Academician Maleev: we know little about viruses, as well as about nature in general. What do we not know about the universe? We don't understand our own biology

"What do we know about nature"

The sun rises majestically over the hills,

Washed by a steep ocean wave.

Here a new day and the source, and the beginning.

To us the first dawns are knocking on the window

(Kukhtina A)

What is ecology? For some, this is a huge collection of animals and birds, and for others, trees and grasses. But we can call ecology in one word - it is our whole nature. And nature is multifaceted and huge.

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and Protected Areas in Russia. In this regard, as part of educational work with pupils during the holidays, various events are planned: thematic quizzes, competitions. The purpose of this work is to familiarize children with environmental issues native land and the planet as a whole, as well as their practical participation in actions to protect and protect environment the surroundings of the village. During the classes, photographs, presentations, videos, fragments of cartoons, practical tasks are used. In the form of the presentation "Ecological erudite", children replenish knowledge not only about animal life, but also the world of plants, in wildlife. Children met different types trees, mushrooms, animals, flora. On the territory of the orphanage there is a "garden", which performs cognitive, developing, aesthetic, health-improving functions. On the territory of the "garden", trees, shrubs, points grow, which serve as objects of interesting observations during a walk. Here, children get acquainted with representatives of the local flora. To educate in children a consciously correct attitude to all living things, the ability to compare and generalize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the world around them. Children also receive environmental knowledge while caring for indoor plants and animals. There is a garden where each group has its own beds. Children not only receive practical skills, take care of wildlife with pleasure, but also receive positive emotions. So gradually in the process of work, to educate children in kindness, responsiveness, to develop children's inquisitiveness, curiosity, interest, love for native nature, the desire to take care of it, for example, garbage collection, protecting trees on the site, helping wintering birds.The result of ecological education for pupils is the ecological culture of the individual. The wonderful teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man was and always remains the son of nature, and what makes him related to nature should be used to familiarize him with nature, with the riches of spiritual culture. The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind..

Consultation for


"What do we know about


Land, water, forest - our wealth, our well-being, our health.

Let us recall the words of M. Prishvin: “For a fish - water, for a bird - air, for an animal - a forest, steppes - mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

But people inflict big and small wounds on nature: they pollute the air and water, animals and plants disappear forever. So everyone needs to know:

  1. What rules of behavior must be observed in nature so as not to harm it?
  2. What is written in the documents on the protection of nature?
  3. What part does each of you take in conservation work?

Let's talk about the little wounds of nature.

  • You can not break branches of trees and shrubs, pick flowers, catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, destroy frogs and toads.

Wouldn't it be worse for nature if you break a few branches while collecting nuts, or pick three or four flowers, or catch a single butterfly?

Yes, nature will be worse!

  • Every branch broken in vain, every flower plucked, every butterfly caught is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one such wound, your comrades inflict another such, someone else inflicts a third, fourth, fifth - what will become of nature? But nature is now very difficult to heal even the smallest wounds.

Great misfortune threatens nature from great wounds.

For a long time, people on Earth have been engaged in farming: they build cities and villages, highways and railways, cultivate fields. All this is necessary for life. But often, in order to build a city, pave a road or create a new field, one has to destroy forests: they cut down trees for the sake of wood, which people need a lot. That is why there are less and less forests on earth.

But the air and water are becoming more and more polluted. You know that they are necessary for the life of plants, animals, and humans. But from factories and factories, smoke and dust get into the air, and into rivers and lakes - wastewater with various harmful substances.

Due to the fact that forests are becoming smaller, and air and water are being polluted, many plants and animals are suffering. However, they have a hard time for another reason. People often vomit beautiful plants, and animals are sometimes cruelly exterminated for the sake of fur or meat, and sometimes just like that, for the sake of entertainment.

Many plants and animals that used to be common are now rare. They are listed in the Red Book. Due to the fault of people, sea cows, passenger pigeons, but also many other animals and birds, insects, and plants have disappeared forever.

What do you need to know about conservation?

Now the people of the world have realized that the nature of our planet is in danger. Therefore, in many countries, a lot of work is being done to protect nature. Such work is being carried out in our country.

Many plants and factories have been converted and no longer pollute the air and water.

In place of cut down forests, people plant new ones.

It is forbidden to collect rare plants and hunt rare animals.

Reserves are being created - areas where all nature is inviolable.

Of course, people still continue to use nature. But this must be done in such a way as not to cause harm to nature.

Unfortunately, not all people want and know how to protect nature.

