4 types and types of girls. Female psychotypes

Types female behavior are formed depending on age, life experience, upbringing, family scenarios, cultural traditions and other living conditions. They can be mixed or change over time. This division is very conditional. I just want to give as an example a certain model in order to visually show how female psychology works in action. So, before us are the main types of women:
.Woman - mother
. Woman is a predator
.Woman is the boss
. Woman - colleague (friend)
. Woman is a child

A woman is a mother this type is very common in life, we can say that in our country it even prevails, especially in women aged forty and older. Outwardly, they are always pleasant, sweet and endearing persons. They often have a plump or even very curvaceous figure, with very pronounced female forms.

They prefer classic clothes and, more often, care little about their appearance. People around appreciate such women for their responsiveness, openness. Men in them find warmth and caring, which, at times, can reach the point of absurdity. A mother woman treats men as a source of eternal problems and troubles, but at the same time, she cannot imagine her life without a "man" no matter how he is, she is ready to sacrifice herself and carry this "burden" until the end of her life. Her unconscious goal is to be revered, almost a martyr in the eyes of those around her. Which men choose this type of women and why? Firstly, these can be men who have lacked maternal warmth and care since childhood, Secondly, those who are infantile or do not have independence and purposefulness, who always need a mother's breast in order to feel psychologically safe. A mother woman has a huge feminine energy, which attracts men. She in a man evokes the image of a kind mother who will always accept anyone, feed him pies and pancakes, and even console him. But, she is practically devoid of female power, since she herself suppresses it. She is ready to completely "dissolve" in a man, but cannot motivate or induce to activity, achievement of high goals and success. Such a woman is like a soft pillow, with which it is so good that you don’t want to get up and do something. IN family life with this type of women, men often suffer from alcoholism.

Predator woman, this type can also often be found, but the age of women here is predominantly younger, on average 20-35 years. These are very active and purposeful girls. For them, a man is prey, and they are hunters. Their goal is always wealthy men who are almost always married, but these women even like this complication of the task. Predators have a bright attractive appearance, always watch their figure and emphasize their sexuality in all ways.

Surrounding such persons are not unambiguous, they can be respected for their confidence and active life position, but they may not be loved for their selfishness and aggressiveness. They attract men with their looseness and ability to keep themselves. A female predator treats a man as a trophy, a source of money, pleasures and opportunities, but at the same time, he is a big burden for her when he needs to pay attention, care and time. Her unconscious goal is money and power. The female energy of the predator is weak, but she has great female power, which is mainly expressed by sexuality. What kind of men like this type? There is no specific type of men who exactly like cougars. Here the question is what kind of man did the female predator like, who became her target. And then no one can resist, anyone can be in her skillfully placed "nets". These women are always looking for already successful or potentially successful males. Therefore, they do not need to "invest" a lot in a man, but if necessary, they will motivate and guide him, but in order to "squeeze" everything out of him to the last. In family life, such women from affectionate cats turn into aggressive tigresses. Sometimes, men, having come to their senses, run away from them themselves, leaving everything, just to "carry their feet." Next to such women, men always strive to be "on horseback", otherwise they will lose respect and her approval. Financial problems or any difficulties that lead to trouble become fatal for family relations with predators. In such a situation, marriage with predators will not last long, since having received everything from one man, they rush in search of the next, more successful and "strong" male.

The third type is the female boss. These are women with tough, strong-willed, almost male character. They are self-sufficient and independent, any man can envy their leadership qualities. Outwardly, they also do not seek to emphasize their femininity, even if they wear female attributes (jewelry, etc.), it is only because etiquette or social status requires it. Surrounding them are valued for their great capacity for work, the ability to solve any problems.

They may even be afraid. If they appear somewhere, then they will definitely be the bosses or simply manage everyone. Their unconscious goal is to prove their strength and power. What kind of men choose this type of women? Of course, those who have a weaker masculinity, but they can also be very talented and gifted people (artists, musicians, scientists and philosophers), in general, those who are far from real life and desire to make money. Men are afraid of such women as fire, but more often they simply surrender as captives, giving themselves and their fate at her full disposal. For these women, a man is needed as a subordinate, domestic and obedient "pet", an addition to her status, who will fulfill all her requirements unquestioningly. A boss woman herself achieves everything in life and a man either has to put up with it, be on the sidelines and idolize his partner, or if he is gifted and talented, then she will manage his achievements and career growth. Behind it, a man can hide like behind a "stone wall" and go with the flow. In family life, it can also look like this: a man becomes a householder and takes care of the children and the house, or he is a "boy on parcels" in the business of his domineering wife.

Now let's move on to the next type, which is called female companion (friend). This type of women can be found among any age category. They are very self-sufficient and purposeful individuals. People around them appreciate them for their high moral values, versatility, good humor and flexibility of mind. Outwardly, these women are always fit, athletic and look youthful with age. They attract men not by external, but always by their own inner qualities, such as: strength of character, intelligence, sense of humor, reliability. A female ally has high demands on herself and on a partner who is nearby.

