What energies are now coming to earth. New energies come to earth

Each of the elements has a certain energy field that can be used to strengthen and maintain a healthy human aura.

Our planet, the soil that is always underfoot, is also no exception, so people who receive energy from the earth are increasingly found in the world of esotericism. It is the earth that has since ancient times the power of fertility and the triumph of life, attracts in the literal sense and not only gives strength, but also absorbs negativity.

Energy Features

The energy of the Earth, as a rule, penetrates the human body through the three main chakras located in the lower part of the body. It is possible to receive flows from the chakra in the coccyx or through the soles of the feet, but for this it is necessary to walk more often on the grass or sand mound.

The upper energy centers, in turn, absorb the power of the Cosmos, and at the central nodal point, all flows converge and harmonize. When some kind of shift occurs and one of the energies begins to be lacking, the imbalance manifests itself not only at the spiritual level.

There is another version, according to which the energy of the earth enters the body through an ascending longitudinal energy flow. From above, the power of the sun enters the body. Then each of the energies diverges through the body thanks to small channels.

The energy system resembles the structure of the nervous system, so each human cell receives the right amount of earth power.

Among some bioenergetics it is considered that the terrestrial energy flow is divided into two types. The manifested energy is planetary, and the latent energy is Divine. In the first case, we are talking about the dominant force, with the help of which life exists on our planet. However, planetary energy can also be individual, relating to different elements of the elements.

The manifest power of the earth is the energy that always surrounds our space in the form of low vibrations that are felt by man.

Energy flows of this type mountains, trees and other elements of the earth with a dense structure can be considered. Planetary energy enters the human body from food, water, fire, air, minerals, and plants. It is necessary for the healing and harmonization of the body. Due to these flows, the grounding of cosmic and solar energies is carried out, which in large quantities could harm a person if not for our planet.

As for the unmanifested energy, it also has several levels.

  • Firstly, there is the aura of the Earth - a stream surrounding the planet, storing unique vibrations and passing through all life on earth, even through the thin shells of individuals.
  • Secondly, the Divine flow can also refer only to the element of earth and pass through physical shells, protecting the energy of a person.

There is an opinion that the very body of an individual is a combination of planetary energy belonging to different elements. But in any person there is also the Divine power of the earth, which helps to communicate with the Higher Self. It is this energy that distinguishes a person from other living beings. In turn, the merging of the planetary and Divine energies of the earth guarantees the renewal of the physical body, its transformation through new cells. This energy harmony allows a person to survive in an abundance of material energy.

Part of the Divine flows from the earth is sent to human cells for self-healing. This energy helps blood circulation, brain function.

Divine energy emanating from the Earth gives mental development to the individual. She is driven by his philosophical reflections on death and life, his place in the world. If this earthly force is lacking, the existence of man resembles simple animal inertia, the rule of instincts. But, as a rule, this flow of earth easily penetrates the body through the channels of the brain (both bone, and spinal, and brain).

The points of entry and exit of this type of energy are located on the fingers of a person. In fact, our planet passes its own forces through the body of an individual, in order to then enter the Cosmos, where the largest energy exchange, necessary for the Universe, will be completed.

The earthly Divine energy most often encounters the difficulty of getting out of a person. Many people block this flow in themselves due to their anxiety, personal or social upheavals. Nervous tension creates a blockage at the point of departure of the earth's currents into the Cosmos, from which the individual suffers from weakness, migraine, heartache and dizziness. You can remove such an energy plug by changing the situation, creating a calm atmosphere. It may also be necessary to attract the energy of the earth as an element (i.e. manifested energy).

There is also another type of earthly energy of divine origin. It comes from the past, from the Tree of the Sort of Personality. The power of the planet is involved here, as well as the energy due to which the Human race was conceived. When this type of energy is present in minimal amounts, the subject from childhood may lag behind in development and have physical disabilities.

The energy of the earth from the Tree of the Family sometimes does not enter the human body due to pollution of the birth canal, which suffers from curses, the energy of sinful life, and large energy stagnations. This energy is necessary for an individual for his spiritual development, the growth of mystical forces. It enters first through the channel to the brain, then washes the spine and diverges along the nerve endings to all cells and parts of the body.

The strength of earthly energy from the Tree of the Family directly depends on the desire of the person himself, therefore, with the proper level of preparation, you can heal yourself with such a stream, while engaging the activity of the subconscious and consciousness.

There is also an opinion that this type of energy from the earth can help in the transition to the fourth dimension. These currents reveal the possibilities of new vibrations, promote telekinesis, levitation, etc.

Each of the types of the earthly Divine flow must be balanced in the human body by the energy of the Cosmos (also of the Divine type). But only the individual himself can manage these vibrations, passing them through his body and creating a specific program of energy action. The program means a specific will, which is addressed to the flow of Divine energy. In other words, the unmanifested energy of the earth can fulfill desires and not only. With its help, you can cleanse yourself of microbes and bacteria, from blood pollution, and relieve vasospasm.

Planetary energy is usually subject to higher vibrations of the Divine energy of the earth, because it is they who are guided by the thoughts of the individual and work with energy pollution, negative attitudes. Proponents of this concept often resort to working with the earthly energy of the Divine type due to special minerals in the form of eggs. With their help, you can open new channels in the body and remove unnecessary emotions, as well as restore tissue structures in the body.

It is worth noting that, from the point of view of some scientists, terrestrial energy is also divided into free and potential. The first type is available to humans upon contact with nature, and the second provides gravity and is not transmitted to living beings in order to avoid chaos. In the body of an individual, the energy of the earth circulates other types of energy and warns against energy hunger, and also controls metabolism. The energy of our planet is the basis for all human life force, it is it that blends perfectly with any organism.

Speaking about the varieties of earthly energy, one cannot ignore the negative side of the forces of our planet. Dark spirits are changing the energy of the earth's surface in many places. Because of this, the light aura of a person can suffer from a long stay in a geopathogenic territory. The so-called areas of vampirism take away energy, destroy both the ethereal and the physical shell. In these points of the earth, a lot of energy of the necrotic type, destructive forces is also collected. Such earthly energy is useful only for black sorcerers and psychics.

Support from the ground and its lack

Streams from the earth's surface are constantly emitted, but not all the energy comes to a person. V modern world a person rarely walks, especially with bare feet, he interacts little with nature. Hence the loss of ties with the ancestors, the loss of endurance and natural strength. But the support of the earth would be enough for the whole society. The more people communicate with the earth, the more power they receive from it.

If a person lacks the energy of the earth, he is in a depressed state. The joy of life and pleasure elude such an individual, he begins to have problems in the sexual sphere, in the field of finance. The lack of such natural strength interferes with the realization of dreams, the construction of plans. Stability and stability disappear, which means that a person turns into an irritable and insecure subject, a passive observer of his difficulties. The individual begins to perceive himself as a stranger in his own life, he loses his self and the basic energy of life, plunging into a state of nervousness, fear, illusions.

The energy of the earth's surface goes to nourish all parts of the body, they develop and renew themselves at the molecular level. But most importantly, the energy of the earth can be used to develop such spiritual qualities as mercy, responsiveness, calmness, kindness, harmony, and even maternal instinct. The lack of earthly energy in the body leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, emotional breakdowns, breaks in the biofield.