A small child explores the world with an open mind and heart. And how he will relate to this world, whether he will be a zealous owner who understands nature, largely depends on the adults who direct his upbringing.

The goal of environmental education is to form in children a conscious understanding of the interconnections of all living and non-living things in nature.

Until then: until a person changes his attitude to the world around him from minus to plus, no constructive practical actions can be expected from him, which means that the accumulated conceptual knowledge is not for future use.

Changing the concept of life arrangement in the country and on planet earth
begins with a change in personal attitude to the world around us, otherwise we will constantly reproduce in practice what we are trying to fight in words. Only a positive attitude to everything that surrounds us will open our eyes and encourage us to act, based on knowledge.

Therefore, starting from early childhood, in order to form a positive (positive) attitude towards nature, it is necessary to show children its uniqueness, beauty, universality: nature is the living environment of all creatures, including humans; the object of knowledge, the satisfaction of its aesthetic needs; and only then - the object of human consumption. We must protect nature not because it gives us something, but because it is valuable in itself.

When asked how to form a humane attitude towards nature in children, V. Sukhomlinsky considered:"Considering age features preschoolers, which include impressionability and emotional responsiveness, through compassion, empathy, which help the child enter the life of another living being from the inside"

It is the feelings of compassion, empathy that determine the actual attitude of children to nature, expressed in the willingness to showcare for those in need, protect those in need, protect those who are offended, help those in need (animals, plants andetc.). It is believed that only an active position contributes to mastering the skills and abilities to care for pets, indoor plants, winteringbirds, etc. And the ability to sympathize, empathize gradually develops an emotional ban on actions that cause suffering and pain to all living things. In our opinion, it is very important to show children that in relation to nature they occupy a position of a stronger side, therefore they must patronize it, they must protect it and take care of it!

There are many unsolved mysteries in the world that people face every day. For example, scientists still have not deciphered the Peto paradox, have not determined the origin of flowers, and do not know the origin of the Ebola virus. Our review contains questions that the best scientific minds are still struggling with today.

1. Butterfly migration

How thousands of fragile Monarch butterflies manage to fly from Canada to Mexico remains a mystery to scientists. Indeed, during the flight, several generations of these insects change, but from year to year they stop on the same trees along the road and fly to the same place.

2. Mystery of the Loricifer

There are at least a hundred species of these tiny invertebrates, but none of them are found in the fossil record.

3. Plankton paradox

In hydrobiology, the plankton paradox is a situation in which a limited range of resources supports unexpectedly wide range planktonic species. This completely contradicts the principle of competitive exclusion, which suggests that when two species compete for the same resource, then one of the species is doomed to extinction.

4. Origin and origin of Ebola

Despite the fact that people have already learned a lot about the Ebola virus, no one knows exactly where this virus originated and where it “hides” between outbreaks.

5. Perception

Although people perceive things around them all the time, the very act of perception is still an unsolved mystery. Scientists simply cannot understand how the brain converts sensory information into coherent perception.

6. Alkaloids

Alkaloids are a group of natural chemical compounds that are predominantly composed of nitrogen atoms. They are produced by a variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. However, their function is not well understood by the scientific community.

7. The structure of the hammerhead shark

The hammerhead shark is known for its unusual shape heads. However, scientists cannot understand the reason for the appearance of this head shape in this shark. Some suggest that it evolved to increase the electrosensory area of ​​the fish, another hypothesis suggests an improvement in the coverage of the visual area, and a third says that this head shape was developed to improve the aquadynamic properties.

8 Fairy Circles (Africa)

For years there has been a debate about the cause of such lifeless circles in Africa. Studies have shown that some of them can be explained by the activity of the sand termite Psammotermes allocerus, but there is no one theory that explains all the fairy circles.

9. Function of DNA

People still do not know what the vast majority of human DNA is responsible for. For a long time it was believed that about 98% of the human genome is simply empty and does not carry any encoded information. No one knew what function he performed. However, in Lately scientists began to doubt this theory.

10. Secrets of human consciousness

People do not know what consciousness is and what makes a person aware of himself. Why do many animals, especially mammals, dream and dream? What are the characteristics of intelligence? There are no answers to these questions.

11. Color evolution

Most people enjoy looking at flowers as well as their scent. But at the same time, no one knows how flowers evolved. Flowers were previously thought to be descended from the gymnosperms (groups of seed plants that include conifers, cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetiformes), but recent molecular studies have shown this hypothesis to be untenable.

12. Peto's Paradox

It's no secret that humans are prone to cancer, but it turns out that large mammals like whales are virtually cancer-free. It would seem that the whale is much more human, it has a lot more cells. Accordingly, it should have a higher chance of developing a malignant cell. But it's not.

