Evaluation of the quality of service for internal customers. A computational criterion for determining the planet is proposed. Sentences with the word "criteria"

There is an algorithm of the expert's actions when evaluating the answers of the examinees. It includes a certain sequence of expert actions, namely:

Careful acquaintance with the text of the task;

Formulating your own answer to the questions of the task, taking into account the possible directions of reasoning, the range of facts that can be involved in the answer, the alleged statements of the examinees, including those given as arguments to the data in the task, judgments, opinions, estimates, etc.;

Familiarization with the proposed system for evaluating answers to specific tasks with a detailed answer;

Comparison of your own answer with the evaluation criteria.

It should be remembered that the assessment system offers an approximate version of the expected answer of the examinee formulated for the expert's orientation, therefore:

1) some provisions are formulated in a scientific manner, with additional explanations and clarifications; examinees should be expected to use simpler formulations that correspond to the meaning of the response positions indicated in the assessment system;

2) the assessment system may contain more elements than required in the task statement, which gives the expert the opportunity to pre-predict a wide range of possible answer formulations in the graduates' papers;

3) in the assessment system of most assignments, it is impossible to fix all possible formulations of graduates' answers, therefore, a situation is possible when the examination paper may contain the correct element of the answer, "not provided" by the approximate list of answer positions in the assessment system. Such an answer is subject to verification and evaluation on a general basis.

Based on an approximate list of answer positions in the assessment system, supplemented by their own answer options, taking into account the capabilities of the examinees, the expert turns to the graduates' answers.

When evaluating tasks with a detailed answer, the expert must remember that:

1) it is necessary to strictly follow the proposed criteria for assessing the task, guided by an indication of how many elements of the answer are estimated by one or another score, without trying to “think out” what is not in the real answer of the examinee, interpret in his favor the presence of an incorrect answer, etc. It should be remembered that tasks with a detailed answer are primarily intended to differentiate graduates with a good level of historical background, therefore, in many cases, an answer that is insufficient in completeness is rated 0 points (for example, when 1 element of the answer is given out of 3 or 4 required);

2) elements of the answer, which are a repetition (in the form of some variation) of an already scored element, are not taken into account when evaluating;

3) only those positions of the answer that correspond to the question posed are evaluated; for an answer that does not correspond to the task, even with a detailed presentation of it, 0 points are set;

4) it is not provided for the accrual of "encouraging" or "penalty" points that are not provided for by the evaluation criteria;

5) it is not provided for the reduction of the assessment in case of violation of the sequence of fulfilling the requirements of the task;

6) the expert evaluates and credits the answer if it was mistakenly recorded under the number of another task (for example, the answer to task 24 is recorded under task number 25 and can be identified;

7) there is no provision for reducing points for spelling, punctuation and other errors in the Russian language made by the examinee, except in cases where the errors make it impossible to adequately understand and evaluate the answer.

The system for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer in the KIM USE 2016 (with examples of tasks)

In tasks for working with a historical source 20–22, the ability to carry out text attribution, find, interpret and comment on source information, as well as apply contextual historical knowledge to analyze problems, individual provisions of the source, the position of the author, etc. is checked. As a rule, each of the tasks 20-22 contains one or more interrelated questions, each of which requires short free answers. The evaluation criteria contain provisions that allow the expert to understand the requirement of the task and orient in the possible answers of the graduates (logic, possible directions of reasoning, etc.). The assessment is differentiated depending on the quantity and quality of the provisions given in the graduate's response based on the proposed assessment system. The maximum score for each of the tasks 20–22 is 2.

Graduates are invited to read an excerpt from a historical source and complete three tasks, each of which tests the mastery of various types of skills to work with the text: 20 - the ability to determine the authorship of the source, time, circumstances and purpose of its creation; 21 - the ability to search for historical information in a historical source; 22 - the ability to use the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when working with a source (this task assumes that the graduate will involve contextual historical knowledge).

When assessing tasks 20, the essence of which is the attribution of the source, special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the formulations given by the graduate. If, for example, the answer revolution 1905–1907." will be recognized as correct, then the answer to the same question " the revolution” (without indicating the years or a more complete name of the revolution) is not correct. We recommend that you pay attention to the instructions given in some cases about the required degree of detail of the answer, the possibility of different formulations of the answer.

Task 21 involves searching the source for information presented explicitly. When evaluating the task, special attention should be paid to the correspondence of the wording given by the graduate to the content of the question. Wherein the graduate is not required to accurately rewrite the relevant fragments of the text, so the wording of the graduate's answers may not coincide with the positions given in the criteria. In such cases, each formulation given by the graduate needs careful analysis, the purpose of which is to determine its compliance with the requirements of the assignment.

