The main female purpose. The purpose of a woman

In our time, the purpose of a woman is almost forgotten. The image of a mature, loving, merciful and self-sufficient woman has been lost somewhere in the centuries. His place was taken by infantile youngsters, businesswomen, mother hens, men in skirts and other "non-female" roles.

If a woman plays one of these roles, she loses herself, her strength, she loses the true purpose of a woman.

Therefore, now it is important for us, women, to realize what it means to be a Woman, what our mission is and what prevents us from realizing it, in order to feel happy and full of strength.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with what I have noticed in modern women's behavior.

7 Destructive Women's Behavior Programs

1. No inner rod

The inner core of a person- this is an understanding of who I am, why I am here, what I want. If an inner core is built in the family of the mother and father, then it can be built in the child, this happens at the age of five.

Since most of our parents did not build this core, it is not surprising that we have some difficulties with this.

Growing up, such girls:

  • They do not know how to listen to themselves, their soul, but they listen to everyone. Therefore, they do not know what they themselves want from life.
  • They don’t want to learn something new, because curiosity has been replaced with stereotyped thinking.
  • Constantly comparing themselves to other women and even men,
  • In everything they follow the example of the majority, for them the opinion of others is very important.
  • Be afraid to express your opinion.
  • They strive to prove something to someone, to become better than others.
  • They do not know how to independently reveal and show their creative abilities.
  • They deny themselves what they want and do what they don't want to.
  • Just exist, instead of consciously living each day.

It is not necessary that all this is present in your behavior, but perhaps in some of the points you recognized yourself.

  1. Learn to love and respect yourself for who you are. this moment life.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others, recognize your uniqueness.
  3. Start to re-examine yourself, not looking back at someone else's opinion. If you don't know what you want to do, start trying different types activities from the basics. At the same time, listen to yourself, as far as you are interested.
  4. Remember what you liked as a child, what you were like, what you wanted, what you dreamed about.

What manifests itself:

  • In not built personal boundaries.
  • In the desire to please everyone, even if inside you want to say no.
  • In the desire to do everything at the behest of mom, dad, husband, etc. As a result, fulfilling the dreams and desires of loved ones.
  • In the desire to do everything right, without mistakes, the best.
  • In the desire to receive praise, so that other people will notice and appreciate how good you are.
  • In a constant sense of "duty" to loved ones.
  • In a sense of guilt when refusing a man, relatives, acquaintances, etc.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to build personal boundaries, say no. If: you do not like the people with whom you communicate, do not communicate with them; If you don’t want to do what you are asked, explain to the person why you have no desire and don’t do it.
  2. Let other people be responsible for their feelings. Don't blame yourself if you don't like a man who decides to express his sympathy to you.
  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes, because mistakes are your invaluable experience.
  4. Love yourself for who you are. Strive to be better for yourself, not for others.
  5. Understand that you can never please everyone in everything, and even one particular person.
  6. Find for yourself another way of self-affirmation and replenishment of personal strength, without constantly using the gratitude of other people.
  7. Stop forcing yourself to do things you don't want to. If you don’t want to eat what you cooked yesterday, then don’t eat, don’t live according to the principle “so as not to be lost”. Same with clothes, don't wear what you don't like, even if it's new or well kept. In such cases, you can simply find another solution: give food to animals, clothes to other people. There is always a way out, just don't force yourself.
  8. Write a list beginning with "I should" for each person in your life. Analyze it: do I really owe all this to someone, or can I delegate something, remove something, and transfer something to the “I want” list?

3. Inability to build personal boundaries

This paragraph applies only to relationships with men.

If a woman does NOT have boundaries, she:

  • Allows men he does not plan to marry to kiss himself, hold his hand, touch his body. All this makes it accessible in the eyes of men.
  • Accepts the courtship of a man if he is not interested in her as a life partner, thereby giving hope for more. This can provoke a man to do things that are unpleasant for her.
  • Allows men to humiliate themselves, use themselves, commit moral and physical violence.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to say "no" to a man. If a man begins to show persistent signs of attention to you, and inside you don’t know what you want, then he will feel it and will continue to insist on his own.
  2. Do not let men have too much in relation to you. Understand that you are a princess for one single man. Any touch of one person to another is always an exchange of energy for levels of self (aura). Touching your skin for a man, even if it is your palm, means admission to the whole body. After that, don't be surprised if a man pesters you and counts on an intimate relationship.
  3. If you love and respect yourself, then a man will never humiliate you. As a rule, what is inside, so is outside.
  4. Learn to distinguish the manifestations of a man's care from courtship. Do not use men, appreciate and take care of their attitude towards you, be honest with them. Talk directly about what you do not see in a man as your companion.

This behavior is expressed in:

  • Uncertainty in yourself, your beauty,. As a result, such a girl singles out men according to the principle “I will go for anyone who has done good with attention.” Accepts signs of attention from men who are completely uninteresting to her. For an ordinary trip to a restaurant, or a movie, she can spend the night with a man.
Correction methods:
  1. Love yourself for who you are right now. Realize what manifestations are in you and why you need them, if you do not like them, then how do you want to act differently.

