My husband and I are unable to conceive. Can't get pregnant what to do

For some women, the ability to get pregnant seems like a mystical combination of luck and genetics. Why do some succeed the first time, while others try for years? For the latter, the very idea of ​​conception often turns into a nightmare. The thing is, many people make the same mistakes. Below we list the most common ones.

May 18, 2015 · Text: Ludmila Kleimenova· A photo: GettyImages

Mistake #1: Worry too much

Most likely, you have at least one friend who, having become pregnant, said: “It happened exactly at the moment when I stopped thinking about it.” It's annoying, frustrating, and nerve-wracking, especially when all you want to do is have a baby. And it seems that nothing will work anymore - but your friend is telling the truth. Stress can be one of the main reasons you can't get pregnant: high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can negatively impact fertility. A study by American scientists who followed 400 couples trying to conceive found that women with high levels of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator) were 29% less likely to get pregnant than women with a normal indicator. Experts say that constant stress reduces the production of hormones responsible for a stable cycle.

Relax and try to let go of the situation for a while. Learn to meditate, sign up for yoga. Some asanas help to circulate blood to the pelvis, thus stimulating the production of the necessary hormones. And this has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive. Stop planning your pregnancy so much and remind yourself every day that this is a miracle that actually happens very, very often.

Mistake #2: Doing Too Much/Little

If you're going to do this, do it right! Many couples believe that if you "save" sperm and do not have sex for a week, then the chances of conception will increase significantly. This is not true. After about a week of abstinence, sperm motility is markedly reduced. For successful conception, doctors recommend having sex every day or every other day for a week up to and including the day of ovulation. More frequent sex can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and if you do it less often, you can miss the conception window. So, if your sex life is no longer as stormy as it was at the beginning of a relationship, this is a good reason to diversify it. In addition, having regular sex has been proven to help regulate your cycle: your partner's body releases hormones that affect your reproductive system, so having regular sex increases the production of estrogen.

Mistake #3: Use dubious practices

It would seem that the 21st century is in the yard, but many women still continue to believe in the miraculous power of douching. It seems that everything is logical: with any infection, malnutrition, the presence of bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic. Sperm in such an environment dies and cannot fertilize the egg, which is why many people use a weak solution of soda to make the environment alkaline and create favorable conditions for conception. But doctors are opposed to this method: soda kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, thus violating the natural pH of the vagina. In addition, douching with soda can exacerbate inflammatory processes and diseases such as erosion and damage to the cervix, which a woman often does not know about without visiting a gynecologist.

Mistake #4: Blaming Yourself

Speaking of infertility, we tend to think that the problem is on the part of the woman. But in fact, the responsibility lies equally on both partners. Doctors say that in 40% of cases of infertility, the cause must be sought on the part of the man, in another 40% - on the part of the woman. The remaining 20% ​​is compatibility, a combination of both partners. But do not panic ahead of time. Remember that it takes 6 months to a year for a healthy couple to successfully conceive.

Mistake #5: Miscalculating

The most common mistake is the incorrect determination of the day of ovulation. In most women, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, but this applies to women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before your period starts. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on day 10. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less often, not in every cycle. In this case, and also if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on day 6 or on day 21), or you do not remember when your last period was, forget these rules. Here you can not do without an ovulation test, with which you can easily find out when you have a conception window.

Another common mistake is not counting the beginning of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. The first day of your period is when you bleed. Not the day before, not the day after. For successful conception, the bill goes literally to the clock, which is why it is so important to know the exact day the cycle began.

Mistake #6: Living on a schedule

No matter how hard you try, pregnancy is impossible to plan. As mentioned above, it takes a healthy couple from 6 months to a year to conceive. But many women need half a year just to normalize their cycle after they stop taking contraceptives. Ovulation will not occur until the cycle becomes regular. Therefore, if after 6 months your cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, it is worth visiting a doctor.

