Expired olives. Canned olives - calories, useful properties and recipes

Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of olives and olives, the miraculous and healing properties of which are legendary, although many believe that this is one and the same thing, and whether or not you will also learn from this story. Moreover, olives and black olives in the culture of many nations were even given magical significance, because such a useful product, superior to the rest, simply could not appear without the participation of higher powers.

The olive branch is often found in the myths of ancient Greece. The goddess Athena is credited by the Greeks with the creation of olives and endows them with wisdom and fertility. In Egypt, they were sure that Isis, the goddess of justice, gave people olive branches.

And Christians believe that it was with an olive branch that a dove appeared to people with the news of reconciliation between God and people after the flood. This is one of the slowest growing trees on earth. Therefore, there are legends that olive trees can live forever.

Are olives and olives the same thing?

The Mediterranean coast is the birthplace of the olive tree. We have two types of fruits of this tree that are popular for eating: olives and olives. Berries can be of different sizes and colors.

Therefore, olives and olives are still different from each other. Some compare it to the fruit of a cherry, while others grow to the size of a plum.

It turns out that the color, and the name of the olive fruit, depends on the degree of ripening. A ripe olive of a dark color is called an olive.

And green olives gradually ripen, moving from pink - brown shades to black fruits. It unites all the fruits of olive trees, regardless of the varieties, which are many, one thing - they can only be eaten in canned form.

Fresh fruits of olives and black olives taste bitter and very hard. Therefore, they are almost always soaked first, and then salted or pickled.

How are olives different from olives

It must be understood that olives and olives are different products, although they are prepared from the fruits of the same tree.. Naturally ripened and darkened olives are called black olives.

In the process of ripening, the fruits acquire shades from reddish-black, dark purple to black-green or even dark chestnut.

It depends on the variety and region of growth. Such fruits are called black olives all over the world, in Russia they are called black olives. If the olives are green, this indicates that they were harvested before ripening.

Counterfeit olives and olives in supermarkets

The point is that currently retail chains sell black fruits of green olives.

The technology for preparing such products is simple: green olives are treated with an alkaline solution to remove bitterness, and then oxygen is passed through the brine (ferrous gluconate E579) and the darkened berries are closed in jars.

But artificial olives are inferior to natural olives in terms of the content of nutrients. Naturally ripened in olives, more fatty acids and nutrients. And in artificial iron content is 22.5 mg in one jar.

The daily dose of iron for adult consumption is 10-20 mg. in a day. AND although iron is necessary for the human body to produce hemoglobin, but abuse is fraught with malfunctions in the liver, heart and kidneys.

That's why when purchasing olives, pay attention to the inscriptions, on the packaging. The content of ferrous gluconate indicates a fake. Eat natural black olives and green olives.

Useful properties of olives and olives

The beneficial properties of olives and black olives were valued thousands of years ago, and continue to be valued even now. Even Avicenna considered olives a remedy for all diseases. Why are they so useful?

Turns out, olives help with a hangover, lower cholesterol. In order to keep youth longer, it is necessary not only to play sports, but also to eat right. At the same time, include olives in your diet.

The fact is that olives and olives contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

vitamins in olives

●Choline 6.6mg

●Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) (PP) 0.022mg.

●Vitamin K (phylloquinone) K 1.4 mg.

●Vitamin E (TE) (E (TE)) 1.65mg.

●Vitamin C (C) 1.5 mg.

●Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (B6) 0.012mg.

●Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) (B5) 0.015mg.

●Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (B1) 0.003mg.

●Vitamin A (RE) (A (RE)) 17 mcg

● Beta-carotene 0.204 mg.

Useful minerals in olives

● Phosphorus (P) 3 mg.

●Potassium (K) 9 mg.

●Sodium (Na) 898 mg.

●Magnesium (Mg) 4 mg.

●Calcium (Ca) 94 mg

●Selenium (Se) 0.9 mcg.

●Manganese (Mn) 0.02 mg.

● Copper (Cu) 226 mcg.

●Zinc (Zn) 0.22 mg.

●Iron (Fe) 3.32mg.

The benefits of olives and olives

Vitamins of group B contained in useful olives and olives help in the functioning of the nervous system and brain, and vitamins of group A improve vision. Strengthening bones and teeth, as well as immunity, are the merit of the same vitamins that are found in olives.

Protection from the harmful effects of the environment and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, premature aging and protection against the formation of malignant tumors also the merit of the benefits of olives and olives, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Eating up to ten olives daily helps prevent gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The benefits of olive oil

But, the greatest value of olives in the high content of oil, useful to health of the person. Up to 80% can contain oil in ripe fruits of the olive tree. Olive oil contains a large amount of fatty acids that help reduce cholesterol in the body. Olive oil also helps improve digestion and increases appetite.

