How do you convince yourself to live your whole life as a bachelor if the girls don't like you? Is it possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend? Is it worth getting married? How sex affects a man's health Be happy without a girlfriend.

I suggest not to think narrowly and turn to common sense. Why convince yourself to be a bachelor? And why did you decide that you do not like it? To believe that marriage leads either to divorce or to "everyday life" is not a sign of a broad mind. Let's think like that, why do people get married at all? Obviously to start a family. And you need to be ready for this. What kind of person is next to you, is he able to fill your life or is he just present in it? And further, are you able to grow and develop next to this person? He overshadows you and you feel flawed next to him, or, he is of little interest and you miss moments of life, or maybe on the contrary, he opens up the strength in you to comprehend the new? The stamp in the passport is not the result. The final link in the chain of marriage should be self-development and the possibility of further self-realization. That's all, in short, and no "everyday life" and forced viewing of Doma2, no victims. If you have not yet met your man, then everything is ahead of you, and you do not need to convince yourself of anything.

"why do people get married at all? Obviously to create a family."

No matter how. I'm not sure about women, but the vast majority of men get married because of the need for regular sex. I apologize for such prose, but this is the place to be.

For women, in principle, everything is also not so romantic: sex in marriage for a woman is socially approved, which cannot be said about sex outside of marriage (alas).

And if in general for both sexes, then marriage attracts: a feeling of filling life with meaning, social approval, lack of a sense of loneliness, stable sex, procreation, it’s easier to survive / live together, etc. little things.


If you drop it, and consider it from the point of view of sex as such, then I agree. But again, sex in marriage, whatever one may say, sooner or later becomes aimed at creating a full-fledged family. Despite the satisfaction of the need for social approval of sex in a woman, and the presence of constant sex in a man, they should ultimately have one goal, this is the continuation of the family, because this is natural.

P.S. I know a couple who vowed to live for each other, they decided even before the wedding that they would never have children, this suited both. 3 years have passed and they rethought it, and decided that without a child their family is not complete.

As if nature itself suggested this decision to them, giving a chance to people who are really capable of creating a happy full-fledged family.

Nevertheless, I do not know people who could live differently, although there are certainly such people, but I consider them a rare exception.



If you want to live long - do not indulge. British geneticist, University of London College Professor David James is convinced of this. And although his opinion is contrary to official science, he claims that the male body is programmed for a longer life than the female ...

Official version
A generally accepted fact: women live longer than men by an average of 7-10 years. There are a number of reasons for this. Ladies are careful, prudent, more concerned about their health. They are more emotional, often cry and thus easily shed negative emotions, do not keep them in themselves. They are less prone to bad habits.

Female and male sex hormones affect the body differently. But still, the main reason for "survivability" lies in women genetically. Studies by Danish and Norwegian geneticists have confirmed that the composition of female XX chromosomes (unlike male XY) allows the cells of their body to choose a gene variant that will be biologically more beneficial, that is, will ensure a longer existence. The male body can't do that.

Professor James' Theory
With the results of his research, David James turns the official concept on its head. He argues that male XY chromosomes make cells more resilient, adaptable to various influences. environment and therefore viable. That is, at the genetic level, the male body is programmed to live longer than the female.

Why is it really the other way around? Dr. James is sure: the life of men is shortened not only bad habits (modern women less affected). Before the time of men, the constant search for sexual contacts and rivalry is ruining. Here is what the professor says:

- I came to this conclusion several years ago, conducting experiments on worm-like animals. These were worms of the subspecies Caenorhabditis Elegans, in the population of which, unlike other worms, there are few hermaphrodites: they are divided into two sexes and reproduce sexually.

So, when the male worms were kept in a "male" colony, separate from the "females", they died after about ten days. And when they were mixed with "women", they began to live for 15 days (by the way, female worms live on average 21 days). But the most interesting thing happened to male worms living all alone: ​​they became centenarians, living for 30 days.

