The left hand came off. What to do if the left hand goes numb: reasons where to go

A slight loss of sensation in the limbs is rarely of particular concern. Fears arise if the fingers of the left hand go numb or the pathological condition is accompanied by pain in the chest, shortness of breath, and a violation of the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. It is important to understand that the symptom described is usually the result of hypothermia, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, alcohol poisoning, pharmacological drugs, but the causes can be very diverse. The main thing is to correctly assess the risks and promptly seek help from a medical institution.

There is no need to panic when the first unpleasant symptoms appear. First of all, you should figure out why the fingertips on the left hand or the hand itself are numb. The reasons usually lie in the performance of ordinary actions. For example, the sensations of the skin cover change when in contact with a very cold object (ice, metal).

Another common source of desensitization is due to pressure on a specific area of ​​the body.

For the experiment, you can briefly squeeze the brush into a fist, and evaluate your feelings, before and after such an action. Often, manifestations of pathology occur in the morning, after sleep. In this case, you need to warm up a little, perform exercises, and most likely the problem will be solved by itself.

Intoxication of the body should be placed in a separate group. The answer to the question of why the fingers of the left hand go numb can be prolonged exposure to chemicals (arsenic, mercury, thallium) or pharmacological treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs, metronidazole, vincristine. Of course, we must not forget about such a reason as drinking alcoholic beverages. Ethanol dissolves proteins, thereby causing neuropathy.

Diseases that cause decreased sensation in the limbs

When a patient complains that the left hand (hand and fingers) is numb, the doctor, in addition to the classic history taking and visual examination, recommends taking laboratory tests (glucose, creatinine, ESR). Such an examination is necessary to rule out serious illnesses and check the concentration of thiamine (vitamin B1). If the decrease in sensitivity is accompanied by convulsions, atrophy of muscle tissue, sleep problems, weakness in the legs, then there is a high risk of identifying such an ailment as beriberi. The disease becomes a consequence of sepsis, alcoholism, a severe infection.

Fortunately, problems with thiamine are quite rare, so consider the TOP 5 diseases that cause numbness in the left hand:

1. Diabetes. Unfortunately, the disease of the endocrine system is fixed quite often. Specialists recommend that all people periodically take sugar. This will allow timely diagnosis of the disease and start treatment on early stages. It is possible to suspect a failure in the production of hormones if the numbness of the left hand is accompanied by insomnia, constant dry mouth, and a problem with sleep.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Particular attention should be paid to their health to people whose professional activities are related to working at a computer, packing goods, and other activities that often force them to bend their wrists. Programmers, musicians, writers should undergo a comprehensive examination if they have numb fingertips on their left hand, tingling, burning, itching, muscle weakness.

3. Anemia.
Another common cause of the pathological condition is a lack of iron in the blood. When hemoglobin drops below normal, symptoms of the disease occur, such as aversion to protein foods (meat, eggs, fish), abnormal pallor of the skin, unmotivated fatigue, itching. Many patients also complain that the left arm, hand and fingers go numb.

4. Spondylosis. Problems with sensitivity often arise due to disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. For example, it causes pain in the back, neck and often provokes unpleasant numbness in the upper and lower extremities. You can confirm or refute such a diagnosis by performing magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

5. Elbow tunnel syndrome. An experienced specialist will definitely suspect such a disease if the patient complains that the middle finger and little finger on the left hand are numb. Most often, the cause of the disease is the habit of leaning on the elbow, injuries, hematomas, unsuccessful medical procedures (vein piercing), severe exhaustion, and cancerous tumors.

Of course, this is far from full list diseases accompanied by numbness of the extremities. The cause of unpleasant symptoms can be Raynaud's disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, scleroderma, diphtheria polyneuropathy and other ailments.

It is important to know that it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the left arm, hand, fingers go numb and the loss of sensation spreads throughout the body. Such manifestations, in combination with a deterioration in speech, indicate a developing stroke.

Treatment of deterioration of sensitivity should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited, as it can lead to improper therapy and the appearance of dangerous complications (up to disability).

Our body continuously interacts with the environment, can respond to various changes with the appearance of diseases or unpleasant symptoms that aggravate the existence of people.

Numbness of the extremities is one of the few but widespread symptoms. The medical practice of many specialists has many people who complain of a deterioration in sensitivity.

Why the left hand goes numb is described below in the article. The causes of the disorder are different, but such a condition cannot be ignored.

Let's figure out why the left hand goes numb. A symptom may occur due to pathologies or with prolonged uncomfortable posture. Doctors call this condition paresthesia, which is characterized by a deterioration in the sensitivity of the skin when squeezing or irritating nerve fibers. In addition to numbness, people feel a deterioration in pain sensitivity, cold, tingling, sometimes the limbs turn blue.

It should be borne in mind that numbness of the left hand occurs not only in patients who have a history of pathological processes, but also with insufficient physical activity. Often the sensitivity of the hands worsens during sleep or in the middle of the night, when the limbs lie under the body. This is due to the deterioration of blood circulation and overstrain of muscle tissue due to the pathological process.

A decrease in sensitivity is manifested due to problems with blood vessels, arterial blood supply is difficult, oxygen and useful microelements that ensure the normal functioning of the body do not enter the tissues. As a result, there is numbness of the left hand and pain. The condition can make myocardial infarction or stroke worse.

Often the left hand becomes numb with problems with the spine, when dystrophic processes occur and the further development of the disease. Numbness of the left hand can occur on the basis of complex pathologies and factors not caused by the disease. Sometimes you can easily eliminate the cause, and the problem disappears.

Consider the main factors that are not caused by the disease, due to which the hand becomes numb:

  • Long work on PC.
  • Use of clothing with an elastic band that squeezes the hand.
  • Exhausting physical work.
  • Activities related to needlework.
  • Insufficient quality of sleep, uncomfortable bed or bedding.
  • The hand is above the level of the heart for a long time.

In all examples, numbness occurs after sleep. You can get rid of the symptom with the help of massage procedures, gymnastics, rubbing. Often, this condition disappears within 10-30 minutes from the moment of waking up and relieving pressure from the hand.

If the cause of numbness is a pathology, you need to determine it and start treatment. A prolonged deterioration in sensitivity, about 1 hour, indicates heart disease, the fingers do not obey, there is pain and discomfort in the sternum. In this case, you need to quickly call a doctor.

Numbness of fingers and hands

  • Little finger numbness. This symptom often occurs in people who constantly work at the computer. The hand is in tension for a long time. Numbness occurs because the patient is engaged in monotonous work for a long time. Carpal tunnel syndrome is also a causative factor. After squeezing, all nerve fibers are in the so-called tunnel. When holding a limb in the same position, a long-term transmitted nerve provokes tension, pain, tingling, trembling, numbness.

When such a sensation arises, it is necessary to rub or massage the brush, try to bend and straighten the fingers several times, perform rotational movements and other simple exercises. With constant numbness of the little finger, a consultation with a neurologist, a cardiologist is required.

