Equipment warrior of the 2nd generation. All about combat equipment "Warrior

"Warrior"- Russian combat equipment of a serviceman, also referred to as the "soldier's kit of the future." "Warrior" is part of a general project to improve the quality of a single soldier on the battlefield through the use of the latest scientific achievements in the field of navigation, night vision systems, tracking the psycho-physiological state of a soldier, the use of advanced materials in the manufacture of armor and clothing fabrics. The system is a complex of modern means of protection, communications, means of observation and aiming, weapons and ammunition. Research and development work was carried out by dozens of Russian defense enterprises, such as Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIITOCHMASH, NPO Special Equipment and Communications, JSC Plant Jupiter (Valdai), JSC Central Research Institute Cyclone, NPO Spetsmaterialov, Tchaikovsky Textile other. The general designer of the Ratnik equipment is Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin. As conceived by the creators, the new equipment will be able to compete on equal terms with similar models of the equipment of the “soldiers of the future”. The composition of the "Warrior" includes about 10 subsystems. According to the first deputy chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission, created under the government Russian Federation- Russia, Yu. Borisov, this kit will be distinguished by a modular layout and will be adapted for operations in a variety of conditions and at any time of the day. The Ratnik was developed on the basis of the Barmitsa equipment.

History of creation

Russian combat equipment of a serviceman, "a set of a soldier of the future." The "Warrior" was developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "TsNIITOCHMASH". More than 50 industrial enterprises are involved in the creation of second-generation equipment as part of the Ratnik development work. General designer of equipment - Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

The system is a complex of modern means of protection, communications, weapons and ammunition. As conceived by the creators, the new equipment will be able to compete on equal terms with similar models of the equipment of the “soldiers of the future”. The composition of the "Warrior" includes about 10 subsystems. The Ratnik kit is distinguished by its modular layout and is adapted for operations in a variety of conditions and at any time of the day. The Ratnik was developed on the basis of the Barmitsa equipment.

Combat equipment "Warrior" is part of a general project to improve the quality of a single soldier on the battlefield through the use of the latest scientific achievements in various fields of science and industry: navigation, night vision systems, tracking the psycho-physiological state of a fighter, the use of advanced materials in the manufacture of armor and clothing fabrics .

Combat equipment "Warrior" was first presented at the MAKS-2011 air show. While working on the "Warrior", as part of preliminary tests, more than 100 individual items of equipment were evaluated, including helmets, body armor and various protective equipment. The best in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, 40 samples were admitted to state tests.

Experimental military operation of the "Warrior" was carried out at the "Kavkaz-2012" exercises, and the kit left a favorable impression. Tests of the "Warrior" were carried out on the basis of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade.

Russian military equipment "Ratnik"

Passing preliminary and state tests since 2013 combat complex protection of the fighter "Warrior". More than 10 military units and ranges of the Russian Ministry of Defense are involved in the tests.

State tests will be completed in the summer of 2014, and in the fourth quarter, the first samples of the kit will begin to enter service. The delay in putting into service occurred due to the “finishing” of the AK-12 - after comments were made by experts from TsNIITOCHMASH.

More than 150 elements of the new set, including machine guns, are now undergoing state tests. Concern "Kalashnikov" (AK-12) and the plant them. Degtyarev (AEK-971)

Automatic AEK-971

In 2014, 5-7 formations will switch to a new combat set, and over the next five years, they will change all the rest.

In the state defense order for 2014, it is planned to supply several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment for the military personnel of the Ground Forces, the Airborne Troops of the Marine Corps of the Navy.

The average warranty period for using the Ratnik is five years, the kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it falls under decommissioning. And let's say, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with valves, then the summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms will also have more owners, helmets, body armor will last longer, weapon and knives.

In the current version of the "Warrior", the military is not satisfied with the existing batteries because of their large dimensions, which create an additional load on the equipment. “Rosatom State Corporation is working on the creation of new batteries for the Ratnik equipment, new batteries. In 2014, technical solutions were obtained that reduce the weight by 2-3 times while increasing the duration of the batteries by 3-4 times. Batteries of a new type will be massively used by the military in 2015.

In 2015, the development of an even more advanced set of equipment will begin, which will replace the "Warrior" in 2017. It has already received the code name - "Warrior-3"

main goal development of combat equipment "Warrior" is to increase the efficiency of the performance of assigned combat missions by soldiers while reducing the number of losses among the personnel of units.