Task 22 is aimed at testing the ability of graduates to attract contextual historical knowledge to analyze the problems of the source, the position of the author, to answer questions that require the generalization of historical material, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. In task 22, it is also allowed that the graduates' answers do not match the answers given in the criteria. In this case, the expert must critically analyze the answers of the examinee.

note .

Task examples

Read an excerpt from the speech of the Russian emperor.

“There is no doubt that serfdom, in its current position with us, is an evil, tangible and obvious to everyone, but to touch it now would be even more destructive. late emperor<…>, at the beginning of his reign, had the intention of giving freedom to serfs, but then he himself deviated from his thought, as still completely premature and impossible to execute ...

But one cannot hide from oneself that now thoughts are no longer what they were before, and it is clear to every prudent observer that the present situation cannot continue forever. I cannot but attribute the reasons for this change of thoughts and the worries that have been more often repeated recently ... to the own imprudence of the landlords, who give their serfs a higher education, unusual for the state of the latter, and through that, developing in them a new range of concepts, make their position even more painful; to the fact that some landowners - although, thanks to God, the smallest number of them - forgetting their noble work, use their power for evil, and the leaders of the nobility, as many of them themselves told me, find no means in the law to suppress such abuses, almost nothing not limiting the power of the landowners. But if the present situation is such that it cannot continue, and if, at the same time, methods determined to end it are also impossible without a general shock, then it is necessary at least to prepare the way for a gradual transition to a different order of things and, without being afraid of any change, coolly discuss its benefits and consequences. It should not give liberties, but it should pave the way for a transitional state, and with it connect the inviolable protection of patrimonial ownership of land. I consider this my sacred duty and the duty of those who come after me, and the means, in my opinion, are fully presented in the draft decree now proposed to the Council. It is not a new law, but only a consequence and, so to speak, a development of the law on free cultivators that has existed for forty years.


Name the emperor to whom this speech belongs. List the years of his reign. Name the previous emperor mentioned in the text.


What reasons for "change of mind" and "anxiety" does the emperor name in his speech? Give two reasons. What are the emperor's goals?
in this passage? Specify any one goal.

elements: 1) causes: - "uncharacteristic" higher education for serfs, which is given to them by landowners; - Abuse of the landowners of their power; - the absence of laws restricting the arbitrariness of landlords; 2) goals:- preparation of the way for a gradual change in the position of the peasants; – discussion of the consequences of the change in the condition of the peasants
Correctly stated two reasons and purpose
One cause and purpose are correctly stated. OR Only two reasons are correct
One reason is correct. OR Only one target is correct. OR Answer is wrong
Maximum score 2


What was the name of the temporary supreme advisory bodies for preparing measures to resolve the peasant question, created during the reign of the emperor to whom this speech belongs? List any two events prepared by these bodies.

The content of the correct answer and instructions for grading (other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning) Points
The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) temporary supreme advisory bodies– Secret committees on the peasant question; 2) Events, for example: - reform of the state village; – inventory reform in Lithuania, Belarus and Right-Bank Ukraine; - publication of the law on obligated peasants; - permission for peasants, with the consent of the landlords, to acquire property in property. Other events may be listed
Provisional supreme advisory bodies are correctly named, two events are indicated
Provisional supreme advisory bodies are correctly named, one event is indicated. OR Only two events listed
Only the provisional supreme advisory bodies have been correctly named. OR Only one event is correct. OR Answer is wrong
Maximum score 2

Task 23 associated with the analysis of any historical problem, situation.

The task formulates a situation that the graduate must analyze with the involvement of his knowledge of history and answer the questions posed, complete the tasks. Thus, in the course of completing the task, the examinee not only reproduces the memorized information, but actively works with it: establishes causal, temporal and other relationships between events and phenomena; compares historical objects, processes; draws conclusions. The maximum score for this task is 3 points.

When evaluating this task, it should be borne in mind that the criteria cannot contain all possible correct formulations of the graduates' answers and may not take into account some areas of graduates' thoughts that are potentially possible when completing the task and formally meet the requirements for a correct answer to this question. Therefore, the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks 23 contain an explanation that directs the expert to analyze all the answers of graduates, including those that absolutely do not match the answers given in the evaluation criteria. For example: “other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning”, “other reasons may be indicated, other explanations given”, “another name, other differences may be indicated” etc. Please note that the first of these explanations, which is always given at the top of the table containing the correct answer and instructions for scoring, refers to differences in wording, and the second and third explanations that follow in the table after the correct answer give instructions on possible substantive differences between the criteria and the graduates' answers.

If the reason for any event or phenomenon indicated by the graduate does not match the reason given in the assessment criteria for this task, then the expert needs to analyze the answer in order to determine how much the reason indicated in the answer corresponds to the requirement of the task. At the same time, we recommend paying special attention to the historical accuracy of the provisions cited in the answer.

note that the spelling and punctuation errors made by the graduate, are not grounds for downgrading.

