How to take "Methane"? "Methane" for muscle growth. Reception "Methane"

Today, it is no secret to anyone that if we want to lose weight, we need to watch what we eat - and this is absolutely true! But in professional sports, where you need to prepare for competitions and strive to become the best of the best, just lose weight or remove a little subcutaneous fat from the sides - it simply won’t work (you will always be an amateur) ...
This article will focus on fat burners, how and with their help you can burn the fat layer, and at the same time keep our muscles safe and sound, so that the muscles look voluminous and as embossed as possible. After all, you must admit the relief, and the dryness of the muscles in the visual assessment from the side, plays perhaps the most important role: for example, let's take two guys who are engaged in bodybuilding, one has a biceps volume of 46 cm, and the other 44 cm, and what do you think which hand may look better, the answer here can be only one - the one that looks better. A guy with an arm of 44 cm can look much more athletic and athletic than a guy with a biceps volume of 46 cm, but if we take the back for example, then here the examples will not be appropriate, I think that the back on which trapezoid, diamond-shaped, widest are visible and long back muscles will always look better than any other simply massive back..!
And remember, quality always and in everything took precedence over quantity, so first of all, no matter what you undertake (not only in sports), quality should come first, then everything else will not be canceled over time.
I want to immediately warn you that before you decide to take any drug that I describe in this article, you should definitely consult with your personal trainer or at least personally read the pharmacological notation of each fat burner that you decide to take.
I'll start with the simplest chemical compounds - fat burners that affect fat lipolysis - fat burning:

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

This vitamin is not a direct fat burner, but with an integrated approach, it helps to better draw muscle fibers, as it has mild deuretic properties and increases the sensitivity of neurons, which provides better contractile dynamics in the muscles, which as a result has a better effect on the fat burning process.
Functional action of vitamin B6 ( pyridoxine):
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) regulates protein metabolism. This is due to its participation in the transport of amino acids through cell membranes.
- Pyridoxine increases the content of creatinine in the striated muscles, which plays an important role in the process of muscle contraction.
- Participates in fat and lipid metabolism, improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. With a deficiency of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, one of the enzymes for the direct oxidation of glucose in the pentose-phosphate cycle, decreases. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is part of the phosphorylase that regulates the breakdown of glycogen.
Application: In order for this vitamin to manifest itself as a sports "tool" or fat burner, it must be taken in injectable form (intramuscularly). In tablet form - this substance will not be able to manifest itself in all its qualities, since it is poorly absorbed orally and simply excreted in the urine as excess compounds. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy, it is produced, as a rule, in packs of 10 ampoules, in each ampoule 1 ml / 50 mg of pyridoxine, injections are made every other day for 20 days.


Food supplement, an effective natural remedy for reducing the volume of adipose tissue of the body, for increasing endurance during training, for activating metabolic processes.
L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance similar to that synthesized by the human liver and kidneys. In the body, L-carnitine performs the function of transporting fatty acids across cell membranes and using them as an energy source for the body. Other
In other words, L-carnitine is a powerful but completely safe utilizer of body cell fat, transforming it directly into energy. The more L-carnitine is contained in the body, the greater the amount of body fat can be involved in metabolic processes and utilized in
the process of physical activity. This produces additional energy, allowing you to make the workout more intense.

Also, in sports practice L-carnitine has established itself as a natural non-doping agent with an anabolic effect. In addition, L-carnitine significantly stimulates the activity of the immune system, prevents the occurrence of thrombosis and myocardial infarction.
In addition, carnitine contributes to the elimination of post-exercise acidosis and, as a result, the restoration of performance after prolonged debilitating physical exertion, increases glycogen stores in the liver and muscles, and contributes to its more economical use.
Application: L-carnine can be found in Pharmacy chains, but as a therapeutic agent it is produced in small dosages, and therefore it is much better to look for it in sports nutrition stores. Doses used by athletes vary greatly from 200 mg (0.2 g) to 700 mg (0.7 g) for women, and from 800 mg to 2500 mg per day for men. The daily dose, as a rule, is divided into 2-3 doses, taken over 10 minutes. before meals and 45 min. before training. This substance does not have any side effects and even at very high dosages, does not cause any side effects, which is why L-Carnitine is very popular among women who want to put their posture in order.

