fifth year of a child's life. Age features of children of the fifth year of life

Svetlana Baranova
Parent-teacher meeting " Age features children of the fifth year of life

Parent meeting "Age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life"

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children of the 5th year of life; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; to teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; intensify work on the development of children's speech.

Members: educators and parents.

Plan of the event:

1. Introductory part.

2. Age and individual characteristics of children of the fifth year of life.

3. Features educational process in the middle group.

4. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

5. Election of a new composition of the parent committee.

6. Briefly about different things.

Educator: Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! We want to congratulate you on the start of the school year. Our children have grown up and become a year older. The kids have learned a lot this year. They grew up, got stronger, became more independent. They also became very inquisitive.

We try to present any even the most complex knowledge to the child in the form of a game, where you can run, hear a fairy tale, and reason.

We try to create conditions so that every child feels emotionally comfortable, psychologically protected, feels loved and unique.

Each child develops differently, each at its own pace of development.

Our Kindergarten works under the program "From Birth to School", in this program the emphasis is on the formation and comprehensive development of the individual.

In that academic year the development of children will also be carried out in the organization of all types of children's activities: play, communication, labor, motor, cognitive research, visual, constructive, musical

Today we want to talk about the features of the development of children of the fifth year of life.

The age of four to five years is the average preschool period. It is a very important stage in a child's life. This is a period of intensive development and growth of the child's body. At this stage, the character of the child changes significantly, cognitive and communicative abilities are actively improved. There are specific age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life, which parents simply need to know in order for the development and upbringing of a preschooler to be harmonious. And this means that the baby, as he grows up, will always find a common language with his peers.

physical features. the physical capabilities of the child increase significantly: coordination improves, movements become more confident. At the same time, there is a constant need for movement. Motor skills are actively developing, in general, the average preschooler becomes more dexterous and faster than the younger ones. It should be noted that the age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are such that physical activity must be dosed so that it is not excessive. This is due to the fact that the muscles in this period grow, albeit quickly, but unevenly, so the child quickly gets tired. Therefore, babies need to be given time to rest. As for the pace of physical development, from 4 to 6 years they do not change significantly. On average, a child grows by 5–7 cm per year and gains 1.5–2 kg of weight. There is a growth and development of all organs and systems of the child's body. slide 2

Mental development of a child At the age of 4–5 years, various mental processes develop rapidly: memory, attention, perception, and others. An important feature is that they become more conscious, arbitrary: strong-willed qualities develop, which will definitely come in handy in the future. The type of thinking that is characteristic of the child now is visual-figurative. This means that basically the actions of children are of a practical, experimental nature. For them, visibility is very important. However, as one grows older, thinking becomes generalized and, by the older preschool age, gradually passes into verbal-logical. Slide 3 The amount of memory increases significantly: he is already able to remember a small poem or an adult's instruction. The arbitrariness and stability of attention increase: preschoolers can concentrate on any type of activity for a short time (15–20 minutes). slide 4

The role of the game Play activity is still the main one for the baby, but it becomes much more complicated compared to the early age. The number of children participating in communication is increasing. Thematic role-playing games appear. The age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life are such that they are more inclined to communicate with peers of their gender. Girls are more fond of family and everyday topics (daughters, mothers, a store). Boys prefer to play cars, military, police. At this stage, children begin to arrange the first competitions, strive to succeed. slide 5

Middle preschoolers are happy to master various types of creative activities. The child likes to engage in plot modeling, appliqué. One of the main activities is visual arts. The age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life according to the Federal State Educational Standard suggest that at this stage the preschooler already masters fine motor skills, which allows them to draw in detail and pay more attention to details. Drawing becomes one of the means of creative self-expression. The average preschooler can compose a short fairy tale or a song, understands what rhymes are, and uses them. Vivid fantasy and rich imagination allow you to create entire universes in your head or on clean slate papers, where the child can choose any role for himself. slide 6

Speech development During the middle preschool period, active development speech abilities. Sound pronunciation is significantly improved, vocabulary is actively growing, reaching about two thousand words or more. Speech age features of children of the 5th year of life allow them to express their thoughts more clearly and fully communicate with their peers. The child is already able to characterize this or that object, describe his emotions, retell a short literary text, answer questions from an adult. At this stage of development, children master the grammatical structure of the language: they understand and correctly use prepositions, learn to build complex sentences etc. Connected speech develops. Communication with peers and adults In the middle preschool age, contacts with peers are of paramount importance. If earlier the child had enough toys and communication with parents, now he needs interaction with other children. There is an increased need for recognition and respect from peers. Communication, as a rule, is closely connected with other activities (play, joint work). The first friends appear with whom the child communicates most willingly. In a group of children, competition and the first leaders begin to emerge. Communication with peers is usually situational. Interaction with adults, on the contrary, goes beyond the specific situation and becomes more abstract. The child regards his parents as an inexhaustible and authoritative source of new information, so he asks them a wide variety of questions. It is during this period that preschoolers experience a special need for encouragement and are offended by comments and if their efforts go unnoticed. Sometimes adult family members do not notice these age-related features of children of 5 years of age. Slide 7, 8 (speak on the slide)

emotional features. At this age, there is a significant development of the sphere of emotions. This is the time of the first sympathies and affections, deeper and more meaningful feelings. A child can understand the state of mind of an adult close to him, learns to empathize. Children are very emotional about both praise and comments, they become very sensitive and vulnerable. By the age of 5, the child begins to be interested in questions of sex and their gender. As already mentioned, one of the distinguishing features of this age is a vivid fantasy, imagination. It must be borne in mind that this can give rise to a variety of fears. The child may be afraid of a fairy tale character or imaginary monsters. Parents do not need to worry too much: this is not a problem, but only the age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life. It is important to remember that these are just temporary difficulties that will go away with time if parents do not focus on them or use them against the child for educational purposes. Slide 9