It is worth highlighting and considering this item separately, since a lot of women's programs of behavior are associated with it.

What manifests itself:

  • In fear that I'm not like everyone else. Still a virgin, wearing the wrong clothes, doing the wrong things, raising my kid the wrong way.
  • In fear of not having time, that I am already 20, 40 (insert your own version), and I still have not built a career, not married, not given birth, etc.
  • In imitation of others. All my girlfriends date guys, so I should too. The same thing is drinking, smoking, swearing, etc.
  • In the unconscious living of life, when you do not think about what, why and for what you are doing.
  • In the feeling of inner loneliness and the desire to fill it through other people, to earn their praise.
  • In ignorance of yourself and your desires.
How to fix:
  1. Build your inner core.
  2. Recognize your value. Realize that no one knows you better than yourself.
  3. Learn to live consciously.
  4. Make friends with time, stop rushing somewhere and chasing for some reason.
  5. Learn to highlight the main thing in your life, build your goals.

Imagine a person's life crystal with many facets. From the outside, any other person sees only one facet, and only the owner himself is able to see the whole crystal.

Only you can decide which way of life you should go, and even a good psychic will be able to show you only that facet that he sees, but this does not mean that your life will turn out in this way.

Therefore, when you try to follow the path of your relatives, friends and other people, trying on completely thoughtlessly their way of thinking You are not helping yourself, you are only hurting yourself.

What does it express:

  • In the desire to impose my opinion on everyone for good purposes, that I know better what you need.
  • In the desire to become the best, always stand out.
  • In disrespect for the opinions of other people, inability to listen to other people.
  • In on other people.
  • Gossiping and judging other people.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to listen to other people, do not go to them with your advice, if they do not ask.
  2. Respect other people's choices to live the way they want.
  3. Learn to cooperate with other people.
  4. Learn to accept other people's opinions.

Many girls fall into this program of behavior to one degree or another.

Causes of occurrence:

  • The girl's mother prefers the male type of behavior and does everything herself. In this case, the father is either not around, or he is, but is no longer a responsible independent man. A woman dominates in such families, even if she does it not openly, controlling a man through manipulation.
  • If a girl was offended in childhood, constantly criticized, demanded some achievements from her. As a result, she either closed and turned into a “victim” of everyone and everything, or made a decision: “I will prove to mom, dad, etc. that I can do it myself .....”, and already this decision turned into the following: “I I can handle everything myself."
Correction methods:
  1. Allow yourself to relax, stop proving something to someone, trust your loved ones. Understand that no one will do your job exactly like you, the other person will always do their own thing.
  2. Learn to delegate your affairs, ask for help from loved ones. Between children, you can distribute care for loved ones in household chores, but in such a way that everyone would be pleased to do their own thing. Husband to delegate everything that is connected with the outside world: payment of bills (rent, electricity, gas, etc.), communication with government agencies (school, clinic, etc.), the main income.
  3. Learn to accept other people's concern for you.
  4. Let other people make mistakes, learn to accept their mistakes, without the desire to fix everything and do everything yourself.

It is very difficult for a man to be close to a woman who does not allow him to realize himself, to take care of her. Let the man next to you open up, show what he is capable of for you.

This composition Alexei Vorobyov "Please be weaker" is a call to us, women, to try to understand men, trust them and believe in them.

As you have noticed, all 7 points are closely intertwined with each other. The development of at least one can have a significant impact on the rest. Starting to change, do not expect instant changes, everything will happen gradually.

Remember that you are originally a goddess everything is already laid in you by God. You just have to discover all these qualities and learn how to manifest them.

  • If a woman implements them, everything in her life will be fine. And these destinations are not to become a qualified specialist in any industry, a good accountant or a super- famous TV star. The main task of every woman is, firstly, to create a space of love around herself, and secondly, to create a space of beauty around herself.

    This is the main thing that girls should learn from an early age and the main thing that women should do in adulthood, then family happiness and health, and social success, and well-being will find them themselves.

    Happiness, joy, optimism are solar energies, and they are more inherent in men. Lunar energies are peace, harmony, sincerity, caring, sensitivity, mercy - this is exactly what a woman's love should be. When a woman loves, that is, exudes the energy of love around her, in her rays everyone finds peace and harmony, the quiet joy of life. When a man loves, he generously sprinkles laughter, happiness, lively optimism around him. This is the difference between our love.

    So, a woman should strive to open herself to love, both for its acceptance and for giving. This is the purpose of a woman. Women should not be so diligent in the search for knowledge and practices, constantly read, develop themselves, work on themselves. It is better to just calm down, stop loading yourself with information, and start doing what you incarnated for - creating a space of love around you, giving love, care, kindness, smiles. In this our spiritual path This is our self-realization and self-improvement.