The power of the earth can be effectively used for general recharging of the body, healing procedures. The impact of this energy on a person can be seen, for example, in churches and cathedrals, where the ceiling in the form of a dome collects under itself all the power from the surface of the earth. Such energy is enhanced by the gilding and tinplate that line the domes. In addition, gravity helps restore sexual desire. For this, it is useful to use self-massage with the palms, which distributes energy throughout the body and prevents the appearance of energy holes in the biofield.

So, the earth is a symbol of a wholesome life, rebirth and protection, care and restraint. It is due to its energy that one can turn to the ancient resources of a kind in order to regain lost health or restore material status.

How to feel the power of the earth

To absorb natural energy from the planet, people resort to different methods. Some of the techniques resemble simple relaxation, others are advanced concentration meditations, and others are a form of active leisure. Everyone can choose something to their taste.

Touch different elements of the earth element as often as possible

Contacts must be conscious, i.e. it is necessary to mentally formulate your desire to recharge with useful energy. Even stones can be used as a source of earthly power.

It is no less useful to cuddle with trees and grow plants on your site, periodically contemplating their development process.

Walk in nature

You can get out to a nearby park or drive to the nearest forest. The walk should be secluded and silent, you need to escape from the chaos of the city and everyday difficulties. Try to awaken the energy of contemplation in yourself, absorb the support of the earth.

Walk barefoot

It has already been indicated above that the main flow of terrestrial energy enters through a person's feet in direct contact with the surface. If touching the ground with your palms seems not enough, you can take off your shoes on unpaved sections of the road and walk.

It is also enough to stand on such land with your eyes closed, relaxing and imagining how the energy channels in the body are filled. In summer, you can run barefoot on the grass and admire the clear sky at the same time. Try to spread your legs shoulder-width apart and do not load your hands with unnecessary movements.

Visualize the flow of energy

Walking in a quiet corner of nature or being without shoes on clean soil, you can imagine how the energy flow rises from the depths of the earth and enters the body through the feet, penetrating the spine and rising to the top of the head.

Then the energy begins to move from top to bottom and again goes into the deep layers of the planet. The visualization of natural energy exchange can be completed by relaxing on the grass in a lying position with legs and arms spread out to the sides.

Meditate as a tree

Imagine yourself as part of the earth, which receives all the necessary minerals and vitamins from the soil. Feel how energy is being sucked out of the earth with the help of the root system of the tree, which your feet have turned into.

Your crown is a crown that goes high into the clouds. You can even lie down on the ground in the summer and, being dressed in light clothes, almost on a physical level feel the saturation of your own energy space with the forces of the planet, its care and stability. At the same time, it is important not to forget about proper breathing.

If you are meditating in a standing position, spread your legs, imagining how the stones pin you to the ground. Place your palms on your thighs with your fingers apart. With each exhalation, your energy will go into the depths of the planet and be purified there. Once refreshed, it fills your body as you inhale. Breathe deeply with your belly, let the air revitalize your body, and let the soft currents of the earth through your feet enter your lungs.

At the end of this practice, you can imagine yourself at that point on the planet where you feel most calm. Relax there and return to reality.

Take a mud bath

Surprisingly, the source of terrestrial energy is not only piles of sand or soil, but also other substances. Getting dirty in therapeutic mud or clay is not only medically beneficial, but also fun.

In addition, bathing of this type perfectly returns the lost power of the earth to the body. It is no coincidence that children crawl through mud or grass with great pleasure.

Arrange fasting days

The energy of the earth is stored in many natural products and liquids. Therefore, you can organize at least once a week the so-called day of live nutrition. Consume the gifts of the planet, using, for example, pure spring water and unprocessed vegetables or fruits. At the same time, it is desirable to thank the earth for all its generous gifts.

Meet the sunrise

With the onset of each day, you can immediately become barefoot on the bare ground, turning your face to the east. Next, you should thank both the sun and the planet, as well as yourself and life itself for the possibility of new achievements.

Merge with the earth

Stand in nature with your eyes closed, preferably barefoot. Imagine your feet in the form of large balls, partially submerged in the ground. Inhale deeply, imagining how the energy flows through these spheres into the body. Hold your breath so that the power of the earth disperses throughout the body. When you exhale, you give some of the energy back.

If you have enough physical fitness and there are no psychological clamps, you can stand up, spread your legs in line with your shoulders, bend your knees slightly and, closing your eyes, squat. Imagine at the same time that the energies of the legs merge with the currents of the earth.

Feel how the body slowly sinks into the deep layers of the earth.

Use yoga practice

Sit in nature in a shady quiet corner, cross-legged and placing your hands on your knees. Connect your index fingers with your thumbs and stretch your arms, touching the soil with the rest of your fingers. Breathe slowly and deeply, feeling that the energy of the earth with each breath penetrates the body through the fingertips.

Relax as much as possible and discard unnecessary thoughts.

Get earthly energy with solar

Retire early in the morning in a quiet place. Rub your hands together. Then imagine that you have one more hands and rub your real palms with them already mentally so that energy channels open there.

Try to stroke the walls of these channels, expand, increase their sensitivity to the actions of the second pair of hands. Then you need to visualize a luminous sphere, which you will knead with imaginary hands. The ball increases to the diameters of the energy channels and begins to move along them, thereby cleaning.

Similarly, you visualize the channels on the soles of the feet, massaging them with your mental palms and clearing them with a ball of light. Next, stand at sunrise, focus on the channels in your hands. Feel how your palms become weightless, they are ready to receive energy.

Then concentrate on the feet, do the same. Now the energy of the sun begins to flow through the hands, and the currents of the earth penetrate through the channels of the feet. The energy is soft and warm, the limbs pulsate and heat up from it.

You feel clean, energized, cheerful. Fatigue leaves the body.

Feed on the currents of the Earth and Space at the same time

This exercise helps to fill up with energy before physical or mental activity. Take a seated posture with a straight spine, press your feet to the floor, and point your palms up. Cover your eyelids. Visualize heavy currents of earth force rushing into the body through the feet. Energy enters the spine, from there it goes to the arms and head.

At the same time, a cosmic wave of lightness and light descends on you from the top of your head to your spine, leaving for your feet. The energies meet at the bottom of the spine and intertwine. They fill the whole body with strength. If you plan to engage in spiritual activities, imagine how the energy comes out of the head or hands (in the case of writing).

For physical work, it is necessary to visualize the exit of flows through the legs and arms.

People who receive energy from the earth, as a result of such exercises, become harmonious personalities.

It must be remembered that the forces of the planet at the physical level develop a person, strengthening his immunity, muscular system. But the most important thing is that the earthly energy flow helps to work on your consciousness, soul and heart. Due to regular merging with the power of the planet, one can achieve longevity, establish contact with ancestors and discover paranormal abilities in oneself.

In order to explain the origin of your current source of chi, which is electromagnetic in nature, we must delve a little into the history of the Earth. 2 million years ago, according to the records of Mother Earth, her energy resources were only magnetic in nature. Speaking of 2 million years, we mean the years counted by the Earth as the revolutions of your solar system around your 12 dimensional sun. This is how the earth measures time. From the point of view of human reckoning, we must multiply 2 million by 4, which equals 8 million years. In order for your solar system to complete 1 revolution around its 12-dimensional sun, it takes 4 revolutions of the earth around your solar star.

