How much does a tiger catfish weigh a hare and already. Tigers (lat.

The tiger (lat. Panthera tigris) is a predatory mammal from a fairly large feline family, as well as a typical representative of the genus Panthera (lat. Panthera) from the subfamily Big cats. Translated from Greek the word "Tiger" means "sharp and fast".

Description of tigers

Representatives of this species include the largest predatory animals from the cat family. Almost all subspecies of currently known tigers are among the largest and strongest terrestrial predators, therefore, in terms of mass, such mammals are second only to brown and polar bears.

Appearance, color

The tiger is the largest and heaviest of all wild cats. However, different subspecies differ markedly from each other not only in their characteristic appearance, but also in size and average body weight, and mainland representatives of this species are always significantly larger than island tigers. The largest to date are the Amur subspecies and Bengal tigers, adult males of which reach a length of 2.5-2.9 m and weigh up to 275-300 kg and even a little more.

The average height of the animal at the withers is 100-115 cm. The elongated body of a predatory mammal is massive, muscular and excellently flexible, and its front part is noticeably better developed than the back and sacrum. The tail is long, evenly fluffed, always ends in a black tip and is distinguished by transverse stripes that form a continuous ring type around it. The powerful strong front paws of the beast have five fingers each, and four fingers are located on the hind legs. On all fingers of such an animal there are retractable claws.

The rounded large head has a noticeably protruding front and a convex frontal region. The skull is rather massive, with widely spaced cheekbones and nasal bones extending over the maxillary bones. The ears are relatively small, rounded in shape. Tanks are located on the sides of the head.

White, very elastic vibrissae are characteristically arranged in four or five rows, and their length reaches 165 mm with an average thickness of 1.5 mm. The pupils are round, the iris is yellow. All adult tigers, along with most other members of the cat family, have three dozen well-developed and strong, sharp teeth.

It is interesting! The tracks of the male are larger and more elongated than those of the females, and the middle fingers protrude quite clearly in the forward direction. The length of the track of the male is 150-160 mm with a width of 130-140 mm, the female - 140-150 mm with a width of 110-130 mm.

A predatory mammal of the southern type is characterized by low and rather rare, low hairline with good density. Northern tigers have fluffy and rather high fur. The base coloration of the background can range from rusty reddish to rusty brownish. The abdomen and chest area, as well as the inner surface on the paws, are distinguished by a light color.

On the back of the ears there are characteristic light markings. On the trunk and neck there are transverse vertical stripes, which are quite densely located on the back half. On the muzzle below the location of the nostrils, in the area of ​​vibrissae, chin and lower jaw, a pronounced white coloration is noted. The forehead, parietal and occipital regions are characterized by the presence of a complex and variable pattern, formed by means of short transverse black stripes.

It is important to remember that the distance between the stripes and their shape vary greatly among representatives of different subspecies, but in most cases more than a hundred stripes cover the skin of an animal. The striping of the pattern is also present on the skin of the predator, so if you shave off all the fur, then it is completely restored in accordance with the original type of staining.

Character and lifestyle

The tiger, regardless of subspecies, is a very typical representative of territorial animals. Adult individuals lead a solitary lifestyle and have their own area on which hunting is carried out. An individual site, ranging in size from 20 to 100 km 2, is very fiercely guarded by a predator from encroachments by other representatives of the genus, but the territory of a male and a female may well overlap.

Tigers are not able to pursue their prey for several hours, so such a predatory beast attacks with a lightning dash from a special ambush after the prey has been caught up. Predatory mammals from the feline family hunt in two different ways: very quietly sneaking up on the prey or waiting for their prey in a pre-selected ambush. At the same time, the maximum distance between such a hunter and his prey can be quite impressive, but not more than 120-150 m.

It is interesting! In the process of hunting, an adult tiger has a jump height of up to five meters, and the length of such a jump can reach about ten meters.

The unexpectedness of the attack practically does not give any victims of a wild animal even the slightest chance of survival, due to the inability of the animals to gain sufficient speed for a rescue escape. An adult and strong tiger is literally in a matter of seconds able to be near its frightened prey. Males quite often share part of their prey, but exclusively with females.