OMEGA-3 fats

In fact, omega-3 fats are not included in fat burners, but are used, like CLA, in the form of a separate supplement. Under the name "omega-3" are combined alpha-linolenic acid, as well as those acids (EPA and DHA) into which it is converted. The main natural sources of omega-3 fats are fish (salmon, tuna, halibut), nuts, seeds (pumpkin seeds, etc.).
It is believed that omega-3 fats help the body get rid of unnecessary fat reserves; Recently, this supplement has been increasingly used in weight loss programs.
Studies show that omega-3 fats introduced into the diet do indeed contribute to faster weight loss in a diet. So, one of the studies in which patients (more precisely, patients) were exposed to a very calorie-restricted diet showed that the introduction of omega-3 fats into the diet allows you to additionally lose half a kilogram of subcutaneous fat per week, which, you see, is a lot. .
What's more, even on a light diet, omega-3 fats not only prevent weight gain, but also allow you to lose fat to some extent.
In addition to fat-burning properties, omega-3 fats have the ability to have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, optimizing the ratio of high and low density lipoproteins in the blood plasma. Doctors recommend taking 1-2 grams of omega-3 fats per day as a supplement, but when it comes to getting them from natural sources, there are no special restrictions.


Perhaps the most popular and most consumed fat burner in the world. It has been experimentally proven that the use of caffeine contributes to the increased use of subcutaneous fat during sports. This is evidenced by the following example: running at an average pace for an hour will burn about 800 kcal, about half of which will be obtained as a result of fat oxidation, while the other half will be obtained due to the breakdown of glycogen. In the case of taking caffeine before training, the level of fat oxidation will double, as a result of which 600 kcal out of 800 will fall on fat burned.
The best time to take caffeine is an hour before your workout. A single dose should not exceed 200-300 mg (1-1.5 caffeine tablets). It should not be overlooked that caffeine is a stimulant of the nervous system and thus masks the general feeling of fatigue. Caffeine can be purchased at any pharmacy, 10 tab. in a pack of 200 mg of caffeine in each tablet.


It is an herbal extract derived from the bark of the African Yohimbe tree. Yohimbine blocks the activity of alpha-adrenergic receptors, which in turn prevent the release of fatty acids from fat cells. By the way, most scientists explain the presence of problem areas in women in the thighs and buttocks just by the large presence in these areas of a large number of those same alpha-adrenergic receptors. In addition, yohimbine enhances blood flow to the pelvic organs, including the genitals, disinhibits the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation, thereby increasing potency and libido. Taking the drug also stimulates the release of norepinephrine, which is reflected in the increased heart rate, vasoconstriction and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure. For obvious reasons, it is contraindicated in people with a weak heart and hypertension. It is best to take yohimbine on an empty stomach, twice: in the morning and before training, this time of taking will allow the drug to provide the maximum fat-mobilizing effect. The usual recommended daily dose is 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight.


It is not a steroid hormone, but a 2-beta sympathetic. And yet it can be compared in action with steroids. Like the combination of Winstrol Depot and Anavar, it promotes an increase in quality muscle mass, which is complemented by a significant increase in strength. The main valuable quality of clenbuterol is a strong anti-catabolic effect. It reduces the percentage of protein that breaks down in muscle tissues and helps to increase muscle cells. Therefore, many athletes use clenbuterol at the end of the cycle to avoid the catabolic phase that occurs after the end of steroid use. This drug has another valuable quality, and it is this that interests us to a greater extent, given the topic of our conversation today. It consists in the fact that clenbuterol has a significant fat burning effect. It burns fat without dieting with a slight rise in body temperature, which forces the body to use fat for fuel. Clenbuterol is very popular among professionals, especially in the pre-competition stage. While taking steroids, clenbuterol enhances their effect due to the increase in body temperature caused by it and the acceleration of protein metabolism in the body. The dosage depends on the body weight and the measured body temperature. Athletes usually take 2-4 tablets per day of 40 micrograms each. Women are content with a dose of 80-100 mcg per day. Clenbuterol is started with one tablet per day, and then gradually increase the dosage so as to achieve the desired dosage. There are various schemes for taking the drug, in which the main goal is either fat burning or an increase in muscle strength and mass. Since clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid, it does not cause the side effects of steroids, which is why women love it.