Russian military equipment "Ratnik" - "Polygon", video.


Combat equipment modern warfare includes structurally and functionally interconnected elements of 5 main systems:

  • means of destruction
  • means of protection,
  • means of intelligence and control,
  • life support
  • means of energy supply.

Equipment can protect up to 90% of a fighter's body. Bulletproof vests "Warrior" are 70% more effective than their predecessors. All elements of the kit can be combined for themselves, as in the designer. For the "warrior" 21 elements of equipment have been newly developed, 17 elements have been modernized. The tasks of increasing the efficiency of combat missions by military personnel by one and a half times compared to the equipment of the previous generation have been solved.

In my own way appearance the new Russian military equipment is quite aesthetic, it is no worse, and in some ways even prettier than modern American equipment. "Warrior" is distinguished by differentiated and combined protection of a serviceman. All the vital organs of a soldier are covered either with ceramic-metal, or special armor, or protective fabrics such as Kevlar, depending on the tasks. Synthetic protection is widely used in the new equipment. The helmet familiar to the eye was replaced by helmets of various configurations, which also change depending on the tasks at hand. Helmets can also be made from a variety of materials: steel, composites, titanium. They are able to save a soldier's head in those situations when the old helmet definitely made its way right through.

In the "Warrior" was implemented such an innovation as an instant reset of all equipment when a soldier enters the water. That is, equipment with considerable weight will not drag a soldier to the bottom. And the body armor created for the Navy is generally a know-how. Russian specialists managed to combine both body armor and a life jacket. In the event that a sailor who is on watch suddenly finds himself overboard, he will not drown, but will remain floating on the surface thanks to such a bulletproof vest.

Combat equipment "Warrior" is literally crammed with a variety of electronics. Electronic maps of the area, satellite positioning, individual communications for each fighter, night vision systems and lighting devices, and much more will make the Russian soldier integral part a single combat system, which will be controlled by the most modern network-centric technologies.

Small arms of new generations are also being developed specifically for the Ratnik. A thermal imaging targeting system has already been developed, as well as a special video module that allows you to fire from around a corner or from a suitable shelter. At the same time, the transmission of information from the sight of the weapon to the screen of the soldier's eyecup occurs wirelessly.

The total weight of the standard version of overalls and bulletproof vest of the 5th protection class is about 10 kilograms, the maximum - with a helmet, assault bulletproof vest of the 6th protection class, body armor for the shoulders and hips - about 20 kg.

The clothing elements of the Ratnik set have Velcro fasteners for chevrons and shoulder straps. Therefore, removing any identification marks is a matter of one minute.

The “breathable” design of the “Warrior” allows you to wear it continuously for at least 48 hours. The fabric is impregnated with a special composition that allows air to pass through, but retains moisture. A winter version of the Ratnik was also designed, in which elements of insulation and heat supply are provided.

The armored suit blocks radiation in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra, which makes the fighter invisible in the thermal imaging sight.

Modularity allows you to attach any pockets to the vest. The winter version will differ only in the presence of means of heat supply and insulation.

Automatic control created for anti-aircraft gunners anti-aircraft missile systems, with the help of which the commander detects targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers and automatically transmits the coordinates to the soldiers. Up to nine anti-aircraft gunners can receive commands from one point. This will exhaust the need for a visual search for targets by the anti-aircraft gunners themselves. It can also be used by snipers and grenade launchers to direct fire.

The basis of the Ratnik kits is bulletproof vests, armored helmets, combat overalls, goggles, a headset with active system hearing protection, a set of protection for the elbow and knee joints of a fighter, machine guns, sniper rifles, a grenade launcher, ammunition for them, a new combat knife, as well as a day-night sighting system, all-day reconnaissance devices, unified optical and thermal imaging sights, small-sized binoculars and other samples. In total, the Ratnik combat equipment kits include 59 items of equipment for military personnel: a gunner, a driver, a scout, and soldiers of other specialties. All of them are conditionally divided into elements of the system of destruction, protection, life support, energy supply and means of control, communications and intelligence.