They strive to build their relationships with men on the principles of openness, mutual understanding, support and equality of interests. Which men choose a female companion? First of all, these are young modern type men who care more about the quality of relationships, interesting and productive communication, its richness, as well as a partnership that helps both grow and develop. But in this case, a man treats a woman as an equal being and will never condescendingly treat her female weakness, sensitivity and emotionality. In her face, a man always wants to see a faithful friend, a good adviser. He himself is ready to be a reliable friend. But their relationship is often built on competition, who is more successful or better in some business, which can be a positive stimulus in the development of a person, career, but may be the reason for the breakdown of relationships. Therefore, in family life, a man and a woman companion must always maintain harmony and balance, clearly distribute roles, then such unions can be very long-term and successful.

The last type in our classification - a woman is a child. This type of women, already from the name says a lot: their age and behavior. Age until about 30 years old, when you can still look and act like a girl. As a rule, capricious, spoiled, infantile, but not defenseless and weak.

They attract men with their seeming naivety, almost childish immediacy. They arouse in men the desire to protect and help, to protect and satisfy any desires. Such women unconsciously choose a "daddy" for themselves, who will love, pamper, carry in their arms and solve any problems. Which men choose this type? These are men with big power complexes and intimophobes. It is difficult for them to build relationships with mature, experienced women, as they can see through their weaknesses. These men simply cannot provide normal family relations due to their complexes and immaturity, sexual problems. It is easier for them to act as a noble savior of a bad or defenseless girl, buying her love with money, their authority and power. Men are happy to give them expensive gifts, buy luxury cars, apartments, businesses, in general, everything so that the girl does not need anything. A girl can behave badly, create problems for herself and others, have problems in the past with alcohol or drugs, but this is not important. Men like to save her, provide, give gifts, the main condition is that she does not grow up, does not become an ordinary adult woman, and even worse, an aunt, with a blurry figure and wrinkles on her face. A union with a woman-child can be long enough until the girl grows up, that is, she simply becomes much older, and then such a relationship breaks up for several reasons. Firstly, a woman can become wise herself and understand that she simply does not need a relationship with such a man. Secondly, the man will again be in search of a new girl, naive and a little eccentric. And such a relationship scenario for one man can be repeated several times.

Men sure that after marriage all the girls change. That's why they say: "All girls are good, where do bad wives come from?" The majority married women they do not like to engage in introspection and firmly believe that their husbands are very lucky with them. A lot depends on the behavior of a woman in a family. Therefore, even in the Eastern treatises, one can find information about the seven main types of wives, which differ from each other in behavior, character, attitude towards her husband and children. Reading these treatises, ancient men could have a rough idea of ​​what criteria should be used to choose a bride for themselves, and women could determine what type of women they belong to and how to change themselves so that relations with their husbands would only please.

Let's briefly let's get acquainted characteristic of the seven types of wives according to the Vedic concept:
1. maid. This is the best type of wife. As the name implies, these wives are good workers, they keep the house in order, cook deliciously and do everything as their husband likes. They are able to discern the best qualities in a husband and do everything for the sake of her husband's happiness. The servant wife never tries to take the leading position in the family, she does not take offense over trifles, she tries to develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in her husband. Next to her, a man feels strong and smart, he is always ready to protect her and thank her for her kind attitude towards herself. By Vedic standards, a servant wife is a proper WIFE, she loves her husband and faithfully serves him. And her husband appreciates her efforts and reciprocates her. He is happy next to her and is sure that his wife will share both grief and joy with him.

2. mistress. The mistress wife loves to command her husband. She is very lazy and spends a lot of time. Her house is always dirty, she feeds her children and husband with semi-finished products. "Mistress" loves to discuss everyone, especially she likes to judge and evaluate her husband's relatives. In any dispute with her husband, she wins, and then complains to everyone how her husband offends and does not love. "Washing the bones" for her husband is her main occupation. She does this both in front of him and behind his back. Her husband is in the role of "henpecked", he is not interested in anything and does not please.

3. Mother. A mother-wife treats her husband like an older child. She herself makes decisions and believes that her husband without her valuable guidance will not be able to live in this world. The husband appreciates her care and takes a weak position in the family. His wife-mother dresses, feeds and cares for him, like a child. Confident in her rightness, she painfully reacts to reproaches and criticism addressed to her, often takes offense and cries. During quarrels, she likes to accuse everyone of unfair treatment of herself and declares: “I work from morning to evening so that you live happily and prosperously, and you don’t even congratulate me on my birthday.” Relations in such a family can be called neutral. Living "under the wing" of a wife-mother is comfortable and good, but a man with such a wife will never be able to develop his abilities and reach career heights.