  • ring finger. With numbness of the ring finger, it is necessary to analyze the work of the blood supply system. Sensitivity problems are caused by a lack of useful trace elements. Sometimes such a symptom indicates an ischemic disorder and the primary stage of the disease. The causes of numbness can only be indicated by an experienced doctor after a detailed examination.
  • Thumb. Numbness of the thumb occurs due to a deterioration in the stable operation of the respiratory tract or displacement of the intervertebral discs. In such a situation, along with poor sensitivity, weakness and pain in the forearm are felt. Thumb numbness indicates inflammation internal organs.
  • Forefinger. Numbness often involves inflammation of the nerve fibers in the shoulders and joints. In such a situation, numbness is always accompanied by weakness in the hand. Pain in the elbow joint, deterioration of the sensitivity of the skin from the outside. Numbness can occur due to the constant long-term performance of the same type of movement.
  • Palm. This part often becomes numb for no apparent reason. In such a situation, you need to go to an appointment with a specialist to get rid of complex diseases. Poor sensation in the palms indicates disorders of the endocrine system or the central nervous system. With cervical osteochondrosis, only one arm becomes numb.

With arterial thrombosis, the hand may lose sensation, starting from the palm towards the elbow. You need to see a doctor immediately for treatment.

  • Forearm. Numbness of the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow joint is often caused by a problem with the blood supply to this area due to injury, uncomfortable posture and constant overexertion. Numbness in such situations develops intermittently, quickly disappears after massaging or simple exercises. Loss of sensation in the forearm can manifest itself with osteochondrosis and problems with cerebral circulation, pathologies of internal organs, due to nervousness.

When the left hand goes numb in pregnant women

During pregnancy, numbness of the left hand is provoked by osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine. During pregnancy, latent diseases are aggravated. Numbness may be due to a large number vitamins and iron in the body. During pregnancy, body weight increases every month.

Motor activity decreases, blood circulation worsens. In the 3rd trimester, swelling increases, many complain of poor finger sensitivity.

What disease causes symptoms

We list the diseases of the circulatory system, due to which numbness occurs in the left hand:

  • Myocardial infarction is accompanied by severe pain symptoms that are transferred under the shoulder blade, the arm begins to go numb and this condition is not eliminated with nitroglycerin.
  • Numbness of the left hand with angina pectoris occurs after physical exertion, is quickly eliminated after the use of nitroglycerin. The entire upper half of the arm up to the elbow joint becomes numb.
  • causes constriction of blood vessels and poor circulation. In diseases of the arteries, weakness is felt during exercise.
  • For or characteristic numbness of the left hand, innervation, deterioration of blood supply. There may be pain, weakness.


The blood supply to the hand is deteriorating due to cholesterol deposits. When vessels are forgotten, there can be different consequences. Numbness in the left arm occurs when plaque blocks blood flow in the shoulder or elbow.

Often, pathology worries patients who are older than 40 years. Simultaneously with numbness, goosebumps appear, fingers get cold.

Loss of sensation when working at a computer

Digital technology is so firmly integrated into everyday life that the work of engineers and other qualified specialists in this industry is indispensable. Pain and numbness of the left hand often occurs in people who are constantly at the computer. To a greater extent this applies to gamers.

The hand of people is in the same position during the working day. As a result, carpal tunnel syndrome develops, and the median nerve is compressed. The same disorders occur in musicians, accordionists, pianists.

Symptom Features

It is always necessary to take into account the nature of unpleasant symptoms. Distinctive features of the signs suggest to specialists possible reasons their occurrence. A short-term loss of sensation in one or more fingers without regularity can be due to the simplest household causes. Often this is squeezing the muscles or holding the arm in one position for a long time. All these problems can be solved with massage procedures or the resumption of activity of the arms and legs.

Short-term regular manifestations imply danger. In such a situation, problems with the central nervous system or circulatory disorders caused by cardiac pathologies are not excluded.

If the left hand or some part has completely failed, you need to seek help from doctors. The symptom may indicate a stroke, heart attack, or other problems. Complete numbness of the left hand occurs as a result of trauma.


Numbness of the left hand requires a visit to the doctors:

  • Surgeon.
  • Neurologist.
  • Cardiologist.

For diagnostic purposes, the following procedures are performed:

  • X-ray.
  • Electroneuromyography.

What to do

Numbness of the left hand is considered a reason to call a doctor. This condition is often accompanied by severe pain if the artery is clogged. If you do not help the patient in time, you will have to amputate the arm.

Loss of sensation with pain in the sternum indicates a heart attack, the patient must be sent to a medical facility. This condition is life threatening.

Since numbness occurs due to, the presence of other symptoms must be considered:

  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Problems with speech function.
  • Headache.
  • Deterioration of facial expressions.

In other situations, you need to get rid of physical activity and take a break. The blood flow is stimulated after rubbing the problem area with a towel or hand.

If numbness is caused by osteochondrosis, therapy is not aimed at combating the symptoms, but at normalizing the condition of the spine, strengthening cartilage.


In order to prevent numbness of the left hand, you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Adjust the diet, reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
  • Regulate the concentration of cholesterol in the blood to prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Check your blood pressure more often.
  • Maintain correct posture.
  • Don't smoke, don't drink.

The causes of numbness in the left hand can be different. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to consult a doctor, a specialist will help you choose the appropriate therapeutic technique.

Change your posture, make a couple of movements ("disperse the blood") - everything goes away. To prevent this from happening again, analyze your lifestyle.

Prolonged paresthesia, accompanied by pain, passing to other parts of the body, should be alarming. Moreover, sensations cannot be associated with injuries, work, sports or an uncomfortable posture. It's all about a serious illness. Let's take a closer look at why the left hand goes numb.

household reasons

Numbness of the left hand is not always associated with the disease. Discomfort is due to impaired blood supply to nerve fibers and muscle tissue. Why it happens:

Muscles are squeezed by uncomfortable and tight clothing, a heavy bag, backpack, etc. Short-term paresthesia can be provoked even by a tight cuff of the tonometer (when measuring blood pressure).

Bad posture. If the left hand goes numb in the morning, then there was a lot of pressure on it at night. The habit of sleeping on your stomach, putting a limb under you, leads to a decrease in sensitivity. When a girl sleeps on her shoulder, blood circulation also “suffers”.

If you sit for a long time, throwing your arm over the back of the chair, the vessels and nerve endings are compressed. The blood supply is disrupted. At the same time, the limb becomes cold, “goosebumps” appear.

Excessive activity of muscles and tendons. For needlewomen, pianists, people who work a lot on the computer, the brush is in constant tension. Therefore, there is numbness of the fingers on the left hand (if the main load fell on this side).

Long workouts, hard physical labor. With intensive training, the heart cannot cope with the blood supply to the muscles of the limb. The left hand is withdrawn when it is raised above the line of the heart for a long time.

Vasoconstriction in cold weather. Paresthesia is experienced by people who have a congenital narrowing of the ulnar or brachial arteries.

A frequent companion of a sedentary lifestyle is insufficient blood supply to all organs and tissues. Hence the periodic numbness of the limbs. More movement - better supply of blood vessels.


Loss of sensation in the hand, forearm, entire limb may indicate serious pathologies of blood vessels, spinal cord, heart and other internal organs. Look for specific causes of numbness with your doctor. The specialist studies the clinic in detail, prescribes examinations - makes the correct diagnosis and determines the treatment.

The information below is for informational purposes only.


Numbness provokes a deficiency of vitamins A and B. Due to the lack of these substances, metabolism is disturbed, as a result of which the nerve sheath is damaged. Loss of sensation leads to paresthesia.

