Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk Valentin. Is Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal a True Orthodox Bishop? Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church

1. During the period from 2000 to 2003, Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal, being fully aware of the printed and electronic speeches of his associates, covered up in the Church the spread of conciliarly condemned and other non-Orthodox teachings, such as: the preaching of false, Manichaeanteachings on the sinfulness of marriage And non-Orthodox ecclesiology about family Christians as "living by grace Old Testament", dividing the Church of Christ into "true" celibate Christians on the one hand, and "not involved" in the New Testament grace of the "Old Testament" marriage, on the other, contrary to the word "One" in the Orthodox Creed. False teaching about the relationship of the Old and New Testaments, false doctrine of Christian statehood as "Old Testament Institute" and blasphemy of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine. Attempts reforming canon law of the Church(belittling the meaning of the Rules of the Gangra Council, declared "semi-Arian" and "accidentally included in the Book of Rules", has already influenced the fate many Christian marriages in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Blasphemy of the Holy New Martyrs through likening them to "almost heretics" and second-class martyrs. Indiscriminate hula to the Synodal Church, "from which it was necessary to separate in the 17th century" . False and very exotic teaching about the Bishop and the flock (about the mystical union of the faithful with their Bishop" in the "mystery of the one flesh", where the "mystery of the one flesh" means something far from the Eucharist, but this strange carnal unity guarantees the "consubstantiality of the faithful to the Father" ) . Popularization of non-church suicidal-demonic cults (the enthusiastic dissemination in the church environment of rock music and rock culture as supposedly "corresponding to the True Church of the true culture"). Calling our Lord Jesus Christ "suicidal". blasphemy Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most blasphemous and cynical forms (identifying His "human warmth and prayer" with "natural bowel movements" and statements that Christ's tears over Lazarus, like other manifestations of His Humanity, are "like going to the toilet", "not pleasing to God" and " have no spiritual meaning." The preaching of the heresy of Apolinaria(separation, not distinction, in the single divine-human hypostasis of Jesus Christ "God-Word" and "human flesh") and, through the cutting off of the human in Christ as "having no meaning and meaning", fall in crypto Monophysitism . Sermon Nietzschean ideas against the need for obedience to God, together with statements about the "superiority of the Mohammedan ideas about paradise over the Orthodox" . Preaching "Luciferianism" or self-God - the teachings that in deification "human nature disappears" (the so-called "uncreatedness of the saints"), "created man becomes uncreated according to the Energies" (and, accordingly, to Nature, from which these Energies come. from the Fathers - by the greatest mercy and grace of God, which gives the deified creatures the possibility of inseparable connection her human and His divine energies). The closest assistants of M. Valentin from the pages of printed publications and Internet forums of the ROAC claim that a person, "entering the hypostasis of God the Word" (that is, essentially replacing the Hypostasis of God), "receives all the properties of God", including the property "to give life ", "endow with Being", and at the same time becomes "autonomous" (from God) "source of grace". That the Mother of God and the Saints are completely independent "Gods" who themselves can “save” us, “which is indicated by the church prayer“ Most Holy Theotokos, save us! , but only its conductors). The doctrine of self-god or equal-God, which now has numerous supporters, including among the leadership of the ROAC, is evidence that the ROAC is gradually turning into a sect of self-gods-Satanists, officially, at the level of external public speaking and internal pastoral courses of students the very same thing that tempted Adam in Paradise the Serpent. Satanists, quite Sergian those who deny as heresy the moral teaching of the Church and, in accordance with this deep position my faith who justify cooperation with political swindlers, bandits, polygamy in their own environment, forgery, slander and deceit, the "dogmatized" immoralism of the "Christian justification" of the justification of violence and lies (of course, "for the sake of deification" and "saving the reputation of the Church"), the prelustration of letters and other non-confessional "pastoral" control over their clerics, laity and even Bishops. Justifying threats and "correct" pressure on objectionable people with the help of worldly bosses and even criminals, expulsions, physical reprisals against the faithful and many other aspects of his "church" being, only superficially covered by silences and a pharisaical, quite patriarchal in spirit appearance of "decency")