The composition of the "Warrior"

  1. Complex intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius" and "Sagittarius-M"
  2. Protective kit "Permyachka" and "Permyachka-M"
  3. Clothing combat equipment of a soldier, "Warrior"
  4. Life supporting system
  5. Surveillance system
  6. Weapon system
  7. Special multilayer helmet of the 1st protection class with ceramic armor plates
  8. Optional equipment
  • Elements of protection against non-lethal weapons (sonic, tear gas, thermal, etc.)
  • Elements of protection against poisonous weapons
  • Water filters
  • Autonomous heat sources
  • Energy kits
  • Medical control system
  • first aid kit
  • Microwave detector


The R-175 portable kit (UNKV-03) consists of a R-168-0.5UM radio station, a subscriber communicator AK-3.5 and a tactical terminal TT-6.5.

Transportable version of the Bussol radio station.

The outfit was first presented to the audience at the MAKS-2011 air show. Military tests took place in December 2012 on the basis of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade at the Alabino training ground near Moscow. Based on the results of military tests, the items of equipment received a positive assessment from the military command. The structure of the "Warrior" includes several dozen elements of weapons, including:

  • protection kit includes body armor 6B43 (with ceramic plates) protection class 6A according to GOST R 50744-95 (adopted in 2002) or class Br5 according to the new GOST R 50744-95 (adopted in 2014, is the main one): in extended configuration (weight up to 15 kg) or as standard (weight up to 9 kg) - without groin protection (armor plate and anti-fragmentation module), bulletproof side armor plates, shoulder pads (anti-fragmentation module). The kit also includes a multi-layer helmet that can withstand a pistol bullet (protection class 1) from a distance of 5-10 meters.
  • the kit is equipped with the Sagittarius control system, which includes means of communication, target designation, processing and display of information, identification, which makes it possible to transmit information about the whereabouts of a soldier to the command post;
  • a communicator that determines the coordinates of a serviceman using GLONASS and GPS to solve the problem of orientation on the ground and target designation and other applied calculations;
  • goggles capable of withstanding hits of 6 mm fragments flying at a speed of 350 m / s;
  • shields for knee and elbow joints 6b51;
  • water purification filters, autonomous heat sources;
  • an assault rifle, or a machine gun, or a sniper rifle equipped with a night vision sight and a thermal imaging sighting system;
  • video module for shooting from cover. It consists of a thermal imaging sight and a helmet-mounted monitor with a control system, which displays an image from the sight (developed by TsNII Cyclone OJSC, which is part of the Ruselectronics holding);
  • several types of thermal imaging sights - 1PN139 (large-caliber), 1PN140 (for normal observation) and a variant for reconnaissance (no name). Developed at the Central Research Institute "Cyclone", which is part of the holding "Ruselectronics";
  • thermal imaging sight "Shahin" - provides detection, recognition and aimed fire at targets at any time of the day in simple and difficult meteorological conditions;
  • day-night sighting system (DNPC) for small arms, including red dot sight(KP) 1P87, night monocular (NM) -1PN138, telescope (ZT) -1P90 and laser pointer (LC) -1K241. DNPC allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of hitting targets from small arms, when using a night monocular with a collimator sight or a laser target designator - to conduct aimed fire at dusk and in low light conditions. The 3x magnification spotting scope can also be mounted on the weapon in addition to the scope. Most of the DNPC devices are developed and manufactured at JSC "Plant Jupiter" in Valdai
  • the life support system includes backpacks of various types (a universal backpack with a volume of 50 liters, a raid pack of 10 liters; an unloading vest for 24 kg of weight with interchangeable quick-release elements), camouflage kits, a foldable heat-insulating pad, a removable insulation for use in winter, a ventilated T-shirt, a vest with compartments for ammunition, mat, raincoat, cap, balaclava, mosquito net;
  • tent, sleeping bag;
  • frost-resistant battery for powering electronic devices. Multiple batteries can be connected. The modular charger allows you to charge from almost all sources of direct and alternating current. One battery can withstand 12-14 hours of active work;
  • active headphones that allow you to communicate during the battle;
  • knife "Bumblebee";
  • (since 2017) sensors for military vehicles and "friend or foe" soldiers. The device will allow you to distinguish comrades-in-arms from opponents in battle conditions, regardless of their uniforms and disguises. A serviceman equipped with such a sensor will be able to distinguish “friends” from “foes” by looking at the screen of a special device that looks like mobile phone. It displays on an electronic map the location of a soldier and the location of friendly forces in this moment time.

The commander's personal tablet computer is designed to solve the problems of control and orientation in the tactical level of the command staff.

Wearable receiver indicator NPI2 for a soldier.

  • It is planned to eventually introduce an exoskeleton into the Warrior.