Education Speaking about the upbringing of children of this age, it must be remembered that at this stage the character changes significantly. The crisis of three years passes safely, and the child becomes much more obedient and docile than before. It is at this time that children need full communication with their parents. Strictly speaking, this is the basis of education. The main function of adults now is to explain in as much detail as possible and show by personal example. The child absorbs everything like a sponge, with the curiosity of a discoverer, he is drawn to new knowledge. Parents should carefully listen to numerous questions and answer them, because in the family children draw the first knowledge about the world around them and their place in it. Right now it is necessary to lay down moral qualities, to develop kindness, politeness, responsiveness, responsibility, love for work in a child. At this stage, the child has the first friends, so it is very important to teach how to communicate with peers: to give in, to defend one's interests, to share. Slide 10

The family plays an important role in the development of a child's personality. The relationship between parents is the first thing a growing baby sees, this is the standard that he considers the only true one. Therefore, it is very important that the child has a worthy example in the face of adults. Parents should remember that it is at preschool age that such character traits as kindness, justice, truthfulness develop, life values ​​and ideals are laid. Therefore, it is so important to take into account the age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life. Assistance in the education of individual character traits should also be carried out in accordance with the sex of the preschooler and the roles of adults in the family. So, a mother teaches a child to find a common language, seek a compromise, affection, care and love come from her. Dad is the personification of order, protection, this is the first teacher of life, which helps to be strong and purposeful. Relationships within the family are the most important factor influencing the upbringing of the child and his entire subsequent life. slide 11

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Formation of a plot game in children of the fifth year of life

In this article, we continued talking about the formation of role-playing behavior in children as an important way to build a story game.

Earlier (see: Preschool education. - 1989. - No. 6) the sequence of formation of role behavior was outlined. It is significant how children fourth year life, they master the skills to accept a game role, designate it for a partner, deploy elementary pair role interaction, role-playing dialogue with a peer partner.

The task of the educator in working with children of the fifth year of life is to form the ability to change role behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, change the playing role and re-designate it for partners in the process of developing the game. These skills are the key to the future creative and coordinated development of play with peers, they provide the flexibility of the child's role-playing behavior. Indeed, in order to connect to the game of peers, the child must find a role that is suitable in meaning to their roles, in the course of the game to correlate their actions with the actions of different partners. Situations may arise when children play together, and as the story progresses, new characters appear. Then it is important that the child is able to change the initial accepted role to a new one (for example, if one of the children takes the role of Emelya, the second one has to be a “pike”, and then a “king”, etc.). These skills are also necessary in individual play, where the development of the plot is associated with the successive performance of several roles, with actions for puppets to which the child ascribes different roles. role-playing behavior child

Usually, educators do not set themselves the task of special formation of such skills in children, focusing on enriching the content of the game. A specific topic is selected related to a specific area real life(about which children are given knowledge in advance), and a game is organized according to a pre-planned plot, including the corresponding roles that must be performed until the end of the game. The teacher seeks to immediately include exactly as many participants in the game as he has planned roles; Each one has specific actions to take. Periodically repeating the game according to one plot, the teacher ensures that each child learns to play different roles. A large number of participants require a director standing over them and commanding when to perform certain actions. In striving for "order" in the game (mechanically reflecting the order of real life), the educator kills the very spirit of the game as a free activity, where obligation can arise only within the framework of a voluntary agreement between the participants themselves. Children, obeying the command of an adult, become passive objects of his influence, fulfill his instructions. The initiative is excluded, because it leads to the destruction of "order".

What, then, does organized activity give the child for the development of his independent play (except for the “working out” of knowledge about mail, construction, etc.)? The plot, with a whole set of interrelated roles, is understandable only to the teacher. And each of the children is, as it were, an isolated unit, absorbed in the actions assigned to him according to his role. At best, he sees the role of the closest partner directly interacting with him, that is, he remains within the framework of the paired role interaction that he has already mastered. Neither the ability to independently correlate their role-playing actions with the actions of partners, to connect to their game, nor even the ability to change roles during the game, is formed.

How can such skills be developed? The solution to this problem is possible in the joint game of the educator with the children, where the adult is not a leader, but a participant, a partner. The game must unfold in a special way, so that the child has the need to correlate his role with other roles, as well as the possibility of changing roles during the game in order to develop an interesting plot. This is possible if the educator complies with two conditions: 1) the use of multi-character plots with a certain role structure, where one of the roles is directly related to all the others; 2) rejection of a one-to-one correspondence between the number of characters (roles) and the number of participants in the game (there should be more characters in the plot than participants).

Let's take a closer look at the plot structure. Any topic of interest to children can be presented in such a way that one of the roles (the main one) is semantically related to several others. A possible composition of roles takes the form of a “bush”, for example, to the topic “Ride on a steamboat”:

Captain Passenger

Such a plot unfolds gradually - in the first event in the game, the "captain" and "sailor" interact, in the second - "captain" and "passenger", in the third - "captain" and "diver". Thus, one role ("captain") is no longer included in a single, but in multiple role relationships. The child-“captain” is forced all the time to change his role behavior in accordance with the new role connection.