How long do tigers live

Amur tigers in natural conditions live about fifteen years, but when kept in captivity, their life expectancy is slightly longer, and averages twenty years. The life span of a Bengal tiger in captivity can reach a quarter of a century, and in the natural environment - only fifteen years. Indochinese, Sumatran and Chinese tigers in nature can live eighteen years. A real long-liver among tigers is considered to be the Malayan tiger, whose life expectancy in natural, natural conditions is a quarter of a century, and when kept in captivity - about four to five years longer.

Types of tigers

There are only nine subspecies belonging to the Tiger species, but by the beginning of the last century, only six of them managed to survive on the planet:

  • (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Ussuri, North Chinese, Manchurian or Siberian tiger - lives mainly in the Amur Region, on the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. The largest subspecies, characterized by thick and fluffy, rather long fur, which has a dull red background and not too a large number of stripes;
  • (Panthera tigris tigris) - is a nominative subspecies of the tiger that lives in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, in Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan. Representatives of this subspecies inhabit wide range all kinds of biotopes, including rain rainforests, dry savannas and mangroves. The average weight of a male can vary between 205-228 kg, and females - no more than 140-150 kg. The Bengal tiger, which lives in northern India and Nepal, is larger than the individuals inhabiting the young regions of the Indian subcontinent;
  • indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris sorbetti) is a subspecies that lives in Cambodia and Myanmar, as well as inhabiting southern China and Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. The Indochinese tiger has a darker color. The average weight of a mature male is about 150-190 kg, and that of an adult female is 110-140 kg;
  • Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) is one of the six representatives of the genus that have survived to this day, found in the south of the Malay Peninsula. Previously, the entire population was customarily attributed to the Indochinese tiger;
  • (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is the smallest of all currently existing subspecies, and the average weight of an adult male is approximately 100-130 kg. Females are noticeably smaller in size, so their weight does not exceed 70-90 kg. Small size is a way to adapt to living in tropical forest areas Sumatra;
  • Chinese tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) is one of the smallest representatives of all subspecies. The maximum body length of the male and female is 2.5-2.6 m, and the weight can vary between 100-177 kg. The genetic diversity of this subspecies is extremely small.

Extinct subspecies are represented by the Bali tiger (Panthera tigris balica), the Transcaucasian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) and the Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica). Fossils include the primitive subspecies Panthera tigris acutidens and the oldest subspecies of the Trinil tiger (Panthera tigris trinilensis).

Range, habitats

Initially, tigers were quite widespread in Asia.

However, to date, all representatives of the subspecies of such predators have been preserved exclusively in sixteen countries:

  • Laoc;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar;
  • Bhutan,
  • Cambodia;
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
  • Russia;
  • Public India;
  • Islamic Republic of Iran;
  • Republic of Indonesia;
  • China;
  • Malaysia;
  • Islamic Republic of Pakistan;
  • Thailand;
  • Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

Habitual tiger habitats are northern taiga zones, semi-desert and forest areas, as well as dry savanna and humid tropical regions.

It is interesting! Almost all wild cats are afraid of water, therefore, if possible, they try to bypass water bodies, and tigers, on the contrary, are excellent swimmers and love water, using bathing to get rid of heat and overheating.

Quite steep cliffs with numerous niches and secret caves are among the most favorite territories where tigers equip their comfortable and reliable lair, hunt, and raise offspring. Inhabited areas can be represented by secluded reed or reed thickets near water bodies.

Tiger Diet

All subspecies of tigers are representatives of the order of predators, so the main food of such wild animals is exclusively meat. The diet of a large feline mammal may have some significant differences depending on the main features of the animal's habitat. For example, the main prey of the Bengal tiger is most often wild boar, Indian sambar, nilgai and axis. Sumatran tigers prefer to hunt wild boars and tapirs, as well as sambar deer. Amur tigers feed mainly on deer, as well as wild boars.

Among other things, Indian buffaloes and hares, monkeys and even fish can be considered as prey for tigers. Too hungry predatory animals are able to eat frogs, all kinds of rodents or other small animals, as well as berry crops and some fruits. The facts are well known, according to which adult tigers can, if necessary, quite successfully hunt some predators, represented by crocodiles, boas, as well as Himalayan and brown or their cubs.

As a rule, sexually mature male Amur tigers, having large sizes and impressive muscles, enter into a fight with young bears. The outcome of the struggle of such strong predators can be completely unpredictable. There is also information according to which tigers often attack cubs. In zoological parks, the diet of tigers is compiled very carefully, taking into account all the recommendations given by experts from the Eurasian Regional Association.

