What to read during prayer. Missed prayers

Namaz (Salt) is the most beloved worship for Allah. Namaz is prescribed for a person at a certain time. Allah Almighty Subhana wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'an: "When you complete the prayer, then remember Allah standing, sitting or lying on your sides. When you are safe, then perform prayer. Verily, prayer is prescribed for believers at a certain time" (Sura 4 An-Nisa, verse 103).

In a hadith from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas "ud (radiallahu ‘anhu) it says: “Once I asked the Prophet ﷺ: “What deed (of a person) is most dear to Allah Ta’ala.” Rasulullah ﷺ replied: "Namaz." Then, I asked what was the next act, and Rasulullah ﷺ replied: “Kindness to parents.” And I again asked what was next, and the answer was: "Jihad"" . Ali Mulla ‘Kari (rahmatullahi alaihi ‘) says that this hadeeth is a confirmation of the words of scientists that the very first thing after iman (faith) is prayer. It is also narrated from the words of Ibn Masud that the Messenger ﷺ said: “The best deed is a prayer performed at the beginning of the time allotted for it” . These words of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ clearly establish the priority of reading prayer over other matters. Therefore, it is very important that the prayer be performed on time.

Time of the five obligatory prayers

1. Morning prayer time

The time of the morning prayer begins from the moment the dawn appears and lasts until the beginning of sunrise. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "The time of the morning prayer begins at dawn and continues until the sun rises" (Muslim) Another hadeeth says: "Don't let the predawn light fool you, the dawn is on the horizon" (Tirmizi). From this hadith, we understand that the time of the morning prayer begins at dawn, and not from the predawn light. The pre-dawn beam of light rises vertically, after which it becomes dark, and then the true dawn appears, its whiteness spreading on the horizon. And as it says in the hadith "goes on until the sun rises" i.e. as soon as the sunrise begins, the time of the morning prayer stops and the one who did not have time to perform the prayer must make up as missed.

Mustahabb (best) morning prayer times

Most best time for the morning prayer - this is when it becomes light, and so that there is so much time left before sunrise after the prayer, so that you can repeat the prayer, according to the Sunnah, in case of an error. Rafi' ibn Khadij (radiallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: "Read Fajr prayer when the dawn is good, because it has great rewards" and also Ibn Maja and Abu Dawud narrated the hadith: "Read morning prayer when the morning comes, as it should, because because of this you get great rewards"

2. The time of midday prayer (solatul-zuhr - صلاة الظهر)

The time of Zuhr prayer begins after the deviation of the sun from the zenith and lasts until the start of the time of Asr prayer. The time of Asr prayer comes when the shadow of an object becomes twice as large as the object itself, except for the main shadow of the object (since the shadow begins to grow after the zenith of the sun, and the shadow during the zenith is called the main shadow).

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: “The time of Zuhr prayer is after the zenith of the sun, when the length of a person’s shadow is equal to his height, until the time of ‘Asr prayer” . From this hadith it follows that the time of Zuhr prayer comes after the zenith, but it is not necessary to read it immediately after the zenith, but you have to wait. In another hadith, it is narrated: ‘Abdullah ibn Rafi‘, the slave of the wife of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ Ummi Salama, asked Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu) about the time of prayer. Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) replied: "Listen! Recite Zuhr prayer when your shadow is equal to your height, and recite ‘Asr prayer when your shadow is twice your height.” .

Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrates that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “If these are hot days, then postpone prayer until it is cooler, for verily, intense heat comes from the spread of the breath of hell.” and in another hadee it says: Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah ﷺ said: “The flames of hell complained to their Lord, saying, “Oh Lord, one part of me has swallowed up the other,” and He allowed the flame to take two breaths in winter and summer, which is why it is at this time that you feel the most intense heat and the most intense cold. From these hadiths it becomes clear that on hot days it is better to wait until it gets cooler, but the Zuhr prayer must be performed before the time of ʻAsr.

Mustahabb (best) noon prayer times

Zuhr prayer is better to delay in summer, and read earlier in winter. As already mentioned hadith about zuhr prayer: “If it is very hot, then pray in a cool time” The following hadith confirms that in winter it is necessary to read zuhr prayer earlier. Anas (radiallahu ‘anhu) reports that "Rasulullah ﷺ in the summer he read zuhr prayer in a cool time, and earlier in the winter"

3. The time of the afternoon prayer (solatul-ʻasr - صلاة العصر)

The time of Asr prayer begins after the end of the Zuhr time and continues until the beginning of sunset. During sunset, you cannot perform prayer, but however, if you managed to perform at least one rak'ah of prayer ʻAsr, then you need to complete the prayer to the end. It is narrated in a hadeeth from Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu): that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Whoever managed to perform at least one rak'at ‘asr prayer before sunset, he managed to perform ‘asr prayer"

Mustahabb (best) afternoon prayer times

It is mustahabb to delay ‘Asr prayer, but it is not permissible to delay so much that the sun is close to sunset. Anas (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "This is the prayer of a munafiq (a hypocrite), if a person sits and waits for the sun to turn yellow and close to sunset, then he gets up and quickly pecks four times. And he does not remember Allah in his prayer, or remembers very little" .