Portable set R-175 (UNKV-03) consists of radio station R-168-0.5UM, subscriber communicator AK-3.5 and tactical terminal TT-6.5
Navigation and tactical level control system from MKB Compass under the "code" name "Soldier of the XXI century"

The outfit was first presented to the audience at the MAKS-2011 air show. Military tests took place in December 2012 on the basis of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade in the Alabino training ground near Moscow. Based on the results of military tests, the items of equipment received a positive assessment from the military command.

The structure of the "Warrior" includes several dozen elements of weapons, including:

  • aramid overalls made of Aluteks fiber by Kamenskvolokno, capable of withstanding grenade fragments, mines or shells, and also has a certain fire resistance;
  • The protection kit includes a bulletproof vest 6B43 (with ceramic plates) of protection class 6a in an expanded configuration (weight - up to 15 kg) or class 5 in a standard configuration (weight - up to 9 kg) in accordance with GOST R 51136-98, GOST R 51112-97 , GOST R 50941-96. And a multi-layer helmet that can withstand a pistol bullet (protection class 1) from a distance of 5-10 m.

  • the set is equipped with the Sagittarius control system, which includes means of communication, target designation, processing and display of information, identification - allowing you to transmit information about the whereabouts of a soldier to a command post;
  • a communicator that determines the coordinates of a fighter using GLONASS and GPS, to solve the problem of orientation on the ground and target designation and other applied calculations;
  • power supply kits;
  • goggles capable of withstanding hits of 6 mm fragments flying at a speed of 350 m/s;
  • shields for knee and elbow joints, water purification filters, autonomous heat sources;
  • AK-12 or upgraded AK of other versions, equipped with a night vision sight and a thermal imaging sighting system;
  • video module for shooting from cover, consisting of a helmet-mounted mini-monitor and a television sight;
  • collimator sight "Krechet" and other devices (in addition to the sight, a 3-fold telescope or a night vision monocular "Lun" can be installed);
  • the life support system includes backpacks of various types (a universal backpack with a volume of 50 liters, a raid pack of 10 liters;
  • unloading vest with interchangeable quick-release elements), camouflage kits, foldable thermal insulation pad, removable insulation for use in winter, ventilated T-shirt, vest with ammunition compartments, mat, raincoat, cap, balaclava, mosquito net;
  • tent, sleeping bag;
  • active headphones that allow you to communicate during the battle;
  • knife "Bumblebee".

The total weight of the kit is up to 22 kilograms in an extended configuration (without combat stock and weapons) with an assault version of the 6B43 body armor. In the basic version, the weight is up to 17 kilograms (without ammunition and weapons) with the basic version of the 6B43 body armor. Helmet weight 1.056 kg. In general, 90% of the soldier's body surface is covered. The bulletproof vest has several varieties, from light to heavy with insertable plates. The marine version of body armor also has the properties of a life jacket, which makes it possible to stay afloat with it. Modularity allows you to attach any pockets to the vest. The winter version differs only in the presence of means of heat supply and insulation. The design assumes continuous wear for a minimum of 48 hours. Transmission of video information from the sight to the eye indicator is carried out wirelessly. The communication system will allow the soldier to communicate with the command and colleagues at the tactical level. The saturation with electronics makes the soldiers a single combat system controlled by the latest technologies. At the same time, information about the location of a soldier is transmitted to the command post (CP), which greatly reduces the likelihood of loss without a trace. Communication is provided by the Sagittarius reconnaissance, control and communications complex, which allows you to exchange information using voice or text messages, carry out target designation, and take photographs and videos. The television sight on the machine gun gives an image in the eyecup, which allows you to shoot and observe from cover or from the hip. For anti-aircraft gunners, an automatic control of anti-aircraft missile systems has been created, with the help of which the commander detects targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers and transfers the coordinates automatically to the soldiers. Up to nine anti-aircraft gunners can receive commands from one point. This will exhaust the need for a visual search for targets by the anti-aircraft gunners themselves. The system allows you to leave the ambush at the right moment for a shot and hide again. It can also be used by snipers and grenade launchers to direct fire. It will be possible to use such a system to protect military columns.

The average period of use of equipment is 5 years. The kit will be transferred from one soldier to another until it falls under decommissioning. Different pieces of equipment have their own lifespan. T-shirt with flaps is designed for one soldier. Summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms, helmets, body armor, small arms and knives are designed for a longer service life.

