The Year of the Rooster is on the doorstep. What will be the Year of the Rooster? What does the coming year promise us?

With each new year comes the time of a new symbol and patron. On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey is replaced by the Year of the Fire Rooster. Many people still believe in prophecies for the coming year, look at the characteristics of 2017 of the Rooster. After all, it is believed that if you know in advance how to properly meet the owner of the coming year, then he will delight you all year. People try to choose a New Year's outfit that the patron should like. Rooster - this sign is associated with bright colors, living energy, force. You should also pay attention to the color and element of the coming year. These values ​​affect how the year will be.

Characteristics of the Rooster

The rooster is primarily an idealist who loves praise and attention. These are sociable people, responsible, pedantic. Also, along with positive characteristics, this sign has negative qualities. He can be selfish, overly stubborn and picky, conflictual. Some may even seem frivolous due to the habit of making empty promises. In love, the Rooster is more likely to succeed because of the tendency to subjugate a partner. Such people prefer to put their goals above all else. The Rooster likes to lead a bachelor life, but once meeting that one or only, the Roosters can become family people.

Color and element of the coming year

Next year will be under the symbol of the Fiery or Red Rooster. Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, new beginnings, unquenchable passion. This should be noted by purposeful people who are not used to sitting still. This year also promises success in love affairs. It is a great time to create a family, have children. People who were unlucky in their personal lives have every chance to say goodbye to loneliness. Because it is fire, like nothing else, that accompanies good luck on the love front. The main thing is not to be afraid to change your life, sometimes even take a risk, because now is the right time.

Fire serves as a symbol of incessant progressive forward movement, symbolizing vigor and activity. Success will be people who strive for self-realization and who are ready to constantly improve themselves. The constant companion of fire is red, symbolizing certain qualities:

  • devotion;
  • passion;
  • love;
  • confidence.

The Rooster is highly emotional and unshakable in making decisions and implementing plans. The bird seeks to attract increased attention to itself, and tends to set ambitious goals, making every effort to achieve them. If the rooster fails to cope with the task, then he persistently looks for other ways.

What can you expect in work in 2017?

In working affairs, the year promises to be successful and fruitful. This is especially true for creative people. If there was an old dream to master a creative profession, then this year you can boldly act and success will await you. As for other areas of activity, the year should be stable, especially in any new endeavors, luck will reap. The Rooster is favorable to all signs of the zodiac, so do not worry, this year you will expect profit.

Financial affairs in 2017 will go well for avid careerists who are able to work tirelessly in the name of increasing capital. The first six months are characterized by instability, and it is recommended to be wary of the prospects for large investments and capital investments. People who are thinking about changing their place of work or type of activity should definitely do it in the year of the Rooster. Thanks to the assertiveness of the bird, it will be possible to achieve promotion and acquire new professional knowledge. Particularly successful will be foreign business trips, with the goal of undergoing an internship and engaging in self-development.

People who pay insufficient attention to their own well-being need to become more attentive to their own health. If there are chronic sores, then they can open up in the year of the Rooster, so you should consult a doctor in advance, without waiting for the exacerbation phase.

Relationships and family

Promising to be eventful 2017, the Year of the Rooster is oriented towards the inner qualities of a wayward bird. The ratio of the sexes in the new year promises to be stormy and rich in events. People who have not yet found a life partner will be able to establish stable romantic contacts. Couples should think about registering a marriage, but first they have to go through the test of violent emotions characteristic of a rooster. Children born in 2017 will be distinguished by patience and increased endurance.

What will await those born in the year of the Rooster in 2017?

In 2017, people born under this sign will be especially quick-tempered and wayward. This is all due to the stubborn nature of the Rooster. Therefore, in order to achieve success, this year it is necessary to be extremely tactful and restrained. In work matters, you should not be stubborn and selfish. If you follow some rules, then this year promises you vivid emotions and extraordinary adventures. Not a single obstacle in your path can prevent you from achieving the desired success. After all, this is your stellar year, which must be used wisely. Try not to deceive anyone, otherwise luck may turn away from you. In love, you have to go through stormy passions, quarrels and partings, but in the end, if you show restraint, success and prosperity will await. For some Roosters, this year may end in a breakdown in relationships.