2 million years ago, a species of Dinosaurs lived on Earth, vegetarians by nature, who lived on the lush tropical vegetation that abounded on Earth at that time. At this time, the Earth entered into an agreement to receive or take Electrical energy from Alpha Centauri, which is a karmic consequence of its even earlier history. For those who don't know, Alpha Centauri is one of the solar systems inhabited by beings called "Greys".

Electrical energy did not resonate with the nervous system of the Dinosaurs that lived on the Earth plane. Their nervous system, like all life forms on Earth, was adapted to work only on magnetic energy. When the Earth began to receive electrical energy from Alpha Centauri, it turned out to be much more intense than any of the types of energies that previously existed on Earth. The nervous system of the Dinosaurs began to break down, in the process of which they became carnivores, that is, they began to eat each other instead of eating vegetation. Carnivorous behavior can be seen in the universe as violence, so it is possible to conclude that electrical energy in the magnetic system leads to violence.

The phenomenon of electrical energy in a form intended to receive only magnetic energy yields several interesting results. First, the cellular structure is destroyed. Why? It's simple. Magnetic energy is a circular energy flow, electrical energy is direct.

Try to imagine that at the time of the existence of dinosaurs, magnetic energy was quite enough to ensure the maintenance of rotation of molecular forms. The molecular structure known on Earth, both in dinosaur times and now, is a solar system-like flow of energy in which particles revolve around an atom. When magnetic energy moves quietly in a circle, it ensures the rotation of particles around each atom and maintains life. Now imagine another type of energy flow coming to Earth like a flash. When this flow enters the molecules, it brings in significantly more energy than the molecular structure can take in at once. This causes some molecules to immediately stop vibrating or "explode" and disintegrate.

50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years) humanity appeared on Earth. This was preceded by a "natural disaster" caused by the collision of a large asteroid with the Earth in the Mojave Desert region of Southern California, as a result of which a large cloud of dust rose into the atmosphere. The cloud obscured the sun, setting off a "glaciation" that killed all dinosaurs adapted to life in tropical conditions. The melting of the ice took 30,000 years.

On the two planets of Sirius, too, only magnetic energy was known. If so, then the genetics of humanity brought to Earth needed only a magnetic energy flow to maintain itself. Once again, the electrical impulses emanating from the Earth, due to its early agreements with the star systems, began to destroy the human nervous system. When this happened, humanity "lowered" in vibration, for it is the nervous system that maintains the vibration of the form. The lowering of the vibration of humanity has, over time, transformed a peaceful, loving, environmentally conscious civilization into a warlike, thieving, servile, and violent civilization. The reason for these changes is a source of electrical energy that the nervous system of the human form could not conduct.

It should be understood that the shift in human civilization was gradual and manifested itself after many thousands of years. Changes in human genetics were the result of the consistent destruction exerted by electrical impulses on the molecular structure of everything that was on Earth, including humanity, which, ultimately, was reflected in the genetics of the humanoid species. Over time, these impulses so destroyed the nervous system and distorted the movement of vital energy that humanity became unconscious.

There are other factors that contributed to the overall decrease in the vibration of the Earth that we would like to point out, and one of them was the successive mining of gold by the Pleiadians, Reptilians and Grays. On the Earth plane, gold holds the "Golden Octave of the Buddha." The Golden Octave is an octave capable of transmuting antimatter. Antimatter tears holes in matter. The Earth is continuously being bombarded with antimatter, as are all other sectors of your creation. Antimatter came about as a result of numerous nuclear wars that destroyed entire galaxies in the history of your creation. Gold is used by other galaxies to protect their solar systems, respective planets and incarnating species from antimatter (gold placed in the atmosphere in a special way transmutes antimatter in such a way that it loses its influence on the form incarnated on a planet or star).

When enough gold was withdrawn from the Earth, it lowered its vibration. The reason for this is that gold maintains a higher octave than any other mineral on Earth. The more it is withdrawn, the more the vibration of the Earth decreases.

As the Earth's vibration is lowered, and the molecular structure of the Earth's plan continues to be undermined by electrical energy, aging, disease, and decay, as well as shortened life spans, have become the norm for all species, including humanity. Antimatter also contributed to this. Once the protective ice sheets around the Earth were destroyed in a nuclear war between the Pleiadians and the Reptilians, who fought for the right to own the golden resources of the Earth, your oceans became its protective shields. Without these shields, the Earth and all species incarnating on it would be bombarded with antimatter day and night. This energy flow tears holes in the molecular structure of all species, aggravating aging, decay, disease, and death.

The ascension of the form, which brings the genetic restructuring of the incarnation, the change in the energy flow and the emotional manifestation of life on Earth, stops the aging, decay and death of the form. During the Ascension process, the incarnation is gradually rebuilt and gains the ability to hold the Golden Octave of the Buddha in a natural way. In this way, the incarnation maintains a vibration that is itself capable of transmuting antimatter and ceases to be subject to any negative impact from its presence. This happens when someone reaches the state of "Bodhisattva" and the embodiment of the golden octave in an individual ascension.

In addition, in the next phase of the ascension, called "Mahavishnu", the incarnation again changes genetically until it begins to hold an even higher vibration, in which the form functions solely on magnetic energy. Thus, when the form maintains a vibration high enough to transmute all electrical impulses, all dissonance and decay created by the electrical impulses flowing through Mother Earth is withdrawn from life manifestation.

The earth is an incarnation that also ascends and, in time, will follow suit and in its planetary ascension will embody the state of a Bodhisattva, and then the state of Mahavishnu. The planetary ascension is very different from the ascension of any kind on Earth, and therefore the release of karma is in a different sequence. The consciousness of Mother Earth is in the process of releasing karma and agreements that led her to numerous drops in vibration in order to be able to stop the course of destruction and ascend. A number of such agreements, from which she has recently freed herself, include her agreement to continue to receive electrical energy from any solar system. Freed from this, the Earth will once again embody only magnetic energy support or chi for all species.

The magnetic energy flow directly corresponds to the 3-spherical energy flow. Gradually, during the ascension of a person, the flow of all energy in the form changes, passing from the flow in the form of a figure eight, from the measure-ka-by (Star of David) to the 3rd spheres. The 3-spherical model is a magnetic structure, and if so, it is more favorable for the health, normal existence and long life of all forms on Earth, including humanity.

Starting from 2000, Mother Earth began to gradually accommodate the 3-spherical model into all her main and auxiliary chakras and into the junctions of the main and auxiliary meridians (junctions of conductors) that conduct chi on the Earth. This initiated the transition of her planetary lightbody from the mer-ka-ba to the 3rd realms. Over time, the entire incarnation of the Earth will be cleansed of all electrical energy in general. We estimate that it will take approximately 10-

20 human years. When this happens, the manifestation will completely disappear. electric field, allowing the work of modern electrical devices upon which humanity relies.

Species of dolphins and whales, along with Humans Inner Earth in their ascensions also embody the 3rd spherical structure. The problem for humanity on the surface of the Earth is that their consciousness has fallen so low that they are no longer aware that it is time to ascend. As a result, there are numerous areas in which a significant part of humanity lags behind the noticeably increasing vibration of the Earth. All this, together with the cleansing of the Earth from electrical energy, can cause tension on the Earth's continental platforms, sufficient for multiple natural disasters.

