Nothing is Impossible: Quotes from Three Great Americans on Success. Stories of people who proved that nothing is impossible Who said the phrase nothing is impossible

How often do we exclaim: “Oh no, I can’t do this” or “No, this is unrealistic”, “It is impossible to achieve this”.

Stop and listen to yourself at this very moment when you say it or think it. What do you feel?

These are likely to be feelings of apathy, disbelief, despondency and longing. How do you like these feelings? Like to experience them? But these are your thoughts and your feelings.

And be that as it may, it is you who feel them. So, you yourself wanted it! Wanted to be in this state. Whatever you say It is your wish and your choice.

"Stop!" You say, “I don’t want to feel like this! I want to enjoy life, yes, that’s right – to experience the joy of living!”

Yes, do you want? Really want? What are you doing then? Why do you cut off your path to your happiness with your thoughts?

After all, your feelings, your sensations, which ultimately lead you to the emergence of aspirations and desires - this is what you choose for yourself, with my own hands, thoughts and actions.

Henry Ford has a wonderful saying: "Telling yourself that you can do something, and saying that you can't - in both cases you are right."

And these words again and again confirm the truth that our life and its reality is just. Yes, it really is that simple!

All people who have achieved success in life will be able to confirm this truth to you. They all once made a choice in the direction that they will succeed. Simply because they decided not to, not yet knowing how.

In fact, in this world! This is evidenced by the many records set by a person, both sports and achievements in all areas of life - career, business and creativity.

And it all starts with a choice - when we decide to become what we dream of becoming.

When you look at a person who has reached something, some height, in your opinion, simply unrealistic, or difficult to comprehend, think that this person, just like you, once doubted his abilities.

And he also has flaws, and even many flaws, and he, probably, is also too lazy to get out of bed in the morning. He, just like you, walks this earth, and sometimes he gets sick, gets upset, wants to eat, sometimes he, too, gets bored with everything and wants to sleep.

The sun shines on him in the same way as on you, he has the same two arms and two legs. And he differs from you now only in that he knows - Nothing is Impossible for Man ! By the time he made a decision what he wants to become - he made his choice.

This first invisible step needs to be done not even with a foot, but much easier - you don’t even need to expend physical effort on it.

This step - the choice - is made in your head, in your thoughts. You choose for yourself the life and the one that you yourself want.

It is worse when a person makes a choice in the direction that nothing will work out unconsciously, on the machine, getting used to failures and constantly attracting more and more failures.

However, remember that, first of all, you are the master of your own brain, thoughts, body and soul. You are a captain who leads his ship through life. You and only you are able to manage it, otherwise you will be carried with the flow ... Where to? Who knows.

If you want to constantly think - no, it's impossible - it's your choice. But just think what can happen if you tell yourself - it is quite possible!

And even better like this: Nothing is Impossible for Man ! Say it to yourself again, even if it seems stupid - say it! And now listen to your feelings again. Well, is there a difference? Most likely, you like the sensations much more now. Truth?

Look at the athletes performing the most difficult stunts. Do you think they learned right away? Of course not. Long trainings, and perseverance, and stubbornness, and a great desire helped here.

But one thing unites them all - they all studied, and any study is a methodology, a certain technology. And knowing exactly what to doBy practicing correctly and constantly, absolutely everyone can achieve what they want.

Learn from those who have succeeded! They know for sure Nothing is Impossible for Man! Comprehend these technologies, find yourself a mentor. And absolutely everything will become possible for you, because it will be your choice!

Hello dear readers!

As promised in the last post, today we will tell you about a person who knows.

We will introduce you to a man whose motto was the following words: Nothing is impossible».

18 years - exactly how long it took William Boeing to make his name synonymous with aviation. And how many years have you been going to fulfill your dream?

He turned romance into a profitable business when everyone treated it like entertainment.