The scientist explained it this way: in a purely male community, males continuously divide the territory, fighting with rivals, and unsuccessfully looking for a female. This leads to huge waste of energy - therefore, shortens life. In the community of "ladies" worms live an intense sexual life, again constantly competing, which also does not contribute to longevity. But single worms, although they are bored, live twice as long!

Mutants are the strongest
To confirm his hypothesis, Dr. James separated from the community of worms with genetic mutations that reduce sexual activity. These individuals lived a record long time - 40 days. Moreover, the same mutation did not affect the life expectancy of females.

The scientist also became convinced of the presence of a similar "sex-expenditure" mechanism in other biological species. For example, a castrated male marsupial mouse could live for about three years, while in normal life they die within two to three months of intense sex (these animals can copulate from 8 to 10 hours a day).

- The life of males is limited by the degree of their mobility and the cost of sexual energy - explains David James. - Exceeding the threshold of activity dramatically reduces the duration of life. Such jumps in nature are common, so males live less than females. This applies to all species of the animal world, and humans are no exception.

By wasting our sexual energy right and left, we men can shorten the life allotted to us by nature by about 25%. But nature, in fact, gives us this energy resource in order to save humanity.

Men have a lot to think about. At the very least, everyone can make a choice for themselves what they ultimately want - more sexual experiences or live longer.

long song
Italian doctors have analyzed the life of castrato singers from antiquity to the present day. Apart from their deaths from accidents, wars and natural disasters, in general they lived 15-20 years longer than other men.

In America, they collected statistics on why men get out of bed at the beginning of the night:
. 5% - to go to the toilet,
. 15% - to go to work on the night shift,
. 80% - to get dressed and go home ...

Life without a woman

But how good it is to live without a woman! Even amazing. There is no one to be jealous of, no one to swear at, no need to constantly say “I love you” and “you look great.”

It is possible - just think, what a luxury - to go to bed at five o'clock in the afternoon, not being afraid that at eight you will be woken up by an intercom signal, sharp, like the cry of a sentry, and you will have to, groaning and rubbing your eyes, go open the front door, and then listen for ten minutes how the day went and who said what to whom at work.

Without a woman, you can - envy, slaves of females! - turn on all the lights in the apartment at 4 a.m., turn on the full Manowar group and, after drinking a protein shake, shake your arms with dumbbells, shouting “Zig!” on the inhale, and “Heil!” on the exhale!

Without a woman, you can lie back in your chair, start pornography with Chinese transvestites and selflessly masturbate, not expecting that at that moment she will return from the kitchen, throwing an accusatory look at you.

Without a woman, you can not go to the movies, not shave, and order a small Pipponi pizza and a bottle of Kedrovka vodka twice a day. And when you get tired - go on a diet of salads, because now you live alone and no one will drag two packs of chopped bacon into your refrigerator at the very moment when you decided to arrange a cleansing fast!

Without a woman, you live with clean dishes and a washed floor - because now there is no one to rely on, and you immediately wash them yourself.

Without a woman, you don’t have to pretend that you are interested in a herd of clinical idiots and degenerates, whom for some reason they call friends.

Without a woman, you can smoke two packs of cigarettes a night without opening the balcony, from which it blows cold.

Without a woman, you do not need to know about the existence of strangers strangers from a distant province, called "parents". No need to think about marriage, having children, serious work and other nasty joys of disgustingly slimy bourgeois.

Without a woman, you can hit on other women and talk about geopolitics with friends without feeling the oppressive weight of someone getting bored here.

Without a woman, you can live on 3,000 rubles a week and walk around the apartment without panties with a volume of Eisenstein in your hands.

Without a woman, you are free, clean, cheerful and in control of your own destiny, in which there is no longer early baldness, frantic searches for a “good kindergarten” and family trips for weekend barbecues.

Without a woman, you are beautiful, like a young ancient god.

* * *
Well, are you convinced of all the benefits? And most importantly - we live 15-20 years longer!

It is hard for a 25-year-old man to endure even a two-week abstinence. Self-satisfaction and casual sex helps to solve the problem. In guys of this age, forced abstinence has practically no effect on sexual function. Problems begin when a man gets older. After the age of 35, a long-term refusal to have sexual relations is fraught with problems with sexual arousal and premature ejaculation.