The corresponding (numerous) reports of clerics and laity of the ROAC and reports of members of other True Orthodox jurisdictions about the preaching of impious and blasphemous teachings with accurate quotations and references, Metropolitan of Suzdal Valentin left without the slightest attention. Many of the aforementioned false teachings are now being spread by a group of Metropolitan Valentine’s inner circle not only via the Internet, but also through various printed publications of the ROAC, PARTT, and others through the Suzdal Diocesan Vedomosti, the official organ of the ROAC, published under the heading "With the blessing of Metropolitan Valentine"

2. Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal insisted on the inclusion in the Definition of the Synod of the ROAC (Minutes of May 6/18, 2002) of the legalization "before the Local Council" in the Russian Church of the work and veneration of the person banned in the service of St. Patriarch Tikhon Father Anthony Bulatovich in the following wording : " judgment on the teachings of Hieroschemamonk Anthony Bulatovich to the competence of the Local Council of the Russian Church" It is a definition that "provides a judgment" about what the Church has already taken your judgment only the future Council, was published in the Suzdal Diocesan Gazette, as well as in some other publications of the ROAC, as well as some other "Messages", in which there is a fairly clear sympathy for the "mystery" of the condemned name-worshippers. Metropolitan Valentin deceived in matters of faith a member of the Synod of the ROAC, the catacomb Archbishop of Sukhum and Abkhazia Seraphim, on his behalf by submitting to his printed publications a document essentially legalizing the name of God, which the latter did not sign in the slightest. And, no matter how we treat the imyaslavl and the figure of the condemned Father Anthony Bulatovich, Metropolitan Valentine, having canceled judgment about him and his teaching of the Supreme Church Authority of 1918 and, on the contrary, "leaving judgment about him and his teaching" to the "future Local Council of the Russian Church" right now, in the absence of the Church Court and the spread of many wicked teachings of his "followers", thus personally responsible for the widest internal preaching of name worship in the ROAC, combined with the sermon self-God, which Hieroschemamonk Anthony himself, to his credit, was completely uncharacteristic. Metropolitan Valentine, having banned only the external and noticeable manifestations of this sermon for reasons of "church policy", allowed the preaching of name-worship and self-worship to his closest circle in a behind-the-scenes way, for which he needed such a crafty wording.

3. Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal influenced those who disagreed with the ongoing lawlessness, threats, repressions and excommunications. With his knowledge and the knowledge of his administrative clergy from among the ROAC, some opponents of false teachings were expelled (sometimes even through physical reprisals) , others were slandered , obstructions, covert and overt threats. Metropolitan Valentine removed opponents of false teachings from various church obediences and even made attempts, sometimes successful, to take away their personal real estate (houses) or remove them from the leadership of public and church institutions, which were brought to the ROAC by their labors. The behavior of Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal here least of all excuses the fact that he needed heretics, persecutors of the Orthodox, to avert the claims of the worldly judgment hanging over his head. Persecutors, to whom, for the sake of his own fear of being in prison, he sacrificed Christian souls.

4. Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal, being fully aware of the mafia nature of the economic basis of some monasteries and parishes, completely ignored these facts. And the racketeering at the mortuary of the rector of the church in St. Petersburg, hierom. Grigory (Lurie) (having not only an immoral, but also a criminal nature), and the financial and moral circumstances of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Monastery did not cause him the slightest moral doubt, since in in both cases he had the need to cover up the iniquities of people useful to him personally. The corresponding Reports and letters from clerics and laity of the ROAC and other True Orthodox did not take into account and did not conduct any inquiry with the involvement of witnesses.

5. Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal in the autumn of 2002, two days before the first session of the State Court, initiated by Osetrov, who had retired from MP, published on behalf of all Bishops, priests, deacons and laity of the ROAC an obsequious "public declaration" of the ROAC with elements of direct and immediate Sergianism . In it he in four places expressed a false understanding of the nature of the Church, and at eleven - formal a break with the traditions of the relationship of the Catacomb and Church Abroad to inheriting Soviet traditions and owls. with the symbolism of the God-fighting Power. In it, he also put forward the thesis about the need for the ROAC to obey the godless authorities even in the event of anti-Christian actions of the authorities - a very original counterthesis to that part of the Social Doctrine of the ROC MP, which foreign bishops in 2000 perceived as "the end of the era of Sergianism".