Allowed historical inaccuracies also do not lead to a special reduction in the score. However, in case of a significant distortion of the meaning of the answer, the erroneous position is simply not counted to the graduate.

Task examples

In the second quarter of the fifteenth century in North-Eastern Russia there was a war between members of the Moscow Grand Duke's house. Name the Grand Duke, who lost the throne of Moscow three times and was expelled from the capital, but still managed to remain victorious in this war. Which of the cousins ​​of this Grand Duke blinded him and took him prisoner? Why did the rivals of the Grand Duke occupied the Moscow throne three times, but were never able to retain power? Name one reason.

The content of the correct answer and instructions for grading (other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning) Points
The correct answer should include the following: elements: 1) Grand Duke- Vasily II the Dark; 2) cousin bra t - Galich prince Dmitry Shemyaka; 3) reason, for example: - Galich princes (Yuri Dmitrievich and his son Dmitry Shemyaka) did not receive support from the Moscow boyars and the servants of the sovereign's court who formed the basis of the army, who had to give way to people from the appanage court; - support by the metropolitan of the senior branch of the Moscow princely house. (Other reasons may be cited.)
Correctly named two persons and a reason
Only two people are correctly named. OR One person and reason correctly named
Only one reason is correct. OR Only one person is correctly named
Reasonings of a general nature that do not meet the requirements of the task are given. OR Answer is wrong
Maximum score 3

Task 24- a task for the analysis of historical versions and assessments of facts, processes with the involvement of knowledge of the course. Task 24 presents one point of view on any historical issue. The graduate needs to give two arguments that can confirm this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. In order to prevent an undesirable situation when graduates do not write which of the arguments are intended to confirm and which to refute this point of view, which makes verification somewhat difficult, graduates are given an algorithm for completing the assignment.

To complete the task, it is not enough for the graduate to give only the facts - it is necessary to formulate full arguments. This means that the examinee must explain how, with the help of the given fact, this theoretical position can be argued, unless, of course, the connection between the fact and the position is not obvious.

The graduate's answer to task 24 should consist of two parts: arguments in support of this point of view and arguments in its refutation. When evaluating, the quality of the argumentation is taken into account, as well as the number of arguments.

Please note that the number of correctly given arguments does not automatically award the same number of points for task 24. If the graduate gave only two arguments in support of this point of view or only two arguments to refute it, then he will receive 1 point. If the graduate managed to give one argument in support and one in refutation of this point of view, then for these two arguments he will receive two points. The fact is that in the second case, he was able to look at the problem from different angles, and his answer should be rated higher than in the first case.

An important question is whether a graduate uses the same facts for arguments and counterarguments. By adding other facts, changing the connecting phrases between the fact and the position being argued, the fact can be included in the argumentation system of the opposite point of view. For example, the argument to the point of view "The economic policy of the Russian government in the early 1990s, known as "shock therapy", contributed to overcoming the crisis in the socio-economic sphere" could be the following:

in confirmation: price liberalization, carried out as part of the "shock therapy", contributed to the saturation of the market with essential goods and products, overcoming the shortage;

in rebuttal: price liberalization carried out as part of "shock therapy" contributed to their growth, which, in turn, lowered the standard of living in the country.

note that the spelling and punctuation errors made by the graduate, are not grounds for downgrading.

Allowed historical inaccuracies also do not lead to a special reduction in the score. However, in case of a significant distortion of the meaning of the answer, the erroneous position is simply not counted to the graduate.

Task example

In historical science, there are debatable problems on which different, often contradictory, points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

Zemsky Sobors in the 16th-17th centuries. limited royal power.

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments to support:

Arguments in rebuttal:

The content of the correct answer and instructions for grading (other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning) Points
The correct answer must contain arguments: 1) in confirmation, for example: – Zemsky Sobors elected tsars (Boris Godunov, Mikhail Romanov); some historians believe that when he ascended the throne, Mikhail Fedorovich signed a letter that limited his rights; – after the Time of Troubles Zemsky Sobors (1613-1615, 1616-1619, 1619-1622) made important decisions on the collection of emergency taxes, which were usually taken by the tsarist authorities; - the deputies could not support the government proposal - as happened at the council of 1642, which discussed the issue of a war with Turkey because of Azov captured by the Don Cossacks. 2) in rebuttal, for example: - the deputies of the Zemsky Sobors did not adopt (and did not try to adopt) any laws that limited royal power; the "zemstvo" was unable to legally secure its right to participate in solving state affairs; - most of the Zemsky Sobors were convened at the will of the king; the tsar and his advisers determined the norms of representation at the council and the agenda; - Zemsky Sobors acted as an advisory body under the supreme power; The deputies conferred, after which they submitted their collective opinions. The king did not always demand from them a specific decision - a "sentence"; - strengthened royal power in the middle of the XVII century. painlessly refused to convene Zemsky Sobors. Other arguments may be given
Two arguments are given in support and two in refutation of the assessment
Two arguments are given to support and one to refute the assessment. OR One argument is given to confirm and two to refute the assessment
One argument is given in support and one in refutation of the assessment
Only two arguments are given in support of the assessment. OR Only two arguments are given to refute the assessment
Only one any argument is given OR Only facts are given illustrating events (phenomena, processes) associated with this point of view, but which are not arguments OR Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not meet the requirements of the task OR The answer is wrong
Maximum score 4