At an older age, the sexual function "as unnecessary" - if the representatives of the stronger sex do not use it in any way - begins to gradually die off. If a long break in sexual relations occurs after forty, treatment by a doctor may be necessary to restore the normal functioning of the genital organs. After a break of at least 3-4 months, a 50-year-old gentleman may never experience sexual arousal at all.

Men are not as selective in terms of choosing sexual partners as women. The problem of the absence of a girlfriend or wife is quickly solved with the help of self-satisfaction or casual acquaintances. However, guys who have wives and mistresses are also engaged in self-satisfaction. There is nothing wrong with that. Self-satisfaction is not only a way to relieve the accumulated sexual tension, but also a kind of "training" of sexual function.

Most of all, it is casual relationships that cause problems without counting on the continuation of the relationship. Most often they are tied in a state of intoxication. Sexual relations in such situations are not always safe. What this is fraught with, every adult man knows: at best, you will have to be treated by a venereologist, at worst, you will get to know the program of rehabilitation of HIV-infected people closely. So having a permanent partner, in whose health the guy is sure, is also important for maintaining his overall health and life.

Women and men deal with loneliness differently. Men perceive it less painfully. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend, they can answer quite in the affirmative. Much depends on psychological factors, social status and age of the man. Over time, even the most notorious bachelors begin to think about creating strong family with all the ensuing consequences.

But the intimate life of people has not gone unnoticed by confessions. It is believed that it is closely connected with the spiritual aspects of existence. Many religions practice different types abstinences supported by spiritual prerequisites.

What is a vow of celibacy?

The vow of celibacy, or celibacy, is a form of abstinence from marital relations. Interestingly, this phenomenon does not imply sexual relations as such, namely marriage. But after the advent of confessions, intimate relationships outside of marriage began to be considered something unnatural. Thus, a complete abstinence from intimate relationships.

Buddhism and Hinduism also welcome the renunciation of sexual relations. Most of all, this is emphasized in the Bible. Protestants do not focus on it. And in Islam, polygamy is completely welcomed - a man can have several wives at the same time.

Temperance Bible

The vow of celibacy in the Bible applies primarily to men, since women a priori do not have the right to enlightenment. It is believed that if a believing man starts a family, then his heart will belong to a woman, and the Lord fades into the background. In other words, refusing to marry is regarded as devotion to God.

Such a postulate was given by the apostle Peter. But no less interesting is the fact that Peter himself married and, most likely, did not refuse sexual relations.

The strongest religious arguments against sex can be divided into three groups:

  1. Preferring God to everything worldly.
  2. Restrictions in worldly things strengthen the strength of the spirit.
  3. Sexual relations carry sin, even if they take place in marriage.

It is believed that in fact there are no strict instructions in the Bible about celibacy. This phenomenon arose later, in the Middle Ages. Of course, the Church was the initiator.

In Orthodox Christianity, celibacy is obligatory for the higher echelons of the clergy. For example, these are bishops. Priests and deacons - optional. Catholic Church more demanding. In it, celibacy is mandatory for almost all ranks of priests. But nevertheless, in both denominations, the majority of priests have the most ordinary marital relations.

The practice of celibacy

Sexual energy itself is an essential part of human life. It is closely connected not only with bodily aspects, but also psychological ones. and mental. If someone, in search of an answer to the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend, settled on celibacy, then you should know how this affects later life.

Sexual relations are an exchange of energies between a man and a woman. When there is no exchange, it accumulates in huge quantities. Just it should be used for prayers, worship and ascetic image life.

Hinduism and celibacy

In Hinduism, spiritual seekers who have given up marriage are called brahmacharya. The word means behavior that leads to the realization of the Absolute or God. The requirements for them are very strict. Here, not only sexual relations are prohibited, but in general sexual desire, including fantasies in this field. Homosexual relationships, self-satisfaction and other deviations are punished severely. It is believed that such behavior leads to degradation and completely decomposes the personality.