What colors are suitable for New Year's Eve?

In clothes and interiors, you should stick to red and shades of red. This color scheme is to the liking of the energetic Rooster. These colors can be combined with rich black. Avoid shades of yellow, green, blue and grey. Interior details in the year of the Fire Rooster, such as tablecloths, napkins, decorations in the house, should be in the same colors.

It is allowed to wear coral outfits, bright yellow details in clothes, use orange and burgundy shades. Preference should be given to rich tones and catchy colors. It is better to celebrate the New Year in orange outfits, symbolizing the energy of the sun, joy and fire. Burgundy shades, distinguished by elegance, look much more solid.

What to cook for the New Year's table?

This year on New Year's table as many vegetables, fruits and salads as possible should be present. It is undesirable to cook chicken dishes, as the Rooster may get angry. If possible, substitute in your usual dishes chicken eggs, quail. There should not be too much fried food on the table. You can cook any of the fish and seafood. Japanese cuisine is the best way to celebrate the New Year.

Year of the Rooster 2017

In accordance with the Eastern Chinese calendar, on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will enter into its legal rights, which will control the development of all events in our world until the onset of a new astrological cycle on February 15 next year. In the Chinese astrological tradition, the symbol of 2017, the Rooster symbolizes the western direction, sunset and the sun setting over the horizon, the time when poultry perches. Ancient manuscripts and astrological treatises have been preserved in which the Rooster is depicted sitting on a perch, which confirms this interpretation. However, it should be noted that the Rooster was also depicted next to a jug of wine, making a reference to the fact that in the evening there comes a period of rest and leisure, when after a hard day's work you can relax, drink wine and enjoy a beautiful sunset, anticipating an evening nap to listen to relaxing music. And yet, the fact that in the tradition of the Chinese horoscope the symbol of 2017 the Rooster is associated with relaxation and represents all kinds of entertainment events does not mean at all that the year of the Rooster 2017 will be held in idleness and drunken stupor. In addition to the central theme, which will undoubtedly have a significant generalized influence on events in 2017, the year of the Rooster has other aspects that will sometimes be much more important for an individual. In particular, even if we follow the historically established astrological tradition, in ancient China the western direction inherent in the year of the Rooster was associated with the element of Metal and, as a result, with the minting of coins and the growth of wealth. It was believed that the year of the Rooster patronizes trade, and is also favorable to the laying of new enterprises, guaranteeing their profitability and luck in subsequent periods. In other words, from this point of view, the year of the Rooster 2017 appears to us as an active and creative time in which the reference to the period of prosperity is associated with the availability at this time of available resources and other data that provide a person with the opportunity to create and create for the benefit of his family and society.

It will be equally important to mention that the symbol of the year, the Rooster, is a bright representative of the energy of Yin, an extroverted feminine principle with a predominant vector of energies directed to the outside world. In its earthly incarnation, the energies of the year of the Rooster are transformed into a period that is most favorable to everything related to the world of women. In ancient Chinese horoscopes, one can find advice for merchants to develop areas related to fashion, jewelry and clothing. But not only. Women themselves this year are especially charming, very subtly feel the slightest external changes, masterfully adjusting to constantly changing external circumstances and trends are able to attract any man to their side. Nobody can stand before you. In 2017, you can only let down exorbitant long tongue, after playing, you can blurt out something that can cross out any previously achieved heights. Being overly carried away by the process itself, during this period it is easy to forget about the boundaries of what is permitted.

Despite the clear advantage, nevertheless, not only female half humanity in 2017 will gain the favor of the Rooster. Representatives of the strong half of humanity this year will have the opportunity to more closely come into contact with the energy of Yin, gaining such advantageous qualities as intuition. In fact, Chinese astrologers consider the Rooster to be the female reincarnation of the Tiger sign, a bright representative of the fierce male energy. So, for example, in the year of the Rooster, astrologers predicted easy victories in military affairs for rulers, and promotion for dignitaries. However, the favor of the symbol of 2017 can be earned only by imbued with its essence, not just understanding the meaning, but fully realizing the significance of the female Yin energy, which represents the main vector of the upcoming period.