In order for the child to discover the possibility of changing roles during the game, the second condition must be met: there must be more characters (roles) than participants in the game. For example, if in the above story the roles are distributed among four participants, there is no need to change them during the game. And if there are only two participants, one of them will have to change roles as new characters appear in the plot (to be first a “sailor”, then a “passenger”, etc.). In this case, the plot should not be set, planned in advance; a new character (role) appears during the game itself. The general scheme of the plot (regardless of its specific subject matter) will look like this:

Additional role 1 (event 1)

Primary Role Secondary Role 2 (Event 2)

Additional Role 3 (Event 3)

For children of the fifth year of life, two or three additional roles in such a plot are enough (although, in principle, there may be more of them). As an example, here are a few specific "bushes" of roles:

Daughter (son)

mother, father


chauffeur tanker


salesman chauffeur who brings groceries

store manager

If, in order to use realistic themes in a game, the educator will have to think about how to build a possible “bush” of roles, then fairy tale plots already have such a role structure ( main character fairy tale usually consistently interacts with other characters). Here are some examples of fabulous "bushes":

Girl geese-swans

magic river

Cinderella fairy

sick sparrow

Aibolit jackal postman


Let's note one more important point. Mastering the ability to change role positions in itself makes the child's independent play richer, contributes to the development of an emotionally effective orientation in the sense of human actions and relationships. However, by selecting roles in a semantic “bush” in a special way, it is possible not only to focus on the variety of role connections, but also to highlight the types of relationships between people. So, roles can be interconnected by specific functions that one person performs in relation to another (a doctor treats a patient), more complex relationships management - subordination (the doctor gives orders to the nurse, the policeman points out to the driver about the violation of the rules), mutual assistance relations, which for children are more clearly revealed on the example of the same roles (the driver helps his friend fix the breakdown, the doctor consults with another doctor). To include various types of relationships in the game, you can build a "bush" of roles as follows:

doctor nurse

another doctor

The introduction of another main role at the end of the game is very useful, since the communication of two identical characters (initiated by an adult) helps the child to more clearly imagine the semantic connections of the roles, activates the role-playing dialogue, and contributes to the development of speech.

The above schemes will help the educator to properly deploy a joint game with children. However, even if the teacher plans a plot, for children it should look like an improvisation - an interesting proposal made during the game by an adult partner.

Of course, it is very important that children have an idea about certain roles included in the game, but we note once again that familiarization with the environment, no matter how complete it may be, will not provide the child with specific playing skills that he can easily acquire in the appropriate way of unconstrained joint game with an adult partner.

Let's consider how exactly the educator deploys a joint game with children. It is advisable to start such work with each of the children individually. The most suitable time is the morning and evening hours, when there are few children in the group and the teacher can devote 7 to 15 minutes to the child.

At the first stage, the game is structured in such a way that the child has the main role, and the adult, as the plot develops, consistently changes his roles.

The teacher does not preliminarily tell the plot, but immediately starts the game, offering the child the main role, focusing on topics that attract him. For example, a boy likes to play "chauffeur". The teacher says: “Vasya, let's play with you. Here's your car. Will you be the driver? And I am a passenger. During the “trip”, he develops a role-playing dialogue with the “driver”, and then introduces the following event into the plot, requiring the appearance of a new character: “Come on, we seemed to have gone through a red light, and the policeman stopped us. Now I'm going to be a policeman." After clarifying the circumstances with the "policeman", you can enter a third event that requires the appearance of another character: "Let's go next to your car another one - a truck. I am now a truck driver. My car suddenly broke down. I'm signaling you to stop and help fix it." Etc.

If the child has his own suggestions during the game, you must accept them. If possible, the educator should include them in the overall scheme of the plot. For example, a boy may reject an offer to meet with a policeman and put forward his own: "No, we went to the gas station, for gasoline." In this case, the adult introduces another character into the game: “Okay. I am now a gas station attendant, I pour gasoline at the station. Driver, how much gas do you need? The very fact of changing the role is important, and the planned "policeman" can be neglected (if for some reason this is important for the educator, the proposal can be repeated a little later).

When playing with a child, the teacher uses the minimum number of toys so that manipulations with them do not distract attention from role-playing interaction. If in the course of the game a change in the objective situation is required (the designation of a gas station, a second car), then an adult organizes it with the help of children's chairs, ropes, screens, or simply calls: “Here there will be a house, and here a yard”, so that role interaction is practically not interrupted. Special attributes are not needed in such a game, they fix the role too rigidly for the participant. Changing his roles during the game, the adult constantly fixes the child’s attention on this (“I am now also a driver, I am no longer a passenger”), activates his role-playing speech with his questions and remarks, and stimulates role-playing appeals to sequentially appearing characters.

With preschoolers who have less developed role-playing behavior, it is advisable to deploy a game based on fairy tales that are well known to them. Children in this case feel confident, as they expect the appearance of a certain character. At the same time, the child is offered the role of the main character, and the adult consistently changes roles: “Come on, you are Emelya, and I am a pike ... And now I am a nobleman who came to Emelya .... And now I am a king." Of course, the game should be in the nature of improvisation, without an exact repetition of the text of the fairy tale (it is only important to reproduce the general meaning of role-playing dialogues).

With each child, it is advisable to play the game according to this scheme (with a change of roles for adults) two or three times (each time changing a specific topic). After that, the educator can proceed to the next stage - he teaches children to change the initially taken role during the development of the game.

For this purpose, the same plot schemes are used as before, but now the adult takes the main role for himself, and offers the child an additional one. During the game, the educator stimulates the child to sequentially change the roles of the game: “Let's play, I am a doctor, and you are a patient, you came to see me .... As if the patient had left, and the nurse came to me to help.

Come on, you’re a nurse now ... ”, etc. The plot event introduced by an adult to justify the appearance of a new character must be interesting enough, then the child has a desire to change the role to a new one, and the continuation of the game depends on this. If the partner resists changing the playing role, the adult should not insist, it is better to postpone it until the next time and try on another topic. The initiative of the child (who himself can propose a new character) must be accepted and supported.

