Five obligatory prayers how to read namaz. Learning to read namaz correctly

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The Hanafi madhhab is the most popular, tolerant and most widespread madhhab in the world of Islam. Among Sunnis, more than 85% of Muslims are Hanafi.

For those who decide to start prayer, I advise you to start by learning the suras, verses and words that we pronounce during prayer. It is necessary to learn correctly and without picking the words. And the movements performed during prayer are the easiest to learn.

Here I offer everything you need to know in prayer:

I suggest you print them out and carry them with you all the time and read them everywhere. Learn very quickly, in about 1 - 2 days. This is not difficult.


1. Surah Al-Fatiha

Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-‘alamin.


Myaliki yaumid-din.

Iyyakya na'budu wa iyyakya nasta'in.


Syratal-lyazina an'amta ‘aleihim geyril-magdubi ‘aleihim wa lad-dallin.


2. Sura "Al-ihlas" Koran sura 112

Kul huwal-lahu ahad.

Allahus Samad.

Lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam yakul-lahu kufuvan ahad


3. Tahiyyat

At-tahiyyatu lil-lyahi was-salavat vat-tayyibat. As-salamu ‘alayka ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatul-lahi wa barakatuh. As-salamu ‘alayna wa ‘ala ‘ibadil-lyakhis-salihin. Ashhadu alla ilaha illa-llahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.


4. Salavat

Allahumma sally 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammad

Kama salleyta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim

Innaka hamidun majid.

Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammad

Kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ali Ibrahim

Innaka Hamidun Majid


5. Sura "Al-Baqarah", 201st ayat

Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhirati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar.


6. “Subhaanakyal-lahumma va bihamdik, va tabaarakyasmuk, va ta‘alaya jadduk, valyaya ilyayahe gairuk”


7. "Subhaana rabbiyal-‘azym"

8. "Sami'a llaahu li men hamideh"


9. "Rabbanaa lakyal-hamd"


10. "Subhaana rabbiyal-a'lyaya"


11. "As-salamu" "alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh"".


ATTENTION: after reading the sura "Al-Fatiha", the word "Amin" is said quietly so that even the neighbor cannot hear. Shouting the word "Amin" is not allowed!!! Feet during prayer, put on the width of the shoulders.

Salat (prayer, namaz) is the pillar of religion. Doing it correctly, in accordance with the Sunnah, is the duty of every Muslim. Unfortunately, we are often careless about the fulfillment of this basic precept of religion, following our whims, with little concern for praying in accordance with the order that has come down to us from the Prophet.

That is why most of our prayers remain deprived of the blessings of the Sunnah, although their fulfillment in accordance with all the rules will not require much time and labor from us. All that is required of us is a little effort and diligence. If we spend a little time and attention to learn the correct way to pray and make it a habit, then the time that we now spend on prayer will remain the same, but due to the fact that our prayers will be performed in accordance with the Sunnah , the blessings and rewards for them will be much greater than before.

The noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, paid great attention to the performance of each act of prayer, while continuing to learn to observe the Sunnah of the Prophet from each other. Due to this necessity, this modest article contains the methods of prayer practice according to the Sunnah according to the Hanafi madhhab and indicates the errors in prayer, which have become widespread in our time. By the mercy of Allah, the listeners found this work very useful. Some of my friends have wanted to make this article available in print so that more people can benefit from its advice. Yes, the purpose of this overview is to explain the performance of prayer according to the Sunnah and its application in practice with due attention. May Almighty Allah make this work useful for all of us and give us tawfiq in this.

By the Grace of Allah there is a large number of books, large and small, which describe the performance of prayer. Therefore, the purpose of this work is not to present an exhaustive description of prayer and its rules, we will focus only on a few important points, which will help bring the form of prayer in line with the requirements of the Sunnah. Another purpose of this work is the need to warn against errors in prayer, which have become widespread in our day. InshaAllah, the short tips given here will help bring our prayers in line with the Sunnah (at least appearance our prayers) so that a Muslim can humbly stand before the Lord.

Before starting prayer:

You must be sure that all of the following is done correctly.

1. It is necessary to stand up, turning towards the qibla.

2. You need to stand straight, your eyes should look at the place where you will bow to the ground (sajda). Bowing the neck and resting the chin on the chest is undesirable (makruh). It is also wrong to assume such a position when your chest is tilted. Stand up straight so that your eyes are fixed on the place where you are prostrating (sajda).

3. Pay attention to the location of your feet - they should also be directed towards the qibla (to deviate the feet to the right or left is also contrary to the Sunnah). Both feet should be turned towards the qibla.

4. The gap between both feet should be small, the size of four fingers.

5. If you are praying jama'at (collectively), you need to be sure that you are all standing in a straight line. The best way to make the line straight is when each person places the ends of both heels at the very end of the prayer mat, or on the line that is marked on the mat (which separates one part of the mat from the other).

6. When you stand in Jama'at, make sure that your hands are in close contact with the hands of those who are standing to your right and left, and that there are no gaps between you.

7. Leaving the ankles closed is unacceptable, under any conditions. Obviously, the unacceptability of this during prayer increases. So make sure the clothes you wear are higher than your ankles.

8. Sleeves should be long enough to cover the entire arm. Only the hands can be left open. Some people pray with their sleeves rolled up. It is not right.

9. It is also reprehensible (makruh) to pray in such clothes that you would not wear in public.

When you start a prayer:

1. Make a niyat or intention in your heart that you are going to pray such and such a prayer. There is no need to say the words of intention out loud.

2. Raise your hands up to your ears so that your palms are facing the direction of the qibla, the ends of your thumbs should touch or run parallel to your earlobes. The rest of the fingers stand straight and point up. There are those (who, while praying), turn their palms (more) towards their ears, and not towards the qibla. Some practically cover their ears with their hands. Some make a kind of weak symbolic gesture without raising their hands all the way to their ears. Some grab part of the ear with their hand. All these actions are wrong and contrary to the Sunnah, so they should be abandoned.

3. Raising your hands in this way up, say: "Allahu Akbar." Then, using the thumb and little finger of the right hand, wrap them around the wrist of the left hand and hold it in this way. Then, you must position the three remaining fingers of the right hand (behind) of the left hand in such a way that these three fingers are facing towards the elbow.

4. Position your hands slightly below your navel, positioning them as described above.


1. If you perform your prayer alone or lead it as an imam, first of all, say du'a Sana; then the sura "Al-Fatiha", then a few more suras. If you are following the Imam, you should only recite Du'a Sana and then stand silently listening attentively to the Imam's recitation. If you do not hear the reading of the Imam, you should recite Surah Al-Fatiha mentally in your heart, but without moving your tongue.

2. When you read (namaz) yourself, it will be better if you, reading Al-Fatiha, hold your breath on each verse and begin the next verse with a new breath. Do not read more than one verse in one breath. For example, hold your breath on (verse): “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-Aa’lyamiin,” and then on: “Ar-Rahmani-r-Rahim,” and then on: “Maliki yyaumid’din.” Recite the entire Surah Al-Fatihah in this way. But it will not be a mistake if you recite more than one verse in one breath.

3. Do not move any part of the body unnecessarily. Stay calm - the quieter the better. If you want to scratch or do something similar, use only one hand, but don't do it unless absolutely necessary, using a minimum of time and effort.

4. Transferring the entire weight of the body to only one leg so that the other leg remains as if in weightlessness, so that the body acquires a certain bend, will be against the etiquette of prayer. Refrain from it. It's best to distribute your body weight equally on both legs, or if you do need to shift your entire body weight onto one leg, you need to do it in such a way that the other leg doesn't flex (make a curved line).

5. If you feel the urge to yawn, try to refrain from doing so.

6. When you stand in prayer, fix your eyes on the place where you prostrate. Refrain from looking left, right, or straight ahead.

When you make a waist bow (ruku’):

When you bend down for a waist bow (ruku’), watch out for the following:

1. Tilt your upper body so that your neck and back are almost level (one line). Do not lean above or below this level.

2. When doing ruku, do not bend your neck so that your chin touches your chest, do not raise your neck above the level of the chest. The neck and chest should be at the same level.

3. In the hand, keep your feet straight. Do not position them sloping in or out.

4. Place both of your hands on your knees so that the fingers of both hands are not closed. In other words, when you hold your right knee with your right hand and your left knee with your left, there should be space between every two fingers.

5. When you stand in a waist bow, your wrists and arms should remain straight. They should not bend or twist.

6. Remain in a waist bow for at least the time during which you can calmly say three times: "Subhan Rabbiyal-Azym."

7. When you are in a waist bow, your eyes should be fixed on the soles of your feet.

8. Body weight should be distributed on both feet and both knees should be parallel to each other.

When you get up from ruku position:

1. As you rise from the arm position back to the standing position, be sure to stand straight without twisting or twisting your body.

2. In this position, the eyes should also be fixed on the place where you are prostrating (sajda).

3. Sometimes someone just pretends to stand up straight instead of getting up completely and standing straight, sometimes someone starts to perform sajda without straightening up properly from the position of the ruku’. In this case, it becomes obligatory for them to make the prostration again. So try to refrain from it. If you are not sure that you have straightened up properly from the position of the ruku’, do not start prostrating (sajda).

When you make a sajda (bow to the earth):

Remember the following rules when performing sajda:

1. First of all, bend your knees and stand (knees) on the prayer mat in such a way that your chest does not lean forward. The chest should be lowered when the knees are already on the floor.

2. Until you kneel on the floor, refrain as much as possible from bending or lowering your upper body. This particular rule of prayer etiquette has become especially common in our day. Many people immediately bow their chest, starting to descend into sajda. But the method described above is correct. If this (the above) is not done for a serious reason, this rule cannot be neglected.

3. After you kneel down, you lower yourself onto your hands, then lower the tip of your nose, then your forehead.

In sajda (prostration):

1. While in prostration, hold your head between your two hands so that the ends of your thumbs are parallel to your earlobes.

2. In prostration, the fingers of both hands should remain pressed to each other, there should be no space between them.

3. Fingers should be directed towards the qibla.

4. Elbows should remain elevated off the floor. Putting your elbows on the floor is wrong.

5. Hands should be kept away from the armpits and sides. Do not cover your sides and armpits with your elbows.

6. At the same time, do not keep your elbows too wide apart, thus creating discomfort for those who are praying next to you.

7. The hips should not touch the stomach, keep the hips and stomach apart from each other.

8. During the entire prostration, the tip of the nose should remain pressed to the floor.

9. Both feet should be placed vertically on the floor, with the heels pointing up and the toes curled up, pressed to the floor and pointing towards the qibla. If someone cannot do this for some physiological reason, he should tuck his fingers as far as possible. It is wrong to place the toes parallel to the floor without serious reasons.

10. Be careful that your feet do not come off the floor during the entire prostration. Some people perform sajda without resting even one of their toes on the floor for a moment. In this case, their prostration is considered unfulfilled, respectively, the entire prayer becomes invalid. Watch very carefully to refrain from such a mistake.

11. It takes so much time to be in the position of sajdah so that you can calmly say “Subhan Rabbiyal-Aa’la” three times. Raising your head from the floor as soon as your forehead touches the ground is prohibited.

Between two prostrations:

1. Rising from the first bow to the ground, sit straight on your hips, calmly and comfortably. Then make a second earthly bow (sajda). Making a second prostration, without straightening, immediately after you raise your head a little, is a sin. If someone makes (bow to the ground) in this way, he will have to start the prayer again.

2. Pull your left leg under you (like the blade of a hockey stick). Place your right foot upright with your toes pointing towards the qibla. Some people tuck both legs under them and sit on their heels. It is not right.