Task 25 involves writing a historical essay on one of the three proposed periods in the history of Russia at the choice of the graduate. The wording of this task includes an indication of all the requirements that apply to a historical essay included in the Unified State Examination in History. The graduate is invited to write an essay in which it is necessary:

- indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) related to the selected period of history;

with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using the knowledge of historical facts, to characterize the role of these individuals in these events (phenomena, processes);

- using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia;

- in the course of the presentation, use historical terms, concepts related to this period;

- try to avoid factual errors;

- write an answer in the form of a consistent, coherent presentation of the material.

Graduates have the right to independently choose the composition (structure) of the essay.

Checking and evaluating the results of the assignment is carried out according to seven criteria: K1 - an indication of events (phenomena, processes), K2 - historical figures and their role in these events (processes, phenomena), K3 - cause-and-effect relationships, K4 - assessment of the value of the period for history of Russia, K5 - the use of historical terminology, K6 - the presence of factual errors (according to the criteria K1 - K5, factual errors are not taken into account, the expert counts only the correct elements), K7 - the form of presentation. According to the K6 and K7 criteria, points can be given only if at least 4 points are given according to the K1-K4 criteria.

When evaluating the performance of a task according to the first criterion (K1) points are given for the correct indication of events (processes, phenomena related to the period of Russian history chosen by the graduate. For the correct indication of two events (processes, phenomena), the expert must give 2 points, for the correct indication of one event (process, phenomenon) - 1 point even in in the event that the graduate erroneously indicated other events (processes, phenomena) that are not related to the period he chose.For example, if in an essay on the period 1801–1812 the graduate wrote about the establishment of the State Council and the establishment of ministries, but then incorrectly named among the events of this period, the creation of the "Union of Salvation", then 2 points should be given according to criterion K1. The actual error made by the graduate will be taken into account later when evaluating the work according to criterion K6. Note that when evaluating according to criterion K1, only the indication of events (processes, phenomena), but their connection with each other, the sequence of presentation, etc. are not taken into account.

According to K2 criterion an indication of historical personalities whose activities are associated with the named events (phenomena, processes), and a characteristic of the role of these personalities in the named events (phenomena, processes) are evaluated. The role of a historical person should be understood as his activity, which largely influenced the course and result of events in a given period of history.. When scoring for criterion K2, it is important to consider:

1) the number of specified elements of the answer: in order to set the maximum score according to the K2 criterion, two historical figures and the roles of both in the named events (phenomena, processes) must be named in the answer;

2) the indication of the role of the individual must be based on historical facts, general formulations devoid of specific content are not accepted as correct answers. For example, the role of Dmitry Donskoy in the victory at Kulikovo Field can be indicated as follows: " Dmitry Donskoy managed to unite the Russian princes to participate in the battle, enlisted the support of the church, which gave confidence to the Russian soldiers, showed leadership talent by choosing a battlefield favorable for the Russian army, in terms of landscape, and using an ambush regiment, which entered the battle with fresh forces and turned the tide of battle". This answer is accepted as correct. But if the graduate indicated the role of the individual as follows: "Dmitry Donskoy played a decisive role in the victory of the Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo", then such an answer is a general formulation, devoid of specific content, because it does not rely on specific facts, which is required in the assignment;

3) an indication of the role of a person in an event should not be replaced by an indication of other characteristics (for example, position held, title, etc.). Therefore, the role of Ivan III in the process of unification of Russian lands around Moscow cannot be characterized as follows: "Ivan III was a Moscow prince". It is necessary to indicate the actions of Ivan III, aimed at the unification of Russian lands;

4) events (processes, phenomena) in which the person played the role described in the essay must be named. This implies that the answer according to criterion K2 cannot be counted as correct if, for example, the graduate wrote "ME AND. Rostovtsev actually supervised the activities of the editorial commissions", but did not indicate in any way that this was the role of Ya.I. Rostovtsev in the process of preparing the peasant reform.