4. Thief. A thief wife thinks only of herself. She does not respect her husband, speaks contemptuously about his work, criticizes and constantly compares him with more successful people. A thief wife steals happiness from her husband, she tries her best to re-educate him the way she likes. Such a wife is extremely prudent, self-serving and wasteful. She can spend all the money earned by her husband to buy a fur coat, and then demand that he buy her a car. Her appetite is irrepressible, no matter how much money the husband earns, the thief wife is still not enough. At the same time, she does not at all take into account the needs of her husband, cooks only what she loves herself, and tries to save money on buying clothes for her husband. One can only sympathize with the poor man who married such a woman.

5. Girlfriend. A wife-girlfriend is a godsend for a man. She tries to help her husband in everything, takes care of him and is ready to give up her ambitions for him. In her family, mutual respect, understanding and exchange of energies reign. With a wife-girlfriend, the husband feels happy and confident. He is always open with her and ready to support her in everything. Quarrels and reproaches in such a family take place, but they are short-lived and only strengthen relations between spouses.

6. Younger sister. For a wife-younger sister, the husband is the nicest, the smartest and the best. She always admires his deeds, listens carefully to him and does not hide how much she loves him. Her husband at the beginning of his family life is satisfied with such an attitude towards himself, but years later he gets tired of undeserved love and blind adoration.
Though leave wife who is ready for everything for him, few dare. After all, the wife-younger sister cooks well, maintains cleanliness and comfort in the house and is a wonderful mother for children.

7. Killer. By Vedic standards, the murderous wife is the most feared type. She does not put her husband in anything and does not take into account his opinion. Such wives do not hide the fact that they do not love their husband and constantly cheat on him. Their house is dirty and empty. The killer wife doesn't know how to cook, and her sink is always littered with dirty dishes. She despises her husband and may even be plotting to kill him. Fortunately, these types of wives are extremely rare.

We will study the main psychological types of women and learn to recognize them the first time. Advice from experienced psychologists and real stories from life will be an excellent guide for men who want to find their soul mate and not make a mistake when choosing.

What does a woman want

Not only the weaker sex, but also men want to find in this life the one with which they will be comfortable and happy. After all, women know how to hide their true face much better than the opposite sex. But how can you see under the mask of her real character traits, psychological type. So it won't work right away.

Before us always appears a sweet, gentle, defenseless, confused and timid person. She doesn't seem to have any problems. She will not make scandals with or without cause, she will not take away the last stash, demand repairs, throw tantrums in front of outsiders, be jealous of every “pillar”. Such a girl will never be stubborn, chat incessantly, build intrigues, intrigues, swear with your parents, etc. In short, she's perfect! But what happens after the wedding?

It feels like it's just been replaced. "No, this is not the woman I married!" "Mine was different - gentle, loving and kind!" Do not be surprised at such metamorphoses, everything is going according to plan - according to Her plan! You are caught in the web of her ability to be able to change. So do not sprinkle "ash" on your head and be patient. And for those who have not yet fallen for the bait of ladies who know how to change masks (and they are the majority), we suggest that you carefully study the points indicating the psychological type of a woman.

Why does a woman "play"

It should be noted right away that almost everything is only for good purposes. In any case, most of the fair sex thinks so. But why do they do it, why is it necessary? Unlike the representatives of the stronger half, any normal woman thinks about the family nest. And wherever she goes, she will immediately begin to create comfort, warmth. It's in her subconscious. Why? It's simple, the psychology of people was created against the background of circumstances.

IN ancient times When a man went hunting, She stayed at home and cooked food for him, kept the fire in the fire for warmth. And so it began - she made a bed for him from the wool of a dead mammoth, made dishes from stones, cooked food. What is he? The head of the "family" might not have returned, because even then there were much fewer men than women. A dangerous way of obtaining food and necessary household items often turned into a fight for life and death. Wild animals, natural conditions led to the fact that miners often died.

Due to the “deficiency” of the stronger sex, there was a struggle, because on the way he could go into another hut, then into a third one and choose with whom he was better off. Then there were no institutions of marriage, and no one could claim their rights to the breadwinner, sue him. And left alone, a physically weak woman could not feed herself properly.

The fear of death formed in her mind the ways by which she could keep her breadwinner and protector near her. And so the housebuilding began - she obeyed him in everything, tried to cook deliciously, create maximum comfort, surrounded the man with care. In those days, women also “played”, because otherwise you can’t keep it. And so it happened.

Despite the colossal evolutionary achievements, at the subconscious level, women continue to wear "masks". And this is not surprising, because there is still a shortage” of men. If in the middle of the last century they sang in the song “Because for ten girls, according to statistics, nine guys ...”, now the arithmetic has changed. For 10 girls, a maximum of 6 guys. What is the reason, because he does not need to go to the dense jungle to get food.