3. While you are sitting, both hands should be on the thighs, but the fingers should not go down (on the knees themselves), the fingertips should only reach the place where the edge of the knee begins.

4. While you are sitting, your eyes should be fixed on your knees.

5. You should remain in the sitting position for as long as you can say: "Subhanallah" - at least once. If you say while sitting (between two earthly prostrations): “Allahumma gfirli varhamni vasturni vahdini varzukni,” it will be even better. But it is not necessary to do this during the fard prayer (obligatory prayer), it is better to do it when performing the nafil prayer (additional prayer).

The second bow to the earth and the rise after it (rising after it):

1. Make the second prostration in the same order as the first - first place both hands on the floor, then the tip of the nose, then the forehead.

2. The complete performance of the earthly bow should be the same as mentioned above in connection with the first earthly bow.

3. When you rise from the sajda position, first lift your forehead off the floor, then the tip of your nose, then both hands, then your knees.

4. When getting up, it is better not to lean on the floor for support, however, if it is difficult to do (it is difficult to get up without support) due to body weight, illness or old age, lean on the floor for support is allowed.

5. After you rise to your original position, say: “Bismillah,” before reciting Surah Al-Fatiha at the beginning of each rak'at.

In the position of ka'da (sitting between two rak'ats of prayer):

1. Sitting in a position (ka'da) should be done in the same way as it was described above in the part where it was said about sitting between two earthly prostrations.

2. When you reach the words: “Ashkhadu alla ilaha,” when reading (du’a) “At-tahiyat”, you should raise your index finger with a pointing movement and lower it back when you say: “il-Allah”.

3. How to make a pointing movement: you make a circle, connecting the middle and thumb, cover your little finger and ring finger (the one next to it), then raise your index finger so that it points towards the qibla. It should not be lifted straight up towards the sky.

4. Lowering the index finger, it is put back in the same position that it had before the start of the pointing movement.

When you turn around (to say salaam):

1. When you turn to say salam to both sides, you should turn your neck so that your cheek is visible to those who are sitting behind you.

2. When you turn to (say) salaam, your eyes should be fixed on your shoulders.

3. Turning your neck to the right with the words: “As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,” have the intention to greet all people and angels on the right. In the same way, when giving salaam to the left, have the intention of saluting all the people and angels to your left.

How to make dua

1. Raise both your arms up so that they are in front of your chest. Leave a small space between both hands. Don't keep your hands close together and don't keep them far apart.

2. During the du'a, the inside of the hands should be facing the face.

Namaz for women

The above method of praying is for men. Namaz performed by women differs from men in some respects. Women should be careful about the following:

1. Before starting prayer, women should make sure that their entire body, except for the face, hands and feet, is covered with clothing. Sometimes women pray with their hair open on their heads. Some leave their wrists open. Some use a scarf so thin or small that dangling locks of hair can be seen through it. If during prayer at least a quarter of any part of the body remains open for such a time, which is enough to say: “Subhan Rabbial-Azym”, three times, then such a prayer becomes invalid. However, if a smaller part of the body remains open, the prayer will be valid, but (on such a prayer) sin still remains.

2. For women, praying in a room is better than on a veranda, and doing it on a veranda is better than doing it in a courtyard.

3. At the beginning of the prayer, women do not need to raise their hands to their ears, they only need to raise them to shoulder level. And the hands should be raised inside a scarf or other covering. You should not take your hands out from under the covers.

4. When women fold their arms across their chests, they should simply place the palm of their right hand over the end of their left hand. Folding your hands at the level of the navel, like men, is not necessary.

5. In a waist bow (ruku '), women do not have to completely align their backs, like men. Also, they should not bend as low as men.

6. In position, the man's hand should be wrapped around his knees with his fingers, women only need to put their hands on their knees so that the fingers are close to each other, that is, so that there is space between the fingers.

7. Women should not keep their legs completely straight, instead they should bend their knees slightly forward.

8. In the ruku position, men should keep their arms outstretched to the sides from the sides. Women, on the contrary, should press their hands to their sides.

9. Women should keep both legs close together. Both knees should be almost connected so that there is no distance between them.

10. When performing sajda, men should not lower their chest until they place both knees on the floor. Women do not need to follow this method - they can immediately lower their chest and begin to perform sajda.

11. Women should perform sajda so that the stomach is pressed to the hips and the arms are pressed to the sides. In addition to this, they can place their feet on the floor, pointing them to the right side.

12. Men are not allowed to put their elbows on the floor during sajdah. But women, on the contrary, should put their entire arm, including the elbows, on the floor.

13. While sitting between two sajdas and reading At-Tahiyat, women sit on their left thighs, pointing both legs to the right and leaving their left foot on the right shin.

14. Men are required to pay close attention to the position of their fingers during ruku', and keep them together in sajda, and then leave them as they are during the rest of the prayer, when they make no effort to connect or reveal them. But women are required to keep their fingers close together so that there is no space between them. This should be done in the position of ruku’, in sajda, between two sajda and in ka’da.

15. It is makruh (undesirable) for women to perform prayer with jama’at, praying alone (will be) preferable for them. However, if their male mahrams (members of their family) pray in the house, there will be nothing wrong if the women also join them in the jama'at. But in this situation it is necessary that they stand exactly behind the men. Women should not stand next to men in the same row.

Some essential rules of behavior in the mosque

1. Entering the mosque, say the following du'a:

“Bismillahi you-salaat you-salaam ala Rasulullah. Allahhumma aftahli abwaba rahmatik"

(“I enter (here) with the name of Allah and a prayer of blessing to His Messenger. O Allah, open the doors of Your Grace to me”).

2. Immediately after entering the mosque, make the intention: "I will remain in (state) i'tikaf all the time while I am in the mosque." By doing this, inshaAllah, one can hope for spiritual benefits from i'tikaf (stay in the mosque).

3. Passing inside the mosque, it is best to sit in the front row. If the first rows are already occupied, sit where you find an empty seat. Passing by stepping over the necks of people is unacceptable.

4. You should not greet those who are already sitting in the mosque and busy with dhikr (remembrance of Allah) or reading the Koran. However, if one of these people is not busy looking at you, it won't hurt you to greet them.

5. If you want to perform sunnah or nafil prayer in a mosque, choose a place where the least number of people can pass in front of you. Some people begin their prayers in the back rows, while there is enough space in front. Because of this, it becomes difficult for other people to pass between them to find an empty seat. Praying in this way is a sin in itself, and if one passes in front of the person making the prayer, then the sin of passing in front of the praying person also falls on the one who makes such a prayer.

6. After entering the mosque, if you have some free time before starting the prayer, then, before sitting down, perform two rak'ats (prayers) with the intention of tahiya al-masjid. This is a very commendable thing. If you do not have time before prayer, you can combine the intention for tahiya al-masjid with the intention for sunnat prayer. If you don’t have time even to perform sunnat prayer, and the jama’at has already gathered (ready for prayer), this intention can be attached to the intention for fard prayer.

7. While you are in the mosque, keep doing dhikr. It is especially helpful to say the following words:

"SubhanAllah wal-hamdullilyahi wa la ilaha il-Allah wa Allahu Akbar"

(“Exalted be Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no God but Allah, Allah is Great”).

8. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into unnecessary talk while you are (in the mosque) that may distract you from worship and prayer or dhikr (remembrance of Allah).

9. If the jama’at is already ready (has already gathered) for prayer, fill in the first rows first of all. If there is a free seat in the front rows, it is not allowed to stand in the back rows.

10. When the imam takes his place at the minbar to deliver the Friday khutbah (sermon), it is not allowed to speak, greet someone or respond to a greeting until the end of the prayer. However, if someone starts talking at this time, it is also not permissible to ask them to keep quiet.

11. During the sermon (khutba) sit as you sit in qa'da (during prayer). Some people sit like this only in the first part of the khutba, and then put their hands differently (remove them from the hips) in the second part of it. This behavior is wrong. One should sit with hands on hips during both parts of the sermon.

12. Refrain from anything that can spread dirt or smell around the mosque or cause harm to someone.

13. When you see someone doing something wrong, ask him not to do it, calmly and gently. It is unacceptable to openly insult him, reproach him, quarrel with him.

ATTENTION: in more detail about prayer and how to make ablution, you can

It is said in Qur'an (Sura Al-Munafiqun, Ayat 9):

About those. who believed! In no case be distracted from remembering Allah - Worshiping Allah because of your busyness with money matters or because you devoted all your time to taking care of your children.

This verse tells the believers not to neglect their religious duties because they are busy with the affairs of life, such as earning money or caring for children.

One of the duties that some do not perform and perform at the wrong time due to being busy with worldly affairs is the performance of the obligatory Namaz five times a day.

Allah Almighty created our wealth, our health, joy, as well as our illnesses, our troubles and problems, and created our children, and their problems and joys and everything else. But we must think that our life issues do not distract us from the most important and priority - the worship of the One God, who created us and distinguished us from animals, plants and from many other creatures and gave us their use. And, despite the unrest and difficulties associated with how to live and how to live our days, we must not forget the most basic thing - what Allah Almighty commanded. Unfortunately, in our time, many people, both among women and among men, miss obligatory Namaz because of their employment in the bazaar, at enterprises, because of their employment with their young children. They do not organize their time properly and do not prioritize what is more important.

One Namaz takes only 2 to 5 minutes for the prayer. Are they really so busy that they can’t even take these minutes to perform their duties?! But at the same time, he is ready to spend all his time in order to think, to seek better ways earn money, from whom you can take and to whom to give, how to teach, how to relax, how to send children on vacation and various other issues.

He is ready to think day and night about those issues where it is a question of how to earn more, but he does not think about how to earn more sauab for himself in the Other World. Life in the Other World is eternal, unlike this disappearing life.

You should think about the fact that all the riches that are in this world: palaces, cars, gold, oil, gas, precious stones, metal, etc. natural resources- all of them were before us, and someone used it. and no one has been able to take advantage of it.

Despite this, everyone left this life, but this wealth remained. As it left us after them, so it will remain after us for the next generations, and so on - until all this disappears. What will we take with us eternal life- gold, children? Of course not. And let us take with us only our deeds acquired in this life. knowledge, actions, kind words or vice versa, bad words, bad deeds, ignorance - we will answer for this.

Therefore, we should be wise, rightly reason, rightly organize our time. You should plan your time rationally - identifying for yourself more important, priority issues and less important ones, and act according to this plan.

Unfortunately, men and women waste a lot of time. It happens that, while taking care of the dog they have, people miss the times of Namaz: they walk, feed, and so on. Some women miss out on some of the ritualistic responsibilities due to caring for their children (or grandchildren). This is a big offense for which a person deserves to be punished. Sometimes women who miss one Namaz Az-Zuhr or Al-Asr, knowingly, and the time of Namaz leaves because of serving children, then they are at a loss and lose a lot of the benefits that they would have in this and the Other World if they followed.

One who misses one Namaz, like Al-Asr knowingly, without good reason, is similar to one who has lost all his loved ones: wife, children, relatives, relatives and property 1.

What will be the state of a person who has lost his relatives and property: left without money, without a home, without a wife, without parents, without children, without relatives and others? He benefited from them when they were, he was pleased to be among them: he did not get bored, communicated, shared, helped each other, had his own interest. What is the state of the one who lost all this, the one who immediately lost all his relatives, to whom he went and was among them? What is it like for someone who has lost the wealth that ensured his existence - his earnings.