Also very important is the fact that, in accordance with the Chinese astrological almanac, 2017 the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be the 34th in the cycle of the 60-year circle of energy rebirth, where the 34th cycle is called Ting Yui.

2017 Year of the Rooster is the 34th cycle of the 60-year circle of rebirth of energies.

Heavenly trunk Tin, element Fire, color Red, taste Bitter.

Yui's earthly branch, Rooster animal, Mid-Autumn season, West direction.

In the tradition of the Chinese horoscope, the 34th cycle, corresponding to 2017, is figuratively described as the “Lonely Rooster”. Despite the name “Lonely Rooster”, it is a kind and friendly creature, ready and able to make friends with anyone and anywhere, even in the most unusual place for such purposes. They say that friendships and relationships that arose during the Ting Yui cycle may not last forever, but they will definitely play some important role in a person’s fate. Also, in this cycle there is a certain sentimental component, vulnerable and emotional. So sometimes the events of a given period can be explained only from the point of view of the emotional vector received at a certain moment. And yet, the main characteristic features 2017 can be called Luck, despite all the problems surrounding a person. Luck will remain the main leitmotif of the entire 34th cycle, each time only increasing the well-being of a person.

So, let's look into the details of what awaits us in the Year of the Rooster 2017. Definitely 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster for many signs of the Zodiac will be a turning point that will divide their lives into before and after. The rooster will quickly spin everyone into a cycle of bright, global, interesting and exciting events that will make you reconsider your outlook on life, reevaluate life values, change priorities and choose the right direction in which to move this year. The red (fiery) color of the patron of 2017 suggests that he is magnificent in his beauty, energetic like an erupting volcano, and powerful like a hurricane. The rooster is a hardworking bird that loves to wake up in the morning and meet sunrises. Thanks to the strength and energy that the owner of 2017 is endowed with, all good intentions, innocence, generosity and other positive human qualities will sharpen and intensify several times. This period will be quite successful and relatively easy for those who are used to achieving everything by honest work, and for those who are used to hacking or shifting responsibility for their duties to others, it will not be easy. The Rooster will endow all the signs of the Zodiac with special abilities and excellent opportunities, using which, it will be possible to overcome all the troubles, troubles in life and win long-awaited victory over evil.

And yet, the main distinguishing feature of the Rooster is his cheerfulness, which he will endow with representatives of all signs of the Chinese horoscope. With his enthusiasm, ambition and thirst for justice, he will incinerate all problems and troubles, giving life the opportunity to be reborn, to become brighter, richer, more interesting and happier. Maximum success should be expected by those individuals who are not looking for easy ways. The rooster does not like being cunning and cunning. He quickly brings such individuals to clean water, as a punishment, complicating the process of achieving goals for them. Only fighters for justice, honesty, morality will be able to effectively use all the advantages given by the Rooster and achieve excellent results. The rooster is an early bird. He is the first to wake up and begin to wake up the whole world around him, so he symbolizes the beginning of a new life, the upcoming cardinal changes and fateful events. This bird has incredible willpower, excellent leadership qualities, can lead any crowd, organize any event and any team. The rooster is famous for its strong temperament, determination and ability to survive under any circumstances. At the same time, the Rooster will always say directly everything he thinks about. He is not afraid to express his opinion despite the possibility of offending someone. Such frankness, sincerity help the Rooster to choose the right circle of his communication. He can boldly boast of his friendship, because his friends are sincere, conscientious, reliable and faithful people. The sphere of relations with a loved one will be filled with wonderful feelings and emotions against the backdrop of ongoing events. Many representatives of the signs of the Chinese horoscope expect interesting, and no less promising acquaintances with people of the opposite sex. The rooster is very quickly carried away and succumbs to other people's influence. Therefore, you should be especially careful during this period with your momentary feelings and desires, there is a high probability of developing conflicts in family relationships based on jealousy and misunderstanding. In order to preserve the family and trusting relationships, decisions should be guided not only by feelings, but also by common sense. Many lonely representatives of the signs of the eastern horoscope will meet on their way a person who will completely turn their view of the world and life in general, fill the soul saturated with bitter loneliness with the warmest and most tender feelings, inspire and give the opportunity to fly, of course, in a figurative sense.