Similarly, there is a change of roles in the game based on fairy tales. Now the teacher takes on the role of the protagonist, and the partner offers to be “everyone else, in turn” (“Let's play Emelya? I will be Emelya, and you will be a pike. Do you agree? And then you will be a nobleman ...”). With each child, two or three games are played on different plot topics.

The teacher does not always have real opportunities to often play with each child, so it is necessary to play with a small subgroup. How can this be done? The caregiver chooses one of the children as his primary partner. If the child is already busy with the game, the teacher connects to it, if not, he offers the main role in the plot (for example, “doctor”), and takes on an additional one (“patient”). Having started the game, the teacher attracts several more children to play the role of the “patient”: “Let's you get sick too and come to the doctor!” The adult actively interacts with the child who plays the main role. “Having been treated” and giving way to the next “patient”, the educator changes his role: “I am now a nurse. Doctor, let me help you." Then one of the children (from the “patients” waiting for their turn) is again involved in the role of “nurse”, and the adult becomes another “doctor”. Changing roles in the game, the educator each time develops a new dialogue with his main partner (talks to the “doctor” as a “patient”, as a “nurse” reporting to him, as an equal workmate). At the same time, the adult's successive change of roles and his changing interaction with the child - the "doctor" are, as it were, a model for the deployment of the game for other children included in it. In such a game, you can intentionally involve from 3 to 7 people. If other children spontaneously join it, they should not be disturbed (“patients”, “passengers”, “customers” can be as many as you like).

A child can master the ability to change the role even without individual work with him, by imitating the teacher (for example, if an adult turns from a “passenger” into a “sailor”, then one of the “passengers” also announces: “And now I am a sailor!”) .

The involvement of children in the game (or connection to the game) is carried out only at their request. Also, children should have complete freedom to leave the game, move around the group room and switch to other activities. If the game with the educator does not captivate the child (he does not reveal initiative actions, emotional revival), its continuation is meaningless, because in this case it turns into a mandatory activity.

Since the conduct of the game depends on the situation, mood, and initiative of its participants, it is impossible to give specific recipes for its organization. One can only roughly imagine the tactics and behavior of an adult as a partner of children. Let's take an example.

In the afternoon, children play in the group room: several boys carry loads in cars, two girls put the dolls to bed and talk to each other on the phone. One of the boys, wearing a white coat, lays out medical supplies on the table (“there are no patients”). Some children are engaged in didactic toys, look at books, draw.

Educator: (addresses several children who are not busy playing). Julia, Lena, let's play!

Julia: And what will we play?

Teacher: let's go to the store.

The children agree, and the teacher, together with Yulia, Alyosha, Lena, Tanya, builds a counter out of chairs, lays out small toys on it.

Educator: Julia, will you be a seller?

Julia: No, you're better!

Teacher: Please! I will be a salesman in a toy store. Who will be the buyer? Who wants to buy toys?

A line of "buyers" is lining up: Yulia, Alyosha, Tanya. Other kids come up.

Lena (to the teacher). I will help you.

Educator: ok, you will be the sales assistant.

The teacher sells toys to all the children in turn, deploying role-playing dialogues with each (what the buyer wants to buy, for whom), takes imaginary money, gives change. Sasha and Maxim come up with trucks and watch the game.

Educator: and here the drivers have arrived. Drivers, have you brought any toys to the store yet? (To Lena.) Assistant, look what they brought there?

Sasha and Maxim join the game with pleasure, unload cubes on the counter with Lena, and bring more toys.

Teacher: My shift is over. Who will be the salesperson on the second shift? (Sveta watching the players.) Do you want to be a salesman?

Sveta (takes a seat behind the counter): yes, I am a salesman.

Children continue to play on their own. And the teacher approaches Vasya, who alone turns the steering wheel of the steamer (marked on the floor with bars from the building kit).

Educator: Vasya, what are you playing?

Vasya: I'm going on the boat. I am the captain. (touches his cap).

Educator: Captain, can I come with you? I will be a passenger.

Vasya: you can.

Educator (sitting down): Where are you sailing, captain? (Vasya does not answer.) I need to visit Dr. Aibolit in Africa.

Vasya: We are sailing to Africa.

Yulia and Tanya (who had previously been "buyers") get on the ship.

Julia: Me too. (to teacher) Let me be your daughter?

Educator: Okay, sit down, daughter.

Tanya: And I'm a passenger. And I'm in Africa too.

Sasha and Maxim (they were drivers) approached the steamer. Maxim puts on a sailor's collar, but does not name a new role.

Educator: there are no sailors on our ship. I will be a sailor now, I will help the captain.

Maxim: And I am also a sailor (points to his collar).

Sasha: I am also a sailor.

Educator: Captain, what should the sailors do?

Vasya: Look where the shore is. And wash the floor.

The teacher seems to be washing the deck, and the rest of the sailors are invited to look through imaginary binoculars.

At this time, Sveta, the "salesperson", remained in the store only with her "assistant" - Lena ("customers and drivers" after the teacher moved to the steamer and became "passengers" and "sailors").

Light: Come buy!

Educator: We will come when there is a stop.

Yulia: Captain, is there a stop soon?

Vasya: stop.

The teacher goes to the store and buys a toy from Sveta (followed by some of the passengers).

Teacher: I have a headache. I'll go to the doctor.

Zhenya, the “doctor”, has been sitting at the table all this time and shifting medical supplies, watching the general game from afar; There are no patients yet.

Educator: Doctor, can I come to you? I have a headache.

Zhenya: I'll give you pills. And here are some more drops.

Teacher: Thank you doctor. (turning to Maxim and Sasha.) Sailors! Have you been examined by a doctor?

Maxim and Sasha approach Zhenya.

Maxim: I'm the first. Look at my throat!