At the same time, the age characteristics of a predatory mammal, as well as its weight, the sex of the animal and the characteristics of the season are taken into account without fail. The main food of the predator in captivity is represented by animal products, including chickens, rabbits and beef. The diet also includes milk, eggs, fish and some other types of highly nutritious protein foods.

In one day, an adult predator is able to eat about ten kilograms of meat, but the rate depends on the species characteristics of the animal and its size. Other products are offered to the tiger periodically and in limited quantities. In captivity, the diet of predators from the Feline family is supplemented with vitamin mixtures and healthy supplements with basic minerals, which contributes to the proper growth of the skeleton and prevents the development of rickets in animals.

How much does the Amur tiger weigh? and got the best answer

Answer from Anna[guru]
The tiger is the largest and heaviest of the wild cats, but its various subspecies vary greatly in size and body weight. The mainland subspecies of the tiger are larger than the island ones. The largest of them are the Indian (Bengal) and Amur (Ussuri, Siberian) subspecies. The males of which can reach up to 2.3-2.5 m, and in some cases up to 2.6-2.8 meters in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 300-320 kg.
The body length without a tail in different subspecies ranges from 1.4 to 2.9 m. The tail is 60-100 cm (in the Amur up to 110-115 cm). The largest known body length of the largest subspecies of the tiger - the Amur tiger - is indicated as 317 cm, and together with the tail a little less - 420 cm. "Ordinary" maximum dimensions the Amur tiger is as follows: the body length of males excluding the tail is up to 290 cm, females - 200 cm.
The height at the withers is up to 1.15 m. An adult male in nature usually weighs from 180 to 250 kg (according to modern data, the Amur tiger averages 180-200 kg. (Historical 215-225 kg.). The largest weight of the Amur tiger is 390 kg and 384 kg - it is possible that these figures are very exaggerated - but they probably refer to rare, especially today, very large old males. doubt, as provided from undocumented or secondary, tertiary sources.Bengal weighs an average of 220 kg, Bengal living in northern India and Nepal - 235 kg.Females are usually noticeably smaller than males, in the Amur and Bengal subspecies reaching a mass of 100-181 kg Taking into account the existing six subspecies of tigers, the average weight of a male as a species is about 170 kg, females about 115 kg.
The record in captivity is 423 kg for the Amur tiger.

Answer from Milan[guru]
maybe 100 kilograms...

Answer from DOUBLE BASS[guru]
The body length of the Ussuri tigers reaches 3 meters (including the tail), the height at the shoulders is up to 115 cm, and the weight is up to 275 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. (a tiger grows all his life, and can reach such a weight by old age). A normal adult male Ussuri, on average, weighs 200-220 kg with a height of 90-106 cm.
A source -

Answer from +[newbie]
around 250 kg

Answer from Georgy Ilyichev[guru]
female about 130 kg, male under 200

Answer from Alexey Gordienko[guru]
200 -220 kg. with a height of 90-106 cm.

Answer from Yuliya Chernova[guru]
The largest is 320 kilograms. Usually tigers are smaller - 200 - 250 kilograms

Answer from Vladimir Karachintsev.[newbie]
The traveler and explorer of the Far East, Arsentev, in his book described Issam, observed the fight between the Amur tiger and the connecting rod bear, the fight lasted more than two hours, as a result, the tiger crushed the bear, the tiger was over 350 kg, the bear was under 500 kg, and he also described the Amur tiger, which a one-year-old bull on his back, easily jumping over a three-meter fence,

Answer from Ўliya[newbie]
In 2005, a group of Russian, American, and Indian zoologists published an analysis of historical and contemporary body weight data for wild and captive tigers, both female and male, across all subspecies. Data used include weights of tigers that were older than 35 months of age and measured in the presence of the authors. The results of this analysis indicate that, on average, the historical wild male Siberian tiger weighed 215.3 kg (475 lb) and the female 137.5 kg (lb 303); a modern wild male Siberian tiger weighs 176.4 kg (389 lb) on average with an asymptotic limit of being 222.3 kg (490 lb); a wild female weighs 117.9 kilograms (260 pounds) on average. Historical Siberian tigers and Bengal tigers were large, while modern Amur tigers are smaller than Bengal tigers. The decline in body weight of modern Siberian tigers can be explained by parallel causes, namely a reduction in the abundance of prey due to illegal hunting and that humans were usually sick or injured and captured in conflict situations with humans.
In general, I used to think that the Amur tiger weighs 300 kg on average, but Lately for some reason, they are mentioned exactly like this (as for me, small values), and it turns out that tigers are not larger than lions, but the same, since Amur tigers weigh relatively little, and Bengal tigers weigh the same as a lion. Is it so?