The Year of the Rooster 2017 will bring many pleasant moments and joyful meetings to all signs, filling personal life with new impressions, values, priorities, decorating it in the brightest colors. During this period, you should also pay attention to relationships with old friends who will need your presence, participation in their lives, help and support. The rooster is a poultry, so in the year of his reign, you should bet on family and life, and everything else will work out by itself. It is important during this period not to prove your supremacy and primacy, but to begin to cooperate with loved ones. This position will help to achieve much greater results than in a competitive environment. The thrift, pragmatism and determination of the Rooster will help many to succeed in their careers and professional fields. The rooster will give such a wonderful quality as never and under no circumstances to stop halfway, despite obstacles and difficulties, always achieve your goal. Whoever aims for success will achieve it. But if someone believes that Lady Luck herself will bring them everything on a silver platter, then they will not see success. The rooster does not like lazy, slow, dodgy and insincere people. Therefore, to implement your plans, you will have to make every effort and patience, since the result will be only in the second half of the year. 2017 year of the Rooster will be marked by many business acquaintances, which in the future will become useful for the implementation of business ideas and the implementation of large-scale projects.

The financial situation in the year of the Rooster stabilizes. Moreover, due to the innate generosity of this bird, many will get a chance to change their job to a more prestigious one, as well as be able to realize their plans and ideas, develop their business and even win the lottery. But even if the financial receipts are unplanned, it is not worth spending them on any unnecessary trifle. It is better to save or save for something substantial. You can invest in a profitable project, but you should beware of all sorts of adventures and risky transactions.

Chinese horoscope for 2017

Chinese horoscope for 2017 suggests that the patron of the year Rooster will be generous with prospects and opportunities, supportive and tolerant, but at the same time he is very demanding. In order to achieve something, you will need to try to justify all his hopes and meet all his requirements. The Rooster encourages responsible, executive, punctual and persistent people. It is these qualities that should be shown in the year of this glorious animal in order to achieve maximum success, and so that good luck accompanies you on your way.

Year of birth: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Year of birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Year of birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Soon the Fire Monkey will transfer its rights to control the Fire Rooster, and given that next year we will have to live under a fiery sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life.

So what will the upcoming 2017 year of the Rooster be like, what to expect from it for the signs of the eastern calendar, what it will turn out to be, whether it will bring good news, what to prepare for - this is what we will tell you about in this article.

Tune in a serious and responsible way in advance, do not take rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts, because the Rooster is a well-known provocateur and bully, and there will be plenty of situations in which you can make yourself "trouble on your head".

Therefore, be careful, vigilant and prudent, behave reasonably, do not make hasty decisions!

In the upcoming 2017 of the Fire Rooster, cardinal changes are expected in public life throughout our planet.

The struggle for leadership will continue, the conflicts started earlier are unlikely to be over - the Rooster will not allow it. Let's hope that you and I will be able to avoid trouble, cope with ourselves and our problems, and not make unnecessary mistakes.

What will be the Year of the Rooster 2017

The symbol of 2017 will be the Rooster, the governing element of the year is fire, so the Rooster will be Fire. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones, are gold, orange, yellow.

As noted in the East, the Rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year you should try not to fall out of the rhythm, keep your finger on the pulse, be in time everywhere and then luck will definitely be on your side.

For many signs of the zodiac, 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. This may relate to the business sphere, money or love - anyone, each of us will feel the influence of the difficult temper of the patron of 2017.

If we talk about what will be the year of the Fire Rooster in 2017, then we can say for sure that this period will be bright, like a cock's tail, stormy and unpredictable as the character of the symbol of the year.

One event will rapidly change another, so it is important to keep track of what is happening in order to make the right decision in time.

Changes will take place as social life people, and in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, but given the location of the planets, there is no cause for serious concern yet.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who will try to prove themselves, show off their talents, an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance presents itself, and it will certainly present itself, then it should not be missed in any case.

The rooster does not tolerate inaction, appreciates accuracy and order in everything, many will have to put their thoughts in order, draw up an action plan and systematically go towards their goal without unnecessary fuss.