And finally...

Summing up all of the above, the following should be noted: the main fat-burning components were and remain physical activity and diet. In this article, perhaps the most harmless of the entire existing set of fat burners were given.
Whatever it was, only you are the sculptor of your body (as Arnold Schwarzenegger said - “My body, my business”) and it is up to you to decide what methods you will use to achieve the desired result. I don’t recommend anything specific to anyone, but just tried to describe the little that every athlete needs to know when losing fat - in order to avoid illiteracy ...

- this is one of the most widely known "courses" of anabolic steroids, since me-tan-dro-steno-lon itself is a legendary drug, about which one hears whether yes, the very latest pimples. The course of methane may consist of one pre-pa-ra-ta or several, depending on the training experience of the athlete and the goals he pursues. Methane is injectable and oral, but most often it is the oral form that is used. This is due to the fact that me-tan-dro-ste-no-lon solo, as a rule, is used as the first "courses", and in conjunction with anything else, usually some other drug is injectable. In fact, if you take any AAS solo, then these should be injections, since they do less harm to the or-ga-bottom, but since everything is injected afraid, then on solo courses, beginners use tab-let-ki. But be aware that steroids have side effects Therefore, they should not be used without the advice of a doctor!

The course of methane, like any other AAS, must first be accompanied by ana-li-za-mi, pos-kol-ku-ina-che, conducting post cycle therapy , You will have to point your finger at the no-bo. In any case, if you decide to take AAS, then you should start with me-tan-dros-te-no-lo-na, but the first course should be gentle. In general, it is necessary to introduce any ways to stimulate progress as slowly as possible. What for? Then, that or-ga-nism you-ra-ba-you-va-et tolerance towards them, therefore, for further progress, don’t-about-ho-di-mo more and more to exaggerate. For example, one athlete naturally gained 20kg of muscle mass, then started taking peptides, added another 10kg, then added a light co-lo course of methane, then heavier solo courses, then switched for complex courses, gaining a total of 70 kg of muscles. Another athlete immediately began to take complex courses, gained 30 kg, even 40 kg, but then what? So it turns out that, by immediately applying heavy artillery, you simply underestimate your max-si-mum yourself!

What's happened methandrostenolone?

Methandrostenolone is an androgenic anabolic steroid, with a pronounced ana-bo-li-ches-koy active-nos-tyu, which allows you to form a stable positive nitrogen balance and accelerate the splitting subcutaneous fat. At the cellular level, methane, penetrating into the cell nucleus, activates the synthesis of DNA, RNA and structural proteins. Methane-drostenolone accelerates the synthesis of ATP in cells by activating enzymes in the tissue respiration chain. At the same time, on the course of methane, the concentration of low-density lipo-pro-teins increases and the concentration of high-density lipo-pro-teins decreases, which leads to damage to the cardiovascular system. topics, liver function is also violated. That is why during the “course” it’s not-about-ho-di-mo to drink OMEGA-3, coenzyme Q10 and cholekinetics, which promote the outflow of bile from the gallbladder into the intestines.

Methandrostenolone began to be sold in the USA in 1958 under the brand name Di-ana-bol, in 5 mg tablets, today methane is represented by a whole range of different brands offering tablets 5 and 10 mg. To date, the market also has an in-ek-qi-on-naya form of "Dianoget" from Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals. It goes without saying that there are a lot of rumors around me-ta-na, which is due to its popularity and fame among those who have seen it except in pictures. Take the drug after meals, 2-3 times a day, in doses up to 30 mg per day, the duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. As a rule, they combine a course of meth with nandrolone, testosterone, sustanon, trenbolone and pri-mo-bo-la-nom.