In a broad sense, Brahmacharya involves complete control over emotions and feelings. This should lead to complete liberation - to Nirvana. The main practice for such seekers is yoga. It also helps to calm the mind, which tends to slide in the direction of bodily desires. Yoga brings awareness. With the right level of awareness, staying celibate is very easy. It is believed that a real Brahmacharya, if he touches a woman's body, his body and mind should not react in any way. In this state, the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a family does not cause difficulties at all, but, on the contrary, is used as a means to achieve a high goal.

What does the esoteric say?

In esotericism, it is believed that the seminal fluid of a man is the basis of living life. Its preservation is the key to longevity, health and spiritual perfection. Spending, on the contrary, entails long-term failures in the human energy system, the restoration of which can take years of rigorous practice.

From an esoteric point of view, when excited, vital energy is activated and concentrated in the genital area. When discharging, it comes out. Recovery requires the consumption of dairy products, nuts and other protein foods.

The amount of seminal fluid in the body has its limits. Anyone who has spent more than half of this liquid is faced with diseases of the nervous system, indulges in anger, fear, laziness and other destructive phenomena.

Esotericism recommends that a person learn self-control from animals. For example, lions, elephants or bulls have a greater level of self-control than humans. A person in the midst of sexual arousal cannot control himself, it is easier for animals. Lions have sexual intercourse once a year. If the lioness is impregnated, then she does not allow herself until the cubs are weaned, and the lioness herself becomes strong and healthy. In the human world, such orders will fail. From this point of view, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to live alone all your life will be positive.

An example from reality

It is amazing that there are people who are supporters of lifelong abstinence, even without being influenced by confessions. A striking example is the Russian polymath Anatoly Wasserman. He took a vow of celibacy at the age of 17 and still adheres to it, although he adheres to an atheistic worldview. His motive at that time was simple - sexual relations could distract him from studying science.

Thus, Wasserman has been considered for many years a lonely man in the very juice, remaining true to his principles. Others believe that the Wassermann vow can be attributed more to a vow of chastity than to celibacy. As mentioned above, celibacy involves a complete renunciation of the sexual sphere of life. And Wasserman has publicly said more than once that he contains a huge collection of video and photo materials of a pornographic nature. And this is not surprising, since the lack of sex in men is often compensated by this kind of interest.

female celibacy

Religions do not require such sacrifices from women. But there are isolated facts when fangirls or feminists voluntarily take a vow of chastity. An interesting phenomenon of this nature was observed in Albania. At one time in this country, young girls took a kind of vow of chastity, according to which, she obliged herself to fully accept the male role in the family and in social life.

Experts believe that the motive was not so much religious beliefs, but a social factor - the absence of a man. As a logical extension, the woman took on their role.

Psychological aspect

A famous quote says that coming to an empty apartment in the evenings, everyone chooses whether it is loneliness or freedom. But there is another feature of human nature - to mitigate tension, we give different shades to unpleasant phenomena in our lives. This quote suggests taking advantage of this opportunity. And such a decision can help. For someone - to discover new facets of being alone, for someone - to successfully survive temporary difficulties in life.

One way or another, psychologists distinguish types of men for whom the question of whether to get married is not at all relevant. By virtue of psychological features, these types of men stay single longer. Let's consider each of them.


These men are popular among women. They believe that all the benefits that a woman can give are available even without a stamp in the passport. In fact, it is. If he has taken place socially, has no health or financial problems, then marriage is seen as a decrease in these achievements: personal freedom is limited, finances have to be shared. This is usually a lonely man in the juice itself, who made a conscious choice.

Dominant mother

Often in incomplete families, the mother brings up children alone. If this is a son, then he does not see the male model of behavior. The female model implies subordination, taking into account the interests of loved ones. In such a situation, the mother will be required to give her son more freedom of action, to place responsibility on him and respect his choice.