4. Evening prayer time

Maghrib prayer begins immediately after sunset and lasts until the sunset of Shafak abyad. Shafaka abyad is the disappearance of redness and whiteness remains in the sky (white shafaq). Ibn Umar says in a hadith: "Maghrib prayer time lasts until the shafak disappears" and in another hadeeth ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (radiallahu ‘anhu) says that: "Rasulullah ﷺ read maghrib prayer when the sun was setting, and he read ‘isha (night) when darkness spread on the horizon, and sometimes postponed until people gathered" .

Mustahabb (the best) time of prayer

Maghrib prayer should be read immediately after sunset, without delay. Abu Ayub Ansari (radiallahu ‘anhu) narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: “My community will always be in blessings, (or said: “it will be in the state inherent in them from birth that (is in Islam)”) as long as they do not postpone Maghrib prayer until the stars appear”

5. The time of the night prayer

The time of ‘isha prayer begins after the end of the Maghrib time. And there is no doubt that the darkness on the horizon appears only after the whiteness disappears. Since after the red dawn, shafak abyad appears, i.e. whiteness on the horizon, and after that darkness sets in and lasts until dawn.

In the hadith about the “Imamate of Jibrail (‘aleihis salam)” it is said: “I read ‘isha with Jibrail (‘alayhis salam) when the shafak disappeared”.

Nafi‘ ibn Jubayr (rahmatullahi ‘alaihi) relates that ‘Umar (radiallahu ‘anhu) wrote a letter to Abu Musa Ash‘ari (radiallahu ‘anhu): "Recite ‘isha in any part of the night you wish, and do not neglect it".

‘Ubeyd ibn Jarih (radiallahu ‘anhu) asked Abu Hurairah (radiallahu ‘anhu): "Which Lately‘isha prayer? He replied: "The coming of the dawn".

Mustahabb (best) night prayer times

Postponing ‘isha prayer until midnight or until the first third of the night is better. Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said: “If this was not painful for my community, I would definitely order them to postpone ‘isha prayer until half or until the first third of the night.”

But if, due to the postponement of prayer, there is a danger that many people will not participate in the jama‘at, because of which the jama‘at will become small, then there is no need to delay until that time. When the time comes for ‘isha prayer, it should be read when more people can participate in it.
Jabir (radiallahu ‘anhu) talks about the habit of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ regarding ‘ish prayer: "A'isha prayer he began in different time, for when he saw that people had already gathered, he began it early, and when he saw that people were slow, he delayed him (so that more people participated in the prayer) ". From this it follows that the number of people must be taken into account. Namaz jama‘at should be read at a time in which there is a possibility of participation of more people. And it is not necessary to set a time for prayer in which there is a fear that many people will not participate in it, because the reward for prayer depends on the number of people in the Jamaat.

Time of Witr Wajib Prayer

Witr prayer is recited immediately after ‘isha prayer. About the witr prayer of Kharija ibn Hudhayfa says: "Rasulullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) came to us and said:" Allah Ta'ala ordered you to read a prayer that is better than red camels - this is witr prayer, and made it for you between 'isha and dawn "

Mustahabb (best) Witr prayer times

A person who is sure that he will wake up before dawn, then it is best not to read Witr prayer immediately after ‘ish, but he should wake up before dawn and read Witr. In a hadith from Jabir (radiallahu ‘anhu) it is said that Rasulullah ﷺ said: "Whoever is afraid that he will not wake up in the last part of the night, he should read Witr prayer at the beginning of the night, and whoever hopes that he will get up at the end of the night, he should read Witr at the end of the night, because in the prayer that is read at the end of the night, angels are involved. And that's better."

However, a person who is afraid that he will not wake up before dawn, it is necessary to read Witr prayer along with the ‘isha prayer, as it becomes known from the hadith itself. And “the beginning of the night” does not mean before the prayer ‘isha. This means after 'ish, since the time of witr prayer begins after 'ish, as was given in the hadith about the time of witr prayer.

Friday prayer times

Friday prayer (Juma prayer) is performed every Friday during the midday prayer in mosques (Juma prayer replaces noon prayer "zuhr"). Friday prayer is one of the obligatory prayers (fard) along with five daily and funeral prayers. But unlike 5 fard prayers, Friday prayer is not a duty for all Muslims.

Friday prayer or Friday prayer is a mandatory action for every adult Muslim (male). The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that the collective performance of Friday prayers in the mosque is obligatory for those who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment. The exceptions are women, slaves, children and the sick. It is allowed not to visit the mosque on Friday during natural Disasters and bad weather: severe frosts, heavy rain, hail.

We continue the story of prayer for beginners. In this article, with the permission of Allah, we will talk about how to perform namaz for a beginner, which violates namaz and answer common questions about namaz

Each prayer consists of a certain amount rak'ats- a set of actions that include reading certain surahs of the Qur'an while standing, making one bow from the waist (ruku) and two bows to the earth (sajda).

morning prayer ( fajr) consists of two rak'ahs,

lunch ( zuhr) - from four,

afternoon ( asr) also from four,

evening prayer maghrib- from three,

and night prayer isha- from four.