If you often use extra virgin olive oil for food, then the reduction in the number of wrinkles is provided to you for a long time.. After all, oleic acid, which is part of this oil, quickly penetrates the skin, fills them in and makes wrinkles and fine lines invisible.

The use of healthy olives as an addition to alcoholic beverages is justified by the fact that they help to neutralize toxic substances for the body. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries are distinguished by a hot temperament, and they believe that daily consumption of olives contributes to this. Whether this is actually the case is still unverified.

Prevention and treatment of diseases with olives and olives

The most common disease in the world, breast cancer is less common on the Mediterranean coast than in the rest of the world. This fact is confirmed by research at the University of Chicago.

And the merit in this is attributed again - the same olives. Oleic acid, which is part of olive oil, helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.

If you eat olives, then the substances that make up the oil olives help in the prevention of breast diseases but also actively help with health problems that have already arisen.

With myocardial infarction, you just need to eat olives and olive oil. Because the risk of repeated complications is drastically reduced thanks to the substances that are part of the olive oil.

Another reason to include dishes with olives in the menu is the ability of olives and olives to anesthetize a headache. The point is that in The substances found in olives are similar in action to the drug ibuprofen.

How to choose olives and olives

How not to make a mistake when choosing olives and olives in the store? Read the inscriptions. The caliber of olives can be recognized by the numbers written through the fraction. These figures are deciphered as follows: (240/260) per kilogram of fruit weight there are at least 240 and no more than 260 pieces.

The larger the number of fruits, the smaller they are, for example: 70/90, 140/160, 300/220. In this case, the bank must be free of defects and dents. And the fruits themselves should be uniform in shape and size.

As for gastronomic preferences, on the shelves of shops you can see olives with different fillings: anchovies, lemon, pepper, pickles.

But olives can be with or without a stone. Gourmets say that olives themselves have a very rich taste. And even removing the pit can spoil their taste.

The benefits of canned olives

Now it is rare to see a festive table without olives and olives. These fruits can be used both for decorating dishes and as an independent snack. There are many recipes for salads, which include both olives and olives. At the same time, the calorie content of olives is 115 kcal. per 100 grams.

Continuing the conversation about the benefits of canned olives, you can add to the list prevention of not only cardiovascular diseases, but also diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

Olives and olives help prevent the formation of kidney and gallstones.

The gastrointestinal tract will work better when eating olives. After all, even canned olives and olives, they help to establish the process of digestion and removal of unnecessary substances from the body.

Linoleic acid, which is part of olives, will protect against wounds and cuts.

Quick satisfaction of hunger when eating olives, contributes to their use in dietary nutrition. Therefore, olives have always been considered a divine way to maintain an ideal figure and beauty.

This is not a complete list of the useful properties of olives and olives; in conclusion, we want to report the proportion of the product.

●1 piece 3 gr.

●1 teaspoon 9 gr.

●1 tablespoon 18 gr.

Nutritional value with the composition of olives and olives

Saturated fatty acids 1.415g.

Protein 6 grams.

Fiber 9g.

Water and oils 79.99g.

Zola 2, 22g.

Harm of olives and olives

Olives and olives cannot bring great harm to a person. You should beware of eating them only for those who are sick with cholecystitis. Since olives can cause harm with an abundant choleretic effect. In fact, this is the benefit of olives for cleansing the body, but for patients it can also lead to harmful consequences.

If you are taking dietary supplements that contain retinol (to improve vision), then you should not eat dishes that include olives. Because vitamin A, which is part of their composition, is toxic in large quantities, and can also lead to harm from eating olives and olives.

Harm of canned olives

If we talk about the dangers of olives, then we must remember that olive trees do not grow in Russia. Therefore, we buy grown and harvested raw materials in the Mediterranean.

But very often, green fruits are still removed for canning. Various chemical additives are used to remove bitterness and give an even black color to olives. These methods are used to reduce the cost of products and give a presentation.

Especially dangerous is ferrous gluconate, often used in the production of canned olives.

The use of foods containing ferrous gluconate can cause an allergic reaction, headache attacks, as well as pain in the chest, abdomen, and back. And with prolonged use of such products in food, stomach ulcers can develop.

To avoid such consequences, you must carefully read the composition of the product.

If the jar indicates that the composition includes iron gluconate E-579, then it is safe to say that these are unripe olives that have undergone chemical processing and are sold under the name olives. Chemically treated olives have an even, shiny black color.

How to avoid fake and harm olives?

If you decide to buy real olives, then when you come to the store you must follow these simple rules:

- carefully read the composition of the product on the package, if the composition includes iron gluconate E-579, you should not buy this product.

- chemically processed olives are much cheaper, traditionally cooked olives are expensive.