It is enough to run to the nearest supermarket or place an order on the Internet. The hard everyday life of primitive comrades was replaced by others:

  1. Bad habits. Drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse are the scourge of modernity. And, as a rule, there are more dependent on men than among women. By their nature, they are more “risky” individuals and are not afraid to subject the body to severe trials. In any case, they acquire dependence more frivolously than the weaker sex.
  2. gifts of civilization. We all know that a person lives thanks to movement. But modern realities contribute to the fact that a person is inactive, and this directly affects his health and life expectancy. Robots do everything for us, we don’t walk, we drive. Plus, we eat solid chemistry - hormones, antibiotics, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other food ingredients are also harmful to our body. And men, by their nature, do not think about their health, in which women are more successful.
  3. Accidents, catastrophes. It so happened that men are more busy driving cars, planes, ships, in heavy industries - in mines, mines and other industries. And such places are always associated with danger to life.
    One can go on enumerating the factors due to which the number of men will always be less than that of women. It is necessary to include here one more, very important point, because of which the number of the stronger sex always decreases - these are wars. The main and favorite toy of men is a woman, but there is another constant fun - creating weapons, shooting from them, wrestling, fighting, etc. Who serves in the army - the stronger sex, who protects the borders of the state and participates in conflicts - of course, men.

In the soul of every girl, there is a hope of finding personal happiness, and she is looking for someone who will give her such an opportunity. And as soon as she finds him, she immediately begins to "hunt" for him, knowing that it will take a long time to hone his features in order to bring him to an ideal state.

What about men? They are fundamentally different from women in nature. In the soul, all representatives of the stronger sex are wanderers, free creatures who do not want to be under someone's control. They are like those cats "that walk by themselves." But the ladies do not give up trying to "tame" a member of the opposite sex. But how to do that. After all, any Living being will not go forward unless something entices him. What can attract men, the list is quite simple and banal:

  • kindness
  • beauty, excellent figure;
  • excellent health;
  • active lifestyle;
  • affection and tenderness;
  • trust and understanding;
  • the ability to control oneself;
  • wisdom;
  • sense of humor;
  • thriftiness;
  • the ability not to restrict the freedom of the spouse;
  • the ability to listen and hear;
  • the ability to cook well;
  • talent to create cleanliness and comfort in the house.

In addition, the second half should be able to stay in public and create the most comfortable atmosphere for your spouse. What do you think - is there at least one woman in the world who would have all these characteristic features? It is unlikely - ideal people do not exist, this is an axiom that does not require proof. But in order for a man to fall into her "trap", she will play the role of an ideal woman so talentedly that he will not even have time to come to his senses.

And, based on all of the above, one can understand why women are fighting for the heart of the man she chose for her later life. Yes Yes! It is she who chooses the companion, not he. It just seems that the guy from the first time strikes her with his incredible beauty and wit. If she doesn't like you, you can forget about her.

No matter what you do, you won't be able to achieve it. Someone wants to boast that he was able to get the hand of his beloved, although at first she didn’t even want to look at you? Don't flatter yourself! She liked you right away, she just manipulated in order to further drag you into her networks. And now let's move on to the study of women's tricks, which should not be bought by the stronger sex.

Main female psychotypes

Home Klusha. Every man dreams of this type of women, but he never talks about it openly. Next to such a lady is always comfortable. She is like a kvochka all day long doing what creates comfort for her beloved household. Where she is - there is order, warmth, comfort. And of course, only delicious aromas of cutlets, meatballs, purees, cakes and pies come from it. The man plunges headlong into her care. Always ironed, dressed with a string, he smells good, nothing threatens his health, because there is one that feeds only tasty and useful products. The nest of such a lady is beautiful tablecloths, flowering window sills, clean floors and bright coatings.

This woman will always be ready - in a beautiful apron and ready-made delicious food. And it doesn't matter if you showed up from your trip a couple of days early. You do not even doubt that a clean and cozy corner awaits you, beloved and dear to the point of pain.

But there is one thing - she is unlikely to be able to cope with the technique. And she won't turn to anyone for help. There is one for which she fusses all day long, so let her be engaged in repairs and all men's affairs.

She also does not like to drive, and if she has to, then only in extreme cases. And that moment brings more discomfort than pleasure.

If your spouse belongs to this psychotype, you are a happy person. What else does a person need for complete harmony - an understanding and diligent wife, for whom the main objective is to live for you. If there are some minor flaws, they are nothing compared to her efforts. But there are still points that need to be paid attention to.

History from life.“Larisa G. has been married to Sergei for 15 years already. Everyone around her considers her an excellent hostess. It really is. The house is always in perfect order. I would like to, but you will not find a single speck of dust. Everything is in its place, no things on the chairs, dishes dirty and not wiped with a towel. How does she cook. Her cakes, casseroles, sauces, meat dishes - in short, whatever you try, you lick your fingers from everything.