However, in addition to the obligatory part (fard), each prayer includes a certain number of desirable prayers (sunnat), which are not obligatory, however, a reward is also promised for their fulfillment. Beginners, of course, should first accustom themselves to regularly performing the obligatory part of the five prayers, but then they should try to perform Sunnat prayers, in addition to the main ones.

Also, scientists of the Hanafi madhhab consider it obligatory ( wajib) performing namaz vitre, consisting of three rak'ahs which is performed after the night prayer of Isha.

After you have performed ablution and closed the ‘awrah, stand on a prayer rug (if you don’t have one yet, you can use a clean towel or sheet for this purpose), facing the qibla, and express your intention in your heart ( niyat) to pray. During the intention, you need to name the prayer that you are going to perform (mandatory or desirable and its name is fajr, zuhr, asr).

Intention is pronounced mentally, in the following words: “I intend to perform for the sake of Allah the fard (obligatory part) of this morning(for example) fajr prayer(or name the prayer you are going to perform).

Note: the intention to perform prayer must be pronounced mentally, but the introductory takbir, the suras of the Koran and the necessary duas are said aloud(not necessarily loud, you can whisper, but so that you can hear yourself, moving your lips and tongue).

1. After expressing your intention, raise your hands with your palms out to your shoulders and say (out loud!) The phrase “Allahu Akbar!” (this is the so-called introductory takbir) (as shown in the picture). While raising your hands, make sure that your sleeves do not fall and the awrah does not open - this can spoil your prayer!

2. Then fold your hands on your chest (right over left) and read Surah Al-Fatiha

Sura "Fatiha" (Opening)(approximate transliteration and translation):

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

[Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim]

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

الحمد لله رب العالمين
[Al-hamdu lillahirabbil-alamin]

Glory to Allah, Lord of all the worlds

الرحمن الرحيم

Gracious, Merciful

مالك يوم الدين
[maliki yaumid-din]

Ruler doomsday

إياك نعبد
[iyakya nabudu]

You alone we worship

و إياك نستعين

[wa iyyakya nastayyin]

and to You alone we cry for help

اهدنى الصراط المستقيم


Lead us to the right path

صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم
[sypatallazina an'amta aleihim]

the path of those whom You have bestowed with Your blessings

غير المغضوب عليهم
[Gairil-Magdubi Aleihim]

those who have not incurred Your disgrace

و لا الضآلين
[wa lad-dooollin (Amin)]

and those who did not fall into error. (Amen)

(as mentioned above, for the first time you can limit yourself to saying the phrases “Bismillah”, Alhamdulillah”, “La ilaha illallah”).

During the recitation of the suras, the gaze is turned to the supposed place of the prostration.

3. With the pronunciation of the words "Allahu Akbar" make a bow - hand '. Women bow not as deeply as men. The gaze is turned to the toes; the hands lie on the knees, not clasping them.

4. After making the ruku, straighten up again to a standing position.

5. With the words "Allahu Akbar" make a prostration (sajda). To perform it, they first kneel down, then lean on their hands and then touch the ground with their nose and forehead. The toes (at least two fingers) should rest on the ground, the elbows touch the floor and press against the body, the stomach is pressed against the hips.

6. With the words “Allahu Akbar”, rise to a sitting position for a short period of time, which is sufficient to pronounce the phrase “Subhanallah”. Then again say "Allahu Akbar" and make a second prostration.

Here the first rak'ah of prayer ends.

7. With the words "Allahu Akbar", rise to a vertical position for the second rak'ah of prayer and fold your arms over your chest, as described above.

2nd rak'ah:

8. First, as in the first rak'ah, read Sura Al-Fatiha (or say the words of dhikr - the remembrance of Allah). Usually, some short sura is also pronounced in the second rak'ah, but a beginner can limit himself to only one Al-Fatih sura. Then they perform ruku' and sajda as described above.

9. After making two earthly prostrations, sit on your feet (as shown in the picture), hands lie on your knees, both legs are shifted to the right side. You should not sit on your left foot, but on the floor. In this position, the dua Attahiyyat is pronounced.

Approximate transliteration and translation:

التحيات لله و الصلوات و الطيبات
[At-tahiyyatu lillahi was-salyawatu wat-tayyibat]

Greetings to Allah, prayers and good deeds.

السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته
[As-salamu alaykya ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakyatuh]

Peace be upon you, O Prophet, the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

السلام علينا و على عباد الله الصالحين
[As-salamu 'alayna wa 'ala ibadillahis-salihin]

Peace be upon us and the true servants of Allah.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله
[Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasulyuh]

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah
and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

Attention! While pronouncing the words “la illaha”, you need to raise the index finger of your right hand, and lower it while pronouncing the words “illa Allah”.

11. If you perform the morning prayer (fajr) after pronouncing the dua At-Tahiyyat, a greeting (taslim) is pronounced at the end of the prayer. With the words "Assalamu alaikum var rahmatullah" turn your head towards the right shoulder, and then - with the same words - towards the left.

