Male character traits that women like. What qualities do women value in men?

The article describes 65 male qualities that will charm any woman. After reading about them, you will understand what qualities you already have, and which ones you should consciously develop in order to please the woman you are interested in.

1. Easily takes responsibility, decides for himself.

2. Independent. Achieves well-being himself, not counting on outside help.

3. Always fulfills agreements, including with himself. True to his word.

4. He considers his family an important value, and taking care of his woman and children is his priority.

5. Has a clear vision of the future of his family, sets goals and achieves them under any conditions.

6. Able to quickly move from planning to concrete action.

7 . Open to new things and uses emerging opportunities to expand living space.

8. Able to follow the chosen path, despite the temporary lack of results.

9. Able to wait, plan and initiate processes.

10. He finishes what he started.

11. In the most unfavorable circumstances does not lose his presence of mind.

12. Possesses willpower.

13. He loves himself and is confident in himself.

14. Respects himself and other people. Accepts people for who they are. Allows others to be different.

15. Has a developed intellect.

16. Knows how to find the right information and use it to achieve goals.

17. Possesses wisdom (knows how to think effectively and knows how to successfully survive in any situation).

18. Strives for self-development and creates conditions for the development of his woman and children.

19. Able to make quick decisions and take responsibility for the result.

20. Responds calmly and confidently to stressful or conflict situations. Has the ability to neutralize conflict.

21. Has clear spiritual values, desire and ability to lead his woman and children along the path of spiritual development.

22. Sexually attractive.

23. Chooses to be devoted and faithful to his woman, trusts her.

24. He knows how to show his woman that she is the only one for him in the whole world.

25. Values ​​his honor.

26. It wins other people over and inspires their confidence.

27. Able to do more than others expect from him.

28. Has a good taste.

29. Appreciates what he has, and knows how to enjoy life in all its manifestations. Accept what you have and be grateful for what you get.

30. Selects the best available. Focuses on quality in everything that surrounds him (less is better).

31. Appreciates the taste of well-prepared dishes and understands drinks (tea, coffee, wine, strong alcohol).

32. It has charm (charm), knows how to create the right atmosphere, is able to be the soul of the company.

33. Looks directly into the interlocutor's eyes.

34. Is a Personality that stands out from the crowd. Has a strong personality (charisma).

35. Knows how to feel and other people.

36. Able to empathize and take care of other people.

37. Has vivid emotions and knows how to express them freely.

38. Self-sufficient.

39. Knows how to love his woman, respects her and is proud of her.

40. He treats his woman like a queen, generous with signs of attention.

41. Able to be direct and frank with his woman.

42. Knows how to control his anger.

43. Knows how to make surprises and holidays.

44. Knows how to choose and give gifts.

45. Gives his woman constant signs of attention (not only on holidays).

46. Knows how to say sincere and beautiful compliments and does it.

47. Has clearly defined interests.

48. Able to easily establish contact with the interlocutor, listen and communicate on any topic.

50. Knows how to say "no".

51. Has a network of good connections in various fields.

52. Has a sense of humor and the ability to self-irony.

53. Magnanimous, able to forgive.

54. Kind and generous with people important to him.

55. Attentive, collected, focused on the main thing.

56. Be honest with yourself and others.

57. If necessary, takes care of others, directs them.

58. Relaxed, soft, calm, good-natured.

59. Has a clear and distinct point of view.

60. Maintains good physical shape.

61. Has a confident and calm gait.

62. He values ​​his personal hygiene and grooming.

63. Chooses high-quality accessories (shoes, watches, telephones, perfumes, jewelry).

64. Easily goes towards obstacles and overcomes them.

65. He knows how to manage his own and others' moods.

There is a fair opinion that a man has only one hundred percent means to attract female attention- money. But if you temporarily exclude the wallet from the list of male virtues, then it immediately becomes unclear: what male quality attracts girls the most?

In order to find out this circumstance and finally dot the “and”, a large-scale survey of women's opinion was conducted. All interviewed representatives of the fair sex were asked the same question: what makes a man attractive in their eyes?

The results were carefully analyzed by a panel of experts, and they not only compiled a list of 20 classic male qualities that attract women, but also identified a general trend. It turned out that modern women value the moral and personal qualities of a man more than his appearance. But what are we telling you? Judge for yourself.

Of course, the main thing for a woman in a man is his personal qualities and mind, but appearance also has important. So, what do women appreciate in male attractiveness?