6. Throughout the entire prosecution initiated by Osetrov, who had gone to the MP, Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal encouraged in every possible way the actions of the "advisers of the First Hierarch", E. Kholmogorov and A. Soldatov, neo-Sergians from his inner circle. These people became famous for the fact that, in the conditions of the Sovietization of Russia after V.V. Putin came to power, they write apologies for Stalin, offer the ROAC to the Government of the Russian Federation as a more convenient, obedient (rather than the ROC MP) and loyal "partner", compare Met. ergy of Starogorodsky with "the great hierarchs of the era of the Ecumenical Councils", are engaged in an apology for the Soviet and post-Soviet special services, the Soviet anthem and " Soviet achievements" etc. Instead of distancing themselves from them, they receive official thanks from the ROAC Synod for "building public relations", their materials and links to their resources are published in the official publications of the ROAC. With the official blessing of Metropolitan Valentine, these people participate as hosts at various official representative events of the Church. Hieromonk Gregory (Lurie) ROAC Synod awards a gaiter "for perseverance in Orthodox faith" , which again and again confirms the fact of the wide patronage of Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal for the unholy preaching of destroyers, Sergians and heretics.

7. Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal, contrary to the Decree of the Church Abroad of 1953 on testing the conscience of those coming from under godless power, single-handedly accepted into the ROAC without any repentance, abandoning their former type of activity and renouncing non-Christian views, a number of representatives of the State Duma of the "RF", the government of Moscow, representatives the most odious post-Soviet analytical funds.

8. Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal blessed his inner circle, Fr. Grigory (Lurie), A. Soldatov, O. Mitrenina, E. Kholmogorov, A. Muravyov, Archpriest M. Ardov and a number of other persons creation of the state-ecumenical Portal Credo. Ru, carried out with the support of the Kremlin political strategist Gleb Pavlovsky accepted by Metropolitan Valentin into the ROAC . This powerful "headquarters of the religions of the future" with the impious ecumenical symbols of all world religions in a single title screen (now replaced by a neutral one) is necessary for the modern God-fighting Authorities to select expert assessments in the field of their own religious policy, and for Gleb Pavlovsky as a tool for implementing political initiatives in the field of "religious management". In the Orthodox environment, the Portal became famous for its apologetic materials about the Russian special services, dubious articles about "religious politics", articles and benevolent interviews with famous Rabbis, Muftis, Hierarchs of the ROC MP. Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal supported the participation of his employees in this project in every possible way, and even single-handedly served in the "church" of the Portal the "episcopal service". Putin with ROCOR First Hierarch Metr. Lavr, because "we would like ROCOR and ROC MP to unite."

9. Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal in the "Synodal Message" to the clergy and laity of the ROAC of June 30, 2003 canceled the Christian hope of the revival of Russia , administratively obliging the clergy and laity of the ROAC to consider this hope "meaningless utopia", which very resolutely opposed the faith and hope of many, many martyrs and saints, but opened the way for closer cooperation with the power that "successes" in Russia to the "unrealizable" and "utopian" Orthodox Autocracy.

10. Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal, received in 1990 into the Church Abroad, in 2001, nevertheless, openly taught his clergy and episcopate in Suzdal that "his church experience is 50 years", that "while he was in the ROC MP, she was the Church and he was in the Church", which decisively, although not yet at the level of the "Synodal Epistles", opposed the Faith of the Holy New Martyrs regarding the nature of Stalin's offspring - the Russian Orthodox Church MP. He, calling himself a "patriot", performed sacred rites at the pagan monument of eternal fire at the Market Square in Suzdal. He is also making desperate efforts to this day to regain the deputyship he lost after the Court - a symbol of his unity with the worldly authorities of this age.

11. Metropolitan Valentin of Suzdal does not speak a word of truth - neither to those close to him, nor to those far away, neither to Christians, nor to outsiders. His way of life is an endless and constant lie to all those around him, and especially to Orthodox Christians. Over the past three years, he has been hiding and continues to hide the situation with religion in the Church from the ROAC Episcopate by all means available to him. Communication with the Bishops of the clergy and laity of the ROAC directly de facto is highly discouraged and in itself is the basis for a church ban. In fact, in the period from 2001 to 2003, a parasynodal group of closest "advisers" and "ideologists" was created around Metropolitan Valentine, which predetermines the programs and "decisions" of the "Synods of Bishops" of the ROAC - the participation in these events of those who do not have information and do not want to aggravate relations with the First Hierarch of other Bishops according to the own testimonies of these bishops conditionally and purely nominally. All future decisions are made in advance by "advisers" together with Metropolitan Valentine, who is judicially dependent on them. If at the rare protocol "Synods" any embarrassment arises on the part of the catacomb archpastors, it is pacified by lies, flattery and the "threat of a schism", and the protocols are subsequently skillfully forged. Under the pretext of persecution, the Congresses of the clergy, monastics and laity, which had been held annually earlier - the last way to implement the conciliar principle in the Church, were liquidated long ago. In an atmosphere of endless lies, papism, denunciation and silence, the life of the people entrusted to him by God passes.