Consequences of the course of methane

And here, as for the statistics of reviews collected on the sportwiki website:

How to make a course of methane

When drawing up a course, you should proceed from your own experience with AAS. If this is your first course, then you can use our 8-week beginners scheme, a link to which you can find at the beginning of the article. The first week is 10mg/day, the second non-de la is 15mg/day, the third is 20mg/day, the fourth is 25mg/day, the fifth is seventh-May is 30mg/day and the eighth week is 10mg/day. Let's make a reservation right away, taking more than 30 mg per day should not be done at all, it is much more reasonable to add some other drug, which will give a synergistic effect and less impact on health. Accordingly, they usually don’t do long-term courses of me-ta-on solo, therefore, in the following courses, they simply quickly reach the daily rate of up to 30 mg, for example, 2- 3 days 10mg/day, then 2/3 days 20mg/day and then 6-7 weeks 30mg/day, and in the last week there is a reverse decrease to zi-ro-wok.

Gradually, you will develop tolerance to methandrostenolone and use it co-lo will be meaningless, then complex courses will go into action, which should be discussed in detail and in detail. Once again, I would like to emphasize that we do not recommend using AAS, especially if you are just an amateur. Use AAS under-growth, people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, novice-cam, problems with liver and gastrointestinal tract should not be in principle. Remember that taking AAS is a very responsible decision, which should be approached professionally, having studied all the subtleties of training, having prepared your hormonal, muscular, nervous, ser- dech-but-so-su-dis-thuyu, bone and other systems to such serious overloads! Be vigilant, it’s better to measure seven times than to cut off with a fool what was not even supposed to be shortened!

It is a synthetic analogue of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone. These substances are quite natural for any man, because they allow the development of secondary sexual characteristics, are responsible for libido (sexual desire), contribute to the growth of muscle mass by accelerating protein synthesis in muscle tissues. The latter process is called anabolism, and therefore all drugs that allow you to stimulate such growth are called steroids and are one of the groups included in the category of drugs mentioned.

They began to synthesize AS in large quantities after the war of 1939-1945, however, successful experiments on transplantation of the gonads were carried out earlier, which allowed the experimental subjects to improve their well-being and even rejuvenate the body (within reasonable limits). Hormone molecules were somewhat modified in laboratories, which made it possible to enhance anabolic properties and reduce androgenic ones (accelerate the development of secondary sexual characteristics). It was this fact that allowed the emergence of anabolic steroids from androgenic ones. However, it is worth noting that almost all such drugs, in addition to the mentioned indices, also contain androgenic ones. In this article, we will talk with you about Methane, a steroid that has been one of the most popular in bodybuilding for a long time.


"Methandrostenolone" (slang name "Methane") is one of the anabolic steroids that is taken orally. It was originally synthesized by Dr. John Ziegler, after which it was released in the USA in the early 60s of the 20th century under the Ciba brand. At first it was intended for accelerated recovery and treatment of burns. Later, women began to use it to increase tone, and over time, it began to be widely used in bodybuilding, when athletes learned about its quality to accelerate muscle building. The Methane remedy is not the best option for it due to the rather large rollback after the course and the frequent manifestation of side effects, but it still holds firmly in the top five anabolic steroids. Of course, after some time the drug was banned by the FDA. Despite this, it is still legally sold in Mexico, Moldova, Romania, Poland and several Asian countries. The drug has other names: "Danabol", "Naposim", "Methandienone", "Dianabol", "Nerobol", etc. Next, we will tell you about how to take "Methane", describe its effects (both positive and negative) and provide other useful information.

Steroid profile means "Methane"

  1. Anabolic activity is 200% of testosterone.
  2. Is it toxic to the liver? - Yes.
  3. Androgenic activity is equal to 50% of testosterone.
  4. Is there aromatization (conversion to estrogen)? - Yes (at a low level).
  5. Detection time - up to 140 days.
  6. It is taken in the form of injections and tablets.
  7. Works for 6-8 hours.