Isn't it hard when that happens to a person in this life when he loses everything? Loses his family, all relatives and property?

For example, a woman who lost her husband (as if due to death), lost her brothers, parents - everyone left this life, completely lost all her property that she previously had: money, etc. She immediately lost all her property and money, what will her position? Wouldn't she consider herself in the worst, most difficult and unpleasant situation?

The situation of someone who deliberately misses Namaz Al-Asr is similar to the fact that this person would have his property and relatives disappear.

Namaz Al-"Asr - has a great advantage over others. It is better than Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night prayers. And the one who leaves such a Namaz is in an even worse situation. If someone missed even one Namaz, then he himself should feel his position, that he violated the Command of Allah Almighty and in what position he is now.

To feel that his condition is worse than if he lost all his property, all his relatives and friends, that he was left completely alone. And especially if it is Namaz Al-"Asr: it is the best in comparison with As-Subh, Az-Zuhr, Al-Mag rib and Al-"Isha Namazami, and the highest priority. The one who consciously misses Namaz Al-Asr, then his sin is greater than if he missed another Namaz, and his condition is much worse.

Why does Al-Asr have an advantage over other Namaz? The time of Namaz Al-Asr is such that people are more than usual busy with their life issues, trying to complete their life affairs before sunset. Therefore, in the careful observance of this Namaz, without missing it, there is opposition to the intervention of the shaitan and opposition to one's nafs, which pushes one to enjoy life. Shaitan persuades a person to leave Namaz, suggesting to him that this day is about to leave, but you need to have time to meet with this and that, buy this and that, because. then people leave and the store closes, and so on. If, despite this, he puts aside everything and reads Namaz on time, then his struggle against the shaitan is expressed by this.

A person has two real enemies - this is nafs and shaitan. Nafs is the very inner nature of a person, which pushes him to transgressions, committing sins and continuous pleasures. The nafs of a person inclines him to have fun, enjoy, be interested in life's affairs. Shaitan uses the nafs of a person to push a person towards such life pleasures.

When a person controls himself, forces himself to always perform Namaz Al-Asr on time and does not consciously miss it, then by this he opposes his nafs, which persuades him to violate, to commit a sin, and also does not succumb to the instigations of the shaitan, does not obey him.

When the Prophet, peace be upon him, was preparing for the battle of Khandak, he forgot because of his busyness that the time of Namaz Al-Asr was already running out. The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, which means: “ The pagans distracted us from the middle Namaz (Al-"Asr)". And he asked Allah that their houses and graves be filled with fire (so that they would have troubles).

Theologians said that on that day the Prophet, peace be upon him, and some of His companions were so busy preparing for the battle that they forgot about reading Namaz al-"Asr (there is a good reason): the time has already come for Namaz al-Mag rib, and they have not yet recited Al-'Asr. Then the Prophet during the Maghreb read Al-"Asr and after that Al-"Isha.

And some theologians of Islam interpreted this in such a way that it was allowed under such conditions to postpone Namaz to another time due to preparation for the battle, since it was a difficult, not safe time.

Many theologians who lived in the territory of Sham (this is the territory of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan), as well as in the territory of Yemen (there is barakah there, because the Prophet himself read Du "a, so that Allah would bless the countries of Sham and Yemen) said that if there is such a state is fear, there is no peace and stability, that it is allowed to combine Namaz with another (to be late for the next Namaz). They took as an example what happened with the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the preparation of that battle of Al-Khandaq. Some theologians said, that Namaz was deliberately postponed, and some said they forgot.

More attention needs to be given to priority issues. We are getting old, time is running out. We were born and we go towards death. Whether we like it or not, even if we do not feel its approach, death itself is approaching us.

Everyone leaves this life at their appointed time. We are like at the station, where everyone is waiting for their train to leave this place. Those who are waiting at the station have with them the most important things he needs, which everyone tries not to forget. Whether we like it or not, we are waiting for this moment.

Even if we are distracted from this because of the pleasures of life, our train is still approaching. Death will come, and it will take each of us in turn: someone in these minutes, someone in a day, someone in a year, etc. Therefore, prepare your “things”: what to take with you. Refrigerator, car, cottage, and even clothes - we will not take with us.

Even if we ordered a grave for ourselves, we do not know whether we will be in this grave or in another, in this land or in another. If we want these people to carry our body to the grave, or such and such people to wash us, or such and such a person to read Namaz Janaz for us, we do not know: maybe these people will die before us. Who will die when is unknown to anyone except God, but our course is the same - towards the grave. Therefore, be prepared for this day.

(If someone overslept the time of Namaz or was busy with some business and completely forgot about Namaz, not remembering Namaz until the end of the time, then he missed Namaz for a good reason).

After believing in God and His Messenger - Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, the fulfillment of the five obligatory Namaz (Prayers) is the best deed of a Muslim. One day Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him, was asked what deed is the best. He replied:

الصَّلاةُ لِوَقْتِهَا أَيْ فِي أَوَّلِ وَقْتِهَا

which means: Obligatory Prayers performed on time. Passed this X adi from Imam Al Baiha to th.

When we say "Namaz", we mean the worship of God in the way it was reported to the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him. All Prophets, from the Prophet BUT lady before Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon them, ordered their followers to perform Namaz as it was commanded by God.

Since ancient times, Namaz has been the most important deed after faith in God and His Messenger, and each of us must plan the regime of our day in such a way as to be able to perform Namaz on time. It is a great sin when a mukallaf ignores the performance of Namaz, justifying himself by being busy: shopping in a store or waiting for a flight at the airport and not being able to come home or go to the mosque, he is still obliged to perform Namaz on time. Even when a person is sick and lies in bed, as long as he is sane, he is obliged to perform Namaz. The above indicates that the fulfillment of the obligatory Namaz is more priority than other matters.


There are obligatory and optional prayers, for the performance of which a reward is given. The optional prayers require the same preparations as the five obligatory prayers. There are several requirements for a person who wants to perform Namaz: the prayer must be a Muslim who has reached the age of mumayiz - this is usually seven years lunar calendar(about 6 years and 9 months according to the calendar generally accepted in the world).

T ah but rat (Purification)

To perform Namaz, a Muslim must be able to T ah but rat". T ah but rat includes: purification from naj but sy (filth), Al- At at du` (partial washing of the body) and Al- G usul (full ablution of the body) - for the one who is obliged to do this.

Cleansing from najas (from impurities)

According to Shar And‘atu some substances are unclean. Their presence on the body, clothing of a person, at the place of Prayer, as well as with oneself (for example, in a pocket) during Namaz is not allowed. We list some of them: urine, feces, blood, vomiting, discharge from male and female genital organs, with the exception of mania (according to the school of Imam Sh but fi‘iy maniy are not impurities).

In order to cleanse after urination, a person blots the urine with toilet paper, then pours water on the urine-contaminated areas.

In case of excretion of feces, a person removes it from the body with toilet paper, then pours water on contaminated places to remove traces of impurities.

It is also acceptable to use only toilet paper or only water. However, the use of one toilet paper has its own conditions. You can limit yourself to using paper if the urine has not spread beyond the exit from the urethra. If the urine has gone beyond these boundaries, then it is necessary to apply water. Also in the case of feces: if the impurities have gone beyond the zone located inside the buttocks brought together when the person is in a standing position.

Al- At at du` (small or partial washing of the body)

All said but h the Most High in the Holy TO ur`ane (Sura 5 “Al-M but`ida", Ayat 6):

﴿ يَأَيُّهَا الذّينَ ءَامَنُوا إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلى الصَّلاةِ فَاغْسِلوا وُجُوهَكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلى المَرَافِقِ وامْسَحُوا بِرُءُوسِكُمْ وَأَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلى الكَعْبَيْنِ ﴾

This Ayat means: “Oh you! Those who believed, if you stand for Salah (that is, before Namaz), wash your faces and hands up to the elbows (including the elbows), wipe your heads (that is, at least part of the head) and wash your feet up to the ankles (including the ankles).

Al- At at du` consists of mandatory requirements and optional, but recommended for committing acts. Mandatory requirements are those without which Al- At at du` is invalid. The recommended actions are those, if they are not fulfilled, Al- At at du` is valid, and a reward is given for their execution. Al- At at du` is performed only with water.

How to perform Al- At at du`

  1. It is recommended to draw water into the nose, bringing water to the nose with your right hand, and then blow your nose with your left hand, 3 times (Fig. 3).
  2. Necessarily make the intention of committing Al- At at du`. When the water touches your face, you should "say" in your heart:
    “I set out (las) to fulfill Al- At at du`».
  3. Necessarily wash your face (skin and hair) completely: from the place on the forehead, where most people have hair, to the chin, from one ear to the other (Fig. 4). A thick beard is washed superficially (it is not necessary to wash it to the very roots of the hair).

    Fig.3 Fig.4

    If the point in the middle of the forehead, where the hair begins, is connected with a thread to the upper part of the base of the ear (where it connects to the head), then everything below the thread (hair, skin, part of the ears) will be the area which necessary rinse (Fig. 4-a, 4-b).
    It is recommended to wash your face 3 times.

  4. Necessarily wash your hands once up to the elbows, including the elbows. It is recommended to wash each hand 3 times: first, the right, then the left (Fig. 5).
  5. Necessarily wipe the head or part of it (Fig. 6).
  6. It is recommended to wipe the ears 3 times.
  7. Necessarily wash your feet, including the ankles. It is recommended to wash 3 times, starting with the right foot.
  8. Necessary in order to perform mandatory actions c paragraphs. 1-10 occurred in the above sequence.
  9. After the completion of Al At at du` it is recommended to read "Du' but`Al- At at du`»».

دُعَاءُ الوُضُوءِ

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِى مِنَ التَّوَّابِينَ، وَاجْعَلْنِى مِنَ المُتَطَهِّرِينَ.
سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَ بِحَمْدِكَ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ

Du‘ but`Al- At at du`

/ Ashhadu all I silt I ha illusll but h(y), At but X dahu l I ball And kya Lyah(y), at aashhadu anna mu X ammadan ‘abduhu wa Ras at lu(h). All but humma j'aln And minat-ta uubut b And on the) at a-j'aln And minal-mu that tahhir And n. Sat Ha nakya-llahumma at a bi X amdik(ya), ashhadu all I silt I ha illa Ant (a), asta G firuka at a at at boo ilyik/

These words mean:

"I testify that there is no deity but God - Allah but ha who has no partner, and I testify that Mu X ammad - His servant and Messenger.

Oh All but h! Let me be among those who have repented, and let me be among those who have been cleansed. You are above all imperfections. Praise and Glory to Thee. I testify that there is no god but You. I ask Your forgiveness and repent before You.”


When performing Al- At at du` and Al- G usul it is preferable to use a small amount of water. In the collection " FROM but hih Muslim” it is said that the Messenger of Allah but ha, peace be upon him, used the mudd of water (a handful - two palms of an average person brought together) to perform Al- At at du` and Cbut‘(four handfuls of an average person) to perform Al- G usul. Also in the collection "Sa hih Muslim” it is mentioned that the Messenger of Allah but ha used six mudds of water for Al- At at du` and thirty mudds for Al- G usul.

What stops Al- At at du`

If you were able to "Al- At at du`", and then one of the circumstances that stopped Al- At at du`, then you cannot perform Namaz until you perform Al- At at du` again. Circumstances violating Al- At at du`:

TO "al-ajnabiy" does not include close relatives: mother, father, sister, brother, etc., with whom, according to Shar And‘atu, you cannot marry.

If at least one of these circumstances occurred during Namaz, then Namaz is immediately violated, and Al- At at du` and perform Namaz.