- olives and olives with chemical. processing are mainly sold in cans.

- the composition of natural olives and olives often includes olive oil,

lemon juice and other natural ingredients that are indicated on the package.

- natural green olives can be with "defects" - dots, specks. And they also taste juicier and softer than those treated with alkali.

We hope that our advice will help you in choosing high-quality, natural olives and black olives in shops and markets.

I also wish that these one of the most healthy foods, quite possibly given to us by the gods or at least wise nature, bring you only benefit, beauty and no harm. And if you liked our articles about the benefits and harms, we advise you to read, and even

The fruits of an evergreen tree (olives) have been eaten by different peoples for a long time. What are the benefits and harms of unripe berries?

Green olives are a valuable and useful product; such countries as Italy, Spain, Greece are considered to be their homeland. Yes, and our residents liked the exotic ingredient because of its pleasant and peculiar taste. Let us examine in more detail how useful and harmful the fruits of an evergreen tree are for the human body.

Useful properties of green olives

The positive qualities of the product are manifested due to the rich and unique chemical composition.

Vegetable fats are useful for humans. Olive fruits contain about 90% mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. An important role is played by substances such as omega-3 and 6 due to the inability to be produced in the body on its own. With proper and regular consumption of food enriched with healthy fats, you can prolong youth and beauty, improve well-being and recharge with additional energy.

Most people think that olives are a high-calorie product, and try to exclude them from the diet when following a diet. But this opinion is wrong. The calorie content of 1 berry is 7 Kcal, and in 100 grams - 115 Kcal. As a rule, they are used for a snack or a variety of insipid dietary dishes.

The protein of olives consists of essential acids, the benefits of which are as follows:

  • participate in the production of more complex enzymes for the proper construction of cells;
  • carry out the transportation of micro-, macroelements and vitamins to the organs, ensuring their full functioning;
  • improve metabolic processes, form hemoglobin and accelerate the process of tissue repair.

The presence of coarse fiber (85% of all carbohydrates) improves the functioning of the digestive system and is involved in weight loss.

It is also important that the glycemic index is low - 15 units per 100 grams, due to which the fruits of the evergreen tree are allowed to be added to the diet of people with high blood sugar levels (with caution).

Important! Fresh olives contain oleocanthal, which has antioxidant properties.

The composition of the berries includes vitamins, micro and macro elements that strengthen the immune system and all organ systems.

Health benefits of canned olives

Fresh green olives are not sold in stores, as the harvested fruits are very hard, have a bitter aftertaste (regardless of ripeness). That is why they are first soaked, removing bitterness, and then salted or pickled. After processing, the fruits become soft and suitable for consumption. Today, producers produce several types of olives:

  • with bones;
  • seedless;
  • with additives - anchovies, lemon, tuna, cucumber, etc.

Nutrients, vitamins and elements can have a positive impact on human health:

  1. Remove bad cholesterol from the body.
  2. Normalize blood pressure.
  3. They have a cleansing and strengthening effect on blood vessels, prevent their blockage and the development of atherosclerosis.
  4. They prevent the formation of blood clots and other heart diseases.
  5. Increases brain activity and attentiveness, the ability to concentrate.
  6. Reduce the risk of formation and development of cancer cells and tumors. Polyphenols eliminate malignant cells in the mammary gland, and oleic acid actively fights cancer in the colon.
  7. Activate metabolic processes and satisfy the feeling of hunger, helping to reduce excess weight.
  8. The presence of coarse fiber improves the process of digestion of food, eliminating common problems - flatulence, colic, heaviness, constipation.
  9. Contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, are the prevention of dysbacteriosis.
  10. They cleanse the body of harmful substances, toxins and toxins.
  11. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing the risk of stress, depression and apathy.
  12. Strengthen the male reproductive system. Olives are considered a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual activity.
  13. They support visual function, reduce the risk of developing diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
  14. They have a firming, tonic, cleansing effect on the skin, hair and nails.
  15. Increase immunity by increasing the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  16. Remove various inflammatory processes.
  17. They have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant and nursing mother, making up for the lack of all useful substances and vitamins that are important for the full development of the child.

Is there any benefit in the bones?

Like the pulp of an olive, the bones are considered beneficial for the human body:

  • act as a sorbent: they clean the gallbladder and its ducts, the urinary system from unnecessary deposits;
  • have antioxidant properties, relieve alcohol intoxication;
  • improve the course of the disease of the respiratory tract, especially during shortness of breath;
  • have enveloping properties, relieving pain during erosions and stomach ulcers, and are also used for prophylactic purposes.

Eating whole bones is quite difficult and dangerous. To do this, they are recommended to be ground into flour and added to food. A day is allowed to eat no more than 10 whole fruits.