But this rarely happens. It is difficult for mothers to abstract from their own patterns of behavior. So a son grows up who does not dare to make a choice in favor of his own preferences. The mother often does not approve of the son's choice or does not want to share it with another woman at all, even if the time comes. As a result, the man makes a negative decision on whether to marry.

Inflated opinion of yourself

Another maternal extreme is instilling in the son the belief that he is the best in the world and deserves everything to the maximum extent. He is offended if he is offered something average. This attitude is formed to everything: from the brand of clothing to the companion. Such a man believes that his woman has no right to lack, she must be perfect in every way. But these beliefs are far from reality. Discarding one girl after another, such a person will be in an eternal search or, being disappointed, will cultivate many negative beliefs and complexes in himself. But here the question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend is not worth it. It's about the difficulty of building relationships.


Everyone goes through periods of loneliness when there is no relationship with the opposite sex. The reason may be traumatic relationships or your own failures in trying to build them. The physiological need finds easy ways to discharge: watching erotic films and realizing fantasies alone.

Over time, a man may find that it is safer emotionally. When a real girl appears, he cannot stand the emotional grinding and again returns to the world of dreams and virtual pleasures.


This is a respectable guy who understands the male role in a relationship: a breadwinner and a protector. But reaching this level requires some effort. These are usually years of study, work and career growth. The social race is not an easy path. Until a person reaches his heights, decades pass.

When it comes time to build a relationship, it turns out that there is little experience of communicating with the opposite sex. After a series of disappointments and failures, the issue is nevertheless resolved, but often not without active action on the part of more nimble girls.

Motives and reasons

The question of whether it is possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend often arises at a young age. The most common reason is disappointment in relationships with the opposite sex. As you know, in many countries and cultures, sex education is either absent or completely taboo. Adolescents do not have the opportunity to receive reliable information on questions of an intimate nature.

Under such conditions, “teachers” are peers who are themselves in a similar position, and open sources like pornographic magazines and websites. But these resources are far from educational in nature.

After several unsuccessful relationships, psychological problems and inferiority complexes appear, young people completely abandon them, and an idea arises of how to live without a girl so as not to injure your psyche in the future.

What does medicine say?

Medicine does not give a clear answer to this question. It all depends on the psychotype of a person. If he has by nature high level testosterone, and he is used to having an active sex life, forced breaks can lead to problems such as nervousness, insomnia, or an obsessive state.

If a man is calm about the lack of intimate relationships, then he will also receive less harm. Medicine has long been aware of how sex affects a man's health. Being a natural psychological and physiological need, it keeps the body in good shape, and mood - in stability.

Harm from abstinence also depends on the age of the man. Adolescents during puberty experience a period of hypersexuality. But according to social norms, they should abstain. It will not harm the body.

If we are talking about an adult who previously had a full-fledged sexual relationship, then prolonged abstinence can lead to stagnation in the male reproductive system. The psychological aspect may prompt the idea of ​​​​how to live alone, and not at all claim to resume an intimate life. But this period should not last too long. Otherwise, diseases such as prostate adenoma, prostatitis, or even neoplasms occur. With this history, doctors recommend having a stable sex life to improve health.

Not all men seek to enter into relationships with members of the opposite sex. Someone is trying by all means to maintain their freedom, while someone is pursuing more serious goals. Supporters of loneliness often wonder if it is possible to live a lifetime without a girlfriend.

Is it possible for a man to live his whole life without a girlfriend

To answer this difficult question, one should consider the problem from different angles.


A man can have clear attitudes, because of which he remains a bachelor all his life. Sometimes this is an absolutely conscious and thoughtful choice, and sometimes it is a manifestation of existing psychological problems.

Professional heartthrobs are distinguished by natural charm and charisma. They are able to charm any girl, but sometimes over time they make a choice in favor of loneliness. After many years of intense communication with women, such men come to understand that relationships cause them boredom. All partners seem similar to each other, interest in the fairer sex is completely fading away.

Careerists obsessed with their professional success usually just don't want to waste time on relationships. Money and power give them much more pleasure than possessing the most beautiful women. It is not for nothing that there are many single men among millionaires who are not very eager to bind themselves in any way.