According to K3 criterion the indication in the essay of causal relationships is evaluated. A causal relationship should be understood as a relationship between historical events (processes, phenomena), in which one event (process, phenomenon), called a cause, in the presence of certain historical conditions, gives rise to another event (process, phenomenon), called a consequence.. For example, the ill-conceived tax policy of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich's associates became one of the reasons for the Salt Riot. In a historical essay, at least two cause-and-effect relationships must be indicated. When indicating cause-and-effect relationships, not only causes, but also prerequisites for events (phenomena, processes) can be used. For example, the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment was not a direct cause of the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square, but rather its prerequisite (i.e., the condition that influenced the beginning of this event). However, if the graduate identifies this connection in the work, then the answer should be counted according to the K3 criterion.

These causal relationships must exist within this period. This means that both cause and effect must be within this period. For example, if a graduate who writes about the period 1812-1825 points out a causal relationship between the situation of the interregnum and the uprising on Senate Square, then this will be accepted as the correct answer. But if a graduate gives a causal relationship between the uprising on Senate Square and the publication of the "Iron" censorship charter, then it will not be accepted (although it does not contain a factual error), because. the publication of the "Iron" charter does not apply to this period of history.

Cause-and-effect relationships that are built on facts given with errors cannot also be accepted. For example, a causal relationship cannot be credited: "The assassination of Nicholas I by the Narodnaya Volya became the reason for the tightening of the internal political course under the new emperor."

The expert should not confuse the causal relationships indicated by the graduate within a given period with an assessment of the significance of a given period, which, although it has certain characteristics of a causal relationship, always goes beyond the given period of history.

According to the K3 criterion, indications of the role of the individual in the events (processes, phenomena) of a given period, already taken into account by the K2 criterion, are not taken into account, even if these role indications contain elements of cause-and-effect relationships. For example, a graduate indicated in an essay that Konstantin Pavlovich refused to ascend the throne and Nicholas I ascended the throne. In this case, the role of Konstantin Pavlovich in the accession to the throne of Nicholas I is explicitly indicated, which is counted according to criterion K2. But according to K3, this connection is not counted.

According to K4 criterion a graduate can get one point for the correct assessment of the significance of a given period for the history of Russia. The assessment is a generalizing conclusion about the significance of this period for the history of the country as a whole, its influence on the processes characteristic of the era in which this period is allocated.. According to the criteria, an assessment can be given based on historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians. This means that it is not necessary to indicate the opinions of historians in the work; a graduate can only use knowledge of the facts to assess the period. For example, when assessing the period 1565–1572. you can specify that a blow to the boyar aristocracy contributed to the strengthening of tsarist power, but at the same time, the oprichnina became one of the factors that caused a structural crisis in the Russian state, which, in turn, led the country to the Time of Troubles. Behind this generalized conclusion are historical facts, he relies on them. A graduate can use the opinions of historians, for example: “According to V.O. Klyuchevsky during the Time of Troubles, the idea of ​​the state, separating from thoughts about the monarch, began to merge with the concept of the people ". In this case, the assessment of the period is given on the basis of the historian's opinion, but without direct reliance on facts, and this is quite acceptable. If the graduate in the answer does not mention a specific historian, but writes, for example, like this: "According to some historians...", then the answer is also counted as correct if the point of view presented below is really present in historiography. A general wording devoid of specific content cannot be counted, for example: "It was a bad (good, difficult, etc.) period in the history of the country."

According to K5 criterion the use of historical terminology is evaluated. A historical term should be understood as a word or phrase denoting a historical concept associated with a specific historical event, characteristic of a specific historical period (epoch), or the historical process as a whole.. The terms and concepts of historical science can be conditionally divided into three groups: 1) the terms and concepts of written sources (for example, Russkaya Pravda contains a number of terms, without understanding which it is impossible to understand the meaning of individual articles: ryadovich, purchase, vira, etc.); 2) terms and concepts used to systematize heterogeneous historical material (for example, a coup d'état, civilization, etc.); 3) concepts and categories that are used not only in history, but also in other social and humanitarian sciences to define social phenomena (for example, the state, society, etc.). Of course, the correct use of terms from the first two groups indicated in the composition is accepted. The use of terms from the third group is accepted as a correct answer according to criterion K5 only if the term is used in the essay in a historical context. For example, the essay may talk about the formation of the Old Russian state, and in this

In this case, the graduate will have to show an understanding of the concept of "state" in a historical context.

To get one point according to the K5 criterion, it is enough for a graduate to correctly use one historical term in a historical essay.

The historical term may be used incorrectly. For example, a graduate may use the term “reserved years” but write about lesson years. If there are no other terms used correctly in the essay, then the graduate in this case will receive 0 points according to the K5 criterion. If at least one other term is correctly used in the essay, then the graduate will receive 1 point according to the K5 criterion. But in any case, the error in the terminology will be taken into account when checking the work according to the K6 criterion.

