Rites for beauty on a chicken egg. How to make a diagnosis and a love spell on an egg: rites and rituals

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An egg conspiracy can help if you have a “black streak” in your life.


Recommend! It is important to understand here, did such a stage in life begin, or did the black magic of “kind” people help? In both cases, there is a way out. The natural black streak in life can be weakened, and ill-wishers can be completely eliminated with the help of conspiracies for eggs or water.

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If you are constantly tired, unable to collect yourself, everything falls out of your hands, sleep badly or feel constant anxiety, then there has not been without a bad person.



For a conspiracy from a black streak in life sent with the help of magic, a fresh chicken egg, a black felt-tip pen and the correct words of the conspiracy will help.

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Roll a fresh egg on your chest for about 5 minutes and at the same time pronounce the words of a conspiracy from a black stripe in life:

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“I roll an egg, I roll out witchcraft, from the soul, from the mind, from the body.


Go away, dark sorcery, sent by the enemy, to my thinness, to the premises of the enemy.


I heal myself, I put protection on myself, I protect myself from troubles.


Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor a curse will pass to me.


Let it be so!"

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Then you need to write a plot on the egg with a felt-tip pen: “My troubles are in the egg” and bury this egg under any tree on the street, preferably away from your site or house.

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With a black streak of life, as the natural course of things, it can be weakened or directed in another direction.


All week, when rinsing with warm water, read the plot three times:

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"Water, water, take it off me


Dark oppression, life devastation,


To not spoil me


So that I don't get hurt,


To not break me


From side to side did not throw.


Wash away, water, all failures,


Wash away, some water, the black stripe.



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Be sure to pronounce the words from the black stripe in life aloud.

One of the important attributes of magical rites is a chicken egg. It is used in rituals to get rid of spoilage and other types of negative energy impact, to increase wealth, well-being, for happy motherhood, to get rid of various diseases. The egg conspiracy is simple, with its help you can remove the negative within a short period of time.

Before you conspire on a chicken egg, you should familiarize yourself with how it works and for what specific purposes it is used. There is an opinion among the people that with the help of eggs you can get rid of the evil eye or fright in a child, as well as from various diseases in adults. But in fact, experienced healers and magicians use this valuable magical attribute to perform various rituals. Therefore, it can be used to attract light energy to any area of ​​life.

There are simple rules and recommendations from experts in the field of the occult that will help you magical rituals efficient. It is important to remember that the egg must be fresh. Do not use the ones that were in the refrigerator. It is believed that there is no life in them and they cannot help.

Also very important is the place of acquisition of the attribute. It is necessary to carry out rituals only with the help of a product purchased not in a supermarket, but from hands (for example, from grandmothers in the market or go to the village and buy the freshest product). The egg must be domestic. Each ritual must be carried out with bright intentions, with bright thoughts, with pure energy.

Effective rites

With the help of an egg, they remove the evil eye and damage, get rid of the tricks of enemies, and slander on an egg attracts wealth, prosperity, and helps in the treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the use of this animal husbandry product, the following rituals can be performed:

  1. To gain health. And also to eliminate ailments and ailments.
  2. For happy motherhood.
  3. To attract wealth and material wealth.
  4. To attract love.

To health

A spell using an egg is designed to help in the treatment of various ailments. Need to take in left hand fresh product, read the Lord's Prayer, then break it into a jar of water. Place the container on the top of the head, holding it, read the following prayer:

“God Almighty, I ask you for help! I apologize for all my sins, but for my bad thoughts. May illness or disease not concern me, may health return to me forever. And a malicious illness will never torment me, my body, soul, blood, bones and joints, skin and entrails will not hurt! Let it be so!".

Then read the prayer of the Our Father again. Pour the contents of the jar into the toilet or into the street under a tree. Such a conspiracy will help with malaise, but remember that this is not a panacea, contacting a doctor for a diagnosis is mandatory.

From infertility

The egg rolling conspiracy will help women who really want to become a mother, but they don’t succeed. You will need to perform the ceremony more than once. Actions are performed during the growing moon for seven days in a row. Be sure to try to conceive a child with your spouse during the ritual. The ceremony is not performed during critical days.

Get up early in the morning with the first rays of the sun. Get naked, lie on your back. Roll out the testicle over the stomach, while reading a prayer. If it is inconvenient to do this on your own, you can ask your husband. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“There is a bay horse in a green field. Not savvy, not bridled, breathes freedom, sways the grass. I'll catch this horse by the mane, carry me like a free bird. Where the grain of life should appear. Let (name) enter my womb. Will bring joy to the family. Carry me, free horse, faster than the wind. To the sun and water, to air and earth. Enter the four elements into me (name). Let me conceive new life Yes, give a body to a new soul. Let it be so".