Retired, and Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye celebrated the Divine Liturgy in John the Baptist cathedral city ​​of Yekaterinburg.

The bishops were co-served by: Archimandrite Pimen (Adarchenko), Abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers on Ganina Yama, Archpriest Nikolai Ladyuk, Dean of the Preobrazhensky District of Yekaterinburg, Archpriest Maxim Minyailo, Senior Priest of the Church-on-the-Blood, Priest Sergiy Nikitin, Senior Priest of St. John the Baptist Cathedral , Hieromonk Kirill (Korytko), clergy of the Yekaterinburg diocese.

During the service, Deacon Pavel Kononenko was elevated to the rank of priest.

Upon the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Kirill informed the parishioners that Father Pavel, who was ordained during his service as a priest, from now on will join the line of pastors of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Then Vladka addressed the audience with an archpastoral word.

- Dear Vladyka Valentine, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, I cordially greet you all and congratulate you on the great holiday - the Entry into the Church of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary!

Happy holiday, which obliges us to a lot and gives us the greatest joy in the world - the joy of the eve of the coming into the world of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This month is so blessed, so great and spiritual that we celebrated it even when the Nativity of Christ itself was forgotten in our society. The feeling of the eve of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ always begins with singing: “Christ is born, praise!”.

All the feasts of the Theotokos are special and remind us of Her parents. In the glory of Christmas Holy Mother of God we sing "we honor your holy parents." And today we also remember the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos. The very name of the feast of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos tells us that She was introduced by the people who prepared and raised Her.

This holiday indicates to us that even today it is possible to bring people to the temple. Every day in this and other churches, baptisms are performed - the introduction of a person into the Church. It is also important who further accepts this person, who leads him through the church life, who helps him in spiritual growth. Because parents, older friends, mentors can enter the church fence, but who will meet him there? A kind person or not, smart or not, right or wrong. In that big question our church life today. Because of those who come to God's temple, only a certain part remains in it. For us today, this is a reminder that each of us, especially those who serve in the altar, is responsible to the best of our ability for a person who has come to the Church.

In the life of my friends there is a story of such coming to the temple. They were brought up in an extremely godless family. One summer, they traveled by train with their parents, who were staunch atheists. The train stopped at the station at about four o'clock in the morning. And suddenly these children (one is 14, the other is 16) heard bell ringing. They, not brought up in the Church, felt an inner call, childish curiosity prompted them to go and find out what could call in the forest so early. Their parents, of course, did not let them go, they just ran away. The station employee suggested that it was a bell from a temple eight kilometers away, and they went there on foot and saw a miracle. The saw a large number of praying people who were in no hurry to leave the service in a small wooden church, where there is no electricity, in which a young priest served. Nobody kicked them out because they might not have been dressed like that or behaved differently in the temple. They met this priest and were with him all their lives, and moreover, each of them, having matured, accepted monasticism. Today she is a nun, he is a monk, an archimandrite, each serving in his own place. Here, one meeting can affect a person's attitude to life.

Therefore, it is very important for you and me to remember that each of us Christians bears the image of God. Therefore, for the person we meet, it can also be a meeting with God. And we must bear this responsibility as a sacred duty. Through each of us, people can come to God's temple. But also through each of us, having met rigidity, hypocrisy, unrighteousness, people can move away from God without even approaching Him. Therefore, let us rejoice at the meeting with every person with whom the Lord brings us on this path. How the Most Holy Theotokos entered God's temple, where She was met by the High Priest, who did not turn Her heart away from God, but, on the contrary, did everything so that the Queen of Heaven remained with God, being the only vessel chosen to receive the Son of God into this world. With this, I congratulate you all today!

Metropolitan Kirill expressed the words of heartfelt gratitude for the joint prayer to Metropolitan Valentine, for whom our Vladyka had once been a subdeacon.

Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye:

- Of course, when I met Vladyka Valentine for the first time in the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir, where Vladyka arrived as a pilgrim, I did not think that today we would meet him here in the Urals. Since that time, for all 35 years of our lives, we have been constantly in contact in one way or another, thanks to Vladyka Serapion, with whom Vladyka Valentin served, and thanks to kindest heart, which Vladyka Valentine has in relation to people, his cordiality and sincere attitude towards all of us. Vladyka, we love you very much, and we would very much like you to stay with us as often as possible and perform your hierarchal service where His Holiness the Patriarch will bless you. And know that we are always waiting for you here with love, and not only the doors of temples are open for you, but also the small doors of our souls. God bless you, dear Vladyka. Happy holiday!

- Vladyka invited me to the patronal feast of the city of Yekaterinburg - the day of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, but I ended up here a little earlier, so I thank Vladyka for giving him the opportunity to concelebrate and glorify the Lord together.

May God grant that the Lord strengthens you, Vladyka, in this difficult service on Yekaterinburg land and in the place of the martyrdom of the Holy Royal Martyrs, where the Church-on-the-Blood stands today. God grant that the Lord bless you, Vladyka, for the service that glorifies the martyrs of the Yekaterinburg land, the saints of Verkhoturye and other places. Here is the land of God and the people of God. I ask for your holy prayers, and thank you for the invitation to participate in the celebration of the day of the Great Martyr Catherine and the day of the Entry into the Church of the Most Pure Mother of God. Entering the temple of God, we must always remember the Queen of Heaven, who is the cover and protection of all of us. Prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God The Lord will have mercy and save us. Happy holiday everyone!

October 14, 1940 - July 19, 1999

Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church


In 1957, after graduating from high school, he entered the 1st grade of the Minsk Theological Seminary.

In 1958-1962 he served in armed forces THE USSR.

In 1962, after being transferred to the reserve, he worked for some time as a motorcade driver.

In the autumn of 1963 he entered the 2nd grade of the Moscow Theological Seminary.

In 1966 he graduated from the seminary in the first category and entered the 1st year of the Moscow Theological Academy.

On March 30, 1969, he was tonsured a monk at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with the name Valentine in honor of the Holy Martyr Valentine (Comm. April 24) by the Lavra's abbot, Archimandrite Platon (Lobankov).

On April 20, 1969, he was ordained a hierodeacon by Metropolitan Pimen of Krutitsy (Izvekov), and on July 18, 1969 he was ordained a hieromonk.

In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Academy of Arts with a degree in theology for an essay in the Department of Byzantology on the topic "St. Gregory Palamas and Nicholas Cabasilas (review of life and works)".

In November 1975, he was appointed responsible for the reception of foreign guests at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and at the MDA.

On July 25, 1976, he was consecrated Bishop of Ufa and Sterlitamak. The consecration was performed in the Moscow Patriarchal Cathedral of the Epiphany Patriarch Pimen, Metropolitans of Leningrad and Novgorod Nikodim (Rotov), ​​Tallinn and Estonia Alexy (Ridiger), Tula and Belevsky Yuvenaly (Poyarkov), Minsk and Belorussian Anthony (Melnikov), Archbishops of Volokolamsk Pitirim (Nechaev) and Dmitrovsky Vladimir (Sabodan).

October 27, 1990 - Archbishop of Korsun. He did not accept the diocese due to opposition to his appointment.

From February 26, 1994 - Archbishop of Baku, vicar of the Stavropol diocese and rector of the Stavropol Theological Seminary.

On July 17, 1995, he was retired with the official explanation: "a sharp drop in discipline in the Stavropol Palace of Culture", which led to the fact that "seminarians were starving."

On October 5, 2011, in connection with the formation of the Buzuluk and Orsk dioceses, the title was changed to Orenburg and Saraktash. Since October 6, 2011 - the head of the newly formed Orenburg Metropolis.