    When a woman is strengthened in a state of love, she will enter an amazingly beautiful space of peace, she will notice that the pace of her life has slowed down, along with this, the processes in the body have slowed down, and therefore her youth continues, her natural beauty has manifested itself from the inside out, a heavenly radiance, the condition of the skin and hair has improved, because the hormonal background has normalized. And, of course, such a woman has turned into a fragrant wild flower, to which other people, both men, and women, and children, flock to enjoy the sweetest ethers exuded by him and bask in the warm rays of this woman's benevolence.

    Agree that sincerely loving person very attractive to others. He, as if, lives in his unknown world, where everything is calm, beautiful and good, he smiles mysteriously, as if he sees the manifestation of the divine in everything. And people are drawn to him, because his heart is able to heal, his pure look and touch are able to give peace and faith in the best. Capable of all this loving woman able to open up to love. No one will ever want to leave such a woman, no one will ever dare to be rude to her, fate will never deprive such a woman and give her all the best: best husband, the best children, the best conditions for life. Because a mystery is going on in its space - next to it, people feel God.

    And the second task of a woman is to create a space of beauty around herself. Beauty that looks to the highest things, the highest values ​​of life. Our world needs beauty. Depravity, vulgarity, base manifestations of feelings, rudeness, greed, self-interest, animal relations so denigrate this beautiful world. But it is in the power of women to change this state of affairs. Women are given a powerful energy of the universe - the energy of inspiration. Women are able to show men that they admire spirituality, good deeds, nobility, family values, charity, and so on. They can inspire men to do these good deeds!

    The man moves in the direction where the woman looks with admiration. So let's admire the beautiful! In their thoughts to create a perfect good world, and strong noble men with their hands, inspired by female beauty, will try to create this world.

    Every woman is the energy of God's grace, she is a miniature of a goddess, so her whole appearance should sing about it. Feel what kind of goddess you are? Someone will feel like a chaste humble goddess, someone bright and cheerful, someone mysterious and omniscient. Let your image become a self-expression of your divine essence, let it sing about the heavenly beauty and perfection of creation, let it elevate the consciousness of other people, and not belittle it, causing base desires. Give beauty with your appearance, create beauty around you, let your whole life be devoted to beauty. Maria mavela.

    The purpose of a man. Man is a conqueror

    Interpreting the concept of "the purpose of a man", many incorrectly believe that this includes the possession of unquestioning authority. Indeed, most men are attracted to leadership, ambition and power, but the right to lead or command is not granted solely on a biological basis. You can earn authority and respect for yourself only by proving yourself conscientious, honest and unyielding in your moral principles. It is also worth noting that true male predestination lies in power, dominion, but not in domination.

    As it may seem at first glance, these two words have identically equal meanings, but this is not at all the case. Dominance is complete submission, obedience and, unlike dominion, does not imply any obligations from the ruler. In a full-fledged happy family, there can be no place for domination, but where the head of the family nevertheless assigned himself the role of “master,” manifestations of tyranny, aggression, and hatred often occur. Spouses, entering into trusting partnerships, complement each other, thereby maintaining harmony and a complete family idyll.

    Purpose of woman and man. Feminine and masculine purpose

    We must fulfill our role from the point of view of nature - male or female. From the internal structure of the male and female psyche, two laws of the destination of male and female nature arise. The task of a man is to set goals for himself and be independent of any circumstances of life.

    The nature of a man is leadership, it is the nature of goals, the nature of will, the nature of achieving something. The mission of a man is to achieve a lot in this world, to take place on the external, social plane. The more goals, the more a man is inspired.

    The nature of a woman is a relationship, an exchange of feelings. A woman lives in an emotional space. Relationships are a function of a woman. It is impossible to build a relationship with a person without allowing him to realize his nature. If a man has any emotional difficulties, it means only one thing: he has no mission in life. Therefore, when a man has a real business, then there will be only fullness, satisfaction and happiness. All problems of a man are solved when he acquires a mission.

    In modern society, the mood "eat, drink and enjoy" is cultivated. And this destroys men first of all, because the nature of a man is not to live on the platform of feelings. As soon as a man descends on this platform, his energy immediately dissipates, as if it is wasted and leaves, meaninglessness and uselessness of life appear. A man is not meant for this world. It is designed to reveal high values ​​and high ideas in this world.

    That is why he is given a mind torn off from matter, a strong mind - for the knowledge of his highest destiny. The task of a man is these highest values: nobility, love, support, protection of all members of society - to accept from the Higher whole and lower into this world. A man lives with lofty ideas. And if there are no such lofty ideas in his life, the man simply degrades, becomes incomprehensible by whom. This is a very high nature of a man.

    Therefore, first of all, a man should receive spiritual education, knowledge about how life works, practice meditation and prayer. Spiritual practice primarily for men.

    Modern culture is built on the level of sense gratification. She destroys a man. Women are becoming more and more strong, independent, leaders, and men are becoming more and more weak and weak-willed.

    A woman lives for two purposes: to raise a man and to raise a woman. To educate a man means to help him discover his best qualities unconditional love, unconditional support and acceptance. A man measures his life by achievements, and when something does not work out for him, then for him this is a very deep crisis, and he needs female love, support, full acceptance.