Mistake #7: Hurry

No one knows why so many people are sarcastic about the statement that after intercourse it is advisable to lie on your back with your buttocks slightly raised for about 20 minutes. Doctors unanimously claim that this method increases the possibility of conception by as much as 80%! Therefore, if you want to dance a victory dance after a successful conception, as you think, refrain - at least for 20 minutes.

Mistake #8: Ignoring your “crazy” worries

Maybe you have always had an irregular cycle and because of this you are having difficulty conceiving. Or perhaps you have diabetes and want to make sure everything is under control before you get pregnant. Consulting a specialist does not mean being paranoid! There are situations in which you should not ignore your worries: here you are thinking not only about yourself, but also about your unborn child. If you have any questions or worries, it is better to immediately find a specialist who will explain everything and tell you about the pitfalls that you may encounter specifically on your way. Thus, if you encounter difficulties in trying to get pregnant, you will already be ready for them.

Mistake #9: Not giving up bad habits

A lot has already been said on this topic, but it will still not be superfluous to repeat: it is necessary to give up bad habits at least a year before trying to get pregnant. Why do women continue to drink alcohol and smoke, knowing how detrimental this affects the ability to conceive? Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important in the formation of the child's body. There is no such amount of alcohol that would be safe for him. But some future mothers, drinking alcohol in the early stages, do not yet know that they are pregnant. Therefore, if you are not using protection, treat alcohol and cigarettes as if you were already pregnant - simply do not use or at least keep it to a minimum.

Mistake #10: Forgetting about his health

What is bad for your fertility can also be bad for your partner's ability to conceive. Cigarettes, alcohol, unbalanced diet - all this negatively affects the quality and quantity of sperm. Studies have also shown that smoking and alcohol abuse leads to damage to sperm at the chromosomal level. Sperm is completely renewed in 3 months, so your partner should give up bad habits at least for this time. Make sure that he consumes enough nutrients, selenium, vitamins E and C - they are especially useful for men.

As for the effect of temperatures on a man's ability to conceive, opinions differ here. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine claims that it has little to no effect on the functioning of the male reproductive organs. Some doctors, however, recommend avoiding frequent hot baths, even if the man has no problems with sperm quality.

There is a study that proves that the temperature of the scrotum rises if you keep a laptop on your lap for a long time. Another group of experts have found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones can damage a man's ability to conceive, especially if the phone is kept in a trouser pocket. However, no study has found a clear link specifically between heat exposure and male fertility.

Some get pregnant on the first try, while others try for years, but everything turns out to be unsuccessful. What is the reason?

If you want to improve your chances of having a baby, don't make the common mistakes that we will tell you about.

1. Worry too often

Stress is one of the main factors that reduce the likelihood of conception. If the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, rises in a woman's body, this can negatively affect her fertility. American scientists observed 400 couples who were trying to become parents, and came to the following conclusions: if a woman has a high level of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator), her chances of getting pregnant are reduced by 29% compared to those who have this indicator within the normal range. Experts believe that under the influence of chronic stress, the production of hormones that ensure a stable cycle decreases.

If you're having trouble getting pregnant, try to relax and let go of the situation for a while. Try meditation, yoga - it has asanas that improve blood flow to the pelvis and thus stimulate the synthesis of necessary hormones. This has a positive effect on the ability to conceive. Stop constantly planning a pregnancy. Instead, just remind yourself daily that this is a miracle that happens very often.

2. Don't do too much or too little

A large number of couples are convinced that the chances of conceiving a baby will greatly increase if they do not have sex for a week, “saving” sperm. It's a delusion. After a week of abstinence, spermatozoa become much less mobile. Therefore, doctors advise having sex daily or every other day during the week before ovulation and the day it occurs. More frequent intimacy can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and more rare creates a risk of missing the conception window.

It has been scientifically proven that regular sex life helps to stabilize the cycle: the male body releases hormones that affect the female reproductive system. Therefore, with regular sex, more estrogen is produced.