“The attitude of society in aeronautics today is such that if someone expresses hope for its prospects, this will be tantamount to admitting to their own madness ...” Magazine “Scientific American", 1910

And how many ideas have you discarded that seemed unrealistic?

Dream of life and first defeat

William Boeing was born into a wealthy timber merchant family. Seemingly, material well-being should not push for any action. After all, it's all good.

But when William learned in 1903 about the Wright brothers, who proved that a person could soar in the sky, thoughts of flight haunted him.

After 3 years, he has the opportunity to fulfill his dream - he gets to the congress of American aviators in Los Angeles. But, despite persuasion, none of the pilots wanted to take him as a passenger. This hit Boeing's pride hard, but at the same time, he realized what he would do in the next 20 years.

Preparing to make your dream come true

William Boeing thoroughly approached the realization of his dream. Unfortunately, we do not know if he had a plan to achieve his goal. But his actions were correct.

From 1908 to 1914, William intensively earns start-up capital for his dream by trading in timber. In his free time, he studies the theory of aeronautics and the practice of aircraft construction.

Meeting with a partner

When you wholeheartedly wish your dreams come true, fate will surely give you the necessary meetings. This is what happened with Boeing. A chance meeting with a naval officer, George Conrad Westervelt, determined the fate of world aviation.

Together they made their first seaplane, which was named by their initials B & W. Here is what William Boeing said about this time:

We, as pioneers, landed on an unfamiliar shore, invaded the area where any of our new idea deserved that everyone could confidently say: "This cannot be." And yet we had to do the impossible. We tried our best to turn into reality everything that we considered necessary.

Foundation of the company

J. Westervelt soon decided to leave the common cause and on July 15, 1916 Boeing founded his company Pacific Aero Products, to which he gave his name a year later - Boeing Airplane.

After founding the company, he hired an aircraft designer (which was not easy to do, since there were very few specialists in this field in the United States) and two very talented engineers. William Boeing immediately decided for himself that he would work with the best, and he was right.

Ups and downs

The further fate of the Boeing company and its life consists of ups and downs. But even not entirely successful times became a springboard for further achievements.

William Boeing always found a way out of the situation. So, when, after the First World War, the state stopped ordering hydroplanes and difficult times came for the company, Boeing decided to “retrain” a bit. And Boeing Airplane began to produce boats, furniture and even clothes. This saved the company from bankruptcy.

The further development of the company under the strict guidance of William Boeing was so successful that they became leaders in the sky for many years. They had no equal in mail, passenger and military aircraft. However, even now Boeing is strongly associated with aviation. And this is after almost 100 years of existence of the company!

What is William Boeing's secret to success? We have identified the following key points:

  1. Defeat is a magic kick for further movement, not a reason to stop.
  2. The realization of the dream of a lifetime must be approached thoroughly, preparing a solid foundation for it.
  3. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams.
  4. Invite the best specialists.
  5. Remember: Nothing is impossible!

By the way, at the end of his life, William Boeing made another dream come true. He was very fond of horses and last years In his life, he took up horse breeding.

Good luck and victories to you, dear readers!

Once, due to the stupidity of my young years, I believed that there are things that a person can do and there are those that he cannot do. Then I had not yet studied psychology and did not know the true power of the human psyche, which allows him to achieve the impossible, which lies beyond his own consciousness. Today I can state with full confidence that nothing is impossible, there is only our idea of ​​the limitations that we invent for ourselves. A person may not know only one thing - how to achieve what he wants to achieve. He may simply not notice the opportunities that are around him, and the ways of solving the task may seem too complicated and meaningless to him. The strongest feeling that allows a person to achieve the impossible is his faith. Without faith there is no, and there can be no success, faith in oneself determines everything, one must believe and the impossible will become possible. Then comes the goal, or the meaning of what you are going to do, the higher this goal, the more it resembles a great mission and your possible destiny in this life, the more desperately you will follow your goal, despite the obstacles and difficulties in your path.

