

Neither drive through the forest, nor pass.


White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And there is a birch

In sleepy silence

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

S. Yesenin


Where are you from? Where are you from

Came to us, red-breasted?

I flew all over Siberia.

What is your name?


M. Lapygin

Frost Governor

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Frost-voivode patrol

Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - good blizzards

Forest paths brought

And are there any cracks, cracks,

Is there any bare ground anywhere?

N. Nekrasov

Brave snowman

You are a snowman, a snowman!

I've been used to the cold since childhood.

You put on the pan deftly!

From the coals of your eyes!

Your nose is a red carrot -

Your pride and beauty!

You are a snowman, a snowman!

I've been used to the cold since childhood.

O. Preusler, from the book

"Little Baba Yaga"

Blizzards have arrived

Blizzards came to us

The cracks were covered with snow.

On the window, the old man Frost

He applied the painting with ice.

In a clean field in a white dress

Mother winter is out.

Let her walk boldly -

The bread is all put away in the bins.

G. Ladonshchikov

New Year's Eve

Christmas trees go one by one

Trees go in pairs.

pavement, pavement,

Snow boulevards.

Soon, soon the New Year!

All from the needle

Will come to you and come to us

Christmas tree guest.

I. Tokmakova


Until May, the ponds are chained,

But how warm are the houses!

Wraps gardens in snowdrifts

Careful winter.

Snow falls from birches

In drowsy silence.

Summer frost paintings

Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov

Magic sundress

Now the fog is falling on the ground,

And winter puts on a sundress.

White and light this outfit,

Even fluffy, they say.

He warms the grass, warms the flowers,

And he is amazingly beautiful.

That sundress is called a snowball

Or winter fur.

in winter

Frost looks out the window and breathes

And writes patterns on glass

And against the frozen window,

Breath of Santa Claus

In brocade and pearls removed,

There is a curly birch.

S. Drozhzhin

New Year

What do I want in the New Year?

I want to skate on ice

I want to go to kindergarten every day

I want to be friends with the guys.

So that the cold bypasses the native city,

And so that trouble never happens.

I want our family to live long,

So that the Snow Maiden comes to me at night

And she would bring me many gifts.

New Year! New Year!

White snow, ringing ice!

About winter

Snow fluffy, silvery

Lightly spreads with a carpet,

And snowflakes, like fluffs,

Curl merrily around.

Winter has come

At night the wind howled like a wolf

And beat on the roofs with a stick.

Looking out the window in the morning

There is a magical movie:

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched bright stars

And hats at home

Winter hit.

V. Fetisov


Russian winter walks

Stop it and try it!

Waving his hand - the earth is white,

Wave another - snowdrifts grow!

Whitens trees and houses

Freezes, tired without knowing

Russian winter walks

Frosty, not bad.

B. Pashov

winter cat

A cat looks out of the window

Winter lives outside the window.

The cat has a dream



Along the frozen river

Where they glide on two legs

Human children.

Hey boys by the river

Fur hats,

Where to get the cat skates

Four paws?

C. Serdobolsky

me and snow

White, delicious snow is falling,

Goes straight into your mouth

If I really want

I'll swallow the snow all at once!

And then what will happen, brothers!

On a sled - do not ride!

And snowdrifts - not to be seen!

And don't play in the snow!

And on skis - do not run!

It will be bad for everyone without snow!

That's why, friends,

I won't eat snow, I guess!

M. Druzhinina

white grandfather

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up, ringing icicles:

Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?

Why don't you wake me up?

Disorder in the yard:

Mud and puddles in December!

And from grandfather in fright

Blizzards rushed to the fields,

And the blizzards flew

They moaned, whistled,

Busy until the morning:

All the scratches of the earth

Covered with white snow.

Grandfather came out early in the morning

Wearing a new coat.

Wanted to check it out myself

Through meadows and forests:

Is everyone waiting in a new outfit

And are you ready to meet him?

Yes, the blizzards answered,

Even the hares turned white!

No blades of grass in the fields

Not a leaf on the branches!

Only one Christmas tree

Yes fluffy pine

They don't want to obey

And the green ones are standing!

N. Artyukhova

good time

We like frosty

fluffy time,

Starry night sky

Glittering silver.

And the tree lights up

And the round dance is dancing,

And here, as it should be,

The New Year is coming!

O. Vysotskaya

One winter

One winter

Along our street

Kitten go

Wanted to take a walk

Kitten came out

Black as soot

And returned -

White as chalk!

K. Maznin


The paws of titmouse are freezing:

It's bad for them without mittens,

Yes, and hungry in the cold ...

I brought them seeds:

Look here

This is delicious food!

They sit on my palm,

Warm paws. Not to be afraid of.

V. Polyakov

letter in the snow

Embroidered snow

beautiful line,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad to the yard:

Look what a pattern!

Dad looks down

Here is a letter for you, Denis! -

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, feeders!”

N. Golinovskaya

Father Frost

Grandfather looked into the well -

The well was covered with ice.

And looked at the river -

He put on an ice sheepskin coat.

Old Santa Claus

If he's joking, then seriously.

V. Lanzetti

Trees bloom in winter

There are white caps on the roofs.

And the air is fresh, as if near

The boys eat cucumbers.

V. Marinicheva