Sense of style
The way we dress says a lot about us to women. A man with a sense of style gets extra points, because if he is able to combine a shirt with a tie, he will be able to appreciate how beautiful, radiant and unique his partner looks this evening. So, buy a discount card at the nearest dry cleaner, and when choosing clothes in the store, give preference to spectacular, soft fabrics such as suede, cashmere and velveteen.

Beautiful face
The science of attractiveness, which man has been trying to figure out since time immemorial, tells us that it's all about symmetry. Imagine that your face is divided into two parts by a vertical red line. Are the halves the same? Are the eyes on the same line? Are the wings of the nose the same? The more symmetry, the more attractive your appearance. Among other things, the women interviewed indicated that wide chins, protruding cheekbones and large eyes drive them crazy.

A tall, handsome brunette is the ideal man for many respondents. Women admitted that they love to be shorter than a man, even if height does not always mean strength.

Muscle mass
Modern men should spend more time in the bathroom than in gym. At least that's what the survey data says. An overwhelming number of women indicated that they valued a clean-shaven face more than hefty biceps. Certainly, muscle mass tells the girl that you will be able to stand up for yourself and for her, but, nevertheless, a neat, well-groomed man is more likely to win her heart.

Good physical form
A beautiful body speaks of the discipline and self-control of its owner. So, if the body didn’t work out, don’t be upset: practice discipline and self-control.

The female desire to be confident in the affection of a partner is explained by natural instincts. The girl wants to know for sure that today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the man will bring "prey" to her house, her children, and not go to that painted otter from the neighboring "cave".

Young girls fall for good guys, but more experienced women are attracted to kindness. In other words, if on a date in a restaurant a girl sees how condescending you were to a waitress who accidentally poured a bottle of Bordeaux on your trousers, she will conclude that her mistakes will also be forgiven.

The fact that a man has such a quality as honesty tells the girl that her boyfriend is potentially inclined towards kindness, caring, decency and long-term relationships. If the latter is not included in your plans, you know what to do - start shamelessly lying.

A resourceful, intelligent man is a subject of female pride. Well, who else would have thought to buy Chinese blue bed linen and become an Avatar overnight? A man who can solve problems inspires women with a sense of confidence; with a man who is constantly working on himself, it is never boring.

Have you ever wondered why girls fall for pop stars? The stars are passionate and ardent. Women love the display of passion. Want to win a girl's heart? Become a passionate admirer of equestrianism, the Impressionist art, the Society for the Protection of Animals, finally.

The survey showed that women over 35 value generosity the most. Please note that the word "generosity" does not mean going to a restaurant on March 8th. In the female sense, a generous man is not only the one who gives her gorgeous bouquets, but also devotes his time and listens to her attentively.

paternal qualities
The presence of paternal qualities (at least the inclinations to them) makes you an object of female sympathy. Patience and care are two qualities that girls like. If you haven't become a father yet and can't describe how cute your little son decorated a thousand dollar Cardin suit with felt-tip pens, just tell or imagine your favorite nephew, to whom you regularly bring a melted cone from McDonald's.

The ability to listen
Attention! A woman feels safer and more secure when she knows that her man is ready to put his laptop aside and listen to her from start to finish. Magic words: I'm here dear. Tell me what happened».

Romance has a direct effect on the right illogical hemisphere of the female brain. Every girl dreams of being conquered. This method has been tested by many generations of men (do not be equal to Romeo - he ended badly).

The art of sex
This is not just about orgasms. Girls believe that if a man takes into account their interests in bed, then he will do the same in the rest of the day. So taking care of her pleasure is a key factor in your battle glory.

Good earnings
At least one in five women surveyed noted that a man's ability to earn money affects his attractiveness. If you are a goal-oriented person, women see you as a reliable life partner.

Self confidence
When a man is confident in himself and his abilities, this feeling is transmitted to his second half. By showing that you can handle both a rude stranger at a bus stop and a difficult situation, you are telling your girlfriend that she has nothing to worry about with you.

But in general, the desired self-confidence, from the point of view of psychologists and from the point of view of ordinary people, are completely different things. How we all value self-confidence and long for it! It is considered almost one of the main virtues of the modern civilized world. Whom do we present as an example of a self-confident person? Well, some crazy leader political party like Zhirinovsky, a Nobel laureate, or a bank president getting out of a Mercedes... Or just the President. But that's how you imagine.

But psychologists have a completely different opinion on this matter. They are firmly convinced that they are 100% sure of themselves ... the lucky one, who sits on a stump in the middle of a clearing, serenely nibbles on a crust and feels at the same time in perfect order. By the way, most often people who turn to a psychotherapist with the problem of self-doubt are those who are quite successful in their careers.