  • reduced immunity - high susceptibility of the body to infections and viruses;
  • the condition of the skin and hair worsens (dry skin, dandruff appears);
  • there are problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • review your diet;
  • give up bad habits (under the influence of alcohol, many vitamins are simply not absorbed);
  • take multivitamins.


Cholesterol plaques clog blood vessels throughout the body. With severe atherosclerosis, approximately 60% of the vascular bed is damaged. The movement of blood is impeded.

The pathological process can be pronounced in certain parts of the body. If it is the ulnar or brachial artery on the left, then the arm becomes numb. Atherosclerosis develops after 40 years.

  • chilliness and cold fingers;
  • "Goosebumps";
  • pallor of the skin.

medicines prescribed by a doctor (modern drugs quite successfully cope with atherosclerosis);

operational methods (in case of serious blockage, surgical intervention is prescribed - shunting, vessel replacement, etc.).


Degenerative destruction of vertebrae, joints, ligaments, intervertebral discs. When dystrophy worsens, pathological mobility of the spine develops - nerve fibers and blood vessels are infringed. Paresthesia is caused by pathology of the lower cervical zone.

  • the thumb on the left hand, index and ring finger goes numb (less often, the little finger and middle finger);
  • “goosebumps”, tingling appear (sensations intensify with a sharp turn of the neck or tilt);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • periodically darkens in the eyes and pressure rises strongly;
  • with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region - girdle pain in the sternum.

Treatment methods for osteochondrosis:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Illness of operators, office workers, needlewomen, painters and other manual workers. Due to the high load on the carpal tendon, the median nerve swells.

  • numbness of the fingertips, loss of sensitivity of the hand (on the left hand, if it is the working one);
  • tingling, "goosebumps" at night;
  • pain and burning in the fingers;
  • cramps, swelling of the wrist;
  • decreased activity of the thumb.
  • at the initial symptoms, try to reduce the load on the working hand;
  • periodically arrange rest for the brush, do simple exercises;
  • if the clinic does not retreat, immediately consult a doctor (you can lose your working hand with such a diagnosis).

Preinfarction state

Advanced stage of progressive angina pectoris. Occurs on the background of stress, insufficient treatment, smoking, fatty food, age, etc. The release of blood into the peripheral vessels decreases - first, paresthesia of the ring finger is felt, then the little finger of the left hand goes numb.

Other signs of an impending myocardial infarction:

  • paroxysmal pain in the heart, medicines do not help;
  • soreness radiates under the tongue, under the collarbone, into the hands;
  • cold sweat, anxiety, fear of death appear;
  • atypical picture - weakness, dizziness, insomnia.

Such a clinical picture requires urgent medical attention. In a hospital, an attack is stopped and a long-term treatment is prescribed.


When a blood clot blocks an artery or a large vessel ruptures, a stroke develops. In pathology, the little finger and ring finger on one hand, the muscles of the face, legs (also on one side) often lose sensitivity.

  • severe weakness;
  • difficulty speaking, breathing, coordination;
  • unexpected blurred vision;
  • dizziness;
  • high pressure.

With such symptoms, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Delayed treatment is fraught with persistent functional disorders. Already when one little finger on the left hand goes numb, you need to worry.


Injury to the hand, traumatic brain injury sometimes lead to paresthesia. The hand is numb and sore. Other unpleasant symptoms appear:

With head injuries, the patient feels weak, he is sick. Hands can also become numb with neck injuries.

Why fingers on the left hand go numb after an injury:

  • due to gypsum, muscle atrophy occurs;
  • in immobilized muscle fibers, blood circulation is disturbed;
  • numbness occurs.

After injuries, operations, the hands need to be developed. For recovery, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture.

There are many reasons for numbness in the left hand. If an unpleasant sensation bothers you constantly, pain appears, you should immediately see a doctor.

Why the left hand goes numb - the main reasons

Hello dear readers. Numbness of the left hand is a symptom that indicates abnormalities in the work of our body. Moreover, it can indicate both completely harmless problems, and a rapidly developing heart attack or stroke. Most often, discomfort is caused by dysfunctions of the circulatory or nervous systems. But one should not exclude trauma or the psychosomatic state of a person as a source of numbness. To understand the source of limb numbness, one should understand the nature of sensations, pay attention to habits, a number of chronic and acquired diseases, and only then can one make assumptions. Today we will consider why the left hand goes numb, as well as the measures that should be taken.

The nature of the pain

Always, first of all, pay attention to the nature of unpleasant sensations. It is they who will tell you, and the attending physician, a number of reasons that could provoke numbness.

For example, short-term numbness of one or more fingers, which does not have a pronounced regularity, can be associated with completely harmless reasons.

Among them - squeezing the muscles or a long immobile state of the limb. Both problems are solved with a light massage and restoration of limb activity.

Short-term, but frequent, bouts of numbness, as well as constant slight discomfort, are a dangerous symptom.

In this case, the presence of CNS damage or serious circulatory disorders associated with heart disease cannot be ruled out. This nature of pain is often a symptom of the development or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A complete failure of the sensitivity of the left hand or parts of it is a reason to immediately call an ambulance or visit a doctor.

In such cases, the development of a stroke, heart attack, or conditions preceding it is not excluded. In addition, complete numbness of the limb may appear due to injury.

The left hand goes numb - what are the reasons and what to do

It will allow you to suspect the presence of a serious illness, as well as speed up the diagnosis in case of hospitalization.

All existing causes that directly or indirectly cause numbness of the left hand, we divided into three groups.

The first is household, associated with daily human activity, they are the safest and rarely entail serious consequences.

The second - medical, have a serious help, in the form of qualitative changes in the basic functions of the body.

The last - injuries, are associated with the main injuries that a person can receive.

1. Household

Not always the cause of numbness is a disease. For example, it can be caused by insufficient blood supply to nerve bundles or muscles.

This happens in such cases:

Paresthesia caused by excessive pressure on muscle tissue - clothing, backpack or other heavy burden.

Bad posture while sleeping. A similar situation, only the pressure has a longer, in time, effect and, as a result, sensitivity decreases, up to complete numbness of the limb.

At the same time, not only muscle tissue suffers, but also a number of other tissues, due to a deterioration in the blood supply to the arm.

Occupational disease. Pianists, needlewomen, programmers and a number of other professions associated with overstrain of muscles and tendons can cause discomfort in the left hand. In this case, the problem can affect both hands.

Holding the hand over the head. In this position, the human heart is not able to provide full blood circulation, therefore, due to its violation, loss of sensitivity begins.

2. Medical

Alas, excluding platitudes, the causes of numbness remain medical, the source of which are diseases or qualitative changes in the normal state of the body, plus injuries.

Let's look at what are the most common and serious pathologies that cause paresthesia?

3. Avitaminosis

Such a banal, but dangerous problem, like beriberi, leads to damage to the nerve sheaths, due to their insufficient nutrition.

As a result, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs. A feature of this problem should be considered the fact that, along with the left hand, discomfort can also occur in other parts of the body.

How to define it:

  1. Decreased immunity.
  2. Violations of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hair breakage, dandruff, dry skin.

4. Atherosclerosis

The essence of this disease is that normal blood circulation stops due to cholesterol plaques.

Blockage of blood vessels inevitably leads to various consequences. If the problem is localized in the brachial or ulnar artery, then the hand begins to go numb as a result.

In addition, the limb loses its normal color, performance decreases, tissue degeneration occurs over time.