Harm and possible contraindications

Due to the significant amount of elements contained in olives, they can harm the human body in the form of an allergic reaction. In this case, it is important to understand what exactly the rash appeared on - on the berries or the marinade.

  • with cholecystitis;
  • with pancreatitis, gastritis and ulcers during exacerbations;
  • with cystitis;
  • with stones in the gallbladder and bladder;
  • children;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • with caution when breastfeeding.

The difference between olives and olives

Olives are ripe fruits of olives. Their color can be from light brown to darker. They differ from each other and the technology of preparation.

Olives are harvested in an unripe form, and unpleasant bitterness is eliminated by soaking in a special solution of caustic soda. Then they are washed and preserved. It is worth noting that each manufacturer adds its own flavoring additives during pickling.

With olives, the situation is much worse. For their preparation, the same green olives are used, they are placed in a solution and kept for about six months. After that, they are washed and left in the fresh air in order for the oxidative process to begin, and only then canned.

Today, this production technology is rarely used by anyone, as it is considered costly in terms of time and money. Consequently, the process of preparing olives was changed, but not in favor of the product.

So, green olives are laid out in a container and enriched with oxygen particles for 1.5 weeks. After time, the product becomes soft, with a special taste. To stabilize the color, the chemical compound iron gluconate (E579) is used. Olives prepared using the wrong technology contain 20 mg of this compound, with a daily human requirement of 10 mg. Therefore, after consuming the ingredient, you can get serious poisoning, as well as disrupt the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

Of course, if the product does not contain these substances or they ripened naturally, then such olives will have the same properties as green olives.

Today, olives are especially popular, they are used to decorate salads, cold and hot dishes. You can buy them or preserve them at home yourself. Here are some cooking tips:

  1. Choose fruits of the same size. It is better to give preference to medium or small olives.
  2. For preservation, fruit vinegar and citric acid are used.
  3. From spices, it is allowed to add cinnamon sticks, clove inflorescences, rosemary, thyme, ginger, cardamom, allspice. Thanks to their presence, the benefits of olives increase several times.
  4. Olives are pickled with horseradish (gives the brine a transparent look), and to improve the taste, tomatoes and cucumbers are added.
  5. Shelf life in a cold place is no more than 3 months with oil brine and up to 6 months with vinegar.

Olives prepared at home undergo a minimum of heat treatment, and additional spices can increase the beneficial properties of the ingredient.

If it is not possible to preserve green fruits, then it is important to know the basics when choosing ready-made olives:

  • container - tin, without dents and rust;
  • the composition should not contain harmful chemical additives, flavors and flavor enhancers;
  • when choosing olives, look at the color, it should be heterogeneous. Most common reddish-brown or brown, but not jet black.

Olives are a valuable and useful product that has not lost its popularity even today. They are valued not only for their unusual aftertaste, but also for their low calorie content, a significant amount of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Knowing all the positive qualities of olives, it becomes clear why people continue to use them in their diet.

In contact with

The genus Olive unites about 25 species. These are trees and shrubs, among which there are ornamental plants, as well as species of economic importance.

In little-known species of Cape olive (O. capensis) and gold-leaved (O. chrysophylla), wood is used. The European or cultivated olive (Olea Europaea) is of the greatest value.

Where and how do olives grow

These are thermophilic plants. They are suitable for the temperate and tropical climate of South Asia, the Mediterranean, North Africa, and Australia. The European oil tree is cultivated here. Its fruits are known to us under the name of olives.

Other species are not suitable for food: wild olive forms low-growing forests, and is a good honey plant and a decorative element of the southern landscape.

Olives are a berry, vegetable or fruit

It is not customary to call fruits growing on a tree a vegetable. It is also difficult to classify them as fruits, at least based on the characteristics of culinary use. In everyday life, you can hear that the fruit of an olive is a berry. It grows on a tree, is small in size, looks like or.

But botanists do not consider this a good reason, for them its structure is more important. The fruit of the olive tree is called the drupe.

Olives vs Black Olives - What's the difference?

The name "olives" is used only by residents of Russia and the post-Soviet space. It is customary for us to call dark-colored fruits olives, and greenish -.

In other countries, both are olives. Manufacturers only specify the color of the product. Both species grow on the same tree. But they are collected at different times. This is not the only difference between olives and black olives.

How olives are made

Bitterness is removed from green fruits by soaking them in a solution of caustic soda, then salted or pickled. Dark color is often obtained by additional oxygenation with the addition of ferrous gluconate and subsequent fixation of the pigment with ferrous gluconate.

Types of olives

There are two groups of dark fruits. Some ripen on the tree, others are harvested green (they get black artificially). Naturally ripened fruits rarely have a uniform color. They are purple, reddish or brown. When canning, the bones are not removed from them, since the pulp is too tender and does not hold its shape.