    The law of female chastity is that a woman always remembers her man. Her man is always on her mind, he is her hero. And if a man feels such an attitude from a woman, then he will move mountains and never leave such a woman, because next to her he becomes a real man. This is what he wants first of all - to gain strength, authority, because for this he comes into this world.

    But a woman raises a man not for herself. A man can never live only in a family, he needs to be released into the world. She shouldn't feel possessive, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a right to it.

    The mind of a man is weak, and therefore, with jealousy, scandals, she protects his mind so that the man is not carried away by other women. Infatuation with other women means defeat. He does not live for this.

    A man is a warrior who came into this world to establish values. He is given one woman to protect his mind, to calm him down, to teach him sensitivity, because the nature of a man is a separation from feelings, and he will not be able to fulfill his mission for the benefit of others, even if he does not even feel one woman next to him, he cannot support and protect her.

    Therefore, in these relationships, he learns to feel the needs of others. Here is his role in relations with a woman - to be sensitive, attentive, gentle and affectionate in order to truly realize his great task.

    A woman trains a man in the ability to be sensitive, emotional. Just as a woman educates her man, so she should educate her son. At some point you have to let go. Only then will he respect his mother and take care of her. If a mother binds her son to herself, then he will either become a rag, or he will move away more and more.

    The task of a man is to live for the benefit of everyone and at the same time be as attentive as possible to those who are nearby.

    The nature of a woman is not a sexual nature, it is a mother nature. Sexuality is like a part, like a certain element of female nature, so that children come to protect the mind of a man.

    Therefore, a woman becomes the most beautiful for him, but this is not the main thing. But modern woman brought up as if the sexual nature is the most important. The family is a mechanism in which a man and a woman acquire integrity, each acquires a mechanism for the realization of their highest destiny.

    Both male and female nature are not our property, they are given to us from the Highest source. Embedded in this nature is the law of supreme love. Love means selflessness, service to others. Feminine and masculine nature act for the benefit of others, for the benefit of all mankind. The meaning of life is not invented - it is accepted. He already is. Happiness lies in accepting these laws as they are and implementing them.
    (from the Internet)

    Men and women are born with different goals and objectives in life, and the destiny of a man is different from that of a woman. We will talk about this in the framework of this article.

    Some people believe that a man and a woman can live exactly the same: the same desires, the same aspirations, and so on. But this is the deepest delusion. That which brings happiness and completely satisfies a woman does not always bring happiness to a man, this is a fact.

    And if speaking about women, in most cases there may be topics related to love, feelings, emotions, then with men the situation is completely different. A man is much less emotional, and his love can manifest itself somewhat rudely and awkwardly.

    Frankly, men do not and cannot have emotional problems if they live in accordance with their masculine nature.

    The most important condition for the happiness and success of a man

    If a man has big goals in life that are aimed at the benefit of the whole world, then he simply has neither the time, nor the strength, nor the desire for any useless and stupid actions, he does not waste time in vain, he does not worry about anything He is serious and reserved.

    A man should have a mission in life that will inspire him to act every day. This mission should bring happiness, benefit, benefit to the world around us.

    If this condition is met, most of the problems automatically disappear from a man. He becomes purposeful, and persistent, generous and merciful. Such a man is doomed to happiness, success and recognition.

    What should the mission look like?

    This is some kind of activity that is done for others. And it doesn't have to be a huge project. It can be ordinary work that is done with love and selflessness.

    For example, for me it is writing articles and writing in video on the topics of psychology and self-development, holding consultations and trainings, performing sublime and spiritual songs. This is what really inspires me and makes me act every day.

    What the mission of life will look like in your case, I do not know. I recommend, first of all, to find the work of your life, which is intended for you from birth, and connect your mission with it.

    In the absence of a mission in life, the purpose of a man is closed and he will never become happy and successful. Think about it.

    Selfless service as an eternal companion of male destiny

    In continuation of the above, let's talk about the importance and necessity of external disinterested activity for a man.

    This is our masculine nature: we are truly happy and successful when we serve the world around us and God, of course. Then the most exalted and truly masculine qualities begin to manifest themselves in a man.

    Selfless service should be done at all levels of life:

    In external activity, by our work, by our mission, we bring benefit to all living beings. As a family, we care for, protect, and provide for our loved ones. In the inner life, we purify our heart and strive to fully surrender to the Lord.

    Only in this case can we say that a man lives in the full sense of the word and follows his destiny.

    The main purpose of a man in life

    Life in a female body is meant for love and relationships, without this happiness a woman cannot be seen. But men have completely different tasks.

    Life in a male body is meant for self-improvement or, in other words, for working on oneself. I'll try to explain what this means.

    In order to be satisfied with his life, it is not enough for a man to have a family, a job, the opportunity to rest, etc. No amount of money, pleasure, beautiful women can give him true happiness. Fortunately, or unfortunately, but it is so.