If you perform a prayer consisting of more than two rak'ahs, then after pronouncing the dua At-Tahiyyat (without saying the greeting of the end of the prayer!) You need to rise to a standing position and perform one more (if you perform Maghrib prayer) or two more rak'ahs (if you perform prayers Zuhr, Asr, Isha). After the last (third or fourth rak'ah) is completed, sit down again and say the At-Tahiyat dua again, then say the greeting "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!" Turning your head first to the right shoulder, then to the left.

After performing prayer, you can turn to Allah with your personal requests (in any language, not necessarily in Arabic).


In the third and fourth rak'ahs of the obligatory prayer, after reading the Fatih sura, it is not necessary to read the second sura. If you perform a sunnat prayer consisting of four rak'ahs, then the second sura in the third and fourth rak'ahs is pronounced.

Prayer Witr

As mentioned above, Hanafi scholars consider it obligatory to perform Witr prayer: a prayer performed after the night prayer of Isha and before the time of Fajr prayer. Namaz witr consists of three rak'ahs. Before committing it, the intention is pronounced something like this: “I intend to pray witr for the sake of Allah”- it is not indicated whether this is Sunnat or fard prayer, since there is disagreement among scientists on this issue. In the third rak'ah of this prayer, after reading Surah Al-Fatiha, you need to read a short surah, then saying "Allahu Akbar", raise your hands in the same way as for the introductory takbir, then fold them on your chest and say dua Qunut:

Approximate transliteration:

“Allaahumma inna nasta‘iinuka wa nastahdiika va nastagfiruk, wa natuubu ilaik, va nu’minu bikya va natavakkyalu ‘alayk, wa nusnii ‘alaykal-haira kullahu, wa nashkurukya wa laya nakfuruk, wa nahl‘u va natruku man yafjuruk. Allahumma iyyakya na'budu wa lakya nusalli wa nasjudu, wa ilyaykya nas'a va nakhfid, va narjuu rahmatakya va nakhshaa 'azaabak, inna 'azaabakya bil-kuffaari mulhik.

“O Allah! We appeal to Your help, we ask you to lead us on the right path, we ask You for forgiveness and repent. We believe and rely on You. We praise You in the best way. We thank you and do not deny. We reject and leave (leave) all those who commit lawlessness. Oh my God! We worship You alone, we pray, and before You we make prostrations. We strive for You and we go. We hope for Your mercy and we fear Your punishment. Verily, Your punishment befalls the godless!”

If a person has not yet learned dua Qunoot, you can say this dua:

“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan, va fil-aakhyrati hasanatan va kynaa ‘azaaban-naar.”

“Our Lord! Give us good things in this and the next life, protect us from the torment of Hell.

What actions violate prayer

1. During prayer, you can’t talk, laugh - moreover, loud laughter (that people standing nearby can hear it) - violates not only prayer, but also ablution. However, a smile (without a sound) does not violate prayer.

2. You can not make any sounds or sigh. Sneezing or coughing does not break prayer.

3. You can not cry for worldly reasons (crying out of fear of Allah is allowed).

4. You can not perform multiple small actions without need (straighten clothes, itch). Small actions done for a good reason are forgiven, but care must be taken to reduce their number to a minimum.

Extra actions are defined, according to the strongest opinion, as actions which, if seen from a distance by an observer who does not know that you are praying, would completely convince him that you are NOT praying. If you have doubts, then this is not an extra act - and it does not violate prayer. Usually three continuous big acts are considered superfluous (based on Ibn Abidin's Radd al-Mukhtar).

5. A man and a woman should not pray while standing in the same row (there must be some distance or barrier).

Frequently Asked Questions about Prayer:

Is it possible to pray on a piece of paper or a book? Beginners often perform namaz by looking at a book or piece of paper with a hint. This should be avoided, because in this case it will turn out that you perform many unnecessary actions that make your prayer invalid.

Is it permissible to pray during haida or nifaas? - Not, a woman does not pray during menstruation (haid) and postpartum bleeding (nifas). If she still prays at this time, she falls into sin. For the validity of worship, it is very important to learn how to correctly determine the beginning and end of a haid - because if you start praying before your periods are over, such prayers will not be valid, and vice versa, if you do not pray when your periods have already ended, it will turn out that you miss prayers without a good reason. In both cases, you will have to make up for missed prayers later. You can read about Hyde here. Prayers missed at this time (haida and nifasa) do not need to be made up.

Do I need to make up for missed prayers?- Missed prayers - for any reason (except those that were missed due to menstruation and postpartum bleeding) - must be made up! So if you overslept the morning prayer or were unable to pray at work or school, you must definitely make up for these prayers later.

If a person began to pray not with the onset of adulthood(in particular, a woman - not from the moment when her period began), but at a more mature age, is it necessary to make up for these prayers? - Yes, such prayers must be filled.

How to pray at work or school?– Often people say that they cannot pray at work or in educational institution. These reasons are not considered valid - you should make every effort to find a time and place for prayer.