The base goals that are so stubbornly imposed on us today do not give us enough incentive to grab a larger piece - this is not a goal, it is the insignificant desire of a pathetic dog whose destiny is to serve his master. A very important point that must be considered when following your goal is the importance of it for you. The goal should be yours and no one else's, you should clearly understand why you need what you are doing. Next comes the direct method of solving the problems that have arisen before you on the way to your goal. Such an act as self-sacrifice or sacrifice by others is not uncommon on the way to fulfilling one's mission. It is hard to make such decisions, but we have to do it, such is life, we often sacrifice a lot for the sake of victory, for the sake of achieving results, and we must be prepared for this. Patience - this is really a special state of a person, along with composure and prudence, patience allows you to replay any, even the most desperate situation in your favor.

The fact is that our psyche is arranged in such a way that we usually immediately react emotionally to everything that happens around us, emotions are our weakness, because they open us, show our true intentions, our inner state and desires. All this can be used against us, and decisions made on an emotional wave will certainly be erroneous. Therefore, you must be cold as ice, prudent and patient, which will allow you to soberly assess any situation and find the right solution for any task assigned to you. Only special psychological preparation can prepare a person in such a way that he meets all of the above requirements. But for such people, there are no impossible things, there are only deadlines that are necessary to complete the task assigned to them.

The impossible becomes possible if your psyche accepts such a concept, if you force it to accept it. Restrictions have always been only for slaves, and therefore today people are so often limited in everything, introducing frameworks into consciousness that limit human capabilities. If you think something is impossible, then you either do not know how to do it and do not want to look for such an opportunity, or someone convinced you of the impossibility of this. However, having trained your psyche accordingly, you yourself will be amazed at your abilities that were sleeping in you. Look for a goal for yourself, be cold-blooded and reasonable, do not be afraid to sacrifice, clearly understand what you are doing and why. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your cause, do not pay attention to the words of other people if they are trying to confuse you. They are just helpless boogers trying to stop you.

And in no case do not give up, I do not accidentally say this at the very end, because on the way to the impossible, there may be a lot of failures, many defeats and an incredible number of mistakes, but this does not mean that you cannot achieve what you want, it means that you need to demonstrate fortitude and stamina. I do not believe in the impossible, moreover, I am firmly convinced that there is no impossible, I believe in the possibilities and in a person for whom there are no restrictions and no limits, except for those that he invents for himself.

To achieve success, a person needs a lot: a clearly defined goal and an understanding of why it is needed; set deadlines that will not allow you to relax and postpone things for later; perseverance and diligence; the ability to analyze their mistakes in order to avoid them in the future.

However, despite the fact that these conditions are very important, motivation and inspiration remain the most important factors. Sometimes motivation may not be enough - then you should concentrate on your goal and constantly keep it in your head.

Without motivation and desire, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve anything - everyone knows about it successful people.

Nothing is impossible

"What the mind of a man can comprehend and what he can believe, that he can achieve." The meaning of this quote is that nothing is impossible. This statement belongs to Napoleon Hill, one of the most famous American journalists and author of the popular book Think and Grow Rich. This book is Hill's revelation of personal success and life observations.

It was Napoleon Hill who created in literature such a genre as self-help. In addition to Think and Grow Rich, he authored many more books on personal growth: 16 Laws of Success, Keys to Wealth, Everyone Can Do Miracles, and others.

Hill was born in a small hut in the mountains and achieved his own success, so this person can be considered a vivid example of the fact that nothing is impossible in life. The quote above is about that.

You're right

“If you think you are capable of something, you are right; if you are sure that nothing will work out for you, you are also right.

Henry Ford is a great American industrialist and inventor, the creator of the Ford car. From his name came the name of such a political and economic phenomenon as Fordism, the source of which was the inventor's book "My Life, My Achievements".