And when Sergei returned home after work, everything was ready - delicious food, drinks, and cleanliness. But there was something about which he did not guess. Larissa was loving. And while the hubby boasted to his friends a thermos with an awesome dinner, at that time she received her lover in their common bedroom. And he left by the very arrival of his spouse from work.

That is, a caring wife during the first half of the day coped with all matters, and in the second she enjoyed being close to strangers. The lovers left just in time for the arrival of her husband. She did not think to be ashamed - such is her nature - she wants more love. Moreover, when her husband entered the door, she arranged for him a small “debriefing” - “why did you linger, where were you”, etc. ”

We do not want all men who have caring and "cozy" wives to believe that they are being deceived. Most of course do not even think to change. But if a woman is too good and helpful in everything, it does not hurt to check.

Pretty doll. This woman or girl is more like the Jane doll, Barbie, beloved by all girls. She always looks great, carefully looks after herself, wears only fashionable clothes. She always smells good, her favorite pastime is traveling through the websites of women's magazines, online stores. If he goes for a walk, then the route is known - hyper, supermarkets, boutiques, clothing stores, perfume trading floors, etc.

As a rule, very exalted natures belong to dolls. They constantly admire their man, groan, gasp. But, unfortunately, it is precisely this type that has problems with intellectual development. They do not need to read books, interesting articles about relationships, discoveries, historical, documentary stories, etc. All they need is to watch a cheap melodrama, a fashion channel. And appear with such a girl or lady into the world, where there are smart people- big mistake. As a last resort, you need to make an installation - “please do not open your mouth, be silent and nod!”.

Of course, you can ask to remember a couple of duty phrases "" Great weather, isn't it?", "" You look great today!" etc.

The advantages of pupae can be appreciated by the same stupid men or elderly comrades with a pack of servants and helpers. The beauty will decorate the autumn of his life and, perhaps, return his former youth, force him to think about intimacy, to restore men's health.

Your friend. Often you can meet a married couple, which you can’t immediately say about. Is this his wife? Strange, but more like a man. No, not in terms of appearance, but in behavior, although the former is also not uncommon. In short, there is a type of women that psychologists call "their boyfriend."

What distinguishes her from others is her completely indifferent attitude towards her appearance. She does not "steam" about the fact that winter is coming, and she does not have a beautiful and elegant coat, fur coat. She will not reproach her husband for the lack of new tights or fashionable lipstick. For such ladies, it does not matter what performance will take place in the coming days at the theater, or what interesting family series will be shown on TV. That is, for a man in this regard, everything is arranged more than perfectly. No expense or headaches from her itching about her looks. But this medal also has a downside.

Your boyfriend never "steams" about the appearance of his spouse. She does not wash, does not iron shirts, does not cook, does not create coziness in the house. If you want to eat - “Come on, let's have a beer with chips!”. The shirt got dirty - “So throw it in the washing machine and wash it!” etc. If you want to go to the cinema or the theater, she will lure you to a bowling alley, a billiard room.

And do not be offended, there is no place for manipulation. It’s not that she doesn’t want to do all this, it’s just that it’s not given to her by nature.

Next to you is really not quite a "woman". Male chromosomes predominate in it, so it behaves like an ordinary man - it scratches its stomach, drinks beer, wears rough men's jeans, T-shirts. If such a lady can do something, it is to drive in a nail, in a matter of minutes to get by car to the other end of the city, to putty the ceiling, the wall.

So pay attention to these character traits as early as possible. Before getting married, think about whether you need a relationship with a man in a skirt? Is it worth building a family and having children from a person who psychologically belongs to your same gender?

Stop a galloping horse. It is very difficult for such ladies to hide their abilities under a mask, and if they succeed, then the man runs the risk of being in front of a strong woman, both physically and psychologically. Sometimes he can confuse her unbridled energy with increased libido, temperament. Someone will object - "What's wrong with that she strong man in every way". Wait, you don't quite understand what kind of person this is.

Thunder Baba cannot but stand up for her family members - everything seems to be fine. But what if no one asks her about it and you want to solve the issue yourself? It wasn't there! She will not allow it - she is the head of the house and decides everything herself. She literally "strangles" in her arms everyone she wants to help. And what is unpleasant, such a woman is capable of destroying what was built before her with her “love” and participation. She doesn't care what others think of her - which is also not good.

What is a man to do? If he met such a girl who is ready to be the first to come to the rescue, even though you don’t ask about it, then you have the very Thunder-woman in front of you. To continue with her relationship or not is your own business. It all depends on what your plans for life are, what is your approach to solving this or that issue, your life position is also important.

For those who want to build their career with the help of such a companion, relationships are welcome. She, like a compassionate and active mother, will rush to your superiors and convince him to raise your salary, transfer you to a better position. But if you are an independent person, able to solve your problems without the help of others, refuse a second date. Household Klusha or Dolly is more suitable for you.