Effects of application

  1. The main effect of "Methane" is an accelerated one that occurs due to the activation of protein synthesis, glycogenolysis. At the same time, strength indicators are growing.
  2. Increased appetite.
  3. There is a slight decrease in fat mass.
  4. The skeletal system is strengthened.
  5. The steroid "Methane" has a rather weak androgenic effect (50% compared to testosterone), but it has its place in vivo.
  6. Many studies have shown that side effects often occur when the dose of Dianabol is exceeded by more than 30 mg per day. Taking "Methane" for muscle growth in the recommended doses, you will definitely gain a sufficient amount of muscle mass, and therefore you should not be especially zealous.

Side effects

  1. Gynecomastia that occurs when a part of the drug "Danabol" is converted into estrogens (methylestradiol, which has a 30% higher affinity for estrogen receptors). To prevent the development of this side effect, it is necessary to use antiestrogen. These drugs are very effective in preventing such pathology.
  2. The steroid is toxic to the liver. The reason for this is the methyl group at the 17α-position. It does not allow the active substance to be destroyed in the liver, which allows the steroid to be used orally (orally), that is, as tablets. "Methane" has a specific pink color.
  3. When using Methane, fluid retention is often observed, which is associated with estrogens. True, it is worth noting that to a greater extent it is collected in the muscles, which gives the impression of an increased volume of muscles. At the end of the course, excess fluid is removed, reducing previously gained weight by 10-50%. How to take "Methane" so that this phenomenon does not occur? You just need to use aromatase inhibitors.
  4. Among other side effects, one can single out an increase in blood pressure (decided by the use of antiestrogens and antihypertensive drugs), an increase in libido during the course and a partial decrease after it. With abuse and overly long courses, testicular atrophy can occur, and with “bad” genetics, it can also.
  5. We will mention in a separate line the main problem for women. During the course, masculinization (the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics of men) may begin to appear.

Course "Methandrostenolone"

So, how to take "Methane" for a rapid increase in muscle mass gain? The course of "Methandrostenolone" below is suitable for men over 21 years old. It will allow you to improve your performance in a short time. Of course, it is worth taking it in the absence of various contraindications (liver and heart disease, hypertension, and others). It is recommended to consume no more than 30 mg per day. Now let's move on to the course.

Reception "Methane" should occur 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach (preferably). The course should be started with 10 mg, increasing the dose to 20-30 mg after 2-3 days (this is done in order to assess the tolerability of the drug). Reception "Methane" usually lasts 6 weeks. A week later, you can connect (for example, the "Anastrozole" remedy: you need to take it at 0.5 mg every 3 days), which will significantly reduce the conversion to estrogen, and also prevent the accumulation of fluid in the muscles and the formation of edema. At the end of the course, you need to conduct PCT (post-cycle therapy), which includes taking the drug "Tamoxifen" at a dose of 20 mg for 2 weeks. During the third week, the dosage should be gradually reduced until it is completely canceled.

Throughout the course, it is strongly recommended to monitor your blood pressure so that no complications arise. If you notice any significant deviations, it is advisable to lower the dose or start taking antihypertensive drugs (for example, Enalapril 5 mg). After the course, taking it for 3-4 weeks can help you get an accelerated recovery of testosterone secretion and prevent the rollback phenomenon. We must not forget that the use of anabolic steroids must be agreed with the doctor, because there is always the possibility of contraindications. To get the maximum effect from the use of the drug "Methane" and minimize the reduction in muscle mass loss immediately after the course, it is strongly recommended to use sports nutrition and balance your diet (remove all unnecessary). Well, we figured out how to take Methane, let's move on to the last point.