Educator: Zhenya, now I'm like a nurse. Doctor, I'll help you conduct a physical examination. Etc.

As can be seen from the example, the teacher with many children enters into role-playing interaction, activates the role-playing dialogue, “closes” the children in role-playing interaction with each other. But the main partners who are directly directed by the adult’s formative influences are two children: Vasya is the “captain” (the caregiver interacted with him first as a passenger, and then as a "patient", and then as a sailor) and Zhenya - "doctor" (to whom the adult connected as a "patient", and then as a "nurse"). The whole game is in the nature of free improvisation , children are active, lively, although, perhaps, from the traditional point of view, this does not look like a “good game”.

Nevertheless, the educator's play with each of the children and with subgroups, which stimulates flexible role-playing behavior and role reversal, provides significant changes in children's independent activity. Preschoolers interact more freely, connect with peers who are already playing, taking a role that is appropriate in meaning.

At the same time, children widely and creatively use the method of conditionally performing an action with plot toys, substitute objects, combining previously acquired game skills with new ones. They develop a taste for the dynamic development of the plot during the game by including new characters and changing game roles within one or another semantic sphere. In the game, the child not only interacts in a coordinated manner with one or two peers, but also models a role-playing dialogue with a toy partner, with an imaginary partner, i.e., establishes various role-playing connections in the game. All this prepares the possibility of a further transition to the joint creative construction of new game plots at the senior preschool age.

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Advice for parents.

Age features of children of the 5th year of life

At the age of 4 to 5, children continue to master the generally accepted sensory standards, master the methods of their use and improve the examination of objects. By the age of 5, children, as a rule, already have a good grasp of ideas about primary colors, geometric shapes, and ratios of sizes. The child can already voluntarily observe, examine and search for objects in the space around him. When examining simple objects, he is able to follow a certain sequence: highlight the main parts, determine their color, shape and size, and then additional parts. Perception at this age gradually becomes meaningful, purposeful and analyzing.

In middle preschool age thinking and action persists, but is no longer as immediate as before. In many cases, no practical manipulation of the object is required, but in all cases the child needs to clearly perceive and visualize this object.

The thinking of children 4-5 years old proceeds in the form of visual images, following the perception. For example, children can understand what a room plan is. If a child is offered a plan of a part of a group room, then he will understand what is shown on it. In this case, a little help from an adult is possible, for example, an explanation of how windows and doors are indicated on the plan. With the help of a schematic representation of a group room, children can find a hidden toy (according to the mark on the plan).

By 5 years of attention becomes more and more stable, unlike a three-year-old kid (if he went after the ball, he would no longer be distracted by other interesting objects). An important indicator of the development of attention is that by the age of 5, an action appears in the child's activity to rule is the first necessary element of voluntary attention. It is at this age that children begin to actively play games with rules: board (lotto, children's dominoes) and mobile (hide and seek, tag).

At preschool age, it develops intensively memory child. At the age of 5, a child can already remember 5-6 objects (out of 10-15) depicted in the pictures presented to him.

At the age of 4-5 years, reproductive imagination prevails, recreating images that are described in poetry, adult stories, found in cartoons, etc.

The features of the images of the imagination depend on the experience of the child and the level of understanding by him of what he hears from adults, sees in pictures, etc. They often mix the real and the fabulous, the fantastic. Imagination helps the child to learn about the world around him, to move from the known to the unknown. However, the images of a 4-5-year-old child are scattered and depend on changing external conditions, since there are still no purposeful actions of the imagination.

Children's compositions cannot yet be considered a manifestation of a productive imagination, since they basically do not yet have a definite goal and are built without any preliminary plan. The elements of productive imagination only begin to take shape in the game, drawing, designing.

At this age, the development of initiative and independence of the child in communication with adults and peers. Children continue to cooperate with adults in practical matters (joint games, assignments), along with this, they actively strive for intellectual communication. This is manifested in numerous questions (why? Why? For what?), the desire to receive new information of a cognitive nature from an adult. The ability to establish causal relationships is reflected in children's answers in the form of complex sentences. In children, there is a need for respect from adults, their praise, therefore, a child of the fifth year of life reacts to the comments of adults with increased resentment. Communication with peers is still closely intertwined with other types of children's activities (play, work, productive activities), but situations of "pure communication" are already being noted.

To maintain cooperation, establish relationships, words and expressions appear in the vocabulary of children that reflect moral ideas: words of participation, sympathy, compassion. In an effort to attract the attention of a peer and keep him in the process of verbal communication, the child learns to use the means of intonational speech expressiveness: to regulate the strength of the voice, intonation, rhythm, tempo of speech, depending on the situation of communication. In most contacts, the main means of communication is speech , in which significant changes are taking place. For the most part, children of this age already clearly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. The process of creative change in native speech continues, inventing new words and expressions (“the bald man has a bare head”, “look, what a crawler” (about a worm), etc.). The speech of children includes techniques of artistic language: epithets, comparisons.

Of particular interest are rhymes, the simplest of which children easily remember and compose similar ones. Five-year-olds are able to coordinate words in a sentence and are able to generalize in an elementary way, combining objects into generic categories: clothes, furniture, utensils. Speech becomes more coherent and consistent. Children can retell a literary work, tell from a picture, describe characteristics this or that toy, to convey in your own words the impressions from personal experience and speak on your own.