If for its implementation you have to reconsider your principles, attitude to life, worldview, then it is better to work on it.

The Rooster is a careerist, and the Fire Rooster is a leader, organizer, responsible leader and think tank of many operations. If there is such a person in your environment, then the new year 2017 will favor his career growth, and you should listen to his opinion - he can help you too.

If you yourself feel confident and firm in solving business issues, have experience, know how best to do this or that job, this year is completely yours. You can achieve a lot if you devote yourself to your work.

The stars advise in the year of the Fire Rooster to learn to be responsible, taking on certain obligations, you should not neglect them.

Characteristics of the Year of the Rooster

How will 2017 be the Year of the Fire Rooster?


The financial characteristics of 2017 will be as follows - in terms of money, the first half of the year will be especially tense. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world.

The Fire Rooster is very passionate about money - for him they are an excellent indicator of success.

If you want to become more financially independent, then do not set yourself such a goal.

You should not wish for money itself, but for success in your affairs, then all other components will simply follow.


In terms of health, 2017 will be very dangerous for those who have completely neglected themselves and do not take care of their body.

You should think about the fact that all the diseases suppressed by temporary solutions will sooner or later affect, and this can become a real problem.

if you have chronic diseases, then do not hesitate to improve your health, and at the first symptoms, seek medical help.

Do not neglect vitamins, healthy food and outdoor activities. Physical activity is completely obligatory for all signs of the zodiac.

The Fire Rooster does not like lazy people. Only those who work on themselves, on their career and personal growth, will deserve from the Rooster his location and help in all their endeavors.


The characteristic of the coming year tells us that the most best time to change the scope of activity will be exactly - the year of the Fire Rooster.

Do not be afraid to try yourself in an unknown area, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also to physical ones.

If you have been thinking about getting in shape for a long time, then this is the right time.

If you have some kind of ailment, then the determination and assertiveness of the patron of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will help to cope with it.

Born in the Year of the Rooster

The life of people born in the year of the Fire Rooster is always filled with bright colors and all sorts of events. The main task of parents in raising their child, as well as the Rooster himself, is to cope with emerging problems and life challenges, to correctly calculate their strength for mastering new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women born in the year of the Rooster are quite eloquent and fully possess the gift of persuasion. These people can succeed in almost any professional field, reach unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial areas.

Born men and women under this sign of the eastern calendar, in almost everything they strive to get the maximum benefit, they always try to get the highest paid and honorable job, make every effort to do this, often even to the detriment of those around them, work colleagues.

To the daily routine, as well as to submission, the Rooster is reluctant and hostile. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live a rich life full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

Childhood, youth of the Rooster, as well as mature years- oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and far-fetched problems, but in old age he calms down, it is cloudless and joyful for him.

People born this year are charming and pleasant to talk to, especially women. To the creation of a family, they are more ready for adulthood, although they most often tie the knot in early youth.

They are friendly, easy to communicate, but you should not trust them just like that. Not everyone succeeds in getting along with the Rooster “under the same roof”, because these people value and protect their freedom very much and are unlikely to tolerate command over themselves, interference in their lives.

What will be the year of the Rooster for the signs of the Eastern horoscope

Born in the Year of the Rat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 ...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes taking place around the society will touch this person a little.

Born in the year of the Ox- forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 ...) - This person will regain confidence in his abilities, which means that you can take on new things - everything will work out for you. Do not trust the "first comers", evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Born in the Year of the Tiger- forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 ...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will not succeed much, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit/Cat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 ...) - These people are not expected to have a very good period in their lives. They will be annoyed by the surrounding useless fuss and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

Born in the Year of the Dragon- forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 ...) - The dragon can be said to be lucky, he will have another opportunity to shine this year, in which the Rooster will help him ... But if he wants to prove himself - big question.

Born in the year of the Snake- forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 ...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck at you, "throw" you with problems, bring you to despair.

Born in the Year of the Horse- forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 ...) - These people are fine, the created margin of safety will allow you to live a year calmly. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, then he risks being trampled by the Horse.

Born in the year of the Goat/Sheep- forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 ...) - The whole coming year will pass on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born in the Year of the Monkey- forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 ...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, it's time for everyday life. Although the reign of the Rooster will entertain the Monkey, it will not let her get bored.