What if my parents do not allow me to pray?- If direct violence is not used against you (for example, you are not threatened to be killed or seriously maimed - and you must be sure that the threat will really be carried out!), And this is unlikely in the case of loved ones, you should start praying, despite their discontent. Your family is not at home all day, they do not follow your every move - so choose a time when you are not being noticed, find a secluded place in the house and pray. Be patient and firm in your decision - inshaAllah, over time, your relatives will come to terms with your choice and will even respect you for your strength of character.

Is it possible for women to read namaz by a separate women's jamaat(not after a male imam, but to choose some knowledgeable sister and pray after her). Hanafi scholars consider such an action to be makruh tahrimi (close to forbidden), so one should refrain from it (although the scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab allow this).

Women sometimes ask: is it possible to pray with a child in her arms or what to do if, during prayer, the child climbs on the back or on the mother’s arms (or touches her): In this article, you can read a detailed explanation of this issue “Prayer with a child in her arms”
Muslima (Anya) Kobulova

Based on materials from the Darul-Fikr website

Prayer is one of the obligatory acts for a Muslim, which is designated as "fard". Correct prayer is the key to the success of a Muslim. You can read about how to read namaz correctly on our website. We read namaz correctly with Namaz-time.

So, the main thing with which to start performing namaz is ritual ablution - taharat. After that, determine in which direction the Kaaba is located and spread the prayer rug in this direction. The next obligatory action of the praying person is to pronounce the intention to perform the prayer. The intention is formulated as follows:

“I intended to perform 2 rak'ahs of the additional (sunnah) morning prayer, sincerely for the sake of Allah.” The number of rak'ahs and the name of the prayer in this sentence is changed depending on which prayer you are going to read.

We read prayer correctly: the order of bowing

  1. Takbir. At the takbir, we raise our hands and pronounce the words of the takbir “Allah Akbar!” (Allah is great!). At the same time, men touch the back of their earlobes with their thumbs, and women raise their hands to shoulder level.
  2. Sana. After that, the men lower their hands below the navel and fold them on top of each other so that the right one remains on top. Women do the same, but their arms remain at chest level. It reads as follows: “Subhanaka-llahumma wa-bi-hamdika wa-tabaraka-smuka wa-tagala җadduka wa-la ilaha gairuk” . (Glory to You, O Allah, and praise to You, may it be blessed Your name and Your presence will be exalted, and there is no god but You. Aguzu bi-llahi mina-sh-shaytani-r-raҗim. (I seek refuge with Allah from the Shaitan who is stoned). Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim. (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.)
  3. Surah al-Fatiha is then read. “Bi-smi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim Al-hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-galamin. Ar-rahmani-r-rahim. Maliki yavmi-d-din. Iyyaka nagbudu wa iyyaka nastagin. Ikhdina-s-sirata-l-mustaqim. Sirata-llazina 'an'amta 'alaihim gairi-l-magdubi 'alaihim wa-la-d-dallin " . (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Merciful, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment. We worship You and ask You to help, lead us along the straight path, along the path of those whom You have favored, not those who are under anger, and not astray ).
  4. After Al-Fatih, any other sura from the Koran is read. For example, "Al-Ikhlas": “Bismi-llahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim. Cool hua-llahu ahad. Allahu-s-samad. Lam yalid wa-lam yulad. Wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuvan 'ahad". (Say: "He is Allah the Eternal, did not beget, and was not begotten, and no one was equal to Him.")
  5. Belt bow. Having said the takbir “Allah akbar”, we lean forward and say “Subhana rabbiyya-l-‘azym” three times (Glory to my Great Lord).
  6. Having pronounced the takbir “Allah akbar”, we straighten up and say: “Sami‘a-llahu estuary hamidah” (Allah hears the one who praises Him.) “Rabbana laka-l-hamd.” (Our Lord, You are only praise.)
  7. Again we pronounce the takbir "Allah akbar" and bow to the earth. First, the knees touch the ground, then the hands, and then the forehead and nose. In this position, we say “Subhana Rabbiya-l-a’la!” three times. (Glory be to my Supreme Lord).
  8. We pronounce the takbir "Allah Akbar" and come to a sitting position.
  9. Again we repeat the earthly bow.
  10. Having pronounced the takbir, we return to the original position, when the hands are connected at the level of the navel for men and at the level of the chest for women. (This is how the 1st rak'ah ends).
  11. In the second rak'ah, all the same actions are repeated, with the exception of some:
    • one should not read san and tasavuh;
    • after the surah Al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read another surah from the Koran;
    • after the second prostration, it is necessary to read "Tashahud".
  12. We sit down and read the following: “At-tahiyyatu li-llahi wa-s-salavatu wa-t-tayyibat. As-salamu ‘alaika ayyuha-n-nabi, wa-rahmatu-llahi wa-barakatuh. As-salamu ‘alayna wa-‘ala ‘ibadi-llahi-s-salihin. Ashkhadu 'al-la 'ilaha 'illa-llahu wa-ashkhadu 'anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa-rasulukh ". (Glorifications, prayers, charitable deeds to Allah. O Prophet, peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessing. Peace and health to us and the righteous servants of Allah. I testify that there is no deity but Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger) .
  13. If the prayer consists of two rak'ahs, then you should read salawat, ayat dua and give salam. If the prayer consists of 4 rak'ahs, after tashahud, you should return to 1 rak'ah and repeat everything again.
  14. Salavat: “Allahumma sally ‘ala Muhammadiv-wa-‘ala ’ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ‘ala ’Ibrahima wa-‘ala ’ali ’Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadiv-wa-'ala 'ali Muhammadin kama barakta 'ala 'Ibrahima wa-'ala 'ali 'Ibrahima, 'innaka hamidum-maid.(Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Verily, You are Glorious, Praiseworthy and Great. Allah! Show Your bounty to Muhammad and his family, as You bestowed Your generosity on Ibrahim and his family. , Praiseworthy and Great.)
  15. Ayat-dua: "Rabbana 'atina fi-d-dunya hasanatav-va-fi-l-'akhirati hasanatav-va-kina 'azaba-n-nar." (Our Lord, grant us good in the next life and good in the last, and protect us from the punishment of fire).
  16. Salam. Turning your head to the right, we say: As-salamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatu-llah. (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah). We repeat the same thing, turning the head to the left side.
  17. At the end of the prayer, we say the dua “Allahumma 'anta-s-salaam, va-minka-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-җalali wa-l-’ikram!” . (O Allah, You are the world, and peace comes from You, Your grace has multiplied, O possessor of greatness and honor). You have learned how to pray correctly. Perhaps, at the beginning, this procedure will seem complicated and not memorable to you. However, daily practices will help you in mastering a new business for you.