True, they themselves do not complain about the lack of confidence and often do not realize this problem. It disguises itself as other problems: excessive anxiety or aggressiveness, loss of zest for life, etc.

Three out of four women interviewed admitted that they have been looking for a man all their lives, behind whom they will be like behind a stone wall. That is why this quality is on our list in second place. Men's sense of responsibility, like an electromagnetic coil, attracts women.

Sense of humor
The ability to make people laugh is so highly valued by women that we had to put it at the top of the list of classic male personality traits that girls like. If you have a sense of humor, give yourself a fat plus. Its presence suggests that you are not a bore and are easy on life.

We are used to what girls usually worry about. In fact, the latter also often ask their girlfriends to list the qualities of a man that women appreciate. Tell how to behave, what to prioritize. For those interested in our article. Maybe after reading it, you will discover something new for yourself.

What do women value most in a man?

To find out, you have to ask them yourself. We looked through the messages on thematic forums, asked around friends and identified the most basic ones. Some we will list, and some we will dwell on in more detail.

What do women value?

  • Neat appearance: good physical shape, grooming, sense of style. It's understandable who enjoys being around a slut. And besides, we can draw conclusions: if a person does not take care of himself, otherwise he is also untidy;
  • Honesty. This quality is valued in any person, but every girl mentions it;
  • Mind. Perhaps one of the main ones. With him there is something to talk about, you can learn something new. And most importantly, he is able to understand small female flaws and can forgive them;
  • Ambition. He must grow above himself, otherwise he will start to get bored and engage in nonsense. A man should be such that his lady is constantly reaching up for him, and he is behind her, then it will be a mutually beneficial coexistence.

Seems like a lot of requirements. But, if you think about it, these qualities are inherent in all normal serious people to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, nothing special is required, you just want to be around adult and reliable person. For a woman, this is important, because in almost everyone she looks at a potential father.

In this video, psychologist Elena Rogozhina will talk about what girls like in guys, in addition to the above qualities:

Kindness and self-control

This is a separate item, since the modern pace of life makes people irritable and unrestrained. A kind man who is able to control emotions becomes a rare specimen. So many worries fall on his shoulders.

A mild-mannered young man evokes a feeling of calm and tenderness. He will not offend, he will not shout, he will not disrupt a bad mood. At a critical moment, when a woman loses her nerve, and this often happens with girls, she will direct her thoughts in the right direction, gently put her in her place.

A restrained and sweet guy is the dream of any girl, it is extremely difficult to remain so today, given that a man is required to be secure, strong and reliable.

Optimism and a good sense of humor

Girls love to be made laugh. Yes, they naturally like to giggle, joke, have fun. And when there is always an overly tense person nearby, it strains, pulls to communicate with someone positive.

So my advice to the guys:

  1. Find the positives in any situation;
  2. Worry less about the little things;
  3. Witty joke;
  4. Turn the quarrel into a game;

Just don't forget a good joke is an art. If you do not know how to do this, discard this item to the side. Since girls often do not understand male humor, they are offended by it.

If you really want to, use established phrases. There is nothing offensive in this, you just need to know your strengths.

Charm and sexy

Charm is an attractive force, the ability to like, which cannot be acquired, it is given by nature. Combining it with sexuality, a man can amaze anyone.

But what, in the understanding of women, should be a sexual partner? Inflated torso, rough cheekbones, a little stubble? This appearance is suitable for a magazine cover. Everyday sexuality, which is needed in everyday life, is different:

  • Gentle, barely noticeable touches during normal communication;
  • Kind words at the right time;
  • Caring for the little things;

It builds relationships throughout the day, tunes in to intimacy. This is real sexuality, which attracts women not at the first meeting, but after her.

What do men value in a woman?

It would be fair to make a response description. After all, girls are more interested in this issue. They keep asking them.

Surprisingly, almost all qualities are repeated:

  • Neat appearance, this is for the first time;
  • Sexuality, it's forever;
  • Mind is sharp. But here opinions differ, some guys love it when a girl shows him, and some prefer to dominate themselves;
  • Compassion and optimism. Everyone appreciates care, it captivates, especially if you are taken care of with a soft sincere smile. The driest specimens are melted when their scarf is carefully adjusted, their tie is tied, and tea is warmed up.

Agree, everything is similar. No wonder, everyone needs the same thing: affection, care, an intelligent interlocutor. But external data are important for the first couple of meetings.