  • Order of Friendship - for the achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work, active social activities
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC, 1983) - for the 30th anniversary of intercession in Damascus
  • Order of Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (2000) - on the occasion of his 60th birthday

Local Orthodox Churches:

  • Order of the Metropolitan of the Libyan Mountains (1981)
  • Two Orders of the Apostles Peter and Paul (Antioch Orthodox Church, 1985)
  • Order of the Jerusalem Church (1991)

Gla wa Or en Metropolia of Burg, ruling bishop of the Orenburg diocese of His High Preo priesthood, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentine

His Eminence, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentin

Date of birth: October 14, 1940
Date of consecration: July 25, 1976
Date of tonsure: March 30, 1969
In the world, Timofey Adamovich Mishchuk was born in Brest, Belarus, in a working-class family.
In 1957 he graduated high school and entered the 1st class of the Minsk Theological Seminary.
In 1958 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviets. Army and interrupted his studies at the seminary.
In 1962 he was demobilized. For a short time he worked as a driver of a convoy.
In 1963 he entered the 2nd grade of the Moscow Theological Seminary.
In 1966 he graduated from the seminary with honors and entered the 1st year of the Moscow Theological Academy.
On March 30, 1969 he was tonsured a monk.
On April 20 of the same year he was ordained a hierodeacon by Metropolitan Pimen.
July 18 of the same year - as a hieromonk.
In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy with a degree in theology.
In 1971 he was elevated to the rank of hegumen.
Since 1972 he was a teacher at the Moscow Theological Seminary and a senior assistant to the inspector.
In 1973 he completed his postgraduate studies at the MDA.
In November 1975, he was appointed responsible for the reception of foreign guests at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and at the MDA.
On July 20, 1976, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.
On July 25 of the same year, he was consecrated Bishop of Ufa and Sterlitamak. The consecration was performed at the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow. The consecration was attended by: His Holiness Patriarch Pimen, Metropolitans: Leningrad and Novgorod Nikodim, Tallinn and Estonia Alexy, Tula and Belevsky Yuvenaly, Minsk and Belarus Anthony, Archbishops: Volokolamsk Pitirim and Dmitrovsky Vladimir.
On November 16, 1979, he was appointed Bishop of Zvenigorod, Representative of the Patriarch of Moscow to the Patriarch of the Ancient Apostolic Church of Antioch (Syria and Lebanon).
On April 26, 1985, he was appointed Bishop of Tambov and Michurinsky.
May 12, 1987 - Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal.
On December 30, 1988, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop.
October 27, 1990 - Archbishop of Korsun.
February 18, 1992 - Archbishop of Grodno and Volkovysk.
February 26, 1994 - Archbishop of Baku, vicar of the Stavropol diocese, rector of the Stavropol Palace of Culture.
Since July 19, 1999 - Archbishop of Orenburg and Buzuluk.
On February 29, 2004, he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 5-6, 2011 (magazine No. 103), the title of Orenburg and Saraktash was awarded; appointed head of the Orenburg Metropolis (magazine No. 132) and temporary administrator of the newly formed Buzuluk diocese (magazine No. 113).

For his long and fruitful activity, Bishop Valentine was awarded various church and state orders and other awards, these are:
in 1977 - a commemorative panagia of the Russian Orthodox Church for "Peacekeeping activities";
in 1981 - the Order of the Metropolitan of the Libyan Mountains of the Antiochian Orthodox Church;
in 1983 - the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree;
in 1985 - two orders of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, app. Peter and Paul (one on a moire ribbon);
in 1991 - the Order of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church - on a ribbon;
in 2000 - on the occasion of his 60th birthday - the Order of Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree;
in 2006 - on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of consecration - the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov III degree;
in 2009 - a commemorative panagia of Patriarch Kirill "in connection with the 40th anniversary of serving in holy orders";
in 2010 - a commemorative panagia of Patriarch Kirill "in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth."
August 23, 2010 by Decree of the President Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev for the achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work, active social activity, the manager of the Orenburg and Buzuluk diocese, Metropolitan Valentine, was awarded the Order of Friendship.
His Eminence also has awards for public service from the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Orenburg Region, the Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Orenburg Region and the Orenburg Cossacks.

On January 25, 2011, Metropolitan Valentin was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the Orenburg State University.