Al- G usul (full body ablution)

In order to perform Namaz, a Muslim must perform Al- G usul in the following cases:

How to perform Al- G usul

  1. Necessary make the intention of doing Al- G usul as soon as the water touches the body. One should “say” in the heart: “I intended (intentioned) to fulfill the obligatory (fard) G usul";
  2. Necessarily wash the entire body with water, including the entire hairline. It is recommended to do this 3 times;

When performing Al- At at du` and Al- G usulya it is necessary that everything that prevents the flow of water through the body is removed (for example: nail polish or mascara on the eyelashes).

Tayammum (cleansing without water)

In some cases (if there is no water or its use is harmful to health), instead of Al- At at du` or Al- G usul, Tayammum is performed, i.e. cleansing with the help of earth (sand), as mentioned in the Holy TO ur`ane:

﴿ فَلَمْ تَجِدُوا مَآءً فَتَيَمَّمُوا صَعِيدًا طَيّبًا فَامْسَحُوا بِوُجُوهِكُمْ وأَيْدِيَكُم مّنْهُ ﴾

(Sura 4 "An-Nis but`", Ayat 43),

which means: “If you do not find water, then perform Tayammum with pure earth. Wipe your faces and hands with it."

Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

جُعِلَتْ لَنَا الأَرْضُ كُلُّهَا مَسْجِدًا وَجُعِلَتْ تُربَتُهَا لَنَا طَهُورًا

It means: “We are allowed to pray on pure land and it is allowed to use it for ritual cleansing - Tayammuma.” This saying was narrated by Imam Muslim.

In order to perform Tayammum, a person must be sure that the time for Namaz has come. Tayammum is valid for only one obligatory Namaz. Before each obligatory Namaz, Tayammum is performed again. For optional prayers, one Tayammum is enough.

How to perform Tayammum

The performer of Tayammum must be sure that the earth (sand) with which he is going to perform Tayammum contains dust and that it has not been used previously to perform Tayammum (Fig. 1).

Performing Tayammum:

  1. Necessarily- hit the ground with your palms and make an intention, "saying" with your heart: "I intended (intended) to perform Tayammum in order to have the right to perform the obligatory Namaz." Intention arises from the moment the hands are raised from the ground after hitting it and continues until the hands touch the face; (fig.2);

  2. Necessarily- wipe the dust left on the palms after hitting the ground (on the sand), the whole face (face boundaries: see the section "How to perform Al- At at du`") - fig. 3;
  3. Necessarily- 2nd time to hit the ground with your palms and rub both hands with them (those parts that are washed during Al- At at du`).

  4. It is recommended to wipe the right one first, and then - left hand(Fig. 4). Necessary be sure that the earth (sand) remaining on the hand that is wiping the other hand has reached all parts of the hand being wiped (Fig. 5-8).

When is Namaz performed

Obligatory Namaz performed only after they will be sure that the time for this Namaz has come. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to determine the time of the onset and end of each obligatory Namaz.

Five obligatory prayers

All said but h in Sacred TO ur`ane:

﴿ حَافِظوا عَلى الصَّلوات ﴾

(Sura 2 "Al-Ba to ara, Ayat 238").

It means: "Perform the five obligatory prayers."

Allah's Messenger said but ha, peace be upon him:

خَمْسُ صَلَوَاتٍ كَتَبَهُنَّ اللهُ عَلى العِبَاد. من أَتى بِهِنَّ لَمْ يُضَيّعْ منهُنَّ شَيئًا اسْتخفَافًا بِحَقّهِنَّ كَانَ لَهُ عِنْدَ اللهِ تَبَارَكَ وتَعالى عَهْدٌ أن يُدْخِلَهُ الجَنَّة. ومن لَمْ يَأْتِ بِهِنَّ فَلَيْسَ لَهُ عِنْدَ اللهِ عَهْدٌ إن شاء عذَّبَه وإن شاء غَفَر لَه

It means: “There are five prayers that Allah but h commanded to fulfill His servants. To the one who performs them properly, without violations, All but h promised Paradise. The one who did not perform Namaz as expected is in danger: God did not promise him deliverance from the torment of hell - Allah but h will either punish him or grant him forgiveness.” Narrated this saying by Imam A X mad.

Every Muslim mukallaf (adult, insane), that hir (that is, a woman in a clean period, when she does not have menstruation or postpartum discharge) must perform five Namaz per day.

The following five prayers are obligatory:

  1. Namaz "A" hW uhr” (Afternoon Prayer);
  2. Namaz “Al-‘A from r” (Evening Prayer);
  3. Namaz “Al-Ma” G rib” (Evening Prayer);
  4. Namaz “Al-‘Ish but`” (Night Prayer);
  5. Namaz "A" fromFROM ub X” (Dawn Prayer).

Each of the obligatory prayers has its own specific time at which it must be performed. Performing the obligatory Namaz before or after a certain time without a good reason for Religion is a sin.

All but h bestowed knowledge on the Prophet Mu X ammadu through the Archangel Jabrail, peace be upon them, how to determine the time of each Namaz.

How to determine the times of Namaz

Namaz "A" from FROM ubh” (Dawn Prayer)

Prayer time “A” fromFROM ub X” (in Fig. - A) begins with a true dawn, i.e. just after a thin horizontal white band appears on the eastern horizon. Prayer time “A” fromFROM ub X” continues until sunrise, that is, until the sun disk appears on the eastern horizon (in Fig. - B).

Namaz "A" h W uhr” (Afternoon Prayer)

Prayer time “A” hW uhr” starts from the moment the sun deviates from the zenith towards the west (in Fig. - C) and continues until the length of the shadow from a certain object becomes equal to its height plus the length of the shadow from this object at the moment when the sun was in zenith (in Fig. - D).

Namaz “Al-‘Asr” (Evening Prayer)

Prayer times “Al-‘A from r” begins immediately after the time of Namaz “A” ends. hW uhr” (in Fig. - D), and ends with sunset, i.e. when the solar disk is completely hidden behind the horizon (in Fig. - E).

Namaz “Al-Maghrib” (Evening Prayer)

Namaz “Al-Ma” G rib” begins after full sunset (E) and continues until the red sunset line on the western horizon disappears (F).

Namaz “Al-‘Isha” (Night Prayer)

Prayer times “Al-‘Ish but`” begins immediately after the end of the time of Namaz “Al-Ma G rib”, and ends with the advent of the true dawn.

How to dress for prayer

A woman must cover her entire body (with clothing that hides her skin color), except for her face and hands. The body must remain covered during the entire Namaz. If, in Namaz, when tilted, the scarf covering the woman’s head, for example, slid forward, exposing her neck, her Namaz is not accepted. Also, a woman must be sure that her body is closed on all sides, except for the bottom (top and side). For this purpose, over your main clothing, you can wear a special dress that would completely cover the body from all sides except the bottom. The second dress has another benefit: it hides the shape of the woman's body.

For a man, the area from the navel to the knees on all sides, except for the bottom, should be closed during the entire Namaz. Also his clothes must be opaque, that is, hiding the color of the skin.


Every Muslim mukallaf must perform five prayers a day, which are called obligatory. Failure to perform any of the obligatory prayers without a valid religious reason is a great sin.

One of the advantages of performing obligatory Namaz is that a person is forgiven for minor sins committed by him between Namaz. Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

أَرَأَيْتُمْ لَوْ أَنَّ نَهْرًا بِبَابِ أَحَدِكُمْ يَغْتَسِلُ مِنْهُ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ خَمْسَ مَرَّاتٍ
هَلْ يَبْقَى مِنْ دَرَنِهِ شَىْءٌ؟

meaning: "If any of you had a river flowing near the yard, and you bathed in it five times a day, would any dirt remain on your body?" The Companions replied: “No, I wouldn’t stay.” Then the Prophet said:

فَذَلِكَ مَثَلُ الصَّلَوَاتِ الْخَمْسِ يَمْحُو اللهُ بِهِنَّ الْخَطَايَا مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ

“It is like praying five times, thanks to which sins are forgiven”.

How to perform Namaz "A" hW uhr" (Afternoon Prayer)

Namaz "A" hW uhr" consists of 4 rak'ats (Namaz cycles).

The following requirements must be met:

  1. Direction towards the Ka'ba: necessarily- stand with your chest turned towards the Revered Ka'ba, which is located in the city of Mecca;
  2. Intention: necessarily make an intention in the heart to perform Namaz "A hW uhr". Do this while saying the words: "All but hu Akbar" ("God Almighty"). It is enough to "say" in the heart: “I set out to perform the obligatory Namaz “A hW uhr"";
  3. Pronunciation of the words of Takbir: necessarily- to say: "Allah but hu Akbar" so as to hear yourself (also necessary hear yourself in all subsequent verbal hands). It is recommended (but not necessary) for men to raise their hands to the level of their ears and touch the earlobes with the pads of their thumbs, and for women to raise their hands to shoulder level (Fig. 1);

  4. Standing (Fig. 2): necessarily- stand in the obligatory Namaz when reading Surah Al-F but ti X a" if the person is able to do so. It is recommended to keep the hands below the chest and above the navel (for men) or on the chest (for women), so that the right hand is on top of the left or else holds the wrist of the left hand;

  5. Reading Surah Al-F but ti X but": necessarily reading Surah Al-F but ti X a" (1st Sura TO ur'ana - see below). Necessarily to read it in such a way that you can hear yourself, observing all the rules and sequence of the Ayats, you must pronounce the letters without distortion. You should learn to read Surah Al-F but ti X a" from a trusted teacher.

    Suratul-F but ti X but

    بِسمِ اللهِ الرَّحمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ

    ﴿ الْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ * الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ * مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ *
    إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
    * اِهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ *
    صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلا الضَّآلِّينَ ﴾

    "one. Bismill I hir-Ra X m but nir-ra hee m.
    Al- X amdu lill I Hi Rabbil-‘ but lam And n.
    3. Ar-Ra X m but nir-ra hee m. 4.
    M but faces I at mid-d And n.
    5. Iyy I kya na‘du at ah iiy I kya nasta‘ And n.
    6. Ihdina withwith yr but tal-musta ky m.
    7.Съ yr at allya zi na an'amta 'alaihim. G airil-ma where bi alaihim at a la dda ll And n".

    Interpretation of Surah Al-F but ti X but"

    1. I start with the Name All but ha - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this World, and the Merciful only for believers in the Other World.
    2. Praise All but hu, the Lord of the worlds, for all that He gave to His servants (Angels, people, genies). All glory is Allah but hu, Creator and Lord of the worlds.
    3. He is Ar-Ra X m but n (Merciful to all in this World) and
      He is Ar-Ra hee m (Gracious only for believers in the Other World).
    4. All but h - One Lord doomsday, Day of calculation and Retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on This Day. All but h rules over everything.
    5. To You alone we make the highest degree of worship and cry out to You for help.
    6. Keep us on the Path of Truth (on the Path of Islam), goodness and happiness.
    7. Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You have granted to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your Mercy, directing them along the straight Path (the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have favored (along the Path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished and who strayed from the Path of Truth and goodness, deviating from faith in You, not showing obedience to You.