Because of the electrical energy, humanity is unable to remember the ascension. Electrical energy is the equivalent of fear, anger and pain. Many explanations about this will still be given ahead. All biological programs that keep humanity within the 3D thought form are based on pain, anger and fear and are embedded in electrical impulses. When all electrical impulses are gone from the Earth, there will be a possibility of a mass awakening and humanity will be able to remember the ascension. The difficulty lies in synchronicity. The Earth is rising vibrationally rather quickly, and humanity is already falling further and further behind. For those of you who are lightworkers, we ask that you speak about the ascension process to those who are interested and will listen. The time has come!

Bless your way

Energy of Truth. Descent of new energy flows to the Earth

During the previous week, the descent of new, powerful energies of creation began to increase, having their origin in the Source itself. Their subtlety, crystal and strength far surpassed the quality component of all previous streams. These are the energies that embodied the truth of the Creator and carried the promise of transformation into truth, into the entire Earthly manifestation.
Most likely, many of you felt at this time a desire to be in yourself, a feeling that it is difficult to focus on something specific, as if there was a complete defocusing inside. Everything was done as if by force. It was very difficult to take on some serious business or projects, so there was no energy inside that would support these undertakings. Some souls felt as if everything collapsed in them and they experienced difficult conditions.

A comfortable, high state of their consciousness, which they consciously or unconsciously tried to maintain in themselves all the previous time, if it was not natural, it became no longer possible to hold it by force.
For others, this happened more gently, they found that love had not really gone anywhere, and found that the ego was trying to continue playing its games, and then they refused to support its aspirations and immediately found a calm state, allowing all the ongoing processes to be.
In terms of severity, it varies from person to person.
The task of these energies is to cleanse the deep layers of human consciousness. Being established in the mind of a person, they dramatically increase the energy consumption of the efforts that a person is trying to create, wanting to return to a high state. The futility of these efforts for him becomes more apparent, and the ego and the mind become apparent as the sources of these efforts.
If a person inspired himself that he was in a certain state of consciousness, not noticing the play of the ego in himself, tried to portray love or his luminosity, was convinced that he was in the inviolability of inner harmony, then these energies began to fully highlight his self-deception and for him it becomes important, to discover and recognize this fact for oneself, to recognize one's delusion. To see the futility of clinging to those states that created the illusion of one's own height.
That consciousness, which in fact was established in love, received powerful support, it began to feel in itself a new power and expansion of this state.
As a result of the arrival of these energies, all planetary processes will be completely exposed in their truth, and the mechanisms that serve to suppress the consciousness of mankind, pervert the truth, will become completely obvious to an increasing mass of the population of the Earth, and not only become obvious, but the process of destruction of these structures will be activated. .
On April 28, the most powerful descent of these energies took place. These energies are purposefully channeled through several powerful channels and there were many single channels of people that spontaneously or consciously also participated in this process. It involved a large number of beings of light, conducting their activities on many planes of the Earth and serving the active channels.
These energies anchored in human energy structures, as well as in the center of the Earth, after which, going into the working movement, they were introduced into all energy structures and fields of the Earth, into all spheres of human interaction, into the egregores of countries and political movements.
Now you need to be attentive to yourself now, look where your desires and efforts are born, from fear and anxiety of the mind or from the Heart they come. The first will weaken and oppress even more, but the second will help to strengthen in the ongoing stream of transformations, make the right efforts ..
The high-frequency energies that have come call on a person to internal honesty towards himself. Having established themselves in the plan of the Earth, they will no longer allow a person to be in self-deception and wishful thinking. Everything that does not come from the Heart will first of all be visible to the person himself.
And he will have to make great efforts to convince himself of habitual actions if he continues to follow the voice of his mind and ego. And it will also be visible to others, which is the basis of his intentions.
If a person is doing some social activities, then the guiding motive behind his aspirations will be exposed, for which he is more engaged in this, for his own good, to please his selfish interests or is guided common benefit The person himself will feel that the people with whom he interacts see and feel perfectly, there will be a feeling of his own nakedness.
At present, do not try to forcibly support what requires efforts coming from the mind, try to see everything that you would like to have in yourself, but have not yet established yourself in this, be honest with yourself and accept your current level, all your states in which you are. This is the most productive state in which you will naturally make attunements.
The power of truth emanating now from the Source has come to put everything in its place on the planet and in the person himself, and the person who is open and honest in all his relations with himself, people and the world will feel the greatest support.

They also brought in themselves the knowledge of the primordial purity of a person and his relationships, they brought the memory of his divine heritage, his real beauty and an honest attitude towards himself will allow for an effective purification of consciousness and connection with the knowledge of his beauty. The knowledge of one's beauty will manifest itself, where it is pure and light.
Energies brought the desire to throw off all glamours, alienations, secrecy, restrictions, ill will and to manifest themselves in that state of unconditional emancipation and lightness, which is always inherent in their true divinity. To bring back to Earth the world from which we once began our stay here, in its new round of perfection.

With love!
Shine group.

P.S. The SHINING group... At first, we did not imagine what our interaction would result in on April 28. Previously, in the afternoon, a desire arose to talk in a group and an idea arose to conduct meditation, then the desire for meditation began to intensify and in the evening, after talking a little, we decided to move on to meditation. As soon as we entered the webinar room, ever-increasing streams of unusually pure and beautiful energies began to flow, striking with the subtlety of their feeling.
And information came about the conduction of these energies into the Earth's plan, after which the vision and awareness of the whole meaning of these processes gradually began to come and there was a complete inclusion of ourselves and our channel in this action.

Read more here.

In Eastern practices and concepts of self-knowledge, one can often find the concept of "Earth energy". In a condensed form, the concept of this energy and its influence on a person is set out in the book What the Mahatmas Say. According to it, earthly energy flows consist of manifested, planetary and unmanifested - Divine energy.

There is a manifested, dominant Planetary flow, in fact planet Earth, on which everything rests. In addition to the Prevailing Stream, there are planetary individual energy streams that cannot exist on Earth without it. They fit into it like a canvas. These are the Elements: water, earth, air and fire. The manifested earthly energy fills all the space surrounding a person. The flows themselves are so vibrationally low that they are perfectly visually perceived by a person, felt by him. Their vibrations are different.

There are material energy flows through which a person can easily pass - water, air, fire. There are energy currents with lower vibrations, consisting of the Element earth. They are denser than the physical body of a person and therefore he cannot enter into their structure. These are mountains, trees, buildings, etc.

The planetary energy of the Earth, which is included in each Element, is always useful to the human body. . It is absorbed by a person through everything that he uses for the life of his physical body. Any energy of the earth, no matter where it comes from - from minerals and plants, from water and air, through food - is needed by the human body. When a person warms himself by a fire, he uses the planetary flow of fire. When he applies a mineral to his body, the planetary energy of the Earth Element heals him. When he inhales air, the planetary energy of this Element enters his body and performs its functions. Together with water, it also includes the planetary energy of the Water Element.

All the Elements of the earth, together with the planetary energy, a person receives through food. Food, a person absorbs in order to survive in the material world. In its absence, the physical body of a person will disintegrate, since it will not have that minimum of planetary energy, without which it simply cannot ground itself, take root in the matter manifested, represented by Mother Earth and everything that is on it. The body needs all the components of those products that a person eats. Even the energy of the Sun, taken by a person in large quantities through products, will not harm him, because it is grounded by the energy of his native planet.