As with Hill, Ford's personality suggests that nothing is impossible. The quote belonging to him has the following meaning: all great achievements begin in the head. It is enough to believe in your strengths and capabilities, and then success will be guaranteed.

decide on your own

"The person you are destined to become is only the person you choose to become." The author of this statement is Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist, philosopher and public figure. He is considered one of the great thinkers in US history.

Waldo attended Harvard where he studied theology. He was the first to formulate the philosophy of transcendentalism, the main issues of which are the themes of freedom, personality, relationships human soul and nature.

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Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - we hear these names from childhood. But few people know what trials they had to go through. They succeeded only through willpower.

website presents the stories of people who showed the world that there are no barriers for those who believe in themselves.

Marley Matlin

Having been deaf since a year and a half, she made her credo the phrase "The only thing I can't do is hear." In childhood, despite the advice of doctors, the parents sent the girl to a regular school (instead of an institution for the deaf), and with the help of special programs she adapted over time. This made her the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar. Marley often says, "I do my best to make people understand what my parents taught me, that deaf people deserve not only respect, but also to be heard."

Nick Vujicic

“I don't need arms and legs. I need life. And never give up!” - this creed helped him become one of the most famous motivational speakers, get an economics education, get married and have two children. Willpower Nick Vuychich received from his mother. In an interview, he said that her words set the tone for his whole life: “Nicholas,” she said, “you have to play with normal children, because you are normal. Yes, you're missing something, but it's nothing."

He writes books, sings, surfs and plays golf. He often travels the world giving lectures to help young people find the meaning of life, realize and develop their abilities and talents.

Stephen Hawking

During his student years, Stephen began to show signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease progressed, and after a few years he became completely immobile, and after a throat operation, he lost the ability to speak. However, this did not prevent him from marrying twice, raising three children and becoming one of the most prominent scientists of our time by his 74th.

He is now one of the most influential modern theoretical physicists. According to him, he achieved success largely due to his illness: “Before, life seemed boring. I am definitely happier now. The prospect of dying early made me realize that life is worth living. So much can be done, everyone can do so much!”

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo is an outstanding Mexican artist who became famous for her extraordinary paintings. At the age of 6, she became seriously ill with polio, which caused one of her legs to become thinner than the other. At this point, her iron character began to take shape. To get rid of the ridicule of peers who teased her "Frida is a wooden leg", the girl took up swimming, dancing, football and boxing.

As a teenager, Frida was in a car accident, because of which she suffered from severe pain in her spine all her life. After the accident, the girl could not get out of bed for several months. At this time, she constantly painted pictures, most of them self-portraits. Now the work of Frida Kahlo is worth millions of dollars.

Ray Charles

Ray Charles is a legendary American musician who has received 12 Grammy awards. As a child, he began to lose his sight, and by the age of 7 he was completely blind. When Ray was 15, his mother died. The young man could not sleep, eat or speak for many days. He was sure he would go crazy. When he came out of depression, he realized that having survived this tragedy, he could cope with anything.

At the age of 17, the musician began recording his first singles in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. Now many consider Ray Charles a legend: his works have even been included in the US Library of Congress. In 2004, after the musician's death, Rolling Stone magazine included Ray Charles at number 10 in the list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

At the age of 39, he contracted polio. Years of treatment did not help, and the future president remained confined to a wheelchair. After he realized how serious the ailment was, no one heard him complain. Gathering his will into a fist, Roosevelt unsuccessfully tried to learn to walk using crutches and heavy orthopedic appliances. Despite his illness, he became President of the United States. "The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow can be our today's doubts" - said Roosevelt.

Helen Adams Keller

At 1.5 years after the illness, Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing. But this did not break her spirit, she managed to realize her dream of becoming a writer: several books and more than 400 articles were published under her name. She became the first deaf-blind person to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. In addition, Keller was actively involved in politics: she fought for the rights of women and workers.

Helen Keller achieved success thanks to her strong character and curiosity. She often said: "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door."

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