    If someone cannot read Surah Al-F but ti X a", he should read any passage from the Holy TO ur`ana, which he can read well, and the number of letters in it must not be less than the number of letters in Sura Al-F but ti X a" (156 letters).
    If someone knows one or more Ayats from Surah Al-F but ti X a”, then he can repeat them several times so that the same or more letters are pronounced as in the whole Sura “Al-F but ti X but".
    If a person cannot read a single Ayat from Surah Al-F but ti X a", then reads other Ayats from TO ur`ana, the number of letters in which is not less than in Sura "Al-F but ti X but".
    And if a person cannot read anything from TO urʻana, then must read W ikr (words of remembrance of Allah but ha), such as:

    سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ ِللهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَاللهُ أَكْبَرُ
    "Sub Ha na-ll but h, at al- X amdu lill I h, at a l I silt I ha illusll but h, at all but hu Akbar"
    ("All but h above all shortcomings, Praise and Glory - Allah but hu, there is no deity except Allah but ha, all but h Omnipotent").

    The worshiper pronounces these words as many times as it will be enough so that at least the same number of letters is obtained as in Surah Al-F but ti X but".
    Narrated by the Imams of An-Na at but at yy and ibn X ibb but nom that once a man came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asked: “Oh, the Messenger of Allah but ha! Truly, I cannot learn to read TO ur'ana. Teach me something that will replace reading TO ur'ana". The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: "Tell:

    سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُ ِللهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَاللهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيمِ
    "Sub X anal but h, at al- X amdu lill I h, at a l I silt I ha illusll but h, at all but hu Akbar. At a l I X but at la at a l I to at uu ata illa bill I hil-‘Aliyil-‘A zs m"".

    In another X adi from e The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If you can read TO ur'an, then read it. If not, then read "Al- X amdu-li-ll I h, l I silt I ha illa-ll but h, All but hu Akbar"".
    For example, say the words "All but hu Akbar” twenty times is enough.
    In the event that a person cannot read either Sura Al-F but ti X a" or any of the other TO ur'ana, and also W calf, then he, during the time necessary for a moderate reading of Surah Al-F but ti X a, stands silently.
    After reading Surah Al-F but ti X a" it is recommended to say: " BUT m And n "(" Oh, All but h! Grant me what I ask of You." It is also recommended to read at least one Ayat from TO ur'ana in the 1st and 2nd rak'at (Namaz cycle) - see below. Before reading Surah Al-F but ti X a "in the 1st rak'ah it is recommended to read "Tawajzhuh" (Du' but`, starting Namaz) and then "Isti' but for "(appeal with a prayer to All but to the Almighty for protection from the shaitan (devil) cursed by God)- see below);

    Du‘ but`u-l-iftit Oh but at At-Ta at ajjuh

    دُعَاءُ الإفْتِتَاحِ أَو التَّوَجُّهِ: وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِىَ لِلَّذِى فَطَرَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ حَنِيفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ المُشْرِكِينَ، إِنَّ صَلاتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِى للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ، لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَبِذَلِكَ أُمِرْتُ، وَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ.

    /At ajjahtu at ajhya lilla zi F that dis-self butatbut ti at al-ar d X en And Muslim fan at but m but en but minal-mushrik And n. Inna with al I T And at and nusuk And at a ma X b I-I at and mom but T And lille I Hi Rabbil-‘ but lam And on the), l I ball And kya lyah(y), at a bi h Alicia will die at a en but Minal Muslim And n/

    These words mean: “I, a devoted Muslim, not a pagan, turn to the One who created the heavens and the earth. My Prayer, my admiration, my life and my death - everything is created by Allah but hom, the Lord of the worlds, He has no partner. And this was commanded to me, and I am among the Muslims.


    الاستعَاذَة: أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ

    /BUT' bond Bill I hi minash-shay that nir-raj And m/

    These words mean: "I ask for the protection of Allah but ha from the wiles and harm of the accursed devil.”

  1. Al-I'teed but l (Straightening): Necessarily return after Ruku ‘to the “standing” position, while should be at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words "Sub Ha null but h" (Fig. 4). During straightening, it is recommended to bring your hands to your ears, touch the pads of your thumbs to the earlobes - for men, or to shoulder level - for women, and say at the same time:
    سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ
    "Sami'a-ll but hu estuary X amidah" ​​("Allah but h - All-hearing. We hope that He will accept our praise." When returning to a standing position, it is recommended to say:
    رَبَّنَا وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ
    « Rabbana at and Lyakal- X amd” (“O our Lord! Praise be to Thee!”);

  1. Sujud (Prostration, i.e. prostration): necessarily- make a bow to the ground, in which it is necessary to press the forehead to the floor. The knees, palms and bottom of the toes should also touch the floor. It is necessary to be in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words: “Sub Ha null but h" (Fig. 5).
    Before bowing to the ground, it is recommended to bring your hands to your ears, touch the pads of your thumbs to the earlobes - for men, or to the shoulders - for women, and at the same time say: “Allah but hu Akbar". During Sujud, it is recommended to say 3 times: سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الأَعْلَى
    "Sub Ha on Rabbiyal-A'l I("My Supreme Lord is above all faults").
    With Sujud, it is also recommended that the hands lie on the floor at shoulder level, the fingers are pressed against each other and directed towards the Ka'ba. For men, it is recommended that the elbows during Sujud and Ruku ‘be moved to the sides so that the stomach does not touch the hips during Sujud (Fig. 5). A woman, on the contrary, with Sujud and Ruku ‘holds her elbows pressed to her body, and her stomach is close to her hips.
    It is undesirable for Sujud that the elbows touch the floor, both for men and women.
  1. Sitting between Sujuds: necessarily- after bowing to the ground, sit down and be in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words “Sub Ha null but h".
    Rising after Sujud, it is recommended to say: “All but hu Akbar". While in a sitting position, it is recommended to say:
    رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاجْبُرْني وَارْفَعْني وَارْزُقْني وَاهْدِني وَعَافِني
    "Rabb AndG fir l And, at a-r X amn And, at a-jburn And, at a-rfa‘n And, at a-rzu to n And, at a-hdin And, at but ' but fin And"("Oh my Lord! Grant me forgiveness, have mercy on me, help me, elevate my degree, grant me food, lead me further along the True Path and protect me from diseases").
    When Sitting, it is recommended that the left leg be under the buttocks, and the right one would stand upright on the floor in the same way as in Sujud. There is another way of sitting when the buttocks rest on the heels of both feet, which are in the same position as during Sujud. It is recommended that while sitting, the hands should be on the knees, the fingers should be directed towards the Ka'ba.
  1. Necessarily commit 2nd Sujud, which is executed in the same way as the first one. After the 2nd Sujud is completed, the 1st rak'at of Namaz ends.
  2. Necessarily you need to get on your feet to perform the 2nd rak'at. During the ascent, it is recommended to say: “All but hu Akbar". Then points from “5” to “10” are repeated, after which the 2nd rak'at ends.
  3. After the 2nd Sujud, it is recommended to sit down and read Tashahhud(see below) and the words: "All but humma sally ‘al I Mu X ammad"(see below) so that you can hear yourself. About ways of sitting - see point "9". Another way of sitting: on both crossed feet. When sitting, it is recommended to keep both hands on your knees. The fingers of the left hand lie on the left knee and are directed towards the Ka'ba, the fingers of the right hand, except for the index, lie on the right knee. In Tashahhud, when pronouncing the words "illall but h ”the index finger of the right hand rises slightly and remains in this position until the end of the seat (Fig. 8-b).

  4. Then necessarily- stand up and perform the next two rak'ats in the same way as steps 5 through 11 were performed. Rising to the 3rd rak'at, it is recommended to raise your hands to the level of your ears, touch the earlobes with the pads of your thumbs - for men, or to shoulder level - for women, and at the same time say: "All but hu Akbar". However, when standing up for the fourth rak'at, it is not recommended to raise your hands.
  5. After performing the 2nd Sujud in the last rak'at - necessarily sit down, read Tashahhud, say: اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ
    "All but humma with alli 'al I Mu X ammad".
    It is recommended to hold hands as described in paragraph "12". Raise your index finger slightly while pronouncing the words "illall but h" and keep him in this position until the end of Namaz. It is recommended to sit on the floor, bending the left leg, and leave the right leg in the same position as with Sujud.
    Then it is recommended to read "BUT fromСъ al I tul-Ibr but h And m And ya"(see below).


التَّحِيَّاتُ الْمُبَارَكَاتِ الصَّلَوَاتُ الطَّيِّبَاتُ للهِ، السَّلامُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ، السَّلامُ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَى عِبَادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحِينَ،
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلا اللهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ

/at-ta hee th I tu-l-mub but cancer I tu a fromwith ala atbut that at- T ayyibatu lill I h. As-sal I mu ‘alaikya ayyuhan-nabiyu at a Ra X matull but h and at and barrack I tuhu. Assal I mu'alain but at a'al I‘ib but dill I his-s but whether hee n. Ashhadu all I silt I ha illusll but hu at aashhadu anna mu X ammadar-ras at lull but h/

Interpretation of Tashahhud

“All greetings, prayers and good deeds belong to Allah but hu. Peace to you! Oh Prophet! And also the Grace of Allah but ha and His blessing. Peace be upon us and God-fearing, pious servants of Allah but ha. but ha, and I testify that Mu X ammad - Messenger of Allah but ha".

BUT fromСъ al I tul-Ibr but h And m And yiya

الصَّلاةُ الإِبْرَاهِيمِيَّة

اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى ءَالِ مُحَمَّدٍ
كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى ءَالِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ
اللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى ءَالِ مُحَمَّدٍ
كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى ءَالِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ

/All but humma sally ‘al I Mu X ammad ( These words are required), at a'al I but lee mu X ammad, kyama sallylayta ‘al I Ibr but h And ma at a'al I but li ibr but h And ma, innakya X am And doom maj And d.All but humma b but rik 'al I Mu X ammad, at a'al I but lee mu X ammad, kam but b but rakta 'al I Ibr but h And ma at a'al I a li ibr but h And ma, innakya X am And doom maj And e/

Interpretation A fromFROM al I tul-Ibr but h And m And ya

"Oh All but h! Grant the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon Him, His family and pious Muslims have more honor and greatness, just as You gave honor and greatness to the Prophet Ib ra h And mu, peace be upon him, his family and pious Muslims. Verily, You are the Praised One, and we praise You. Oh All but h! Grant the Prophet Mu X ammadu, His family and pious Muslims, more blessings, just as he gave blessings to the Prophet Ib ra h And mu, His family and pious Muslims. Verily, You are the Praised One, and we praise You."
After that, it is recommended to say the following:

رَبَّنَا ءَاتِنَا فى الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
/Rabban but but ting but feed-dun I X asanah at and fil- but hirati X asanah at but to un but'but behind ban but R/
It means: “Oh, our Lord! Grant us good things both in this life and in the next world. And save us from the torment of hell."

How to perform Namaz "Al-‘A from r" (Evening Prayer) and Namaz "Al-‘Ish but`" (Night Prayer)

Namaz "Al-‘A from r" and Namaz "Al-‘Ish but`" are performed in the same way as Namaz "A hW uhr". The difference is in intent: necessary commit the intention to perform the obligatory Namaz “Al-‘A from r" (or Namaz "Al-‘Ish but`" respectively).

In the first 2 rak'ahs of Namaz "Al-'Ish but`" men are recommended to read Surah Al-F but ti X a" and a short Sura aloud.

How to perform Namaz "Al-Ma" G rib" (Evening Prayer)

Three rak'ah Namaz "Al-Ma" G rib" are performed in the same way as the first three rak'ahs of Namaz "Al-'Ish but`", but with the intention of performing the obligatory Namaz "Al-Ma G rib". After the 2nd Sujud in the 3rd rak'ah necessarily sit and do steps 14 and 15.