How to determine? Most often, the disease worries people over the age of 40 years. Numbness is accompanied by goosebumps, fingers begin to "cold".

5. Osteochondrosis

The disease manifests itself as the inevitable destruction of the vertebrae, joints, ligaments. When the state of the disease is neglected, the destruction affects the nerve channels, completely or partially blocking their performance.

Depending on the affected cervical region, numbness or a complete failure of the performance of individual parts of the body can be observed. The lower cervical region is responsible for the left hand.

Osteochondrosis has a number of auxiliary symptoms that greatly simplify the diagnosis:

  1. The numbness starts with the thumb.
  2. There are tingling sensations that increase with movement.
  3. Headaches accompanied by dizziness.
  4. Blurred vision, on stooping and rising sharply.
  5. High blood pressure.

6. Herniated discs

Like osteochondrosis, this cause is caused by exposure to nerve channels. The main difference is that the pressure on the nerve is carried out by a hernia.

In addition to discomfort in the left hand, the patient feels severe pain in the back, up to the loss of motor functions.

The solution to the problem, most often, is represented by surgical intervention.

7. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

An ailment of office workers resulting from keyboard work and uncomfortable hand positions.

Increased impact on the carpal tendon, immobility of the limb and a number of other features of office work lead to swelling of the median nerve and tendon edema.

  1. Selective numbness of fingers.
  2. Tingling limb.
  3. Swollen wrist.

8. Preinfarction state

One of the most dangerous causes of numbness in the left hand. It begins with loss of sensation in the ring finger and little finger.

At the same time, the heart lacks seizures, and the drugs do not have the proper effect, pain appears that radiates into the arm.

Against the background of the described symptoms, anxiety, a panic state develop, the patient is worried about dizziness and cold sweat.

If you experience these symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

With quick treatment, there is a chance to prevent an attack, maintain the health and functional abilities of the patient's body.

9. Raynaud's disease

A special type of ailment associated with impaired performance of small vessels responsible for the blood supply to the hands.

The disease acts in attacks, during which the vessels contract, preventing the normal blood supply to the hands.

At the same time, both a symmetrical and a localized effect can be observed (the right or left hand goes numb).

10. Diabetic neuropathy

In this case, there is damage to the nerve endings in patients with diabetes. At the same time, the process of nerve dystrophy is final, and if numbness appears, it will be impossible to restore the functionality of the organ completely.

The solution is strict control of sugar levels. At the moment, there are no other ways to prevent the loss of sensitivity, due to a lack of understanding of the principle of the disease. To date, the causes of the death of nerve endings have not been precisely established.

11. Chronic kidney disease

With the complication of a chronic disease, nitrogenous compounds accumulate in the blood. They and a number of other toxic substances in the blood begin to affect the central nervous system, gradually reducing the sensitivity of the nerves.

Most often, the problem covers large areas of the body, although it can also be localized in individual limbs.

12. Injuries

Finally, numbness of the left hand can be the result of any injury - bruise, sprain or fracture. In this case, the injury does not always concern the hand itself.

Directly and indirectly, injuries to the neck, spine, and shoulder joint affect the left hand. On the positive side, injuries are easier to identify, since numbness occurs almost instantly after injury.

On the other hand, some injuries have serious traumatic consequences, for example, a spinal injury can lead to a complete failure of the nerve endings of the left hand.

Nerves can also be damaged as a result of hand fractures, when the sharp edge of the bone damages the bundle of nerves.

  1. Numbness of the arm when stationary.
  2. Sharp pain when trying to move fingers or a limb.
  3. Blueness of the skin.
  4. Swelling at the site of impact.
  5. Complete numbness of the hand.

When visiting a doctor, be sure to mention even minor bumps or other injuries that preceded hand numbness.

What to do with limb numbness? When to see a doctor?

Having studied possible problems and their danger, everyone should understand that there are cases when an immediate visit to a doctor can save a patient's life.

On the other hand, slight discomfort can be caused by overwork or wrong position limbs.

That is why pay attention to the nature and duration of pain.

A single and short-term case of numbness requires only a little attention. If you are worried about frequent pain - contact a neurologist for advice.

Finally, a sharp and complete numbness of the arm is a sure sign of a serious problem with the nervous system or heart. In such cases, go to the nearest emergency room or call a doctor.

How to treat?

There are a lot of possible treatment options, as well as the causes of the problem. Therefore, before taking measures to prevent or treat numbness of the left hand, consult a neurologist.

His professional advice will help you choose the right and effective course of treatment.

If there are no obvious reasons for hospitalization, then it is necessary to conduct an examination, which includes:

Blood tests, urine tests.

A number of other narrow studies.

The exact number of tests will be determined by the doctor, and on their basis he will establish a diagnosis and find out why the left hand is numb. Further, the patient will receive recommendations on further actions and, if necessary, a course of treatment.

Most often, the treatment consists of a number of drugs (anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, restorative, etc.), which are prescribed based on the results of the examination.

As an additional measure and prevention of complications, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

An important rule effective treatment, is - compliance with the doctor's recommendations regarding the load on the limb. By avoiding congestion, hypothermia and intoxication of the body, treatment can be significantly accelerated.

If the described, conservative measures have not brought the desired result, then surgery may be prescribed. In some cases, surgery is the only chance to restore the sensitivity and performance of the limb.

Important! Do not self-medicate! Otherwise, you risk limb performance.

Numbness in the left hand can be caused by a problem with the nerves, circulation, muscle tissue, or ligaments.

Based on this, as well as other information presented above, everyone can suspect one or another cause of discomfort.

The main thing to remember is that doctors are involved in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, our task is to respond to body signals in time and prevent possible complications.

Left hand goes numb: causes

Left hand numbness

The human body is an integral system that has a complex structure, is constantly in close connection with the external environment, is able to react sharply to any changes, causing a number of ailments and symptoms that are reflected in the quality of human life. One of the few, but at the same time, common signs is numbness of the limbs. In the medical practice of doctors, there are often patients who complain that the left hand is numb. This condition is quite unpleasant, and can also be a harbinger of complex diseases. Why the left hand goes numb - the reasons are quite diverse, but in any case, such an ailment should not be left without due attention, especially in cases where it often manifests itself. Let's try to figure it out and consider the main reasons why the left hand goes numb, the diseases for which this symptom is characteristic, and also what to do when numbness of the upper limbs bothers you!

Why is my left hand numb?

Numbness of the left hand is a rather unpleasant condition, which is often accompanied by a tingling, crawling sensation. Basically, the cause of numbness of the arm from the shoulder to the fingers can be hidden both in serious diseases and in everyday problems, with a long and incorrect body position. In medicine, numbness of the upper or lower extremities can be found under the term "paresthesia", which is characterized by a violation of skin sensitivity, as a result of compression or irritation of nerve endings. In addition to numbness, a person often feels a decrease in pain sensitivity, tingling, the hand may become bluish, cold, sometimes sore.

Compression of nerve endings - the cause of numbness of the left hand

Symptoms of hand numbness depend on the very reason that provoked this condition. It is important to note that the left hand can go numb not only in people who have a history of some diseases, but also in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, spend a lot of time at the computer, or when the body is in an uncomfortable position for a long time. position. So not infrequently, many of us notice that our hands go numb in the middle of the night or in the morning after sleep. In such cases, most likely in a dream, the body was in the same position. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be a violation of blood circulation and muscle strain, which is not associated with any pathology.