    It may be surprising, but

    A man gets real happiness from victories over himself in the spiritual, mental and physical planes. The main purpose of a man is self-development, and above all, spiritual self-development.

    Developing spiritually, striving to comprehend God and relationships with Him is literally a man's duty. In the family, it is the man who is responsible for spiritual progress. Without this, a man will NEVER be able to experience the real taste of life and true happiness.

    This also includes work on your character traits, the eradication of gross and subtle bad habits. It is important for a man to constantly fight against his weaknesses, which are an obstacle to happiness and prosperity.

    Victories over oneself in the physical plane are also important: adherence to the daily routine, hardening, periodic abstinence from food and a reasonable restriction of sexual life, physical activity. All this gives a man confidence in himself and in his abilities.

    What is the main thing to take away from this article?

    Much has been written and said. Now I will summarize and group the information in a convenient and understandable format.

    We talked about the purpose of a man. From the article it can be understood that following this destiny is the key to happiness, success, and the health of a man.

    What is important to remember:

    • most of the problems of men arise as a result of inactivity and lack of goals in life;
    • a man simply does not have the strength and desire to waste time and other nonsense if he has any mission in life that benefits the world around him and is associated with his mission in activity;
    • the main duty of a man is to work on himself in the spiritual, mental and physical planes;
    • when a man begins to give his all to those around him: God, society, family, then everything around him will begin to take care of him;
    • masculine nature is manifested in its entirety as a result of selfless external activity.

    This is the main thing I wanted to say about the purpose of a man. Try to use these recommendations in your life.

    If you have something to add, then write a comment below.

    Purpose of a woman according to the Bible. What should be a girl, a woman according to the Bible?

    AT recent times many people emphasize how a girl or woman should look like, how she should dress, talk, behave, and very often we sometimes put emphasis on appearance, not noticing inner beauty.

    Today I would like to raise such questions: What should a girl and a woman be like according to the Bible? Should we stop our attention only on external beauty? What does God say about this? Is the inner beauty of every girl, woman valued in our world?

    And as I have already said, many focus their attention on external beauty, I would like to focus mine on internal beauty.

    I will name those qualities that determine the inner beauty of every girl, woman:

    1. Fear the Lord - that is, every girl, woman should have the fear of God, that is, if she has the fear of the Lord, she will hate evil, will not be proud, not be arrogant, and deceit will not come out of her lips. (Prov. 31:10-30)

    2. Chaste - that is, she keeps herself until marriage and in marriage to be faithful to her husband. That is, every girl who has not yet married should keep herself clean and pure, and a woman who already has a husband should not cheat on him, but lead her life cleanly and immaculately. (Tit. 2:3-5)

    3. Honest - that is, every girl, woman must be honest, first of all with herself, this is very valuable. I would also attribute integrity and fidelity to honesty, oddly enough, but in our time, unmarried girls should be principled, that is, be able to say “yes” and “no” when necessary, and it is very important to be faithful in everything, as before marriage so married. (1 Tim. 2:11)

    4. Not a slanderer - that is, do not tell a lie that defames the honor and dignity of other people. Be honest and tell the truth. (1 Tim. 2:11)

    5. Reasonable - that is, approach any situation with wisdom. (Prov. 19:14)

    6. Hardworking - that is, one who does not kill her time in vain, but is ready to give her time, her strength to something useful that will benefit her and those around her. (Prov. 11:16)

    7. Respect and obedience to God, parents, husband - that is, every girl, woman should have reverence for her parents, no matter how old they are, and most importantly, they should have reverence for God. For example, when a girl has a husband, she must also honor and obey him, that is, show due favor, remembering that the Lord stands over her husband. A great example for us is Sarah, who was submissive and obedient to her husband (Abraham), she even called him master. (Eph. 5:22, Col. 3:18, 1 Cor. 7:3, 1 Tim. 2:11-15, 1 Pet. 3:6)

    8. Be able to be silent - many girls, women like to talk a lot and sometimes this leads to bad things. That's why sometimes you just need to be quiet, knowing when to say and when to keep your mouth shut. (1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Pet. 3:3-6)

    There are many other qualities, but I stopped my attention on the most common ones.

    The Bible says:

    May your adornment be not external weaving of hair, not golden headdresses or elegance in clothes, but a man hidden in the heart in the imperishable beauty of a meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God. (1 Pet. 3:3-4)

    We should not only think about how to decorate our outer self, we should not forget to decorate our inner beauty, because inner beauty is valued much more than outer beauty. We must not forget that decorating our inner self, God appreciates it very much.

    In our world, no matter how it is, the most valuable thing is inner beauty. Time passes and our external beauty is deteriorating, but the fact that inside it remains forever and it has no price.

    I think that this article will be useful not only for believing girls and women, but also for non-believers.

    We very often stop our attention on appearances, and this very often happens in churches, forgetting that the Lord teaches us to dress inwardly, we are in a hurry to condemn someone for clothes, not paying attention to what our actions are, what kind of heart, but how are we even dressed inside?!