How to perform Namaz "A" fromFROM ub X» (Dawn Prayer)

Two rak'ats of Namaz "A" fromFROM ub X"are performed in the same way as the first two rak'ahs of Namaz" Al-'Ish but`", but with the intention of performing the obligatory Namaz "A fromFROM ub X».

After the 2nd Sujud in the 2nd rak'ah, follow steps "14" and "15". Also after saying: "Rabban but at and laka-l- X amd" in I'tidal of the 2nd rak'ah it is recommended to read Du‘ but` « TO Unut"(see below) - so that you can hear yourself.

Du‘ but`u-l- TO puffed

وصَلَّى اللهُ على مُحَمَّدٍ وَعلى ءالِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّمَ.

/All but hummahdin And f And man hadite(a), at but ' but fin And f And man' but fight(s), at and that at allian And f And manta at allite(s), at a b but rick l And f And m but but' T ait(a). At but to un And sharra m but to but d ait(a), fa'innakya ta kdy at al I Yu kda‘alaik (I). At a innahu l I I h illu man at alayt, at a l I I'izzu meng' but give. Tab but Rakte Rabban but at a Ta‘ but light(a). Falyakal- X amdu 'al I m but to but d ait(a). Asta G firuka at a at at bu ilyik (I). At but with allall but hu ‘al I Mu X ammad at a'al I but whether or not at but with but X bih And wa sallam /.

Interpretation of Du‘ but`Al- TO un at T"

"Oh All but

but h! Grant the Prophet Mu X

Listen Dua Al K unut

What violates Namaz

It is necessary to know the circumstances that violate Namaz.

Among them are the following:

  1. Failure to perform one obligatory part of Namaz.
  2. The utterance of extraneous words that are not related to Namaz, if at the same time the prayer remembers that he is performing Namaz.
  3. A lot of extraneous movements, if they take the time of one rak'ah, according to some scientists. According to other scholars, Namaz is violated by 3 extraneous movements in a row. The opinion of the first scientists is preferred.
  4. Making sudden movements, such as jumping.
  5. Adding extra hand-actions, for example, if a person performs 2 Ruku ‘instead of one or 3 Sujud instead of 2 in one rak’at intentionally, remembering that Namaz is being performed.
  6. Making at least one game movement (for example, if a person showed his tongue to someone or winked playfully).
  7. Eating or drinking even in small quantities, remembering that Namaz is being performed.
  8. Breaking Al At at du`, for example, when passing gases or urine.
  9. If you intend to interrupt Namaz or hesitate to interrupt Namaz or not, as well as if you intend to interrupt Namaz due to some circumstance (for example, if someone has set a condition: “If the doorbell rings, I will interrupt Namaz”, or hesitates in this. In this case, the prayer of a person is immediately violated).

How to read Namaz to someone who cannot perform Sujud on the ground

A person who can stand and can perform Ruku‘, but cannot do Sujud, performs Namaz as follows:

  1. He stands in the direction TO ybla and says: "Allahu Akbar" with the intention of performing Namaz.
  2. Reads Sura "Al-F but ti X but" standing.
  3. Performs Ruku ‘as usual, while the palms should be at the level of the knees. You should be in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words "Sub Ha null but h".
  4. You should return to the "standing" position and be at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words "Sub Ha null but h".
  5. Then the worshiper sits down on a chair (armchair, bench) - fig. a, leans forward so that the forehead is in front of the knees, and is at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words "Sub Ha null but h"(Fig. b).

  6. "Sit between Sujuds" - return to the "sitting" position and be in this position at rest for the time required to pronounce "Sub Ha null but h".
  7. 2nd Sujud - one should bend down in the same way as in the 1st Sujud, and be in this position at rest for the time required to pronounce "Subh en all but h".
  8. Then the worshiper gets up to read the 2nd rak'at.
  9. He repeats all the points, as in the 1st rak'ah, but after he has done the 2nd Sujud, he does not get up, but reads while sitting Tashahhud And "BUT fromСъ Alyat Al-Ibr but him And ya." If the worshiper read Namaz "BUT from—S ub X» , then after sitting in the 2nd rak'at he says: "As-sal I mu'alaikum wa ra X matullah", in this case, it is recommended to turn the head to the right, then, while pronouncing the same words, turn the head to the left (Fig. c, d). With this, the prayer completes his Namaz. In the same way, the worshiper reads the rest of the Namaz, adding the appropriate number of rak'ats.

How to read Namaz to someone who can stand, but cannot perform Hand ‘ while standing and Sujud on the ground

Whoever can stand while reading Namaz, but cannot perform Ruku ‘and Sujud, he does the following:

  1. stands in the direction TO ybla and with the intention of reading Namaz says: “All but hu Akbar".
  2. Standing reads Surah Al-F but ti X a ”- so as to hear yourself (Fig. e).
  3. Makes Ruku ‘and is in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce “Sub Ha nallah” (Fig. e).
  4. Then he straightens up and is in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce the words “Sub Ha null but h".
  5. Sits on a chair (chair) and performs the first Sujud leans forward so that the forehead is in front of the knees, is in this position at rest for the time required to pronounce “Sub Ha nallah” (Fig. h).
  6. Returns to the “sitting” position, is in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce “Subh en all but h" (fig. g).
  7. Performs the second Sujud in the same way as the first, and is in this position at rest for the time necessary to pronounce "Sub Ha null but h".
  8. He gets up to perform the second rak'at, does everything in the same way as in the first rak'at, but after the second Sujud sits to read Tashahhud and "A from-Sal I t Al Ibr but h And m And ya."
    If the worshiper read Namaz "A fromСъ ub X", then ends it after the 2nd rak'ah with the pronunciation of" As-Sal I mu'alaikum." He performs the rest of the Namaz in the same way, while adding the appropriate number of rak'ats.

How to read Namaz to someone who cannot stand at all

The one who prays sits in the direction TO ybla.

He says: "Allah but hu Akbar" with the intention to perform Namaz (fig. m).

Reads Surah Al-F but ti X a "sitting (Fig. n).

He makes Ruku‘ and Sujud in the same way as it was described in the previous topic (“How to read Namaz to someone who can stand, but cannot perform Ruku‘ and Sujud”), but since he cannot stand, he does everything while sitting.

Jama‘at (Collective Namaz)

A person receives a great reward when he performs Namaz collectively. It can be both in the mosque and elsewhere. In a collective Namaz, one prayer stands in front (imam), while others following the imam in Namaz stand behind him. The one who follows the imam in the collective Namaz is called "ma`mum". The reward for Namaz performed collectively is 27 times greater than for Namaz performed alone. This is stated in X adi from e:

صَلاةُ الرَّجُل فى الجَمَاعَةِ تَزِيدُ على صَلاتِهِ وَحْدَهُ سَبْعًا وَعَشْرِينَ

It means: “For Namaz performed collectively, the reward is 27 times greater than for Namaz performed individually.” Passed this X adi from Imam Muslim.

When performing Namaz, the imam is followed by:

  • Stand behind the imam.
  • Say Takbir after pronouncing Takbir by the imam.
  • Have in your heart the intention to follow the imam, for example: “I intended (intend) to follow the imam when performing the obligatory Namaz “A hW uhr"".
  • You should wait until the imam moves to the next position of Namaz, and then move to this position himself.

How to read Namaz to someone who was late for the beginning of Namaz

Latecomers can be called those who came to the collective Namaz after the imam began to perform it, and did not have time for the imam to read Sura Al-F but ti X a” (i.e. when the imam stood or performed Ruku‘, I‘tidal, Sajdah or read Tashahhud). If the latecomer managed to join any part of the collective Namaz, then he receives the reward of the collective Namaz.

What should a latecomer do?

The latecomer begins Namaz by saying the words "All but hu Akbar" with the simultaneous intention of performing Namaz. Then he follows the imam in his actions.

If the imam finishes reading Surah Al-F but ti X a", and the latecomer to the beginning of Namaz is just starting to read it, then when the imam finishes reading and makes Hand ‘, the latecomer stops his reading of Surah Al-F but ti X a” and follows the imam.

If the imam performs Ruku ‘, then the one who is late for the beginning of Namaz after pronouncing the words “Allahu Akbar” immediately proceeds to perform Ruku ‘. All this rak'at will be counted to him if he managed to be at rest for a time sufficient to pronounce "Sub Ha na-ll but h" until the imam performed I'tidal. If the next imam did not have time for Imam's Hand, then this rak'at is not counted for him, and it will be necessary to read it after the imam completes Namaz.

If the imam was in the “standing” position after Ruku ‘, in Sajdah or sat, then the latecomer takes the same position as the imam, but this rak’ah is not counted for him. He needs to read it after the imam completes Namaz. If the latecomer joined the imam when he read the last Tashahhud, then he follows the imam, but after the imam completes Namaz, he will need to read all the rak'ats of Namaz.

Fulfillment of Namaz-debts

Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

مَنْ نَامَ عَنْ صَلاةٍ أَوْ نَسِيَهَا فَلْيَقْضِهَا إِذَا ذَكَرَهَا لَيْسَ لَهَا كَفَّارَةً إِلاَّ ذلِكَ

meaning: “Who overslept and did not read Namaz, let him read as soon as he remembers. He has no other redemption." This saying was narrated by Imam al-Bukhariy.

Who overslept the time of Namaz, he reads Namaz as a duty.

If a person forgot to perform Namaz and remembered only after the time of this Namaz had passed, then he also reads Namaz as a duty.

As for the one who missed a lot of Namaz and does not know their exact number, he reads Namaz-debts until he is sure that he has made up the entire debt in full. A Muslim does not leave his debts, he hurries to pay them off, without postponing for later.

It is better to repay debts for Namaz in the following sequence: A fromFROM ub X, BUT hW uhr, Al-‘A from r etc.

Whoever died without having time to fulfill Namaz-debts, but had the intention to complete their fulfillment and was not lazy, then Allah but h will not punish him.

A woman during menstruation and postpartum cleansing does not read Namaz and does not repay debts for Namaz missed these days.

Jumu'a (Friday Prayer)

Friday is the best day of the week. There are special blessings on Friday. Muslim men must attend Friday Prayer.

In the sacred TO Ur`ana says (Sura 62 "Al-Jumu'a", Ayat 9):

﴿ يَأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا إِذَا نُودِىَ لِلصَّلاةِ مِن يَوْمِ الجُمُعَةِ فاسْعَوْا إِلى ذِكْرِ اللهِ وَذَرُوا البَيْعَ ذلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ﴾

It means: “Oh, believers! When the call to Friday Namaz comes, then hasten to Prayer and sermons in which there are mentions of Allah but ha, and stop all kinds of buying and selling - it will be better for you, oh if you only knew!

Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said:

رَواحُ الجُمُعَةِ واجِبٌ على كُلّ مُحْتَلِمٍ

It means: “Performance of Friday Namaz is obligatory for every mukallaf (male)” Narrated this saying by An-Nasa`i.

Women, although they are not required to, can perform Friday Prayer. This Namaz is performed collectively, usually in a mosque, during Namaz "A hW uhr", instead of Namaz "A hW uhr" of this day. Instead of four rak'ats of Namaz "A hW uhr" you perform only two rak'ats. You begin Namaz with the intention of performing the collective Friday Namaz instead of Namaz "A hW uhr". If you missed the collective Friday Namaz, then you perform Namaz "A hW uhr" into four rak'ats. During the Friday Prayer, Muslims carefully listen to two sermons before the start of the Prayer. Friday Namaz is performed immediately after the reading of two sermons.