If you bought black fruits with pits, then you have oxidized fruits - black oxidized olives, that is, green, but changed their color after chemical reactions. The famous black olives of Halkidiki are also produced in this way. Although, there are varieties that, after ripening, are fermented in a natural way (for example, Kalamata olives).

Composition and calories

There are three groups of fruits: oil-bearing, canning (table) and combined (canning-oil-bearing) olives. The benefits and harms for the body of all groups depend on the method of use and the chemical composition of the pulp.

The chemical composition of table varieties of olives

100 g of the product contains the following substances:

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fats - 6.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.1 g;
  • insoluble fiber - 2.5 g;
  • water - 83.34 g.

The vitamins present in olives are mostly fat-soluble. The pulp contains alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) - 1.65 mg, vitamin A - 17 mcg. Almost all B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) have been identified.

Macroelements are represented by sodium (898 mg), calcium (94 mg), potassium (9 mg), magnesium (4 mg), phosphorus (3 mg). In significant quantities there is iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese and other trace elements.

The energy value

In canned olives, the calorie content depends on the variety, caliber, time and place of harvest. Collected green fruits are less high-calorie. 100 g contains about 115…140 kcal. Fruit ripened on the tree has more fat. Their calorie content is higher - from 140 to 180 kcal/100 g

Olives - benefits and harms to the body

Even after processing, the fruits do not lose their beneficial properties. However, this does not mean that they can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The benefits of canned olives are manifested with moderate use.

You can eat 7 fruits of medium caliber per day. Preference is given to a natural product. The useful properties of olives canned without food additives are maximally expressed.

Useful properties of olives

  • Improve the work of the heart muscle- the pulp contains monounsaturated fats, which reduce inflammation in tissues and improve blood pressure.
  • Positively affect the work of the digestive tract- the product contains a lot of fiber, which improves the digestion process.
  • With iron deficiency anemia improve blood formula- relieve cells of oxygen starvation.
  • They prevent the formation of malignant cells in the body - antioxidant properties are well expressed.
  • Known antihistamine properties of the product- it helps to remove the manifestations of allergies at the cellular level.
  • Neutralize toxins and remove salts of heavy metals- pectins in the composition of the product normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent harmful substances from being absorbed into the blood.

Warnings and restrictions

Having learned how canned black olives are useful, one should not forget about contraindications. The product produces a mild laxative effect. It is contraindicated in diarrhea.

You can not enter it into the menu for cholecystitis, as its choleretic effect is known.

Canned fruits can harm people suffering from increased swelling and kidney disease, as they contain a lot of salt.

Many conjectures exist about the benefits of olive pits. Nutritionists say that it is not digested in the body, and its benefits are questionable.

Are artificially blackened olives useful?

It is important to control the content of the food additive E-579(ferrous gluconate) in olives, the preservative can cause harm if it exceeds the norm (150 mg / kg).

In moderation, the iron in this drug is not dangerous. However, the jar contains its daily norm, if it is regularly exceeded, important organs can be affected: the liver, heart, kidneys.

The benefits of olives for women

Nutritionists recommend this product for women. The benefit of olives is that they should not get carried away - one or two things will be useful, but a jar eaten.

With regular use, the product improves the condition of hair and skin, prevents premature aging.

Olives during pregnancy

Since dried fruits without preservatives are still rare in our country, it is important for expectant mothers to know if canned olives are useful while carrying a baby. Potential harm depends on these same preservatives. The more of them, the higher the risk of weakening the immunity of a pregnant woman.

Caution must be exercised when eating fruits with vinegar. You need to carefully look at the salt content in canned food - this mineral retains water in the body, and this is the path to swelling.

Is it possible to take olives while breastfeeding

In the absence of a contraindication, olives with HB begin to eat when the child is fulfilled 3 months. At this age, the baby's digestive system becomes more stable.

canned olives(see photo) are an integral part in the preparation of festive dishes. Many tasters cannot say exactly what the taste of olives is: some say that bitterness is mixed with sweetness, others, on the contrary, that they are sour-salty. But not only this excites our minds. A lot of controversy goes around what is an olive? And there are also many contradictions here: some scientists claim that it is a fruit, while others say that it is a vegetable, because it requires further processing, after which such a unique taste is obtained. And in botany there is a division into juicy fruits (drupes and berries) and dry (cereals, nuts, seeds, pods). Olives are more of a drupe because they contain pits.

Olive trees start flowering in April and stop blooming in July. They bear fruit every two years, and, interestingly, olives do not begin to bear fruit until twenty years after they have been planted.