13. Cambrian Explosion

What caused the rapid diversification of multicellular organisms at the beginning of the Cambrian period, which led to the appearance of almost all modern types animals? This is one of the most discussed topics among scientists, but there is not only no answer to this question, but even a unified theory.

14. Biological aging

There are a number of hypotheses as to why people age and eventually die...but these are just hypotheses.

15. Origin of life

And, of course, the biggest mystery for scientists is the origin of life on Earth! Despite all the latest scientific and technological advances, no one knows exactly how and when life arose on Earth.

This is completely unfair, especially given that the cosmos knows exactly what it is doing. From a physics point of view, there are some very attractive, promising theories that start the answer to the question above, but we don't and probably won't know which one is right. Perhaps it was born out of an inherently unstable "nothing". You should know that emptiness is not actually empty, matter and energy are spontaneously born and die in it, at least in the form of quantum fluctuations. Perhaps our universe is not the only one of its kind, but one of a practically infinite number. Perhaps all this is just. A lot of our ignorance comes down to the fact that we are still waiting for the next generation. space measurements, which will confirm or disprove the latest theories, we also need more flexible and comprehensive theories, and not just mathematical elegance. In general, we do not know why all this exists and even happens. Usually "why" always exists.

We don't know what dark matter and dark energy are.

Big problems mean even bigger problems. Ordinary matter, of which we are made, planets, stars and sausage sandwiches, is about 4.9% of all the matter that fills the universe. 26.8% of matter is "dark," and we know this because, on large scales, cosmic material is moving faster than it should, and galaxies behave as if they are controlled by a huge mass of particles invisible to us. And we have no idea what these particles are. This is bad, but the situation is even worse with dark energy. Something is causing the universe to expand faster and faster. It shouldn't be like that. Until 5 or 6 billion years ago after the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe was stable, but something interfered, some invisible component, perhaps some kind of dense vacuum energy that fills space as it grows. What's this? We do not know. We have a lot of assumptions, which is basically a good idea to assume something about 68.3% of the universe.

We don't know if there is life anywhere else

This question is incredibly interesting already because events can be assumed and located regardless of the answer. Here we are, beings on a planet full of flourishing life, carefully adapting to the physical and chemical conditions of life for the last 5 billion years. We also know that there are an awful lot of planets in the universe, and many of them could also host life. However, we do not know for sure if we are alone. And no hints. This is problem. It's a good problem, as I said, regardless of the answer, but few people move around trying to find the answer to this question. Although too much may depend on its resolution.

We probably don't quite understand the quantum world

Indeed, our current quantum physics in theory (and in practice) works wonders, describing atoms and molecules along with the bizarre nature of entanglement and qubits. But that doesn't mean we're quantummech gurus. Rather the opposite. It is enough to read summaries on quantum issues to understand that the most fundamental aspects of the quantum nature of the universe still cause headaches and disagreements. People keep coming up with formulations of how quantum mechanics defines us, or doesn't define us. The problem is exacerbated when quantum physics plunges into the realm of soft, warm, and wet biology. Not to mention black holes and .

We don't understand our own biology

It's not an exaggeration to say that we don't understand how every detail of ours works. If we understood (and we are moving in this direction), we would cope with disease, death, begin to grow limbs and restore memory. We could master genetic engineering at the level of demigods and understand how to make the brain work hundreds of times faster. If you want a good example of our ignorance, let there be microflora. There is a joke that if aliens find us, they will not understand with whom to start a conversation: with the bacteria that inhabit us, or with us? Ten trillion human cells are supplemented, used, saturated with hundreds of trillions of microbes - we carry a kilogram of bacteria and archaea with us and cannot live without them. They're in our guts, lungs, noses, everywhere. We're just cruise ships for germs.

We don't know how the earth works

Let's dive deeper. Neither man nor robot, no one went deeper into the Earth than a few kilometers, everything else is in charge of probes and physical analyzes that are far from the essence of the matter. It took us ridiculously too long to figure out that the skin of our planet is constantly moving: plate tectonics was not generally accepted until the middle of the 20th century. We are still not sure how the internal dynamo works, how convecting magma rolls generate our planet's magnetic field. At the same time, so much has happened in geophysics over 4.5 billion years that some of our best information about the origin of the planet arrives with meteorites and hides in the craters of other worlds. We don't even know for sure where the moon came from. Maybe there was a giant collision, maybe not. For supposedly smart creatures on a small rocky planet, this is a complete failure.