3. Use dubious methods

Although we live in the 21st century, many women continue to douche, believing in the miracle of this method. It seems that there is logic in this: from infections, malnutrition, bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic, and the sperm in it dies and cannot fertilize the egg. Therefore, many begin to introduce a weak soda solution so that the environment becomes alkaline and favorable for conception.

Doctors do not support douching: along with harmful microorganisms, baking soda destroys beneficial ones, violating the natural pH of the vagina. There is still a risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, due to which damage and erosion of the cervix can develop, which can often be identified only on examination by a gynecologist.

4. Make mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake is the incorrect determination of the day of ovulation. In most women, it occurs in the middle of the cycle, but this applies to women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before your period starts. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on day 10. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less often, not in every cycle. In this case, and also if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on day 6 or on day 21), or you do not remember when your last period was, forget these rules. Here you can not do without an ovulation test, with which you can easily find out when you have a conception window.

Often women make another mistake - they count the beginning of the cycle not from the first day of menstruation. The day of the onset of menstruation is the one on which the blood begins to flow, not the day before and not the day after. It is very important to know the exact day of the beginning of the cycle, because for a successful conception, the count goes literally to the clock.

5. Blame yourself

With unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, infertility on the part of the woman is usually assumed. Only in reality both partners have the same degree of responsibility. According to statistics, men are infertile in 40% of cases, women in another 40%, and in the remaining 20%, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are due to partner compatibility problems. Therefore, do not panic ahead of time: on average, a healthy couple needs from 6 months to 1 year to conceive.

6. Try to fit everything on schedule

Pregnancy cannot be accurately planned. Although healthy couples usually need from 6 months to a year to conceive, sometimes the first six months take a woman only to normalize the cycle, which has gone astray due to birth control. Until the cycle becomes regular, there will be no ovulation. So, if after 6 months the menstrual cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, be sure to go to the gynecologist.

7. Hurry

For many, the assertion that after sex a woman needs to lie on her back for 20 minutes with raised buttocks is sarcastic. But, according to doctors, it increases the chances of getting pregnant by 80%. So do not neglect this method.

8. Ignore unrest for which there is a reason

Consulting a doctor is not paranoia. There are situations when you should not ignore what is bothering you, because it is not only about you, but also about the unborn baby. It is possible that your cycle has always been irregular, and this is the reason why you cannot get pregnant. Or maybe you have some kind of illness, and you want to make sure that this does not threaten the health of the unborn baby.

If you are worried or unsure about something, see a specialist. He will explain to you what surprises and difficulties you may encounter. If you then have difficulty trying to conceive, you will know what to do.

9. Can't give up bad habits

At least a year before the planned pregnancy, you should quit bad habits. Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important stage in the formation of the body of the unborn baby. Even a meager dose of alcohol can cause him irreparable harm.

Some women drink alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy, not realizing their interesting position. So, if you are not using protection, either give up alcohol and cigarettes, or reduce their use to a minimum.

10. Don't take care of your partner's health

What harms your fertility can also negatively affect a man's ability to conceive. Tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diet degrade the quality and reduce the amount of sperm. According to research, smoking and alcohol damage spermatozoa at the chromosome level. Considering that a complete renewal of sperm takes 3 months, at least for this period your partner should give up bad habits. Make sure that his diet is balanced, including selenium, vitamins C and E - they are very useful for men's health.

The effect of temperature on a man's ability to conceive has not been proven. American experts believe that it is not essential for the work of the male genital organs. However, some doctors advise against frequent hot baths, even if the man has no problems with sperm quality.

A number of studies indicate that scrotum temperature rises when a person holds a laptop on their lap for a long time. Other experts have found that mobile phone radiation can reduce a man's ability to conceive, especially if the gadget is in a trouser pocket. Yet a clear relationship between warmth and male fertility has not been established.