    Therefore, in the end, I will say, adorn yourself with what cannot be erased in a year, what cannot become small or tear, decorate yourself with what remains eternal!

    What is the purpose of a woman? To be the guardian of the hearth? Be in love? Create? Create beauty? Have children and raise them?

    All these answers lie on the surface and have long become hackneyed stereotypes for us.

    Today the world has changed a lot, there are so many opportunities, so many interesting things. And we, women, are no exception, we also want to be in the center of events, we also want to do something important, and not just be hostesses.

    So what is the purpose of a woman? How do you answer this question for yourself? I thought a lot about this, and the above answers did not suit me. Yes, they are all related to women's destiny, but only in part.

    After all, there must be something important in the purpose of a woman. Yes, many will say - isn't having children important? Important. But giving birth to children, a woman becomes a mother, and fulfills the destiny of the mother, not the woman. And today I want to talk with you about the purpose of a woman. Having given birth to a child, a woman can be a mother without a man. But she can only be a woman next to a man.

    “A woman needs a man, because without a man she is not a woman.” B. Hellinger. One is not possible without the other: it is like up and down, right and left, cold and hot, and so on. One exists only when its opposite exists.

    And a woman is not a weak likeness of a man, but an equal opposite. And her role is as important as the male one. AND GREAT! Would God really give a woman so much beauty, tenderness, wisdom, intuition just to be a hostess or give birth to children?

    Each of us has a natural potential. The man is masculine and the woman is feminine. This is our mission - to unleash our potential. The word potential is Latin and one of the meanings of this word is strength. So what is the strength of a woman?

    Let me remind you once again of the Steve Harvey quote: “It is in the male DNA to be a provider and a protector, and everything we do is aimed at making this a reality. The essence of a man's vocation is to be a breadwinner and earner. Sometimes we just need to meet a real woman who would bring out our best qualities. We are learning to be earners for you, and you are learning to look for signs of a earner in us.” Read more here.

    A man's destiny is to reveal his strength. And the strength of a man is to be a breadwinner, a breadwinner, a protector and achieve a goal. This is his purpose. And it is also difficult for a man to follow him. For one reason or another, a man may not believe in his masculinity. And only a woman can connect a man with his strength.

    But for this, a woman needs to agree with her feminine nature, she just needs to step into the background and stop leading a man, babysitting him and being responsible for him. That's why a woman must be weak! Do you understand? Hallelujah! It finally dawned on me. Not to be just weak and passive, but to consciously allow a man to be active and strong. This is what our female destiny. By cultivating and revealing our feminine potential, we reveal the masculine.

    Remember, a man does everything for a woman, he doesn’t need anything for himself, a bed and a bedside table are enough for him in life. So, everything he does, he does for the woman. “In a world without women, the following will happen: men will not wash and shave, men will not work. You are the force that encourages you to wake up every morning.” Steve Harvey.

    Imagine a dance, such as tango - it is possible only when both partners follow each other. The man leads and the woman obeys. This is beauty and power.

    And the woman takes the first step, she agrees to be led. And thus points the man to his role. But here there can only be full consent to this role; half-measures are indispensable here. The dance will not work if a woman suddenly, like her mother, starts doing something for a man, teaching him how to dance. He himself knows that this is inherent in nature. Our task is to connect it with strength, not with its weakness.

    Therefore, we must be patient. A woman should make it clear to a man that she believes in him and trusts him. A woman must show that she needs a protector and a provider. Being needed is one of the basic needs of a man. And if a woman does everything herself or does not fully believe in the abilities of her man, nothing good will come of it.

    Yes, many women ask: what about children? But what if a man does not have time to connect with his natural power? Will they go hungry?

    First, no one dies. And secondly, the initial stage is the most difficult. But here, as they say, either we move forward, or we stay where we were, with the same results.

    A real woman consciously decides to step back and let a man come forward. She becomes "weak" only to connect with her power and fulfill her destiny. Helping a man to open up, she fulfills her feminine destiny.

    A woman who believes and trusts male power reveals her inner strength. Behind all this humility, acceptance, trust, "weakness" lies a huge strength. It is in submitting to a man and transferring the role of leader to him that a woman finds her true strength. And you know, I'm not afraid of this word, power over a man. Is any man able to leave such a woman?

    As soon as a man feels masculinity in himself and begins to reveal his male potential, he will throw everything at your feet. Where should he carry his prey, if not to you? That's when a woman becomes a Muse and an Inspirer for a man. But this is the topic of the next article. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out!

    Each of us is born either a man or a woman. And nature has a potential in us, that is, strength - male or female. This is the law. We always have a choice: go against or obey these laws and get the most out of it.

    Now do you understand why a woman who has revealed her destiny gets everything in life easily and simply?

    Leave comments, press the "like" buttons and be sure to share what you've learned with your girlfriends.

    Every woman sooner or later begins to think about what her purpose in this life is. She is looking for the meaning of her existence. For many, this is a job, a career. For some, the loyalty of friends is important. Over time, a woman begins to understand that her main purpose is in the family.

    Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. She raised the children and took care of the household. At present, the role of women in the family has changed little. Her main concern is children and household chores. All this is done by her, in addition to labor activity. The daily carousel of worries is exhausting. The woman begins to wonder if she lives right.

    Life passes, and it runs along the route "work-home". Such thoughts are the result of accumulated fatigue. Denying herself a good rest, a woman is more and more drowning in hopelessness. She subconsciously begins to look for a way out of this situation. Some women begin to plunge headlong into work, directing all their energies to building a career. The family at this time goes by the wayside. Conflicts begin to arise. A woman must make a choice - a family or a career. It is rare for anyone to successfully combine both.

    Choosing a career, a woman risks being left alone. A man does not always support a woman in her desire to succeed in professional growth. The reason for this is male complexes. Occupying a position higher than the wife, the husband thus asserts himself in his own eyes. On the other hand, he is right that a full-fledged family cannot exist without a loving and caring mother.

    Having made her choice in favor of the family, a woman has the opportunity to instill in her children family values. Mutual help and support in life is sometimes much more important than career achievements. By taking care of her relatives, a woman thereby sets an example of selflessness and love. Knowing that in the family they will receive help and support from their parents, children feel protected, they are psychologically comfortable. In the future, having a good example, they will transfer this behavior pattern to their families.

    The purpose of a woman according to the Vedas. For women seeking to accumulate strength

    List of things that give strength:

    1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs to be touched. Our body needs to move, knead. Otherwise, the energy stagnates, presses on the body from the inside and causes illness.
    2. Visit to the hairdresser. A beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. A woman's hair is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hair.
    3. Manicure. Beautiful hands want to kiss! That's what men say.
    4. Communication with other women. The mutual exchange of energy greatly enhances the energy of women. A man needs silence to realize himself. A woman understands her feelings better in communication with her friends.
    5. Long conversations and conversations with positive friends and family (even on the phone). This is the burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will surely splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.
    6. Walks. A woman just needs to go out at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the guardians of the hearth, the connection with nature is very important!
    7. Music. Listen to music every day. Meditative, classical, just the one you like. Make it a habit to turn on music, for example, in the morning with a cup of herbal drink. It will be very good if mantras sound.
    8. Refusal of difficult topics for reflection and negotiation. It is useful for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of the girl gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and stop bringing them into the house.
    9. Bath with rose petals, oils. This is not a prank, but a necessity! Having presented such a small amount to your body, you will be surprised at your own radiance and excellent mood.
    10. Meditation. Like any relaxing practice, it raises the level of female strength. Meditate at least once a day before bed. Meditation in nature is very helpful.
    11. Vocal lessons. Singing clears the throat chakra. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words "she is like a song."
    12. Shopping visits. Learn to shop even if you don't buy anything. Try on things. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - the female energy is so strong that sometimes it is enough to see, touch a thing so that it soon migrates to your wardrobe. And the money for it is on its own.
    13. Visiting a mentor (teacher). A wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation differently, understand it. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmothers, great-grandmothers.
    14. Dancing. In any form, the most excellent thing to enhance female strength and sexuality. Arabic dances, Latin are especially good.
    15. Yoga. The practice of yoga calms the mind and gives strength. It is advisable to study with a woman, and a married one. A male trainer teaches only to load the body, he will not be able to share energy, simply because he is a man.
    16. Regular hangouts with friends. Going somewhere together, you create a strong background of female Power, and there is an exchange of missing qualities.
    17. Plant care. A small garden at home or a vegetable garden is an additional way to stock up on female energy.
  • Now the most interesting begins, because we have already outlined the main destructive goals in relationships. What goals can you set for yourself, why be married?

    Imagine positive goals that lead to creative fulfillment, to the creation of love and the fulfillment of dreams.

    Suggest what will improve the relationship, formulate the reasons why to be married:

    • For someone it is important to just love and be loved,
    • Someone develops together, learns new things from a partner andfinds support,
    • For some, children are important, which will be the fruit of pure love in a couple.

    How does creativity manifest itself?

    The idea of ​​creative fulfillment at equal levels is very interesting in itself. It is strange and painful to hear when women with children, with one or four, it doesn’t matter, when they come to me for a consultation, they say that they have not realized themselves in life and do not feel creative, as if life is wasted.

    For a woman, the values ​​that she created for herself are important.

    The birth of a child is a miracle that no one can perform except a woman. The feeling that this is a plan that she must implement here on Earth!

    This is the creativity that a woman shows -

    • And creativity begins with the birth of a child,
    • Next - creating an atmosphere in the family,
    • Then - building relationships with a partner,
    • And then - how she can influence the people around her with her condition.

    What is your mission and purpose?

    It is important for me to create a dream. May this dream somehow come true in our families. For everyone it will be something different.

    But the most important thing for me is the creativity that every woman can bring into her life, starting from the birth of children.

    Each person has his own mission and.