(Persian نماز‎) or salat (Arabic صلاة‎) is a canonical prayer, one of the five pillars of Islam. The prayers of the first Muslims consisted in the joint loud pronunciation of the formulas of monotheism and the exaltation of Allah. There are no clear instructions for prayers in the Qur'an, although there are many indications of such particulars as the time of prayers, prayer formulas, some movements, etc. The entire order of prayer was formed as an imitation of the prayer postures and movements of the Prophet Muhammad and was fixed by the memory of the first Muslims. The uniformity of prayer was practiced for almost a century and a half and was recorded in writing by the Hanafi jurist Muhammad al-Shaibani (d. 805).

The words of Iqamat in the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa:

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

Ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah
Ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah

Ashhadu anna Muhammadar rasul Allah

Hayya ala salah
Hayya ala salah

hayya alal fallah
hayya alal fallah

Kad kamati salah
Kad kamati salah

Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar

La ilaha illa llah

I rak'at

1. Standing, express your sincere intention (niyat) to commit prayer:

"I intend for the sake of Allah to make a fard* of this morning prayer but".

Important Notes:
* Fard is obligatory in Islam. Failure to perform fard is considered a sin.

In this case, we give a simplified example of making a morning prayer a, in which there are 2 rak'ahs (cycles of body movements).

Remember that every prayer includes a certain number of sunnah (desirable) and fard (obligatory) rak'ats.

Morning - 2 sunnahs, 2 fards
Daily - 4 sunnahs, 4 fards, 2 sunnahs
Afternoon - 4 fards
Evening - 3 fards, 2 sunnas
Night - 4 fards, 2 sunnas

2. Raise both hands, spreading your fingers, palms towards the Qibla, to the level of your ears, touching your earlobes with your thumbs and say takbir iftitah (initial takbir) "Allahu akbar".

Takbir. The gaze is turned to the place of soot (the place that is touched with the head when bowing to the ground). The palms are turned towards the Qibla, the thumbs touch the earlobes. The feet are parallel to each other. There are four fingers between them.

3. Then place your right hand with the palm of your hand on left hand, clasping the wrist of the left hand with the little finger and thumb of the right hand, and lower the hands folded in this way just below the navel and read:

"Sura Fatiha"

"Auzu billahi minashshaitaani r-rajim
Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim
Alhamdi lillahi rabbil 'alamin
Arrahmaani r-rahim
Maaliki Yaumiddin
Iyyakya na´budy va iyyakya nasta´in
Ihdina s-syraatal mystakym
Syraatallyazina an'amta aleihim
Gairil Magdubi Aleihim Valad-doolliin…"
Aamin! .. (Pronounced silently)

But for you, as a beginner who performs his first prayers in his life, you can limit yourself to reading Surah Fatiha.

Qiyam. The gaze is turned to the place of soot. Hands are folded on the stomach, just below the navel. Thumb and the little finger of the right hand clasp the wrists of the left hand. The feet are parallel to each other. There are four fingers between them.

4. Lowering your hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand "(bow from the waist).

Hand". The gaze is turned to the tips of the toes. The head and back are at the same level, parallel to the surface of the place of prayer. The legs are straightened. The fingers are spread apart and wrap around the knees.

5. After the arm, straighten the body to a vertical position.

6. After straightening, with the words "Allahu Akbar", perform soot. When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands and, only after that, touch the place of soot with your forehead and nose.

Sazhda. Head - between the hands. Forehead and nose touch the floor. Fingers and toes should point in the direction of the Qibla. The elbows do not touch the carpet and are moved away from the body. The belly does not touch the hips. The heels are closed.