Born in the Year of the Rooster- forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 ...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is in the center of attention, everything works out for him. However, you should not rely on the fact that everything will work out by itself - you will have to work if you hope for success.

Born in the Year of the Dog- forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 ...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, a year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and fighting for better life. Set yourself up for positive and do not be distracted by trifles from your goal.

Born in the Year of the Boar/Pig- forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 ...) - Hard work will definitely bear fruit. Life will succeed with the representatives of the Eastern calendar in the person of the Boar / Pig in the event that they themselves do not harm themselves with their rash steps. Do not be distracted by unimportant things, focus on the main thing.

Dear readers of my blog! We are all waiting for our favorite holiday - New Year! We dream, we make plans, we hope for the best! What is it, 2017 Year of red fiery rooster?

The rooster is a bold, independent bird

The symbol of the coming year will be the Rooster. This is a domestic, even sometimes pugnacious bird.

The rooster is distinguished by courage, cheerfulness, as well as a light, cheerful disposition.

He is a symbol of everything new, because every day he gets up at dawn, when the new day. Another symbol of the year is the Sun, which also rises in the morning.

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are extremely emotional, passionate, straightforward, extravagant, capable of unexpected actions.

They have good taste, are well versed in fashion, have creative abilities, are honest, and are very independent.

Those born this year should pacify their temper a little, but go towards their goal, perseverance, hard work will certainly lead to success.

Getting ready to meet the Fire Rooster

Who believes, who does not believe, but every eastern symbol, from somewhere above, affects the fate of people of a certain sign. characteristics of the coming year. The element of the next year is Fire, and the color is red.

What do these indicators mean?

  • Fire - forward movement, unsurpassed vitality, the desire for success in all areas.
  • And red is the color of passionate passion, love, therefore, fire and color are a harmonious combination of the coming year.

So, 2017 will be both romantic and successful. Single people will find a mate, and family people will love again. In the new year, do not be afraid of change, boldly go towards everything new.

What awaits people according to the signs of the zodiac?

Without exception, the horoscope for 2017 advises everyone to restrain their violent emotions, to follow the words so as not to say too much, but everyone can, even necessary, stand out from the crowd in some way.

Many this year will be able to move up the career ladder, but you will have to rely only on your own strength.

Good luck will accompany stubborn careerists and those who will do what they love. They will have money, prestige, independence. The rooster will help active, enterprising people succeed. Let's see what the year will bring according to the signs of the zodiac.


In the New Year, Aries will strive to improve their lives, nothing will be impossible for you. You will be satisfied with every victory in a new business.

But as soon as you achieve victory, you can get bored. Then you will start looking for new projects, again you will achieve excellent results. This also applies to the love sphere.

The trouble with Aries is that they cannot be cunning, therefore, do not try to say everything that you think so as not to make ill-wishers.

But on the other hand, they will be surrounded by the care of loved ones so that they feel good. Do not indulge in financial transactions, they will only bring loss.

The professional sphere will be constant, no obstacles are foreseen. When it comes to health, boost your immune system.


In 2017, Taurus will also be confident and calm. They will try to do everything for their family to experience happiness, knowing that the family does not need anything.

If closed doors block your path, you will not be at a loss, you will knock on other doors.

You will be sure that in any situation you will win. In the middle of the year, even gambling will bring valuable gains.

In the year of the Rooster, Taurus will be drawn to nature, perhaps you will become addicted to fishing.

In a career, Taurus will not get good results, especially at the beginning of the year. The financial sector will also not please many Taurus.

The second half of the year predicts changes in the financial situation in better side, just do not miss a single opportunity, try to show perseverance, determination, then your financial situation will improve several times.

In the love realm do not hide your feelings, then you will be reciprocated. Taurus health throughout the year will be unstable. The joints will be disturbed, therefore, a trip to the doctor is inevitable.


In 2017 Gemini will succeed if they connect their intellectual potential. You can gain fame through your creative abilities.

Unforgettable trips await you, meetings with bright people who will bring you even more success. You will experience true happiness.