Numbness of the left hand can appear against the background of vascular disorders, when there is compression of the arterial blood supply, which is considered a source of oxygen and other nutrients for the full functioning of the body. In cases where the arterial blood supply is impaired, the internal organs, and in particular the heart, do not receive enough oxygen, which leads to a feeling of numbness and pain in the left arm. This condition can lead to the development of such formidable diseases as myocardial infarction or stroke.

Vascular disorders - cause numbness of the left hand

Often, the left hand can become numb against the background of disorders in the spine, when dystrophic processes occur with the subsequent development of pathologies.

Causes of numbness of the left hand

As noted above, numbness of the left hand can appear not only against the background of serious diseases, but also factors not associated with the disease. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the household factor that disrupts the blood supply and the problem disappears on its own. Consider the main reasons, not related to the disease, for which the left hand goes numb.

  • many hours of work at the computer;
  • wearing arm-tight clothing with an elastic band;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • professions related to needlework;
  • poor and improper sleep: uncomfortable bed, improperly selected pillow or incorrect body position;
  • long position of the hand above the level of the heart.

Working at a computer is a provoking factor causing numbness of the left hand

In all of the above cases, the hand becomes numb periodically, more often after sleep. You can eliminate this problem with the help of gymnastics, massage, rubbing. Usually this condition disappears within 10 - 30 minutes after waking up or massage.

In contrast to the provoking factors that lead to numbness of the left hand, there are a number of diseases for which this symptom is characteristic. In such cases, in order to get rid of this unpleasant sensation, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the very cause. It is important to note that if the hand goes numb for more than 1 hour, then the fingers become numb, pain or discomfort appears in the heart area, breathing is difficult, you need to call emergency care as soon as possible, since such symptoms may indicate the development of a life-threatening cardiac pathology.

Diseases in which the left hand goes numb

If the numbness of the left hand is noted too often and is not associated with an incorrect body position during sleep, perhaps the reason lies in the presence of a disease, so such symptoms cannot be ignored. Consider the main diseases that are characterized by numbness of the left hand:

Ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris). Numbness of the left hand is noted in the hand, forearm and shoulder. In addition, a person feels discomfort in the chest, difficulty breathing. An attack of angina pectoris can be relieved with nitroglycerin.

Myocardial infarction. Numbness of the left hand is one of the first signs of acute heart failure with the subsequent development of myocardial infarction. Quite often, it is the numbness of the left hand that becomes the only symptom of a heart attack. Unlike angina pectoris, the symptoms of a heart attack are not relieved by nitroglycerin. The only way to save a person's life is to call an ambulance followed by hospitalization of the patient.

Atherosclerosis. In the process of development of atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart and left hand with blood occurs, so numbness of the left upper limb is one of the signs of this disease.

Stroke of the brain. Acute vascular pathology, accompanied by numbness of the left hand. The appearance of this symptom indicates damage to the right hemisphere of the brain. The patient also has numbness of the left leg, impaired vision, speech.

Numbness of the left hand - a harbinger of heart disease

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine. In addition to the symptoms of the disease itself, there is a violation of the sensitivity of the skin, weakness in the arm, pain and numbness, which spreads along the outer side of the forearm, shoulder and arm, including the fingers.

preinfarction state. If a person has a history of coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis, or hypertension, and suddenly there is a feeling of numbness in the left hand, then you should not hesitate to call emergency help. Particular attention should be paid to the little finger of the left hand. If the little finger on the left hand goes numb, the reason for this in 80% of cases is a pre-infarction condition, which often ends in a heart attack.

Thrombosis. The numbness of the left hand appears suddenly, but in addition there is swelling of the tissues, severe and growing pain. When such symptoms appear, the person needs to be hospitalized.

Nervous tension. It is characterized by pinching of nerve endings from muscle stiffness, which leads to impaired blood flow and numbness of the extremities

Deficiency of vitamins A and B. Leads to disruption of metabolic processes, damage to the sheaths of nerve fibers, which leads to loss of sensitivity of nerve endings and the appearance of numbness.

In addition to the above diseases, the left hand may become numb with intercostal neuralgia, herniated discs, or with hypothermia. In any case, it is important to remember that numbness of the left hand cannot be ignored, especially when a person has a history of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. With the manifestation of this symptom, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist, neuropathologist, vertebrologist. The results of the examination will help doctors identify the cause, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Numbness of the left hand with osteochondrosis

Numbness of the fingers of the left hand

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that numbness of the left hand does not always indicate serious pathologies, but if not only the upper limb, but also the fingers become numb, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, since such a symptom may be a harbinger of complex diseases. For example, if the little finger on the left hand goes numb, then this may indicate a disease of the cardiovascular system. The feeling of numbness is often worse at night, and in the morning a person may feel tingling and numbness from the fingertips and up the entire arm to the shoulder.

Finger numbness - an alarming symptom

If no heart problems are found after the examination, the cause may be a lack of vitamins: A and group B. In people after 45 years, the hand often becomes numb as a result of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels.

If the fingers of the left hand go numb - the little finger or the ring finger, this may indicate damage to the nerve plexuses of the shoulder. In such cases, numbness extends to the outer part of the arm, there is weakness in the hand, pain when bending. If the fingers of the hand go numb with a pair of “index-middle” or “index-large”, most likely the reason lies in the disruption of the functioning of the intervertebral discs or neck muscles. Then there is weakness in the fingers, pain in the shoulder and forearm. Often this symptom may be present after injuries or as a result of surgery.

Finger numbness on left hand

In any case, it is difficult and almost impossible to determine on your own why the left hand is numb. Only a doctor after examination, collected complaints will be able to identify the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What to do when the left hand goes numb

In order to determine the cause of numbness of the left hand and fingers, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the body. Treatment consists in eliminating the cause itself, only when the disease causing numbness of the hand is eliminated, only then can this unpleasant symptom be eliminated.

The left hand goes numb - only a doctor will determine the cause

In cases where the results of the examination did not reveal any violations, perhaps the reason lies in the wrong lifestyle. You need to monitor your posture, spend the minimum amount of time at the computer, do exercises daily, eat right, move more. It is also important to choose the right pillow, bed, make sleep full and comfortable. If the left hand goes numb for a long time or other symptoms appear at the same time, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for qualified help.

Why does the left hand go numb and how can it be dangerous?

In this article, we will take a closer look at why the left hand goes numb, the symptoms of which diseases are so manifest and how it can be dangerous?

Why does the left hand go numb and why is it dangerous?

The symptom of numbness in the left hand is quite serious.

In order to get rid of this pathological condition, it is necessary to identify the specific cause of its occurrence.

And then you should treat the disease itself, and not just remove its unpleasant symptoms.

Why the left hand and fingers go numb are important causes of this problem.