Answer from Amir Tuktamyshev[newbie]
It can reach 200-300 kg., probably ..

Answer from Artur Avetisyan[newbie]
The body length of males of the Amur tiger to the tip of the tail reaches 2.7-3.8 m, females are smaller. Height at the withers up to 115 cm, weight 170–270 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. An ordinary adult male in nature weighs in the range of 180–270 kg, on average about 200 kg, with a height at the withers of 90–106 cm.

The Amur tiger (the Far Eastern or Siberian tiger) surpasses all living cats in its size; only Bengal relatives compete with it. The beast stands at the peak of the ecological pyramid, the main structural element of which is the vast expanses of the Ussuri taiga.

Perhaps that is why this predator has another name that reflects its place of residence - the Ussuri tiger. The animal belongs to the genus Panthera, species Tigris. The full Latin name of the individual is Panthera tigris altaica.

Native people Far East The Evenki called the beast "Amba", which in translation into Russian means "huge" or "great". Books and fairy tales have been written about the Amur tiger, some of them have been filmed (the film "Dersu Uzala", the cartoon "Tiger Cub on a Sunflower").

Distribution area

Once the Far Eastern tiger was widespread throughout the Far East, but now the range of the predator is limited to the southern part. Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Krai, northern and eastern regions China. Distribution is patchy total area occupies a little more than 180 thousand km 2.

The Ussuri region, where the Amur tiger lives, is distinguished by extreme climatic conditions with very cold winters and hot, rainy summers, has a mountainous relief, and is rich in various forms of vegetation. The Amur tiger mainly lives in cedar forests and oak thickets, sometimes choosing forests near floodplains of lowland rivers or broad-leaved forest lands as habitat.

Preference for some territories and ignoring others is due to the abundance and availability of the main prey. For their movements, predators use mountain gorges and river valleys, where the highest concentration of ungulates is observed.


In life and in the photo, the Amur tiger looks like a real giant, inspiring a sense of fear, admiration and respect at the same time. Massive and heavy addition gives the impression of the sluggishness of a predator. But that's not the case at all. Its body is elongated, has an aerodynamic profile and is quite flexible.

  • The average weight of the Amur tiger is 180 - 200 kg, females weigh about 160 kg. Adult males sometimes grow up to huge size and gain weight from 220 to 320 kg.
  • In males, the length of the body along the bends reaches 280 cm, in females this figure is in the range of 180 - 200 cm. The height of the animals at the withers is 115 cm.
  • The predator has a large and massive head, well-developed jaws, sharp fangs up to 8 cm in length. On the sides of the muzzle are elongated tanks, on the neck - a small mane.
  • The eyes are set deep, yellow-green in color, with round pupils, very small.
  • The whiskers are long, elastic, helping the predator to navigate in the dark, determine the direction of the wind, the nature and temperature of the surface.
  • The ears are relatively small, inside they have a white edge, painted black at the back.
  • The tail is wide at the base, narrow at the very end. The length of the tail is 75 - 100 cm. By its position, one can judge the mood of the beast. When it is in a calm state, the tail is lowered, its end is smoothly bent upwards. Rhythmic movements made by the tail in different directions indicate a bad mood of the owner and do not bode well.
  • The forelimbs of the predator are wider and heavier than the hind limbs. The claws on the paws are retractable.
  • long and thick coat, a thick layer of fat on the abdomen (thickness up to 5 cm) protect the animal from low temperatures, allow you to sleep on the snow.

The description of the Amur tiger in summer differs from its description in winter:

  • Summer fur has a brighter and more saturated main color, it is dominated by reddish-red shades. The length of the pile on the back does not exceed 2 cm, on the belly 3 cm, on the top of the neck 3.5-5 cm.
  • The way the Amur tiger looks in winter gives it a particularly chic and noble look. The winter skin is more fluffy and dense, has a light palette, consists of ocher-yellow shades. On the muzzle of tigers, elongated sideburns are clearly visible, males can boast of a luxurious mane. The hair on the abdomen and chest reaches a length of 6 to 10 cm, on the back and tail up to 5 cm, along the top of the neck it lengthens to 7-11 cm. The belly, the area near the eyes, the inner surface of the paws are painted white. The pattern on the coat consists of stripes of different widths and lengths, individual for each individual. The stripes are not often located, they are fewer in number than in other subspecies. Usually they are narrow and long, often double or bifurcate at the very ends. Often there are strips of lentil shape with a sharp end. The stripes on the back are black, at the base of the tail, on the sides, paws have a brown tint. The tail is decorated with double dark rings, ending with a black spot. The pattern on the wool is better seen on the summer fur.