On the shelves of shops, in addition to olives, you can also find olives. For this reason, many people believe that these are two different species (green olives and black olives) that grow on different trees, respectively. However, the difference between them is due to the process of their processing before conservation. Olives are kept in brine for two weeks to retain their green color. And olives are not kept in brine for preservation, they are used to make oil.


The composition of canned olives includes many useful components that can provide a person with energy for the day, as well as have a positive effect on health.

The product includes:

  1. proteins fats carbohydrates;
  2. vitamins (A, C, E, D, K, PP, B1 - B12);
  3. macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus);
  4. trace elements (iron, copper, fluorine, zinc).

One of the key factors is that fruits are very high in sodium and calcium. And this, in turn, affects the high calorie content of the product, so excessive consumption of olives can add extra pounds.

According to the current GOST, canned olives are represented by the following assortment: olives with a stone, without a stone, stuffed olives.

The product must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the current standard, observing the following rules:




The fruits are uniform in size and color, without damage, with or without a stone.

Stuffed olives should be whole, pitted, with pieces of lemon, red pepper, fish, almonds, shrimp.

Taste and smell

Salty with slight bitterness, no taste or smell. For stuffed - slightly salty, with the taste and aroma of the ingredients used for stuffing.

Green or dark green.


Elastic and dense.

Fill quality

The brine is transparent.

Not allowed

The cost of the product depends on what kind you want to buy. The price of pitted olives is quite high, but you should not look for something cheaper: the quality of the product is behind this.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of olives are multifaceted, as the product contains a number of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the health of both men and women.

Substances contained in fruits strengthen cells, mucous membranes, normalize the functioning of the heart, liver, stomach, promote rapid healing of wounds, and slow down the aging process. Olive oil reduces the risk of breast cancer in women, and olives have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, helping to conceive as soon as possible. In ancient times, people believed that the olive also strengthens male potency.

This product is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system, is able to cleanse the body of toxins due to the high content of unsaturated acids and antioxidants, and also normalizes the intestinal microflora. And the content of vitamin A in olive oil helps in the prevention of eye diseases.

Along with the beneficial properties of olives, they can also be harmful. Due to the choleretic action, they are contraindicated:

  1. with cholecystitis;
  2. people prone to allergic diseases;
  3. in the presence of excess weight;
  4. with a stomach ulcer;
  5. with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy, eating olives is very beneficial, as they are filled with beneficial components. But excessive consumption of them in food can cause an allergic reaction, weaken the immune system, worsen the functioning of the kidneys and bladder due to the high salt content, which leads to swelling.

It follows from this that olives are a product that can be consumed regularly, but only in small quantities.

How to store canned olives?

Canned olives are stored for as long as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. In stores, they are sold either in glass or iron cans, or in packaging. After opening the container, the shelf life of the product is significantly reduced.

  1. After opening the package, the olives should be transferred to a container. If you bought them in a glass jar, then you do not need to shift.
  2. The olives must be completely immersed in the brine so as not to lose their flavor. Brine can be replaced with salted water or vegetable oil.
  3. The product must be refrigerated.
  4. If you want the olives to stay juicy and fresh, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  5. Take olives out of the jar only with a dry spoon or fork, otherwise the water in the brine can cause oxidation and spoilage of the product.
  6. If a plaque appears in the brine, then the product has deteriorated and should not be eaten.
  7. A dish that uses olives should be stored in the refrigerator, but not for very long.
  8. This product absorbs odors well, which can lead to spoilage and loss of natural aroma. You should adhere to the commodity neighborhood: you do not need to put olives next to meat or smoked dishes.

Following these simple rules, olives can be stored for a week. If stored incorrectly, the product will deteriorate the next day. If you pour olives with salt water, they will be edible for several weeks. For any visible changes, it is not recommended to use them.

Application in cooking

The use of canned olives in cooking today is quite wide. They are used to decorate dishes, they are also part of various salads and snacks, olives are excellent for alcoholic drinks, and they are also a filling for pizza and pies.

Olives come in large, medium and small sizes. Large ones are used for stuffing, medium ones are added to pizza, rolls or pies, and small ones serve as a good filling for snacks and salads.

There are also two types of olives: green and black. So, green goes well with red wine, and black goes well with white or pink. And also green olives are stuffed (garlic, lemon, capers, anchovies, salmon). It is not customary to stuff black olives with something, as they are superior to green ones in aroma and taste.

This product is also used during the preparation of soups and salads, added to casseroles, pates, vegetable stews, cocktails, sauces, serves as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes, gives an impeccable taste to pasta.

It is best to buy olives in glass jars, as you can immediately see both the size and appearance.

How to preserve at home?

Preserving olives at home is quite easy. It does not require any specific ingredients. There are many ways to preserve, so everyone chooses according to their taste.

We offer you such recipes.