For money and wealth

A money plot for an egg can be carried out on any day of the lunar cycle. Only you can not perform it during an eclipse, during a thunderstorm or any other natural disasters. Take an egg in your hands, roll it between your palms to warm it. Next, you need to attach it to the crown and say:

“A homeless wolf sits in a dark chamber. He looks fiercely, wants to be free. I'll cut down the window, let the sun into the tower. I give the wolf freedom, but I take a ransom. Run through the dark forests, through the free fields, gain strength. Become a guard and protector for me for life. May your feet trample my way to the luck of the road. I will lock my words, and hide the key so that no one can find it. Amen".

Go outside and bury an egg under a tree in a deserted place. Just so no one can see. Together with him, you will convey your failures and financial instability. And in return you will receive a stable income, well-being.

Another effective version of the ceremony to attract wealth. To carry it out, you will need an egg, a bowl, a ring and a frying pan. Break it into a container, lower the ring there. Next, you need to go around the whole house. Then take out the ring, fry the egg in a pan. While frying, say:

“Let success and good luck become my constant companions, let prosperity and well-being come to my house. Let it be so".

Silently eat the finished dish, imagining how luck fills your body.

For love

With the help of an Easter egg, you can conduct a ceremony with which you can return love. You will need candles, a black felt-tip pen, a fresh product. Light the candles, take the testicle in your left hand, write the name of your lover on the shell. Read the following text nine times:

“My betrothed, beloved, return to me immediately. I am waiting for you day and night. Magic egg, become my assistant in love affairs. I hope for you, I trust in you, I will wait for your help, bring my beloved to me, may he always be by my side.

Hide the testicle under the porch of the house or bury it under a tree near the house.

Remember that it is necessary to carry out any rituals only by strictly following the instructions for them. You cannot change, add or remove anything on your own. Prayers and conspiracies are best learned by heart. In extreme cases, reading from a piece of paper is allowed.

To gain wealth and attract big money to yourself will help this strong conspiracy for wealth read on an egg from a "ripple chicken" - a brown chicken egg with white spots. You will have to walk around to buy such an egg, although the most fortunate ones find such eggs very quickly and, having read the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living all their lives in wealth and luxury. Having found an egg without bargaining, buy the whole dozen from the seller, leave the change to the seller. At home, choose the egg that has an uneven coloring or has some inclusions on the shell and boil it for 5 minutes hard boiled. While the egg is hot, wrap it in a new handkerchief and, taking it in your left hand, read it aloud three times. wealth spell words :

I will go out of the door with the door, out of the gate with the gate,
Away from your home
Away from your city.
Let me go look for my happiness
In ways unknown.
winding paths,
On all four sides.
I'll go without looking back.
My happiness is waiting for me, hidden
Deep and strong - not to be found.
Not in a strong chest
Not in a secret hiding place,
Not behind puddle doors
My happiness is hidden
And there is it behind a thin shell
In a chicken egg.
Find me my happiness and do not break it,
Don't split.
Don't get lost along the way
Don't give it to anyone.
Lay eggs for a hen and raise chickens,
And I live in wealth.
Key. Lock. Language.

When the egg has cooled down, carefully peel it, leaving it in the shirt (the film between the egg and the shell) and putting the whole egg in your mouth without violating its integrity, say to yourself 1 time:

Denyuzhki-girlfriends, denyuzhki-friends,
I will have wealth from a chicken egg.
From this day on and on.

On the night before going to bed, be sure to read "Our Father" nine times. The strong wealth conspiracy that you read on the egg begins to act very quickly and soon you will live richly.

© Copyright: Maginya


  • A plot from poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money to buy the most necessary things in the old days, they read this good white conspiracy from poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from a variety of sources (excess change in the store, finding money on the street, and so on). A plot from lack of money should be read on a green scarf and wheat grains (one glass). Roast the wheat in a frying pan, reciting "Our Father" nine times while roasting. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on the full moon or on the new moon, light four yellow wax candles by placing them at the corners of the table, placing a green handkerchief in the center, you need to pour grains of wheat on it. First cross the handkerchief with grains three times, then tell yourself a conspiracy from poverty that attracts money and gets rid of lack of money:

  • Vanga's conspiracy, which will be discussed, will help to attract good luck in business and luck for life. A strong conspiracy that can quickly become the luckiest person is done in a quiet deserted place sitting by stagnant water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water on which the magical conspiracy of the lucky ones is read is not flowing. If you already know where there is such a place, early in the morning at sunrise, sit next to the water seven times, read the words of the conspiracy for good luck:

  • On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth so that the money in your wallet never ends. The ritual of the white magic of money performed on the night of January 19 at the Epiphany of the Lord will very quickly relieve the needy of poverty and make those people who live in prosperity even richer. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew it - it is valid for exactly a year and therefore its constant repetition is required for each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even trade among merchants went better and brought more profit, and the peasants had a richer and richer harvest every new year, increasing the wealth and well-being of a person who was spoken for big money and wealth. Anyone can independently perform a money ceremony on the night of baptism. At midnight on January 19, when all the water on earth is holy, you need to stand under the flowing water (you can warm it in the shower or pour yourself from a ladle or mug - as you like) and repeat the Epiphany money conspiracy for money and wealth in the house three times so that the wallet is always full:

  • Special conspiracies for money is a very simple money ritual. At 7 pm, take a coin with the number 5 and spinning it on the table, say this conspiracy for money that attracts wealth. The rite with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered over after you sew the charmed coin into the lining of your wallet. After this conspiracy made before Easter, you will be lucky in everything and the money in the amount you need will always be in your wallet.

  • Good conspiracy attracting money should be read for wealth and prosperity. After conducting a money ritual, money will always be found in your wallet, and there will always be prosperity in the house. In the morning, take a sieve, put a handful of small coins in it, how much your hand will hook from your wallet. I must say right away that it is necessary to read a conspiracy for money all year long attracting wealth and good luck to the house so that none of the relatives, and even more so strangers, sees it. Early in the morning at dawn, go outside and holding a change in your hand, say:

  • Knowing the conspiracy for money that you need to read before Easter all year, you can live in wealth. Prepare a handful of little things, daily putting aside a few coins in a pile in preparation for the ritual that brings wealth and attracts money to the house. The conspiracy will make you a rich person, you will not know the need, living in full prosperity and wealth. At the time of reading the conspiracy for wealth, there should be no one in the house except you! Pour tap water into a bowl and throw in all the little things accumulated over the week. Now, you need to read the plot for wealth 33 times, kneeling in front of the pelvis, clasping the little fingers crossed in front of you. The words of the money conspiracy for wealth are as follows:

  • Money conspiracy to attract money is the most The best way how to attract wealth in order to live in abundance without knowing the need. A strong conspiracy for money needs to be read independently by taking a silver spoon, if there is no silver spoon in the house, any new tablespoon will do to attract money. Very soon after reading the conspiracy, your wallet will also begin to be attracted to the house - a lot of money will be attracted from a variety of sources that you did not even know existed before - this action of an old and very strong conspiracy for money attracts wealth and prosperity to your house and now you have money will always be found and will not be transferred. Before reading the conspiracy, wash in seven waters and wipe dry the conspiracy spoon and wrapping it with a red soft cloth 1 time read aloud the conspiracy on the spoon to attract money to the house:

  • It is customary to read strong conspiracies to attract money to the moon. If you read a money conspiracy that attracts money. A conspiracy to help get rid of lack of money and poverty has helped people since ancient times, when the very concept of money first appeared, people worshiped the gods of the moon and sun. The most powerful magical effect of a money conspiracy occurs if you read a conspiracy for money on a growing or full moon, so it’s better to guess. But if time does not stand, for example, you need to repay debts and you urgently need to get a lot of money with the help of money magic, then it is allowed to read a conspiracy for money and for the waning moon. Buy a new tablecloth and a new ball of red thread. For a conspiracy for money, wait for the full moon and take out the smallest coin from your wallet, if there are several small coins of the same denomination, take everything and stand by the window, read the lunar conspiracy for this money so that there will always be money in your wallet and house and never run out:

  • Conspiracies that attract money and wealth are the most popular money rituals and rituals that our ancestors read. To conduct a ceremony that attracts wealth so that you always have money, you need to find a body of water with stagnant water (a pond, lake or well). Fill it with a full bucket of water and take it home. To speak water for money, you need to put two bills of great denomination - do not be afraid, they will not get wet and drown. Say a conspiracy for wealth over water with money:

Ritual with a living egg

This ceremony is one of the longest - it lasts exactly one year. Therefore, I do not advise you to “order” momentary desires. Only those that are very, very important for life. The ceremony is held on different days of the week, depending on the wishes:

Wednesday - material problems;

Friday - love;

Thursday - restoration of justice;

Tuesday - win the battle with ill-wishers. Find an egg that you need to take directly from under the hen, the one that she hatches, only this is called alive. The rite itself is extremely simple: take the egg in the palm of your hand with the sharp end up (it is absolutely impossible to wash it), look at the sharp top for about five minutes without looking away. All this time you think about your desire (according to those that have already been mentioned, and only on “your” day), you can say it to yourself. For example: “Lord, help me, please, so that poverty never visits my house, so that my husband and I earn decently and can feed, clothe and teach our children.” etc. It is impossible to mention the amount of money, it is simply not accepted in rituals. God already knows who needs what. The egg will become warm in your palms. Prepare fabric (any) in black in advance. Carefully wrap an egg in it and hide it for exactly a year in a secluded place that only you know about. I advise you to write on a piece of paper the date of the ceremony and the date of its end. It's also a good idea to mark this date on your calendar for next year so you don't forget.