With serious close communication, all hidden, smeared flaws will come out, you can’t always wear makeup. But if the character suits them, they won't matter.

What do grown men appreciate in women?

When a friend is already old, he has already gone through all the most interesting things, the requirements change, but some parameters still remain unchanged:

  • She must be interesting in conversation. Emotions become dull with age, but you always want to talk well;
  • Care becomes one of the first positions;
  • Self-sufficiency. She can visit friends alone, go to the store. There is no need to follow her on her heels, to help solve pressing issues, as there are personal matters, possibly children. But to meet in the evening, to sit at the TV together is another matter;
  • Ability to cook well. When we are young, we often catch on the run, not paying attention to what is on the plate. With age, we find time to dig deeper into food. Why not, it another reason enjoy;
  • Strength of mind. With age, people become more sentimental, require support. Well, if the companion can provide it. And she herself does not become limp over trifles, she can joke about troubles.

Age makes its own adjustments, people look at life differently, despite the hot reckless youth, and requests change. Sexuality is not as important as devotion. If a person quits now, when it is difficult to find another mentally and physically, this is really a disaster.

A lot has been said on this topic, probably all the qualities of a man that women appreciate have already been listed. But maybe we were able to look at them from the other side, discover something new.

Video about the valuable qualities of men

In this video, analyst, psychologist Anna Protasova will talk about five qualities of men that give them sexuality and charm:

In this post, I want to dwell on what qualities of a real man are the most important. These qualities are presently possessed by the least number of men. Unfortunately, often a man is determined simply by gender, but nothing more.

I already wrote about who a real man is in this article, but I will say a few words here. A real man- This is at least a successful man.

What is a successful man?

This does not mean that he has great material resources and, in particular, a lot of money. No, the wealth of a man, and a woman too, lies in the internal component.

These are, first of all, qualities of character by which one can easily determine how developed and reasonable a man is.

I will give simple examples:

A man behaves with restraint and calmly, does not give vent to feelings in unexpected situations, does not chat in vain. These are definitely signs of a successful man.

Or a man constantly whines about universal injustice, blames the whole world for his problems. He gets angry over any trifle, envies successful people He is greedy even towards close relatives. This is clearly a loser and a weak man.

So, now about what qualities of a real man should be known and developed in oneself by a strong half of humanity.

The main male qualities

I will give the main qualities and small descriptions of them. Maybe not every item sounds like quality and there is some truth in this.

  • A real man is stronger and higher than his feelings

We can say that this is the first step in determining male success and assessing his inner wealth. If a man is under the constant influence of feelings and emotions, then this means that he is weak.

For example, if a man runs after each skirt, and if not after each, then after 1-2, then this shows his inability to control his base lustful feelings.

A strong man creates a family, takes responsibility and fully provides for it.

  • A real man is engaged in his own self-development

I didn't even say now that it should be a spiritual (evolutionary) development (although this is true). Let a man start at least with something: daily routine, his own body, attitude to life, etc.

The simplest thing is not to pretend that I understand everything myself, but to try to learn by reading books, listening to lectures, etc.

The difference between men who are engaged in self-development and who are not engaged in it is very sharply manifested.

Hello dear blog readers! Today we will look at the masculine qualities that women value. It is clear that each person in priority can have absolutely different characteristics, but still, the list that I have collected can be considered the main one when choosing a partner, no matter if it is sexual or business.

Top 20

1. Responsibility

In the first place, of course, is responsibility. It does not matter what social status or appearance, if a man does not know how to be responsible for his actions. At least for mature and conscious representatives of the fair sex. After all, how can you trust a person who tries to shift the fulfillment of some of his tasks and even guilt onto others? A responsible man is able to take care of his family, otherwise, in extreme cases, this duty will fall on the fragile female shoulders, and this process does not inspire respect at all.

2. Purposefulness

A person who knows exactly what he wants will definitely achieve it. And the one who is used to going with the flow will almost never be satisfied with the shore on which he will be washed. After all, it is important for a woman to understand that a loved one has not only desires, but also clearly defined goals towards which he is moving, then she can be calm for the future. And aimlessness is the prerogative of those people who burn their lives without appreciating it.

3. Ability to keep your word

In order to be trusted and believed, you need to be able not only to promise, but also to fulfill your promises, even if they are completely unprofitable and you change your mind. So do not throw words to the wind, it will play a cruel joke on you, lost trust is almost impossible to return. If you have difficulty with this topic, take a look.