Clever (intellectual). This type women will not wash, cook, iron you. For her, cleanliness in the house is a meaningless state. What difference does it make, because the main thing is books, new knowledge. Also, don't expect her to smell like a great perfume or even a nice soap.

Intellectuals do not bother with their appearance and can wear the same sweater for years. As far as food is concerned, it's "past" here too. Sandwiches, scrambled eggs, oatmeal on the water, but with fruit - everything a girl is capable of, immersed in books, articles, mathematical formulas, major projects, etc.

And if you met with such a special person - get ready, you will serve yourself. In extreme cases, immediately after the wedding, your parents will help you. Moms are responsible for cleanliness, grandmothers are responsible for cooking. Do you like this perspective? If not, don't make a second date. How to recognize a zealous intellectual in her, if she appeared in a beautiful dress, put her smartphone away, and maintains a pleasant conversation? There is nothing easier!

Be careful when talking - she will betray herself with her knowledge and attitude to everyday life. Ask a couple of streamlined questions about cooking, ask her if she knows how to cook the same chicken Kiev that you have just been served. He says yes - ask for a visit. A couple of dates will reveal all her cards. And honestly, run. Only the same intellectual can live with her, for whom cleanliness, comfort in the house, aroma and grooming of his wife are an empty phrase.

True woman. This type is the best, because it is universal. He combines everything. Such a spouse will not be silent and open her mouth to listen to her hubby, where she needs to insert a clever word, remember by heart the members of his favorite team. He will cook an amazing dinner, and at the same time find time to put himself in order, visit shops and theaters. For her, the integrity of the individual is important, which needs a little of everything. She does not have one-sided interests, she is fond of many things and at the same time does not forget to pay attention to her relatives, friends, and of course, her spouse. Next to such a woman, everyone will feel not only happy, but also a real man!

Female types are extremely diverse, their classifications are subjective, but there is some sense in this, both for men and for women themselves.

  • Business woman and mistress of the house.
  • Amazon and lady.
  • Mother woman and woman lover.
  • Woman-wife and woman-bitch. See →
  • Elite woman and woman

Business woman and housewife

There are two different types of women. 1. A business woman is a woman who asserts herself and realizes herself in work and career. Housework for her is a burdensome duty, a kitchen stall where men try to drive women. 2. The owner of the house is a woman who realizes herself in the house. The house, the hearth - this is her project, the project of her life. And she builds this house for herself and for herself. She is both a builder and organizer of the weather in the house. Homework is not burdensome for her. She is for her a cure for stress, help in thinking about her problems, and just a pleasure. If this woman works, work is for her an auxiliary part of her life.

Both women understand that children need to be taught self-care and management. household. But how? First of all - on a personal example, but here the different attitude to homework affects. If a woman of the 2nd type enjoys homework, then naturally, she will make her child want to learn this skill herself. For a woman of the 1st type, homework does not cause pleasure, and naturally this entails a lack of desire in the child to learn. In this case, a personal example is not a sufficient incentive, and therefore one has to resort to coercion, using various incentives - the carrot and stick method. Or easier, to training. So brought up, a girl may well behave decently under her mother's supervision: clean up her bed, cook simple dishes, etc. But as soon as she breaks out from under her mother's supervision, she will immediately discard all these skills imposed on her. Why would she do something that doesn't make her happy? If she learns something from her mother's behavior, then it is not the skills, but the attitude towards them.

The formula is often heard: a woman should be a mistress in the kitchen, a lady in the living room and a prostitute in bed. "Lady" here unites the line "lady, princess, queen", "Mistress" - "mother, wife, maid", "Prostitute" - "courtress, Amazon, mistress, bitch".

vamp woman

This is the type femme fatale, seducing men, but at the same time she herself does not like men, and moreover, she likes to look at the torment of men in love with themselves. If we take historical characters, then the most famous woman of this type is Cleopatra, only not a real queen, but a legendary one, who, according to legend, demanded to give her life for a night of love with her. More recent examples - main character Movie "Basic Instinct" There are quite a few men who fall for this type of woman. For a man, it's like throwing himself into the abyss for the sake of a short-term, but very sharp pleasure, even if then he will feel very bad. A vamp woman is not necessarily beautiful, but she always radiates the energy of seduction.


A feminine type that inspires men, especially men with an artistic streak. A woman of this type may be accessible, but a part of her is always in some other dimension, somewhere not on earth. This is what catches artists and poets, they try to capture this elusive and mysterious beauty, but beauty is given to them for a short time, and then slips away again. A historical example is Gala, the wife and muse of Salvador Dali. Most artists and poets had their own muses. There are very good movie"Muse" with Sharon Stone in leading role If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.