A person eats everything that his Consciousness allows him - from worms to a person. In the physical plane, everything in the body will decompose into microelements and be assimilated by the body, since the body does not give an ethical assessment to the foods eaten, it simply absorbs, dissolves in itself, uses everything that it needs, and throws the rest out. The body is a biological system that is programmed to do just that.

When a person's Consciousness changes, everything inside and around him changes, including the quality of the food he eats. Nevertheless, no matter how high Consciousness a person possesses, his body will always need material food as long as a person lives in it, since only through it can the earthly energy of certain lower vibrations flow.

The divine unmanifested energy of the Earth is also multifaceted . There is a stream that, like a crown, stands near the Earth, is the aura of the planet, surrounds it from all sides. It passes through everything that is on Earth (for a person through Subtle bodies and fields) and is its calling card, as it contains the vibrations of this particular planet.

There is a Divine current related to the Element Earth it differs in its energy from the Divine flow of air, water or fire. This flow passes through everything that is on Earth, including through the physical body of a person. It is closely connected with the energy of a person, surrounds him and protects him. Nourishes its every cell, providing its vital processes.

The very physical body of a person is a combination of the Elements of planetary energy. But the Divine energy of the earth is always present in it, which attracts the Divine energy of the Higher spheres.

It is this flow, according to the Program determined from above, that comes into contact with the Divine flow coming from the Higher spheres. And at the peak of the connection of these flows, the material body of a person manifests itself. In principle, everything that exists on Earth is a manifestation of the connection of these two streams. No other energy flows present on Earth can do this. Both types of energies are in equal proportions in a person, and at the same time, it is the Divine energy of the Higher spheres that is the main component of such a being as a person, which is not characteristic of other representatives of life on Earth.

Earthly Divine and Divine energy creates a situation in which the physical body is constantly updated.

Earthly Divine energy is very important for the human body, as it is a magnet, thanks to which the cell attracts to itself all the elements necessary for its birth. In turn, the elements themselves are formed in it into structures, according to the Program of the Higher Spheres, which was brought into it by the Divine flow. As a result, new material cells of the body are created. Everything happens regardless of whether the person knows about it or not, whether he takes part in it or not.

The work of the Divine flow of the Earth for the benefit of man is not limited only to this action.

The divine earthly current gives a person the opportunity to transform his body, as if it were made of clay.

The planetary energy of the Earth Element, of which the human body is made, can come into contact with the energy of all other Elements that are present in it, in order to perform a certain work. But if the work of the Divine flow of the earth is added to the process of interaction of these energies, then the speed of completing the task will increase by a factor.

Now we are not talking about the Element of the Earth, but about the Divine powerful flow of the planet Earth, which is stronger in its interaction with a person and at the same time softer, since the human body itself is its continuation, its material manifestation. And it is easy for him to direct the energy component of material elements in order to change something in the human body in better side or remove what interferes with the life of the physical body, clogs at the cellular level. It is always accompanied by the Divine flow of the Higher spheres, which, with the help of the Programs embedded in it, enables the restored cells (organs) to perform their functions.

These flows feed the human body with energy, they are necessary for his life and development. He needs them no less than material food, but does not replace it. At the same time, they play the role of a specific bodyguard, as they do not allow the body to wither away only in material energy (the energy absorbed by the body during the digestion of food).

The energy of the Divine vibrations of the planet itself gently, not intrusively, does not allow a person to turn into an animal, a mammal. Earthly Divine energy feeds the human brain and the entire nervous system, helps him develop mentally, and therefore provokes spiritual development. Since a thinking person will always ask himself philosophical questions about life and death, about the purpose of his coming into this world. It doesn't matter what the answers are. The very formulation of this question in any form will already distinguish it from the world of animals that are not capable of absorbing knowledge and mental development.

Due to the lack of this type of energy, the human brain simply sleeps, and the person himself lives by inertia, similar in quality to the instinct of animals.

But this rarely happens. Basically, people let in this stream from the earth through the channels that run in the human bone, spinal cord, and brain. The fingertips are the entrance and exit of the earthly Divine energy, the energy itself merges from thin streams into rivers and flows inside the bone marrow and then the spinal cord, and then forms a delta in the back of a person’s head and goes out into Space. The totality of these channels makes it possible for the planet Earth to pass its energy through a person into the Cosmos, to perform the exchange of energies necessary for it and for the entire Universe.

At this stage, another problem often arises - people cannot release this stream if they are closed by their anxiety. The energy of instability, which is born by a person, during nervous personal or social upheavals creates a traffic jam at the place where the earth's energy enters the Cosmos. A person suffers: headaches, dizziness, heart pains, weakness, mental breakdowns.

The earth also suffers from the fact that there is no way out of energy through a person, as it accumulates in the earth's crust and creates tension at certain points.

The cork is removed with the help of the energy of the Elements of the earth and the desire of a person. Or, over time, it dissipates itself, when the situation changes and the person calms down inside himself.

There is another type of earthly Divine energy. This energy is in contact only with the cells of the body itself. It brings them strength and health, the ability to self-heal and carry out their work. And since any organ or structure consists of cells, their physical state and performance also change accordingly. It enters the human body through special channels - the Chinese meridians. There are many of these channels, each of them has its own name. The whole system of channels has been known to people for a long time. When it is clean and calmly passes the Divine energy of the earth into the body, a person does not know serious physical health problems.

The listed types of terrestrial energy are united by the fact that they interact with the human body.in present time.

The earthly Divine flow plays a big role in a person's life as a component of the material energy present in the body. It directs the processes of growth and aging of the human body, helps to implement them. The brain, nerve cells, fibers, blood vessels, blood are the receptacle of the Divine energy of the earth. This flow of energy flows through them in the literal sense of the word. Its role is especially important during the development of the physical body. It is Divine energy, and not material energy the planet makes it possible for a favorable course of events in this direction.

Particularly important in this sense is the Divine earthly energy coming from the Tree of the Family. This is another type of earthly energy, but it comes into the body of a person from the Past.

This stream comes from the Tree of Genesis to every person. Its value depends on how the roots of the Tree of the Genus, located at the origins of the Past of the entire Genus, are connected with the energy of the Earth as a planet. With the help of this energy, a connection is established with the Force that gave impetus to the entire Genus of this Personality.The Roots take this Force from the Past and transfer it to a person in the proportion in which he himself is connected with the energy of the Earth in the Present. If this energy is not enough, the child grows physically weak, often he does not have the ability to move, and he lags behind in mental development. Problems associated with receiving energy from the Family Tree are created in connection with the pollution of the Family Canal with the energies of birth curses, intrauterine curses and simply curses, if there are energy plugs and other types of energies, for example, stagnant energy or the energy of human sins.

How more people works with the Elements, the more he has a connection with the Divine energy of the planet Earth in the Present tense. The more Divine energy of the Earth in his physical body, the more energy from the Tree of Genesis will enter him.