Director General of TSNIITOCHMASH Dmitry Semizorov at the international exhibition Eurosatory-2014 in June 2014 stated that the multi-caliber system for small arms as part of the Ratnik equipment would not be developed. According to him, such a demand was made by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Also, according to General Designer Vladimir Lepin, in the process of working on the Ratnik, 28 types of small arms were modernized.

As of June 22, 2014, automatic weapons for the Ratnik equipment were tested by automatic weapons from two manufacturers: the Kalashnikov concern and the Degtyarev Kovrov plant, said Oleg Bochkarev, deputy chairman of the Military Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation. Bochkarev added that the full set of Ratnik equipment will also include modernized machine guns and the ORSIS sniper system.

“Usually we go out on one sample. In the process of preliminary tests, we were convinced that both that and that machine turned out. Now an important moment for manufacturers and for the military is to choose the single type of weapon that will be in Russia, ” - the representative of the Military-Industrial Commission explained to the Russian News Service.

Upon completion of military tests, the commission of the Russian defense department gave preference to the AK-12 assault rifle, developed by the design team of the Izhmash plant, headed by Vladimir Zlobin. From now on, the AK-12 will become part of the Ratnik combat equipment, which is already being supplied to the troops. The production of the machine will begin in February 2015.


The new helmet, without exaggeration, is a masterpiece among personal protective equipment. Its mass is only 1 kg, while it retained all the protective characteristics of the predecessor helmet 6B7-1M.
In Geneva, in the ballistic laboratory of the DuPont European Technical Center (also known for the development and production of aramid fibers), the helmet was tested for strength.
Our researchers decided to make the trials crossover. That is, while we were testing our helmet in Switzerland, TSNIITOCHMASH (Klimovsk, Moscow Region) and Central Research Institute Special engineering(Khotkovo) tested one of the most advertised today Sentry helmets (ACH) from the American company Ops-Core. For comparison, we also used a serial helmet 6B7-1M, which is supplied in Military establishment Russia.
When the Swiss specialists completed the work, the head of the ballistics laboratory of the DuPont European Technical Center said that the provided helmet of this weight was the best he had ever held in his hands. However, let's turn to the figures in the two tables, which eloquently testify to the results of gunshot tests.
So, our new helmet 6B47-Warrior was tested in Switzerland for anti-shatter resistance. The American standard provides for the use in such tests of fragments of FSP 17 grains (1.1 g) of a cylindrical shape with beveled edges at the end. Swiss experts have empirically established that the anti-fragmentation protection of the Ratnik helmet, or the speed of V50% of non-penetration by such a fragment, reaches 684 m / s. This is 14 m / s higher than the American helmet, despite the fact that the Sentry helmet is almost one and a half times heavier than ours.
In turn, our researchers got a clear picture after the shots from the TT pistol. The advertised Made in USA helmet could not withstand a pistol bullet with a heat-strengthened core from a 50-meter distance - it broke through the protection and got stuck in the mannequin's head. But the Russian 6B7-1M helmet, which preceded the 6B47-Warrior helmet, could not be penetrated by this bullet from the same distance.
The expert group on armored materials and means of armor protection at the Interdepartmental Working Group (Laboratory) of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by the head of the expert group Evgeny Kharchenko, came to the conclusion that, in terms of overall weight and size and protective characteristics, the domestic helmet of the latest generation 6B47 significantly outperforms one of the best new foreign helmets such as Sentry (USA). The weight advantage is 23-45 percent.

What will the soldier of the future look like in the Ratnik outfit? Combat equipment "Warrior" is adapted for action in a variety of conditions and protects up to 90% of the fighter's body.

Modern combat equipment "Warrior" will be able to compete on equal terms with similar types of equipment "soldiers of the future" and can protect up to 90% of the fighter's body. It has a modular layout and is adapted to operate in a variety of conditions. Depending on the configuration, the "Warrior" weighs from 24 to 30 kg.

What is the combat equipment "Warrior"?

"Ratnik" - Russian military equipment developed by the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TsNIItochmash), combines modern small arms and effective protection kits.

The development of a new generation of equipment began in Russia in the 2000s. General designer of equipment - Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

The main goal of the development is to increase the efficiency of the performance of assigned combat missions by soldiers while reducing the number of losses among the personnel of the units.

The first samples of the "Warrior" were presented at the MAKS-2011 air show. Experimental military operation was carried out at the exercises "Kavkaz-2012" on the basis of the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade. The first samples of the new combat equipment entered the Russian ground forces in January 2015.