If a couple tries to conceive a baby for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful, perhaps the reason is infertility. Fortunately, this condition is not hopeless. So do not immediately give up the dream of your children. Instead, it is better to understand the prerequisites that led to problems with conception and try to eliminate them.

The physiology of a woman is such that even a perfectly healthy woman will not be able to get pregnant for quite a long time, even without any protection at all. Why does this happen? The thing is that a woman can become pregnant only on strictly defined days - during ovulation. On average, there is a very high chance of getting pregnant in just one or two days of the menstrual cycle, in which ovulation occurs. When planning a pregnancy, you need to consider that approximately every fifth or sixth ovulation is infertile. It is believed that a healthy couple will be able to conceive a child within one year, and if she fails, there is a good reason to see a doctor.

Reasons for getting pregnant

Infertility is a whole complex of symptoms and diseases that adversely affect the reproductive function of one of the partners or both at once. If it was not possible to conceive the first time, it is too early to talk about infertility. Such a disease can be suspected only if it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time. The reasons can be very different, the most common of them are the following:

  1. Very often, endocrine system dysfunctions lead to infertility. About 40% of women who fail to get pregnant suffer from endocrine infertility - this is a condition when ovulation is completely or partially absent. If you can not conceive for a long time, the first thing to do is to take tests for hormones. Lack of ovulation can also be associated with dysfunction of the genital organs, thyroid gland, brain, adrenal glands. Lack of ovulation is the most common reason for failure to conceive. Doctors should deal with the causes of ovulation, but before contacting them, you should make sure that conception attempts were made at the right time - during ovulation. In order to calculate the time of ovulation, there are various, including very accurate, methods.
  2. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also among the pathologies that often lead to infertility. The exact causes of the disease are still unknown to science, but experts are of the opinion that it is congenital. In any case, polycystic ovary syndrome in our time is successfully treated, although it requires long-term therapy with the strict implementation of all doctor's prescriptions. The disease is provoked by excessive production of male hormones, which is why numerous cysts are constantly formed in the female reproductive system. Outwardly, these are water bubbles of different sizes, and they are detected only through ultrasound. The consequence of the pathology is a violation of the ovaries with the absence of ovulation.
  3. Another possible cause of female infertility is complete or partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It occurs due to the narrowing of the lumen in the fallopian tubes or the formation of adhesive processes in them. The hole becomes narrow, so sperm can't get in to fertilize the egg. This pathology can occur under the influence of various factors, including inflammation in the reproductive system, infectious diseases, due to which adhesions are formed. Surgery may be required to clear a blockage in the fallopian tubes, and for many, artificial insemination is a solution. If the process is not yet too advanced, lifestyle changes and the treatment of existing inflammation will help to cope with the problem.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur within one, two months, six months, you should be examined for the presence of endometriosis. This is a disease in which the cells of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) begin to spread throughout the body, taking root and starting to grow in other organs. The probable causes of the pathology are inflammation of the internal genital organs, impaired hormone production. The consequence of advanced endometriosis is often the inability of the egg to attach to the uterine wall, which causes infertility. Treatment involves taking hormonal drugs or surgery. The earlier the disease is detected, the more likely it is to cope with the disease and conceive a long-awaited child.
  5. Pathologies of the uterus of various origins also often lead to the inability to become pregnant. Such diseases include: fibroids, endometrial diseases, intrauterine septum, hypoplasia, adenomyosis. First, you need to undergo an examination to identify the pathology, and based on its results, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. It includes taking hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, medications, and surgery may also be required. Pathologies of the uterus are divided into congenital and acquired, that is, arising from past diseases.
  6. If it is not possible to conceive even during ovulation, and examinations and tests do not reveal visible causes, the problem may lie in the work of the immune system. Immunity is sometimes distinguished by “excessive zeal” and tries to protect a woman not only from pathogenic viruses and microbes, but even from pregnancy. The immune system forces the body to reject spermatozoa or a fetal egg, perceiving them as foreign organisms. Usually, with such disorders, the cervical mucus contains an increased amount of antibodies, which is detected by the results of the tests. This condition can be corrected with certain medications or other means, including insemination.
  7. Even if the doctor could not determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant, perhaps this is due not to physical pathologies, but to psychological factors. Some fail to conceive because they fixate on some problems, suffer from depression, are constantly under stress, a lot of nervousness, fear of responsibility, childbirth, etc.
  8. Individual features of the physiology of partners. In simple terms, the incompatibility of a particular pair. For example, each of the partners individually is able to conceive a child, but together they fail to do this. The reasons for this can be very different - from the rejection of spermatozoa by the vaginal microflora to the characteristics of the woman's immunity. The situation can be clarified with the help of a special analysis - the Shuvarsky-Huner test.
  9. male infertility. It also happens, although somewhat less frequently than female infertility. Sperm non-viability can be associated with diseases such as varicocele, testicular dropsy, cryptorchidism, mumps, and tuberculosis. If a man is fond of bodybuilding, the reason for his infertility may be taking steroids.