In the first recipe you will need:

  1. 10 glasses of water;
  2. 5 g salt;
  3. 6 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  4. 3 kg olives.

Olives should be washed under cold running water, then cut to remove the bitterness. After that, pour olives with water and change it every day for ten days. Then, changing the water again, add salt there and leave for ten days, and preferably for a month. To check if the solution is salty or not, put an egg in it: if it floats, then it means that it is salty enough. Change the solution every two days.

After that, drain the brine and pour the olives with cold water, add wine vinegar and leave for another three days. Next, drain the brine again.

As a result, we put the olives in jars with a tight lid, add a tablespoon of salt, a little olive oil and wine vinegar, you can also add garlic, lemon and herbs, but this is optional.

For the second recipe, you need to pour six tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it well and add the head of garlic, and simmer it all. After the garlic, remove and add two tablespoons of tomato paste, four peas of allspice, bay leaf, ground pepper and 500 ml of wine vinegar. After the mixture has boiled, add 500 g of olives with cuts, bring to a boil, put back the garlic and lemon slices, peeled.

Once the olives have cooled, transfer them to a jar. In three days they will be ready. Bon Appetit.

Keep in mind the rules for storing canned olives if you don't want your work to be spoiled.

How are they different from olives?

The difference between olives and black olives is only how ripe they are, so there is no significant difference between them. The former are harvested when they are still green, the flesh is firm and the taste is bitter. It is these olives that are used for conservation. And they are made black by treatment with alkalis and saturation with oxygen.

Olives are harvested more for oil production. The fruit should be shriveled and dark purple in color, as green olives contain less oil. They are also softer and juicier than olives. But due to the high oil content, olives are more nutritious.

How to choose?

To choose the right canned olives, you need to know that quality olives will cost a lot more. It depends on the quality of what benefits they bring to health.

  1. Inspect the exterior of the can for deformation or rust. If available, olives should not be taken.
  2. Read the composition: if there are a lot of chemical additives or preservatives, then the product is of poor quality.
  3. The best olive producers are Italy and Spain.
  4. Olives with a stone will be more useful, as they contain more nutrients.

The use of these fruits enriches the body with useful components, vitamins and minerals, which contributes to a surge of vitality and energizes during the day.

Olives have never lost their popularity among gourmets and still remain a favorite product on the festive table.

When compiling a family menu, we think not only about filling the dinner table with dishes, but also about the ability of foods to heal. Let's talk about olives - their benefits and harms, calorie content and use in cooking, and also dwell on the criteria for choosing canned olives. These beautiful berries not only have a very spicy taste, but with their appearance they can decorate any, even the most exquisite dish!

For more than one millennium, the fruits of the olive tree and products from them have been a significant constant in the national cuisines of the Mediterranean, and not only. This speaks not so much of a suitable climate for growing olive crops on an industrial scale, but of the high gastronomic qualities of their fruits, both fresh and canned. Let us add to this the greatest benefit of olives for man and we will see the perfect gift of nature!

The fruits of the olive tree are real wealth, a receptacle of valuable natural compounds that strengthen human health and treat his illnesses! Olive drupes are rich in vitamin E - a vitamin for women's health and beauty; ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins D, K, group B, as well as mineral salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium and others.

Invaluable medicinal substances in olive fruits are unsaturated fatty acids, which in fruits - up to 56%. They strengthen blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis, and also ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the listed useful components, olive fruits are rich in antioxidant complexes, pectins, fiber, proteins and ash compounds. By the way, olive tree drupes contain more than 100 bioactive substances! They can rightfully be considered a plant product, which is the standard for the balance of its constituent substances.

Whether olives are healthy, and what kind of healing attributes they are characterized by, are frequently asked questions when we stand in front of racks with canned green olives, wondering which jar to put in a basket.

The gifts of olive trees have an impressive resistance to various processing technologies. Those. the benefits of canned olives are no less than fresh ones. Fresh green olives (drupes) are bitter and tart, therefore unsuitable for food!

Before canning, olives are treated with special solutions, as a result of which they lose their astringency and bitterness, and acquire a very refined taste. From fresh mature drupes, magical olive oil is obtained, which is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids play the role of healers-builders in the body, restoring damaged cell membranes, prolonging the life of cells and normalizing their vital activity. And this means that olives and olive oil should be used as a prophylactic agent for diseases of any organs, mucous membranes, blood vessels and skin.
  • For diseases of the stomach, liver and duodenum, nutritionists recommend eating canned olives daily - at least 6-7 pieces per day!
  • Olive pits are medicine too! Eating up to 10 olives with a stone can get rid of sand and stones in the bile ducts and gallbladder. They are also useful for kidney stones. Incredibly, this is a medically proven fact!
  • The complex of active substances in these beautiful berries has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and strengthens blood vessels.
  • For women and men, the product can become not only an aphrodisiac, but also significantly improve the organs of the genitourinary system, becoming an activator of the reproductive function.
  • Are canned olives good for cleansing the body? Yes! Their use helps our bodies cleanse themselves of toxins, toxins and salts. Indeed, in canned fruits, as well as in fresh ones, there is a high content of unsaturated acids and antioxidants that improve metabolism and nourish beneficial intestinal microflora. This contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines.
  • The vitamin-mineral complex in drupes is so balanced that their regular use in various dishes significantly improves the condition of bones and joints, prevents malfunctions in the mechanisms of the musculoskeletal system, heals, in combination with other methods, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, gout.