Namaz "Jan" but for "(Funeral Prayer)

Performing the Funeral Prayer for a deceased Muslim is a collective duty for the Muslim community. Just as with the obligatory Namaz, the worshipers must be in a state of Al- At at du`. However, during the Prayer for the deceased, neither Ruku' nor Sujud is performed.

How to perform Namaz "Jan" but behind"

  1. Stand with your chest in the direction of the Ka'ba.
  2. While pronouncing the words "All but hu Akbar" make an intention: "I intended to perform Namaz" Dzhan but for "(Funeral Prayer) for this dead Muslim."
  3. In a whisper (so that you can hear yourself) read Surah Al-F but ti X a", then say: "All but hu Akbar".
  4. Tell:

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ

/All but humma with alli 'al I Mu X ammad/

Better if you read in full FROM Alatul-Ibr but h And m And ya" and then say: "All but hu Akbar".

  1. Read Du' but to a dead Muslim:

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ

/All but humma- G fir lahu at a-r X amhu/

It means: “Oh God, forgive him and grant him mercy,” if the deceased is a man.

And if this is a woman, then read for her the following Du‘ but`:

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَهَا وَارْحَمْهَا

/All but humma- G fir lah but at a-r X amh but/

It means: "Oh my God! Forgive her and grant her mercy."

It is desirable to mention in Du‘ but` and other Muslims:

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِحَيِّنَا وَمَيِّتِنَا وَشَاهِدِنَا وَغَائِبِنَا وَصَغِيرِنَا وَكَبِيرِنَا وَذَكَرِنَا وَأُنْثَانَا. اللَّهُمَّ مَنْ أَحْيَيْتَهُ مِنَّا فأَحْيِهِ عَلَى الإِسْلاَمِ، وَمَن تَوَفَّيْتَهُ مِنَّا فَتَوَفَّهُ عَلَى الإِيمَانِ

/All but humma- G fir whether X ayyin but at a mayyitin but at a sh but Hidin but at but ha`ibin but at but from but gi rin but at and kyab And rin but at but h akarin but at a un sa n but. All but humma mana X yaitahu minn but fa`a X th And h and ‘ala-l-isl I m, at a manta at affaitahu minn but veil at affahu ‘ala-l- And m but n/

It means: "Oh All but h! Forgive our living and dead, those present and absent, our young and old, our men and women. Oh All but h! Grant the one who survived to practice Islam, and grant the dying one to die in faith. Passed Du‘ but`At-Tirmi h uy.

Then say: "All but hu Akbar".

  1. Recommended to say:

اللَّهُمَّ لاَ تَحْرِمْنَا أَجْرَهُ وَلاَ تَفْتِنَّا بَعْدَهُ

/All but humma l I that X rimn but ajrahu at a l I tuftinn but ba‘dah(u)/

It means: "Oh All but h! Grant us rewards for the Prayer read to him, and protect us from error.

  1. Tell: "As-Sal I mu'alaikum." Recommended to say: "As-Salamu'alaykum at a Ra X matull but h" turning your head to the right and then to the left.

When offering condolences to a Muslim whose friend or relative is a Muslim, they are advised to say:

أَعْظَمَ اللهُ أَجْرَكَ وَأَحْسَنَ عَزَاءَكَ وَغَفَرَ لِمَيِّتِكَ

/BUT' h ama-ll but hu ajrakya at a a X sana'az but`akya at but G afara li-mayitikya/

It means: "Let Allah but h will reward you, give you much patience and forgive your loved one.”

And when comforting a Muslim whose non-Muslim relative has died, say the following:

أَعْظَمَ اللهُ أَجْرَكَ وَصَبَّرَكَ

/ BUT' h ama-ll but hu ajrakya at but with abbarakya/

It means: May Allah reward you but h for your good deeds and will give you patience.”


Words Azana:

اللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ، اللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ،

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ

أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ، أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ

حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاَحِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاَحِ

اللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ

"All but

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah but ha.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah but ha.

I testify that Mu X ammad - Messenger of Allah but ha.

I testify that Mu X ammad - Messenger of Allah but ha.

Hurry to Prayer. Hurry to Prayer.

Hurry to salvation. Hurry to salvation.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

There is no god but Allah but ha".

B A h ane for Morning Prayer mu`a zz Ying (calling to Prayer) after the words:

حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاَحِ

"Hurry to the rescue," adds the following:

الصَّلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمِ، الصَّلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمِ

“Prayer is better than sleep. Prayer is better than sleep."


After mu'a zz Ying finished reading A behind n, and people gathered to perform the obligatory Namaz, one of them says I ka mat:

اللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ، أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللهِ

حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاَحِ

قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلاةُ، قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلاةُ

اللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ، لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ


All but hu Akbarull but hu Akbar.

Ashhadu all I silt I ha illusll but h.

Ashhadu anna Mu X ammadar-ras at lull but h.

X ayyah ala ss ol I h.

X ayyah 'alal-fal I.

TO hell ka mother ss ol I that, to hell ka mother ss ol I h.

All but hu Akbarull but hu Akbar. L I silt I ha illusll but h.

These words mean:

"All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah but ha.

I testify that Mu X ammad - Messenger of Allah but ha.

Hurry to Prayer. Hurry to salvation.

The prayer has begun. The prayer has begun.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

All but h above all in the degree of greatness.

There is no god but Allah."

Some Surahs and Ayats that are read in Namaz after Surah Al-F but ti X but"

Ayat Al-Kursiy

ءَايَةُ الكُرْسيّ

﴿ اللهُ لا إِلهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلا نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَىْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ
وَلا يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ ﴾


/All but hu l I silt I ha illa hu at al- X ayul- TO ah Yu m,

L I ta'hu h uhu sinat atat a l I on the at m,

Lahu m but fis-sam butatbut ti at a m but filter d,

Man h allya zi yashfa‘u ‘indahu ill I b`i h noneh,

Ya'lamu m but bina aid And him at a m but halfahum,

At a l I Yu hit na bishayim-min ‘ilmihi ill I bim but w but`,

At asi‘a Kursiyuhus-sam aua ti at al-`ar d, at a l I i` at spirit X if z uhum but, at a hu at al-‘Al And jul-‘A zs m/

Listen to Ayat Al-Kursiy

Interpretation of Ayat "Al-Kursiy"

"I start with the Name of All but ha - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this life and the Merciful only for believers in the Other World; There is no deity other than Allah but ha, the One and Only and One Creator. Nobody and nothing is worthy
worship other than God;

Al-Khayu - All but h Alive. His Life is Eternal – without beginning and without end. His Life is different from the life of those created: His Life is without a spirit, without blood, without a body, and is not like the life of any other. We live in the presence of the body, blood, soul. The Creator is alive, but not like any living thing, His Life is different from the life of all existing ones.

Al- TO ayyum - the Almighty does not need anyone or anything. Everyone else needs Him. Everything that enters the Universe - Paradise, Hell, earth, sky, people, Angels, genies - needs Allah but he Almighty. He has neither fatigue nor sleep.

He is the Lord of all, the Creator of the heavens, the earth and what is between them, above them and below them. All but h Omniscient. Inhabitants of heaven and earth (Angels, people, including Prophets, Messengers, A at liya, and genies) know only what Allah let them know but h. And only Allah but h knows everything.

Al-Kursiy is a grandiose body that is located in the upper world. It is much larger in size than heaven and earth combined. Seven heavens and seven lands compared to Al-Kursiyy are like a ring thrown in the desert. By the Will of All but ha the earth, the sky, the stars, the universe are preserved. All this is not difficult for Him to preserve in the form in which it was created by Him. Keeping this, He does not get tired.

Al-‘Al And y is the Creator who does not have any shortcomings.

Surah Al-Ikhl Ifrom»

سُورَةُ الإخْلاص

﴿ قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ * اللهُ الصَّمَدُ * لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ *

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ ﴾


/ Bismill I hir-Ra X m but nir-ra hee m

TO ul hu at all but hu A X hell.

All but hu fromСъ amad.

Lam yalid wa lam Yu lyad.

At and lam yakullahu kufu at en A X hell/

Listen Sura Al-Ihl Ifrom

Interpretation of Surah Al-Ikhl Ifrom»

"I start with the Name of All but

  1. Say (Oh, Mu X ammad!): “He is All but h, One God and One Creator. And He has no partners.
  2. All but h does not need anyone or anything - everyone needs His Grace. 3-4. He did not give birth - he has no children, he is not born - he has neither father nor mother. There is none equal or like Him."

Surah Al-Fala to»

سُورَةُ الفَلَق

﴿ قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ * مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ * وَمِنْ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ *
وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ * وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ ﴾

Suratul Falyak

/ Bismill I hir-Ra X m but nir-ra hee m

TO ul a'u h at BiRabbil Fall to.

Ming sharri m but halya to.

At a min sharri ha si to eun and behind ya to ab.

At a min sharrin-nuff ace ti fil-‘u to hell.

At a min sharri X asidine and behind X assad/

Listen to Surah Al-Falyak

Interpretation of Surah Al-Fal to»

"I start with the Name of All but ha - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this life and the Merciful only for believers in the Other World.

  1. Say: "I take refuge in the protection of the Lord, who created the dawn that comes after the night,
  2. From the evil of those of the creations of Allah but ha, which are capable of evil, and from whose evil only He Who has power over them can protect.
  3. From the evil of the night, when its darkness becomes gloomy.
  4. From the evil of the one who seeks to sow discord among people.
  5. From the evil of an envious person who wants other people to lose mercy and prosperity, and makes his efforts for this.

Sura "An-N but from"

سُورَةُ النَّاس

﴿ قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ * مَلِكِ النَّاسِ * إِلهِ النَّاسِ * مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ * الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ * مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ ﴾


/ Bismill I hir-Ra X m but nir-ra hee m.

TO ul a‘ bond birabbin-n but from.

Malikin-n but from.

Il I hin-n but from.

Ming charril at ace at asil khann but from.

Allya zi Yu at ace at isu f And with udurin-n but from.

minal jinnati at en-n but from/.

Listen to Surah An-nas

Interpretation of Sura "An-N but from"

"I start with the Name of All but ha - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this life and the Merciful only for believers in the Other World.

  1. Say: “I take refuge in the protection of the Lord of men, the Creator of their works. (Al-‘Izz ibn ‘Abdus-Salam said: “Raz Allah but h commanded to resort to His protection from harm, then we understand that it is He, the Most High, who saves us from it ”);
  2. The ruler of the people, who has absolute power over all of them - the rulers and their subjects;
  3. the God of the people, to whom they are obliged to obey completely, and He has the power to do with them whatever He wants;
  4. From the evil of the one who tempts people, prompting them to commit sinful deeds, and disappears if you ask Allah but ha protection from it;
  5. From the evil of the one who tempts the hearts of people, inspiring them with something that will seduce them and turn them away from the straight path;
  6. Be this tempter from among the genies or people.

What is pronounced with I'tidalin the 2nd rak'ah of Namaz "A fromFROM ub X» — Du‘ but`u-l- TO puffed

دُعَاءُ القُنُوتِ

اللَّهُمَّ اهْدِنِى فِيمَنْ هَدَيْتَ، وَعَافِنِى فِيمَنْ عَافَيْتَ، وَتَوَلَّنِى فِيمَنْ تَوَلَّيْتَ.
وَبَارِكْ لِى فِيمَا أَعْطَيْتَ، وَقِنِى شَرَّ مَا قَضَيْتَ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْضِى ولا يُقْضَى عَلَيْكَ.
وإِنَّهُ لا يَذِلُّ مَن وَالَيْتَ، وَلا يَعِزُّ مَن عَادَيْتَ، تَبَارَكْتَ رَبَّنَا وَتَعَالَيْتَ.
فَلَكَ الحَمْدُ على مَا قَضَيْتَ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ.
وصَلَّى اللهُ على مُحَمَّدٍ وَعلى ءالِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلَّ مَ.