How to get pregnant after unsuccessful attempts?

If attempts to conceive a baby for a long time are unsuccessful, this is an occasion to seriously think about your health and go to the doctor. The prospect may scare someone, but do not be afraid of this. A thorough examination of both partners is necessary, because the causes of infertility can be anything - from psychological problems to congenital pathologies and chronic diseases.

Many problems, fortunately, can be eliminated, especially with timely access to a doctor. It is worth noting that it is better to be examined not when the couple begins to suspect infertility, but already at the stage of pregnancy planning. For example, if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes, but she herself does not know about it, she will still be able to conceive, only the fetal egg will be fixed in the tube, and not in the uterus, as it should be. In such cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which ends with a rupture of the tube and its removal. An ectopic pregnancy is also dangerous because, without adequate treatment, the next attempts to conceive a baby will lead to a similar result, and the removal of both tubes excludes the possibility of becoming pregnant in a natural way.

How to quickly get pregnant if all attempts fail? In this case, there are several recommendations:

  1. Avoid stressors. Assess the lifestyle you lead. If you often feel nervous at work and at home, get upset, worry about something, suffer from depression, it is quite possible that unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are the body's reaction to stress.
  2. Give up bad habits. Very often, it is alcohol, drugs that interfere with conceiving a child. Addictions cause irreparable harm to women's health. The fact is that every girl is given a certain set of eggs at birth, which remains so throughout her life, without being updated. Alcohol and any drugs damage the eggs - if one of them is fertilized at ovulation, this will create a risk of having a child with abnormalities or his death immediately after birth. Nicotine increases the production of androgens and reduces the level of estradiol, which prevents conception. Men who use drugs expose themselves to another risk: their spermatozoa become inactive and simply cannot move through the fallopian tubes.
  3. Adjust your daily menu. The lack of vitamins negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. It is important that the diet is balanced, including a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For women with problems with ovulation, it is useful to eat nuts and beans, whole milk, natural yogurt, and full-fat cottage cheese. Men are advised to include more meat, fish and nuts in their diet.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur for more than six months, a year or even longer, estimate your weight. Both obesity and excessive thinness often lead to problems with the fertilization of the egg. Even if there is no illness, frequent alternations of losing weight and gaining extra kilos negatively affect the ability to conceive. A stable weight is important not only for women, but also for men, as it directly affects the number of sperm produced.
  5. Long-term drug treatment can lead to infertility, especially when taking antibiotics and antihistamines. In this case, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of at least a temporary replacement of drugs with their safer counterparts.