Behavioral Features

An adult Amur tiger lives in a separate area, within the boundaries of which he marks his presence with marks - spraying urine, notches on fallen tree trunks, loosening the soil or snow. Males lead a solitary existence, females need to take care of their offspring.

Amur tigers have the most impressive size of hunting grounds, which is explained by a very small amount of the main prey. The average area of ​​an adult tiger is 1,000 km2, with females occupying areas up to 400 km2.

The beast runs fast, swims well, at a young age it climbs trees perfectly, distinguishes colors, sees at night five times better than a person. It easily overcomes up to 20 km per day, jumps 10 meters in length, 4-5 meters in height, develops a maximum speed of up to 18-20 meters per second. The predator is predictable, almost always roaming the already trodden paths.

Despite a well-developed sense of smell, hearing and vision and immeasurable strength, hunting takes a lot of energy and time from the Amur tiger. Of the ten attempts to strike the victim, only one ends in success. The animal crawls to the intended target, resting its hind limbs on the ground and arching its back, overtaking it with a lightning-fast jump. Big game knocks down and breaks the neck.

He eats lying down, holding the trophy with his paws. He hides the remnants of the feast in a secluded place, returns to them for several days in a row. To maintain a normal shape, a tiger needs to eat at least 10 kg of meat feed per day. The annual diet consists of 50 - 70 large animals.


The animal is able to quickly reorient itself from one type of food to another. The main place in the diet is occupied by ungulate mammals. The size of the prey often exceeds the size of the predator. Red and sika deer, wild boar, roe deer, bear can become a potential victim. The list of what the Amur tiger eats also includes fruits of plants, reptiles, rodents, birds, and fish. In late spring and summer, the predator preys on Ussuri raccoons and common badgers.

Relationships with people

The Far Eastern subspecies avoids direct contact with humans, showing aggression only in special situations. More than half of the individuals seen in the attacks were previously injured by a person or were persecuted, a fifth of the animals were exhausted or weakened. Between 2000 and 2010 in the territory Russian Federation 19 episodes of tiger attacks on humans were recorded, two of them ended lethal outcome. Every year, isolated cases of the attack of the beast on livestock and dogs are recorded.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The female can have offspring at any time of the year, but most often this occurs in the summer. When favorable conditions for mating come, she often has to go herself in search of a male. The animal deliberately leaves notches on trees and urinary marks. If the search is successful, the predators stay together for several days and mate many times. With the onset of pregnancy, the period of romantic relationships ends, and the father goes in search of new adventures.

Pregnancy lasts three and a half to four months. The tigress chooses a place for a brood shelter. Usually it rises to the upper third of the slopes and settles in stony placers. The classic litter consists of three cubs. Babies are born blind, open their eyes in the second week of life. The mother feeds the cubs with milk for up to six months.

Preparing for adulthood takes a long time. Young tigers live with their mother for the first years. The family group breaks up when the cubs reach two years of age.

V wild nature animals live up to 15 years, in zoos - up to 20 years.

Population status

The number of Amur tigers living in natural conditions is one of the lowest in the population. If in the second half of the 19th century the animal was quite common in nature and even had a commercial value, then already at the beginning of the 20th century reports about the Amur tiger became quite rare.

By the mid-forties of the last century, the subspecies was under the threat of complete extinction, its number was no more than 40 individuals.

After the introduction of a universal ban on the shooting of animals (decree of 1947), the situation improved somewhat. By 1996, the number of animals increased to 450 individuals; in 2005, there were already 502 individuals. In the structure of the population of the subspecies, 28% were occupied by cubs and young predators up to three years old, a quarter of the population was represented by adult males, 39% of all individuals were females, 7% of predators could not be attributed to any of these groups.