Beautiful lady

A type of calm, beauty-conscious woman, unlike the first two, who may not be beautiful. She is aware of her beauty, and this awareness makes her calm and balanced. It seems to a man that if he connects his life with a woman of this type, he will become happy. Usually a variety of men fall on such women. And usually they try to marry them, unlike, for example, a vamp woman, who is usually tried to be made a mistress. A famous example, though not very positive, is Helen from Tolstoy's War and Peace. Probably Tolstoy simply did not like this type of women.

Turgenev girl

The type of modest, romantic and mysterious woman. Sometimes she is very beautiful, but sometimes she is just cute and sweet. But even if she is beautiful, unlike a beautiful lady, she is not aware of her beauty, and this is what makes her attractive. A man feels that this type of woman, as it were, underestimates himself and seeks to prove to her how beautiful she is. There are a lot of women of this type in Russian classics, Tatiana Larina for example. And of course, it is about this type of women that the tale of the sleeping princess tells. A man must kiss such a woman so that she wakes up and realizes how beautiful she is. In the cinema, a very vivid image of this type of woman was shown in the film "Valentina" based on the play by Vampilov with Daria Mikhailova and Rodion Nakhapetov in the lead roles. From more modern examples, the main character of the film "Piter FM".


A type of woman with the appearance and behavior of a teenager. A little edgy and naive at the same time. Everything is interesting to this teenager, she only discovers life, including sexual life, and therefore the nymphet plays and experiments. For women of this type of relationship with a man, it is more of a game, exciting and interesting, but not cruel like a vamp. Men are attracted to nymphets, so they are trying to regain their youth and plunge into those distant times in which there are no responsibilities, neither family, nor professional, nor anything else. A typical example of a nymphet is Natalie Portman's character in the movie Leon. She should have played Lolita, but for some reason, an actress who had nothing to do with the type of Nymphet was taken for the role of Lolita. So the movie is very boring. The image of a nymphet is superbly conveyed in a very good Georgian film "27 Stolen Kisses".


The type of woman who likes all men, or almost all. Therefore, women of this type do not refuse anyone and try to be equally kind with everyone. Many consider women of this type depraved, but for her, relationships with many men are the content of her life. Women of this type do not want anything from men except love, and are ready to give them their love. To the fullest extent, the type of woman courtesan was embodied in the Greek getters, who tried to surround every man who came to them not only with love and care, but also with smart conversations. Still, perhaps, these are the priestesses of some sexual ancient Greek cults, and also Japanese geishas. Men fall for women of this type, because with them they find happiness. True for a short moment, because after one man comes another, and then a third, and the courtesan treats them just as well. For a man, this is very difficult to bear. He begins to rage and thereby loses the location of the courtesan.

In every woman there are manifestations of all these archetypes of femininity, only in different proportions. Usually in one woman, two of the six female types are most developed, the rest are in the shade.

Female roles

Unlike female types, female roles can be in the arsenal of one and the same woman, transforming her to her mood or to the requirements of the situation. It seems that a woman should have at least three images. One - energetic and lively, cheerful and incendiary - for life. For example, the singer Valeria. The second is soft, flowing and feminine. Irina Alferova (the image of Constance Bonacier pops up). The third is for the bedroom. Sensual and sexy. Angelina Jolie. Or Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

Topics of conversation: What kind of woman do you need to be in order to successfully marry? How many times do men get married? Why are there so few normal men? Childfree. Parenting. What is love? A story that couldn't be better. Paying for the opportunity to be close to a beautiful woman.

It seems that some young ladies forgot to set the clock and still live somewhere at the beginning of the 2000s. At the very time when even the most backward sections of the population began to visit plastic surgeons. And it seems to me that 15 years is enough to understand: it was not necessary to do this. The skill of doctors has grown since then, but this has not changed anything at all: silicone virgins still look good only in photographs taken with filters, of course. Good, but the same - you may not recognize your own among a dozen others of the same. But in life ... Oh, in life this is a song! Breast implants turn a fragile and short young lady into a beetle - legs and cephalothorax. Stenciled eyebrows look like they were drawn with a felt-tip pen, it's very funny. Inflated lips are generally my favorite story: this “whistle” just wants to be called a wandering hemorrhoids. Wrong side got out, it happens. Mukla are out of fashion, ladies. Appearing in public accompanied by this monster of Dr. Frankenstein is unbearably embarrassing. Don't do it girls.

drama queen

If I say that no one likes hysterics, I'm lying. Some are very fond of. Some give daily Italian scandals with breaking dishes, and then stormy reconciliations in bed. So who is hysterical, and who is a young lady with a lively temperament. But this is not the case for drama queens. The drama queen goes into hysterics, not because she's a choleric, but because she's a cheap manipulator. If at the same time she is also a bad actress (and this happens most often), then it’s bad: looking at these pitiful attempts is both embarrassing and funny. And it is completely incomprehensible how it is a miracle to acquaint with loved ones. How can I explain to them why I need this big top on the road?