Let's take a closer look at the main reasons:

  • A condition in which the left hand goes numb may indicate that a person is in a pre-stroke state. Because the cause of numbness can be a circulatory disorder in the brain, circulatory disorders can clearly indicate the risk of a stroke. In this case, a person usually has a problem high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels.
  • Numbness of the left hand may indicate that there is a threat of a heart attack, especially if the state of numbness of the left hand and fingers on the hand is accompanied by pain in the heart, increased pressure.
  • Numbness may be due to a previous injury (bruise, fracture, sprain or torn ligament)
  • It is also possible that there is inflammation in the ulnar nerve.
  • Too much physical activity, rather long work in an uncomfortable position also leads to the fact that the muscles are overstrained, pinched and all this causes a feeling of numbness in the fingers and hand.
  • If you look from the side of the nervous system, then numbness can clearly indicate that the nutrition of the muscles is impaired due to the fact that the nerve endings are compressed.
  • In addition, any numbness indicates that there is a problem in the spine: when the vessels and nerve endings are compressed, when there is osteochondrosis, then all this eventually leads to numbness.
  • Another cause of numbness can be a disease such as tuberculosis of the spine.
  • Numbness may indicate that there is an oncological problem. When, for example, there is a tumor in the spinal cord, and it progresses (grows), it begins to press heavily on the nerve endings located near the vessels. As a result, unpleasant symptoms appear, as if the hand and fingers go numb.
  • A fairly common cause of numbness is also ordinary fatigue due to the fact that physical and / or moral stress is excessively high. In this case, your "doctor" is a good rest, and best of all - a dream. Massaging numb limbs will also help.
  • Often, a strong overstrain in the muscles of the neck-collar region leads to numbness of the hand and fingers. Pianists often suffer from such a problem, those who work a lot at the computer, as they are in the same unnatural position for the head and body for a long time. All this leads to a great overstrain, spasm of blood vessels and muscles, to squeezing of nerve endings, and, as a result, to pain and numbness.
  • It often happens that the left hand becomes numb due to the fact that a person fell asleep in an uncomfortable position and, as they say, "lay down" his hand. At the same time, a tingling sensation is clearly felt in the hand and fingers, as well as in the palm of the hand.
  • Very often, sharp and severe stress causes spasm in the vessels, muscles, and this leads to numbness of the hand and fingers on it.
  • Often such a problem (in the form of a side effect) appears from the fact that a person uses any medications.
  • Often fingers, palms, arm and shoulder go numb because the body suffers from a lack of water, that is, the body gives a signal of dehydration.

Why are the fingers of the left hand numb?

Causes of finger numbness:

  • Sometimes finger numbness occurs due to low blood sugar levels or lack of B vitamins.
  • Often the fingers become numb with headaches, dizziness and before losing consciousness.
  • Numbness in the fingers may be due to the fact that there was an injury and the nerve fibers in the wrist area were damaged (in this case we are talking about carpal tunnel syndrome). In the presence of this syndrome, a person feels pain, a tingling sensation and weakness of the muscles of the hand.
  • A common cause of numbness and tingling in the fingers is hypothermia, lack of vitamins, frequent interaction with rather harmful substances, and frequent alcohol consumption.
  • Often the cause of numbness of the fingers on the hand can be nearby organs and tissues. For example, any surgical intervention, any disease, viral and infectious lesions of the body, all this can cause discomfort.

Left little finger numbness

This often happens due to the fact that a person has work at a computer, and the hand is in the same state of tension for a long time.

The little finger is also numb from the fact that a person performs monotonous work for a long time.

Another common cause of numbness in the little finger is "tunnel syndrome", which develops due to compression of nerve endings.

As a result of the fact that the nerves are clamped, a so-called "tunnel" is formed, in which all the nerve endings find themselves.

If you hold your hand for a long time in the same position, then the transmitted nerve causes severe tension, a feeling of soreness and tingling, sometimes even a slight trembling, as well as numbness.

When such discomfort appears, you need to intensively rub or massage the entire hand, and also perform a few simple movements - bend the hand and fingers, straighten it, rotate it with the hand, etc.

If numbness of the little finger occurs despite the presence of cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc. , then you do not need to self-medicate in any case!

If the little finger becomes numb systematically, then you should definitely consult with a neurologist, therapist and cardiologist.

Why does the ring finger on the left hand go numb - what needs to be done?

If the ring finger on the left hand goes numb, then it is necessary, first of all, to check the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Violation of the sensitivity of the ring finger may be due to the fact that the body lacks vitamins, especially vitamin A and B vitamins.

Only a specialist after a thorough examination can tell what exactly is the cause of numbness.

Numbness of thumb on left hand

Numbness of the thumb on the left hand is due to the fact that the normal functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted.

When a feeling of numbness affects two fingers on the hand at once, for example, the thumb and middle (or index), then this most likely indicates that there is a displacement of the intervertebral discs or nerve endings in the cervical spine are compressed.

In this case, you will feel, along with numbness, a feeling of weakness, soreness in the forearm and shoulder.

Also, numbness of the thumb on the left hand may indicate that there is an inflammatory process in the internal organs, usually in the liver, kidneys or lungs.

Numbness of the index finger on the left hand

With numbness of the index finger, there is often inflammation of the nerve endings of the shoulder or elbow joint.

In this case, the numbness of the finger is always accompanied by weakness of the arm, pain when it is bent, and numbness on the outside of the arm.

Systematic and very long monotonous movements, which are performed due to professional duties, quite often lead to the fact that the index finger goes numb, severe stiffness in the hand appears, and convulsions (spasms) appear.

Numbness in the palm of the left hand

Such numbness often manifests itself in the morning. And the reason for this is a very uncomfortable posture during sleep.

But it also happens that the numbness of the palm begins for no apparent reason.

In this case, you should immediately go to the doctor's office in order to exclude very serious pathologies in the body.

Numbness of the palms during sleep (at night) may be due to the fact that there are disturbances in the endocrine system, or in the nervous system.

And the most common reason for this is osteochondrosis of the cervical region. A feature of such a violation is that only one hand becomes numb, and not two at once.

If you suddenly feel that the left hand is numb, and numbness spreads from bottom to top, and at the same time a feeling of pain begins, which only intensifies with time, then you need to URGENTLY contact the emergency department, as in this case arterial thrombosis is possible.

Why is the forearm of the left hand numb?

Numbness of the left arm to the level of the elbow (when only the forearm goes numb) may be due to poor blood circulation in this area due to injury, due to an uncomfortable position or strong and regular overstrain (especially with monotonous movements), as well as hypothermia.

As a rule, numbness in these cases is not permanent, and they pass quite easily after a light massage or physical workout.

Numbness in the forearm can develop against the background of the presence of osteochondrosis and disorders in cerebral circulation, as well as diseases of internal organs, due to severe stress, etc.

Feeling of numbness in the left arm during pregnancy

During pregnancy, numbness of the left hand may be associated with osteochondrosis or other diseases (damages) of the spine.

Pregnancy is exactly the period when all existing diseases begin to worsen, and those diseases that have been hidden so far begin to appear.

Often a lack of vitamins or minerals, especially the trace element iron, causes numbness.

A pregnant woman every month a little, but gains weight.

At the same time, her motor activity gradually begins to decline. This can cause poor circulation, and, as a result, the cause of numbness in the left hand.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of swelling is very high, and it is during this period that so many pregnant women complain that their fingers are numb on their hands (especially the little finger and ring finger).

What should I do if my left hand, fingers or palm goes numb?

First of all, you need to go to an appointment with a good neurologist. It will not be superfluous to visit a cardiologist, a therapist, and possibly even a surgeon.

In any case, your treatment should begin with a consultation with a specialist to find out the exact causes of your discomfort.

If you do not delay this issue, and turn to the doctors in time, then the numbness of the hand and fingers can be quite easily cured.

The main principle of the treatment of numbness is the restoration of all functions in the nerve endings and the restoration of good blood flow.