7. After that, with the words "Allahu Akbar", rise from soot to a sitting position.

8. After sustaining a pause in this position, sufficient for the pronunciation of "Subhanallah", with the words "Allahu Akbar" again sink into soot.

Soot. The head is between the arms. Forehead and nose touch the floor. Fingers and toes should point in the direction of the Qibla. The elbows do not touch the carpet and are moved away from the body. The belly does not touch the hips. The heels are closed.

9. Then, with the words "Allahu Akbar", stand up to perform the second cancer "ata. Hands close in the same place.

II rak'at

First, as in the first rak'at, read the Fatiha surah, an additional surah, for example, Ikhlas (although for beginners, you can limit yourself to reading the Fatiha surah - see above), do a hand (upper bow) and soot.

10. After the second soot of the second rak'at, sit on your feet and read the prayer (du'a) "Attahiyat":

"Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu
Assalamu aleyke ayuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa baraka'atyh
Assalamu aleyna wa 'ala 'ibidillahi s-salihiin
Ashhady alla illaha illallah
Wa ashhady anna Muhammadan ´abduhu wa rasylyukh"

Attention! During the pronunciation of the words "la illaha", the index finger of the right hand rises, and on "illa llahu" it falls.

Ka´da (sitting). The gaze is on the knees. Hands lie on your knees, fingers - in a free position. Both legs are slightly shifted to the right. You should not sit on your left foot, but on the floor.

11. Say the greeting: "Assalamu" alaikum wa rahmatullah "with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left

Salam (greeting) to the right side. Hands on knees, fingers in a free position. The foot of the right foot is placed on the carpet at a right angle, the fingers are directed towards the Qibla. The head is turned to the right, looking at the shoulder.

It so happened that I somehow moved away from Islam: I missed a lot of prayers, my behavior was not like that of a Muslim, etc. I don’t even know how it happened, because of what I already forgot, but I never thought that I would stop praying. I want to improve now, but it doesn’t work, I think that tomorrow I will compensate for all the prayers, and when tomorrow comes, I transfer it to the next day. How can I fix it, where do I start? What can be done to strengthen iman?

According to one of the hadiths, prayer is the first thing that will be asked for on the Day of Judgment, and if everything goes well with him, if a person performed it regularly and in a timely manner, then the interrogation on all other articles will be easy and he, if Allah pleases, will fall to Ray. In another saying of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) it is said that prayer is the difference between a believer and an unbeliever. In general, there are a lot of hadiths that tell about the importance and obligatory nature of prayer, what has been said is enough for a reasonable person to realize how great the significance of obligatory prayer is. Therefore, first of all, you need to pull yourself together and not postpone the beginning of the performance and compensation of prayer. Give yourself a word that no matter what happens, you will not leave prayer, try to perform it regularly for at least 40 days. If there are observant friends in your circle, arrange with them to go to the mosque together to perform namaz, so that you spend more time with friends, strengthen relationships with them and do not miss prayer.

Along with this, read Islamic literature, in particular the biography of the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them), companions, righteous people, theologians. It instills a lot of love for religion.

Tell me, please, if I overslept the morning prayer, should I perform it before the lunch prayer or after it?

Prayer missed for a good reason (if you overslept through no fault of yours, namely: went to bed on time, set an alarm, etc.), you must definitely reimburse and, you can reimburse it in your free time, unlike a prayer missed without a valid reasons, it must be reimbursed immediately! It is advisable to perform the missed prayer before the timely one, if the time of the timely performed does not pass from this.

I have Small child She is 1 year and 10 months old. Every time I pray, she stands in front of me, but I continue to pray. I wanted to know if such a prayer is considered valid?

As you know, one of the conditions of prayer is the cleanliness of the body, clothing and place of prayer, namely those places that you touch during prayer. Therefore, the fact that your child stood on the mat does not harm your prayer in any way. The hadith tells that when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did prayer, his grandchildren climbed on him.

I am very concerned about one question. I am doing namaz. But many of my relatives have a wrong understanding of our religion, in connection with the events taking place now. Therefore, I don’t like to say among them that I pray at all, it’s easier for me to do it silently, so that no one knows. Sometimes they can say something bad about Islam, and I don't want to get into an argument with them. It may be wrong to think so, but I get the impression that they can no longer be persuaded. Is it not considered such my silence that I do not defend religion as a "betrayal" in relation to it? And what to do in such situations?

Unfortunately, about 70 years of communism have done their job, in part they managed to lead some Muslims away from the observance of the norms of Islam. First of all, you need to work in terms of educating relatives. Answer their questions gently and diplomatically, and buy several books about Islam and DVDs of sermons from theologians, in particular on the subject of obligatory prayer. But the greatest appeal will be your good disposition and good attitude towards them. Do not look at anything, do not leave the obligatory prayer, observe it regularly and in a timely manner. If you hear something inappropriate from them, correct them, explain to them, but in order for you to do this, you yourself need to study Islam, the wisdom of praying, etc.

I study at a military institute, we are not allowed to pray. What to do?