Spiritually rich girl

My favorite type: a spiritually rich maiden disguises herself as a predator. In its natural habitat, it is no different from a young lady with whom you want to have an affair. Ordinary girl, what happiness! But only for one date. After a date, you find a young lady's cozy Facebook, and there is an abyss: sheets of vulgar, melodramatic texts about her rich spiritual essence. The texts certainly contain coffee, cigarettes, the silent light of lanterns (what?!), sunrises, sunsets, old Castaneda and endorphin withdrawal. Oh, and love, blood and depression. Mix but do not shake. The funny thing is that a spiritually rich virgin considers herself not like everyone else. Despite the fact that their name is legion. I note, by the way, that this most spiritual wealth is similar to chickenpox: they definitely need to be ill in childhood, at the age of 15. And after the disease leads to irreversible personality changes, alas. And only the same spiritually rich graphomaniac is ready to make a couple of an adult spiritually rich virgin. But a beggar.

White coat

“All around are fools and are not being treated, I alone am smart, I stand beautiful in a white coat.” A young lady in a white coat is a virgin who is not so much ashamed to meet as scary. She is unbearably stuffy. She basically never gets out of a state of passive aggression. Her “white coat” is an impenetrable armor that remains white, no matter what dirt the maiden gets into. Dirt, I note, she considers everything in general. Basically. So this maiden can find personal happiness only with the same white-fingered man. Which in a decent society hands will not be shaken. Unfortunately, the apt expression that can characterize such a comrade is forbidden to be used on the pages of the site. But you understand me, right? And if you suddenly find that your little coat is turning white - take it off immediately, young ladies.

Network exhibitionist

We must admit that we have all been living on the Web for a long time. And we must also admit that 10 years ago there were their own “castes” on the Web, but now they are gone. If earlier interesting young ladies wrote letters in LiveJournal, and uninteresting ones posted photos in Odnoklassniki, now everyone has come to Facebook and Instagram, everyone shows themselves from all sides and everyone writes about the personal without a lock. The only question is how exactly they do it. A network exhibitionist literally runs around the Internet without panties: 25 selfies a day, half of them from the rear (she pumped up her ass, I must show it!). Details of your personal life? Oh, this young lady is like a young mother who writes about how "we ate, we pooped." But the young mother is forgiven, of course, but the young lady ... I don’t really want the whole Network to know how I ate and pooped. And this, unfortunately, is inevitable: the network exhibitionist is dependent on likes, and will do anything for them. Thanks, no.

enlightened gurus

Not a guru, but a gurus. Like a chicken. Style gurus, female psychology gurus or, God forbid, fitness gurus. She decided that she had learned to live correctly, and now she would teach everyone else. Naturally, there are enough such teachers without another enlightened one, so the gurus need to somehow attract attention to themselves. And more often than not, she chooses a win-win option - hatred. Yes, the guru needs to arouse hatred towards himself, and then they will notice her, and then she will have personal haters and personal “hamsters”, fascinated looking into her mouth. In the mouth with which she spews slop. And after all, the funny thing is, the brightest gurus turn out to be dummies for testing: a lonely lesbian teaches “the only right relationship with men”, an unemployed woman talks about a career, and a fitness guru looks like a flabby bag full of bones. And all these virgins are seriously preaching something. As they say, make me unsee it.

light man

A terrible, bloodthirsty light man, an infernal monster that will bite your head off and swallow it without chewing. Light people are very kind. Not good ones, but kind ones. They constantly feel sorry for someone: cows from which they made steaks, cats that were allegedly thrown away, unborn children that they decided not to give birth to. It is very convenient to feel sorry for all of them, because there is no responsibility: she is not really going to save all these unfortunate people. She only wants to condemn everyone who is not a "bright man." Who is not kind. A good maiden wants to publicly humiliate, kick in sore spots, blame and denounce. And he does it 24/7. Holy woman!

Husband worshiper

Once I already wrote that a modern man does not want borscht from a woman, but wants equal relations. I remember that then I got from grateful readers: Vasily wants to live at the expense of a woman! Vasily is a loser who is unable to earn money for his family! Vasily undermines the foundations and does not honor the traditions of his ancestors! But in fact, Vasily simply watched how his friends got divorced, and, alas, Vasily has nothing to please you with. The type of "husband's wife" is hard labor for a modern man. Because a woman who from a young age dreams of marrying a “real man” and settling down at home behind a stone wall, after 15 years of marriage, turns this very house into a gloomy swamp. In which absolutely nothing happens. Simply because in her life there is nothing but pots, a vacuum cleaner and communication on the Web - with the same mistresses of pots and vacuum cleaners. And now a woman is sitting at his house, whom he perceives as a boring distant relative - well, except perhaps in the household. In all other aspects of family life, she is a suitcase without a handle: it’s hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave.