Folk ways to help get pregnant

If you can’t conceive a child for a long time, but you still can’t find time to go to the doctor, try proven folk methods to solve this problem:

  • Change your usual lovemaking schedule. For example, if you usually only have sex at night, try having sex early in the morning as well. Try more often - and this will certainly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Try new poses. It is possible that in some position the spermatozoa will reach the goal faster.
  • Don't force yourself to have sex. A positive attitude is very important, because problems with conception often cause not only physiological, but also psychological problems.
  • Ask your man to stop friction immediately after ejaculation. In this case, the sperm will remain in one place, will not spread throughout the vagina. Therefore, spermatozoa will increase the chances of reaching their goal.
  • Another way that can help you get pregnant is to temporarily abstain from intimacy. This primarily applies to men. It is believed that after abstinence, they begin to produce more sperm, and with an increased concentration of sperm in it. This, of course, increases the likelihood of conception.
  • There is also a method of douching with soda for 20 minutes. before intercourse. This creates a favorable environment for spermatozoa, and at the same time it is possible to cure thrush.
  • Phytotherapy can also be helpful for those who cannot get pregnant. Try to drink special decoctions based on medicinal herbs sage, red brush, boron uterus.

If you are unable to conceive your first child or second, third child, do not despair ahead of time. First, try to use our recommendations, go to the doctor, go through a comprehensive examination, pass all the necessary tests. In many cases, the problem of infertility can be solved. Even if conservative therapy does not help, it is still possible to get pregnant by IVF, insemination, by transferring zygotes or gametes into the fallopian tubes.

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How to get pregnant after many failures? Olya's personal experience

How to get pregnant if you can't? Frankly!

Recently, gynecologists have often begun to hear a complaint that it is impossible to get pregnant. Married couples use protection for a long time, but when they want to have a baby, they fail. It is not enough just a great desire, the diagnosis can be depressing - infertility.

The reasons may, of course, be not so terrible, but if you don’t conceive a child for a year, then this is a serious signal to consult a doctor. Infertility is considered to be the inability to become pregnant within a year with regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but rather contact a specialist and find out the causes of your problem. The sooner all problems are fixed, the higher the chances of success.

The problem can be hidden not only in the female body, but also be in violation of men's health. Do not neglect the examination by the doctor, there is nothing to be ashamed of. They will indicate exactly in which direction to continue treatment, and which methods will help more effectively, and which will not give results at all. After all, this therapy is not cheap. Yes, and wasted time only kills the hopes of young parents.

6 reasons why you can't get pregnant

Why can't you get pregnant? Here is the first question of a worried woman. If you answer it correctly, you can fulfill your dream and wait for a joyful addition to the family.

  1. The egg cannot enter the uterus. This can be caused by scars and adhesions in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes, which appeared after inflammation of the organs that are in the small pelvis. In this case, the patency of the tubes is broken, the spermatozoa cannot merge with the egg, since it cannot enter the uterus. But if the sperm nevertheless found it, then everything could end in an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Ovulation does not occur. It happens that a woman does not completely ovulate. Such a violation can be caused by various diseases of the female reproductive system. Symptoms are irregular menstruation, scanty or no discharge, and indirect signs are manifested in obesity, increased hair growth and increased skin pigmentation. When diagnosing, first of all, the patient should be checked for diseases of the ovaries and the hormonal system.
  3. Male infertility. In half of the cases of unsuccessful attempts at conception, the problem lies in the male body. The strong sex aggravates everything by the fact that many refuse to go to the doctor and are embarrassed to undergo an examination. Tests should always be taken by both partners. Such inflammatory processes as orchitis, prostatitis and vesiculitis can provoke the production of "idle" sperm and then conception is impossible. Also, such a course of events can cause testicular injury and some other diseases, such as varicocele or cryptorchidism.
  4. A fertilized egg cannot implant in the uterine wall. During the menstrual cycle in a completely healthy woman, a thick layer of endometrium is formed in the uterus, which in the future allows the embryo to gain a foothold and continue its development. Inflammation, progesterone deficiency, endometritis, abortion, and many other reasons do not allow the formation of a sufficiently thick endometrium. In such cases, the embryo dies. Manipulations in the uterus, such as operations and abortion, injure the walls of the uterus and cause inflammation, so it takes a long time to have a baby. A postponed caesarean section may prevent you from conceiving a second child. Anomalies of the uterus or the presence of polyps and tumors in it have a similar effect.
  5. Psychogenic infertility. There are two extremes. Or a woman wants a child too much and constantly measures her temperature, checks pregnancy tests, but as soon as she stops panicking - and here it is a positive result. Another reason is that a woman seems to really want a child, but at the subconscious level she is worried about something. For example, if the couple is not married, then the anxiety is caused by the fact that the partner can leave her, or this condition can be caused by fear of the material threat of instability. How to get pregnant in this case? You can make an appointment with a psychologist, or at least talk about these topics with your spouse.
  6. immunological factors. Sometimes it happens that, according to the results of the examination, the couple is absolutely healthy, but it still does not work out to conceive a child. This is a rare condition, but it does occur. A wife has an allergy to her husband's sperm, antiphospholipid syndrome, or a blood type conflict - cases that are difficult to treat.