To begin with, approach the teacher (officer, commander) and try to explain the situation to him, namely, the importance of prayer for a believer. I think (I really hope) that if you present it normally, they will understand and allow it. If suddenly they are not allowed, go to the most important thing and try to explain it to him. If you fail here, contact a good lawyer and think about filing a lawsuit and obtaining the right, first of all, granted to you by the Constitution of our country - to freely practice your religion!

Is it possible to do sunnah (prayer or fasting) if there are unreimbursed duties - fard? For example, when you come to the mosque, is it better to make up for the missed prayer or is it desirable to make a salutatory prayer in 2 rak'ahs?

According to the Shafi'i madhhab (law school), whoever has missed obligatory prayers, it is impossible to perform desirable ones, with the exception of those that are performed only a few times during the year, such as the holiday prayers of Uraz and Kurban Bayram (Eid al-adha and Eid al-fitr). There will be no demand from you on the Day of Judgment for not fulfilling the desired prayers, unlike the mandatory ones. Therefore, it is logical and necessary, when entering the mosque, to perform the missed prayer instead of the salutatory prayer, especially since the salutatory prayer is replaced by any other prayer. In other words, if a person, entering the mosque, performs any prayer, he receives a reward for performing the salutatory prayer.

How to pronounce the intention to compensate farz prayer? Are there any conditions to make up for a missed Friday prayer?

The intention is made as follows, for example, to compensate for the lunch prayer: “I set out to compensate for the obligatory lunch 4-rakah prayer I missed for the sake of Allah.” Accordingly, if the morning prayer is reimbursed, then replace the word “dinner” with “morning”, and “4 rak'ahs” with “2 rak'ahs”, similarly with other prayers.

The missed Friday prayer is not reimbursed, instead of it, the lunch prayer is performed, as timely, if the prayer time has not yet come out. If the time of the lunch prayer has already passed, then you need to make up the lunch prayer as missed.

I had surgery and stitches, which will be removed only after 2 weeks, and I need to take a mandatory bath for prayer and fasting, but because of the stitches, I cannot wet the wound. I do not want to miss prayer and fasting. What should I do?

In those cases when it is impossible to perform ritual washing or bathing, it is necessary to do cleansing with earth, dust (tayammum). You can read more details by following these links:

My husband reads "al-Fatiha" and some suras with errors, but better than me. How would it be better in this case: to pray collectively or separately? Because of this, we have disputes.

If you and your husband have the same mistakes (one to one), you can pray collectively. However, if the husband does not make the same mistakes that you make, you will not succeed in jamaat prayer and you will have to pray separately or look for another imam for both of you who knows how to read surah al-Fatiha correctly.

I have debt prayers for 4 years, what should be the intention for tarawih prayers: for debt prayers or for tarawih prayers?

You need to make an intention to compensate for debt prayers, since it is for them that you will be asked on the Day of Judgment, and not for desirable prayers, such as tarawih prayers.

In the month of Ramadan, I get up every night and do tahajjud prayers. I recently learned that tahajjud prayer turns into fard if you perform it once. Please tell me is it true? If I can’t do it every night, then it’s undesirable to do it?

Sunnah does not become a fard, however, it is condemned to leave a constantly performed worship.

After the operation on the stomach, I have constant flatulence, i.e. the discharge of gases from the intestines, which gives me great problems, including when performing namaz. Ablution is broken right during prayer. How should I deal with prayer?

Always wait for the prayer time and perform ablution immediately before the prayer. If you wait for the azan (or the time of prayer according to the schedule), make ablution and immediately start reading the prayer, the prayer will be valid, despite the fact that during its performance there will be an involuntary discharge of gases.

I wanted to clarify something: is prayer for a person obligated after 15 years or after puberty?

According to the Shafi'i madhhab, prayer is obligated after puberty. Signs of the onset of puberty are: hair overgrowth of the armpits and groin, wet dreams, in girls - the appearance of menstrual flow. If there is no menstruation or wet dreams, then puberty occurs with the achievement of 15 years according to the lunar calendar.

Is it possible to pray during the adhan?

It is possible, but it is advisable to wait for its completion and make a prayer after.

Is it possible to perform prayer if the time for prayer has come, but the adhan has not been read?

It is possible, since one of the conditions for prayer is the onset of its time, and not the announcement of this, which is what the azan is.

If I did not manage to do the morning prayer on time, and it is already light outside, what should I do?

Do it when you wake up, the sooner the better.

Is prayer accepted by a person who has a tattoo on his body?

In the book “Ianat at-talibin” it is written: “It is obligatory to remove your (tattoo and tattoo) if such damage to the skin is not caused, due to which it will be necessary to do tayammum. Otherwise, it is not necessary to remove the tattoo." The book “Bujairimi” says: “If yours is inflicted before the age of majority, then it is not obligatory to remove it. In cases where a person is obliged to remove a tattoo, leaving it to him is not forgiven, and the prayer performed with it is not considered valid ”“ Ianat at-talibin ”, (No. 4/55).

Please tell me, after a miscarriage, women have bleeding for some time. Is it necessary to make a full ablution after it and is it necessary to compensate for all missed prayers during this time?

After the completion of the postpartum discharge, it is imperative to bathe with the appropriate intention. Prayers missed during this period of time do not need to be reimbursed.