Some representatives of this sign will want to change their place of work or even place of residence. be careful in the middle of the year, you may encounter difficulties in the profession. Do not take on a lot of things at once, so as not to come to depression. From this, your plans can collapse in one second.

At the end of the year, perhaps the beginning of a new life and career, businessmen will overcome all impregnable mountains. If you take the right steps, then your financial situation will be stable. By the end of the year, the financial situation will improve even more.

In the love realm relationship needs to be clarified. Do not allow yourself to get carried away on the side, which can lead to a relationship breakdown.

Don't play around with health. Excessive emotional stress can lead to a nervous breakdown, even a stroke. Take everything that happens calmly, do not forget about the rest.


In 2017, Cancers will behave too cautiously, so they will often remain in the shadows, indulge in dreams, deep reflections.

But if necessary, they will become purposeful, find a way out of the most critical situation.

If the opponent is ahead of you, then you will make every effort to leave him behind. You always have money that you don't tell anyone about.

In the coming year you will meet people who will positively influence your career.

In a new professional activity Cancers will be able to adequately prove themselves, thanks to perseverance and zeal.

Just don't count on luck, make your own efforts. You can safely plan new things that you will certainly complete, even those that stood still did not develop at all.

The finances of Cancers are stable, especially those who have their own business. In the second half of the year, you can invest in new projects, enter into long-term agreements.

But be careful about the safety of the staff. Check everything well, do not endanger the lives of people and your company.

At the very beginning of 2017 Cancers have to learn what true passion and love is. You will be irresistible! In the middle of the year, lonely Cancers can meet their soul mate.

Cancer health in 2017 will be very good. Only at the end of the year Cancers can feel emotional fatigue.

a lion

In 2017, the Lions will try to take a high leadership position, become a real authority.

And also Leo will try to help all people. The beginning and end of the year will be very auspicious.

The only negative, in the middle of 2017, there may be difficulties at work, which the King of Beasts can easily overcome.

Charming in love The king of beasts will be successful. Perhaps he will meet a person with whom he wants to go further in life.

What can Leo expect in his professional life? The main thing is that you will have to discard laziness, show your leadership qualities, admit your mistakes, try to avoid them, then your career will go uphill.

At the end of the year, be especially careful not to make mistakes. In the middle of the year, Lions will be lucky in material terms, businessmen can expand their business.

Health will not let you down, especially at the beginning of the year. The middle of 2017 threatens with a slight deterioration, especially for people with a sick heart.


Virgos in 2017 will follow the right direction, conquer new heights professionally, which will give a good increase in financial resources.

Businessmen should be very careful with partners. Virgo will deal with family issues related to real estate, which will take a lot of time and money.

A representative of this sign can start building a house, buy an apartment or make a good repair.

Virgo's health will not fail if this sign treats him with due attention.


2017 will be very favorable for Libra your wildest dreams will come true. One has only to focus on one goal, and all peaks will be conquered. Career will move to a new level.

Due to their excellent physical shape, Libra will attract the attention of the opposite sex. A stormy romance is possible, turning into a serious relationship.

No problems are foreseen in business, Virgo will have new opportunities. Health will also not let you down, but in December you should pay close attention to it.


For Scorpio, the year 2017 of the red fiery rooster will be ambiguous, the beginning of the year will be especially nervous.

Be patient, don't alienate your friends. Do not wait for career growth, keep what you have.

Finances will require careful handling. Profit will bring new acquaintances.

If acquaintances or friends ask for a loan, do not refuse, help.

In your personal life, you should not expect a calm relationship, there will be strong emotions when sorting out the relationship. Free Scorpions will be reciprocated.

Scorpio should pay attention to health so as not to get an exacerbation of chronic diseases.


A very auspicious year for the development of business, as well as love relationships. In general, the whole of 2017 will pass in a positive way, new acquaintances will be made, there will be many business trips.

But Sagittarius should not go headlong into work, you need to think about rest, so as not to work out to a nervous breakdown. But on the other hand, the work of Sagittarius will be appreciated by senior management, which means that a good reward or promotion is possible.

The financial situation will be stable, and additional profit is possible at the end of the year. In order not to lose money, you should not spend the deferred funds.