We cannot prove or solve many of our own mathematical hypotheses and problems

If mathematicians think they can avoid this festival of ignorance, let's just remind ourselves that we have a long list of unproven, unsolved problems and unverified hypotheses. With all this, it has not yet been decided exactly how accurately mathematics describes the world around us and whether mathematics is embedded in the very foundation of the universe.

We do not know how to make artificial intelligence

We mention this because it is an eternal problem. Also because we often write about the development of artificial intelligence (or about its pathetic attempts to get back on its feet). Finally, an attempt to create Artificial Intelligence It is an attempt to understand ourselves. Because in order to create something artificial, you need to know how the original works. While our machines have come a long way, it's still not clear whether services like the YouTube search engine or some other big name can work the same way that ideas pop into our heads. Whether a machine can think at all is the question.

Conclusions? There are a lot of things that we do not know (much more than the examples in this article). But you should not fall into despondency, and ignorance is not strength. In the end, the thirst to discover and the desire to think launched the flywheel of science, and the Universe is the most complex mystery in the history of mankind. Perhaps hundreds of years will pass, and we will not know anything.

Curious facts in nature

On March 29, 1848, Niagara Falls stopped for 30 hours due to ice jams on Niagara.

Most of the rain is observed on the mountain on Wai-al-al, in Hawaii. There are 350 rainy days a year, during which time more than 10,000 mm of precipitation falls.

Most precipitation per day falls in the Indian Ocean - 1800 mm. To compare - in Moscow, for example, about 700 mm falls a year.

In May 1948, two New Zealand volcanoes Mt.Ruapehu and Mt.Ngauruhoe erupted simultaneously.

In Uganda, thunderstorms have been observed on average 250 days per year in recent decades. This is the most thunderous place on the planet.

The pressure at the center of the Earth is 3 million times higher than the pressure in the Earth's atmosphere.

There are no two snowflakes with exactly the same crystal structure.

Over the past 300 years, 66% of all forests on Earth have been destroyed by man.

Thunderstorms bring more than 10 million tons of nitrogen to Earth every year.

About 50,000 earthquakes occur every year on Earth.

The largest wave ever recorded by people was observed near the Japanese island of Ishigaki in 1971. It had a height of 85 meters.

The largest hailstone was seen in Kansas, USA, it weighed 700 grams.

The lowest temperature on the Earth's surface was recorded at the Vostok station in Antarctica: -89.2 C.

The sharpest drop in temperature was observed in the state of Montana, USA, on January 23-24, 1916. The temperature dropped from +6.7 C to -48.8, i.e. 55.5 degrees!

The sunniest place on Earth is the Dead Sea, there are about 330 sunny days in a year! And the least sun is observed on the Russian archipelago Severnaya Zemlya - there the sun is only 12 days a year.

In females, a sharp increase in temperature was recorded in Spearfish, USA. Within two minutes the temperature rose by 27.2 degrees, from -20 to +7.2!!!

The heaviest snowfall in the history of weather observation was recorded in California in the middle of the 20th century. About 5 meters of snow fell on one of the mountains in 6 days of continuous snowfall!

A temperature of -40 degrees Celsius is equal to a temperature of -40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the only temperature that is the same on these two scales.

Izalco Volcano in El Salvador erupts every 8 minutes and has produced more than 12 million eruptions in its two hundred years of activity.

Thunderstorms in Egypt happen once every 200 years.

The length of the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun is 23,000 times the length of the Earth's equator.

Gemstones opals and amethysts have the same chemical formula, as river sand, and the ruby ​​​​has the formula of white clay.

Earth and air are inseparable. If the atmosphere of our planet did not move with the Earth, then it would be very easy and fast to travel. In that case, it would be enough to rise above earth's surface in a balloon and descend when the desired part of the Earth is not under the balloon.

The soil of the island of Kimolos in the Aegean Sea is composed of a fatty soapy substance that locals islands have been used as soap since ancient times. They can bathe and wash clothes. During the rains, the whole island is covered with soapy foam.

About 1 million different chemical compounds can be obtained from oil, and "only" 400 thousand from coal.

Quartz is the most common mineral on our planet.

Between the islands of Lombok and Bali, the distance is only 15 miles. The depth of the strait separating the two islands is only 340 meters at its deepest point. But despite the close proximity, the fauna on these two islands is completely different - animals, and even fish and birds! According to the apt observation of one scientist, these islands differ in their animal world more than England from Japan. faunal boundary separating the two islands, as well as animal world Indian Ocean and Asia from the fauna of the Australian region, was named the Wallace Line in honor of the English naturalist who discovered it in 1892.