According to K6 criterion the presence/absence of factual errors in the essay is assessed. According to this criterion, the work is evaluated only if, according to the criteria K1–K4, the graduate scored at least 4 points. Criterion K6 is "reverse", i.e. the graduate, as it were, initially receives 2 points, but on the condition that he does not make factual errors in the composition. When evaluating the work according to this criterion, factual errors of any nature made in any part of the essay are taken into account: incorrect indication of events (phenomena, processes), incorrect indication of historical figures, errors in the facts of their biographies, incorrectly indicated causal relationships, estimates of the significance of the period, errors in indicating the opinions of historians (for example, the assessment of the significance of the Horde dominion given by L.N. Gumilyov is attributed to B.A. Rybakov), etc. It should be noted that we are talking about factual errors, stylistic, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors made by the graduate are not taken into account.

According to K7 criterion the form of presentation is evaluated. According to this criterion, as well as according to the K6 criterion, the work is evaluated only if, according to the K1–K4 criteria, the graduate scored at least 4 points. The graduate's answer can be either a consistent, coherent presentation of the material (historical essay), or separate fragmentary provisions (for example, in the form of a plan). In the first case, the graduate will receive 1 point according to the K7 criterion, in the second - 0 points.

note that the spelling and punctuation errors made by the graduate are not grounds for downgrading. Literary design of the answer is not a mandatory requirement.

Task example

You need to write a historical essay about ONE from periods of Russian history:

1) 1019–1054; 2) 1801–1812; 3) 1917–1922

The essay must:

- indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) related to a given period of history;

- name two historical figures whose activities are connected
with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of the individuals you named
in these events (phenomena, processes);

- indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts related to this period.

Evaluation criteria Points
K1 Indication of events (phenomena, processes)
Two events (phenomena, processes) are correctly indicated
One event (phenomenon, process) is correctly indicated
Events (phenomena, processes) are not specified or specified incorrectly
K2 Historical personalities and their role in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of history
Two historical personalities are correctly named, the role of these personalities in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russian history is correctly characterized
One or two historical figures are correctly named, the role of only one personality in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of Russian history is correctly characterized
One or two historical figures are correctly named, their role in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russian history is characterized incorrectly. OR One or two historical figures are correctly named, their role in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russian history is not characterized. OR Reasoning of a general nature that does not meet the requirements of the task is given. OR Historical figures are incorrectly named. OR No historical figures named
K3 Causal relationships
Correctly indicated two causal relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes)
One causal relationship that existed between events (phenomena, processes) is correctly indicated
Causal relationships are incorrect. OR Causal relationship not stated
K4 Estimation of the significance of the period for the history of Russia
An assessment of the significance of the period for the history of Russia is given based on historical facts and (or) opinions of historians
The assessment of the significance of the period for the history of Russia is formulated in a general form or at the level of everyday ideas, without involving historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians. OR Estimation of the value of the period for the history of Russia is not given
K5 Use of historical terminology
Historical terminology is correctly used in the presentation
All historical terms and concepts are used incorrectly. OR Historical terms, concepts not used
K6 There are factual errors. 1 or 2 points according to the K6 criterion can be set only if at least 4 points are given according to the K1-K4 criteria
There are no factual errors in the historical essay
One factual error
Two or more factual errors were made
K7 Presentation form. 1 point according to the K7 criterion can be set only if at least 4 points are given according to the K1-K4 criteria
The answer is presented in the form of a historical essay (consistent, coherent presentation of the material)
The answer is presented in the form of separate fragmentary provisions.
Maximum score

Features of the sociometric survey.

Sociometric research, like others, begins with a program, the development of sociometric criteria.

When conducting a sociometric survey, the following concepts are used. Choice is an expression by an individual of a desire to cooperate with another individual. In the survey, it is marked with a + sign. deviation - a negative choice, a desire to deviate from cooperation with someone. The poll is marked with - . lowering - leaving one individual without attention to another, a manifestation of indifference to him. Marked with 0.

Conducting a sociometric survey involves the choice of survey criteria. A sociometric criterion is a specific situation, characterized by contacts, and providing an opportunity for choice or rejection for the respondent. Criteria are usually formed in the form of questions. For example, "Which team member would you like to work with?"

Criteria are production and non-production. Production criteria clarify the relationship in the performance of job duties. Non-productive criteria reveal interpersonal relationships outside of production, for example, about spending free time.

The criteria can be predictive. In this case, the structure of the expected relationships is revealed.

Requirements for sociometric criteria:

2. Criteria should reproduce the situation of choice for the respondent.

3. The choice situation should not be limited.

4. The criteria used should be of interest to the employee.

5. Criteria should describe a specific situation.

6. Criteria should be formalized into questions.

When conducting a sociometric survey, the following should be taken into account. The survey can be conducted in groups with work experience of at least six months. The size of the team where the sociometry method works is from 3 to 25 people. Recently, it is believed that it can work with up to 40 people.

It is important that the survey be conducted by a person who is not related to this team, especially not its leader. Otherwise, the survey results will not be reliable.