The energy that comes from the Tree of the Kind of Personality is the energy that interacts with the Earth Element in the human body. She feeds and waters him, cleanses and cherishes him. But, in addition, it also brings a mystical inexplicable power into the physical body of a person, his brain, enhances the mental and spiritual development of a person in inexplicable qualities. Changes its semantics, its meaning. Man finds new facets of the need for his existence on Earth. People who consciously work with the Tree of their Family imperceptibly increase the flow of this flow into their body and simply move to a new level of their capabilities, especially if this work takes place against the backdrop of a harmonious interaction of a person with the Elements. Everything is interconnected.

This stream enters through the Generic Canal, by which a person is connected with his Family Tree. It enters and washes, first of all, the brain, then it goes along the spinal column, energizing the brain of the spine, and diverges along the nerves to every organ, cell, nourishes the bone marrow of the arms and legs.

He independently cleans the channels through which he goes, makes his way and cleanses the bone marrow and brain from the energy that interferes with him. As if inhaling new life into the ingrained order and state of the brain cells. It renews the connections between them, the connections of the centers of the Body Systems with their systems running along the nerve fibers. Cleanses the nerve fibers themselves. Releases interaction with nerves to other earth energy flows. In addition, it includes the centers of the cerebral cortex, which for some reason did not participate in the life of the body. Includes the centers of the cerebral cortex, interacting with the Consciousness and Subconsciousness of a person. He is the head of the situation and draws to himself other components of the energy of the earth, which are in food or come directly from the planet. He does everything himself, unlike other Earthly streams, but works only within the limits for which a person is ready.

There are other results of the interaction of the earthly energy of the Tree of the Family with the physical body of a person. This energy moves a person to comprehend the New opportunities associated with the New time and New vibrations, the vibrations of the Fourth Dimension. A way out is opened for the manifestation of new possibilities of the human physical body. For example - levitation, teleportation, telekinesis. A person can himself turn to this stream with a specific request, to prepare his body for the desired transformation, for the emergence of new properties that he does not yet possess. And then this stream will work already according to the plan-desire of a person, if this is within his (human) capabilities and does not violate the Cosmic laws.

Any Divine earthly flow, with the help of which a person wants to consciously work with himself, always accompanied by a flow of Cosmic Divine energy. They cannot live without each other. In the same timethe main component of this working union is a person . A person has a legal right to control all the flows that pass through his body.

It is the person who makes the Program - the desire directed to the flow of the Divine energy of the Earth. Then work is being built on it, which a person may not see. But this ignorance of the intricacies of what is happening does not prevent the desired from happening. At the same time, the energy of not only the flows themselves is wasted, but also the energy of the person taking part in this process. Big enough.

With the help of this work with the Earthly Divine flow, you can:

To cleanse the nerves from a plaque of internal electricity, which, settling at the junctions of nerve fibers, delays the transmission of impulses through them

Purify from bacteria and microbes, which can also envelop the nerve fibers and make it difficult for the energy of the earth to pass through them

Cleanse any part of the body from harmful microbes

Work with blood, clearing "plaques", clots and other types of blood contaminants that make it viscous

Bring blood to a normal state, filling it with the Divine energy of the earth

Relieve spasm of blood and blood vessels.

The planetary energy will always submit to the high vibrations of the Divine energy of any kind, directed by the energy of human thought, including the Divine energy of the Earth.

The energy of the earth works with energy pollution in organs and structures that only it can remove.

This energy cleanses the human body:

From the settled vibrations of his negative thoughts in those places where only she can do it

Fills it with its Divine energy.

The healing process can be assisted by working on the spine with a specifically charged mineral, in the form of an egg. This work is carried out with the help of a powerful Divine flow, with which the mineral egg and the earthly Divine energy are connected at the same time, since the mineral itself is a "bright representative" of the Earth's energy. At the same time, new earthly channels are opened, which were closed as unnecessary. They silted up with various types of energies - human emotions, the energy of the inflammatory processes of the spine, stagnant energy, from which the structures of salt deposits are built.

Some of them will serve to fulfill their role in the rebuilding of man. Cleansing other channels will simply improve the condition of the human physical body. A powerful double healing stream helps to pull out pollution from the depths, which will enable the earth energy to move further more freely and deeper into the human body.

The knowledge related to the Earthly flows expands the possibilities of a person in conscious work on himself, on the health of the physical body, which will prolong his life, and hence the possibility of spiritual growth in the physical world.

Within the framework of fundamental academic science, the above concept cannot be considered in this form because it operates with other categories - different from the concepts of the Planetary Stream, the Divine Stream, but at the same time does not in any way deny the influence on a person of all types and forms of energy penetrating space, as on the earth's surface and in space.

The concept of "energy" in modern scientific, educational and reference literature, and especially in the media, has acquired a large number of additions and definitions, which sometimes have nothing to do with physics. But in physics itself, there is also no clarity in the matter of systematizing these additions and definitions. And, above all, this concerns the concepts of "forms of energy" and "types of energy".

In the Glossary.ru dictionary “energy is a scalar physical quantity, which is a single measure of variousforms of motion of matter and a measure of the transition of the movement of matter from one form to another ". The TSB also says the same: “Energy in nature does not arise from nothing and does not disappear; she can only move fromone form to another . “. These two definitions deal only with forms of motion and forms of energy. But there are also examples of confusion.
In the metrological reference book of A. Chertov (1990) it is said as follows: “Various types of trafficand interactions of matter correspond to differenttypes of energy: mechanical (kinetic and potential), internal, electromagnetic, nuclear, etc. ". Here we are talking about the types of motion and types of energy.

When systematizing physical quantities, one should speak not so much about the forms of energy as about the forms of energy exchange, and not so much about the types of energy as about the types of energy exchange.

From the foregoing, an important conclusion follows that the same types of energy are inherent in any form of energy. Types of energy can pass into each other, remaining belonging to the same form of energy. Transition different types energy into each other is a consequence of the redistribution of the values ​​of these types of energy within the same form of movement. This does not exclude the transfer of any kind of energy of a given form of movement into any kind of energy of another form of movement.

Thus, the form of energy is determined only by the form of motion. And in every form of motion there are the same types of energy. Their value is determined only by the design parameters of the considered form of motion, because it is these parameters that are included in the constitutive equations for the types of energy.

The forms of energy, of course, include forms of energy of any kind of radiation, including the so-calledbioenergy. It is given some mystical meaning in the media, although the latter can only be attributed to the desire of journalists illiterate in physics to give their articles an attractive and sensational character.
They talk about good and bad energy, about positive and negative energy, about the energy of the soul and the energy of the cosmos. However, they do not bother to define exactly what they mean by the word "energy". To talk about energy in the sense of whether it is good or bad means to assign properties to energy that are absent in nature. Energy is a measure of movement, it is meaningless to talk about good or bad movement. In short, journalists sometimes play around with terms they don't understand. This situation was possible for various reasons.
Firstly, energy is associated with human activity, and in this sense this word is well known to all people, and therefore well perceived in the media. Secondly, in other areas of science (not in physics), the concept of “energy” can be interpreted differently than in physics. Different understanding of the same word is not such a rare phenomenon. That is why one or another term must be defined before it is used.
Thirdly, the life of living beings is really connected with energy, especially with the energy of radiation that comes from any living beings and enters them from the outside. People are affected by the energy of the magnetic field of the Earth, the Sun and other celestial bodies, energy of technogenic origin, etc. But this is the field of biophysics, not esotericism. The latter does not define the concept of "energy", speaking instead of some indefinite "forces of nature".
The impact of external radiation on a person depends not only on the energy, but also on the frequency of the radiation. And this is even more important, since the perception of radiation is, as a rule, resonant in nature. The energy of external radiation perceived by a person is usually so small that it is most often not yet fixed by modern measuring instruments due to their relatively high sensitivity threshold. But in any case, the energy of radiation remains a characteristic of radiation precisely in the physical sense of the word, and not in any other.