Combined courses "Danabol"

Due to the fairly frequent occurrence of side effects from the use of Methandrostenolone and the narrow breadth of positive results, knowledgeable people recommend combining this drug with other anabolic steroids. The dose of "Danabol" itself in this case ranges from 10 to 30 mg. This combination makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the course, while reducing the incidence of side effects, due to the different pharmacodynamics of the drugs. It must be remembered that any combination involves a strictly defined dose for each agent and a specific regimen. An example of a combination would be "Methane" for muscle growth and "Winstrol" for relief. But about these steroids, it is better to consult a professional trainer.

Methandrostenolone is an anabolic steroid that is taken orally (i.e. tablets). The drug was released in the USA in the early 60s of the last century by CIBA.

Initially, the drug was used to accelerate the recovery and treatment of BURN, as well as by women to increase the overall tone. But it soon became widespread in, as a means of increasing muscle mass and strength, until then it was banned by the US government - the FDA (this is the Food and Drug Administration).

Methane (danabol)

And yet, methane is still available without a prescription in some countries, for example:

  • Mexico (trade name for REFORVIT-b)
  • Moldova (Balkan Pharmaceuticals)
  • Romania (Terapia)
  • Poland
  • Russia (methane is sold as NEROBOL).

As practice shows, a course of SOLO METHANE lasting 6 weeks at dosages of 30 mg per day can increase muscle mass by 8-10 kg, with a rollback (2-5 kg, depending on how correctly you made the course).

  • Methane (most common name)
  • Danabol
  • Dianabol
  • Nerobol
  • let's write
  • Methandienone

Less common brands

Bionabol, Metastenol, Anabolin, Dehydromethyltestosterone, Novabol, Perbolin, Perabol, Stenolone, Vanabol, Anaboral and many others.

Steroid Profile

  • Anabolic effect: 200% of testosterone
  • Androgenic effect: 50% of testosterone
  • Directions for use: orally (tablets)
  • Time of action of the drug: 6-8 hours
  • Detection time: up to 120 days
  • Aromatase (conversion to estrogens): yes
  • Hepatotoxicity (toxicity to the liver): yes

Prima Methane Effects

  1. Rapid increase in muscle mass and strength
  2. Increased Appetite
  3. Strengthening the skeletal system
  4. Slight fat burning
  5. Methane, as already mentioned, has a weak androgenic effect (50% compared to testosterone), however, side effects begin to appear, most often when the athlete exceeds the dosage and duration of the course (i.e. more than 30 mg per day, more than 6 weeks).
side effects of taking methane
  • Gynecomastia - a side effect occurs as a result of the conversion of part of the methane into estrogens - methylestradiol, and it has a 30% greater affinity for estrogen receptors). In order to prevent development, you need to take anti-estrogens (tamoxifen, clomiphene, toremifene).
  • Hepatoxicity (toxicity to the liver) is precisely this side effect that many chemists are afraid of. In short, Mentan (as well as other oral steroid drugs) can provoke a thickening of the liver wall, as well as worsen the conductivity of the biliary tract, and this can lead to BILE stasis and PAIN in the right side. In order to avoid this on the course, you need to drink choleretic drugs (but all, but only HOLOSAS), other types of Karsil, Liv-52, Ovesol, Allochol, etc. only make your situation worse.
  • Fluid retention (the effect is associated with estrogens, water retention occurs predominantly in the muscles, therefore it gives the impression of large muscles). And after the course, excess water is removed and the weight drops by about 10-15% of what you have gained. This is not observed if you took aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole) on the course.
  • Increased blood pressure (the problem is easily solved if antiestrogens are used on the course, tamoxifen is best).
  • Testicular atrophy (occurs only when the dosage and duration of the course are exceeded).
  • Increased sexual activity (only during the course, after the course a temporary decrease).
  • Acne (pimples) during the course
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • In women, masculinization (coarsening of the voice, the appearance of hair in unnecessary places, etc.)
  • In severe cases, when an athlete abuses or has a genetic predisposition, the development of MYOCARDIAL hypertrophy is possible - this is a symptom that can lead to serious heart disease.
Methane course (SOLO)

The course is suitable for men over 21 years old in order to increase muscle mass. And also if there are no contraindications (for example, heart disease, liver disease, blood pressure, prostatic hypertrophy and other diseases) in general, if there are no contraindications.