A feature of the sociometric survey is that it cannot be anonymous. Otherwise, it will be impossible to establish the relationship between workers, which is what sociometry studies.

For the survey, special cards are being developed. They are of several types. A card can contain one criterion - a question, or several questions at once.

Processing the results of a sociometric survey.

The purpose of the sociometric procedure can be represented as follows.

1. measurement of the degree of cohesion, disunity of a group of workers.

These states are determined based on the calculation of individual and group indices. The indexes are calculated on the basis of data obtained in the course of a sociometric survey.

The first step in the processing of sociometric survey data is the compilation of a sociomatrix. After the preparation of the sociomatrix, all its indicators are calculated, and on their basis, the calculation of individual and group indices is carried out.

The results obtained are brought to the head of the team, group. If necessary, they are introduced to individual individuals in order to correct their behavior in the group. Based on these calculations and other types of analysis, a decision is made to change the composition of the group, its leader, to transfer individual members of the group to other teams.

Poll procedure.

a) Preparatory stage:

definition of the problem, selection of the object;

formulation of sociometric criteria;

development of a sociometric survey form;

b) Main stage:

establishing psychological contact and instructing the respondents about the work procedure;

conducting a sociometric survey;

construction of a sociomatrix, sociograms, calculation of indices;

c) The final stage:

analysis of survey results;

formulation of conclusions;

development of measures for psychological and pedagogical correction of relationships in the team.

sociometric matrix. Based on the results of the survey, a sociometric matrix is ​​built. In the horizontal rows, according to the number of team members, the subjects of choice (who chooses) are indicated, and in the vertical columns - the objects of choice (who is chosen). Elections are indicated in the cells of the matrix: positive "+", negative "-".

Sociogram- the scheme of interpersonal relations in the team. It is built according to the information of the sociomatrix and represents unilateral or mutual elections in the form of corresponding arrows.

The sociogram allows you to identify the structural elements of interpersonal relations within the team - leaders, isolated elements, "outcasts", subgroups, of which there may be several, and the types of their communication links. The leader is the most authoritative member of the group, receiving the maximum number of positive choices. An isolated component is a member of a group that is not chosen by its mates. "Rejected" - the member of the group who received the maximum number of negative choices in the absence of more than one positive one.

Sociometric indices(SI) allow you to present the results of the survey in a quantitative form.

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Sentences with "criteria"

We found 80 sentences with the word "criteria". See also synonyms for "criteria".
Meaning of the word