Du‘ but`u-l- TO puffed

/All but hummahdin And f And man hadite(a), at but ' but fin And f And man' but fight(s), at and that at allian And f And manta at allite(s), at a b but rick l And f And m but but' T ait(a). At but to un And sharra m but to but d ait(a), fa'innakya ta kdy at al I Yu kda‘alaik (I). At a innahu l I I h illu man at alayt, at a l I I'izzu meng' but give. Tab but Rakte Rabban but at a Ta‘ but light(a). Falyakal- X amdu 'al I m but to but d ait(a). Asta G firuka at a at at bu ilyik (I). At but with allall but hu ‘al I Mu X ammad at a'al I but whether or not at but with but X bih And wa sallam /.

Interpretation of Du‘ but`Al- TO un at T"

"Oh All but h! Keep me on the True Path, as you have kept the pious. Protect me from disease, as you protected others. Support me as well as those whom You have supported. Bless what You have given me. Protect me from the evil that You created. You command everyone, but no one commands You. Whom You have exalted, no one will humiliate, and whom You have not supported, he will never be exalted.

Oh our Lord! You are above all imperfections. Praise be to Thee. I ask Your forgiveness and I repent before You. Oh All but h! Grant the Prophet Mu X ammad more honor and greatness and also grant mercy to the family of the Prophet and pious Muslims.

Listen Dua Al K unut


Pronunciation of some letters of the Arabic alphabet

FROM - sound " ث " is pronounced like the English letter combination "th" in the word "think";

Съ - emphatic sound ص ", similar to the sound "S"
in the sound combination "Co";

W - sound " ذ " is pronounced like the English letter combination "th" in the word "this";

Zb - emphatic sound ظ ", similar to the sound "З" in the sound combination "Zo";

X soft sound « ح ”, similar to “X”, pronounced aspirated (reminiscent of the sound coming from the throat when breathing into the hands in the cold);

D - emphatic sound ض ", similar to the sound "D"
in the sound combination "Do";

T - emphatic sound ط ", similar to the sound "T"
in the sound combination "To";

TO - solid deep-posterior sound " ق ", similar to the Russian "K" in the words "gloom", "bast", consonant with the combination of sounds "Kh";

G - a rolling burr sound "غ", similar to the French sound "R";

At - the sound "و" is pronounced like English letter"W", recalls the sound combination "Wu" in the word "veil";

h- letter " ه » is pronounced like English or Ukrainian
the letter "G";

- letter " ع ” (“‘ain”) is pronounced as a voiced throaty
sound "'A" "'U", "'I". There are no analogues of the pronunciation of this letter in Russian and other European languages;

` - a dull explosive guttural sound, indicated by the icon " ء »; reminiscent of the sound of a slight cough.

One line under the letters « BUT», « AND», « At», « S» indicates their protracted reading.

The rule for reading the word "Mu X ammad" /مُحَمَّد /:

this word should be read in accordance with the pronunciation of sounds in Arabic and whoever cannot pronounce it correctly says: “Abul- TO asim" or "Abul-Gasim" (the letter "g" is pronounced as in Russian, the sound "a" is drawn out).


Mukallaf is an adult reasonable person (i.e., not insane), who has heard about the Fundamentals of the Islam faith (that there is no deity except the One God, and Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, is his Messenger).

Coming of age according to Shari‘ah: reaching the age of puberty or, if puberty has not come earlier, then at 15 years according to the lunar calendar (approximately 14.5 years according to the solar Gregorian calendar generally accepted in the world).

A child who has reached the age when he understands the speech addressed to him and meaningfully responds to it.

The fluid secreted by men and women during orgasm.

See footnote 3

See footnote 3

See footnote 1.

Rukn Namaz - component Namaz.

Namaz is a special kind of worship to Allah Almighty, which consists of certain expressions and actions. It begins with an intention and ends with the utterance of the final greeting - "Salam".

The Importance and Significance of Prayer

Namaz is the pillar of the Muslim religion and the deed for which a person will be asked on the Day of Judgment in the first place. Almighty Allah promised to give Paradise to His slave, who perfectly fulfills the obligatory prayer, observing all its conditions and obligations. A person, even if he is sick and cannot get up, while he is conscious, is not allowed to leave prayer, except for a woman who is in the period of menstruation or postpartum purification. Some scholars and theologians argue that the sin for not performing prayer is greater than for killing a person. Parents are obligated to teach their children how to pray from the age of seven. Namaz, perfect fully, protects a person from all reprehensible and unworthy deeds.

A person who performs prayer needs to know that prayer has certain conditions (shruty) and required components– pillars (lasso) If at least one of the conditions or one of the pillars of prayer is not observed, then it is considered invalid, and prayer performed in this way must be compensated.

Prayer conditions

The conditions of prayer are certain actions that must be observed even before entering into prayer, as well as during its performance. Therefore, every Muslim needs to know and observe the following five conditions of prayer:

1. Be in a state of ritual purity.

2. The body, clothes and the place where prayer is performed must be clean from impurities.

3. Parts of the body should be covered ( avrat)which, according to Shariah, must be covered.

4. To perform each prayer at a certain period of time.

5. Pray with your face facing the Kaaba (i.e. Qibla).

First condition: Being in a state of ritual purity. The cause that violated ritual purity is called hadath . Hadath is big and small. In case of a large hadah, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution of the body (ghusl), and with a small - partial washing of the body (university).

Conditions for partial and full ablutions

It should be noted that when performing partial and full ablution, the following conditions must also be observed:

1. Confession of Islam. 2. The presence of clean and suitable for washing natural water. 3. Water should flow around all washable parts of the body. 4. The absence of impurities and such substances on the washing parts of the body that change the color, taste, smell of clean water. 5. The absence of any insulator (lacquer, glue, paint, etc.) on the washable parts of the body that prevents water from coming into contact with one or another part of the body being washed. 6. It is necessary to realize the obligation of this ablution. 7. It is necessary to know what acts of ablution are obligatory (lasso) and which are desirable (sunnah). 8. For women, cleansing from menstruation and postpartum discharge is mandatory. 9. Performing a partial ablution only after the time for prayer. This condition applies only to patients who suffer from continuous incontinence of urine, gases, feces, including a woman who is in a state of istikhazi.

Such patients should also not forget that clothes, including underwear, must be clean, and for each obligatory prayer, they must perform a separate ablution. The state of a person who is in such circumstances is called a permanent minor hadath.

Partial ablution violate the following four conditions:

1. Exit of anything from the anterior or anus (other than semen). 2. Touching the skin of a person of the opposite sex older than 6 years without insulator. Close relatives are not included here. (mahram), fromwho, according to Shariah, cannot be married. 3. Loss of reason, consciousness and the onset of sleep. 4. Touching with the palm of the hand the human genitals, one's own oralien, or the ring of the anal passage without an insulator, regardlessfrom age and gender.

The state of a person who is in one of these named circumstances is called a small hadas. They are cleansed from a small hadas by performing a partial ablution.

There are six obligatory actions of partial body washing:

1. Intention. For example:“I intended to perform the duties of ablution” . It must be expressed with the heart at the same time as washing the face, but it is advisable to pronounce it out loud. 2. Full face wash. 3. Washing hands from fingertips to elbows inclusive.4. Rubbing part of the head. 5. Washing the feet, including the ankles.6. Performing these obligatory ablutions in a strictly named sequence.

In case of violation of partial ablution of the body, it is prohibitedperform namaz, tawaf (circling around the Kaaba), touch the Koran (you can read without touching it) and wear it.

Full body ablution must be performed in the following cases:

1. After semen extraction.2. After intercourse, even if there was no semen. Sexual intercourse, according to Shariah, is consideredpenetration of the head of the penis into the vagina. 3. After death. 4. After the cessation of menstrual flow. 5.After completion of postpartum discharge. 6. After childbirth or miscarriage, even if there was no discharge.

The state of one who is in one of these circumstances mentioned above is called a big hadas. From a big hadas, as we have already mentioned, they are cleared by performing a full ablution.

There are two obligatory actions of ablution:

1. Intention. It is done with the heart, mentally. However, it is desirable to pronounce it aloud. The intention is made simultaneously with the start of washingbodies: “I intend to perform the obligatory full ablution for the sake of Allah hbut". 2. Washing all external parts of the body, skin and hairregardless of their density. Water must flow around the entire body completely.

A person who needs to bathe due to the first or second circumstance mentioned above is calledjunub. Junub is forbidden to do everything that is forbidden to do in case of violation of partial ablution, as well as reading the Koran aloud and in a whisper (even without touching it) and staying in the mosque.

And a woman who is in a state of menstruation or postpartum discharge is forbidden everything that is forbidden to do junubu, and, in addition, observe fasting, have sexual intercourse, allow her husband to touch and enjoy those parts of the body that are between the navel and knees, inclusive, and to touch her husband with these parts of the bodybefore the obligatory bath.However, when the discharge ceases, the ban on fasting is lifted, even if she has not bathed yet.

Second condition: A person who performs prayer needs to know that his the body, clothes and the place where prayer is performed must be clean.Impurities, according to Shariah, are: blood, pus, ichor (a yellowish liquid mixed with blood, as well as purulent bloody fluid flowing from abscesses, ulcers), vomiting, alcohol, urine, feces , ointment(almost clear mucous liquid,released from the penis when aroused) wadyu(thick white liquid,sometimes released after urination or due to heavy lifting),dog, pig, animal corpse, its bones and wool. Dead fish, locusts and humans are not considered sewage.

Anything that is separated from a living animal is considered dead, except for hair, fur, feathers, saliva and sweat.animals whose meat can be eaten, as well as saliva and sweatother living animals, except the dog, the pig, and everything that is bornthey have. Separated cat hairimpure. Wool,separated from living animals the meat of which may be eaten is clean, and if from such an animala limb (paw) separated and it remained alive, then this limb- najasa.

Live animals (except dogs, pigs and everything that is born from them) all clean.

Cleansing a place polluted with sewage, first you need to remove them and then rinse this place with clean water until they disappeartaste, color, smell of these impurities.

To perform partial ablution, complete ablution and removal of impurities, clean and suitable water is needed, and if there is no such water, then tayammum is performed with clean land.

Third condition: Covering the body as prescribed by the Shari'ah.For a man, during the entire prayer, there must be a closed part of the body from the navel to the knees inclusive. If during various movements in prayer, although the body is slightly exposed below the navel or above the knees, then the prayer is considered invalid.

A woman must cover her entire body, except for her face and hands. If during prayer at least one hair, or neck, or chest, or legs, or an arm just above the wrist is visible, then prayer is not accepted.

Fourth condition: Facing towards the Kaaba, which is located in the city of Mecca. The direction in which the Kaaba is located is called Qibla. During the entire prayer, the one performing it should be directed towards Qibla. In which direction is Qibla, you need to check with the imam of a nearby mosque or other knowledgeable persons.

Fifth condition: Knowing the time of prayer. Every day, Muslims need to perform five prayers: morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Each of them has a time defined for it, the beginning and end of this time must be found out from the corresponding calendars. If someone performed a prayer even a moment before the onset of his time, then his prayer is considered invalid. And if someone did not perform a prayer within the time specified for him, then he needs to compensate for this prayer.