Of course, some radiations affect a person's well-being positively, others negatively. The same radiation can affect different people in different ways. For this, there are scientific methods studies that have nothing to do with magic, witchcraft and mysticism.

At present, there is a scientifically substantiated classification of types of energy. There are many of them - about 20. We will give only those types of energy that are currently most often used both in Everyday life as well as in scientific research.

1. Nuclear energy - the binding energy of neutrons and protons in the nucleus, released in various forms during the fission of heavy and synthesis of light nuclei; in the latter case, it is called thermonuclear.

2. Chemical (more logical - atomic) energy - the energy of a system of two or more substances reacting with each other. This energy is released as a result of the rearrangement of the electron shells of atoms and molecules during chemical reactions. When we say - nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant), this is hardly correct. More precisely, it would be a nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant).

3. Electrostatic energy - the potential energy of the interaction of electric charges, i.e., the energy reserve of an electrically charged body accumulated in the process of overcoming the forces of an electric field.

4. Magnetostatic energy - the potential energy of the interaction of "magnetic charges", or the energy reserve accumulated by a body capable of overcoming the forces of a magnetic field in the process of moving against the direction of these forces. The source of the magnetic field can be a permanent magnet, electric current.

5. Elastic energy - the potential energy of a mechanically elastically modified body (compressed spring, gas), which is released when the load is removed, most often in the form of mechanical energy.

6. Thermal energy - part of the energy of the thermal motion of particles of bodies, which is released in the presence of a temperature difference between a given body and bodies environment.

7. Mechanical energy - the kinetic energy of freely moving bodies and individual particles.

8. Electric (electrodynamic) energy - the energy of electric current in all its forms.

9. Electromagnetic (photon) energy - the energy of the movement of photons of the electromagnetic field.

Often, biological energy is isolated into a special type of energy. Biological processes are special group physical and chemical processes, but in which the same types of energy are involved as in others. There is also psychic energy. Indeed, not a single act of human activity can take place without motivational, and hence “psychoenergetic” support, the source of which is the physicochemical energy of the organism.

Among the spectrum of enumerated energy factors that are constantly present and affect human health, this is a magnetic field. Interesting in this aspect are the ideas of Vakha Dizigov set forth in the article "A Man in the Earth's Magnetic Field".

The fact that our planet has a magnetic field has long been known. But people don't think much about it. All human life on Earth was connected with the earth. When a person is born, he comes to earth, feeds on what the earth gives, his whole life passes on earth, and when he dies, he goes into the earth and dissolves in it.

People have always treated the Earth with love, especially the villagers. The earth fed people, shod, dressed. And in gratitude, people gave the Earth affectionate names: Mother Nurse, emphasizing how important the earth is for human existence.

However, moving to the city, a person joins civilization, but moves away from the earth and sometimes forgets how important earth, forest, water, air, seas, oceans, birds, animals are for a person. Every year, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forests burn in the summer in different countries around the world. And how many thousand hectares of forest are cut down by people themselves every year? In the sea, many states throw out production waste, garbage; draining the sewer.

In the 20th century, in most of the developed countries of the world, modern cities began to be built, where multi-storey box houses grew upwards with fabulous speed. For the state in cities, such houses are convenient, practical and profitable. It has always been convenient to build high-rise buildings for workers and staff near plants and factories.

No matter how you look, the benefits are solid both for those who live in such houses and for those who build and sell. Compact, convenient and often cheap. But we forget about the most important thing: the health of those who live in such high-rise buildings. I'm not talking about the fact that for every person who lives in such houses, in order to provide him with clean air, one tree should grow nearby. Most often, one tree grows only for a hundred inhabitants of one house. There is a catastrophic lack of clean air. Roads often pass near the house, from the asphalt in the summer it smells of heat like from a stove and the smell of fuel oil. Bad-smelling trash cans on the streets... It is clear that construction cannot be stopped or banned multi-storey buildings. New cities will grow and the construction of high-rise buildings will continue in the conditions of the city. Even in the villages and villages began to build multi-storey buildings. Construction firms often compete to increase floors, and the megalomania of high-rise buildings continues.

And now, let's remember where a person should live? You guessed it right, on Earth. No, others will say, a person should live in a bright and spacious apartment with all conveniences. And they are right too. Only again, on Earth, or at least closer to Earth.


All living beings on Earth, including Man, must live, walk, sleep, always being within a radius of at least 35 meters, and ideally it is up to1.5 metersfrom the real earth. Being at a distance of 35 metersfrom the earth's surface, all living beings, including Man, are in the favorable magnetic zone of the Earth and it protects living organisms from harmful and dangerous effects on organisms from the environment and space. In the nineteenth century the French neuropathologist J. M. Charcot and the Russian clinician S. P. Botkin noticed the calming effect of the magnetic field on the human nervous system. V Lately Scientists have also discovered low-frequency magnetic fields that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The action of a low-frequency magnetic field is likely to be especially effective at a close distance from Earth's surface which I mentioned above.

Earth's low frequency magnetic fieldinteracting with the human biofield, it may have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, at what height from the Earth the action of the low-frequency field of the Earth ends and the action of medium-frequency or high-frequency magnetic fields begins, and in what doses high-frequency fields are dangerous for human life, it remains to be studied and studied.


Not only the Human body, but most importantly - the Human brain with its powerful multi-stage biocomputer thinking system, being only in a favorable magnetic zone in the small magnetic shell of the Earth, is able to work stably and perform the most complex tasks.

As soon as a Human goes beyond the limits of the small magnetic shell of the Earth, the stability and efficiency of the brain can decrease, and sometimes the human brain in changed conditions makes decisions that are difficult to explain and predict. For example, the work of pilots takes place in an extreme and intense mode, and many accidents are explained by experts as the human factor, and one of the main reasons for this human factor, in my opinion, is the constant presence of pilots both while working in airspace in the unfavorable magnetic zone of the Earth, and accommodation of pilots on Earth in high-rise buildings above the 1st and 2nd floors. Therefore, people can work on the 30th floor, fly airplanes all day or do other work at high altitudes with increased risk, but they must recover, rest and sleep on Earth, or rather, at a distance of 1-3 metersfrom the earth. Even better in the summer, throw off your shoes, walk around barefoot and feel your connection with the Earth with the soles of your feet. The globe is negatively charged, the atmosphere is positively charged, but asphalt, concrete, synthetics, iron isolate us from the surface of the Earth. What negative processes occur in the human body at high and low altitudes, when we are isolated to a small or large extent from the Earth's surface, and how beneficial and calming effect on the psyche and brain function is being on Earth and close contact with the Earth itself, I think, to the end has not yet been studied and little attention has been paid to these problems, and the further a person improves technologies in all areas, the more there will be a need to restore and relieve fatigue after overloads, which means that it will be necessary to conduct deeper research in order to understand and take into account the connection - Earth - Man - Space.

When a person is in a car, train, plane, ship, rocket, when moving at high speed, the intensity of electromagnetic fields in the surrounding space changes.