If close adults constantly read children's books to preschoolers, reading may become a sustainable need. Under these conditions, children willingly answer questions related to the "analysis" of the work, give explanations for the actions of the characters. Illustrations play a significant role in the accumulation of reader experience. At the age of 4-5 years, children are able to look at a book for a long time, tell about its content from the picture. They easily find their favorite book among others, they can remember the name of the work, the author, but they quickly forget them and replace them with well-known ones. At this age, children are well aware of the requirements for handling a book, hygiene standards when working with it. In connection with the development of the emotional sphere of children, their experiences from what they read are significantly deepened. They strive to bring book situations to life, imitate the heroes of works, play role-playing games based on the plots of fairy tales and stories with pleasure. Children show creative initiative and come up with their own plot twists. They also make their suggestions when staging individual passages of the read works. A tenacious memory allows a child of 4-5 years old to memorize a lot, he easily learns poetry by heart and can expressively read them in public.

There is a focus on their well-being, the child begins to worry about the topic of their own health. By the age of 4-5, a child is able to simply describe his state of health, to attract the attention of an adult in case of malaise.

Motor skills develop preschoolers. So, at 4-5 years old, the guys are able to step over the slats of a gymnastic ladder, horizontally located on supports (at a height of 20 cm from the floor), hands on their belts. They throw the ball up and catch it with both hands (at least 3-4 times in a row at a pace convenient for the child). String beads of medium size (or buttons) on a thick fishing line (or thin cord with a hard tip). The child is able to actively and consciously assimilate the movements being learned, their elements, which allows him to expand and enrich the repertoire of already mastered basic movements with more complex ones.

At this age, the growth of all organs and physiological systems continues, a high need for movement remains. Motor activity becomes purposeful, meets individual experience and interest, movements become meaningful, motivated and controlled. The high emotional significance of the process of activity for the child remains, the inability to complete it on demand, the performance of actions aimed at achieving a long-term result is attractive, mainly in case of interest. The ability to regulate motor activity appears. The main nervous processes are improved, their mobility improves. In the movement there is coherence, confidence, swiftness, lightness. There is an improvement of previously acquired motor qualities and abilities: dexterity, endurance, flexibility, coordination.

Children have an interest in knowing themselves, their body, its structure, capabilities.

Children have a need to act jointly, quickly, deftly, at the same pace for all children; observe certain intervals while moving in different formations, be the leader. The level of functionality is increased.

Children begin to develop the ability to control their emotions in motion, which is facilitated by their mastery of the language of emotions (a range of experiences, moods).

V musical and artistic and productive activitychildren respond emotionally to works of art, works of musical and visual arts, in which various emotional states of people and animals are conveyed with the help of figurative means.

Preschoolers begin to perceive the plot of a musical work more holistically, to understand musical images. Interest in music, various types of musical activity is more actively manifested. There is a difference in the preferences associated with musical and artistic activities in boys and girls. Children not only emotionally respond to the sound of a piece of music, but also enthusiastically talk about it (about the nature of musical images and narration, means of musical expression), correlating them with life experience. Musical memory allows children to remember, recognize and even name their favorite tunes.

The development of performing activity is facilitated by the dominance of productive motivation at a given age (sing a song, dance a dance, play a children's musical instrument, reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern.). Children make their first attempts at creativity: create a dance, come up with a game of music, improvise simple rhythms of a march or dance. The formation of musical taste and interest in musical and artistic activity in general is actively influenced by the attitudes of adults.

An important indicator of the development of a preschool child is visual activity. By the age of 4, the range of objects depicted is quite wide. Details appear in the drawings. The idea of ​​a child's drawing may change as the image progresses. Children possess the simplest technical skills and abilities. They can saturate the bristle of the brush with paint in a timely manner, rinse the brush at the end of work, and mix the paint on the palette. Begin to use color to decorate the picture. They can roll out plastic materials with circular and direct movements of the palms of their hands, connect finished parts to each other, decorate molded objects using a stack and by pressing.

Designing begins to take on the character of a productive activity: children conceive a future design and search for ways to implement it. They can make crafts from paper, natural material. Begin to master the technique of working with scissors. They make compositions from ready-made and self-cut simple shapes. The composition of the drawings changes: from the chaotic arrangement of strokes, strokes, shapes, the children move on to the frieze composition - they arrange objects rhythmically in a row, repeating the images several times.

Children 4–5 years old are socialnorms and rules of conductthey are still not aware, but they are already beginning to develop generalized ideas about “how to (shouldn’t) behave.” Therefore, children turn to a peer when he does not adhere to the norms and rules with the words “they don’t do this”, “this is not possible”, etc.

As a rule, by the age of 5, children greet and say goodbye without reminding an adult, say “thank you” and “please”, do not interrupt an adult, but politely address him. In addition, they can, on their own initiative, clean up toys, perform simple labor duties, and bring things to an end. However, following such rules is often unsustainable - children are easily distracted by what they are more interested in, and it happens that a child "behaves well" only in relation to the most significant people for him. At this age, children have ideas about how girls are “supposed” to behave, and how boys behave. Children are good at identifying non-compliance with norms and rules not only the behavior of another, but also their own and emotionally experience it, which increases their ability to regulate behavior. Thus, the behavior of a 4-5-year-old child is not as impulsive and direct as at 3-4 years old, although in some situations the child still needs to be reminded by an adult or peers about the need to adhere to certain norms and rules. This age is characterized by the appearancegroup traditions: who sits where, the sequence of games, how they congratulate each other on their birthday, elements of group jargon, etc.).

At this age, children have mastered the algorithm of the processes of washing, dressing, bathing, eating, cleaning the room. Preschoolers know and use for their intended purpose the attributes that accompany them: soap, towel, handkerchief, napkin, cutlery. The level of mastering cultural and hygienic skills is such that children freely transfer them to a role-playing game.

Children 4-5 years old have a differentiated idea of ​​their own gender belongings, argue it on a number of grounds (“I am a boy, I wear trousers, I have a short haircut”, “I am a girl, I have pigtails, I wear a dress”). They show a desire to grow up in accordance with an adequate gender role: a boy is a son, grandson, brother, father, man; girl - daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother, woman. They master certain modes of action that dominate the behavior of adults of the corresponding gender. So, boys try to perform tasks that require the manifestation of strength qualities, and girls realize themselves in the games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Model”, “Ballerina”, they are more inclined towards “beautiful” actions.