Other reasons are possible, the main thing is to find out why failures occur.

When preparing for an appointment with the doctor, you should know that at first all couples take a survey, which may consist of many questions. The most common of them:

  • Do you both really want a baby?
  • Does the wife take any medication?
  • How is the menstrual cycle?
  • Do you have bad habits? And many others.

These questions make it possible to weed out the probable causes of the violation of the reproductive system at the initial stage.

What research needs to be done?

A good specialist will assign you all the necessary studies that can solve the question of how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work out. Here is a list of the most important ones:

  • Ultrasound - allows you to find out the exact condition of the uterus, oviducts and ovaries;
  • Research of a hormonal background. The hormonal balance is checked, which helps to identify violations in the maturation of female germ cells;
  • Sperm analysis. Under a microscope, the percentage of mobile viable spermatozoa in a man's ejaculate is determined.
  • X-ray. Sometimes the doctor prescribes an X-ray examination using a contrast agent to determine the condition of the oviducts.
  • Laparoscopy. Used in rare cases.

What to do if it doesn't work?

If you have not found serious pathologies, then you can try several ways to get pregnant quickly and what to do if it doesn’t work out. Of course, these methods do not guarantee 100% success, but they can help achieve the desired result.

  • . Usually with a regular cycle of 28 days, this is the middle, approximately the 14th day.
  • Until the day of conception, refrain from contact with your husband, so more sperm will accumulate. But do not overdo it and endure a week, because the sperm can "age" and lose viability.
  • When ejaculation is over, the man should not continue his movements, so that sperm does not spread from the vagina. On the contrary, he should stop and continue to be inside his wife. It is like a kind of valve that does not allow the seed to leak out.
  • Take your temperature so you can tell if you're ovulating.
  • After sex, take the birch pose or place a roller under the pelvis. So, the sperm will move in the right direction.
  • What to do to get pregnant faster and conceive a healthy baby? Refrain from alcohol and tobacco for at least 2-3 months.
  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and folic acid.
  • You can track ovulation with an ultrasound.

If you want to learn how to get pregnant faster, folk methods will come to your rescue. You should not rely on them in everything, but it is worth trying, because there have been successful cases, and what nature is not joking about.

  • Try douching with soda before trying to conceive. For 1 liter of not very hot water - ½ teaspoon of soda. In theory, spermatozoa feel better in an alkaline environment.
  • There is an opinion that if you feed your husband with black caviar and nuts, then the sperm “ripens” better. If it does not help, then at least the husband will eat very tasty food.
  • Try not to reach orgasm during conception. During a female orgasm, the cervix protrudes deep into the vagina. This makes the sperm path longer, which lengthens the conception process.

Maybe one of these methods will really help you. But remember that if pregnancy does not occur for a long time, you must urgently consult a doctor and go through all the necessary studies. You will certainly succeed!