The 2015 census brings a certain amount of optimism to the further fate of the subspecies, because the population of Amur tigers is slowly but surely increasing. The number of predators, according to scientists, is approaching 540 individuals. Of these, from 5 to 10% live in China, the remaining 90 - 95% are concentrated along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, not far from the Sikhote-Alin mountain ranges. There are over 450 Amur tigers in captivity.

Security measures

According to sad statistics, only in 17 - 28% of cases the predator dies from natural causes. The remaining cases of death of a tiger occur as a result of poaching. The organs of the animal are used in oriental medicine, the wealthy population seeks to acquire an exotic animal for keeping in a private zoo. The price of the Amur tiger in illegal markets often reaches exorbitant figures. The exact number of predators that fell victim to human greed, cruelty and stupidity is not known.

Uncontrolled deforestation, expansion of the road network, industrial development of territories, and the displacement of the predator from its habitual habitat contribute to the reduction of the population. A significant role is played by a decrease in the food supply and an increase in the number of food competitors.

The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection. Russian scientists have developed a long-term program for the conservation of the subspecies. The main action plan includes the protection of Amur tigers from poachers, increased liability for illegal hunting, and the use of animal skins and organs for commercial purposes. A special set of measures is aimed at preserving the habitats and food base of the predator, introducing the latest technologies into the population monitoring system.

Rare and endangered animals - the Amur tiger and live on the territory of the Ussuriysky Reserve and national park"Land of the Leopard" Employees of protected areas maintain the food base of animals, protect taiga lands from forest fires and poachers, use special equipment to constantly monitor animals, register Interesting Facts and events from their lives, monitor the state of health.

How much does the Amur tiger weigh?

  1. This is the most big cat. The weight of an adult tiger can reach 200-300 kg.
  2. 200 -220 kg. with a height of 90-106 cm.
  3. female about 130 kg, male under 200
  4. The body length of the Ussuri tigers reaches 3 meters (including the tail), the height at the shoulders is up to 115 cm, and the weight is up to 275 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. (a tiger grows all his life, and can reach such a weight by old age). A normal adult male Ussuri, on average, weighs 200-220 kg with a height of 90-106 cm.
    Source -
  5. The traveler and explorer of the Far East, Arsentev, in his book described Issam, observed the fight between the Amur tiger and the connecting rod bear, the fight lasted more than two hours, as a result, the tiger crushed the bear, the tiger was over 350 kg, the bear was under 500 kg, and he also described the Amur tiger, which a one-year-old bull on his back, easily jumping over a three-meter fence,
  6. It can reach 200-300 kg., probably ..
  7. The body length of males of the Amur tiger to the tip of the tail reaches 2.73.8 m, females are smaller. Height at the withers up to 115 cm, weight 170270 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. An ordinary adult male in nature weighs in the range of 180270 kg, on average about 200 kg, with a height at the withers of 90106 cm.
  8. around 250 kg
  9. height of a large tiger 115 120 cm length 2.8 meters often happens and 3.2 weight from 200 kg to 350 kg the largest tiger was 3.5 m long weight 420 kg he could kill any bear with one left and even a lion without straining to kill
  10. maybe 100 kilograms...
  11. In 2005, a group of Russian, American, and Indian zoologists published an analysis of historical and contemporary body weight data for wild and captive tigers, both female and male, across all subspecies. Data used include weights of tigers that were older than 35 months of age and measured in the presence of the authors. The results of this analysis indicate that, on average, the historical wild male Siberian tiger weighed 215.3 kg (475 lb) and the female 137.5 kg (lb 303); a modern wild male Siberian tiger weighs 176.4 kg (389 lb) on average with an asymptotic limit of being 222.3 kg (490 lb); a wild female weighs 117.9 kilograms (260 pounds) on average. Historical Siberian tigers and Bengal tigers were large, while modern Amur tigers are smaller than Bengal tigers. The decline in body weight of modern Siberian tigers can be explained by parallel causes, namely a reduction in the abundance of prey due to illegal hunting and that humans were usually sick or injured and captured in conflict situations with humans. 3

    In general, I used to think that the Amur tiger weighs 300 kg on average, but recently for some reason they are mentioned for some reason (as for me, small values), and it turns out that tigers are not larger than lions, but the same, since Amur tigers weigh relatively little, and Bengal weighs the same as a lion. Is it so?