  • If these three criteria If a work of art corresponds, then sooner or later it will be recognized as a classic.
  • Later in the life of Gates, other heroes appeared, although his criteria it was hard to match.
  • The selection of candidates for recruitment was very tough criteria suitability for participation in operational activities.
  • From this point of view, the British economy satisfies the Maastricht criteria.
  • The questions that confronted me were: criteria do officials make decisions?
  • Her works, just respond to those criteria that I was talking about.
  • It turned out that our work was evaluated mainly by formal criteria.
  • Sons, as often happens, did not fit in any way. criteria.
  • Focused on her instructions, tried to comply with her criteria professionalism, synchronized watches according to her commandments.
  • So, if you choose the ideal according to your criteria, then all your criteria are components of the ideal.
  • No, it’s not that life in the Caucasus, where he spent almost three years, was less “bestial” in terms of his inflated moral values. criteria.
  • Butcher, incomprehensible yet to me criteria distributed products.
  • Matched it hard criteria counted units.
  • The works published there were chosen by no means for market, but for ideological criteria.
  • Then the leaders were chosen according to other criteria.
  • The ideology demanded to support any country that is socialist (according to criteria those years, of course).
  • At the same time, I will not hide the fact that, according to the proposed criteria a number of my writings would have to be present there.
  • True, grants are now given more often not for ideological reasons. criteria, but damn it.
  • Kumoviev he chose by nobility and wealth, and the king criteria matched.
  • Starts from afar: “This multi-criteria optimization system selects the optimal object for 15 criteria”.
  • All these meanings differ in very subtle ways. criteria.
  • Churches, as well as the Parisian town hall and the Sorbonne, respond with these criteria.
  • And the Tail cannot be assessed by earthly criteria.
  • Of the countless colleagues at work, no one answered her criteria.
  • That is, according to the current criteria to scientists, according to the achieved scientific results, Stalin was a doctor of philosophy back in 1920.
  • Faster than his Dutch predecessors and contemporaries, Rubens gained a reputation as a painter who fully met these criteria.
  • It is not easy to get into his company, he is very picky and chooses a partner who suits him in many ways. criteria.
  • On the contrary, it corresponds criteria"Written without permission."
  • For many of us, a world was opening up that we judged differently. criteria different from official standards.
  • Even on changeable criteria fanfiction, Erica's first story immediately took the lead.
  • Both of them did not have a royal life (according to earthly criteria).
  • It was believed that the works of art that are stored there must meet certain criteria.
  • He did not take everyone, he selected according to those who knew only him. criteria.
  • I began to look through the book of the Italian Coaches Association in search of a candidate who would fit both criteria.
  • In addition, in accordance with the then-current criteria, she did not belong to the most successful educational institutions.
  • For what criteria this set is being conducted, it is impossible to comprehend.
  • Most likely to meet a woman who satisfied these criteria, fell on officer families.
  • He intended to admit a local organization to elections only if it met certain formal criteria.
  • Some, like, for example, the wonderful football player Evgeny Lovchev, parted ways with Beskov for some life reasons. criteria.
  • There it was necessary to choose the optimal car model for many criteria.
  • And I still don't know for what, only he knows criteria he did it.
  • They judge Russia by significantly inflated moral and ethical standards. criteria.
  • Personally, I have a lot of them, in a variety of ways. criteria.
  • And even these years, one by one criteria falling into the age of maturity, according to others can be attributed to the age of youth.
  • However, Lerol uses the services of models that meet his erotic and artistic criteria.
  • Another political criteria For us there is not and cannot be.
  • School graduates were usually ranked according to criterion their academic success.
  • Unfortunately, the official policy in the field of culture does not stand up criteria"culturality".
  • It consists in the absence of a common criteria, which allows you to distribute ratings.
  • He said that by criterion progress will be selected thirty students who will take a course in Ordensburg.
  • Then the official biographer, selected by criterion of impeccable loyalty, will filter out these fables and varnish the dry residue.
  • A special place in Heraclitus is occupied by the theme criteria truth, the definition of which is the goal of philosophy.
  • If used as criteria role in history, then Eckert and Mauchly should be considered the most prominent innovators.
  • By criterion influence on the course of world history of the 20th century, Stalin, without a doubt, entered the group of the largest political figures in the world.
  • In this broad sense, what Dmitry Gordon does is absolutely indicated criterion matches.
  • Let the reader bear in mind this important criterion to evaluate my judgments.
  • Differently criterion It turns out there was a movement.
  • Loss criteria evaluating one's creativity has become habitual for the "untouchables".
  • And then multiply the weight criteria for evaluation.
  • These three criteria determined not only the interests, but also the level of culture of the Italian viewer.
  • For example, by criterion disturbed, or initially not established, or normal, not difficult communication.
  • And this direction allowed me to get away from the problem of local criteria optimization in a planned economy.
  • Now Solovetsky criterion decency is clear to us.
  • Simonov criterion matched perfectly.
  • If we apply this first criterion to Metternich, the answer will be quite negative.
  • By criterion cost/efficiency these institutions are antipodes.
  • And I prepared a dissertation "Research of the local criteria optimization".
  • Moreover, this selection is far from always carried out according to intellectual criterion but, rather, social and class.
  • Based on the following criteria All government devices are divided into three types.
  • When choosing philosophers, I used three conditional criteria.
  • Then they also persecuted people criterion birth, regardless of individual guilt.
  • Classification by criterion disability can be quite detailed.
  • Or maybe I don't know how to apply to this novel the present criteria and leave the old one?
  • According to the first criterion, Aristotle divided all states into right and wrong.
  • There are two criteria which determine how well you speak a foreign language.
  • Find and pull out of the fabric of time, like a colored thread, what corresponds to one, indistinctly formulated, criterion?
  • First of all, he did not like to judge anything, submitting to some moral criterion.
  • The same testimonies were in these subjects and in criterion"Attentiveness".
  • First, there was no criteria the strength and seriousness of certain circles.
  • So criterion we should all shut up and that would be wrong.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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noun, m., use comp. often

Morphology: (no) what? criteria, what? criterion, (see) what? criterion, how? criterion, about what? about the criterion; pl. what? criteria, (no) what? criteria, what? criteria, (see) what? criteria, how? criteria, about what? about the criteria

Criterion is the factor on the basis of which you judge something or make a decision.

Truth criterion. Criteria for selection of winners. Meet the criteria. | This product meets all quality criteria. | The coefficient of intelligence includes several criteria: the definition of numerical, logical, spatial intelligence.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


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    Criterion- a sign on the basis of which the assessment of the state of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear installations of ships and other watercraft is carried out. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - [gr. kriterion] an essential, distinguishing feature, on the basis of which an assessment, definition or classification of something is made. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. CRITERION or criterion, lat. criterium, from Greek. kriterion, from ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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  • Criteria for the effectiveness of socialist reproduction, P. A. Malyshev, I. G. Shilin. The work is devoted to one of the fundamental and urgent problems of socialist management. The authors reveal in a new way the content of the criterion of the effectiveness of socialist reproduction. AT…