In 2015, the development of an even more advanced set of equipment will begin, which will replace the "Warrior" in 2017. She has already received the code name "Warrior-3".

Equipment "Warrior". Test of a set of bulletproof vest and helmet

What is included in the equipment of the Warrior?

The Ratnik kit includes about 50 different elements, including small arms, aiming, protection systems, electronic means of communication, navigation and target designation. The modular principle of equipment allows you to mount removable elements, which are completed depending on the task assigned to the soldiers.

Combat equipment includes more than 10 subsystems, including:

1. The complex of intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius" and "Sagittarius-M".
2. Protective kit "Permyachka" and "Permyachka-M".
3. Clothes of military equipment of the military man "Warrior" (goggles, body armor with ceramic plates, anti-fragmentation overalls, shields for knee and elbow joints, etc.).
4. Life support system.
5. Surveillance system (thermal sight, night vision device).

6. Weapon system (AK-12 Kalashnikov assault rifle, grenades, magazines with cartridges, etc.).
7. Special multi-layer helmet of the 1st protection class with ceramic armor plates.
8. Additional equipment.
9. Elements of protection against non-lethal weapons (sonic, tear gas, thermal, etc.).
10. Elements of protection against poisonous weapons.
11. Water purification filters.
12. Autonomous heat sources.
13. Sets of means of energy supply.
14. System of medical control.
15. First aid kit.
16. Detector of microwave radiation.

What analogues of equipment exist in other countries?

Equipment of the "soldier of the future":

In the USA - Land Warrior (includes: a computer, a helmet-mounted display (HMD), a GPS navigator, a radio station, a power supply, a sniper location system and a weapons control system. A soldier can monitor the battlefield thanks to video and infrared cameras mounted on automatic rifle, the image of which is shown on the display). Weighs up to 50 kg;

In Germany - IdZ (includes: G36 manufactured by Heckler and Koch, a laser system mounted on a weapon, a computer information system for command, control and communications, an eye and ear protection subsystem; subsystems for protection against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, a night vision system, navigational communication system that determines the location of soldiers, minefields and other danger zones). Weighs up to 43 kg;

In the UK - FIST (includes a laser rangefinder, a chart system, target locators, uniforms, a protective helmet equipped with built-in information systems, advanced weapons system and personal armor). Weighs up to 35 kg;

In Spain - COMFUT (includes a laptop computer that will display a map of the area, tactical situation, targets and potential dangers. Soldiers can exchange information about the situation with each other in real time. An infrared camera mounted on a soldier’s weapon with a sight will transmit image on a soldier's helmet-mounted display, making it easier to aim at night.The equipment also includes a bulletproof vest with a built-in backpack, communications equipment, a power source and a control system). Weighs up to 30 kg;

In Switzerland - IMESS (has a modular principle, sights with video image transmission to helmet-mounted displays, a voice warning system about approaching potentially dangerous points on the ground, a communication and information exchange system, optical systems, including a day / night sight). Weighs up to 20 kg;

In France - FELIN (FELIN equipment includes weapons, ammunition, body armor, a protective helmet with two displays and a microphone, communications and data exchange, a laptop, a GPS receiver, batteries, as well as a daily norm of food and water). FELIN weighs up to 35 kg.

Efficient FELIN simulation

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Completely new combat equipment of the latest generation. At present, the Ratnik equipment has already passed a series of military tests in various climatic zones of Russia.

Those times when a motorized rifleman went into battle, at best, having only a bulletproof vest, and at worst, without protection at all, are in the past. The equipment of modern military personnel increasingly makes them look like characters in science fiction films. A modern soldier is not an ordinary shooter, but a full-fledged combat unit that has modern means of protection and an individual control system. The combat equipment of a modern war includes structurally and functionally interconnected elements of 5 main systems: means of destruction, means of protection, means of reconnaissance and control, life support, and even energy supply.