4. Sense of humor

Life without stress, tension and various experiences is impossible, they are waiting for us every day and at every step, so a person who is able to defuse the situation and create a comfortable, cheerful atmosphere where you can afford to relax is highly valued.

5. Generosity

Basically, a woman is not as important as how much a man earns, what is more valuable is what he is ready to give her based on his financial situation. After all, even if he has millions, he can save on such vital things as medicines or food. Or earn a little, but still try to please your sweetheart with flowers, new clothes, and so on. A greedy person is not able to give, and a full-fledged harmonious relationship does not tolerate imbalance in the process of "give-receive".

6. Confidence

7. Caring

No matter how brutal and strong a man is, it is important for a woman that he knows how to take care of loved ones and about herself. It is care that helps her feel happy in a relationship, loved and valued. It is care that encourages you to give more in return and experience tenderness, gratitude and recognition for your chosen one.

8. Attention

It is not in vain that girls are sometimes compared to flowers that need constant attention for they will also "wither" and worry if they do not receive it. And this does not mean that it is worth being with her all 24 hours a day, no, it manifests itself in small things. For example, hold the door, unexpectedly say a compliment and, most importantly, hear her, notice her.

9. Loyalty

A rare girl does not dream of a man who will remain faithful to her under any circumstances, even if he is seduced by Miss World. The ability to focus on one, rather than chasing quantity, is actually a sign of maturity and awareness.

10. Honesty

Valuable in absolutely any relationship, otherwise how can you be in them? And, speaking mostly the truth, you will make your life much easier, because you don’t have to keep in your head a whole bunch of unnecessary information about what exactly and to whom you lied. There are situations when, with the help of lies, we, on the contrary, try to protect loved ones from experiences, but if a person uses it constantly, and even then, to avoid responsibility for their actions and misconduct or to seem better than they really are - female half mankind may not be forgiven.

11. Openness

It is not necessary for the whole world to shout about their most secret thoughts, problems, and so on. No, you should just not close yourself from close people, and be frank with them. It will be important for a person who sincerely loves you to understand what is happening to you and what feelings you are experiencing.

12. Stability, stability and reliability

The unknown is troubling, especially when you don't know what to expect from your partner. Subconsciously, the fair sex chooses a person with whom they can create a family in which it will be calm and orderly.

13. Sociability

Sociable people attract attention, therefore, wanting to conquer a girl, you should not sit with the air that everything and everything around you is not at all interesting and not pleasant. Especially if you are in her circle of friends. By arousing interest in other people, you will let her know that you are really a special person who is worth paying attention to. See how you can develop the qualities that will make you a welcome guest in any company.

14. Mind

I am sure you have heard more than once that cute creatures are sometimes turned on by a smart and well-read person more than a beefy or just beautiful one. Smart people seek to know the world, they wish to develop and tirelessly move forward. And this is very attractive and excites the weak half of humanity. And there will always be something to talk about, to admire ...

15. Spirituality

In addition to the mind, it is very valuable when the inner world of a partner is rich, when he is aware and understands why he came into this world and how he can be useful. A spiritually poor person is not able to give love, and even more so, to appreciate it. You can find more information about this.

16. Neatness and a sense of style

It is not necessary to follow fashion, but if your shirt and trousers are always clean and ironed, and your shoes are polished, he will be able to win the attention of some beauty. But this is half the battle, you also need to worry about the cleanliness of your body, moderate use of toilet water and at least periodically cut your hair. It seems to be talking about very banal things, but, in fact, not everyone considers hygiene and tidiness to be an important part of their lives.

17. Temperament

Perhaps I will surprise you, but women want sex no less than the strong half of humanity. Therefore, if the chosen one in all manifestations is simply perfect, but not entirely interesting in bed, then the girl may well complete the conversation. Excitation, passion, tenderness and desire of a partner strengthen and make relationships more “alive”, because sexuality is a very significant component of them.

18. Kindness

Heartlessness and cruelty are not only alarming, but also frightening, repulsive. Watching how the chosen one behaves with animals, children, people who need help, the girl draws conclusions regarding their further communication.

19. Strength

And both physical and mental strength. It is important to be able to protect your beloved, but it is no less valuable to show character in overcoming difficulties, in the process of achieving your goals, and even more so, in the fight against various kinds addictions and weaknesses. By the way, you can check your level of willpower at the link.

20. Self-love and self-respect


On this I want to complete the list of the main qualities that attract female representatives. And even if you cannot find even half of the listed character traits in yourself, it's okay, because as you know, if you wish, you can achieve everything you want. The main thing is hard work. Strength and patience to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.