Service at the Orenburg Department

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos on April 7, 1999, Vladyka Valentine celebrated the first Liturgy at the Nikolsky Cathedral in Orenburg. On the same day, a number of business meetings with representatives of the administrative structures of the Orenburg region. Since that day, by the Providence of God, the Orenburg land has been under the paternal guidance of His Eminence, His Eminence Vladyka Valentine.
In 2010, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentin, the ruling bishop of the Orenburg and Buzuluk diocese, celebrated eleven years of service at the Orenburg cathedra. Over the years, the number of parishes in our diocese has almost doubled: from 111 in 1999 to 237 by 2010. And this number is growing. In newly opened or built churches, the prayers of the parishioners ascend to the Throne of the Lord, the churches call us to the Heavenly Fatherland, purify our souls. The Holy Eucharist "Of all and for all" is celebrated.
With the blessing of Vladyka Valentine, Orthodox periodicals are published, a website for the diocese has been created, and educational activities Churches: the Orenburg Theological Seminary was revived, the Orenburg Diocesan Theological School and the Orenburg Diocesan Theological School for Girls were created, general educational educational establishments in Orenburg, Saraktash, Buzuluk and Orsk.
Vladyka is first and foremost a pastor. Under his paternal care, thousands human souls. It is necessary to think about each. Therefore, divine services and social service are the main things for Vladyka Valentine. He tries to visit every corner of the diocese, address the parishioners, bless, comfort, help.
Work is actively carried out on Orthodox education in military units, internal affairs bodies, pre-trial detention centers, institutions of the penitentiary system, medical institutions of the region. The Orenburg diocese has entered into agreements on cooperation with the heads of the relevant structures. And these relationships are bearing fruit - many people have found their way to God, although it seemed that this is no longer possible.
With the blessing of Bishop Valentine, the spiritual guidance of the Orenburg Cossack army was organized. A clergyman is assigned to each Cossack society. In turn, the Cossacks are present at divine services and participate in religious processions, help the diocese in every possible way, thus returning to the true way of life of the Cossack community, the basis of which was the Orthodox faith.
Metropolitan Valentin is a member of the Public Chamber of the Orenburg Region. He repeatedly spoke at the meetings of the chamber with reports on the most pressing issues of our time, especially often on the spiritual and moral education of young people. Vladyka Valentin is the Co-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Orthodox boarding school for orphans of sports and patriotic education named after the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky and the holy reverend Elijah of Muromets “FORPOST””.
In addition to the archpastoral care of the Orenburg and Buzuluk diocese, Vladyka Valentine, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia and then Kirill, carried out various missions of public and church service in Russia and abroad, including only in last years these were trips to the USA, Italy, Georgia, Armenia, Syria… Here are just some of these trips.
In late September - early October 2007, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentin of Orenburg and Buzuluk, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, visited the United States of America to participate in the Dialogue high level UN General Assembly on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace.
On June 28, 2008, on the eve of the celebration of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Pope Benedict XVI solemnly opened the beginning of the jubilee year dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Apostle Paul. The ceremony was attended, among the hierarchs of other Christian Churches, by the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk Valentin.
From October 17 to October 19, 2008 in Damascus (Syria) at the celebrations in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia under the Patriarch of Antioch, Metropolitan Valentin of Orenburg and Buzuluk led the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church.
On September 28, 2008, the rite of consecrating the Holy Myrrh was performed at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in Armenia. Among the guests invited to Etchmiadzin by the Armenian Apostolic Church was the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk Valentin.
December 2007 and 2008 Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk Valentin led the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the celebration of the 30th and 31st anniversaries of the enthronement of His Holiness and Beatitude Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.
May 24, 2009, on the day of memory of Sts. equal to ap. Cyril and Methodius, with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk Valentine performed the rite of great consecration of the church of the Russian Orthodox Church in Rome - in honor of St. vmts. Catherine.
On December 17-20, 2009, with the blessing of His Holiness, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, His Eminence Valentine, Metropolitan of Orenburg and Buzuluk, led the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church at the celebration in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Italian city of Bari, where the holy relics of the saint of God are kept Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker, especially revered by the Orthodox throughout the world.

Vladyka Valentine repeatedly served with His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarchs of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and Kirill. In recent years, this has also happened on the days of the celebration of the memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, as well as on the days of the memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Sarov and Diveevo.
These are just some of the milestones of Vladyka Valentine's ministry. He humbly bears his cross, the cross of heavy archpastoral service. He strives to never miss a service whenever possible. High Christian feat and simple human humility. Wisdom from God. Sensitivity and responsiveness.
This is our Shepherd...

"St. Gregory Palamas and Nicholas Cabasilas: (Review of Life and Works)". (Candidate essay).
Speech at the nomination as Bishop of Ufa, July 24, 1976.