If the brain does not receive the necessary amount of sensory information that the human body needs for adaptation processes and for self-regulation of the brain, there may be a decrease in performance in the form of apathy, indifference or causeless euphoria and loss of control over one's psyche. As noted by many experts, the use of drugs in such conditions can be extremely dangerous. For people who are at a considerable distance from the Earth's surface for a long time or are forced to move long distances, the need to create favorable conditions for the restoration of the body can become one of global problems leading world states, due to the fact that both physical and psychological stress on the body and on the brain will increase. The impact should be not only on the human brain, but also on the whole body, and the strength of the electromagnetic field should not exceed the natural magnetic field of the Earth. In the case of an increase in the power of electromagnetic radiation in excess of the norm, a reverse reaction may occur, i.e. oppression of the physical and psychological state.

Just as a child calms down being next to his mother, so a person, being close to the Earth, can receive the radiations of the Earth, "CHARGED" with this magnetic energy, and rest psychologically and physically.

Kiev Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology Mikhail Vasilyevich Kurik connects life expectancy with the strength of the Earth's magnetic field.

The second aspect of the theoryabout a small magnetic shell-psychological.

We often forget that our brain, like a computer, itself calculates the degree of danger, risk and calculates the ability of our body to survive in given conditions and at a given altitude in emergency situations. Having made the necessary calculations, you want to call it intuition, in case of danger to life, our brain gives us something like this forecast:
"You are in a danger zone for life! In case of an emergency, the chances of saving a life are 10-20%. In order to feel comfortable, you need to have a chance of 70-90%. Leave the danger zone immediately!"

Then a person has anxiety, feelings of danger when being in such a zone, for example, it can be an apartment where it is dangerous to live and there is a threat of destruction.

Very often we do not want to hear the danger signal that our brain gives us and neglect this signal - "Attention! Danger!"

But these people in this case, perhaps, do not have the opportunity to move to another apartment and the sense of DANGER is dulled.


A person living in a 2-story house can have time to jump, jump out from the 2nd floor during a fire, earthquake, collapse of the house. Of course, there is a risk, but the chances of being saved are great. But if there is also a third floor above it, the chances of escaping those living on the second floor decrease.

And our brain daily analyzes, compares and predicts the situation, taking into account which floor we live on and, like a computer, it gives us an accurate forecast, but we do not listen"our inner voice" , and we take into account all the benefits of high-rise buildings, we do not want to realize its dangerous or harmful sides, convincing ourselves, we give weighty arguments and add -"More than half of the world's population lives in high-rise buildings ..."

People living on the 10th floor, for example, are 10 stories high from the Earth. Then, these people are isolated from the Earth's magnetic field by about ten concrete slabs, which reduces the impact of the magnetic field by 5-10 times, which is required and established as a result of research.

In this case, three negative factors act on people living on the 10th floor:

1. Distance from the Earth to a height of 10 floors.

The question arises: If the low-frequency field weakens at high

New Energies Come to Earth

A person becomes more and more brighter, feeling his involvement in the processes of Cosmic Evolution, feels himself both an Inhabitant of the Earth and an Inhabitant of the Cosmos.
Those processes that we are now living together with our Earth and all Living things on it, probably, can be defined by the mysterious word - ascension.
Amazing changes are happening to us - changes not only in consciousness, but equally in the senses and the physical body.
This makes it possible to affirm with joy: we are the people of the New Time, the New Consciousness and New Feelings, we are the people of the New Earth.
These days, you probably also feel the intensification of energies and the acceleration of processes. The work is getting really intense.

We are talking about acceleration, about the fact that new energies begin to work at a deep cellular level. And this is no longer a preparation for change. This is the beginning of the changes themselves. All this happens to us.
New energies CAME to Earth. In the timeless space of the Universe one speaks of New Energies, i.e. recognize the significance of what is happening on planet Earth.
Of course, New Energies have always existed, taking into account the simultaneity of what is happening.
But YOU, it is you who are reading these lines, who are entering the strip of space of the time period in which the New Energies are CHANGING you.

It would be absurd to say that energies cannot change a person, but they do not change his Essence. The essence is unchanged in every moment of the temporal space, but this immutability contains the potential for human variability.
The New Energies are directed precisely towards the Essence of Man. And the Essence is in every cell of a person. The Essence attracts the Light of New Energies and begins to manifest itself more perceptibly for a person.
Man, as never before, is CLOSE to God, to the Light, for it was not man who went to God, but God - to Man, at the same time staying in him forever.

ACCELERATE your progress towards the Light, i.e. to the Ascension process itself through the call of N.E. into the essence of oneself. Here is the call:

Beloved New Energies.
Thank you for your love and immense help in my self-transformation.
I call you to every cell of my body, to its very Essence.
Let every particle of me, my bodies, my formations be filled with the Light of your Beams, your vibrations.
I urge you to penetrate into your essence as soon as possible and accept all changes in yourself with gratitude, trust and love.
For this appeal to you was caused by my intention to prepare for the speedy Ascension together with other participants in this process.
I thank you and confirm my love and intention to cooperate with you.

I ask you to understand that Light, Divine Energies have always been in you. But the distortions thickened your shell. Your essence has ceased to be manifested for you.
He always sent the Cosmos of Light Energies, connecting the Cosmos of the Universe, Galaxies with the Cosmos in human bodies. But for the first time you are entering a band of Energies that are so effectively entering your Essence, which is still closed from yourself.
The effectiveness of this work is determined by the maximum mobility, variability of the very energies that enter into you. Cleansing process. dissolution of distortions is the most optimal and fastest way.
All brighter Shines in you your Essence.
The action of your Divine Forces is ever more manifest.
You seem more and more beautiful to yourself - for all the Divine Beauty is in you.
And now the most important thing.
The changes that are taking place in you affect those changes that are taking place in the CONNECTION of Galaxies, and in some cases they even cause these changes.
Manifest your God quality - the Divine responsibility of accepting in yourself a FEELING OF COMMONITY and participation in Everything that comes to you as a powerful ray of Strength and Brotherhood.
This is the most important thing right now.

Appeal with a request for the beginning of cellular cleansing, for the penetration of N.E. into the cells can cause a feeling of "losing yourself", self-blame, panic, self-rejection, because the purification changes its speed (much faster), and most importantly, the movement, the direction of the work of the New Energies changes. All cellular "garbage" can lead a person into a state of uncontrollable anxiety, doubts, disappointments, because fears will flare up in a multitude of distortions.
Therefore, simultaneously with the call for cellular cleansing, it is desirable to make an appeal to the New Energies about the strengthening and manifestation of the Quality of God's Responsibility and a sense of community and involvement in the entire process of Life.
Here is the appeal (given to me):

Beloved New Energies!
I call you in love, gratitude and acceptance of all the changes that are happening in me.
Knowing what is happening to me, in me - as a part of the One Whole - helps me to keep calm, a joyful feeling of freedom and love, fearlessness and tenderness for All Living Things.
I ask you, New Energies, to manifest in me the Divine Responsibility and the Divine Quality of involvement in everything that happens through awareness with my heart, with each of my cells - a part of the general, part of the Single process of Life, which is Love.
May I abide in the power of the action of the Ray of Divine Power and the Brotherhood of All That Is.