By the age of 5, children have an idea about the features of the most common male and female professions, types of recreation, about the specifics of behavior in communicating with other people, about individual female and male qualities. At this age, they are able to recognize and evaluate the emotional states and actions of adults of different sexes adequately to gender.

With the growth of awareness and arbitrariness of behavior, the gradual strengthening of the role of speech (of an adult and the child himself) in controlling a child’s behavior, it becomes possible to solve a more complex problem in the field of security . But at the same time, an adult should take into account the lack of formation of volitional processes, the dependence of the child's behavior on emotions, the dominance of the egocentric position in thinking and behavior.

In the middle preschool age, such components of the child's labor as goal-setting and control and verification actions based on mastered labor processes. This significantly improves the quality of self-service, allows children to master household work and work in nature.

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  • Details Published: 18.12.2013 10:31 Views: 3954

    Age features of children of the fifth year of life.

    The fifth year of life is a period of intensive growth and development of the child's body. There are noticeable qualitative changes in the development of the basic movements of children. Emotionally colored motor activity becomes not only a means of physical development, but also a way of psychological unloading of children, who are distinguished by a rather high excitability.

    The ability to plan one's actions arises and improves, to create and implement a certain plan, which, unlike a simple intention, includes an idea not only of the purpose of the action, but also of ways to achieve it.
    Special meaning acquires a joint role-playing game. Didactic and outdoor games are also essential. In these games, cognitive processes are formed in children, observation develops, the ability to obey the rules, behavior skills develop, and basic movements improve.

    Along with the game, children of the fifth year of life intensively develop productive activities, especially visual and constructive. The plots of their drawings and buildings are becoming much more diverse, although the ideas remain insufficiently clear and stable.

    Perception becomes more fragmented. Children master the ability to examine objects, consistently identify individual parts in them and establish the relationship between them.

    An important indicator of the development of attention is that by the age of 5, an action according to the rule appears in the child's activity - the first necessary element of voluntary attention. It is at this age that children begin to actively play games with rules: board (lotto, children's dominoes) and mobile (hide and seek, tag).

    An important mental neoformation of children of middle preschool age is the ability to operate in the mind with ideas about objects, generalized properties of these objects, connections and relationships between objects and events. Understanding some dependencies between phenomena and objects gives rise to an increased interest in children in the arrangement of things, the causes of observed phenomena, the dependence between events, which entails an intensive increase in questions to an adult: how ?, why ?, why? Children try to answer many questions themselves, resorting to a kind of experiment aimed at clarifying the unknown. If an adult is inattentive to the cognitive needs of preschoolers, then in many cases children show features of isolation, negativism, stubbornness, and disobedience towards elders. In other words, the unfulfilled need to communicate with an adult leads to negative manifestations in the child's behavior.

    In the fifth year of life, children actively master coherent speech, they can retell small literary works, talk about a toy, a picture, and some events from their personal lives.

    The most important new formations of this age are: the completion of the main process of formation of active speech and the exit of consciousness beyond the limits of directly perceived reality.

    The adult is now of interest primarily as a source of fascinating and competent information. Communication is extra-situational - business in nature.

    At this age, the development of initiative and independence of the child in communication with adults and peers takes place. Children continue to cooperate with adults in practical matters (joint games, assignments), along with this, they actively strive for intellectual communication. This is manifested in numerous questions (why? why? for what?), the desire to obtain new information of a cognitive nature from an adult. The ability to establish causal relationships is reflected in children's answers in the form of complex sentences. In children, there is a need for respect from adults, their praise, therefore, a child of the fifth year of life reacts to the comments of adults with increased resentment. Communication with peers is still closely intertwined with other types of children's activities (play, work, productive activities), but situations of "pure communication" are already being noted.

    Children begin to show interest in their peers as partners in the game. Peer opinion is of particular importance.

    Thinking is still visual and figurative. For example, children can understand what a room plan is. If a child is offered a plan of a part of a group room, then he will understand what is shown on it. In this case, a little help from an adult is possible, for example, an explanation of how windows and doors are indicated on the plan. With the help of a schematic representation of a group room, children can find a hidden toy (according to the mark on the plan). The middle age is quite special in relation to both the previous and the next. The experiment showed that the most effective way to make information more attractive for a child of 4-5 years old is "animation". At this age, as in no other, children listen to fairy tales with pleasure.

    Julia Korotkikh
    Age features of children of the fifth year of life

    Speech development from 4 to 5 years.

    On the fifth year of life the child has significant progress in mental and speech development. The kid begins to highlight and name the essential features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more varied, more precise and richer in content.

    Increasing the active dictionary (from 2500 to 3000 words) creates an opportunity for the child to build his statements more fully, to express his thoughts more accurately. In speech children the number of abbreviations, permutations, omissions decreases, words formed by analogy appear ( "scraped" - "scratched"). Adjectives appear more and more often in their speech, which they use to designate the features and qualities of objects, reflect temporal and spatial relationships (when determining the color, the child, in addition to the primary colors, names additional ones - blue, dark, orange, possessive adjectives begin to appear (fox tail, hare hut). Increasingly, the child uses adverbs, personal pronouns, complex prepositions (because of, from under, around, collective nouns appear (dishes, furniture, etc., but the child still uses them very rarely.

    A child of four builds his statements from 2-3 or more simple common sentences, increasingly uses complex and complex sentences.