The duration of the course is 6 weeks.

A week after the start of your course, it is advisable to include aromatase inhibitors (for example, ANASTROSOL 0.5 mg every 3 days). This will help you reduce your conversion to estrogen, and more importantly eliminate fluid buildup and swelling.

2 days after the end of your course, you need to conduct PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy: TAMOXIFEN at a dosage of 20 mg, 2 weeks. On the 3rd week, gradually reduce the dosage and stop completely.

Also, don't forget about:

  • Of necessity:
Combined course METHANE

In view of the different pharmacodynamics of drugs, combining drugs can reduce the frequency of side effects, as well as increase the effectiveness of your course.

To gain muscle mass, methane can be combined with:

  • Methane + Nandrolone (the best option)
  • Methane + Sustanon
  • Methane + Testosterone
  • Methane + Primobolan
  • Methane + Trenbolone

Sincerely, administrator.

Taking androgenic-anabolic steroids is a responsible matter, requiring the athlete or his coach to have maximum competence in the matter and constant monitoring of their own hormone levels. The illiterate use of exogenous sex hormones can lead to a result that is very far from the desired one. We are not even talking about such extremely unpleasant phenomena as: gynecomastia, decreased libido and potency, and so on. There are things much more real, like obesity from steroids.

Yes, yes, steroids do not promise to make you an Apollo at all - with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat and relief muscles. If you make a mistake and there is an imbalance in the proportion of female to male hormones, you risk getting fat from steroids on the sides, chest, thighs and buttocks, and even stay with a low libido for a while.

So how do you prevent fat from steroids? Let's first delve into the mechanism of this phenomenon.

The distribution of fat on the body is regulated by the ratio of sex hormones. So, men have a lot of male hormones and few female ones. Women, on the contrary, have few male hormones and many female ones. That is why fat in women is distributed on the sides, chest, hips and buttocks. This creates a female figure - wide hips, chest, narrow waist.

In men, fat is distributed differently - the lion's share goes to the stomach. And only after the accumulation of a certain amount of fat on the abdomen, when hormonal changes begin (after all, fat is the most active organ of the endocrine system), female hormones begin to predominate, fat deposits appear in “female” places.

Mechanism of fat deposition from steroids

Well, what about fat from steroids? The mechanism is completely identical. Surely, you have heard about such a phenomenon as aromatization. Our body always strives for homeostasis - a state of equilibrium. So, when too much testosterone enters the body, it tries to turn the excess of the hormone into estradiol in order to equalize the proportion. But in our case, this is not what we need, we need to keep estradiol in reference values ​​and at the same time keep a high level of estradiol.

If there is too much estradiol, changes begin in terms of fat deposition. It begins to be deposited precisely according to the female type - on the chest, sides, buttocks and hips. In addition, high levels of estradiol (also prolactin and progesterone) by themselves cause a much higher rate of fat accumulation. So, women by nature have more body fat.

Thus, it becomes obvious that we need to prevent an excessive increase in the level of estradiol and keep it within the reference values ​​for men. How to do it?

How to prevent fat accumulation from steroids?

In order to stop this extremely unpleasant process, we need to reduce aromatization. This is done by taking, such as: anastrozole, letrozole, "Selana", and others. Aromatase inhibitors will reduce the activity of the aromatase enzyme, and the level of estradiol can be kept within the normal range. Aromatase inhibitors should be taken based on estradiol indicators: take a hormone test a week after the start of the course, and if estradiol is elevated, start taking 0.5 mg anastrozole every other day. Then get tested again in a week. If estradiol has returned to normal, you can reduce the dosage to 0.25 mg every other day or leave it the same. If it is still high, continue taking it at the same dosage or increase it.

And of course, watch your calories. You must provide yourself with a calorie surplus, but only through quality food. If you are prone to the accumulation of fat - limit yourself to simple carbohydrates (sweet, starchy foods, fatty).