Harm of canned olives

Speaking about the benefits of olives, one cannot remain silent about their dangers. Canned foods can be harmful if consumed too much in their pure form. Green olives are not as harmful in significant amounts as black olives.

There is no harm in up to 10-15 pitted olives. Caution should be observed only with cholecystitis in the acute stage (due to the choleretic effect). But olive oil is better to limit to people who are obese or trying to lose weight - because of the high calorie content of this oil.

Calorie content of olives

If drupes contain up to 56% fatty acids, how many calories are in olives? Oil is pressed from oil-bearing varieties, and canning varieties are preserved, in which there is much less oil. Therefore, the calorie content of canned olives does not exceed 113 calories per 100 g, in comparison with olive oil, the calorie content of which is very high - 884 calories.

It should also be borne in mind that the green color of the olive fruits means that they have not yet gained ripeness. Ripe fruits have a brown-violet color and it is from ripe drupes that oil is squeezed out. We usually call canned ripe olives olives, the calorie content of which is higher than that of green olives - 166 calories per 100 g.

The use of olives in cooking

These gorgeous-looking fruits will decorate almost any dish! To imagine a festive table without these beautiful berries means to forget something important! The design of dishes with their help is so multifaceted that you can't go wrong using them even for sweet desserts and cocktails.

A large number of appetizers and salads contain green or black drupes, especially dishes of the national cuisines of the Mediterranean. Greek salad, whichever version of its execution you choose, always includes an olive tree drupe! This is the gourmet salad of the world!

The use of olive fruits depends on their size. Small berries are used in snacks, salads, sauces, hodgepodges, soups and meat dishes. Medium-sized drupes are used in pizzas, salads and to decorate dishes, while large specimens are stuffed.

Canned large pitted olives can be stuffed with almonds, capers, lemon, salmon or anchovies.

Olives are good with meat and game, they are often included in meat sauce recipes. Unripe green drupes are served with cold and hot fish dishes.

Their taste and aroma perfectly harmonizes with wines and cocktails based on them. No wonder that professional bartenders often supplement their alcoholic creations with olives or black olives. Olives emphasize the taste and aroma of rosé and white wines, while the noble astringency of red wines is enriched by green olives.

Often this product is also served as an independent dish, so that everyone present at the table can supplement the food on the plate with them. These popular green fruits never get bored and are always in place on any table!

Above, we described the use of the product in cooking, so choose the right one - so that the variety and size of the fruit is fully consistent with the planned dishes.

Buy drupes in metal cans only from manufacturers known to you. If there are no such products in the assortment of the store, then the best choice is a product in a glass jar. You will be able to see the product that is inside.

A few words about the differences between olives and olives. The only difference is the ripeness of the fruit! Olives are (ideally!) ripe olives. But they are black not only from ripeness! As a rule, manufacturers make them black by soaking them in special solutions and treating them with oxygen. To stabilize the resulting juicy blue-black color, a stabilizer is added to the brine - iron gluconate or E579. That's the whole secret!

If you want to try natural ripe olives labeled with the word "olives", then look for a product that does not have E579 on the label! Only in our area - the countries of the post-Soviet space - ripe olives are called olives. They don't have that name anywhere in the world.

The European olive is a genus of evergreen shrubs or trees, also called the European olive or Olive tree, from which the fruit crop is harvested. That's where we got the name from!

How to store olives

If you bought a product by weight and you don’t have the brine in which they were salted, then transfer them from the package to a glass jar and pour lemon juice in an amount equal to about 10% of the weight of the drupes. Pour in the same amount of olive oil. Rotate the bowl 90 degrees and shake the contents a few times to distribute the marinade. In this form, drupes can be stored for up to 14 days.

If there is an uneaten product in a tin or glass jar, then their shelf life without loss of usefulness is 3 days. If you want to extend their edibility, then make a cold marinade, the recipe of which we gave above.

Olives, the benefits and taste of which are undeniably high, deserve to take a significant place in your menu! We hope that you will include them in your diet as part of both simple and delicious dishes!