For this, physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy), massage and physiotherapy procedures are used, as well as the necessary medication, which is prescribed exclusively by a doctor!

As a rule, before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes examinations in the form of MRI (tomography) and x-rays, as well as ultrasound.

If there is such a need, the patient is referred for inpatient treatment.

Measures to prevent numbness of the left hand

To prevent all those diseases that just provoke numbness in the left hand, first of all, you should give up any bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol - in the first place.

It is necessary to conduct an active healthy lifestyle life and seriously adhere to a healthy and natural diet.

Unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits ALWAYS lead to the fact that there is a violation in the circulatory system and, as a result, there is a blockage of blood vessels and the formation of “plaques” of cholesterol on their walls, which is the cause of numbness in the FIRST ONE!

Now you know why the left hand goes numb and how it can be dangerous for a person.

The left hand goes numb (paresthesia) - we are looking for the causes of numbness

Paresthesia - what is it?

The human body is a complex, ideally integrated system that reacts to the slightest changes in the internal and external environment, manifesting itself in a number of signs and pathologies that affect the quality of our life.

One of these signs is called paresthesia in medicine - this is when the left hand, right, or other parts of the body go numb. In addition to the fact that paresthesia of the left upper limb is a very difficult condition, accompanied by a feeling of tingling and crawling, it does not occur by itself, but is the primary symptom of quite serious diseases.

Causes of paresthesia - why does the left hand go numb?

The genesis of this condition is due to a violation of skin sensitivity as a result of radicular irritation or compression of nerve fibers, while disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses.

By the localization of the pathological process, it is possible to determine the reason why, for example, the left arm goes numb from the shoulder to the very tips of the fingers of the hand.

In addition, this condition may be accompanied by:

  • Signs of hypalgesia (decrease in the threshold of sensitivity);
  • Skin cyanosis (blue skin), which may be an indicator of a lack of oxygen in the blood and a sign of pathologies of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • Feeling cold in the hand, evidence of disorders in the circulatory system or disorders of the nervous system;
  • A pain symptom in the arm, often indicating a myalgic impulse syndrome from inflamed and damaged areas.

Many patients note a loss of sensation in the hand during a night's sleep or immediately upon awakening. This can be explained by a long stay in an uncomfortable position, causing a violation of blood circulation in the limb. Muscle hypertonicity and a violation of the continuous process of blood circulation can cause numbness of the left arm from the elbow to the hand, which cannot be associated with any disease.

You just need to choose a comfortable orthopedic pillow and the problem will be solved by itself. But, here is the loss of sensitivity in the hand, which manifests itself against the background of pathologies of a vascular nature or vertebrological disorders - this is already a problem.

What diseases lead to numbness of the hands and fingers?

the little finger on the left hand goes numb, photo

The main causative factors that cause signs of paresthesia of the limbs include a number of internal pathologies.

Cardiac and vascular diseases

In almost 85% of patients, the feeling that the left hand in the little finger and ring finger goes numb is the main indicator of cardiac diseases - acute coronary syndrome, CHF (chronic heart failure), followed by damage to the heart muscle (heart attack).

  • This may be an ischemic pathology in the form of angina pectoris, with signs of which the heart hurts, the left arm goes numb, discomfort in the chest and shortness of breath are noted. The feeling of paresthesia of the hand intensifies at night, and in the morning the symptoms are manifested by numbness and tingling of the entire surface of the limb from the shoulder to the fingertips. If such symptoms last more than an hour, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.
  • If the left or right hand is completely numb, including fingers, in combination with speech, visual impairment and difficulty in movement, a clear sign of a stroke is diagnosed. At the same time, if a loss of sensitivity is noted on the left side, this indicates a violation of the processes of cerebral circulation in its right hemisphere. Malfunctions of blood circulation in small vessels provoke paresthesia on the left hand and numbness of the fingers
  • The combination of symptoms of paresthesia with high blood sugar levels is characteristic of diabetic polyneuropathy, which can result in gangrene of the fingers. Acute vascular pathologies caused by atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) also cause disturbances in the sensitivity of the upper extremities.

In patients over the age of 45, limb paresthesia is provoked by:

  • thrombosis processes;
  • Atherosclerotic process in the vascular walls provoked by pathoanatomical changes due to beriberi (deficiency of vitamins "A" and "B");
  • The insufficiency of full blood flow, caused by muscle stiffness due to nervous overexertion, can cause a feeling of numbness in the left hand, little finger and ring finger.

A classic example of a disease that causes loss of sensation in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle (numbness of the shoulder of the left hand) is shoulder plexitis. In turn, it can be provoked by:

  • Pathologies of purine metabolism (gout);
  • DM and alcohol syndrome;
  • Injuries and injuries of the shoulder;
  • Muscular-ligamentous ruptures and sprains;
  • Injury to the wrist and scapula;
  • Syndrome of compression-ischemic neuropathy (tunnel);
  • Cystic neoplasms in the nerve nodes, provoking numbness of the fingers and little finger on the left hand;
  • Syndromes - "Reynaud" (ischemia of the hand) and cubital (clamping of the nerves of the elbow).

The development of paresthesia is a common problem with:

  1. Tendobursitis caused by joint inflammatory reactions in the shoulder. Accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder region radiating to the cervical area and shoulder girdle.
  2. The presence of cervical osteochondrosis, characterized by degenerative processes in the vertebral discs, provoking radicular pinching of nerve fibers and causing paresthesia of the limb, pain when moving the neck, arms and shoulders.
  3. Cervical spondylosis - pathological processes in the spine caused by bone growths on the vertebrae. Paresthesia is accompanied by occipital pain syndrome, aggravated by the slightest movement.
  4. With scalene muscle syndrome, arterial compression of the brachiocephalic trunk causes radicular irritation of the nerve fibers of the brachial plexus. Muscle tissue is compressed and pressed against the thoracic vertebrae, causing weakness, soreness, and left-sided paresthesia.

To all these factors, one can safely add neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, intervertebral hernial formations and the hypothermia factor. This suggests that a variety of causes completely excludes self-diagnosis and self-treatment, and requires qualified assistance.

Moreover, when it is clarified, ordinary living conditions may well turn out to be the only provocative factor in the disease, the elimination of which will correct the situation.

Causes of numbness of the hands of a domestic nature

Paresthesia in the left hand can develop for completely different reasons, independent of pathological processes in the body. Could be a consequence:

  • Daily, routine work related to manual printing;
  • Squeezing hands with clothes (elastic inserts);
  • Natural physical fatigue;
  • The specifics of the profession (painter, plasterer, embroiderer, etc.);
  • Uncomfortable bedding that provokes a forced long position during a night's sleep;
  • Many hours of holding the limb in an elevated state (at shoulder level).

In such situations, the easiest way to get rid of paresthesia is to eliminate the causative factor or periodically knead the hand with massage, rubbing, or gymnastic exercises.

Treatment of paresthesia - what to do if the left hand goes numb?

In each case, the problem of loss of hand sensitivity is solved by cardiologists, neuropathologists or vertebrologists. It is impossible to dismiss such symptoms, especially for those who are prone to cardiovascular diseases.

Modern diagnostic techniques will help to quickly identify the causative factor. To identify the cause, appoint:

  1. MRI examination of the spinal cord / brain;
  2. Dopplerography of the vessels of the cervical zone;
  3. X-ray examination of all parts of the spine;
  4. Rheovasography - diagnostics of blood circulation in the arm;
  5. Electroneuromyography - a comprehensive examination of the neuromuscular system;
  6. Blood test for toxins.