Often, men who have experienced severe psychological trauma in the past, such as a difficult breakup, betrayal, the death of a lover, etc., often completely refuse close communication with the opposite sex. It is generally accepted that women are distinguished by emotionality and sensitivity. But even among men there are many vulnerable natures who, after one bad experience, no longer want to tempt fate. Unlike the two previous cases, in which the choice is made consciously, there are certain psychological problems here. Such men believe that women will not bring them happiness, but outside of relationships they feel bad.

It also happens that a man simply cannot meet a woman who wants to enter into a relationship with him. This may be due to physiological characteristics, the lack of necessary communication skills, the constant interference of the dominant mother in the son’s personal life, etc. As a result, a person who internally yearns for a relationship cannot change the current state of affairs. In such cases, forced loneliness often provokes serious depression, the appearance of thoughts about the lack of meaning in life.

The medicine

From a medical point of view, the consequences of abstinence may be different depending on the age and temperament of a particular man.

If the level of testosterone in the blood goes off scale, and thoughts of intimacy constantly haunt a person who has chosen the path of abstinence, then psychological and physiological problems are likely to arise. The first will be manifested by insomnia, irritability, nervousness. And the second - the appearance of congestion, leading to the development of serious diseases (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, tumors).

Men who have previously had an active sex life are at particular risk. For the body, unexpected and prolonged abstinence will become a serious stress.

A big problem is the deterioration of reproductive abilities. If, after a long period of loneliness, a man suddenly decides to enter into a relationship with a woman and have a child with her, he may face unexpected medical consequences of abstinence. Usually, the amount of seminal fluid increases significantly, but sperm motility is greatly reduced.

A different situation develops if a man does not initially have a high libido, or is at an age when sexual relations are no longer of much interest. In this case, a complete rejection of communication with women may not cause much harm to the body.


The issue of abstinence is also considered by world religions. Refusal of sexual life and any relationship with the opposite sex is often viewed on the positive side.

For example, the Bible emphasizes that renunciation of worldly pleasures speaks of devotion to God. A man consciously decides to devote himself to the service of the Almighty, which means that there is no place left for a woman in his life. It is also believed that the ability to deal with one's carnal desires demonstrates the presence of fortitude.

Representatives of Hinduism, who chose for themselves spiritual path existence, not only must completely renounce sexual contact, but also fight the sinful thoughts that appear in the head.

The Qur'an does not forbid sexual relations with the opposite sex. On the contrary, Islam even encourages the desire to have several wives at once.


The sexual energy of a man affects all aspects of his life:

  • health;
  • strength of will;
  • self confidence;
  • position in society;
  • culture level.

On the one hand, the presence of a partner and a regular sexual life is positive factor. After all, it gives a sense of confidence, self-sufficiency. On the other hand, it is on women that a man spends most of his energy. This is especially true for those representatives of the stronger sex who do not limit themselves in any way in carnal pleasures.

As a result, energy that could be used to achieve meaningful goals is wasted.

Accordingly, men who do not waste time and energy on their personal lives, according to esotericists, accumulate the necessary supply of vitality within themselves. They also develop self-control skills. Indeed, without the application of strong-willed efforts, it is impossible to abandon the usual way of life.

Expert opinions

Sigmund Freud paid great attention to the issue of refraining from relationships with the opposite sex. According to the famous psychoanalyst, sublimation (the realization of unsatisfied sexual energy in various forms of social activity) is the main engine of progress.

Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence.

Benjamin Franklin

Abstinence does not go unnoticed. Some get pimples, others get moral protection laws.

Austrian satirist Karl Kraus

Temperance is the first step of virtue, which is the beginning of moral perfection.

Lao Tzu

Abstinence is an exceptionally pernicious habit.

Oscar Wilde

Video: the opinion of a representative of religion

Video: opinion of a sexologist

Each man himself decides whether he needs a woman for a fulfilling life. It is important that the rejection of a relationship is a conscious decision, and not a forced measure. In the second case, serious physiological and psychological problems are likely to arise.