    It is important for a woman to think about this as early as possible and determine it for herself with those words that will respond from the depths of her heart. It can be both the creation of love and harmonious interaction in a couple.

    The mission can be to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels creative. Each of you has something that resonates in your heart the most.

    How to be in a state of love more often?

    Thanks to the colossal work we have done on this training, I have defined a mission for myself - to be in a state of love.

    It is important to perform it in such a way that it is contagious for other people, and in acquaintances, in relationships, people would also like to be in a state of love.

    From this state, we will want to unite precisely for joy, and for some positive moments, to support each other precisely in what brings pleasure and happiness.

    In this case, the key point of my mission is love, its state, creation, teaching it. It was important for me to understand how one can be able to love a man unconditionally, without any principles.

    My overriding task was to realize how you can experience this great feeling really independently, without an inexorable desire to remake your partner.

    Realizing our mission, we can implement it at different levels

    For example, at the level of your personal creative realization, this can be work that helps bring more joy, love, mutual understanding and support.

    At the level of relationships in a couple, this may be the ability to create such relationships with a partner where your mission is realized in the most complete way.

    At the family level, you can achieve your goals in relationships with your husband, children and relatives. This creates an atmosphere of family unity.

    It can also be at the level of the country or city, the society itself, close and distant acquaintances. Thus, living together with your husband, you are able to influence your entire environment.

    • It cannot be ignored that this may be a contribution to the universe.

    Imagine that what happens between you and your husband, in your relationship, affects the whole world every minute! If you agreed and understood each other, then perhaps the energy of the fact that you came to a peaceful solution affects some warring countries.

    How to find a purpose for a woman?

    In turn, they may argue less, and agree on something. Even if you showed care and love for each other, then maybe on the other side of the world, parents in the family also showed love for children or for each other.

    See how it affects the whole world.
    Without a doubt, every step we take affects the situation around the world!

    By the way, I’m quite surprised that there are only 1 (one!) Comment on such a topic ... If everything else is in order in this matter, I’m happy for you. Although I suspect that they were simply ashamed to admit their own Alenism.

    Anyway. Try asking the following question at some point in your company:

    “What do you think a Woman should excite in a Man?”

    The woman's answer is known in advance ... But regardless of their answer, shave them off:

    "Not! Not this! A woman must arouse in a Man the desire to live!”

    Look at their reaction and take control shot:

    “And most of our women arouse in their men only the desire to hang themselves ...”

    Why am I all this? And besides, when a Woman turns into a Baba, she brings her man to the handle and she herself suffers from her own (self-) stupidity.

    But the true purpose of a woman is inspire my man. Then, and only then, will he throw all the riches of this World at her feet.

    The true purpose of a woman is to make her husband rich.

    But there are, as the poet wrote, there are Women in Russian villages who understand this and who could become a woman-magnet for Money and Men! And who are ready to teach this to their girlfriends.

    I give the floor to my Internet colleague Yulia Shchedrova:

    Hello! With you Yulia Shchedrova, president of the women's club "I WANT TO MARRY" with a new issue of the mailing list "Become a Woman-Magnet for Money and Men!"

    Today we will talk about Money and Men with Money, which should be present in the life of every self-respecting woman. Why? Yes, because a Woman comes into this world to rejoice and delight men, to inspire them to exploits, and not to think about where to earn an extra penny and what to save on during a crisis. A woman should radiate and attract wealth, and so it will be in your life if you yourself want it.

    Listen to a short story. Mine creative way I started at the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Most of all, I remember New Year's parties for employees, where you could win a ticket to New Year to Paris, or a car, or something equally weighty. I was amazed that all the valuable prizes, as a rule, were won by people who already had everything - cars, and the opportunity to travel, and much more. Even then, I was convinced that money is attracted to money. The more money you have, the more they come to you, and nothing else.

    Then I began to analyze my relationships with men, and I saw the same pattern - the more I correspond to the image of “Woman-Wealth”, the more attention they give me, and the more expensive gifts they give me (if I myself do not refuse gifts on a mental level ). And nothing else.

    These are the laws of the universe.

    Therefore, it is most correct to supplement the work on attracting the best of men into your life with work on becoming a Woman who is not afraid of any crises. Trust me, it's possible.

    I went through the path of becoming a Wealth Woman from scratch in more than 9 years. She studied psychology, socionics, astrology, white magic, feng shui, energy practices, and many other interesting things. I learned the laws of attracting wealth and men rich in every sense of the word into my life. She studied both in Russia and abroad. Gathered a lot of practices that really "work". But I did not plan to share the material that was so hard for me to get, and which works so effectively, since this knowledge can completely change the lives of many people.

    And yet, my beloved husband convinced me that one should not “clamp” knowledge, no matter how valuable it may be, since the energy invested in something useful returns threefold.

    As a result, I announced a set for a 9-week Internet course “Woman Wealth. 9-week program for building relationships with money, men and yourself ":

    What I learned in 9 long years, you can learn in 9 weeks!

    Course assignments will be sent to you by email, so it doesn't matter what city or country you live in.