Misunderstanding and quarrels are possible in the family, it is necessary to restrain your emotions. Free Sagittarians need to be more careful with the opposite sex.

If Sagittarius gets rid of bad habits, then his health will not let him down.

Capricorn will have an interesting, active year, with many acquaintances.

Finally he will figure out who he has a true friend, and who weaves intrigues.

Business partners can fail again, you have to be very careful.

Profit growth is expected in the second half of the year as a reward for hard work.

In the Capricorn family, resentment may arise due to lack of attention. Free Capricorns will definitely find the other half, and without much effort.

In terms of health, you need to go in for sports and be afraid of colds.


For Aquarius, 2017 will be held in meetings with old acquaintances. Most likely, they will bring positive results.

Aquarius is about to change, but if he wants it himself, but otherwise, he will go with the flow.

Finances will be stable, but you should be wary of losses and theft. Money should be spent sparingly, wisely.

Family Aquarius a lot of time will be devoted to children. If there is a romance on the side, then it will open, which will bring disassembly and scandals to the family.
Health will not cause much trouble, but you should be wary of ailments of the genitourinary system.


Pisces expects a year full of events, meetings with friends, new acquaintances are possible. Pisces will want to change their appearance, find another job, new friends. Sometimes their behavior will shock others.

Career growth is not expected, an increase in finances too. Therefore, money should be spent only on the necessary things.

For the family to be in harmony, you need to restrain your emotions, then you may be able to save family relationships. In terms of health, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, find a good masseur, go in for sports.

Accurate horoscope from Pavel Globa

The most detailed horoscope Pavel Globa for 2017 will slightly open the veil of the future for each sign of the zodiac

Dear friends! Is it worth believing horoscopes? To believe or not to believe is your own business, but it is simply necessary to heed the warnings!

What does 2017 bring us and how to prepare for it?

2017 takes us out of the sequence that began in 2011. For someone, this sequence was clearly manifested immediately, for someone only in 2012, for someone the bell sounded perceptibly above the ear and only in 2015.

2017 is a breath of freedom and a new round compared to many previous years, but it also requires us to enter this new future as bright, conscious and free from superfluous as possible, because what and how you enter 2017 with can lay the foundation for many years to come (5-10 years and in some cases much more). From this point of view, the year is very strategic. And when I say "new" - this is not new from the series "Every New Year brings us something new, become newer, even newer", this is REALLY NEW, sometimes drastically.

Advice to all: think about what you want to have time to finish before the end of the year, what you are ready to say goodbye to, why there were some partings and losses - look at your life in the context of the big picture 2011-2016.

If in 2012 you got stuck, somewhere you slowed down yourself, somewhere they started to interfere with you, somewhere everything turned out completely different from what you expected; if in 2013 you started having problems and/or serious changes in your life; if you spent 2014 as if in purgatory, again stuck in some slow processes and combinations of past experience with circumstances newly discovered in 2013; if you spent 2015 almost like hell, simultaneously getting stuck in schemes of manipulation and dependencies (on people, emotions, circumstances); and in 2016 something collapsed to the ground, so you thought that in 2015 there were still flowers, but now there are berries ... that is, there is a chance to start new life and it’s easy to take a deep breath in 2017, but for this you need to work on yourself.

If you do not recognize your past years from 2011 to 2016 in this description, then there are options why:

a) you are either already a highly enlightened person and all this is happening in another plane of multidimensional space;

b) either you have light karma in this incarnation (well, there are such "incarnations of rest");

c) either you have positive karma in the current cycle according to the "subtle scenario" (earlier and later it may be different, but in these years everything happened relatively easily or even purely in a positive way);

d) either you have a karmic choice to develop or stay put, and you choose to slow down;

e) either you desperately refuse to admit that all this is happening to you, because it hurts to admit it.

There are other reasons - here are the main ones. With the exception of the first two cases, everyone else can be told that sometimes it is better to get all the injuries before climbing than already in the mountains - difficulties help to enter cleared into new cycle, and not to drag them there as well. Maybe it makes sense to have time to part with something superfluous, make a painful decision or pain as such, while the energy still contributes to this, in order to leave all this in 2016 as well?