Ratnik is a second-generation combat equipment system. As part of the development work on this project, more than 50 domestic industrial enterprises, as well as more than 10 polygons and military units Ministry of Defense. Especially for the "Warrior" was re-created 21 elements of the equipment of a soldier, another 17 elements were modernized. Thanks to the work done, it was possible to increase the efficiency of combat missions by military personnel by 1.5 times compared to the use of equipment of the previous generation. The general designer of the Ratnik equipment is Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

In its appearance, the new Russian military equipment is quite aesthetic, it is no worse, and in some ways even prettier than modern American equipment. "Warrior" is distinguished by differentiated and combined protection of a serviceman. All the vital organs of a soldier are covered either with cermet, or with special armor, or with protective fabrics such as Kevlar, depending on the tasks assigned. Synthetic protection is widely used in the new equipment. The helmet familiar to the eye was replaced by helmets of various configurations, which also change depending on the tasks at hand. Helmets can also be made from a variety of materials: steel, composites, titanium. They are able to save a soldier's head in those situations when the old helmet definitely made its way right through.

In the "Warrior" was implemented such an innovation as an instant reset of all equipment when a soldier enters the water. That is, equipment with considerable weight will not drag a soldier to the bottom. And the body armor created for the Navy is generally a know-how. Russian specialists managed to combine both body armor and a life jacket. In the event that a sailor who is on watch suddenly finds himself overboard, he will not drown, but will remain floating on the surface thanks to such a bulletproof vest.

Combat equipment "Warrior" is literally crammed with a variety of electronics. Electronic terrain maps, satellite positioning, individual communications for each fighter, night vision systems and lighting devices, and much more will make the Russian soldier an integral part of a single combat system that will be controlled by the most modern network-centric technologies.

Small arms of new generations are also being developed specifically for the Ratnik. A thermal imaging targeting system has already been developed, which has no analogues in the world, as well as a special video module that allows you to fire from around a corner or from a suitable shelter. At the same time, the transmission of information from the sight of the weapon to the screen of the soldier's eyecup occurs wirelessly. At present, in many foreign analogues of the “soldier of the future” combat equipment, data transmission from the small arms sight to the eye indicator is implemented in a wired mode.

In addition to the equipment that is being created in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry, samples of equipment that are already being produced for fighters and employees of anti-terrorist special forces were demonstrated. These are Gladiator, Legionnaire, Centurion, Sherp. According to the creators of this equipment, they are significantly better than the one that is in service with foreign special forces.

At present, the Ratnik equipment is being tested in motorized rifle troops. State tests of the Ratnik kits, which are intended for military personnel of various specialties of the Ground Forces (SV), are carried out on the basis of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the Western Military District (ZVO) under the leadership of the High Command of the SV. In February 2014, at the Alabino training ground in the Moscow region, the military personnel of the reconnaissance unit of the brigade, during combat training, began intensive use of the Ratnik equipment sets.

The basis of the Ratnik kits is bulletproof vests, armored helmets, combat overalls, goggles, a headset with an active hearing protection system, a set of protection for the elbow and knee joints of a fighter, machine guns, sniper rifles, a grenade launcher, ammunition for them, a new combat knife, as well as daylight night sighting system, all-day reconnaissance devices, unified optical and thermal imaging sights, small-sized binoculars and other samples. In total, the Ratnik combat equipment kits include 59 items of equipment for military personnel: a gunner, a driver, a scout, and soldiers of other specialties. All of them are conditionally divided into elements of the system of destruction, protection, life support, energy supply and means of control, communications and intelligence.

In addition, the Ratnik combat equipment set includes a multifunctional knife, a watch, a flashlight, a universal shelter, an autonomous heat source, double-sided camouflage kits, a raid backpack, a small infantry shovel, an individual water filter, respiratory protection equipment, and equipment intended for chemical and radiation control, special treatment and first aid equipment, filter clothing. As part of the ongoing testing and refinement of equipment, it was possible to reduce the total mass of the kit to 24 kg, which allows the soldier to remain mobile when solving combat missions. At the same time, the level of protection was increased, the accuracy and accuracy of fire were improved, the target detection range was increased both at night and in fairly difficult weather conditions, and the overall ergonomics of the kit was improved.

The main goal of the development of combat equipment "Warrior" is to increase the efficiency of the performance of assigned combat missions by soldiers while reducing the number of casualties among the personnel of the units. The adoption of the "Warrior" into service should occur in the summer of 2014. According to available information, in current year 5-7 units will switch to a new set of combat equipment, over the next 5 years all other units will have to switch to the Ratnik.

As part of the work on the Ratnik combat equipment set, more than 100 different items of equipment were tested during a series of preliminary tests. Only the best of the created samples were allowed to state tests. The state defense order for 2014 involves the supply of several tens of thousands of sets of Ratnik combat equipment to the ground forces, naval infantry units and airborne troops.