The area of ​​Saint-Michel in France is twice a day an island and twice a peninsula. This is due to the strong tides in this part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Lightning is useful. They manage to grab millions of tons of nitrogen from the air, "bind" it and send it to the ground. This free fertilizer enriches the soil in which cereals grow.

The Earth's North Pole is warmer than the South.

The small island of El Alacran, off the coast of Chile, is one of the largest "bird markets" on the planet. More than a million cormorants, gulls and other birds live there, the cry of which drowns out even the roar of the ocean surf.

Almost all islands in the Atlantic Ocean owe their origin to volcanoes.

The largest part of the world in terms of area is Asia (43.5 million square kilometers), the smallest is Australia (together with Oceania, about 9 million square kilometers).

The largest atlas in the world is located in Berlin, in the German State Library. It weighs approximately 250 kg and measures 1.70 x 2.20 meters. In the exhibit, which is invaluable from the point of view of science, one can get acquainted with the cartographic art of the 17th century.

The largest volcano in the world is located on the Japanese island of Kiu-Shiu and is called Aso. The crater of this volcano is 23 kilometers long, 14 kilometers wide, and 500 meters deep.

Tariff is an island in the Mediterranean where they first began to charge for parking in the port

Black color accumulates heat, white - reflects.

A little over a century ago, aluminum was mined by the kilo. 1 kilogram cost as much as 500 rubles in gold! From 1855 to 1899 aluminum prices fell 500 times!

The Earth's atmosphere weighs about 5,300,000,000,000,000 tons. If, for example, it were necessary to transport a load equal to the weight of the earth's atmosphere from Moscow to Leningrad, and if each train had 100 wagons and traveled all the way in 10 hours, then it would take almost 4 billion years to transport this load.

Thanks to the water cycle in nature, every year 511 thousand cubic kilometers (!) of water rises from the Earth's surface into the atmosphere. At the same time, 411 thousand cubic kilometers rise from the surface of the ocean alone.

More than half of the world's population has never seen snow live - only in photographs or on video.

In the town of Tegazi, which is located in the Sahara desert, there are houses with walls made of rock salt. This is one of the driest places on the planet, which means that the houses are not in danger of being dissolved by rain.

A unique deposit of pure iron has been discovered in Greenland. After the volcanic eruption, the ore, along with magma, passed through the coal bed and recovered. This is very similar to the domain process.

Death Valley, the driest and hottest place on earth, is home to over 15 bird species, 40 mammal species, 44 reptile species, 12 amphibian species, 13 fish species and 545 plant species.

In Kazakhstan, there is an old well that predicts the weather. Before precipitation, it draws in air, and on a fine sunny day, on the contrary, it pushes air out. If on such a day one throws an item of clothing into the well, it will fly back before reaching the water. The well-phenomenon has served as a natural barometer for the local shepherds since ancient times.

The map of Indonesia often needs to be amended, especially in the outline of the coastline. Where the islands that make up Indonesia are located, volcanoes constantly occur, some islands sink into the water, others suddenly or gradually emerge from it.

There are 31,557,600 seconds in one year.

There were 365,250 days in the first millennium. In the second - 365,237. In the third there will be 365,242 days.

In the Atacama Desert on the coast of America, no more than 8 millimeters of precipitation falls annually. It is so dry there that the corpses of dead animals dry up there and do not rot for several decades.

In the Sahara, about 160 thousand mirages of various kinds are recorded every year. There are even special maps of caravan routes, where places where mirages are often observed are marked. These maps indicate where oases, palm groves, wells, mountains appear.

On average, Japan experiences 3 earthquakes a day: "For breakfast, lunch and dinner," the Japanese say jokingly. True, most of them are noted only by instruments and are not noticeable to humans.

Spring moves at a speed of about 50 kilometers per day. This was determined from observations of the inflorescence of individual plants.

Echo is a reflection of a wave of air. If the sound-reflecting wall is less than 30 meters away, no echo will occur.

There is a place on the river Rhine where the echo repeats the word twenty times.

In France, the city of Verdun has two towers, located at a distance of 60 meters from each other. E shout, standing between them, then the echo will be heard 12 times.

The well-known Ear of Dionysius is a huge grotto carved into the rocks, and really looks like a human ear. If you rustle the entrance to the grotto with a piece of paper, then the echo is given from the depths by a cannon shot.

The longest echo in the world can be heard in the building of the Mausoleum Chapel in Hamilton (Lancashire, England). It lasts for 15 seconds.