    The growth of the vocabulary, the use of more structurally complex sentences often leads to that children are more likely to make grammatical errors: change verbs incorrectly ( "want" instead of "want", do not agree on words (verbs and nouns in number, adjectives and nouns in gender, allow violations in the structure of sentences).

    In that age children begin to master monologue speech. For the first time, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear in their speech. They correctly learn and correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns in oblique cases. However, many still cannot coherently, consistently and accurately retell the text of a read fairy tale or story without the help of adults.

    On the in the fifth year of life, the child is capable of to recognize by ear one or another sound in a word, to select a word for a given sound.

    Sufficiently developed speech hearing of the child makes it possible for him to distinguish in the speech of adults the increase and decrease in the volume of the voice, the acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, to catch various means of expression. Imitating adults children can quite accurately reproduce various intonations themselves: raise and lower the tone of voice, highlight individual words in phrases, correctly pause, express an emotional-volitional attitude to what is being said.

    The child has the fifth year of life, the ability is improvedto the perception and pronunciation of sounds:

    The softened pronunciation of consonants disappears,

    Many sounds are pronounced more correctly and clearly,

    - replacement of hissing sounds disappears: W, W, H, u whistling: S, Z, C,

    The replacement of hissing and whistling sounds with the sounds T, D disappears.

    Majority children by the age of five learn and correctly pronounce all sounds, including complex sounds L, R, Rb, hissing Sh, Zh, Ch, U, clearly pronounce polysyllabic words, maintaining the syllabic structure. But some children the pronunciation of certain groups of sounds is still unstable, especially in difficult polysyllabic words ( For example: whistling and hissing - in some words the sound is pronounced correctly, in others - incorrectly). Words saturated with sounds close in articulation are pronounced with errors ( "laboratory" instead of "laboratory", "sachet" instead of "highway"). This is explained by the fact that children some sounds are not fixed or they do not clearly differentiate them by ear and in their own pronunciation.

    If the child by the end of 5 years of life there is a distorted pronunciation of the whistling sounds С, З, Ц (with the tip of the tongue sticking between the teeth - interdental, the sound Р is pronounced not due to the fluctuation of the tip of the tongue, but as a result of the trembling of the soft palate or small tongue ( "French pronunciation", the sound L is pronounced like V, then such children need special speech therapy help. These distortions are not age, will not disappear on their own. A speech therapist will help such children, who, using an individual approach and the help of parents, will teach the child to pronounce sounds correctly, to distinguish and correctly use similar sounds.

    So by five years your baby:

    * Has a vocabulary of about 3,000 words.

    * Knows his address.

    * Uses sentences of 5-6 words.

    * Uses all types of sentences, including complex ones ( “Mom washed the dishes, and I drew a house”, “Mom and I didn’t go out because it was raining”)

    * Able to retell short stories and fairy tales.

    * Defines right - left in oneself, but not in others.

    * Knows simple antonyms ( "big small", "hard - soft").

    * Uses past, present, future tense.

    * Knows the purpose of objects and can tell what they are made of ( "This is a ball, they play with it, they throw it, they kick it, it is made of rubber - rubber").

    * Sound pronunciation is usually fully formed.

    * There are no rough agrammatisms in speech, errors are possible when constructing complex sentences.

    Parents can influence speech development child. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

    Tips for parents:

    1. Walk around the city with your child, go on excursions. The source of expanding the horizons of the child, the development of his ideas about the world is observation. Therefore, it is important to ensure that his experience is as diverse as possible. Consider real learning interests children! Boys, for example, will be more interested in the devices of the car than the household.

    2. Spend enough time in educational conversations with children. From the age of four, the child's horizons expand not only in the course of practical observations and experimentation, but also through the story. Start reading to them not only fiction, but also educational literature. Thanks to your stories watching educational TV programs the child breaks away from the world "Here and now". He is actively interested in animals that he has only seen on TV or in a picture, listens to stories about the ocean and the desert, about other countries and the people who live in them. Children also enjoy listening to stories from life parents or others.

    3. Read and tell stories to children. In fairy tales, standard ideas about good and evil are given. Such ideas become the basis for the formation in the child capabilities evaluate your own actions. Fairy tales should clearly distinguish between good and bad. characters. Do not rush to show illustrations. Let everyone imagine Little Red Riding Hood in their own way. Let the imagination work children.

    4. Take them for walks outside the yard and familiar playground. Four year olds love travel and adventure. In warm time of the year you can arrange small hikes and picnics. Expand your child's experience with affordable excursions. Take him to see buildings of unusual architecture, monuments, beautiful corners of nature. Go to the river or pond, observe life of its inhabitants. Extend Views children about the work of adults. Conduct excursions to a construction site, a store, a hairdresser, a savings bank, a post office.

    5. Develop fine motor skills - it stimulates thinking, creative development, attentiveness of the child and directly affects speech. If the child's fingers are tense, bend and unbend all together, or, conversely, are sluggish, and the child cannot make isolated movements, then most often this is "non-speaking" or badly spoken children. From an early age freedom of action is needed, since movements accompany the development of speech. Teach your child to draw with their fingers. Useful rolling balls, balls, tearing paper to develop manual dexterity Can be offered to children:



    small designer;


    coloring pages;

    sorting out cereals;

    stringing beads, buttons on a thread, etc.

    Useful and finger games that

    Beneficial effect on the correction of speech children;

    Improve memory, attention, thinking;

    Prepare your hand for writing.

    6. Develop a long smooth exhalation, since the pronunciation of many sounds depends on the strength and direction of the air stream. To make the development of the child’s speech breathing interesting and exciting, you can invite him to blow on a turntable (weather vane, blow soap bubbles, balloons, blow on multi-colored ribbons, cotton balls, paper boats floating on water, or blow snowflakes, leaves from the palm of your hand.