  12. The largest is 320 kilograms. Usually tigers are smaller - 200 - 250 kilograms
  13. The tiger is the largest and heaviest of the wild cats, but its various subspecies vary greatly in size and body weight. The mainland subspecies of the tiger are larger than the island ones. The largest of them are the Indian (Bengal) and Amur (Ussuri, Siberian) subspecies. The males of which can reach up to 2.3-2.5 m, and in some cases up to 2.6-2.8 meters in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 300320 kg.

    The length of the body without a tail in different subspecies ranges from 1.4 to 2.9 m. The tail is 60100 cm (in the Amur up to 110115 cm 11). The largest known body length of the largest subspecies of the Amur tiger is indicated as 317 cm, and together with the tail a little less than 420 cm 12. The usual maximum dimensions of the Amur tiger are as follows: the body length of males, excluding the tail, is up to 290 cm, females 200 cm 12.

    The height at the withers is up to 1.15 m. An adult male in nature usually weighs from 180 to 250 kg (according to modern data, the Amur tiger averages 180,200 kg. (Historical 215,225 kg.). The largest weight of the Amur tiger is 390 kg and 384 kg is not it is possible that these figures are very exaggerated, but they probably refer to rare, especially in our days, very large old males. from undocumented or secondary, tertiary sources.The Bengal weighs an average of 220 kg, the Bengal living in northern India and Nepal 235 kg.Females are usually noticeably smaller than males, in the Amur 13 and Bengal subspecies reaching a mass of 100181 kg.Including the existing six subspecies of tigers, the average weight of a male as a species is about 170 kg, females about 115 kg.

    The record in captivity is 423 kg for the Amur tiger.

The question often arises, how much does a tiger weigh, because it is known that this wild cat is considered the largest in the world. We all know from childhood that the most graceful and beautiful predator is the tiger. This large cat impresses with its size and unusual appearance. If we talk about the dimensions of this animal, then, of course, it is worth considering that different types tigers have their own characteristics and parameters.

The largest are 2 species: the Amur and Bengal tigers. The animal of each of these species has approximately the same parameters and weight. Experts on these wild cats claim that the average weight of representatives large predators is 270-350 kg.

The dimensions of the body, excluding the length of the tail, are 3 m, and the height at the withers is an average of 1 m 10 cm. But many experts still argue that these breeds of tigers have differences in their parameters. The fact is that this type of mammal is sometimes called panther-tigris, which is completely justified, since the word "tiger" is translated into Latin as "panthera tigris". They are members of the Panther family.

It is worth considering in more detail each of these types. An important role in the life and habits of a tiger is played by the area where it lives. It must be said right away that for many years there have been disputes about how much larger the tiger is than its relative, the lion. Experts say that on average, striped predators are still larger and physically stronger than lions, but the latter is a born hunter and dexterous fighter. However, for a tiger, hunting is not only food, but also an instinct. As a rule, he always wins a quick and undeniable victory. History knows cases when the battle between these two representatives of the cat family did take place, but, fortunately, their habitat is different, and lions living in Africa rarely meet their striped counterparts living in India and the Far East (Russia). ).

Bengal tiger breed

The habitat of tigers of this breed: India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal and Myanmar. The habitat of these predators determines their secondary division into subspecies: Malay, Indochinese, South Chinese and Sumatran. This predator is considered not only the largest among its representatives, but also the most numerous among other species: there are about 2.5 thousand units. Experts claim that big role in the formation of muscles and, accordingly, overall dimensions, the place where tigers live plays. For example, it is generally accepted that the largest individuals live in Nepal: the largest tiger that was seen in this particular area weighed 320 kg, while the average weight of the rest of the individuals is about 100 kg less.

Experts speak of tigers as the fastest and most merciless hunters, there were cases when this wild cat fought lions and rather large bears, and often the victory remained on her side. This predator is able to sit in ambush for a long time and wait for its prey. It attacks with lightning speed, inflicting decisive blows with powerful paws and claws, the length of which is 10 cm. The maximum speed of a tiger while chasing its prey is 80 km / h, few animals have such speed, therefore, as a rule, a predator always catches up with its prey . But he cannot run for too long, as he quickly gets tired and that is why he tries to sneak up to his prey as close as possible.