When I used this rite, I performed it for all the indicated problems: love, profit, justice and victory over ill-wishers. I didn’t have a specific reason, a court case, for example, but I just asked for the future. I attached a piece of paper with a due date to each egg, since the days of the week were, of course, different. The eggs lay on the balcony in a box for a whole year - from May to May - but they were not rotten at all, they did not smell of anything. On the appointed day, the eggs must be thrown into the trash without unwrapping, which I once did. I still feel the result.

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Egg conspiracy for money and wealth

The following spell will help you regain your financial well-being - and you will never feel like a beggar again. The ritual is performed only on the growing moon.

One testicle is needed - preferably brown. And if there are small spots on it (similar to freckles) - it will be perfect. Do not use the store - there will be no result from it. Only homemade will do.

Coat generously with sunflower oil. Then dip into the sprinkled flour. Carefully so that the flour does not sprinkle, wrap with thick paper or wrap in a handkerchief.

Hold it in your left hand, touch the area of ​​​​the heart with your right. And now read the plot:

“A white chicken laid an egg in a clean clearing, but a chicken laid a money egg, added money. And whoever takes this egg and eats it, he will become rich and will not know more evil. I, the servant of God (name), walked along the clearing, found an egg, ate it and thanked our Lord for the gift sent. Now wealth will not leave me. Amen".

Dip the egg three times in clean water and start the cooking process. Make sure that it cooks for at least ten to twelve minutes - if at least a small part of it is not cooked, the conspiracy will be ineffective.

Take it out of the pan and let it cool well - preferably on the window. Carefully remove the shell so as not to damage the protein. It must be thrown into the trash immediately.

Eat an egg - first the protein, and then the yolk. Do not add anything - no salt, no pepper, no mayonnaise. And eat with the words:

"Money-girlfriends, money-friends,

gather, get together,

I will have wealth from a hen's egg.

A conspiracy on an egg to remove damage and negativity

This is very effective method getting rid of damage of any scale. The ritual should be performed early in the morning, and better, in general, at dawn - and only on the waning moon. Prepare a chicken egg - of course, raw.

Some magicians claim that only the black-feathered hen produces magical testicles, but most do not dwell on this issue.

You can proceed to the magical rite.

To do this, carefully roll the ritual object all over the body. You need to start from the top point (crown) and gradually move down to the tips of your toes in a circular motion.

It is possible that at some point you will feel a special surge of energy. This means that at this point there is a bunch of negativity - linger for a couple of minutes.

During the ritual, say:

“I roll, I roll, I roll out: itching, shaking, aching, stabbing, pain and rot, old age and death from scarlet blood, from white bones, from the skin of the elastic servant of God (name) I remove, cleanse. Father, Son, Holy Spirit I conjure. With my word, I take the illness into the egg, take it away, roll it, roll it, roll it out, seal it forever in the egg. Let it be so!".

It is important to remember - a used testicle after a cleansing practice is dangerous! It cannot be stored in a house where people live. You can bury it away from your home or leave it at a crossroads. When you get rid of it, go home - and don't look back. Under no pretext!

Egg love spell

To bring love back into your life, use the magical properties of an egg - just be sure to choose a fresh one. You also need a black marker.

Squeeze the testicle in your left hand, and write the name of your loved one on the shell with your right hand (nine times). And repeat the following plot:

“(Beloved’s name), you must return to me immediately! Hide the egg either under the porch of your house or bury it at the entrance to the house under a tree or bush. .

Conspiracy on an egg from infertility (for pregnancy)

Magic is able to heal a woman from infertility and other diseases associated with the reproductive system, and the egg symbolizes life, fertility, development.

From time immemorial, sorcerers invited a woman who wanted to conceive to her place and performed a special sacrament. They asked the patient to lie on her back, stood over her and took a chicken egg in their hands (color did not matter). They rolled it over the stomach three times clockwise with the words:

"Life in an egg, give life to a child."

The ritual object should be buried deep near the threshold of the house. And if possible, you need to water it with water consecrated in the temple.

If you don't have time, you can just drive a fresh testicle over your stomach with faith in a positive result. Then bury it in the ground near the front door.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