The average warranty period of operation of the Ratnik kit is 5 years. At the same time, this kit will be transferred from one soldier to another until it falls under the write-off procedure. For example, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with flaps, then the summer uniform is designed for two, and the winter uniform will have more owners. Bulletproof vests, helmets, knives and small arms will last much longer.

While working on the "Warrior", as part of preliminary tests, more than 100 individual items of equipment were evaluated, including helmets, body armor and various protective equipment. The best in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, 40 samples were admitted to state tests.

In the state defense order for 2014, the delivery of several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment for the military personnel of the Ground Forces, the Airborne Forces and the marines of the Navy is planned.

The average warranty period for the use of the "Warrior" is five years, the kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it falls under decommissioning. And let's say, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with valves, then the summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms will also have more owners, helmets, body armor, small arms and knives will last longer.

The current field uniform is noticeably different from the Ratnik uniform in terms of color, cut and structure of materials. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, by 2015 the Russian army will switch to a new unified uniform designed for everyday wear. The servicemen will not need to change into "ratnikov" clothes to use the combat kit - it will be the same for everyone.

While creating new form clothes, we did without fashion designers and couturiers, ”says Colonel Romanyuta, hinting at Yudashkin’s uniform, which was not loved in the army. - We managed on our own, which did not prevent her from becoming much better than many foreign analogues in appearance and ease of use.

"Warrior" - a set of combat equipment for a serviceman, consisting of systems for destruction, protection, control, life and energy supply. The first pre-production kits of the Ratnik began to arrive in the RF Armed Forces in 2014, and in May last year, Russian troops received serial production equipment.

The complex is an extended set of uniforms, supplemented with elements and accessories designed to protect the soldier and increase his combat effectiveness. The kit includes a bulletproof vest of protection class 5–6, a protective helmet, transport vests for ammunition and accessories, special shoes, knee pads, elbow pads, a backpack, a cape, a sleeping bag and other items. In addition, the equipment includes personal weapons of a serviceman (cold and firearms), as well as a set of compact technical reconnaissance, communications and navigation devices, optical, infrared and laser devices, video devices, a friend or foe identification system, and much more. The equipment has several options for various military specialties.

The new equipment was developed by the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (JSC TSNIITOCHMASH), and more than fifty enterprises and organizations took part in its creation. The program for the creation of new equipment has become one of the most ambitious modernization projects Russian army.

The photo selection presents pictures of the equipment supplied to the ground units of the RF Armed Forces.

Infographics about combat equipment "Warrior"

Russian soldiers in the outfit "Warrior"

The AK-12 assault rifle is the main weapon of the Ratnik. In its place, the A-545 assault rifle, developed at the plant named after A.I. Dyagterev. Now new machines are undergoing comparative tests

Unlike its predecessors, the AK-12 is equipped with a telescopic stock and an ergonomic pistol grip.

Automatic A-545 (AEK-971) - the main competitor of the AK-12

Universal helmet for all branches and types of troops

The design of the helmet provides for mounting additional devices

The body armor weighs 7.5 kg and "holds" a direct hit from an SVD rifle with a bullet with an armor-piercing core from ten meters. In its assault version, protection of the shoulders and inguinal region is provided.

Universal pouch with MOLLE fastening system

Anti-fragmentation goggles

Transport modular vest. This variant is designed for shooters and has pockets for underbarrel and hand grenades.

40 l patrol pack

Set of protection of the knee-elbow joints

Double-sided demi-season camouflage kit in spring and autumn colors

Shelter. Can be used as a tent, awning or stretcher to transport the wounded

Individual filter for water purification. Resource - 15 l

Helmet flashlight with multiple modes of operation

Shooting headphones-headset with active noise canceling system

Wrist Watch with automatic winding function. They exist in two versions: for "regular" units and for marines. Differ in water resistance: "ordinary" "hold" a depth of up to 20 m, the version for the marines - up to 100 m

Multifunctional knife. It contains saws for wood and metal, a screwdriver, pliers and an awl

Another version of the multifunctional folding knife, which can be included in the set of combat equipment "Warrior"

Equipment control systems "Warrior" include a complex of reconnaissance, control and communications "Sagittarius"

Energy supply systems (batteries, wires, etc.) are distributed among various items of equipment

Commander's personal tablet computer designed to solve the problems of control and orientation of the tactical link of the command staff