Amur tiger

It is he - living in Russia - that is considered the largest and strongest among other tigers. There are several names for this species: Siberian, Manchurian, Ussuri and Far Eastern. This tiger is the largest, has a considerable body weight, it is quite large in size (for example, if it stands on its hind legs, then its height will be about 3.5-4 m). The average weight of a representative of this breed is about 250 kg, but there were individuals with a more impressive weight. The life expectancy of a tiger in the wild is about 15 years, and in captivity it can live up to 20-25. This wild cat lives in rather harsh climatic conditions, and in this regard, nature endowed her with more fluffy and thick fur than that of her Asian "brothers". The largest individuals of the Amur breed live in the Far East. Regions such as Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai are marked on the map.

Variety of color of large tigers

The color of the tiger is considered unique, since its unique stripes are traced by nature on the skin itself. The general population of these predators is orange with black stripes; on the chest, paws and muzzle there are white islands of wool, but each species has its own characteristics in color.

It should be noted that the largest tiger in the world is a white predator. For example, the white Amur tiger in the Far East is distinguished by powerful muscles and a characteristic fatty layer on the abdomen, which significantly adds to its weight. It is more hardy, unlike relatives living in a warm climate. But he also has a worthy competitor - this is the Bengal white species.

Representatives of this genus breed well and live in captivity. If you cross a white male with an orange female, then the likelihood that there will be white kittens is low. But if a tiger and a tigress are both with the presence of a white gene, then the offspring will have exactly this color. The skull of the tiger of this subspecies is powerful and very large, it is distinguished by its size and considerable body weight. The average weight of this mammal is 300-350 kg. The skeleton of a tiger is quite impressive in size, a large skeleton provides it with these dimensions, and only some types of bear can compare with an animal.

It is a mistake to think that this species belongs to albinos: a big mistake, since its white coat has light brown stripes. Eye color is usually blue or grey.

About what tigers eat, experts say unequivocally that for this type of predator, the main food is deer. But tigers also hunt other cattle, as well as wild pigs.

The life expectancy of a white tiger is slightly shorter than that of an orange one, and it is quite difficult to meet them in captivity today. The life of these mammals is on average 10 years.

A black tiger cub may appear in the offspring of different subspecies. Actually, it's a pretty rare color variation. brindle which is still found in nature. Most often, such individuals are found among Bengal breeds. The black stripes on its skin are located so close to each other that the orange background is almost invisible, and due to this it seems that the tiger is completely black. Such a wild cat is called a melanist. The number of these individuals is very small, and in captivity there are only a few of them. This tiger feeds on the same as its relatives: cattle, fish and wild boars. Hunting for this predator is his whole life.

It just so happens that a simple cat is a night hunter, but tigers get their food at any time of the day: both at night and in the morning, during the day.

The difference found in the anatomical structure of the pupil of these animals also became characteristic. In a domestic cat, the pupil is oblong, as if elongated, but in a wild large “sister” it is round in shape.

Not everyone knows that the role of the heaviest and largest representative of this genus of mammals is claimed by the liger, which is very rare. This hybrid was obtained by crossing a male lion with a female tigress. Its weight is not less than 300-400 kg, and in length it reaches 3 meters or more.

Experts consider these mammals not only the largest, but also, accordingly, the strongest animals. It is certain that the paws of the tiger-lion are endowed with great strength, and its impact is 1500 kg.

He runs at a speed of 60-80 km / h, but how a tiger-lion hunts in wildlife is still unknown. What does a liger look like? His head is covered with a sparse mane, sometimes it is practically absent. In the wild, this species does not occur, since the lion is an African resident, and the tiger is Asian, so crossings in real life practically impossible. This unusual representative of the panther genus appeared as a result of a long joint stay of a lion and a tiger in the same enclosure. This happens often in zoos or circuses. According to the latest data, about 20 individuals of this subspecies lived in captivity.

The question is often asked, how many teeth does a tiger have? It is known that tigers, like ordinary cats, have 30 teeth, but their sizes are not at all feline. With its teeth, any representative of the genus of panthers is capable of exerting a pressing force equal to 71 atmospheres; it easily and quickly gnaws the bones of cattle. The longest are his fangs, which can reach up to 8-10 cm.

But the smallest tiger in the world is a representative of one of the pure breeds of the cat family - this is the Sumatran species. He lives on the islands of Indonesia and is distinguished by an evil and cruel disposition, he will not miss the chance to attack not only other animals, but also humans. This species is listed in the Red Book and protected by law. It is distinguished from its relatives not only by its small height and weight, but also by a different arrangement of black stripes on the skin and other anatomical features.