The therapeutic treatment plan is drawn up in accordance with the identified pathology. If none is found, the course of therapeutic treatment consists of drugs that have a positive effect on violation of sensitivity.

The treatment course includes "Trental", "Nicotinic acid", "Paracetam", "Actovegin", vitamin complexes.

To restore sensitivity, physiotherapeutic methods are used - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, dynamic currents and mud therapy.

At pathological processes in the zone of the trigeminal nerve, in combination with physiotherapy, Finlepsin is prescribed. As preventive measures, detoxification of the body, compresses on the affected areas and surgical removal of neoplasms (if they are detected) are carried out.

  • To improve tissue trophism, drugs and ointments are prescribed - "Adenosine phosphate", "Methyluracil" or "Riboxin", "Vitamin E" and "Solcoseryl"

A balanced diet will help maintain a stable condition after treatment, partially or completely eliminating the use of salt and providing a large number of fruit and vegetable dishes in the diet. Refusal of alcoholic beverages and abstinence from smoking will only improve the condition.

Numbness of the left hand, which occurs for no apparent reason, is a serious symptom that indicates a malfunction in the human body. Such a condition can signal various pathologies, so leaving it unattended is simply imprudent. A specialist will help determine the methods of treatment and causes of numbness of the left hand after a thorough examination of the patient. A person with this problem experiences a tingling and burning sensation that spreads throughout the limb. In some cases, the symptom may be triggered by a panic attack, low blood sugar, or dehydration. Therefore, it is important to consult with a specialist who will quickly determine if there are reasons for concern.

If such a symptom bothers a person constantly, then it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. This is a signal of the body, which can indicate quite serious ailments, such as:

  • Myocardial infarction. Sometimes numbness in this disease is the first symptom. Often, pain is associated with it, which cannot be stopped with medications.
  • Osteochondrosis. The defeat of the thoracic and cervical spine can provoke numbness of the left hand. This symptom is accompanied by a violation of sensitivity, limb weakness and pain.
  • Stroke. If a person becomes very numb not only in the left arm, but also in the leg, then the reason often lies in the lesion of the right hemisphere of the brain.
  • Coronary artery disease. Numbness of the left hand with this disease is accompanied by discomfort in the chest area. The symptom occurs during exercise and disappears completely at rest.

In addition to these causes, numbness of the left hand can also occur due to damage or compression of the nerves. Quite often, this problem is a consequence of:

  • Inflammation that develops in the brachial plexus.
  • Constant work at the computer.
  • Games on musical instruments.
  • Wearing uncomfortable clothing with tight cuffs.
  • Prolonged physical activity, in which a person's hands are raised up.
  • Constantly wearing a bag on the left shoulder.


In order to overcome the numbness of the left hand, it is important to understand what provoked the appearance of such a symptom. Complex diagnostics can cope with this task. It includes the following modern methods:

A study is necessary for every person who suffers from numbness of the left hand. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of developing serious pathologies, for example, cerebrovascular accidents.

Which doctor treats numbness of the left hand?

Only a highly qualified specialist will help you quickly identify the problem and deal with it. The following doctors are engaged in the search for causes and treatment of numbness of the left hand:

The answers to these questions help the doctor more accurately determine the cause of the patient's condition. In addition, the data will be used by a specialist in the development of therapy. For each patient, it is created in a strictly individual order. This takes into account his age, weight, general condition of the body.

Left hand numbness treatment

Methods of therapy for such a symptom depend on the cause of its occurrence. Treatment begins, as a rule, with the elimination of the underlying disease. After overcoming the acute period of the disease, doctors may prescribe a rehabilitation treatment for the patient. If the numbness of the left hand was provoked by a violation of blood flow, then the following therapies will be prescribed to the patient.

Recently, complaints such as numbness of the left hand have become more frequent. This condition is extremely unpleasant not only physically, but also emotionally. Seizures appear after compression of nerve endings and / or blood vessels. This condition is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation. Today we will touch on the topic of why? We will give recommendations on what to do if the left hand goes numb.

Temporary numbness of the left arm

Such an unpleasant sensation appears when the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck long time tensed or were in an uncomfortable position, such as working at a computer. Numbness in this situation can be observed completely in the entire arm, including the elbow joint, shoulder girdle. This phenomenon can be explained quite simply - the tissues do not receive the necessary dose of oxygen and nutrients. To prevent numbness of the left hand in this case, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body, do a little exercise, warm up during forced long-term sedentary work. If the hand is numb, then massage, exercise will help. Temporary numbness of the left hand may appear when wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing, prolonged position of the left hand at a level above the heart. Unpleasant sensations in the left hand pass within an hour after the provoking factor has been eliminated. If the condition has not improved and the left hand is still numb for a long time, then you should contact a neurologist.

Periodic attacks of numbness of the left hand are observed during exacerbation. If the left hand goes numb and nausea, headache, dizziness appear, then these are symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain.

The left hand goes numb with cardiovascular diseases

Such a symptom should cause some concern in people with coronary heart disease,. Most likely there was a failure in the work of the heart. Pain in the left side of the chest, numbness of the left limb, shortness of breath, cold sweat are common symptoms of a pre-infarction condition, and may also indicate that the blood supply to the brain has worsened. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to take the medicines that were previously prescribed by the doctor and call an ambulance. It is important to remember that the sooner a patient with a heart attack is taken to the hospital and provided with medical care, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome.

Sudden numbness of the arm, which is accompanied by severe, sharp pain that tends to increase, and there is also swelling of the limb, these symptoms indicate thrombosis of the main vessels of the left limb. If the pain does not subside within an hour, then the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital. Delay can lead to tissue necrosis, independent attempts to improve the condition can also lead to negative consequences.

Diseases that are accompanied by numbness of the left hand

Cervical is an chronic disease spine and is characterized by pathological growth of bone tissue in the region of the cervical vertebrae. In addition to the fact that the left arm goes numb, there is pain in the neck, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle, ears and eyes may hurt. Cervical spondylosis is characterized by increased pain during movement. For injuries clavicular plexus along with pain, there is also numbness of the left hand. Such injuries are often received by motorcyclists, snowboarders and representatives of other extreme sports. quite often accompanied by numbness of the limbs, also similar symptoms can be observed with a lack of calcium in the body.

What to do if the left hand goes numb?

If discomfort is caused by any of these diseases, then measures must be taken to treat them. If we are talking about a heart attack, you will need emergency medical care. With or osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a course of antidepressants. Morning exercises will help to avoid discomfort in the limbs. After morning exercises, you need to stretch your arms up and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, which will help improve blood circulation in the limbs. Daily intake of ginger will help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. A light massage will help get rid of the painful feeling of discomfort in the left hand. Active movements, swimming, physiotherapy exercises will improve well-being with osteochondrosis. With periodic numbness of the left hand, it is recommended to limit yourself from physical exertion for a while.

The above tips should be taken as an alleviation of the condition, but it is better to refuse self-diagnosis. Without additional examinations, an examination by a doctor and a consultation with a neurologist, it is impossible to establish a true diagnosis. Only a timely examination will allow timely detection of a disease that may be the cause of such a symptom as numbness of the left hand.
